Grand Theft Auto Toronto

In the late morning of June 15, 2018, in Markham, Ontario, Kevin Zack walked onto the stage at Thornlea Secondary School to get his high school diploma. As Kevin shook the principal's hand, he looked at his sweetheart, Mio Sakamoto, who had also graduated alongside him. Following the ceremony in the afternoon, Kevin and Mio were walking along the school track hand in hand. Kevin looked at Mio and said "It was a wonderful ceremony, Mio." Mio then said "It was lovely, Kevin. I need to tell you something. I'm moving to Montreal." Kevin was in utter shock as he looked into the eyes of the person he had called a friend since kindergarten. Kevin then fondled for something in his backpack. As Kevin got a small box out, he got onto one knee. Mio's eyes widened as Kevin opened the box to reveal a beautiful engagement ring. Kevin said "Mio, I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember. But as you just revealed about moving to Montreal, my soul is burning white-hot about being by your side forever, no matter what. To hell and back and through fire and brimstone, as love is never an absolution. I want my soul to be unable to stay, unwilling to leave within you. Will you marry me?" Tears streamed down Mio's cheeks as she yelled "YES! YES! YES!" Mio then ran into Kevin's arms and kissed him vigorously as some of the students and teachers that witnessed the proposal clapped. As both of them stared into each other's eyes, Kevin whispered "You're the best thing that ever happened to me." As Mio's tears raged onto Kevin's hands as he cupped her cheeks, he lifted her up into a bridal carry as he said "Let's take you home, Mio." Later that evening when they went to Mio's condominium, Kevin and Mio had a Japanese tea ceremony together. As they drank their teas, Kevin said "I must say that you're cute in your kimono, Mio." Mio was filled with Kevin's love as she cupped his cheek and said "I love you, baka." After they finished the tea ceremony, Kevin and Mio went to bed and spice things up a bit as they made love. The next morning, they were all tangled up in each other's arms. Kevin gave Mio a wet kiss on her cheek as he said "Good morning, my rare Japanese gem." Mio woke up and looked at Kevin as she said "Good morning, my rare Canadian gem." In the following weeks, they started planning the wedding, but Mio was starting to get unwell as she would vomit throughout the day. As Mio was barfing and crying into the toilet, Kevin said "Shh there, Mio. It's alright. Mi... Mio, I am thinking about whether you are pregnant. Barfing non-stop is an early sign of pregnancy." Mio looked at Kevin with barf on her chin as she said "Wha... what? N... no I can't be." Kevin, with a heart-melting smile, said "Please take this pregnancy test, Mio." Mio grinned as she grabbed the test from Kevin and took it. After a few minutes, Mio happily rambled "Kevin, it's positive, IT'S GODDAMN POSITIVE!" Kevin held Mio close as he said "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. I'm going to be a father." Soon after the positive pregnancy test, Kevin and Mio moved to Montreal. In the following weeks after they moved to Montreal, Mio's belly got bigger. One evening, they were both having a lazy night in their new Montreal condominium. Kevin was lying on Mio's lap while she was playing with his hair. Kevin then started pressing his lips on Mio's belly as she said "Oh baka, that tickles." Kevin then said "I love your pregnant belly, Mio. It makes you more stunning. Do you want some more sushi, my rare Japanese gem?" Mio then said "I would love some more sushi, my rare Canadian gem." Kevin grabbed a piece of sushi from the plate and fed Mio it. As Mio swallowed the sushi, Kevin gave her a kiss. Mio pulled Kevin's beard to get closer. As they parted lips, Kevin started tickling Mio's belly. Mio then burst into uncontrollable giggles. Mio squealed "Oh baka, you're a freaking tease, Kev." When Mio escaped Kevin's tickling hands, she said "How's your first day at work?" Kevin said "It's okay, but I really hate speaking French." Mio then said "Oh come on Kevin. Your job of selling the Big Mac at McDonald's is the most understood language out there. You should get used to French just as you already learned Japanese, Kev." Kevin then pressed his hands on Mio's belly as he said "I can't believe that there's a life in there that I made. I hope the little one is just as beautiful as you, Mio." Mio placed her hand on Kevin's as she said "I hope that they have your witty humor, Kevin." Nine months later, on March 2, 2019, as they were walking hand in hand in Québec City, Mio suddenly yelped "I... I... I think my water just broke." Kevin was fearful, but he needed to be calm as he rushed Mio to the hospital across the street. As Kevin was standing by Mio in the delivery room, her contractions grew stronger as she yelled "BAKA! BAKA! BAKA!" Kevin held Mio's hand tighter as he said "There, there, my rare Japanese gem. You will make it." After 12 hours of labor, Mio made a bloodcurdling scream that ripped out of her lips and a final push later, a baby was born. As the nurse gave Mio the baby, she said "It's a girl." As Mio cradled the newborn baby, Kevin said "It looks just like you, Mio. What are we going to name her?" Mio then said "Ah, she does look like me. I was thinking of naming her Mia." Kevin then said "Mia is a beautiful name." After they spent a few days in the hospital, they went home to Montreal. In the weeks that followed, they spent sleepless nights taking turns changing diapers and feeding Mia. On June 15, 2019, they went to the Montreal Japanese United Church to tie the knot. As The Rock said "You can now kiss the bride," Kevin and Mio locked lips as The Rock's theme song hits. During the reception, all their families, friends and many WWE legends party on. The couple raised a beer with Steve Austin, Mark Henry sang to them in his Sexual Chocolate persona, and they had a match against Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. The following morning, they were all tangled up in bed after a wild night of partying at their reception. Kevin, still hungover, said "Oh man, tha... that was wild." Mio, just as hungover, said "Best party ever. Urgh, urgh, I can feel the puke." Mio tried to rush out of bed, but failed due to being tangled up in Kevin and the bed. As Kevin was untangling the sheets, Mio was gagging deep within her stomach as she drunkenly yelped "Urgh, urgh, urgh, urgh, urgh." Suddenly, Mio's mouth opened wide, and her head rolled back as she started barfing. As Mio's barf rained the bed, she suddenly grabbed her throat as she choked. Kevin was in a panic as Mio then put her thumb down her throat. Kevin wrapped his arms behind Mio and thrust his hands into her belly as he started to do a Heimlich maneuver as he said "Shit, shit, shit, don't do this to me, Mio. Breathe you baka." As Mio's face turned a sickly purple, and her belly started to convulse, Kevin yelped "Don't you die on me, my rare Japanese gem. I don't want to bury my new wife." As Mio's eyes were rolling back and was about to go limp, she projectile vomited onto the bed as she started to gasp for air. Kevin patted Mio's back as he said "Deep breaths, Mio," as she was still barfing the last of the blockage. When Mio got her breath back, she said "Tha... thank you for saving my life, Kevin." Kevin then said "I'm just doing my job of protecting my rare Japanese gem." They then cuddled for the rest of the morning. In the following days, they planned their honeymoon in Mio's hometown in Japan. When the plane landed in Yokosuka, they visited the area's landmarks, ate local cuisine and went swimming at Sarushima Beach. On the final day of their month-long honeymoon, Kevin gifted Mio a katana with their names engraved on it in Japanese. Mio was in tears as she said "Oh baka, you didn't have to." Kevin then said "This is what I feel about our love, my rare Japanese gem." As Mio's tears fell on the katana, Mio said "Tha... thank you, my rare Canadian gem." They then hugged as Mio wailed at Kevin. When they returned to Montreal, things were normal. But things got worse on September 26, 2019, as Kevin came home from work early. Mio was in the middle of breastfeeding Mia when she said "Wha... what happened? Why are you home this early?" Kevin then shakily said "I... I... I was fired." Mio was in shock as she said "No fucking way. I'm sorry honey." Kevin irately sat on the couch as he said "Damn this flaming bag of shit. Fucking boss man who can't have me because I can barely speak French. She should shove a Big Mac up her rear end." Mio then said "Don't worry, Kevin, you will get back on your feet." Kevin then mentioned "I hope so." The following afternoon, Kevin was walking in Montreal when he accidentally walked into Momo Kawashima. Kevin said "Whoa sorry ma'am." Suddenly, Momo grabbed Kevin's hand and took him to an alleyway. Momo then took out a knife and pressed it to Kevin's throat as she said "Give me your fucking wallet, baka, or I'll make sushi out of your voice box." Kevin was shitting bricks as he said "I... I... I forgot it at home. Ple... please don't kill me, I... I have got a wife and a kid." As Momo was about to slit Kevin's throat, she said "Fuck it." As Momo put the knife away, Kevin fell to his knees feeling grateful about his life. Momo looked at the fearful Kevin as she said "Yo... you looked like an honest person. I... I need another person for an upcoming score, and you looked like the kind of person that gets shit done." Momo then took Kevin's hand and took him to her hideout. As they entered, Kevin noticed his childhood friend, Yoshika Miyafuji. Kevin was shocked as he and Yoshika hugged before he said "It's been a long time, Yoshika." Yoshika then said "Since I dropped out of high school." Kevin then mentioned "You have always been a sweet girl since we met in kindergarten, but now you're a hardened thug." Suddenly, another person walked into the hideout. Momo said "Kevin, this is Thea Kreutzer. She is a shy but fiery young woman from Germany." Thea then went into Kevin's face and sniffed his scent before saying "I like you." Kevin was in utter bliss as Thea playfully whipped him with her hair as she walked away. Momo said "You might be wondering why your here, Kevin. I'm planning a score at the Bell Centre for around $50000, and you are going to be the enforcer on the job. The plan was that we were going to hit it during the Canadiens' season opening against the Maple Leafs. You, Yoshika and Thea will dress up as fans and go to the game before the three of you head to the cash office near section 209. You might need to speak French as the boss guy may not give in if you speak English." Kevin sarcastically laughed as he said "I got fired from my job at McDonald's the day before because of my lack of French." Thea ruffled Kevin's hair as she said "Don't worry, Kevin. Even the best of humankind can fucked shit up." As Thea stopped ruffling his hair, Kevin noticed a nasty cut on her hand and said "Whoa, that's one big cut you got there, Thea. It must be that fiery passion of yours. I need to clean that off before anything bad happens." Thea followed Kevin to the couch where Momo gave him a first aid kit. As Kevin was about to put some rubbing alcohol on Thea's hand, he said "This will sting like a flaming bag of shit." When Kevin started rubbing Thea's hand, she started whimpering. Kevin said "There, there, Tee-Tee. I know it hurts, but the pain is for the greater good." Thea made a weak smile as tears were welling up. As Kevin finished with the rubbing alcohol, he tenderly wrapped Thea's hand with medical tape. Thea's eyes widened as Kevin's gentle touch was a balm to her soul. When Kevin finished wrapping Thea's hand, he said "Here you go, all better." As Kevin was trying to move his hands away, Thea kept hold of one of them. Kevin's eyes widened as he saw Thea's heart-melting gaze that only meant one thing. Thea said "You're the first person that ever showed me such tenderness in my life, Kevin. I'm so freaking grateful about that." Momo then said "Sorry to break things up with you two, but I need to run some test on you, Kevin. I want to see how strong you are. There is a barbell and weights over there and can I ask you to do a squat, deadlift and bench press?" Kevin then stated "Let's do this shit," as he went over to the barbell. As Momo, Yoshika and Thea watched in utter awe as Kevin lifted 500 pounds a piece. Momo's jaw was basically touching the ground as she said "Urgh whoa there, Kev, that was exceptional." As Thea was patting Kevin on the back, she noticed the ring on Kevin and said "You... your married." Kevin then said "Yes, since this June." Just then, Kevin got a text from Mio saying "Where are you? I thought that you were getting KFC." Kevin told Momo "I need to go. My wife is going to kill me if she doesn't get her hands on a bucket of chicken." When Kevin left the hideout, he went to the nearest KFC to buy a couple of buckets of chicken and then went home. When Kevin got home, Mio said "It took you long enough." Kevin then said "I ran into some shit." Mio grabbed one of the buckets and started tearing into the chicken. Mio was just tearing through the chicken as Kevin said "Slow down Mio, you are going to choke." A few moments later, Mio made a gasp as she started to cough vigorously as she said "Urgh, I... I can't breathe, baka," as veins on her face pop out. Kevin rushed over to the flailing Mio and wrapped his arms around her from behind to start the Heimlich maneuver. Mio's eyes were starting to bulge as her face turned purple. Kevin yelped "STAY WITH ME, MIO!" As Kevin continued the Heimlich maneuver, Mio's body jerked and convulsed while her face turned even more of a sickly purple. Kevin was panicking as he yelped "COME ON YOU BAKA, JUST COME OUT OF HER DAMN THROAT!" When Kevin thought things didn't get any worse, Mio's hands that were wrapped around her throat dropped as she went limp. Kevin was in sheer panic as he lay Mio on the floor and yelling her name. Kevin then sat over Mio and checked her pulse as he noticed her eyes were rolling back, her eyelids were closing, and her face was turning a sickly blue. As Kevin felt a faint pulse, he said "No, no, no, no, no, wake up Mio," with tears raging down his cheeks. Just as Kevin started chest compressions, Mio suddenly sat up violently coughing and her body jerked wildly as a chicken piece flew across the room. Mio violently gasped in air as Kevin helped her sit up and said "Hey Mio, deep breathing, baby girl." Mio kept taking deep ragged breaths with her mouth wide open. After a few moments, Mio's coughing started calming down as Kevin said "Please drink some water, my rare Japanese gem." When Kevin helped Mio drink, she looked at him before saying "I... I... I'm so freaking sorry about that, my rare Canadian gem. You saved my life again, Kevin." Kevin then hugged Mio as he said "You scared me to death, Mio. You're such a tough cookie about not choking to death. How do you do it?" Mio then said "A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets." Just then, Kevin got a text from Momo that said "I got you access to a couple of preseason tickets for the Canadiens game tomorrow night. Scout the place for the heist. And bring your wife too." Kevin then said "Do you want to go to a Habs game tomorrow, Mio?" Mio then stated "I love to go, Kevin. I always wanted to watch the Leafs-Habs going head to head in person." The following evening, Kevin and Mio, dressed in Leafs jerseys, went to the Bell Centre. As they entered the building and made their way to their seats, a couple of Canadiens fans yelled "Toronto peut me sucer la bite.," at them. Kevin then gives them a death stare as the fans back off. As the first period raged on, Kevin said "Do you like a beer, my rare Japanese gem?" Mio then said "I'd love a cold one, my rare Canadian gem," as she pecked his cheek. As Kevin got up from his seat, he made his way to the cash office to scout it. As Kevin arrived there, Thea said "Kevin, over here." Kevin noticed Thea coming toward him as he said "Hey Tee-Tee. I'm guessing you're also casing the joint too." Thea then said "Yep, I am. The intel that I got already seems that security is lacking." Kevin then stated "That's nice. Do you like me to buy you a beer, Thea?" Thea then said "I would love that, Kev." Kevin went over to a bar and ordered himself, Thea and Mio a beer. As they went back to Mio, Kevin said "Please don't mention the heist to Mio because I am d-o-n-e fucked if she finds out. Can you play around as a co-worker from McDonald's?" When they arrived, Kevin said "Mio, I want you to meet Thea. She is one of my former co-workers." Mio then said "Oh, hey Thea, it's nice to meet you." Thea shook Mio's hand as she said "I heard many stories about you, Mio." Kevin watched the pair becoming great friends as the game went on. When the game was over, Toronto had won 4-3 and Kevin and Mio went home. When they got back home, Mio said "That was a fun night, Kev. Thea is so funny." Kevin then said "Thea is a fast one, as she nearly scooped me into her arms when we first met." By October 9, the heist was a go as Kevin, Yoshika and Thea, dressed up as Leafs fans, went to the Bell Centre for the season opener. When the third period was about to start, they made their move. Kevin went over to the lone security guard with a pocket knife and, in a firm voice, said "Ouvre cette foutue porte, mon pote." The guard fumbled with the lock before opening it. The trio go into the cash office and collect the money. As soon as they got the money, worth 50 grand, they left and went to Momo's hideout. When there, Momo said "Great job, Kevin. You have earned your keep. Here's your cut and try to keep under the radar." Afterward, Kevin went back home and spent the rest of the evening with Mio. The next morning, Kevin was making breakfast while Mio was breastfeeding Mia when a breaking news story aired on the TV. The news anchor said "We got breaking news this morning. The Canadiens' season opener last night didn't go well, not because of the 15-0 blowout loss to the Leafs, but because of a daring heist at the Bell Centre during the game. Three people ran out with $50000 from the arena's cash office just before the third period. If you see these three people on the screen right now, please don't go near them and call the police." Mio nearly choked on her tea as she saw Kevin was among the suspects displayed on the screen. Mio then grabbed the collar of Kevin's shirt and asked "Kev... Kevin, tell me right now. Did you do that last night?" Kevin's eyes widened as he saw Mio was crying and gave her a hug before saying "I... I am sorry Mio. I... I was forced into doing it. I... I didn't have a choice as she had a knife at me." Mio's knees went as she collapsed into Kevin's arms crying. In Kevin's mind, he was thinking "Never in a million years would I make my rare Japanese gem cry because of a retarded move I made." As Mio's tears soaked into Kevin's shirt as she clung to him, her sobs muffled by his embrace. Mio said "How could you, Kevin? I... I thought you loved me." Kevin then said "The spirit of Kevin Zack lives within the soul of all mankind. The eternal flame of love that cannot be extinguished. The origin of which cannot be explained. The answer lies in the everlasting spirit. Soon, all mankind will witness the rebirth of my redemption story. I will not rest in peace until I pay the price for my sins." Mio looked up at Kevin with puffy and red eyes and said "I... I know that your job loss is a bitch and our need for money is great, but not like this, not going waist deep into shit of crime. Please get help with getting your life back in line by getting a job, and I'll be by your side." Kevin then pecked Mio's forehead as he said "I will love that, Mio. But you know that I'm a wanted person, so getting a job is a problem. Even after I faced the music with the law." Mio then stated "You're right, Kevin. I don't know what we are going to do now. Do you want to get laid?" Kevin grabbed Mio's hand and rushed her to the bedroom. While in the bedroom, clothes were flying and the sounds of sexy time filled the air. After a few minutes of love making, Kevin filled Mio up with cum. As they were relaxing after their sexy time, Momo texted Kevin stating "I'm planning an ATM robbery at Montreal–Trudeau International Airport. I am wondering if your down." Mio noticed Kevin's reaction to the text and asked "Is everything okay?" Kevin then said "It... it's Momo. She's planning another one." Mio gasped before saying "If you want to do it, I'm okay with that. I still love you whatever you do, my rare Canadian gem." Kevin then said "I... I'm thinking of going to the hideout to see what Momo has planned." When Kevin got to the hideout, Yoshika and Thea were already there. When the three of them were sitting around a table, Momo said "I want you, Yoshika and Thea to impersonate GardaWorld guards to steal one hundred grand from an ATM in Montreal–Trudeau International. I have been scouting the area for a few days and I think we can pull it off. Kevin, I want you to be the lead, Yoshika, can you be the driver and Thea, can you be the lookout? In the meantime, I still need the uniforms, the vehicle and some weapons from a friend in a very low place. Anyway, the three of you need to prep yourselves for the score." After a few days, the heist was a go and the trio went to the airport. At the airport, they went to the target ATM and started to open it, but the thing was being stubborn. Kevin whispered "Not now, you flaming bag of shit." A few minutes passed when they finally opened it and made off with the money without any further hiccups. Back at the hideout, Momo said "Great job, Kevin. It's only your second job and you're a pro. Here's your cut." When Kevin arrived back home, Mio walked toward him with something in her hands. In Kevin's mind, he was thinking "Please don't have divorce papers. Please don't have divorce papers." As Mio got to Kevin, she gave him a pregnancy test. Kevin's eyes widened as Mio wailed "I'm pregnant, Kevin." Kevin then scooped Mio up into his arms as she shrieked in joy before he started twirling her around. As Kevin twirled Mio around, she joyfully flailed and squawked "I'M GOING TO PISS MYSELF, BAKA!" But Kevin didn't listen as he was too overjoyed about having another child. Suddenly, Mio started squeaking as piss ran down her legs. As Kevin noticed Mio's distress, she was gasping in arousal. Kevin then went to the washroom before he tenderly laid Mio on the floor as she was still gasping. Kevin then got a clean pair of pants and panties for Mio and prepared to get the soiled pair off of her body. As Kevin undid her belt, Mio's body involuntarily squirmed as she said "Wha... what are you doing?" Kevin lovingly looked into Mio's eyes and said "I'm helping you change, my rare Japanese gem." Mio then said "Oh baka, you're so romantic." As Kevin slipped Mio's pants off, with a mischievous look he touched Mio's panties, where she let out a guttural moan and her body shook in anticipation. Kevin noticed Mio's pleasure rising and in a husky voice said "Do you like this?" Mio then whimpered "I... I want you, Kev." Kevin then took off Mio's panties before stimulating her vagina. Mio gasped as Kevin was tenderly stimulating her vagina and then said "Oh Kevin, I don't mind if you take it rough, babe." With a renewed vigor, Kevin got a vibrating dildo that Mio never knew about and shoved it up her vagina. Mio then shrieked "That's new. Oh, oh, oh, can you turn the vibrating dildo higher, Kev?" Kevin then turned the dildo to the max as Mio shrieked in joy while saying "Oh baka, oh baka, oh baka." As Mio was cumming, there was a knock on the front door. Kevin stopped stimulating Mio to grab his pistol before opening the door. When Kevin opened the door, Thea was there in shock. Kevin then lowered the gun as he said "You nearly got yourself killed, Thea, as I thought that you were the police." Thea then said "It's okay, Kev. I am here to have a little chat about a side hustle." Kevin then said "Okay then, Thea. Please make yourself at home." As Kevin and Thea sat on the couch, Mio came out of the washroom and said "Oh Thea, how are you?" Thea then said "Hello Mio, I'm doing fine. Whoa, is that a dildo in your vagina?" Mio made a shy laugh as she said "We were in the middle of having some sexy time when you arrived. So is everything okay, Thea?" Thea mentioned "I'm here to ask Kevin if he would like to run whores and smuggle dope." Mio became heartbroken as she went over to Kevin and pleaded "Please Kevin, don't do it." Kevin then caress Mio's cheeks as he said "I love you with every inch of my being, Mio, but you know that I'm wanted." Mio's tears raged onto Kevin's hands as she sobbed. Kevin made a choked sob as he said "I love you more than anything in the world, Mio. Remember my wedding vow from a year ago about going to hell and back and through fire and brimstone for the absolution of love. Don't cry, my rare Japanese gem. Remember the song, No Woman, No Cry? There, there, Mio." Mio started to hump Kevin's leg as her emotional dam was breaking. Thea started playing with Mio's hair as she said "It's okay, Mio. Kevin is going to be fine as he was great at his craft." Mio suddenly buried her face into Thea's breasts as she wailed. Thea was utterly shocked at the violation of her body, but gave Mio a hug as she said "There, there, Mio." Suddenly, Kevin then cuddled into Thea's lap as he started to cry. Thea felt pure and utter pity for Kevin and Mio as she said "Poor heartbroken souls." Kevin and Mio sobbed uncontrollably, their pent-up emotions finally overwhelming them. After a few minutes of Kevin and Mio weeping in Thea's hold, her dam finally broke as well. Kevin, the woman's pleaser as he is, pulls Thea into a hug as well as Mio. The trio spent hours in each other's embrace as they wailed. When Mio looked at Kevin, she said "I... I... I love you, my rare Canadian gem. If you have to run whores and smuggle dope, I... I'm okay with that, but ple... please come back alive. Kevin caressed Mio's cheeks and said "I'm a survivor, my rare Japanese gem," before he kissed her. Thea then said "We should go and meet up with Momo before she kills us." As Kevin and Thea were about to leave the apartment, Kevin turned to look at Mio as he said "I love you." Mio, still sniffling, said "I love you too." When they arrived at the hideout, Momo said "I see that you had joined us, Kevin, that's good. Can you do me a favor by running a half dozen underage whores along with 200 kilos of dope to 106 Oak Street in Champlain, New York." When Kevin entered a small school bus on the driveway, he said "Holy flaming bag of shit," as he saw the terrorized Asian ladies. During the drive out of Montreal, the passengers were causing a scene as they were yelling in Japanese and pissing themselves. Kevin thought to himself "Please don't get the law down on this," as one of the passengers barfed in his face. Kevin had enough as he pulled over before standing up and started yelling "Listen up you flaming bags of shit. I hate this shit as much as you do, but cut this shit off as we are about to enter the states and I don't want to get my ass busted on a bus full of Japanese school girls pissing themselves." Suddenly, the passengers started squawking as they barfed. Kevin then got back behind the wheel as he said "This had better be worth it, Momo," to himself. An hour later, Kevin pulled up to the Canada Customs and Border Protection in Blackpool. A border guard saw the scene on the bus and said "Sir, can you tell me why your passengers are rolling in barf?" Kevin then said "They are so happy about going to the New York Comic Con that they're rolling in their own barf." The guard chuckled and said "Japanese school girls covered in barf. Okay, you're free to go." As Kevin drove away, the passengers yelled "私は死んでしまう。" Kevin was already at his wit's end as he said "Fuck this flaming bag of shit," non-stop. 15 minutes later, Kevin arrived at the location in Champlain. As Kevin waited for the passengers to get off, the thug said "You did a great job, sir. Here is your money and maybe, if you like, you can fuck one of these whores right now," while sniffing coke from the bus. Kevin then said "I'm married, but why not?" Kevin grabbed the cutest girl and started to shove his penis into her pussy. The girl yelled "な、何だこれ?助けて、レイプされてる。" Kevin then said "精液であなたを満たしてあげるわ、セクシーな女の子のおもちゃ、" in a husky voice. The girl clamped her mouth with her hands as she was regurgitating as Kevin started to fill her up with cum. The girl yelled "やめて、私…私…精液を吐きそう、" but Kevin kept filling her up. Suddenly, the girl made a wet gag as cum came flying out of her mouth. The girl then started to spasm as she fell to the ground while saying "私を殺して、殺して、殺して。" Kevin then zipped up the fly of his pants before driving off while the girl was left for dead on the side of the road. Later that evening, Kevin arrived back home where he collapsed onto the couch. Mio came out of the bedroom and said "Hey my rare Canadian gem. How's the job?" Kevin then said "If the barf on me is a good enough reason that the job is going well." In the following months, Kevin, Yoshika and Thea, led by Momo, made heists, ran whores and smuggled dope in Quebec as well as New York, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. On August 15, 2020, Kevin and Mio were having a movie night when Momo called him. As Kevin answered the phone, Momo said "I was planning to clear Rideau Hall. I heard that there is 15 grand there. Thea already cased the place and security seems to be lacking. The score will start tomorrow." Kevin then said "Okay, Momo." Suddenly, Mio said "I... I... I think my water just broke." Kevin then said "Got to go Momo, my rare Japanese gem's water just broke." As Kevin ended the call, he helped Mio up as she said "痛みなんてクソ、痛みなんてクソ、痛みなんてクソ。" Kevin rushed Mio to his car and floor it to the nearest hospital. While Kevin raced to the ER, Mio yelled "THE HEAD IS FUCKING COMING OUT OF MY FUCKING ASS!" Kevin then yelped "Hold it in there a bit longer, honey." As they stormed onto the driveway of the Jewish General Hospital, Kevin rushed Mio into the emergency room. 11 hours passed in the delivery room as Mio yelled "クソ地獄、クソ地獄、クソ地獄、" as she pushed out a baby boy. As the baby wailed in Mio's loving embrace, Kevin said "He looks like a Tim. To be honest, you looked kind of hot in pain, Mio." Mio then said "Oh stop it, baka. You already had a soft spot for a cute Japanese woman like me in pain. Tim is a wonderful name." The day after, Kevin and Mio left the hospital and one week later, he, Yoshika and Thea went to Ottawa, Ontario to finally rob Rideau Hall. When there, Kevin, Yoshika and Thea knocked out three guards at the front gate before pulling them into the bushes and putting their suits on. When they got into the building, one of Mary Simon's granddaughters came out of the washroom. Kevin then went over to the terrorized girl and said "We come in peace. I need you to be a good girl and tell me where the Governor General's room is." The young girl then said "My grandmother's bedroom is down the hall. Please don't kill her." Kevin then stated "I won't hurt Mary. Here is fifty bucks if you can keep this little chat between you and me." The trio then silently rushed to the bedroom where Mary started to be restless in her sleep. Kevin then went over to Mary and covered her mouth as he softly said "Don't worry, Mrs. Simon. We were just here for some things. Where do you keep the pricey stuff? Your granddaughter will be harmed if you don't help me." Mary then said "It... it's in the safe in the closet." When Yoshika opened the safe with a crowbar, she said "There's got to be fifty grand in here." Kevin then said "Fifty grand is better than fifteen. Let's blow this before the pigs storm the place." The trio then made their way back to their car before riding into the night back to Montreal. The following morning, Kevin was back home where he was hurting about what he was doing to Mio and his kids. As Kevin was thinking of a plan to end the cycle of crime while he was feeding Mia and Mio was breast-feeding Tim, a news flash came up on the TV of the Montreal mayor, Pierre Bourque, being live. As the broadcast started, Pierre stated "I'm here to say that I am personally will be funding the Montreal Police Service in their search for Momo Kawashima, Kevin Zack, Yoshika Miyafuji and Thea Kreutzer." Mio said "Please turn yourself in, Kevin." Kevin then said "You know that I would get a long sentence in prison." Suddenly, Pierre said "I think that Kevin Zack's wife, Mio Sakamoto is a slut of a criminal scumbag." Mio's mouth dropped as Kevin was ranting "NO ONE IN THAT KIND OF FUCKING POWER CALLS MY RARE JAPANESE GEM A SLUT!" As Kevin was about to storm out of the apartment out of impulse, Mio grabbed his arm and yelped "NO DON'T KILL HIM, KEV! COME BACK HERE BEFORE I GRAB YOUR ARM, YOU BAKA!" As Mio grabbed his arm, Kevin pulled away from her as he yelled "OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY," before he stormed out of the room. Mio's eyes filled with tears as the apartment was silent. 15 minutes later, another news flash came up as the news anchor said "We got breaking news. The Montreal mayor, Pierre Bourque, had just been assassinated at the Montreal Biodome. Some witnesses saw the wanted criminal, Kevin Zack, in the area before the assassination with a knife. Montreal is in a state of emergency until further notice as the police are looking for Kevin." Mio's knees buckled as she fell to the floor while the dam of her emotions broke. In the midst of her blubbering, Mio said "Why, why, why, why, why?" When Kevin got home, he saw Mio was crying her eyes out while shoving a pillow down her throat. Kevin froze in pure pity as Mio was shoving the pillow deeper down her throat. Kevin went over to Mio as he said "No, no, no, no, no, Mio. Please don't stuff the pillow into your mouth." As Kevin tried to tenderly pull the pillow away from Mio, she started gagging as her face turned a sickly purple. Kevin then smelled glue as well as the pillow being sticky, and he knew what she did. Kevin then yelped "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mio. Why did you put glue on a pillow and stuff it into your mouth?" Kevin tried to pull the pillow again, but Mio gagged violently. Kevin then rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a glass of water, forcing Mio to drink it. Kevin then tried to pull the pillow out, but it still wouldn't come. The only way that Kevin was going to save Mio was to start ripping the pillow from the inside of her mouth, even if his fingers got bitten. Kevin started to put his fingers into Mio's mouth, and she started to panic as she squirmed and tried to push him away. Kevin was enraged about saving his wife as Mio squirmed and gagged. After a few minutes, Kevin pulled the pillow with one forceful tug. Mio still wanted the pillow, but Kevin hugged her as she wailed into his chest. At that moment, Kevin knew that he needed to stop. The next morning, Kevin thought of a plan to quit the cycle of crime, and then he called his friend, Mashiro Munetani, who was a Blue Mermaids agent. When the call went through, Mashiro said "Agent Munetani, how can I help?" Kevin then said "Fuck, I'm so fucked right now." Mashiro then said "Well hello there Kevin. You're making a name for yourself." Kevin then asked "Do the Blue Mermaids do witness protection?" Mashiro then stated "I believe so. What's the plan?" Kevin then said "I was thinking about a bank robbery going wrong where I fake my death." Mashiro nearly choked on her tea as she said "Are you crazy?" Kevin then said "You know that I'm the most wanted in Canada right now. For fuck's sake, I might be on the Blue Mermaids' hit list for all I care." Mashiro then stated "Shit, you're right that you are probably wanted dead or alive right now. Why do you need me on the plan?" Kevin then said "I know that your field does the whole faking people death bullshit. I was thinking of you shooting me with a sniper rifle at the Heliport Artopex after I pulled off the bank while my group and I looked for a helicopter there." Mashiro then said "Fuck, fuck, fuck. I don't want to shoot my friend, but I'll do it. I'll be in Montreal by tomorrow morning." Kevin then said "Okay then Shiro, talk to you later." When Kevin hung the phone up, he went over to Momo's hideout. When there, Kevin said "I was thinking of making a score at the CIBC Branch on 5501 Chem. de la Côte-des-Neiges." Momo then said "Are you nuts, baka? The whole of Canada is tightening the noose on us after you killed the mayor. I don't want you or the rest of the group to get killed. This talk is over." As Momo walked off, Yoshika and Thea came in. Kevin said "Good lord you two are here. I need you to help me with one last score before I can ride off into the sunrise." Thea then said "Did you tell Momo about this?" Kevin then stated "She was not happy about it. You need to help me please, as I don't want to be on the gallows while Mio and the kids watch me swing." Thea looked at Kevin before she said "I feel your pain, Kev, as I saw my great-grandfather being killed by getting swung due to his past ties with the Nazis. I'll help you in the robbery." Yoshika then said "I have done some fucked up things over my years of crime. I love you as a friend and I want to help you too, Kevin. What's the plan?" Kevin then said "I was thinking of storming into the place and taking hostages after our driver, Rin Shiretoko, parked the car down the street. Yoshika, I want you to set the vault door to go boom. I would call it in after you come back after you set it up. We would be in and out of the vault within thirty seconds. Then we should quickly make our way back to Rin to drive us to the Heliport Artopex, where we can escape by helicopter." Thea then said "That's a great plan, Kevin. I'll scout the place beforehand." Yoshika then stated "I'll start making the explosives." Kevin then said "Okay, I'm leaving for home. Thea, can you give me a call when the shit is ready." When Kevin arrived home, he heard Mio gagging. Kevin said "D'oh, not this shit again." As Kevin stormed into their bedroom, Mio was shoving a dildo deep down her throat. Kevin said "No, no, no, Mio. Please don't gag yourself with the dildo, my rare Japanese gem." Mio then pulled the dildo out of her mouth and said "Fuck my life. I can't live anymore when the world is trying to lock my rare Canadian gem up." Kevin then said "We'll figure this out. We'll find a way to make things right." But Mio kept saying "私の人生なんてくたばって、私を殺してください、" non-stop. Kevin then pulled Mio into a hug as she wailed into his chest before saying "Please stop this crime, Kevin. For the sake of our kids. For the sake of our love. I don't want to bury you until you are an old man, as I would utterly pain myself if you became a statistic in police brutality." Kevin caressed Mio's cheeks as she gagged and whimpered before he said "I'm making one more score to fake my death and afterward we can walk hand in hand into the sunrise." Kevin felt utter pity as he felt Mio's tears raging on his hands. At this moment, Kevin felt his heart ripping in half as he watched Mio wailing before saying "Little darling, don't shed any tears as the good times outweigh the bad ones. There, there, Mio, I'm here for you baby girl." Mio kept saying "Fuck my life, Kevin, just plain fuck my life." Kevin felt even more hurt as Mio shook vigorously in his arms as she said "Numb my life, Kevin." Kevin knew that he needed to help his rare Japanese gem as he hugged Mio very tightly before saying "Oh, Mio, your pain is utterly raw, and I'm here for you until it went away." Kevin and Mio stay like that for the rest of the night. The following morning, Mashiro called Kevin. When Kevin answered the phone, Mashiro said "I'm in Montreal. Where do you want me to go?" Kevin then said "Go to the Heliport Artopex. I wanted to start the plan right away, as Mio is really getting suicidal because of me quitting crime so badly and I can feel that the Montreal Police are one step closer to hanging the noose around my neck. I'll call Yoshika and Thea about the heist, and I'll make sure that Mio and the little ones are ready too." As Kevin hung up, he looked at Mio before saying "Are you ready, Mio?" Mio's eyes widened as she said "You really want to this, Kevin? Please don't really get yourself killed and make sure you come in one piece to the safe house in Saint-Lazare." Kevin then nodded as he called Yoshika and Thea. As Yoshika and Thea answered the phone, Kevin said "The score is a go. Thea, can you please give Rin a call to wait for us at the McDonald's down the street from my place." Thea then said "Okay, Kevin." As Kevin hung up the phone, he sneakily made his way to the McDonald's. When Kevin got there, a SUV pulled into the driveway. Kevin then entered the vehicle as Rin said "Where to boss?" Kevin then said "To the CIBC down the street." Rin then nodded as she started to drive. Yoshika said "I made the explosives." Kevin then said "Good, Yoshi. Okay, we are here. Put your masks on and make sure you wait for us at the Esso, Rin. Are you ready ladies? Go, go, go." When they enter the bank, Thea throws a hostage to the ground and holds her at gunpoint with her Winchester Model 1897 while Kevin yells "Alright, everybody pays attention, no one gets hurt." Yoshika then knocks her AK205 on a window, with a panicking security guard behind it as she said "Open the door, or they'll get worse than hurt. Hey, hey, come on." The guard opens the door and Yoshika kicks the door open before hitting her with the stock of her gun as she says "Let's go, shut up. Shut the fuck up." Kevin entered the room as he said "Hands behind your back." Kevin then started handcuffing the guard as she said "Come on mister, we're giving you everything you want." One of the two employees tried to ring the alarm, but Kevin saw him and stated "Don't even think about it," before he kicks the guard towards the other hostages. Thea pushes the hostage into a closet as she yelps "I'll do it. I'll do it. Oh, God!" Yoshika said "Sit tight. I'll handle the explosives." Kevin then said "Don't blow yourself up," before he aimed his M60 machine gun at the hostages as he yelled "Get into the closet where my friend took the customer just now before she cuts your tongues out and makes them into bratwurst." As the guard limped into the closet, the first employee said "What's he doing? He's going to kill us in here. Leave us alone," while the second employee said "We didn't do shit to you," before they went into the closet as well. Yoshika came back and stated "All set. Phone it in." Kevin uses his phone and calls a contact named "Detonate." The bomb explodes, opening the vault as Yoshika excitedly laughs. Kevin said "Alright. Are we going to do this?" Yoshika then said "Show me the money," and Kevin stated "Slow and steady, Y. Slow and steady." When the trio got to the vault, Kevin and Yoshika entered it. Kevin stated "We're just taking the non-sequential notes." They both of them collected $180000 as Yoshika said "There's enough here for us all to enjoy." Kevin then said "Depends on how you look at it." As they left the vault, another guard grabs Kevin from behind, takes his balaclava off, and holds him at gunpoint as he said "Give it up. I got him. I saw your face. I'll remember you." Kevin then said "Don't be a freaking hero, buddy. Go home to your wife and kids chump." Yoshika shoots the guard in the head, killing him, as Kevin said "Fuck, you didn't have to do that." Yoshika then said "Let's get going. There will be time for grieving later." As they were at the back entrance, Yoshika said "I'm setting up the charges on the door there. They're on a timer, so brace yourselves." As Yoshika sets the charge, she goes into cover. The charge blows up, opening the door, but sirens are heard outside. Thea said "Just fucking perfect." Kevin then said "Oh, fuck. You hear that? Sirens." Thea then said "Fuck the cops. Y, hit the shutter switch." Yoshika hits the switch on the shutter, which opens. The Montreal Police Service were arriving as Yoshika said "What's this? Local resistance? Blame the pricks who called you out here." Kevin then stated "It ain't supposed to go down like this." Yoshika then said "It never is. Come on. Go." The crew engages in a gunfight and shouts at the police. Thea and Yoshika get their masks off. The crew fights the police forces on their way towards their escape vehicle. Yoshika yelled "Dumb fucking cops," as Thea yelled "Fuck these guys," as they fought their way to the vehicle. Yoshika said "There can't be many more cops in this town." Kevin then said "This is fucked, man. The thing is blown." Yoshika then stated "I got my share. It's still wide open." Kevin then said "Rin might have bailed. This wasn't in the job description." After killing the last officers, the crew gets into the car where Rin is waiting. As Yoshika entered the SUV last, Rin said "What took you so long?" Yoshika then said "Shut the fuck up and drive." When Rin drove off, Thea said "Did you see that shit? I fucking put that bitch's face against the glass. Did you see that?" Kevin then said "Yeah, you're a real stallion." Suddenly, a police car started pursuing the vehicle. Rin said "Aww, fuck. How'd that happen?" Thea then said "Go, go, go, go." Yoshika breaks the window with her gun and shoots at the police car. Just as Rin says "Jeez, I think they're going," an officer shoots her in the head, killing her. Kevin said "Aw, fuck, our local baka bought it." Kevin then tosses Rin's body out of the car and takes the wheel before saying "Fuck you too," as he hits the police car, causing them to go out of control and crash into a tree before driving off. Afterward, Yoshika said "Come on, let's get to the chopper. We move quickly, we can beat the rush hour traffic." As they entered the Autoroute 40, two police cars are seen, driving in the opposite direction, passing by the crew. Thea said "Cops, coming our way." Yoshika then said "Be cool, they ain't made this car yet." The two police cars passed without noticing them. As they were reaching exit 10 of Autoroute 440, a police roadblock was seen, blocking the road. Thea yelled "Shit, shit, shit, road block. Go right, beat the traffic." As the trio were about to turn into the Heliport Artopex, a semi-truck T-boned their SUV, causing them to flip once. When they left the wrecked vehicle, Yoshika said "Fuck. Come on, ditch the car, alright? We can go this way to the chopper." Kevin then barked "No, hey. Stick to the plan." Yoshika then asked "What?" as Kevin then stated "Stick to the fucking plan, come on." As the crew approached the chopper's supposed landing point, Thea said "Where the fuck's the chopper? Fuck me, fuck, fuck." Just then, Mashiro is seen cocking her rifle hidden behind her car. As Thea was walking in front of Kevin saying "I'm gonna check around over there," Mashiro hits Thea, who falls to the ground as Yoshika covered behind another car as she says "Run, it's the fucking Feds. Someone must have fucking talked." Kevin then walks towards the wounded Thea and examines her wound. Kevin said "Alright. Thea's going to be fine, but we have to get the fuck out of here." Suddenly, Mashiro hits Kevin, who falls to the ground as well, before she gets into her car and drives off. Kevin, in pain, said "Aw, fuck! I'm hit! Ah, Jesus. Y, you have got to get out of here." Yoshika then yelled "I ain't going to leave you, Kev." Kevin then yelps "Go, God, I'm not going to make it. Fucking going to bleed out. Aw, go, go." Police cars arrived. Yoshika holds her position for a while, and shouts at the police in despair. In the midst of her shooting the police, Yoshika yelled "NOOOO! Fucking die, all of you. Kill me, you pricks. Die, you cocksuckers. I'm standing here, finish me. Motherfuckers. Come on, come on. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you." As more police cars arrive at the scene, Yoshika is heavily outnumbered and as she escapes, a woman gets out of her car. Yoshika aimed her gun at her as she barked "Hey. You, you, hey," and the lady said "Oh, oh, oh God." The woman tries to escape, but falls onto the ground while escaping. Yoshika catches her and holds her as hostage while three officers arrive. Yoshika confuses the woman as the pilot. The lady said "Oh God. Don't shoot," as Yoshika asked "Where's the chopper?" The lady then said "Help! Help, please. I don't know what you're talking about." As the police got to Yoshika, she said "Fucking stay back. You come near me, she's fucking dead. Stay back." Yoshika releases her hostage and runs away. The woman runs towards the officers yelling "Oh, God, help me, help me!" An officer takes the woman in his arms. He raises his hand to direct the remaining officers to pursue Yoshika as he barks "GO, GO, GO!" The two officers pursue Yoshika as she escapes in the fog, but she manages to escape. The following morning, at Mount Royal Cemetery, multiple people, including a preacher and Mio, were gathered around a gravestone with "Kevin Zack. February 25, 2000–October 15, 2020. A loving husband and friend," was written on it. As Mio was crying while saying "My rare Canadian gem," the preacher said "Kevin was not always a good husband. Not always a good citizen. He did not die a hero's death. But he was a man. Our Lord was crucified by two thieves, so perhaps we should not judge. We are born of sin, and we die in sin and in this, Kevin was like anybody else. Father, we do not know your infinite mysteries. But we know that you will show mercy to our friend." Mashiro was walking back and forth near the funeral as Kevin, out of sight, was drinking a beer. Kevin then tosses the empty can before walking off. When Kevin arrived at the safe house in Saint-Lazare that afternoon, Mashiro, Mio, Mia and Tim were waiting in the living room. Mashiro said "I'd changed your name to Kevin Stewart, and I'd got you and your family a mansion in Vaughan, Ontario. Come on, it's a pretty long drive. I want to get going while it's still light outside." As they entered Mashiro's car, Mio grabbed Kevin's hand and said "Please don't go back to crime, my rare Canadian gem." Kevin then looked into her eyes and said "I won't fuck this up, my rare Japanese gem. I wouldn't want my little gems Mia and Tim to be harmed." Kevin started to give Mia wet kisses on her belly as she giggled. Kevin then looked into Mia's eyes before saying "I can't believe that I was harming this rare little gem with my crimes, Mio." Mio then said "It's okay, Kevin. At least you still have us." 

In the meantime, Yoshika was back at Momo's hideout while hearing the news anchor on TV saying "We are following the breaking news story about Kevin Zack's death and Thea Kreutzer's arrest following a bank robbery at a CIBC on 5501 Chem. de la Côte-des-Neiges yesterday." Yoshika muttered "Kevin, you are my best friend. Thea, I will get you out of there." Momo came in and said "Why did you help Kevin?" Yoshika then said "Kevin said that he needed help with the score before he walked into the sunrise. But now he's six feet under." Momo then asked "What are you doing now?" Yoshika then stated "I... I'm thinking of fucking away from Montreal. I can feel that the noose has wrapped around my neck and I want to leave the area before I am hanged." Momo then said "Where are you going?" Yoshika then stated "Far away from here. I don't know. Maybe some hick town somewhere." Yoshika then packed up her things into her van before she drove west towards Ontario. As Yoshika was about to cross the Ontario border, there was a roadblock set up by the Ontario Provincial Police. Yoshika muttered "The pigs are the last thing I need right now." As Yoshika got closer to the roadblock, an officer pointed at her to pull over. Yoshika then muttered "Fuck, fuck, fuck." When Yoshika pulled over, an officer came up to the driver's side window and said "Hello, ma'am. I'm sorry about this, but there is a huge manhunt for Yoshika Miyafuji following a bank robbery in Montreal. Can one of my colleagues look in the van?" Yoshika then said "Okay." After a few minutes, the officer had finished looking before he said "Okay then, you can go." Yoshika then started her way westbound on her quest for freedom. After a five-hour drive, Yoshika came into the town of Fenelon Falls. Yoshika then noticed a billboard for Sunny Acres Trailer Park just outside of town. A few minutes later, Yoshika pulled onto the driveway of the trailer park and went over to a store that serves the trailer park. When Yoshika entered the store, an old lady named Evelyn Bishop sitting at the cash register said "Hey there, young ma'am. How can I help you?" Yoshika then said "Yes, I was looking to see if there was a place that I could crash in." Evelyn said "There's an old trailer for rent. Lynette sweetie, can you help this young soul get to that trailer down the way there?" Lynette was reading The Guardian as she said "Okay, granny." As they entered the van, Lynette said "Whoa, it seems like you were in a rush to get out of somewhere fast with this much stuff in here. I'm Lynette Bishop, by the way." Yoshika then said "I'm Yoshika Miyafuji. Sorry about the mess in the van. I was in a rush to get away from my crazy ass boyfriend, who tried to kill me while on a three-day meth binge." Lynette then said "I'm sorry about that, Yoshika. I hate abusive relationships." Yoshika thought to herself that the abusive boyfriend ruse might not work if Lynette knew about her past in Montreal as they pulled up to the trailer. Lynette mentioned "Is it pretty? I know that it's a rusty death trap, but it's a home." Yoshika grinned before she mentioned "This reminded me of the trailer I lived in with my folks after we immigrated to Canada from Japan. Thank you, Lynette." Lynette said "You don't have to say thanks, but I'm glad that you are happy. I'm your neighbor. If you need anything, just call me okay." As Yoshika said "Okay," she packed her things from the van and went into her new home. Later that evening, Yoshika finished unpacking and muttered "I'm hungry. I feel like a burger." Yoshika then went into her van and went into town. After a few minutes, Yoshika arrived at Texas Burger & Pizza. When inside, a preteen girl named Penny came over to Yoshika and said "Hello there. What can I get you today?" Yoshika then said "Yes, can I get a 16 oz burger, large fries and a large Coke please." Penny grinned before saying "Coming right up, ma'am." A few minutes later, Penny returned with the food and Yoshika downed it. After Yoshika had finished eating, Penny returned with the bill. As Yoshika was about to pay the $34.21, she said "Fuck, I think I left my wallet at my ex-boyfriend's place when I left before he killed me in Montreal." Penny then said "I'm so sorry about that, ma'am. Don't worry about the bill as it's on the house." After she left the burger joint, Yoshika knew that the ruse wasn't going to work. As Yoshika was about to enter her van, she noticed the Pioneer gas station across the street and got an idea. Yoshika pulled into the gas station parking lot before she wrapped a scarf around her face and stormed into the store with a pocket knife. Yoshika went over to the cashier named Dave and said "Give me whatever is in the register before I cut your tongue out and make it into sushi." Dave rambled "Okay, okay, hold on. Please don't make my body parts into anything," as he opened the cash register. As Dave was ordered to put the money in a bag, Yoshika stated "If I see red and blue lights behind me when I go, I know where you work, where I can make your life a living hell." When Dave gave Yoshika the bag, she barked "Don't make me come back, baka," before storming into her van and driving off. When Yoshika arrived back at the trailer, she flopped onto the couch as she muttered "What a life," before falling asleep. The next morning, there was a knock at the door as Lynette said "Yoshika, I need to talk to you." Yoshika muttered "Fuck, fuck, fuck," as she let Lynette in. As they sat on the couch, Lynette said "I heard on the TV that the gas station in town got robbed last night. I swear to God that I thought I had seen you in the security camera shot that the news showed." Yoshika thought "Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm so fucked," to herself. But to Yoshika's shock, Lynette said "I'm not turning you in as I like you. You know something, I'm in the game of meth production. I was planning to buy Pharmasave Fenelon Falls to hide my business, but I couldn't get the funds to do so. By the way, I also got a contact in the weapon smuggling business named Mizuki Nakahara." Yoshika grinned as she said "Thank you, Lynette. I did do that robbery last night because my impulses got the better of me. Before I came to town yesterday, I fled Montreal to run away from my past life of robberies, drug smuggling and running whores. I would love to help you with your meth business." Lynette then said "Will you really help me out with my meth business, Yoshika? Thank you, thank you, thank you. One thing. I'm assuming that the whole abusive boyfriend was a ruse, right?" Yoshika then stated "Yeah, the abusive boyfriend thing was a bit of a stretch. But I needed a cover story. And besides, it wasn't entirely untrue. I've had my share of bad relationships with a boyfriend. The relationship with my father was especially bad. Ichiro was a rageful drunk as he had been raping me since I was 5, living in Yokosuka. He would stay the same even when we moved to Montreal when I was 15. By this time last year, I had enough of his shit as I had the guts to rig his lab up with explosives before I blew it up, killing him. The press claimed that his death was an accidental explosion." Lynette laughed. "I can relate with dealing with loudmouthed and drunken boyfriends that think that abuse is king. My father, Billy, was extremely abusive when I was a kid. He would often choke me for his own gain before groping my breasts. I... I... I had to deal with it for years on end before I had the nerve to escape from Southampton by stowing away on the Queen Mary 2. When I arrived in New York, I had nothing. I had ten bucks to my name and the clothes on my back. That was it. My grandma, Evelyn, was in Canada at the time. So I needed to break into another country to get freedom. I stole a bicycle and I rode it for 39 hours straight when I reached a beach just south of Buffalo. I needed to steal a boat to drive across Lake Erie to Point Abino without getting nailed. It was another 16 hours on bike to her trailer park in Fenelon Falls. I really missed the British way of life, but I love the peace of Canada." Yoshika then said "Wow. I'm so sorry about that, Lynette." Lynette then stated "It's alright, Yoshika. Can I ask you a favor? May I set up my meth lab here?" Yoshika then said "Okay." Lynette then went to her trailer's shed to get the equipment before taking it to Yoshika's trailer. When Lynette was setting up the equipment in the kitchen, a cat came into the trailer by a window. Lynette noticed the cat and yelped "Fuck. Go away you moggy pussy." Yoshika came in and yelped "CAT!" Lynette then said "That cat has been fucking my meth business for months. Get it out of here, Yoshi." Yoshika then stated "I feel like cat meat for dinner tonight," before she grabbed the cat by its tail and started to rag doll it. Lynette gasped as Yoshika yelled "The fucking housewife trophy cat is having infidelity with gringo queer male cats into spamming them into making $250 per day." Lynette then said "Yoshika, what are you doing?" Yoshika, still out of it, said "This cat is an uneducated mama's boy, an unintelligent little bitch, a pig-ignorant fat-so, an unknowledgeable autistic punk, a moronic two-bit nigga girl, an idiotic white trash unsexy hooker, a dimwitted Florida trash man whore, dumbass motherfucker, a tweeting twat and a gook that needs to die from lynching." Lynette then yelped "Yoshika, please don't kill the cat," but Yoshika kept shaking the cat while rambling "I don't mean cutting your fucking cat up and cooking it on the motherfucking barbecue like you people like to fucking eat them. I'm going to arrange this cat's fucking funeral, you goddamn unsexy scammy toothless son of a motherfucking two-bit shit smoking hippy. I want this cat to die like fucking Elvis Presley on the motherfucking toilet full of fucking shit, you no good dead motherfucking singer who needs to suck dick of a motherfucking hound dog. Hey you piece of shit cat, you need to suck a dog dick, and you are caught in a trap, you can't walk out because I hate you so much baby." Lynette then clamped her hands over her mouth as the cat had drawn blood. Just as it started, the cat went limp in the hands of Yoshika. Lynette was about to be sick as Yoshika was ripping the cat's head open and started to eat its brain. Yoshika looked at Lynette and asked "Do you want some?" Lynette gagged as she rushed to the washroom. Yoshika then muttered "More for me than." After a few minutes, Lynette came out of the washroom and mentioned "That's the most fucked up thing I have ever seen." Yoshika then stated "But it's good." Lynette then asked "You need help." But Yoshika then rambled "Stoned with a stone-cold jab. I ain't no alcoholic, I'm a weed head. That ese put dust in my weed. Weed, money, same difference. You got enough weed to fix this? You, me, weed. What a threesome. All praise due to the weed. Hey, man, where is the weed at? Ever smoke weed in Japan? The weed spot is dry as hell man. I dun spent all my ducts on weed. Yeah, my money smells like weed." A few moments later, Yoshika suddenly passed out. Lynette muttered "Yoshika is one fucked up soul. Urgh, urgh, please don't let me touch the cat's guts." Lynette then grabbed the cat by its tail from the grip of the limp Yoshika before taking it outside and headed to the beach. As Lynette carried the dismembered cat to the beach, her stomach churned, and then she muttered "Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it." When Lynette went over to Cameron Lake a few minutes later, she tossed the cat into the lake before muttering "I hope that there are sharks in this lake for you, little buddy." Suddenly, Lynette's knees buckled before she started to barf while falling to the ground. As Lynette's body flailed around in the sand barfing her guts out, her life flashed before her eyes. Her life growing up in London, the years of her father choking and groping her, the mind-numbing thought of stowing away on Queen Mary 2, the nearly 2 day bike ride across New York State, the boat ride across Lake Erie and another nearly day-long bike ride across Ontario to reach her grandma all flashed. As Lynette was convulsing, she felt something touching her arm. Yoshika yelped "Lynette, Lynette, can you hear me? You are having a seizure." Lynette, still seizing up, made a series of squawks, shrieks and squeals. A few minutes later, Lynette stops seizing up before looking at Yoshika and starts crying. Yoshika, feeling pity, hugged Lynette as she sobbed "Yoshi, Yoshi, Yoshi, I... I... I'm shitting myself with fear." Yoshika softly said "You poor confused soul. Your hair smells like tea and biscuits." Lynette then whimpered "Thank you, Yoshika." Yoshika then said "Let's take you home," before lifting Lynette up in her arms. Lynette squealed as Yoshika was lifting her up before her bladder failed her. The piss stung her urethra as Lynette suddenly squawked "THE PISS HURTS, THE PISS HURTS, THE PISS HURTS!" Suddenly, Lynette made a loud wet fart before she yelped "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. I shit my panties." Yoshika said "It's okay, Lynne, it's okay." A few minutes later, Yoshika arrived back at her trailer before placing Lynette on the couch and before helping her change. Lynette said "Can you go into town and get me some things at MacArthur Drug Store?" When Yoshika arrived there later that afternoon, she bought the supplies they needed. When Yoshika arrived back at the trailer, Lynette had finished building the meth equipment. Lynette said "I hope you like it, Yoshika." Yoshika then said "Well done, Lynette. Well done." As Yoshika was looking at Lynette intensely, Lynette said "Yoshika, why are you looking at me like that?" As Yoshika got closer, Lynette said "Wha... what are you doing?" Yoshika, in a husky voice, said "I want you." Lynette turned a deep red as she said "Wh... wha... what. Whoa, uh. Yo... you really got me trapped in a corner here, Yoshi." As Yoshika got even closer, Lynette started to burp non-stop. Yoshika said "You are so arousing when you are burping." Lynette, between burps, yelped "Urgh, urgh, urgh, nervous burping." When Yoshika got to Lynette, she poked the sides of her stomach with her fingers before tickling it. Lynette squirmed and squealed as she yelled "My sides have always been ticklish. My bladder is going to fail me again if you keep this up." Yoshika didn't stop as she kept tickling Lynette with more vigor. Suddenly, Lynette started gurgling as she was pissing herself. As the piss ran down Lynette's legs, Yoshika mischievously put her hand down her panties and started tickling her thigh, which caused her to double over in squealing. Lynette was giddy as she said "Not the thighs, Yosh... Yoshika." After a few minutes of tickling, Yoshika said "Do you want to go to the beach to spice shit up?" Yoshika then lifted Lynette into a bridal carry and went to the beach. When there, Yoshika started to undress herself. When Yoshika started to undress Lynette, she said "Wh... why are you undressing me?" Yoshika then said "I want to see you squirm underwater as I make out with you." Lynette then said "Okay, but don't drown me." When Yoshika had fully undressed Lynette, she said "You have some perky boobs, Lynne." Lynette blushed deeply at Yoshika's compliment. Afterward, Yoshika lifted Lynette into a bridal carry and went into the water. When they were deep enough, Yoshika lowered Lynette into the water. As Lynette was fully submerged, she got the urge to blow the air out of her lungs. Just as Lynette was about to violently regurgitate her stomach, Yoshika pressed her lips against her. Lynette fully surrendered to Yoshika as they kissed vigorously. As they continue kissing, Yoshika starts squeezing Lynette's breasts. Lynette moaned loudly in Yoshika's mouth as she felt her breasts going numb. Lynette then felt an insane pressure building inside her as the pleasure was about to go nuclear. Moments later, Lynette suddenly blows up in a series of cum shots as she was convulsing. Lynette then started groaning bubbles as her pleasure was releasing. Suddenly, Lynette started barfing. Yoshika, aroused by Lynette barfing underwater, cummed as she groaned bubbles. Moments later, Lynette's barfing got worse and Yoshika lifted her out of the water. As Yoshika got Lynette out of the water, Lynette seemed like she was seizing up. Yoshika said "You poor soul, Lynette." When Yoshika laid Lynette on the beach, she saw her eyes rolling back before convulsing. Yoshika then said "Lynette, please don't do this again." As Yoshika saw Lynette reeling in pain, she noticed that her skin was turning blue. Suddenly, Yoshika noticed that Lynette's tongue was purple before it went into her mouth. Yoshika then yelped "Don't seize up, Lynette. Fuck, fuck, fuck, she's seizing up," as she tried to grab her tongue out of her mouth. Suddenly, Lynette bites down hard on Yoshika's hand as she cried "Ow. Please, Lynette, come out of this." After several minutes of seizing up, Lynette came back. Lynette was shocked at Yoshika's hand in her mouth. When Yoshika put her hand out, Lynette said "Wha... what happened?" Yoshika then said "You seized up again." Lynette suddenly broke down as she sobbed "You should've let me seize up fully. My life is worthless." Yoshika said "Please don't say that, Lynne." Lynette kept sobbing out "Numb my life. Numb my life. Numb my life." Suddenly, Lynette pissed herself in the sand as she yelped "I want to feel numb." Yoshika tightly hugged Lynette as she sobbed "Numb, numb, numb." Yoshika felt pity for Lynette as she said "You poor soul." As Yoshika was hugging Lynette, she noticed that her sobbing was causing her regurgitations and her stomach convulsing. Lynette started panicking as she broke away from Yoshika before saying "Wha... what's happening to me? Why's my stomach convulsing? Urgh, I can feel the puke." Suddenly, Lynette started gagging before her face crashed into the sand. Yoshika watched in horror as Lynette was barfing and rolling in the sand. Yoshika then lifted Lynette up and said "Let's take you home, Lynne." As Lynette whimpered in pain in Yoshika's arms, Yoshika felt helpless and unable to alleviate her suffering. When they arrived at Yoshika's trailer, Yoshika laid Lynette onto the couch. By evening, Lynette felt better, and Yoshika was filled with gratitude. When Yoshika was giving Lynette a tea, Lynette said "When are you going to see Mizuki about getting the money we needed for Pharmasave Fenelon Falls, Yoshika?" Yoshika then said "I was thinking of going and meeting her in the morning." Lynette then stated "Good, good. I'm thinking of calling it a night, Yoshi." Yoshika then mentioned "Alright then, Lynne. Good night." When Yoshika entered her room, she stripped her clothes before she went into bed and started stimulating her vagina. After a few minutes, Yoshika squawked as she started cumming. Just then, Lynette knocked on her door and said "Did I hear a hawk in there?" Yoshika then said "I just cummed after I played with myself." Lynette opened the door part way and peeped in. Yoshika asked "Would you like to join me in bed, Lynne?" 

After Yoshika makes it back to her hideout on the outskirts of Montreal after running away from the police after the failed bank robbery, she is livid and mourning about the death of Kevin and the arrest of Thea. After a few days of lying low, Yoshika decided to move to Fenelon Falls, Ontario. A few days of driving on back roads, Yoshika arrives in Fenelon Falls. She bought a trailer just outside the town. Yoshika meets her neighbor Lynette Bishop and they get along. Yoshika was in need of money, and she knew the only way to do so. Yoshika sticks up a gas station in Fenelon Falls. Lynette learned about Yoshika's past, but she didn't want to turn her in. Lynette talks to Yoshika about getting into drug dealing and weapon smuggling. Lynette was planning to buy Pharmasave Fenelon Falls, which was for sale. Yoshika grins and thanks Lynette. Yoshika and Lynette plan to raise money by running a meth lab in Yoshika's trailer. After a few weeks of blood, sweat and tears, they got enough money by drug dealing to get Pharmasave Fenelon Falls. Yoshika hires Chisato Nishikigi as the meth cook. The next day, Yoshika meets Mizuki Nakahara, an arms dealer. Mizuki asked Yoshika if she knew how to fly. Yoshika told Mizuki that she had a short stint in the air force. Mizuki asked Yoshika if she could fly a Cessna full of weapons to the outskirts of Rochester, New York. Yoshika flew under the radar to Rochester and back. After around 8 years of meth cooking and arms dealing, Erica Hartmann, Hikari Karibuchi and Nikka Edvardine Katajainen came to the trailer park needing a place to stay. One day, Yoshika took Hikari and Nikka on a hike in Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park, where she killed both of them.

Meanwhile, in Toronto, Ontario, Akeno Misaki was on a repossession mission to recover a 1915 Ford Model T from a 101-year-old man who hadn't paid his loan on the century-old car. When she returned to Modena Motors Inc, her boss, Yuzu Koyama, was waiting. Moments later, Moeka China came back from another repossession mission in a damaged 2001 Crown Victoria. Moeka told Yuzu that the car was like that when she got the car. Yuzu chuckled as she knew that Moeka was going on a bit of a joyride. Akeno made a crack joke that Moeka was going to be Joyrider of the Month winner if she kept it up. Afterward, Akeno and Moeka finished for the day and Akeno went back to her condo. The next day, Akeno was tasked to repo a jet ski from a crackhead. After a tense cursing match, Akeno got the jet ski out of the hands of the crackhead. Akeno goes back to the dealership with the jet ski. Soon after, Moeka came back with yet another damaged vehicle, a 2022 Porsche 911. Yuzu shook her head and laughed and Akeno went into her pickup truck and got a Joyrider of the Month plague with Moeka's picture and name. Moeka chuckled and started to make funny insults at Akeno. As Akeno was heading home at the end of the day, her aunt Ana Misaki called her, telling her not to come home as her and her friends were doing a workout. Akeno went to her friend's house for the night. For the next year, Akeno and Moeka repo anything from high-end cars to motorbikes, even a police car and a Humvee.

One day, Akeno and Moeka went to the dealership to have Yuzu say "I want you to repo a couple of 2017 Ford Mustangs from an underground parking garage near the Westin Harbour Castle." As the two of them were leaving the dealership, Kevin was at his psychologist, Raisa Pöttgen at the same hotel as she said "Your son, Tim. He's a good kid?" Kevin then said "He's a good kid? A good kid? Why? Does he help the fucking poor? No. He sits on his ass all day, smoking dope and jerking off while he watches that fucking movie while telling his friends' boobs this and pussy that over the phone. If that's our standard of goodness, then no wonder this country's screwed." Raisa then said "And what about you?" Kevin then stated "What about me? Hey, I didn't have the advantages that kid has. By the time I was 20, I'd already been the most wanted criminal in Canada for about a year. I had autistic meltdowns, I robbed banks, I ran whores, I smuggled dope." Raisa then asked "And you consider them achievements?" Kevin then stated "These were the opportunities I had. At least I took them." Raisa then asked "And where did these opportunities get you, Kevin?" Kevin then ranted "They got me right fucking here! The end of the road! With a big house, a useless son, a daughter that has more swear words that fly out of her mouth than a trucker and sailor combined, a wife that might have some sexy time behind my fucking back, and I'm stuck talking to you because no one else gives a flaming bag of shit about it! Oh, I'm living the Canadian dream, baby! And that dream is fucked! It is fucking fucked!" Raisa then said "Let it all out." Kevin then mentioned "I think I just did." Raisa then said "Oh, well, I think that's all we have time for. Same time next week?" Kevin then said "I guess. I have to tell you, I ain't too sure this shit is working for me." Raisa then mentioned "Well, a sense of overriding futility is a vital part of the process. Embrace it." As Kevin was about to leave, he said "Whatever you say, Doc." As Kevin left the Westin Harbour Castle and started walking along the Harbourfront, he thought "I realize why, oh, why that peace is never an absolution, because my distant memories are so painful, and my fears are unable to stay, unwilling to leave." As Kevin was sitting down on a bench, Moeka said "Man, shit got to be around here somewhere." Akeno then said "Unless they buried it under the sand, baka. Another brilliant Moeka China production." Moeka then stated "Man, fuck you. Hey, excuse me, baka, can you tell me if you have seen a couple of Mustangs?" Kevin then said "No baka, I cannot." Akeno then grabbed Moeka's arm and said "Man, would you come on? Fuck!" Kevin then told them "Actually, yeah I fought. I saw a couple of red Mustangs in the underground parking garage near the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal." Moeka then said "Yeah, good-looking out, baka, appreciate it." As they went on their way, Akeno said "Man, get your stupid ass on. Damn! Why don't you ask him if he knows the fucking owner? Or better yet, do some skywriting that reads there's a couple of bakas here about to boost some cars in case somebody didn't realize." Moeka then said "See, what you don't realize, is that we ain't boosting. This shit is legit business." Akeno then stated "Legit? Oh yeah, I forgot, huh? 401Ks, tax returns and all. Yeah, right." Moeka then said "You are the one all pumped up about doing this lick, baka. I'm getting my money in the hood, I'm straight, baka. I'm cool." Akeno then asked "You cool? Cool what? Slinging dope and throwing up the bird at people? Yeah, right." Moeka then said "Whatever, baka." As they hastily sneaked into the parking garage and found the Mustangs. Moeka said "Come on. Come on. Shit, come on. Damn. This baka must have got the baby dick." Akeno then said "Yeah, and all this shit was paid for with bad credits." Moeka then said "Woohoo. Come to Daddy. Which Mustang do you want, baka?" As Akeno entered the far one, Moeka said "You were always an old choosy motherfucker." Akeno then said "Only Child, I might just be." Moeka then said "Whatever, baka, it ain't going to make you go no faster. Hit me on the speakerphone, I'm moving!" Akeno then stated "Oh, it's like that, baka." As Moeka speeds off, Akeno quickly follows, accompanying her in a race. The two weave through traffic on Queens Quay West before making a sharp right turn, heading onto York Street. Akeno called Moeka and talked to her on speaker as Moeka said "Right up here, baka. I'm about to go nice and slow for your bitch-ass." Akeno then said "Eh, remember, we got to be careful with these rides, baka. Because Yuzu ain't about to dock my pay again." Moeka then stated "Baka, man, if you need some bread, I could hook you up with Pikachu's tow truck. It ain't got glamor, but there's some money to be made." Akeno then said "So she and Sanya could smoke crack in peace? Baka, I'm good." Moeka then said "Damn, baka, how much are we getting for these repos? I'm a reluctant motherfucker to give this up." Akeno then mentioned "Man, there's enough bad credit going around, baka. It's like an endless supply in this fucked up ass country." Moeka then said "This is meant to be your shit." Akeno then said "Hey, baka, we'd be doing Yuzu a disservice if we didn't test these rides out." Moeka then said "She ain't even going to know if they good is we don't push them to the brink. You feel me? Up here, through the Eaton Centre. Let's show these shoppers what we are about." Akeno then stated "Oh, we are shopping now." Moeka and Akeno crashed through the mall's door to the utter horror of shoppers. As many guards rambled curses at them, Moeka and Akeno crashed through another set of doors and back onto the street. Moeka said "Whoo! You want to get whips like this, you got to stay on your ground." Akeno then stated "Baka, and have some time over some nickels and dimes? I'll stick to repos, baka." Moeka then said "We are buzzing the National Bank, motherfucker!" Akeno then stated "That's a super bank. Motherfucker, you're a baka." As Akeno and Moeka pulled up into an underground parking lot near IKEA in Downtown Toronto, Akeno said "What do you go and slow up the road for, baka? Move over so the traffic can flow through." Moeka then said "Whatever, baka. I'll let something flow through your ass." Akeno then stated "Baka, I ain't too sure that joke works, baka." Suddenly, sirens were heard in the distance and Moeka said "Oh shit, one time." Akeno then stated "Be cool, fool, we got the paperwork." Moeka then said "Whatever, you explain that shit. I'll see you at the dealership." Moeka then stormed off as Akeno said "Explain that shit my ass." Just as Moeka left, a couple of Toronto Police vehicles stormed into the parking lot. Akeno then storms off and loses the police after a few minutes. When Akeno arrived at the dealership, Moeka was already there. In the meantime, Yuzu said to Tim "You are a racist and I don't like you, and I will not sell you this car, I will not. You make my skin crawl, you neo-Nazi. Ah, you are all the same." As Akeno and Moeka went over to Yuzu, she said "This racist insulted me." Moeka then walked over to Tim and said "Who are you calling a nip Jap." Tim then said "No, no. I'm not calling anybody a nip Jap." Moeka then asked "Man, what the fuck?" Tim then said "I... I... mean the J-word. I... I... that's not cool. Man, I didn't say that." Moeka then said "You fucking right, and you'd better keep it right, because this lady right here, she's an international businesswoman, a multiculturalist." Yuzu then stated "That I could not have said better myself. But seriously, maybe he's not a racist, but I don't think he is man enough for a car like this." As Yuzu pointed to a Hummer H1, Tim said "W... wait a second." Moeka then said to Akeno "This is the best part, watch this when he reels him in, she's going to get all this baka's money, watch this." Akeno then said "Look man, I have got to go. Hey, Yuzu, I'm out, I'll holla at you baka." As Akeno and Moeka entered Akeno's car, Moeka said "This chump change. How am I going to knock a bad, grown and sexy bitch if I don't have a fat pee-zocket?" Akeno then asked "Who are you trying to impress?" Moeka then said "Your auntie, Ana. With all that ass, baka, she got ass." Akeno then said "She has grown, yeah. She grew into a fucking baka." Moeka then stated "Nah, she's sexy." Akeno then said "Sexy? She is more like obsessed with sex, baka." Moeka then said "No, mad for the pussy. That's how exactly I like my women." As they arrived at Akeno's place at AVRO Condominiums, Akeno said "Man, shit, it's good to be home." As they entered the lobby, Moeka said "Wassup, can a baka come up in your place?" Akeno then said "Man fuck you. I'll see you at work." Moeka then ranted "Ah, baka, don't hate me because I'm beautiful, baka. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass school uniform you got, you'd get some penis up your pussy. Oh, better yet, maybe Machiko will call your dog-ass if she ever stops fucking with that navy admiral or police chief she fucking with. BAKA!" As Moeka went off, Akeno said "What?" Afterward, Akeno then went up to her place for the night. The next morning, Akeno visits Yuzu at the dealership. When Akeno entered the dealership, Yuzu said "My dear girl. So good to see you. So good. Hold me." Akeno hugged Yuzu before she said "Look, we've been working together for about a few years now, right?" Yuzu pulled Akeno into her office to show her a plague and then stated "Which is why I am very honored to announce to you that you are Employee of the Month. It wasn't easy picking a winner." Akeno then mentioned "Yeah, it's me, Moeka, your daughter Aoi with the porno fetish. Look, man. It's been a real honor, baka, but I have got to move forward in my life. It seems like all I do is let people tell me what to do, and I do it and nothing changes." Yuzu then said "I told you what, my girl, you told me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be." Akeno then said "What?" Yuzu then stated "Today is repossessing vehicles that bakas have purchased at exorbitant interest rates. But tomorrow, together." Just then, Moeka came in and said "Knock knock, motherfuckers." Yuzu then said "Hey, Moeka." Moeka then said "What's up, Yuzu? What's up, baka? What's happening, my baka?" Yuzu then said "Akeno here has been awarded Employee of the Month." Moeka stared indignantly at the plague hanging on the wall and said "You fucking with me, right?" Akeno then mentioned "We are both being fucked with, baka." Moeka then stated "Man, knock it off, man. For real? After all the motherfucking work I put in, man?" Akeno then said "Man, fuck this Employee of the Month shit, baka. I'm sitting up here trying to get us." Moeka then ranted "What do you mean by fuck this Employee of the Month shit, man? When there's some shit to be beat, Goddamnit, I want it. I don't give a fuck what it is. You know what I'm talking about? I take no prisoners. I go hard doing this shit. Big baka. Big pussies. When the name is on a motherfucking board, I want to see my name at the top of that motherfucker and next to it, it needs to say winner." Yuzu then said "Maybe next month, huh?" Moe stated "Man, fuck next month, Yuzu-baka. What about today? I demand a retrial." Yuzu then said "Today is nothing, just a Harley-Davidson. Hasn't made a payment at all. A kid at 23 Hollaman Road in Englemount-Lawrence. Her name is Hanna Justina Marseille." Akeno then said "Is she in a gang?" Yuzu then stated "Curiously enough, I did not inquire when she bought the bike. But anyway, I'm going to piss off and try to make some more poor souls into buying cars at an exorbitant interest rate and high-risk financing. Make sure that you bring me the bike in one piece." As they left the showroom, entered Akeno's pickup and drove off, Akeno said "Hey, wasn't that motherfucker who took the bike that baka from that German? With the tattoo on her face and shit?" Moeka then said "I don't give a shit. There's a reason Yuzu pays a couple of mean looking motherfuckers like us to come repo this shit. We ain't girl scouts." Akeno then mentioned "In your case, I ain't so sure about that." Moeka then stated "Man, step up, nigga! Of course this bitch is real. Who else is going to have the required surplus of paper and a lack of brain cells? She just put a dub down on this bike." Akeno then mentioned "Twenty Gs?" Moeka then stated "With a three G note." Akeno then said "Man, that motherfucker must be tricked out." Moeka then stated "Man, this whole setup is designed to take drug money." Akeno then said "Alright, man, look, we go in quiet. In and out, no fucking drama." Moeka then stated "I'll try, baka. But I'm one loud, dramatic, brash, crazy, greedy, shoot a motherfucker in the back type motherfucker. And you love me for it, nigga." Akeno then said "That's right, baka. Nothing but love, baka." Akeno then stated "That is Yuzu a funny dude though, huh? It's going to be a shame when we get to book her ass and jack her for all this shit." Akeno then asked "What the fuck you talking about? You are a psychotic motherfucker." Moeka then stated "That's how shit works, ain't it? You do some jobs for a baka, develop a little uneasy relationship, and then they ask you to do something above and beyond, you fall out, bakas get capped, then you start all over again with some other baka." Akeno then said "Where the fuck you get that from? That ain't my life, dummy." Moeka then stated "How about the girl with the eye from around the way? Araga Kiwi, or something? You were lynching her, and then she got what was coming, right?" Akeno then said "That was different. That bitch had it coming." Moeka then said "I don't want to clap my girl Yuzu either, I like baka. This just smacks of the inevitable." Akeno then said "Look baka, this shit is legit, it's going to end up coming in the world. Moeka then stated "Oh really? That's a nice change from bakas creeping on us." Akeno then mentioned "That's trill, baka." Moeka then stated "You damn fucking right that's trill, partner, but it's a shame that you won't believe it. Do you want to drop some notes on that shit, I'll give you the odds, baka?" Akeno then said "You Apache motherfuckers love your bets, huh? You should go work at one of those reservation casinos, only they'll kick a fraudulent impostor, motherfucker." Moeka then stated "I find that you and all your little racial stereotypes and shit to be offensive. I like one person the same as the next. That included fucking the chief's daughter." When they arrived at the place, Moeka said "The bike should be around here somewhere." Akeno then said "Should be is the story of my life, asshole." As they made their way to the house, a drunken homeless lady started rambling "Away, away, away from me flaming bag of shit." Moeka said "I think this crazy drunk baka is too drunk." Moeka then feigns a punch that cause the lady to fall back onto the ground before getting her head run over by a passing car. Akeno said "You didn't have to do that, Moeka. You should've let that lady sober up, not feigning a punch and letting the lady get her brain blown up." As they got to the house, Moeka said "Man, ain't this about a bitch. Ain't no fucking bike here?" Suddenly, a couple of members of the Berlin chapter of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club came out of the house. The leader said "What the fuck are you two doing?" Moeka pulled out a gun before shooting both bikers and said "Yeah? You see this, motherfucker. Akeno, can you take that gun from that dead fuck and help me shoot these half-assed bikers." More members came out of the nearby houses and Akeno and Moeka started shooting them. As they had done killing the three dozen members, Hanna was about to speed off on the bike. Akeno shot Hanna and Moeka took the bike as she yelled "Meet me at the Avenue Automatic Car Wash." Akeno then stole a car and drove to the car wash. When Akeno got there, Moeka was there with the bike. Akeno said "Man, I can't stand your ass for a moment. You have lost your goddamn shit." Moeka then said "That's that Shinto blood in me. You are lucky I ain't doing a seppuku on your ass." Akeno then stated "We can't repo the assets of a dead bitch, big sitting Buddha asshole." Moeka then said "Nigga, and we ain't going to either, nigga. I'm going to gift this bike to you, nigga. Tell Yuzu that we didn't repo it, nigga." As Moeka was riding off on the bike, Akeno yelled "You can fucking tell Yuzu, Buddha Shinto bitch." Akeno then rode back home. The next morning, Akeno went over to the dealership. As Akeno entered the building, she heard Yuzu saying "You're a racist, Abigail. You don't like me because you think that I am Japanese, you baka." Abigail then said "Whoa, I'm not some creep looking for fan service. I do like fan service in anime, but but but. Please don't kick my ass." Just then, Yuzu noticed Akeno and told Abigail "Excuse me. That girl, I am her mentor. I need to talk to her, hold on." Akeno then asked "What do you mean, a mentor?" Yuzu then said "Don't worry about that." Akeno then said "Okay, so what you got for me?" Yuzu then stated "Tim Stewart. Some kid, he is already late on his payments and I have this bad feeling that he will do more damage to the car than we can get back from him in the exorbitant interest rate payments. Just go and get it. The house is at 256 Arnold Avenue. It's a Hummer H1. Some Thornhill daddy's boy nonsense. Don't worry about it, try to bring the car back in good condition, huh?" Akeno then said "I got you, don't worry about it." Yuzu then said "It's so good to see you, my girl. Good luck at law school." Yuzu then went back to Abigail and said "So Mrs. Roberts, what about the financing?" Akeno decided to listen to their conversation as Abigail said "I'm Mrs. Marston, fool, and besides, the financing seems like a shitty deal." Yuzu then stated "Because of the color of my skin, you think I am a scammer?" Abigail then said "No, no skin color has anything to do with it. My credits are okay, and this is all like high risk financing." Yuzu then said "Yes. You are a risk. I will not give any of my cars away just because you are looking to see my tits, Ms. Fan Service Lady." Abigail then said "No, I want a fair deal because I'm a responsible borrower in long-term employment. Can you let me think about it?" Yuzu then said "What to think about? You're either a debu or a baka." Abigail then said "It just doesn't feel right, ma'am." Yuzu then stated "You do not feel right. Perhaps a rich baka like you could waste the day, but I have 5 sisters, 4 brothers, 2 old parents and 4 daughters to feed. Decide." Abigail then said "I've got to be sure this is the right decision." Yuzu then said "You're wasting my time. All this time, I could be mentoring the disadvantaged." Abigail then said "Look, I'm thinking." Yuzu then yelped "Think about buying the car or getting off the floor." Abigail then said "Fuck this shit then. Fuck the exorbitant interest rate and high-risk financing in a dumpster fire. I hope you add a flaming bag of shit to that dumpster fire and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre bites you in the ass for spamming people into buying cars with a high exorbitant interest rate before repossessing them. I'm out, I'm leaving, and I'm suing." Akeno then leaves the dealership and heads to Thornhill to repo the SUV. As Akeno was halfway to the Stewart's residence, Yuzu called her. Akeno answered the phone and said "Did you change your mind?" Yuzu then said "When I discover that you betrayed me, perhaps. I hear you took the bike from the last repo for yourself, my Employee of the Month!" Akeno then stated "Listen, man, Moeka and I were going to get that back to you." Yuzu then said "I am sure! You will get this car off Daddy's boy, and then we will talk. Insurance papers say they have a locked garage, so you'll need to gain access from inside the house." Akeno then mentioned "Man, it's never easy with you, is it, Yuzu?" Yuzu then barked "Do not talk to me about easy, you thief!" After Yuzu hung up, Akeno drove the rest of the way to Arnold Avenue. When Akeno got there, she sneaked up to a gardener and knocked her out. After knocking the gardener out, Akeno climbed onto a pickup to climb into an opened second window. Just as Akeno was entering the window, she heard Tim, in another room, say "Just because you got a massive gaper, you sexy big sis bitch." Mia then said "You fucking homo. You're dead. Dad, he said I had a massive, Timmy called me a bitch!" Mia than rushed out of the room and didn't see Akeno at the window. As Akeno creeps into the house, she overhears Tim saying to a friend on the phone "He's trying to cyberattack my ass? No one creeps on the T-dog, my niggas!" In the meantime, Akeno also overhears Mia on the phone saying "Oh my god, seriously, my brother is such a homo. I think he has a medical problem. Like, more medical problems than the ones he's already been diagnosed with. Mental ones. Seriously, penises are not meant to be that small. I'd fucking know, right? I've seen enough of them. It's probably 'cause he's so fat. I still love him though. Sort of. Well, the other day, I walked in on him, and he was jerking off over pictures of my friends. No, not you. The hot ones - Lauren and Lisa. No, I didn't mean it like that. You're beautiful! And interesting! It's just that, you know, guys don't. They just don't get you. Hello? Hello?! Fuck. Whatever, bitch." When downstairs, Akeno overheard Mio telling her tennis coach "Thank you, Lenny." Lenny then said "You're a real pro, Mrs. Sakamoto. You're a great student. Now, loosen those hips, Mio." Mio then said "Like this" as she placed her ass onto Lenny's crotch. Lenny then stated "Is Kevin home?" Mio then said "He's possibly passed out drunk at the dock while looking at his yacht." Lenny then said "Good, I don't want Kevin to chase me around the neighborhood with a tennis racket if he finds out I'm banging his wife." Mio then said "Oh yes, stick that thing up my ass, you sexy thing and fuck Kevin." When Akeno entered the garage, she entered the Hummer and drove off. While driving, Akeno called Yuzu. When Yuzu answered the phone, Akeno said "Yuzu, I got the whip. I'm coming back." Yuzu then said "Maybe if you bring the vehicle back this time, I can have it on the street before the day is done." Just as Akeno hung up, Kevin, in the backseat, pointed a gun at her and said "That's a nine millimeter semi-automatic pushed against your skull." Akeno said "Come on, man. Aim that thing somewhere else. This is a repo job. Tim was behind on his fucking note." Kevin then said "Unlikely, knowing that my son just bought the car. And seeing the way you're going about this, you're working a credit fraud." Akeno then stated "A credit fraud? Get freaking real, baka, I just work the fucking repos." Kevin then said "I appreciate a kid who follows orders without taking any shit. Maybe one day we'll have a beer, and I'll explain how the world really works. Who gave you the slip?" Akeno then said "The person who gave me the slip is my boss Yuzu Koyama." Kevin then asked "Is this person a legit businesswoman." Akeno then yelped "Look man, it's just between Yuzu and your fucking son." Kevin then said "Don't worry. I'm going to have a little chat with Ms. Koyama." When they were near the dealership, Kevin said "Drive into it. Right through the fucking window and fast. Or I'll put two rounds into your skull, and I'll do it myself." Akeno then said "Man, you can't be real about this." Kevin then stated "Look who's got the gun pointed at their head." Akeno then said "Fuck my life" as she started to drive to ram the dealership. When the car crashed through the window of the dealership, Yuzu ran out of her office and barked "What the fuck are you doing, Akeno?" Akeno then stated "Yuzu, it's not what you think." Kevin then said "I always trump big for a good job, here is 50. Now get out of here, kid, I'm about to take out the Japanese trash called Yuzu." Akeno left the dealership with 50 bucks in her name as Yuzu said "You motherfucking racist" to Kevin. Kevin then said "You want to fight me you pint-sized Jap, you got it. Hit me sweetheart." Both Kevin and Yuzu brawled around the dealership. After a few moments of fighting, Kevin swung the Hummer's door at Yuzu's head as he said "Do you recognize this car? Does it look like it is worth 5 grand a month to you? I'll tell you something, this thing's going to have some dents and blood stains after I hammer your head into it." Yuzu said "He's agreed to the deal, I had his signature." Kevin then said "Is there fine print about having some punk break into my fucking house. Tim might be an asshole, but you are a fraudulent scumbag piece of shit." Kevin landed a final blow on Yuzu, causing her to fall backwards, and then he said "Don't make me come back." Kevin then left the dealership as he said "Flaming bag of shit" non-stop for a whole block. As Kevin stopped saying that, he calls Mashiro. When the call was answered, Mashiro said "Kevin," and Kevin said "Mashiro." Mashiro then asked "To what do I owe you this pleasure?" Kevin then stated "Just want to talk," before Mashiro asked "You're behaving yourself?" Kevin then said "Of course." Mashiro then asked "And how are the kids?" Kevin then said "Great. My wife, too. Mio sends her love. So how's the job?" Mashiro then said "Good, thanks, yeah. My eldest sister, Mashimo Munetani, became my new supervisor. She's on that TV show." Kevin then said "Really? It has got to be fun to have some sibling rivalry on the job." Mashiro then said "Very funny. Well, it was nice to catch up." As Kevin hung up, Akeno was on the phone with Moeka near her place. Moeka said "Say again! How the fuck did we get fired?" Akeno then mentioned "Man, it was partly all that bullshit you pulled, and it's partly that Tim guy's father, I'm assuming Kevin, making me crash the car into the dealership." Moeka then said "You're the crazy-ass motherfucker in this partnership. Fuck man I like that job." Akeno then said "Hey man, shit happens. That's life, baka. Peace out." Later that afternoon, Kevin was setting up a lawn chair near the pool at his mansion with whiskey in his hand while, in the meantime, Mia yelled "You're such a fucking dictator" to Mio in the kitchen. Mio then yelled "Jack is not staying the night! He's a bum! I don't even know why you are with him!" Mia then barked "Jack is not a fucking bum, mom! You just assume if a person has an unshaven beard and shitty looking clothes, he's a bum. That is not the definition of a bum. He came from a rich family." Mio then barked "Yeah, by definition of rich, I mean that Jack is asking people on the street for money just to make a couple of dollars to buy his daily crack." Mia then barked "Fucking hell, mom. This is fucking why I can't fucking have fucking anyone fucking over, you retarded whore." Mio then barked "Don't let me call Kevin to come in and kick your fucking ass for your cursing." Mia then barked "Fuck that piece of shit father. Your Japanese upbringing and your high school crush with Kevin's Canadian upbringing and past crime life is not a good mix for a marriage. Ever since you tied the knot with Kevin in high school, your marriage has been one big flaming bag of shit lie." Mio then yelled "Don't fucking talk about my marriage with Kevin like that. We graduated from high school in 2018 and tied the knot in 2019, you baka. Besides, Kevin has worked his ass for years robbing banks and running whores to make your, Tim and my life better. You ain't grateful about when you were 1, your father gave you a kiss when he came home after he robbed crackhouses or broke people out of jail knowing that he might be killed doing it. I was happy that my husband retired from that shit 9 years ago, but now you just want to tie the noose around his neck and watch him swing." Mia then yelled "I don't give a flaming bag of shit about back in 2020. I was 1, and I loved him back then, but not anymore." Mio then yelled "Welcome to 2029, Mia. The year when you become a total turd." Mia then yelled "For a 28-year-old whore of a mother, you're a bitchy twat that married a 29-year-old thug called Kevin." Mio then yelled "And for my 10-year-old daughter, Mia, you need to shut the fuck up and go to your fucking room." Mia yelled "I fucking hate you" as she marched to her room. In the meantime, Kevin sits down on his chair and puts some earphones on to drown out his family's arguing. Kevin turned on his phone and put on Attero Dominatus. As the song played, "The spring of the year 45. The year when the Nazis will fall. We’re inside the gates of Berlin. The beak of the eagle’s been broken," Akeno arrived in the backyard. As the lyrics were on "March! Fight! Die! In Berlin! March! Fight! Conquer! Berlin!," Kevin noticed that Akeno was there. Kevin said "Oh, hey Akeno. You finally made it." Akeno then said "I'm here for that beer you promised me. Hey, you like Sabaton." Kevin then mentioned "Yeah, Sabaton gives me some peace of mind other than me listening to the family fighting all the time." "You fucking son of a bitch. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. Fucking bimbo wanker nip jap Canadian-born confused desi" was heard from Mia's room. Akeno mentioned "Damn Kevin, is that your daughter?" I'm assuming that she's like 10 or 11, but damn, she sure has got a mouth for someone her age." Kevin then said "Tell me about it, pre-teens are the worst. With all their hormones doing crazy shit. I'm surprised that Mia ain't putting the moves on that Jack guy yet. Let me tell you something, kid. If you ever get married, please don't raise your kids like Mia. You're not going to rob me again?" Akeno then stated "Man, I never robbed you. That was just a repossession." Kevin then said "Okay, you call it whatever you want to call it. I really don't care. What can I do for ya?" Akeno then stated "Shit, I just came by to see if there's something I can help you with. I see you doing well for yourself." Kevin then mentioned "Look, I'm retired." Akeno then said "Ain't you a bit young for the pipe, slippers, and staring at a fucking sunset?" Kevin then said "You know, I've been in this game for a lot of years, and I got out alive. That makes me the right age. You look like a good kid. If you want my advice, you give this shit up. You work hard, screw over everybody that you love, hurt, rob, kill indiscriminately and maybe, just maybe, if you're lucky, you become a three-bit gangster. It's bullshit. Go to college. Then you can rip people off and get paid for it. It's called capitalism." Akeno then stated "Hmm, so what I saw a few hours ago was like you kicking my boss's ass to kingdom come after you forced me to crash into the dealership bullshit." Kevin then mentioned "What you saw a few hours ago was a guy dealing with pests that deal with scams like ripping people off by offering them into car payments that's way too high for them and then letting thugs break into my house and repossesses my son's car?" Akeno then said "I was just doing my job. But I got fired after you forced me to crash the car into the dealership at gunpoint." Kevin then said "I'm sorry that I cost you your job. You know what things are like, thugs broke into my mansion to steal Tim's car, and I taught them a lesson. There's a little bar I like. It's not too far from here. I'll buy you that beer." Akeno then said "Noch ein bier." Kevin then said "Ah, where were you 9 years ago when I needed someone like you. I can't believe that we met only today, but I like you already. Let's take Mio's Mustang." As Kevin and Akeno were heading towards the car, Tim called. When Kevin answered the phone, he said "Hey Tim, I'm going out for a drink with Ake..." but Tim cut him off and said "Dad, shit. I'm on your yacht speeding down Highway 407. It's been stolen." Kevin then said "My yacht has been stolen, you pint-sized piece of shit. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Tim then said "Look, I was trying to sell it. I know you don't want it sold, but I need the money, and they don't want to buy it, they just want to take it. I'm hiding in the washroom in your bedroom." Kevin then stated "You're retarded for a 9-year-old, Tim. I'm coming for my boat." Kevin hung the phone up and said "Change of plans, Akeno. My piece of flaming bag of shit son is in trouble." Kevin and Akeno rushed to the car and started driving to Highway 407. During the drive, Kevin mentioned "Lesson number one. Don't have kids." Akeno then stated "If I ever had kids, I don't think that there would be any parenting problems over who gets boating rights or not. Shit, motherfuckers be lucky to sit in a bathtub." Kevin then said "Tim won't hear the end of my rant after we stopped those motherfucking cunts that stole my yacht." Akeno then said "Man, you mean business." Kevin then stated "No one fuck with my family or my boat." Akeno then said "About earlier. I never meant to repo Tim's car, but shit happens." Kevin then stated "I know that, you're just doing your job. Hey, no hurt feelings. You are a good lady, Akeno, and I just hope that this friendship will grow." Akeno then said "Thank you, Kevin. For a person that I ran into just today, you're a good man." When they got to Dufferin Street and the 407, a semi truck with Kevin's yacht sped eastbound on the highway. Kevin yelled "That's my fucking boat. Hey assholes, stop that fucking truck before I kill every last one of you flaming bag of shit." Kevin then said "Akeno, when I get close to the boat, I want you to be the boarding party on the boat." Akeno mentioned "Falling into the traffic party." Kevin then said "You be fine. I have got a piece in the glove box. I'll cover you." Akeno then said "Man, this is insane, but fuck it, I'll do it." Kevin sped to catch up with the speeding truck. When Kevin got close enough, Akeno, on the hood, jumped onto the boat. But as Akeno got onboard, a Mexican gang member grabbed her throat and tried to toss her overboard. Akeno yelled "I can't breathe, baka" while the Mexican said "Vete a la mierda, puta. Debes morir." Kevin then yelled "Hey Señore flaming bag of shit, let my new friend go." While Akeno and the Mexican were fighting, one of the other Mexicans inadvertently shot at the car's engine. Kevin yelled "This is my wife's car, you pint-sized Mexicans. I don't want to sleep in the dog house tonight." Just then, Akeno got the Mexican off of her and tossed her overboard. Kevin yelled "Watch where you toss the Mexicans, as Mio will kill me if she sees Mexican blood on the car. You got 5 lanes to throw them into." Akeno got into a fight with another Mexican. Kevin yelled "This is 2029, the golden age of piracy died out hundreds of years ago" as he shot the Mexican that was fighting Akeno. Kevin then yelled "Akeno, go find Tim. He's in the washroom in my room." When Akeno found Tim, he said "Dad? Wait! You're the lady from the dealership?" Akeno then stated "Yup. It's a long story, homie. Your father ain't too pleased about this whole trying to sell his yacht behind his back bullshit. Let's get out of here before more Mexicans join this pirate raid." As they got onto the deck, the boom got loose and Tim got snagged in it. Tim yelled "Motherfuck, I don't want to meet my fate kissing the freeway." Kevin then yelled "Hold on, you piece of shit. I will drive under you." As Kevin drove under Tim, Tim dropped into the backseat as he said "Dad." Kevin then barked "Don't dad me you little shit. You better hope she's still seaworthy." Akeno barked "Let me get off this thing." Kevin yelled "Hold on, Akeno." As Kevin drove close to the stern, Akeno belly flopped onto the hood before getting back into the car. Kevin then mentioned "Ouch, that belly flop will sting in the morning. All-a-fucking-board, let's stop this yacht and make the Mexicans walk the plank." Just then, the car's engine started to blow out smoke. Kevin said "Engine, don't. Come on baby." As the truck sped off into the distance, Kevin started banging the steering wheel and yelled "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKK, MY FUCKING BOAT! YOU OWE ME A FUCKING BOAT, TIMMY, YOU PINT-SIZED PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!" Tim then said "Hey, it's just a thing. At least you've still got a son." Akeno then stated "Eh. There's a chop shop on Crestwood Road and Yonge Street. You can drive us there, and we can get the ride fixed." Kevin said "My boat." Tim then said "It's just a thing," but Kevin said "My boat" again. Tim then said "Please stop doing that. Listen, I really fucked up, I'm not going to lie. That was a terrible judgment call, but shit, dad, I nearly died, and all you give a flaming bag of shit about is this fucking boat." Kevin then said "No, it's not that. It's." Tim then cut Kevin off and said "All we do is curse at each other. No wonder that I never get good grades. It's all your fucking fault. I mean, I just wanted to impress you." Kevin then stated "By selling my yacht to the Mexicans to help them in their drug trading." Tim then mentioned "I know it sounds dumb when you put it like that, but all you do is daydream or get angry." Kevin then said "Look, I love you, Timmy, but you're an asshole, and right now, with my yacht being in the hands of some Mexican drug lord right now, that's all I can see. Akeno, would you do me a favor and give the kid a ride home after they've fixed this thing. I want to headbutt the road in peace." Tim then said "Great, leaving me alone with the repo lady with my father headbanging the road" while Akeno said "Okay, Kev, I'll get it done." Tim said "Dad," but Kevin then barked "Shut the fuck up for once in your fucking life before I force you to kiss the fucking freeway, you pint-sized jabroni." Akeno then called a taxi to meet at Active Green and Ross. Kevin thanked Akeno for doing that. Akeno said "We might be able to find the yacht," but Kevin then stated "We ain't going to find it, it's gone. I'll call the insurance company." Akeno asked "You covered for fire and theft, right?" Kevin then mentioned "I'm guessing that they don't get too many piracy claims on the 407. Fuck, I hate making claims." Akeno asked Kevin if he had been yachting lately. Kevin stated that he doesn't do much yachting as Tim just stayed in his room all day, and he didn't have anyone else to go with him, before mentioning that he liked to look at his yacht. Akeno asked Kevin "Looking?" Kevin then stated "I like to go down to the marina, sit on the dock, pour myself a cold beer and look at her. The Sakamoto. It clears my head from watching my boat rocking back and forth, dreaming about happier times for me and Mio Sakamoto. Young love in high school and sweet dreams. But those dreams came crashing down after I fell into the shits of crime when I lost my job at McDonald's after our honeymoon to Japan. I made good money during my year-long crime spree from robbing banks, arenas, airport ATMs and government buildings for myself, Mio, Mia and Tim to live off when I didn't do crime. Even if something went wrong, like if I got killed during a shootout, they would have enough money to go into hiding. I know I broke Mio's heart when I became a thug for the money, but deep in my soul I regret taking that path. Her sad puppy looked after she saw the news about my first score 11 years ago, just soul breaking. Mio's sobbing when I came home after I killed the Montreal mayor out of rage 9 years ago made me more heart broken. After I killed the Montreal mayor, I faked my death in a botched bank robbery to quit that life. Even a botched bank robbery goes wrong when the wrong person gets killed, but my death was finalized in the end. Thea was such a young and gentle soul, but deep inside her, she was a fiery German thug that had an equal vigor at crime like me. I know that I robbed Thea's redemption in that botched bank robbery, but I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't go down that rabbit hole again for Thea. I don't know if her family even knows that she was dead. All that I know is that Thea's parents still think that she was making it big in law school. But even after faking my death 9 years later, it's like one big storm that wrecked the moorings of my marriage and family life with my kids, with fight after fight, police intervention after police intervention and time served in jail after time served in jail, the misery of it all is too much. But deep inside Mio's soul, I know that she loved me. I know that I still love her with every last ounce of my being, sometimes even when I don't show it or my actions that would have gotten my ass divorced. We're still married, but just barely. My final wish is for me to take my last breath as an old man while Mio is holding me tenderly in her arms as she is sobbing her eyes out. I just need to know in my last breath that I am still happily married to her." Akeno clapped her hands and said "Well said, Kevin, well said." When they arrived at the auto shop, Kevin said "Here are a few grand to cover the cost. If it goes over, ask Tim to cough up the rest." Tim then said "Hey," before Kevin mentioned "When you get home, your mother and I are going to have a little chat with you, you pint-sized punk. You did well today, Akeno. What about if I buy you that beer another time?" Akeno said "I would like that, thank you." When Kevin left in the taxi, Akeno, along with Tim, went into the auto shop. Later that evening, the manager stated that the car would be in the shop for a few days, and he ordered a rental car for them. When Akeno left the Active Green and Ross's parking lot in the rental, she told Tim that she was taking him home. Tim said "Your Akeno, right?" Akeno then said "Yeah, Akeno. Or the lady from the dealership, the repo lady, you know what, call me whatever you like." Tim then asked "What's the deal with you and my old man. I saw you at the dealership the other day. Then someone stole my whip. And Pop is all like, he's been down there to talk with y'all." Akeno stated that Kevin did more than just talk, and Tim asked about what he did. Akeno then stated "Your pop cost me my job, and maybe he will help me find another one." Tim then said "Sorry about losing your job, but my dad is retired. His only marketable skills are playing video games, daytime drinking, saying flaming bag of shit all the time and begging my mom for some sexy time in the form of him putting his dick up her ass." Akeno then said "Man, he's really messed up because of what he did in the past. I don't really want to ask what he did. About your sister. When I came to the mansion earlier, I heard her cursing worse than a trucker." Tim then said "Mia has been a bit of a loud mouth prick ever since she saw that person, Jack, a few weeks ago. Her period started way too young for her as a pre-teen. Hey, I need to tell you something about last summer when my mother rented our mansion to some porno guy. I heard some spicy noises from Mia in her room during the evening one time while the guys were there." Akeno then said "Fucking shit Tim. I think that Mia has gotten raped. Damn, I have been raped myself many times before at her age, but I got away due to my judo training. I will tell Kevin about the rape thing." Tim then stated "Hey Akeno, do you want to hang out sometime? I mean you seem like a cool person. We should hit the Burger King or GameStop. Maybe we can hit it off at the local bar, and we could luck out with the ladies." Akeno then said "I would like to do that sometime, but not at the bar. I think that your parents will kill me if I take you drinking." Tim then thanked Akeno before giving her a hug. Akeno thought to herself that she needed to help Kevin out in some way as Tim started to cry in her arms as she pulled onto the driveway of the mansion. Akeno and Tim left the car and Tim said goodbye to Akeno while she went back to her own car and went home. When Akeno was about to enter her condo complex later that evening, she notices Sanya V. Litvyak in the parking lot. She went over to her. Akeno said "What the fuck is wrong with you, Sanya?" Sanya then said "Ain’t anything wrong with me, nigga. Shit!" Akeno then asked "Well your ass doesn't look too good. Where the fuck is Pikachu?" Sanya then said "Might be having some sexy time with some two-cent whore while smoking weed." Akeno then asked "And what about you?" Sanya then stated "Well, you know, I quit weed. You know what I’m saying? Almost." Akeno told Sanya "Whatever you say," but Sanya then said "Pikachu look, Pikachu is going to lose everything. She's going to lose the house, you know what I’m saying? The business, everything and you, her cousin, nigga. You said you were going to help." Akeno then said "She's not my cousin. My crazy ass aunt Ana is fucked up enough, but Pikachu's bullshit is a whole new level of flaming bag of shit." Sanya then said "Hey my sexy homegirl, how you feel about towing cars?" Akeno then mentioned "What the fuck do I know about towing cars?" Sanya then stated "Look, it’s easy. If Pikachu can do it, you can do it, for fuck’s sake. Come on. I will show you. Come on. Shit." Akeno and Sanya entered a car and started driving. While driving, Akeno asked "Alright, shit, where are we going?" Sanya then said "Truck's at Abrams Towing on 124 Lepage Court. We both know you have always been sweet on me, shit, Akeno Misaki." Akeno then said "Shit, your ass must be high or something." Sanya then stated "I told you, I don’t do that shit anymore. I mean, I baby-dose now and again, just for the taste, but I'm doing good, boo, your eyes don’t lie." Akeno then said "Whatever you say, girl. Come on." A few minutes later, they arrived at Abrams Towing. When they entered the truck, dispatch, over the radio, said "Vehicle twenty-nine, come in, this is dispatch. We got a burnt out car near the Victoria's Secret at Vaughan Mills Mall." Sanya answered the radio and said "Yo, we on that like ugly on your momma." The dispatcher then said "10-9, come again. I didn’t catch that." Sanya then said "It's Sanya, you baka, and my homegirl Akeno. We're punching for Pikachu." The dispatcher then said "10-4, Hey Sanya. The car is a shell as it burnt out completely. FD was there and gone. 10-7, I'm out of here." Sanya then said "A burnt out car, this one would be easy." Akeno then mentioned "Shit. Not easy enough for Pikachu to drag her ass out of whatever crackhouse he’s lying in." Sanya then said "her loss, your gain, sugar." Akeno then said "Except I ain’t gaining shit. Sugar." Sanya then said "Move that seat back, and you know I'll make it right for you." Akeno then stated "That ain’t what I’m saying. Damn, Sanya, what the fuck happened to you?" When they got to the mall, Sanya said "Okay, I saw Pikachu do this a hundred times. Back up close, make sure the hook is down, and it should slide right in. Okay, baby, back it up nice and steady." After Akeno had successfully hooked the car onto the truck's flatbed, Sanya said "Okay, we are in, baby. Let’s get this back to the lot." During the drive back, Akeno said "Man, this was not how I saw my day going." Sanya then said "So I ain't seen you around the hood much?" Akeno then stated "I have been trying to branch out, can't stay in the York University Heights area forever." Sanya then stated "Nigga got airs now. I remember you before you were a wannabe, when you just were." Akeno then mentioned "And I remember you and Pikachu before you were all dopeheads. Shit changes." Sanya then stated "You are the one all turfed up. Pikachu smokes, but he ain’t smoking homies. He's out here grinding, towing cars, and paying bills." Akeno then stated "For real? Because I could have sworn it was me out here towing cars for him." Sanya then said "And looking damn fine doing it too, baby." When they got back to the lot, Sanya stated "Okay, we make the drop where they got the areas marked. They get real finicky when we don’t leave it in the right place." After the vehicle releases from the truck, Sanya and Akeno leave the truck and Sanya said "I'll see you on the block. Anything you need, you holler at me." After Kevin got to his mansion that evening, he thought that Mio was training with her Lenny in the backyard. When Kevin was having a glass of whiskey on the front porch, he saw their rackets on the ground. Kevin's anger bubbled as he ran up to their bedroom. In front of the bedroom, Mio, in a bathrobe, told Kevin to go away. Kevin told Mio that he wasn't paying for her tennis sessions just for her to nail Lenny in their own bed before storming into the room. The Lenny was just wearing a speedo as he stated that he thought that Kevin and Mio were having some marriage problems, and he would cop the session. Kevin, still enraged, threatens the coach that he will arrange his own funeral while Mio is holding him back. Kevin barged toward the coach, which caused him to smash through a window and fall off the balcony. As Kevin was running down the stairs, Akeno came into the house and Kevin asked her to help. Mio yelled at Kevin and Akeno not to kill him. They entered a pickup truck belonging to a gardener who was working at his house and chased the coach. They lost sight of the coach when someone was backing up from their driveway, but Kevin knew where he lived. When they arrive at the coach's house, the coach is on the deck and insults Kevin that he thought he and Mio were going through some rough patch in their marriage. Kevin insulted him back, stating that he would come up there to practice his backhand on his face. Kevin told Akeno to use the winch on the pickup to hook onto one of the deck supports. As Akeno was hooking up the winch onto the deck, Kevin told the coach that he hoped that he would like his deck crashing down as he may have caused his marriage to crash down. After Akeno finished hooking the winch up, she and Kevin got back into the pickup. Kevin started to drive as the deck was making noises. Soon after, the whole house came crashing down. With a scream, Kevin drove off. When they were leaving the area, the coach calls and tells him that it's not his house. Kevin was mad about the fact. Then the coach's girlfriend took the phone and told them that a British crime firm called the Neuroi were coming for them. Soon after, gun fire smashed the back window of the pickup. Kevin gives Akeno a gun and orders her to kill the members. Akeno fires the gun as Kevin drives around Thornhill, causing mayhem. After the last member was killed, they went back to Kevin's house. As they exited the pickup at Kevin's house, the Neuroi leader, Trevor Maloney and a couple of Neuroi members drove up in an SUV. Trevor asked them who he was, but Kevin didn't know who he was and Akeno thinks she knew about him. Trevor then asked Akeno to tell Kevin who he was. Akeno stated to Kevin that Trevor was a legitimate businessman who was wrongfully accused of running a British crime firm and a narcotics ring, but the charges would be dropped because the witnesses came up missing. Trevor was pleased with Akeno's answer and then asked Kevin a question. A Neuroi gave Trevor a baseball bat, and he then proceeded to hit Kevin, asking if he had pulled down the house. Kevin then stated that he thought the owner was banging Mio. Trevor stated that it was a strange house for a Lenny and Kevin mentioned that he wasn't thinking clearly. Trevor then stated that the Lenny's girlfriend would stay in a hotel until Kevin could get the money for the rebuild, which is around 2.5 million. Just then, the coach's girlfriend spit at Kevin before the members left. When they left, Akeno helped Kevin get up and asked what was happening. Kevin stated that he had to come out of retirement from his crime life after 9 years, but he only knew one way to make money. Later that night, Kevin made a call and said "Hello, is this still the number for Momo Kawashima?" Momo then said "Who's asking," to which Kevin mentioned "Who's asking, who's asking?" Momo then stated "You're awful cagey even for a dead man, Kevin" as she coughs. Kevin then mentioned "You don't sound good, buddy." Momo then said "Tactful and charming even in death, Kev. Come see me, old friend. I live in Vaughan, just like you. Thornhill." Kevin, in shock, asked "Whoa, how the hell did you, hello?" Kevin knew that Momo had hung up. Kevin said "You fucker" as he went to bed. The next morning, Kevin went over to Momo's house at 1 Twin Pines Crescent. When Kevin got to Momo's house, he knocked at the door and said "Fuck you Momo, are you going to let me in or what" at the security camera and flipping the bird at it. Momo, via the intercom, said "Give me a minute" as she buzzed the door. As Kevin entered the house and the living room, Momo said "I was wondering when you'd show up." Kevin then mentioned "I was dead." and Momo then said "Praise be I guess you weren't very dead. You need my help." Kevin asked Momo about how she knew that he needed help. Momo then said "Because you came here, why else would you?" Kevin stated "I haven't been a good friend to you Momo. I know that." Momo then stated "And you're going to make it up to me by doing whatever I ask. I mean I need something done, you need to know something, so why not help each other?" Kevin stated that he needed some money and Momo asked him if he was back in the game. Kevin said "I guess, look Momo, about what happened before." Momo then said "I know you never mentioned my name, or I'm not on any lists anywhere. I know you never betrayed me. As for you, you have got to figure that I never told anyone. That instead of gently decomposing in Montreal, you're angrily decomposing in Vaughan with a shrink and a wife who doesn't love you anymore." As Kevin was about to say something, Momo cut him off as she got a new alert on her computer. As Momo read the alert, she said "That little leprechaun sack of shit phony fuck." Kevin then asked "Who, Aiden Pearce?" Momo then said "Yes. That fuck is a lying bastard. I've read his fucking emails. He's a fucking cheat." Kevin mentioned "I heard him say that he saved Canada." Momo then said "What, by outsourcing all the jobs?! By selling us little bits of plastic, restricted-access shit? Well, now it's payback time, lying turd." Kevin then asked Momo "The hell are you talking about?" Momo said "You are about to get that white collar gig that you've always dreamed of, Kev" before giving Kevin a backpack. Momo then said "Here, this fashionably retro, 'weird-for-a-29-year-old-man-but-I-cannot-let-go-of-the-1980s' bag, and dress yourself up like a billionaire math genius with low-level Asperger's. You had better be ready for the minor glitch of your repulsive pseudo-messianic life." As Kevin was about to ask Momo something, she said "Get out of here! Call me when you're ready. We're about to put Darwinism back in social Darwinism, and Brother, it's going to be fun." Kevin then said "You fucking kidding me? I'm a bank robber, not a web designer," which Momo stated "So, we'll go robbing soon. I'll find something. Just like the old days" as she uses her inhaler. Kevin left Momo's house and drove to Designer Row in Promenade Mall. During the drive, Kevin got a text from Momo saying "Seeing as you're having some liquidity problems, I wired some money into your account. Should be enough for the getup." When Kevin got to Designer Row, he bought himself a vest and cargo shorts while talking about adapting to a changing job market and the pressure to conform to a younger generation's style in order to remain relevant in the workforce with a store clerk. When Kevin left Designer Row and entered his car, he called Momo and said "I'm all dressed up. Now, you want to run me through this thing?" Momo then said "The prototype phone is somewhere in the Bell Media Headquarters. Find it, and rig it with the IED in your bag." Kevin then asked "They're just going to let me in?" Momo then mentioned "Why wouldn't they, if you look the part? Hang around till someone opens the door and act entitled" before she ended the call and Kevin started to drive to 299 Queen Street West. After a 50-minute drive, Kevin pulled into a parking spot at Bell Media Headquarters and went over to the front door. After a few minutes, Waltrud Krupinski came out for a break. Waltrud told Kevin "Aiden is pushing for more functionality, but we are maxed. I mean, if anything, we have to strip out features, especially if we're planning on releasing a fully priced update a year later." Kevin then said "Yeah, well, you know, you have to do what you have to do. You know?" Waltrud then said "I mean, we're talking beta in Q4, maybe Q3. Look, milestones are one thing, but when design is changing its mind seemingly overnight, there's not much you can do about it. You know what I'm saying?" Kevin then stated "Look, my Union-allocated circle jerking is about up." Waltrud then said "Wait a minute, do I know you?" Kevin then mentioned "Yeah, I think so." Waltrud said "IT temp, right? You know, you have to do something for me." Kevin and Waltrud went into the building and walked over to her work station. While walking there, Waltrud mentioned "I'm turning consultant when we release - consulting consulters." Waltrud leads Kevin to her computer on the second floor, which is riddled with pop-up ads. Waltrud then stated "Here you go. If you guys let me use the OS I requested, this wouldn't be a problem" while Kevin sat down in her chair and started to close the pop-ups to start the antivirus program. While Kevin was doing this, he mentioned "Wow, Windows XP. For a nearly 30-year-old piece of software, I'm shocked that a company like Bell Media is still using stuff like this. The last time I used XP, it was my grandpa's computer and that was at least the late 2000s." Waltrud then said "I know, it's 2029 and businesses are still using computers from a bygone era. Maybe if Aiden wasn't such a greedy cow of a CEO, we should all have Windows 12 by now." Kevin then stated "I know Aiden's type. A self-centered and power-hungry dumbass that only thinks about making the green stuff and fuck the little guys like you, Waltrud. Good lord, what the fuck kind of sites do you go on to get these kinds of pop-up ads, This is utterly not safe for work when you're looking for some sexy time with a Japanese school girl in high school." Waltrud said "I know that, but I just needed one on one time with a cute Japanese school girl." Kevin then stated "If you want one on one time with someone in that line but not being a minor, just go to a bar. What, you didn't have the guts to go up to a Japanese student during your high school stint, Waltrud? That's how I met my wife of 11 years, who I met even before high school." Waltrud then said "Lucky." When Kevin had finally cleared the pop-ups and started the antivirus, he stated "That should do it. Why don't you try and keep things strictly safe for work from now on?" As Kevin got up, Waltrud approached him while playing an air guitar and said "Hey, have you seen the prototype in Pearce's office? When he unveils it at the keynote, brains will blow up." Kevin then said "Yes, they are" as he made his way to the office. When Kevin entered the office, there was a briefcase on Aiden's desk. Kevin then went over the briefcase and opened it before getting the IED from his backpack and placing it inside the prototype. Kevin then closed the briefcase before leaving it on the desk, and he left the building. When Kevin left the building and entered his car, he called Momo back and stated "Momo? The thing's in the prototype. I'm heading home to watch the keynote." But Kevin just heard engines roaring, tires screeching, crunching metal and screams in the background and Momo saying "That's what I like to call a fucked up crash." Kevin then said "Momo, did you hear me? Are you watching Fast and Furious 11?" Momo then stated "Yeah, yeah, sorry, the phone is rigged. What's your problem with Fast and Furious?" Kevin then said "Fast and Furious ain't the same after Paul Walker's death. Besides, you know that I'm a video game guy. Classic Rockstar Games." Momo mentioned "That era of Rockstar Games ended 25 years ago. Now, it's just remakes of older games from that bygone era and fewer new ideas for games." Kevin then stated "Hey, I still think that Rockstar Games could come back. There's nothing better than a 100-hour playthrough where the protagonist looks sexy and kicks ass to the antagonist." Momo then told Kevin "Whatever you say, enjoy yesterday. Anyway, just call the prototype after Aiden unveils it, and then we'll talk." After an hour driving home, Kevin arrived home and went to the living room, but Mia was there, and she was watching Canada's Got Talent. Kevin told Mia "Move that sexy ass out of here," but she then stated "No, I was here first, you jerk chicken of a father, Kev." Kevin then stated "Tough fucking tits of a boo-fucking-hoo daughter, Mia. Give me that remote." Kevin then wrestled the remote out of Mia's hands. When Kevin got the remote from Mia, she yelled "My fucking tits, you boo-fucking-hoo of a jerk chicken father" as she marched to her room. When Kevin then turned the channel to Global News, Aiden, on TV, was coming onto the stage at Sobeys Stadium. During Aiden's speech, he stated that Bell Media had made huge progress since his own humble beginnings in Belfast. Aiden then stated that the world was about to see a new phase that would rule the world. Aiden also mentioned that he stole over 5 billion people's private data and sold it onto the dark web. Aiden stated that his workforce is the largest and youngest in the world with 2.5 million workers and has an average age of 15 years. Aiden then showed the prototype, the Bell Media Mobile Device. Kevin called the prototype, which Aiden answered. As Aiden put the prototype to his ear, it blew up, killing him. As the broadcast cuts off, Kevin says "There's your brains blowing up, Waltrud." Later that afternoon, Kevin went back to see Momo. When Kevin got to a warehouse on Alness Street, he asked Momo what this place was. Momo stated that the warehouse was a dog food supplier so she could have a job that did not require her to do anything apart from pay taxes. When they went into Momo's office, Kevin asked her what she had got. Momo told Kevin about the holy grail, the National Bank near Union Station. Momo then stated that it hadn't been hit yet. Kevin mentioned that he owes some British hood a couple of million dollars because he wrecked his house and stated that he didn't need to go overkill on the score. Momo asked Kevin which British hood, and he said it was Trevor. Momo then stated that Trevor was not supposed to be very nice. Kevin then stated that when he met Trevor, he was charming. Kevin asked Momo about what she thought they should do now. Momo then mentioned that either they hit a bank in the sticks or a store. Kevin stated that stores would be easier, but mentioned that he needed a big take. Momo then said "Well gems, it is then. Let's go to ELLIT Gold Jewellery to buy ourselves an engagement ring." Kevin stated that they needed a crew and mentioned rounding up some of the old guys. Momo then said "There are no old guys. Moses ironically found Jesus. Many of the members of Queen left when Freddie Mercury died. Every last survivor of the Titanic is dead. There was a Japanese lady making moves in Fenelon Falls, but she went quiet." They then walked out of Momo's office and went to Kevin's car. Just as they entered the car, Kevin told Momo that they still needed a crew, and he then asked her if she had any contacts in the Greater Toronto Area or not. Momo then said "I've been working with someone, but they're too unpredictable. I'll have to reach out to some other guys." When Kevin started to drive to the jewelry store, Momo stated that it was on Bathurst Street and Steeles Avenue West. During the drive, Momo asked Kevin by saying "Your Blue Mermaids buddies, do they know that you're back in business?" Kevin then asked Momo what she was talking about. Momo said "I checked your information on the Blue Mermaids' database, Kevin Stewart. It doesn't look like any witness protection program that I'm aware of, but for starters, they don't put witnesses up in multi-million dollar mansions in Vaughan." Kevin then stated that the Blue Mermaids thought it would be the best cover for him, but Momo then said "And most witnesses don't transfer five-figure sums into a particular Blue Mermaids agent's bank account every month. Of course, the money gets moved around and washed through a number of fronts, but the trail is there. Deposits and withdrawals the same sum every month to this one agent called Mashiro Munetani. A Japanese female, in her mid 30s, had just been widowed, with an unremarkable career except for one incident, the shooting of a notorious stick-up man, Kevin Zack." Kevin then said "Wow Momo, I'm shocked that you know my past about me faking my death and the details of me being under witness protection while using the alias of Kevin Stewart. I don't remember ever telling you my real name of Kevin Zack when we first met 11 years ago." Momo then said "I'm pretty sure that you told me your name when you were wasted after we pulled off that robbery at the Bell Centre." Kevin then mentioned "Well, I don't really know how to shut up when I'm chucking down beers like Stone Cold. Hey, what about if I buy you a sake after we pull off this score?" Momo then said "I would like that, Kevin. Can you please wear these glasses?" Kevin then asked "I already got glasses, Momo." Momo then stated "These glasses are fitted with a camera and a radio relay. I'm going to run this show from the car while you are in the store getting what we need." When they got there, Kevin exited the car and went over to the store. While Kevin was walking toward the store, Momo, via an earpiece, stated that she needed pictures of the cameras, alarm and vents. When Kevin got to the store, a guard opened the door for him. With the glasses, Kevin took a picture of the cameras, alarm and vents in one shot. Momo then told Kevin to talk with the assistant to see if there was anything else they needed to know. Kevin then walked up to a woman behind the counter and asked about getting something for Mio for around 10 grand. The assistant stated that their rings started from 8 and their pendants from 12. Kevin then asked the assistant if the jewelry was built to last or was it just for show. The assistant stated that they used perfect clarity jewels such as 18-karat gold and 950 platinum. Kevin then stated to the assistant that she might have a sale before he mentioned going to look around some more. Momo told Kevin to go back to the car. On the way back to the car, Momo stated that she needed to see where the ventilation comes out on the roof. When Kevin got back into the car, Momo asked him to drive around the back to find a way up to the roof. As they got behind the building, Momo said "It seems like one of the businesses is doing some roof work. Take that ladder up to the roof." Kevin then said "Looks like it is lunchtime. Just hoping I don't run into any rogue workers on break." As Kevin left the car and made his way up to the roof, he asked Momo if she kept up with the old crew. Momo stated that after Kevin's death slash disappearance, there wasn't much holding them together. Kevin then asked Momo if she had seen Yoshika after the incident. Momo stated that she kept tabs on Yoshika for a while afterward the incident to see if Yoshika didn't blame her. Kevin then asked Momo where Yoshika went to afterward. Momo then stated that the last thing she heard about Yoshika's last known whereabouts was in Fenelon Falls, where there are gas stations to rob and cats to be rag dolled by their tails. Kevin then stated "Is Yoshika really that close? Fenelon Falls is an hour and a half from Vaughan. I thought that she would've stowed away on a plane back to Japan by now and lived the rest of her days on Mount Fuji and lived off by eating goats and tourists after the Montreal shit show. I'm just hoping that she won't find out that I didn't really fake my death, but I'm also hoping that she is dead by now." When Kevin got to the venting system over the jewelry store, Momo told him to get somewhere higher to take a picture of it. Kevin climbed onto a neighboring venting system and took a picture of the jewelry store's system. Momo then stated that Kevin needed to get down before the workers got back from lunch. When Kevin got back to the car, he gave back the glasses to Momo. Momo then told Kevin to drive back to the warehouse as she had already called someone there to start setting up the information. During the drive back to the warehouse, Kevin asked Momo about what she had seen. Momo stated that she had seen nothing that would cause undue complications. Kevin then said "It looked like a simple setup. Cameras broadcast to a remote server so we might be able to wipe them remotely. The guard at the door, she doesn't want to die because of rich assholes to rub her nose in it." Momo then stated "The alarm system is linked to the door lock, and we'll get a good window if someone talented hacks into it. The most valuable items are in the cabinets in the middle of the store. I'd start there. The glass in the cabinets wasn't bulletproof, which means you can smash them easily enough. The downside is the stones will be locked up in the safe at night." Kevin asked Momo if we should hit the store when it opened, to which Momo said yes. Momo then stated that once they melted the gold and re-cut the rocks, they would make a pretty good haul. Kevin then said "It's a shame that we can't go in after hours, man. Those vents look promising." Momo then stated that she would be able to flip the vents in another way. Kevin told Momo that he was listening, but she told him to wait until they got back. Kevin then stated "There is this kid who's been helping me. Maybe we should cut her in." Momo mentioned "I don't work with amateurs." Kevin then mentioned "Akeno ain't an amateur or, if she is, she's a gifted amateur about to turn pro." Momo then said "You know what they say it's your funeral, one of them at least." When they got back to the warehouse, they left the car and head to Momo's office. As they make their way into the warehouse, a worker gives Momo the pictures that Kevin took. Momo mentioned that the workers have their uses before saying that she was going to plan out. Kevin mentioned that the methods haven't changed. Momo then said "Well, we got to figure out what we're doing somehow. All the crews, rolls and prep work. Don't leave evidence on a hard drive, so yes, the methods don't change. Mapping out the options and showing you all the angles. That's my area of professional expertise, but making decisions is your domain, my friend. Here. There are two ways I see of doing this. We go in smart, or we go in loud and dumb. Remember the vents? If we're going for the smart way, we pump a little knockout gas through the air system, then hit the cabinets while everyone's out. You'll have to source the gas of course, but crowd control won't slow you down and that might improve the take. The cover is pest control, so no one would think twice when you're wearing gas masks. That means getting a pest control van. If you go in the dumb way, you'll need your famous way with people and four M4 carbines. We can't buy them and risk them getting tracked. We need to find some in circulation. This is the gun favored by the Toronto Emergency Task Force, so one of their vehicles is probably a good place to look. A hacker can disable the cameras. The length of time depends on their ability. The alarm will be operating at the same window. The exit strategy is more or less the same for both options. The driver you pick will source some bikes. You come out of the store and make your way to Finch Station. You lose the police in there and meet a truck near Eglinton Station." Kevin stated that he wanted Akeno on the getaway. Momo mentioned if Kevin wanted Akeno to do that, she would take the risk. Kevin chose the loud and dumb way, Charlotte E. Yeager as the driver, Gertrud Barkhorn as the gun woman and Kouko Nosa as the hacker. Momo then said "Okay, I'll look into how you can find an Emergency Task Force vehicle and get their weapons, and I'll be in touch. You'll need to pitch it to the guys." Kevin said "My reputation doesn't count for shit anymore?" Momo then said "You're a dead man, Kevin. I'll call you." Kevin then left the warehouse and went home. Later that evening, Akeno was just about to enter her condo building when she saw Ana and her friend coming out of the lobby for their daily spirit walks. Akeno ran and hid beside her car until they passed. When they had passed, Akeno then unhid herself and walked into the lobby as she said "Crazy ass aunt." Just as Akeno was entering the lobby, Moeka, along with her German Shepherd Duke, asked Akeno if that was her aunt. Akeno stated that she didn't miss Ana's ass and mentioned that they were spirit walking again. Moeka then stated to Akeno not to talk shit about Ana, as she mentioned that she was cool as a motherfucker before asking Akeno to come with her. Akeno then asked Moeka about the reason. Moeka stated that she needed to pick some shit up and mentioned walking and talking at the same time. Akeno said "Why the fuck can't we drive?" Moeka then said "Around the block with Duke, you need to walk with your fat ass." Akeno then said "Okay you tall lanky son of a bitch." Moeka stated that she didn't have all day. Akeno asked Moeka about what she was up to. Moeka stated that she was planning to kidnap Miko Nakadai from the New World Order gang. Akeno then said "I told you no more gang banging retro vengeance bullshit. I'm trying to make some fucking paper." Moeka then stated that Akeno would make money and nobody out there gang banging, but it looked like that. Akeno then said "My aunt will be very happy, she wants me dead anyway so she can get my fucking condo." Moeka then told Akeno that she was driving when they got to her van. Moeka stated that they needed to go to the KFC on Yonge Street near Steeles Avenue. During the drive, Akeno stated that she liked Duke as they have a lot in common, like Moeka's annoying ass. Moeka then stated that she was carrying both Akeno and Duke's asses before mentioning what she had set up. Akeno then said "Man fuck this, have you seen Machiko?" Moeka stated that Machiko was straight before mentioning that she and Akeno ain't straight. Akeno said "I just recently met this contact, this dude, Kevin. He is a serious dude. He knows the streets. I know he'll be a good hook-up." Moeka then said "We don't need any hook-up, fool. I know these streets." Akeno then said "You know these streets, man, all you know is dimebag hustling, credit card stealing and boosting gas tankers come on man. Are you trying to be some fucking commodity trader or something, fool?" Moeka then said "That shit went up man." Akeno then stated "Look baka, I don't mind dying you feel me, but I just want to die for something that matters, fool. That's what foreign gangsters should really be about." Moeka stated "I know this much, the motherfucking og's ain't even giving a fuck about us though." Akeno then said "Man fuck the og's then, you know what I'm saying. This ain't no motherfucking pyramid scheme." Moeka then said "Wait, hold on and listen to your girl one time. You want some paper, my baka. This is what it's about. Check it out. I'm talking about 55000. No problem, cash in hand, two days' time, no killing, no nothing." Akeno mentioned "No just starting another beef with the fucking NWO, baka. That's Class A felony bullshit." Moeka then mentioned "We are going to keep our disguise on. Nobody has got to know it was us." Akeno then said "Whatever, we'll see about that." Akeno then mentioned "I know that you drive that Ford Crown Victoria, Moeka, but why am I driving your death trap of a Ford E350. This thing is struggling on the incline." Moeka then stated "I don't care about my van. I can get guns, dogs, snatch up bakas. You name them, there in the back of this motherfucking van." Akeno then said "Glad to see you got your priorities straight." Soon after, they arrived at the KFC and found Miko on her Harley-Davidson talking with a hooker. While Miko and the hooker were talking about using meth this and sexy time there, Moeka told Miko that there is no fun when the gangsters can't have fun. Miko then tells Moeka to fuck off as she ain't sharing anything with a little bitch like Moeka. Miko and the hooker start a cursing match with each other before Miko then says "Ain't there a law against you Marquez gangsta's insignia mask wearing motherfuckers?" Moeka then pulled out her gun and said "What's up now, baka are you snitching or something." Miko then yelled "Oh shit" as she roared past Akeno and Moeka on her bike. Akeno and Moeka then run back to the van and start chasing Miko. During the chase, Akeno mentioned that Miko was on a bike and stated that they weren't going to catch her. Moeka yelped at Akeno to just keep driving. Moeka then mentioned the hooker back there with Miko and stated that she was going to be all over her. Akeno asked Moeka to flock her mind this the chase and mentioned that she was worse than Duke. Moeka told Akeno to step on the pedal to the metal, but Akeno tells Moeka to shut up as she stated that she knew what she was doing. Akeno then stated that next time they would be chasing someone in a car. Akeno mentioned if she was catching Miko, she was catching her right. Akeno mentioned the jabronis in the hood. Moeka then mentioned that those jabronis were bakas. Akeno stated to Moeka that both of them ain't bakas and then mentioned that the police were on their phones as soon as they made the ransom call and ghetto birds and cameras would be everywhere. As they were near Wilson Station, Miko wiped out after being hit by a TTC bus, but Miko was okay and started to run on foot. Moeka told Akeno to take Duke and chase after Miko. During the foot chase, Akeno warns Miko about needing to stop to avoid getting a rabies shot. As soon as Akeno and Duke entered the station, they lost Miko. Akeno ordered Duke to sniff out that baka. A few minutes later, Akeno found Duke humping on another dog. Akeno ordered Duke to stop fucking with the dog. As Akeno pulled Duke off the other dog, she stated that she didn't want to take care of her little bastards. After a few more minutes of Duke sniffing, she found Miko. Akeno then asked Miko if she was scared of dogs. Miko then shrieked as Duke was biting her breast after a short chase. Akeno grabbed Duke off Miko before she then grabbed Miko and led her back to Moeka's van. While Akeno was pulling Miko, she stated that she didn't have any beef with them. Akeno then stated that she might be doing her own thing. When they got to the van, Miko asked Moeka if they had met before. Moeka just stated that they needed to get into the van. Miko stated that Akeno needed to get Duke away from her as Akeno floored it. Akeno then stated to Moeka if she didn't train Duke, she would become a lost cause like her. Moeka mentioned that she would keep Miko at her place. Miko then mentioned Moeka's crib and stated the last time she was there, Moeka was in diapers. Moeka told Miko to shut up and stated that she didn't recognize her. Miko stated that she knew it was Moeka before she took off her flag, before Miko stated that Moeka had always been a baka. Moeka then stated that she would shoot Miko's ass after getting her 55 grand. Miko then stated that Moeka ain't getting anything as the feds were going to be on her, but Moeka asked Miko to shut up again as she was calling someone. Over the phone, Moeka stated that she got Miko and asked for $55000, or she was going to be the undertaker's problem in two days. Akeno then barked at Moeka as she was saying "What the fuck you undone? You just give them our location, and now we need to let this motherfucker out of here." Akeno then stopped the van, told Miko to get out of here and tossed Moeka's phone out the window. Miko then stated that she would see them again later as she left the van. Moeka then told Akeno to drive to the Dufferin Clark Community Centre. When they got to the community centre, Akeno stated that the NWO would be Moeka's ass. Moeka then stated that the police would be on Akeno's ass too. As Moeka took Duke out of the back, she said peace out to Akeno as she walked into the community centre. The next afternoon, Kevin was at home playing a video game in the living room. Just as Kevin was about to win a race, Tim, in his room, was watching a movie while talking to one of his friends over the phone about the friend not having any boobs. Kevin turned up the volume of his video game, but Tim then started talking louder as he was now talking about sucking cocks. Kevin then had enough, as he stopped playing his game and marched to Tim's room. When Kevin got to Tim's room, he asked what he was doing. Tim stated that he was doing nothing, but Kevin mentioned that he could hear no boobs here and sucking cocks there. Tim then told Kevin to go away and watch his linear entertainment or porn. Just then, Kevin grabbed a chair and smashed it at the TV as he said "Fuck you, you're such a fucking disrespectful fucking son, Tim." Tim barked at Kevin about his TV being busted. Kevin then barked back, stating that his 9-year-old son, Tim, was too young to be talking about these things. Tim then stated that Mio was right about that Kevin couldn't help himself before he called Kevin an asshole father. Kevin told Tim to do something other than stand there like hitting him. Tim then asked Kevin if he wanted to get hit by his own son. Kevin then stated that he didn't want to get hit by his son before he told Tim to do something other than sit in his bed and talk about sexy time to his friends. Tim, still pissed off, said thanks to Kevin for his guidance as he was walking away. Kevin then told Tim that he was trying to help. Tim then stated that nothing says that I love you more than smashing his TV. Kevin said that he was sorry before he stated that he wished that they could do things together. Tim then asked Kevin about what things. Kevin mentioned playing ball, but Tim stated that he got bad glands. Kevin then mentioned going on a bike ride. Tim, still kind of mad, takes Kevin's offer. Tim mentioned a bike ride to Cherry Beach as he needed to show Kevin something there before mentioning his day was doing so well until his TV got wrecked. During the ride in Kevin's car, Tim stated if he was hanging out with him, he was listening to his music and changed the radio. Kevin then changed the radio back as he said nice try. Tim then said to Kevin that he was an old man despot. The two of them didn't talk the whole way to a bike rental shop near The Westin Harbour Castle. When Kevin parked nearby, Tim mentioned to Kevin not to shoot the bike rental guy out of habit. After they got their bikes, Tim stated that if he won the race, Kevin would buy him a new TV. Kevin then stated that if Tim would lose, he needed to do something with his life. During the race, Kevin stated that he was being hypnotized by Tim's fat flapping. Tim then stated that he couldn't wait to show Kevin something. Kevin asked Tim if he had been in the ocean because he was sweating like crazy. Kevin then stated that he played GTA and Tim played with himself. Kevin got to Cherry Beach first as Tim was just behind him. Kevin mentioned to Tim that he needed to buy his own TV. Tim stated that it was nice bonding and Kevin mentioned that he was trying, and he asked Tim if they were having fun. Tim then stated that Kevin didn't know fun if it sat on his face. Kevin then said come on, but Tim stated to him why he had to hold his hand during his early midlife crisis bullshit. Tim then asked Kevin why he didn't stick his nose into Mia's ass sometimes. Kevin stated that Mia didn't buy a car that she couldn't afford, so thugs could break into the house to repo it. Kevin also mentioned that Mia doesn't get herself kidnapped or destroy his yacht. Tim then stated that Mia was too busy getting fucked by guys to get herself on TV. Kevin then yelled "You don't talk about your sister like that, Tim." Tim mentioned that, according to Mia's Facebook account, she was hanging out with producers and porno guys that afternoon. Kevin asked Tim what he was talking about. Tim then pointed to a yacht just offshore in Lake Ontario that made Kevin's yacht look like a refugee raft. Tim then stated that the kind of boat where Mia, an 10-year-old girl, would drop her pants and spread her legs. Just then, Kevin was just wearing his underwear and told Tim about the bike ride was the reason why he had brought him there. Kevin then barked "Fuck you my son" before he jumped into the lake while Tim asked him to stop. After a few minutes of swimming, Kevin climbed onto the yacht to see Mia dancing on a table with producers and porno guys watching her. Kevin went over to them, and he tossed the radio overboard. Mia was shocked at Kevin as he ordered her to go. Mia stated to Kevin that he was embarrassing her while one of the porno guys backed her up. Kevin stated that they were filming child porn. Mia then stated that they filmed child porn all over the Greater Toronto Area and mentioned that Mio rented Kevin's mansion to them last summer. Kevin then stated that he was going to talk with his wife about renting his house last summer. Kevin then barked even louder at Mia to go as he grabbed her arm. Another one of the porno guys got up from his seat to stop Kevin, but he grabbed the porno guy by his throat and tossed him overboard. Mia then stated that she liked that guy and called Kevin a jerk. As Kevin ordered Mia onto a jet ski, Mia then called Kevin a dumbass as she stated that those guys were serious. Kevin then stated that he was serious as well. Just then, Kevin heard the yacht owner rambling curses on the upper deck. As Kevin and Mia sped off on the jet ski, the owner yelled "I'm going to skin you alive" as her and one of her goons get on their jet skis and chase them. Mia made fearful shrieks as the owner and goon were shooting at them. Kevin asked Mia about whom these guys were. Mia stated that they were teeny people, celebs and drug dealers. Kevin then asked Mia about when TV people and drug dealers started hanging out. Mia then stated that it was Toronto. When Kevin thought he had lost them, he drove the jet ski back to Cherry Beach. Mia then barked at Kevin that she wasn't fine, but Kevin stated that they made it out of there alive and mentioned that those psychos didn't kill her. Mia then barked at Kevin again, saying that he was the only one she knew that would get her chased out of a party with guns. Kevin then stated that Mia was at the wrong porno party. When Kevin beached the jet ski, Mia ran over to Tim, calling him a rat and a fucking asshole. Tim then stated that Kevin was a fucking asshole as he told her that he smashed his TV and took him to the beach with his bad skin. Mia asked Tim why he sent Kevin to fuck up her day too. Tim stated that he didn't know that Kevin would get Mia as he told him where she was. Tim mentioned that Kevin got one of those crazy looks when he told him about that. Mia then stated that she was getting a taxi and Tim said that he was tagging along with her. Kevin then stated that he could just drive them home, but Mia stated that he had ruined her life. Kevin was very flustered as he yelled "Fuck this motherfucking bullshit. I hope that you two have a shitty cab ride, you fucking cunts" as he watched both Mia and Tim flipping the bird at him while walking off. After Kevin gets dressed again, Momo calls him and tells him that they need M4 carbines for the upcoming jewelry store heist. Momo told Kevin that there was an Emergency Task Force Suburban with M4 carbines that was parked at the Toronto Police headquarters. Kevin then took the subway from Union Station to College Station and then walked the rest of the way there. When Kevin got there, the Suburban was surrounded by a half dozen Emergency Task Force officers. Kevin then got out his gun and shot and killed all the officers. Kevin then got into the Suburban and drove away as a half dozen police cruisers came storming down College Street. Kevin decided to play Bad Boys on the Suburban's megaphone. A bum yelled "What the fuck is going on" while a construction worker yelled "More trauma before your momma" and a crackhead yelled "Robot manjuice" as Kevin sped past them blasting the Cops theme. Even when Kevin sped past Queen's Park, Doug Ford yelled "Aw shit, here we go again." Kevin then got an idea of fucking about with the police computer to see if he could make the police stop chasing him. After a few minutes of driving while fucking about on the computer, he managed to make a false bomb threat at the CN Tower that needed all available units. The half dozen police cruisers that were following Kevin were now backing off. Kevin then drove to Momo's warehouse. When Kevin got there, Momo told him that she had called the crew and the heist was tomorrow morning. The next morning, Kevin, Akeno, Charlotte, Kouko and Gertrud arrive at Momo's warehouse. Kevin thanked everyone for being a part of his little operation and then stated that they were all professionals and knew the score. Kevin then stated that they're going to execute the plan quickly and coolly. Kevin mentioned that if anyone got pinched, this meeting never happened and they didn't know each other. Momo then put her two cents in by stating that she and Kevin had looked at the plans very carefully before mentioning that it would be more complicated, but given the location, the weakness of staffing and the exit points, she believed that a more simple plan would work best. Kevin said that Kouko was going to hack into the system to disable security, and they could walk right through the front door. Kevin then stated that a security guard would be on the right as they went in, and he ordered the guard to be neutralized. Kevin then stated that he wanted extreme pressure applied to the staff and the customers to be calmly subdued. Kevin then stated that he wanted Gertrud to be on crowd control while he and Charlotte would empty out the merchandise within a 90-second timeframe. Kevin also stated that Akeno would handle the getaway while he said that he would leave on foot before he asked if everyone had got any questions. Momo then said good luck to everyone while Kevin stated that he wanted to get this show on the road. Kevin ordered Kouko to drive the truck with the dirt bikes while everyone else needed to come with him. Kevin then ordered Charlotte and Gertrud to sit in the back of the van while Akeno was driving, and he was in the passenger seat. The four of them entered the van and Akeno started to drive to ELLIT Gold Jewellery. On the drive there, Kevin stated that the four of them in this van were going to become accomplices in a major crime before mentioning that he needed to trust them with his life, liberty and reputation and vice versa. Kevin then mentioned that a crew only works when there is trust and then stated that for the interest of fostering that type of relationship in the time they have got, he was going to introduce himself. Kevin told them that he had done this kind of gig many times before and made enough money not to do it. Kevin then said that he knows a lot of people, so if anyone yaps about the crew they would get dealt with before letting Akeno talk about herself. Akeno stated that she was new to these planned-out detailed robberies, but mentioned small-time gigs like liquor stores, warehouses and boosting cars. Akeno then stated that when she met Kevin, he turned her on this kind of thing. Kevin asked who was next. Gertrud mentioned that she was from Wilhelmshaven and then stated that she used to bang as a pilot for the German Air Force at the age of 18 in 2019, but she was honorably discharged in 2024 for her service to her country. Gertrud also mentioned that she was 5 when she learned how to pull a trigger from her father, but when she was 11 she needed her gun skills to make some bread after her family fell into a rough patch. Kevin then introduced Charlotte as the person that would help him to clean out the cabinets, and she already got getaway vehicles in the form of dirt bikes. Kevin then mentioned that the only thing the crew needed to know about Charlotte was that she was good at her role. Soon after, the crew pulled up to the store. Kevin ordered Akeno to get the dirt bikes before banging on the side of the van and saying to Charlotte and Gertrud if they're ready. Charlotte and Gertrud exited the van and Kevin, along with the two of them, kicked down the front door. The staff and customers screamed in fear as Kevin was barking orders that he wouldn't want to ruin the work that their plastic surgeons had done before yelling to get on the floor. As the crowd got onto the floor, Kevin and Charlotte started smashing the cabinets with the butts of their M4 carbines. Kouko, over the headset, stated that she had been able to give them a minute and a half before the alarm would reset itself. Kevin then mentioned that this is why he pays for members like Kouko. Just as Kevin was mentioning the window to strip the joint, the manager walked out of the backroom. Gertrud then barked at the manager to get down. The manager shrieked at Gertrud not to kill her as she got onto the ground. Kevin praised Gertrud for her toughness, and then he wished that he would've known her years ago as she would have been a good member to have in his past gigs. Charlotte stated that her sister would love the gems in the store as Kouko stated that there was a minute left. With 50 seconds left, they had already reached their goal of 3 million dollars, but Kevin stated that he wanted to see how high they could get. With 30 seconds left in the time frame, they had cleared everything up with 5 million dollars worth of gems, and they left the store, but a parking enforcement officer was harassing Akeno about moving the bikes. Kevin, from behind, gave the officer a choke hold and tossed him to the ground like a rag doll before he said "Don't be a freaking hero, buddy. Go home to your wife and kids chump." As the alarm started blaring, Kevin gave Akeno a duffle bag and then asked her to meet him at St. Louis Bar and Grill near Eglinton Station before he left on foot. Akeno, Charlotte and Gertrud stormed away on their bikes from the store as the York Regional Police entered the plaza. Charlotte barked out directions as the police were trying to box them in with their cruisers. After a 15-minute chase on the streets, Charlotte ordered Akeno and Gertrud to go into Finch Station to try to ditch the law in the subway tunnel. As they rode their bikes into the station, many transit goers yelled what the fuck was going on when the three of them roared past them. Even transit officers at the station were no match as they couldn't keep up with them while they were rambling curses. As they rode onto the tracks, they all thought that they were free, but 10 minutes into their tunnel ride, Kouko, over the headset, stated that the police knew where they were coming out of the tunnel. As they stormed out of the tunnel after Eglinton Station, a ton of Toronto police officers were there. As Akeno, Charlotte and Gertrud got back onto the street, Kevin, along with Kouko, was driving a delivery truck and was starting to ram the police cruisers. During Kevin's police cruiser ramming rampage, Kouko stated that she would've gotten out of the truck beforehand. After another 5 minute chase, Kouko stated that there were no police in the area. Kevin then stated that they had a window and should go to St. Louis Bar and Grill to get the bikes onto the truck. A few minutes later, they arrived at an alleyway next to the restaurant, and Akeno, Charlotte and Gertrud drove into the back of the truck. As the trio were in the truck, Kevin stated that Momo was waiting in the lockup. During the drive to the lockup, Akeno stated that she thought she was going to be stuck to her bike. Kevin then stated that he thought that Akeno was going to be stuck under a police car. Akeno then asked Kevin if there were more police around as she couldn't believe they had pulled that off. Kevin then stated that they just did before he and Akeno fist bumped each other. When they arrived at Momo's house later that afternoon, Kevin stated that they needed to split up. Momo then stated that she would wire their cut when the gems were sold. Akeno then mentioned that it was crazy and asked what now. Momo then stated that they needed to stay low. Kevin then told Akeno that she was a good kid. While Kouko, Charlotte and Gertrud were leaving, Kevin stated to Akeno that he and Momo had to do some things but mentioned to her to come to his house later to celebrate.

Later that evening, Kevin arrives home as Mio is about to go out when Kevin says "Oh there you are. I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever. You want to have some dinner later." Mio then said "I'd love to, but you know yoga waits for no one another time." Kevin then went into the living room and poured himself a whiskey as Akeno came in. Kevin said "Ho, hey. There you are," as Akeno asked "What's happening?" Kevin then said "So, are we all good?" Akeno then stated "Hell yeah, we are all good. We did it." Kevin said "Yeah, you fucking A-right we did," as he pours Akeno a whiskey. Kevin then said "So, here's the shot. Momo is offloading the gems. She knows a guy who can get us fifty cents on the dollar. Hell, we might actually have a little spending money left after we pay off that psychotic British motherfucker," as Akeno drank her whiskey before she loudly burped and weakly said "This is some super strong stuff." Kevin, trying to hold his laughter, said "Whoa, that was legendary. You've put my burps to shame. Cheers." Akeno then said "So that's that, right?" Kevin then said "I hope so." Moments later, Mashiro walked into the living room as she said "The whole job. Everything about it. Anyone who knows your file. What is wrong with you?" Kevin then said "Shiro, long time no see." Mashiro then asked "And what about Yoshika? If that fruitcake realizes, no, no, finds out you're alive, you are D-O-N-E fucked." Kevin then stated "Don't worry about Yoshika. Yoshika's dead. She's got to be. Besides, I didn't have anything to do with it. Whatever the hell it is you're talking about." Mashiro then asked "Really," as she picked up the television remote control and switched on the television to CP24. The news reporter said "The criminals are believed to have escaped with millions of dollars worth of gems, precious stones and engagement rings. Sam had a lucky escape when the thieves ran straight into him." Sam then said "Yeah, I was just doing my job, and I said to this guy, hey, you have to move these bikes." Kevin turned off the television as he said "I don't know anything about that." In the meantime, at Sunny Acres Trailer Park, Yoshika was having some sexy time with a biker named Carl while watching the same news interview as Sam was saying "This other guy runs out the shop and pushes me over and says something like 'Don't be a freaking hero, buddy. Go home to your wife and kids chump.' that was pretty scary. Yoshika had stopped having sex with the biker as she remembered the quote used in the robbery while putting on her panties. Carl asked "You want to get lit now, sugar? Yoshika, baby, you want to, you want to smoke now?" But Yoshika began to walk to his front door. Suddenly, Lynette, along with Erica, yelled "Don't do it, Wilhelmina, don't do it," as Wilhelmina Braunschweig Ingenohl Friedeburg yelled "Yoshika, have you been with my man again? I'm speaking with you, asshole." Lynette then said "Don't do it, Wilhelmina. I told her, Yoshika. I told her," but Yoshika, having ignored Wilhelmina, walked towards the road. Wilhelmina then shouted "We all get high! But that doesn't make it right. Not what you've done with me." Carl then shouted "Leave it, Wilhelmina. Leave it," as he left the trailer. Wilhelmina then stated "The crystal has got us, babe, but that doesn't make it right. Don't do anything right." Lynette then said "I'm telling you, Wilhelmina, leave it." Wilhelmina then yelled "I ain't leaving anything," as she started to run at Yoshika. As Wilhelmina yelled "Yoshika. I'm talking to you, motherfucker," Yoshika stopped and said "Are you? What are you saying?" Wilhelmina then said "Fucking my man, man. It's wrong." Yoshika then said "Well, I have got to fuck someone. You want me to fuck you instead? Is that the problem here? Take off your panties, cowgirl, alright? Let's fuck." Wilhelmina then asked "You think this is funny?" But Yoshika yelled "Get them off." Lynette, Erica and Carl walked over to Yoshika and Wilhelmina as Lynette said "I told her to leave it, Yoshika. I told her. Leave it. Leave it," and Erica was saying "She did, she did." Yoshika then said "Shut up, Lynne. I'm about to fuck me a meth head, ain't I, cowgirl? Get my girl sucked from her toothless gums." Wilhelmina then said "Fuck you, Yoshika. I still love him." Yoshika then hugged Wilhelmina as she said "Alright, cowgirl. Hey, I know. Hey, come on. Shh, hey." Wilhelmina then said "I don't mean anything by it, man. I just. I just." Yoshika then said "I know, cowgirl. It's okay, man. Give me a hug, yeah." Suddenly, Yoshika grabs Wilhelmina by the neck and throws her to the floor, breaks a bottle over her head and begins stomping on the head as she continues to do so while angrily shouting "Fucking shit, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. Who the fuck are you speaking to? Who? Who? I'm talking to you, huh? You fuck! Huh? Next time, don't get in my fucking face. I just saw a fucking ghost, and I've got to hear your crap? Get up! Get up! Fuck you, then." Yoshika then stormed off into her pickup along with Lynette and Erica as she said "The wheels are in motion. We got to reach out to the rest of them. Erica. This ghost I saw. His name is Kevin Zack. Sounds like he's living in Vaughan. Find him." Erica then said "Really? Uhh, my sister is in Toronto, but... I don't..." Yoshika then barked "Find him, Erica." Erica then said "Does this mean I don't have to come see the bikers?" Yoshika then stated "We're in a hurry, but not that much of a hurry." Erica then said "But, if we bury Wilhelmina in the lake, and then quiet down that man whore Carl too was in then they don't need to find out about it." Yoshika then said "You think it's clever to disrespect man?" Erica then mentioned "Disrespect? What? I wasn't disrespecting. I was just saying we should kill him." Yoshika then said "You called him a man whore. Ain't you got a father?" Erica then stated "Everyone has got fathers. At least one." A few minutes later, when they arrived in Fenelon Falls, Lynette said "We're going up to that Tim Hortons on the right? That's where the Graf Spee Motorcycle Club is meant to be." When Yoshika drove up to the bikers, Miho Nishizumi said "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," as Hana Isuzu asked "Hey, you have seen Carl? Wilhelmina's looking for him." Yoshika left the pickup as she said "Oh, you know, as a matter of fact, I just did, just ten minutes ago. Yeah, I saw him at the end of this pussy here." Miho then stated "Wilhelmina ain't going to be cool if you mess with him again." Yoshika then stated "Oh really, what, you don't think so? Huh? Well why don't we just ask him then, huh?" Yoshika lifts her right foot off the ground, which still has part of Wilhelmina's brain attached to it as she ranted "Hey, hey cowgirl, do you mind that I fucked your old man? Sorry, what was that? What? No, no? You don't mind? Oh, because you're a dead fuck, and the only sentient part of you left is this little bit of brain in the gristle on the end of my boot? Well, thank you very much, cowgirl." Hana then yelled "Bullshit." Yoshika then said "Oh, I like it! Denial! That is the first part of the grieving process, brothers. Now let's all hold hands, huh? Well, it looks like you got something you want to say, huh? You got something you need to say?" Miho then barked "This had better be bullshit." Miho, Hana and a couple of bikers rode off as Yoshika said "Where you guys going, huh? Let's go ladies." Yoshika, along with Lynette and Erica, followed the van and two motorcycles as Yoshika said "If that van takes us back to the camp, this area ain't going to have a biker problem much longer. We can't fuck with the van, but we can drop those bikers." Lynette then said "Did you see the look on their faces?" Erica then mentioned "We scared them, didn't we?" Yoshika then stated "Yeah. Thank fuck they didn't make you fuck for the harmless idiot you are." Erica then yelped "You need some seat belts back here, or straps, or something." Yoshika then said "I only keep things in the back I don't mind losing." Lynette then said "I can't see us taking out all the bikers this go, boss. I mean, there are some by that airstrip and, as you know..." Yoshika then said "If not today, their time will soon be upon them. I got a feeling, yeah, but we have to make sure." Lynette then said "One you know, you could drop me and Erica in the trailer, maybe bring Chisato to finish them." Yoshika then barked "We do this now, Lynne. All of us." Erica then said "Shouldn't these bikers be on bikes?" Lynette then said "I see some too fat to ride. Can't get their big ol' guts over the handlebars." Erica then stated "But, if they're in a van, ain't they vanners?" Yoshika decided to shoot Miho and Hana tires on their bikes and causes them to be utterly wiped out. Yoshika then evilly laughs as she passes the lifeless bodies of Miho and Hana, all covered from head to toe in road rash as she angrily yelled "I hope that your dead beat shitty whore of mothers can't identify your road rash asses." A few minutes later, the van pulled up to Kenhaven Trailer Park as Lynette said "Oh look, they're pulling up. You did it, Yoshika. They're stopping." Yoshika then said "Watch the entrance, girls. No one leaves without my express permission until I deal with these Graf Spee Motorcycle Club fuckwits." Yoshika begins to kill the bikers at the hangout as she yells "Step right up. Step right up. I'm in a bad mood now, are you happy? Now, who have I left out? This is hard for me too. I've had to kill half the tweakers in the area. Don't worry, there's plenty of me to go around. I'm wiping out my whole customer base." After Yoshika killed many bikers, the remaining bikers ran away as Yoshika yelled "Where are you going? It was just getting exciting." Yoshika went back to her truck as she said "Can I get you two anything? Soda? Snacks? No? Get in the fucking truck. Erica, what are you still doing here? I said go find a fucking ghost in Vaughan, alright? Are you looking for motivation? And get me some sticky bombs." Erica then started walking as Yoshika and Lynette drove off. While driving, Yoshika said "Shima lives near here. Let's go see her." Lynette then said "It's one thing about messing with tweaked-out bikers. But Shima Tateishi's gang? Man." Yoshika then asked "Shima Tateishi. It's just a name. Is she Illuminati as well? Annunaki, huh? One of the Lizard people?" Lynette then stated "I got this Japanese contact you can meet at Slices N' Scoops. He'll buy all the meth we can cook." Yoshika then said "Our enterprise ain't just about meth. It's about guns too. The Shima's control the guns, so we're taking them out." Yoshika and Lynette arrive at Shima's trailer at Balsam Lake Trailer Park. Yoshika said "Here she is. Let's wake her up." Lynette then said "What? With the truck? No, come on. Shima ran the whole area." Yoshika backed up her pickup onto the hitch of the trailer before driving off with the trailer. When they pulled away, Yoshika and Lynette heard Shima rambling "What the fuck? Why is my trailer moving? ファック、ファック、ファック。" Lynette asked "What are you doing?" Yoshika then said "I wanted to watch the trailer sink to the bottom of the lake." A few minutes later, Yoshika drove up to a boat launch and back the trailer into the lake. Shima jumped out of the trailer as it crashed into the lake. Just then, Yoshika got out of her pickup as Shima yelped "What the fuck, Yoshika?" Yoshika then stated "This is the fuck, my soggy friend. You are out of business. The Graf Spee MC are out of business. The guns and the crank in this area go through Yoshika Miyafuji Enterprise, or they ain't going." Shima then said "Saying something doesn't make it true. Oh, shit." Yoshika then grabbed Shima's hair and pulled her underwater. As Shima was regurgitating, convulsing, gurgling bubbles and emptying her lungs, Yoshika started to grab her breasts. The vigor of Shima's need for air got Yoshika horny as she took her panties off as well as Shima's and started to hump Shima's pussy. As Yoshika's pleasure was growing, she said "Fuck me, cum, fuck me, cum, fuck me, cum." After a few moments of humping, Yoshika cummed all inside of Shima's pussy as Shima took her last breath. Yoshika and Lynette begin driving back to Lynette's trailer after killing Shima. During the drive, Yoshika said "I don't know what these naysayers are talking about. Look at me. I'm cranked on speed most of the time, but I'm productivity-personified." Lynette then said "You sure achieved a lot today." Yoshika then said "It was time to put my affairs in order." Lynette then asked "You are going somewhere?" Yoshika then said "As soon as I find that specter on the TV, Kevin Zack." Lynette then said "He's your buddy you said got shot. You guys used to run together." Yoshika then said "Yeah, that's him, my best pal." Lynette then said "I thought he was dead." Yoshika then said "You're catching on fast. The fucking ghost I've been talking about." Lynette then asked "He's alive?" Yoshika then said "He's walking, and he's talking. He's sticking up joints, so I guess yeah, that makes him alive, doesn't it?" Lynette then asked "And how do you know it's him?" Yoshika then said "It's his MO, and it's the same corny shit he was spewing 10 years back." Lynette then said "This could be a trap, Yoshika. What if someone wants you to think he's alive?" Yoshika then stated "I was fooled when I thought he was dead. I ain't fooled now. Kevin Zack lives and breathes. He's in Vaughan, and he's got some explaining to do." Lynette then said "They could be trying to draw you out into the open." Yoshika then said "That's a conspiracy theory too far even for you Lynette." Lynette then said "Really? Well, anyway, it seems like a shame for you to be going just as Yoshika Miyafuji Industries is finding its feet." Yoshika then said "I'll do what I can to put the business on its path before I depart." Lynette then said "The company needs you boss." Yoshika then said "You'll do fine in my absence." Lynette then said "I don't know what this Kevin Zack got you can't find in Kawartha Lakes." Yoshika then said "What he's got is answers." When they arrived, Yoshika said "Get out of the car, Lynette. I need time to think. Urgh. Run." When Lynette got out, Yoshika then drove back to her trailer. The next morning, Yoshika visits the Slices N' Scoops ice cream shop. When she enters the shop, two people are fighting and the owner, Alex, says "You're still banned, Yoshika." Yoshika then asked "What about these two?" Alex then said "Whoever wins gets banned." Yoshika pushes a lady out the way and pushes the man's head first into a wooden fixture before raising the lady's arm before saying "She's won, ban her." Alex then said "I can't ban her, she's my goddamn wife." Yoshika then stated "She's young enough to be your daughter." Alex then stated "Ain't the internet a beautiful thing, honey?" Yoshika then said "Anyway, I saved your wife. Now get me an ice cream. I have got a meeting." Alex then said "Okay, but no more bodies turn up in my store. I swear, I will not serve you." Just then, Mei Irizaki walked in and said "Ms. Miyafuji." Yoshika then said "Ah, here she is. Yes, Ms. Kadotani, pleasure to meet you." Mei then stated "Oh, no. I am Ms. Kadotani's humble translator," as Anzu Kadotani stumbling into the store as Wallaby and Platypus look on. Mei then said "Ms. Kadotani now," as Anzu said "いやあ、めちゃくちゃハイだよ。" Platypus then said "You all speak Japanese, speak it to each other." Mei then said "Ms. Anzu Kadotani is pleased to make your acquaintance. Yoshika then mentioned "Oh yeah, she seems like it." Anzu walked to the musical box to select a song, as she said "ねえ、あなたと知り合えて本当に嬉しいわ。お時間があれば、私をあなたのツイッターに追加してください。これは私の人生で最高の瞬間よ。" Yoshika then asked "What the fuck is wrong with her?" Anzu begins to dance as she said "この部分が大好きです。この部分が大好きです。さあ、始めましょう。" Yoshika then said "I'm fucking off." As Yoshika walked out, Mei said "No, don't go. I beg you. If you go, her father will kill me." Yoshika then stated "Why do I give a fuck?" Mei then said "You don't. But we hear that Yoshika Miyafuji Corporation is a serious business. We pay a good price. Things work out, we partner. Make big money." Anzu then walked out and, in broken English, said "I'm rushing." Yoshika then stated "Well, let me show you the operation." Yoshika, Mei and Anzu started walking to Pharmasave Fenelon Falls, as Chisato called Yoshika. On the phone, Yoshika said "Chisato, we're just coming down to see the kitchen." Chisato then said "You can't get here quick enough. Shima Tateishi's gang are coming. They think you took out Shima." Yoshika then said "They ain't mistaken." Chisato then stated "Well, get down here, and take them out too," before ending the call. Yoshika then asked "Your boss wants this crank for his own personal consumption?" Mei then said "No. No. Mr. Kadotani is very specific. He wants a good reliable source of methamphetamine. We will buy from you here, and distribute using established networks." Yoshika then said "I'm worried that might dilute what our operation's all about. We're part of the slow meth movement: bioregional, locavores only." Mei then mentioned "Mr. Kadotani has a lot of money." Yoshika then said "I wouldn't be the first man to throw morals out the window for a paycheck." Anzu then asked "彼は何を言っているのですか?" Mei then said "彼は私たちとビジネスをすることを楽しみにしていると言っています。" A few minutes later, Yoshika, Mei and Anzu arrive at Pharmasave Fenelon Falls with Chisato running out of the shop saying "Shit, Yoshika, we ain't got long." Yoshika then stated "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Manners, Chisato. These are our guests, alright? We got Ms. Kadotani and her humble servant." Chisato then said "Uh, nice to meet you. Yoshika, we ain't got long till they get here." Yoshika then stated "Everything is in its time. Alright, gentlemen, please come check out the storage facilities. Go on now." Mei looks into an ice box outside the store and is kicked in by Yoshika and closes the door as Anzu laughs. Yoshika then stated "Ample room inside." Yoshika opened the second door to the ice box and Anzu climbed in as Mei said "Let me out." Anzu said "クレイジー。個室、" as Yoshika closed the second door and said "Tour will recommence shortly, ladies." Yoshika and Chisato into the Pharmasave as Yoshika stated "If I knew we were having visitors, I would have done a little spring-cleaning." Yoshika and Chisato now inside the store, collect a gun from a rack at the top of the stairs before going to a window on the second floor. Suddenly, three vehicles carrying Shima Tateishi's gang arrive outside as Yoshika and Chisato start shooting. Yoshika says "I think it's time for Shima Tateishi's gang to die out. I'm entertaining clients. Woo! I'm starting to think they really want to kill me. They got to have the whole crew here. Now, I really am going to put you out of business. Out you cocksuckers." Chisato then said "I think they're coming through the shop, let's get to the front." Yoshika and Chisato went downstairs into the store. Chisato said "They're coming through the door, get down." A Shima Tateishi's gang member said "ヨシカはシマを溺死させ、強姦した。" while another member said "やあ、彼が来たよ。" Yoshika then said "Shima Tateishi's gang is as bad as the Graf Spee Motorcycle Club." Chisato then said "We got them on the back foot, come on." Yoshika and Chisato attempt to kill the escaping members and kill them. Yoshika then said "Get back inside, and clean up the lab. I should check on the Japanese delegation, they might be catching a chill." As Mei and Anzu burst out of the ice box, Yoshika said "Alright, time to recommence the tour, gentlemen." Mei then stated "I think we have seen quite enough. そろそろ出発の時間です。" Anzu then said "しかし、まだメインルームに着いていません。" Yoshika then said "I'll swing by and sign the contracts, alright? Just ignore the bodies," as Mei hailed a car to stop. Chisato then said "Hey, Yoshika. Are we still going to cook that batch?" Yoshika then shouted "Fuck yeah," as Mei and Anzu drove away. When Yoshika arrived back at her trailer later that afternoon, Lynette was waiting outside when she pulled up. Lynette yelped "Quick, boss. They were here for you. Here for you," as they walked into the trailer to the place being trashed. Lynette said "It's the bikers after you killed Wilhelmina." Yoshika then said "And they damaged my stuff, huh? They smashed up my home. Damage my soul. Look at this... this... this, this, this, this model of the Titanic. This fucking meant more to me than that piece of shit leader Wilhelmina meant to anyone in the Graf Spee Motorcycle Club. And they smashed it. Those pathetic, quarter-life crisis, hog-riding, blond-headed, bratwurst eating, German foreign trash, fruity leather-chap-wearing fucking assholes." Lynette then said "They're assholes, Yoshika. They are, they're chap-wearing assholes." Just then, Erica walked into the trailer, but she tries to leave to avoid Yoshika by walking out. Yoshika said "Erica, Erica, Erica, you little shit. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. Kevin fucking Zack, right? Bitch wife. Two kids. Twenty-nine. Find him?" Erica then said "Vaughan is a big, big place, Yoshika. There's lots of people." Yoshika then said "You are fucking useless. Huh? Find out who did that fucking robbery, alright? And if Kevin Zack lives there, or anyone matching his description, or I'm going to kill you and your fucking sister. Am I being clear now?" Erica then said "Yes, Yoshika," and Yoshika said "Thank you, Erica. Now, smile." Erica began to smile as Yoshika said "Alright, that's better. Run along." As Erica ran along, Yoshika said "Now, Lynette. Shall we go? I cannot believe that they fucking destroyed my Titanic. The bow of the ship. Huh? The fucking bow of it." Yoshika and Lynette walked towards and got onto two ATVs parked outside the trailer. Before they rode off, Yoshika said "I have got to make a stop at Minami Kaburagi. You're meeting me at the Graf Spee MC airfield at the Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport." A few minutes later, Lynette, over an earpiece, said "Come in. Come in." Yoshika then said "I'll come in your ear when I get a hold of you." Lynette then asked "What're you buying from Minami?" Yoshika then said "I'm not buying anything. I need a sniper rifle with a high-powered scope." A few minutes later, Yoshika arrived at Fenelon Inn. When Yoshika went into Minami's room, she said "Minami, how you feel about brand synergy, huh? Yoshika Miyafuji Industries. Good, because you're about to make a corporate gift of a rifle, a high-powered scope and a suppressor. That sniper on your wall looks like it will do the job." Minami then said "Not this getting another of my guns on the house bullshit again, Yoshika. One last time, as next time corporate gifts will cost triple." As Minami gave Yoshika the gun off the wall, Yoshika said "She'll do nicely. You got a scope with a suppressor for this? They won't hear me coming." As Minami gave Yoshika a suppressor, she said "Good doing business with you." Yoshika then said "Get that look off your face and stop selling weapons to that Graf Spee MC halfwit Carl, as he ain't got three brain cells." When Yoshika left the room and started to drive off on the ATV, via the earpiece, she says "Lynette, Lynette, I got the gun. Meet me at the Airport View Restaurant near the airfield." Lynette then said "Roger that, Yoshika. But... but you got to look out, 'cause there are bikers all over this airstrip." Yoshika then stated "Of course there are. Two planes are touching down at the airfield on a weapons run. We're going to wait till the right time, and appropriate them." Lynette then asked "We are?" Yoshika then said "Yes, we are." Lynette then said "I'm waiting there, boss." When Yoshika arrived, Lynette said "I'm up here. I don't see the hardware, but I do see a hell of a lot of bikers." Yoshika then said "Hardware's not here yet. We have to wait till you can slip in there unnoticed. It should give you the time to plan a route to the gas tanker you're rigging up to blow." When night falls, Yoshika said "The time is right. Go on, my girl." When Lynette started to drive on her ATV, Yoshika said "Whenever you get a doubt in your mind, I want you to remember that I'm watching you through the scope of a high-powered rifle." Lynette then said "Right, Yoshika. Right. Right. Got it." As Lynette continued to drive towards the airfield, Yoshika said "The ATV can only take you so far. Park it and don't let them spot you." When Lynette got near the other side of the airfield, she said "Can you see me, Yoshika? Yoshika? You see me?" Yoshika then said "You wouldn't believe this, Lynette. One of these assholes is having a seizure or something." Lynette then said "That's me, that's me. Don't shoot." Yoshika then said "Well, get a move on." Lynette then said "I'm moving. Just keep me covered, okay?" Moments later, Lynette said "Hold up. There's a guard standing under the control tower." Yoshika snipped the guard at the control tower as Lynette said "Nice kill, Yoshika." Yoshika then said "Hurry it up, Lynne." As Lynette was continuing to move toward the air control tower, she said "Shit, I hear an engine. They're going to see that fuck you shot. Maybe if you shoot those lights on the tower, she won't be so obvious! It's coming. Quick. Quick." When Yoshika shot out the lights, Lynette said "You got them. Now, don't shoot the lady in the van until he stops and gets out." As the van drove towards Lynette's location, she said "Hold fire, we have to see what she's up to." When the driver gets out of the van, Lynette said "I think she's just calling the dead fuck. You can erase her now. She's out. You can put her down." When Yoshika killed the driver, Lynette said "You should have seen the look on her face. Wait! A turd came out of the control tower. Get her quick." When Yoshika killed the person, she said "So long, sailor." Lynette then said "Oh no. Bottom of the tower. Another turd on her way. She's down there, among the bodies." When Yoshika killed the other person, Lynette said "Clean shoot, Yoshi. There's another turd at the top of the tower. She's probably looking for her buddy." Yoshika then kills the second guard on the control tower as she says "Down she goes." Lynette then said "Can you get your sights back on me? Come on, man." When Yoshika got her sight on Lynette, she said "I got you in my sights, so get a move on and plant that bomb on the gas tank." Lynette started to walk towards the gas tank before she said "I can't. There's someone coming out of that building. I can hear them at that distant door." When Yoshika killed the person, Lynette said "Good kill, Yoshika." When Lynette reached the tank, she said "I'm fitting it. Just keep a look-out! And whatever you do, don't hit the tank. Please, man." Just before Lynette finished rigging the tank, someone on a bike arrived. Lynette said "Someone's coming. She's going to get me before I finish." When Yoshika killed the biker, Lynette said "A bolt from the blue. Can you hear that? Chopper, incoming." Yoshika then said "I've always hated that chopper. Just fucking drive because you're fucking bikers." When Yoshika shoots the pilot, the passenger yells "Fick dich, Yoshika," as she falls out of the spiraling helicopter. After the helicopter crashed, Yoshika left her position and drove toward the airstrip. Lynette said "The pilot plan didn't work! They know they're being attacked on the ground." When Yoshika was near Lynette, Lynette said "There, in the hangar, the plane. I'll get it started if you can clear the runway. I don't see any of the guys who came to your trailer here." As Yoshika started to kill the bikers, she yelled "One dead biker is as good to me as another. I'm afraid I have got to confiscate this weaponry." Lynette then said "I think I saw a lady voiding her bowels." Yoshika then stated "Happens to the best of us, now start that plane." As Yoshika was still shooting the bikers, she said "Give up the guns, and we can be friends again." Lynette then said "Shouldn't we go find the guys who came to the trailer?" Yoshika then said "No, we should secure this fucking hardware." Lynette then said "We're ready to take off once this runway's been cleared." Yoshika then stated "Well, why don't you come out here and clear it, you lazy fucking bum. This is what they call an aggressive takeover." As Yoshika was still killing even more bikers, Lynette asked "Status report, Yoshi." Yoshika then said "I'm up to my eyeballs in blood, sweat and excrement. How the fuck are you?" Lynette then said "Fine on this end, thank you. See you soon." As Yoshika continued to make her way toward the hangar, she yelled "Which one of you trashed my model? Make your peace, Graf Spee fuckwits." When Yoshika cleared the runway, she started heading to the plane. Lynette said "Get on the plane, Yoshika. The plane's loaded up with crates, Yoshika. Just like you said." Yoshika jumps onto the right side of the wing of the plane and motions for Lynette to depart before saying "The rest of the guns must be on that plane down the end of the runway." A biker walks in front of the hangar as Lynette starts the engine. Yoshika barked "Let's get the fuck out of here." Lynette got the plane out of the hangar before Yoshika started to kill some more bikers as the plane began to turn on to the runway. As Yoshika was shooting the bikers, she said "Let's see what these explosives can do." Yoshika then shot the explosives, causing them to blow up into a mushroom cloud. Yoshika yelled "There's your goddamn mini nuclear pipe bomb, you Graf Spee biker freaks." When Lynette's plane arrived close to the second plane toward the end of the runway, Yoshika jumped off the wing and landed on the airstrip as she yelled "Is this one free, you perma-chub pricks?" Yoshika gets onto the second plane while a biker jumps onto the wing. Yoshika said "I suppose there's room for a passenger." Lynette then said "Find a clear patch of runway, and take off." Yoshika then said "I told my contact to meet us just off the coast near Little Bluff Conservation Area." Lynette then stated "Hey, there's a biker on your wing, Yoshika." Yoshika then said "I am aware of this." Lynette then said "Well, you got to get her off. Do a roll or something." Yoshika then said "While the fool on my wing presents no immediate danger, I'll do my best to oblige you." Yoshika took off the following Lynette, and she attempted to get the biker off the wing. After a barrel roll, the biker flew off the wing. Yoshika yelled "Baka bomb away." Lynette asked "You set up a buyer for these guns already? I thought we were just hitting back at them for the thing with the model." Yoshika then said "If you'd read our latest shareholder report, Lynette, you'd know Yoshika Miyafuji Industries has been exploring a take-over of some Graf Spee MC business in the armaments and narcotics sectors for some time. And that kind of requires someone to purchase our guns." Lynette then said "Right. Of course. But Wilhelmina and the model?" Yoshika then said "Recent events, like my impending departure included - have only expedited things." Lynette then said "Yoshika Miyafuji Industries is a far superior organization to the Graf Spee leather club." Yoshika then said "Well, we hope to improve revenue streams. Cut overheads, and maximize profit, all that." Lynette then said "I wouldn't expect anything less." Yoshika then said "For one thing, we won't be paying a bunch of idiots to stand around in cow hide sniffing engine fumes." Lynette then said "It's important work you're doing out here. God knows, we need a sharp mind to run things. I'm blessed to be a part of it." As they were getting closer to their location, Lynette said "I see a signal. You think that's your guy?" Yoshika then said "Affirmative. Make the drop." When Yoshika and Lynette dropped the weapons in the drop zone, Yoshika said "Shipment successfully delivered, Lynette. Now remember, if you beat me to Baldwin Airfield, I'll butcher your carcass and wrap it in your cheesecloth." Lynette then said "You wouldn't really do that to me, would you?" Yoshika then stated "Beat me, and you'll see." Lynette then said "I ain't a trainer air force pilot like you. I can just about get where I'm going, but I don't have much choice over whether it's fast or slow." Yoshika then said "Then get better at it. Or fly through a barn." Lynette then said "Be careful, boss, as the Canadian Forces Base Trenton is coming up. Fly low and around the base." Yoshika then said "I'm not going to be shot down by some wannabe Richthofen. For fuck's sake, I should get free air clearance over Trenton as I used to fly for them." Lynette then asked "So, the guns are going to Japan?" Yoshika then stated "Japan. Yeah. The lady on the boat is Mizuki Nakahara. She's in with the Yakuza." Lynette then said "If there's a market, this could be a way to expand the business." Yoshika then said "Like I hadn't thought of that! We might be able to buy into Mizuki's thing. But leave that to me, Lynette." Lynette then said "I'm sorry to ask this, but does your contact pay well for this kind of shipment? Because I've got those lawyer fees for the will of my grandmother and my settlement costs." Yoshika then said "Oh, she pays. Better than any in this sorry country." Lynette then said "That's good to hear, man." Yoshika then stated "We'll talk about the exact split when we're grounded, okay?" Lynette then said "Okay." When Yoshika landed, Lynette said "You see, Yoshika. You won. You're the better man, as if there was any doubt." While Yoshika was taxiing her plane into the hangar, Lynette also landed her plane on the airstrip as Yoshika said "I think that was adequate restitution for my Titanic." Lynette then mentioned "That was a mighty fine model, Yoshi." Yoshika then said "That was a mighty fine piece of plastic shit. But there is no price for emotional attachment. I mean, you might forego your cut to, ahh, alleviate my heartache?" When Yoshika and Lynette leave their planes, Yoshika said "We don't have time to dwell on that now, because we got more runs, Lynette. If there is one thing that they need south of that big fence, it is guns." Lynette then said "Yoshika Miyafuji Industries. Technical expertise. Managerial innovations. Unstoppable." Yoshika then said "Oh, that's right! Now go. I need to meditate. Or masturbate. Or both."

The next morning, Yoshika visits the Slices N' Scoops to meet with Anzu. Mei states that Renta is not interested in Yoshika's operation. Yoshika asked to know who Renta made a deal with as she punched Anzu's nose. Mei told Yoshika that Renta had made a deal with the Kinesaki sisters. Yoshika was enraged and went to their ranch. While driving to the ranch, Homare Kinesaki called Yoshika stating that she wants to talk it out. Yoshika wanted their operation to burn. After the call, Homare warns Akane Kinesaki that Yoshika is coming. Akane, Homare and Aina Kinesaki drive to go meet Renta just before Yoshika arrives at the ranch. When Yoshika arrives at the Kinesaki sisters' ranch at Bridgwood Manor, she starts killing all the ranch workers she saw. After the shoot-out, Yoshika pours gasoline from the meth lab in the basement to the outside and tosses a match at the gas trail. After their ranch blew up, Yoshika drove away.

Later that afternoon, Yoshika was about to enter her trailer when Erica walked out. Erica finds where Kevin lives and she and Yoshika are leaving to go see him. Before they leave, they visit the Kenhaven Trailer Park. Yoshika sneaked around the Graf Spee MC hideout to rig the place with sticky bombs from Erica. After planting the bombs, Yoshika went back to her pickup. As they leave the hideout, Yoshika blows the place up, killing many more Graf Spee MC members in the blast. During the drive, Erica asked Yoshika why she wanted to find Kevin. Yoshika told Erica about the failed bank robbery in Montreal 9 years ago where she thought that Kevin had been killed and Thea was busted. After an hour and a half, Yoshika stops on the outskirts of Toronto and looks at the skyline. After another 30-minute drive, they arrived at Erica's sister Ursula Hartmann's apartment at the WaterClub Condos. Ursula was utterly shocked after Yoshika busted open her front door along with Erica. Yoshika ordered Ursula and Erica to buy her a few 6 packs of beers as she made herself at home. The next morning, at Kevin's mansion, Kevin is getting breakfast from the fridge but finds a package of dope. Kevin was dumbfounded about the package as he thought he raised his kids better than that. Mio went into the kitchen and asked about the package. Kevin mentioned that he didn't raise his kids as drug users. Mio stated that if Kevin wasn't drinking whiskey all the time, their kids wouldn't be using dope. Mio also mentioned that she would've divorced his ass if she could. Just then, Mio's yoga teacher, Minna Dietlinde Wilcke, walked in. Minna introduced herself to Kevin, but he just said "Nama go fuck yourself" to her. Minna stated that Kevin's anger was killing him. Just then, Tim walked in and went to the fridge. Kevin showed him the package of dope and Tim tries to get it. Kevin moves it away and Tim swears at him. Kevin cursed at Tim, stating that he shouldn't act like that. Mio yelled that they were ruining her yoga. Just then, Yoshika went into the kitchen and asked if somebody had just said yoga. Kevin was shocked to see her after nine years. Yoshika mentioned that Kevin did one of those faking his own death, ran off with the money and is now living in a mansion. Kevin stated that it was a long time ago. Yoshika then said hello to Mio and Tim, stating that she used to be bigger, and he used to be thinner. Yoshika mentioned that Mia wasn't there. Tim said that Mia was at the Scotiabank Arena for a try-out for Canada's Got Talent. Kevin and Yoshika then drove to the Scotiabank Arena. During the drive, Kevin mentioned that Yoshika smelled like piss, there was blood under her nails and she looked like she had been up for a week. When they got to the Scotiabank Arena parking garage, Kevin double-parked his car, but a parking enforcement officer mentioned that he couldn't park like that. Yoshika then sucker punched the officer. As they entered the arena, a staff member asked the duo for their names. Yoshika bitch slapped the guy and asked where Mia was. After the guy pointed to where Mia was, Kevin and Yoshika went. When they entered the try-out area, Mia was shocked to see Yoshika and gave her a hug. Soon after, Mia started to dance as the host, Kirk Sokolov, was trying to touch her. Kevin rushes in and knocks Kirk onto the ground before he touches Mia's ass. Yoshika then smashes a chair at a security guard's head as he and Kevin were about to have a fist fight. Kevin tells Mia to go home as he and Yoshika run after Kirk. When they got to the parking garage, Kirk was speeding off and Kevin's car got towed away by the police. Yoshika steals a semi truck and she and Kevin start chasing Kirk. Kirk was shitting himself as he saw the semi truck chasing him. After a 15-minute chase on Yonge Street, Kirk's car breaks down. Kevin and Yoshika embarrass Kirk as they force him to dance nude while Yoshika is recording. After Kirk was scared shitless, Kevin told him to go away and Yoshika yelled that she was going to share the video. As Yoshika drives away in the semi, Kevin walks away while he calls Mashiro to talk about something. Later that afternoon, Kevin went over to the Ontario Science Centre to see Mashiro. Mashiro knows that Kevin did the jewelry store robbery the other day and Kevin told her about Yoshika. Mashiro knew that they were fucked about Yoshika coming back into Kevin's life. Mashiro asks Kevin to find Kinuyo Nishi, who was deemed dead by the Direct Attack Federation. Mashiro warned that the corner's office was guarded by the Direct Attack Federation. Kevin questioned Mashiro's task as she knocked Kevin out with her nightstick. A few hours later, Kevin woke up on the table in a coroner's office on Wilson Avenue while 2 coroners were giving him an autopsy. Just as one guy was about to cut Kevin open, he gave him a headlock as the other guy ran away. After Kevin choked out the coroner, he found his clothes. As Kevin was getting dressed, a Direct Attack Federation agent came in looking for him, but went into the next room. Kevin sneaked from behind and knocked him out. Kevin then checked each body for Kinuyo, but he found her tag on a different body. Kevin calls Mashiro, and she states that the office is locked down. He then gets into a shoot-out with the Direct Attack Federation, killing many agents. After the shoot-out, Kevin then climbs out a window from the third story and dives into a dumpster. The police were already coming as Kevin stole a hearse and fled the area. After Kevin knew that he had lost the police, he calls Akeno to meet him at the Pacific Mall. A half hour later, Kevin and Akeno met at the mall. Kevin told Akeno about Yoshika being hell on earth. In the meantime, Yoshika enters Ursula's apartment as Ursula and Erica are talking about her. Ursula told Yoshika that she got big boobs. Yoshika wants to see Ursula's boobs, but she doesn't want to. As Yoshika showed Ursula her boobs, Ursula tells her that she works at the Redpath Sugar Plant. Yoshika and Erica would join Ursula on her next shift. Yoshika called Lynette and said that she had found an inside person that worked at the Port of Toronto. As the trio walked to the sugar plant, Yoshika told Ursula that she planned to steal something and asked if she saw anything weird at the port. Ursula mentioned that there are a lot of Sensha-Dō Federation mercenaries around and mentioned a freighter they are guarding. As they arrived at the sugar plant, the boss told them that there was a spill and Erica went and cleaned it. As Erica was cleaning, Yoshika and Ursula went to a front end loader. While walking towards the front end loader, Ursula mentioned that there was a container ship that had been docked for a couple of months at the pier where Captain John's Harbour Boat Restaurant was once docked with Sensha-Dō Federation guards. After Yoshika had finished moving sugar around for the next shipment, she went over to take some pictures of the ship. As she was passing another cargo ship which was docking, the captain yelled at her to help with the mooring. While at lunch, Yoshika walked towards The Westin Harbor Castle and took some pictures. After lunch, Yoshika wants to get a closer look and takes a delivery van and drives to the ship with Ursula's help. At the gate, a Sensha-Dō Federation guard stops them but Yoshika fakes a French accent and tries to enter. Ursula steps in as more guards come and starts beating her up. Yoshika stole a bag with information and left. When she got back to Ursula's place, she was shocked to see Erica covered in human waste. Yoshika then draws a plan of how they would steal what is on the ship. Ursula came in with marks everywhere and Yoshika told her to give Erica a bath. Later that evening, Akeno walked into her place while Ana and her friends were doing some spirit exercises and told her to leave. As she was leaving, Moeka and Ami Chōno were coming. Ami had just been released from prison, and wanted a fist bump from Akeno, but she gave one to Moeka instead. Ami starts a swearing match at Akeno, telling her about her lack of respect. After a swearing match with Akeno, Ami and Moeka, they went to do some business. During the drive, Ami started to rant about how young Akeno and Moeka were when she was locked up compared to her. As they arrive at Al Flaherty's Outdoor Store, Akeno buys a shotgun with a flashlight. During the drive to the DTS Warehouse, Moeka mentioned that they were going to a drug deal with someone. When the trio enters the warehouse, Akeno is shocked to see the gangbanger that she and Moeka kidnapped not that long ago. Moeka and Ami were fistbumping with the guy as noises from outside. Akeno went to a window and saw a few vans pulling up. They knew that it was a set-up and Ami shot the gangbanger in the head. They got into a shoot-out with the New World Order street gang. The trio fought their way out of the warehouse as the building was set on fire due to somebody shooting a propane tank. As the trio were exiting the warehouse, a police helicopter lit them up in the spotlight. Akeno shot down the helicopter and Ami killed the driver of a passing car as Ami's car was destroyed by the crashing helicopter. Akeno pulls the driver out of the car and the trio sped off before backup came. The trio arrive at Akeno's place and Moeka and Ami leave. The next morning, Yoshika drove down to Hamilton to the HMCS Haida. When she got there, she found the minisub. Yoshika booked a tour on the ship, and the tour went past the sub. Yoshika waited until the group went away before she hit a button that dropped the sub. After the sub went into the water, Yoshika jumped overboard and swam to the sub. After entering the sub, Ursula calls and tells her to drive the sub along a ship that is docked at the Redpath Sugar Plant. After an hour and a half, Yoshika got under the crane of the ship and Ursula put it on a flatbed truck. Yoshika drove it to a parking lot near Cherry Beach. Later that afternoon, Kevin was playing a video game in the living room when Mio came in and called him a whoremongering ass wipe and mentioned to Kevin having Yoshika stay away from her and the children. Just then, Minna walked in, asking if anyone had just mentioned yoga. Kevin told her that Mio had just called him a whoremongering ass wipe. Kevin then started ranting angrily about yoga, and Minna asked him to join her and Mio, much to her displeasure. The trio set up their yoga mats near the swimming pool. Kevin fell flat on his face a couple of times during the session. The duo laugh as Kevin nearly falls into the pool after a failed yoga move. Afterward, Kevin did well. After they finished their yoga, Mio was doing a downward dog and Minna touched her butt. Kevin's rage got the better of him as he tried to attack Minna, but she pushed him into the pool. Mio decides to leave him and Kevin insults Minna's phoney German accent, and she should fuck off back to Germany. After he dries off and changes clothes, Kevin goes to Tim's room. Tim was talking about raping someone over the phone while watching a movie on his new TV. Kevin wanted Tim to go with him for a drive and Tim mentioned meeting a friend at McDonald's. During the drive, Kevin starts to rant about Tim being a dope smoking, movie watching, live at home world owes him a living millennial. Tim then started ranting about Kevin being an old school father that was taking him on some nostalgia trip. When they got to McDonald's on Bathurst Street just south of Steeles Avenue West, an employee was waiting and gave Tim a package of weed and a cup filled with soda. After Tim got back into the car, he asked Kevin if he wanted to bounce back home. While driving, Tim offers Kevin a sip of soda. After Kevin finished drinking it, Kevin felt lightheaded. After nearly wrecking into a group of Japanese tourists, Kevin stopped the car. Tim reveals that there were drugs in the soda as Kevin was fading into unconsciousness. Tim also tells Kevin that he had already taken money out of his bank account, and he was moving out before pushing him out of the car and driving away. In Kevin's dream, several hookers danced around him before he was beamed onto Air Force One. On the plane, Mio and Minna were nude and whipping him while Adolf Hitler was barking orders in German at the duo. Hitler then ordered Mio and Minna to remove Kevin's clothes and tossed him off Air Force One. They remove Kevin's clothes and throw him out of Air Force One. Kevin was now free-falling while the song The Hammer Has Fallen by Sabaton was playing. During this time, Kevin heard voices from Mio saying that he was alone, Raisa from his last psychologist session, Mia stated that he had ruined her life, Tim said that he was an asshole, and he was wondering where he had fucked up. After the song was finished, Kevin blacked out. As he finally woke up, he was in his underwear and puked onto a slide at Lakehurst Park as horrified kids ran away. Kevin curses at Tim as he drunkenly walked home. Kevin went home to find a letter from Mio stating his events in the last few weeks, as she, Mia and Tim had moved out. The next morning, Kevin went over to the Blue Mermaids Headquarters in the Royal Bank Plaza South Tower. When Kevin went to Mashiro's office, Mashiro was with her two older sisters, Mashimo Munetani and Mafuyu Munetani. Kevin made a crack that he didn't know that he was double dating and stated that Mashiro was all his. Mashimo, the oldest sister, introduced herself and Kevin joked that her name tag had fallen off. Mashimo thought that Kevin's jokes were gold and mentioned that she would shoot him because he was annoying. Mashimo asked Kevin if he had watched her show. Kevin made a crack about the show was about how to dress like a salesman on a cheap golf weekend at a third-grade country club. Mashiro mentioned Kevin's past task of finding intel about Kinuyo at the coroner's office. Mafuyu, the middle sister, mentioned that Kevin had made a mistake during the coroner's office job. Kevin stated that Mafuyu was a fruitcake. Mashimo stated that if Kevin didn't hype down, she would close his windpipe. Kevin mentioned that he respected her fellow Blue Mermaids agents. Mashimo then grabbed Kevin's neck and stated that he needed to respect her, which he accepted. Mashimo states that Kinuyo is being held at the Direct Attack Federation Headquarters at the TD Canada Trust Tower. Kevin stated that he had already done what Mashiro asked during the coroner's office job. Mashimo then stated that Kevin was all hers and Mashiro had been living on past success was Kevin's first mistake. Mashimo then asks Kevin and Mashiro to leave for the Pacific Mall. As they were walking to the Blue Mermaids Headquarters parking garage, Kevin mentioned to Mashiro that he likes the federal government open and transparent. As they are driving towards the mall, Mashiro tells Kevin to call Akeno to meet them there. Kevin stated that he barely knew Akeno, but Mashiro mentioned having g-men to pick her up. Kevin then calls Akeno, asking her to meet him at the Pacific Mall. Akeno stated that she would be there soon. After the call, Mashiro then asked Kevin to call Yoshika, but he told her that he wasn't calling her. Mashiro mentioned that Kevin would say something like that, and she stated agents had already picked Yoshika up. Kevin then started ranting about Yoshika, questioning if she would notice Mashiro after she killed him and locked Thea in prison 9 years ago. Mashiro tells Kevin that she will stay back. As Kevin and Mashiro were arriving, Akeno was there and Yoshika was arguing with a Blue Mermaids agent and calling him a cagey motherfucker. Kevin exited the car and told Yoshika to shut it. Kevin then asked Akeno if she wanted to leave, but she stated that she was not bailing. Yoshika asked Kevin about Akeno being a daughter figure to him. Kevin introduced Akeno and Yoshika to each other. As Yoshika and Akeno shake hands, Kevin tells Yoshika that he needs her to fly him to the Direct Attack Federation Headquarters while Akeno covers them from across the street. When Akeno drove away, Kevin went into the mall's restroom and changed into a Spec Ops outfit. A few minutes later, Kevin went back to Yoshika and they entered the helicopter. During the fight, Yoshika mentions that Kevin had left the old heist crew and about dying with a gun in his hand. Kevin stated that life happened and mentioned his wife and kids. As they got to the Direct Attack Federation Headquarters, Kevin stated if Yoshika fuck about, he would repel back up and strangle her. Kevin then rappels down the outside of the building. After Kevin rapped down many stories, he found Kinuyo. At least 4 Direct Attack Federation agents were holding Kinuyo down while another agent was about to shove a flashlight down her mouth for info. Just then, Kevin breaks through the window and grabs Kinuyo and holds a gun to her head as the agents draw their guns. Just then, Akeno starts shooting from the Blue Mermaids Headquarters, killing many agents. Kevin also started shooting at the agents, killing many too. Kinuyo flailed about as she thought that she was slipping, but Kevin stated that she was hooked onto his grappling hook. As Yoshika was repelling them back up, a few Direct Attack Federation attack helicopters were launched after them. When Kevin and Kinuyo get onto the helicopter, Yoshika flies around Toronto as Kevin tries to shoot down the attack helicopter. Kinuyo squealed as she feared that she was still slipping. Kevin killed each pilot, and he grinned as he watched the helicopters crash and burn. Kevin ordered Yoshika to fly back to the Pacific Mall. Kinuyo was grinning ear to ear about Kevin helping her. After they land at the mall, a couple of Blue Mermaids agents blindfold Kinuyo and toss her in the back of a van while Kevin tells the agents to give her a break. Later that afternoon, as Kevin was playing video games at home, Mashimo called him. Kevin asked Mashimo whether Kinuyo was still breathing, and she mentioned that he could see her for himself at the DTS Warehouse. As Kevin pulled up to DTS Warehouse 30 minutes later, Yoshika was beside a dumpster with her pants down, squatting, groaning and farting. Kevin asked Yoshika if she was taking a shit. When Yoshika stated that she was, she also mocked Kevin about his abandonment issues and seeing a shrink every week. Kevin then flipped the bird to Yoshika as they went into the warehouse. When they enter, Mashiro, Mafuyu and Mashimo are there with their mother, Mayuki Munetani. As Mayuki and Mafuyu were leaving, Yoshika mentioned that Mayuki looked like a porn star. Mafuyu chuckled at the comment by Yoshika, and Mashimo scolded Yoshika to have some respect. After the scolding, Yoshika mentioned to Mashiro that she had seen her before, but she said she hadn't met her before. Just then, Mashimo got Kinuyo from the next room and started to duct tape her wrists to a chair. Mashimo then started getting weapons out as she asked Kinuyo where Haru Fukuda was. Kinuyo said that Haru was in Vaughan. Mashimo asked Yoshika to torture Kinuyo for more information and give Kevin a briefcase with a sniper rifle before asking him and Mashiro to drive to Vaughan. As Kevin and Mashiro leave the warehouse, she tells him to head to a mansion down the street from his house. During the drive to the mansion, Kevin stated to Mashiro that the more he saw Mashimo, the more he liked her. Mashiro then stated that he wouldn't be so critical of who others associate with if she was him. Kevin asked Mashiro if Yoshika would be a problem. Mashiro stated that Yoshika was going to be a problem, but there was nothing she could do about it. Mashiro then stated that if nothing happened, she would be under an electron microscope of bureaucratic shit and would make it very difficult to keep old secrets. Kevin stated that he was having problems keeping secrets after Mashiro bought Yoshika into this. Mashiro then stated that she had bought Yoshika into this after Kevin had made his press release that he was making scores again. Mashiro then stated that if she didn't control the situation and mentioned if Yoshika knew about this connection. Kevin then stated that Yoshika would flip out, behead him or kill his family or raise them as her own. Mashiro then asked Kevin about what Yoshika knew about this. Kevin stated that Yoshika knew that he was alive, he had got money, and he was working with the Blue Mermaids. Mashiro then asked Kevin if Yoshika had known how long he had been working for the Blue Mermaids. Kevin stated that he didn't matter how long he had been working for them. Mashiro then stated that Kevin might have been working for them before the Bank of Montreal job and their crew walked into an ambush and one of them spent 10 years on the run while another one landed in a federal penitentiary. Kevin then asked about the other option in which Mashiro stumbled onto the bank job where Thea and Kevin went down while Yoshika had got away. Mashiro then stated that the Blue Mermaids cut a deal with Kevin on his sick bed to fake his death and ended up where he was now. Kevin asked if any of which of those were true. Mashiro then stated that no doubt probably accounts for Kevin being alive. Kevin then mentioned that back there Yoshika made Mashiro right away. Mashiro then asked Kevin if he remembered after the bust when she was all over the news as the person that killed Kevin. Kevin then stated that it was a good trophy to hang on Mashiro's wall. Mashiro then mentioned that back then yes, but today not. When they got to the mansion in Vaughan, there was a film crew filming a porno. Mashiro called Mashimo stating that she needed more information. On the order of Mashimo, she tells Yoshika to shock Kinuyo with a car battery. Yoshika then grabbed two clamps and hooked them onto Kinuyo's breasts. Kinuyo yelled in horror and pain as the battery was zapping her nipples. After a minute of zapping, Yoshika stopped it and Kinuyo said that Haru was at the Royal Ontario Museum. Mashimo called Mashiro to tell her about the new location. In the meantime, Kevin and Mashiro were at the Tim Hortons down the street from the Royal Ontario Museum. During the walk to the Royal Ontario Museum, Kevin asked Mashiro how Yoshika and Mashimo were getting along, and she seemed like a productive relationship. Kevin then stated that Yoshika had her uses and Mashiro mentioned that she was trying to get full advantage of her. Kevin asked Mashiro what happened afterward. Mashiro stated that after this thing with the Blue Mermaids was put to rest, Kevin wouldn't be needed anymore. Kevin then asked Mashiro about Yoshika, but she then asked about her. Kevin stated that he needed some resolution and stated that she walked free. Kevin then said to Mashiro that she had cleaned that mess in Montreal. Mashiro then stated to Kevin that the job was going to be clean and then mentioned that there were more eyes in Montreal than needed. According to Kevin's eyes, Yoshika was Mashiro's problem as much as she is to him. Mashiro then asked Kevin if Yoshika mentioned Thea. Kevin then stated that Yoshika mentioned Thea a lot, but he changed the topic when she brought the topic up. Kevin then states to Mashiro that Yoshika thinks that she may commute Thea's sentence when this is all over. Mashiro then stated that it was about time to send another letter. Kevin was shocked that Mashiro was sending those letters to Yoshika. Mashiro stated that Yoshika believed the letters were from Thea, who was locked up in a high security joint and not six feet under a grave marked Kevin. Mashiro then stated that the trainees write them as good exercise. Kevin asked Mashiro about how that happened. Mashiro stated that a few years ago a letter came into the federal prison system addressed to Thea and said that the letter wasn't signed but had a P.O. box in Fenelon Falls. Mashiro played the part of Thea and she and Yoshika started a correspondence. Kevin thanks Mashiro for telling him, in which she was doing him a favor. Kevin then stated that he hoped that Yoshika didn't find this out. Mashiro then stated that it worked so far, but Kevin stated that Yoshika was a ticking time bomb. When they got to the Royal Ontario Museum, Kevin along with Mashiro kicked down somebody's apartment door at the Museum House condominium and Kevin set up the sniper rifle on the balcony. Kevin needed a description of Haru and then Mashiro calls Mashimo. Yoshika grabbed a wrench and struck Kinuyo's knee many times. Kinuyo made a shrill scream as her knee became a bloody mess. Kinuyo said that Haru is a short Japanese teen who wears glasses and has black hair tied in low braids. Mashimo told Mashiro the information and Kevin noticed that the group at the Royal Ontario Museum were the same general description. Mashiro told Mashimo about the issue. Yoshika flipped Kinuyo's chair over, wrapped her face in a shirt and started to waterboard her. After 2 minutes of choking and gagging, Yoshika stopped and flipped the chair back. Kinuyo said that Haru carried a pink purse. Mashimo told Mashiro the information and Kevin noticed that a few of the other people in the group had pink purses. Mashiro told Mashimo that she needed more information. Yoshika grabbed a pair of pliers and started to pull out many of Kinuyo's teeth. After Yoshika pulled her teeth out, Kinuyo passed out due to all the pain she had gone through. Yoshika then quickly zaps her with the car battery on her ear lobe as Kinuyo screams back to life. Kinuyo mentioned that Haru's purse had a cat charm. Mashimo told Mashiro the information and Kevin noticed a match and took the shot. Kevin and Mashiro heard Haru's friend's blood-curdling scream from clearly across the street as they rushed away. After Mashimo told Yoshika to do whatever with Kinuyo, she took her to the airport. On the way there, Kinuyo stated that she had a family, but Yoshika mentioned that she was off the grid. When they arrived at Pearson International Airport, Yoshika pushed Kinuyo out of her car and watched her limp away and trip down the stairs into the parking garage. Later that evening, Kevin went to the Pacific Mall where Mashimo, Mafuyu and Mashiro were waiting. Kevin stated that he was straight after the things he did for her earlier in the day. Mashimo mentioned that Kevin killed and tortured people along with other crimes. Kevin asked Mashiro if she could deal with Mashimo. Moments later, Yoshika arrived, and she labeled Mashimo, Mafuyu and Mashiro a bunch of government shit bags and Kevin their favorite stooly. Mashimo told Yoshika that Kevin was happy about helping the government. Yoshika then started ranting about why Mashimo didn't clear her name along with Kevin and Akeno's. Mashimo then starts to rant about being in charge as Akeno arrives. When Mashimo asked Akeno if she understood, she asked her to explain it again. Mashimo then chuckled before calling Kevin, Yoshika and Akeno the three cunts. Mashiro tells Kevin, Yoshika and Akeno that she needs their help with something else and states that some areas of the government were corrupt. Yoshika asked Mashiro if their part of the government was corrupt too. Mashiro stated that the Blue Mermaids are corrupt in a good way. Mashimo then stated that the Direct Attack Federation wanted to encourage panic to boost their budget. Mashimo also stated that the Direct Attack Federation had secured some funds that the Blue Mermaids needed to fight against crime. Mashiro asked Kevin, Yoshika and Akeno to take those funds from an armored truck. Kevin then cursed at Mashiro, stating that they didn't have the time to prepare the right way. Mashimo stated that it wasn't her concern and mentioned that she wouldn't allocate anymore resources to this right now as she walked off. Mashiro said to Kevin that everything would be fine before leaving with Mafuyu. Kevin, still mad, tells Mashiro to fuck off. While Kevin was cooling off, an idea hit him about doing a blitz play. Kevin tells Yoshika and Akeno that they need a trash truck to block the road, a tow truck to ram the armored truck, disguises for the heist and a getaway car. As the trio leaves the Pacific Mall, they all go home for the night. Early the next morning at Ursula's condo, Yoshika got up to get the things for the heist. While eating breakfast, a trash truck was doing its trash run. Yoshika went down to the trash truck while one trash man was collecting trash and the driver was headbanging to heavy metal music in the cab. Yoshika knocked out the trash man and tossed him into the hopper. Then Yoshika knocked out the driver and tossed her into the hopper as well. Before driving off, Yoshika starts the trash truck's compactor, killing the trash men. Yoshika then drove the trash truck to the Pacific Mall. After dropping off the trash truck, Yoshika was driving on Highway 404 when she saw a semi truck had rolled over. Yoshika grinned as she saw a 100 ton rotator coming onto the scene. Yoshika rushed over to the rotator and killed the driver before stuffing the driver into one of the compartments on the rotator and driving off. When Yoshika dropped the rotator next to the trash truck at Pacific Mall, she choked out a driver of a Dodge Caravan and hid the body in the trunk before taking it to Fairview Mall. When Yoshika parked the Dodge Caravan at Fairview Mall, she went into the mall to buy masks and boiler suits. After buying the masks and boiler suits, Yoshika called Kevin saying that she got all the things for the heist. Later that afternoon, Akeno visits Cherry Beach to meet Momo. Momo wants Akeno to assassinate Midoriko Sono, the CEO of McDonald's Canada. Momo started ranting about how Midoriko didn't care about the kids of today getting fat and making them die of a heart attack before they reached kindergarten. Momo also rants about how Midoriko is basically swimming in all that wealth after hiking the prices sky-high. Momo mentioned that Midoriko was having a meeting at the Sheraton Centre. Momo stated that Akeno should kill Midoriko from across the street while she was leaving the hotel, but before she entered her SUV. Momo also mentioned that she didn't care how Akeno killed Midoriko, but she would like it quick and clean. When Akeno leaves on her motorcycle, she goes to the Camouflage Military Surplus and Supplies to buy a sniper rifle. Afterward, Akeno then went to Nathan Phillips Square where she set up on the elevated walkway facing the hotel. Akeno sees Midoriko leaving the hotel, and takes the shot, killing her, but a guard is also killed. Akeno ran to the underground parking garage under Toronto City Hall and made her escape. As Akeno was about to enter her Ana's condo, Momo calls stating that she has bought Akeno a mansion in Vaughan with the money she raised from assassinating Midoriko. Later that evening, Yoshika went to Akeno's old condo where she was arguing with Ana along with Moeka. Yoshika starts to flirt with Ana, but Akeno makes insults at Ana, stating her as her mother's old dried-up sister. Ana and Yoshika yelled "Shut the fuck up" to Akeno, and she flipped the bird at them. Yoshika gave Ana 7 dollars to buy herself something, and stated that she was a greedy cow. Ana slapped Yoshika and stated that they were all the same before leaving. Moeka tells Akeno about doing something, but she said she was tired. Yoshika stated that she was the queen of things. Moeka then tells Akeno about a drug deal, and Yoshika gets hyped about a gang bang and tags along. They all entered Moeka's van and went to 20 Loomis Court. On the way, Yoshika asked if they would be shooting things up and stated that she could drive by shooting with the best of them. When they got to 20 Loomis Court, they left the van and Moeka knocked at the door. When the dealer answered the door, she asked to see the green stuff. Moeka opened her duffle bag with money, and the dealer went to get a block of coke. The dealer asked if Moeka wanted to try some, which she accepted. The dealer got her knife to get some coke on it and Moeka sniffed it. After Moeka sniffed the coke, she got a rush. Akeno mentioned that she wanted to get out of there. Yoshika then asked for a sniff, but was denied. Yoshika then grabbed the block of coke out of the dealer's hand. Yoshika became enraged when the block of coke was drywall. Yoshika tossed the drywall at the dealer before rambling. The dealer yelled in Japanese before shutting the door. Yoshika then yelled at the closed door that you can't hustle a hustler before the trio ran for cover as the New World Order street gang started shooting at them. The trio start shooting at the New World Order street gang, killing many members. During the shoot-out, Akeno stated that Ami had set them up. The trio tried to escape Loomis Court as more backup arrived. The trio ran up to Broadoaks Drive as the Toronto Police arrived. The trio kill many officers as well as they escape. As they reached Walmart on 3757 Keele Street, Drake was doing a photo shoot. Yoshika grabbed Drake and rushed him into his 2015 Mercedes-Maybach S600 Pullman and the group escape the police and Drake's guards. After losing the police and Drake's guards, Yoshika kills Drake and then drives Moeka to Akeno's old condo and Akeno to her mansion. Later that night, Yoshika entered Ursula's condo where she stated to Erica and Ursula that she had people coming. Yoshika tells Erica to clean up the place and Ursula to give her a back rub. Ursula questioned Yoshika's order, but Yoshika asked if she wanted to see her boobs. Ursula didn't want Yoshika to do that and started to rub her back. Just then, Kevin entered and called Yoshika Bro. Yoshika stated that Kevin was late, and he had no right to call her that. Kevin tells Yoshika to shut up and labels her as a broken record. Yoshika then tells Kevin he looks exactly like a shit and asks where the assistant was. Kevin stated that Akeno was coming. Just then, Akeno arrived and asked what they were doing. Yoshika stated that they were going to undertake a score on the Sensha-Dō Federation container ship. Yoshika said that she had already done most of the planning and stated that they would make out like bandits. Kevin asked Yoshika if she had called Momo about the score. Yoshika mentioned that Momo was in the hospital getting her wisdom teeth removed. Yoshika also mentioned that Momo would not get 20 percent of the score. Kevin stated that that's not how things work. Yoshika stated that she was going to do the heist her own way as the last time Kevin was in charge they were all shot at, Kevin was buried then resurrected, turning into a twat and Thea ending up in prison. Kevin mentioned that Momo told them not to do that job, but did it anyway. Yoshika stated that Kevin owns her after that failed job 9 years ago. Akeno asked Yoshika about what the plan was. Yoshika stated that they were sinking a container ship into the harbor with Akeno on the Gardiner Expressway facing the covering Kevin, who was setting up charges. After the ship goes down, Yoshika will start a salvage operation in a minisub with the help of Ursula. Afterward, Yoshika then started the heist, with Kevin asking Yoshika not to act like a dick. Before leaving the condo, Yoshika, along with Akeno, asked Erica to give Kevin a wetsuit and take him to the boat. On the drive to the Gardiner Expressway, Yoshika gave Akeno a sniper rifle with a thermal scope before ranting about the other day about getting ripped off by buying a drywall brick of blow. When Yoshika got to the Gardiner Expressway over Yonge Street, Akeno left Yoshika's pickup and took her place on an overpass facing the container ship. Akeno then called Kevin, stating that she was in a position. Kevin, in a motorboat, sailed next to the container ship before climbing on it. Akeno snips Sensha-Dō Federation guards as Kevin is setting up charges. As Kevin went inside the ship, the Sensha-Dō Federation backup came speeding down Yonge Street before the guards leave their vehicles and board the ship. Akeno was getting fired on by the guards as a Sensha-Dō Federation attack helicopter arrived. Akeno kills the pilot, causing the helicopter to crash, killing most of the Sensha-Dō Federation backup team in the crash. When Akeno kills the rest of the guards, Kevin comes back from the inside of the ship after setting up more charges and he jumps overboard. When Kevin swam away from the ship, Akeno called in the charges. The ship then blew up and started capsizing in the harbour. Kevin, now wearing scuba gear, dives into the water to find anything valuable. As Kevin marked something of value, Yoshika, in the minisub, went over to pick it up and then went to the Redpath Sugar Plant. When Yoshika arrives at the Redpath Sugar Plant, Ursula lifts the sub out of the water and onto a flatbed truck. As Yoshika was happily dancing in the sub, Momo arrives in a hospital gown. Momo stated to Kevin and Akeno that they would be on every government watch list because they just stole an experimental super weapon and mentioned that they must return it. Yoshika was utterly shocked about seeing Momo, but she then told her that they would be dead within a week if they didn't return it. When Yoshika didn't believe Momo's statement, Kevin stated that these government watch lists don't just watch, but kill. As Ursula arrives at the group, Yoshika orders her and Momo to take the truck and return the experimental super weapon. As Momo and Ursula left in the truck, Akeno mentioned that this was for nothing. Kevin and Akeno also left, as Yoshika stated to Kevin that he owned her another score. Yoshika then hit her head on her pickup in anger. The following afternoon, Kevin went over to Pacific Mall where the trash truck and rotator were. As Kevin opened one of the compartments on the rotator, the driver's body was in it. Kevin thought about Yoshika killing the driver, and he didn't want to check the trash truck. Yoshika arrived and Kevin mentioned the body. Yoshika stated that the body was there when she stole the rotator. Akeno then arrived and Kevin shared the plan with her and Yoshika. Kevin tells Yoshika to go onto the railroad bridge facing north onto Cherry Street as a lookout for the armored truck. Kevin then tells Akeno to use the rotator to ram the armored truck while he was blocking the path with the trash truck. Yoshika then grabbed a duffle bag with the masks and boiler suits from her pickup. After the trio got changed, they all went to Cherry Street. While driving, Akeno noticed that Kevin was headbanging to heavy metal music and she chuckled. When Kevin got to the Distillery Historic District, the armored truck hadn't arrived yet. Kevin then decided to toss some trash into the back until the armored truck arrived. Moments later, Yoshika called Kevin over his earpiece that the armored truck was coming. Kevin then hopped into the trash truck and blocked the road. As the armored truck arrived at the road blockage, the driver started cursing at herself, stating that trash collection in the area had already been collected earlier in the day. Akeno then speeds down Distillery Lane in the rotator. Akeno rammed the armored truck at 90 kph, causing it to flip over on its side and ending up in the Distillery Loop. Kevin and Akeno leave their trucks and Akeno places a sticky bomb on the back door. When Akeno blew the sticky bomb off, she and Kevin ordered the guards out. While Kevin was in the armored truck looking for funds, the guards rambled that they were deaf and mentioned that the alarm had been tripped. When Kevin found the funds and exited the armored truck, the Toronto Police were already closing in. Kevin and Akeno got into cover as the first wave of police arrived. Kevin, Akeno and Yoshika had already killed many officers as the Emergency Task Force arrived. They killed most of the Emergency Task Force when their sniper unit was set up on some nearby buildings. Yoshika then snips and kills all the sniper unit members. Soon after, a helicopter flew over with a couple of Emergency Task Force members shooting at the trio. Yoshika snips the pilot and causes the helicopter to crash. Soon after, the police died down, and the trio made a run for it. Kevin tells Akeno to deal with the trash truck as he takes the funds to Mashimo's guy. Akeno drove to Fairview Mall where the Dodge Caravan was there. Akeno then blew the trash truck up before leaving. In the meantime, with the police. Afterward, Akeno drives to the getaway car at Fairview Mall and blows up the trash truck. Kevin is on his way to Mayuki at her mansion, which is down the street from his own mansion. When Kevin arrived at Mayuki's mansion, he gave the funds to her. Mayuki mentioned a job boosting high-end cars with a big payday. Mayuki asked Kevin what he liked and he said video games. Mayuki mentions that she would hook Kevin up with Rockstar Toronto. Kevin was overjoyed about it as he leaves the mansion. The next morning, Kevin went over to Rockstar Toronto in Oakville. When Kevin entered the building, the studio director, Akebi Sasaki, was waiting and hugged him. When they went into her office, Akebi mentioned if Mayuki wanted Kevin to bump her off because Mayuki wanted to put her out to pasture so she could build condos. Kevin mentioned that Mayuki said Akebi wanted help with a project or something. Kevin stated that Rockstar Toronto is a dream factory. Akebi then mentioned not working with children or animals and stated adding game designers and programmers to that list. Akebi stated that their new video game project, Grand Theft Auto 6, was going to kill her. Kevin asked Akebi about any problems. Akebi stated that one of her programmers, Maho Nishizumi, and her new agent, Maria Suzuki, were holding up the game until Maho had been paid more. Furthermore, Akebi also stated that her game designer, Karina Sakaguchi, might be having a mental breakdown by pissing all over herself somewhere. Kevin then stated to Akebi that she had got herself a new assistant before he leaves to find the trio. As Kevin was on his way to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Akebi called him, stating that if they knew that he was coming, they would get out of there. Kevin mentioned that he would be quiet. When Kevin got there, he bought a ticket to go to the Canadian International AutoShow. When Kevin was looking at the super cars, he saw Maho, Maria and Karina looking at a Lamborghini Urus. When Kevin got to them, Maria got mouthy at him, which caused Kevin to become mouthy as well. Both of them then started to have a fist fight after a minute of yelling back and forth. After Kevin landed the knockout blow on Maria, he asked someone to test drive the Lamborghini Urus and ordered Maho and Karina to get in. When Kevin, Maho and Karina left the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, he had a little fun in the Lamborghini. Maho and Karina were screaming like banshees as Kevin sped the wrong way on the Gardiner Expressway. Karina started to piss herself as she made horny moans. As Kevin was still driving the wrong way, he was becoming more ruthless as he was pushing the Lamborghini over 250 kph as cars were swerving out of the way. By then, Karina was in full sicko mode as shit was coming out of her pants. Kevin laughed evilly before asking Maho if she wanted to make a deal. Maho then started rambling curses at Kevin, stating that she wanted more money. Kevin then mentioned the well-being of Karina as she was banging her head on the window while rambling about random things. Just then, Karina started to force Maho to eat her shit. Maho yells that she will go back to the studio for the shitty pay. Kevin then drove Maho and Karina back to Rockstar Toronto, where both of them apologized to Akebi. Later that afternoon, Akeno went over to the Promenade Mall, where Mayuki and her lawyer, Kaoru Furushou, were waiting. Kaoru mentioned that Akeno used to be a car repo agent. Mayuki then mentioned her hobby of requisitioning underappreciated possessions of her contemporaries for some wealthy communists in China who would value them much more. Akeno asked Mayuki why, and she stated that she was rich enough to do whatever she wanted. Yoshika then arrived and said hello to Kaoru in a flirty way. Mayuki stated that they would dress up as Ontario Provincial Police Highway Patrol officers and steal a Pagani Huayra and a Ferrari 458 Italia from a couple of trust fund kids that she disliked. Yoshika asked about the plan and Kaoru stated that the cars would get a good price over in Asia. Just then, Kevin arrived and Yoshika called him sugar tits and stated he was late. Kevin asked what was going on and Yoshika stated that he would finally fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a cop. Kaoru stated that the trust fund kids normally be at a gas station in Grimsby. Mayuki told Kevin and Yoshika to get a head start. As they were leaving, Akeno asked Mayuki if this was phony, as her life was already messed up. Mayuki stated that she is a darwinist and mentioned whether Akeno had found her level in life before leaving. Akeno then entered a Lamborghini Aventador and drove to Grimsby. While driving on the Queen Elizabeth Way, Akeno passed a police cruiser with the officers headbanging to heavy metal music. Akeno then noticed that the headbanging officers were Kevin and Yoshika. Akeno laughed as she noticed another police cruiser passing with the officers inside who were wondering what the hell was going on about the headbanging officers in the cruiser next to them. When Akeno arrived at the Petro-Canada off of Casablanca Boulevard, she dared the trust fund kids to a race to Ontario Place. They then raced off onto the Queen Elizabeth Way towards Ontario Place. As the trio was finishing crossing the Burlington Skyway, they entered Kevin and Yoshika's speed trap, going 200 kph. Kevin and Yoshika started chasing the trio. The trust fund kids didn't know that the law was hot on their ass. After nearly an hour of chasing, Akeno and the trust fund kids got to Ontario Place and Kevin and Yoshika were not far behind. Kevin and Yoshika then ask each trust fund kid to exit their cars. As Kevin started rambling curses at one of the trust fund kids as he tossed her license at her face, Yoshika was touching the boobs of the other trust fund kid while doing a body search. Akeno was in utter surprise at the actions of Kevin and Yoshika. Just then, Kevin and Yoshika tossed the trust fund kids aside and entered their cars before they, along with Akeno, stormed away. Yoshika called Kaoru, stating that they had got the cars while flirting with her. Kaoru mentioned taking the cars to Centerpoint Mall. Yoshika then tells Kevin and Akeno to go to Centerpoint Mall before ranting about how hot Kaoru was. Akeno mentioned no sexual harassment in the workplace. Akeno then mentioned to Kevin that this reminded her of her past as a car repo agent before getting fired. When they arrived at Centerpoint Mall, Mayuki and Kaoru were there. Yoshika started cursing at Mayuki for not giving her a paycheck, but she stated that she was a payment on completion type of person as they needed to steal 3 more cars. Mayuki also mentioned that if Yoshika didn't like it, she could take a hike. Akeno asked Yoshika to cool down and then asked Mayuki about what was happening. Kaoru then mentions to Yoshika about flying along in a York Regional Police helicopter to help Akeno steal a Ferrari 250 GTO from Takina Inoue as she had gone through a messy legal battle with her late father's will, which involved the car in the will. Later that evening, Yoshika went over to Buttonville Municipal Airport. When Yoshika entered the main building, she asked a York Regional Police officer about flying along in their helicopter. The officer mentioned that Mayuki had set the meeting up for her and stated that the pilot was already waiting there. When Yoshika got onto the airfield, she saw the York Regional Police Airbus Helicopters H125. As Yoshika got close to the helicopter, the pilot asked if she was on the ride along. Yoshika confirmed and both of them entered the helicopter ready to lift off. As they lifted off, Yoshika mentioned starting up the radio-frequency identification scanner and asked the pilot to fly where she wanted to. When the helicopter was flying above the Starbucks at Keele Street and Rutherford Road, Yoshika scanned Akeno, who was waiting there, with the RFID and, to her horror, she was charged for several DUIs in the past. Akeno then rambled curses at Yoshika through her earpiece. Yoshika asked Akeno to go to Rutherford GO Station to look for Takina. Akeno drove down to the station as Yoshika was already scanning everyone there. After a few minutes, Yoshika didn't find Takina at Rutherford Go Station and, along with Akeno, decided to go to the Real Canadian Superstore at 51 Gerry Fitzgerald Drive. During the helicopter ride, Yoshika starts ranting about the York Regional Police deed for arresting Akeno. When Yoshika got to Gerry Fitzgerald Drive, she started scanning everyone again. As Yoshika was about to give up, she found Takina. Yoshika then ordered Akeno to follow her. Akeno had to wait in the Esso near the Real Canadian Superstore as Takina was waiting for a bus. When Takina got onto the bus, Akeno started following her. When Takina got off the bus at Steeles Avenue West and Bathurst Street, she started to walk toward her house at 29 Bison Drive. When Takina got home, she opened her garage and the Ferrari 250 GTO was there. Akeno roared up to the house and got out of her car, ordering Takina to give up the car while aiming a gun. Takina chickened out and got into her car before storming off. Akeno entered her car and started chasing Takina. Akeno and Takina were ruthless as they sped down Bathurst Street. After a 20-minute chase, Takina entered a parking garage in Yorkdale Shopping Centre. Yoshika stated to the pilot that she would push him out of the helicopter to look for Takina, but he mentioned the helicopter having an infrared camera. Yoshika asked the pilot to fly lower, but he mentioned that it may not be safe before doing it. Yoshika started scanning for movement on the infrared camera and, after a few false claims, she found Takina. Akeno went over to see Takina getting out of the car and surrendered. Akeno then punches out Takina before taking off in the car. Akeno called Kaoru and stated that she had gotten the car. Kaoru mentioned that she and Mayuki were about to leave, but they might have time if Akeno dropped by Mayuki's hanger at Pearson International Airport. After a 13-minute drive, Akeno drove past the airport's security and entered Mayuki's hanger. As Akeno rode up, Mayuki mentioned if the car was a guy, she could break her 20 and under rule and proceed to hump it a couple of times. Mayuki mentioned to Akeno how rare this car is. Mayuki then starts ranting about security, fast cars, blow-jobs, basically everything in the world served on a plate. Mayuki then rants about Kevin and Yoshika's actions being a full nuclear meltdown and states that Akeno is standing there soaking up major radiation. After the ranting, Mayuki and Kaoru entered Mayuki's private jet as one of Mayuki's guards drove away in the Ferrari. Kaoru mentioned to Akeno that she could take any car nearby and leave. The next morning, Kevin went to Trevor's mansion in the Township of King. When Kevin got there, he waited for Yoshika before going in. A few minutes later, Yoshika sped onto the driveway, nearly hitting Kevin. Kevin rambled curses at Yoshika as she got out of her pickup. Yoshika asked why Kevin called her up to King. Kevin mentioned to Yoshika that they needed to do some work. Yoshika then asked about the guy giving them the job, and Kevin mentioned that she would soon see him. They went to the front door and Kevin knocked. Moments later, Trevor's wife, Joy Maloney, opened the door. Yoshika said hello to Joy in a flirty way. Just then, Trevor rambled to Joy to let Kevin and Yoshika in. Kevin and Yoshika followed Joy into the living room where Trevor was waiting. Trevor asked Joy to get them drinks and quickly. As Joy was getting the drinks, Kevin introduced Trevor to Yoshika. Trevor asked Kevin to tell Yoshika how they had met. Kevin stated that Trevor was a terrifying psychopath that runs a British crime firm called the Neuroi. Kevin also mentioned that Trevor nearly killed him a couple of weeks back after he and Akeno destroyed one of his houses. Trevor mentioned that was the most likely cause of their first meeting. Trevor then mentioned that some people don't fear him as much as before, like his father, Trevor Maloney Senior. Trevor then stated that his father was ratting him out to the RCMP. Kevin asked if Trevor was planning to get him killed and Trevor stated that Kevin would kill him. Kevin mentioned that their debt had already been paid. Trevor asked Kevin to do this favor for a friend. Yoshika then asked about the deal. Trevor then showed them a picture of Trevor Senior and stated that he was flying to Ottawa with some of his secret files about him that he needed back. Trevor also mentioned that there was a rifle on the roof at the Aurora Community Centre and then stated that when Trevor Senior's plane was flying past, Kevin would shoot it down while Yoshika would chase the plane until it crashed and grab the files. Kevin and Yoshika then started to leave to do the job as Joy came back with whiskey. Trevor then started cursing at Joy about the guests who had already left. Before they left the mansion, Kevin stated that Yoshika needed to get a versatile vehicle and he manned the gun. During the drive, Yoshika mentioned that she had stolen someone's dirt bike through Kevin's earpiece. Yoshika then asked if they were robbing Trevor's mansion. Kevin stated that they ain't casing the joint. Yoshika then stated that Joy married Trevor because of his money and being an asshole. When Kevin arrived at the Aurora Community Centre, he climbed onto the roof and found the rifle. Kevin stated to Yoshika that if she saw this gun, Trevor meant business. After a few minutes, Kevin saw the plane flying towards him. With three skilled shots, Kevin shoots out one of the engines, causing the plane to fall. Kevin then ordered Yoshika to chase the plane. Yoshika hijacked the air traffic controller's radio and listened to the pilots and air traffic. After a 15-minute chase, the plane finally crashed at the end of Yonge Street. When Yoshika arrived at the scene, Trevor Senior was still alive and limping away from the wreck. In cold blood, Yoshika shoots Trevor Senior at point-blank range. Afterward, Yoshika then entered the burning plane and went into the cockpit, where the pilots were already dead, to take back the files. As Yoshika got off of the plane hacking for air with the files, Kevin called her and asked about the status. Yoshika stated that she got the files and would take them to Trevor while she explained the human cost of this errand. Kevin then mentioned that he needed to get rid of the rifle and would meet Yoshika at Trevor's mansion. Kevin, with the rifle, climbed down from the roof of the community centre, and he dumped the gun into the nearby river. As Kevin was driving to Trevor's mansion, Yoshika called him and stated that she had some change of plans and needed him to meet her at the Argyle Farm Market in Kawartha Lakes. Kevin asked Yoshika why, but she just said she was doing something that he wouldn't do before hanging up. Kevin got annoyed at Yoshika as he was driving to the new location. An hour later, Kevin arrived there, but Yoshika wasn't there yet. 15 minutes later, Yoshika pulled up in Trevor's SUV. Kevin asked what happened, but Yoshika started ranting about why people were stabbing Trevor in the back. Kevin then barked curses at Yoshika to answer his question. Yoshika asked Trevor for a fair day's pay after a fair day's work, but he got angry, leading to her getting angry. Kevin then asked Yoshika if she had killed Trevor, which she said no, but instead she kidnapped Joy. Kevin rambled curses and insults at Yoshika for kidnapping Joy as she opened the trunk to show her tied and bound and asked her why she did it. Yoshika stated that she had just told Kevin what had happened as she was carrying Joy to the front seat. Yoshika then stated that they needed to lie low for a while in her trailer in Fenelon Falls. As Yoshika entered the SUV, Kevin was cursing at himself in the backseat. The next morning, Akeno went over to Kevin's mansion, but soon found out it was empty. Akeno then called Kevin to see where he was. Kevin stated that he and Yoshika were exiled and lying low after falling out of that job for Trevor that they did. Akeno asked if Kevin was kidding, but he mentioned that he only wished he was. Akeno then asked where Kevin and Yoshika were hiding, and he stated that they were at Sunny Acres Trailer Park. Kevin mentioned to Akeno that Yoshika had a wife, Joy. Akeno was shocked about Yoshika having a wife, but Kevin stated that Yoshika wasn't actually married but kidnapped Trevor's wife. Akeno was speechless about the fact. After Kevin's call, Yoshika woke up and stated to Lynette that she was back and then ordered her to get her a coffee before she cut off her arm. Kevin made a crack about Lynette being Yoshika's maid, but Yoshika mentioned she was a business partner. Lynette ran in and Yoshika introduced her to Kevin while he was taking a piss. Yoshika then went over to Joy, who was tied to a chair, and took the duct tape off her mouth. Yoshika, in a flirty manner, mentioned to Joy that she was sorry about what happened and stated that no harm would happen to her, but mentioned chopping her into pieces and flushing it down the drain if things happened. Joy mentioned that she liked Yoshika's honesty and stated she was a good lady, as Lynette bought Yoshika coffee. Kevin made a crack about Yoshika needing her eyes checked out. Yoshika then tossed the coffee at Kevin's nuts before going over to Lynette. Kevin rambled curses and held his nuts while Yoshika asked Lynette about the business. Lynette was trying to find words, but Yoshika stated if she was going to tell a sob story, she would rip her throat open and shove a turd down it. Lynette stated that it's not a sob story as words haven't come through yet, but mentioned hearing something about the Sensha-Dō Federation hauling a big cache of weapons. Yoshika was happy about it and said let's go. As Kevin was getting up to join Yoshika, she stated that he was a wanted man that needed to stay low and asked him to watch over Joy. As Yoshika and Lynette enter Yoshika's pickup, Lynette mentions the weapons are coming in by air, and she has already got a plane ready at Baldwin Airfield. During the drive, Lynette asked Yoshika what she was going to do. Yoshika said that she would intercept the shipment while they were still flying. Lynette knew that Yoshika was pissed about the Sensha-Dō Federation container ship heist after giving back that hardware. Yoshika stated that the heist was bullshit. Lynette had been monitoring the Sensha-Dō Federation chatter as Yoshika mentioned to Lynette that it'd feel good to be back in the company of a professional. Lynette then mentioned the late great Kevin Zack. Yoshika then stated that Kevin ain't so late, not so great and no longer called Zack. Lynette mentioned to Yoshika that they had a good thing without Kevin. Yoshika then mentioned that if Kevin was a good thing before stating where her money was, her consultancy and her big fat dividend. Yoshika then ranted about wanting a franchise network, reward cards, merchandise, country clubs, a depressed wife with blond hair, a hot little secretary who bounces on her boy and wanting to make gun violence and drug dependency accessible to every man and beast from St. John's to Vancouver. When they got to the airfield, Yoshika stated that the crop duster was the best Lynette could get. When Yoshika entered the crop duster, she told Lynette to tell the neighbors to the south that there was going to be a sale. Lynette then stated that she would keep in touch via the radio before Yoshika took off. After taking off, Lynette told Yoshika that the air shipment was flying over Barrie, and she warned her to stay under the radar as air traffic was being monitored from the Canadian Forces Base in Trenton until she reached out of military airspace. 15 minutes later, Yoshika found the plane, an Antonov An-225. Lynette asked if Yoshika was going to force them to land, but she stated that she had already told her that she was going to hijack them midair. 30 minutes later, as they were flying over London, the Antonov had left the military airbase and Lynette cleared Yoshika to climb up. Yoshika then climbed up to the Antonov as she got warnings on her radio from the base in Trenton to change her course. After a few more warnings, the back cargo door of the Antonov opened up and the Sensha-Dō Federation opened fire at Yoshika. In a hell of bullets, two Sensha-Dō Federation soldiers jumped out of the plane as Yoshika crashed the crop duster into the back of the Antonov. Yoshika exited the crop duster before it fell out of the Antonov and started shooting her way to the cockpit. After killing everyone onboard, she entered the cockpit and started flying the Antonov back to Baldwin Airfield. Yoshika radioed Lynette that she was coming back to the airfield. A few minutes later, two Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 Hornets intercepted Yoshika. Yoshika radioed Lynette that she had got the air force on her ass. Lynette asked Yoshika to fly over the fighter jets. As Yoshika got closer to the airfield, the two fighter jets opened fire with their missiles, mortally damaging the Antonov. Yoshika radioed Lynette that she was going down. Lynette ordered Yoshika to get the hell out of there. Yoshika found a parachute onboard and bailed out. Yoshika yelled that she had clients that were waiting for these weapons as she jumped out of the plane. Yoshika watched the Antonov crashing into Cameron Lake. After a few minutes, Yoshika landed right in front of her trailer as Kevin was rambling curses about a loud explosion and seeing her landing. Later that evening, Yoshika went over to her meth lab at Pharmasave Fenelon Falls. Yoshika spent the night making a new batch of meth. The following morning, Yoshika was taking a piss on the wall when Kevin came in. Kevin told Yoshika that the lab was nice. Yoshika stated that the place was easy to mock as it's cheap and easy. Yoshika then stated that this was her place and her work paid for this place. Kevin mentioned that he was being sarcastic. Yoshika stated that the world didn't need anymore sarcasm. Kevin got the point, but Yoshika stated that he was an asshole because he made a bit of money and became a turd. Kevin labeled himself as always being a turd. Yoshika mentioned that Kevin hadn't always been a turd and stated that he was something, but now he was a shell. Kevin then tells Yoshika to go fuck herself, asks if she was a morally justifiable asshole and labels her as totally psychotic. Yoshika then labeled Kevin a hypocrite and stated that she wanted to rip open his chest to see what replaced his heart. Kevin then asked Yoshika to do it. As Kevin and Yoshika were about to land blows, Mashimo and Mashiro entered the scene and Yoshika told them to fuck off. Mashiro asked them to listen, stating that the Blue Mermaids needed government funding to investigate a research lab in Durham Region that is making plutonium-239. Yoshika then stated that she was glad that she wasn't paying taxes. Mashiro then told them that they needed some gear like a boat, a tandem rotor heavy lift helicopter, a truck and weapons, but stated that they needed to source all of those as the helicopter cost 2 million dollars. Kevin stated that Yoshika came into a lot of money, and she asked him if that was sarcasm. Kevin then said that it was sarcasm and called Yoshika a fuck before ranting about being happily retired, sulking in his swimming pool a few weeks ago until a psychotic Yoshika came out of nowhere to torture him over mistakes from 9 years ago and stated that this posse is flat broke and crack a joke about spending 2 million dollars on the helicopter so he can steal plutonium-239 from terrorists. Kevin then called Yoshika an ignorant fuck and claimed that sarcasm and a room full of cunts were all that he got. Yoshika then started loudly cheering and clapping, stating that the old Kevin was back. Mashimo then jumps in, stating that she and Mashiro have got to go for Pilates, as she calls Kevin and Yoshika ladies, before asking them to keep them out of this. Kevin then mentioned giving Momo a call, as she might know about something planning a score. Kevin and Yoshika entered his car and started driving towards Lindsay. During the drive, Kevin called Momo to mention a bank in the sticks that she mentioned before the jewelry store job and asked her to meet them there. Momo stated that she was going to meet them in Lindsay in a few hours. As Kevin ended the call, he asked Yoshika not to start. Yoshika stated that it was a great thing that Kevin called Momo to meet them there to plan a holdup at the bank for a few million. Kevin asked if the bank had that kind of change. Yoshika then stated that local law enforcement would extort money from all the weed farms, whore houses and meth kitchens in the area and keep their cash in safe deposit boxes and stated that all the normal small town payroll was held there too, before claiming that they would do well. Kevin then mentioned to Yoshika that he was thinking about her lifestyle as a maniac and a psycho and asked where she lived. Yoshika stated that she lived in Fenelon Falls, calling Kevin a precious ass, and stated that there was nowhere nearby for him to buy his colonics. Kevin asked why Yoshika lives out there. Yoshika stated that it's off the grid, where it's away from it all, and claimed that this is real and authentic Canada before claiming the real people had not been priced out yet. Kevin asked if things had been gentrified and Yoshika stated that she would move out. Kevin asked Yoshika about the way she dresses. Yoshika stated that she didn't give a shit what she wore. Kevin then stated that if Yoshika gave a shit, she would wear clean clothes that fit as it's a little out there and wacky. Yoshika claimed that whatever in the shop was what she was wearing and then asked what was going on. Kevin stated that it's not an absence of taste, but the opposite of taste. Yoshika mentioned to Kevin that he should be a stylist. Kevin then mentioned Yoshika's tattoos, hair, taste of weird music, her funny toys, the niche drugs and everything in between. Yoshika asked what Kevin was talking about. Kevin then labeled Yoshika a hipster. Yoshika said that she hated hipsters, and she stated that she ate them for fun. Kevin stated that Yoshika was being self-hateful about being a hipster because he said that hipsters love saying that they hate hipsters. Yoshika then stated that she was living where she lived away from all the Starbucks and bankers. Kevin then mentioned that Yoshika was gentrifying as he stated to Yoshika that skinny jeans, skinny lattes and bankers would show up while she was somewhere starting the cycle all over again. Kevin stated that Yoshika wasn't a classic garden variety hipster, but a proto-hipster. Yoshika then mentioned that she didn't know what Kevin was talking about as she didn't agree with him and stated that it was bullshit before mentioning that he was winding her up and now very angry and wanting this conversation to stop. Kevin said hipster again and Yoshika yelled "Go fuck yourself" three times at him and dared him to say it again. Kevin stated that he made his point and mentioned that he was not a sadist. After another few minutes, they arrived at Tim Hortons on 191 Ken Street West in Lindsay and waited for Momo. While waiting for Momo at the Tim Hortons, Yoshika started to toss rocks at Kevin, and he said to stop it. As Yoshika started tossing more rocks at Kevin, he cursed at her that he would break her fingers off if she didn't knock that crap off. Yoshika stated that bugging Kevin alleviates the boredom. Just then, a taxi pulled up with Momo. After Momo paid the driver, she along with Kevin and Yoshika got into Kevin's car and drove to the Bank of Montreal on 16 William Street South. Momo said that they needed to drive to the front of the bank to clock the entrance, and she stated that if the paperwork was right, the alarm would be a relic, stating that they should be in and out before the police knew what hit them. When they arrived at the bank, Momo stated that the entrance didn't look that special before asking Kevin to drive around to the back of the bank. When they got to the back of the bank, Momo said that it was going to cost more to break the alarm system than the score would pay out. Yoshika asked about another score, but Momo stated that this was the one. Yoshika then asked Momo about the options, and she stated that it would be a dumb idea, but they may have to trigger the alarm to see what kind of response they would throw out. Momo told Kevin to shoot it, and he got out of the car and did it. Kevin then rushed back into the car and drove to the parking lot across the street to watch for the police arriving at the bank while Momo was listening to police chatter. The chatter mentioned that they were sending 4 units with more backup on stand-by. Yoshika mentioned that the police in the area were dirty and guarding dirty money from their piggy bank. After 55 seconds, 4 Kawartha Lakes Police Service units arrived. Momo suggested watching the police to see a weakness in their routine. The chatter then mentioned the alarm was false, and they would be setting up checkpoints for car to car searches and record checks. Yoshika was annoyed about the checkpoints as she didn't want to get busted because Momo needed a inhaler, and she got out of the car and stole someone's dirt bike. Kevin stated to Yoshika that he was faster than her ass, while Momo stated that they needed to go. While Kevin and Momo were racing Yoshika back to her lab, Momo mentioned that she should've come because she feared that they were getting chased. Kevin stated to Momo that they weren't being chased, and they were going to be fine. Momo then ranted about Yoshika's meth lab being a burnout shithole pharmacy where meth is made. Momo asked Kevin why he needed the money. Kevin stated that there is a research lab where the Direct Attack Federation is making plutonium-239 that they would release on Canadian soil to boost their funding. Momo then asked Kevin what was got to do with him and Yoshika planning to rob the bank. Kevin then stated that Mashimo needed over 2 million dollars so they could finance the raid on the lab and mentioned who was doing the raid and going to pay for it. Momo understood the reason why Kevin needed to plan the robbery. Kevin mentioned that Yoshika would rob the bank for candy and a pat on the head. Kevin then asked Momo if they could do the robbery. Momo mentioned that they would, but it ain't going to be clean. Kevin asked how messy it was going to be, and Momo mentioned facing the police head-on. Kevin mentioned that Yoshika labeled the police dirty. Kevin asked if they would pull it off again. Momo then stated that the Kawartha Lakes Police Service aren't trained like most other police departments in the area and ain't going to be ready for a well-armed crew coming right at them. Kevin told Momo that they needed an edge against the police, and she stated that she had some ideas. As Kevin and Momo arrive back at the meth lab, Yoshika was already there. Yoshika asked them what took them so long, and Kevin stated that he let her win. When they got upstairs, Momo was going to use a wall to draw up the plan while Yoshika went into the fridge and offered Kevin some soup leftovers. Kevin didn't want any leftovers, but Yoshika stated that he becomes moody when hungry and making the wrong decisions. Kevin stated that he made the wrong decisions all his life. After Yoshika finished nuking it, she gave it to Kevin. Kevin asked what the hell Yoshika had given him. Yoshika asked Kevin what was wrong with him as she moved the bowl over to herself and, with a fork, picked up a human eyelid. While Yoshika was eating the leftovers, Momo finished planning the heist and asked Kevin to see it. Kevin was glad that he didn't have to spend another minute there as Momo told him the plan. Momo stated that their experiment showed the police response was too fast and too strong to walk through. Momo then stated that convoys with military-grade hardware passed by the Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport. Momo stated that they should hijack one and use the hardware in the heist. Momo also stated that there was a river nearby that Akeno would use to carry them out of there after the heist. Momo then stated that they just needed another person to join them in the heist. Kevin decided to choose Gertrud as the third member. Momo asked Kevin if the plan was all set and he said yes. Momo stated that she would get the equipment ready and told Kevin to reach out to Akeno and Yoshika to just be herself. Yoshika asked Momo if she wanted to bunk with them, but she said that she was going to get a motel. Kevin offered Momo a ride and they left. Yoshika then put the leftovers back in the fridge and started puking. When Yoshika was finished barfing her guts out, she decided to leave her meth lab. As Yoshika left the lab and entered her pickup, Akeno called stating that there were some angry rednecks looking for her and mentioned that she had found where they were at and stated that she was following them. Yoshika told Akeno that the angry rednecks were the Kinesaki Sisters or what was left of them. Yoshika then stated that she had to do some arms dealing she needed to do before she could help Akeno to finish the sisters off. That evening, after taking care of business, Yoshika was driving home when Trevor called asking about where his wife was. Yoshika stated that Joy didn't want to talk to him. Trevor stated that he would find Yoshika, and she mentioned putting coffee on when he did. Later on that evening, Yoshika was in her trailer sniffing gasoline. A few minutes later, Kevin walked into the trailer while on the phone with Mio, stating that he missed her. Kevin also asked Mio about calling him back and asking about the well-being of Mia and Tim. Yoshika mocked Kevin because he was a bad boy as a husband and father of his kids before asking him if he wanted a sniff. Kevin asked Yoshika what was wrong with her. Yoshika then stated that Canada was built for gasoline and then mentioned that she was proving her patriotic duty of sniffing the stuff. Yoshika sniffed it again and said that it was cheap, but it was good. Yoshika then made a crack about Mio and Mia being a shitty sluts of a wife and daughter and Tim as Kevin's dopey son. Kevin then rambled curses at Yoshika for talking about his wife and children like that. Just as Yoshika sniffed it again and made moans, Joy took the cup of gasoline from Yoshika and slapped her stating no sniffing gas. Kevin laughed at Yoshika getting slapped around. Yoshika then apologized to Joy in a flirty way before offering Kevin a beer. Yoshika then stated that she didn't have any low-carb beer, and Kevin rambled curses at her. As Yoshika tossed Kevin a beer, he asked what she had been up to. Yoshika asked Kevin why he cared, but he stated that he was trying to have a civilized talk. Yoshika said that she was out putting people in their place. Kevin told Yoshika that there was more than this gig than her going crazy and killing everyone in sight. After making a horny moan after sipping her beer, she stated that if she liked her life and Kevin felt guilty about it, it wouldn't make him more of a man than her. Kevin stated that Yoshika's street philosopher had taken her far, and he then mentioned achieving perfect balance. Yoshika then stated that 9 years in the sun Kevin's brain had melted and stated that his words didn't have any meaning. Yoshika asked about what balance was and stated that she only kills on the weekend. Yoshika also stated that on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday she does yoga and meditation and Tuesdays and Thursdays are hookers and sticking up joints. Yoshika mentioned that if Kevin called her mad, she stated that she was the sanest person out there compared to him. Yoshika then stated that she was so sane that she should open up a mental health clinic. Yoshika asked Kevin to stop being an asshole, which he said he would try. Yoshika stated that she liked Kevin's honesty as they clicked bottles. Yoshika stated that she spoke with Akeno, but Kevin asked why. Yoshika then stated that her friends were having trouble and had no problem coming to help. Kevin stated that Yoshika is ensuring that they lie low by calling and inviting a known accomplice to come visit. Yoshika then stated that was so typical of Kevin and then mentioned that he didn't even ask why about the problem as he only thought about himself. Kevin then apologized, but Yoshika said that it wasn't good enough before mentioning that she was leaving and might die. Kevin stated that he was coming, but Yoshika started rambling curses about him not coming. Joy then told Kevin and Yoshika to have fun. They entered Yoshika's pickup and Kevin asked what Akeno was doing. Yoshika stated that Akeno was tailing some people. In the meantime, Akeno was right on the Kinesaki sisters' asses on Highway 48, passing Port Bolster. Akeno called Yoshika, stating that she was with them, and Yoshika stated that they would come to her. Akeno mentioned that the sisters almost fired an anti-tank rocket into Yoshika's Toronto condo, but one of the roommates told the sisters that Yoshika wasn't there. Yoshika asked Akeno if she was on Highway 48, she would pass through Beaverton. Yoshika then mentioned taking her helicopter to meet Akeno there. 20 minutes later on Glenarm Road, as they had just passed the Argyle Farm Market, an elk crossed the road, causing the Kinesaki sisters' SUV to veer off the road and wreck. Homare, Akane and Aina exited the burning SUV and ran into a nearby cornfield. Akeno stopped her car nearby and rushed over to the SUV, but no one was there. Akeno then called Yoshika, telling her that they had crashed. Yoshika asked if they were dead, but Akeno stated that they ran into the cornfield and mentioned needing air support right away. In the meantime, Yoshika was driving down Highway 35 like a bat out of hell toward the Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport while Kevin mentioned that Yoshika meant business. Yoshika stated that these ladies didn't like her, and they knew that she was back in Fenelon Falls. When they got to the airport, Yoshika and Kevin entered her helicopter and started flying toward the wreck site. During the flight, Kevin asked Yoshika why the sisters wanted her dead. Yoshika stated that there was a business contract, and she was close to getting it, but they stole it from her. Kevin then asked Yoshika why the sisters wanted her dead if they stole her business. Yoshika was getting annoyed by Kevin's questions and asked if he could take her side for once. Kevin stated that he was along for the ride, but Yoshika then mentioned that his heart wasn't in it. Kevin then stated that he was lucky that his heart wasn't in a pie on Yoshika's table. Yoshika then told Kevin that he was always making quips and labeled him as a depressing cynic. Yoshika sarcastically apologizes for being a human being with thoughts, feelings and emotions. Kevin then remembered the helicopter as the same one they used to raid the Direct Attack Federation Headquarters and stated that she stole it from the Blue Mermaids. Yoshika stated that the helicopter was taken in lieu of payment and asked Kevin if his panties were not in a twist over stolen office supplies and used the sniper rifle in the back seat to scan the cornfield. Kevin asked Yoshika if he was her hitman, and then she asked him if he didn't like it, he would get out. Moments later, they were flying over the wreck site and Kevin started scanning the cornfield. Yoshika stated that the rifle was fitted with a thermal scope that would help to find their heat signatures. After a few minutes, Kevin had already killed Akane and Aina, and mentioned that he swore he had seen a bigfoot. Suddenly, Yoshika jerked the controls to the left as a rocket narrowly hit them. Kevin rambled curses as he was nearly thrown out of the helicopter by the sudden movement of the helicopter, and he then rambled at Akeno to take out the last sister herself. Homare was still trying to take down the helicopter with her rocket launcher, which made it easier for Akeno to find her. When Akeno finally found Homare, Homare rambled curses in Japanese at her while she ran away. As Akeno was going to take the shot at Homare with her AK47, she noticed that she didn't have any bullets left. Out of options, Akeno decided to chase after Homare to fight with her bare fists. After a short foot chase, Akeno tackled Homare to the ground and started pounding the life out of her. Homare also landed some good blows on Akeno. Akeno landed the knockout blow before snapping her neck after a tiring fight. Yoshika told Akeno to stay there as she was going to land nearby to pick her up. While Yoshika was landing, Kevin asked Yoshika if there was anyone else that wanted to kill her. Yoshika stated that the Graf Spee MC and the Neuroi were out for her. When Yoshika landed, Akeno was huffing and puffing as she lurched forward and started barfing. Kevin left the helicopter and went over to Akeno, who had just fallen to her knees while making horny, tired moans. As Kevin helped Akeno to the helicopter, he knew that she was tired from the fight. When Kevin and Akeno get into the helicopter, Yoshika flies back to the airport. During the flight, Yoshika mentioned that she owns the Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport. Kevin then stated that if Yoshika could afford an airfield, but not move out of that corrugated metal death shack trailer that she called her home. Akeno asked how they were doing after she got her bearings back. Kevin stated that they were alive and thanked her for her good work. Yoshika barked that she was the one who said thanks. Kevin then asked Yoshika what happened after the sisters stole her business. Yoshika stated that she went to their ranch, killed a lot of them, then blew the ranch up. Kevin was shocked about Yoshika, who had killed a lot of the sisters. Yoshika then stated that they had just killed Homare, Akane and Aina, but she also killed Akari, Aiko, Aoi, Aki, Aimi, Cho, Akemi and Asuka at the ranch. Yoshika mentioned that she was the wrong raiding party, which Kevin agreed. When they landed, Kevin sarcastically stated that he liked taking out some hillbilly crank dealers in a blood feud. Akeno took a nearby car and asked Kevin if he needed a ride. Yoshika then mentioned to Kevin that she hoped that she would see him back later in her trailer, whom he thanked for the warning. Akeno drove off as Yoshika entered her pickup and drove back to her trailer. When Yoshika got back to her trailer later that evening, she started to do her patriotic duty of sniffing gasoline again. Yoshika got aroused by the fumes and began to unbutton her shirt to grab her breasts. Yoshika made an ahegao face as Joy came in and asked her to stop. Yoshika then rambled flirty curses and insults at Joy that she needed the high. Joy then walked off as she took off her shirt and went into the bathroom. When Kevin arrived back at the trailer later that night, he saw Yoshika nude while high from sniffing gasoline, fingering her breasts and making horny shrieks on the couch. Kevin rambled curses and insults at Yoshika that he lived here as well. Yoshika then tossed the cup of gasoline at Kevin before getting up from the couch and passing out a few feet away. Joy, in a bathrobe, came out of the washroom. Kevin then rambled at Joy, asking what the hell was going on. Joy stated that she tried to stop Yoshika from doing that, but she seemed to like sniffing gasoline. Kevin then went over to the couch and called it a night. The next morning, Kevin woke up and noticed that Yoshika was gone. Kevin knew that Yoshika was probably doing something somewhere. In the meantime, Yoshika was driving down Highway 35 to the Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport. When Yoshika got there, she parked her pickup at the airport's entrance. While waiting at the airport, Yoshika saw a Canadian Army convoy coming up the highway. As the convoy came closer, Yoshika cut them off, which caused many vehicles to veer off the road in any which way. The lead driver exited her vehicle and rambled insults at Yoshika about what she did. Yoshika took out her Colt 1851 Navy Revolver and point-blank shot the driver in the eyeball. While the driver was shrieking in pain on the ground while covering her shot eye, everyone in the convoy exited their vehicles. Yoshika then grabbed her AK47 and started killing everyone in the convoy. Yoshika even killed the family of the lead driver, including her three-month-old daughter and a 110-year-old great-grandfather in the lead vehicle. After Yoshika's rampage, she entered a Navistar 7000 medium logistics vehicle and drove off like a bat out of hell. Later that morning, Yoshika drove up to the back of Pharmasave Fenelon Falls. Yoshika then went up to her meth lab and relaxed for a while. That afternoon, Kevin, Momo and Gertrud came in. Momo asked Yoshika if she had gotten the military hardware, which she said yes. Just then, Yoshika started to rant about when she kidnapped Joy was appropriate. Kevin stated that it was another one of Yoshika's disasters. Kevin then stated that Yoshika took Joy hostage against his advice and then started a crazy high school romance with her before he called Joy a 60-year-old housewife. Yoshika barked that Joy was 57 as Akeno walked in. Yoshika stated that Joy thought that she was mature. Kevin then stated that Joy's 30-year marriage to the world's angriest crime boss would make anyone insane and mentioned that Yoshika wasn't making his situation any easier. Yoshika then barked, stating that it was a surprise as she knew that it would be all about Kevin. Kevin then stated that he missed his family and Yoshika barked back that he was full of shit stating that ever since he had ignored them, and now they're gone. As Kevin and Yoshika were about to go at each other's throats, Akeno barked, stating that was enough. Akeno then mentioned that they brought her into their crazy world of bullshit and then stated that if it was lies, new age shit or arguments about how good life used to be, she should've stayed home in Vaughan. Momo said hello to Akeno, and she said hello back. Kevin then stated that they were going to Lindsay to do this score and asked if anyone had questions or comments. Yoshika then stated that if Thea had been there with them, that crazy motherfucker would have loved this, but she stated that Thea is now enjoying herself molesting white-collar criminals in a federal penitentiary. Kevin then thanked Yoshika for sharing that and then asked if anyone else had any comments. Akeno asked about her role, in which Momo stated that Akeno would be waiting for Kevin, Yoshika and Gertrud by the river handling the getaway while they went in and grabbed the take before they rendezvous back to her. Momo then asked everyone if that would work before saying let's go. After leaving the meth lab, Kevin, Yoshika, Akeno and Gertrud enter a van for the Bank of Montreal. During the drive, Yoshika asked Akeno if she had ever hit a bank before. Akeno stated that she was a driver in a similar job to what they were doing now that she did with Moeka. Yoshika then asked Akeno about the take, but she said that she didn't remember. Yoshika then stated that everyone knew their first score before she asked Kevin about his first score. Kevin mentioned that his first score was 9 years ago at the Bell Centre in Montreal, and it was for $50000 before he stated that things back then were easier. Yoshika mentioned that it was a long time ago before she asked Gertrud about her first score. Gertrud mentioned that her first score wasn't that interesting because she stated that she was spotting for her sister, Christiane's, scores during junior high. Gertrud then mentioned to everyone about her interesting score about 5 years ago when she stole €100000 from Oktoberfest in Munich. Kevin then mentioned that he had heard about Gertrud being a part of the crew that took that score down. Gertrud then mentioned that she ran the crew before naming each member as Christiane and a friend, Hedwig, whom the latter died in the score, and another friend, Hildegard, who might be dead herself now. Kevin then asked Gertrud if they might be all dead and mentioned if that score was jinxed. Gertrud then claimed that she was the only one that lived to tell the tale. Gertrud then mentioned that they went into Oktoberfest when Hedwig got shot. Gertrud stated that she shot the hero who killed Hedwig, then the crew blew into the cash office and took the loot before meeting most of the Munich Police Department. Gertrud then stated that the police were everywhere in the streets, down the alleyways and the subway. Gertrud then mentioned that they kept moving and shooting as they had climbed out of the subway before taking a car and getting away. Kevin then stated that Gertrud was the right person for this score before mentioning that his crew wouldn't become jinxed like Gertrud's crew. Yoshika then asked Akeno about her first score again, which she was getting annoyed about. Kevin then asked Yoshika to leave Akeno alone. Yoshika then stated that this was an important moment as they were on their way to an almost certain death while bonding and pouring their hearts out while Akeno was just sitting and giving nothing in return. Kevin then stated that if Akeno didn't remember before getting cut off by Yoshika, stating that she didn't trust Akeno with her life and she didn't trust her about her first score. Kevin then asked Yoshika about her first score while he would back the fact. Yoshika then mentioned that her first score was 11 years ago when she stole $5000 from a grocery store in Vaughan. Kevin then stated that it was a bit more complicated than that. Yoshika then stated that she may have known somebody working there. Kevin then stated that Yoshika had served 6 months. Yoshika then stated that she was out in 4 months before she mentioned never leaving witnesses. Kevin then tells Yoshika about robbing people she knows as he was working there at the time. Yoshika then asked Akeno to share her first score for a third time, as Kevin stated that it couldn't be any worse than Yoshika's. Akeno finally told them that her first score was for $2000. Kevin then mentioned that 2 grand wasn't bad for a first gig, but Akeno stated that the whole score was two stacks, and she didn't see any of the money because the dye pack blew up. Yoshika had found the whole dye pack thing funny by calling Akeno an amateur. Akeno then rambled that she shouldn't have told them shit, but Kevin stated that they all needed to start somewhere. Akeno then stated that it was the last time she would say anything, but Yoshika stated that she didn't have to be so cold about it and mentioned that she needed to laugh at herself. Yoshika then stated that Akeno was in danger of turning into Kevin as he was asking if Yoshika was talking about him. Yoshika stated that Kevin never laughed or hung out because he was too busy working or in his personal life. Kevin mentioned to Akeno that he would be dropping her off near the river ahead, and he then stated that when she heard it kicking off, he asked her to be ready with the boat. As Akeno was dropped off near the river, the rest of the crew drove to the Bank of Montreal as Yoshika yelled at Akeno that she would get a dye pack just for her. Kevin then asked everyone in the van if they were ready, but Yoshika stated that she needed to piss. Kevin stated the risk that they might get ID'd and called Yoshika a baka. Just then, Yoshika made a loud horny moan as piss ran down her legs. Gertrud was agape at Yoshika as she looked at her piss-stained pants, while Kevin started cursing at Yoshika for pissing herself and her horniness as she laughed like a hyena. A few minutes later, they arrived at the bank. They left the van and stormed into the bank, ordering everyone to the ground. A few moments later, Gertrud asked Kevin to kick in the security door of the vault that leads to the safe deposit boxes. As Kevin and Gertrud were getting the money, a Kawartha Lakes Police Service unit pulled up while the two of the officers were talking about killing the alarm guy. Yoshika left the bank, fired a warning shot and yelling that she had got hostages before going back into the bank. The two officers ran into cover and called the robbery into dispatch. Yoshika went into the vault to tell Kevin and Gertrud that the law was outside. A minute later, more KLPS units stormed onto the scene while the lead officer was barking orders on a megaphone that the trio needed to come out and surrender. Moments later, Kevin, Yoshika and Gertrud were wearing bomb suits and carrying 10 million dollars in duffle bags leaving the bank. The lead officer said her final words, sweet mother of shit, as Yoshika started firing a minigun. Kevin, Yoshika and Gertrud start firing their weapons at anything that moves. Yoshika yelled suicidal assholes at the officers as she killed them one by one. Moments later, the OPP and the RCMP units arrived as backup. The KLPS, OPP and the RCMP gave a good fight, but they were no match for Kevin, Yoshika and Gertrud's heavy weapons and armor. A police helicopter was flying, but Yoshika shot it down while yelling that she had got a minigun. After the helicopter had crashed, Akeno, via an earpiece, stated that the police were all over the river. Kevin stated to Akeno that she needed to get a vehicle from a construction site nearby to aid them in their new escape plan. At least 3 officers made cracks about the bomb squad arriving due to the suits that Kevin, Yoshika and Gertrud were wearing before getting cut down. As Kevin, Yoshika and Gertrud got to the intersection of Kent Street West and William Street South, the Tactics and Rescue Unit from the OPP and the Special Emergency Response Team from the RCMP arrived. Yoshika screamed very loudly as she was annoyed at the more heavily armed officers' arrival. Kevin, Yoshika and Gertrud easily killed them all within minutes. Soon after, a tandem rotor heavy lift helicopter from the Canadian Army was flying overhead. Yoshika mentioned that they were taking this score to buy one of those helicopters. Kevin then rambled curses about the army being here. As they reached Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church, the 3rd Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment were there. Kevin, Yoshika and Gertrud all insult the arriving army as they cut them down. After they killed all the 3rd Battalion, Gertrud noticed a tandem rotor heavy lift helicopter carrying a Leopard 2 from the Royal Canadian Dragoons of the Royal Canadian Armored Corps. Kevin asked Akeno about where she was. In the meantime, Akeno stole a bulldozer from the front of somebody's house and started driving towards the church. Akeno rammed through dozens of Jeeps and Humvees of the 3rd Battalion as she got closer to the church. 10 minutes later, Akeno arrived at the church and Kevin and Yoshika entered the bucket while Gertrud covered for them. As Akeno was driving away, a Leopard 2 arrived and started shooting at them. Kevin started rambling curses while Yoshika ranted loudly about her former air force unit. Soon after, the 3rd Battalion and the RCD were becoming ruthless in their chase of the trio. 15 minutes later, the tanks of the RCD forced the trio into the Canadian Tire on Kent Street West. Kevin, Yoshika and Akeno left the bulldozer and entered the store. Kevin ordered Akeno to stay behind him due to his armor. Akeno thought to herself that Kevin was a big guy already, but the bomb suit he was wearing made him an unholy brute. The trio and the 3rd Battalion fought each other through the store. Gertrud, via earpiece, stated that she was still breathing and asked Kevin where they were. Kevin stated that the RCD forced them into a Canadian Tire. Gertrud then stated that she would cover for them from the outside in a few minutes. Yoshika stated to Kevin that Gertrud was a great hire. As they made their way to the stockroom, a loud boom temporarily stunned Kevin as a grenade blew up a few feet away. Yoshika's wrath grew hotter after Kevin almost blew up into kingdom come. Gertrud then stated that the army was falling back. Kevin then asked Gertrud to go out of town and call Momo about her cut. After the remaining soldiers of the 3rd Battalion were killed, they hopped onto a trailer of a semi that was about to leave. During the ride in the trailer, Kevin and Yoshika took off their bomb suits. As Akeno gave Kevin a hug, Yoshika decided to swing a cat that she found in the trailer around by its tail before she started to make love with it. Kevin and Akeno both rambled curses at Yoshika to leave the poor thing be, but she was now humping it. As Yoshika was getting horny with the cat and cummed all over it, Kevin was about to go ape shit as he was punching his fists on his chest like an ape. Just as Kevin was about to launch at Yoshika, she swings the cat's head against the trailer's wall before tossing it across the trailer. Kevin rushed to the flying cat and catches it. The wailing Akeno then slapped the taste out of Yoshika's mouth afterward, while Kevin cuddled the purring cat in his arms. Later that evening, they arrived at another Canadian Tire in Fenelon Falls. Mafuyu opened the back of the trailer and Yoshika was going to kick her in the face, but Mafuyu stated that she was friendly. Kevin then stated that Mafuyu was their own g-man in training. Yoshika mentioned to Mafuyu that they were looking around those big rigs for illegals and then stated that if she was mistaken, she would be shot. Akeno asked Mafuyu if the two of them were going to bring her up. Mafuyu asked if they got the money. Mafuyu then gave the trio their cut as she mentioned the current scrutiny on public worker remuneration as a big win. Mafuyu stated that she was out and then stated that Mashimo would call when the raid on the nerve gas lab is a go. Kevin then called the bullshit a fucking punk. After Mafuyu leaves, the three of them split up. The following morning, Kevin was back at Yoshika's trailer when Lynette came in asking about her whereabouts. Kevin then stated that Yoshika is probably out somewhere drinking human blood or eating household pets. Lynette then stated that Yoshika wasn't that bad, but Kevin asked if she really was. Lynette then mentioned that Yoshika was pretty bad, but she then stated that Yoshika had a sensitive side. Kevin then stated that Yoshika was very sensitive when she got her feelings hurt, and she becomes devastated before asking Lynette about her story. Lynette then stated that she doesn't have one as she is an independent thinker living out here away from men. Lynette then stated that Kevin was like a high school athlete living off old glories before she then stated that he could manage the heat, but now his panties are in a knot while she is playfully poking his arm. Kevin then asked Lynette to come closer before telling her if anymore bullshit came out of her mouth, he would tell her his past glories firsthand. Lynette became flustered before telling Kevin that her statement had come out wrong and mentioned telling Yoshika about the monthly train that was coming through. Kevin asked Lynette about what monthly train before Yoshika, along with Joy, said the monthly train. Kevin then asked Yoshika where they had been. Yoshika stated that they were getting some fresh air and talking about beautiful things. Kevin then mentioned to Yoshika that Stockholm syndrome was nice this time of year. Yoshika then barked at Kevin about his language and called him a boy toy before stating that it had been her dream, the train of dreams. Kevin still wanted to know what Yoshika was talking about and he asked her. Yoshika then stated that she was talking about enough gold to keep Lynette in the trailer, Kevin to stay in therapy, and she could pay off the Neuroi before lifting Kevin up and carrying him out of the trailer. Kevin became squirmish as he was being manhandled by Yoshika as he stated that this must be good. When they left the trailer, Yoshika let Kevin down. Just then, Yoshika barfed on Kevin's shoes and she then mentioned his bad hygiene. Yoshika then stated that she invited Kevin into her home and his body odor was his way of repaying her before calling him a horny skunk. As Kevin and Yoshika went on their way, Yoshika asked Kevin to be under the railway bridge over the Severn River in a boat, and she would stay in touch with him on the headset. Yoshika got onto her dirt bike and started riding to Beaverton. Over the headset, Kevin stated that he took his car to steal a boat to stick up a train for some gold. Yoshika then stated that was the size of it, and she asked him to get a fast boat. Kevin then mentioned Yoshika's logistical mind. Kevin then asked Yoshika about the gold bricks that might be on board. Yoshika stated that it's a high-value courier service run by the Sensha-Dō Federation and then mentioned that this ain't a weapons train, as its load is too valuable to insure for air travel. Yoshika then stated that they sometimes carry gold, sometimes artwork and sometimes priceless antiquities. 15 minutes later, Yoshika arrived at the Main Street railway crossing in Beaverton. While Yoshika was waiting for the train, she asked Kevin to get some sticky bombs. Kevin then stated that he would get them when he got back to the trailer. Yoshika asked Kevin where he was, as she stated that they had got work to do. Kevin then told Yoshika that he knew and stated that he was changing. Yoshika was in shock at Kevin's lack of action and asked him what he had turned into. Just then, the train came speeding past and Yoshika climbed onto one of the boxcars. When Yoshika climbed onto the top of the boxcar, she bolted across the remaining boxcars to the locomotive. A couple of minutes of free running over each boxcar, Yoshika reached the locomotive. Yoshika then entered the cabin and smashed the head of the train driver with her helmet, knocking her out. After Yoshika took control of the train, she asked Kevin if he was in the water, in which he stated that he had just got a fish before asking Yoshika to tell him when he was needed. Yoshika then stated that Kevin needed to gut and eat that fish before getting to the bridge. Yoshika then stated that when she past the Simcoe County Road Garage, the whole of the Sensha-Dō Federation would be on them. Moments later, Yoshika sped past the garage while she yelled "Fuck you y'all" to the Sensha-Dō Federation mercenaries. A couple of minutes after passing the garage, Yoshika stated to Kevin that she wasn't far off from the bridge and then asked him if he was there. Kevin then stated that he was pasting Casino Rama. As Kevin got closer to the bridge, Yoshika asked him how he was doing. Kevin stated that he was living a good life before mentioning that it was quite a spot Yoshika had picked. Yoshika then mentioned to Kevin to enjoy it until it lasted before stating that it was going to rain fire. Just then, Kevin saw Yoshika jumping off the train just before it crashed head-on into the VIA Canadian, causing most of both trains to crash into the river from the high speed impact. Kevin loudly rambled curses as he watched the shit show unfold. Moments later, Yoshika swam to safety from the raining train parts and then radioed Kevin that the score was in the red boxcar. Yoshika then asked Kevin to blow up the doors of the boxcar with a sticky bomb he got. Kevin then made a crack about whether he was a speed freak cannibal and asked himself why he would blow up a train to steal. Yoshika then asked Kevin not to be a smart ass after hearing his crack about her. Kevin then tossed a sticky bomb at the boxcar before setting it off. As the doors blew open, Yoshika yelled "It's about fucking time." Kevin then stated that he would be as fast as he can in the boxcar doing a savage operation. As Kevin enters the boxcar, the Sensha-Dō Federation arrives in speedboats and attack helicopters. Yoshika started shooting at them while she asked Kevin if he wanted to die in a government-holding facility if he didn't find something. Kevin then stated that he was looking. Yoshika killed most of the mercenaries in the speedboats and helicopters. Yoshika almost got herself blown up as one of the helicopters crashed right next to her. Yoshika then yelled "Learn how to fucking crash-land next time" at the burning wreck of the helicopter. Just then, Yoshika noticed Sensha-Dō Federation snipers on the bridge. Kevin barked at Yoshika to kill the snipers before they kill him. Just as Kevin finishes saying that, Yoshika had already killed the snipers. Yoshika stated to Kevin that there were no more snipers alive and then told him that he could come out as soon as he found something. Moments later, Yoshika curses at a couple of Sensha-Dō Federation parachuters coming down. Yoshika killed the parachuters while they were still in the air. As one of the parachuters was about to land right by Yoshika, she gave her a low blow. Yoshika then rambled curses at Kevin about whether he was playing with himself in the boxcar as she flipped the bird to the now burning parachuter that had landed in the helicopter wreckage. Yoshika then stated that Lynette would've found something 10 minutes ago. Moments later, Kevin stated that he had found something and left the boxcar. Yoshika then jumped into the water to swim to the boat, but she was nearly run over by Kevin. Kevin asked Yoshika if she was dead, and she then cursed at him while she climbed onto the boat. As Yoshika told Kevin to floor it, a couple of Sensha-Dō Federation speedboats started chasing them. Yoshika stated that nature was a beautiful thing as she started shooting at the boats. As Kevin rambled at Yoshika to get the boats off of them, Yoshika was yelling "Drown you shit" to the mercenaries. Yoshika then mentioned to Kevin about his nice outfit, but her nice means lame. Just as Yoshika kills all the people in the boats that were following them, an attack helicopter starts chasing them. Yoshika stated that it was good to be alive as juice was pumping through her glands. Kevin then stated that his grands were fine without the crashing trains, exploding helicopters and sinking boats. After shooting down the helicopter, Yoshika tells Kevin that there was somewhere down the coast they could pull on. During the now peaceful boat ride, Kevin stated that Yoshika worked hard for a living. Kevin then asked Yoshika how much she made per senseless killing, as he guessed a couple of nickels. Yoshika then stated that times had been tough ever since Kevin was put in the ground. Kevin stated that Yoshika had savings, but Yoshika then stated that she couldn't access them because Kevin blew their covers. Yoshika also stated that there was nothing for Thea's defense as she didn't get a trial and just popped up in a supermax. Yoshika then mentioned to Kevin that Lynette got them some transport at Couchiching Beach in Orillia. Soon after, Kevin sped the boat onto the beach, beaching it and causing kids on the beach to wail away after he wrecked their sandcastles from the boat. Kevin just looked at the kids like he didn't give a damn, even after one of the kids yelled "Go to hell Mr. Thug Life fat pig." Kevin nonchalantly told the kids to go to hell as well before he and Yoshika leave the boat. As Kevin was about to enter a pickup, Yoshika asked him to show her the loot. Kevin put a briefcase on the hood of the pickup and opened it up, which revealed a Red Baron bust. Kevin stated that the haul was perfect, but Yoshika asked him for what. Kevin then stated that he hoped that the loot would be leverage to square things up with Trevor and lead to the end of Yoshika's sexy time with Joy, and they wouldn't become deadmen in Toronto. Yoshika then stated if she saw Toronto again, it'd be too soon before she mentioned that it was her job and not Kevin's call to make. Kevin then stated that Yoshika's job fucked up things with Trevor to begin with. Yoshika then barked at Kevin, stating that this was her job and score, and asked Kevin to get his own score before she took the briefcase away from him. Just as Yoshika was about to storm off, Kevin stated that if she gave him the briefcase back he would give her something bigger. Yoshika stopped in her tracks before she asked Kevin what the big something was. Kevin then stated that they were going to hit the National Bank up the street from Union Station. Yoshika gives Kevin a stare before saying fuck you and mentions the National Bank can't be done. Kevin then retorted that it's not impossible, but very hard. Yoshika then mentioned that it was verging on suicide. Kevin then stated that was the line that Yoshika was chicken shit to cross. Kevin then mentioned if Yoshika remembered when they were teenagers pulling off jobs and dreamed about the big one. Kevin then stated that the big one was crazy back then, but he then mentioned that if he and Yoshika, along with Momo and Akeno, they would pull it off. Kevin then said that this ain't no dream no more. Kevin stated that Yoshika could keep the briefcase. Just then, Yoshika barked at Kevin and tossed the briefcase to him, stating that he could keep the silly fucking thing. Yoshika then stated that Kevin could keep Joy as well as Yoshika respected Joy, and she wasn't going to hold her back. Kevin then thanked Yoshika. Yoshika then retorted that she would keep an eye on Kevin every inch of the way. Yoshika also mentioned that if Trevor cheats on Joy one more time, she would go ape shit. Kevin then made a crack that Yoshika wasn't a marrying type of person before saying that he was great to be back in business. Kevin drove off while both he and Yoshika yelled the big one. Just as Yoshika was going to leave Couchiching Beach, the cat that she had swung by its tail the other day was on the hood of her pickup. Yoshika grinned ear to ear as she went over to the cat. Just as the cat started to hiss, Yoshika grabbed it's tail and started to swing it with vigor. The cat wailed at the top of its lungs as it was swung like a rag doll. Just then, Yoshika got the idea to drown the cat. But before Yoshika got to the water, Kevin, in his pickup, stormed towards her. Kevin exited the pickup and went over to Yoshika to grab the cat. Kevin then slapped Yoshika before flipping the bird and leaving. Later that evening, Kevin went over to the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club in Pickering. A few moments later, Akeno came. Akeno asked Kevin if he had heard anything from his wife and children yet. Kevin said to Akeno that he had heard from Mio the other day, but just then, he mentioned that he was lying about talking with Mio, as he mentioned that he hadn't heard a thing from Mio nor Mia and Tim in weeks. Akeno then mentioned that Kevin must've really fucked things up with them. Kevin then stated that it didn't matter as both he and Akeno were going to be dead in a half hour. Just then, Yoshika showed up and she called Kevin and Akeno ladies. Kevin then asked Yoshika about what kept her. Yoshika stated that she was busy doing business as she was the CEO of a big international criminal corporation. Yoshika then stated that Kevin didn't know about running a corporation, as she stated that he was a gentleman of leisure. As Yoshika was telling Akeno about the one thing she was going to learn from being around herself and Kevin, Kevin cut Yoshika off and said that Akeno would learn insanity. Yoshika then finished what she was going to say by stating that if Akeno wanted something done, she could go to her, and then she called Kevin a rich fuck and useless. Akeno then told them to knock that shit off. Just then, Yoshika told Kevin that his ladies from the Blue Mermaids had arrived as Mashimo and Mashiro were walking up the dock. Mashimo asked Kevin where the other three people were. Kevin then asked Mashimo what she was talking about. Mashimo stated that she needed Kevin to bring along three other people for a six-person job. Kevin stated to Mashimo that he hadn't been informed about bringing three other people. Mashimo then said that Mashiro had told Kevin to bring three more people. Kevin then said that Mashiro hadn't told him Jack shit about that. Mashiro then told Mashimo that she thought that Mashimo would tell Kevin. Mashimo then stated to Mashiro that it was a lie and mentioned that she never gets things wrong. Kevin then stated that he was out of there as he stated that Mashimo and Mashiro were confused bitches of fucking sisters and asked Yoshika and Akeno to come along. Just as they were leaving, Mashimo barked at the three of them to do it by themselves. Kevin then barked back at Mashimo as he was mentioning dying before he said "Fuck you" to Mashimo, and she needed to do her own dirty work. Mashimo then stated that she does dirty work every day to keep Canada safe from scums like Kevin, Yoshika and Akeno. Akeno then sarcastically clapped at Mashimo stating that she was doing a good job. Yoshika then asked Mashimo if she wanted to do the job that badly, so she ordered Mashimo and Mashiro to join them, as she called both of them Ms. Leisurewear and Ms. Depressed Accountant respectively and then stating about going to save Canada. Akeno asked Mashimo about who they were saving this time. Mashimo then stated that this was the real deal as her sources were telling her that there was a plot by the Direct Attack Federation using the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station to make plutonium-239. Yoshika then said it was bullshit as Mashimo was then saying that the Direct Attack Federation would be planning in their mind-blown insanity to let major terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and the Ku Klux Klan release plutonium-239 on a metropolitan area, so the Direct Attack Federation could continue to get funding. Mashimo then mentioned that there is nothing like increasing funding for fighting terrorism more than successful acts of terrorism. Yoshika was then going to ask Mashimo about setting the record straight, but Mashimo then barked "No" many times and stated that there was no getting straight, and they were doing this thing. Mashimo then mentioned that Yoshika and Akeno were on the getaway and then told them to fuck off and make it happen. Mashimo then told Kevin that he would be with her and Mashiro as she asked him what size flipper he wore. As Yoshika and Akeno looked at Kevin like lost puppies, he flipped the bird at them before both of them left for their part. While Kevin, Mashimo and Mashiro were getting into their wetsuits and scuba gear. Kevin noticed Mashiro's bra with a dolphin on it, and he didn't help himself by saying it was cute. Mashiro lightly moaned as goosebumps were running up her arms and a blush crept up her neck as she stated to Kevin that he had always been a flirt before she giggled and playfully punched his arm. Mashimo then tried to intimidate Kevin as she stared at him just inches away from his face as she barked that the comment he made about Mashiro was no way to talk to her little sister. Kevin then stared back at Mashimo with equal vigor as he said "Boo-fucking-hoo." Kevin then made a flirty comment about Mashimo's breath smelling nice before pecking her forehead. Mashimo's emotions were a mix of being speechless and building rage. Mashimo then backed off from Kevin as a blush crept up her neck. Mashiro teased Mashimo that Kevin had cracked her tough person persona. A darker red crept up Mashimo's neck as she was fingering her breasts as she tried to fit her wetsuit on. Mashiro teased Mashimo again about whether Kevin should help her get into her wetsuit. Mashimo then rambled insults before letting Kevin help her, but stated no funny business. Mashimo shrieked as Kevin picked her up while he was trying to put her wetsuit on her. Mashiro stated that Mafuyu would love this side of Mashimo if she was there. Afterward, the trio finished getting ready and went to a boat. Mashimo mentioned to Mashiro that it had been awhile since she had been in this field before she stated that seeing Mashiro in neoprene was something that she said to her worst enemies. Mashiro then told Mashimo to piss off and before stating she would be fine. Mashimo ordered Kevin to drive the boat while Mashiro told him to go down the coast where the nuclear station was. During the boat ride, Kevin told Mashimo that he didn't want to hear any of her wise cracks or clichés, as they were fighting for the freedom of the people. Mashimo then told Kevin about not being lectured on patriotism and then stated that he had lived outside the system for too long. Mashimo then mentioned that social responsibilities were a joke to Kevin. Kevin then stated that he may redeem himself by getting killed in the process, before calling it that old bullshit. Mashiro then stepped in stating that no one was dying on her watch, not even the burned-out bank robber with a temper issue and who had got nothing to live for like Kevin. Mashimo then stated that a hero's death is too good for Kevin, before she mentioned that he would die in ignominy. Kevin then sarcastically praises God, stating that he will carry him safely through these selfless acts of charity. Mashiro then asked Kevin about Mio. Kevin stated that he was in a bit of a rough patch in his marriage with Mio. Kevin then mentioned that ever since Yoshika came back into his life and pulled him back into crime again a few weeks ago, everything was just going down hill. Mashiro mentioned to Kevin that she was there if he needed to talk about it. Mashimo then put her two cents in by stating that Kevin's marriage was going to the dogs and his flirty actions to herself and Mashiro were making him into a whoremongering ass wipe. Just then, Kevin started yelling curses and rambling. Mashiro then barked at Mashimo, stating that Kevin was fiercely loving of Mio, and she ordered her to stop being such a fucking jerk. When they pulled up to the opening of the plant's outlet lake, Mashiro stated that they needed to dive to get to the discharge tunnel. The three of them dove and swam over to the tunnel. Mashimo mentioned that there was a grate blocking the tunnel opening before she told Kevin that he had an oxyhydro cutter, and asked him to get to work on it when they got there. Once there, Kevin got the cutter out and started cutting the grate. Mashimo mentioned the cutter was burning at over 3500 degrees. Kevin then thanked Mashimo for the science lesson before asking if he could keep the cutter for the next vault he hit. Mashimo then stated that the cutter didn't have much fuel and asked Kevin to get the cut done in one go. Kevin asked Mashimo if she had anymore little facts from the instruction manual. Mashimo then stated that Kevin wanted some intel on the equipment that she sourced using his hard-won funds. Kevin then mentioned to Mashimo that he thought the funds would go into a wardrobe full of Blue Mermaids windbreakers and maybe some dildos and nipple clamps. A few minutes later, Kevin had cut through the grate, and he pushed it away. Mashimo then stated that they needed to swim down the vent and find the access point. Kevin asked Mashimo if she was sure that the tunnel would go where she thought it did. Mashimo then stated that the intel she got was good before stating that they were 100 meters out. Kevin mentioned that he felt like he was doing a colonoscopy on the Statue of Liberty. Mashimo then mentioned to Kevin that it was a nice change from being up Yoshika's ass all day. Mashiro then stated that the water was getting warmer. Kevin asked Mashiro if she had cummed. Mashimo then stated that it was a cooling tunnel and mentioned it was getting warmer before saying that nobody had cummed. Kevin then mentioned that he knew for a fact that it wasn't true as he stated that he had cummed before he went to the yacht club. Kevin then stated that he wanted to cum again. Mashimo scolded Kevin for his thoughts about sex in a time like this. Mashiro then stated to Mashimo that Kevin had always been like this for as long as she remembered being his friend. Mashimo then stated that the problem with this job is she only knew the criminals that were retarded enough to get themselves caught. Kevin then stated that he wasn't caught, but he turned himself in and Mashiro mentioned that he had made his point. Mashimo then said that Kevin was doubly retarded. Soon after, they reached an air pocket and they dove to the surface. When they climbed onto a platform, they removed their scuba gear while Mashimo asked if they were ready and Kevin stated that he was born ready. Kevin then asked Mashiro about the plan, but Mashimo told him that they needed to locate the plutonium-239 and take their escape strategy. Kevin then mentioned Mashimo taking the lead while she asked him to set his taser to stun. They entered the plant and Mashiro ordered the workers to go against the wall while Kevin stunned them, causing their bodies to flail about like rag dolls. Soon after, Mashimo stated that they hit the elevator. Kevin asked Mashimo what plutonium-239 looked like. Mashimo then stated to Kevin that he was on a need to know basis before she ordered him to shut it. Mashimo then mentioned that someone was in the elevator. As the elevator opened, a worker was stunned by Kevin and Mashimo asked him to grab the card. When Kevin got the card, Mashimo ordered him and Mashiro to take the elevator. As they were taking the elevator up, Mashiro asked Mashimo about how she felt about this, and she said she was fine. Kevin mentioned to Mashimo about whether her camera crew were with them. When they left the elevator, Kevin stunned two more workers. Just then, Mashimo told Kevin and Mashiro that security was about to pass by and then ordered them to go against the wall. As two guards were passing, Kevin and Mashimo tased them. After tasing the guards, the trio rushed to a locked room. Kevin then swiped the card to open the door. After storming in, they found where the plutonium-239 was, but a worker was being a stubborn ass as she didn't want to come out of the locked room. Mashiro stated that the locking mechanism needed to be triggered from the inside. Just then, another worker came in and Kevin tased her. Mashiro then stated to the stubborn worker that Kevin had tased her buddy before Mashiro barked that she would blow open the door and drop her. The worker then came out, but she was met with a pistol whip by Kevin's taser. Kevin then went over to the table where the plutonium-239 was and put it in a radioactive bag as he mentioned becoming the most dangerous man in the country and praised the federal government. Mashimo stated that plutonium-239 is volatile and needed to be in a refrigeration unit as soon as possible. Just then, the PA system blared to life stating that the plant's security had been breached. Mashimo then stated that the shit was about to get real as bullets started flying past them. Kevin yelled that if he was hit in the wrong place, half of Ontario would be blown up into kingdom come. As they fight their way out of the plant, they run into a room full of monkeys in cages. Mashimo stated that the plant was testing the monkeys by injecting them with radiation. Mashiro stated that it was just cruel that people were doing that to humans' closest relatives. Kevin then mentioned that this would be Yoshika's wet dream after her cruelty to cats. Mashiro stated that backup would be arriving soon and mentioned that the whole region might be on lockdown. As they were about to exit the plant, the 3rd Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment arrived. Kevin stated that he fought that he killed most of these guys the other day. After they killed the military, Kevin put the plutonium-239 into a refrigeration unit in a shipping container as he stated that he was getting used to having the apocalypse in his pocket. Mashiro stated that Yoshika was coming in, as Yoshika stated that she couldn't believe that they spent the take from the Bank of Montreal to buy this tandem rotor heavy lift helicopter and called it the flying big rig. Kevin stated to Yoshika that he needed a flying big rig right now. As Yoshika got there and dropped the grappling hook, Mashimo barked that they had missed the window as backup was in the building. Kevin stated that it was never too late, and he mentioned they were going. Mashimo then stated that it was too risky, as if the helicopter went down, half of Ontario went with it as well. Kevin then barked at Mashimo about whether she was finished puking up excuses and had come up with a solution. Mashimo then barked back at Kevin that she would give them cover as the rest of them went. Kevin said "Fuck it fine by me" as Mashiro asked Mashimo about the dead bodies. Mashimo then stated that she was lucky that she wasn't one of them. As Kevin and Mashiro were setting up to leave, Mashimo shot herself in the knee. As Mashimo was shrieking in pain, a Direct Attack Federation agent and two soldiers came over to her with their guns out. Mashimo barked at them, mentioning that she was a Blue Mermaids agent and stated that she got this covered. The Direct Attack Federation agent told the soldiers to arrest Mashimo, but she stated that she should arrest them as she had just taken a bullet for her country. In the meantime, Kevin and Mashiro had just lifted off as Yoshika was flying towards the Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport. During the flight, Yoshika asked about what happened to Mashimo and then asked about any casualties. Kevin stated that there was only a self-inflicted injury, as he stated that Mashimo had shot herself to pass as a double agent. Yoshika then stated that they might debrief Mashimo with a flashlight. Mashiro then stated that Mashimo took the easy way out and then said that she hoped that they would outrun the backup. Yoshika then stated that Akeno was the one taking the easy way out as she got her feet up in the aircraft hangar. Kevin then mentioned that he just wanted this bullshit to be over. Mashiro stated that she would take the plutonium-239 when on the ground, and then she asked Yoshika about destroying the helicopter afterward. Yoshika then stated that she had got more important things to worry about than destroying the helicopter, like things that had meaning and matters of the heart, but not made up wars or made up enemies. Mashiro then asked Kevin if Yoshika was fucking with her, to which he said maybe not. A few minutes later at the airport, Yoshika dropped the shipping container onto a flatbed truck and then landed the helicopter. Kevin and Mashiro then got out before Yoshika lifted off again. Akeno went out of the hangar and asked if the plutonium-239 was in there. Kevin stated that it might not even be plutonium-239 as all he knew might be motor oil. Kevin mentioned to Akeno that next time she was getting wet before asking Mashiro about not going to be a next time. Mashiro then said that she would try her best for Kevin. Kevin then mentioned that this time they might be lucky before stating that Mashimo would succumb to the strains of enhanced interrogation techniques. Mashiro then stated that the Direct Attack Federation might be decorating Mashimo right now. Kevin then told Mashiro that the girls at the Blue Mermaids were after her and Mashimo. Mashiro then asked Kevin and Akeno to keep their heads down as she drove away in the flatbed truck. Kevin then mentioned to himself that Mashiro was a tit as he and Akeno went to the hangar. As they were entering the hangar, Kevin got a text from Momo stating that the Red Baron bust that he gave her to gift to Trevor as a peace offering had work. Kevin was glad that his time in the bush was over, and he hoped that Yoshika was going to bring Joy back to Trevor. Akeno asked Kevin about Yoshika, to which he said fuck her, stating that she likes the middle of nowhere. Kevin then stated that they would make one big score before going their own separate ways. Kevin then stated that he couldn't wait to go back to Rockstar Toronto. Akeno then said that she would see Kevin later as he stated about that shit show he had just gone through. Kevin then stated to Akeno that she could take the bush and stick it and mentioned that his life was in a world of pain, but now he was going to be in an air-conditioned pain before telling Akeno to take it easy as they both walked off. The next morning, Yoshika was driving Joy back to Trevor's mansion in the Township of King. During the drive, Joy told Yoshika that she had a fun time with her, but she had already made a vow with Trevor. Yoshika was sobbing as she was stating that she knew that Joy and Trevor had made a vow. Joy then mentioned that Yoshika had a great pain inside her and stated that she was a stunning lady. Yoshika then stated that she had never been so happy and so sad in her life. Joy stated that Yoshika has got a beautiful way with words. Yoshika stated that she loved Joy, but Joy then stated that she wasn't abandoning her as she said that she was going home. Yoshika stated that Trevor abused Joy, in which she said that she knew. When they got there, Joy told Yoshika to stay in her pickup. As Joy leaves Yoshika's pickup, Yoshika yells at Trevor to treat Joy better, or she will bust his other ear. Trevor stated that he would, as he stated that Yoshika, Trevor and Kevin, now be friends. Trevor then stated that they were such great friends that they would make a great effort to avoid each other, and then he asked Yoshika to tell Kevin about the Red Baron bust. Yoshika then stated that she would tell Kevin as she drove away.

When Yoshika got back to Toronto, she went to Ursula's apartment. Ursula was waiting outside when Yoshika arrived. A man's voice is heard from inside stating who it was that Ursula was talking to. Yoshika kicked open the door to the horror of Ursula's boyfriend, Erich. Erich told both Yoshika and Ursula to leave. Erich pulls out a gun and Ursula gets a knife. Yoshika somehow kills both of them and when she is leaving, Erica arrives. Yoshika tells Erica to get into her car. Erica asked Yoshika why she was covered in red. Yoshika said that it was a syrup accident. They arrived at Club Zanzibar. Yoshika asked two stripers to give Erica a good time and then to ask another striper where the manager was.

Kevin visits Yoshika at Club Zanzibar's back room and Yoshika is leaning on the fridge. Just as Yoshika finished saying hello, Akeno came in. Yoshika rants about squaring things away with the Sensha-Dō Federation, making sure that the Blue Mermaids ain't coming after them and one more big score. Yoshika also mentioned busting Thea out of prison. Yoshika states that she owns Club Zanzibar. Akeno mentioned the old manager of Club Zanzibar. Momo came in talking about stealing a quarter of a billion dollars worth of gold. As they exited the back room they didn't seen the body of the old manager fall out of the fridge. Kevin drives Akeno to the National Bank on King Street West and York Street, while Yoshika drives Momo to Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport. After Kevin and Akeno look at the bank's weak spots, Yoshika was taking a washroom break on the side of the freeway a couple miles away from the airport. When they got to the airport, Yoshika flew towards where the armor trucks were. They found the trucks at King Street East and Sumach Street. They were looking for where they could steal trucks where they wouldn't be seen by anyone. They found a good spot on Cherry Street under the Gardiner Expressway. After they had finished at the bank, Kevin drove Akeno home. Akeno went over to Rockstar Toronto in Oakville to steal an Aston Martin DB5. She knocks out Maho Nishizumi and changes into her clothes. The DB5 was on set for the shooting of Grand Theft Auto 6. She got into an DB5 and stole it, running over a few people on the way out of the set. She went to the Canadian Tire at Yonge & Steeles to deliver the DB5. Mayuki was there to meet Akeno. Moeka saw Akeno and Mayuki gave her a job. Kevin went home and sat in the living room and a few minutes later Yoshika came in. They talked for a bit until Yoshika thought about who was in Kevin's grave in Montreal. Yoshika marched out of the house after she realized who was in the grave. Yoshika stole Kevin's car as she went to Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport. Kevin calls Yoshika to come back for beer and pizza, but she is still mad. Kevin then calls Mashiro to tell her that Yoshika knew who was in the grave. Kevin hailed a taxi to take him to Pearson International Airport. When Yoshika arrives in Lindsay, she gets onto her own small plane and flies towards Montreal. When Kevin got to Pearson International, a couple of Japanese guys were following him talking about how they should kidnap Kevin. Kevin got onto the plane and was on his way to Montreal. Yoshika goes to Mount Royal Cemetery and starts digging up Kevin's grave. When Kevin arrived in Montreal, he rented a car and went towards the cemetery. He was recalling the botched bank robbery nine years ago. When Kevin got there, Yoshika had just found who was in the grave, Thea. Yoshika was shocked that Thea was dead as she thought that Thea was in prison. The duo aim their guns at each other, but the two Japanese guys are coming gun blazing. Kevin got into a shoot-out with the Yakuza. After Kevin got into his rental car, it didn't start and the Yakuza aimed their guns at him, ordering him to get out and they kidnap him. As Yoshika was landing at Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport, Renta calls, saying that his men missed her in Montreal. Akeno went over to Promenade Mall where Moeka was waiting in a Lamborghini Miura in the parking lot. Akeno drove to Canadian Tire where Yoshika was waiting in a semi with a car carrier trailer. Yoshika had already loaded the Pagani Huayra, Ferrari 458, Ferrari 250 GTO and the Aston Martin DB5 onto the trailer. Akeno put the car in the trailer and then the trio entered the semi. Yoshika drove the semi towards a gas station west of Lindsay. Akeno took a nap while they drove towards Lindsay and Yoshika and Moeka talked. As they turned onto Highway 7, the Ontario Provincial Police started to chase them. Akeno woke up and decided to use the Aston Martin that had just been modded with spike strips to take out the police. After the police were taken out, they made it to the gas station without anymore problems. Kaoru was waiting at the gas station, and she told Akeno that Mayuki would keep their money and invest it in the New York Stock Exchange. Akeno asked her if Mayuki was betraying them. Akeno went over to her old house where she met up with Yoshika. As Yoshika jumps over a fence, she trips and Akeno starts laughing. Yoshika got mad at Akeno for laughing at her and Akeno apologized. Akeno asked her what happened to Kevin. She mentioned Kevin and the Yakuza got into a shoot-out in Montreal before storming off and knocking out someone in front of the house and yelling asshole. Akeno calls Momo and asks her if Kevin's phone is still on. Momo tells her that Kevin's phone was off, but his last known location was a slaughterhouse in Toronto. In the meantime, Kevin is being hanged upside down in the slaughterhouse by the Yakuza and Renta tells one of his goons to start a meat processor trying to kill him, but it breaks down for the time being. Akeno used a GPS to pin his location and drove to it. Akeno drove up to the slaughterhouse and she and the Yakuza started a shoot-out. When Akeno got to Kevin, more Yakuza were arriving, so she gave Kevin a gun and he joined the shoot-out. Akeno was attacked by a katana-wielding Yakuza. Kevin shoots the Yakuza and then shoots himself down from the rope. After they shoot their way out, Akeno steals a car and drives Kevin home. The next day, Kevin and Momo are discussing a plan to rob the Blue Mermaids Headquarter at the Royal Bank Plaza South Tower at Bay and Front Street. They need a cleaner to help them get into the building. The plan involves offering the cleaner a financial incentive to cooperate. They drove to the Blue Mermaids Headquarters' parking lot and waited for the cleaner. As the cleaner drove out, they followed him to his house. After he got home, Kevin went into his house and told him that he wouldn't be working there anymore, as Kevin took his work bag and ID and left. After Kevin and Momo drove to her house, Momo told him that she would prep the set-up plan. After Kevin finished at Momo's house, he went back home. Later that night, Kevin was playing a video game in the living room, and he fell asleep on the sofa. The next morning, Tim was in the living room. Tim wakes Kevin up and apologizes for spiking him. Tim mentioned that Kevin should take the family to see his psychologist. Kevin wanted the family to go to see his psychologist. Tim said that Mio was at Starbucks on Yonge Street near Steeles Avenue. When the duo arrive at Starbucks, Mio is with Minna. When Minna insulted Tim, out of rage, Kevin took someone's laptop and smashed it on her head. As Mio was about to leave with Minna, Kevin mentioned meeting him at his psychologist's office. Mio said that she would meet Kevin there. Tim said that Mia was at Ash Gray Ink with Kirk. As the duo were at the front door of the tattoo shop, Kirk was talking about how hot Mia would be in black lipstick. They then entered the store and Kirk was scared about pissing Kevin off for banging Mia. Kevin asks Tim to teabag the shop owner. The owner came out of the backroom and Tim barked at him to stay in the back room. Kevin then took a tattoo gun and tattooed a penis and a swastika on Kirk. Kevin barked at Kirk to make Mia look good on Canada's Got Talent without being an asshole. As Kevin, Tim and Mia drove to the psychologist, Tim and Mia tell Kevin to rob a convenience store for fun. Kevin said that he loves Mia and Tim as his kids, but they are annoying. Mia mentioned that time when Kevin and Yoshika ruined her try-out for Canada's Got Talent a couple of months ago. When they got to the psychologist's office, Mio was already there. As they entered Raisa's office, she was shocked that Kevin had brought his whole family. Kevin and Mio go at it while in the office. Both of them rant about their marriage, past bank heists and doing blowjobs at the psychologist's office. After the meeting, Mio agreed to come back home if Kevin promised to clean up his act. When they went home, Mio told Mia and Tim to go to their rooms and stated that if they found hookers, bodies or Yoshika, they would leave. Akeno is following an architect on a site inspection. She is planning to steal the floor plan of the Blue Mermaids Headquarter in the Royal Bank Plaza South Tower. Later, she knocked out the architect and stole the floor plan. Akeno brings the plans back to Kevin and Momo. The team is considering two options for the heist: planting firebombs or hacking the system on site. There was a chat between Kevin and Momo about their heist. Kevin chose to hack the system. Later that night, Kevin went over to Momo's house where she was pouring gasoline around her living room. Kevin helped Momo when Akeno walked in. Kevin and Akeno drove to the helicopter at Downsview Airport. When they got there, the pilot, Perrine H. Clostermann, and gunwoman Gertrud, were waiting. As they were flying towards the Blue Mermaids Headquarter, Akeno mentions that Momo's house was on fire. After they reached a high enough height, Kevin, Akeno and Gertrud jumped out of the helicopter. They landed on the roof of the Blue Mermaids' South Tower at Bay and Front Street. They entered and hacked into their system guided by their hacker, Kouko. It would take a few minutes to download the files when the Blue Mermaids storm in and a shoot-out begins. The Blue Mermaids call in an attack helicopter and shoot down their helicopter and crash into the South Tower. Hearing Perrine's mayday call sent chills down their spines, but they still had a job to do. After the download was done, they tried to get down to the street. After seeing the crashed helicopter inside the tower and Perrine's dead body, they stand there for a moment in memory of her. They need to rig ropes on the outside of the building and climb down. After they get down, Charlotte pulls up in an ambulance. After they left the area, they went over to Akeno's house. Kevin and Akeno exit the ambulance and tell Charlotte to torch the ambulance. They enter to see Momo in the house. The next morning, Kevin went to the Rogers Centre to talk with Mashiro about clearing his name. Moments later, Mashimo and Mafuyu arrived and Mashimo accused Kevin of multiple crimes. They all aim their guns at each other. Moments later, The Direct Attack Federation agents arrive, followed by a Blue Mermaids tactical unit and then a Japanese Sensha-Dō Federation attack helicopter joins the Mexican stand-off. The situation is escalating as Kevin and Mashiro tell Mashimo to put down her weapon. Mashimo gets shot in the knee by a Blue Mermaid agent and then Mashimo kills Mafuyu. An insane shoot-out starts. As Kevin was trapped by the attack helicopter shooting at him, Yoshika kills the attack helicopter pilot, to the shock of Kevin. After the shoot-out dies down, Yoshika tells Kevin that she is leaving with her helicopter, but not before Kevin tells her to meet at Yonge-Dundas Square. Shortly after, Kevin leaves the Rogers Centre. Afterward, Kevin and Yoshika met at Yonge-Dundas Square. Kevin calls Momo if the upcoming heist at the National Bank is still on. Later that day, Kevin was arriving at Rockstar Toronto when he saw Maho was beating up Akebi. After seeing him, Maho got into her pickup truck and sped off. Akebi told Kevin to get her. Kevin takes a security SUV and chases her. After Kevin pit-maneuvered Maho's car into a tree, he got out and walked towards Maho and shot her at point-blank range. Akebi calls Kevin and tells him to come back to Rockstar Toronto. When he arrives at Akebi's office, she shows Kevin a picture on the TV of his name in the credits of Grand Theft Auto 6. Kevin and Akebi had a drink of whiskey. Kevin went back to Rockstar Toronto the next morning and went into Akebi's office. Mayuki and Kaoru were there and Mayuki wanted to rip down the studio for condos. Akebi stormed in with the master copy of Grand Theft Auto 6. Kaoru asks Akebi to give her the copy and then leaves. Kevin mentions that his wife got screwed by a yogi, and now he is getting screwed by a yogi before storming off after Kaoru. Kevin races towards Pearson International Airport before Kaoru gets on her flight. When he arrived at the airport, the Peel Regional Police were escorting Kaoru, but she went on a wild chase on the runway. The chase was insane as many police cars got wrecked. She got into her hanger and got out of her car. As Kaoru was running away from Kevin, she was sucked into a jet. Kevin grabs the master copy from the bloody mess on the hanger floor and leaves. Akebi calls Kevin stating that the game has been copied, and she is going to be revealed at Fan Expo Canada at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Later that day, Akeno is getting worried about Moeka, and then someone knocked at the door. When she opened it, Machiko Noma was there stating that Moeka had been kidnapped by the New World Order street gang and being held at the Lindsay Square Mall. After Machiko left, she drove towards Lindsay. Akeno calls Kevin and Yoshika to come to Lindsay for backup. As Akeno got to the Lindsay Square Mall, Kevin and Yoshika were still fighting with each other. As Akeno told them to calm down, Kevin was heading across the street to cover them with a sniper from a rooftop. Yoshika went to the northwest corner as he could use a bulldozer. Akeno went towards the main doors and she started the shoot-out. After the shoot-out, Kevin drove Akeno home. When they get there, Akeno leaves and goes into her house while Mashimo and Mashiro are waiting on the other side of the street. Kevin went over to see them, and she wants him to kill Yoshika. That night, Kevin got home and got dressed in a suit and Tim was waiting outside beside a limousine as the reveal of Grand Theft Auto 6 was about to happen. While driving, Tim was yelling from the roof of the limousine with a wine bottle in hand as Kevin told him to stop. As they were about to arrive at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Mayuki called stating Kevin killed Kaoru. When everybody was heading into the Convention Centre, Kevin and Tim were still waiting for Mio and Mia. Mayuki came and told Kevin that a Sensha-Dō Federation team was coming to his house. Kevin and Tim raced off in someone's supercar as they went home. When they arrived, Sensha-Dō Federation vehicles were already there. Kevin stormed in as a mercenary got Mio and he killed the mercenary. Kevin then marched into Mia's room and another mercenary got her, but Kevin killed the mercenary as well. Soon after, more Sensha-Dō Federation mercenaries arrive and Kevin starts a shoot-out. After the shoot-out, Kevin was coming upstairs when a mercenary knocked him to the ground. Just then, the power went out and Tim hit the mercenary with his bong. Tim then started to teabag Kevin, thinking that Tim was teabagging the mercenary. The next morning, Kevin called Momo about last night. Momo decided to do the National Bank heist soon. Kevin went to Club Zanzibar to make the final plans for the National Bank heist. Kevin chooses option one, which involves hijacking armored trucks, taking crews' hostages, infiltrating the bank, and escaping using modded cars. Kevin chooses Gertrud and Francesca Lucchini as gun women, Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen and Maron Yanagiwara as the drivers and Kouko as the hacker. Kevin went over to the Toronto Police headquarters to steal a police van with spike strips. Kevin drove the van back to Club Zanzibar. Yoshika stole three Ford Mustangs from the Yonge Steeles Ford Lincoln Dealership. Yoshika modded each of the Mustangs before returning them to Club Zanzibar. The next morning, Kevin, Akeno and Yoshika visited Club Zanzibar where Momo was waiting and gave them Brinks guards uniforms. Momo told Kevin and Yoshika that Gertrud and Eila were waiting outside. They entered the car and Kevin drove to Cherry Street under the Gardiner Expressway. When Kevin saw the armored trucks coming, he launched the spike strips across the street. When the trucks ran over them, Kevin and the crew exited the car and ordered the guards to come out. When the guards came out, Maron and Hiromi Kuroki quickly changed tires. Kevin picks a couple of guards to go with them to the National Bank, as the rest of the guards go to a safe house with Francesca. They entered the trucks and drove to the National Bank. They arrived at the National Bank loading bay where the bank manager was waiting. Kevin, Yoshika and Gertrud followed the manager to the vault. When they entered the vault, Yoshika and Gertrud pushed the carts of gold to the trucks. When loaded, they go to the underground garage at Bathurst Street and Steeles Avenue west, but Kouko warns them that the Sensha-Dō Federation knows that something is wrong. Akeno, with the help of Kouko, hacks into the traffic lights to aid their escape from the Sensha-Dō Federation. The crew arrives at the underground garage and Kevin gives the couple of guards a gold bar each and tells them that they didn't see anything. As they are redistributing the gold into modded Mustangs, the Sensha-Dō Federation finds them and Kevin, Yoshika and Akeno start a shoot-out while Gertrud, Eila and Maron keep loading. Afterward, all the responding Sensha-Dō Federation members were dead, and the gold was loaded in the Mustangs. As soon as they leave, the York Regional Police and the Toronto Police start chasing them. They raced down Bathurst Street and when they got under Highway 401, no police behind them. They drove in a moving semi-trailer. The crew left the tunnel in the trailer to the shock of the police helicopter. When the truck arrived at a safe place in Beaverton, Kevin, Yoshika and Akeno drove back to Kevin's house. When they arrived at the house, Momo was waiting and had a few beers. A few days after the successful heist at the National Bank, Mayuki visits Kevin at his home in Vaughan and tells him to kill Akeno. He was unsure of what to do, so he decided to visit Momo at her house for advice. She advised him to plan to set up the Blue Mermaids and the Sensha-Dō Federation in a shoot-out at Casa Loma. Kevin calls Mio, stating that he needs her help. After they arrive at Casa Loma, Kevin tells Mio to stand guard at the front door while he goes to find Akeno and Yoshika. He found them, but they were aiming their guns at each other. As Kevin gets to them, Mio calls Kevin, stating that the Blue Mermaids and the Sensha-Dō Federation are coming. Kevin told the duo to take a position around the area. Yoshika went into cover beside a pillar as the Blue Mermaids entered Casa Loma. Akeno opens fire, catching the Blue Mermaids off guard. Kevin saw red as he fired at any Blue Mermaids that moved. The Sensha-Dō entered through another way and they joined the fight. Mio tells Kevin over an earpiece that she is under heavy fire and needs help outside. Kevin orders Akeno to cover him, so he can go help Mio. When Kevin got outside, he was faced with an army of Blue Mermaids. During the fight inside, Akeno tries to get a hold of Yoshika but with no luck. Akeno tells Kevin that she may be in trouble. Kevin said that he needed to stay with Mio. Akeno fought her way through the Blue Mermaids and the Sensha-Dō to find Yoshika near where she was positioned. After Akeno and Yoshika killed everyone inside, they joined Kevin outside. The quartet fought the Blue Mermaids and the Sensha-Dō until they were all dead. Afterward, Mio leaves and the trio regroups and Kevin calls Momo. Momo told Yoshika to kill Mashimo at Cherry Beach, Akeno to kill Renta at Toronto Pearson International Airport and Kevin to kill Ami at the Rogers Centre. They went to kill their contacts. When Yoshika arrived at Cherry Beach, Mashimo was napping while sunbathing. Yoshika saw a police officer helping a boater move a motor and got an idea. Yoshika set up an incendiary device on a lifeguard hut and a minute later, the hut went up in flames. The officer and the boater saw the fire and ran over. Yoshika went over to the motor, picked it up and proceeded to Mashimo and chopped her head off. Afterward, Yoshika decided to decapitate the officer and the boater. Akeno hacks into the Pearson International Airport database and finds the plane that Renta was on, a Japan Airlines Boeing 777. Akeno went to Dixie Road, which was facing the runway, and waited for the plane. When the plane was taxing on the runway, Akeno set up an RPG-7. When the plane was taking off, she shot down the plane, killing Renta and everyone else on the plane when it crashed. Kevin went to the Rogers Centre where the Toronto Blue Jays were playing the Boston Red Sox. He went through security without them noticing a dirty bomb in his backpack. He found Ami and left his backpack near her before leaving. When he exits the Rogers Centre, he blows the bomb up, killing her and dozens of innocent bystanders and sickening hundreds from radiation poisoning. After Kevin kills Ami, he calls the duo to meet at Ontario Place. Before Kevin meets up with them, he then goes to Mayuki's mansion in Vaughan. When he arrived at the mansion, he climbed over the fence and went to the backyard. When he got to the backyard, Mayuki was sunbathing on a beach chair near her pool and was napping. Kevin quietly stepped towards her. When he got to her, Kevin pounced onto her and covered her mouth with one hand and grabbed her throat with the other hand until she passed out. After Mayuki was out, Kevin tied and gagged her before quickly groping her. Kevin then put her into the trunk of her car and drove to Ontario Place. Akeno and Yoshika weren't at Ontario Place when Kevin arrived, but a few minutes later, they arrived. When they exited their vehicles, Kevin opened the trunk where Mayuki was tied and gagged. Kevin lifted her out of the trunk, and he takes off her clothes as a souvenir. Kevin put weights on Mayuki and tossed her off the pier and watched her drown. After she drowns, Kevin tells Yoshika and Akeno that he is going to hang up his shoes. Kevin, Yoshika and Akeno hug each other before they leave the area as they are free from their foes' wrath. The next day, Yoshika entered her trailer in Fenelon Falls. She was shocked to see her father, Ichiro Miyafuji, was waiting. Yoshika thought that he had died in an accidental explosion in his lab 10 years ago. Ichiro said that he missed Yoshika, and he wanted her to steal some LSD, heroin, meth and painkillers to use for his arthritis. Yoshika went to a Shoppers Drug Mart in Lindsay to steal a van. When she returned, Ichiro was nowhere to be found. After looking everywhere, Yoshika broke down onto the floor. A few hours later, Yoshika was using meth as she texted Lynette to ask her if she had seen Ichiro in her trailer. Lynette said that she hadn't and thought that he was dead.

5 years later, on a sunny late morning on August 13, 2034, Kevin was happily retired from a life of crime, and was sunbathing near his mansion pool along with Mio. A notification on his phone woke Kevin up from his nap. As he picked the phone up, Kevin muttered "Who the fuck is at the front gate?" Mio woke up from her nap and asked "What's wrong, my rare Canadian gem?" Kevin then said "I just got a notification that someone had rung the buzzer at the front gate." As Kevin went into the mansion, Mio lightly yelped "Be careful, Kev." When he got to the front, Kevin's eyes widened as Momo was waiting. Kevin said "Well, well, well, you're a sore for the eyes after five years. How are you, Momo?" But Momo didn't say anything as she turned a ghostly pale and shivered vigorously. Kevin was scared as he said "Mo... Momo, what's wrong?" Momo just stood where she was and making guttural moans. Kevin opened the gate, and he lifted Momo up in his arms as he said "I'm here for you, baby girl." Kevin noticed that she was cold and clammy as he thought "Poor soul." As Kevin carried her to the living room, he yelled "Mio, please get a glass of water!" When Kevin and Momo sat on the couch, Mio rushed in and offered her a glass of water. When Momo got the glass from Mio, she gulped down the water, her trembling hands barely holding the glass. As the last drop disappeared, she collapsed onto Kevin's shoulder, her body shaking uncontrollably. Mio, alarmed, knelt beside them before saying "Kevin, what's going on? Is she okay?" Kevin, his voice filled with concern, stroked Momo's hair as he said "I don't know, Mio. She's never been like this before." Kevin caressed Momo's cheeks and bore into her eyes as he said "What's wrong, sweetie?" Momo, tears streaming down her cheeks, softly muttered "Th... th... the Italian Mafia. I... I... I... I did som... some sha... shady things with them and I... I... I rea... really fucked up whe... when the... they found out tha... that I... I... I was in th... the Yakuza. I... I... I think tha... that I... I did som... something wrong to piss the... them off. The... they... they're claimed tha... that I... I killed an underboss. The... they are after me." Kevin, in his mind, thought "The Italian Mafia? I knew that she had a stint in the Yakuza when living in Japan, but how could someone so sweet and innocent be involved in such a dangerous world?" Momo nuzzled closer into his chest as he rubbed her back and said "There, there, Momo. I'll help you deal with the mob." Momo then said "I... I was thinking about pulling off a heist in the hope that it would pay off the mafia." Mio grabbed Kevin by the collar of his shirt and yelped "NO! Please don't start going back into crime." Kevin then said "Momo is a great friend and I know that you would do anything if I was in the same boat." Mio smiled as she said "I know that you would come back from hell itself. I love you, baka, and please go help your friend." Kevin and Mio looked in each other's eyes before their lips locked. When they stopped kissing, Kevin said "I love you, my rare Japanese gem." Mio then said "I love you too, my rare Canadian gem." Afterward, Kevin and Momo left in her car for her trailer. While driving, Momo stated "I was thinking of holding up Casino Rama, but I will tell you more when we get to my place. So, how's life been treating you, Kevin?" Kevin then said "It's okay, but life still tossed me some curveballs. Tim was recently busted for dope possession." Momo then said "Your son really into drugs? How old is he, fourteen?" Kevin then said "Yes. I don't know how many times I told him to quit the dope, but no, he wanted to be like his friends." Momo then stated "That's too bad. I see that your wife is doing well." Kevin then said "Mio is happier than a pig in shit after I retired." Momo then said "I'm glad to see that. How's your daughter?" Kevin then said "I'm assuming you don't watch Canada's Got Talent. Mia was on it five years back. But I think that host Kirk Sokolov is a predator." Momo then said "I'm not a big fan of these talent shows, but I hold the same level of hatred of Kirk too. Do you still stay in touch with the two of them?" Kevin then said "I haven't talked with Akeno and Yoshika since last going off, but I still think about them all the time." Momo then said "Okay then. I'll leave you to your thoughts." As Momo drove on, Kevin was lost in thought about what had happened to Akeno and Yoshika after his own retirement a half-decade ago. When they were on the outskirts of Beaverton about an hour later, Momo said "I need to go to a goddamn gas station." When Momo pulled up to the Petro-Canada off of Ontario Highway 12 on Simcoe Street, Akeno came out of the gas station and said "Do you want me to fill the car up with gas? Kev... Kevin. Momo. Holy shit." Kevin, as pale as Momo earlier in the day, said "Holy flaming bag of shit. Give me a goddamn hug, Aki." Kevin left the car as Akeno flew into his arms. As Kevin sniffed the youthful innocence of her hair, he said "I missed you, Aki." Akeno, nuzzling her nose into his chest, said "I missed you too, Kev. How are things?" Kevin then said "Same old shit, different day. But I think I'm going to be pulled back into the game." Akeno's eyes widened as she heard Kevin's words. "Are you serious? After everything we've been through, you're going to risk your life again?" Kevin then stated "But this time it's different. Momo has some problems with the Italian Mafia." Akeno made a gasp as she said "That's no joke. The mob is hell-bent on raising chaos. I like to help. Anyway, you want me to fill you up?" Kevin then said "Yep please." Akeno then grabbed the nozzle from the pump before undoing the cap of the car's tank and filling it. In the meantime, Kevin asked "What life has been for you since our heydays, Aki?" Akeno then said "My life has been peaceful. I myself had quit that life shortly after you, I and Yoshika killed Mayuki. I have been working for Petro-Canada for about a year. But I heard rumors that Yoshika is still head over toes in the drug game in the area ever since both of us retired." Kevin then stated "That's no surprise as she had a pretty big drug and weapon operation five years back. I'm assuming after both of us retired, she stayed in the game." Akeno then said "Okay Kev, the car is filled. The gas is on the house. I'm just going to run inside to grab some things, okay." Kevin then said "Okay, Akeno." Akeno rushed into the gas station and after a few moments she came back. When she entered the car, Momo started to drive. Around 15 minutes later, Kevin said "This area. This is giving me vibes. This is Yoshika Miyafuji's turf. I haven't been up here since me and Yoshika were exiled after she kidnapped the wife of that crazy-ass British crime firm boss when he didn't pay her what she wanted 5 years ago." Momo then said "Yes, it is Yoshika's stomping ground. I bought a trailer in the same park as her last week, but I think she didn't notice me." 10 minutes later, they arrived at Momo's trailer at Sunny Acres Trailer Park. When the trio leaves the car, Kevin, out of the corner of his eyes, sees an ATV speeding toward him. Kevin grabbed Akeno's shoulders and pushed her against the car as he yelped "Hit the deck." The ATV just clipped Kevin before Yoshika jumped off it and flew onto his back. As Yoshika wrapped her arms around Kevin's neck, she pressed her mouth onto his ear and said "I miss you, baka. You should at least come over." As her warm breath tickled his ear, Kevin shrieked "Hello there, Yoshika." Akeno, still pinned against the car, yelped "You're crushing me, Kev. I... I... I can't breathe, baka." Momo giggled before saying "You're always a ladies' man, Kev." As Kevin squirmed away from Yoshika, Akeno said "You're squirming, that's tickling, Kevin. I… I think my bladder is failing me." Kevin freed Akeno before he reached behind him and grabbed Yoshika before hanging her by her foot upside down. Yoshika flailed and squawked "Wha... what the hell is this? Whoa, I... urgh, the world is spinning. Put me down this moment, big man." Kevin then said "Not until you give me a hug." Yoshika then yelped "Or else what?" Kevin then said "You're always a sucker for dishing out pain, but right now I'm the one dishing it out. Is the blood reaching your head yet?" Yoshika, with pure pleasure and a little bit of fear as she made an ahegao face, squawked "UNCLE! UNCLE! UNCLE!" Kevin lightly put Yoshika onto the hood before she got off it and gave him a tight hug. As Kevin sniffed Yoshika's hair, he thought "I missed this wild nut." Yoshika, with a shiver of delight, said "You always like sniffing hair, Kev. Why are you in my hood anyway?" Kevin then said "Momo has some beef with the mob, and she was planning a score to deal with them." Yoshika's eyes widened as she barked "Holy fuck, you're back in the game." Kevin then stated "I guess so. Let's go inside because Momo needs to talk prep." The group entered Momo's trailer and went over to the dining room table. When there, Momo stated "As you might've all known, I'm in some deep shit with the Italian Mafia. They assumed that I was still in the Yakuza when they claimed that I had killed a well known underboss in the Italian Mafia. I know that I needed to come over to your place, Kevin. I have a plan to rob the holy grail of five billion dollars from Casino Rama. I know that security has been beefed up ever since we stole a quarter of a billion worth of gold from the National Bank up the street from Union Station five years back." Kevin noticed that Momo was very nervous, and he gave her a hug as he said "Were the best in the game, Momo-chan." Momo looked up into Kevin's eyes and said "You know that I hate that name, but thank you for the hug, baka. I just want to be alone for a while until I can think of a plan. I'll call you when I'm ready." As Momo went into her room, Yoshika looked at Kevin and said "What about if I can take both you and Akeno into town for some ice cream?" Kevin then said "In that shitty metal death trap of a van that should've been scrapped years ago." Yoshika then said "It's still driveable." Kevin then stated "My definition of driveable is a vehicle that's not having my feet hitting the road because of the floor being rusted out, not being slit to death by the seatbelts or having a face full of failing airbags." Yoshika then said "Come on, Kev. Don't be a bad sport, baka. I'll buy you ice cream as I know you would never say no to that." Kevin then said "Fine, but if the van starts acting fishy, I want out." The trio then walked to Yoshika's trailer down the way. During the walk, Kevin looked at Yoshika with a mischievous grin before he grabbed her ankles and hung her upside down. Yoshika made a series of squawks as Kevin said "What about if I can carry you to the van?" Akeno started to giggle as Kevin gave her a mischievous stare. As Akeno noticed Kevin staring, she stopped giggling and asked "Why are you looking at me like that?" Kevin then said "You ain't free from the upside down hanging, Aki." Suddenly, Kevin grabbed Akeno by her ankle and lifted her upside down as she made squawks. As the ladies were flailing and squawking at the top of their lungs. Kevin said "You two are having fun." As they got to Yoshika's van a few minutes later, Kevin said "My flaming bag of shit. It's in worse shape since last going off." Yoshika then said "It's fine, baka." As Kevin sat in the passenger seat, the shock absorber on the front right made some noises before failing. Kevin yelped "Whoa. fuck this shit, I'm out. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it." Yoshika grabbed Kevin's arm and yelped "Get back here, baka. It was like that the last time." Kevin then said "But it wasn't that goddamn bad." Akeno tugged on Kevin's sleeve and said "Come on, Kevin. I really want ice cream." As Akeno's sweet gaze bore into his soul, Kevin said "Fuck it." Kevin then climbed back in before Yoshika started the van with it backfiring vigorously. When they were driving to Slices N' Scoops in Fenelon Falls, Kevin said "This van is totally unroadworthy. The frame falls apart with each turn. The windshield is cracked into Kingdom Come. And I think that we lost the muffler a kilometer ago. Pull the hell over, Yoshika." Yoshika then said "It's fine, you baka." Kevin then said "It's fine until you are six feet down due to the flaming bag of shit van going to Kingdom Come." Suddenly, Akeno yelled "RATS! FUCKING HELL THERE ARE A LOT OF THEM! OH FUCK, THEY'RE CLIMBING MY LEGS! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! STAY OUT OF MY PANTIES, YOU LITTLE SHITS! FUCK ME! THEY'RE ENTERING MY PANTIES! MY FUCKING GOD, DON'T GO INTO MY PUSSY!" Yoshika then said "Well, I know what I'm having for dinner tonight." Kevin then yelped "Calm down, Aki. Yoshika, you need to pull over right now." Yoshika then said "The rats are nothing." Kevin yelped "You are kidding me, Yoshika. The clear myth of rats surviving Noah's Ark in this van, and you think that it's fine. You're crazier than I thought." Yoshika then said "What about if I could run over that poor Amish family in the buggy over there?" Kevin yelled "NO," and Akeno squawked "WERE GOING TO FUCKING DIE IN THIS FUCKING DEATH TRAP!" As Yoshika turn the van toward the family, Kevin yelled "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" As Yoshika sped closer, Kevin yelled "GODDAMNIT, SOMEBODY PRAISE A FLAMING BAG OF SHIT BECAUSE I'M GOING TO HANG YOSHIKA UPSIDE DOWN AGAIN IF SHE TOUCHES THE AMISH FAMILY!" At the last moment, Yoshika didn't hit them as she turned away. Kevin muttered "Fuck me," and Akeno was turning pale. A few minutes later, they pulled up to the place with the engine sounding like it was on its last leg and Yoshika being high from the exhaust fumes. They left the van when Akeno said "The worst car ride ever." Kevin then stated "And we have to do it all over again. Maybe, if you like, I'll ask the biggest rat to go on a date with you. I can always go back to the van and get your rat boyfriend." Akeno shrieked as she said "NO! I don't want another sexy time with those dirty little motherfucking rats. Urgh, I'm getting goosebumps from the earlier rat sexy time." When the trio stepped into the ice cream shop, a voice called out "Well, It's been a while Kevin." Kevin turned around to see Mashiro behind him. He then went over to her and gave her a hug and pecked her on both cheeks before saying "Mashiro, how are you? You're looking stunning as ever." Mashiro then said "Stop it, Kevin. You know how your flirts make me feel, baka." Kevin made a cheeky laugh before leaning closer to her and saying "And what's that, Mashiro?" Mashiro was trying to hold her laughter as she yelped "Stop teasing me, or I'll tase you, baka." Kevin was mere inches away from her ear as he muttered "Would you really tase your best friend, baka?" Suddenly, Mashiro pokes Kevin's rib cage and tickled it as Kevin was laughing and started to squirm away, but she held him strongly. Mashiro said "I missed you, Kev. How's the wife and kids?" Kevin then stated "Mio and the little ones are fine. How are things in the Blue Mermaids?" Mashiro then stated "Things have been tough ever since losing both my sisters, who were high ranking in the agency five years back. Mashimo and Mafuyu were the greatest siblings a person could ask for, even with all the fights and back stabbings. And besides, I haven't seen my mother since then either. I had to fill in the TV show that Mashimo was running, and I deeply missed Mafuyu's teasing very much." Kevin tightly held Mashiro as he said "I'm so damn sorry about that, Shiro. I know that Mashimo shot Mafuyu's head off after she stabbed her in the back. It is understandable after she claimed that Mafuyu was a rat during that little Mexican standoff with me, you, Mashimo and Mafuyu had at the Rogers Centre five years back. Maybe if you miss Mafuyu's teasing that badly, I can always fill that void. But anyhow, what about if I can buy you an ice cream? A triple scoop of rocky road with a shit ton of matcha." Mashiro grins as she said "You know that's my favorite, baka." Kevin ordered the group ice cream, and they then went to Lock 34. While they were eating their ice creams and watching the boats pass, Kevin said "Hey Shiro, about your mother. I know that this might come off as a shock to you, but five years ago I broke into Mayuki's mansion where I knocked her out before raping her. After I filled her up with cum, I gagged and bound her before stuffing her in the trunk of her car before taking her to Ontario Place. When I, Akeno and Yoshika got there, I removed the waking Mayuki from the trunk and took her clothes as a souvenir before tying weights to her and tossing her into the lake to let her drown. I watched her blowing bubbles from the pier until she was done. I knew that Mayuki had built the Blue Mermaids from the ground up, but shit had got to be done as she was a back-stabbing piece of fucking shit that needed to be dealt with before she fucked us all. I know that this was a heinous thing to do, but can you forgive me, Mashiro?" Mashiro stared at Kevin with sheer and utter terror as she was turning pale before saying "Wha... wha... what? Did you really do that, Kev? I know that my mother could be the kind of person that tends to have people to do her dirty business before fucking them over. I'll forgive you, Kevin." As Mashiro pecked Kevin on the cheek, Yoshika grabbed the collar of her shirt with tears welling up in her eyes before shrieking "I killed Mashimo. I chopped her head off with a boat motor. She was a piece of shit that was trying to kill Kevin when she stabbed us in the back. I didn't want anyone to fuck with us anymore." Mashiro started to shed tears as she hugged Yoshika before saying "It's okay, Yoshika. Shit had to be done, and I can understand that. Let's finish our ice creams before we talk about this more." After they finished their ice creams a few minutes later, the loud rumbling of two motorcycles roared to a stop nearby. Before the group knew what was going on, two Graf Spee MC members noticed Yoshika and went over to her. Akoya Matama and Anemo Nemo, two imposing ladies, grabbed Yoshika while Akoya barked "You still owe the club for the killing of Wilhelmina five years back." Yoshika then retorted "Fuck Wilhelmina, as her death was coming. She was a piece of shit leader that was fucking me over." Kevin came over and shoved Anemo as he barked "PICK SOMEONE OF YOUR OWN FUCKING SIZE!" Akoya and Anemo let Yoshika go and Anemo barked "Or else what?" Kevin then raked Anemo's eyes as he said "You have got me to fuck with." With a scream of terror, Anemo yelled "MY FUCKING EYE, I CAN'T FUCKING SEE! WHEN I GET MY SIGHT BACK, I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU! THIS IS WHY I HATE FUCKING MEN!" Yoshika then asked "What are you doing, Kevin? I can handle this." Kevin then stated "I'm going to teach these rude biker hicks a thing or two about some goddamn manners." With a feral scream, Akoya yelled "I AIN'T GOING TO LET YOUR ATTACK ON MY FRIEND GO UNCALLED-FOR!" Akoya suddenly stormed toward Kevin as she yelled "DIE YOU SHIT!" Just as Akoya reached him, Kevin sidestepped her clumsy lunge and snapped his head forward, the back of his skull connecting with the bridge of her nose with a sickening crunch. She stumbled to the ground, momentarily stunned by the attack. Just then, Kevin lifted Akoya onto his shoulders as she made a girly shriek before yelping "LET ME DOWN RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" But Kevin didn't as he walked toward the boat lock while saying "I hope that you can swim." Akoya noticed Kevin's motive and shrieked "NO! NO! NO! I CAN'T FUCKING SWIM!" As Kevin marched toward the lock, an OPP cruiser was passing by. Lily stated "Over there by the lock." Emma then said "Seen it," as she turned on the party lights and raced to the scene. As the cruiser got there, the two officers got out and aimed their guns at Kevin. Lily yelled "DROP THE GIRL NOW OR I'LL FUCKING SHOOT YOU!" Emma then bolted at Kevin, tackling him to the ground and freeing Akoya from Kevin's hold. Just as Emma was about to cuff Kevin, Mashiro came over with her badge as she said "Agent Mashiro Munetani of the Blue Mermaids. I think that I can handle this from here." Emma got off Kevin, and he got up. A few moments later, Mashiro stunned Kevin with her taser, which made him flail onto the ground before she jumped on him and cuffed his wrists. As he laid on the ground, Mashiro sat Kevin up to remove the darts from the taser. As Mashiro was removing the darts from Kevin's back, she pressed her lips on his ear and whispered "Don't worry, Kevin. This is a necessary evil. I'll let you free when the law leaves." After Mashiro had removed the darts, she escorted Kevin to a bench before forcing him down on it. Lily went over and asked "What happened, agent Munetani?" Mashiro then stated "Well, all of this happened when Yoshika in the blue jeans and white tank top over there was grabbed by the two Graf Spee MC members and Kevin, the ever-loving friend, tried to fight the bikers away." Emma then said "Good lord not Yoshika again. I know that she and the club had this heated feud five years ago after she forcefully stomped on Wilhelmina's head." Lily then stated "I think that Yoshika put two of my siblings on the OPP in early retirement by putting them six feet under the dirt." Mashiro then said "I know that Yoshika is a bit of a wild card, but that's Yoshika for you." Emma then stated "I think that I'm going to take Kevin downtown due to my beliefs of him being a wanted criminal somewhere, but I can't remember." Mashiro then said "Please don't take him anywhere as I have this scene under control." Emma then barked "I want to speak with your supervisor." Mashiro then barked "I'm the boss here. So if you want to annoy me about you believing that Kevin is a wanted person, you will meet my little friend called my nightstick. Please get out of my goddamn crime scene before you get hurt." Emma then barked "Do I give a fuck if some federal agent tells me what to do? The OPP stood strong." As Emma was about to grab her cuffs, Lily grabbed her arm and pulled her away as she said "It's not worth getting your skull smashed in by a nightstick." But Emma broke free from Lily and yelled "I'm not leaving shit." As Emma was about to reach Mashiro, Mashiro grabbed her nightstick and swung it wildly near Emma as she yelled "I'M AIN'T FUCKING AROUND, BAKA! BACK OFF NOW! IF YOU ARE WISE, DO IT!" Emma noticed that Mashiro wasn't playing and, along with Lily, entered their cruiser and took off. When they went into the distance, Mashiro put her nightstick away before falling onto her knees. As Mashiro fell, Kevin, still cuffed, rushed over. When Kevin kneeled next to Mashiro, she undid the cuffs and put them away. Kevin noticed that Mashiro was shaking vigorously, and he wrapped his arms around her as she started to gag. As Mashiro's tiny frame shook in Kevin's arms, he said "In all the years that I knew you, I have never seen you raise your voice like that." The veins in Mashiro's forehead popped as she sobbed "I hate myself. I want to numb myself." Deep down in Kevin's soul, he was hurting for what he had done. Kevin then placed his nose in Mashiro's hair and said "There, there, baby girl. I hate myself too for what I did to Mayuki." Mashiro looked up at Kevin with puffy cheeks and said "Please don't numb yourself about the past. History is history, and we can't rewrite it, even if we try. May I ask why you are in Fenelon Falls?" Kevin then said "It's Momo, she is in trouble with the Italian Mafia. She needed money to try to pay them off, and I'm back in the game to get the money from Casino Rama." Mashiro then stated "That's awful. I want to help with this score as I know an inside person that works there." Kevin then said "Thank you, Shiro." Just then, Kevin got a call from Momo. When he answered the call, Kevin said "What's up, Momo?" Momo then stated "I have a plan. Please tell the group to meet me at Yoshika's meth lab at Pharmasave Fenelon Falls, where I can finalize the plan with them." Kevin then said "Great, we're right down the street from the place. Talk to you soon." When Kevin ended the call, he said "Momo has a plan, and she is going to meet us up the street at Yoshika's front." As they walked to the place, Yoshika said "I'm sorry about the bikers, Kev. I should've known that you would step in." Kevin then said "That's okay, Yoshi. I must say that her breasts pressing on my shoulders was softer than I thought." Yoshika then yelped "You're such a horny skunk." Kevin then touched Mashiro's hand before saying "You're doing fine, Shiro." Mashiro blushes as she said "Thank you." When they entered the back room of the Pharmasave, Momo wasn't there yet. A few minutes later, Momo arrived. As Momo was heading to the table, Kevin asked "What's the plan?" Momo then stated "I was thinking about impersonating Brink's guards. They are going to move the five billion dollars from Casino Rama to the Royal Canadian Mint in Ottawa. I was thinking of stopping them en-route to Casino Rama to get the money by causing a major accident to block them in before they went onto the Trans-Canada Highway in Orillia. We need at least two semi-trucks fully loaded with shit that will cover a large area when they crash. The first one should run east on the Trans-Canada Highway before crashing at the Ontario Highway 11 off ramp. The second one should follow the Brink's convoy and should crash right behind them as they reach the first scene on the Trans-Canada Highway. If someone radioed in that they needed a replacement convoy, our hacker would intercept that call for us to take the job. The armored truck followed by two cars should go to the loading bay of the casino and someone will lead you to the vault. We needed to go in and out of the casino fast while fooling the casino's security that we were the real deal. I think if this goes well, we could pull this thing off without getting too much heat on us. We need a pretty big crew as we need an armored truck driver, two security car drivers, two guards, a hacker and two semi-truck drivers. I'm leaving you as the leader of this score, Kevin. Akeno and Yoshika. I want you two to be Kevin's right-hand people slash guards." Mashiro then said "I know the casino manager. Maybe if you want, Momo, I could ask her to help us." Momo then said "Wha... wha... what? You really know someone there. Thank you." Kevin then stated "I am thinking about the crew. I want Charlotte as the armored truck driver, Eila and Maron as the security car drivers, Gertrud and Francesca as the guards and Kouko as the hacker. Yoshika's meth cook, Chisato or whatever her name is, could be one of the semi-truck drivers. I think that Akeno's friend, Moeka, could be the other driver of the semi-truck." Momo then said "Okay then, I just need some things like Brink's uniforms, an armored truck, two cars that I can turn into security vehicles, and two fully loaded semi-trucks. The score will be a go in a few days." Yoshika then said "I need to go to my van as I think it's still on." As Yoshika rushed out of the room, Kevin said "You still look pale, Mashiro. Are you okay?" Mashiro jumped as she was panicked and looking around the room in fear. Kevin then touched her shoulder as he said "Are you still thinking about what happened to your mother, Mashiro?" Suddenly, Mashiro made a blood-curdling wail as she curled into a ball. Kevin hugged Mashiro as he said "There, there, baby girl. I'm here for you." Mashiro looked up at Kevin and said "But Mayuki." Kevin then caressed Mashiro's cheeks and said "I bet that your mother, wherever she is in death, would not like you to be sad all the time." Mashiro clung onto Kevin as she wailed "I WANT TO NUMB MYSELF!" Kevin then pleaded "Please don't numb yourself, baby girl. My hugs are the only source of numbness." After a few moments, Mashiro was lulled into peace after Kevin's calming words and hug worked its magic. Mashiro pulled away from Kevin as she said "Thank you, Kevin, I needed that." Kevin then said "You're welcome, Shiro, anytime. By the way, this is from Mafuyu." Kevin then started tickling Mashiro's rib cage. Mashiro made a shriek as she yelped "Not fair, I wasn't ready." As Mashiro was squirming away, Momo said "I see that you two are having fun, but do you want me to take you back home, Kevin?" Kevin stopped tickling Mashiro and said "Thank you, Momo. It would be much better if you did so rather than Yoshika doing it in that piece of shit van of hers." As Kevin got up from the couch, Akeno then tugged Kevin's shirt saying "Can I tag along too, Kevin, and may I crash at your place tonight? I'm having some painters doing my place and the paint fumes give me hives." Kevin then said "Sure thing, Aki. I can't have this cutie getting hives before the heist of the century." As Kevin ruffled Akeno's hair, she giggled as she said "Oh stop it, baka." Momo then said "I'm thinking of crashing at your place too, Kevin." Kevin then stated "The more, the merrier." The trio entered the car and started their way back to Vaughan. As they passed the ice cream shop, they noticed that Yoshika's van was on fire while she was standing nearby and rambling "Fuck. The fucking piece of goddamn shit. Oh fuck, I got a lot of meth in this motherfucking van. I had just lost my whole stash of meth that I was planning to sell to the Russian Government. Fucking hell, the meth fumes from the fire are going to make the kids in the area high. I can't afford another lawsuit again due to the fire. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK OFF FIRE!" Kevin went out of the car and yelped "Yoshika. Come on, I'm taking you to my place." But Yoshika rambled "LOOK AT MY GODDAMN VAN! THOSE DIRTY LITTLE FAT BASTARDS! I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT RAT POISON TO KILL THOSE RATS IN MY ENGINE BEFORE IT BLEW UP TO KINGDOM COME!" Kevin then stated "I'm surprised that there ain't any more animals from Noah's Ark in that flaming bag of shit of a van. Come on, I'll make you a warm meal when we get home." Yoshika then yelped "I DON'T WANT YOUR GODDAMN FOOD, I WANT MY GODDAMN VAN!" Kevin then said "I know that you love your Ford E350, but it's gone. What about if I bought you another 1990 E350?" As Yoshika watched her van burn down, her rage was building until she broke down by going to Kevin and started punching his chest while sobbing "I WANT MY GODDAMN VAN! I WANT MY GODDAMN VAN! I WANT MY GODDAMN FUCKING VAN!" Suddenly, the gas tank blew up, leading Kevin to tackle Yoshika to the ground before he covered her with his body. Akeno and Momo got out of the car and both yelled "KEVIN! YOSHIKA!" As the fireball went away, they noticed Kevin on top of Yoshika. Both of them ran over to their fallen friends as they wailed "KEVIN! YOSHIKA!" As the two of them got there, Kevin was getting off of Yoshika. Akeno caressed Kevin's cheeks, and she wailed "That's a bold thing to do for a friend." Yoshika was in utter shock as she said "Wha... what in the hell? Tha... thank you for saving my bacon, Kevin. I would love to come to stay at your place and have a meal before maybe looking for another van." Kevin then said "Okay then, Yoshi. Let's take you home." Kevin picked Yoshika up into a bridal carry before carrying her into the car and sitting her on his lap. As they pulled away, the Kawartha Lakes Fire Department arrived on the scene. Kevin joked "I hope that the firefighters don't get high on the burning meth." They all laughed as they were making their way out of town. Later that evening, they arrived at Kevin's place. As they left the car, Kevin said "I only have one guest room. I don't care who gets the bed, but don't turn it into a chick fight." When they entered the house, Kevin yelped "Honey, I'm home." Suddenly, Tim ran downstairs as he barked "Dad, I had plans with a few lady friends tonight in the pool, but mom has been drinking for most of the day, and she is swimming nude in there now." Kevin then said "I'm sorry about that Timmy. I'm going to have a little chat with Mio. Here's two hundred bucks for you and your friends to go to the movies or something, and don't make love with them, or I will punish you. Akeno, Yoshika, Momo, the guest room is upstairs, the first room on the left." When the trio went upstairs, Kevin went into the backyard to see Mio's clothes all over the place, and she was swimming gracefully underwater. Kevin said "Come on, you baka, the neighbors might be watching." Mio was laughing as she said "Oh stop it, baka. It's fine." Suddenly, a neighbor yelled "I'M HOSTING INTERNATIONAL GUESTS FROM UKRAINE, AND YOUR WIFE IN THE NUDE SWIMMING IS FUCKING THAT PLAN!" Kevin then said "I'm sorry about that Ms. Jaworski. I'll deal with her." As his neighbors were getting restless, Kevin barked "That's it, Mio. If you don't come out of the pool, I'll come in and pull you out myself." Mio, with a mischievous grin, got out of the pool and drunkenly walked to Kevin. When Mio got to Kevin, she started to take off his belt as she said "I want to make love with you in the pool." Kevin then said "I really want sex right now, but what the fuck, Mio. Do you want to fuck with me in front of the whole neighborhood? And besides, I have got guests here." Mio then pouted as she said "I thought that you wanted to fuck me in the pool one day." As Mio undressed Kevin, he said "You're drunk, Mio. You're going to regret it in the morning. Fuck it then. Just plain fuck it. You won, Mio. Let's have some sexy time." Kevin then helped Mio undress himself before he lifted her into the pool and spent the night away making love. The following morning on August 14, Kevin was sound asleep on a deck chair as Yoshika came out and poked his arm. Kevin started to flail as he yelped "Wha... what in the flaming bag of shit is this? Hey there, Yoshika. Where's Mio? Whoa Yoshika, you got a stunning school swimsuit." Yoshika blushed as she said "Thank you, Kevin. I think Mio went to bed around 5 this morning. I'm thinking of going for a dip before going to Club Zanzibar to fill out some paperwork and hire some new strippers later in the morning." As Kevin was getting up, Akeno said "You're finally awake." Kevin then noticed Akeno and Momo at the pool edge in their bikinis. Kevin was in utter shock as he said "Whoa, you ladies are just... wow." Momo then said "Stop looking at us like that, baka." Yoshika then said "I think that Kevin is overheating due to three hot chicks in swimwear." Kevin, with a mischievous grin, grabbed Yoshika's ankles before hanging her upside down. Yoshika squawked "What is this, baka?" Kevin then said "Now as your punishment, I'll dunk your head into the pool." Yoshika started to giggle as she yelped "Your going to pay for this, baka." Kevin went into the shallow end and started to dunk her face into the water. As Yoshika was having the time of her life being dunked, Kevin noticed that Akeno and Momo had dived into the pool and started swimming toward him. When they reached Kevin, Akeno and Momo grabbed his ankles and lifted him upside down, and he dropped Yoshika. Moments later, Kevin flailed as they started dunking him. After Yoshika got her bearings back, she noticed Kevin's situation and said "I'm going to have fun drowning you, baka." Yoshika then went over to Kevin and started tickling his feet. As Yoshika tickled Kevin's feet, he yelped "STOP IT, BAKA! MY BLADDER! I THINK I NEED TO GO!" Suddenly, Kevin felt tickling on his back as Mio said "You're so ticklish, my rare Canadian gem." Kevin then yelped "I CAN FEEL THE PISS!" As Akeno and Momo were still holding Kevin, Momo said "He weighs a goddamn ton." In a moment of panic, Akeno yelped "MY BACK! I THINK IT'S FAILING ME!" Moments later, Akeno's back gave out and she and Momo crashed down onto Kevin. As Akeno and Momo lay on Kevin, he yelped "TWO BAKA BOMBS AWAY!" Yoshika then said "I'm getting ready to go to the club. Do you want to tag along, Kevin and Akeno? Maybe if Mio didn't kill me, I'd give you a lap dance on the house after I finish my work, Kevin." Kevin then stated "Great, my crazy-ass club owner friend is offering me a lap dance. That's one way that my rare Japanese gem would kill me for." Mio then said "I don't mind if Yoshika has a little fun with you, Kevin. But don't make her have any babies, baka." The trio got dry and Kevin drove them to Club Zanzibar. During the drive, Kevin chose his music on the radio. As Kevin chose his favorite band, Yoshika grinned as he picked her favorite band too. As the song Primo Victoria blasted, Kevin and Yoshika were yelling "6th of June 1944, allies are turning the war. Normandy state of anarchy. Overlord." Akeno said "You two are metalheads?" Kevin then said "Sabaton beats most of this other modern bullshit." Yoshika then stated "And besides, I play mostly heavy metal music in the club." Akeno then said "You two are too much. Man, downtown Toronto has changed a lot since I last remember. I have lived in Beaverton for the last four years." Kevin then said "I have lived in the Toronto area for most of my life. So shit changed." When the trio arrived at the club by late morning, Kevin found a parking spot in the back alley before going in. When inside, Yoshika said "I'm going to fill in some paperwork in the back. You two have fun, and maybe afterward I can give you a lap dance, Kev." When Yoshika went into her office, Akeno said "What about if I can buy you a drink, Kevin?" Kevin then said "I was about to ask the same thing. Let's go." When they arrived at the bar, Akeno bought the first round of beers. While they were drinking, Akeno asked "Is that the biker that you tried to drown over there, Kevin." Kevin then said "I think she is the one I tried to drown. I haven't seen the crony that I saw with her yesterday. I'm going to make peace with her." As Kevin went over to Akoya, he thought "Please don't have any goons nearby." When Kevin got to Akoya, she noticed him as she shrieked "Oh fuck, it... it's you. Sta... stay away from me." Kevin raised his hands as he said "I've come in peace. I just want to say that I was sorry." But Akoya started whimpering as she said "No. No. No." Kevin noticed the utter fear of Akoya as he thought "She is such a poor soul. Why do I do shit like that?" Kevin then reached out and placed his hands on Akoya's shoulders as he said "I really fucked up, and I want to fix this shit, sweetie." Suddenly, Akoya started to shed tears as her dam broke. Kevin wrapped his arms around her as Akoya's body shook vigorously. Kevin felt pity for Akoya as he said "You poor soul. You are not such a big tough biker." Akoya, through her sobbing, said "I... I didn't want to be a biker, bu... but I... I was forced into the Graf Spee MC. I... I... I always wanted to be a lifeguard, but the leader of the club forced me to fuck over my dream of becoming one. And I... I wasn't the strongest swimmer." Kevin then said "I'm so damn sorry about that, ma'am. If you want, I can teach you." Akoya gasped as she said "Do you really want to do that for me? Thank you so much. I'm Akoya, by the way." Kevin then said "My name is Kevin. You are such a young soul to be in this kind of game. Here is something for you. Quit the club and do something meaningful with your life. I have been there and done that with crime. I've been retired from that life for five years now, but I'm thinking of going down that rabbit hole again for a friend in need." Akoya then stated "You really were a thug? Urgh... wow. I don't know what to say, but thank you for the meaningful talk about the game of life, Kevin. I just thought of something. I don't have a swimsuit." Kevin then said "Don't worry, Akoya. I can buy you one at Victoria's Secret at the Eaton Centre. But anyhow, what about if I could buy you a drink?" Akoya then said "I would like that. Thank you." They went to the bar and Kevin bought Akoya and Akeno more beers. As the three of them were talking, Yoshika came out of her office and came over. As Yoshika reached them, she said "I'm done with my work. What about that lap dance? What the fuck is that Graf Spee biker doing in my club?" Kevin got between Yoshika and Akoya and said "Cool it, Yoshika. Akoya doesn't want to beef as she doesn't want to be a biker anymore." Yoshika then yelped "But she's wearing that uniform. I swear that if I ever saw that Graf Spee patch, I would grab my shotgun." Kevin then said "Please hype down, Yoshika. Look at her. Does she want to land blows?" Yoshika then noticed that Akoya was not the big bad wolf that she had feared for many years about the group. Suddenly, Yoshika hugged Akoya as she said "You are really someone to stab that club in the back. But anyhow, come on Kevin, let's go to a private room for that lap dance." Yoshika then grabbed Kevin's hand and pulled him to a room. When there, Yoshika started to strip down to nothing and hopped onto Kevin's lap. As Yoshika was humping his lap, Kevin said "Whoa, you have some perky breasts, Yoshika." Yoshika then blushed as she said "Thank you, baka. If you like, you can grab them." Kevin, with a mischievous grin, grabbed Yoshika's breasts hardly. Yoshika's head rolled back in bliss as she moaned "HARDER!" Kevin was enjoying this side of Yoshika as he grabbed her breasts even harder. As Kevin noticed that Yoshika was very horny, he asked "You have a great fuck drive." Suddenly, Yoshika started cumming on Kevin's lap. Kevin said "Cum juice, sweet." Afterward, Kevin and Yoshika finished with the dance, and they then took Akoya to Victoria's Secret. When the group arrived and started looking around, Kevin said "What about this black-laced bodysuit? It's sexy, but still edgy." Akoya's eyes widened as she said "Wow, I like it. Let's buy it." They went to the cash-out and Kevin bought it for her. As they were walking around the Eaton Centre, Kevin said "What about if I can take you to the Westin Harbour Castle for a swim? I know the staff pretty well there, and they would let us use the pool." Akoya then said "I would like that, Kevin. Thank you." By the early afternoon, they arrived at the hotel and went up to the pool. The group then went into the pool, but Akoya was standing on the edge of the deep end shaking. Kevin noticed Akoya's fear and swam over to her. When Kevin got to her, he said "What's wrong?" Akoya then said "I... I... I don't know if I can do it." Kevin then opened his arms up as he said "Come on, sweetie. I won't let you drown." Akoya looked at Kevin's open arms with fear until she yelped "Fuck it," before jumping in. As Akoya resurfaced with a gasp, Kevin wrapped his arms around her. Suddenly, Akoya started to panic as she flailed in Kevin's arms while yelping "I CAN'T FEEL THE GROUND! I CAN'T FUCKING SWIM!" Kevin held Akoya tighter as he said "Calm down, baby girl. Water is your friend. I'm not letting you go until you feel safe in the water." When veins were popping in Akoya's forehead, she yelped "I CAN'T DO IT! I CAN FEEL WATER FILLING MY LUNGS!" Kevin then said "Listen, baby girl, you got this. Just breathe in your nose and blow it out your mouth." After a few moments of thrashing about, Akoya regained her breathing and calmed down. Akoya then noticed the closeness to Kevin and suddenly yelped "Ain't you a little close." Kevin then said "I think that this is a nice distance. I don't want this cutie to panic again." Akoya made a moan as her feelings were burning for him. Kevin said "I heard that moan. I think that you're now ready to float on your back." When Kevin helped Akoya onto her back, she said "I did it." Kevin then said "You're a brave young soul, Akoya." For most of the afternoon, Kevin taught Akoya basic swimming skills. By the time of dinner, the group had left the hotel and were walking on the Harbourfront. As Kevin and Akoya were hugging, she said "Thank you for today, Kevin. I hope that I can see you again." Kevin then said "I hope so too, Akoya. See you later." As they watched Akoya walk away, Kevin thought "I think that I have just changed her life." But his thoughts came to an end when Akeno tugged on Kevin's shirt and said "I think that plane is flying too low and flying the wrong way to be landing at Billy Bishop." Kevin's eyes widened as he noticed that the plane was flying right toward the CN Tower before muttering "Fuck me, this is not happening. THIS IS NOT FUCKING HAPPENING!" Suddenly, the plane had hit the CN Tower. As the trio's mouths were wide open, a bum yelled "WERE UNDER ATTACK! THANK YOU TRUMP!" Suddenly, Akeno and Yoshika ran into Kevin's arms as they wailed "KEVIN!" As Kevin held both sobbing ladies, the bum was still rambling "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WOULD FLY A PLANE INTO THE CN TOWER! THAT MAN WHORE SHOULD GET NUKE FOR THIS!" As Akeno and Yoshika sobbed in Kevin's arms, he was looking at the Rogers Centre and thought "I can't believe that I dirty bombed the place five years back." Akeno looked up at Kevin and wailed "IS THIS A TERRORIST ATTACK?" Kevin then looked down at Akeno and said "I believe so, Akeno." As the CN Tower started to fall over, Kevin called Momo. When Momo picked up, she said "What's up, Kevin?" Kevin then said "This is bad, Momo. I think that Canada is under attack. We just saw a plane flying into the CN Tower." Momo, with terror in her voice, said "No way. Are you alright?" Kevin then said "We're okay, but Akeno and Yoshika are sobbing in my arms right now. But anyhow, what about the heist at Casino Rama?" Momo then said "I don't know, Kev. This would really fuck things up if Canada went into lockdown. I know that it's pretty late, but can you come back to your place, and could we talk about this more in the morning?" Kevin then said "Okay, Momo. See you soon." When the call ended, Kevin lifted Akeno and Yoshika into his arms and took them to his place. Later that night, the trio arrive back home. When they entered, Mio came running downstairs while yelping "MY RARE CANADIAN GEM! TORONTO IS UNDER ATTACK! WHO CAUSED SOMETHING LIKE THIS?" As Mio ran into Kevin's arms, he said "I know that the US didn't cause this." Mio, with tears raging down her cheeks, then said "The United States, what are you talking about?" Kevin then said "I overheard a homeless person ranting about Trump being the one that caused this." Suddenly, Mia came running downstairs yelling "DAD! I CAN'T GET INTO CONTACT WITH MY BEST FRIEND! DID YOSHIKA FUCKING KILL HER?" Kevin then said "I thought that Liz was going to the CN Tower or what I overheard." Suddenly, Mia screamed at the top of her lungs as she fell onto her knees. Kevin went over to Mia and gave her a hug. As Kevin was giving his fatherly love to Mia, he said "There, there, baby girl. I'm here for you, Mia." As Mia was shaking in Kevin's arms, she said "Numb my life on a noose, as this world is utterly cruel." Kevin then said "Don't numb yourself with a noose, Mia. My hugs are the only numbness you need." After a few minutes, Mia fell asleep in Kevin's arms. Kevin lifted Mia up as he said "I'm going to put Mia to bed before retiring myself." Kevin carried Mia to bed before he went into his own room and went to sleep. The next morning, Kevin, Akeno, Yoshika and Momo were in Kevin's man cave. As the group were sitting on the couch, Momo said "This is bad. I know that many years ago I had a friend that was planning to rob a bank in Tokyo in early 1995, but the sarin attack on the subway that March really messed things up for her." Kevin then said "It's okay, Momo. I just hope that the plane crash was purely an accident." Suddenly, Mio ran into the man cave yelling "PUT CP24 ON!" Kevin then turned on the TV to see a breaking news story. As the group watched CP24, the news anchor said "Good morning, I'm Crystal Alexander. It's August 15, 2034, at 9 am. We have breaking news this hour on CP24. There are reports that the attack on the CN Tower last night was caused by the Italian Mafia. But at this moment, those claims are unverified until further investigation." Kevin stated "This is awful. If the mob was in on this attack, you're utterly fucked, Momo." Suddenly, CP24 got hacked before a message started to play. As the person started talking, he said "Momo Kawashima. This is a warning not to fuck with us. The fall of the CN Tower was an act of mercy killing. The Italian Mafia is sending a hitman to your last known location to end you, Momo. You're at 256 Arnold Avenue." As CP24 was getting back to normal, Momo was sobbing as she wailed "WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO ME? WHY ARE THEY HARMING ME?" Mio then grabbed the collar of Kevin's shirt and barked "THAT'S OUR HOUSE! THAT'S OUR FUCKING HOUSE THAT WAS FUCKING MENTIONED!" Kevin held Mio's hands as he said "I haven't killed anyone in years and I don't want to do it, but it seems that there is no choice." Kevin then ran over to Momo and grabbed her in a hug as he said "I'm not going to let anyone lay a finger on you, Momo. Akeno and Yoshika, can you please watch the place for any fishy stuff before telling me?" Just then, someone kicked the front door in. Momo then made a shriek as she fell into a ball. As Momo curled into a ball, Kevin yelped "SHIT!" Suddenly, a person in a suit kicked into the door of the man cave holding a gun while yelling "THIS IS FOR CHIYO!" Kevin, Akeno and Yoshika started shooting at the person, killing her. As the armed person fell, Momo made a blood-curdling scream. Kevin ran to Momo and gave her a hug while saying "MOMO, ARE YOU OKAY?" Momo, sobbing non-stop, wailed "I WANT TO FUCK OFF FROM THIS WORLD!" Soon after, Mia and Tim ran in as Mia yelped "What's going on?" Kevin then said "Someone from the mob just tried to kill Momo." Mio, with fear in her voice, said "You need to do something, my rare Canadian gem. We're on the mob's radar." Kevin then said "I'm calling Mashiro." Kevin then grabbed his phone and dialed Mashiro's number. When Mashiro answered, she said "I saw the same hacked broadcast too. I can't believe that the mafia would do this. I was thinking about sending a Blue Mermaids team to your place to drive you and your family to a safe place before the mob gets to your house." Kevin then said "It's too late. There is already a dead mafia hitman in my man cave." Mashiro then said "Fuck, they have already come, but I know that there are still more coming. My team is ten minutes out." Kevin then said "Okay, Shiro. But please hurry as Momo is having a panic attack." As Kevin ended the call, Momo started to gag before she gurgled and then barfed on his lap. Kevin looked at the greenish red bile on his lap and thought "This poor thing must've been in a lot of hell to feel this way." Kevin caressed Momo's chin and wiped the barf away from her mouth. Momo's gaze was a mix of fear, terror, love and pity as Kevin's love was a balm for her soul. Suddenly, Momo started to regurgitate as her body convulsed. Kevin held Momo tighter as he said "Please don't panic, baby girl. I'm here for you, Momo." But Momo became more panicked as she flailed around in Kevin's arms while wailing "FUCK THE GODDAMN MOB! FUCK YOU SON OF BITCHES!" Mio then went over and started to rub Momo's back as she said "Is she going to be okay, Kev?" Kevin, playing with Momo's hair, said "I don't know. I had never seen her this riled up before. I just hoped that she would make herself tired if she vented her rage." A few minutes later, Mashiro, along with six heavily armored agents armed with M60s and wearing level IV body armor, came rushing into the man cave as she said "Are you guys okay?" Kevin then said "Yes, but we need to get the fuck out of here." Mashiro then asked "I'm assuming that you wanted to go to the Westin Harbour Castle?" Kevin then said "Yes, Mashiro." Mashiro then stated "All of you need to wear these level IV vests and get the things you need before we get going." When Mashiro gave the group the bulletproof vests, they then all grabbed the things they needed before they entered an armored Tahoe. During the ride to the hotel, Mashiro said "I heard that Yoshika's 1990 Ford E350 blew up the other day." Kevin then said "Yes it did. What a fitting end to that rusty, meth-filled, rat-infested, shitty metal death trap of a flaming bag of shit van. I'm just glad that I don't have to be shitting myself again as Yoshika tries to run over an Amish family in that thing." Mashiro then said "If she wants, I think that we have an 89 Ford E350 in storage." Yoshika's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she said "Thank you very much, Mashiro. Come here and give me a goddamn hug." As Yoshika hugged Mashiro, she shrieked "Whoa there, Yoshika. Thank you for the hug, but this is not th... DON'T NIP MY FUCKING EAR!" As Yoshika nipped Mashiro's ear, Kevin said "I think that she has enough, Yoshika." As Yoshika stopped nipping Mashiro's ear, she said "Can you please modify the van? I want a Navistar T444E engine with a 5-speed 5R110W automatic transmission. Maybe if I want, can I have the armor spec of this Tahoe?" Mashiro then said "You're pushing it with the armor." Yoshika then started nipping Mashiro's ear again. Mashiro squawked as Yoshika said "Maybe I'll force you into rethinking about the armor." Mashiro flailed and squawked "It's a Blue Mermaids secret. You won't make me do it even if I was on death's doorstep." Yoshika nipped Mashiro's ear harder as she said "That's the wrong answer. I thought that you were the boss." Mashiro then squawked "I am the boss of the Blue Mermaids, but secrets are secrets." Yoshika then said "I thought that you were the friendly neighborhood Blue Mermaids agent." Mashiro then said "STOP IT, YOSHIKA! THAT... THAT'S TICKLING! UNCLE! UNCLE! I'LL GIVE YOU THE ARMOR!" Yoshika then stopped nipping Mashiro's ear before saying "That wasn't too bad of you to release secrets once in a while." Kevin then said "I'm pretty sure that this Tahoe is from INKAS." Mashiro looked at Kevin before saying "You really know about this Tahoe?" Kevin then said "Yes I do. I would've ordered one of their armored vehicles years ago, but I think having one of their vehicles in the hand of a thug like me would be bad for their rep." As Kevin looked at the peaceful Momo curled up on his lap, he ran his fingers through her hair as he muttered "Poor soul." Later that afternoon, they arrived at the Westin Harbour Castle, and they went to a bedroom suite. While in the room, Kevin was pacing back and forth in the living room. Mio went over and said "You look like you want to blow up, Kev. Please calm yourself." Kevin then said "How the fuck do I stay calm when the Italian Mafia is hell-bent on fucking us in the ass." Mio then said "I have never seen you this on edge in all the thirty years I have known you while being married to you for fifteen of them." Kevin then stated "I know that I'm racking my brains out, but no one fucks with my family and friends." Mio then playfully grabbed Kevin's manhood before saying "Let's go to the pool for a swim to clear your mind." Kevin then asked "Is swimming nude right now out of the question?" Mio then said "Will see, Kevin." They then went down to the pool. When the pair entered the pool, a voice said "Hello there, Kevin." Kevin turned to see Akoya in the pool and said "Hello, Akoya, nice to see you again. I'm assuming you're still training on your basic swimming skills I taught you." Mio tugged Kevin's beard and asked "Who's she?" Kevin then said "Hey Akoya, I want you to meet my wife, Mio. Mio, this is Akoya, a biker from the Graf Spee MC." Mio looked at Kevin with fear as she said "You are fucking me? You already have the mafia after you, but you taught a member of the Graf Spee MC how to swim." Akoya then said "I'm now an ex-club member, as the Kawartha Lakes chapter went into pure mayhem after the CN Tower terrorist attack." Kevin then said "That's great, Akoya, that's great. I must say that the swimsuit that I bought you really makes your curves stand out." Akoya blushed as she said "Tha... thank you, Kevin. May I ask you for a favor? I was thinking about trying to hold my breath underwater, and I was hoping that you could help me." Kevin grinned as he said "I would love to help you do it. What about if we head toward the shallow end, and I can watch you while you do it." The trio then went into the shallow end and Kevin held Akoya's hands. As Kevin held her hands tightly, he said "I want you to do a series of deep breaths." Akoya took some breaths before diving in. After a few moments, Akoya came back up gasping for air. Akoya clung onto Kevin as he said "That was a good start, Akoya. Do you want to try again? Maybe this time hold your last breath before diving in." Akoya then nodded as she took a long, deep breath before going back under. After a few moments, Kevin noticed that Akoya was doing better this time. Around 30 seconds later, Akoya bolted up screaming for air. Kevin then pecked Akoya's forehead before saying "That was awesome, Akoya. If you keep holding your breath, you might break the world record one day." Just then, a Blue Mermaids agent entered the pool area and said "Agent Munetani wants you to go down to the Blue Mermaids headquarters, Mr. Stewart." Kevin then said "Okay, sir," before he got out and grabbed a towel. Before he left, Kevin turned around to Mio and said "I love you, my rare Japanese gem." Mio then blushed as she said "I love you too, my rare Canadian gem." As Kevin left, Akoya asked "That's a lovely nickname he gives you. You're really lucky to have someone that loves you in your life, Mio." Mio then said "Ain't he dreamy? That's why I fell for him, even as a stubborn ass as he is, I still love him. I hope that the thing at the headquarters will go well." Akoya then said "He's a survivor, Mio." As Kevin entered his hotel room to grab some things before heading out to the headquarters, Momo was watching TV. Momo then noticed Kevin and ran into his arms sobbing. Kevin held her tightly as he said "What's wrong, Momo?" Momo, still sniffling, said "I'm so damn sorry about the last few days, Kevin. I know that you have retired from crime, but you're the only one that knows this side of life." Kevin held Momo even tighter as he said "You don't need to apologize, Momo. You did the right thing by coming to my place to seek help. You know that I wouldn't let anyone lay a hand on you, even if I die doing so. You're a strong woman, Momo, and it pains me to see you crying like a baby. When I come back from the Blue Mermaids headquarters, I'll cuddle you, okay." Momo nodded as she said "Thank you, Kev." As the pair stopped hugging, Kevin grabbed his wallet and then left. Around 10 minutes later, Kevin arrived at the headquarters and entered Mashiro's office. Kevin then noticed another woman in there with Mashiro. Mashiro looked at Kevin and said "This is Chiyo Shimada, the head of the Italian Mafia." Kevin got into Chiyo's face and barked "FUCK YOU, BITCH! STAY AWAY FROM MY GODDAMN FAMILY AND FRIENDS, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Mashiro stepped between them as she said "Calm down, Kevin. I know that your pissed, but keep your rage in check. Please take a seat and we will talk about this." As they sat down, Chiyo stated "I knew that you were a firecracker, but I didn't think that I would ever see you going nuclear." Mashiro then said "Please be civil, Kevin." Kevin then scoffed "Civil with this so-called upbeat baka chump who caused so much destruction, terror and death. I don't think so." Chiyo then smirked "Oh, please. You think that you're the only one that can cause mayhem. The Italian Mafia has been around for centuries, and we've seen our fair share of guts and gore." Kevin then barked "Talking about guts and gore. Being friends with Yoshika Miyafuji has its fair share of all the gore you need." Chiyo laughed "That piece of shit drug dealer. I dealt with her once three years ago, and her meth was shit." Kevin got up and yelled "DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT MY BEST FUCKING FRIEND LIKE THAT, YOU FLAMING BAG OF SHIT!" Chiyo then got up and stated "You don't like it when I talk shit about your friends. How's your shitty whore of a wife doing? I bet Mio Sakamoto still loves swimming nude in your mansion's pool." Kevin finally snapped as he sucker punched Chiyo right on the kisser while he yelled "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MOUTH, YOU OVER-HYPED PIECE OF FLAMING BAG OF SHIT MOB BOSS!" As Mashiro got up from her desk, several agents stormed into the room and got between Kevin and the fallen Chiyo. Mashiro ordered "Calm down, Kevin. Please don't fight her." But Kevin barked "She's a dead fuck. Get those hands off me, goddamn agents." As Chiyo was on the ground, she laughed "You punched like your mother. A chicken shit." Kevin's rage was boiling over as he barked "DON'T TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT AGAIN! I HATE BEING FUCKING HOLD DOWN!" As Kevin's rage was building hotter, Mashiro ordered "Get Chiyo out of here before Kevin kills us all." As a couple of agents grabbed Chiyo off the floor, they led her away. But before they were out of the office, Chiyo stated "We'll meet again, firecracker. And next time, I won't fuck around." As Chiyo's evil laughing died down, Kevin tossed a chair out of the office as he rambled "I SHOULD'VE BROUGHT MY SHOTGUN WITH ME! THE MOB COULD SUCK MY DICK!" Mashiro went over to Kevin and playfully grabbed his penis as she said "Calm down, big guy. Can you feel my hand grabbing your member, Kev? That's right, settle down, you stubborn brute. Hey, hey, don't squirm, Kevin. There, there, you tough enforcer of a brute." As Mashiro's grip tightened, Kevin's eyes were bulging out and veins in his forehead were popping. When Mashiro noticed that Kevin was getting more riled up, she ordered "I don't want to hurt you, Kevin. I know you're pissed, but raging on about it ain't healthy. I don't want your rage to put you six feet under." As the grip on Kevin's penis was too much for him to take, he started to break down. When Kevin got onto one knee, Mashiro said "I'm not letting go of your dick until you feel better." Kevin started to moan and groan as he was cumming. Mashiro's eyes widened as she said "Did you just cummed? How are you feeling after the release?" Kevin then said "Never better." Mashiro then said "That's great. Let's go back to the hotel." Kevin then asked "May I get Burger King?" Mashiro then stated "And maybe after that, I can buy you a milkshake from Shake Shack." Kevin then said "You're the best, baka." Some time later at Burger King, Mashiro brought over a double Whopper combo. As Mashiro put the tray in front of Kevin, he yelled "BURGER KING!" Mashiro felt warm and fuzzy as she watched Kevin down his food. Suddenly, Kevin made a guttural burp, at which the whole restaurant turned to him. Kevin muttered "Fuck, what a burp." Mashiro swatted Kevin's hand as she said "Where's your manners, baka?" Kevin, with a mouth full of food, said "I do have manners." Mashiro then rolled her eyes as she said "You claimed that you have manners, but you stated that with a mouth full of food." Just then, Kevin made another loud burp while his mouth was full. Mashiro then yelped "You're such a pig, Kevin." Kevin then stated "You can claim that a pig can talk." Mashiro then stated "You're too much sometimes." A few moments later, Kevin had finished his meal, and they then walked to Shake Shack. When Kevin was back at the hotel later that evening, someone knocked at the door. When he opened the door, Kevin noticed it was Hiromi. Hiromi said "I needed to talk to you about something." Kevin then said "Hey Hiromi, come in, come in. It's been five years since we made that National Bank gold score." Kevin led Hiromi into the living room where he offered her a drink. As Kevin gave Hiromi the drink, she said "I'm not really into whiskey, but thank you." Kevin then asked "Why are you here, Kuro?" Hiromi then said "I'm assuming that you know Maron." Kevin then said "Yes, I do. She was one of the drivers in that gold heist we did." Hiromi then said "I heard from her brother that she was killed in the terrorist attack." Kevin then said "Oh no fuck. Fucking beautiful. I had just put her on this job I was planning. The mafia will pay for this." Just then, Momo came in and said "What's wrong, Kevin? I hear... what the hell? It has been a while, Hiromi." Kevin then said "I just got some bad news. Hiromi mentioned that Maron was killed in the CN Tower terrorist attack." Suddenly, Momo fell onto her knees and sobbed "I can't believe this. This is the first crew member that was killed since Montreal fourteen years ago." Kevin then went over to Momo and hugged her tenderly as he said "I'll take down the Italian Mafia in the name of Maron, even if I get killed myself. But anyway, do you want some sushi, ladies?" Momo nodded her head as Hiromi said "I'd love that, Kev." Kevin then picked up the hotel phone and called room service. When the call went through, someone said "Westin Harbour Castle room service. I'm Aqsa, how can I help you?" Kevin then said "Yes, can I order 5 platters of sushi for bedroom suite number 3." Aqsa then said "Okay, Mr. Stewart, it's coming right up." As Kevin ended the call, Momo curled onto his lap. Kevin then stroked Momo's hair as he said "You're really a lost soul, Momo. Come here for that cuddle I promised." Momo shivered vigorously as Kevin moved her closer. As Momo nuzzled into Kevin's chest, she purred "Why is the world so cruel?" Kevin then said "The world ain't that cruel. I know that we were a part of that, but were able to love and care. If you hadn't tried to rob me fifteen years ago, Momo, I wouldn't have been a part of your crew. This is a man eats man world and that's the way the world works." Just then, there was a knock on the door and Hiromi said "What about if I can get the door for you, Kev?" Kevin then nodded and Hiromi went to answer it. Suddenly, Mio leaves the washroom and says "Is someone at the door?" Kevin then says "It's just room service, my rare Japanese gem." Mio then says "Are you going to get it?" A few moments later, Hiromi comes back with her arms full of sushi platters as she said "This smells good. Hey, I'm assuming your Ms. Sakamoto, right?" Mio then said "Yes, but who are you?" Kevin then stated "Hey, Mio, this is Hiromi. She was one of the crew members from that gold heist I did five years back." Mio then nodded as she said "I understand, Kevin. Hey, Momo, are you alright?" Momo then made muttered sobs as Mio started to rub her back. Mio looked at Kevin and said "What's wrong?" Kevin then said "One of our crew was killed in the attack." Mio gasped as she yelped "You're fucking me, goddamnit." Kevin then grabbed a piece of sushi as he said "I'm ain't, Mio. She's really dead. Here Momo, eat this, baby girl." With teary eyes, Momo bit the piece of sushi from Kevin's hand. Kevin then messed up Momo's hair as he said "You're so cute, Momo-chan." Momo nuzzled Kevin's hand and muttered "I hate that name, baka." Kevin then pecked her forehead and said "I know, Momo, but I can't help myself as this moment is just making me warm and fuzzy." Momo made a pouty face as she said "Your words really makes me warm and fuzzy, Kevin." Momo then made broken sobs as Kevin caressed her cheeks. As Kevin wiped the tears from Momo's cheeks, she made sobbed giggles. Kevin then muttered "You are making me miss the days of when I did this for you, Mio." Mio then went up into Kevin's arms and purred "What about you having another one of those moments with me right now?" Kevin then moaned "You're really pushing my buttons, Mio," as he fed her a piece of sushi. Hiromi giggled as she saw Kevin and the two ladies in his arms. As Hiromi was giggling at a fever pitch, Kevin said "There's room for one more in here, Hiromi." Hiromi's giggles got caught down her throat as her face turned red while muttering "Urgh. Argh." Kevin then said "I ain't going to bite you, Hiromi." As she moved slowly to Kevin, Hiromi said "You're really a ladies' man, Kev." When Hiromi climbed onto Kevin, he said "This ain't that bad." Suddenly, Hiromi started to wail into Kevin's chest. Kevin then said "You really miss Maron." Hiromi shivered vigorously as she sobbed "She was my best goddamn friend." Kevin held Hiromi closer as he muttered "Cry your grief away, baby girl." Just then, both Momo and Mio started to cry as well. Kevin's heart felt numb as he bore the storm of three ladies' grief and pain. The four of them stayed like that for a while before Hiromi left due to having to plan Maron's funeral. The three others then got ready for bed and retired for the night. The following morning, as Kevin and Mio were cuddling in bed, they heard someone outside their room yelling "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK AS KEVIN STEWART IS A DEAD FUCK!" Kevin jumped out of bed as Mio asked "What's going on?" Kevin then gave Mio a pistol as he said "I think that freaking mob boss, Chiyo, is just outside the door. Take this and stay here, my rare Japanese gem, and don't open the door to anyone unless you know it's safe." As Mio was shedding tears, Kevin went outside to see Chiyo pushing a Blue Mermaids agent. Kevin then stormed over as he barked "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO FUCK OFF!" Chiyo then smirked "Hey there, firecracker. Did you miss me, pussy?" Kevin then pushed Chiyo as he yelled "I GOT YOUR GODDAMN FIRECRACKER RIGHT HERE CALLED MY PENIS, YOU FREAKING WHORE!" Chiyo, with a look out of rage, muttered "Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. That's a bad idea, bitch. Did you ever learn from yesterday about fucking with me?" Kevin then retorted "THE ONLY THING THAT I LEARNED YESTERDAY WAS THAT I SHOULD'VE KILLED YOU!" Chiyo then moaned "You're making me so horny watching you giving yourself a heart attack. Do you want to squeeze my boobs and watch me cum?" Kevin then raked her eyes as he stated "THE ONLY TIME I'D FUCK YOU IS OVER YOUR DEAD BODY!" Out of rage, Chiyo grabbed Kevin's penis while he raked her eyes again. As they fought for ground, Chiyo yelled "CUM," as Kevin yelled "DIE YOU SHIT!" As Chiyo grabbed Kevin's cock harder, she yelled "ARE YOU HARD YET?" Kevin, born out of rage, clawed Chiyo's eyes and pushed her into a wall. Chiyo then loosened her grip on his dick as she crashed onto the ground. As Kevin got his bearings back, Chiyo yelled "MY EYES! I WANT TO SEE YOU YELLING IN PAIN WITH THEM!" Kevin then barked "THE ONLY THING THAT YOU SEE IS ME RIPPING YOUR BREASTS OFF!" Suddenly, several of Chiyo's goons arrived and opened fire. As the bullets zipped passed Kevin's feet, he yelled "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR, MIO!" As Mio opened the door, Kevin stormed in and grabbed his AK47. Mio then grabbed Kevin's arm and barked "NO, KEVIN! I DON'T WANT YOU TO KILL BAKA!" Kevin then ordered "I'm doing this for you, Mio. Please lock the door when I'm out of here." As Mio locked the door when he left, she heard Kevin yelling "I'M COMING FOR YOU CHIYO!" Mio then fell back from the door before curling up into a ball while muttering "なぜ私は彼と結婚したのでしょうか?なぜ私は彼と結婚したのでしょうか?なぜ私は彼と結婚したのでしょうか?" After a few minutes of gunfire, it stopped and Kevin ordered "Open the door, Mio." Mio then ran over and open it. When she opened it, Mio saw the bodies of the goons and Blue Mermaids agents all over. Mio then asked "Did you get her?" Kevin shook his head as he stated "That coward got away." Just then, there was a knock at the door and Kevin aimed his gun. Suddenly, Raisa, with raised hands, said "Whoa there, Kevin. I'm friendly. I'm friendly. Please aim that thing somewhere else." Kevin then lowered the gun as he said "Hey, Raisa." Raisa then lowered her hands as she said "I heard that you were standing at the hotel after what happened with the mob at your house. You haven't come to one of my psychologist sessions in a while. Please come next door and we will talk." As Kevin was leaving with Raisa, she asked "Could you please leave the weapon here." Kevin then stated "You know that if the mob comes back, I'm pretty much going to a gunfight with a knife." Raisa nodded as they went to the room next door. When inside and was sitting at a table, Raisa said "So Kevin, what's life been treating you since our last session five years back?" Kevin then ranted "It's been one big flaming bag of shit after our last meeting. It all started when this clump of a fool, Mashimo, from the Blue Mermaids promised me that she would personally delete my files after I destroyed the Direct Attack Federation evidence by breaking into the Blue Mermaids' headquarters. I did it, but Mashimo didn't keep her promise as she shot her own freaking sister, Mafuyu, who was also a Blue Mermaids agent, in the head. I, with a friend, Mashiro, who was their sister, and a Blue Mermaids agent, had a shootout with the Direct Attack Federation, Sensha-Dō Federation and the Blue Mermaids. Afterward, I was at the premiere of Grand Theft Auto 6 with Tim. The trio's mother, Mayuki, sent the Sensha-Dō Federation team to my house to kill my family. I raced there and killed them all. When that shootout was done, I hit the National Bank up the street from here for a quarter of a billion worth of gold. To add the cherry on top, I had another shootout with the Sensha-Dō Federation and the Blue Mermaids at Casa Loma before going to the Rogers Centre and blowing it up with a dirty bomb and breaking into Mayuki's place where I knocked her out, raped and kidnapped her. I weighted her down at Ontario Place and dropped her into the lake and watched her drown. After that, I retired from that life, but four days ago, I was pulled back into the game due to a friend being fucked by the mafia." Raisa, with a look of sheer terror, squawked "Are you kidding me. I know that you have done some fucked up things over the years, but what you told me is just disturbingly dark." Kevin then stated "You know something motherfucker, that's life for you. This is a man eats man world and that's how people live. We kill, we fuck whores, and we rob places. When I was growing up, my father wasn't nice to me. I needed to have a bat shit crazy mindset to live back then." Raisa then said "I think that you need help as you really went downhill since the last time we met. I'm going to need some time to think about this whole thing, Kevin." Kevin then said "Alright then, Raisa." As Kevin was leaving Raisa's room, he noticed Raisa screaming while trying to pull her hair out. Kevin then said "Are you okay?" But Raisa muttered "I just need some time, Kev." Kevin nodded as he went back to his room. When there, Momo ran into Kevin's arms as she wailed "The Italian Mafia has been here." Kevin held her closer as he said "Don't cry, Momo. I think they are holding back for now, but I'm ready to kill again." But Momo kept moaning in fear as she was shaking uncontrollably. Kevin held Momo even tighter as he thought "I had never seen her this shitless in all the years I knew her." As Momo wailed into Kevin's chest, she suddenly started to gag. Kevin then started to rub her back as he cooed "I'm here, baby girl. I won't let anyone lay a finger on you without getting my wrath." Soon after, Momo barfed on Kevin's chest as her fear was rising. As Momo noticed what she had done, she wailed "I'M SORRY FOR VOMITING ON YOU, KEVIN!" Kevin caressed Momo's cheeks and said "It's okay, baby girl. Accidents happen. Let's get you clean up." He then lifted Momo up and carried her to the washroom. After Kevin had cleaned himself and Momo, he cuddled her on the bed. While he was cuddling Momo, she said "I'm having Kanno Naoe filling in for Maron, and I'm thinking of starting the heist as soon as the armored truck is in my hands." Kevin then said "Okay, Momo." In the meantime, Akeno was walking up Yonge Street on her way to Burger King. While she was waiting to cross Shuter Street, Akeno was suddenly grabbed from behind. As her heart was pounding like a drumbeat in her ears, Chiyo hissed "You're coming with me." Akeno then thrashed against her hold as she yelled "HELP, I'M GETTING KIDNAPPED BY THE ITALIAN MAFIA!" Soon after, a police officer rushed over with his bean bag shotgun aimed and yelled "LET HER FUCKING GO, CHIYO!" But Chiyo then pepper sprayed the officer before running away empty-handed. As the officer was on the ground covering his eyes, Akeno yelled "COWARD," at the fleeing Chiyo. She then rushed over to the fallen officer and asked "Are you okay, officer?" The officer then stated "Yeah, I'm okay." As Akeno helped the officer to a nearby set of stairs for a seat, she got a water bottle from her backpack and poured it into his eyes. As Akeno was cleaning the officer's eyes, he said "Can you stay with me until backup comes? I want to ask you a few questions before you go." Akeno then nodded as she said "Sure, officer." A few moments later, a few cruisers arrived and several heavily armored officers got out. As EMS helped the fallen officer, the police supervisor said "So ma'am, what happened?" Akeno then said "Well, I was heading to the Burger King up the street when I was grabbed." The supervisor then said "Where did she run off to?" Akeno then said "She ran onto Shuter Street." The supervisor then said "Good. Here's my card if you have any more information." Akeno then took the card before saying "Anytime, inspector." As Akeno rushed back to the hotel, she thought "The mafia is getting more and more bold." When Akeno entered Kevin's room while he was cuddling Momo, she ran into his arms wailing. Kevin held Akeno tenderly as he said "What's wrong, Aki?" Akeno shook uncontrollably as she wailed "CHIYO TRIED TO KIDNAP ME!" Kevin held her tighter as he cooed "There, there, baby girl. I'm here for you." Just then, Momo broke down again as she clung to Kevin. As Kevin held the sobbing ladies, he thought "I must protect them with my life." He held them for most of the day until they fell asleep in his arms. That evening, Kevin had just come back to his room after a workout in the hotel's gym when his phone rang. Kevin picked it up and said "Hey, Mashiro." Mashiro then said "I heard about the shootout at the hotel, and I'm sending more agents there." Kevin then said "Thank you, Shiro." As Kevin ended the call, Mio hugged him from behind as she said "Do you want to have some sexy time, my rare Canadian gem?" Kevin then grabbed Mio's foot and hung her upside down as he stated "I'm always down for that, My rare Japanese gem." Mio flailed and squawked "I'm getting very horny upside down. Please fuck me, sexy boy." Kevin then carried her to bed, and they fucked all night. The following morning, Kevin and Mio were entangled in as Momo came in and said "Get a room." Kevin then cracked "We're already in one." Momo giggled "You lovebirds are too much sometimes," as she turned on the TV. As Momo put on CP24, the news anchor said "Good afternoon, it's noon on August 16, 2034. It's a sunny day in Toronto at our daytime high of 29. We've just got breaking news. York Regional Police are at the scene of a hostage situation at 31 Old Jane Street in the Centre Street and Yonge Street area in Vaughan." Momo then yelped "THAT'S MY FAMILY PLACE! THE FUCKING MAFIA IS HOLDING MY FUCKING FAMILY!" As Momo was in the midst of her rant, Kevin was getting dressed. Mio then asked "What are you doing, Kevin?" Kevin then stated "You know what I'm going to do. I'm going to take care of this once and for all." Mio then yelped "Don't do this, Kevin." But Kevin stated "I made a promise to myself that I'm going to protect my family and friends, even if I was killed doing so." As Kevin was finished getting dressed, he went out of the room and looked at one of the Blue Mermaids agents and said "I need a ride." As the agent tossed her keys to Kevin, he catches it and made his way to a Tahoe. When in the vehicle, Kevin turned on the engine before activating the sirens and flooring it. As he drove the Tahoe through the heavy morning traffic of downtown Toronto, Kevin thought "I should've got one of those vehicles when I was still in the game five years back." As Kevin was about to pass Yonge-Dundas Square, he noticed a group of older people crossing with walkers. Kevin then used the megaphone and yelled "GET OUT OF THE FREAKING WAY! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!" As Kevin raced passed them, they all flipped him off. A few blocks later, a school bus turned right in front of him. Kevin then used the megaphone again and yelled "HEY SCHOOL BUS DRIVER, YOU SHOULD LOOK OUT FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES!" As Kevin passed, the school bus driver popped her head out the window and yelled "YOU SHOULD'VE NOT FUCKING BEEN PASSING ME WITH A BUS FULL OF KIDS!" A few minutes later, Mashiro called Kevin. As Kevin picked it up, Mashiro said "Cool it, Kevin. You're making a bad move." Kevin then yelped "Damn the shit, Shiro. I need to do this for Momo." Mashiro then said "Please don't do this, Kevin." Kevin then stated "I'm doing this if this is the last thing I'll do," before hanging up. Around 30 minutes later, Kevin arrived at Momo's family house surrounded by police. As Kevin was getting out of the vehicle, an officer said "Whoa there, buddy. This area is off limits. Unless you have got a death wish, get back into your vehicle and go before I arrest you for obstructing justice." Just then, another officer came over and said "How in the hell did you get that Tahoe? This is from the Blue Mermaids." Kevin then stated "I do have a death wish and I borrowed this Tahoe from an agent. This is the house of the Kawashima's and I had some unfinished business with the hostage-taker." Suddenly, a voice on a megaphone inside the house said "I can smell that Kevin Stewart is here. Come in and we can talk." Kevin then used the Tahoe's megaphone and said "Fuck you, Chiyo. You come out, and we will talk when you're in cuffs." Chiyo then stated "I don't think so, firecracker. It seems that Momo is so slippery. So I'd take her family as my own. Her youngest sister, Aoi, is so cute. Momo won't mind if I take some pictures of Aoi's breasts." Kevin's rage was consuming his judgment as he said "You're a sniveling, spineless worm, a festering boil on the ass of humanity. You're so pathetic, you couldn't fart in a hurricane without getting blown back into your own face. You're a walking, talking pile of steaming horse manure, a disgrace to your species. You're a fucking idiot, a complete and utter moron. You're so dumb, you can't find your own ass with both hands and a map. You're a waste of oxygen, a blight on the landscape. I hope you choke on a chicken bone and die a slow, painful death. I hope you get eaten alive by a pack of rabid dogs. I hope you get struck by lightning and turn into a crispy critter." Chiyo then giggled as she said "Your words don't fear me. You can use all the colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs you want." The veins on Kevin's forehead were popping as he ordered "You're surrounded, lady. Just come out with your hands in the air before an emergency response unit storms the place." Chiyo then giggled "By the emergency response unit, you mean a piece of shit that doesn't know about staying out of my business from your own ass. You killed my daughter when you blew up a dirty bomb at the Rogers Centre on behalf of Momo five years back." Kevin then stated "You wanted to kill Momo because I killed one of my friends' enemies. Leave the poor soul alone and come out to fight me. I killed your daughter. I should've been on your hit list, not Momo. You know something, fuck the emergency response unit as I got another dirty bomb right here." Chiyo then yelped "YES! If you toss it in here, I'd toss it up, your whore of a bitch wife's ass." The officers around Kevin started to slowly move away from him as they believed that war was about to start. Kevin was getting more enraged and barked "YOU'RE TESTING MY BUTTONS, CHIYO, I SUGGEST YOU TO STOP!" But Chiyo didn't respond to Kevin's last statement. After a few moments of silence, Kevin said "Hello whore, are you dead?" After a few minutes, Chiyo still didn't respond. As Kevin's agitation was building, an officer came over and said "I think you have done enough damage here. Please go back to your wife and kids before you get killed or arrested." Just then, someone ran out of the house. As Kevin noticed who it was, he yelled "HOLD YOUR FIRE! HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Aoi then wailed "SHE HAS GONE! THAT BAKA RAN OUT THE BACK!" Aoi ran into Kevin's arms as he ordered "Search the house." The officers then stormed the house. As the police were looking in the house, Kevin dialed Momo's number. At the first ring, Momo yelped "DID YOU KILL CHIYO?" Kevin then stated "I don't know, as Aoi claimed that Chiyo ran out the back door." Momo then wailed "WHERE'S AOI? IS SHE OKAY?" Kevin then said "Aoi is sobbing in my arms. Here Aoi, Momo wants to talk to you." When Kevin handed the phone to Aoi, she wailed "姉さん!" Momo then made a sigh of relief as she said "Good lord you're safe. Are the rest of your siblings and mama and papa safe?" Aoi then stated "The cops are raiding the place right now." Suddenly, the rest of the family went out of the house. They all went over to Kevin and the mother, Yonezawa, hugged him as she said "Thank you very much, sir." Kevin then held Yonezawa as he said "Anytime, Ms. Kawashima. Let's take you all to see Momo." As they went into the vehicle, an officer came up to Kevin and muttered "Chiyo is not anywhere in the house," in his ear. Kevin then nodded as he entered the vehicle and drove off. During the drive, the father, Shinnosuke, asked "Where are you taking us?" Kevin then said "I'm taking you to the Westin Harbour Castle." Just then, Momo called back and Kevin picked the phone up. As Kevin said "Hello," Momo stated "I just watched the news and heard some of the things Chiyo had said during the stand-off. I'd kill her myself if she took any nude shots of Aoi." Kevin then said "I hope that she didn't either. I'm coming back to the hotel with your family." Momo then yelped "Good lord above. I'll be waiting for you, Kev." When Kevin ended the call, he drove on. Soon after, they arrived at the hotel where Momo was wailing. As Kevin parked the vehicle, the Kawashima family ran out and hugged Momo. Kevin felt warm and fuzzy as he watched the tender moment with the Kawashima family. Momo then said "I owe you big time, Kevin," as she and the family walked toward the lobby. When Kevin was walking back to his room, a Blue Mermaids agent was walking past. Kevin then said "Hey buddy, catch." Kevin tossed the keys to the agent as he stated "Tell agent Hamamoto thank you for the ride." Kevin then entered his room where Mio kissed him tenderly before they had lunch. Later that afternoon, Momo came into Kevin's room as he was drinking a beer. She noticed the beer and said "You know that drinking ain't healthy, baka." Kevin then grinned "You know that I've been under a lot of stress this past week. This one sin ain't going to give me a heart attack." Momo then giggled "This one sin. Yeah, I have known you for years when you said that you were going to have one beer, but soon after you're Stone Cold trying to stun people." Kevin then said "Well, maybe I'm a Stone Cold kind of drunk, but maybe a little bit of give me a hell yeah here and there ain't going to hurt anyone." Momo giggles and shakes her head while stating "Your too much, baka." Kevin then said "I got some sake if your down with me." Momo then stated "You know that I had a soft spot for that, but I'm going to pass this one." Kevin then stated "I know your under a lot of stress with this mafia bullshit, Momo. Come on, have a sake and get loose." Momo then moaned "Fuck it, why not?" She then sat on the bed next to Kevin, and he poured a glass of sake for her. Kevin then held out his beer can and said "Here's for our long-standing friendship." Momo held up her glass and said "For our long-standing friendship." When they lightly chugged their drinks after the toast, Momo said "I was thinking about the heist. Ever since the terrorist attack on the CN Tower the other day and the hostage taking of my family this morning, I want to pull this thing off sooner than later before the mafia gets more bold." Kevin then sighed "I was thinking the same thing too. I'm thinking of calling Mashiro about moving our safe house from here to Fenelon Falls to get closer to the heist." Momo then said "I think that's a good idea, Kev." Kevin got out of bed to get the hotel phone and dialed Mashiro. When Mashiro answered, she said "Agent Munetani, how can I help you?" Kevin then said "Hey Shiro." Mashiro then said "Hey Kev, how are you?" Kevin then stated "I'm fine. I need your agents to move my crew up to Sunny Acres Trailer Park." Mashiro then asked "Why such a move?" Kevin then said "You know that freaking Chiyo knows where we're hiding, and I wanted to get closer to Casino Rama." Mashiro then stated "You're not fucking around. Sure thing, Kevin. I'm sending a team to the Westin Harbour Castle to pick you up." Kevin then said "Thank you, Shiro. See you soon." When he ended the call, Mio came in and asked "Who's that, my rare Canadian gem?" Kevin then lightly ordered "Please pack your things. We're moving." Mio then asked "Why such a rush?" Kevin then stated "We need to get out of the Greater Toronto Area before the mafia drops the noose on all of us." Mio then said "Okay, Kevin." As the group were packing their things, there was a knock at the door. Kevin grabs his pistol and then opened the door before aiming the gun. Kevin then noticed that it was Akoya. Akoya looked surprised at the moment, but Kevin lowered the gun while saying "Hey, hey Akoya, it's okay. I'm just under a lot of stress right now. Come in, come in." Akoya came in as she said "Hey Kevin. I was thinking about whether you would like to go swimming in the pool." Kevin then touched her shoulders as he said "I'd love to, but I'm in the middle of packing." Akoya then asked "You're leaving already." Kevin then stated "We're just moving out of town for that thing I have planned. What about if you tagged along with us, and we could go swimming in a lake nearby?" Akoya then nodded as Mashiro texted "I'm at the hotel." They all went to the vehicles and drove off. During the drive, Yoshika started to nip Mashiro's ear while muttering "Where's my van?" Mashiro then squealed "Please. It's still in the shop." Yoshika then sucked the ear harder as she moaned "How long do those upgrades I asked for take?" Mashiro then pleaded "Please stop, baka, or I will do something you regret." Kevin made a cheeky laugh before leaning closer to her and saying "And what's that, Mashiro?" Mashiro squealed louder as she yelped "I'M SURROUNDED!" Kevin then moaned "You're so cute when you get panicky." Mashiro blushed deeper as she moaned "I'm going to blow up soon. I'm a virgin." Kevin then muttered "Did you ever have some sexy time with your husband before he died? By the way, when you made me cummed the other day at your office, you're a pro." Mashiro then moaned "Please stop it Kevin. FUCK! I'm cumming." Yoshika then put her hand down Mashiro's pants, which caused Mashiro to squeal "WHAT IN THE HELL, YOSHIKA!" Kevin then pressed his mouth onto Mashiro's ear and muttered "Let Yoshika have this sexy time." Just then, Yoshika sat on Mashiro's lap before humping it. Mashiro then yelped "OH THERE, COWGIRL!" Suddenly, Mio hopped onto Kevin's lap as she muttered "What about we could have some sexy time as well, my rare Canadian gem of a husband." Kevin then caressed Mio's cheeks as he moaned "I'd love to have some sexy time with my rare Japanese gem of a wife." Kevin then pulled Mio closer as he kissed her with predatory hunger. Mio moaned into Kevin's mouth as she was feeding the beast of love within him. As their tongues moved in each other's mouths, Mio moaned "MORE!" Kevin then put his tongue deeper down Mio's throat as she flailed around sexually in his arms. Just then, Mio, still kissing, squealed "I'M GOING TO CUM! I CAN FEEL THAT I'M BLOWING THE FUCK UP!" Kevin then fed Mio's fuck drive by kissing her more passionately. A few moments later, Mio stopped kissing as she made an ahegao face before humping Kevin's lap while moaning "THE PUSSY JUICE IS HERE!" As Kevin touched Mio's pussy over her panties and felt the cum shots, he moaned "You're so horny, Mio." When Kevin put his hand into Mio's panties, she gutturally moaned "You're dirty, baka." Kevin then leaned in and purred "That's why you fell for me." Just then, Mashiro stated "I'm ain't falling for this," as Yoshika was playfully groping her breasts. Kevin then said "Well, you need to start somewhere, Shiro." As Kevin ruffled Mashiro's hair, she moaned "I ain't getting paid enough as a Blue Mermaids agent for this." Later that evening, the group arrived at Yoshika's trailer and unpacked. When Kevin noticed that Akoya was about to doze off in an armchair, he poked her rib cage with his fingers and asked "What about if I could take you for that swim?" Akoya squealed "THAT'S TICKLISH!" Suddenly, Aoi ran and jumped into Kevin's arms while yelping "I WANT TO GO SWIMMING AS WELL!" As Kevin lifted Aoi into the air, he stated "I think that Momo won't mind if I take her little sis for a dip. Get your swimsuit on and the last one on the beach is going to get their belly kiss." Kevin then lowered Aoi, and she ran into a room while Momo came in from outside. She noticed Aoi dashing off and asked "Why's she so happy?" Kevin then said "She was giddy about swimming when I asked Akoya about going." Momo then said "Aoi ain't the greatest swimmer, Kevin. I don't want her to meet her maker with the fishes if you and Akoya want to spice things up." Akoya then mentioned "Don't worry, Momo. I wasn't the greatest swimmer myself, but this guy right here helped me to swim. He won't let your little sister barf out any fish if she wants to go free diving to the Titanic wreck." Momo then said "You're such the older brother that I always dreamed about, you baka." Kevin then stated "You're the little sister that I always wanted too, Momo-chan." Momo playfully punched Kevin's arm, and he yelped "MY ARM!" Akoya giggled before asking "How old is she anyhow?" Momo then said "Aoi just turned four a couple of weeks ago." Kevin then mentioned "I remember my kids being that young. I know that you're about the same age as me, Momo, but you still got that youthful innocence." Just then, Momo's other siblings, Akane, Ema, Mai and Yuto came running in and yelped "CAN WE GO SWIMMING AS WELL, MOMO!" Momo then said "Wha... wha... what, you all want to go too? All right, get ready then." Momo's other sisters and brother ran into the room to join Aoi in getting ready. Kevin then said "What a bunch of little joys. How do you put up with them sometimes?" Momo then said "I'm just a loving older sister to them." A few moments later, Aoi, wearing a pink one-piece swimsuit with a mermaid image on the front, ran out while saying "Are you ready, baka?" Kevin then said "Let's wait for your siblings to get ready. You can join us, Momo." Momo then said "I'm already ready," as she took off her school uniform to showcase a stunning red one-piece swimsuit. Kevin's eyes widened as he muttered "Whoa." Momo noticed Kevin's stare and stated "Please don't stare at me, baka." Kevin then said I... I wasn't staring. It's just... you look... really nice." Momo, with a mischievous glint, moved closer to Kevin as she purred "You always love a hot Japanese lady in a skimpy swimsuit, don't you." Suddenly, Kevin's nose started to bleed before he ran to the washroom yelping "OH SHIT!" Momo tried to hold her laughter as Akoya asked "How old are the rest of your siblings, Momo?" Momo then said "Akane is 11, Ema is 9, Mai is 8 and Yuto is 6." When the other siblings were ready and Kevin was done in the washroom, they raced to the beach. When there, Kevin said "You know what this means, Aoi? You're going to get your belly kissed." Kevin then lifted Aoi up in a fit of squeals as Kevin kissed her belly. Momo's heartstrings tugged her soul as she watched Kevin having a tender moment with her youngest sister. Momo then said "I think that's enough kissing, Kev." As Kevin stopped kissing, he said "Come on, Momo. This little troublemaker needs some more wet ones." Momo rolled her eyes back as she said "You win, Kevin," before she went over to Aoi and started kissing her cheek. Aoi blushed as pink as her swimsuit as Kevin and Momo kissed her. As Aoi was giggling, she squealed "I LOVE YOU, UNCLE KEVIN!" Kevin, lost for words, hugged her and muttered "I love you too, Aoi." Momo then noticed Kevin's mood and said "Are you going to cry?" Kevin then stated "This is why I wanted to protect your family, Momo. So these young souls can run in the future. But anyway, let's go swimming." They all ran into the water and spent most of the evening having fun. When the time came to go back to the trailer, they all walked back while Kevin was carrying the sleeping Aoi. When back at the trailer, Momo got ready for bed. As Momo was leaving the washroom and walking to the living room, she said "Let's get you ready for bed, my siblings." But she noticed them, along with Kevin, sleeping together on the couch. Momo then wiped a tear from her eye as she muttered "I wish that I had someone like you as my caregiver years ago, Kevin." She then curled up into Kevin's arms before passing out too. On the following morning of August 17, Kevin woke up to see Mio sitting across from him as she said "You're such a loving, stubborn baka, my rare Canadian gem. I thought that your time of cuddling little ones in your arms while dozing off was over." Kevin then cooed "My rare Japanese gem. You're such a gem of a wife. What's for breakfast?" Mio then said "Ms. Kawashima is making pancakes, eggs and bacon." Kevin then muttered "Hmm, bacon." Mio then giggled "Okay, Homer." Just then, Momo stirred in Kevin's arms as she muttered "Strawberry shortcake is awesome." Kevin then pressed his mouth onto Momo's ear and muttered "Momo Kawashima is awesome." Suddenly, Momo woke up and yelped "WHERE AM I?" Kevin then said "You fell asleep in my arms with your siblings." As the siblings woke up, Kevin muttered "Your mother is making breakfast, Momo." Momo then moved away from Kevin's arms before saying "I should help mother in the kitchen and my lovely siblings please get ready for breakfast." As Momo went into the kitchen to help Yonezawa and Akane, Ema, Mai, Yuto and Aoi went into the washroom, Kevin and Mio kissed. Soon after, the siblings ran out of the washroom and Aoi hopped on Kevin's lap. With a smile, Kevin said "Well, good morning baby girl." Aoi then giggled "Can you kiss my belly, Onii-chan." Kevin then said "Here comes the kissing monster," before he started kissing her belly. Aoi squealed as Momo in the kitchen said "Are you kissing Aoi's stomach again?" Kevin then stated "Yep." Momo then mentioned "Hey Akane, Ema and Mai, please give Kevin a piece of my mind for me." The three young girls went over to Kevin and along with Aoi, they started to tickle him. Kevin was doubled over on the couch as he squealed "I'M GOING TO GET YOU!" After a few moments, they fell onto Kevin. As the girls were giggling, Aoi tugged Kevin's beard and asked "How old are you?" Kevin then said "I'm 34." Suddenly, Aoi started to whimper as Kevin noticed a wet spot running down her legs. Kevin's heart sank as he realized what had happened. He gently lifted Aoi off of him and checked the wet spot on her pants as he muttered "Oh, honey, looks like it's time for a diaper change." Aoi whimpered harder as embarrassment crept up her neck before asking "Can you change me, Onii-chan?" Kevin nodded sympathetically as he said "Of course, sweetheart. Let's get you cleaned up." He gently scooped her up, carrying her towards the washroom. Kevin then cooed "Don't worry, it happens to everyone. We'll get you all fresh and clean." As he cleaned Aoi up, he couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. He remembered changing his own children's diapers, the gentle routine, the quiet moments. It was a bittersweet feeling, a mix of fondness for the past and a touch of sadness that those days were gone. Once Aoi was clean and dry, Kevin carried her back to the living room, where the rest of the family was waiting. Kevin said "All better now, sweetheart," as he gently stroked her hair. Aoi nodded, her face still a bit flushed. Aoi whispered "Thanks, Onii-chan." Kevin smiled warmly as he said "You're welcome, little one. Now, let's go eat some pancakes. I hear Ms. Kawashima made a big stack." Aoi nodded eagerly and climbed onto his lap. As they ate breakfast, Kevin couldn't help but feel a wave of affection for the little girl. She was so sweet and innocent, and he was grateful to be a part of her life. After breakfast, Kevin got a text from Charlotte stating "I have got an armored truck, and I'm heading to the meth lab at Pharmasave Fenelon Falls." Kevin then went to Momo and pressed his mouth onto her ear before whispering "I need to talk to you." As they went outside, Kevin said "I just got a text from Charlotte that she's driving the armored truck to Yoshika's meth lab." Momo then said "Okay, ask Akeno, Yoshika and Mashiro to come over to the meth lab while I call the rest of the crew, and I'll talk prep." Kevin went back inside to the kitchen and said "Yoshika, Mashiro, Akeno, I need both of you to come into town with me." The four of them then went into Momo's vehicle and drove into Fenelon Falls. Around 15 minutes later, they arrived at Pharmasave Fenelon Falls and went into the back. When there, Charlotte, Eila, Kanno, Gertrud, Francesca, Chisato, Moeka and Mashiro were there. Momo then said "The heist is a go by this time tomorrow. This score will make us famous as this would beat any other heists of the century. Moeka, I want you to take the red semi and go to 23 Balantrae Drive to wait for the convoy to get to their location before you crash right in front of them at Ontario Highway 11 off ramp to the Trans-Canada Highway. Your semi is fully loaded with hundreds of thousands of thumbtacks. If the convoy is smart enough to just clear the tacks off the road, you have got a dead man switch that will set the gas tank to blow up. Chisato, I want you to take the blue semi and go to the Jacobs Bait & Tackle on Ontario Highway 11. The convoy will pass you, and you should follow it before you crash behind them at the same place as the first crash. You're got one of the most risky jobs in this thing as your semi is fully loaded with uranium, plutonium, dynamite and C4. Charlotte, you're an armored truck driver. You're the one that is driving to Casino Rama along with Kevin, Yoshika and Akeno. Eila and Kanno, you're the security car drivers. You two need to follow the armored truck. Each one of you, Eila and Kanno, got a guard in the form of Gertrud and Francesca. Kouko, you're the hacker. You need to listen to the radio waves when the convoy can't get through the two crashes. Also, you need to hack into the casino's security system if the shit hits the fan. Mashiro, I need you to set a wildfire near Chisato's semi after she wrecked. Hopefully, the convoy will go into full panic mode when they can't go forward or backward due to thumbtacks covering the road and the chance that they will be blown up into kingdom come. The armored truck and security crew will meet here before the score hits the fan. When Kouko gets the job from the trapped convoy, the armored truck and security cars go to the casino. After the heist goes off without a hitch, we all meet up back at Sunny Acres Trailer Park before we go on our continued respective journeys. There's a small chance of this thing going AWOL, but the loot outweighs the risk." Kevin then said "Hey, Chisato and Moeka catch." Chisato and Moeka catch the keys of the semis and then leave. Momo then stated "Let's get some lunch, Kev." Kevin then said "That's a good idea, Momo." They then went to the Sobeys down the street and bought some sushi. When they were walking back to Momo's vehicle, Kevin noticed a lovely unicorn t-shirt. Momo noticed Kevin and asked "What's up?" Kevin then said "This t-shirt is nice for Aoi." Momo then stated "Ah, you're such a lovely soul, Kevin. Aoi has been bugging me for months to get her it." Kevin then entered the gift shop and bought the shirt. Afterward, Kevin, Momo, Akeno, Yoshika and Mashiro all piled into the vehicle and returned to the trailer. Once there, they exited the vehicle and entered the trailer. As they moved through the trailer, Kevin heard a disturbing sound emanating from the kitchen. Rushing towards the noise, he found a horrifying sight: Aoi was on the floor, a half-eaten cookie lodged in her throat, her tiny hands clawing at her neck. A wave of panic washed over Kevin as he cried out, "No, no, no, no, no, Aoi!" Without hesitation, he grabbed the terrified girl and performed the Heimlich maneuver. As Kevin felt the little thing having stomach spasms under his hands, he thought "Come on, baby girl, don't die." Just then, Momo burst into the kitchen as she said "Is everything alright... AOI, AOI? MY FUCKING GOD, AOI!" As Momo rushed to Aoi's side, Mashiro, Yoshika, and Akeno quickly followed Momo into the kitchen, their faces etched with concern as they saw the distressing scene unfolding before them. When they all thought that Aoi was a goner, the cookie flew out of her throat and smashed into Momo's face. As Aoi was gagging out the cookie, air went into her tiny lungs. Kevin cuddled her while cooing "It's okay, baby girl, it's okay." As the little girl forcefully hacked for air, she made a wet sounding fart. When Momo's nerves calmed down, she said "Thank you for saving my little sis, Kevin. I don't know what I would do if she was killed." After a few moments, Aoi stopped coughing and looked at Kevin before saying "Thank you, Onii-chan. I think that a baka bomb had pooped my pants." Kevin then grinned as he said "Let's take you to the washroom to dispose of the baka bomb." Kevin carried Aoi to the washroom and put her on the changing table. When Kevin undid her diaper, Aoi's bladder suddenly failed and Kevin's face was met with a spray of yellow liquid. Aoi giggled like a hyena as Kevin was sputtering out "Oh, you think that you're a comedian. Just for that, I'm going to give you a belly kiss." Kevin then put his lips on Aoi's belly as she was squealing in delight. Mio then knocked before coming in and said "Is everything okay in here? Well, I am damned to see the day when you change diapers again." Aoi then yelped "MI-CHAN!" Mio went over and ruffled her hair while saying "Hello there, Aoi. Why is your shirt wet, Kevin?" Kevin then said "Well, this little comedian thought it would be funny to take a pee on me." Mio then grinned "I think you know what's going to go down now." Just then, Mio laid her fingers on Aoi's rib cage and started to tickle it. Kevin, with a mischievous grin, started kissing Aoi's belly again. Aoi started to squeal in delight as she felt utterly happy about the feeling of being loved. During the playful session, Kevin muttered "I really miss these moments with our kids, Mio. Can we have another kid?" Mio then looked at Kevin before cooing "You really love Aoi, don't you?" Kevin then said "I just want to eat Aoi. Yes I do. Yes I do." Aoi started to squeal louder as Kevin playfully ate her belly. Suddenly, Aoi's bladder failed again and this time Mio was in the firing line. Terror filled Mio's eyes as she yelped "WHAT THE HELL!" Kevin, doubling over, laughed "Well, in all the years you changed diapers without getting peed on, payback is a mother chicken." Mio, with a mischievous grin, grabbed a bottle of baby powder and sprayed some into Kevin's face before saying "Payback is a mother chicken." Kevin, sputtering out the powder, moaned "It's on, my rare Japanese gem." He then grabbed the baby powder bottle and wrapped his arm around her. When Mio noticed her doom was incoming, she squawked "Please, Kevin. You win, you win. Please, Kevin, I just got this shirt, and it has already been peed on." But Kevin didn't stand down and sprayed Mio's hair. As Kevin was covering Mio while she was giggling in his arms, Momo walked past and noticed the duo. Momo's eyes widened as she said "What in the hell are you two doing?" Just then, Kevin sprayed Momo with some powder. Aoi then giggled "Momo-chan." As Momo wiped her face off, she muttered "It's on, baka." Out of nowhere, Momo grabbed two more baby powder bottles from the shelf and covered Kevin and Mio. The three of them giggled, squawked and squealed as the room was covered in white. After a while, the three of them stopped their powder fight before they, along with Aoi, Akeno, Yoshika Akoya and Mashiro, decided to go swimming. When the four of them arrived at the beach, they all went in. As Kevin was swimming, he noticed Mio swimming alone, and he decided to have a little fun. With a mischievous smile, Kevin swam over to Mio before dunking her head underwater. After a few moments of flailing arms and legs, Mio came back from underwater. With water droplets clinging to her hair and face, Kevin was doubling over. Mio, her eyes widened in mock anger, yelped "You jerk!" as she playfully punched his arm. Aoi, wearing a life jacket, then swam over and asked "DUNK ME! DUNK ME!" Kevin grabbed the collar of her life jacket as he said "Starting dunking in 3... 2... 1..." Kevin then dunked Aoi's face underwater as she giggled out bubbles. When Kevin freed Aoi from the underwater, Akoya swam over and asked "How old are your kids, Kevin?" Kevin then said "My daughter, Mia, is 15 and my son, Tim, is 14." Akoya then stated "That's sweet." In the meantime, Mashiro was minding her own business sunbathing when Yoshika came over and started to suck her ear. Mashiro squealed "Not this again." But while Yoshika was still munching her ear, she muttered "Where's my goddamn van?" Mashiro then yelped "I told you that it's still in the shop." Yoshika then moans "That's not good enough," before putting her tongue into Mashiro's ear. Mashiro flailed as she squawked "Please stop it, Yoshika. It... it's slimy." Yoshika, still getting hyped, moaned "But your ear feels good on my tongue." As Mashiro gets more panicky, she started drooling. Yoshika then started getting giddy as she noticed Mashiro's mood. Yoshika then inserted her tongue deeper as Mashiro gasped "Whoa, there." Suddenly, Yoshika was picked up by Kevin as he said "As for your punishment for harassing Mashiro, I'll dunk you for a minute." As Yoshika flailed in Kevin's hold, she squawked "Wha... what the hell is this? Whoa, my... shit. I want to feel water filling my lungs." As Kevin got deep enough, he dunked Yoshika, who went under with a squeal of joy. Kevin watched as Yoshika blew bubbles and flailed around. After a minute, Kevin let Yoshika go, and she swam up with a loud roar for air. Yoshika, still gasping for air, moaned "You'll pay for this, baka. Come here." She then grabbed Kevin and dunk him under. As Kevin moaned underwater, Yoshika went under and kissed him on the lips. When Yoshika pulled Kevin up, she purred "I should've nailed you years ago." Just then, Kevin noticed Aoi was getting panicky as she was flailing and thrashing around while yelping "海藻が私の足を掴んでいます。" Kevin then swam over with Momo behind him. When there, Kevin held Aoi as Momo went under. After a few moments, Momo resurfaced and says "I need a knife. I'm going to swim back to shore to grab my pocket knife from my bag." As Momo swam back to shore, Aoi was filled with terror as the feel of the seaweed was making her uneasy. Kevin held her tighter as he cooed "It's okay, baby girl. I'm not going to let the seaweed hurt you." As the moments passed, Kevin noticed that they were being dragged out by the current. Fear was eating away at Kevin's soul as he barked "HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET A KNIFE, MOMO? WE'RE BEING DRAGGED OUT HERE!" Momo then started to swim back to them with her pocket knife in hand. With her swimming skills she learned from school in Japan, Momo swam to get to them. As the currents were getting stronger and Kevin and Aoi were getting far away, Momo thought "Please don't let my best friend and little sister drown in the depths of the lake." When Momo was getting closer, Aoi was getting pulled under. Kevin then muttered "She's going down fast, even with a life jacket on." Kevin's fear was gnawing him more as he yelped "Aoi is being pulled down by the seaweed." Momo then swam faster to save her sister from being a maker to the fishes. As Momo was about to reach them, Aoi's head went under. Momo noticed Aoi going under and yelled "AOI!" Just as Momo got there, Momo dove under to cut the seaweed while Kevin dove under to kiss Aoi to give her air. As Kevin went up for air and dived back for another kiss on Aoi, Momo thought "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. She's fucking drowning." When Momo was about to free Aoi, Aoi started to regurgitate and convulsed as she blew air from her lungs. Momo panicked as she yelled "NO," as bubbles blew out of her mouth. With renewed vigor, Momo tore the seaweed with her bare hands. Just as Aoi was on the verge of succumbing to the water, Momo freed her and, with the help of Kevin, they swam up to the surface. When they resurfaced, Momo noticed that Aoi wasn't breathing and cried out "AOI? AOI? OH MY GOD, SHE'S DEAD!" Kevin then seized the moment and gave her mouth-to-mouth. As Akeno and Mashiro rushed in, Aoi coughed back to life. Momo then cooed "Oh my god, Aoi," as Aoi hacks out water from her lungs. Kevin then dragged Aoi back to shore where he cuddled the poor little girl. As Kevin was cuddling Aoi in his arms on the shore, Yonezawa rushed over while wailing "IS MY DAUGHTER OKAY?" Momo, stroking Aoi's hair, said "She's okay, mom. All thanks to Kevin." Yonezawa was utterly happy as she cooed "Thank you so much, Mr. Stewart. You're such the knight in shining armor that the Kawashima family needed in a time like this. You're more than a bat crap crazy thug, but the most down-to-earth person I ever met. I think you're a part of the family more than anything else." As Yonezawa was crying with happy tears, Kevin caressed her cheeks as he cooed "I never had a good relationship with my mother, but I'd love to be your son, Ms. Kawashima." Yonezawa then wailed as she nuzzled into Kevin's chest. Momo then started to rub her back as she stated "She has never been this happy since the day I was born 32 years ago." As Kevin looked at the sobbing Yonezawa nuzzling into his chest, he thought "I wish that I had these kinds of moments with my mother." As thoughts of Kevin's abusive childhood came to the light of day in decades, he broke down. Mio, Kevin's wife who gave him unconditional love for over 15 years, watched as her husband held onto a mother figure that he had longed for many years. When the rest of the Kawashima siblings came over, Akane, Ema, Mai and Yuto noticed the scene and joined them. Momo, cuddling Aoi, thought "My god, Kevin is such a former shell of himself." She, along with Aoi, hugged Kevin. While Mashiro was watching the emotional scene, she got a text stating "The van your crazy ass contact that really likes to have some sexy time with you wanted is ready. Where do you want it?" Mashiro then texted "Take it to Sunny Acres Trailer Park." After a few minutes of the Kawashima family giving Kevin some love, Yonezawa cooed "What about we go back to the trailer for lunch." Kevin then nodded as he tenderly lifted Yonezawa into his arms. Momo then stated "Please be careful as her physical health is a little bit delicate." The group then walked back to the trailer, and they started to eat the sushi when they arrived there in the early afternoon. As the group were eating, Yonezawa asked "What was your relationship with your mother like, Mr. Stewart?" Kevin then stated "She was such a cold lady. She always wants to push me away every time I want love, even as a baby. When I was diagnosed with high functioning autism at the age of ten, this made my mother even more distant from my emotional needs. I wasn't asking for some sexy time, but just knowing that I was goddamn loved." Yonezawa then said "I'm so sorry about that. I know that it's painful when your loved ones don't love you." Kevin then muttered "My mother is partly why I turned into crime. The other factors were a job loss and a chance encounter with your daughter, Momo, that led me into that rabbit hole. I robbed banks, smuggled whores and ran dope across state lines, all led by Momo. But my wife, Mio, was my rock during that time. With her unconditional love and joy for the world, I owe her my life, as without her, I didn't have anything to live for, as I would've stabbed myself in my throat or something right about now. I tried to leave that life, but the promise of that big score kept pulling me back in. I quit the game twice. The first time was fourteen years ago and the second time was five. Around this time last week, I was sulking by my swimming pool when Momo came knocking after she got the mafia crawling up her rear end. I'm ain't a bad person, but just a lost soul that needs that motherly love." As Kevin was seizing up in tears, Yonezawa held him close as she cooed "I feel so much pity about your pain. I just wish that I could grab your soul and cleanse it clean." Kevin then nuzzled closer into Yonezawa's hair, and he moaned in sadness. Suddenly, Yonezawa put her hand under his shirt and started to rub his stomach as she cooed "Your soul is so lost, big guy. Maybe my touch on your belly can soothe this." Kevin then seized up more as he moaned "Thank you, Ms. Kawashima." Momo, feeding Aoi on her lap, then said "I have never seen you like this, mom. This is such an utterly raw moment." Mio, watching the scene, suddenly broke down from the utterly raw moment. Kevin noticed Mio's cries, and he grabbed her into the hug. As Mio's tears raged onto Kevin's shoulder, she cooed "I'm so damn sorry, my rare Canadian gem. I think that Ms. Kawashima would be a great mother figure for you." Kevin's dam finally broke as he wailed "MY RARE JAPANESE GEM!" Just then, Aoi went over to Kevin and he then put her on his lap. As Kevin caressed her cheeks, he cooed "You're probably too young to understand the meaning of the actions of us grown-ups sometimes do, but please don't go into crime like me and your older sister. Can you pinky swear to that?" As the two locked pinkies, Kevin thought "This little soul is too sweet to become the kind of person that I once was." Yonezawa then started yawning as she stated "I think that I'm going to take a nap for a while." Kevin then said "Let me help you, Ms. Kawashima." Yonezawa then stated "Please call me mother." As Kevin helped Yonezawa to her room, Mashiro noticed the van had pulled up and then said "Hey Yoshika, I got something for you outside." When Yoshika saw the van, she was utterly happy as she ran into Mashiro's arms as she cooed "Thank you, Shiro. You're the best baka. Just for this, I'll give you one big ear lick." Mashiro then squawked "No," but Yoshika started to put her tongue down her ear. As Yoshika's tongue made contact, it sent a shiver down Mashiro's spine. The cool, wet sensation was both unexpected and oddly comforting. Yoshika's tongue danced around Mashiro's ear, sending waves of pleasure through her. Mashiro closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh. She had never felt so relaxed and content. In the meantime, Kevin was stroking Yonezawa's hair as she was dozing off. As he saw her in such a peaceful state, Kevin thought "I really need to do redemption with Mashiro. I needed to give Mayuki's swimsuit that I took as a trophy. I don't know how she has been since I told her about the things I did to her." When Yonezawa finally dozed off, Kevin pecked her on the forehead before going to his room and looked in a suitcase until he found a stunning blue swimsuit. Kevin then went into the kitchen and said "Hey Yoshika, can I have one on one with Mashiro?" As Yoshika went, Mashiro asked "Is that Mio's swimsuit, Kevin?" Kevin then said "No, it's your mother's." Mashiro then gasped while covering her mouth as she said "No, no, no, you're kidding me." With tears in his eyes, Kevin muttered "I know that the other day I mentioned your mother's downfall. I know Mayuki meant the world to you, but you know that shit had to be done. This swimsuit was a trophy that I took when I knocked her out, raped and drowned her. It pains me every time I look at it, and it's my goal to give it back to you to mourn her death. I'm deeply sorry about all the pain this has given you, but I just wanted to clear the air with you, Mashiro." Mashiro, with tears raging down her cheeks, broke down as she barfed out bile. As Mashiro fell to her knees, Kevin knelt next to her and started to wipe the vomit from her chin while cooing "It's okay, baby girl. Let the pain go away in the numbness of my hug." Mashiro then started gurgling as she nuzzled into Kevin's chest. When Mashiro started to seize up in Kevin's arms, he muttered "You're a poor soul that needs my hugs for numbness." Mashiro then started to gag before retching at Kevin. Kevin started to soothe Mashiro's back as she shook violently before she started gagging with her mouth wide open and rolling her head back. But soon after, Mashiro started to puke out her lunch, which rained all over the kitchen. Kevin then cooed "Breathe, baby girl, breathe." As Mashiro was ragged breathing, she muttered "Thank you for this, Kevin. This is one step closer to redemption." Kevin then stated "To be honest, I dropped Mayuki off the walkway over the lake at the northwest part of Ontario Place." Mashiro then pecked Kevin's cheek as she said "Thank you, Kevin. I'm going to clean myself up. Are you going to join me in the washroom as I kind of got my sick on you." Kevin nodded and joined Mashiro where they cleaned themselves off. When the duo had finished cleaning themselves off, they went to the living room where Aoi was playing on her keyboard. Aoi noticed them and yelped "Onii-chan, Shiro-chan." Kevin then said "Hey, sweetie. May I play on your keyboard for a moment?" Aoi nodded and Kevin then sat next to her. Kevin started to play the keyboard before singing "Here I am standing, darkness all around. Thinking of the past, taking my last breath, the air is cold as ice. No one close to me heard my voice. Did not leave me with a choice. Heaven will you wait for me. Will I find a way? Will I find a place? Will you let me go in peace? Will I find a way to the other side? Sad are memories of the life I lived. Cannot go on, cannot go further. I have to end right here. The things that I have done. All the girls I lost and won. Let me rest in peace at last. Will I find a way? Will I find a place? Will you let me go in peace? Leave behind those dark days. No, I ask again, will you hear my cries? Then you realize why, oh, why? I must find a way to the other side. Hear them whisper calling out my name. The sentence is set, the hammer has fallen. I have paid the price. Sad to realize death was meant to be my fate. All this pain will follow me. Will I find a way? Will I find a place? Will you let me go in peace? Leave behind those dark days. No, I ask again, will you hear my cries? Then you realize why, oh, why? I must find a way to the other side." Just as Kevin finished the song, Shinnosuke said "That's a powerful song, Mr. Stewart." Kevin then said "Hey, Mr. Kawashima." Shinnosuke then stated "You're in a lot of pain, sir. I heard from Momo about some of your plunder. You and Momo are going to hold up Casino Rama for five billion dollars tomorrow." Kevin then muttered "Yes, we are." Shinnosuke then said "Can I ask for one thing? Can you please make sure my daughter is safe during the score?" Kevin then muttered "I'll always get Momo's back, even if I am killed doing so." Shinnosuke then grinned "Thank you, sir. But anyway, I have got some business with some friends via video chat from Japan." As Shinnosuke went off, Aoi curled into Kevin's lap. Kevin then looked down and started to stroke her hair as he muttered "She's such a helpless and young little girl with a heart of gold. I don't know what's going to happen by this time tomorrow." When Aoi was dozing off, Momo came in and said "Hey, Kevin. Where's my mother?" Kevin then said "She's taking a nap in her room." Momo then stated "I need Aoi, so I can take her to her room for a nap." Kevin then said "I think that she's cozy right on my lap." Momo smiled as she sat beside them and started to stroke Aoi's hair before muttering "You're not yourself lately, Kev. What's on your mind?" Kevin looked at the peaceful Aoi before looking at Momo and said "It's been a mind fuck this past week. This whole mafia bullshit is more than just a personal attack, but something else. Chiyo mentioned that I killed her daughter in that dirty bombing I did five years back, but making peace with a mob boss that is hell-bent on fucking us is not a smart thing. I do love a woman that's like being rough during some sexy time, but Chiyo would've taken it to the next level by stuffing me like a pig and serving me on a platter at her next meeting. Seeing Aoi on my lap makes me just want to shield these young souls from the shits of the world that I was a part of. But some days I have some dark thoughts about harming the people I love." Momo then held Kevin's hand as she cooed "You're the toughest son of a bitch out there, and I love you as a friend for it. Your pure and utter soul of helping people is gold. I know that you did some fucked up things, but that's made us human." Kevin then looked at Momo and muttered "Thank you, Momo." Suddenly, Mashiro then poked Kevin's rib cage before tickling it as she cooed "Maybe some of my sisterly love that Mafuyu would've given." Momo moved Aoi off Kevin's lap as he was doubling over as he squawked in joy. Just then, Kevin then hugged Mashiro before cooing "I really miss Mafuyu myself, even the few times I met her. It's too bad that Mashimo killed her. You know something, Shiro. Mafuyu has got that kind of personality that makes people feel better." Mashiro then rubbed Kevin's stomach as she moaned "You're my best friend, Kev, and I'd never change it, even after what you did to my mother." Mashiro noticed a crazed look in Kevin's eyes before muttering "Kevin looked like he's going to seize up." Just then, Kevin made deep guttural moans as he groaned "Make me cum again." Mashiro then gasped as she asked "You want me to do what?" Kevin then groaned "Cum, I want to goddamn cum. Grab my goddamn cock." Momo was in utter shock as she heard Kevin's words before muttering "My god, he's losing his shit." Mashiro suddenly put her hand down Kevin's pants and grabbed his penis. As Mashiro started to jack Kevin off, he moaned "Yeah, Shiro, jack it off." After a few minutes, Kevin cummed as he moaned in joy. Kevin then pecked Mashiro's cheek and muttered "Thank you, Shiro." Just then, Mio came in and said "Hey, Kevin. Can I take you into town?" Kevin then muttered "Okay, my rare Japanese gem. What about taking Yoshika's boat into Fenelon Falls?" Mio then giggled "Just don't turn me into shark bait." Kevin then said "Maybe I'll tease the alligators with your stunning beauty." Mio punched his arm as she said "You're such a tease, baka." Kevin then playfully mocked "What? Your beauty will attract alligators as it attracted me." Mio caressed Kevin's cheeks as she cooed "Oh, baka, your words are a balm to my soul just like your stubborn rudeness of your character, but your kind-hearted soul of a brute love breaks down any wall." Kevin then hugged Mio close, their hearts pounding as one as Kevin cooed "I'm glad that we tied the knot over 15 years ago, my rare Japanese gem." As happy tears raged down Mio's cheeks, she sobbed "You're the rare Canadian gem that I forever loved, and I'm so freaking grateful for it. Let's go to town before you might be killed by this time tomorrow." As the pair left the trailer, Momo said "What a loving couple." Mashiro then said "I know." While the pair was walking to the pier arm in arm, Mio said "I know that the mafia has been a pain in your ass, but you're have been acting kind of fishy this past week. What's wrong, my rare Canadian gem?" Kevin, with tears in his eyes, moaned "I don't know, Mio. This whole thing is eating away at my soul because of it. I wished that I should've never said yes to helping Momo into casing Casino Rama. I should've just straight up said no and let the mafia kill her and her family." Mio held his hand tightly as she cooed "Don't say that, Kev. You did the right thing by helping her." Kevin then looked at Mio and asked "You're sure about that?" Mio nodded as she said "Your choice of helping Momo is such a bold move. And besides, you became a part of her family." Kevin then pecked her cheek as he cooed "Thank you, Mio. But anyway, why do you want to go to Fenelon Falls?" Mio then said "I was thinking about going fishing with our kids. Mia and Tim are waiting at Garnet Graham Beach Park." Kevin then said "Thank you, Mio. I haven't spent that much time with them anymore." The pair arrived at the pier and took Yoshika's boat before riding to town. When they arrived in Fenelon Falls, they noticed Yoshika shaking a hornet's nest while yelling "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE FUCKED WITH ME, YOU FUCKING HORNETS!" Kevin then yelled "YOSHIKA, LEAVE THE NEST ALONE!" Yoshika then barked "BUT THESE HORNETS ARE EATING MY GODDAMN HONEY SANDWICH!" Kevin then ordered "I know that you don't like people messing with your food, but think before fighting with things that can outnumber you." Yoshika then yelled "I JUST WANT TO KILL EACH AND LAST ONE OF THESE SHITS!" Kevin then said "Mio, can you please get Yoshika away from the nest as I'm kind of allergic to stings." Mio nodded as she said "This ain't going to be fun." As Mio went over, Kevin grabbed his phone out as he thought "I'm not missing my rare Japanese gem and my crazy ass friend dueling it out with hornets." When Mio and Yoshika started a slap fest with each other, Kevin was in his heyday as he was recording it. After a few minutes of them fighting, Mio dragged Yoshika away from the nest. As the trio were walking to Garnet Graham Beach Park, Kevin asked "Are you crazy, Yoshika? The things you do from rag dolling cats to sniffing gasoline. But now pissing off hornets? That's a new low, even for you." Yoshika, licking her wounds, moaned "I live for the rush, Kevin. Even if it means a little pain." Kevin then chuckled "You're too much, baka. How are you feeling, my rare Japanese gem?" Mio then groaned "It hurts like a motherfucker. Why do these bugs pack such a punch?" Kevin then muttered "I don't know, but that's mother nature for you." When they arrived there, Mia and Tim were already casting their lines into the water. Mia noticed them and said "Hey. Whoa, what in the hell happened to you, mom and Yoshika?" Mia then chuckled "Well, you know what Yoshika is like, always wanting to fight wildlife." Kevin then stated "I got the whole scene on my phone." Mio then asked "Did you record that?" Kevin then said "That's priceless back there. So yes, I recorded that." Kevin went over to Mia and Tim to show them the video. After it was finished, Tim said "That proves that Yoshika is a wildcard." Yoshika then stated "Maybe next time I'll teach you how to fight hornets." Tim then said "I'd pass on that one, Yoshika." Kevin then said "Let's go fishing." They all fished for most of the afternoon before they went back to the boat and drove back to the trailer. As they arrived at the trailer with buckets full of walleyes and muskies, Momo was outside and noticed them. When Momo got up, she said "Did you guys go fishing? Whoa, what the hell happened, Mio and Yoshika?" Kevin then said "Yoshika got in a fight with hornets and Mio needed to break her away from the nest." Momo then giggled "Oh, Yoshika." Kevin then stated "Let's start the cookout." As Kevin was grilling the fish on the barbecue while listening to Sabaton, Momo and Akeno remove the stingers from Mio and Yoshika. Akeno muttered "My god, you really pissed them off." Mio then stated "Tell me about it, Akeno." Just then, Kevin yelped "YOU MOTHERFUCKER," as a fireball blew up from the barbecue. Mio then said "Don't blow yourself up." Kevin, playfully annoyed, flipped the bird at Mio. Momo then said "Kevin really is something, Mio." Mio looked at Momo before saying "He's really something." After Kevin finished grilling the fish, the group ate dinner. Later that evening, Kevin and Mio were cuddling each other on the pier. Kevin looked at Mio as he muttered "I really love you, my rare Japanese gem." Mio then looked into his eyes and cooed "I love you too, my rare Canadian gem." As Mio nuzzled closer into the cuddle, Kevin cooed "Your perfume, mixed with the soft scent of the sea, is lulling me into peace." Mio, placing her ear on Kevin's chest, moaned "Your heartbeat is the balm I needed, baka." As Kevin was stroking Mio's hair, he purred "I just love running my fingers through your hair. It reminds me of the youthful innocence we held for each other." Mio then muttered "Please keep talking like that, baka." Kevin pressed his mouth onto Mio's ear before purring "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when the skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." When Mio was happily crying, Kevin cooed "No, woman, no cry. No, woman, no cry, eh, yeah little darling, don't shed any tears. No, woman, no cry." As Kevin wiped the tears from Mio's cheeks, he sings "Like the blossom of a cherry tree. My heart turns pink within your vicinity. There is no one else but you. No one else but me for you. They want to take away our happy ending. Suffocate our happy ending. Little do they know how my love is true. They try to put to death our happy ending. Sabotage our happiness. Rest assured our happy ending will come through love sickness. In fact, it's killing me and, with others, hungry for my only remedy. But oh, Friday dusk. They'd never see it if only they knew there was no one else but me for you. They want to take away our happy ending. Suffocate our happy ending. They know how my love is true. They try to put to death our happy ending. Sabotage our happiness. Rest assured our happy ending will come through loving you. It is all I've ever known. And all I aim to prove is that we are unlike star-crossed lovers. Loving you is all I've ever known And all I aim to prove. It is that we live unlike star-crossed lovers." Mio, sobbing with happiness, kissed Kevin. After a few moments, they break apart, their faces pink and rosy. Mio then cooed "Let's go back to the trailer, Kev. You got to go rob Casino Rama tomorrow." The duo leave the pier arm in arm and walk to the trailer. When there, they get ready for bed and retire for the night. The next morning, on August 18, Kevin woke up as Mio was nuzzling into his arms. Kevin then pecked Mio's forehead as he cooed "Good morning, my rare Japanese gem." Just then, Mio groggily opened her eyes before saying "Good morning, my rare Canadian gem." As they were embracing, Momo knocked at their door and said "Hey lovebirds, if you two ain't too busy having some sexy time, come down for breakfast." Kevin then said "We're coming, Momo." They got dressed and went to the kitchen where Momo was cooking breakfast. As Kevin smelled the food, he moaned "Hmm, bacon." Momo then said "Good morning, Homer. Oh Kevin, I accidentally dropped one of your spice shakers on the floor earlier and caused a mess." Kevin then yelped "D'oh." Momo grinned as she went over to Kevin with a piece of bacon. As Momo fed him the bacon, she said "Are you ready for the heist, big guy?" Kevin pecked Momo on the lips before muttering "Damn right I am." Momo's cheeks turned red as she flustered out "What was that for, you baka?" Kevin then pecked Momo again before saying "You needed some love before we risk our lives." Momo looked down before started moaning in embarrassment. Just then, Charlotte, Eila, Kanno, Gertrud, Francesca and Kouko arrived at the trailer. As they entered the kitchen, Momo said "Hello everyone, please make yourself at home." The group had breakfast before Kouko started hacking into the traffic cameras along Ontario Highway 11. As the convoy was passing 14 Line South, Momo radioed "Chisato, the convoy is nearing you. Get ready to move. Moeka, you need to get moving soon as well." When the convoy passed Chisato, she started following them. A few minutes later, as the convoy was arriving at the Ontario Highway 11 off ramp to the Trans-Canada Highway, Moeka, in her semi, sped into another random semi that was minding their own business. Rina, the leader in the front vehicle, yelled "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Soon after, Chisato sped from behind the convoy and unknowingly was texting before she yelped "FUCK!" She locked the brakes before flipping over right behind them. As Rina noticed the crash behind them, she said "Hey Team One and Two, clear those thumbtacks from that wreck in front. We don't have all day." Just as the team were cleaning up the road, Moeka's semi blew up. Tomiko, leader of Team One, yelped "We're having vehicles blowing up over here, boss." Just then, Chisato, running away from her semi, yelled "THERE'S A FIRE NEAR MY TRUCK AND I'M HAULING DANGEROUS GOODS THAT MIGHT CAUSE THE WHOLE AREA TO BE FUCKED!" Rina then yelled "FALL BACK," into her radio. As Kevin was watching the traffic camera, he muttered "Good job causing the wildfire near Chisato's truck, Mashiro." When the people got far enough from the crash, Rina turned to Chisato and asked "What the hell are you carrying?" Chisato then said "Just some uranium and plutonium for some science lab in Northern Ontario." Rina then muttered "Oh fuck. I'm going to need another convoy for the shipment of the Casino Rama money." Just as the chaos was heating up, Momo said "Kevin, Akeno, Yoshika, Charlotte, Eila, Kanno, Gertrud and Francesca you all need to put on your Brink's uniforms as the score is about to get started." As the group were dressing up, Rina, over the radio, said "This is Convoy 515, we need another convoy for the Casino Rama job due to a risk of a radioactive leak." Momo, over the radio, then said "This is Brink's dispatch. The need for a replacement convoy is on their way to the casino." Soon after, Momo then yelped "The heist is on. Everyone to their battle stations." Kevin, Akeno, Yoshika and Charlotte entered the armored truck while Eila, Kanno, Gertrud and Francesca entered the two cars and they drove off. As they were driving to the casino, Kevin said "Are you guys ready to make some history?" Akeno, Yoshika and Charlotte then yelled "YEAH!" Kevin then said "Listen up. When we get there, Akeno, Yoshika and I will go into the vault. Gertrud and Francesca, you two ladies are following us because we needed to haul the five billion along the casino floor from the vault to the armored truck." Gertrud and Francesca then said "Okay, sir." Just then, Akeno held Kevin's hand as she said "Is this heist really going to pay off the Italian Mafia?" Kevin looked into Akeno's eyes before muttering "I don't know, Aki. Chiyo is a crazy son of a bitch of a mob boss." Around 45 minutes later, they arrive at the casino's loading bay. As Kevin leaves the armored truck, the casino boss, Akiko, says "You must be the replacement convoy. I heard that the original convoy was trapped in a really nasty crash." Kevin then said "Yes we are. Please lead us to the vault." Akiko nodded as she said "This way." In the meantime, in the trailer, Kouko has hacked into the casino's systems before saying "There's another fifteen billion dollars in the casino. Do you want me to hack the systems into letting go of the money as well?" Momo then said "Kouko, that's a lot of money. Are you sure it's worth the risk?" Kouko then said "It's just a few keystrokes. We could be rich beyond our wildest dreams." Momo, thinking about her answer, said "Let's do it." Kouko, with a few keystrokes, hacked into the systems to believe that Kevin's crew were also taking the 15 billion as well. Just as the group were about to arrive at the vault, Akiko's earpiece buzzed "We have another shipment for fifteen billion dollars for the same convoy that's already here." Akiko then looked at Kevin and said "It seems like you just gotten another fifteen billion dollars to haul to the Royal Canadian Mint." Kevin thought "Thank you, Kouko. This is what I get for the money." When they entered the vault, Akiko said "Your original haul is on the left and the fifteen billion dollars is on the right." Kevin then said "Akeno you take left and Yoshika you take right." They then got the carts of money, and they wheeled them to the armored truck. As they were making their way, Yoshika groaned "This weights a ton. I would've thought that fifteen billion dollars would be lighter." Kevin then said "And you thought that the quarter of a billion dollars worth of gold we hauled five years back was heavy." Soon after, they arrived at the armored truck where they loaded the money. The group then rushed into their vehicle and went off. When they were turning onto Rama Road, Akeno asked "Did we just do it?" Kevin then said "I think we did, Aki. I think we did." An hour later, they arrived back at the trailer where Momo came out while yelping "WE FREAKING DID IT!" Kevin then dipped Momo backward as she blushed a deep red. Kevin, with a cheeky laugh, leaned closer to her, and he said "Your face is burning up, Momo. I'm making you flustered." Momo, shivered vigorously, moaned "You're teasing me, baka. I'm not the romantic type." Kevin grinned before cooing "That's bullshit as I know you have a soft spot for me." Momo, with playful annoyance, tried to look away, but Kevin moved her face via her chin. Kevin then said "You won't escape my gaze, Momo-chan." Momo moaned "Please stop dipping me, baka, and can you drive the armored truck to the farmhouse down the way, Charlotte." When Charlotte drove off, Momo said "Let's get you all a drink." They all entered the trailer and started to party. During the party, Kevin asked "Do you think that the money would really please the mafia, Momo?" Momo then said "I don't know, Kevin. The mob is hell-bent on fucking us." Kevin then stated "I can understand that because they claimed that you killed one of their underbosses, and I was accused of killing the daughter of the boss." Momo then muttered "I can feel in my guts that there's something coming." When Momo was shaking uncontrollably, Kevin pulled her into a hug. As Kevin stroked Momo's hair, she groaned "Why is the world so cruel?" Kevin looked at the whimpering woman before saying "The world is a cruel place, Momo." As the moments passed, Momo started to get more fearful. Watching her fear, Kevin undid his shirt and placed Momo's head on his bare chest. Feeling the intimacy of the moment, Momo fearfully moaned "What are you doing, Kevin?" Kevin, holding her close, cooed "There, there, Momo. Come to papa." In Momo's mind, she thought "I'm not used to being so intimate with a person, but it feels good." As Kevin was watching Momo, he noticed that she started to suck his nipples. Kevin then grinned as he cooed "You really like this moment, don't you?" After a few minutes, Momo gasped "I'm so sorry about that, Kev." Kevin, with a loving gaze, said "It's okay, Momo. You're in a lot of pain right now. May I get you a drink, Momo-chan?" Momo playfully punched Kevin's arm as she said "I would like that, baka." Kevin then went over to the kitchen where he got 2 glasses of sake before going back. As Kevin gave Momo a glass, he raised his glass before saying "To our newfound riches." Momo then raised her glass and said "To our newfound riches," before they clinked their glasses. They all partied for the rest of the day. That evening, Kevin and Mio were in their room getting ready to retire for the night. When Mio finished getting undressed and went into bed, she said "Are you okay, Kevin?" Kevin, looking at Mio's nude body, moaned "I got a bad feeling that something was going to happen soon." Mio pressed her body on his back before saying "Is it the mafia?" Kevin, feeling the warmth of Mio's breasts against his back, shivered "I think so, my rare Japanese gem. I think that this heist we did today is going to really piss them off if they get wind of this." Mio then pressed closer as she cooed "What about you coming to bed with me, so I can clear your mind." Kevin, moaning in joy, followed Mio to bed where they spice things up. The next morning, on August 19, peace was broken by Chiyo, over a megaphone, who yelled "KEVIN, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" Kevin jumped out of bed as he yelped "She's here." Momo rushed into the room yelping "MY GUTS ARE RIGHT!" Kevin then ordered "Momo, get your siblings in a safe place and get ready. We're going to goddamn war." As Momo rushed to her siblings' room, Mio asked "Is Chiyo really here?" Kevin then went to a window and peeped through the curtain to see Chiyo with her goons. As Kevin then went back to Mio, Chiyo yelled "I KNOW YOU STOLE FROM CASINO RAMA. THAT'S OUR MONEY YOU TOOK AND I WANT IT BACK RIGHT NOW BEFORE MY LADIES WILL KILL ALL OF YOU IN THERE! THE ITALIAN MAFIA DON'T FUCK AROUND!" Just then, Momo came back before saying "My siblings are safe. What now, Kev?" Kevin then said "Get the guns ready." Momo nodded as she ran to her room. A few moments later, Akeno, Yoshika and Akoya came out of their rooms and Akeno asked "What's going on?" Kevin then said "Well, judgment day is upon us. Get ready for war ladies." They nodded as they entered their rooms. Soon after, Momo leaves her room with a crate of weapons. With a crowbar, Kevin opened the crate and the group grabbed guns. Just as they left the trailer, Kevin said "Don't start shooting, I want to talk with her." As the group left one by one, Chiyo said "Well, it's the firecracker. I know you want some more of your penis grabbed." Kevin then stated "The only time you're going to grab it is over your dead body." Chiyo evilly laughed "Not in your wildest dreams, firecracker. I'm a survivor, and you're a weak scum of the earth." Kevin then groaned "You don't know what I have been doing in my shoes, cupcake." Chiyo then moaned "You're the cupcake, firecracker." Kevin was getting more angry as he barked "GET THE HELL OUT MY LAND BEFORE I KILL YOU!" Chiyo then stated "Not until I get my money back." Kevin's breaking point has been reached as he yelled "THE GLOVES ARE NOW OFF, YOU BITCH!" Just then, an all-out conflict started with each group started firing. Kevin roared "YOU FUCKERS," as he ran into cover. Chiyo then yelled "YOU AIN'T GETTING OFF THIS EASY, FIRECRACKER," in her hiding place. Just then, Mashiro called Kevin. As Kevin answered the phone, Mashiro said "Hello Kevin, how are you?" Kevin then stated "Do you hear the gunfire, Mashiro, that's how I'm doing. I need agents right now at the trailer park." Mashiro then said "Fuck, a team of agents is coming ASAP." Just as Kevin ended the call, a goon rushed into his hiding place and was about to shoot him, but Mio shot her. Kevin then yelped "Nice one, Mio. Please get inside and safeguard the Kawashima siblings." A few minutes later, Blue Mermaids agents came onto the scene. But soon after, more Italian Mafia members arrived too. Kevin muttered "Great, more goons. That's what we needed." Just then, a rocket flew over his head before it hit a group of goons. Lynette, on the roof of the trailer with a rocket launcher, yelled "I'M AIN'T LETTING THE ITALIAN MAFIA TAKE OVER YOSHIKA MIYAFUJI INDUSTRIES!" Yoshika then yelled "THANK YOU, LYNNE!" Just then, a henchman yelled "THE BOSS IS WOUNDED!" Kevin then yelled "CHIYO IS HURT, LET'S MOVE FORWARD!" As the group moved forward, the henchman that was in second in command in the mafia yelled "FALL BACK NOW! THEY'RE TOO POWERFUL!" As the mafia ran away, Kevin's group kept firing, killing many of them. When the surviving mafia members were out of sight, Kevin went over to the fallen Chiyo. Chiyo, badly injured, tries to crawl away, but Kevin kicks her onto her back before saying "Payback is a bitch." Chiyo was vomiting out blood as she moaned "Fuck you, firecracker. I'm a survivor." Kevin then said "Looks like I'm the survivor, and you're a weak scum of the earth." Chiyo then groaned "Damn you, prick. Please don't shoot me as I'm going to die anyhow." Momo then came over and said "Come on, Kevin, let her die in peace." Kevin looked at Momo before handing his pistol to her while saying "Chiyo caused so much suffering to your family, and you want her to die happily. Take this and make her suffer for what she did." As Momo grabbed the gun from Kevin, she thought "Is this it? Is this the end?" Momo, torn between mercy and vengeance, held the gun, her finger hovering over the trigger. Just then, Momo started loudly rambling "YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU CAUSED ME SO MUCH GODDAMN PAIN! MY SIBLINGS, MY PARENTS, MY FRIENDS! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A SOULLESS PRICK! SAY HELLO TO YOUR DAUGHTER IN HELL FOR ME!" Three shots rang out and all hit Chiyo's head. As the smoke calmed down from the pistol, Momo, with tears raging down her cheeks, fell onto her knees while sobbing "I FUCKING KILLED HER!" Kevin held Momo close from behind as he cooed "You did the right thing, baby girl." But Momo wailed "IN ALL THE YEARS OF BEING A CRIMINAL, I NEVER KILLED ANYONE!" Kevin held Momo closer as he muttered "You needed to start somewhere. Come closer into my hug." Momo then nuzzled into Kevin's chest as he rubbed her back. After a few minutes, Momo moved away from Kevin before saying "Is this the end of an era?" Kevin then said "I believe that this is the end, baby girl." When they got up, Momo gave Kevin a passionate kiss. As Momo deepened the kiss, she thought "This feels so freaking good kissing this baka." Just as they were about to pass out, Momo broke the kiss, looking breathless and aroused. As Momo was still panting, Kevin muttered "I thought that you were not the romantic type." Momo then moaned "Shut up, baka, and kiss me again." Momo then pounced on Kevin, forcing him to the ground and started kissing him again. Kevin was enjoying this moment while he was making love with his crime partner for the past 15 years. After a few minutes of kissing, Momo got off Kevin before saying "Thank you, Kevin. I'll miss this era, but we all need a fresh start with our newfound riches." Akeno then said "What would you do now, Kevin?" Kevin looked at Akeno before saying "I'm going to spend my final days beside my wife and kids." Yoshika then stated "What about joining me for meth one day, baka?" Kevin then said "I'll go for a beer with you, my rag doll." As the Kawashima family came out of the trailer, Kevin said "I want to say goodbye to my newfound family. You keep looking out for your wife and kids, Shinnosuke. Be the strong pillar of support they need, Yonezawa. You're always in my heart, Aoi. Remember, no matter the distance, I'll always be watching over you, baby girl. For the rest of you, Akane, Ema, Mai and Yuto. Please look out for each other." Aoi, with tears in her eyes, went over to Kevin before saying "Please don't go, uncle Kevin." Kevin then knelt down before muttering "I wish that I could stay, but I got things to do with my wife and kids. Before I went on my way, the kissing monster wanted to say goodbye." Kevin placed his lips on Aoi's belly and tenderly kissed it while she was squealing with joy. Kevin got up and looked at his friends. Kevin then went to Akoya as he thought "This young soul really needs to stay out of the biker lifestyle after I nearly drowned her in a fight last week with the Graf Spee MC." He went over to her and said "Please take care of yourself, Akoya, and you can come swim at my mansion pool anytime." Akoya then said "I will, Kevin, I will." Akeno and Yoshika came over and gave him a hug. Kevin held them tightly as he said "Yoshika, please do what you do, you wild nut. Akeno, please go to college or something." After the trio stopped hugging, Kevin went over to Momo and said "Well, that is it, Momo-chan. Great job on killing Chiyo." With a grin, Momo playfully punched Kevin's arm and giggled "You know I hate that nickname, baka. I'm going to miss you, Kevin. Please call me one day and visit me. I think that Aoi would like it if you visited." Kevin then said "I will, Momo." Afterward, Kevin went over to Mio, Mia and Tim where he said "Are you ready to walk off into the sunshine?" As the Stewart family started to walk off, Kevin turned around to the rest of the group before saying "I'll call you all soon." The group nodded as they watched the four of them walk into the sunrise. Momo, looking at them, thought "I had some fun times with Kevin over the years." Mio, holding Kevin's hand, said "I just hope you stay out of crime this time, Kev." Kevin then squeezed her hand back before cooing "I'd really try to, my rare Japanese gem." Mio giggled as they entered their car and drove off to a future of unknown hopes.

A few months later on November 4, Akeno was still working at Petro-Canada. As she was filling up someone's car, Akeno thought "We robbed a casino for twenty billion, and I'm still working in this shit hole. I need to fuck away from this job before I lit a match and toss it into the car's gas tank." Just then, a digital ad truck passed the gas station showing an ad stating "Buy land in Goderich. Just south of the Goderich Regional Airport. Great deal of a half million dollars." Akeno grinned as she thought "That's it. That's my calling." As the gas nozzle clicked off, Akeno then put it back into the pump before saying "Fifty-four thirty-four, please." After the customer paid and drove off, Akeno turned and looked at the gas station as she thought "I'm leaving this shit hole, and I'm taking this place out of commission with one big boom." Akeno then looked around for anyone before taking the nozzle from a pump and poured some gas onto the ground. As she put the nozzle away, Akeno, with a mischievous grin, got a matchbox from her pocket and lit one. As Akeno tossed the match onto the ground, the gas lit into a massive fire. Akeno ran to her car as she yelled "I HOPE THAT YOU LIKE YOUR FLAMING BAG OF SHIT, JIM! I FUCKING QUIT!" As Akeno stormed off from the gas station, she evilly laughed as the place blew up. Akeno then yelled "I HOPE YOU LIKE A GASOLINE EXPLOSION, JIM! I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE!" When Aerial 83, Rescue 83 and Tanker 83 from the Brock Township Fire Department stationed in Beaverton raced passed Akeno, she muttered "Oh fuck, I'm turning into Yoshika, but it felt good. It felt fucking good." As she drove on, Akeno broke down into yandere laughter. When people from other cars noticed Akeno's unstableness, they were uneasy about it. Suddenly, Akeno pulled to the side of the road before grabbing her breasts to calm down. As Akeno grabbed her breasts hard, she muttered "Calm down, baka. Grabbing my boobs always helps me calm down." As Akeno became more unstable, she clamped her mouth close with one hand while punching the steering wheel with the other one as she rocked back and forth. When Akeno's emotions were about to blow, she grabbed her phone and dialed a number. After the phone rang twice, Kevin answered and said "Hey Akeno, what's up?" Akeno, in a manic tone, said "I did it. I'm finally turning into Yoshika." Kevin, in a concerned tone, said "You did what? Talk to me, baby girl. What did you do?" Akeno, with a yandere giggle, said "I set fire to the gas station. I think my boss was taking a shit when the place blew up." Kevin nearly choked on his beer as he said "Are you serious, Akeno? I'm here for you if you nee... Whoa, that laughter ain't good. I'm kind of scared of you coming to my place to kill Mio. Please take a cold shower or go for a swim and maybe grope your boobs in there as well. I love you as a friend, but I don't want you to go down that rabbit hole of going into hell-bent of destructive shit like Yoshika, you baby girl. You're such a sweet and loveable young lady, Akeno, not a yandere. If I was there, I'd hug you tender right now." Akeno, in a calmer tone, said "Thank you for your words, Kevin. I need to hear your voice right now." Kevin then said "What are you doing right now?" Akeno then stated "I'm going to Goderich to buy some land." Kevin then said "You're finally going to get a new place after your other place in Beaverton got destroyed after your boss left a flaming bag of shit on your deck shortly after the Casino Rama heist." Akeno then said "I know, Kevin, I know. I got to go as two Mountie vehicles had just passed me." Kevin then said "Okay then, Aki. I hope you take my offer of taking a cold shower or something." Akeno then said "All right, big cock." As Akeno hung up, she started to drive again while still groping her breasts. Nearly 4 hours later, Akeno arrived at Point Farm Beach, just north of Goderich. Akeno got out of her car, got stripped down into the nude and ran into the water. As Akeno entered the water she yelped "That's cold. That's fucking cold." As Akeno was hip deep, she thought "Fuck it, I'm getting out. No, no, no, I need to stay in." Just then, Akeno made a leap of faith and dove in. As she resurfaced, Akeno gasped as she yelped "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." When Akeno started to float on her back, she thought "Kevin was right, this ain't that bad." As Akeno started playing with her breasts, she muttered "This feels fucking good." After a few minutes, Akeno cummed in the water. As Akeno's body shook in pleasure, she squawked "FUCK ME, PUSSY JUICE!" When Akeno was getting out of the water, her phone rung. Akeno rushed over and answered the phone. As Akeno said "Hello," Yoshika stated "Well, I heard that you're turning into me." Akeno then said "Hey, Yoshi. What's up?" Yoshika stated "Kevin told me that you blew up the Petro-Canada near Beaverton. I was flying my plane full of meth nearby when I saw the fireball." Akeno then said "Yes, I did do it, but my mind is fucked up afterward." Yoshika then stated "I can feel your pain as I did some fucked up things over the years too. I also heard that you bought land in Goderich." Akeno then stated "Not yet. I just went skinny-dipping in Lake Huron." Yoshika then said "I need to go skinny-dipping more often as the freedom of swimming in the nude is god's gift. Maybe next time we meet up, I was thinking about doing this with you." Akeno then said "That sounds nice. I need to bugger off and go to the plot of land before the real estate broker company closes for the night." Yoshika then said "Okay then, Akeno. Talk to you later." As Akeno ended the call, she dried off, got dressed and drove to 81390 Champlain Boulevard. 10 minutes later, Akeno arrived at the place. Akeno got out of the car and went over to the for-sale sign nearby. Akeno then got out her phone and called the number. When the call went through, a lady said "Hello, this is Anastasiya Yevdokymenko from K.J. Talbot Realty Inc. How can I help you?" Akeno then said "Hello. I'm thinking of buying the plot of land at 81390 Champlain Boulevard." Anastasiya then stated "Okay, ma'am. But I had a person call me about a half hour ago stating that he wanted that land." Akeno then said "I have billions of dollars here, ma'am. I can outmatch his offer by tenfold." Anastasiya then said "Even if you do have the money, I can't break the company policies." The veins in Akeno's forehead were pulsing as she stated "I don't give a fuck about company policies. I ain't having a good day as I blew up my workplace. I know some powerful people. Have you ever heard of Kevin fucking Stewart before?" Anastasiya then said "Fuck. Okay, okay, you got the deal. Just don't send him to chop off my breasts or something." Akeno then said "That's great. I'm waiting at the location right now." Anastasiya then said "Okay, I'm coming down there right now to make this deal." As Akeno ended the call, she got into her car for the meantime. While Akeno was waiting, the DJ on the radio said "This is CHWC-FM, Country 104.9. It's November 4, 2034, at 5:00 pm. We're covering a breaking news story. A Petro-Canada gas station in Beaverton, Ontario, exploded earlier today, causing significant damage and injuries. The explosion occurred around eight this morning, sending shock waves through the community. Emergency services are on the scene, and the area has been cordoned off. The cause of the explosion is currently under investigation. We will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. Now back to music with All My Ex’s Live in Texas by George Strait." After the song was finished, a car pulled up. Anastasiya, wearing a vyshyvanka, left her car. Anastasiya walked to Akeno as she exited her car. Anastasiya said "You must be Akeno. Are you sure about this?" Akeno then nodded as she said "I'm dead serious." Anastasiya then gave Akeno some paperwork as she said "Here's the paperwork. Just sign where the X's are." Akeno quickly glanced through the documents, then signed them without hesitation. Soon after, Akeno said "Alright, I'm done. Now, let's get this over with." Anastasiya took the papers back as she said "Great. Now, I'll need the money." Akeno chuckled "Don't worry, I've got it. I'll transfer it to your company's account right now." Akeno pulled out her phone and began typing. A few moments later, she looked up at Anastasiya and said "Done. The money should be in your account soon." Anastasiya nodded, a look of relief washing over her face before saying "Alright, then. The land is yours." Akeno then said "Thank you very much, Anastasiya." Anastasiya then went back to her car and drove off. As Akeno entered her car, she thought "What am I going to put on this land?" Just as Akeno was about to smash her head onto the steering wheel, she thought "That's it. I'm going to build a traditional Japanese house from my childhood." Akeno then took out her laptop and started to look at old pictures of her childhood house before starting to draw plans in the Sketch software. As Akeno looked through an old photo album, she muttered "I miss Japan." Later that evening, after hours of sketching the outline of her dream home with wooden beams, paper-thin sliding doors, serene garden and onsen, Akeno muttered "That's the shit." Suddenly, Akeno's head fell onto the steering wheel as she fell asleep. Some time later, the phone rung and Akeno woke up yelping "What the fuck." Akeno picked up the phone and answered it before saying "Hey, Kevin." Kevin then said "Hey, Akeno. I'm just checking on you as I didn't know if you had driven off a cliff or something." Akeno then said "I'm fine, Kev, thank you. I took your offer and went for a swim." Kevin then said "That's good, Aki. Did you get that place in Goderich?" Akeno then stated "Yes, I did. I was just planning the house for the plot. I was wondering if you would like to come up and help me build it." Kevin then said "I'd love to, but Mio is having her period, and she's real moody." Suddenly, Akeno heard "I'M GOING TO CUT OFF THAT FUCKING PENIS OF YOURS IF YOU DON'T GET ME A BACK RUB!" Akeno then said "Whoa, she's very vocal." Kevin then stated "I know Akeno. Whoa, what the fuck, Mio. Please put that knife down, my rare Japanese gem. Oh, damn, damn, damn, damn. Yes, Mio, sorry, forgive me, okay, no, no. Please don't cut my cock off, eh? Argh, I need to go before she cut anything." When Akeno hung up, she thought "Kevin's wife is such a sweet soul," before falling asleep again. The following morning, on November 5, Akeno woke up, ate some breakfast and drove back to Point Farm Beach for another nude swim. When Akeno was floating on her back, she muttered "This is what god would want me to do." Akeno then dove underwater for a rush. As Akeno swam gracefully underwater, she thought "I wish that I could live down here forever." When Akeno was still underwater, she started to grope her breasts. While groping her breasts, Akeno thought "It feels so good playing with myself underwater." Just as she was about to cum, Akeno forcefully blew out air from her lungs as she bolted up to the surface. Akeno's lungs burn as she races to the surface. Just as she was about to reach the surface, Akeno's movement slowed, and she thought "Please don't drown, you baka." When Akeno's bladder was about to fail, she thought "Please don't piss myself. Please don't piss myself." As Akeno started to breathe in water, she thought "I'm going to fucking drown. Oh fuck, I'm going to fucking drown." As Akeno started to black out, she started to regurgitate her breakfast. As barf and bubbles came out of her mouth, she thought "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. I love you, mom. Fuck my life as drowning is meant to be my fate." On the verge of unconsciousness, Akeno, with an utter urge of primal panic, bolted to the surface. When Akeno broke the surface, she made a roar as she was thrashing around. As she thrashed around, Akeno thought "Whoa, fuck this shit. That's enough swimming for today." Akeno then weakly swam to the shore where she collapsed. As Akeno was panting on the beach, she thought "Fuck my life." Akeno then pulled herself up and limped to her car. When there, she dried off before getting dressed again. When she finished getting dressed, Akeno sat in her car. While Akeno was sitting in her car, she called Kevin. When Kevin picked up, he said "Hey, Aki. What's up, baby girl?" Akeno then said "Hey, Kev. What a fucking morning I just had." Kevin then asked "Did you blow up another gas station?" Akeno then stated "No, but I nearly drowned myself." Kevin nearly choked on his tea as he said "Are you okay, Akeno." Akeno then said "Yes, I'm fine, I'm still kind of shaken up. I was taking another swim and I decided to go under. I was groping my breasts and I didn't notice how long I'd been down there. To be honest, the feeling of me breathing in water was a balm that I needed at the moment. The way that I nearly pissed myself as I was about to go unconscious. I should've stayed down there and fucking drowned." Kevin then said "No, no, no, no, no, Akeno, don't say that. I love you with a freaking passion, and it would pain me deeply if I had to bury my best fucking friend. I can't imagine my life without you and the thought of losing you breaks my heart." Akeno then said "You're right, Kev. I don't really want to die, but I think that the crimes I did over five years ago and the Casino Rama robbery a few months back really fucked me over. I just need somebody to be with me right now." Kevin then said "I know, sweetie, I know. I can feel your pain as I felt the same way when I was in the game. My wife tried to commit suicide twice by stuffing a pillow and dildo into her mouth. I was fearful that Mio would really going to kill herself, but she got through this with my help. I'm here for you, baby girl. You know something, I never told you that I have a twin brother, Ken. He's such a caring soul, just like me. But the last thing I heard about him was he was in Osaka after he went AWOL from the Secret Service nine years back." Akeno then said "Thank you for the help, Kevin. You always make me warm and fuzzy inside. Did Mio really cut your cock off last night?" Kevin then said "Nope, she didn't. She's lying on my lap right now. She looked so peaceful in that state. Aww, you're so cute, Mio, and you know you are." Akeno then stated "I wish that I had someone like your wife in my life." Kevin then said "You will find somebody like Mio one day, baby girl. The next time I see you, I'll give you a bear hug." Akeno then said "I love that, Kevin. I'm thinking of going as I still need to make some calls about the shit I need for planning my new house." Kevin then said "Okay then, Akeno. I love you and if you ever have the urge to drown yourself again, please call me." Akeno then said "I love you too, Kevin. Talk to you later." When Akeno hung up, she muttered "Where do I fucking start?" Akeno then started her car and drove to a U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer in Listowel. After an hour later, Akeno arrived at the place. As she was looking at one of the trailers, Akeno thought "No, I need to rent it, not take it." Just as Akeno was about to grab the hitch, she muttered "Fuck it," as she went over to the nearby building. As Akeno entered the building, she didn't see anyone there. When the door closed, Akeno noticed a giant person sitting at the cash register. Akeno's eyes widened as she grabbed her waistband, faking to grab out a gun and yelped "What the fuck." The person was almost as shocked as Akeno looked at Akeno as she said "Whoa there, little girl. I didn't mean to give you a heart attack. I'm Yekaterina Sokolov and how can I help you today?" Akeno moved her hand away from her waistband and said "You're the daughter of the Canada's Got Talent host, Kirk Sokolov aka The Russian Giant." Yekaterina then said "Yes I am. I'm assuming that you're a fan." Akeno then said "Yes, but anyhow, I was looking to rent one of those trailers outside." Yekaterina then said "Of course, ma'am. You need to fill out some paperwork before you can get one." Yekaterina gave Akeno the paperwork, and she signed her life away. Afterward, Yekaterina said "Good. You can choose which trailer you want, sweetie." Akeno then said "Thank you, Yekaterina." Soon after, Akeno hitched one of the trailers to her car and then went to a Home Hardware Building Centre down the street. A few minutes later, Akeno arrived there. Akeno then went to the lumber section with a cart and loaded it full of wood. One of the employees noticed Akeno and said "That's a lot of wood, ma'am. If you want to build a bonfire, there is firewood right near the entrance." Akeno then said "I don't need firewood. I'm building a house and I don't need my project to become a bonfire." The employee nodded before she walked off. As Akeno got the wood she needed, she rolled the cart to the tool section. When there, Akeno grabbed the necessary tools needed to build a house, which included a power saw, a hack saw, a hammer and nails. Afterward, Akeno went to the checkout. When there, a cashier said "Whoa, that's a lot of things, ma'am. Are you building something?" Akeno then said "I'm building a house." The cashier then said "That's cool." After a few minutes of the cashier scanning all the items, she said "The total is five thousand seven hundred ninety-three dollars and ninety-five cents." Akeno then took out her debit card and tapped. When she exited the store, Akeno went to her car and started loading the trailer. While Akeno was loading the trailer, she was huffing and puffing as she muttered "Fuck me, I'm going to be here all day." Suddenly, a guy with a deep Russian voice said "Do you need help, little ma'am?" Akeno quickly turned around to see a towering person that she knew too well. Just then, Akeno ran and gave Kirk a hug while yelping "I'M A HUGE FAN!" Kirk then lifted Akeno up into a hug as he said "I heard that you're a fan from my daughter." Akeno noticed that her feet ain't touching the ground and shrieked "Whoa, urgh, I can't feel the ground." Kirk put Akeno back to the ground as he said "Sorry there. I can get carried away sometimes. So, do you want me to help you?" Akeno excitedly nodded as she said "I would love that." Kirk then single-handedly loaded the trailer. After he finished loading, Kirk asked "I'm wondering, what are you building with all of this?" Akeno then stated "I'm building a house." Kirk then said "All by yourself?" Akeno then said "Basically." Kirk then said "I want to help as I don't want this delicate flower like you to hit the finger with a hammer. I think my daughter would also help too." Akeno was giddy as she said "No, I think I'm fine." Kirk then said "That's bullshit. Back in the Soviet Union, I built whole houses with my bare hands." Akeno then smiled as she said "I can't say no to such a gentle giant. This is the location of the place where you and Yekaterina decided to come over." Akeno gave Kirk a piece of paper with the address. Kirk then said "Sure thing. I will tell Yekaterina about it, and we should be up there by tomorrow morning." As Kirk left on foot, Akeno entered her car and drove off. As she was driving on Perth County Line 86 through Wingham, Akeno started to make yandere laughter. Akeno then muttered "Calm down, Akeno." As she was driving over a river, Akeno thought "Go drown yourself." The urge of drowning herself got the better of her as Akeno pulled over to the side of the road and got out. Akeno then got a weight belt from the back seat and started to buckle around her waist. As Akeno was slowly walking down to the river, she thought "Drowning is your fate. Feel the pain of freedom in the form of water in the lungs." Akeno tried to clear these thoughts, but it was a losing battle. As Akeno was at the edge of the river, she thought "Do it. Drown yourself." Akeno, her knees getting weak, muttered "No, that ain't right." But her thoughts were saying "You're a chicken shit." Akeno then shakily pulled out her phone and called Kevin. When Kevin answered the call, he said "Hey, Akeno. What's up?" Akeno then said "I think... I am going to drown myself. I'm at the edge of a river." Kevin then said "Hey, it's okay, baby girl. I'm here for you. Can you tell me more about what you're feeling?" Akeno then said "I... I rented a trailer and bought the building supplies. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I CAN'T FUCKING LIVE ANYMORE! NOBODY LOVES ME!" Kevin then said "I understand that you're feeling overwhelmed right now, Akeno. It's okay to feel this way. It's valid to feel alone and hopeless, but know that you're not alone. I'm here for you, Akeno. We'll get through this together." Akeno then started to break down as her dam broke. Kevin's soul was hurting as he heard his best friend like this. Kevin then said "Hey, hey, baby girl, please don't shed tears. Please slowly back away from the river." But Akeno wailed "DROWNING IS MEANT TO BE MY FATE!" Kevin then said "Please don't say that, Akeno. Your fate is dying as an old lady in the arms of your husband. You never fall, you are the master of this world. Get up, let's break those chains now and party all night long." Akeno then sobbed "I can't feel the will to live." Kevin then pleaded "Please live on, Akeno. I love you with the heart of gold. Maybe after you finish building that house of yours, I can visit you there, and I'll give you the love you deserve." Akeno then sniffled "Are you really or are you fucking with me." Kevin then said "I'm dead serious, Akeno. Please don't drown yourself and build that goddamn house for me to see." Akeno was wiping the tears from her eyes as she stated "Sure thing, Kevin. I love you, friend." Kevin then said "I love you more, Akeno." As Akeno hung up, she thought "I'm the master of this world. I'm the master of this world." Akeno then walked back to her car and drove back to Goderich. 30 minutes later, Akeno arrived back at the empty lot. Later that evening, Akeno was having some dinner as she thought "Kevin is the best friend someone would ever have." Soon after, Akeno got into her car and went to bed. Early the next morning, on November 6, an engine stirred Akeno up. When she woke up, Akeno's eyes widened as she noticed a tank storming toward her. As she raced out of the car, Akeno wailed "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" Just as Akeno hit the deck, Kirk said "Good morning, Akeno. Don't mind the T-34, my 1987 Lada Niva is in the shop." Yekaterina then said "Hop on for a spin with us before we get building that house." Akeno then hopped onto the tank before Yekaterina drove it into town. When in Goderich, Kirk was holding a Soviet flag as a homeless person yelled "THE SOVIET UNION IS ATTACKING! NUKES ARE INCOMING! THE TSAR BOMBA IS DROPPING AS WE SPEAK!" Akeno giggled as she mentioned "Maybe we need the anthem of the Soviet Union." Kirk then said "Yeah, about that. I have some beef with town hall due to playing it loudly. Да хрен с ним, let's play it." When Kirk turned on the anthem, the homeless person ran away while yelling "THE RED ARMY IS GOING TO KILL ME! THE RED ARMY IS GOING TO KILL ME! I THOUGHT THAT THE COLD WAR ENDED DECADES AGO! JOSEPH STALIN AIN'T GETTING MY COCK EVEN FROM MY DEAD ASS! FUCK YOU, LENIN! I'M GOING TO TAKE A SHIT IN THE MIDDLE OF RED SQUARE FOR YOU, PUTIN!" Akeno thought "That homeless person was like me. The poor guy is suffering from mental health." Kirk touched Akeno's shoulder and asked "Are you okay, Akeno? You're looking into space." Akeno snapped out of it before looking at Kirk and said "I was just thinking about that homeless person over there. It seems like he's having some mental health issues. To be honest, I'm suffering with my own demons at the moment. You know something, I nearly urged myself to drown in a river after we met yesterday. And that morning, I nearly drowned when I was skinny-dipping in Lake Huron." Yekaterina, ever the pragmatist, chuckled dryly. "Well, at least you didn't try to swim to Russia. That would've been a long, cold swim." Kirk, more empathetic, placed a hand on Akeno's shoulder. "It's okay to not be okay, Akeno. We all have our struggles. Talking about it is the first step. You know, even the strongest soldiers in the Red Army have their moments of weakness. But they persevered, and so can we. When I was in the Soviet Army, I saw my fair share of fucked up things. The horrors of those Afghans did to us when I served from 1982 to 89. I saw my comrades getting killed left, right and centre. I myself was wounded many times due to my over seven-foot size. I'd killed my way when I first stepped into Afghanistan in 82 to the very end of the war. I was on the very last BTR-80 that left the country when Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan. I'm the proud holder of the Hero of the Soviet Union in 1990. After the fall of the Union, I moved to Canada." Akeno then said "Thank you, Kirk. I needed someone like you to talk with." Yekaterina then stated "Let's go back to the lot to build that house." As the trio arrived at Akeno's land, they started to get ready for the job ahead. Soon after, Kirk said "I'm going to use the T-34 to get those tree stumps out. Do you like to drive the tank, Akeno?" Akeno then nodded as she climbed into the tank. When inside, Yekaterina said "The pedal on the right is the accelerator and the left one is the brake. The lever in front of you is the control stick and the one on the right is the shifter." As Akeno shifted the shifter, she said "This lever is heavy." As the shifter moved, the tank stalled and Akeno yelped "Did I break it?" Yekaterina then said "You didn't break it. Try releasing the clutch more smoothly as you press the accelerator. Let's restart the engine." Akeno then pressed the starter before releasing the clutch more smoothly as she pressed the accelerator. As Akeno was near a stump, Yekaterina said "That stump where Kirk is standing, I need you to drive over it many times until its no more." As Akeno drove forward, she shrieked "This is intimidating as hell." Yekaterina then said "Don't worry, Akeno. It took me months to master this thing as stubborn as it is." When the tank sped over the stump, Akeno shrieked "Oh, fuck," as her face nearly hit the dashboard. Yekaterina then said "Maybe next time take it slow." Kirk then stated "No, drive fast, Akeno. This is comedic gold." Akeno then turned the tank toward Kirk and drove it at him. Kirk noticed Akeno's motive as he ran and yelped "This ain't funny, чертов дурак." Akeno giggled like a hyena as she stopped the tank. As Akeno popped her head out of the hatch, Kirk mocked "Ты думаешь, что ты комик? В качестве наказания я заключу тебя в медвежьи объятия." Kirk then pick Akeno up and hug her tightly. Akeno shrieked "これは一体何だ? Thank you, Kirk," as Yekaterina giggled. After the hug, Akeno entered the tank and finished the job. Later that evening, the trio were at the campfire after Akeno removed all the stumps. While Akeno was texting Kevin, Kirk said "You look thirsty, Akeno. Drink some vodka." When Kirk passed the bottle to Akeno, she strongly chugged it. Suddenly, Akeno started to choke and cough as she yelped "WHAT THE FUCK! This is some strong stuff." Yekaterina then said "Easy there, tiger. I think you ain't ready to drink like a true Russian just yet." Akeno, still hacking, said "Fuck this shit," as she passed the bottle back to Kirk. Kirk laughed as he said "You really don't like strong drinks, ain't you." As Akeno got her breath back, she said "I have my fair share of whiskey and sake, but that vodka was, wow. My throat is still on fire." Yekaterina smiled at Akeno as she said "You'll get used to it. Russians are born with vodka in their veins." Akeno then looked at Kirk and said "I always thought that you were a predatorial TV host that tries to score a night with female contestants, but you ain't that bad." Kirk then said "Thank you for being honest, Akeno. You're a lovely soul, even with your demons. I have only known you for a day, but you're like a granddaughter to me." Suddenly, Akeno let out a guttural burp as she muttered "Fuck." As Akeno blushed as hot as the campfire, Yekaterina said "It's okay, Akeno," as she ruffled her hair. Akeno then said "I'm thinking of retiring for the night." Both Kirk and Yekaterina said "Good night," as Akeno went into her tent. Soon after, they went to their tents. Around 7 the next morning on November 7, Yekaterina heard Akeno making some rough coughs from her tent. Yekaterina's heart pounded as she rushed towards Akeno's tent, the sound of her friend's labored coughs echoing through the still morning air. The canvas flap rustled as she pushed it aside, her eyes searching the dim interior. Akeno was huddled beneath a thin blanket, her face flushed and her breathing ragged. Yekaterina's heart sank as she saw Akeno's fragile form barely visible in the dim light. "Akeno," she whispered, her voice filled with worry, "What's wrong?" Akeno's voice was weak and hoarse as she coughed, "I don't feel well... I think I've caught a cold." Her words were punctuated by another rough cough, and Yekaterina could see the beads of sweat on her friend's forehead. Yekaterina frowned, her concern growing as she said "We need to get you inside. It's too cold out here for you." With gentle hands, Yekaterina helped Akeno to her feet, supporting her as they made their way towards the small cabin they had built. The morning air was crisp, and Akeno shivered, her body wracked by chills. Once inside, Yekaterina helped Akeno into bed, tucking her in warmly. She felt Akeno's forehead, confirming her suspicions. "You're burning up," she murmured. Just then, Kirk came in as he said "Good morning, Yekaterina. Whoa, you look like shit, Akeno." Yekaterina then said "I think she got a cold." Kirk then muttered "Poor soul. What about if I could go to Goderich to get some things for her?" Yekaterina nodded as she said "Yes, father, that would be a huge help. Thank you. She needs medicine and some soup to warm her up." As Kirk left, Akeno made more ragged breaths. Feeling pity, Yekaterina unbuttoned her shirt, took her bra off and moved Akeno's head onto her chest. As Akeno squirmed, Yekaterina said "Hey, hey, Akeno. Let the warmth of my chest soothe your sick soul." As Akeno became restless, Yekaterina sings "Спи, младенец мой прекрасный, Баюшки-баю. Тихо смотрит месяц ясный В колыбель твою. Стану сказывать я сказки, Песенку спою; Ты ж дремли, закрывши глазки, Баюшки-баю. По камням струится Терек, Плещет мутный вал; Злой чечен ползет на берег, Точит свой кинжал; Но отец твой старый воин, Закален в бою: Спи, малютка, будь спокоен, Баюшки-баю." Soon after the lullaby, Akeno went limp in Yekaterina's arms. As Akeno nuzzled closer to Yekaterina, and she was playing with her hair, she muttered "You poor soul." Suddenly, Yekaterina felt a warm liquid on her leg and then noticed a wet spot around Akeno's crotch. Yekaterina then felt Akeno squirming as she stirred. As Akeno groggily woke up, she moaned "Wha... why are my legs wet?" Yekaterina smiled warmly at Akeno, her eyes filled with understanding as she said "Please don't worry, it's just a little accident. When you're sick, your body does strange things." Just then, Akeno's eyes watered up as she was about to cry. Yekaterina then pressed her lips on Akeno's forehead as she muttered "Please don't cry. You poor soul. Please come to mama, my love." As Yekaterina started to carry Akeno in her arms to the outhouse, she thought "Is this what being cared for by a Russian lady feels like?" As Yekaterina laid Akeno onto her belly on a table in the outhouse, she tenderly took off the spoiled clothes and got new ones. When Yekaterina arrived with clean clothes, she turned Akeno onto her back and tenderly wiped her vagina with a wet wipe. In Akeno's mind, she thought "I'm so vulnerable. Oh, fuck, I'm so vulnerable right now." As Yekaterina stopped wiping, she put some baby powder on it. In the meantime, Akeno was thinking "Mommy, I miss your warmth." Just then, Akeno wailed "MOMMY!" Yekaterina stopped putting baby powder on Akeno and looked at her grieving for her mother. As Yekaterina hugged Akeno, she muttered "Ну, ну, бедняжка. Твоя мамочка здесь, милая." When Akeno wailed at Yekaterina's breasts, she rubbed her back while saying "There, there, Akeno." Yekaterina then changed Akeno into the clean clothes before carrying her back to the cabin. When there, Yekaterina wrapped Akeno up in sheets before lying her in bed. Soon after, Kirk came back with a bag before saying "How's she?" Yekaterina then said "She had an accident on my lap and broke down due to wanting her mother." Kirk stroked Akeno's hair as he said "Poor thing. I was thinking about building the frames for her house in the meantime." As Kirk went to get ready to go to work, Yekaterina got the soup from the bag and opened it. Yekaterina then lightly shook Akeno as she said "Wakey, wakey, Akeno. Your soup is here." Akeno weakly moaned as she got up and nuzzled into Yekaterina. Yekaterina smiled as she muttered "Ah, do you want me to feed you?" Akeno, with pouty lips, nodded yes. Yekaterina chuckled softly and scooped up a spoonful of the warm soup. She gently blew on it to cool it down before bringing it to Akeno's lips. Akeno opened her mouth slightly, and Yekaterina carefully fed her the soup. Akeno's eyes fluttered open, and she let out a small sigh of contentment as the warm, comforting soup slid down her throat. Yekaterina continued to feed Akeno the soup, occasionally pausing to wipe away a stray tear or adjust her blanket. When the bowl was empty, Akeno snuggled closer to Yekaterina, her breathing slow and even. Yekaterina smiled, stroking Akeno's hair gently. As they were snuggling together, Yekaterina asked "Hey, Akeno. Do you miss your mother that badly? Why not call her?" Akeno whimpered as she started to break down as she said "I do miss her, Yekaterina, but it's complicated. The thing is that when I was in Japan, I was on a cruise. One night there was a pretty bad storm and the ship started to go down. My parents told me to jump overboard, and they would follow me, but the ship rocked and tossed me off. The next thing I can recall is me waking up on a raft full of other people, but my parents aren't there. I yelled at them, but they never heard me. From that day, I was orphaned. I was five at the time, and I was scared shitless. I should've jumped off sooner." Yekaterina felt utter pity seeing this young soul crying like a child as she pulled her closer and said "Your pain is raw and uncontrolled. I wish that no one would go through that pain. I felt this pain when my five-day-old son was choked by the hands of my ex. I was enraged at him to the point of doing the same thing he did to my son, but I know that violence is never the way. He's serving life in prison in Siberia." The two ladies cuddled each other and wailed for most of the morning. As the two ladies cried their hearts out, Akeno looked into Yekaterina's eyes and said "Thank you, Yekaterina. I just needed some maternal love." Yekaterina, taken aback by Akeno's unexpected words, smiled warmly and said "Of course, dear Akeno. You know you can always count on me. How are you feeling?" Akeno caressed Yekaterina's cheeks as she said "I'm much better, but my head is still killing me." Yekaterina nodded understandingly as she said "It's understandable that your head hurts. Fevers can do that. I'm just going to see how Kirk is doing, and I'll come back." Yekaterina left the cabin, heading towards the workshop where Kirk was working. As she approached, she could hear the rhythmic hammering of his tools, a comforting sound in the quiet morning. She pushed open the door and found Kirk focused on his task, his brow furrowed in concentration. Kirk then noticed Yekaterina and said "How's Akeno? I heard you and Akeno crying a lot." Yekaterina then said "She's doing well. That poor thing is emotionally scarred after she lost her parents at such a tender age. I was thinking about adopting her as my own." Kirk then said "Are you sure about this? I thought that after the death of Nikolai, you wouldn't want to have any kids." Yekaterina then said "She's a shell of her former self. Akeno is in a lot of emotional pain due to her loss and I want to help her to fulfill the things that she would've done if they were still alive. This poor soul has carried this pain for at least two decades and I hate seeing her suffer by herself." Kirk then said "You are really a selfless daughter of mine. Akeno is such a troubled young woman, and it pains me to see the demons of wanting to drown herself." Yekaterina then said "I'm the kind of person that helps people over myself. Do you want me to help with the house, Kirk? Akeno was out when I left her." Kirk then said "I would like that, Yekaterina." As the pair was building the house, Kevin called Akeno. When she answered the phone, Akeno hacked out a cough before saying "Hey, Kevin." Kevin then said "You sound like shit, Akeno. Are you okay, baby girl?" Akeno then said "I got a cold." Kevin then asked "When are you going to build your house?" Akeno then stated "Kirk Sokolov and his daughter are helping me with the house." Kevin then said "Kirk is a goddamn predator. You better get the hell out of there." Akeno then said "I know that he was fishy during his TV days, but he is such a gentle giant. What's your deal with him if I ask?" Kevin then said "Kirk had this thing with Mia. He tried to have some sexy time while she was auditioning for Canada's Got Talent five years back. He even had the nerve to do that right in front of me. Yoshika and I chased after him with a semi-truck that she stole. After Kirk's car runs out of juice, Yoshika forces him to dance nude while she is filming. After Kirk fell on his ass, I warned him not to touch Mia again and then he ran off. A few weeks after that, Kirk was with Mia at a tattoo shop. I coerced him to let Mia win in the finals by tattooing a penis and a swastika on his back. But after the most racist Nazi won, Kirk fought with one of the judges, Trish Stratus, as the other judges, Lilly Singh and Kardinal Offishall, closed out the season." Akeno then said "I saw that season finale with your daughter, Kevin. Mia is such a strong young soul. The tattoos you did on him were a little too far, but you got to do what you got to do. You know if Kirk would've done what he did to Mia, I'd kick him in the balls and run." Kevin then said "I know you would, Akeno." Just then, Kirk and Yekaterina came in and Akeno said "I got to go, Kev." When Akeno hung up, Yekaterina asked "Who's that?" Akeno then said "It's one of my friends. Hey Kirk, may I ask you something?" Kirk then said "Anything, Akeno." Akeno then stated "Do you still have the penis and swastika tattoos on your back?" Kirk and Yekaterina looked at Akeno before Kirk said "What the... yes I still do, Akeno. How the fuck did you know about that? Fuck, I think she saw me topless." Akeno then giggled before saying "The person that I was just talking with had some beef with you, Kirk." Kirk's eyes widened as he asked "Was it Kevin that you were talking to?" Akeno then nodded as she started to whimper. Kirk sat beside Akeno and patted her hair as he said "Hey, sweetie. What I did five years back is history and I regret it. Back then, I was having some problems with my wife, Klara. We had just broken up just the day before when Kevin chased me around Toronto before my car ran out of life. I don't know if that crazy-ass friend of Kevin ever released that video of me dancing in the nude. Anyway, I'm ain't that kind of person that tries to take advantage of women. I learned the hard way after my TV career came crashing down a year after that controversial season finale when I was filming a commercial where I needed to be topless. The utter disgust of those that saw the tattoos was brutal. Those tattoos got me shunned by the entertainment industry. Also, shortly after that controversial season finale, I was sued by Trish and WWE. At least I got some praise from the winner of that finale." Suddenly, Yoshika said "That will teach you." The trio noticed Yoshika at the door and Akeno said "Hey, Yoshika." Yoshika then came in as she said "I just wanted to help you build that house." As Yoshika got over to Kirk, she said "Well, I never in a million years that I would see you at my friend's new place. You're a twat for what you did and even if you were shunned by the entertainment industry, you're still a twat. You should've known that Mia was nine at the time, but no, you still have to spice shit up. I still have that video, but I never made it public. I was so close to doing it and watching the controversy burst out even more. Akeno touched Yoshika's shoulder and said "He's a changed man, Yoshika." Yoshika then looked at Akeno before saying "Yeah, I heard. But if he ever touches you sexually, I'll release that video. Anyway, I can see that you have already started building the house, Akeno." Suddenly, Akeno's face contorted as she was coughing violently. A sudden, sharp pain shot through her chest, and she doubled over, clutching her side. Her eyes bulged, and her face turned a deep shade of purple as tears streamed down her face as she struggled to breathe. Yekaterina came over to Akeno and said "Hey, breathe now, okay." Just then, Akeno's mouth opened wide and started to barf out phlegm. Yekaterina rubbed her back as she said "There, there, Akeno. Let the barf flow out." As Akeno's body shook with each retch, Yekaterina got more uneasy. Yekaterina then started to rub Akeno's belly as she said "Не волнуйся, милая. Я всегда буду рядом с тобой, как моя новая приемная дочь." As Akeno stopped vomiting and starting breathing normally, she thought "I wish that I could understand Russian." After a few moments, Akeno said "I'm okay." Kirk then said "I'm glad that you're fine, Akeno. But anyway, let's get working, Yoshika." As the pair walked off, Yekaterina was still rubbing Akeno's belly as she said "I was thinking about adopting you, Akeno." Akeno's eyes widened as she muttered "Hey, wait. Urgh, but why?" Yekaterina smiled warmly at Akeno, her eyes filled with genuine affection as she said "Because I want to take care of you, Akeno. You've been through so much, and you deserve someone to look after you. I want to be that person for you." Akeno's heart fluttered, a mix of surprise and warmth filling her chest. She had never felt so cared for or loved in a long time as she asked "But... why me?" Yekaterina chuckled softly as she muttered "Because you remind me of myself, Akeno. We've both been through our share of pain and loss. But we've also both found the strength to keep going. I see that spark in you, that resilience. I want to help you nurture that spark and grow into the amazing person you're meant to be." Akeno's eyes welled up with tears as she thought "I had never felt so understood or accepted before in my life." Akeno then nodded, her voice thick with emotion as she muttered "Thank you, Yekaterina. I... I don't know what to say." Yekaterina smiled, wiping away Akeno's tears as she said "You don't have to say anything, Akeno. Just know that I'm here for you, always. What about if I could feed you some lunch?" Akeno nodded as she said "I would love that." Yekaterina then pecked Akeno's forehead as she said "Sure thing." As Yekaterina started to make rassolnik, Akeno curled into a ball while waiting. Early that afternoon, the soup was about ready when Kirk said "It smells good. You know something, Yoshika is more fun than I thought." As he came in with Yoshika being hung upside down by her foot, Yekaterina yelped "Please put her down." Akeno giggled as she said "Yoshika loves being hung like that as Kevin always did it." Yoshika flailed as she squawked "This is making me horny as hell. I want more of these giddy moments." Kirk then lightly shook Yoshika as she shrieked "MORE! MORE! MORE!" As Yekaterina giggled, Yoshika started to forcefully sneeze, her body convulsing with each forceful expulsion. When Yoshika's sneezing fit got bloody, Kirk laid her down next to Akeno before saying "We have a bleeder over here." Yekaterina rushed over and said "It's okay, Yoshika." As Yekaterina pressed a towel on Yoshika's nose, she shivered "This is so hot for you. I'm getting horny." As Yoshika started to seize up with sneezes, she moaned "I'm so hard right now." Yekaterina then muttered "You're a dirty one." Just then, Yoshika, with a dirty gaze in her eyes, moaned "I always wanted to have a one on one time with a Russian chick." Akeno, Kirk and Yekaterina were shocked at Yoshika's request. Yekaterina then said "If you really want this, here you go," as she started to undress. Once Yekaterina was fully nude, she sat on Yoshika's stomach as Yoshika loudly groaned "WARM!" As the weight of Yekaterina's giant frame was on Yoshika, the latter lost her shit when she grabbed her breasts. Yekaterina was getting giddy as Yoshika was groping her. As Yoshika was having her time of her life, Yekaterina started to climax as she moaned "СОК КИСК! СОК КИСК! СОК КИСК!" When Yekaterina got off her, Yoshika was panting and moaned out "That's great." Just then, Kirk got a bowl of rassolnik before saying "Here Akeno." When Akeno grabbed the bowl, she said "Thank you, Kirk." As Kirk was getting another bowl of rassolnik, Yoshika asked "How much do you weigh, Yekaterina?" Yekaterina then said "I'm 220 pounds." Kirk then gave Yoshika the other bowl as she said "Thank you, Kirk." Just then, Akeno let out a hearty burp before she muttered "Fuck me." Yekaterina then said "You're finished that already?" Akeno made another hearty burp before saying "Yes, I am." Suddenly, Akeno started to rip out burp after burp from deep inside her stomach, each one louder and more prolonged than the last. Her face turned a deep shade of red as she struggled to contain the involuntary expulsion of gas. Yekaterina then went over and asked "Are you okay, Akeno?" But she just kept on burping with renewed vigor. Yekaterina watched in disbelief as Akeno's burping continued unabated. Each burp was a guttural eruption, a violent release of pressure from deep within her. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were wide with discomfort. Just as Akeno's eyes were bulging out of her sockets with each forceful burp, Yekaterina wrapped her in a hug to try to soothe her. As Akeno felt the warmth of Yekaterina's nude form against her, she stopped burping. Yekaterina said "Does that feel better, Akeno?" But in her mind, Akeno thought "Suck her breasts." Just then, Akeno started sucking the breast. Yekaterina looked at her before muttering "Do you just want to do this right?" Suddenly, Yoshika finished her rassolnik, went to them and started sucking Yekaterina's other breast while muttering "kinky Russian orgy." Yekaterina was getting aroused as she squawked "Трахни меня нежно." Soon after, Yekaterina started to climax as she moaned "That feels good." Just as the cum ran down Yekaterina's legs, Yoshika said "What about we go skinny-dipping, Akeno." Yekaterina then said "Are you sure, Yoshika? Akeno is still kind of sick." Yoshika then stated "I promised her that I would go skinny-dipping with her the next time I meet up with her." Akeno then said "That sounds nice after the sexy time we just had." As the ladies were about to leave, Kirk said "I'm going to stay here and finish building the house." When the trio drove off in Yoshika's van, Yekaterina said "I'm ain't the greatest swimmer." Akeno held her hand and muttered "I won't let you drown, Yekaterina." Yoshika then said "If you need something to keep yourself afloat, you can use my breasts." Yekaterina giggled "Your dirty, Yoshika. By the way, how are you so provocative?" Yoshika then stated "I'm the kind of person that fuck with anything that moves. If it's a guy, a bitch, a cat or a giant Russian lady like you, I'll fuck it. I have the cum inside my glands to fill the world's oceans and the lungs to be fucking a cat underwater for minutes on end before needing air. I don't care if the cat drowns, if I have the thrill it gives me fucking it to death." Yekaterina then moaned "You're really making my hormones hard. I'd love to fuck you underwater to see how long you could stay down there." Just then, Akeno said "We're here." When the trio left the car at Point Farm Beach, Yekaterina was shaking in fear. As Yekaterina started to piss herself, Yoshika said "It's okay, Yekaterina, and only think about how horny you'll be when I'm breathing in water." Yekaterina then nodded as she slowly walked to the shoreline. As Yekaterina was at the edge of the water, she thought "I can't do it. I won't want the feel of seaweed in my pussy." Just then, Yoshika, from behind, grabbed Yekaterina's ass while saying "You're chickening out already, you baka?" Yekaterina made a gasp as she bolted at full speed into the water before falling face first. As Yekaterina resurfaced with a gasp of fear and arousal, Yoshika giggled "You're so hot when I just touched that ass of yours." Suddenly, Yekaterina started to panic as she swam around trying to find ground. With a grin, Yoshika went in and pulled Yekaterina into a hug. When Yekaterina yelped "I can't feel the ground," Yoshika then thought "She's so fucking hot panicking about swimming. Maybe an underwater kiss would soothe that." Just then, Yoshika pulled Yekaterina's hair and dragged her underwater before she started kissing her. As Yekaterina was feeling trapped in an underwater grave, she thought "I was never a strong swimmer, but I'm being fucked underwater." When the kiss deepened, Yoshika started to feel Yekaterina up. Yekaterina's body involuntarily twitches as she thought "She's really making me horny." Just then, Yekaterina started to convulsively moan out "FUCK ME, YOSHIKA!" With a primal urge, Yoshika wrapped her arms around Yekaterina's abdomen and swam deeper. As the pair reached the lake floor, Yoshika forced Yekaterina to the ground and sat on her before she started to grab Yekaterina's breasts hard. Yekaterina groaned out bubbles as Yoshika was getting giddy. As the moments passed, Yekaterina thought "My lungs are burning so badly right now. I need air." When Yekaterina tried to flail away, Yoshika, with a mischievous grin, shit herself. Yekaterina noticed Yoshika's groaning out water from her mouth and the shit coming out of her ass before she thought "Did she just shit on me? This feels so fucking good." As Yoshika kept shitting at her, Yekaterina thought "Fuck it, I'll stay down here. I'll drown myself just to please Yoshika." Just then, Yekaterina started to convulse as she blew out the air from her lungs before starting to black out. Yoshika then noticed Yekaterina's state and thought "Fuck, she's going limp. Goddamnit, she's drowning." Yoshika wrapped Yekaterina's armpits from behind and swam up. As Yekaterina was being pulled up to the surface, she thought "Is this what drowning is about? Is this what Akeno felt?" When they resurfaced, Yekaterina started to hack out the water from her lungs. As Yekaterina started to gag, Akeno swam over and asked "What's wrong?" Yoshika then said "She kind of got too hyped up while having some sexy time underwater." Akeno then stated "I'm just glad that you didn't drown, Yekaterina." Just then, Yoshika purred "What about if we could take this into shallow water and spice things up again, Yekaterina?" Yekaterina then nodded as she weakly swam into shallow waters. As Yekaterina stood at knee height in the water, Yoshika came over and caressed her cheeks as she purred "You're such a stunning Russian lady underwater. Your panic for air was wild, even as a weak swimmer as you are. I'm kind of a sucker for a damsel in distress." Yekaterina tried to stammer out something, but the heat in her cheeks was making it hard. Yoshika noticed Yekaterina's stuttering and purred "You're a fascinating creature, a wildcat trapped in a woman's body. And I, for one, find that quite intriguing." In Yekaterina's mind, she thought "She's really pressing my buttons, but I just love it." With the primal urge of the inner wildcat, Yekaterina pinned Yoshika to the ground before purring "You're going to get my fuck drive into yours." Yoshika, her head underwater, thought "YES! YES! YES! YOU'RE TURNING INTO YOUR TRUE SELF!" Yekaterina then sat on Yoshika's stomach as she started to shit on it. Yoshika, her mind in a rush of sexy times, groaned out "Shit on my guts," as bubbles raged from her mouth. As the warm poop on her stomach in the cool water was making Yoshika hyper, Yekaterina thought "I should do this more often." A few minutes passed and Yekaterina was still holding Yoshika down while shitting on her stomach. Soon after, Yoshika started to suck water into her lungs before she resurfaced. As she groaned out the water, Yekaterina said "You got a set of lungs on you, Yoshika." Just then, Yekaterina heard Akeno burping non-stop again. Yekaterina then swam over to her and asked "Are you okay, Akeno?" Between burps, Akeno said "I'm just full of gas today." Yekaterina then said "Maybe if you could cuddle me again, it would stop." Akeno swam into Yekaterina's open arms, but her burping still continues. As Yekaterina watched Akeno burping in her arms, she muttered "You poor soul," as she stroked Akeno's hair gently. As Yoshika came over, Yekaterina said "Maybe we should try a different approach. Let's see if a little swim can help you feel better." Akeno nodded weakly, her burps subsiding slightly. Yekaterina carefully maneuvered them both towards deeper water, ensuring Akeno was comfortable. With a gentle push, they glided into the cool water. As they swam underwater hand in hand, Akeno was still burping, the bubbles raged out of her mouth. Yekaterina noticed the occasional gurgle from Akeno's stomach and thought "I need to soothe her pain somehow." She suddenly stopped swimming and hugged Akeno from behind as they sank to the bottom of the lake. Akeno's mind was a race of things as she thought "Fuck, where's she taking me? The water pressure is crushing me. I'm kind of claustrophobic, but it feels so good. The pressure is the balm I need right now." As they reached the bottom, Yekaterina started to rub Akeno's stomach as she groaned in joy. With each touch, Akeno involuntarily convulsed as the pressure was taking its toll. When the pressure was doing its thing, Akeno thought "Come on, make me suffer. Do it, blow out all your air and let in water into your lungs." Suddenly, Akeno, with the primal urge born out of the years of the pressure building inside her, blew out all the air out of her lungs before starting thrashing about. Yekaterina felt a sudden jolt as Akeno's body fought for life and started to race to the surface. Just as they reached the surface, Yekaterina got a cramp in her leg and she yelped in pain. Yekaterina started to groan out bubbles as she thought "Fuck it, as I nearly drowned once today. At least I'm going to go down with Akeno." As they started to kiss in their final moments of life, but Yoshika, from behind, grabbed and pulled them to the surface. When the trio reached the surface, Akeno and Yekaterina started to cough out water while Yoshika asked "Are you two okay?" Yekaterina then nodded as she held Akeno close. The trio then swam back to the shore where they rested after the near drowning experience. When Yekaterina was cuddling Akeno on the beach, she noticed that Akeno was stirring up as she believed that she was having flashbacks. Yekaterina gently stroked Akeno's hair, her voice soft as she whispered "It's okay, Akeno. You're safe now." Akeno's body twitched, her eyes fluttering open and then closed again. Her breathing was rapid, and she let out a small whimper. Yekaterina's heart ached as she thought "I know that Akeno's recent ordeal has taken a toll on her, both physically and emotionally." Soon after, Yekaterina said "Let's go home." When they arrived back at Akeno's land, the outer frame of the house construction was nearly finished and Kirk and his friend Alisa Kujou were there. Kirk then noticed the trio and said "Hey, you three are back from your nude swim. These Japanese houses are easier than I thought. Akeno, this is Alisa, but you can call her Alya." Alisa then went over to Akeno and said "Приятно познакомиться, потрясающая леди." A blush crept up Akeno's neck as she muttered "Wha... what did you say? I... I can't understand that." Alisa giggled "I said nice to meet you, stunning lady." Yekaterina then said "Maybe later I'll teach you some Russian, Akeno." As Akeno nodded, Alisa purred "Well, is it ain't Yoshika Miyafuji, the world's most famous sexy time lady. I heard stories about your sexy times over the years, and maybe I'd want to be a part of that." A grin ran across Yoshika's face as she grabbed Alisa's hand and led her to her van. As the trio watched as the van was bouncing up and down while Yoshika was making moans and Alisa was singing the anthem of the Soviet Union, Akeno said "That's one way to spice shit up. I'm going into the cabin." When Akeno walked off, Kirk asked "Is she okay, Yekaterina?" Yekaterina then said "Akeno had another near drowning event when she was having another burping episode while skinny-dipping. I nearly drowned twice when I was having sex with Yoshika and the other time was when I got a cramp in my leg when I was helping Akeno during her near drowning." Kirk then said "I'm just glad that you ain't breathing in fishes on the bottom of the seafloor right now." Just then, Alisa, in the van, yelled "ТРАХНИ МЕНЯ, ЁСИКА! ХВАТАЙ МОЮ ГРУДЬ СИЛЬНЕЕ, ЁСИКА! ТРАХНИ МЕНЯ, ЁСИКА! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОДОЛЖАЙ СРАТЬ НА МЕНЯ, ЁСИКА! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОДОЛЖАЙ СРАТЬ НА МЕНЯ, ЁСИКА! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОДОЛЖАЙ СРАТЬ НА МЕНЯ, ЁСИКА!" Yoshika then yelled "馬鹿野郎、俺はお前の腹の上に俺の内臓を全部ぶちまけてやる!クソったれのケツからクソったれのマンコからクソったれが出る!クソったれのケツからクソったれのマンコからクソったれが出る!クソったれのケツからクソったれのマンコからクソったれが出る!" Alisa then yelled "ТВОЁ ДЕРЬМО ОХРЕНЕННО ГОРЯЧЕЕ НА МОМ ЖИВОТЕ, НО МНЕ ОХРЕНЕННО ПРИЯТНО ВИДЕТЬ, КАК ТЫ ВЫТЕКАЕШЬ ДЕРЬМО ИЗ СВОЕЙ СЕКСУАЛЬНОЙ ПИЗДЫ, ЙОШИКА!" Yoshika then yelled "お前の口に小便をかけちゃうぞ!" Alisa then yelled "ДА! ДА! ДА! ДА! ДА! Я ВЗБУДУ, ЕСЛИ ТЫ НАСОСЁШЬ МНЕ В РОТ, ТЫ, СУКИН СЫН! МОЧА ТАК ЧЕРТОВО ХОРОША, ПРОХОДИТ В МОЮ ГРЕБАНУЮ ГОРЛО!" Yekaterina looked at Kirk before saying said "I'm fucking off into the cabin as well." As Yekaterina entered the cabin, she noticed Akeno chugging a bottle of vodka. Akeno then noticed Yekaterina before stopping drinking and muttered out "Fuck my life, as drinking vodka is meant to be my fate to end my numbness. I wish that I had filled the bath with vodka to completely submerge myself to the point of drowning." As she started drinking again, Yekaterina said "Please don't say that, Akeno, I love you. The near drowning from today happens to the best of us." But Akeno kept drinking the vodka until it was gone. As she finished the bottle, Akeno tossed it before yelling "FUCK THIS SHIT!" Just then, she got up and picked up the TV before tossing it out the window. As Akeno beat her chest with her fists while roaring at the top of her lungs, she suddenly passed out. Soon after, Kirk, Yoshika and Alisa ran in and Kirk said "What the fuck did I see a TV flying out of here?" Suddenly, Akeno started to stir when she was barfing, but then her face turned green as she was choking on it. As she started to convulse, Yekaterina yelped "OH FUCK, SHE'S CHOKING ON HER BARF!" Yekaterina's heart pounded in her chest as she watched Akeno's body convulse. The room seemed to spin, the air heavy with the stench of vomit and the lingering scent of vodka. She knew she had to act fast. Without hesitation, she rushed to Akeno's side, dropping to her knees. She remembered the Heimlich maneuver, a technique she'd learned on a first-aid course years ago. With a swift movement, she wrapped her arms around Akeno's waist and pulled sharply inward and upward. Yekaterina urged "Cough it out, Akeno." After a few attempts, a sickening thud echoed through the cabin as a large chunk of vomit was expelled from Akeno's mouth. She collapsed onto the floor, gasping for air. Her face, once pale and sickly, slowly regained color. Yekaterina then exclaimed "She's breathing." Kirk, Yoshika, and Alisa rushed forward, their faces etched with concern. They helped Akeno sit up, offering water and words of comfort. As they got Akeno on the chair, she muttered "Fuck off and fuck you. Three baka bombs are touching me." Suddenly, Akeno flailed her arms in defense as the group backed off. Yekaterina then said "My god, she's going mad." Just then, Akeno bolted at Alisa before slapping her to the ground while yelling "YOU FUCKING RAT! I SHOULDN'T TRUST YOU AGAIN YOU SNAKE!" Yekaterina then rushed over to Akeno and hugged her, but she yelled "I DON'T HAVE NOBODY TO GODDAMN FUCK WITH! I'M GOING TO DIE ALONE AS AN OLD BITCH WITH NO HUSBAND OR FUCKING KIDS! I JUST WANT TO PUT SOME GUY'S CUM INTO MY PUSSY AND BECOME PREGNANT! I JUST WANT SOME GUY TO CALL ME HIS RARE JAPANESE GEM! I WANT MORE FUCKING VODKA!" Yekaterina held her tighter as she cooed "There, there, Akeno. We all get the urge that you need to have sex with the first male you see." In the meantime, Akeno just saw red as she started to punch Yekaterina's back non-stop while yelling "FUCK YOU, WHORE! FUCK YOU, SLUT! FUCK YOU, PUSSY! FUCK YOU, BITCH!" Yekaterina then thought "She's really hurting me. I'm going to give her a bear hug." Yekaterina started to tightly hug Akeno while she yelled "YOU'RE FUCKING HURTING ME, YOU TWO BIT WHORE! I CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE, YOU TWO-BIT SLUT!" Yekaterina held Akeno tightly in a bear hug, feeling her struggles against her grip. Akeno's screams were muffled, her voice growing weaker with each passing second. Yekaterina knew she had to restrain Akeno before she could hurt herself or anyone else. With a surge of strength, Yekaterina pinned Akeno's arms to her sides, holding her tightly. Akeno thrashed and kicked, but Yekaterina refused to let go. Yekaterina then whispered "It's okay, Akeno, I'm here. You're safe." Slowly, Akeno's struggles began to subside. Her breathing became ragged, her eyes glazed over. Yekaterina continued to hold her, whispering words of comfort, until Akeno finally fell silent, her body limp in Yekaterina's arms. The cabin was still, the only sound the soft ticking of the clock. Yekaterina gently laid Akeno down on the couch, covering her with a blanket. She turned to the others, her face etched with exhaustion and worry. Later that evening, Akeno started to wake up before muttering "Wh... what the fuck is this?" Yekaterina came over and ruffled her hair as she said "Are you better now, Akeno?" Just then, Akeno, with a wild look in her eyes, suddenly pounced at Yekaterina and chomped down on her nose. With shock, Yekaterina wailed "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS, AKENO? YOU'RE HURTING ME!" Suddenly, Akeno stopped in mid-bite and stared into Yekaterina's eyes before muttering "Fuck me, what did I do? Oh fuck, I'm a monster." As Yekaterina looked at the blood rushing down Akeno's chin, Akeno suddenly broke down. Just then, Kirk, Yoshika and Alisa rushed in and Yoshika said "Are you okay, Yekaterina?" Yekaterina, with blood raging out of her nose, moaned "Akeno kind of bit my nose." Akeno then wailed "I'M SO FUCKING SORRY, YEKATERINA! I'M SO FUCKING FUCKED UP RIGHT NOW!" Yekaterina then cooed "It's okay, Akeno, it's okay." Akeno then sobbed out "Gypsy girl, oh-oh, black-eyed gypsy girl, gypsy girl, black-eyed, tell my fortune, gypsy girl, oh-oh, black-eyed gypsy girl, gypsy girl, black-eyed, tell my fortune." Yekaterina then asked "What are you talking about, Akeno?" Akeno, with vigor in her eyes, wailed "PLEASE TELL MY FORTUNE!" Yekaterina, with wide eyes, thought "I haven't practiced this in years, but I'll do it." With a mix of concern and amusement, she began to speak in a dramatic, almost theatrical tone, "Alright, Akeno. Close your eyes and focus. I shall peer into the mystic depths and reveal your fate." Akeno, still sobbing, closed her eyes tightly as she whispered "Please." Yekaterina then said "I see... a storm brewing within you, Akeno. A darkness, a hunger, a thirst for something... more. This darkness, it's a part of you, but it's not all of you. You must learn to control it, to harness its power. There is a light within you, Akeno, a light that can dispel the darkness. You must find it, embrace it, and let it guide you. You will find that special someone within the week that has the same appearance as your partner in crime and you two will get married by this time next year with twins." Akeno opened her eyes slowly, her expression a mix of confusion and relief as she admitted "I... I don't know what to think, but thank you, Yekaterina. You've helped me." Yekaterina smiled "Anytime, Akeno. We're all here for you. What about if I teach you some Russian?" Akeno then nodded before Kirk started to make dinner. 30 minutes later when Kirk handed Akeno a bowl of pasta, she said "Спасибо, Кирк." As Kirk smiled, Alisa, with a hand mark from Akeno's slap earlier on her face, said "I see that you're feeling better, Akeno." Akeno then said "I'm sorry about earlier, Alya." Alisa then stated "It's okay, Aki, it's okay." Just then, Yoshika blasted Korpiklaani's music on the radio. Akeno then hopped into Yoshika's arms as she started to spin around. As Yoshika twirled her around, Akeno squealed "FASTER!" Yoshika then spun around faster as Akeno squawked "I'M GOING TO LOSE MY BLADDER!" Just then, she started gurgling as piss flew around the room. Yoshika then laid Akeno down on the floor as she was still gurgling in arousal before ripping out a yandere giggle. Just as the group was staring at Akeno, she yelped "ЕБИ МЕНЯ, АЛЯ!" Alisa then looked at Akeno with shock and arousal before moaning "Your wish is my command." As Alisa got down to Akeno, Akeno took off Alisa's panties and with a powerful slap to the ass, Alisa yelped "WH... WHAT THE FUCK!" With a sadistic grin, Akeno cooed "А что, если я шлепну эту нежную задницу?" Akeno then moved Alisa into a downward dog and with a series of powerful slaps to the ass made Alisa into a horny mess. As the group watched on, they were in awe of Akeno's pent-up sexual needs. When Akeno started to rub Alisa's ass, she moaned "Don't rub my ass." Just then, Akeno moaned "But it's fun," before she put her tongue up the ass. Alisa moaned vigorously as Akeno started to lick her ass. Soon after, Alisa passed out from tiredness. Akeno noticed Alisa had passed out and thought "Grope her breasts." With a grin, Akeno grabbed the breasts before moaning "She's got some very perky boobs." As Akeno was yelping "FUCK YOU, WHORE! FUCK YOU, SLUT! FUCK YOU, PUSSY! FUCK YOU, BITCH," Yekaterina then said "I think that's enough." Just then, Akeno moaned before passing out too. Yekaterina shook her head before muttering "She's a nut sometimes," before retiring for the night. The group followed suit shortly after. The following morning, on November 8, Akeno woke up to the sound of hammering and sawing. A shiver ran down her spine as she groaned and rolled over, burying her face in her pillow before thinking "Ugh, not this again." As veins were pulsing in her forehead, Yekaterina knocked and said "Wakey, wakey, Akeno. Breakfast is ready." Akeno then got up before feeling the urge to gag. With a heavy sigh, Akeno pulled herself out of bed and made her way to the kitchen. The smell of pancakes filled the air, but it couldn't quite mask the underlying scent of sawdust and fresh paint. In the kitchen, Yekaterina greeted "Morning, sunshine. I made pancakes, your favorite." Akeno smiled in return as she said "Thanks, Katya. They look good." As Akeno digged into the pancakes, she asked "How's Kirk doing building the house?" Yekaterina then said "He's doing well. Kirk claimed that he would be finished by tomorrow afternoon." Just then, Yoshika came into the cabin and said "Hey Akeno, you're awake. I have just finished setting up the onsen, and I'm wondering if you wanted to test it with me." Akeno then nodded vigorously as both of them ran off. Yekaterina watched them taking their clothes off as she thought "What great souls they are." As Yekaterina were doing the dishes and Kirk and Alisa were building the house, Akeno, in the onsen, moaned "This onsen is what I dreamed about when I designed it." Yoshika then moaned "Damn right, Akeno." As they watched Kirk and Alisa building, Kirk accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer. With a scream of pain, Kirk yelped "ТРАХНИ МЕНЯ В ЖОПУ!" Alisa then said "Ouch, are you okay, big guy?" Kirk then muttered "It's okay as I made a little mishap." Yoshika then giggled "At least the hammer ain't fucking you in the ass this time." Kirk flipped her off as he said "Very funny, Yoshika." Just as Akeno was fingering her breasts, Yoshika poked Akeno's breasts before cooing "You got some perky tits." Suddenly, Akeno grabbed Yoshika's breasts hard as she was getting horny. As Yoshika was getting giddy, Akeno grabbed a hammer from beside the onsen and pressed it onto her ass before saying "What about I fuck this hammer up your ass, Yoshika?" Yoshika's head rolled back as she moaned "OH, YES! SHOVE IT UP MY ASS!" Akeno then started to shove the handle up Yoshika's pussy as she squealed "OH, YAH! OH, YAH! HAHDER! HAHDER! OH, GOD, THAT WAS SO GOOD. NOW I'M GOING TO STUFF MY FUCKING FACE WITH SOME PEPPERIDGE FARM!" As Akeno shoved the hammer deeper, Yoshika farted and ripped out a whine. Soon after, Yoshika started to rip out more farts, followed by squeals, squawks, moans, groans and whines. Just then, Yoshika suddenly groaned deeply before passing out. Akeno then caressed her cheeks before cooing "You're a kinky son of a bitch, but I like it." Just then, Yekaterina hopped into the onsen as she said "What's up?" Akeno, cuddling Yoshika, then said "I just fucked her with a hammer." Yekaterina then stated "She's got one very strong fuck drive if she has sex this much." Yoshika stirred and muttered "I want bigger boobs." Akeno pressed her mouth onto Yoshika's ear and cooed "That would be nice, Yoshi." Just then, Yoshika shivered in delight as she woke up and looked at Akeno before saying "Wh... wha... what happened?" Akeno then pecked her cheek and cooed "You passed out when I was making out with you." Suddenly, Kirk painfully yelped "ТРАХНИ МЕНЯ В ПОПКУ, Я СНОВА БИЛ МОЛОТКОМ ПО СВОЕМУ ПАЛЬЦУ!" Yekaterina then said "You poor thing, are you okay?" Yoshika then giggled "You're making out with the hammer again." Kirk, with a grin, went over to her and messed up her hair. Yoshika swatted his hand away as she said "You're teasing me, baka." As Kirk smiled, he went back to work. Just then, Akeno nuzzled into Yekaterina as she cooed "Thank you for adopting me, Katya." Yekaterina smiled warmly, stroking Akeno's soft hair as she said "You're welcome, my dear. I'm so happy to have you in my life. It's been an incredible journey, hasn't it? From the moment we met, I knew you were special. Remember, you're not just adopted. You're family. Blood doesn't always define our bonds. Love, respect, and understanding do." Yoshika then pouted as she muttered "I wish that I had a mother figure like you, Yekaterina, when I was growing up." Yekaterina then lifted Yoshika onto her lap and said "Why did you say that?" Yoshika snuggled closer, her pout fading into a small smile as she said "It's just... you're always so kind and patient. You listen, you understand, and you always know how to make things better. I never really had that, you know?" Yekaterina stroked Yoshika's hair, her touch comforting as she cooed "I'm sorry to hear that, dear. Everyone deserves to feel loved and supported. But remember, even though you may not have had a mother figure like me growing up, you've grown into a strong and independent woman. You've overcome challenges and found your own path. That's something to be proud of." Yoshika nodded, a small tear rolling down her cheek as she whispered "Thank you, Yekaterina. You're right. I'm grateful for everything I've learned and everything I've become." Yekaterina warmly smiled "And I'm grateful to have you in my life, Yoshika. You're a bright and talented young woman, and I'm honored to be a part of your journey." Just then, Akeno's phone rang, and she ran out of the onsen to get it. When she answered the phone, Kevin said "Hey Aki, how are you?" Akeno, with a warm smile, said "Hey, Kev, I'm fine and you." Kevin then stated "Same old shit different day. What are you up to?" Akeno then said "I'm just relaxing in the onsen in the backyard. My house is really taking shape as it will be done by tomorrow afternoon. What are you doing?" Kevin then cooed "That's nice, Akeno. I just got out of bed, and I'm cuddling with Mio on the couch eating breakfast." Akeno then said "That's sweet, Kevin. You and Mio should come up here when the place is finished." Kevin then said "That's nice of you, Akeno. I haven't taken Mio out on a vacation since our honeymoon to her hometown of Yokosuka fifteen years ago." Akeno then stated "It would be nice to see you again. I'm getting cold here." Kevin then said "Okay then, Aki, go soak up in the onsen. I love you." Akeno, with a warm smile, cooed "I love you too, Kev." When Akeno ended the call, she went back into the onsen. As she stepped into the onsen, Yoshika poked Akeno's rib cage as she cooed "I think you love Kevin." Akeno swatted Yoshika's hand away playfully, her face flushing a light shade of pink, trying to hide her embarrassment as she muttered "Oh, shut up. He's just... nice." Yoshika, raising an eyebrow, scoffed "Nice? Nice guys don't make you blush like a tomato." Akeno was dipping into the warm water when she rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at her lips before saying "Whatever. Let's just enjoy the onsen." Kirk then came over and asked "Akeno, how did you meet Kevin?" Akeno rolled her head back in relaxation and said "I was a repo agent around five years ago, and I repossessed his son's car, but I got fired after Kevin forced me to crash the car into my workplace at the dealership at gunpoint. I don't know how, but our relationship from that point onward was very entertaining. We, along with Yoshika, robbed banks, and we made millions of dollars. Within a few months, the three of us were the best in the robbery game, but things must end at one point. We killed each other's foes and then walked into the sunset. A few months ago, after five years of doing nothing, we pulled off a heist at Casino Rama for twenty billion dollars. Since then, I just want a peaceful life, but my mental health is trying to kill that peace." With a mischievous grin, Yoshika cooed "This means that you really loved Kevin." Akeno, with a red blush creeping up her neck, put her head underwater. As Yoshika saw Akeno going under, she giggled "You're going soft on me. Your lungs can't hold you down there forever." Just then, Akeno forcefully blew out air as she thought "I don't have feelings for Kevin as I love him as a friend." Suddenly, Akeno forcefully breathed in water before she removed her head from the water. As Akeno resurfaced, her cheeks burned up as she moaned "I ain't in a sexual relationship with Kevin, as we are just friends." Yoshika then giggled "Whatever, Ms. Lover. When are you going out next?" Akeno blushed even redder as she muttered "He's married, baka. I won't want Mio leaving him as I know that Kevin is deeply in love with her." Yoshika then stared into Akeno's eyes before she purred "I can tell that you're holding some feelings for him." As Yoshika moved closer, Akeno squealed "Please Yoshika, we're just friends. Yoshika, a playful smirk dancing on her lips, echoed "Just friends?" She leaned in closer, her breath ghosting over Akeno's ear before cooing "Is that what you told yourself?" Akeno's cheeks flushed crimson. She tried to back away, but found herself pressed against the wall of the onsen. Yoshika's eyes held a mischievous glint as she moaned "Denying your feelings only makes them stronger, you know." Akeno's breath hitched as she could feel the rapid thump of her heart against her ribs as she stammered "I—" but the words caught in her throat. Suddenly, Yoshika made a guttural moan before her eyes rolled back, her body going limp. She slumped forward, her head falling onto the wall of the onsen with a soft thud. Akeno pressed her mouth onto Yoshika's ear and muttered "Have a good nap, Yoshi." Akeno then got out of the onsen as she said "I'm heading back inside the cabin." When inside, Akeno was getting dressed as she was listening to the radio. Just as Akeno had finished getting dressed, the news anchor on the radio said "This is 680 News, it's November 8, 2034, at 11:30 a.m. The top story this morning is that Joe Biden has raised the tariffs on imports to Canada by another twenty-five percent. This was the tenth straight year since Biden overthrew President-elect Donald Trump a month before he was set to enter the White House this time a decade ago. This means that everything imported from the States would cost Canadians two hundred fifty percent ever since his controversial rise to power." Just then, Yoshika came in and said "Fuck you, Biden." Akeno jumped in fear before saying "You're awake already." Yoshika then muttered "I have been passing out lately due to my high sex drive, but it feels so good fucking anyone every night." Akeno then giggled "Oh Yoshika, your too much sometimes. I'm assuming that Biden's ass is really making your drug trafficking business harder." Yoshika then stated "Fuck yeah, Biden is fucking up Yoshika Miyafuji Enterprise. I thought that US law enforcement couldn't touch me in Canada. Canada is the land where you can make meth in Toronto before someone can buy it in New York City. Ever since Biden came into power by killing Trump in 2024 after the latter won, I can hardly fly a plane full of meth under the radar across the border without tripping some type of alarm. Biden should've just let Trump take the Oval Office before he rode into the sunrise, but no Biden wanted to fuck the whole world by becoming a Hitler. I can feel that there's going to be a World War in the near future, and it's sooner than you might think. Biden is so old that I thought that he was retiring from the White House by January 2025, when Trump won. He already had four years as president prior to 2024. But anyhow, I would've ranted about this all day. Why did you leave the onsen?" Akeno then said "I need to buy some furniture for my new place." Yoshika then nodded "Okay then, Akeno. I'm going to go help Kirk and Alisa." As Yoshika left, Akeno went to her laptop and went onto Amazon. While looking on Amazon's website, Akeno thought "This Japanese floor table is so damn cute. Into my shopping cart you go." After a few minutes of shopping, Akeno bought over $15000 worth of furniture that reminded her of her childhood in Japan. Soon after, she went into the kitchen where Yekaterina was making lunch. Yekaterina noticed Akeno coming in and said "Hey, Akeno." Akeno then said "Hey, Yekaterina." Akeno sat at the table as Yekaterina placed a plate of pizza in front of her. As Akeno was eating, Yekaterina asked "What have you been up to?" Akeno swallowed a bite of pizza and replied "I was just doing some online shopping for furniture for the new house. I found some really cute stuff that reminded me of Japan." Yekaterina then smiled "That's wonderful, dear. I'm glad you're making it feel like home. It's important to have a space that reflects who you are." Akeno nodded, taking another bite before saying "Yeah, I found this really nice Japanese floor table, and some other traditional pieces. It was a bit pricey, though. I ended up spending around $15,000." Yekaterina's eyebrows raised slightly as she said "That's quite an investment. But if it makes you happy and creates the atmosphere you want, then it's worth it." Akeno shrugged, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks as she stated "I guess so. I just... I haven't really had a place to call my own in a long time. I wanted to make it special." Yekaterina reached across the table and gently placed her hand over Akeno's as she cooed "And you will, Akeno. This is your home now. We're your family." Akeno smiled warmly, her eyes meeting Yekaterina's as she said "Thanks, Katya. That means a lot to me. Yoshika was just ranting about Biden again. Apparently, the increased tariffs are really hurting her business." Yekaterina sighed "Yoshika will be Yoshika. She's always finding something to complain about. But I do worry about her sometimes. She lives a dangerous life." Akeno then nodded. "Yeah, she mentioned something about feeling like a world war was coming soon. It's a little unsettling." Yekaterina's expression turned serious as she stated "The political climate has been tense for years. With Biden's policies and the rising global tensions, it's hard not to be concerned. But we can only hope for the best and try to live our lives as peacefully as possible." A moment of comfortable silence passed between them as Akeno finished her pizza before she asked "So, what are you planning to do for the rest of the day?" Yekaterina then smiled "I was thinking of baking some cookies. Would you like to help?" Akeno's face lit up as she said "I'd love to! I haven't baked anything in ages." As they began gathering ingredients for the cookies, the sounds of hammering and sawing continued outside, a reminder of the house nearing completion. Despite the underlying tension of the political climate and Yoshika's worries, a sense of warmth and domesticity filled the cabin. Akeno finally felt a sense of belonging, a feeling of home, that she hadn't experienced in a long time. As the duo finished baking the cookies, Kirk came in and said "Yekaterina, I just got a text from a friend, Anzhelina, that my mother passed away." Just then, Akeno noticed a tear running down Yekaterina's cheek before she crumpled to the floor, her body shook with violent sobs, each gasp punctuated by a choked cry. Akeno looked at the broken woman on the floor as she thought "She really loves her grandmother." Akeno then went down to Yekaterina and held her in a hug as she wailed "БАБУШКА! БАБУШКА! БАБУШКА! БАБУШКА! БАБУШКА!" As Akeno held Yekaterina in a hug, she thought "She's really heartbroken about this. This is an utter raw, primal sound of anguish born of deep, gut-wrenching grief." Akeno started to stroke Yekaterina's blonde shoulder-length hair as she cooed "There, there, Yekaterina." Kirk then came over to rub her back before saying "It's okay, Yekaterina. Alina was a great soul." Akeno then noticed Yoshika and Alisa in the doorway. As the two ladies came over, Yoshika said "I wish I could say I understand exactly how you feel, but I never had the chance to get to know my grandmother. I'm so sorry for your loss." Alisa then said "I'm deeply sorry, Yekaterina, your grandmother must've lived a good long life. My grandmother passed last year, and I know how much it hurts." Yekaterina, with renewed vigor, sobbed harder in Akeno's arms. The floodgates opened, and her sobs intensified, tears streamed down her face and shoulders heaved. Akeno tightened the hug as Yekaterina thought "Fuck me, this ain't happening." Just then, Yekaterina ripped out a guttural wail from deep within her before going limp. Akeno noticed Yekaterina passing out and started to carry her to the couch. Akeno grunted slightly under Yekaterina's weight as she shifted her onto the couch, a deep ache settling in her own chest. When there, Akeno lay Yekaterina down before sitting next to her and placing her head onto her lap. As Akeno was wiping the tears from Yekaterina's cheeks, Kirk came over and said "Akeno, both I and Yekaterina need to go back to Novosibirsk for the funeral. I'd still finish building the house though." Akeno nodded as she looked at Yekaterina while stroking her hair. The group were silent for the rest of the day as they mourned the lost. As the group went to bed later that night, Akeno went over to Kirk in the living room and said "I'm so sorry about your mother." Kirk then said "Alina was a great woman, and I'm going to miss her deeply." Akeno pecked him on the cheek and then said "I bet she was, Kirk. This is what I felt when I lost my folks at a young age. But anyway, good night." Kirk then nodded as Akeno went into her room. The following morning, on November 9, Akeno woke up and went to the washroom. Afterward, she passed Yekaterina's room. Akeno looked inside to see her peacefully sleeping and thought "I can't believe that she was so utterly vulnerable. I hate seeing anyone I love like that, especially when they lose a loved one. It makes me want to shield her from the entire world, to keep her safe from any further pain." She then came in and went to Yekaterina's bedside. With a protective glare in her eyes, Akeno softly shook Yekaterina. She groggily woke up and looked at Akeno before mumbling "Mmm... Akeno? What time is it?" Akeno sat beside her and said "It's 8:45." As Yekaterina got up, Akeno wrapped her in a warm hug as she cooed "I'm really sorry about your grandmother." Yekaterina felt warm and fuzzy inside as she returned the hug. As the hug continued, Yekaterina pulled away before saying "You know that Kirk and I are going back to Russia for the funeral, right?" Akeno nodded "I know, Katya, but I don't want you to go. I'm going to miss your warmth, your motherly love and your sweet words." Yekaterina pulled Akeno into her chest and cooed "I'm coming back after the funeral, Aki. When I come back to Goderich, I'll give you all the warmth that my adopted daughter wants." Akeno then nuzzled deeper into Yekaterina's chest as she cooed "I love you, Mommy." Yekaterina held Akeno closer as she muttered "Come on, let's get some breakfast." The pair went into the kitchen where Yekaterina warm up some rassolnik from the other day. Just as the duo finished their meal, Kirk came in and said "Akeno, It's early, but your house is now done." Akeno jumped out of Yekaterina's lap and ran out the cabin to see her traditional Japanese house was finished. Tears streamed down Akeno's face, blurring her vision as she hugged Kirk while cooing "Thank you, Kirk, thank you." Kirk then hugged her back as he said "You don't need to say thank you as this is what friends are for." In the meantime, Yoshika got a text from Lynette stating "Where are you, Yoshi? I haven't heard from you in a few days and I feared that you might've gotten killed. By the way, we have a shipment of two tons of meth that needs flying to Deckerville, Michigan." Yoshika then texted "I'm ain't dead, but just finished helping a friend. I'm coming back to Sunny Acres Trailer Park." Yoshika went over to the group and said "Hey guys, I need to bugger off due to some business. Yekaterina and Kirk, I'm sorry about your loss. Alisa, I'll love some more sexy time later the next time we meet. Akeno, I'll come over some time for another dip in your onsen." As Yoshika rode off in her van, Kirk said "I already bought plane tickets for Novosibirsk. The flight is at eight tonight. We should get to Pearson." Yekaterina looked at Akeno and said "I think this is the end for now, Aki. Please enjoy yourself in your new place until I come back and don't think about drowning yourself. I'll call you when I arrive in Russia." Akeno ran into her arms as she muttered "Thank you, Katya." Kirk then went over to Akeno and hugged her while saying "You're such a strong young woman, Akeno." Akeno nuzzled into his hug while muttering "Thank you, big guy." Soon after, Kirk and Yekaterina entered their car and drove off. As Akeno watched them going into the distance, she thought "I'm happy with this new life of mine." Later that afternoon, the furniture was delivered and Akeno arranged it to her liking. Akeno wrestled the oversize armchair into place, finally satisfied when it faced the lake view perfectly. She then spent the next few hours meticulously arranging her collection of vintage records on the new shelves. When she finished, Akeno thought "This is the fucking shit. Oh yeah, this is the fucking shit." Just then, her phone rang and Akeno rushed to get it. When she answered it, Akeno said "Hey Kevin, how are you?" Kevin, with a sigh of joy, said "I'm doing well, Aki. What are you up to, baby girl?" Akeno flopped onto the couch as she said "I just finished arranging my new furniture." Kevin then said "Your house is finally finished, I'm guessing." Akeno started to cuddle a pillow as she sighed "Yes, it is, Kev. I'm tired from moving all this furniture as I'm thinking of going into town for a drink." Kevin then said "Alright Aki, have fun in town." As Akeno ended the call, she muttered "I'm glad that I have Kevin as a friend." Akeno then drove to the Paddy O'Neils Restaurant Pub in Goderich. When she entered the bar, Akeno said "Can I have a beer please?" As the bartender gave her a beer, Akeno noticed a guy that she couldn't keep her eyes off. In her mind, Akeno thought "That man looks so familiar, but I can't remember who." A warmth spread across Akeno's cheeks as she thought "Go say hello to him, you baka." Akeno blushed more as she thought "Oh fuck, I'm going to this person." When Akeno got there, she said "Hey there, can I sit here?" He nodded his head as Akeno flopped next to him. As they were sitting together, Akeno said "I'm Akeno and how are you?" He then exclaimed "I'm Ken. It's nice to meet you, Akeno. Why are you in town?" After a sip of her beer, Akeno replied "I just needed a cold one after hours of arranging furniture." Ken then stated "That's nice. You just arrived in Goderich?" Akeno then muttered "I have been living off the land on my property for a few days before my house was finished earlier today." Ken smiled "That's lovely, Akeno. Do you want another beer, sweetie?" Akeno nodded as Ken waved for two more beers. As the beers arrived, Akeno said "You look so familiar to someone I knew, but I can't put my finger on it." Ken grinned as he joked "I get my good looks from my twin brother Kevin, who died 14 years ago in a botched bank robbery in Montreal." Akeno's mind raced as she thought "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I thought that Ken was still in Osaka after he went AWOL from the Secret Service nine years back." Akeno started to blush as she muttered "Kev... Kevin is alive." Ken nearly choked on his beer before he said "You're shitting me. He's dead." With sweat beating down her forehead, Akeno said "Kevin really is alive, here's proof." Akeno then took out her phone and flipped through her pictures until she said "This picture was taken three months ago." Ken, with skepticism in his eyes, examined the photo closely for a few moments before saying "In my years of working in counterfeiting, I believe that this photo is photoshopped." Akeno's heart was racing a million miles an hour as she stated "I... I ain't fucking about it as Kevin is really alive. Kevin told me the other day that you were in the Secret Service, but you went nuts nine years back and ran to Osaka." With widened eyes, Ken said "Ho... how in the hell? No. No, this can't freaking be." Akeno's heart was still racing as she said "If you still won't believe me, I'm going to call him." Akeno held her phone in trembling hands as she scrolled through her contacts, her finger hovering over Kevin’s name. With a trembling finger, she pressed the call button and put the phone on speaker. The ringing tone echoed in the sudden silence of the pub, punctuated only by the nervous breaths of Akeno and Ken. The ringing continued, each ring amplifying the tension in the air. Akeno’s eyes darted between her phone and Ken’s increasingly pale face. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the ringing stopped. Kevin’s voice filled the air as he said “Hey Aki, what’s up?” Akeno’s voice was strained as she said “Kevin… I’m with someone who says he’s your brother.” There was a pause at the other end of the line, a stunned silence that stretched into an eternity. Then, Kevin’s voice, laced with disbelief and a hint of fear, asked “Ken?” Ken’s breath hitched. He stared at the phone as if it were a ghost, his eyes filled with a mixture of shock, disbelief, and a flicker of hope. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Akeno looked from Ken to the phone, her heart pounding in her chest as Ken muttered "Holy shit. No way. I don't believe it." After a few moments, Ken nervously said "Kev... Kevin, if your really my twin, when's my birthday?" The question hung in the air, thick with anticipation. Akeno held her breath, watching Ken's face, a mixture of hope and apprehension etched on his features. The pub, usually bustling with chatter, seemed to hold its breath as well. A beat of silence. Then, Kevin's voice, clear and steady despite the obvious shock, came through the phone's speaker as he said "February 25th, 2000. I was born two minutes before you." Ken's eyes widened, and a single tear rolled down his cheek. He looked at Akeno, then back at the phone clutched in her hand as he muttered "Holy… holy shit." He reached out a trembling hand and gently took the phone from Akeno. When Ken got the phone, he asked "Kev? Is... is it really you?" The reply came instantly, warm and filled with a relief that mirrored Ken's own as Kevin stated "Ken? Is that is... that really you? After all these years." A wave of emotion washed over Ken. He closed his eyes, his hand tightening around the phone and his voice thick with tears as he said "I... I thought you were dead. They told me... they told me you were gone." Kevin, his voice firm, said "They lied. I've been looking for you, Ken. For so long." A silence descended between the two brothers, a silence filled with the weight of years of separation, of grief, of longing. Akeno watched them, her own heart aching with a strange mix of relief and sadness. She had inadvertently reunited two brothers who had thought each other were lost forever. Finally, Ken, his voice raw with emotion, spoke "Where are you, Kev? I… I need to see you." Kevin then replied "I'm in Vaughan. I just spoke to Aki earlier. She's been a good friend." Ken's head snapped up, his eyes meeting Akeno's. A look of dawning realization crossed his face as he asked "You... you know?" Akeno slowly nodded "He told me about you. About the Secret Service, about... about what happened." Ken turned back to the phone and said "You're... you're in Vaughan. Where in Vaughan?" Kevin then confirmed "I'll... I'll come to Goderich as I promised Akeno to come see her new place." The call ended, and Ken stood there, staring at the phone in his hand, a look of utter disbelief on his face. He looked at Akeno, a small smile beginning to form on his lips as he said "He's... he's really alive. My brother... he's alive." Out of nowhere, Ken suddenly hugged Akeno as he said "Thank you, Akeno, for finding my brother." Akeno felt the heat in her cheeks rise as Ken hugged her. As the heat in Akeno's cheeks glowed hotter, she hugged Ken back. After a moment of pure bliss, they released the hug and Ken said "Kevin was a good brother during their childhood, but after he went into crime a couple of years after his high school graduation, I was heartbroken. Do you want another beer, Akeno?" Akeno nodded, and they spent the rest of the evening at the pub before it closed for the night. When they left the Paddy O'Neils Restaurant Pub, Ken asked "Would you like me to take you home?" Akeno playfully punched his arm and said "I like that, Ken." As the two of them were riding in a taxi, Ken asked "How did you first meet my brother?" Akeno, with a sigh, said "I was a repo agent five years back, and I repossessed his son's car. To make a long story short, Kevin forced me to wreck the car by crashing it into my workplace, causing me to get fired and my downfall into his world of crime." Ken looked at the moon as he muttered "He's really something. So, how's Kevin doing? Is he still married?" Akeno then stated "Yes, he still is." Ken then looked at Akeno and asked "Are you still in the game with him?" Akeno then said "The last time I pulled anything off with Kevin was at Casino Rama when we took twenty billion dollars three months ago, but since then nothing unless if you count me blowing up my former workplace of Petro-Canada in Beaverton last week." Just then, the cab driver said "Yeah, I think I was at that Petro-Canada just before it went up into kingdom come. I think you're the one that pumped my gas. Don't worry, I won't leak this to the press." Akeno then giggled "I think I remember you too. Just for this, I'll tip you a few grand when we get to my place." As the driver nodded, Akeno asked "Where do you live, Ken?" Ken then said "I live just outside Goderich at 35470 Huron Road." Just then, the driver said "We're at 81390 Champlain Boulevard, ma'am." As Akeno gave the driver 5 grand, Ken said "May I walk you to your door?" Akeno nodded as Ken lead her to the door. When there, Ken said "Well, this was a fun night, Akeno." In her mind, Akeno thought "Go kiss him. Kiss him now. No, wait, is it too soon? What if he doesn't like me like that? But he walked me home." Out of impulse, Akeno pressed her lips on Ken. As they locked in the kiss, Akeno suddenly broke away as she blushed as red as her dress. Ken, with predatory hunger, moaned "That was... nice." Akeno was burning up as she moaned "Go... good night, Ken. I... I will call you later." As Akeno was having a problem unlocking her door, Ken went back to the taxi. Just as the taxi pulled away, Akeno unlocked the door and flopped onto the couch. Later that night, Akeno was in bed while crying on a pillow. As another wave of sadness washed over Akeno, she sobbed "Why did I kiss him? I'm such a fucking baka. I just fucked up a great thing with Ken." Soon after, Akeno finally fell asleep. The next morning, on November 10, there was a knock on Akeno's door. Akeno burrowed deeper under the covers, a low groan escaping her lips. She swatted blindly at the air as if trying to shoo away the insistent knocking. The knocks persisted, hammering against the door and Akeno's patience. Veins began to throb on her forehead. With a groan of restlessness, Akeno got up and muttered "Alright, alright, I'm coming." As Akeno was putting a robe on, she thought "I hoped that the cab driver didn't rat me out." When Akeno unlocked the door and opened it a crack, the cool morning air brushed against her skin. Ken, with a bouquet of velvety red roses, their scent already filling the air, said "Good morning, beautiful. I found these lonely flowers wandering the streets, lost without their owner. I thought I'd return them." Akeno's face broke into a warm smile as she opened the door fully before saying "You're such a tease, baka. Please come in." When Ken came in, Akeno said "I'm just going to get something else on other than this robe before I make some tea." As Akeno rushed off to her room, Ken sat on the couch as he waited. After a few minutes, Akeno came back and asked "What kind of tea do you want? I got orange pekoe, Earl Grey or green tea." With a grin, Ken said "I think I'd have some Earl Grey please." Akeno nodded before she went into the kitchen and made the tea. A few minutes later, Akeno came out a tea pot and two tea cups into the living room. When Akeno poured the tea out, she asked "So Ken, what was the Secret Service like?" After he took a sip, Ken said "It was pretty interesting. I had the toughest job of protecting Joe Biden. When he killed president-elect Trump a month before he assumed office for a second term on January 20, 2025, and he took back power, I knew that I wanted out. Over the next few months, I planned to stab Biden in the back when I ditched him with some top secret files and flew to Japan. I lived in Osaka for many years until this past year, when the US was hell-bent on finding me. So I then moved to Goderich." Akeno then nodded "That's fascinating. Do you want another tea?" With a smile, Ken said "I would like another one, sweetheart." After Akeno got another tea for Ken, she asked "What's growing up with Kevin like?" Ken then stated "Kevin is really a cool older twin brother. He had some ups and downs, but it's okay." Akeno sighed "I really like Kevin. I just need to go into the kitchen to make some more tea." In the following hours, they lost track of time as the conversation flowed relatively naturally and by then it was already afternoon. Just as Ken was saying "When I was passing the football to Kevin, he tripped over his own feet and landed head first," the doorbell rang. As Akeno was heading to the door, she muttered "Who the fuck is at the door?" When she opened the door, Akeno's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she yelped "KEVIN! MIO!" With open arms, Kevin said "Give me a freaking hug, Aki." Tears were streaming down Akeno's eyes as she ran into Kevin's arms. As Kevin lifted her in a hug, Akeno yelped "HE'S HERE! KEN IS HERE!" Kevin's eyes widened as he muttered "Is Ken really here?" Akeno nodded "He's really here, please come in and I'll show you." Akeno then squirmed out of the hug and grabbed Kevin's hand before she led him to the living room. Just as they entered the living room, Akeno yelped "KEN, SOMEONE IS HERE FOR YOU!" Ken looked at Kevin and vice versa for a few moments before the two brothers gave each other a bear hug. While still hugging, Ken said "I thought you were dead." Kevin then stated "I faked my death and I thought that you were still in Japan." Ken then said "I moved back to Goderich last year. How did you fake your death?" Soon after, they stopped hugging and Kevin said "One of my friends, Mashiro, who is in the Blue Mermaids, shot me in the gut after me, Yoshika and Thea got to the place of the set-up place." Ken nodded as he went over to Mio and gave her a hug. As Ken held Mio tighter, he said "You still look as stunning as ever, Mio. You haven't changed since high school." As Mio blushed, she hugged Ken and said "I kind of had a crush on you back then, but I fell under your twin's spell. As stubborn and rageful as Kevin is, I still love him from the bottom of my heart." Kevin then laughed "As a rare Japanese gem as Mio is, she's such a tiger." Mio looked at Kevin and purred "You're such a tease, Kev. Maybe when we go to bed tonight, I'll unleash my tiger on you." Kevin then pressed his mouth onto Mio's ear and moaned "And I'll unleash my tiger on you too." Mio playfully pushed Kevin away as she cooed "Stop it, Kevin. You're starting my launch sequence." Kevin then playfully grabbed Mio's waist and cooed "I'm going to launch you to the tunnel of love in 3... 2... 1... lift off." As Kevin lifted Mio off her feet, she burst into laughter, squirming in Kevin's grasp as she cried "Kevin, stop, You're tickling me." After a few spins, Kevin put her down before they caressed each other's cheeks before pecking their lips. As Ken watched this, he said "I see that you two lovebirds are still spicing things up after fifteen years." Just as Mio placed her head on Kevin's chest, she said "Kevin is so dreamy, and I wouldn't want to trade him for anything in the world." When Kevin started to sniff Mio's hair, he stated "I don't want to trade Mio either as she's my rock during my lowest of lows." Akeno, with a sigh of joy, said "If you lovebirds want to spice things up, the tea is getting cold. Let's go into the backyard." As the group entered the backyard, Kevin said "You have a nice house, Akeno. I wish I'd been here to help you build it." Akeno blushed "Thank you, Kevin. I'm glad that I had help building the house." Kevin then said "Where's everyone else?" Akeno then stated "Kirk and Yekaterina are in Russia for a funeral and Yoshika went to take care of some business." Suddenly, Mio yelped "THERE'S A ONSEN IN THE BACKYARD! GOODBYE CLOTHES AND HELLO ONSEN!" Just as Mio was about to take off her tank top, Kevin touched it as he said "Come on, Mio, we're guests here. You already pissed off our neighbors with your drunken nude swimming." As Mio felt Kevin's hands on her shirt, she whined "Kevin, don't be such a killjoy, baka. It's an onsen. Let me be free." When Mio started to squirm away, Kevin yelped "Where do you think you're... what the hell?" When Kevin noticed Mio's tank top in his hands, he watched her clothes flying pass him before she yelled "FREEDOM!" Just as Kevin was going to get Mio, while visibly annoyed, Akeno touched his shoulder and said "Let Mio be, Kev." Suddenly, Mio splashed Kevin in the face before saying "You're right to get a face full of water, you sourpuss." With playful annoyance, Kevin stated "You asked for it." Kevin started to strip down before entering the onsen and dunk Mio's head underwater. The sudden rush of being dunked made Mio inhale water before she thought "Fuck, I'm getting claustrophobic under here." A few moments later, Mio started coughing and sputtering underwater before Kevin noticed her distress and pulled her head out. As Mio coughed and sputtered, Kevin held her closer. When Mio was nuzzling into Kevin's chest, she sputtered "Did you think that you would drown your wife? Just for this, I'll be extra spicy in the bedroom tonight." As Kevin felt Mio's warmth pressed against him, he groaned "I don't think that Akeno won't mind if we start spicing things up right now in the onsen." With Kevin's statement hanging in the air, Mio, with a mischievous grin, moved her hand to his member and moaned "I can see that it's already hard." Kevin's arousal was rising as he picked up Mio and placed her ass up his penis. The sudden placement of his penis into her ass made Mio yelp "THAT'S WHY I FUCKING LOVE YOU, KEVIN!" Suddenly, a Cessna clipped the top of the trees in the backyard, branches snapping like dry twigs, before it roared over the house. A deafening crash of metal followed, a sound that made Mio scream "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAW!" The air filled with the acrid smell of burning fuel. Kevin, his heart pounding in his chest, looked at Mio, his face pale as he stammered "I'm getting dressed," as he fumbled with his clothes. They got out of the onsen and hastily threw on some clothes before bursting out of the backyard. The scene that greeted them made their blood run cold. The plane lay in the street, twisted and smoking, a mangled mess of metal and debris. And then they saw her. Yoshika was limping away from the wreckage, one arm dangling limply, her face streaked with dirt and blood. She stumbled, her legs giving way beneath her. Kevin, his voice raw with terror, roared "YOSHIKA," as he sprinted towards her. Fear clawed at his throat as he dropped to his knees beside her, his hands hovering over her as if afraid to touch her. Kevin, his voice trembling, cooed "Yoshika. Yoshika, are you okay? Yoshika, please, talk to me." Yoshika, out of primal urge, got up and limped to the porch. Kevin tasted blood as Yoshika said "You need to help me, Kev. I'm carrying two tons of meth on that plane and if the pigs find out, I would be utterly fucked in the ass." Kevin nervously asked "Help with what?" As Yoshika spit out blood, she moaned "Lie to them." Just then, sirens were heard in the distance and Akeno said "Come on, Kevin, please don't lie to anyone." In his mind, Kevin thought "I want to lie to the police, but doing so would fuck things more in the long haul. Yoshika is my best friend, but she does impulsive shit like that on herself." Soon after, the first wave of emergency vehicles raced onto the scene. When an officer from the Ontario Provincial Police came over, she asked "Where can I find a Yoshika Miyafuji?" Kevin, with extreme fear and love for Yoshika, pointed at her on the porch. The officer then grabbed her gun and aimed it at Yoshika before saying "Yoshika Miyafuji, you're under arrest for drug trafficking, reckless endangerment and negligent operation of an aircraft. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." As the officer cuffed Yoshika and led her off, she looked at Kevin as she thought "Why didn't you lie to them, Kevin." When Yoshika was being hauled away, Kevin's loyalty to Yoshika and what he just did to her started to unleash his dark side. Kevin started to pace back and forth as he muttered "I should've busted Yoshika out the old-fashioned way, with guns, but I know that I wouldn't want to go down that rabbit hole again." Mio noticed Kevin's distress and went over to him where she hugged him and whispered "If you decided to bust Yoshika out with violence, I wouldn't mind it." Kevin looked dumbfoundedly at Mio before saying "I thought that you want me to have a peaceful life away from crime." Mio, tightening her hug slightly, with a voice was soft, almost a purr, but there was a steeliness beneath it, whispered "I do want you to have a peaceful life, Kevin. But some things, some things are worth fighting for. Yoshika is family. And if the only way to protect your family is with a little or a lot of force, then so be it. I won't stand by and watch her suffer." She pulled back just enough to look Kevin in the eyes, her expression serious as she cooed "I want you to be happy, Kevin. Truly. But I also know you. I know that you wouldn't be happy knowing you could have done something and didn't. If you feel in your heart that violence is the only way to save her, then I will support you. I'll even help you. Just try not to get yourself killed, okay?" With loving eyes, Kevin lifted Mio off her feet as he cooed "That's why I love you, my rare Japanese gem." He then dipped Mio before kissing her. Mio, blushing as red as the fire trucks, moaned "Your love needs to be hosed down right now as I'm burning up with it. But anyhow, let's go back inside the house." The group went back inside and watched the NTSB investigate the scene. Later that evening, they all sat in Akeno's living room as Akeno said "I can't believe that Yoshika is in jail." Kevin placed a hand on her shoulder and muttered "She's a wild nut, but sometimes the wildness needs to be caged." Ken looked at Kevin and asked "Is Yoshika still really in the game?" Kevin then stated "Is she ever. The often gas-sniffing, midnight killing sprees and the hell-bent sexy time made its mark on the world. I'm shocked that she's still alive after fighting with the devil himself so many times. But she's my friend, and I'll go to hell and back and through fire and brimstone to get her out." Ken then said "Yoshika ain't that bad." But Kevin bellowed "Just ask Mio about the time she had to wrestle Yoshika away from shaking a hornet's nest or Akeno about the time when rats ran up her panties in Yoshika's flaming bag of shit van." Suddenly, Akeno moaned "That's still give me hives every time I think about those little dirty perverts running up into my pussy." Kevin then sighed "I just want to make a joke about a rat being behind Akeno, but it's not the time right now." Just then, the doorbell rang and Akeno went to answer it. When she opened it, Mashiro and two Blue Mermaid agents were there. As Akeno noticed Mashiro, she said "Oh, hello. Please come in." Mashiro and the agents came in and went to the living room. When Mashiro sat down next to Kevin, he said "I'm guessing that you heard about Yoshika, Shiro." As Mashiro placed her hand on Kevin's lap, she said "Yoshika might be extradited to the United States for drug smuggling, human trafficking and armed robbery as well as facing the same crimes in Ontario and Quebec in Canada." At the moment, Kevin saw red as he muttered "I can't believe this flaming bag of shit. I could break her out of prison in Canada, but if she was extradited down there, breaking her out would be a death sentence for all of us." On the verge of blowing up, Mio touched Kevin's manhood to calm him down. Kevin, feeling her hand on his penis, moaned "You always know how to soothe my rage, Mio." Mashiro felt pity for Kevin as she knew that all of this was paining him, as she said "I could be able to help Yoshika, but if she's extradited to the States, the Blue Mermaids have no jurisdiction in the United States." Out of nowhere, Ken said "I don't know if Joe Biden would open his arms, but I can ask him to pardon Yoshika if she was sent to the United States." Kevin grinned "I forgot that you used to work for the Secret Service. Maybe this might work if Biden still didn't want to chop your head off, Ken." Akeno yawned "I think I'm going to bed." Ken then stated "Well, I'm thinking of heading home as well." Akeno grabbed his arm and said "You're a guest here, Ken. I'll set you a room for you." Ken looked at Akeno before grinning "Thank you, Aki." Akeno then looked at Kevin and Mio before saying "I think it's too late for you to drive back to Vaughan, Kevin and Mio. I'm setting up a room for you two as well." Mashiro then said "I need to go as I need to do some paperwork. Momoko and Chie, let's go." As Mashiro and the two agents leave, Akeno went to Kevin before starting to rub his stomach and said "Everything's going to be okay, big guy." Kevin's stomach involuntarily twitched as he moaned "I really like that, Aki." Akeno then grinned "Let's get you and Mio a room." Just as Akeno led them to a room, Kevin pecked her on the cheek. Suddenly, Akeno made a startled gasp as she stuttered "Wha... what was that for, baka?" Kevin, with the stare born out of pure warmth, said "That was for everything, Akeno, over the years." Akeno's eyes lid up as she cooed "That's the sweetest thing you ever said to me. But anyway, let's go to bed." When the night wore on, the group were peacefully sleeping, but Akeno was restless. She then looked at Kevin cuddling Mio in their sleep and thought "I really think I need that special someone, like Ken." Out of impulse, Akeno curled herself into Kevin's arms before falling asleep. In the morning of November 11, Akeno stirred when Kevin started to stroke her hair. Suddenly, Akeno opened her eyes as Kevin said "I see that you made yourself nice and warm to me during the night." A wave of embarrassment washed over her, quickly followed by a strange sense of comfort. She felt safe, secure in his embrace. It was a feeling she hadn't realized she craved. A deep red blush raced up her neck, reaching her ears and making them feel hot as Akeno yelped "I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She tried to pull back slightly, but Kevin's arm tightened just a fraction, preventing her from moving too far. His smile widened slightly, his voice a low rumble in his chest as he said "There's no need to apologize. I didn't mind at all." At the moment, Akeno felt utterly numb as she thought "Is this what the feeling of love is? Is this what love feels like?" As Kevin placed his lips on her forehead, Akeno shivered "I feel a warmth spreading through me from your kiss. Please don't stop kissing my forehead." Kevin, with renewed vigor, pressed his lips on Akeno's forehead and gave her many wet kisses. The warmth within Akeno made her squeal "Those wet kisses are so gross, but don't stop." Suddenly, Kevin stopped kissing the forehead and said "As for your punishment for blushing, I'll give you a belly kiss." With a playful glint in his eyes, Kevin lifted the hem of Akeno's shirt slightly, he placed a tender kiss just below her navel. A soft sigh escaped her lips, her blush deepening. As Kevin grinned as he stopped the punishment and looked at her, Akeno muttered "My stomach has always been a private part of me, but that kiss had fired something inside of me that I never felt before." Kevin, with a smile, said "Your belly is as soft as Mio's." As Kevin was about to give Akeno another belly kiss, his phone rung. Annoyed, Kevin answered the phone and said "Hello there, Mashiro." On the other side of the phone, Mashiro said "Yoshika's case is happening today at 361 University Avenue. I'm sending a team to Akeno's place in Goderich to drive the group there." Kevin then said "Okay, Shiro, see you soon." When he hung up, Mio asked "What happened?" Kevin then stated "Yoshika's case is today and Mashiro's team is picking us up." Mio got up before saying "I'm going to make breakfast. Akeno, if you ain't too busy finding your newfound love, you can help me." Akeno then nodded before Kevin let her go. When the duo enters the kitchen, Akeno's phone rings. She answered and said "Hey Yekaterina, how are you?" Yekaterina then said "I'm doing fine, Akeno. What's up?" A tear came down Akeno's cheek as she muttered "Yoshika was arrested yesterday after she crash-landed a plane full of meth near my house." Yekaterina gasped "No freaking way. What are you going to do now?" Akeno then said "We're about to head out to Toronto for her proceedings." Yekaterina then stated "How are things other than Yoshika?" Akeno lightly grinned as she muttered "I think your fortune-telling from the other day was partly right." Yekaterina then asked "And why's that, Akeno?" Akeno then said "I think I found that special someone within the week that has the same appearance as my partner in crime." Yekaterina happily said "That's nice." Just then, the doorbell rang and Akeno said "I need to go, Katya." After Akeno ended the call, she went and opened the door for Mashiro. When she came in, Mashiro said "Where's Kevin? Is he still being a lazy bastard? I want to give him a little gift if he's still asleep." Akeno pointed to the room where he was sleeping in and Mashiro tiptoed there. As she entered, Mashiro got a bundle of firecrackers from her bag and placed it next to the sleeping Kevin. Mashiro set the firecrackers up and, with the lid of a lighter, ignited the fuse before rushing to the doorway. Mashiro's mischievous grin widened as she watched the fuse sputter and spark, quickly eating its way towards the cluster of firecrackers nestled beside the peacefully slumbering Kevin. The first firecracker popped with a sharp crack, followed immediately by a rapid succession of bursts and bangs. The room filled with flashes of light and the acrid smell of gunpowder. Kevin, with the roar of a wild animal, bolted out of bed and yelled "WHAT IN THE FLAMING BAG OF SHIT WAS THAT! I JUST SHIT MY FUCKING PANTS!" As the firecrackers stopped blowing up, Mashiro giggled "Oh my god, come out of there. I can't see you through the smoke." Kevin, his face looking like it was about to blow up, came out and barked "YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU'RE TRYING TO GODDAMN KILL ME!" Mashiro playfully touched Kevin's manhood and cooed "Calm down, Kevin, the fireworks were just a prank." But Kevin yelled "PRANK MY MOTHERFUCKING ASS!" Mashiro then tightened her hold on Kevin's shaft and cooed "Please calm down, Kevin. Rage ain't the answer, but cumming is." As the rage was building within Kevin, he farted and the shit flew out his pants. Mashiro then held Kevin's cock even harder as she cooed "If you're shitting yourself was soothing you, please do it again." Suddenly, Kevin made a roar as he farted again before he started cumming. As the cum filled Mashiro's hand, she pecked Kevin's cheek and muttered "Does it feel better, Kev?" Kevin then moaned "Yes, Shiro. May I get some Burger King?" Mashiro then said "Maybe after we leave the courthouse. Let's get you clean up before we go." Mashiro then led him to the washroom where she lifted Kevin into the bath and undressed him. As Mashiro started to wash his rear end, Kevin thought "I'm being washed by a Blue Mermaid agent." Just then, with a mischievous grin, Kevin snatched the hand-held shower nozzle from Mashiro, aimed it and gave her a quick blast of cold water in the face. Mashiro's eyes widened, a mix of shock and laughter bubbling up as she squealed "WHAT THE HELL, KEVIN!" Kevin then retorted "You are the hell, my soggy friend. Payback is a firecracker for nearly blowing me to kingdom come with those things while I was sleeping." Kevin then started spraying her again as Mashiro gasped "STOP IT BAKA, I'M ALLERGIC TO WATER! I'M MELTING!" Kevin kept spraying as he said "You're a Blue Mermaid agent, ain't mermaids love water?" Trying to suppress a laugh, Mashiro lunged forward, her fingers finding Kevin's ticklish ribs as she yelped "Cease and desist." As Kevin was trying not to laugh, he giggled "Never." Mashiro noticed her uniform was getting wetter by the moment and said "Please Kevin, you’re going to drown me." With the grin born of out pranking, Kevin giggled "Maybe I'll drown you, Shiro." Suddenly, Mashiro twisted Kevin's arm with the nozzle and laughed "Payback is a mother chicken." Kevin was being spray with water as Mashiro kept spraying him while still tickling his ribs. In his mind, Kevin thought "I'm really getting aroused here." After a few moments, Kevin giggled "UNCLE! UNCLE! UNCLE!" Mashiro stopped spraying him before pecking his cheek, and saying "Let's get you dry and dress." After Mashiro helped Kevin get dressed, and she got into dry clothes, the group entered the Blue Mermaids' vehicles and drove to Toronto. While on the road, Kevin noticed Mashiro looking up into the sky and thought "Maybe I'll pull a Yoshika on her right now." Kevin then hugged Mashiro before nipping her ear while muttering "Where's my van?" Mashiro squealed "What the hell, Kevin? Please stop." Kevin stopped nipping before saying "Come on, Mashiro, where's your sense of humor? This is what Yoshika would do if she wasn't locked up." Kevin then started tickling Mashiro's rib cage as she playfully pushed him away, but it was a losing battle. As Mashiro tried to playfully fight back, she giggled "I ain't getting paid enough for this." Kevin stopped tickling and grinned "This moment is the only payment you need." Mashiro lightly shoved Kevin before saying "You're such a freaking tease, baka. Please regain yourself before we reach the courthouse, or I'll tase you." Kevin then sighed "You're the boss, Shiro." 2 hours later, they arrived at the courthouse at 361 University Avenue to a large crowd chanting Kevin's name. Ken whispered "Why are they chanting your name, Kev?" Kevin then looked at him and said "I'm a pretty big name for my crimes, even if I haven't faced the arms of the law myself." While the group walked into the courthouse, the officers manning the crowd were dumbfounded that Kevin got the nerve to go into court without facing the arm of the law himself. When they entered court, the judge said "You have some nerve to enter my court without being in a jumpsuit and cuffs." Kevin then said "We all do due process, I haven't been arrested yet." Suddenly, two court officers came in hauling Yoshika. As they were hauling her to the stand, Yoshika looked at Kevin with tears about to come out. Mio pressed her mouth into Kevin's ear before cooing "Please settle down, big guy." Just then, the judge hammered the gavel as he said "Order, let the hearings start. We're all here today due to Yoshika Miyafuji's crimes for nineteen years. She did many heinous things under the sun and had no remorse for any of them. Do you have anything to say, Ms. Miyafuji?" Yoshika stood up before saying "I didn't do any heinous crimes as I was doing what I would do. Yeah, I did get the odd speeding or reckless driving fine here and there, but nothing that would have me in a jumpsuit?" The attorney then said "Did you recall the plane you crashed fully loaded with meth?" Yoshika then stated "What plane crash are you talking about? The only plane crash is you when I win this thing, Mr. Attorney." The judge barked "Listen here, young lady. Your mood ain't going to win any hearts as you know that you crashed that plane." Yoshika then said "But I'm telling you the truth, sir. Can't you notice that I'm a poor, helpless girl that was wrongly accused?" The judge muttered "This is going to be a long case." Suddenly, Justin Trudeau entered court and said "This is an outrage, as Yoshika is not the monster you all think she is. I am hereby pardoning Yoshika Miyafuji in Ontario and Quebec as of right now." Yoshika smiled widely as the judge stated "How is this possible? I want to see the proof." Justin pointed at the judge and said "You want me to fire you? I'm the Prime Minister of Canada for Christ's sake. Toss this case out before I make you jobless and homeless." The judge hammered the gavel as he said "Case dismiss." As the judge left with his arms shaking in the air, Kevin went over to Yoshika and said "I'm sorry about not lying earlier." Yoshika then said "That's okay, big cock. You're my best friend and if you don't want to lie, I'm fine with that." The two court officers came over and one of them said "Come on, big pussy, you still got shit down in the States, Ms. Miyafuji." As the officers were hauling Yoshika back to the jail, Kevin pressed his mouth into Mashiro's ear and muttered "Where's my Burger King?" She then playfully shoved Kevin as she giggled "I really missed your fast food burping fests." Kevin pecked her cheek as he said "Maybe I'll rip out a spicy one for you. Oh wait, I think I'm going to have one for you right now." Kevin then let out a loud, resonant burp, causing laughter and a few disgusted looks around them. Mashiro, with a mock expression of horror, waved her hand in front of her face, saying "You're the worst, Kevin. But you win this round. Let's get you that Burger King before you decide to do something even more outrageous." As they left the courthouse, the group navigated through the now dispersing crowd, with Kevin's name still echoing in the air. They made their way to a nearby Burger King, where Kevin promptly ordered a double Whopper with all the fixings. While they waited for the food, Ken looked at Kevin, still processing the day's events and said "So, even after all this, you're still seen as some sort of folk hero by these people?" Mio, leaning against Kevin, chuckled "Or the right ones, depending on who they ask. But let's not tempt fate. We've had enough excitement for one day." Once their order was up, Kevin dove into his burger with gusto, his earlier tension easing with each bite. The group found a corner table where they sat down, the atmosphere lightening as they shared stories and laughed, temporarily forgetting the day's drama. Akeno, watching Kevin, felt a mix of admiration and contemplation. The morning's closeness had stirred something within her, but the reality of their lives, filled with danger and unpredictability, made her question the future. Yet, there was comfort in the camaraderie, the bond they all shared. Ken, on the other hand, seemed to be piecing together his feelings about his brother's life as he said "I guess I've missed a lot, huh?" Kevin, with a mouth full of food, nodded "Yeah, but you're here now. That's what counts." After the meal, as they were leaving, Mashiro received a call. She listened intently, her expression turning serious before saying "Looks like we might have to deal with some fallout from today's events. The U.S. isn't happy about Yoshika's Canadian pardon." Kevin, the weight of the situation settling back on his shoulders, sighed "We'll deal with it. We always do. But first, let's go to the Westin Harbour Castle hotel. We all need some peace after this." When they got into the hotel's lobby at mid-afternoon, Akoya came from behind and jumped onto Kevin's back before covering his eyes and then muttered "Guess who?" Kevin, with playful mischief, grabbed Akoya by the ankle and hung her upside down before moaning "What about I playfully let you breathe in water from the pool, Akoya?" Akoya's eyes widened as she playfully flailed before squealing "Please not the drowning. I'll do anything but empty my lungs underwater." Kevin then grinned "At least give me a freaking hug then." Akoya nodded vigorously before Kevin let her free. As they hugged, Akoya said "I heard what happened to Yoshika." Kevin then pressed his mouth into her ear and sighed "She's a nut sometimes." Akoya playfully pushed him away as she giggled "Your breath is tickling my ear. But anyway, can you please ride with me?" Kevin nodded as Akoya led him to her Harley-Davidson. As they got there, Kevin said "Nice chopper, Akoya. I'm assuming that this is a Graf Spee Motorcycle Club-issued bike." Akoya smiled "Yeah, it's a club-issued bike. When the club fell apart a few months back, I just wanted this Harley for myself. By the way, you need to hold onto me. Maybe you can give my breasts a good squeeze while you're at it." The two of them got on the Harley and Kevin wrapped his arms around her waist before she rode off. During the ride, Kevin was getting a face full of Akoya's hair as he thought "I wish that Mio had bought a chopper, so I could get a face full of her hair." Akoya noticed Kevin was staring into space and said "Are you going into the tunnel of love due to my hair hitting you in the face?" Kevin, falling farther into his daze, moaned "I want more hair in the face please." Akoya then pulled into an Esso gas station where she turned to face him. Kevin looked nervous as he asked "Are you going to mug me?" Akoya smiled "I'm going to mug you for a kiss." Kevin then grinned "Oh really? Is that how you operate around here? I might just have to press charges with my lips." Akoya moved closer as Kevin did the same thing. As the two were about to kiss, a voice called out "Well, you two are spicing shit up." They stopped and looked at Anemo standing near her Harley-Davidson. Akoya's face started to redden as she muttered "It's been a while, Anemo." Anemo grinned as she went to Kevin, where she moved his chin to stare into her eyes before saying "Is it true that you told my friend, Akoya, to leave the club a few months back?" Akoya then stated "Kevin didn't force me to do Jack shit as the whole CN Tower terrorist attack a few months ago force the Graf Spee to go their ways." Suddenly, Kevin said "You're hot, and you know you are," before pressing a kiss on Anemo. The sudden kiss made Anemo rambled "The hell was that for, you cheeky bastard? Man germs in my mouth." As Anemo was trying to gag herself, both Kevin and Akoya tried not to laugh. Kevin then went over to talk with Anemo, but she stopped him by saying "Don't come near me, you man germ. I got one of my eyes badly fucked due to you fool." Kevin didn't step down as he touched Anemo's shoulder and said "You don't need to be just a stubborn fool. What happened in Fenelon Falls is history. People can make up from past dues. Just ask Akoya. She was fearful when I went up to make up with her and look at us now." Anemo looked at Kevin before she barfed on his shoe. As Anemo kept vomiting, she suddenly stopped before she clawed at her throat. Just then, Anemo doubled over as she hacked for air. As Anemo kneeled to one knee, Akoya yelled "SHE'S CHOKING! PLEASE HELP HER, KEVIN!" Kevin quickly wrapped his arms around Anemo's waist and pressed it. As Kevin was doing the Heimlich maneuver, Anemo thought "Please go away, asshole man germ. Let me fucking die in utter hell." When Kevin felt that Anemo was going limp, he muttered "Please don't die on me, Anemo." On the verge of death, Anemo forcefully vomited out the blockage. Akoya rushed over as Kevin started cuddling Anemo. As Akoya kneeled down next to them, Anemo stirred as she muttered "Please stay away from me, man germ. Please stop cuddling me, man germ. Please help me, Akoya, to get rid of this man germ." Akoya held Anemo's hand and cooed "You're such a man hater, but Kevin saved your life. Would you call your father a man germ?" A tear came down Anemo's cheek as she returned Kevin's cuddle before saying "I'm sorry that I was such an anti-male, but I was traumatized by a man once." Kevin stroked her hair as he asked "Was it an abusive boyfriend or male family member?" Anemo, still catching her breath, looked up at Kevin with a mix of shame and vulnerability. Her voice was shaky as she confessed "It was my uncle. He... he did things to me when I was a kid. Ever since then, I've had this fear, this hatred towards men." Kevin's expression softened, understanding the depth of her pain. He continued to stroke her hair gently, providing a comforting presence without words, knowing sometimes silence and touch can heal more than any conversation. Akoya, who had witnessed Anemo's struggle with men over the years, gently squeezed her hand, offering support as she cooed "It's okay, Anemo. You're safe now. And Kevin here, he's different. He's proven that to me." Anemo took a deep breath, her body relaxing slightly as she felt the warmth of Kevin's embrace, something she hadn't allowed herself to feel from a man in years, as she whispered "I know. I can see that now. Thank you, Kevin, for saving me today, not just from choking but from myself, from my past." Kevin nodded, his voice calm and reassuring as he stated "We all have our battles, Anemo. But you're not alone anymore. We're here. And I'm sorry for what you went through. No one should have to experience that." Anemo managed a weak smile, the color slowly returning to her face as she muttered "I guess I owe you one, huh?" Kevin lightly chuckled "Consider the debt paid. But if you want to make it up to me, maybe give peace with men a chance. Not all is bad." Anemo, her gaze shifting between Kevin and Akoya, nodded "I'll try. For you both." Kevin stood up, helping Anemo to her feet as he said "Let's get back to the hotel. I think we all need some rest after today." As they rode back to the Westin Harbour Castle, the wind seemed less harsh, the world a bit more bearable. Kevin held onto Akoya, his thoughts drifting to the complexities of human relationships, the scars we carry, and the healing that sometimes begins with the most unexpected of allies. When they arrived back at the hotel in the early evening, the trio, along with Mio, went swimming in the pool. As Kevin was floating on his back, he noticed the eye patch on Anemo. He then swam over to her and started to trace his finger along the patch. Anemo's breath hitched as Kevin's soothing touch balmed her soul. Anemo lightly touched Kevin's hand as he said "That patch reminded me of the one my wife sometimes wears." Anemo was lost in thinking about Kevin's touch when she suddenly pulled underwater. The sudden submersion made Anemo hold Kevin around his waist. The world was muted beneath the surface, the sunlight filtering through the water in shimmering rays. Anemo looked up at Kevin, his eyes wide with concern, and a smile tugged at her lips. She reached up and touched his face, reassuring him that she was alright. Kevin's grip around her waist tightened, and he pulled her closer, his gaze searching her eyes. Anemo felt a shiver run down her spine, and she knew that the moment was about to change. Her lips met his in a soft, tentative kiss, and Anemo's eyes fluttered closed. The world above the surface disappeared, and they were alone in their own little world, surrounded by the cool embrace of the water. The kiss deepened, and Anemo's arms snaked around Kevin's neck, pulling him closer. She could feel the rapid beat of his heart against her own, and she knew that he was just as lost at the moment as she was. They broke apart, gasping for air, but their eyes remained locked on each other. Anemo could see the question in Kevin's eyes, and she knew that he was waiting for her to say something. But she didn't need to say anything. Her eyes, her touch, her kiss, had already said it all. As they were about to kiss again, Mio swam over to them and playfully touched Kevin's manhood as she cooed "I can see that you two are spicing shit up." Kevin, with a grin, hugged Mio and pulled her underwater for a quick kiss. When they resurfaced, Anemo said "I'm assuming that you're Kevin's wife." Mio nodded "Yes, I am his loving wife. I'm glad to call him my rare Canadian gem of a husband." Kevin then said "And I'm glad to call her my rare Japanese gem of a wife." Just then, Akeno entered the pool area and said "Kevin, news has just broken about a mass riot at the White House. The rioters want Yoshika to be free." Kevin then ranted "I hope that the freaking man child of a man whore of a man germ should burn in a flaming bag of shit. Joe Biden is nothing but a man child of a whore of a mother and a man germ of a father. I think that the rioters should just raid the place and kill that son of a bitch." Akoya swam over and said "Please calm down, Kevin. Please squeeze my breasts to calm down. I don't mind how rough you fucked them." Kevin, with hunger, touched Akoya's breasts hard as she shook vigorously. Anemo watched Kevin as he moved Akoya's breasts in ways that breasts normally don't move. Suddenly, Anemo's mouth opened wide as Akoya moaned "Please don't stop moving my breasts like that, Kevin." Anemo then said "I think I'm going to get sick again." Kevin stopped touching Akoya's breasts and swam over to Anemo before cooing "Let's get out before you start chumming out fishes." As the duo leave the pool, Anemo clawed her throat as she opened her mouth wide before heaving out her guts. Kevin then rushed her to a chair before the second wave came out. As Anemo was vomiting, Kevin felt her nails digging into his arm. Kevin then started to run his fingers through Anemo's hair as he cooed "It's okay, baby girl." Just then, Kevin heard a wet fart before Anemo yelped "I THINK I JUST CRAP MYSELF!" Anemo nuzzled into Kevin's chest as he said "Let's get you back to my room." As Kevin lifted Anemo up into his arms, she yelped "I... I CAN'T FEEL THE GROUND!" Suddenly, Anemo farted again as she wailed "I THINK I JUST SHIT MYSELF AGAIN." Kevin held Anemo closer as he cooed "It's okay, baby girl. Let my hold around you numb you." Kevin took Anemo to his room where he placed her in the bath and retrieved some clean clothes. When he came back, Kevin sat next to Anemo and said "I'm going to take off your underwear before I wash you with a hand-held shower nozzle." Kevin then started to take off Anemo's soiled panties, but she touched his hands before muttering "Wha... what are you doing?" With a warm smile, Kevin said "I'm helping you get your soiled panties off." Tears were raging down her cheeks as Anemo muttered "But please don't do anything sexual when changing me." Kevin smiled "I won't touch you sexually, Anemo." He then took off Anemo's soiled panties and shirt before tenderly washing her privates. In her mind, Anemo thought "This is so weird getting washed by this man germ, but it's so nice of him." Suddenly, Kevin said "All finish washing you, baby girl. Let's get you out." As Kevin carried her out, Anemo thought "He's such a nice guy. Why did I ever start hating men?" After Kevin helped Anemo get dressed, Kevin asked "What do you want to do with your life?" Anemo sighed "I like video games. I dreamed about making games." Kevin placed his hand on her shoulder and said "I have contact with Rockstar Toronto. I know the studio director there and maybe, if you want, I can ask her to hire you." Anemo gasped "No way, you have contact with Rockstar Toronto." With a grin, Kevin nodded "I do, Anemo. A cool story. My name is in the credits of Grand Theft Auto 6." Anemo squawked "Holy shit, I thought that I had seen your name in the credits, but I never in a million years thought that it was you. I would love it if you could ask her to hire me, Kev." Just then, the group came back from the pool. Akoya went over and said "Are you feeling better, Anemo?" Anemo nodded "Yes, I am much better. Can I ask you a favor, Kevin? Can you please slow dance with me?" A small smile touched his lips as Kevin said "Of course, Anemo. I'd be happy to." He gently took her hand, his other hand resting lightly on her waist. Kevin then scrolled through his phone until he found the Motörhead song, 1916. As they started to dance, Kevin noticed that Anemo was nuzzling into his chest softly weeping. Kevin held her closer as he led the dance before cooing "It's okay to let it out." Kevin saw Anemo weeping in his chest and thought "She's such a poor, lost soul." Their dance was just a starting ground for a newfound relationship that both of them had never thought would happen. As the song finished with "And that's how it is for a soldier," Kevin dipped Anemo. Kevin then held her in the dip for a moment as he cooed "You're such a lovely soul, Anemo." Anemo grinned as she placed her hand onto his chest before saying "That song reminded me of my great-grandfather during that time. He was from Lancashire and lost most of his family members who were killed during the Battle of the Somme." When Kevin stopped dipping her, Anemo pecked him on the lips before saying "I can't ever repay you for helping me get over my fear of men." Kevin held Anemo even closer as he cooed "Your closeness is the payment I ever need." Anemo's cheeks started to burn up as she muttered "I never felt like this in twenty-five years. I feel a newfound hunger for love that I never thought I had." Suddenly, Anemo started to sob with joy and sadness and Kevin lifted her onto the bed before cuddling her. As Anemo cried her heart out in Kevin's arms, he pressed his mouth into her ear and muttered "I heard my friend cry, and she sank to her knees coughing tears as she screamed for her love. And I fell by her side, and that's how we are clinging like kids to each other." With renewed vigor, Anemo wailed louder into Kevin's chest. Kevin rubbed her back as he said "It's okay, Anemo, it's okay. Let your pain go away in my chest." Akoya then came over and started to play with her hair. As the two of them were soothing her, Anemo suddenly fell asleep from crying. Kevin then cooed "Good night, baby girl." As he put Anemo to bed, Mio came over and asked "What if we could eat some dinner?" Kevin then said "Okay then, Mio. Hey Akeno, can you please call room service for sushi." Akeno nodded as she went to call it in. As Kevin and Mio sat on the couch, Akoya asked "How long have you two been together, Kevin?" Kevin then said "I knew that we had been friends for thirty years and had been married for fifteen of those years." Mio then placed her hand on Kevin's lap before saying "I was from Yokosuka, but I moved to Toronto at the age of three. For my fourth birthday, my parents took me to an anime expo. I was having the time of my life until I met Kevin. He was looking at a manga when I went over to him to ask what he was reading in broken English. At first sight, he was hooked on me like a bee to honey." Kevin chuckled "I was completely taken aback. This adorable little girl, with these big, curious eyes, was asking me about my manga. I could barely understand her, but her enthusiasm was infectious. I remember pointing at the cover and saying, 'Ranma!' It was the start of something special." Mio continued "Even though we could barely communicate, we spent the rest of the day together, pointing at the characters and sharing our excitement. We exchanged addresses, and even though we lived in different parts of the city, we kept in touch. Our shared love of anime and manga kept us connected, and over the years, that connection grew into a deep and lasting friendship. But I know even at the time, I saw something in his eyes that I couldn't really tell, but it wasn't until we graduated from high school that he proposed to me. I knew from that moment that I loved him more than anything in the world. If he proposed to me a million times over, I would say yes to all of them." Kevin suddenly got on one knee as he got a small box. Mio gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. Akoya watched with wide eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. Kevin opened the box, revealing a simple, elegant ring as his voice slightly trebled, and said "Mio, we've shared so much over those thirty years. From awkward childhood encounters at anime expos to navigating the ups and downs of life together, you've been my constant. You're my best friend, my confidante, my everything. You said you’d say yes a million times... well, how about one more? Mio, will you marry me... again?" Mio's eyes welled up with tears, but a radiant smile shone through as she whispered "Oh, Kevin, of course, I will. A million times yes." She reached out, her hand shaking slightly as she took the ring from the box. Kevin gently slipped it onto her finger. Akoya clapped her hands softly as she exclaimed "That's wonderful, congratulations, you two." Kevin stood up and Mio launched herself into his arms, wrapping him in a tight embrace as she murmured "I love you so much," onto his shoulder. Kevin replied "I love you more," while holding her close. He looked over at Akoya, a grateful smile on his face as he said "Thanks for sharing this with us, Akoya." Akoya beamed "I'm so happy for you both. It's clear how much you love each other. It's a beautiful story. So, are we thinking of an anime-themed wedding?" Mio pulled back slightly from Kevin and giggled "Hmm, that's definitely something to consider," glancing at Kevin with a mischievous grin. Kevin chuckled "As long as there's no cosplay involved for me." The joke earned a playful nudge from Mio. When Akeno came back with the sushi, Mio yelped "Look what Kevin just gave me." Akeno looked at it and said "Wow, that's a stunning ring, Mio. What's the reason he gave you it?" Kevin then hugged Mio from behind and said "I just proposed to her again." With a genuinely happy look on her face, Akeno grinned "That's so romantic, Kev." Mio, with tears of joy, held Kevin's hands and cooed "Please hold me tight, Kev." Kevin then turned Mio around and held her tenderly as he cooed "You're as stunning as the first time I laid my eyes on you." Mio suddenly wrapped her arms around Kevin's neck as she muttered "I can say the same thing about you, Kev." She nuzzled her face against his neck, breathing in his familiar scent as she said "It felt like coming home." Kevin held her closer as he said "My hugs are your true home." Mio then giggled "If you held me any tighter, you might make me really feel like I'm home." Akeno touched Kevin's back before saying "If you two lovebirds want to keep showing your love, maybe come sit down and feed each other some sushi." They all sat down and eat sushi before going to bed. Around six in the morning, Kevin woke up to order some breakfast. After he ordered breakfast, Kevin turned on the TV where the news anchor was saying "Good morning, this is CP24 Breakfast. It's November 12, 2034, at 6:05 am, and we're currently at 2. We're following breaking news this morning. There have been mass protests in most major cities in the United States due to the upcoming extradition date of Yoshika Miyafuji to the US. The protesters claimed that Miyafuji is a folk hero that fights against the ordinary person involved in crime. Her Canadian trial yesterday was halted by Justin Trudeau after he pardoned her for her crimes in Ontario and Quebec. Her extradition to the United States might take place within a week or so. Joe Biden will make a statement from the Oval Office at noon. We will follow Biden's statement when he goes live." Kevin grinned as he muttered "I just hope that that flaming bag of shit Biden won't fuck this thing up, you motherfucker." Mio then walked in and asked "Did you just say something?" Kevin looked over at Mio with a mix of frustration and hope in his eyes and said "Just venting about Biden and this whole mess with Yoshika's extradition. I hope he doesn't screw this up more than it already is." Mio sat down beside Kevin, wrapping her arms around him as she cooed "We'll figure it out, Kev. We always do. For now, let's focus on what we can control. Did you order breakfast?" Kevin nodded, his tension eased slightly by Mio's presence as he said "Yeah, it should be here soon. I ordered your favorite." The morning continued with the group gathering for breakfast, discussing their next moves regarding Yoshika's situation. The mood was tense but filled with camaraderie, a reminder of how they've faced challenges together in the past. After breakfast, Kevin decided to call Mashiro to discuss the latest developments. When Mashiro picked up the phone, Kevin said "Shiro, any updates on Yoshika's case?" Mashiro, on the other hand, responded "It's a mess down there, Kev. The protests are growing, and there's a lot of pressure on Biden. I'm doing what I can from our side, but if she gets extradited, it's going to be tough. We need to prepare for all scenarios." Kevin sighed "Thanks, Shiro. Keep me posted. We need to think about how to handle this if things go south." When Kevin ended the call, Akeno suggested "Maybe we should consider legal options or even some kind of public campaign to sway public opinion more in Yoshika's favor. She's not just a criminal; she's helped people too." Akoya, now more integrated into the group, added "And maybe we can use the media to our advantage. Let's not forget how influential public opinion can be, especially with social media." The morning was spent strategizing, with each member contributing ideas from their unique perspectives. Kevin felt the weight of leadership but was grateful for his team's support. They knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but together, they were ready to face whatever came their way for Yoshika's sake. At ten in the morning, Akoya noticed Kevin was stressed as his hands were clenched in his hair, his face flushed a deep red. She then went over to him and asked "Would you like to go swimming with me to clear your mind?" Kevin looked at her and grinned "I love that, baby girl. Whoever is last in the pool will get a stomach kiss." They put on their swimming suits before they raced down to the hotel's pool. As Kevin got there first, he yelled "CANNONBALL," as he jumped into the pool. When Akoya followed suit, Kevin said "You know what is going to happen." He then dove underwater and pressed his lips onto Akoya's stomach. Akoya gasped as she cooed "You're a dirty man, Kevin." Suddenly, Akoya felt Kevin blowing bubbles on her stomach. She laughed hard as she tried to push him away, but with no luck. In her mind, Akoya thought "Go underwater and kiss him." With a forceful buck of her hip, Akoya broke free and dove underwater. When the two of them were just mere inches away, Akoya thought "I'm going to mug him for that kiss from yesterday." Just then, she closed the distance and kissed him with vigor. As Kevin kissed her with equal vigor, Akoya moaned deeply into his mouth. Kevin then slightly pulled Akoya's hair to get better access to her mouth. The sudden hair pulling made Akoya moan even deeper into Kevin's mouth. A few moments later, Akoya felt a slight pain in her chest and her lungs were tightening as she thought "I'm running out of air." Suddenly, Akoya broke away from the kiss and swam up, but her bladder involuntarily failed before she forcefully expelled the air from her lungs. Kevin then wrapped around Akoya's waist and pulled her out. As they resurfaced, Akoya flailed and kicked frantically as Kevin wrapped his arms tight around her waist. When he pulled her out of the pool, Kevin said "Hey, hey, please stay with me, baby girl. Breathe, Akoya, breathe." Kevin then pulled Akoya onto the pool deck and moved her to her side as she forcefully hacked for air. With painful gags, Akoya vomited out the water as Kevin patted her back. As Akoya continued to vomit out water, Kevin continued patting her back as he held her hand before muttering "It's alright. Just let it out." When Akoya stopped puking out water, she looked at Kevin before sobbing "I'M SO SORRY, KEVIN! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU BY NEARLY DROWNING!" Kevin pulled Akoya into a hug as she wailed into his chest. Akoya shook vigorously as the terror of nearly drowning started to wash her over. Suddenly, Kevin felt Akoya's stomach convulsing against him as she was gurgling. With rising fear, Akoya squealed "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO ME? MY GUT, IT HURT SO MUCH!" Kevin then yelped "What do you want me to do?" Akoya grabbed Kevin's hands and wailed "RIP MY FUCKING STOMACH OPEN!" Tears ran down Kevin's cheeks as he said "I... I can't do that, Akoya." Akoya sobbed harder, her pleas turning into desperate whimpers as she wailed "PLEASE, KEV, IT HURTS. IT HURTS SO MUCH!" Kevin held Akoya closer as he cooed "I won't... I can't hurt you." Akoya dug her nails into Kevin's arms as she sobbed "IT FUCKING HURT GODDAMNIT!" Kevin then lifted her up as he cooed "Let's take you back to the hotel room." When he got back to the room, Kevin placed Akoya into bed as she passed out. As Kevin came out of the bedroom, Anemo entered the room. Kevin then said "Hey Anemo, can you please take care of Akoya?" Anemo nodded as she went into the bedroom. Soon after, Kevin was in the bedroom when Joe Biden went live on TV. Kevin sat at the end of the bed as Joe said "My fellow Americans, today we're facing an uprising. All of this is due to one person, Yoshika Miyafuji. She's the one that started all these protests in many major cities around the country after Justin Trudeau pardoned her yesterday. I'm not the one to sniff up the business of other leaders, but when I got a well-known thug from Canada who had no remorse for whom she was messing with in the United States, I wanted in. Yoshika Miyafuji is not just any criminal. She has been involved in drug trafficking, human smuggling, and numerous acts of violence. Her actions have repercussions far beyond the borders of Canada. At this time, I will use my power to pursue her extradition. I want to ensure that justice is served in a manner that respects the legal processes of both our nations without causing any more problems." As the TV went back to normal programing, Kevin yelled "WHAT! HE.. HE DID WHAT!" Out of impulse, Kevin grabbed his AK47 before yelling "FUCK YOU, BIDEN! EAT FUCKING LEAD!" Mio ran in and said "What's wrong, Kev... whoa there, put the gun down, big guy." But Kevin yelled "I DON'T FUCKING THINK SO, I JUST WANT TO KILL THAT FLAMING BAG OF SHIT!" Mio then went in front of the gun and said "You need to kill me first before you should get to Biden. Please give me the gun." In Kevin's mind, he thought "Kill your wife and Biden." As Kevin clicked the safety off and pointed the gun at Mio's head, she thought "Oh fuck, he's going to fucking kill me." When Mio's knees were about to give out, Kevin yelled "FUCK IT," as he tossed the gun at the TV. Mio then grabbed the gun and tossed it across the room before she said "Please calm down." Kevin then barked "KEN, GET YOUR FUCKING ASS IN HERE!" A few moments later, Ken came in and asked "What's wrong?" Kevin grabbed the collar of Ken's shirt and ordered "GET YOUR GODDAMN PHONE, I WANT TO TALK TO BIDEN! GET YOUR GODDAMN PHONE, I WANT TO TALK TO BIDEN!" Ken then said "Sure thing, but I don't know if he would like to hear from me after I did to him when I was in the Secret Service." As Ken was fetching his phone, Mio touched Kevin's arm and said "Please keep your cool as I don't want Biden to send a hit on you." Kevin pecked her cheek before cooing "I would try my best, but I can't keep any promises." After a few minutes, Ken came back and give Kevin the phone. In a sarcastic voice, Kevin said "Hello there, Mr. Biden. Why do you want to kidnap my friend?" At the other end, Joe said "Yoshika is a wanted criminal, and you are too." Kevin grabbed his penis hard as he said "The only thing I am wanted for is to come home at the end of the day to my wife and kids." Joe then smirked "The only home for your family to come home to is your prison cell on death row." With the anger rising, Kevin said "I'm getting pissed, and I promised my wife to keep it cool." But Joe retorted "The only piss is mine when I relieve myself in her mouth." Suddenly, Kevin snapped as he yelled "MAN YOU MOTHERFUCKER! I'LL BEAT YOU OVER A GODDAMN PIECE OF BRICK, AND FUCK YOU IN THE ASS, YOU SON OF A BITCH! LET YOU SUCK MY DICK FOR FUN! GODDAMN, I WISH I COULD GET MY HANDS ON YOU RIGHT NOW! COME BACK TO MY HOUSE MOTHERFUCKER, COME BACK AGAIN! I'LL GODDAMN DESTROY YOU, YOU GODDAMN FAGOT-FACE-LOOKING MOTHERFUCKER! FUCK YOU AND YOUR FLAMING BAGS OF SHIT, BIDEN! PLEASE DO THE WORLD A FAVOR AND FUCKING KILL YOURSELF! GOODBYE, BIDEN!" Kevin then tossed the phone onto his bed as he rambled "I can't believe this shit. That man child of a man whore of a man germ shouldn't have said that he was going to take a piss in my wife's mouth." Mio noticed Akeno and Mashiro in the doorway. As Akeno went over to Kevin, she said "I have never seen you this mad before, Kev. I know that you had a foul mouth, but never this foul. Please calm yourself down before you put yourself six feet under." When Akeno started to rub his stomach, Kevin moaned in joy. Mashiro then went over to Kevin before she touched his manhood and said "I know that your anger can get the best of you sometimes. Just like your outburst during the meeting at my office with the Italian Mafia boss, Chiyo. Maybe if you cummed in my hand again it would soothe that anger of yours." As Mashiro squeezed his penis harder, she heard Kevin gurgling from deep within his gut. When Akeno and Mashiro were soothing Kevin, Mio went over and started to play with his nipples as she cooed "Maybe if three women could soothe you would help you." Kevin started to become overwhelmed as they moved him to the bed. When Kevin was lying down, Mashiro hopped onto his stomach as she said "This is a necessary evil." Kevin's outburst left the room in a tense silence, everyone processing the gravity of the situation and the escalating tension with Joe Biden. Akeno, still rubbing his stomach, looked at Mio and Mashiro, concern etched on her face. Mio, sensing the need to defuse the situation, softly spoke "Kev, we need to think this through. We can't let anger dictate our moves, especially when it comes to someone like Biden who holds so much power." Mashiro, with her hand still on Kevin's manhood, added in a calming tone "We need a strategy, not just reactions. Yoshika's extradition is a big deal, and we need to handle this legally and smartly. We can't afford to make enemies out of the entire U.S. government." Kevin, feeling the combined calming touches of Akeno, Mashiro, and Mio, slowly began to settle. His breath deepened, and the flush of anger started to recede from his face. He looked at his friends, his family, and realized the truth in their words. Kevin, his voice steadier, said "Okay, I get it. But what do we do? We can't just sit here and let them take Yoshika." Akeno suggested "Maybe we can rally more public support. Use social media, speak to journalists, highlight Yoshika's contributions to the community, whatever they might be. She's not all bad, right?" Mashiro nodded, "Exactly. And I can use my Blue Mermaids connections to dig up any dirt on Biden's administration that might give us leverage. We need all angles covered." Ken, who had been silent, now spoke up "I can reach out to some old contacts in the Secret Service. Not all of them are loyal to Biden, especially after he took power. Maybe we can find someone willing to leak information or slow down the process." Mio added "And we need to look into legal avenues. Maybe there's a way to challenge the extradition on human rights grounds or due process violations. I'll get in touch with some lawyers who aren't afraid to take on big cases like this." As Mio was moving away from the bed, Kevin grabbed Mio's hand and said "I want Burger King." Mio kissed his hand before she said "Sure thing, my rare Canadian gem." When they were leaving the room, Kevin said "Maybe Akoya won't mind if I borrow her Harley." Kevin then went to the bedroom where he asked "Hey Akoya, may I borrow your chopper?" Akoya nodded as he grabbed her key. When he got back to Mio, they went down hand in hand. When they got there, Mio moaned "Are you sure you can ride this?" As Kevin hopped onto it, he said "It's fine. I have played Grand Theft Auto for years. Hop on, my rare Japanese gem." Mio then got on as Kevin started the bike and sped off. With fear and terror, Mio screamed "WHOA, WHAT THE HELL! SLOW DOWN, SWEETIE! THIS AIN'T GRAN TURISMO!" Kevin then said "It's all good, Mio. Hey, what about passing the needle between those two trucks?" Mio, with a blood-curdling scream ripping through her lips, yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," as Kevin sped between the trucks while she held tighter onto his waist. In her mind, Mio thought "This is how I want to spend my day, planning to make my maker with a face full of road." As they arrived at the Burger King, Kevin said "You looked like you had seen a ghost, Mio." Mio's hands trembled as she clutched her purse as she said "Next time, I'm walking." They entered the place and ordered. After the food was ready, they sat down. As Mio was looking at an ad for a spicy chicken whopper, Kevin stole one of her fries, but she then said "I saw that, baka." Mio, with a ninja's hand, grabbed one of Kevin's fries. Kevin then borrowed a lightsaber from the kids' meal from the next table and said "I am your husband." Mio playfully swatted his hand as she giggled "You're such a child, baka." After they were finished, they went back to the bike. Before Mio could speak, Kevin pressed the key into her hand as he said "You're driving." With the look out of fear, Mio moaned as she got onto the bike. When Kevin sat behind her, he said "The foot shifter on the left there. Move your foot forward to shift up and backward to shift down. The throttle is on the right of the handlebar. The lever on the left is the clutch. The lever on the right is the front brake. The pedal on the right is the rear brake." As Mio tried starting the bike, she moaned "Urgh, the kick-starter is such a freaking brute." When the bike started with a loud roar, she thought "This thing was sent from hell just to terrorize me, but I like it." Mio then licked her lips as she roared the engine that made a baby nearby start wailing. Soon after, Mio launched away with a blood-curdling scream. Her hands gripped the handlebars, so tightly her knuckles turned white. Her eyes darted around, searching for an escape, any escape, as she screamed "HOW DO I STOP THIS THING?!" Kevin yelped "RIGHT LEVER, MIO! HOLY SHIT! WE'RE ABOUT TO BECOME A HUMAN KEBAB IN YONGE-DUNDAS SQUARE!" Mio squeezed the right lever with all her might. The front wheel locked, sending a jolt through the bike that nearly threw them both off. They screeched to a halt in the middle of the intersection, the smell of burning rubber filling the air. She saw a sea of faces staring at them, some in shock, some in amusement. Kevin then got off and wheeled the bike off the intersection. As Kevin parked the bike, Mio was muttering "Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me," in fear and arousal. Kevin wrapped Mio in a hug as he cooed "It's okay, Mio, you did well." Suddenly, Mio yelped "I want my own motorcycle. This is so freaking badass." Kevin then grinned "That's great. I had a daydream of having your hair flying into my face while riding with you. I think that there is a Harley dealership near Pearson International Airport." Just then, Mio hopped into Kevin's arms while yelping "Can I buy one now?" Kevin held Mio closer as he cooed "Sure thing, my rare Japanese gem. Can I visit Rockstar Toronto? I need to talk to Akebi about something." Kevin then took the rain as they raced off. They pulled up at Rockstar Toronto 30 minutes later. As they parked, Kevin pointed out "Hey Mio, Akebi's over there on that bench. I was going to wake her up." A mischievous grin spread across his face. He revved the motorcycle engine, a sudden burst of raw power that made Akebi jolt upright on the bench. She stumbled, catching herself on the edge, but her mouth slammed hard against the metal armrest. A sharp cry escaped her. At first, Kevin chuckled, thinking it was just a harmless scare. But Akebi’s cry was different, laced with genuine pain. His laughter died in his throat. He killed the engine and rushed to her side. Akebi was hunched over, her hands clapped to her mouth. When she pulled them away, Kevin’s stomach dropped. Blood trickled down her chin, and he saw the chipped edges of her front teeth, possibly broken. The playful smirk vanished, replaced by a stark look of horror. He stammered "Akebi, oh my god. Are you okay?" He ripped off his shirt and gently pressed it into her bleeding lip. Akebi looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. Her eyes held a mixture of pain and shock, a silent accusation. She reached out a trembling hand and touched his arm, her grip weak. Guilt washed over Kevin, a cold wave of nausea. He swallowed hard, fighting back his own tears. His voice cracked as he choked out "I’m so, so sorry, Akebi, I didn't... I didn't mean to. I thought it would be funny." Akebi didn’t speak. She just nodded weakly, her body trembling. A small sob escaped her. Kevin pulled her close, his heart aching at the sight of her pain. He held her tightly as she buried her face against his chest, her body shaking with silent sobs. After a few moments, he gently pulled back, his voice soft as he murmured "Let me see," before carefully lifting the blood-soaked shirt away from her lip. He winced at the sight of the damage. He muttered "How bad is it? Does it... does it hurt a lot?" Akebi held Kevin's hand tighter as she moaned "It hurts like a motherfucker." Kevin gently helped her to her feet, his voice barely a whisper as he said "Let's get you to a dentist." He placed a protective arm around her, and she leaned into him, her small frame trembling against his side. As they crossed the street, he felt the weight of his guilt pressing down on him. Outside the dentist's office, Akebi hesitated, pulling slightly back as she mumbled "I hate dentists. I... I've hated them since I was little." Kevin squeezed her hand reassuringly "Hey, it's okay. Everyone's scared of something." He gave her a gentle smile as he said "I'll be right here." Akebi managed a weak smile in return before saying "Thanks, Kev." Inside, the waiting room was sterile and bright, the air thick with the smell of antiseptic. A low hum of the dentist's drill echoed from down the hall. They sat in uncomfortable plastic chairs, the silence punctuated by the rustling of magazines and the occasional cough. When Akebi was finally called, she gripped Kevin's hand tightly as she sat in the imposing dental chair. Her eyes darted nervously around the room, taking in the gleaming instruments and the bright overhead light. She whispered "This is so intimidating," her voice barely audible. Kevin, with care, pecked her on the cheek before saying "It's okay, Akebi. Please feel my hand squeezing yours to numb your fears away." Soon after, a dentist came in and said "Okay Ms. Sasaki, I need to take a couple of x-rays of your chipped teeth." Akebi started to whimper as Kevin said "It's okay, sweetie. I have been in your shoes many times, and it's a breeze. After the x-rays are over, I'll peck you on the cheek again." The dentist then said "Please put this mouthpiece in your mouth. This will make the x-rays stand out." As Akebi put the mouthpiece in her mouth, she deeply gagged herself, trying to get it out of the mouth. Kevin caressed her cheek as he said "Hey, hey, Akebi, it's okay. Please think about happy things." In her mind, Akebi thought "Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts." Suddenly, a bright flash momentarily blinded her as the dentist said "One more time." Just then, another bright flash momentarily overwhelmed her senses as Kevin came back into the room. When the dentist moved the x-ray machine away from Akebi's mouth, Kevin kissed her cheek. The dentist then said "It's going to take a few minutes for the x-rays to come out." As he left the room, Kevin brushed a stray strand of hair from Akebi's face before saying "I heard that one of the gameplay animators had passed away." Akebi nodded "Yes, Kokoro passed away last week. Why do you ask?" Kevin then said "One of my friends is looking for a job after she leaves a rough patch in her life. Here's her resume." Akebi held his hand as she muttered "I'll give her a call, okay." Just then, the dentist came back and said "The x-rays looked like your teeth were slightly damaged. I need to fill them in at another time. How does the fifth of December sound to you?" Akebi nodded as she leaned on Kevin to get up. Kevin and Akebi then walked out of the dentist's office arm in arm back to Rockstar Toronto. When there, the duo saw a group of former Graf Spee Motorcycle Club members surrounding Mio as she was wildly attacking them. Rage boiled within Kevin as he grabbed his gun and fired a shot into the air before yelling "HEY!" The members then started to run away, but one of them tripped. Seeing red, Kevin went over to the fallen member where he kicked her onto her back and aimed his gun. As he pressed his foot on her breast and cocked his gun, she rambled "Please, sir, don't kill me. I got money." Kevin, with his voice dark, moaned "I don't want your money, I just want you and your friends to fuck off from my wife. Get out of my sight before I change my mind." Kevin removed his foot and the member ran off in fear. As the member ran off, Kevin noticed Mio on the ground. Kevin's blood pressure rose as he ran over and muttering "Fuck me. Fuck me." Just as Kevin started cuddling Mio, she flailed around in his arms yelling "NO! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, FUCKING BIKERS!" Kevin held her as he cooed "Hey, hey, it's fine Mio. It's me, Kevin." In the midst of her panicked state, Mio started to rake out Kevin's eyes. Kevin grabbed her hands, but she landed a light blow on the eyes before she snapped out of it. Tears were welling up in Mio's eyes as she wailed "I'M SO SORRY, KEVIN!" Kevin pressed his lips on hers before breaking it and said "It's okay, Mio." But Mio started wailing harder as he held her closer. Kevin brushed a stray strand of hair from Mio's face as tears were streaming down her cheeks. As he sniffed a handful of Mio's hair, Kevin muttered "Oh, Mio." Kevin's calm stroking of Mio's hair soothed her nerves as she nuzzled his chest. As Mio placed her hand on his chest, Kevin said "Are you feeling better, Mio?" Mio, with puffy eyes, nodded "Yes, I am. I was thinking, I want to buy that motorcycle another day." Kevin then gave her a wet kiss on the forehead before saying "That's fine, Mio. Let's go back to the hotel." As they got onto the motorcycle, Kevin said "Talk to you later, Akebi." Akebi then waved as they rode off into the evening. As they made their way back to Westin Harbour Castle, the tension from the day's events lingered in the air. Kevin could feel Mio's grip around his waist tightening occasionally, a silent testament to her lingering fear of the encounter with the bikers. The ride back was quieter, the usual thrill of speed replaced by a need for safety and calm. Back at the hotel, they met up with the rest of the group in Kevin's room. Akeno, Mashiro, Anemo, and Ken were already there, each dealing with their own reactions to the day's news and events. The room was thick with strategy and concern, but there was also an undercurrent of relief that everyone was safe. Mashiro, ever the strategist, was already on her phone, coordinating with her contacts within the Blue Mermaids to gather more intelligence on Biden's next moves. She looked up as Kevin and Mio entered, her expression softening slightly in their appearance. Mashiro, her voice gentle but with an edge of concern, asked "You two okay?" Mio, still close to Kevin, nodded "We will be. Thanks, Mashiro. What's the latest on Yoshika?" Mashiro ran a hand through her hair as she sighed "It's a mess. Biden's speech has riled up both sides. There's an uptick in protests, but also a stronger push from his administration for Yoshika's extradition. We need to act fast." Ken, sitting at the edge of the bed, added "I managed to get a hold of a few old contacts. There's some unrest within the Secret Service about this, but we need something concrete to work with." Akeno, who had been quietly observing, said "We need to amplify Yoshika's story. Show the world not just the criminal side but the person she is, the good she's done. Maybe we can sway public opinion enough to at least delay the extradition." Anemo, still recovering from her earlier ordeal, chimed "I might not be able to do much physically, but if there's a way I can help online, with social media or something, count me in. I've got a knack for tech." Kevin, his mind racing with plans and counter-plans, finally said "First, we secure Yoshika legally. Akebi's going to help with Anemo's job situation, which might give us some leverage with Rockstar's influence. Mashiro, keep digging for any dirt on Biden. Ken, see if you can get any insider info or delay tactics from your contacts. Akeno, let's work on that PR campaign. We need to humanize Yoshika. Mio, you're with me on this; we'll talk to lawyers, see if we can't challenge this legally." The group nodded, each understanding their role in this complex dance of diplomacy, legality, and media manipulation. As they discussed their next steps, the sun set, casting long shadows in the room, symbolizing the uncertainty of the battle ahead. Later that evening, Kevin was watching TV when the news anchor said "It's twenty past eight pm on November 12, 2034. This is just in. CP24 is reporting a leaked phone call between a well-known criminal, Kevin Stewart, and Joe Biden. A warning to our viewers is that the following is very disturbing." Kevin's blood pressure rose as he watched the leaked phone call. When the news report was at Joe saying "The only piss is mine when I relieve myself in her mouth," Kevin yelled "MAN YOU MOTHERFUCKER! I'LL BEAT YOU OVER A GODDAMN PIECE OF BRICK, AND FUCK YOU IN THE ASS, YOU SON OF A BITCH! LET YOU SUCK MY DICK FOR FUN! GODDAMN, I WISH I COULD GET MY HANDS ON YOU RIGHT NOW! COME BACK TO MY HOUSE MOTHERFUCKER, COME BACK AGAIN! I'LL GODDAMN DESTROY YOU, YOU GODDAMN FAGOT-FACE-LOOKING MOTHERFUCKER! FUCK YOU AND YOUR FLAMING BAGS OF SHIT, BIDEN! PLEASE DO THE WORLD A FAVOR AND FUCKING KILL YOURSELF! GOODBYE, BIDEN!" Kevin then rambled "I can't believe this shit. That's my private fucking shit. Oh fuck, I think that the Secret Service leaked it." Out of impulse, Kevin yelled "KEN, GET YOUR GODDAMN ASS OVER HERE!" A few moments later, Ken rushed in and said "If you want me to call Biden for you again, forget about it." Kevin then said "That call from earlier was leaked. My guts feel that the Secret Service did it." Ken's face paled as he processed the gravity of the situation. He responded "I'll look into it, Kev. If it was someone from the Secret Service, they might have their reasons, or it could be someone trying to make a move against either you or Biden. Either way, we need to handle this carefully." Mio, who had been silent, moved closer to Kevin, her expression one of worry mixed with determination. She touched his arm gently, her voice soothing yet firm as she said "This could either work in our favor or against us. If it's out there, we need to spin it. We can use it to show how desperate Biden's administration is to vilify you to distract from the real issues with Yoshika's case." Mashiro, pulling out her phone, was already in action mode, said "I'll mobilize the Blue Mermaids to track down the leak. We might find allies in unexpected places if we can prove this was an unauthorized disclosure. Meanwhile, we need to prepare a statement, maybe even go public with our side of the story." Akeno, her mind racing with PR strategies, nodded in agreement "We can use this to our advantage. Highlight how personal attacks are being used to undermine justice. We'll make it about freedom of speech, about the overreach of government power. We'll paint you not as a criminal, but as someone standing up against tyranny." Anemo, her face reddened with anger, said "All my social media have been banned." Kevin was about to pull his hair out before saying "This is bullshit." Suddenly, Akoya came in and said "There are a whole new wave of protests in the US. They're saying that Biden needs to resign." Kevin then ranted "Good. I hope that the flaming bag of shit steps down. Maybe the senate will purge him like they did to Trump during his first term. I'm going to bed before I rant all night." Soon after, the rest of the group followed suit. The following morning, Kevin was making breakfast as Mio was sitting in bed cuddling a Hatsune Miku plush. Suddenly, the news anchor on the TV said "It's November 13, 2034, at eight in the morning, and I'm Crystal Alexander. This just came into our CP24 newsroom. The well-known criminal leader, Momo Kawashima, was arrested in Baltimore. She was apprehended earlier this morning in a coordinated operation by local and federal authorities. The arrest comes after a months-long investigation into her alleged involvement in various criminal activities, including armed robbery, drug trafficking and human smuggling, along with Kevin Stewart, Yoshika Miyafuji and the deceased Thea Kreutzer. Details are still emerging, but the police have confirmed that Kawashima is currently in custody and is expected to face numerous charges." As Mio noticed Kevin's rising agitation as veins popped in his forehead, she thought "He's going to freak out. I need to hold him down." Out of passion, Mio stormed at Kevin and locked him in a bear hug. As Mio tightly held him, Kevin growled "Let me go right now." Mio yelped "I'm not letting you throw your life away." With his rage increasing with each second, Kevin roared "MOMO, I'LL GET YOU OUT OF THERE!" As Mio tried to hold Kevin, she thought "He's a 260 pound stocky raging bull, and I'm a 103 pound petite rag doll." When Kevin started to hump his way out, he roared "I'D KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THOSE FEDS THAT EVEN TOUCH A HAIR ON MOMO!" Mio was turning green as she yelped "Please stop Kevin, I'm going to lose my breakfast even before I ate it. My knee, my knee, it... it's giving out. PLEASE STOP, YOU FUCKING BAKA!" But Kevin yelled "I WANT MY SHIT. I WANT MY GODDAMN SHIT!" Tears were welling up in Mio's eyes as she thought "Please don't cry. Oh fuck, I'm going to fucking cry." Her dam broke as Mio started to wail. Suddenly, Mio felt Kevin wrapping his arms around her as he cooed "Are you okay, Mio? Please don't cry." Mio held Kevin's hand and said "Let's sit down, and we'll talk about this." Mio then led Kevin to the bed, and they sat on the edge of it. When Mio started to rub his stomach, she said "I know Momo means the world to you, but ranting and venting about her arrest ain't going to help. You're my loving husband, and I'll never change that in a million years." Kevin, whose senses were overwhelming him, moaned "You're right, Mio, getting mad never gets things right, but all I ever knew was to shoot first and ask questions later. Momo is like family to me, and I'll do everything in God's will to protect her and her family." Mio held his hand as she cooed "Your loving and protective nature is why I married you. My best bet was to talk with her family about what had happened. Kevin nodded "I will give Momo's family a visit." Kevin then got up before he left the hotel room to get on Akoya's motorcycle. Kevin rode the motorcycle with urgency, his mind racing as fast as the bike beneath him. He headed towards 31 Old Jane Street, where Momo's family resided, his heart heavy with the news of her arrest. The wind whipped against his face, each gust a reminder of the reality he was speeding towards. Kevin pulled up to the house, his heart sinking at the sight of Aoi playing innocently, unaware of the surrounding turmoil. He parked the motorcycle and approached her, his expression softening as he tried to mask his concern. Kevin, kneeling down at her level, said "Aoi-chan, hey there." Aoi looked up, her eyes lighting up with recognition as she yelped "Onii-chan Kevin." She ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. Kevin hugged her back, his heart aching for the simplicity of childhood she still possessed. He looked around, noticing the tension in the air, the drawn curtains, and the absence of the usual lively chatter from inside the house. Kevin gently asked "Where's your mom and dad, Aoi?" Aoi pointed towards the house and said "Mama's crying, and Papa's on the phone. They said Momo-neechan's in trouble." Kevin nodded, his jaw tightening. He stood up, holding Aoi's hand as they walked towards the front door. He knocked, and after a moment, Shinnosuke appeared, his face drawn and weary. Shinnosuke said "Kevin, thank god you're here," as he ushered him inside. Inside, the atmosphere was somber. Yonezawa was seated on the couch, tear stains on her cheeks, surrounded by the other children who looked confused and scared. Kevin felt a pang of guilt for not being able to prevent this, for not being there sooner. Kevin, his voice low, said "I heard about Momo. We need to talk about what's next." Yonezawa looked up at Kevin, her eyes red and swollen as she said "They took her, Kevin. They took our Momo. What do we do now?" Kevin sat beside her, placing Aoi on his lap as he spoke "First, we need to keep calm for the kids. I'll get in touch with the best lawyers we know. We'll fight this, legally. We'll also need to manage the public narrative, make sure the world knows Momo's side of the story." Shinnosuke, having ended his call, joined them "We've been trying to reach her, but they're not letting her have any contact. What can we do from here?" Kevin, his mind already strategizing, explained "We'll organize. I'll use my contacts, we'll push for transparency, and we'll make sure every move they make is scrutinized. I'll also see if Mashiro can help from her end with the Blue Mermaids." Aoi, sensing the tension, snuggled closer to Kevin, her little hand clutching his shirt. Kevin stroked her hair, his voice softening, said "And for now, we will keep Aoi and the kids safe, keep their lives as normal as possible." Yonezawa, her resolve strengthening in the face of Kevin's calm determination, nodded "We trust you, Kevin. Please, bring our daughter back to us." Kevin, his gaze firm, promised "I'll do everything in my power." He spent the rest of the morning discussing plans with Shinnosuke and Yonezawa, comforting the children, and making calls. His first was to Mashiro, explaining the situation and asking for any leverage or intelligence she could gather. He then contacted a few lawyers he knew who weren't afraid to take on high-profile cases, especially those involving international extradition and rights issues. As he left the house, his phone buzzed. It was Mio, checking on him. Mio had texted "How's it going, Kev?" Kevin, his voice heavy but determined, replied "It's tough, but we're making moves. I'm heading back now, we've got a lot to do." Riding back to the hotel, Kevin's mind was a whirlwind of plans and worries, but one thing was clear: he wasn't going to let Momo, or Yoshika for that matter, face this alone. His family, his friends, they were his to protect, and he'd use every tool, every contact, every ounce of his cunning to ensure their safety. Later that afternoon at the hotel, Kevin and Mio were having lunch in bed when the news anchor on the TV said "We have an update on the Momo Kawashima case. Some reports say that Joe Biden is making plans to deport her back to Japan in the near future." Mio then sat on Kevin's stomach on the bed and crossed his wrists over his head as Kevin roared "FUCK YOU, BIDEN!" As Kevin tried to break free, Mio cooed "Hey, hey, Kevin, it's okay big guy." But Kevin kept yelling "THIS IS THE LAST FUCKING THING I NEED RIGHT NOW!" When Kevin was about to break free, Mio said "Please stay down, honey. I don't need you having another gun-filled rage." Just then, the news anchor on the TV said "We have breaking news. There are mass protests breaking out all over Japan over Biden's deportation threat to Kawashima." Suddenly, Kevin broke free from Mio and hugged her while wailing "MOMO! MOMO! MOMO!" Mio then moved Kevin into her chest as she cooed "It's alright, Kevin, It's alright. Let your pain go away in my chest." As Mio's shirt was getting wet from his tears, she said "Your rage is an ocean of emotions, Kevin. You can always borrow my chest for your sadness." Just then, Mashiro ran in and said "There are protests popping up at the Japanese and United States embassies in Ottawa. I think that Canada is going into lockdown. Kevin, are you okay?" As Mashiro went over, Mio said "He's kind of emotional over Momo." When Mashiro started to rub his back, Akeno, in the other room, was brainstorming a plan for the current mayhem. In her mind, Akeno thought "I know that I ain't a mastermind strategist, unlike Momo, and I have trouble making plans." Suddenly, Akeno then said "I got it," as she grabbed her phone and opened the texting app. When she pressed on Lynette's name, Akeno texted "Hey Lynne. Can you meet me at Club Zanzibar? I might have a plan for Yoshika." Soon after, Akeno rushed over to the club, her mind racing. When there, Akeno passed Erica saying "You two ladies are the best people I have been holding for five straight years." Akeno then thought "She's still having the time of her life with two strippers after 5 years." As she entered the backroom, Lynette was already there. Lynette was pacing back and forth as she said "I can't believe that the feds got Yoshika. What's your idea?" Akeno sat in an office chair before saying "I know that this might be a long shot, but I have got a way to break Yoshika out. I was thinking about halting Yoshika's prison transport from the Toronto South Detention Centre before it reaches Pearson Airport with the help of the Blue Mermaids. They would set up roadblocks to block their route as they entered Highway 427. To add some humor to the chaos, the Blue Mermaids agents would dress like strippers and have some sexy time with the guards before knocking them out and Kevin and I get Yoshika out of the transporter." The utter shock of Lynette when she said "What in the current hell? I heard some messed-up plans, but this is one of the wildest things I have ever heard. But if you're that serious about this, I'm down with it in terms of having a second opinion on it." Just then, Mashiro entered the backroom and said "I got your text about meeting you here, Akeno. What's your plan for Yoshika?" As Mashiro sat down, she muttered "Never in a million years will I find myself in a damn strip club." Akeno then said "I heard that, and you ain't going to like this. My plan involved a Blue Mermaid team blocking off Yoshika's prison transport from the Toronto South Detention as they entered Highway 427 in stripper outfits and having some sexy time with the guards." In Mashiro's mind, she thought "Fuck, this is sheer madness. Oh fuck, I might be wearing a skimpy outfit and a feather boa. Yoshika would be all over my body if she saw me wearing that sexy outfit." As her face was turning flush, Mashiro sighed "That's one of the most outrageous plans I have ever heard, but I'd swallow my pride and do the deed." Akeno got up and said "I'm going to talk to Kevin about this." When she left the club, Akeno texted "Can you please meet me at your mansion, Kevin?" When she arrived at the mansion, Kevin let Akeno in with a peck on the cheek. Akeno blushed lightly as she sputtered "Wha... what was that for, baka?" Kevin leaned in and muttered "That's what I call loving a friend." Akeno then lightly shoved him as she squawked "You're being cheeky." Kevin giggled as he led her into the living room. As they entered the living room, Mio said "Hey there, Akeno. Do you want some tea?" Akeno nodded as she sat on the couch. When Kevin sat next to Akeno, he placed his hand on her shoulder and said "I got your text. What do you want?" Akeno, with a sigh, said "You know that this whole situation about Biden and whatnot ain't going to end well. I have already talked with Yoshika's business partner and Mashiro. I had a plan to break Yoshika out of the joint. My plan involved a team of the Blue Mermaids in stripper outfits blocking off Yoshika's prison transport on Highway 427 from the Toronto South Detention Centre, and they would have some sexy time with the guards before they knocked them out. Then you and I would break Yoshika out." Suddenly, Mio hopped into Kevin's lap, grabbed his collar and wailed "PLEASE DON'T BREAK HER OUT OF THERE, KEVIN!" When she sobbed on Kevin's chest, he thought "I wanted to break Yoshika out of jail, but I felt pity for Mio." Just then, Kevin felt Mio convulsed against him as she dry heaved on his chest before she started to full on vomit. As Mio made gurgling sounds, Kevin cooed "It's okay, Mio, it's okay." When Mio shook into Kevin's arms as she was still vomiting, he tenderly caressed her cheeks and looked into her eyes. Mio then covered her mouth with her hand as more vomit came out. Between puking, Mio weakly said "No, don't do it, Kevin. No, don't do it, Kevin." Kevin's loving stare made Mio thought "Oh fuck, he's so beautiful when he looked at me like that. Please stop vomiting and hear what Kevin wants." Mio swallowed hard, trying to force it down and equally looked into Kevin's eyes. With a smile, Kevin said "The jailbreak is for the greater good and Yoshika is the best friend besides you, my rare Japanese gem." With teary eyes, Mio's breath hitched in her throat as she lightly sobbed "I know that Yoshika meant the world to you, Kevin. I'll accept your fate, but please come back in one piece." Mio then pressed a kiss onto Kevin as Akeno said "So, we need a crew for this thing." Kevin stopped kissing and said "Let's go into my man cave to talk prep." They left the living room and entered the man cave. As Akeno sat down at the round table, Kevin asked "Do you want a beer?" Akeno nodded and Kevin tossed her a can. When she caught the can, Akeno said "Do we need an enforcer like Gertrud or someone to take along for the ride?" Kevin leaned back in his chair, popping open his own beer before answering "We'll need Gertrud for sure. She's tough and can handle herself if things get messy. Plus, having her around adds a layer of security we might need. Francesca could be good too, especially if we need to deal with any tech or lock issues." Akeno nodded, taking a sip of her beer, the cool liquid helping to calm her nerves and said "What about drivers? We'll need someone fast, someone who knows their way around the city like the back of their hand." Kevin, without hesitation, said "What about Charlotte? She's driven in some tight situations before, and she knows how to keep cool under pressure. And for a backup, we could have Eila. She's got that calm demeanor that's perfect for something like this." Akeno jotted down the names on a notepad, her mind racing through the logistics. She then said "We'll need to coordinate with Mashiro to ensure the Blue Mermaids are in place and ready. The timing will be critical. If the transport gets delayed too long, they might call in reinforcements or change the route." Kevin, his eyes narrowing in thought, nodded "We need a hacker too, someone to jam the communications or at least delay any calls for backup. Kouko would be ideal for that. She's got the skills and the nerve." Akeno, her planning mind kicking into high gear, asked "And what about the escape route?" Kevin, his voice firm with resolve, suggested "We'll have two vehicles ready. One to get Yoshika out of there quickly, and another for a decoy. We can use one of Yoshika's old meth lab vans for the decoy; it's inconspicuous enough and already has what we need to create chaos if necessary." Akeno paused, considering the plan's potential pitfalls before saying "What if the guards are more than just distracted? What if they're armed and ready for something like this?" Kevin, his protective instincts kicking in, especially after seeing Mio's reaction, proposed "Then we make sure they're not. The Blue Mermaids in stripper outfits could be more than just a distraction. We equip them with non-lethal tools, tasers, stun guns. They can handle the situation without escalating into violence." Akeno, a small smile creeping onto her face, nodded "It's risky, but if anyone can pull this off, it's us. We'll need to rehearse the timing and movements. Maybe use some of your old connections to get a mock-up of the transport vehicle's security setup." Kevin, pulling out his phone to send a few messages, assured "Already on it. I've got some old friends in the security business who owe me favors. We'll have all the info we need by tomorrow." Kevin was finishing his beer when Akeno said "Do you want me to buy you dinner? What about McDonald's?" Kevin looked at Akeno and grinned "I have been having a Big Mac attack for a while. Let's go." They then went to the McDonald's down the street and ordered their food. When they were eating their meals, Akeno was looking at the children playing in the playground when Kevin put a fake, fat and hairy rat on the table right in front of her. As she was going to get a fry still looking at the kids, Akeno grabbed something other than a fry. When Akeno was about to eat what she was assuming was a fry, she noticed that she was eating the rat. A few moments of silence when Akeno held the rat's tail in her mouth before she shrieked and tossed the rat across the restaurant before yelling "RAT!" Kevin tried to hold his laughter, but failed as he watched Akeno trying to cleanse her mouth with her milkshake. Suddenly, Akeno pounded her fist on the table and groaned "Oh fuck, my brain is freezing up." When her brain stopped freezing, Akeno said "You know I hate rats, snakes and anything that's small and gross." Kevin smiled as he said "What about I could take you to Reptilia to get rid of some of your fears. I know some people there, and they might let us feed the snakes and alligators." Akeno then touched his hand and said "I like that, Kevin, but please don't turn me into gator bait." Kevin, with a mischievous grin, leaned in and cooed "Unless you want to go swimming with them." Akeno playfully slapped his hand and said "You're being a cheeky baka." Kevin then held her hand and said "Let's go home before it gets late." As they left the restaurant hand in hand, Akeno looked at her hand holding Kevin and thought "I'm burning the fuck up. I so want to kiss him, but he's married." Out of impulse, Akeno grabbed Kevin's beard, pulled him down and pressed her lips onto his. After a few moments of kissing, Akeno pulled back redder than Ronald McDonald's hair as she muttered "I'm so sorry, Kevin." As Akeno started crying while covering her eyes with her hands, Kevin tenderly removed them and said "It's okay, Aki. We all got our hots for someone, even if they were married." Akeno then sobbed "But... but... but Mio would kill me if she found out I kissed you." Kevin, with knowing love, kissed Akeno before saying "Mio is fine when I do these kinds of things. When you were cuddling with me the other morning in my sleep and the few times that Mashiro grabbed my moneymaker until I cummed. Mio hasn't killed you or Mashiro yet." Akeno suddenly broke down as she sobbed "I... I... I think that I just fucked your marriage." Kevin held Akeno close as he cooed "Don't worry, Akeno. Our marriage has been through a lot of ups and downs, but we're still married. My crimes have strained our relationship, but I've tried my best to quit that life. But anyhow, let's go home." They got into Kevin's car and rode back to his mansion. When they arrived there, they went to bed. The next morning, Kevin and Mio were watching TV while Akeno was making breakfast. As Mio was cuddling on Kevin's lap, the news anchor on the TV said "We are covering international news. The emperor of Japan made a statement about the current protests in the country." Mio sat up when the news showed a video of Naruhito saying "日本国民の皆さん、この国は1945年以来経験したことのない大きな脅威に直面しています。かつて長崎と広島に原爆を投下した最大の敵は、最大の味方となり、かつてのような残忍な存在に変貌しました。バイデン政権は、我が国民の一人である川島モモさんを日本に強制送還する予定です。天皇として直接政治的発言をすることはめったにありませんが、これは極めて重要な国家的危機です。日本の路上で抗議活動を行っている皆さん、どうか懸念を表明し続けてください。そして私自身も、カナダ生まれのケビン・スチュワートに日本国籍を与える決断をしました。一方、米国については、バイデン氏と話し合い、再び戦闘を繰り広げる必要が生じれば、喜んで行きます。孫子はかつてこう言いました。「兵士を自分の子どものように扱え。そうすれば、どんなに激しい戦いでもあなたについて来てくれる。彼らを自分の愛する息子のように扱え。そうすれば、彼らは死ぬまであなたと共にいてくれるだろう。」" Mio looked dumbfounded at Kevin for a few moments before saying "What in the hell did I just witness?" Kevin, just as dumbfounded and lost for words, said "In all my years I have loved Japanese culture. I never in a million years would have thought that I would gain Japanese citizenship." Akeno then popped her head in and said "Did I just hear that right, Kev? Where in the hell did you hear that from?" Kevin then said "The emperor of Japan just made a statement where he granted me Japanese citizenship and shit talked about the US. This is bad, it is really terrible. If Biden boasted about his power and talked shit back, this means war." Akeno grabbed Kevin's hand and squeezed it before saying "I hope that Biden won't really start a war, Kevin. Come on, the pancakes are nearly ready. I want to feed my gut before I feed the alligator's gut." Kevin, with a mischievous grin, said "What about feeding my guts on you, Aki?" Kevin then pressed his lips onto Akeno's stomach and playfully kissed it. Getting flustered, Akeno squealed "Oh no, I'm getting eaten by a loving alligator. Oh, please Mr. Alligator, keep kissing my belly." Kevin then lifted Akeno off her feet before saying "You're my best friend, Aki." Akeno blushed deeply as she muttered "Thank you, baka. Let's eat." They all then ate the pancakes before Kevin and Akeno drove to Reptilia in Vaughan. When arriving at Reptilia, Kevin looked at Akeno and said "Are you sure that you are still down with this?" Akeno nodded "I'm ready," as they left the car and entered the building. Once inside, Kevin went over to one of the staff members and said "Can you please get out the biggest snake you have got?" Soon after, the staff member brought back a 30-foot green anaconda named Buck and gave it to him. As Kevin moved toward Akeno, her eyes wide with terror and her hand flying to her mouth, gasped "No, it's fucking huge. It... it looks slimy." Kevin lightly said "It's okay, Akeno. It ain't going to hurt you." When Kevin placed the snake onto Akeno's shoulders, she muttered "Fuck me, what did I get myself into?" As the snake's cold and smooth scales were sluggishly moving on her shoulders, Akeno shivered "This is so wrong in many ways." After a few moments, Akeno was face to face with the snake as it flick its tongue out. Out of nowhere, Akeno said "This ain't that bad. It's lighter than I thought a thirty-footer would be." Kevin grinned "I know that you're going to like it." Just then, the snake flicked its tongue into Akeno's ear. Akeno suddenly yelped "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Kevin then giggled "I think it loves you, Aki. But anyhow, what about feeding the gators?" Akeno nodded as she gave the snake back to the staff member. When in the alligator enclosure, Akeno's eyes widened as she said "It's huge." Kevin held Akeno's hand as he said "This is Samantha, an eighteen-foot American alligator." Kevin then gave Akeno a bucket of raw meat before saying "Here you go, Aki." As she grabbed the bucket, Akeno lightly gagged as she said "This stinks." Akeno then walked over to the railing with a piece of meat in hand. She tossed the piece of meat and Samantha got it in mid-air. Just then, one of the staff members came over and said "Sir, can you do me a favor? We're understaffed, and we need to move Samantha in order to put her down due to old age. Can both of you help?" Kevin looked at Akeno and said "I always wanted to wrestle an alligator. If you're down, Aki, let's go." Akeno then nodded as she followed Kevin and the staff member into the alligator enclosure. When inside, Kevin said "Watch out for its tail, Akeno. One whack will break your back. I want you to hop over Samantha's eyes where I tape its mouth." Akeno took a hesitant step forward as Samantha shifted, her immense body rising slightly. The air in the enclosure, thick with the stench of decaying meat and damp earth, hung heavy. A low, guttural groan rumbled from the alligator's throat, a sound that vibrated in Akeno's chest. Samantha's eyes, cold and reptilian, were fixed on Akeno, and a primal fear gripped her as she thought "Oh fuck, this is so wild." Samantha took another slow, deliberate step, her massive jaws opening slightly, revealing rows of sharp teeth. Akeno tensed, every muscle coiled. In a burst of adrenaline, she lunged forward, leaping over the alligator's head, her boots barely clearing its snout. The instant her feet landed on the other side, Samantha erupted. Her powerful tail lashed out, sending a spray of murky water and loose gravel flying. Akeno lost her balance, her feet slipping on the damp concrete, and she tumbled backwards into the shallow, stagnant water at the enclosure's edge. As Akeno was getting up from the murky water, Samantha was only a few feet away. Born out of her years of fitness, Akeno got up and hopped over the eyes again. Just as Kevin was about to tape the mouth, Samantha rushed into the water with Akeno still on her. A shock of icy water stole Akeno’s breath as she was yanked beneath the surface. The murky water, thick with algae and what looked like decaying leaves, stung her eyes, blurring her vision into a swirling green-brown haze. The pressure on her chest was immediate, a crushing weight that stole the air from her lungs. Samantha’s hand, rough and calloused, clamped down on her shoulder, pinning her against the bottom. Akeno could feel the leathery texture of Samantha’s skin scraping against her leg. Her heart hammered against her ribs, a frantic bird trapped in a cage. Bubbles escaped her lips, her vision darkening at the edges as she clawed at Samantha’s arm, her nails scraping uselessly against the thick skin. She thought "Am I going to drown?" The thought echoed in her mind, a terrifying certainty. The water filled her nose, burning her sinuses. She kicked frantically, her legs flailing in the murky depths, but Samantha held her firm. Just as black spots began to dance before her eyes, strong hands grabbed Samantha, pulling her away. Akeno burst to the surface, sputtering and gasping, the air a sweet, painful relief in her burning lungs. When she noticed what had happened, Akeno was in Kevin's arms. As the staff member taped Samantha’s mouth, Kevin brushed a strand of wet hair away from Akeno's face. Kevin, with a mix of concern and relief in his eyes, held Akeno tightly, his voice soothing in the chaos as he cooed "It's okay, baby girl, you're safe now. Breathe, just breathe." Akeno, still coughing up water, clung to him, her body trembling from the shock and cold. She managed to choke out "I thought... I thought I was a goner." Kevin's grip tightened around her, offering warmth and security, said "Never, Akeno. Not on my watch. You did great, though. You're so brave jumping over Samantha like that." As Akeno's breathing steadied, the staff member approached, his face apologetically saying "I'm so sorry about that. Samantha's more feisty than we anticipated. Are you okay, Miss?" Akeno, her voice shaky but gaining strength, nodded "Yeah, I'm... I'm okay now. Thanks to Kevin." Kevin helped Akeno to her feet, his eyes scanning her for any injuries before saying "Let's get you warmed up and dry. We've had enough excitement for one day." They moved out of the enclosure, Akeno leaning on Kevin for support as they made their way to the staff area where they could clean up. The staff provided towels and dry clothes, apologizing profusely for the incident. Once Akeno was dry and warm, sitting in the break room with a cup of hot tea, she looked at Kevin, her expression a mix of gratitude and astonishment as she said "You know, I never thought I'd be wrestling with alligators when I woke up this morning." Kevin, his tension from earlier was easing within him as he saw her recover, chuckled "Life with you is never dull, Aki. But let's keep the alligator wrestling to a minimum from now on, huh?" Akeno, her face still pale from the ordeal, weakly smiled "Agreed. But thanks, Kevin. For everything." Kevin reached out, squeezing her hand and said "Anytime, Akeno. You're family." After ensuring Akeno was fully recovered from the shock, they decided to head back to Kevin's mansion. The drive was quiet, both reflecting on the day's events, but there was a newfound bond, a silent acknowledgment of the dangers they faced together and the lengths they'd go for each other. Back at the mansion, Mio greeted them with worry etched on her face as she asked "What happened? You both look like you've seen better days." Kevin gave a brief recount of the event, keeping it light, not to worry Mio further, as he said "Aki decided to go for a swim with an alligator. But we're both fine now." Mio hugged Akeno, then Kevin, her relief palpable as she cooed "You two need to be more careful. I can't keep losing my heart like this." Akeno managed a laugh "I think I've had enough adventure for a while. Maybe next time, I'll stick to feeding smaller animals." As they settled down, the conversation turned back to the more pressing issues at hand, particularly the political implications of the Emperor's statement and the ongoing situation with Yoshika and Momo. Kevin, now with the weight of both personal and international matters on his shoulders, knew the coming days would require all his cunning and strength. But for now, he was content in the safety of his home, surrounded by those he cared about, ready to face whatever came next. Later that afternoon, the trio were watching TV when the news anchor said "We just got word that Joe Biden is making a statement about the earlier statement from the Japanese emperor. Here's a live view from the Oval Office." Kevin watched as he muttered "This ain't going to be good." When the picture of the news anchor switched to Biden in the Oval Office, he said "To all Americans, our country that was founded by freedom is under attack by the Land of the Rising Sun. This so-called Japanese emperor claimed that my plans to deport Momo Kawashima are a national crisis of vital importance. One of Sun Tzu's quotes about a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come into being and the dead will never be brought back to life is true. The Empire of Japan was utterly and totally destroyed by the end of the Second World War. If he wanted to land blows, he got it. My troops are on standby and with one quick move with my pen into the war declaration, Japan will fall again. For the people, throw your soldiers into positions once there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. I want to talk about this one guy, Kevin Stewart. That's why I'm making such a bold move. I saw a picture of his wife, Mio Sakamoto, and I would love to release my bladder into her mouth." Out of rage, Kevin yelled "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, BIDEN!" Then, he roared as he tossed his TV from the living room out of his mansion. In the meantime, Mio punched the TV in their bedroom a few times before she tossed it across the room and stomped on it. Kevin stormed to the bedroom and yelled "DO YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT!" Mio then rambled "That baka is going to get my fury. Go get him, Kev." While Kevin and Mio were rambling at each other at the top of their lungs about Biden, Ken went over to Akeno and quietly asked, "Would you like to go out for dinner?" Akeno nodded, a small smile gracing her lips, and reached for her purse. Just then, Ken paused, a slight frown creasing his brow and said "Do you smell that faint, earthy scent?" Akeno's smile faltered, and a single tear traced a path down her cheek. Her voice trembled as she replied "I... I was nearly drowned by an alligator earlier today. There might still be some decaying leaves in my hair." Ken's expression softened with concern. He gently took her hand and pulled her into a comforting embrace while holding her close as he murmured "I'm just glad you're safe, Akeno." Akeno leaned into the embrace, her voice muffled against his chest, said "Please... don't let go." Ken tightened his hold, breathing in the faint, earthy scent of her hair, whispered "I just want to hold you for a while longer." After a few moments, they reluctantly broke apart. Ken, still holding her hand, gently led her toward the Mandarin. Inside, Akeno was admiring some intricate Chinese artwork when Ken quietly placed a small box next to her. Akeno, still looking at the art, grabbed a dumpling, but she felt something odd. Akeno turned her attention from the artwork to the small box and the dumpling in her hand. The dumpling felt strangely heavy and hard, unlike the soft, steamed dumplings she was accustomed to. She looked closer and realized it wasn't a dumpling at all. It was a smooth, gray stone, perfectly round and about the same size. Confused, she picked it up, turning it over in her fingers. It was cool to the touch and had a faint, earthy scent, almost mirroring the scent she was still faintly carrying from her near-drowning experience. Her gaze then shifted to the box. It was a simple, dark wooden box, unadorned except for a small, silver clasp. With a hesitant breath, she opened it. Inside, nestled on a bed of dark velvet, was a delicate silver necklace. A single, teardrop-shaped peridot gemstone hung from the center of the chain, its green hue shimmering softly in the restaurant's warm light. It was beautiful and strikingly reminiscent of a drop of water. Akeno looked up at Ken, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and emotion. She held the stone in one hand and the open box in the other, her gaze questioning. The earlier distress from her near-drowning experience seemed to have momentarily faded, replaced by a gentle curiosity. She looked at the stone, then the necklace, then back at Ken, waiting for an explanation. The earthy scent of the stone, the watery green of the peridot, and the lingering trauma of her near-drowning all swirled together in her mind, creating a moment of quiet anticipation. Suddenly, Ken touched Akeno's hands before saying "Seeing you this week has been... incredible. You’re so... beautiful and funny, and you just... make me feel good. I wanted to give you this." Tears were raging down Akeno's cheeks as she said "That's the nicest thing someone has gotten me. Your heartfelt speech was so warm and fuzzy." Akeno then landed a kiss on Ken's cheek before saying "I'm going to get another plate of food." In the meantime, Kevin and Mio were much calmer than their earlier outburst while they cleaned up the mess. When Kevin lightly tossed the broken TV from the bedroom out the front door, the news anchor on the radio said "This is 680 News. All the news, every day. The top stories at three o'clock this afternoon. The prime minister, Justin Trudeau, is about to go live." Mio touched Kevin's arm and said "I think Trudeau is going live." The both of them then went to the radio and Mio turned up the volume. When the address went live, he said "The current situation between the United States and Japan is a great risk to the peace, order and good government of Canada. I cannot endorse the kind of language that Biden used against my citizens. As I can see that things ain't going to end well. With a heavy heart, I'm holding all the oil down to the States until further notice." Kevin squeezed Mio's hand and said "I think that Trudeau's idea of sanctioning oil to the US is a good plan." Just then, Mashiro came in and sat next to Kevin. As she was teasing his manhood, Kevin asked "Are you going to make me cum again?" Mashiro looked at Kevin and grinned "Not yet, big cock. I got great news. The Canadian justice minister, Arif Virani, had just sent half of all the Canadian prisoners down to the US in order for Yoshika's pardon in the US. I knew that there were some good apples in the states that would stab Biden in the back." Suddenly, Kevin scooped Mashiro into his arms and started to whirl her around while yelping "YOSHIKA IS A FREE WOMAN!" Mashiro started to flail about as she said "Whoa there, big guy. Put me down, put me down. I think I'm getting dizzy." Mio watched on as they were having fun. Just then, Kevin scooped Mio into his arms and, with Mashiro, he said "Two baka bombs lifting off in 3... 2... 1..." Kevin started to spin them as Mio and Mashiro squealed in joy. A few moments later, Akeno and Ken came back from their dinner. Akeno noticed the trio and with joy said "I want in, Kevin." Kevin stopped spinning and said "I think that there is room for one more person in my arms." She then found a spot in Kevin's arms before he spun the three of them. With a renewed burst of energy, Akeno yelped "I ALWAYS LOVE YOUR FUN, KEVIN!" As the four of them were spinning around at mach speed, Kevin got very dizzy before he crashed down with the three ladies falling onto him. When the four of them were giggling on the floor, Akeno opened her mouth wide and, with a mix of green and orange vomit, flew out of it and onto Kevin. Kevin, the world still spinning around, held Akeno close as a second wave of sickness came. Kevin started to rub her back as Akeno's body vigorously shook out the vomit. After a few moments, Akeno stopped vomiting before giggling "You... you look like a baka bomb has fallen onto you, Kevin." Kevin then squeezed Akeno closer as he cooed "You always know what to say, Aki. What about can I clean you up?" They walked to the washroom where Kevin washed Akeno's soiled clothes and gave her some of Mio's clothes. Later that evening, they were all having a lazy night while Kevin was checking Twitter. Suddenly, he said "Biden just tweeted about sanctioning all American-made vehicles to Canada and Japan." Mio, cuddling in Kevin's lap, said "That's bad, Kev. What do we do now?" Kevin then brushed a strand of hair away from Mio's eyes and said "I just hope that he ain't doing something retarded." Mio sighed, nuzzling deeper into Kevin's lap as she muttered "I love lying on your lap, Kev." Kevin glanced down at her and said "You looked right at home, but your missing something." He then pressed a long, wet kiss on Mio's forehead before saying "Home sweet home." Soon after, Mio fell asleep in Kevin's lap and he then followed suit. The following morning, Mio pressed her lips onto Kevin's. He sleepily moaned as he moved his hands onto her hips while moving down towards her butt. As she noticed Kevin was touching her butt, Mio, with a grin, leaned into Kevin and moaned "You're so dirty, baka." Just then, Mio noticed a white liquid coming from his underwear and a small blush crept onto her cheeks, but her grin didn't falter. She pulled back slightly, looking down at Kevin with a playful glint in her eyes and teased "Looks like someone had a good dream." She reached down and gently touched the damp spot on his underwear, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. As Kevin lightly stirred before dozing off again, Mio lightly moved her hand inside his underwear and teased his manhood. Suddenly, Mio felt Kevin jerk as he groaned "Mmm, that felt fucking good, boo." Suddenly, Mio noticed that Kevin was trying to take off her panties. She leaned into his ear and muttered "Are you looking for a good morning fuck, Kevin?" Kevin, still dozing, moaned "Mmm, I want pussy." Mio, with a widening grin, helped Kevin with her panties before she rolled his own underwear to show a hardened cock about to erect. Mio then grabbed a plastic lunch bag and wrapped it around Kevin's cock before she put her pussy on it. Just then, Kevin woke up to notice Mio humping on his cock. Kevin, now fully awake, looked at Mio with a mix of surprise and delight. He softly chuckled "You're full of surprises, aren't you, my rare Japanese gem?" Mio, still moving rhythmically, gave him a playful smirk before saying "Got to keep you on your toes, or should I say, on your back?" She continued her movements, the plastic making a soft crinkling sound that added an unusual layer to their morning intimacy. Kevin reached up, his hands sliding around to her back, pulling her closer as he murmured "I love waking up to you like this." He then guided her into a more passionate embrace, their bodies syncing in rhythm. The morning sun cast a warm glow through the curtains, enveloping them in a soft light that seemed to enhance the intimacy of the moment. After a few minutes, as the intensity built, Mio whispered "I think we might wake up the whole house if we keep this up." She slowed down, giving Kevin a chance to catch his breath, and then leaned down to kiss him deeply. Kevin responded with equal fervor, his hands exploring her body with the familiarity of a long love. Their kiss was deep, a silent conversation about their need for each other, transcending the playful start to something more profound. Eventually, they paused, breathing heavily, foreheads touching. Kevin said "We should probably get up before Akeno or anyone else decides to check on the noise." Mio nodded, lightly laughing "Or before Ken decided to join in for breakfast. But first, I think we need a shower." She climbed off him, adjusting her clothes with casual grace. Kevin agreed with a nod, his eyes twinkling with the remnants of their shared laughter and love. He was already moving towards the bathroom as he proposed "Together?" They spent the next few minutes in the shower, washing away the morning's escapades, their touches gentle and loving under the warm water. It was a moment of peace amidst the chaos of recent events, a reminder of why they fought so hard for each other and their lives together. Once they were clean and dressed, they headed downstairs to find Akeno already in the kitchen, making coffee. She looked up, her expression amused as she said "I hope you two enjoyed your morning exercise." Mio blushed slightly but retorted with a laugh said "Oh, Akeno, you should try it sometime. It's a great way to start the day." Kevin merely grinned, pouring himself a cup of coffee as he asked "Any news from last night I should know about?" Akeno nodded, her tone turning serious as she said "Yeah, the situation with Biden, Japan, and Canada's is getting messier by the hour. Trudeau's oil embargo is just the beginning, I think. We need to be prepared for anything." The trio sat down at the kitchen table, discussing the day's strategy, the political fallout, and how to navigate the increasingly complex situation with Yoshika's freedom and Momo's plight. Their unity was palpable, each one ready to support the other through whatever came next, grounded by the love and camaraderie they shared. Soon after, Kevin drove to the Toronto South Detention Centre. On the way, Kevin thought "I need to get Mashiro a gag gift." Kevin then drove to a custom shirt store where he ordered a hot pink T-shirt with the words "World's Hottest Stripper Federal Agent." Afterward, he drove to Tim Hortons to buy two coffee. When he bought the coffee, Kevin drove to the detention centre and waited for Yoshika. Kevin waited patiently outside the Toronto South Detention Centre, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts about the recent political upheavals and the personal stakes involved. The tension between the U.S., Japan, and Canada was palpable, and the stakes had never been higher for his friends and family. As he sipped his coffee, he kept his eyes peeled for any sign of Yoshika's release. After what felt like an eternity, the heavy doors of the detention centre swung open, and Yoshika emerged, looking both relieved and somewhat disoriented. She spotted Kevin immediately, her face lighting up with a mixture of gratitude and mischief. She jogged over to him, her steps lighter than they had been in days. Yoshika, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug, exclaimed "Kevin. You baka, you came." Kevin hugged her back, feeling the weight of her relief, said "Of course, I did. Couldn't let you rot in there. How are you feeling?" Yoshika, with a wry smile, replied "Like I've just dodged a bullet, or several. But seriously, thanks for everything. I heard about the chaos outside." Kevin, handing her one of the coffees, said "Yeah, it's a mess. But you're out, and that's what counts. Here, I figured you could use this." Yoshika took the coffee, sipped it gratefully. "So, what's the plan? I'm guessing we're not out of the woods yet with Biden's antics." Kevin nodded, leading her towards his car and said "First, we need to lie low for a bit. Trudeau's oil embargo might cool things down, but we should be ready for anything. We're heading back to my place. We've got some strategizing to do, especially about Momo's situation." As they drove back to Kevin's mansion, Yoshika glanced at the shirt in the back seat before pointing at the pink fabric and asked "What's that?" Kevin chuckled "That's a gag gift for Mashiro. After all she's done, she deserves a laugh." Yoshika laughed, "She's going to love that or hate it, but either way, it'll be memorable." Back at the mansion, the atmosphere was one of cautious celebration. Mio, Akeno, Ken and Mashiro were already there, discussing the latest news. Upon seeing Yoshika, Mio rushed forward, embracing her warmly. Mio, her voice thick with emotion, said "You're back. We were so worried." Yoshika returned the hug and said "Thanks, Mio. It's good to be back, even if it's just for now." Akeno, with a grin, said "We've been planning our next moves. With your freedom, we might have some leverage." Ken nodded, adding "The political landscape is shifting. We need to use this to our advantage, especially with Momo still in custody." They gathered around the kitchen table, where maps and notes were spread out. Kevin explained "We're focusing on two fronts: keeping Yoshika safe and getting Momo out of the U.S. With the diplomatic tensions, we might have some unexpected allies or at least some distractions to work with." Yoshika sat down, her expression serious as she said "What about the Blue Mermaids? Can Mashiro pull some strings?" Kevin confirmed "That's the plan. Mashiro's already working on gathering intel and possibly influencing some of the quieter voices in the U.S. government who might be looking to undermine Biden's more radical moves." Mio looked at Yoshika, her concern evident, before saying "We need to be careful, though. The world's watching, and one wrong move could start something much bigger than us." Yoshika nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation as she said "I know. But we've faced worse odds. We'll get Momo back, and we'll do it together." Later that morning, Kevin was getting a drink from the kitchen when he noticed Mashiro looking at the swimming pool. He grinned as he stealthily walked toward her. When he was behind Mashiro, Kevin poked both sides of her rib cages and said "Did you forget your swimsuit?" Mashiro startled, a sharp yelp escaping her lips, her hand snapping out to grab his wrist and twist it behind his back. A sharp intake of breath escaped Kevin before he yelped "UNCLE! UNCLE! UNCLE!" Mashiro let him go as she said "Sorry, Kev. I had a feeling you might try something like that." As Mashiro was running her hand through her hair, Kevin looked at the pool and asked "So, did you forget your swimwear?" Mashiro tried to look away as she blushed deeply. Kevin noticed her shyness, and playfully messed up Mashiro's hair as he said "I'm assuming that's a nope." Mashiro's mind was a range of things as she thought "He's really asking for it. I should totally dunk him in the pool, but that stupid grin is kind of endearing." Mashiro then grabbed Kevin's hand as she said "My swimsuit, it... it's... at my place." Just then, Kevin said "I forgot that I got something for you." Kevin then walked back to the car, retrieved the hot pink T-shirt, and presented it to Mashiro with a mischievous smile. When she opened the bag and saw the shirt, Mashiro thought "What in the name of all things flaming? The World's Hottest Stripper Federal Agent." When Mio was going into the pool, she looked at the shirt before saying "Wha... what the hell?" Just then, she doubled over in laughter as she choked out "The... world's... hottest... stripper... federal... agent." Kevin placed his hand onto Mashiro's shoulder and said "I thought that this would be a funny gag gift for you as the shirt would suit you if we did pull off the prison break in stripper outfits." Mashiro tried to hold her giggles, but failed as she fell down laughing. Kevin caught her before she hit the ground. Mashiro dissolved into helpless giggles, her body shaking with laughter as she flailed in Kevin's arms, nearly knocking him off balance. He stumbled back a step, his eyes wide with a mixture of amusement and mild panic as he struggled to maintain his grip. Kevin watched as Mashiro was laughing non-stop as he thought "She's really cute when she's like this." In the midst of her giggling fit, Kevin started to tickle Mashiro's nape, sending her into even more uncontrollable laughter. Between laughs, Mashiro choked out "No... no... my... nape... is... so... ticklish... you... baka." As she playfully tried to break away, Kevin said "Where do you think you're going?" Mashiro's attempts to escape only seemed to embolden Kevin. His fingers danced lightly across the sensitive skin at the back of her neck, each touch sending fresh waves of giggles through her. Her face was flushed, tears welling in the corners of her eyes from the sheer force of her laughter. Mashiro, between bursts of mirth, her words punctuated by hiccups, gasp "Stop... please... I... can't... breathe." She squirmed and twisted, her hands reaching up in a futile attempt to push Kevin's hands away, but he held her gently but firmly in place. Kevin, his voice warm and teasing, chuckled "But you're having so much fun." He leaned in closer, his breath tickling her ear, which only made her laugh harder. In her ear, Kevin cooed "Admit it, you love it." He punctuated his words with another light tickle, drawing out a high-pitched squeal from Mashiro. Her struggles became weaker, her laughter taking on a more breathless quality. She was practically doubled over, her hands clutching at her stomach. Mashiro, her voice weak with laughter, finally managed to choke out "I... I... give... up... just... please... no... more." She leaned back against him, her body still shaking with residual giggles. Her face was bright red and her hair was slightly disheveled, but a wide, genuine smile stretched across her face. Even as she pleaded for him to stop, a small part of her seemed to revel in the playful torment. As Mashiro got her breath back, she asked "I know that I don't have a swimsuit, but I need to do some underwater training that involves fighting, and you're the perfect dummy for it, Kevin." Mio then said "I got a spare one. It might be tight, but it would do the job." She rushed into the mansion to get it. Kevin pressed his mouth against Mashiro's ear and muttered "If it's the swimsuit I'm thinking of, you would be so sexy." A playful glint sparkled in her eyes as she shoved Kevin playfully and said "And what makes you so sure you know which one it is?" Kevin, leaning back slightly from Mashiro's playful shove, grinned "Oh, come on. Mio's got that one drawer in her closet, the one that's... special. Full of things she only brings out for, shall we say, specific occasions. If she's offering a spare swimsuit, I'm betting it's from that collection. Unless... she's got a whole separate stash of underwater combat training swimwear. You know, reinforced stitching, hydrodynamic design, maybe even some built-in weaponry? Now that would be interesting. But my money's on the sexy one." Kevin's playful banter was cut short as Mio returned, holding up a rather revealing, sleek black swimsuit with a mischievous smile. Mio, handing it to Mashiro with a teasing twinkle in her eye, said "Here it is. It's not exactly battle gear, but it'll be for some close-quarters combat training." Mashiro took the swimsuit from her, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of pink as she examined it. She was half to herself, half in response to Kevin's earlier comment as she mumbled "Close-quarters combat, indeed." Kevin chuckled "See? I know my wife's wardrobe better than she sometimes does." Mashiro rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress her laughed "Alright, fine. But don't expect any mercy just because I'm wearing this." Her tone was playful yet determined as she headed towards the changing area. While Mashiro changed, Kevin turned his attention back to the pool, contemplating the recent events and the strategic moves they needed to make. The situation with Momo was still precarious, and with Biden's recent actions, the political landscape was as unpredictable as ever. Mio joined Kevin at the poolside, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind and said "Think she'll manage to take you down?" Kevin, his voice laced with affection and humor, replied "If she could focus on the embarrassment of that swimsuit, maybe." As Mashiro returned, she looked surprisingly confident in the tight-fitting swimsuit, which left little to the imagination but seemed to boost her agility. She approached Kevin with a mock-serious expression and said "Ready to teach me some moves, or are you just going to stand there and gawk?" Kevin, stepping into the water, laughed "Bring it on, Shiro. Let's see how this stripper federal agent handles herself." Mashiro then went into the water before she went to Kevin. As Mashiro was getting ready, Kevin suddenly spun her around, wrapped her arms around her waist, lifted her up, and fell backwards into a German suplex. Mashiro was caught off guard as she crashed into the deep end. Mashiro was momentarily stunned as Kevin wrapped his arms around her waist and swam deeper. Mashiro flailed around as Kevin pinned her on the bottom. In her mind, Mashiro thought "Oh fuck, he's so tough, but he's so hot." Just then, Mashiro broke free and locked him in an armbar. Kevin, caught in the armbar, grimaced as he thought "Nice move, Shiro. But let's see how you handle this." With a swift motion, he used his legs to push off from the bottom of the pool, rolling them over so that he was on top. He broke her hold and attempted to pin her again, but Mashiro was quick, slipping out like an eel and swimming to the surface for air. Kevin, with a grin, grabbed her leg and pulled her back under just as she was about to reach the surface. As she was being pulled back under, Mashiro thought "I thought that I had stunned him." When Mashiro was getting her senses back, Kevin pulled her to face him. He grabbed her waist before lifting her upside down. Kevin then stepped forward and dropped to his knees before putting her head between his legs a few inches from the ground and dropping her on the ground into a Tombstone Piledriver. After the move, Mashiro bolted up to the surface before yelping "Are you pulling off The Undertaker down there, Kev?" Kevin swam up next to her and said "And I'm here to collect your soul. Try me, I'll make you famous. Just know you will feel the pain. You will get hurt. And you will suffer. And most importantly, you will rest in peace." Suddenly, Mashiro swam under again before she grabbed Kevin's leg. At the bottom, Mashiro grabbed Kevin's foot, lifted his leg off the ground, grabbed his toes and bent his ankle into an ankle lock. Kevin yelled in pain as bubbles escaped his lips. Out of options, Kevin kicked Mashiro's forehead, causing her to break free from her ankle lock. As Mashiro was getting her senses back, Kevin entered a rubber guard before he slipped his right foot in front of her head and under the chin, locked his hands behind her head, and choked her by pressing his shin against her trachea. Suddenly, Mashiro thought "Fucking hell, he's using the Hell's Gate. Oh fuck, I... I... I... I'm going limp." Just then, she tapped out and Kevin removed the hold. Mashiro raced to the surface where she thrashed around once she reached fresh air. Kevin then swam over to Mashiro and held her close. When she got her breath back, Mashiro said "Where the hell did you learn these moves from?" Kevin brushed a wet strand of hair from Mashiro's face before saying "Mio and I once fought Triple H and Stephanie McMahon during our wedding reception." Mashiro then went to Mio and whispered "What about we teamed up and get him back." Mio then got up from her chair and said "Okay then, Shiro, I'm going to get you that drink." As Mashiro went back to Kevin, Mio walked around the pool where Kevin didn't see her and stealthily entered the pool. When Mashiro playfully teased Kevin's manhood, Mio gracefully swam underwater before she grabbed his leg and pulled him underwater. Once at the bottom, Mio entered the par terre position before wrapping her arms around Kevin's midsection and using her legs and hips to lift him into a gutwrench submission. As Kevin was getting the air squeezed out of his gut, Kevin thought "Mio submitting me underwater is so freaking hot for her." Just then, Mashiro swam over and started tickling Kevin's feet. Kevin tried not to laugh as he thought "Are they trying to make me submit? I'm never going to as I'm the master of the world." Suddenly, Yoshika jumped into the pool before she swam to Kevin. As Yoshika and Kevin were mere inches away from each other's faces, Kevin thought "Am I going to get myself a kiss from my wild nut of a friend?" In Yoshika's mind, she thought "Kevin like this is why I'm a sucker for dishing out the pain." Just then, Yoshika swam off before Kevin felt her hand entering into his swimming trunks. As Yoshika was thinking about her next move, Kevin thought "Is she going to grab it?" Soon after, Yoshika, with years of sex under her belt, forcefully grabbed his cock, followed by Kevin groaning in joy. In Kevin's mind, he thought "What is this, Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro?" Kevin then suddenly fought his way from the three ladies holds before he pushed Yoshika face-down onto the pool floor, straddled onto her back and pulled back on her head and neck into a camel clutch. As Kevin torqued her back, Yoshika thought "Oh yeah, make me into your camel, Kev." Suddenly, Yoshika started to forcefully blow out a lot of bubbles as her breasts jiggled with the effort. As Yoshika's cheeks became puffy, Kevin thought "Fuck, she might be drowning." He broke the hold and pulled her arm to the surface. When Kevin resurfaced, he noticed that Yoshika was limp. Kevin was shaking vigorously as he muttered "Fuck, fuck, fuck, no." Kevin then pulled her out of the pool before he pressed his lips onto hers and did some mouth-to-mouth. Mashiro and Mio were in shock as Kevin tried to resuscitate her. Just as Kevin was checking her pulse, Yoshika started to cough out the water. Kevin rolled Yoshika onto her side as she heaved out the water. Kevin, his heart hammering against his ribs, a frantic bird trapped in a cage, rubbed Yoshika's back and cooed "Just breathe, Yoshi." Yoshika, in her mind, thought "I love this feeling of drowning. Maybe next time, I should do this in a safe way or maybe not." When Yoshika stopped coughing, Kevin said "Let's go inside and get you dry." They all went inside and Mio made lunch for everyone. That evening, Kevin was lying on Mio's lap while watching TV when the news anchor said "This is CP24 in Toronto, and it's 7:59 pm on November 14, 2034. We have breaking news. The Japanese prime minister, Fumio Kishida, is going to be live at 10 am JST or 8 pm our time." Mio then said "This might not be good." When the announcement started, he said "日本国民と世界中の友人の皆さん、米国の現政権は、我が国民であるモモ・カワシマに対する行動と攻撃的な言辞によって、明らかに国際法と国家主権を無視しています。私は、国民が脅迫され、政治的な駒として利用されているのを黙って見ているつもりはありません。テクノロジーや農業などの主要分野を標的とした一連の対米経済制裁を発表します。さらに、この危機に対処するため、数日中に緊急G7会議を招集します。日本は、国民とその尊厳を守るために、あらゆる平和的手段を使用する用意があります。他のすべての方法が失敗した場合、全国の米軍基地からすべての米国人、軍人を含むすべての米国人を追放し、日本の領海内のすべての米海軍艦艇を拿捕する以外に選択肢はありません。紛争が発生した場合、全国の米軍基地から日本本土への米軍攻撃のリスクを冒すつもりはありません。こんなことにはならないことを祈りますが、やらなければならないことはやらなければなりません。バイデン氏はこれに満足していないのではないかと心配していますが、ミッドウェー海戦を再現する前に、この問題全体を再考するよう呼びかける彼の幸運を祈ります。" As Kevin sat up from Mio's lap, she started shaking vigorously and moaning in fear. Kevin noticed her fear and wrapped Mio in a tender hug before cooing "Hey, hey, it's okay, my rare Japanese gem. What's wrong, Mio?" Mio slightly moved away to look at him and said "It... it means war, Kev. My... my motherland is going to war." Kevin, with tenderness and care, held her tighter and said "I figure that this might be a sign of war. But anyway, you're part Canadian through marrying me, sweetie." Mio, with tears raging down her cheeks, said "Please do something about Momo." Kevin squeezed her hands and cooed "Busting Momo out of a Baltimore jail would be a death trap, but I would try." Kevin then went to Yoshika and asked "Does your Cessna have the fuel to fly to Baltimore from Toronto?" Yoshika then stated "It's got enough for a one-way trip, but we'd need to refuel or have a backup plan for getting back. Plus, flying into the U.S. airspace right now with all this tension? That's a whole other level of risk." Kevin, his mind racing through the scenarios, nodded "We need to think this through. We can't just fly with guns blazing. We need a diversion, something to pull attention away while we move in." Mio, still visibly upset, added "And we need to think about what happens if things go wrong. We can't afford another international incident." Mashiro, who had been listening intently, chimed in "I can get some intel on security at the Baltimore jail, maybe find a way to create that diversion. But Kevin, we're talking about crossing some serious lines here. This isn't just about breaking someone out; it's about navigating international waters during a potential war." Akeno, trying to be practical, suggested "What if we coordinated with some of Momo's contacts in the U.S.? There might be someone willing to help from the inside, or at least give us some cover." Ken, with his background in the Secret Service, warned "We need to be extremely careful. If this goes south, we're looking at charges that could lock us all up for life, not just here but potentially facing a tribunal if this escalates further." Kevin then went into his man cave to think about his plan. When inside the man cave, Kevin was thinking "How in the flaming bag of shit do I break Momo out of jail in a country that's got one of the most powerful in the world?" Just then, Akoya came in and said "I heard about the Japanese prime minister's announcement. What's your opinion about war, Kevin?" Kevin held her hand and said "War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other. I have never stepped into an actual war zone, but I have fought in many battles in my life. I have seen things that no man should ever see. I have done things that no man should ever do. I am a killer, a monster. But I am also a victim. My motto about war is always remembering a fallen soldier, always remembering fathers and sons at war, always remembering, buried in history." Kevin sat back in his chair, the weight of his words filling the room like smoke after a battle. Akoya squeezed his hand, her face reflecting both admiration and concern. Akoya softly said "I get it, Kevin, but we're not just talking about past battles here. This could be a new kind of war, one where the lines between right and wrong blur even more than before." Kevin, his gaze distant as he pondered the implications, nodded "Yeah, and this isn't just about me or us anymore. It's about protecting those we love, like Momo, from becoming casualties of this political chess game." Akoya leaned closer, her voice firm yet gentle as she said "So what's the plan? We need something solid, something that won't just get us all killed or worse, start an international conflict." Kevin's mind was a whirlwind of strategies and risks. He knew they needed something unconventional, something that would either be genius or disastrous. Kevin, his voice gaining strength as he spoke, began "Okay, here's what we do. We need a multi-layered approach. First, we use Mashiro's Blue Mermaids to gather all the intel we can on the security at the Baltimore jail. We find out when they're most vulnerable - shift changes, food deliveries, anything that could be a window. We'll need a diversion. Something big enough to draw attention away from the jail. Maybe a false-flag operation or a coordinated protest that escalates into something the local forces can't ignore." Akoya listened intently, nodding along and saying "And for Momo's escape?" Kevin, still ranting, said "We will have staged an accident or a medical emergency. Something that requires her to be moved from the jail to a hospital. We'll need someone on the inside to help with that or at least not get in our way. Maybe one of her contacts or someone with a grudge against the current administration." Kevin stood up, pacing as he continued "Yoshika's plane can get us close, but we'll need a ground team to execute this. Akeno's good at blending in. She could be part of the medical team or disguised as a staff member. Ken, with his Secret Service knowledge, can help us navigate the security protocols." Akoya then interjected "And what about getting out?" Kevin then ranted "That's where we need to be smart. We can't just fly back to Canada. We'll need a boat, something to get Momo out of U.S. waters before they can react. Maybe head north to Canada or even east towards international waters until the heat dies down." Kevin stopped pacing, looking at Akoya with a serious expression and said "This isn't just about pulling off a heist or a rescue. It's about not sparking a war. We need every step to be precise, every move calculated. If we mess up, it's not just our necks on the line; it's the peace of our world." Akoya stood, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder and said "We'll do it right, Kevin. We'll bring Momo back home, and we'll do it without lighting the fuse to a bigger conflict. Let's gather everyone; we need to plan this down to the last detail." They left the man cave, their determination setting the stage for what could either be a trump card of cunning or the beginning of an even greater catastrophe. The stakes were never higher, but for Kevin and his crew, failure was not an option. They were ready to risk it all for family, for peace, and for the chance to live another day in a world on the brink. Kevin then told the group his plan, and they all agreed to it. Soon after, they went to bed. The next morning, Kevin was making breakfast when he heard the news anchor on the TV said "This is CP24. It's November 15, 2034, at 7 am. The top story of the hour is that Momo Kawashima has been moved from the Chesapeake Detention Facility in Baltimore to ADX Florence southwest of Colorado Springs. ADX Florence is a supermax prison that's known for holding some of the most dangerous and notorious criminals in the United States like the Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, French member of al-Qaeda, Zacarias Moussaoui, who pleaded guilty in a U.S. federal court to conspiring to kill citizens of the United States as part of the 9/11 attacks and formerly the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, a domestic terrorist who conducted a mail bombing campaign before he committed suicide by hanging on June 10, 2023." Kevin paused, the spatula in his hand hovering over the sizzling pan as he absorbed the news. The shift of Momo from a relatively accessible facility in Baltimore to the formidable ADX Florence changed everything. The complexity of their plan just escalated dramatically. He turned to the group, his expression grave, said "Change of plans, everyone. Momo's been moved to ADX Florence. That place is a fortress. Breaking someone out of there is like trying to steal from Fort Knox." Mio, who had just walked into the kitchen, her face still marked with concern from last night, leaned against the counter before saying "ADX Florence? That's... that's going to be tough, Kev. What do we do now?" Kevin set the spatula down, his mind racing, said "We need to rethink everything. We can't just walk in this place like we could in Baltimore. We'll need more than just a diversion; we're talking about a full-scale operation." Yoshika, who had been quietly sipping her coffee, chimed in "ADX is in the middle of nowhere. It's going to be hard to get close without being spotted. We might need to look into inside help or something more... drastic." Akeno, her voice steady but her eyes revealing her worry, said "I think I have a plan. What about if I were to fake myself as a US Marshal agent where I could go to ADX Florence and make them believe that I'm the one who is deporting Momo. I'm also thinking that a Blue Mermaid team would dress up as a correctional response team to get Momo out of her cell and bring her to me. Kouko will be the person who hacks their systems if anything goes off. My sixth sense is that protests are brewing at ADX." Kevin listened intently as Akeno laid out her plan, the gravity of the situation settling in. He thoughtfully responded "Faking a US Marshal identity is risky. ADX Florence has some of the most stringent security measures in place. Their protocol for transfers, especially for someone like Momo, would involve multiple checks and verifications. Not to mention, the facility is designed to prevent exactly this kind of scenario. The prison has 1,400 remote-controlled steel doors, motion detectors, and cameras everywhere. Every entry is monitored, and the staff-to-inmate ratio is high, making it difficult to move unnoticed. Plus, there's the perimeter security with razor-wire fences, laser beams, and attack dogs." Akeno then squeezed Kevin's hand before saying "We're the best in the game, Kev. We once stole twenty billion dollars from Casino Rama without firing a bullet. You're a man of action, Kevin, not the one who sits on the sideline while watching your loved one rot in the joint." Kevin, feeling the weight of the situation, nodded in agreement, his resolve hardening as he said "Alright, Akeno, let's do this. But we need to be meticulous. Mashiro, can you get us the blueprints of ADX Florence, and any recent security protocols? We'll need to know every detail." Mashiro, already on her phone, responded, "I'll get on it right away. I'll also see if I can find any disgruntled employees or former staff who might give us an edge." Ken added "I can handle the fake credentials. I know how they're structured from my Secret Service days. But we'll need to work fast. The longer Momo is in there, the more fortified her situation becomes." Kevin, pacing back and forth, said "Akeno would pose as a US Marshal, with Ken providing the necessary credentials and training on protocol. Mashiro would coordinate with the Blue Mermaids for the correctional response team disguise, ensuring their gear and behavior matched the real deal. Kouko would be crucial for hacking into the prison's systems, creating blind spots in surveillance and manipulating records to show Momo as transferred out legally. Yoshika would manage the logistics outside, setting up a secure extraction point, possibly involving a decoy or diversion to keep attention away from the actual escape route. Mio would assist with communications and keep an eye on the broader situation, ready to adapt plans if the geopolitical tensions affected their operation. We'll need a vehicle for the escape that won't draw attention. Something mundane, perhaps a van or a truck that looks like it belongs to maintenance or delivery services. We'll have to time this with a moment of distraction, like a staged event or a protest, as Akeno suggested." Yoshika grinned "I know just the van. It's unremarkable, perfect for blending in." Kevin turned to Mio, his voice softening, said "And we'll need an escape route out of the area without hitting military checkpoints. If Japan's threats have any weight, we might see increased military presence." Mio, taking a deep breath, nodded "I'll work on that. We'll need to consider every possible route, including less traveled paths." The plan was daring, fraught with risks, but it was the only way they could see to bring Momo back without igniting further international conflict. Kevin concluded "This isn't just a rescue; it's a statement. We're showing that even in the face of overwhelming odds, we protect our own. But remember, we do this clean. No one else gets hurt. We're in and out, silent as the night." The group nodded, each member understanding the gravity of what they were about to undertake. Mashiro went over to Kevin and asked "Do I need to wear a skimpy outfit and a feather boa for Momo's prison break?" Kevin grinned as he got a feather boa and said "You know what is about to happen." Just then, Kevin put Mashiro over his shoulder and carried her to the couch. Once there, Kevin put Mashiro down on it and took off one of her shoes. She noticed what he was doing and yelped "Ple... please don't tickle me. I... I'll tease you, baka." Kevin, with a mischievous grin, touched her foot with the boa and said "Would you really tease the baka?" Suddenly, Mashiro burst into a fit of giggles, her face blushing as red as the boa. With tears welling up at the corners of her eyes, Mashiro giggled "I... I... will... make... you... cum... Kevin." Kevin then leaned in and cooed "Are you going to be the world's hottest stripper federal agent for me?" Suddenly, Mashiro flipped Kevin onto his back before she teased her way down to his belt. Mashiro, with a mischievous grin, cooed "I'm going to give you a yes or no question. Do you like me teasing you?" Kevin, his eyes rolling back, moaned "Yes, mami." Mashiro, her grin widening, said "Please behold my teasing fingers on your moneymaker." Mashiro then undid his belt before she tenderly teased her way into his pants. When she touched his cock, Mashiro muttered "You have a pretty nice pecker, Kev." Just then, she unzipped Kevin's fly before grabbing his pecker out of his underwear. Her eyes widened as Mashiro started to suck it. As her mouth moved up and down, Kevin moaned "URGH, WARM!" Kevin, with rising arousal, moaned "Yes, suck it, Shiro. Suck it dry." As she was sucking even harder, Mashiro thought "This is one way to lose my virginity and I was married." When the arousal was reaching its peak, Kevin yelled "MY FUCKING PECKER! IT'S FULL OF FUCKING CUM!" As Kevin and Mashiro were still having some sexy time, Akeno's phone rung. When she answered the phone, Akeno said "Hello there, Yekaterina. How are you?" Yekaterina's voice came through with a mix of urgency and relief, said "Akeno, I've been worried since I heard about the escalating situation. How is everything going? Are you all safe?" Akeno glanced around at her friends, all caught up in their own preparations and moments, then responded "We're managing, Katya. It's a lot, but we're all here together, trying to navigate through this mess. How was the funeral?" Yekaterina, her tone softening, sighed "It was... as funerals go. Sad, but also a celebration of life. But enough about that. I called because I wanted to make sure you were okay. And to tell you, I'll be back in Canada soon. I feel like you might need some support with everything going on." Akeno felt a warmth spread through her at the thought of Yekaterina's return, said "Thank you, Katya. That would mean a lot. We're planning something big to get Momo out of ADX Florence. It's not going to be easy." Yekaterina's voice took on a tone of determination said "ADX Florence? That's a fortress. But if anyone can pull it off, it's you and your team. Just be careful, Akeno. I don't want to lose you after just finding you." Akeno, even though Yekaterina couldn't see it, nodded "We'll be careful. We're working on disguises, diversions, and every trick in the book. I'll keep you updated. Just get back here safely." Yekaterina slightly chuckled "I'll do my best. And Akeno, remember, you're not alone. You have a family now, both here and with the group you're with. We'll get through this together." After ending the call, Akeno felt a renewed sense of purpose. She turned back to the group, where Kevin was now back to strategizing, his face serious but determined. She joined them, ready to contribute to the plan, bolstered by the support from Yekaterina. Kevin looked up as Akeno sat down and said "Everything okay, Aki?" Akeno nodded "Yeah, just got some moral support. Yekaterina's coming back soon. She'll be here to help." Kevin smiled "Good to hear. We're going to need all the help we can get. Now, let's finalize this plan. We've got a lot to do before we can even think about moving Momo." The team huddled closer, diving back into the details of their daring rescue operation, each member bringing their unique skills to the table, united by the goal of saving their friend from one of the most secure prisons in the world. Later that afternoon, there was a knock at the door. Kevin opened it to see the Kawashima siblings in swimsuits. Kevin smiled warmly at the sight of the Kawashima siblings in their swimsuits, their youthful energy a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere of planning and tension that had filled the house. He stepped aside to let them in, greeting them with a mix of affection and concern. Kevin, trying to keep his tone light, asked "Hey, kids. What brings you here all dressed up for swimming?" Aoi, the youngest, bounced forward with excitement and yelped out "Onii-chan Kevin. We were hoping to use your pool to cool off. It's been so long since we swam, and we wanted to see you too." Kevin couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiasm, especially Aoi. He looked back at the group, his eyes meeting Mio's for a moment. She nodded, understanding the need for a brief respite from the day's serious undertakings. Kevin, leading them through to the backyard where the pool sparkled under the afternoon sun, said "Of course, come on in. The pool's all yours today." When in the backyard, Aoi got a bottle of sunscreen and said "Can you put some on me, Onii-chan?" Kevin's heart warmed at Aoi's request. The simple act of applying sunscreen was a welcome distraction, a return to normalcy in the midst of the day's anxieties. He knelt down at her level, taking the bottle of sunscreen from her outstretched hand. Kevin gently said "Of course, Aoi. Where do you need it most?" He then squeezed a dollop of the white lotion into his palm as Aoi pointed to her nose and cheeks, then turned around to indicate her back and shoulders. Kevin carefully began applying the sunscreen, making sure to rub it in thoroughly, so there were no white streaks left behind. He was mindful of being gentle, especially around her face. A few moments later, Kevin announced "All done. Make sure you reapply it after you've been in the water for a while, okay?" Aoi, with her tiny hands grabbing Kevin's, said "Come in with me, Onii-chan." With a grin, Kevin said "And you will get a belly kiss once we go in." Kevin took off his shirt and pants before Aoi rushed to the deep end with him shortly behind her. Aoi, with her arms up, yelped "HOLD ME AND JUMP WITH ME!" Kevin scooped Aoi up before bouncing her gently in his arms as he said "Baka bomb dropping in 3... 2... 1... bombs away." Kevin jumped into the pool with Aoi, causing a splash that made the other siblings laugh and cheer. As they resurfaced, Aoi giggled with delight, her face glowing with joy. Kevin, with a playful smirk, placed his lips on Aoi's belly, giving her the promised belly kiss, which sent her into another fit of laughter. Akane, the eldest, swam over and looked at Kevin with a pouty face and said "Is Momo alright? I heard my parents talking about her, something about her being in trouble." Kevin, with thoughts of keeping the horrors of his past crimes hidden away from such a young soul, swam to the edge of the pool, climbed out, and sat on the side as he held out his arms. Akane swam over to where Kevin scooped her into his lap. Akane nestled into Kevin's lap, her small body shivering slightly from the cool air outside the pool as Kevin thought "I... I can't tell her that her sister is locked up in a supermax in the states, but the truth must be told." Kevin took a deep breath, his mind racing to find the words that would comfort yet not overwhelm Akane. Kevin, choosing his words with care, softly spoke "Momo is in a tough spot right now, Akane. She's in a place where she needs our help, but we're working on it. We're going to do everything we can to bring her back home. You don't need to worry, okay? We've got this." Akane looked up at him, her eyes searching his for reassurance as she "Promise?" Kevin, tightening his hug around her, nodded "I promise." The other siblings, Mai, Ema, and Yuto, had begun to gather around, their playful splashes momentarily paused as they listened to the conversation. Kevin knew he had to keep the mood light for their sake, to maintain some semblance of normalcy in their young lives. Turning the attention back to fun, Kevin clapped his hands and said "Alright, who wants to see who can make the biggest splash?" The mood lightened instantly, the children's laughter echoing around the pool once more as they tried to outdo each other with their jumps and dives. As the afternoon wore on, Kevin watched over them, occasionally joining in the fun while his mind was never far from the complex plan to rescue Momo. The pool became a sanctuary of laughter and innocence, a stark contrast to the weighty decisions and risks they were about to undertake. Mio joined them after a while, bringing out some snacks and drinks, her presence another layer of comfort for the children. She went to Kevin and whispered "You're good with them. They need this distraction." Kevin, his eyes briefly meeting hers, conveying both his love for her and his determination, nodded "We'll get Momo back." After some time, as the sun began to dip, signaling the day's end, Kevin helped the siblings dry off and get dressed. He made sure they were warm and content, their spirits lifted even if just for a few hours. Before they left, Aoi, with her small hand in Kevin's, looked up at him and said "Thank you, Onii-chan. I love you." Kevin's heart swelled, his resolve strengthening as he cooed "I love you too, Aoi. We'll see Momo soon, I promise." As the Kawashima siblings left, escorted by Mio back to their home, Kevin turned back to the house, where the rest of his team awaited to refine their plan. The laughter of the children echoed in his ears, a reminder of what they were fighting for - not just for Momo, but for the future of those they cared about. With this in mind, Kevin stepped back into the strategic heart of their operation, ready to face whatever came next for the sake of family, both by blood and by bond. When Kevin sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, the news anchor said "This is CP24. It's November 15, 2034, at 6 pm. The weather tonight for Toronto is mild at 1 degrees Celsius with a low of -5 with a chance of freezing rain that might cover most of the GTA with a quarter inch of ice. The top story at this hour is a protest that was just reported to be popping up at ADX Florence. The protest was caused due to the transport of Momo Kawashima from a Baltimore jail to ADX." Kevin grinned as he muttered "Take that, Biden. I hope you enjoy your flaming bag of shit chaos." Akeno came in and said "Did you just say something, Kev?" Kevin then ruffled her hair as he said "I was just muttering to myself about Biden." As Akeno playfully swatted his hand away, she said "If you ever got your hands on him, what would you do to him?" Kevin, with his face turning a light shade of red, ranted "I don't want him to hide in his holes underground as just like an insect I'll smoke him right out. It's nighttime prime time as his ancient legacy of crime and my law and order pays the fine. The sound of the mortars is the music of death, a grand symphony that he can't escape from. Is he playing? Does he follow the conductor's lead? No one knows him. No one cares about a single violin." Akeno wrapped her arms around Kevin as she muttered "I like how you put your words, baka. You really like ranting about him, don't you?" Kevin, his thoughts were raging, said "I want to see Biden gagging while he runs out of the White House full of pesticides. Maybe I'd call in the British to finish the job and someone would yell that the British were coming." Akeno, her eyes widened in terror, said "Okay, Kevin, this is getting kind of overboard, even for you. I also hate him too, but I don't rant about him at every waking moment." Kevin, his rage building, said "I'm fucking off for the night. Good night, Aki." Akeno watched as Kevin banged his head on the wall as he went upstairs and thought "This whole Biden bullshit is utterly killing him." Later that night, when Mio arrived back home, she asked "Where is Kevin?" Akeno then pointed up the stairs and said "He went to bed." As she started to go upstairs, Mio noticed the hole in the wall and asked "Who made this hole?" Akeno then said "Kevin did that when he went to bed." Mio nodded as she went off to bed. When she was about to enter the bedroom, Mio heard crying from inside and suddenly thought "Fuck, is he okay?" Mio then went into their room, she noticed that there were many head-sized holes in the wall with Kevin wailing on the bed curled up in a fetal position and wall plaster covered his face and blood lightly dripping down the forehead. Mio then rushed over to him while saying "Hey, hey, what's wrong, babe?" Kevin, his voice choked with emotion, managed to gasp out between sobs, "It's all just... too much, Mio. The pressure, the plans, the fear of failure... and Biden. It's like I'm in a war I can't win. I see the faces of everyone counting on me, Momo, the kids, all of us. What if we can't pull this off? What if I've led us all into disaster?" Mio's heart ached seeing him like this, a man usually so strong, now broken under the weight of responsibility and fear. She gently brushed the plaster from his face, her touch tender as she cooed "Shh, Kev, it's going to be okay. You're not alone in this. We're all in this together. You've faced so much worse, and we've always come through. We'll find a way, just like we always do." She sat beside him, pulling him into her lap, letting his head rest against her chest where he could feel her heartbeat, a steady rhythm against the chaos of his thoughts. Mio began to stroke his hair, her voice soothing as she said "You're the strongest person I know, Kevin. Not just because of what you can do, but because of what you endure for us. We'll get Momo back, but you need to take care of yourself too." Kevin's sobs began to subside, comforted by Mio's presence and words. His breathing evened out, the tension slowly leaving his body. He looked up at her, his eyes red but filled with a gratefulness that words couldn't express when he said "I don't know what I'd do without you, Mio. You're my anchor." Mio smiled softly, kissing his forehead, leaving a small smear of blood where her lips touched before cooing "And you're mine. We're a team, remember? No matter what comes, we face it together. Now, let's clean you up, get some rest. Tomorrow, we'll be ready with a clear head." She helped him to the bathroom, gently cleaning the blood from his forehead and the plaster from his hair. They moved in silence, the only sound the gentle splash of water and the quiet of the night. Once cleaned up, they returned to bed, Mio wrapping her arms around him, providing warmth and security. In the quiet darkness, Mio whispered "We'll go over the plan again tomorrow, with everyone. We'll make sure every detail is perfect. But tonight, let's just be here, just us, okay?" Kevin nodded, feeling the weight on his chest lighten just a bit with her words. He turned to face her, their foreheads touching, sharing a moment of intimacy in the chaos as he said "Thank you, Mio. For everything." They fell asleep like that, intertwined, finding solace in each other, knowing that whatever the morning brought, they would face it together. The night outside was cold, the promise of freezing rain looming, but in their room, there was warmth, love, and a quiet determination to see through the storm, both the one brewing outside and the one within their lives. The following morning on November 16, Kevin woke up and went outside the mansion with a cup of coffee in hand before he muttered "This ain't even fucking winter yet, and we have already got a quarter inch of ice." As he was getting a shovel full of salt, Kevin felt his feet losing their grip before slipping ass first down a flight of stairs and onto the driveway. Out of rage and pain, Kevin yelled "YOU MOTHERFUCKER! MY FUCKING ANKLE!" Mio rushed out to see Kevin on the ground and raced down to him, nearly wiping herself out too. When she got to him, Mio yelped "Are you okay, Kev? I heard you screaming." Kevin grabbed Mio's hand and yelped "I CAN'T FEEL MY FUCKING ANKLE!" Mio looked at his ankle and said "I think you sprained your right ankle from what I can recall from health ed class from high school." Kevin then squeezed Mio's hand tighter before saying "Can you get Yoshika out to help me?" Mio yelled "YOSHIKA! KEVIN HAS BUSTED HIS ANKLE AND I NEED HELP LIFTING HIM!" Yoshika stormed out of the mansion before she slipped on the ice and flew right onto Kevin. As Yoshika landed on him with her face right on his groin, Kevin rambled "You wild nut. Great, I just busted my ankle, and now I might have broken my nuts after my whack-o friend gave me a face full of low blow. Please get off of me before you add further insult to injury to my pride." When Yoshika got off of him, Mashiro, on top of the stairs, giggled "How did you like the face full of a low blow by your wild nut whack-o friend?" Kevin, groaning in pain, said "I'm just waiting for the ice from the roof to give you a RKO out of nowhere, Shiro. Maybe I'll give you one when I can use my ankle again." Mio and Yoshika then grabbed Kevin's arms and pulled him up before they put them around their necks. Just as they came back up the stairs, Mashiro, with a handful of salt, shook it onto the stairs. They then carried Kevin to the couch where Mio said "I'm going to get the first aid kit." When Mio went off to get it, Mashiro asked "What do you want me to do, Kev?" Kevin, with pain still brewing within him, moaned "Please get some lighter fluid and some goddamn tissue paper." Mashiro then said "And then I'm running for my life when you catch fire." Kevin, with a hint of sadness, said "I find myself disgusting. I want to put lighter fluid on my chest, ignite it and wrap myself in rolls of tissue paper. How in the flaming bag of shit do I lead a prison break with a broken freaking ankle?" Mashiro, with a grin, said "What about joining Canada's freestyle wrestling team for the 2036 Summer Olympics with that ankle." Kevin, with a giggle, said "That's Kurt Angle, but with a broken freaking neck, you baka." Mio came back with the kit and said "I'm going to wrap some elastic bandage around the ankle before I use a walking boot." Kevin watched as his lovely wife tenderly wrapped the bandage around his ankle before she put on the walking boot. When she had finished the job, Mio pecked him on the lips before saying "I'm going out. Do you want anything, my rare Canadian gem?" Kevin, with a mix of pain and affection in his eyes, looked at Mio and said "Just some peace of mind, my rare Japanese gem. But maybe grab some chamomile tea later. It helps with stress." Mio, her concern evident but her resolve firm, nodded "I'll be back soon. Try to rest that ankle," squeezing his hand reassuringly before she left. Once Mio was gone, Mashiro sat beside Kevin, her expression turning serious as she said "Kev, this doesn't change our plans, just how we execute them. We'll adapt. You've got a sharp mind; we can still lead from here." Kevin, feeling the weight of his injury but also the unwavering support from his friends, nodded "Yeah, we'll need to recalibrate. Akeno's idea to impersonate a US Marshal might be our best shot now. We'll need to lean on everyone more than ever." Yoshika, who had been quiet, chimed in with a smirk "And I'll make sure the distractions are... well, distracting. Even with one less leg to stand on, you're still our leader, Kev." Just then, Akeno entered, having heard the commotion, and her eyes widened at Kevin's state. "Oh, Kevin, what happened?" she asked, rushing over. Kevin, with a forced smile, trying to keep the mood light despite the throbbing pain, replied "Met the ice head-on, but we've got bigger fish to fry. Akeno, your role just got even more critical. We need to ensure your cover as a US Marshal is airtight. Mashiro, can your team get us the necessary credentials?" Mashiro, already pulling out her phone to coordinate, nodded "I'll have our best on it. We'll forge everything from IDs to transfer orders. It'll look legit." Ken, who had just come down the stairs, saw the situation and said, "We can use this to our advantage. With you less mobile, we make it seem like you're out of the picture, drawing less attention while we operate." Kevin looked around at his friends, feeling a surge of gratitude and determination and said "Alright, here's how we'll do it. Akeno, you'll lead the ground operation. Mashiro, get those documents ready. Yoshika, reconnaissance and diversion. Ken, you're on communication and logistics. We need a new escape route, one that doesn't rely on my mobility." The group quickly adapted, discussing new tactics and roles. They knew the stakes were high, but the camaraderie and trust among them solidified their resolve. As they planned, Kevin's mind raced, not just with the logistics of the rescue but with concern for his team. He knew every step had to be perfect, especially now with his injury. He muttered "War isn't just fought with strength; it's won with strategy." Soon after, Mio came back home with chamomile tea. She went over to Kevin and said "Do you want some tea, honey?" Kevin nodded before Mio went into the kitchen to make it. A few minutes later, she returned to the living room and gave Kevin the tea. Mio then sat next to him and started to read manga. As Mio read further into her manga, Kevin started to stare at her. Out of the corner of her eye, Mio noticed his staring and said "Why are you looking at me like that, baka? It's rude to stare." With a grin, Kevin said "Can't I stare at my lovely wife? You get more beautiful as you get older. A thirty-three-year-old gem like you, you still look like you are in your senior year." A faint blush crept up Mio's neck, tinting her cheeks a delicate pink as she playfully nudged Kevin with her elbow and said "Stop it, you're making me feel like a school girl again." Mio then leaned closer to him, her voice softening as she said "But thank you, Kev. It's nice to feel appreciated, especially with all the surrounding chaos." Kevin, with a joyful grin, poked Mio's hip, making her jump slightly before saying "Maybe I will love to hear those sweet school girl giggles one more time." The laughter bubbled within Mio before she ripped out giggles which sounded like her school girl days. As Mio nuzzled closer into Kevin's chest giggling, he cooed "Your hair is so silky soft, it's really soothing. The cherry blossom shampoo is such a balm to my senses." Mio looked at Kevin with a broad smile before she nuzzled her nose into his neck and cooed "Your compliments make me so warm and fuzzy deep within my deep ocean of secrets." Kevin held her closer as he said "I know that a woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. May I hear some of those secrets?" A deeper shade of pink crept up Mio's neck as she muttered "The only secret is being married to such a loving brute of a guy." Kevin then pressed his mouth onto her ear and muttered "And I'm the enforcer of our love." Just then, there was a knock at the door. Mio said "I got that, Kev," as she got off of him and went to the door. When she opened it, Kouko said "Is Kevin here?" Mio led Kouko into the living room where Kevin was still sitting with his injured ankle propped up on the couch. Kevin looked up, managing a smile despite the pain. Kevin, his voice carrying a mix of relief and urgency, asked "Kouko, good to see you. What's the update?" Kouko, with her usual calm demeanor, sat down across from Kevin, setting her laptop on the coffee table before saying "I've been monitoring the security feeds and protocols at ADX Florence. There's a window on November 18. The system undergoes a routine check at 3 pm, which causes a brief lapse in external communications. If we move then, we can exploit that glitch to manipulate some records." Kevin, his mind immediately going into planning mode, nodded "That's our in. Akeno, you'll need to be ready by then. We'll time your arrival with the system's downtime. Mashiro, have your team prepared to move Momo from her cell to Akeno under the guise of a transfer." Akeno, who had been listening intently, responded "I've been practicing the protocols Ken walked me through. I'll be ready to act as a US Marshal." Mashiro added "The credentials are almost ready. We've got someone inside who can help open a few doors, literally. They're not thrilled about the current administration's policies." Kevin then turned to Yoshika and said "You'll be our eyes on the ground. Keep an eye on the protests; we might need to amplify them to draw more attention away from the prison." Yoshika grinned "Already on it. I've got a couple of friends stirring the pot. It'll be chaos if things go our way." Ken, handling communications, confirmed "I've rerouted our escape route. We'll use back roads to avoid any military checkpoints. I've also set up a safe house nearby where we can regroup before heading back." Mio, who had been quiet, her concern for Kevin evident, finally spoke up "Kev, you should stay back, direct from here. Your ankle needs time to heal, and we can't afford you getting caught or hurt more." Kevin, understanding the logic but feeling the weight of not being on the field, reluctantly agreed "Fine. But I want real-time updates. I'll be the command center. Let's get ready for the flight to Colorado Springs." The group then got ready and drove to Pearson International Airport. When they got through customs and got on the plane, it was already early evening. The plane lifted off at 10 that night and landed at Colorado Springs Airport around 5 hours later. They then took a taxi to Buffalo Creek Lodge in Colorado Springs before taking a nap for a few hours. When Akeno woke up at 6 in the morning of November 17, she went over to the still napping Kevin and poked him in the back. Kevin, groggily stirred, turned over and moaned "Wha... what is it, Aki?" Akeno then sat on the bed next to him before saying "I was just wondering about what's bugging you. You have been nearly pulling your hair out the whole flight." Kevin slowly sat up and hugged her tightly, causing Akeno to mutter "Wha... wha... what is this, baka?" As Akeno hugged him back, Kevin said "I'm sorry for all the trouble I had caused over the past week or so. I know that this prison break is a lot for you as your still kind of new to these high-stake things." Akeno felt her heart strings tugging her soul as she held him tighter before cooing "You don't need to worry, as I have been taught by the best in the game for five years." Kevin started stroking Akeno's hair as he said "I haven't thought myself as a teacher, but I have taught you good." As Kevin was stroking her hair, he muttered "Your brown shoulder-length hair really suits you, Aki." Akeno giggled into his chest before saying "Goddamn stop, baka." Kevin, with a mischievous grin, said "Your blue eyes makes you hold many secrets." Akeno started to giggle harder as she cooed "I'm going to kiss you silly if you won't stop." With a smile, Kevin teased "Would you really kiss the baka silly? Your cute and you know you are." Suddenly, Akeno moved Kevin's shirt up before landing her lips onto his belly. Kevin's eyes widened as he felt the wet kisses on his stomach before saying "Maybe land some kisses on my lips." Just then, Akeno sat on his stomach and forcefully pressed her lips onto his. As they kissed, Kevin thought "I'm surprised that she hasn't found that someone yet." In Akeno's mind, she thought "Oh fuck, I'm kissing the cute baka. I'm kissing him. My feelings are... it's burning up." After a few moments, they stopped their passionate kiss with Akeno out of breath. As Akeno rested her forehead on Kevin's, Mio came in with breakfast from Burger King and went to bedside. Mio pecked Kevin on the cheek before saying "You two were having fun as I came in. I know it's not a double whopper, but a sausage toastie would work, right?" Kevin then ripped open the paper bag with vigor before he joyfully unwrapped the sausage toastie like a Christmas present and ate it with predatory hunger. Mio tried to hold her giggles as she said "You're like an animal with rabies, Kev." As Kevin finished the toastie, he said "Maybe this rabid dog wants some Mio Sakamoto for seconds." Suddenly, Kevin moved Mio onto his lap before he lifted her shirt up and pretended to eat her stomach. Mio, her playful side showing, squealed "Oh please Mr. Rabid Dog, don't eat me as I have already fattened up with two sausage toasties." Kevin, still pressing his mouth on Mio's stomach, said "Your belly has always been my favorite body part of mine." Mio, leaning into Kevin's hold, said "You really love... oh... oh... you're licking my belly button. Please don't stop putting it into it." In Kevin's mind, he thought "I'll shove my tongue in her belly button until she gurgles her drool." When Kevin lay Mio back first on the bed, she moaned "You intensify the tongue, I fucking love it." Kevin heard Mio's horny pleas and then made her arousal more fun. Kevin then put his tongue deeper into the belly button as Mio groaned "Oh... oh... oh... my drool. It... it's... boiling." As the moments passed, Mio moaned "Shitty fuck. I... I can feel the urge to gurgle my drool. Fuck me. Fuck me. I'M GOING TO FUCKING GURGLE MY FUCKING DROOL!" Mio then started to writhe in joy as she started to make gurgling sounds. Kevin grinned as he tenderly sat on Mio's stomach and kissed her cheek. As he watched the breathless Mio, Kevin said "Do you like me sitting on your gut?" Mio slowly nodded as she muttered "You can sit on my stomach any time, Kevin." Mio then pulled Kevin down to her lips where she passionately kissed him. Just as they were kissing, Yoshika tugged on Kevin's shirt and said "I have a favor. I need someone to be my sex toy, and you're the best one for that." Kevin, his face a mix of amusement and exasperation, broke the kiss with Mio and turned to Yoshika with a playful groan, said "You really know how to pick your moments, don't you, Yoshika?" he said, his tone light but with an underlying hint of seriousness due to their situation. Mio, catching her breath, sat up, her cheeks flushed from the intensity of the moment. She looked at Yoshika with a smirk and said "Always the wild one, huh? But we've got bigger fish to fry right now, Yoshi. We're in the middle of planning a heist, not a playdate." Yoshika, undeterred by the interruption of their plan, grinned back, her eyes sparkling with mischief, moaned "Oh, come on, Kev. All work and no play? Besides, tension relief could be exactly what we need before we dive into this madness. And you know, after, you'll be my hero twice over for both the rescue and the... entertainment." Kevin sighed, his mind torn between the strategic planning needed for the prison break and the camaraderie that kept their spirits high. He glanced at Akeno, who was watching the exchange with a mix of amusement and concern, then back at Mio, who was now adjusting her shirt with a knowing look. Kevin, his voice firm yet playful, conceded "Alright, Yoshika, but let's keep it quick and quiet. We've got less than 24 hours to get everything in place for Momo. We need sharp minds and steady hands, not just good times." Yoshika clapped her hands in excitement before saying "Deal. But let's make sure we're all set for the real mission. I'll be your best distraction outside, but inside, we need to focus." Kevin, his gaze shifting to the group, nodded "Let's go over everything one more time. Akeno, your role as a US Marshal is pivotal. You need to be convinced from the moment you step into ADX. Mashiro, how are we on those credentials?" Mashiro, who had been quietly observing the interaction, chimed in with professionalism as she said "They're ready. We've got backups if anything goes south. The system glitch Kouko mentioned will give us our window, but we'll need to be in and out before they realize what's happening." Ken, ever the tactician, added "I've coordinated with our local contacts. The escape route is set, and we've got a safe house ready. We'll move Momo out under the guise of a routine transfer. If anyone asks, she's being moved due to a medical emergency. Kouko will hack the system to confirm this." Kevin, his ankle throbbing but his mind sharp, listened "Good. Yoshika, your protest needs to be loud enough to draw attention, but not so much that it brings in reinforcements immediately. Balance is key." Yoshika, her expression turning serious for once, nodded "I've got friends in place. We'll cause just enough chaos without triggering a full lockdown. A little dance, a lot of noise, some smoke for effect." Akeno, feeling the weight of her role, spoke up "I'll make sure I'm in character. I've studied every detail Ken showed me. I won't let us down." Mio, reaching for Kevin's hand, gave it a reassuring squeeze before saying "And we'll keep the command from here. Kevin's mind is our greatest asset, even if his ankle isn't up to running around." As they finalized their plans, the group felt a mix of adrenaline and anxiety. The stakes were high, not just for Momo's freedom but for their own safety. Each knew the risks but was driven by loyalty and the bond they shared. Kevin looked around at his team, his family in all but name, and felt a surge of pride and said "Let's do this for Momo. For all of us. And remember, we're not just criminals; we're family, and we protect our own." As Kevin sat back in bed, Kouko came over and asked "What's your opinion about Biden?" Kevin, his face reddened, ranted "A nation in despair, split by a lost war of words, lost their pride in the land they once adored. A seasoned politician, with a vision or decision to rise to power once again, through votes and division. Rebuilding an agenda, making the nation proud, disregarding the past, with promises of loud secret plans for unity, or so they say, start the era anew, in the American way. The White House will rise. Propaganda, the White House will rise to last four years or more. I see the eagle soaring. The rise of policy. Spreading talks of change, anti-division propaganda spreading. Who will stop the new reign? Night of the capitol, sending democracy to test. On a path to prove or fail the best The election change, on the brink of change. Act with hope, with no pity, showing remorse, starting some remorse, start the democratic machine. The White House will rise. Propaganda, the White House will rise to last four years or more. I see the eagle soaring. The rise of policy. In the last days of peace. America is holding its breath, an invasion of ideas, but when will it start? Who will be first to fall? Who will be last to stand? Who will stop all this madness that has consequences? No man understands? No man, no land. Start the era anew, the White House will rise. The White House will rise to last four years or more. I see the eagle soaring. The rise of policy." Kouko looked at Kevin with shock before saying "Wha... what the actual hell? You... your rant was... bold." Yoshika overheard the rant and said "Now we need you to sing that over Sabaton's Rise of Evil." Kevin, still fuming, ranted "In the White House, shadows grow, Joe Biden's in control. Oh no, With a smile that's cold as ice. He'll lead with deceit and vice. The hammer has fallen on the land of the free. A new dawn has broken, for tyranny, Biden's at the helm, with a grin so broad. Oh, the hammer has fallen, with him inside. Words of peace but actions dark, Promises made, now a lark, Policies shift, like the wind. Under Biden, we're penned in. The hammer has fallen on the land of the free. A new dawn has broken, for tyranny, Biden's at the helm, with a grin so broad. Oh, the hammer has fallen, with him inside. Once a beacon of hope, now a shadow on the wall, His laugh echoes through the halls, as freedom starts to fall. No respect for the past, or the law. He'll rewrite them all, with his claw. The nation's pride, now in chains, Biden's the one who reigns. The hammer has fallen on the land of the free. A new dawn has broken, for tyranny, Biden's at the helm, with a grin so broad. Oh, the hammer has fallen, with him inside. In this new age, under his rule, the hammer has fallen, on us, on you." Mio then said "Okay Kevin, let's go for a walk." Mio helped Kevin and they walked around the lodge. When they walked, Mio asked "Why do you hate Biden so much?" Kevin, still rageful from earlier, ranted "Joe Biden? That sack of shit should've been flushed down the toilet of history long ago. He's the walking, talking embodiment of a dumpster fire in the White House. Biden's got his head so far up his own ass he thinks he can piss in my wife's mouth. That fuck nugget's got another thing coming if he thinks he can mess with me or my family. The man overthrew Trump like a two-bit thug, but instead of running some small-time racket, he's playing with countries like they're his personal playthings. He's the dictator we never asked for, the one-man show of a circus gone mad. That geriatric piece of work threatens war like it's a fucking game of Monopoly. He's got his tiny hands on the nuclear codes, and I swear, he's just itching to play 'who can make the biggest crater. I'd love to see him choking on his own words, gagging on his ego like it's a flaming bag of dog shit he just stepped into. Maybe we can call the British back for Round Two, yell 'the British are coming' and watch him shit his pants. This asshole's got me so wound up, I'm about to pop more holes in my wall than a fucking cheese grater. He's like a constant, nagging pain in my ass, worse than any bullet I've ever dodged. Biden's reign? More like a reign of terror, a fucking parade of clowns where the biggest clown's in charge, turning this country into a circus of chaos. I'd love to see him get a taste of his own medicine, his sorry ass running from the White House like it's on fire, only to find out there's no escape from the mess he made. May he choke on his own propaganda, drown in his own bullshit. Biden's like a leech sucking the life out of democracy, leaving nothing but a bloated, corrupt husk behind..." Mio pressed her finger on Kevin's mouth and said "Shh there, big guy." Kevin took a deep breath, the anger momentarily subsiding at Mio's touch. He knew his rage was fueled by more than just personal grievances; it was a complex mix of loyalty, frustration, and the sheer audacity of the political landscape they were navigating. Mio's calming presence was a stark contrast to the storm brewing within him. Mio, her voice gentle but firm, continued "I know he's got you riled up. But remember, we need to keep our heads clear about what's coming. This isn't just about Biden; it's about getting Momo back safely. We can't let personal vendettas cloud our judgment." Kevin nodded, the truth of her words sinking in. He squeezed her hand, grounding himself for the moment before saying "You're right, Mio. I just can't stand the thought of him thinking he can dictate our lives like this. But you're my anchor. Let's focus on the plan." They continued their walk, the crisp air helping to clear Kevin's mind. The lodge was quiet, the morning chill reminding them of the urgency and the stakes of their mission. A few minutes later, they arrived at the pool where Mio said "There's a hot tub over there, Kevin. Let me get some waterproofing on this ankle cast and change before we relax." Mio then waterproofed Kevin's cast before they changed into their swimsuits and went into the hot tub. When they were relaxing, an F-22 flew passed while Kevin flipped it off with two middle fingers and yelled "FUCK YOU, BIDEN!" Mio lowered her head and shook it as she muttered "Sometimes I don't know you, Kev. Please try to tone it down, sweetie, as I don't want this whole prison break to flop before it even started." Kevin then wrapped his arm around Mio before saying "I'm sorry, my rare Japanese gem, but you know my character." When Kevin pecked her on the cheek, he said "By the way, I must say that your one-piece swimsuit really suits you well, Mio. I really love it when you wear the one that shows your belly." Mio then felt Kevin tickling her stomach before she giggled "Oh stop it, baka. There are other guests here." Kevin pressed his mouth onto her ear and muttered "I just want to spice things up a bit before we become the most wanted in the United States." Mio blushed deeply as she muttered "You... you already spiced things up before we came here." Suddenly, Mio noticed bubbles rising to the surface behind Kevin. Mio's face scrunched up in disgust as the telltale aroma reached her as she squealed "Oh, you smelly son of a... you just farted. Urgh... urgh... let go of me." Kevin just held Mio in the hug as she rambled "Urgh... the shit bloody reaps. NO, you just farted again." With a grin, Kevin laughed "All the years you knew me, you were freaking out because I was passing some gas." Suddenly, Mio ripped a juicy one out that would put Kevin's farts to shame. Kevin laughed "Who's the fart factory now, Mio?" Just then, another more impressive fart ripped out of Mio. As the second fart passed, Kevin was in a full-blown laughing fit as he giggled "You're making a brand-new fart compactor." Mio then nuzzled into Kevin's chest as she muttered "I'm such a fucking pig." Kevin held Mio closer before he moved his hands down her back and placed them right on her butt while saying "You ain't a pig, but my loving wife, my rare Japanese gem." Mio looked at him before cooing "Ah, thank you, my rare Canadian gem. Your... your hands on my butt are so soothing. I... It just makes me want to take a nap." Kevin pressed his mouth onto Mio's ear before cooing "Let your napping take you away in the dream of floating over Japan on a cloud." Mio nuzzled deeper into his chest as she muttered "You're the best, baka." As she fell asleep in Kevin's arms, he stroked Mio's hair. In the meantime, in the lodge room, Akeno was watching TV when the news anchor said "This is Fox News, the most watched and most trusted in America. The top story this morning is Biden's increasing air force training over the skies of El Paso, Colorado Springs and Fort Peck Indian Reservation in fear of an escalating war between Japan and possibly Canada." Akeno looked at Ken before saying "This ain't good at all. He really wanted to light this powder keg right to kingdom come without no mercy." Ken held her hand and said "I just hope that he won't go that far, but I know that Biden was mentally ill when I rage-quit the Secret Service nine years ago." Akeno then tightened the hand hold as she said "I know that Biden has been fishy lately, but I really think that he will start another world war." Just then, Mashiro came in and said "There are a lot of fighters flying around here." Ken sat up as he said "The news stating that Biden is beefing up the air force's training for what I'm assuming war." Mashiro's eyes widened as she muttered "Fuck me, this powder keg is about to blow." Yoshika, on the couch, said "I got a hideout at the Florence Inn, just a few minutes away from ADX Florence. I assume that Kevin wanted you, Akeno, to go there early the next morning as it's nearly an hour's drive from here to the prison." Just as Akeno nodded, Kevin and Mio came back from the hot tub. Kevin then limped over to Akeno where he ruffled her hair and said "Are you ready to bust Momo out tomorrow afternoon?" Akeno playfully swatted Kevin's hand as she giggled "Stop it, baka. You know that I'm willing to die in the name of Momo." Kevin, with a serious tone despite the playful interaction, nodded and said "I know you are, Aki, but let's aim to get everyone out alive, yeah? We've got a solid plan, but we need to be sharp and ready for anything." Mio, sensing the shift in atmosphere, added "We all need to rest up. Tomorrow's going to be intense, and we can't afford mistakes." As night fell, they all retired to their rooms, trying to find some peace amidst the tension. Kevin, despite his injury, felt the weight of leadership, his mind racing through every possible scenario. Mio lay beside him, her presence a comforting anchor. The morning of November 18 came very quickly. Akeno, dressed in her US Marshal disguise, checked herself in the mirror one last time. She felt the weight of the badge, the gravity of what they were about to do. Ken gave her a final briefing on protocol, ensuring she could handle any questions or unexpected situations. Mashiro handed over the forged documents, her expression one of concern but determination, said "Remember, this needs to be seamless. Any hesitation, any mistake, and it’s over before it begins." Yoshika, with her characteristic grin, reassured "I'll have the streets buzzing. By the time they realize what's happening, we'll be long gone." As Akeno prepared to leave for the Florence Inn, Kevin grabbed her hand, his gaze intense, said "You're not alone out there, Aki. We're all with you. Get Momo and come back to us." With a nod, Akeno left, her heart pounding but her resolve firm. The drive to the Florence Inn was quiet, her mind focused on the task ahead. Upon arrival, she checked into the room where she would wait for the right moment to move into action. Back at the lodge, Kevin, Mio, and the rest of the team monitored the situation from afar, using every piece of technology at their disposal to keep tabs on the prison and the surrounding area. The tension was palpable, but they were ready. As the clock ticked towards the critical hour, each member of the team felt the gravity of what they were about to do, not just for Momo, but for the bonds that held them together, in a world that seemed on the brink of chaos. As the time was nearly three, Kevin radioed Akeno through an earpiece and said "It's nearing time for Operation Momo Kawashima. Get on the road and wait near ADX Florence's front gate until its three." Akeno entered a fake, but real-looking US Marshals vehicle and drove to the prison. A few minutes later, Akeno pulled to the side of the street in front of the prison where she thought "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Stay calm, Akeno, stay calm." When the time struck three, Kouko said "It's time. The systems are down." Kevin then radioed "Operation Momo Kawashima is a go." Akeno started to drive to the front gate where a guard pointed at her to stop. When she stopped at the gate, the guard went to Akeno's window and said "Please state your business, ma'am." Akeno gave the guard the documents and said "I'm here to take Momo Kawashima to her medical appointment." After a few moments, the guard gave the documents back before saying "Okay, ma'am, these documents look fine to me. Just follow the road here until you get to USP Florence High, where a correctional response team will bring her out. A fair warning that there was a protest nearby." As Akeno drove to USP Florence High, a Blue Mermaids team faked as a correctional response team were making their way to Momo's cell. When the team arrived at her cell, they opened it and Chie said "Ms. Kawashima, your medical check up is coming up." Momo, lost in thoughts, thought "Wha... wha... what? My deportation is here." Suddenly, Momo started to break down crying. Chie then said "Take her away, ladies." The team entered the cell and cuffed Momo. In the meantime, Akeno pulled into USP Florence High where the planned protest was in full swing. Suddenly, the protest became violent as a protester fired a warning shot into the air and the prison went into lockdown as the PA system was saying "LOCKDOWN! LOCKDOWN! LOCKDOWN!" Akeno heard the PA system and sirens as she thought "Oh shit, we're fucked now." In the meantime, Kouko yelped "There's a lockdown. I'm going to hack their PA system and jam their cameras and radios." At the prison, the sirens suddenly went off and Akeno thought "I just hope that the Blue Mermaids get Momo out before they find what we've been doing." Inside the prison block, the Blue Mermaids team successfully cuffed Momo and Chie said "Let's get her out of here." As they were leaving the cell block, two guards, Randy and Bob, were eating their lunch when Bob said "Wait, ain't Momo wasn't being moved until next week." They then went over to them and Randy said "Hey, I need papers for Momo's transfer. Wait a minute, I feel something off. Bob, please radio dispatch about this." Bob grabbed his radio and stated "Dispatch, this is Cell Two, what's the situation on Momo Kawashima? Hello, is anyone there? Fuck, I think the radio jammed." Just then, both Randy and Bob aimed their guns at the team and Randy barked "Okay there, ladies. I just need you to walk back to the cell where you found her before I filled all your guts full of lead." Momoko and Chinatsu mirrored their stance, drawing their own weapons. Chie’s eyes darted past Randy and Bob, a flicker of recognition in her gaze, muttered "I don't think so, guys." Before either side could fire, a taser arced through the air, hitting both guards squarely in the back. They crumpled to the floor. A third guard, his face grim, stepped forward. He wore the same uniform as Randy and Bob, but his nametag read "Miller." He glanced nervously down the empty corridor before saying "I'm the insider person. Let's go before they call in more backup. We don't have much time." Afterward, they rushed to where Akeno was waiting without any more trouble, and the team put her in the vehicle. As Akeno drove away from ADX, she said "Hey, hey, Momo, you're free. Please don't cry." But Momo kept wailing "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I... I DON'T WANT... TO BE DEPORTED... BACK TO JAPAN! FUCK MY HOMETOWN OF MITO. MY HOME IS WITH MY FAMILY IN VAUGHAN IN ONTARIO!" Akeno noticed Momo's distress and muttered "She's a poor soul." An hour later, Akeno drove to the Buffalo Creek Lodge where Kevin was waiting outside. Kevin then opened the back door where he led the crying Momo out of the car and covered her orange prison jumpsuit in a towel and went inside while saying "It's okay, baby girl, it's okay." When inside his lodge, Kevin placed Momo on his lap before Akeno uncuffed her. Suddenly, Momo grabbed Kevin's throat while yelling "YOUR AIN'T DEPORT... Kev... Kev... Kevin? Wha... wha... what are you doing here?" Kevin smiled as he held her hands around his throat before saying "I'm here for you, Momo. I wasn't going to let you rot in prison and let you be deported. Can you please stop choking me, Momo?" Momo's grip loosened as realization dawned on her, her tears of fear turning into tears of relief. She collapsed into Kevin's arms, sobbing with a mix of joy and exhaustion. Momo finally choked out "I thought... I thought I was alone." Kevin gently stroked her hair, his voice soothing, said "You're never alone, Momo. We're family. We stick together through everything." Mio, who had been watching the reunion with a mix of concern and relief, came over, placing a comforting hand on Momo's back and said "We've got you, Momo. You're safe now." The rest of the group gathered around, each offering their own form of comfort—whether it was a gentle touch, a reassuring nod, or a soft-spoken word. The tension in the room was replaced by a palpable sense of relief and unity. Akeno, still catching her breath from the adrenaline of the escape, added "We pulled off something incredible today. And besides, I'm the one who thought of this whole break." Kevin, his voice still soft but now with an edge of urgency, responded "You're right, Akeno. But first, let's get Momo calmed down." Momo then looked at Akeno before saying "Thank you, Akeno, for saving my bacon back there. At least my butt wasn't going to be bacon on the plane back to Japan." With a grin, Kevin said "There is that Momo Kawashima's witty humor I deeply missed. Let's change you out of that jumpsuit before the law comes for that bacon of yours again." Momo giggled as Akeno gave her some clothes. In the meantime, halfway across the country, Joe Biden was doing paperwork in the Oval Office when a Secret Service agent knocked before popping his head in. Joe looked up from his work before saying "Come in, Charles. Come in, come in. What's the word on the streets?" Charles went into the office before saying "Mr. President, the word on the street is Momo Kawashima had escaped from ADX Florence and some sources are claiming that Kevin Stewart is behind it." Suddenly, Joe sat up and wiped all the paper off his desk with his hands before rambling "WHAT? YOU'RE FUCKING ME!" Charles shook his head and said "I ain't messing with you, sir. I just got off the line with the warden there, and he said that she was not there after their system went through a routine check at three this afternoon." Joe was about to pull his hair out as he paced back and forth and rambling "That little nip Jap son of a bitch you called Momo Kawashima. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. GET THE FUCKING ATTORNEY GENERAL ON PHONE AND ORDER HIM TO GET EVERY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY IN THE COUNTRY TO FIND BOTH MOMO AND KEVIN!" Later that evening, Kevin was watching TV in his lodge room when the news anchor said "This is KKTV in Colorado Springs, your breaking news leader. It's November 18, 2034, at 6 pm. I'm Megan Jones. We are covering breaking news at the nearby ADX Florence in Florence where a prison break happened around three hours ago. The report states that Momo Kawashima escaped prison after a fake correctional response team removed her from her cell to a waiting US Marshals agent that also claimed to be fake. The vehicle's description used by the agent was a black 2011 Ford Crown Victoria with the seal of the U.S. Marshals Service on the front doors. The last known direction of travel was north on Colorado State Highway 115 toward Colorado Springs. One report said that the fake agent seemed Japanese and around 5 feet 1 inches tall with a petite build and brown shoulder-length hair. This is just in our newsroom. President Joe Biden just tweeted mere seconds ago that every law enforcement agency in the United States has been put on high alert for the mentioned prison escapee and Kevin Stewart who helped her in the escape. These law enforcement agencies have the order to shoot to kill them on sight on behalf of Biden." With his rage building, Kevin yelled "WHAT! HE... HE DID WHAT! OH MY GOD, I GIVE UP! WHAT KIND OF GODDAMN COUNTRY I FUCKING VISITING WITH BIDEN WHEN THE GODDAMN RETARDED SHIT STARTED WARMONGERING THEIR GODDAMN NEIGHBORS WHO BREAK MY FUCKING FRIEND OUT OF THE JOINT! GODDAMN SHOOT TO KILL! WHERE THE FUCK? FUCK THE USA! YOU GODDAMN PEOPLE IN AMERICA, FUCK YOU, YOU RETARDED BUNCH OF BASTARDS! GODDAMN, I DON'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT, MAN!" Akeno heard Kevin's rant and thought "He's going to get himself killed if this shooting to kill thing is true by his yelling." Suddenly, she rushed over to Kevin and hugged him as Akeno cooed "Hey, hey, big raging bull, please cool that fire within you, Kev." But Kevin growled "Let me go, fucking bitch." Akeno didn't release the hug as she cooed "I'm not letting go until... hey please don't squirm." As Kevin kept squirming, he growled "He's a dead fuck. Where's my goddamn hitman? I'd kill him myself just like if Hitler was still alive. I just hope he will take himself out of the picture by suffering a stroke and convulse on the ground until he pisses himself like Stalin." Akeno held Kevin closer as she cooed "I know your pissed, but ranting about historical figures associated with tyranny ain't good. Urgh... urgh... urgh... I... I... I can feel the barf coming up my throat from your squirming." As Akeno was deeply burping, Mio walked in before saying "Kev... Kevin, please cool it, baka. Please have my breasts in your face." Mio then unbuttoned her denim shirt and placed her bare breasts onto Kevin's face. In Kevin's mind, he thought "Hmm... Mio has some bangers for titties. The boobies on my face are sexy. Oh fuck it, I'm going to milk her breasts dry rather than ranting and bitching." Just then, Mio felt Kevin start sucking a nipple, and she suddenly yelped "Wha... wha... what are you... oh... oh... oh... if I think what you're doing, please don't stop." As Akeno got her bearings back, she said "You don't wear bras, Mio?" Mio giggled "Nope. The only time I wear any form of bra is bikini tops while swimming. I love the freedom of feeling my breasts to breathe without bras in public. I sometimes don't wear panties under my pants. When I was on those days without panties, I would sometimes flash Kevin my ass on the subway while I put my tongue out at him." With a hint of shock, Akeno said "Maybe I'd try wearing no bras and panties one day." Suddenly, Mio felt tears raining down on her breasts and then noticed that Kevin was crying. In Mio's mind, she thought "Oh fuck, he's so utterly raw. This is why I'm his Mount Everest." In one scoop, Mio cradled Kevin in her arms as she sang "ねんねんころりよおころりよ。ぼうやはよい子だねんねんしな。ぼうやのお守りはどこへ行った。あの山こえて里へ行った。里のみやげに何もろうた。でんでん太鼓に笙の笛。" Soon after, Kevin fell asleep and Mio carried him to bed. As she pulled the sheets over Kevin, Mio looked at Akeno and said "What if I dyed your hair, so the law wouldn't recognize you." Mio then got a backpack and got two bottles from it before saying "Red or pink?" After a few moments, Akeno said "My favorite color is pink." Mio nodded as she put on gloves and started to dye Akeno's hair. After a few minutes, Mio said "All done, Akeno. I still have some pink dye left." Akeno then tried to hold a giggle as she pointed at the sleeping Kevin. Mio held her hand over her mouth as she muttered "He's a deep sleeper, and I'm assuming he won't mind a little makeover." Mio tiptoed to the bed, the faint scent of the dye stinging her nostrils, and carefully began applying it to Kevin's hair, wincing every time she heard him stir. After a long, painfully not trying to wake Kevin up, Mio finished dyeing his hair. As Mio slowly backed away from the bed, Akeno said, "He's going to flip out when he finds out." Just then, Kevin groggily woke up and limped to the washroom. Akeno bit her lip, her shoulders shaking, while Mio pressed her knuckles to her mouth, eyes wide as they waited for Kevin's reaction. Suddenly, Kevin stared at his reflection, his jaw dropping open. His eyes widened, then narrowed into slits. A vein throbbed in his forehead. Kevin yelled "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" as he rushed out of the washroom, a patchy mess of pink hair framing his face and a shocking pink beard jutting from his chin. He then ranted "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO? YOU THINK THAT THIS IS FUCKING FUNNY!" Kevin grabbed the bottle of vibrant, almost neon red dye from the side table before going to Mio. As Kevin neared Mio, she thought "Okay, maybe this wasn't the best idea. Maybe I should have just stuck with Kevin's beard." Mio then yelped "Whoa... whoa... whoa... there, Kev. It... it's just a prank," as she flailed her arms in front of her. But Kevin didn't listen as he wrapped his arm around Mio and started to pour the cool, slimy dye down her hair. As the dye ran down her hair, Mio shivered "This is so cold and slimy." With a grin, Kevin smirked "Who's my Clifford the Big Red Dog now, Mio?" Mio lightly grinned as she cooed "Are you mad anymore, Kev?" Kevin was much calmer as he tenderly covered the rest of Mio's hair red. As he was dyeing Mio's hair, Kevin muttered "I always love redheads." With a giggle, Mio said "You're such a freaking tease, baka." When Kevin finished dyeing Mio's hair, and she turned around to look at him, he said "I love your olive-colored eyes, Mio. I love your eyes in general, as they're large and expressive, which I loved from anime." Mio quickly pressed her lips onto Kevin's mouth before cooing "Your compliments always fill me with so much love that I need to show it back to you." Kevin caressed Mio's hair before saying "Your black hair was nice, but red really makes it even nicer." Mio cupped Kevin's cheeks and cooed "Oh baka, you're making me blush redder than my hair." Kevin then put his hands onto Mio's butt before moaning "Are you wearing any panties under these sweats?" Suddenly, Mio stands up before bending over and mooned Kevin her backside while sticking out her tongue at him and said "I haven't been wearing any for days." As Mio kept mooning him, Kevin said "That cherry blossom branch tattoo on your lower back is so stunning, Mio." Mio suddenly blushed deeply as she moaned "Your making me burn up, baka." Just then, Kevin suddenly squeezed Mio's bare butt as she moaned "Oh... oh... oh... make it feel numb, sexy boy." Akeno giggled "Well, I'm retiring for the night while you two are spicing shit up." As the evening wore on, a whole new wave of protests broke out all over the United States stating that Kevin is a national hero and Biden's policies were overkill. They started to trash businesses, loot houses, egg cars on highway overpasses and even burn down government buildings. As the morning of November 19 broke out, Mio was pacing back and forth across the lodge room while Kevin cocked his shotgun after killing his third rogue protester trying to raid their room. The loud bang of the shot made Mio yell "PLEASE STOP, KEVIN!" With the face of the thug's life, Kevin stated "They ain't stopping until the whole of the US falls under Biden's fat fucking ass." Just then, Akeno rushed into the room and Kevin was about to fire, but noticed it was her. Kevin lowered his shotgun, his breath steadying as he recognized Akeno. His voice was tense but relieved as he said "Aki, it's you. What's going on out there?" Akeno, panting and wide-eyed, replied "It's chaos, Kev. The protests have escalated. They're saying you're a hero, but it's turning into anarchy. People are out of control." Mio, still visibly shaken as her hands were trembling, muttered "This is madness. This is madness. This is madness." Just then, the TV came to life with a live statement from Biden. The three of them went in front of the TV when he said "My fellow Americans, today we're facing civil unrest. This is the most severe civil unrest in America since the start of the Civil War in 1861. It pains me to see my people acting like slave owners during the Confederate States of America era. I overheard some of these protesters' chants stating that I am a racist, sexist, Hitler, Stalin and many other things. I want to clear the air that I'm ain't none of these things. The only person that does any of these things is Kevin Stewart. Look at that fat sack of shit looking like he's the Hulk. Kevin ain't tough, as he just runs into his whore of a wife's titties because he's scared of his own fucking shadow. Kevin's claim of wanting the British to come back to Washington to kick our asses. Fuck you, King Charles III, I fucked your mother before she died. I bet she is still full of my cum six feet under. Come on, you fake King. Come kick my fucking ass. For the protests, I'll send the National Guard to be launched to curb them." Suddenly, Kevin fired his gun at the ceiling until it was empty before groaning "This means total fucking war now. He just shit talked about another country. Believe me buddy, my gloves are already off." Kevin then reloaded the gun and went to leave. With worry, Mio said "Where are you going, Kev?" Kevin looked at Mio and said "I'm just going to join the looting for some things." Mio then went over and kissed him before saying "Please don't get yourself killed." When Kevin left, Mio said "Where's my dildo? I need to fuck myself." As Mio was looking for her dildo, Akeno noticed a hammer on the floor and said "I think I can help you." Akeno then grabbed the hammer as Mio muttered "Wha... what in the hell, I never thought to use that." Akeno giggled "It's a multipurpose tool. I'll show you how I use it in bed." Mio went onto the bed and said "What now, master?" Akeno grinned "Please take off your pants." Mio then ripped her pants off while moaning "Fuck it hard." Suddenly, Akeno shoved the hammer handle up Mio's vagina and Mio yelled "あぁ…あぁ…あぁ…すごく気持ちよかった!ハンマーを膣のもっと奥まで入れてほしい!" Just then, Yoshika walked in to see them spicing up the mood before saying "Can I take a shit on your belly, Mio?" Mio moaned "I need goddamn shit on my sexy belly, Yoshi." Yoshika then ripped off her pants before she removed Mio's shirt and hopping onto her stomach ready to take a dump. When Yoshika was trying to force out turds, she muttered "クソ、クソ、消えろ。クソクソクソクソ野郎。クソクソクソクソクソクソやめろ。" After a few moments of Yoshika forcing herself to shit, she finally did it and Mio yelled "角質のお尻で私をファックしてください。クソったれのウンコが、俺のクソったれのセクシーな腹の上でクソったれに温かい。" Yoshika then started to smear the shit on Mio's stomach as she moaned "君にその糞を私の腹に塗りつけ、燃える糞袋にまみれた糞サンドイッチにしてほしい。" Just then, Kevin came back with a duffle bag and said "Honey, I'm back. What the... Yoshika, you shitty slut." Yoshika started to laugh as she moaned "I love shitty sex being covered in shit. Urgh... I need to start sniffing gasoline again. Maybe I'd start eating my shit while sniffing the stuff." When Mio started to wash the poop from her belly, she said "What's in the duffle bag, Kev?" Kevin unzipped the duffle bag, revealing an assortment of items he'd managed to collect amidst the chaos outside. He pulled out a few bottles of water, some non-perishable food items, and a small first aid kit. Kevin, his voice still carrying the edge of adrenaline from the looting, said "I figured we might need these. Things are getting worse out there, and we need to be prepared for anything." Mio, now clean from the bizarre escapade with Yoshika, looked at Kevin with a mix of concern and relief, said "That's a bright idea, my rare Canadian gem." Suddenly, the news anchor on the TV said "This is just in our KKTV newsroom. King Charles III is about to make a rare political statement about Biden's recent statement about the United Kingdom. Let's go live to the King's statement." Kevin and the group got around the TV when the King said "To the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, today is a dark day in our history since the day we joined the Second World War in the sense of what's about to happen. The recent statement from the United States' president about wanting me to fight him is uncalled-for in this modern society. It might be more common during the War of 1812 when the British monarchy fought a sitting US president, but in 2034, that's not the way to do things. On the topic of my late mother. How dare you speak about Queen Elizabeth II with such vulgar sexual terms. It's my deepest horror that, on behalf of the parliament, I've mobilized the Royal Navy up the Potomac River to Washington DC, and they will be there within a couple of days. This ain't an imminent threat of attack, but a precautionary measure. If the US has the gall to attack us first, we have no other choice but to fight back. After this statement, I'd be heading to Tokyo, Japan with the British prime minister for the G7. Other than this, God Save the King." Kevin, with his face turning a mix of shock and fury, muttered "This ain't going to end well, not in the slightest. The British are coming and Biden fucking knows it." Just then, Ken came in and said "Can I take you out on the town, Akeno?" Akeno nodded and went with him as Mio went over to Kevin and said "I'm going to take a shower. Do you want to join me, Kev?" With his rage at an all-time high, Kevin sighed "Sure thing, babe." They then entered the washroom where Kevin tenderly unbuttoned Mio's shirt. When he took off her shirt, Kevin saw Mio's bare breasts before muttering "You got some perky breasts, Mio. They get more stunning the older you get." Mio smiled and reached for Kevin's belt buckle and whispered "You're not so bad yourself." Mio then undid Kevin's belt and pulled his pants down to see his hard member pressing against his underwear before saying "Hmm, your cock is very firm. It seems like it gets firmer every time we have some sexy time." Kevin's penis involuntarily twitched as Mio took off his underwear. Soon after, they got undressed and entered the shower. Kevin moaned in delight as Mio's fingers danced along the length of his member. The warm water of the shower cascaded over them, adding to the intimacy of the moment. Mio stepped closer, her body aligning with his, her skin slick and warm under the spray. She pressed a kiss to his chest, her hands moving up to his shoulders, then down his back, pulling him closer. Mio, her voice a soothing balm against the day's chaos, whispered "Let's wash away all this madness, if only for a moment." Kevin wrapped his arms around her, his hands exploring the familiar contours of her body, finding solace in the familiarity and love they shared. As they lathered each other with soap, their movements were slow and deliberate, each touch a reaffirmation of their bond amidst the surrounding turmoil. Kevin's hands lingered on Mio's waist, pulling her into a gentle embrace under the water. He leaned down, capturing her lips with his, the kiss deep and passionate, a silent promise of unity and resilience. Mio's hands roamed over Kevin's back, feeling the tension in his muscles, trying to massage it away. She knew that the weight of their situation was heavy, not just the immediate danger but the broader implications of political and personal battles they were entangled in. She murmured to his lips and said "Whatever comes, we face it together." Kevin, feeling the warmth of Mio's body against his, the safety of her love, nodded. The water washed over them, carrying away the dirt of the day and symbolically, some of the burdens they carried. He whispered back "Always together." The shower became their sanctuary, a brief respite where they could forget about the protests, the threats, and the looming international conflict. Here, they were just Mio and Kevin, husband and wife, united in love and purpose. After a while, they rinsed off, the physical closeness having calmed the storm within Kevin. He looked at Mio, her red hair darkened by the water, her eyes bright with a mix of love and concern. He kissed her forehead gently and said "Thank you, my rare Japanese gem. I needed this." Mio smiled, her hand cupping his cheek as she replied "I'll always be here, Kevin. Now, let's go see what the world has in store for us next." Dressed and somewhat refreshed, they rejoined the others, ready to face whatever came next with a renewed sense of determination. The outside world was in turmoil, but within their group, there was a sense of solidarity and strength. They knew the coming days would test them, but together, they were prepared to navigate through the storm. When Kevin and Mio were cuddling on the edge of the bed, the news anchor on the TV said "This is KKTV in Colorado Springs, your breaking news leader. It's November 19, 2034, at 11 am. I'm Ellie Miller. This just came into our newsroom. The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, is going to make a live address about the current tension between the US and the UK from the G7 summit in Tokyo." Kevin looked at Mio before saying "This ain't going to be good." A few moments later, Trudeau's address started, and he said "To all Canadians, the day that I dreaded is upon us. The G7 summit has broken through. There was a fist fight between US president Joe Biden and King Charles III which led the King to be greatly wounded. I, Olaf Scholz, Fumio Kishida, Keir Starmer and Gabriel Attal stepped in and stopped them before things got any worse. Given the volatile situation, Canada is now in a delicate position. We have decided to increase our military presence along the border with the United States as a precautionary measure. We will also be providing humanitarian aid and support to any international efforts aimed at de-escalation. This is not an act of aggression but one of caution. We stand for peace, and we call for all parties involved to seek diplomatic solutions." Kevin squeezed his hug tighter on Mio as he muttered "This means war. I can feel it in my guts, as the Royal Navy and Canadian troops are coming to the US." Mio then nuzzled her nose into Kevin's chest as she cooed "It's okay, babe, it's okay. I can sense that Biden will rethink about this before he starts landing blows." As Kevin started sniffing Mio's hair, he moaned "Biden just punched out the King of the UK." Mio then rubbed Kevin's stomach before saying "Let's go into town and free your mind up." Kevin nodded, and they left their lodge into Colorado Springs for the rest of the day. Later that evening, Akeno and Momo were watching TV in their lodge when the news anchor on the TV said "KKTV just got breaking news moments ago. The Japanese prime minister, Fumio Kishida, just made a statement about seizing all US warships in their territorial waters and sending their navy to the US West Coast. From what I can understand, this might be the start of World War III." Momo then squealed "Oh my god, we're under fucking attack." Suddenly, the EAS blared onto the TV, causing both Akeno and Momo to scream in fear. As Akeno's heart beat fast, the EAS started saying "We have interrupted your programming at the request of the White House. This is the emergency alert system. All normal programming operations have been discontinued during this emergency. This is official news on Channel 11. We will continue furnishing. If official information and instructions, to the Colorado Springs area, if you are not in this local area, you should now listen to stations providing news and information about your local area. This is KKTV, serving the Colorado Springs area. Do not use telephone lines. They should be kept open for emergency use. This emergency alert system has been activated. This is an emergency notification for all broadcast and cable systems. This will transmit this emergency action notification message. The following message is transmitted at the request of the Department of Homeland Security. This is not a test. This is not a test. At this time, a massive Mexican invasion had crossed over the US-Mexican border. The US Customs and Border Protection had detected as many as one hundred thousand troops had already passed through the border as of 10 pm Mountain Standard Time. This is an attack warning. To repeat, this is an attack warning. An attack warning means that an actual attack against the United States is taking place and protective action should be taken. All residents of the United States, no matter what region you are in, should seek shelter. Stay indoors, close indoors and lock all the windows and doors, barricading them to the best of your ability." Momo then screamed "FUCKING HELL, THE FUCKING MEXICANS ARE COMING!" Akeno got up from the couch and yelped "I need to tell Kevin." As she rushed to Kevin's lodge room, Akeno thought "This ain't fucking happening." When Akeno opened the door to Kevin's lodge, a TV flew over her head as Kevin roared "I WANT MY TV TO FUCKING FLY!" Kevin's eyes were bulging out of his sockets as Akeno said "Mexico is attacking." But Kevin started ranting "Biden's turned the country into a powder keg with his policies so extreme that even the most loyal supporters are out there protesting, chanting that he's a racist, sexist, Hitler, Stalin, take your pick from the historical villains. Biden's response? To call anyone who disagrees with him a coward or worse, to threaten them with lethal force. Shoot to kill? Over a prison break? This isn’t a video game, Joe; it's real life, and you're playing with matches in a gasoline factory." Akeno, seeing that Kevin's rage was rising, she said "Please calm down, Kev." The blood vessels in Kevin's forehead pop as Akeno touched Kevin's shoulder and said "You're going to kill yourself with your anger." Suddenly, Kevin loudly roared that made the whole room shook and Akeno covered her ears and let out a terrified scream. Just then, Kevin started to punch out the wall. Akeno yelped "My god, Kevin, please stop punching out the wall. You know that the wall ain't yours to make it into a punching bag." As Kevin's hands became a bloody mess, he ranted "Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it." Akeno tried to reason with Kevin by touching his shoulder for another time, but he yelled "DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME!" Momo suddenly rushed in before saying "Is everything okay, Ake... WHAT THE HELL?" Kevin then looked at Momo with a death stare. As Momo was looking at Kevin, she said "Wha... wha... what's wrong, Kevin?" Just then, Kevin made another room shaking roar, which scared Momo, and she yelled "MY FUCKING GOD!" A few moments later, Momo shrieked in terror as she moaned "Urgh... urgh... urgh... my bladder is losing control." Just then, Momo made a high-pitched squeal as urine ran down her legs. In Akeno's mind, she thought "He needs to fucking stop." Out of nowhere, Akeno snapped and grabbed Kevin by the collar of his shirt and shook him like a rag doll before scolding "YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU JUST SCARED FUCKING MOMO!" With vigor, Kevin suddenly went limp in Akeno's arms before she thought "No. No." Akeno whimpered as she brushed Kevin's hair behind his ear as she muttered "Wake up, Kevin." A few moments later, Mio rushed in to notice Kevin limp in Akeno's arms. Mio's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Kevin, limp and unresponsive in Akeno's arms. Her voice trembled as she rushed over, her concern palpable as she asked "What happened? Kevin." Akeno, her own voice shaking with a mix of fear and guilt, explained "He... he was just so angry, and then he went limp. I think he passed out." Mio knelt beside Kevin, checking his pulse, which was thankfully steady but rapid. She gently patted his cheek, her voice soft yet urgent as she said "Kev, wake up, please. We need you." Momo, with a hint of fear, said "I think he passed out due to his rage and tiredness." Mio then lifted him up and took him to bed. As Akeno and Momo went to their lodge, Mio started to bandage Kevin's hands. When she was finished, Mio muttered "His rage is killing him." As the night went on, the situation in the US grew more hostile. In the morning, Mio was still cuddling and playing with the hair of the unconscious Kevin on her lap as the radio blared an EAS broadcast. Mio gasped as the broadcast said "The following message is transmitted at the request of the United States Government. This is not a test. This is not a test. At 9:04 am Mountain Standard Time, the Canadian army is currently crossing the US-Canadian border. As of three in the morning on November 20, 2034, at least thirty-nine thousand troops were reported to be crossing the border. This attack warning was a follow-up to the earlier Mexican invasion of November 19, 2034, at 10 pm when one hundred thousand troops crossed over the border." Mio's eyes widened in alarm as she listened to the broadcast, her heart racing with the implications of what was happening around them. She then thought "I hope that Kevin's anger won't go nuclear because of the Canadian attack." In the next lodge room over, Akeno, Momo and Ken were sitting around as Akeno said "I'm scared about the shoot to kill order that Biden put on Kevin and Momo's head, and he would hunt us down like hound dogs." Ken held her hand as he said "I'd can't get into contact with Biden to reason with him." Momo, recovering from her involuntary urination from Kevin earlier angry, said "Biden is the one who is making Kevin so mad." In the meantime, Kevin woke up and looked into Mio's eyes. Mio kissed Kevin before saying "Canada is attacking." In Kevin's mind, he thought "Fuck this shit. Where's the TV I tossed? I want to smash it again." Kevin suddenly got up from Mio's lap while groaning "Fuck this shit." Mio then grabbed his wrists, crossed his arms and put him onto the ground. As Mio held Kevin down, he roared "LET ME GO, MIO! LET ME GO, LET ME GO, LET ME FUCKING GO RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" Mio's muscles burned as she yelled "NO! NO! NO!" In the next room, Akeno, Momo and Ken heard their fight, not knowing what to do. In Akeno's mind, she thought "Has hell frozen over?" As Mio was losing grip of Kevin, she yelled "NO BASTARD, STAY THE HELL DOWN BIG MAN! NO BASTARD, STAY THE HELL DOWN BIG MAN! NO BASTARD, STAY THE HELL DOWN BIG MAN!" Kevin then screamed "NEVER!" Suddenly, he then kicked Mio's groin and got free. Mio got up and, with her strength, tried to pin Kevin against the wall, but she accidentally pushed him through the wall into the next room. Akeno, Momo and Ken scampered away as the duo crashed through in a hail of drywall and dust. Akeno, her eyes wide with fear, yelped "What the living hell? That's it, hell has frozen over." In the meantime, urine flowed down Momo's legs as she yelped "Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck." As the dusk calmed down from the crash, Momo was on the floor in her own urine while moaning "Urgh... urgh... urgh... urgh... urgh..." When Kevin got up with his eyes bulging out in rage and veins popping in his forehead, Akeno held her arms out and cooed "Hey, hey, Kevin, it's okay." A few moments later, Mashiro entered the lodge room and said "Canada is attac... What the hell is going on in here?" Just then, Kevin gave Mashiro a death stare as he slowly walked toward her. Mashiro's breath got caught in her throat and her skin turned pale as Kevin walked toward her with rage. Mashiro's body shook violently and moaned in fear as Kevin put his hands on her shoulders and yelled "I NEED TO GO TO FUCKING WASHINGTON DC! I WANT TO KILL FUCKING BIDEN!" Mashiro touched Kevin's arm and cooed "Biden might not be in Washington as the Royal Navy is a day out." Just then, Kevin grabbed Mashiro's throat and shook her violently as he loudly rambled "YOU BETTER GET OFF YOUR BLUE MERMAIDS' ASS AND FIND HIM BEFORE I END UP KILLING YOU INSTEAD!" Akeno, Ken and Mio rushed over and grabbed Kevin away from Mashiro. Suddenly, Mashiro grabbed her handcuffs and cuffed Kevin before pressing her lips on his ear and cooed "This is only until you cool it off, Kev." Yoshika had just come out of the washroom from her shower and noticed Kevin handcuffed and thought "I think Kevin won't mind if I fart in his face." Suddenly, Yoshika rushed over to Kevin, where she gave him a stinkface. With vigor, Yoshika farted, which caused Kevin to moan. Just then, Yoshika felt a sharp pain in her ass as she noticed that Kevin was biting it. Out of nowhere, Yoshika made an aroused moan as she muttered "Yeah, keep biting my sexy ass." As the moments passed, Yoshika squealed "OH, YAH! OH, YAH! HAHDER! HAHDER! OH, GOD, THAT WAS SO GOOD. NOW I'M GOING TO FEEL MY FUCKING ASS WITH SOME FUCKING BITING!" Just then, Kevin yelled "LET ME FREE AS I WANT TO FUCK YOSHIKA!" Mashiro then uncuffed Kevin with caution. When Kevin was free, he started to pace back and forth while ranting "Biden's brain is like a rusty old car battery, barely sparking any coherent thought. He's so full of hot air, he could float on the Hindenburg with his ego alone. Watching Biden make decisions is like watching a sloth trying to solve a Rubik's Cube. Biden's policies are as useful as a chocolate teapot in a dessert. He's got more flip-flops than a beach resort, changing his stance faster than a chameleon in a disco. His leadership is like trying to steer a ship with a broken compass in the middle of a hurricane. Biden's promises are like sugar-free candy; all the sweetness is gone, leaving you with nothing but disappointment. He's the human equivalent of a scratched record, stuck in the same old tune of incompetence. His grasp on reality is like a toddler trying to hold onto a handful of sand. Biden's diplomacy is like playing Russian roulette with all chambers loaded. He's like a bull in a China shop, except the China shop is international relations and the bull's blindfolded. His speeches are like watching paint dry, only less exciting. Biden's vision for the future is as clear as mud in a hurricane. He's got the political finesse of a sledgehammer trying to do the work of a scalpel. His company runs like a clock with all the gears stripped, just spinning in circles. Biden's integrity is like a sieve; everything just leaks right out. His approach to governance is like trying to herd cats with a leaf blower. He's the kind of leader who could make a paperweight look industrious. Biden's memory is like Swiss cheese, full of holes where important facts should be. His attempts at unity were like trying to glue together a Humpty Dumpty made of glass shards." Mio, with her large and expressive eyes, looked at Kevin and cooed "Please sweetie, calm down for the sake of your well-being." Mio then started to rub his stomach as she cooed "I love you, my rare Canadian gem. I don't want your rage to hurt you, honey." With a choked scream, Kevin fell into Mio's arms. As Kevin sobbed in Mio's arms, she cooed "Your sadness is utterly pure. I wish that I could take all that pain away." Kevin, with red puffy eyes, looked at Mio's large and expressive eyes and said "Can you please playfully eat my belly?" Mio smiled tenderly, her eyes softening with empathy and love. She gently guided Kevin to sit down on the bed, her hands moving with a soothing rhythm on his stomach. Leaning down, she playfully pressed her lips against his belly, giving it small, loving kisses. Kevin's body relaxed under her touch, the tension seeping out with each kiss. Mio, her voice was like a balm, trying to mend the fractures of his rage and sorrow, in a lighthearted tone, said "There, my rare Canadian gem, does that feel better?" Kevin, his voice thick with emotion but now tinged with a slight chuckle, replied "Yes, my rare Japanese gem. Your kisses are like magic." He felt his anger subsiding, replaced by the warmth of Mio's affection. As they sat there, with Kevin's head resting against Mio's shoulder, the room was filled with a quiet peace, contrasting with the chaos outside. Mio continued to stroke his hair, whispering comforting words. The others in the room, witnessing this intimate moment, felt a mix of relief and solidarity. Akeno, Ken, Mashiro, and Yoshika all understood the toll this situation was taking on Kevin, not just physically but emotionally. Momo, still recovering from her shock, moved closer, her voice gentle as she said "We're all here, Kevin. We'll get through this together. We need your strategy, your leadership, but we also need you to look after yourself." Ken added "We'll figure out a plan, but first, we need to ensure we're all in this together, head clear and hearts strong. Let's use what's happening to our advantage, not let it consume us." Mashiro, still catching her breath from the earlier scuffle, nodded in agreement, her voice firm yet kind as she said "I'll get on finding Biden's location. We'll prepare, but we will do it smart, not just with anger." Yoshika, with her characteristic grin, tried to lighten the mood further by saying "And hey, if we need another distraction, I've got plenty of... unconventional methods up my sleeve." Their unity was palpable, each member of this makeshift family ready to support Kevin, not just in their immediate escape but in navigating the political maelstrom around them. The love and camaraderie in the room were a stark contrast to the world outside, which seemed to be teetering on the brink of war. Mio, still holding Kevin, looked into his eyes and said "We’ll face whatever comes next, together. But for now, let's focus on healing, on planning. We'll deal with Biden, but not like this. We use our heads, not just our fists." Kevin, feeling the collective strength of his friends and family, nodded, his resolve hardening but his heart softening as he said "Alright. Let's regroup, plan our next move. But first, let's get some breakfast. I'm hungry as a motherfucker." ​They then went for breakfast at the Mountain View Restaurant. When they finished breakfast and returned to their room at the lodge, Ken noticed Akeno standing by the window, gazing intently at the distant mountains. Her expression was serene, almost otherworldly. Ken, ever the playful one, crept up behind her and gently poked her in the ribs. He whispered "Earth to Akeno." Akeno gasped, her eyes widening. For a moment, she looked genuinely disoriented, as if pulled back from a deep trance. Then, in a voice filled with dramatic intensity, she cried "The Elder Scrolls... they speak of... discounted cabbages." She blinked, then looked at Ken, a sheepish grin spreading across her face as she muttered "Sorry. I was thinking about the farmer's market. What do you want, Ken?" Ken smiled as he ruffled her hair up before saying "Just wondering what you were thinking about." Akeno squealed in giggles as she swatted Ken's hand away as she said "You're worse than your twin. I was thinking..." Just then, Kevin walked into the room and tousled Akeno's hair, saying "Damn right, Aki." She swatted playfully at his hand, squealing as she giggled "Stop it, baka." Ken grinned and joined the fray, running his fingers through her hair alongside Kevin's. A shared grin flickered across the twins’ faces as they exchanged a quick glance. Akeno’s eyes widened, a mix of exasperation and amusement flickering across her face. She tried to swat their hands away, a futile effort, as they continued their playful assault. With tears welling in the corners of her eyes, more from laughter than actual distress, Akeno, her voice rising in mock horror, shrieked “Two baka twins are torturing me.” As the trio were having fun, Mio leaned against the doorframe, a wry smile playing on her lips as she said "I can see that you are having fun over here. Though someone's hair is going to need some serious work later." Kevin and Ken stopped ruffling Akeno's hair before she said "That's a nice pink polo shirt, Mio. Are you going golfing?" Mio chuckled, looking down at her vibrant pink polo, and replied "I was thinking about playing a round with Kevin. Would you like to join us?" Kevin then looked at Akeno with a mischievous grin and said "Maybe we can make it a double-up event. Aki, you up for some golf?" Akeno, still catching her breath from the laughter, enthusiastically nodded "Sure, but only if we can make it into a game where the loser has to do something ridiculous." Ken added "Like wearing a funny hat or singing karaoke in public?" Mio laughed "Sounds like a plan. Let's see if we can find some clubs and a course that's still open given... everything." The group then entered a golf cart and drove to the nearby Country Club of Colorado. During the drive, the DJ on the radio said "This is KKFM, 98.1 FM. The best station for classic rock in the Colorado Springs and Pueblo area. It's November 20, 2034, at 11:30 in the morning. My name is Chris Austin. The top story at this time was that World War III had officially been declared by the United Nations just moments ago. With all the tension between the US, UK, Canada and Japan, I felt a sense for a while that another world war would blow out in the kingdom come and it has. For the last few minutes, I heard fighter jets flying over the station from what I assumed was Fort Carson." Kevin suddenly floored the golf cart as he sarcastically said "Thank you, Biden, for 89 years of fucking peace since the last one." Mio grabbed Kevin's arm and said "Please slow down, Kevin. I don't want us to become the first casualties of the war if we crash the golf cart." With him not thinking straight, Kevin said "What about if I could jump off that car transporter on this thing?" Mio, with a scream of terror, ripped out a blood-curdling squeal "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kevin stepped down the gas even more as the cart sped closer. Ray, one of the people that was off loading the cars, noticed the speeding golf cart and yelled "WATCH THE FUCK OUT, ROBERT!" Just then, Mio tore the keys out of the ignition, but the golf cart flew off the transporter at high speed. In midair, Mio wailed "I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING DIE, BAKA!" Akeno, hanging onto the cart for dear life, yelled "ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?" On the other hand, Ken yelled "FUCKING HELL!" As the golf cart landed on four wheels and skidded onto the curb, Mio pounced on Kevin and wailed "ARE YOU CRAZY, BAKA?" Suddenly, Ray pulled Kevin out of the cart and pinned him onto the ground by the throat as he growled "Are you fucking retarded, buddy? Just wait until the law gets... wait a minute, ain't you Kevin Stewart from Biden's shoot to kill statement? I fucking know that I saw you around the area the other day. Where did I put my fucking gun?" In Mio's mind, she thought "Oh, fuck, he's going to kill him." Mio then looked at the golf bag before she grabbed a club. With a swing born of predatory hunger, Mio hit Ray square on the head while yelling "GET OFF MY FUCKING HUSBAND, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Just then, Ray fell onto Kevin with his head splitting open, and his brain was showing as Mio thought "No... no... no... I... I... killed him." Suddenly, Robert tackled Mio onto the ground while yelling "THE LAW WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" Mio started to rake Robert's eyes as she roared "LET ME FUCKING GO THIS MOMENT, YOU FUCKING CHUMP! NOOOOOOOOOOO! DON'T PRESS YOUR HANDS ON MY FUCKING BREASTS, YOU FUCKING CREEP!" Robert pressed his hand harder onto Mio's breasts as he stated "This is a citizen's arrest, you two-bit whore. I can force you down how I like to, as you ain't even worth two goddamn cents." Suddenly, Kevin from behind grabbed Robert's head with both hands and squeezed it while yelling "DON'T FUCK WITH MY WIFE, SEXIST!" As Kevin's squeeze got harder, Robert yelled "AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A few moments later, Robert's head exploded and covered both Kevin and Mio's faces with blood and parts of the brain. With utter fear, Mio wailed "WHA... WHA... WHAT IS WRONG?" Just as Kevin dropped the dead Robert, a security guard from the golf course tried to tackle him. With a swift movement, Kevin pushed the guard away before he stabbed him in the throat. Just then, another security guard tried to cuff Mio, but Kevin stabbed his throat as well. A third security guard backed off as he said "Whoa there, my blood-covered friend. I don't want any more trouble." Kevin, with his eyes screaming bloody murder, groaned "You're beginning to annoy me, Jack Miller or whatever your name badge says. I suggest you better start running before you end up like your buddies, Curly Howard and Moe Howard, with their voice boxes in my collection." Jack then said "That's not their real names. Are you just calling them names from the Three Stooges?" Kevin, covered in blood and with a grim determination in his eyes, stared at Jack, his voice cold and menacing as he said "I'm giving you a chance to live, Jack. Use it wisely." Jack, realizing the gravity of the situation, nodded frantically, turned, and ran as fast as he could be away from the scene, his heart pounding with fear. Mio, still on the ground, was visibly shaking from the shock of the violence. She looked up at Kevin, her eyes wide with a mix of terror and relief. Kevin immediately dropped to his knees beside her, pulling her into a protective embrace, his own hands trembling slightly from the adrenaline. Kevin, his voice softening, whispered "I'm sorry you had to see that, Mio. Are you okay?" Mio, her voice barely a whisper, replied "I... I think so. But what do we do now? This is madness." Akeno, who had been silent but alert, her voice urgent, finally spoke up "We need to get out of here before more people come. This place will be crawling with police in no time." Ken, trying to regain his composure after the chaos, suggested "Let's head back to the lodge. We can plan our next move there. We need to clean up, get our heads clear." They quickly gathered themselves, wiping as much blood off as possible, and moved towards the golf cart. The vehicle was still functional, though now a grim reminder of the recent violence. They climbed in, and Kevin drove cautiously back to the lodge, the urgency of their situation pressing upon each of them. Back at the lodge, they found Mashiro and Yoshika waiting anxiously. Mashiro's eyes widened at the sight of them, particularly at the bloodstains, and she exclaimed "What in the world happened out there?" Kevin, with a heavy sigh, recounted the events at the golf course, emphasizing the need for immediate action and said "We're in deep now. The world's gone mad, and we've just added to the chaos. We need to think about our next move, not just for us but for everyone." Mashiro, always the strategist, nodded "We need to lie low, get cleaned up, and then decide whether to move or fortify here. With a world war declared, the infrastructure, including law enforcement, is going to be stretched thin or in disarray." Yoshika, with a grim smile, added "And I might know a few places we can hide. Places where the law's eyes don't reach easily." Momo, who had been quiet, her voice tinged with fear but resolute, finally spoke up "We need to look out for each other. Let's use this time to regroup, heal, and plan. We can't let what's happening outside tear us apart inside." They spent the next hours cleaning up, changing clothes, and tending to any minor injuries. The mood was somber, each of them processing the day's events, the weight of their actions, and the broader implications of the war now raging around them. Mio, now calmer, sat next to Kevin, her hand resting on his, and said "We've been through so much, Kev. But we'll get through this too, right?" Kevin looked at her, his expression softening and said "Always, Mio. We'll keep fighting, for us, for our friends, for peace. But we need to be smarter, not just stronger." Mio, with love in her eyes, started to play with his beard as she cooed "I think that bright pink hair is the new dirty blonde." Kevin, with equal vigor in his eyes, moved Mio's head with his finger before saying "Well, I think that neon red hair is the new black too." Mio, with a mischievous grin, lifted her tube top and said "Can you please give my breasts a rub, my rare Canadian gem?" Kevin, still bearing the palpable tension of the day, gently ran his fingers through Mio's hair before tenderly cupping her breasts, his touch a mixture of affection and an attempt to soothe the chaos they had endured. The act was a silent promise of solidarity and comfort in the face of the escalating madness around them. As they sat together, the room was filled with a mix of relief and the grim acknowledgment of their new reality. The group knew that their actions at the golf course had not only put them in immediate danger but also tied them more tightly to the unfolding global conflict. Mashiro, taking charge of the situation, suggested "We should monitor the news closely. With World War III officially declared, communication channels might be disrupted or censored. We need to stay one step ahead of any moves against us." Yoshika, ever the pragmatist in her own chaotic way, chimed in, "I'll secure us some weapons. If the world's falling apart, we need to make sure we're not caught unarmed. Plus, I know some back routes out of Colorado Springs if we need to disappear." Akeno, still shaken but rallying, said "We can use the internet to our advantage. Spread misinformation, maybe, to throw off anyone looking for us. We could also try to connect with others who might be resisting this madness." Ken, with his background in the Secret Service, added "I'll work on our secure communications. We need to keep our plans private, away from prying eyes. And we need to prepare for different scenarios, including if we have to move north or west to get out of the immediate conflict zone." Momo, who had been through her own ordeal, voiced her concern and said "We need to think about the Kawashima family. If this war escalates, they could be in danger. We should plan to get them to safety if it comes to that." As they prepared, the lodge became a fortress of planning, with maps spread out, radio frequencies tuned for any news, and a sense of unity despite the looming threat. The group knew that with the world at war, their fight was not just for survival but for a chance to influence the future, to protect those they loved, and perhaps, to find a way to contribute to peace in a time dominated by conflict. Mio, now leaning against Kevin, whispered "This is our world now, but we'll make it through. Together." Kevin nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and the love he held for Mio and their makeshift family. He knew that every step from now on would be fraught with danger, but with the right strategy and unwavering solidarity, they had a fighting chance. As night fell, everyone went to bed, but Akeno stayed up still thinking "I need to find a way to get my hands on Biden without getting everybody I know killed." Akeno's long night of contemplation, pacing back and forth under the watchful gaze of the moon and stars, finally came to an end as the first rays of sunlight pierced through the window on November 21. She then thought "I should shut my eyes for a bit before we fuck off back to Canada." Akeno went into bed while Ken was getting out of it. As Akeno was dozing off, she thought "Fuck you, Biden. You can suck my dick. You can't get me, Biden, because you're just one big pussy." But an hour later, there was a loud explosion outside that shattered the windows. Akeno was asleep as she jumped out of bed wailing "WHAT THE LIVING FUCK WAS THAT?" Suddenly, Kevin yelled "THE MEXICANS ARE COMING!" She then rushed out of her lodge room where air raid sirens were blaring and a distant explosion at a nearby lodge. Akeno suddenly thought "There's no fucking way that the Mexican Army came to Colorado Springs so fast after just crossing the US border the night before." Soon after, Kevin stormed outside while ranting "Goddamn this flaming bag of shit. Goddamn this flaming bag of shit. Goddamn this flaming bag of shit." Just then, an explosion rocked the other side of the lodge and a Northrop F-5 with a Mexican Air Force insignia on it passed Kevin and Akeno mere feet away from the rooftop at supersonic speed. Akeno flailed into Kevin's arms as she shrieked "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THIS IS HAPPENING!" Kevin hugged the fearful Akeno as he cooed "It's okay, baby girl, it's okay." As Kevin tried to soothe her, Akeno nuzzled into his chest while yelping "THE PISS HURTS! THE PISS HURTS! THE PISS HURTS!" Just then, Kevin noticed Akeno's stomach convulsing violently as the piss ran down her legs. In Kevin's mind, he thought "I'm so heartbroken about Akeno's state as she is a sea of unbridled emotions." Mio rushed out just wearing a bathrobe and was in sheer terror and yelped "LET"S PACK AND BE READY TO GO AT A MOMENT'S NOTICE!" Kevin and Mio quickly organized the group, their urgency palpable in the chaos of the moment. The explosions and the sound of aircraft overhead had transformed their peaceful retreat into a battlefield. They gathered everyone in the main lodge room, where the reality of their situation settled heavily upon them. Mashiro, always the tactical mind, was already on her phone, trying to gather intelligence on the situation. She said "We need to move now. The Mexican Air Force's presence here means we're not safe. They're likely targeting strategic locations or maybe even looking for us given the international bounty on our heads." Yoshika, adrenaline pumping, was already preparing their escape, her hands moving with precision as she checked their makeshift weapons and supplies. She added "I've got a van stashed at the back of the lodge. It's not much, but it'll get us out of here. We need to head north, avoid the main roads." Ken, taking on the role of a communications officer, was setting up a portable radio to listen for any updates or directions from allies or news sources. He reported "Communications are spotty, but I'm trying to get a line to some contacts who might know safe routes out of this mess." Momo, still in shock from the sudden violence, was helping Akeno, who was visibly shaken and still recovering from her panic. She gently placed a blanket around Akeno's shoulders, her voice soft but firm as she said "We'll get through this, Akeno. We need to keep moving. Think about your family back home; they need you safe." As they quickly packed, the air raid sirens continued to wail, a constant reminder of the danger they were in. Akeno, still trembling but trying to regain her composure, whispered "I'm sorry, Kev. I... I just froze." Kevin squeezed her hand, his voice reassuring, and said "No apologies, Aki. We all react in our own ways. You're here with us; that's what matters." As the group were about to leave, three Mexican soldiers came in with their guns aimed and the third soldier said "Tírese al suelo ahora antes de que abra fuego." Akeno, a gun aimed right at the back of her head, said "No somos enemigos ya que estamos intentando abandonar el área antes de que nos maten." But the soldier hit Akeno's head with her gun as she said "No juegues conmigo a tus tontos juegos porque tengo un FX-05 cargado apuntando a tu cráneo." Akeno, filled with fear, squealed "Por favor, señora. Yo... yo... le ruego que no seamos enemigos." Suddenly, the second soldier went over to Kevin with her gun pointed at him and said "Aren't you Kevin Stewart, señor?" Kevin, his face full of protective fury, nodded "Yes." With his breath hitched in his throat, Kevin thought "Oh fuck, I'm going to get killed." Suddenly, the soldier said "Sargento Primero Hernández. Sargento Segundo López. Cesar y desistir." Just then, the soldier shook Kevin's hand and said "Hola, I'm Colonel Camila Gonzalez of the Special Forces Corps." Kevin, though still on edge, managed to nod in acknowledgment, his mind racing through the implications of this unexpected encounter. He responded "Colonel Gonzalez, what's your objective here?" Colonel Gonzalez, lowering her weapon slightly but keeping her stance authoritative, explained "We were sent to secure this area due to reports of high-value targets. But it seems we've stumbled upon a situation that might benefit both of us. The Mexican government isn't interested in a prolonged conflict with civilians or with... individuals like yourself, who have their own stakes in this chaos." Mio, standing next to Kevin, her voice shaky but curious, asked "What do you mean by benefiting both of us?" Camila's eyes flicked between the group members, assessing their readiness and resolve. She said "We're here because of global instability. Our orders are to disrupt and gather intelligence on U.S. military movements, but we're also here to find allies in this new world disorder. If we can help you escape this area, perhaps you can provide us with something in return like information, a network, or even just safe passage through your territories when needed." Yoshika, always quick to seize an opportunity, chimed in by saying "We're not exactly fans of the current U.S. administration either. What kind of information are you looking for?" Camila replied "Anything about Biden's movements, military strategies, or key locations that could be vulnerable. With the world at war, every piece of intelligence counts." Kevin, considering their options, knew that aligning with the Mexican forces could offer them a way out of immediate danger. He suggested "We can provide you with intelligence on U.S. operations in this region. In return, we need safe passage out of here and perhaps some security until we can reach a safer location." Akeno, still recovering from her earlier shock, added "And we need your assurance that this won't turn into a trap. We've seen enough betrayal for a lifetime." Camila nodded, understanding the gravity of the trust they were being asked to give. She said "I give you my word. We're not here to harm you; we're here for a common cause - survival and, perhaps, a chance to shape what comes next. I'll arrange for an escort to get you out of this area. But we need to move quickly." With an agreement tentatively in place, the group hastily gathered their essentials. Ken managed to secure a few more pieces of equipment, including a satellite phone for emergency communications. Mashiro coordinated with her Blue Mermaids contacts to ensure that their departure wouldn't be into another ambush. As they prepared to leave, Kevin looked at his team, each member showing a mix of relief and tension. He said "This isn't the end, but it's a new beginning. We're not just running; we're strategizing our next move in this war." With Colonel Gonzalez's soldiers providing cover, they made their way to Yoshika's van, now under the protective watch of Mexican forces. As they were about to load the van, a low, guttural roar echoed across the valley, growing rapidly louder. Shadows flickered across the ground. Then, the first explosion. Six American F-35A Lightning IIs started to bomb the lodge. Kevin, his voice barely audible over the deafening blast, roared "FUCK ME, THOSE SHITTY JETS ARE BLOWING THIS PLACE TO KINGDOM COME!" The ground bucked beneath their feet, throwing them off balance as each bomb hit, sending plumes of dust, smoke, and burning debris into the air. The air crackled with heat, the smell of cordite stinging their nostrils. A chunk of burning wood whizzed past Akeno's head. She felt the vibrations in her chest, a physical manifestation of the raw power unleashed above. Her voice trembling, she yelled "WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW BEFORE THIS PLACE IS COMPLETELY GONE!" Just then, Yoshika screamed "I GOT A FUCKING FLAT! FUCK YOU, BIDEN!" Camila grabbed Kevin's arm and pulled him while saying "I'll give you guys a lift in the AMX-VCI." Kevin, Mio, and the rest of the group quickly scrambled towards the AMX-VCI, an armored personnel carrier that Camila had pointed out. The urgency was palpable; the explosions were getting closer, and the air was thick with smoke and the acrid smell of burning materials. Colonel Gonzalez's soldiers moved with military precision, ushering everyone into the vehicle. As they piled in, Kevin helped Akeno, who was still somewhat dazed but managed to keep moving with his support. Yoshika, cursing the situation with every breath, climbed in last, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and anger. The AMX-VCI's engine roared to life, and they started moving away from the lodge just as another F-35 screamed overhead, dropping its payload. The shockwave from the explosion pushed against the vehicle, making it shudder violently, but the armor held, protecting them from the worst of the blast. Inside, the atmosphere was tense, everyone gripping whatever they could for stability as the vehicle navigated the rough terrain. Camila, taking charge, communicated through her headset, giving orders to her troops to ensure their escape route was clear. Ken, with his satellite phone, tried to reach out to any allies who might provide further assistance or a safe haven. Mashiro was scribbling notes, planning their next moves, her face a mask of concentration despite the chaos. Kevin, holding Mio close, his voice was a low rumble against the din of war, said "This isn't just about us anymore. It's about survival, about making a stand, about figuring out how we can turn this chaos into something that benefits us and stops this madness." Momo, who had been silent, her face streaked with dirt and tears, finally spoke up, her voice shaky but determined as she said "We need to get back to our families. We need to make sure they're safe. This war... it's not just outside; it's in every corner of our lives now." Camila finished giving orders through her headset for now, looked at Kevin and said "What brings you into this mess?" Kevin tightened his hold on Mio, her beautiful form a stark contrast to the surrounding devastation. The rumble of explosions and gunfire was a constant, a grim soundtrack to their desperate situation. With fear in his voice, Kevin said "All this was caused by a plane crash full of meth." Camila chuckled "Well, meth planes crashing is pretty common in Mexico. But why did that cause World War III?" Kevin, still processing the surreal turn of events, took a deep breath amid the chaos, his voice carrying a mix of frustration and resolve as he explained "It started with my friend, Yoshika. She crashed her plane loaded with meth near my friend Akeno's place. That incident caught the attention of the law, but it spiraled when Biden, in his typical overreaction, decided to use it as a pretext to escalate tensions. He's been looking for any excuse to flex his muscles, especially with Japan and Canada after some diplomatic spats. The meth was just the match that lit the powder keg. Yoshika's arrest, and then Momo's, turned personal vendettas into international incidents. Now, with the world on edge, every little conflict is magnified." Camila listened, her expression hardening with understanding. She nodded, the implications clear to her as she said "So, what you're saying is, this war isn't just about drugs or a single incident; it's about power, control, and fear. Biden's actions have turned a local mishap into a global crisis. We need to navigate this new world where every move could trigger another escalation." Mio, her face close to Kevin's, added "And we're caught in the middle, trying to protect our own, to make sense of this madness. We need to get back to Canada, regroup, and figure out how we can use this chaos to our advantage, maybe even help end this nightmare." Ken, managing communications, chimed in "We've got contacts in Canada, allies who can help us. But getting there safely, especially with the U.S. military on high alert, is going to be our biggest challenge." Mashiro, always strategic, was already plotting her next steps, said "We can use the turmoil to our benefit. If we can make it north, we might be able to leverage the situation, possibly even broker some peace or at least secure our safety. We need to move fast, stay off the grid, and use every ally we have." Yoshika, still reeling from the loss of her meth and the van, muttered "I never thought my love for flying and meth would bring down the world." As the AMX-VCI continued its bumpy escape from the chaos, Camila turned her attention back to her troops, ensuring they were on the right path to evade further American airstrikes. She then looked at Kevin's group, her voice firm but with a hint of camaraderie as she said "We'll get you to the border. But remember, this isn't just about escaping; it's about changing the game. You have information, connections, and now, the world's attention. Use it wisely. We might be on different sides of a border, but in this war, we might find ourselves allies against a common threat." Kevin nodded, the weight of their situation settling in. They weren't just fugitives; they were now players on a global stage, where every move could have ripple effects across continents. The journey north was just the beginning of a much longer, more dangerous game. Early that afternoon, the group were in Wyoming and on the eastern outskirts of Cheyenne when Camila was refueling the AMX-VCI on U.S. Route 30. While refueling, Camila looked at Kevin and asked "So sir, did you ever serve before?" Kevin, lost in thought, muttered "Uh... hmm, I never served in the military, but I think that Yoshika served a quick stint in the Royal Canadian Air Force during her senior year of high school." Yoshika, leaning against the AMX-VCI, said "That was the shit. There were so many rules that I needed to follow in the Air Force. I can't rag doll cats by its tail. I can't sniff gasoline to get high from. For fuck's sake, I can't even have one-night stands. After one month of serving, I had enough and quit by stuffing cats that I stole from all the local pet shops in the area in the bomb bay of an Avro Lancaster before I took it for a fly. I flew over the base before I opened the bomb bay. The wails of the cats as they fell to their death." Camila stared at her with utter shock as Kevin said "That's the wild life of Yoshika Miyafuji." Suddenly, a T-34 sped passed them with a Soviet flag flying at the back. Kevin's eyes widened as he watched the T-34 race by, the Soviet flag flapping in the wind, a stark symbol of the chaos enveloping the world. He muttered "What in the hell? The Soviets? I thought the Cold War ended decades ago." Camila, finishing up with the refueling, looked equally surprised but quickly regained her composure as she said "It seems like old enemies are seeing new opportunities in this mess. We need to be on our guard. This war is bringing out ghosts from the past." Just then, the T-34 was coming back. As the T-34 came back into view, Camila quickly shouted orders to her soldiers in Spanish, signaling them to prepare for any potential engagement. The tension was palpable, the air thick with the dust kicked up by the tank's tracks. Yoshika, always quick to react, grabbed her binoculars from the AMX-VCI to get a better look. She yelled over the noise, "It's not just any old T-34. There's someone waving from the turret. Looks like... Kirk Sokolov." Akeno grinned as she thought "He's here. HE'S FUCKING HERE!" Kevin, recognizing the name, shouted "Kirk? Here? What in the flaming bag of shit is he doing in Wyoming with a Soviet tank?" Mashiro, always alert to strategic implications, interjected "This could mean the Russians, or at least some factions, are trying to exploit the situation. If Kirk was involved, it might not be an official state action, but something more... freelance." As the T-34 with Kirk came closer, the tension was thick, but Akeno's recognition of Kirk brought a moment of relief amidst the chaos. Kevin, seeing an unexpected ally, waved for the tank to slow down. The tank's engine roared to a halt, and Kirk, with his imposing figure, climbed out of the turret, his expression one of both surprise and concern as he saw the group. Akeno, her voice a mix of confusion and relief, called out "Kirk, what the hell are you doing here?" Kirk, with a broad grin that belied the seriousness of the situation, responded "I heard about the mess you folks got into. Thought you might need some firepower or at least a ride with history's heaviest armor." He jumped down from the tank, his boots hitting the ground with a thud, and approached the group with a casual swagger. Suddenly, a lady's voice said "Well, how are you, Akeno?" Akeno turned, her eyes lighting up with recognition as Yekaterina emerged from behind the tank, her presence both comforting and surprising. Akeno rushed over, embracing her in a tight hug, her voice muffled against Yekaterina's shoulder as she wailed "Yekaterina, I didn't expect to see you here." Yekaterina returned the hug, her voice warm yet tinged with the weight of the current circumstances said "After I heard about the war and knowing you were in danger, I couldn't just sit back in Russia. Kirk and I decided to come help." Kevin, still processing the surreal scene, approached Kirk, his hand extended in a gesture of gratitude and said "Thanks for coming, Kirk. But how did you manage to get your hands on a T-34 in Wyoming?" Kirk, his voice booming, laughed "Let's just say I've got friends in places where history likes to repeat itself. This old girl was part of a private collection, but with the world going mad, I figured she'd be more useful here." Mio, stepping closer, eyed the tank with a mix of awe and concern before saying "What's the plan then? With this war escalating, we need to get back to Canada, and safely." Kirk, his gaze serious now, nodded "We can use this tank to get through any blockades or skirmishes. It's not just for show; this beast can still pack a punch. We'll head north, avoiding the main routes where possible. But we need to move fast; the U.S. military won't take kindly to a Soviet tank on their soil." Camila, assessing the situation, spoke up "We have the AMX-VCI, which can move quickly and covertly. Combining our forces might give us the edge we need. But we must decide now - stay together or split up to increase our chances." Yoshika, ever the one for action, chimed in "Let's stick together. We've got firepower, speed, and now, some historical backup. We can make it work." Ken, always the tactician, began plotting their route on a map he had with him before saying "Here's what we can do. We use the T-34 for intimidation or defense if needed, and the AMX-VCI for quick maneuvers. We'll avoid Cheyenne, head up through less populated areas, maybe even through the back roads of Nebraska, South and North Dakota if necessary. I know of this little town of Emerson, which is just south of the US-Canadian border in Manitoba." Momo, who had been quiet since the ordeal, spoke with a newfound resolve as she stated "We need to protect our families, make sure they're safe. This isn't just about us anymore; it's about showing that, even in war, we can make a difference." Akeno, still wrapped in Yekaterina's embrace, felt a surge of strength. She looked at her friends, her family by choice, and said "We've come this far. With Kirk and Yekaterina here, we're not just survivors; we're a force. Let's make it count." They quickly organized, loading the essentials into both vehicles. Kirk took command of the T-34, while Camila and her soldiers would drive the AMX-VCI, providing a dual approach to their escape. The plan was set - they would head north, using the tank's presence to deter any would-be attackers while relying on the AMX-VCI's agility for quick escapes if needed. As they prepared to move out, Kevin looked over his group, a mix of criminals, soldiers, and friends, bound together by circumstance and loyalty. He felt a sense of pride, a determination to not just survive but to carve out a path through this war-torn world. With a nod, he signaled it was time to go, and with the roar of engines and the clank of tank treads, they set off towards Canada, towards hope, towards the unknown future. That evening, they passed through Nebraska and entered South Dakota. While driving through the Rosebud Indian Reservation, Akeno looked at Kevin sleeping on Mio's bare chest as she cuddled him in her loving arms. She played with his hair and muttered "What a peaceful soul." In his sleep, he moved onto Mio's breasts while muttering "I wish that Mio had bigger tits." A blush crept up Mio's neck and onto her cheeks redder than the Soviet flag on the T-34 driving next to them. Just then, Akeno asked "Hey Camila, why do you hate Biden so much?" Camila looked at the T-34 for a few moments before saying "It was around this time of year in 2026, when the Mexican and US armies were having a training exercise. I was just promoted to be a lieutenant at the time, and was doing the normal exercises until three of my comrades were shot and killed in a friendly fire incident. I just assumed that it was an accident on the US side, but when Biden started punching out jabs, he blamed us for doing it." Just then, Mashiro was surfing on her laptop when she said "I think Biden is about to make a live statement." Kevin stirred slightly, still nestled in Mio's embrace, as the group tuned into Biden's statement. The AMX-VCI's radio crackled to life, broadcasting the news of "President Biden will be addressing the nation in light of escalating international tensions and the current state of affairs." The screen on Mashiro's laptop flickered to life, showing Biden at a podium, his expression stern and unyielding. He began "My fellow Americans, we find ourselves at a crossroads in history. The actions of our neighbors have forced our hand, leading us into a conflict none of us could have foreseen. The incident with Mexican forces, the provocations from Canada, and the audacity of Japan to meddle in our affairs have all contributed to the situation we now face. We will not stand idly by while our sovereignty is questioned, our allies are threatened, and our citizens are endangered. To those who think they can disrupt our peace, who believe they can challenge our resolve, I say this: you will find no quarter. We will pursue every avenue, use every resource, to ensure the security of this nation. And to individuals like Kevin Stewart, who think they can operate beyond the law, using chaos for their personal gain, know this - we are watching. We will find you, and we will hold you accountable." During the statement, Akeno said "Is that the German chancellor behind Biden?" As Biden's statement continued, the tension inside the AMX-VCI grew palpable. Akeno's observation about the German chancellor caught everyone's attention, prompting a quick reevaluation of the situation's international scope. Mio, gently waking Kevin, whispered "Kev, you need to hear this." Kevin, now fully awake and alert, glanced over at the screen, his brow furrowing as he recognized the figure behind Biden. He muttered "That's definitely Olaf Scholz. What's he doing there? This isn't just about us anymore; it's becoming a global chess game." Suddenly, Kevin grabbed his phone and started dialing a number. Mio noticed Kevin and said "I thought that we were off the grid, Kevin." Kevin looked at Mio and stated "I have a little friend in a high place in the German chancellery that might have some answers about Biden's motives." A few moments after Kevin had dialed the number, Olaf moved off the screen during Biden's statement before he whispered "Mr. Stewart... Mr. Stewart... I was kidnapped by the Secret Service along with Fumio Kishida and Gabriel Attal. We just lifted off from the G7 summit in Tokyo on what I'm assuming is the Doomsday plane." Kevin's face hardened with the gravity of the situation, his voice low as he responded "Olaf, what's the plan? How can we help from here?" Olaf, his voice barely above a whisper, replied "We're being held as leverage, to force compliance with Biden's policies. If you can, get this information out. Expose what's happening here. It might destabilize his position enough for someone to act." Kevin, even though Olaf couldn't see him, his mind racing through possibilities, nodded "I'll get it to the right people, but you need to stay safe. Any way can we reach you again?" Olaf, his voice tinged with urgency, whispered back "Unlikely. They've taken our devices. This call was a risk. But remember, we're not just fighting for our countries anymore; we're fighting for sanity in this chaos." Suddenly, another voice on the other end made Kevin's blood boil as Biden said "Do you think that making calls to my lovely hostages is a bright idea?" Kevin, his rage building at the voice of him, roared "FUCK YOU, BIDEN! LET THE WORLD LEADERS FREE, YOU HALF-WIT CHUMP!" Biden, on the other hand, said "Maybe after I take over their countries and take a piss in their wives' mouths. How's Mio, by the way?" Kevin was at a fever pitch as he yelled "PUT MY WIFE'S NAME OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MOUTH! I'M AIN'T TALKING ABOUT PISSING IN YOUR WIFE'S MOUTH!" Biden then said "I'd love you to visit the White House when World War III is over to dare to try to piss in Jill's mouth. Maybe bring your rare Japanese gem with you as well." Kevin was punching the hull of the AMX-VCI while ranting "FUCK YOU, SAY THAT TO MY FACE AND I'LL BREAK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! DO ME A FAVOR BY COMMITTING TO SUICIDE AND JUMP OFF THE DOOMSDAY PLANE WHERE YOU CAN FACE PLANT ONTO YOUR SORRY ASS!" Suddenly, Kevin ended the call before he ranted "Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Oh, he's going to pay with his life for this." Kevin, with his mind full of rage, buried his face into Mio's breasts and roared out his pent-up emotions. Mio noticed Kevin's pain as she unbuttoned her baseball jersey and placed his head onto her bare breasts and cooed "It's okay, Kevin. I'm here for you, my loving bull." As Kevin's tears stormed onto the skin of Mio's breasts, he suddenly started to seize up due to his intense sobbing. Mio tightened her hold as she cooed "Hey, hey, Kevin, it's all fine." Just then, Kevin loudly groaned before passing out, sleeping tenderly between Mio's two breasts. Mio smiled as she soothed Kevin in his peaceful state by stroking his hair. Camila then said "Is he alright?" Mio pecked Kevin on the forehead before saying "He's going to be fine. He had just gotten a little bit too mad. I'm going to take a nap for a while." As Mio dozed off with Kevin in her arms, the convoy of the AMX-VCI and T-34 rode on into the night north. On the morning of November 22, they crossed the US-Canadian border and drove into the town of Emerson. When they arrived at the Maple Leaf Motel soon after, Camila, inside the passenger compartment of the AMX-VCI, looked at Mio and said "Okay guys, this is it. This is your home away from home. I know that the US border is just across the field down south, but I'm assuming that the 10th Space Warning Squadron stationed about fifty miles away won't fuck with us. My regiment of the Mexican Special Forces Corps will help the Canadians with protecting the border from those goddamn Uncle Sam loving fools." Mio then looked at the still sleeping Kevin on her lap and thought "He's so dreamy as he sleeps. Should I wake him up to go into our room, or should I carry him?" Suddenly, Yekaterina said "Do you like me to carry him in?" Broke from her thought, Mio gasped and looked at Yekaterina before saying "Thank you, Katya." With strong, but tender arms, Yekaterina lifted Kevin and started to go to the motel. Halfway there, she felt a growing warmth and the sharp scent of ammonia. Kevin then started moaning "Hmm... Mio's scent... seems Russian... to me." Yekaterina gasped as she thought "He’s peeing himself and muttering about my Krasnaya Moskva perfume." Suddenly, Kevin started to weakly flail around as he groggily groaned "Wha… what is this? Who are you? Where’s Mio? Why am I wet?" Yekaterina, with a motherly love lighting her eyes, cooed "I’m Yekaterina, sweetheart. You’re in my arms. Mio’s right behind us, honey. You had a little accident. I'm going to get you all better when we're inside." In Kevin's mind, he thought "Oh fuck, I just pissed myself on someone I hardly freaking know." Yekaterina entered room number four where she placed him onto the bed. As Yekaterina was undoing Kevin's belt, she said "I'm going to freshen you up with some clean clothes." When Yekaterina lightly pulled off Kevin's jeans, he thought "She's so sweet. I kind of have a soft spot for a cute Russian lady." When Yekaterina was getting clean clothes, Akeno came over and said "I sent out that the world leaders were kidnapped from the G7 by Biden to a news station." Kevin, now awake and slightly disoriented, looked at Akeno with a mix of gratitude and concern. He managed a weak smile and said "Thanks, Aki. That's a bold move, but it might just be what we need to stir things up." Yekaterina returned with clean clothes, her demeanor calm and nurturing. She helped Kevin change, ensuring he was comfortable. Kevin, feeling the warmth of her care, murmured "I'm sorry for the... you know, the accident." Yekaterina chuckled softly, brushing his hair back from his forehead and said "No worries, Kevin. We've all been there under stress. You're safe now, and that's what matters." Mio entered the room, her expression softening as she saw Kevin now changed and more alert. She sat beside him, taking his hand in hers, and said "You had us worried, my rare Canadian gem. But we're here now, together." The group gathered in the motel room, the tension of their journey slowly easing into a cautious relief. Camila, standing by the window, kept an eye on the surroundings, her military discipline never wavering and said "We need to lie low for now. Let the news about the leaders spread. It might change the dynamics, especially if other countries start questioning Biden's actions." Mashiro, who had been coordinating with her Blue Mermaids contacts, spoke up as she stated "I've informed our team about the situation. They're working on spreading the word through secure channels. We need to prepare for any fallout or retaliation." Yoshika, ever the pragmatist in chaos, added "We should also think about our next move. With the border secured for now, we've got a chance to regroup, but we can't stay here long. Too many eyes will be looking for us, especially after what Akeno just did." Ken, analyzing the map on his laptop, suggested "We should consider moving further north, maybe to Winnipeg. It's big enough to disappear in but close enough to keep tabs on what's happening at the border." A discussion ensued about logistics, safety, and planning. The group knew that their actions could either escalate or de-escalate the situation, depending on how the global community responded to the kidnapping news. Kevin, now more composed, took charge of the conversation as he muttered "We need to use this moment to our advantage. If we can rally support against Biden, we might not only secure our own safety but also help end this madness. We'll need allies, both here in Canada and abroad." Momo, who had been quiet in her thoughts on her family, finally spoke "We should also think about the broader implications. If we can influence public opinion, we might prevent more lives from being lost. This isn't just about our survival; it's about stopping this war from consuming everyone." That afternoon when Kevin and Mio were cuddling on the edge of the bed, the news anchor on the TV said "This is CTV Winnipeg, Manitoba's best breaking news station. It's 12 noon on November 22, 2034. We're covering breaking international news. Our news station got a report from Akeno Misaki that the President of the United States, Joe Biden, had kidnapped the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, Japanese prime minister Fumio Kishida and the French prime minister, Gabriel Attal, from the G7 summit in Tokyo. This just in. We're getting reports that the German and French governments have just declared war on the US, and they're sending their navies in a joint force with the UK. On the topic of the UK, there are also reports that the first wave of the British Royal Navy had just reached the mouth of the Potomac River on their way to Washington DC, after most of the Atlantic Fleet stationed in Norfolk, Virginia, was either damaged beyond repair or sunk. The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, as of this broadcast, is about a day out from the US West Coast. The Royal Canadian Navy had already sailed out of their bases in Halifax and Esquimalt and launched attacks on major US infrastructure along both coasts. World War III has been blown into full gear as of this moment." Kevin, still processing the gravity of the news, tightened his grip on Mio, his mind racing with the implications of this escalated conflict. He muttered "This is it, Mio. The whole world's turned upside down. We're not just fighting for ourselves anymore; it's about stopping this global catastrophe." Mio, equally concerned, looked into Kevin's eyes, her own filled with a mixture of fear and determination. She softly said "We need to stay one step ahead, Kev. We've got to use whatever influence we have to push back against this madness. Your connections, our friends, we need to rally everyone." Kevin, his resolve hardening, nodded "We'll use this motel as our base for now. Akeno's news leak could be the catalyst we need. We'll contact every ally, every contact we have. We need to make sure this information reaches the right ears, not just within Canada but globally." Yekaterina, who had been listening, chimed in with her usual calm demeanor and said "I have some contacts in Russia who might be interested in this development. They've been watching the West closely, and this might be an opportunity for them to play a different role on the international stage." Akeno, feeling the weight of her actions but proud of the potential impact, added "I'll keep monitoring the news, see how this develops. We might need to go public, give interviews, or something to keep the pressure on Biden." Camila, always tactical, suggested "We should also think about defense. With the US potentially retaliating, we need to ensure our safety. I'll coordinate with local Canadian forces, see if we can get some protection or at least a heads-up if trouble's coming our way." Yoshika, with her characteristic grin, said "I can work on some distractions. If we can stir up enough chaos in the right places, it might pull attention away from us." Ken, who had been quiet, now spoke out with a plan in mind and said "I'll look into secure communications, set up a network for us to communicate with our allies without being intercepted. We need to be ghosts in this game." Momo, still thinking about her family, voiced her concern as she stated "We also need to ensure our loved ones are safe. If this war spreads, we can't let them be caught in the crossfire." Kevin looked around at his friends, his makeshift family, and felt a surge of purpose and muttered "Alright, let's do this. We'll push back against Biden, use every resource we have. We'll fight for peace, for sanity, and for each other. Let's start with contacting our allies, spreading the truth about the kidnappings, and preparing for whatever comes next." As they began to work, the room buzzed with a mix of urgency and determination. Later that afternoon, Yekaterina was reading a book on the edge of her bed as Kevin was staring up at the ceiling on his own bed. Just then, Kevin started to look at her while thinking "She's such a cute Russian. Did I sleepily mutter that her perfume smelled like Russia and stated that it was Mio while I was being carried by Yekaterina?" Out of impulse, Kevin got up and walked over to Yekaterina. Just then, Kevin curled up in her lap. Yekaterina lightly gasped as Kevin nuzzled closer into her stomach and tenderly wrapped his arms around her as he muttered "I miss you, mommy." In her mind, Yekaterina thought "My god, he... he's a lost soul." She then placed her hand on Kevin's back and said "Is everything okay, Kevin?" Suddenly, Kevin ripped out a choke sob as he wailed "HOLD ME TENDER, KATYA!" Yekaterina, moved by Kevin's plead, unbuttoned her blouse and said "Почувствуй биение моего сердца на своей груди, оно успокаивает твою душу." As Kevin moved onto her breast, he muttered "Please... please keep talking Russian." With a grin, Yekaterina cooed "Ты душа великой доброты, что потерялась в море ярости. Море ярости — это не ты. Мои материнские объятия на моей груди успокоили бы это море ярости." Just then, the duo heard what sounded like a cat wailing before it was tossed through the window and Yoshika rushed in and said "Look at my new rag doll." She then grabbed the cat by its tail before shaking it. Yekaterina, with terror in her eyes, wailed "WHAT THE LIVING FUCK ARE YOU DOING? PLEASE STOP!" Yoshika, in the midst of her joy, muttered "But it's Biden's cat. I can see it in its eyes. I'll prove it, as here's the collar." Yoshika then tossed the collar at Yekaterina, and she noticed the Seal of the President of the United States on it. Kevin stopped crying into Yekaterina's breast and looked at the cat with rage before he said "Give the cat to me." Soon after, Yoshika gave the cat to Kevin before he said "This must be Biden's pussy. It must've escaped the White House and made it all the way to Emerson. It would be a shame if something happened to it." In his mind, Kevin thought "Do it, choke the fucking cat." Suddenly, Kevin grabbed the throat of the cat as he said "I'm guessing that your days are numbered, my little friend." Yekaterina made a gasp before she muttered "Please Kev, don't do it." Just then, Kevin snapped out of his rage before holding the cat gently, his fingers tracing the soft fur along its back. The rage that had surged through him moments before began to recede, replaced by a strange sense of calm. He looked into the cat's wide, frightened eyes and saw a reflection of his own vulnerability. He couldn't bring himself to hurt it. Kevin, his voice barely a whisper, murmured "He's scared. He just wants to go home away from Biden." Yekaterina, still shaken by Yoshika's actions, pulled her blouse closed. She watched Kevin with a mixture of concern and confusion. The intensity of his earlier outburst had been alarming, but now he seemed almost gentle. Yoshika, oblivious to the tension in the room, shrugged "Whatever. I'm going to find more stuff." She turned and left the room, leaving Kevin, Yekaterina, and the trembling cat in an uneasy silence. A few moments later, Mio entered the motel room and said "What happened to the window? Who's that cat?" Kevin, with a hint of sadness, muttered "Yoshika did it." Just then, Kouko came in and said "I have been tracking the Doomsday plane since Tokyo, and it is now flying over Bismarck, North Dakota." Suddenly, Kevin then said "I got an idea. It might be a tough job, but maybe you can hack into the Doomsday plane where I can fly it from here. If Biden is on it, I'll gladly choke that son of a bitch." Kouko, with a hint of skepticism, said "You know that there might be two or more of these planes at any given time in the case of war. These Doomsday planes are highly secure and sophisticated aircraft. So, even the best of the best hackers like me to hack them would be a total and utter nightmare to get through their defenses." Kevin, with a grin, stated "You're the best of the best in your game, Kouko. That's why I hired you for these scores when Yoshika's wild antics and my rageful force at heists won't cut it." Kouko grinned before saying "You're right, Kev, I am the best. Fuck it, I'm going to try just for you." Kouko then grabbed her laptop and started to type away. Mio, from behind, hugged Kevin and said "There's a pool up the street. Do you want to go for a nude swim with me?" Kevin, his eyes rolled back in arousal, moaned "Of course, my rare Japanese gem. I'll race you there." Yekaterina, her eyes lighting up, said "May I join you two?" The duo then said "Sure thing," before they quickly got undressed and raced there. A few minutes later, Kevin got there first and jumped into the pool while yelling "CANNONBALL!" Mio and Yekaterina then followed suit by jumping in too. Mio then swam over to Kevin and dunked him. When Kevin's face was underwater, Mio hopped onto his back while yelping "Ride 'em cowboy." As the duo was having fun, Yekaterina was struggling in the water as she doggy-paddled around in circles and thinking "Why did I want to join them nude swimming when I can hardly swim." In the meantime, Kevin got free from Mio, and he sat on her stomach. As Mio felt Kevin's weight, she giggled "So, I am your personal pool float now." Kevin, gently rocking back and forth, replied "Nice and soft." He leaned back further, testing her resilience before saying "Though I might need a drink holder." Mio, her stomach jiggling slightly, laughed "I'm not equipped with cupholders, unfortunately. You'll have to make do with my hand." She reached up and playfully swatted at him and said "Just don't spill anything on me." Yekaterina, on the other hand, was still having trouble as she rolled her head back and thought "Is this what my fate would be? Meeting my maker at the bottom of the deep end of this pool." Across the other side of the pool, Kevin was having fun with Mio as his makeshift pool float. As they floated around, Kevin muttered "I never thought that your belly was a great pool float, Mio. I wish that we had gone swimming when you were pregnant." Mio then touched Kevin's stomach as she said "You're the next best thing to being pregnant. When is your due date?" Kevin, with a mischievous grin, stated "The baby is coming out now." Out of nowhere, Kevin ripped a long and smelly fart out. Mio playfully slapped his stomach as she giggled "You're such a pig, baka. The fart was right on my guts." Just as Kevin and Mio were giggling, they noticed Yekaterina was thrashing about before going under. Kevin got off Mio's stomach and swam over from behind before he dived underwater and supported her head and neck and swam to the shallow end. When Kevin pulled Yekaterina onto the pool deck, he said "Yekaterina... Yekaterina... are you okay?" Yekaterina was still in shock when she coughed out "Yeah I feel fine, Kev. I ain't the greatest swimmer. I just wish that I could swim by myself without gurgling in the water into my lungs at the bottom of the deep end." Kevin pressed a kiss on her forehead before he said "What about if I teach you how to swim?" A deep red blush crept up Yekaterina's neck and cheeks as she looked away from Kevin and muttered "I think that I am just being a burden on you, Kevin." Kevin then gave a kiss on her cheek before saying "You're never a burden as I think you're just a sweet cutie." Yekaterina blushed deeper as she moaned "Sure... sure let's start swimming." Kevin then helped Yekaterina up, and he led her to the deep end before he dove in. When he resurfaced, Kevin opened his arms and said "Come on, Katya, jump. I'll catch you." In her mind, Yekaterina thought "Shit, it... it's so fucking deep. I... I don't want the water filling my lungs. Fuck it... fuck it... fuck it... I'm doing it." Yekaterina then leaped into the pool and Kevin caught her in a tender hug. Suddenly, Yekaterina squawked "MY FEET! I CAN'T FEEL THE FLOOR!" Kevin held her closer as he cooed "Hey, hey, Katya, it's okay. Water is your best friend." but she started to hyperventilate. Kevin then held her even closer as he cooed "Hey, deep breathing, Katya. Please calm down." In her mind, Yekaterina thought "I'm thinking that I'm going to lose my bladder. No... no... keep my piss inside of me. Oh god, the piss is coming. Fuck off, piss. I... I... I need to stay calm." A minute later, Yekaterina calmed down. As they floated around, Yekaterina's cheeks were burning up when Kevin said "It's pretty sad that I needed to stare up at you. How tall are you anyhow?" Yekaterina then grinned "I... I... I'm six feet seven inches." Just then, Yekaterina moaned "I think I just pissed myself." Kevin then pressed his lips on hers before saying "It's okay, Katya. These accidents are what makes us human." Yekaterina thought "Fuck, he's damn cute. Oh fucking hell, I'm already moving for another kiss." Yekaterina then pressed her lips on Kevin's with vigor. While they were kissing, Kevin thought "She's so cute. I can see her soul in her eyes from here." A few moments later, they broke away with both of them breathless and Kevin said "What about if I move you on your back to float, Yekaterina?" Yekaterina nodded before Kevin helped her onto her back. Yekaterina then gasped as she felt the utter nothingness of being weightless. Kevin, on the other hand, held her hand as he cooed "You're doing a great job, sweetie." In her mind, Yekaterina thought "The water is so incredibly cold, but Kevin being next to me is the warm balm I needed." While Yekaterina was still floating on her back, Kevin asked "May I rest my head on your chest?" With a deep red blush creeping up her neck, Yekaterina said "Sure thing, Kev." Before lying on Yekaterina's chest, Kevin swam to the edge of the pool and grabbed some floaties and then said "I'm going to put these on your arms and legs, okay." Kevin then swam back to Yekaterina and started to put them on her. Yekaterina moaned "This is so freaking weird, but I love it," when Kevin put on the floaties on her arms and legs. Kevin noticed Yekaterina's moaning and giggled "At least with these floaties on you, you ain't going to be weighted down to the bottom." Yekaterina groaned deeper as Kevin finished putting them on. When Kevin swam between Yekaterina's legs, her legs involuntarily twitched in excitement. As Kevin touched her belly, he said "I'm just going to slide my head onto your chest from here, okay then." He then tenderly climbed onto Yekaterina's body before he rested his head on her chest. In the meantime, Yekaterina thought "He's so warm against my body. I think I'm going to release some cum into the water as it's so nice. Kevin's erection against my legs was such an utter balm." Suddenly, Kevin said "Did you just cummed?" Yekaterina then moaned "Shut up, тупица, and feel me up." Just then, Kevin moved further up Yekaterina's body before he put his penis into her belly button. Yekaterina suddenly gasped as she thought "Is he going to ride me like a sex toy?" Out of nowhere, Kevin started to move around on Yekaterina like a bull rider with his cock still inserted in the belly button. Suddenly, a squadron of Sikorsky UH-60 flew overhead while playing Ride of the Valkyries. Kevin noticed the helicopters and loudly ranted "FUCK YOU, BIDEN! YOU SHOULD'VE STAYED THE FUCK OUT OF CANADA! PLAY SOME SABATON OR SOMETHING, YOU UNCLE SAM LOVING FOOLS!" Yekaterina then held his hands before placing them on her breasts and said "Please hush down, sweetie. Please play with them as your toys." In his mind, Kevin thought "Do it. Manipulate her breasts." With predatory hunger, Kevin started moving her breasts around. Yekaterina's body started to involuntarily twitch as she moaned "Hmm, that's the shit." Sitting on the pool edge, Mio was wide-mouthed as she thought "I have never seen breasts moved in ways that they normally don't move. Kevin has never done that to my breasts, and we have been married for fifteen years." Just then, Mio dove back into the water and gracefully swam toward them. When she reached them, Mio resurfaced and said "Can you please play with my boobies like that, Kevin?" Kevin then grabbed Mio's breasts and moaned "Are you ready for some underwater sexy time?" Mio's stomach lightly twitched as she growled "Just bring it, big cock." Out of nowhere, Kevin dove underwater with her. When they reached the deep end, which was 14 feet, Kevin sat on Mio's stomach and started to manipulate her breasts. Mio then started to lightly groan out bubbles and her body involuntarily twitched slowly under Kevin's weight plus the water pressure while thinking "This is so arousing. The two hundred sixty pounds that Kevin weighs on my stomach and the water pressure all around is lulling me into surrender." In Kevin's mind, he thought "I love Mio's boobies during our sexy times, but I never thought in our fifteen years of marriage to manipulate her breasts with such brute force." Suddenly, Mio started to regurgitate her breakfast as she thought "Fuck... fuck... fuck... I'm losing my guts." Just as Kevin noticed Mio's distress, she forcefully bucked her hips and stormed to the surface. When she broke the surface, Mio started to rain barf and thrashed about. While thrashing and about to go back under, Mio thought "What a fucking rush. I want to have Kevin manipulating my breasts underwater again." Kevin, from behind, wrapped his arms around her waist and swam to the edge of the pool while cooing "It's okay, Mio, it's okay." When they got there, Kevin lifted Mio onto the pool deck before getting out and saying "Are you okay, Mio? You nearly made us into shark bait with you puking out chum." Mio was grinning mischievously as she said "I'm fine, baka. Can you please lay down on your back for a moment?" As Kevin laid down, she moved her butt onto his belly and cooed "I have a little gift for you, sweetie." Suddenly, she ripped a long guttural fart right onto his belly before saying "That's for farting on my belly earlier as your personal pool float." Kevin then sniffed her stomach as Mio giggled "Are you a freaking dog, baka?" Kevin mischievously grinned as he said "I smell your beauty of rare Japanese spices mixed with chlorine and fart. Now, as your punishment, I'll kiss your gut for one minute straight." He then got up and playfully pinned Mio down. Mio deeply blushed as she giggled "Oh no, I'm going to get my stomach kissed by my rare Canadian gem of a husband." Kevin then pressed his lips onto Mio's belly as she squealed "Oh... oh... oh... please don't stop, my loving brute." With more vigor, Kevin started kissing the belly with more force. While still kissing Mio's stomach, Kevin thought "This is why I love my rare Japanese gem of a wife. She's so manly in her humor." In the meantime, at the motel, Akeno was looking at the passing Leopard 2A4 CAN from the window while Ken, from behind, touched her shoulder and said "Earth to Aki, I have a gift for you." Akeno gasped and blinked, her eyes slowly refocusing on Ken. A flicker of surprise crossed her features, followed by a hint of curiosity as she echoed "A gift?" Ken nodded, his smile widening. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, intricately wrapped package. It was light, almost weightless, and tied with a delicate silver ribbon. Akeno's eyes widened in surprise. She took the package from Ken, her fingers tracing the delicate ribbon, and asked "What is it?" Ken grinned, a playful glint in his eyes before saying "Open it and see." Akeno hesitated for a moment, then carefully began to untie the silver ribbon. Her movements were delicate, as if she were afraid of damaging the wrapping. Once the ribbon was loose, she gently unfolded the paper, revealing a small, velvet box. Her breath caught in her throat. With trembling fingers, she lifted the lid of the box. Inside, nestled on a bed of satin, lay a delicate silver necklace. A small, intricately carved maple leaf pendant hung from the fine chain. The leaf was so detailed that it even showed the delicate veins running through it. Akeno gasped softly, her eyes widening in wonder as she whispered "It's... beautiful." She looked up at Ken, her eyes shining with gratitude as she cooed "Thank you, Ken. It's... it's really beautiful." Ken's smile softened as he caressed her cheek and said "I'm glad you like it," he said gently. "I saw it and thought of you. The maple leaf... well, it reminded me of Canada, and how you’ve embraced being here. And, you know... how you've become such a part of my life, here." Just then, Kevin and Mio entered the room, kissing each other all over while they made their way to bed. Akeno and Ken watched as the wet and nude couple entered the bed and started making some sweet music with Mio saying "Please manipulate my titties harder, big cock," and Kevin said "I'll manipulate them until they go utterly numb." Suddenly, Mio made an ahegao face as she moaned "あぁ…あぁ…あぁ…あぁ…あぁ…私の乳首はすごく硬くなって、爆発しそうなくらい感じます。" Kevin then getting aroused as he growled "Your titties are growing bigger the more I squeeze them. Oh... oh... come to papa." As Kevin started to put Mio's whole boob into his mouth, Akeno tugged Ken's shirt and whispered "Let's get out of here." When the two of them left, Mio yelped "あぁ、暖かい!" Kevin was feeling Mio's boob down his mouth as he moaned "I can't fucking breathe, but I would die with a booby down my fucking throat." Suddenly, Mio, her arousal building, yelled "あなたは私を爆破させ始めています!もっとハードに…もっとハードに、愛する人よ、もっとハードに! あなたは私を爆発させ始めています!もっとハードに…もっとハードに、愛する人よ、もっとハードに!" A few moments later, Mio started to involuntary twitched as she orgasmed. Just then, in the corner of the room, Kouko said "Get a room, you two." Kevin then removed Mio's boob from his mouth and said "We're in a room. Anyhow, how's the Doomsday plane hacking coming along?" With a sigh, Kouko said "It's harder than you might think. Uncle Sam really put all his effects into safeguarding that plane." With a grin, Kevin stated "Biden is a patriotic imperialist warmonger." In the meantime, Mio was getting dressed as she said "I was thinking of going into the next town for some Burger King. Do you want to come with me, Kevin?" Kevin then grinned "I'd love to, my rare Japanese gem. Let me get dressed first." They got dressed and drove to Winkler under an hour away. Later that evening back at the motel, there were Burger King wrappers covering the bed after they finished their meal and Kevin was stroking Mio's hair. When Kevin started to sniff her hair, Mio involuntarily twitched forward as she giggled "My hair ain't a sniffing platter." Kevin, with a heart-melting smile, cooed "Your hair is one of the most striking features and I want to embrace it forever. And besides, your red hair still reminds me of Clifford the Big Red Dog." Suddenly, Mio looked at Kevin with cute puppy eyes and pouty lips before yelping "Woof... woof." Kevin's heart strings were tugging his soul as he moaned "Ah Mio, you're making my heart utterly melt." He then caressed her cheeks and cooed "Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? You're a good girl, Mio. Give me a kiss, girl." Mio then jumped onto Kevin and started kissing him deeply. As Mio was putting her tongue deep inside Kevin's throat, he thought "Mio always knows how to turn me on." Soon after, Kevin started to twitch as Mio started to moan loudly in his mouth. As the kiss deepened even more, Kevin unknowingly moved his hands onto Mio's butt, which caused Mio to moan even more loudly into his mouth. With vigor, Kevin put his hands under Mio's sweatpants and started feeling the curves of her ass. When Kevin was in the midst of his exploration, he thought "She's got one of the softest butts in the world. Oh fuck, I'm going wild." Just then, he pressed his hands hardly on Mio's butt as she twitched before starting to orgasm. Suddenly, Mio broke the kiss breathless and stared at Kevin with her afterglow of their sexy time growing into the couple cuddling for the rest of the night. On the morning of November 23, Kevin and Mio woke up with their limbs all intertwined with each other in bed. Mio, with a wry smile, groaned "Did you impregnate me during the night?" With a smile, Kevin cooed "If I did, I would love a third child and I would press my face into your pregnant belly again, Mio." Mio felt utterly warm inside as she said "You're such a loving and stubborn baka, Kevin and I love every last ounce of it." Just then, Kevin noticed Kouko napping in the corner, noise-cancelling headphones firmly in place. A grin spread across his face as he whispered "What if I played a little prank?" He then pulled out his phone. He quickly connected to Kouko's headphones via Bluetooth and searched on YouTube. His eyes lit up when he found a video titled "What the Battlefields of WWI Sounded Like." He then muttered "Bingo," as a mischievous glint in his eye. He cranked the volume to maximum and pressed play. For a moment, there was silence. Then, a low rumble began, barely perceptible at first, quickly escalating into a cacophony of metallic screeches, deafening booms, and chilling screams. Kouko’s eyes snapped open, pupils wide with terror. Her breath hitched in her throat. Before the first explosion fully registered, her hands flew to her ears, as if trying to physically block the onslaught. The sudden, brutal sounds jolted her upright, sending her tumbling from the armchair and crashing to the floor with a strangled cry of “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!” She curled into a tight ball, hands clamped over her ears, her body trembling. Kevin, initially struggling to suppress his laughter, felt a pang of guilt as he saw Kouko's genuine distress. He rushed to her side, extending a hand. Kouko’s eyes, wide and filled with fear, met his. Hesitantly, she took his hand, her grip tight. As Kevin helped her to her feet, she ripped off the headphones, her voice trembling and said "Wha... what was that?" Kevin's smile faltered. He tried for a reassuring tone, but the words felt hollow as he cooed “It was just a prank, Kouko. I connected to your headphones and played some WWI sounds from YouTube.” With playful rage, Kouko started to repeatedly slap Kevin's chest while wailing "YOU NEARLY CAUSED ME TO SHIT MYSELF, YOU SILLY BAKA CHUMP!" Kevin, mocking the pain, giggled "Okay, okay, I get it. No more hitting the K-Man. I promise." As Kouko stopped striking Kevin's chest, he caressed her chin with a finger and pecked her lips. In Kouko's mind, she thought "Whoa... ah... wha... what the hell? Tha... that was my first kiss." After a few moments, Kouko got dizzy. Her knees began to shake, threatening to give out as her mind raced about the kiss she and Kevin shared. Suddenly, Kouko's knees failed while she squawked and Kevin caught her, but their lips met again. In her mind, Kouko's mind raged "Oh fuck... oh fuck... oh fuck... I'm kissing the silly baka. Should I stop or should I keep going?" In Kevin's mind, he thought "She's such a flustered lost soul. Maybe if I spice things up a bit it won't hurt." Out of nowhere, Kouko wrapped her arms around Kevin's neck and Kevin turned his head a bit to put his tongue down her mouth. Kouko felt his tongue moving around her mouth and thought "Kevin is making me feel so damn hot right now." A few moments later, Kouko lost control as she suddenly broke the kiss and wailed "I... I... I THINK MY BLADDER HAS JUST FAILED ME!" Kevin then looked down to see a wet spot on the floor and cooed "It's okay, Koukie, it's okay. Let's take you to the washroom." When Kevin lifted Kouko in a bridal carry, she squawked "WHAT THE LIVING HECK... I AIN'T MEANT... THIS CARRY IS SO UNCALLED-FOR!" When Kevin tenderly laid Kouko on the floor, she was covering her eyes and crying. Kevin noticed Kouko crying and muttered "Your pity is so raw," as he caressed her hands and moved them away from her eyes. When Kevin removed her hands, Kouko's tears raged down her cheeks before he said "It's alright, Kouko, it's alright. Feel my hands on yours to soothe you." As Kouko looked at Kevin, who her tears were temporarily blinding her, and thought "This is the first time a male showed me this level of tenderness." Slowly, Kouko sat up and muttered "Tha... tha... thank you, Kevin. You know something, ever since I was a kid, people have always thought that I was a geek. Always that goofy ass kid in the corner of the school cafeteria on my laptop during lunch. Everyone, and I mean everyone, made jabs at me. It was pretty sad when even the principal said that I ain't better than the janitor's dog. All of this happened during my first year of high school, following I moved to Toronto from Shinagawa, Tokyo a few days before the start of the school year. Moving from Tokyo and trying to learn English at the same time was incredibly difficult. This is one reason why I became a hacker after school, where I can steal all the information I dreamed about and maybe get revenge on the people who bullied me." Kevin then tenderly held Kouko as he cooed "I'm so sorry with a freaking passion about what happened. I hate bullies, especially from people that hold power. I was in the same boat too. Around fifteen years ago, I was fired from McDonald's in Montreal due to my lack of French skills and the very next day I was pulled into the world of crime." Mio then entered the washroom with some clothes and said "What about if I help you get change. Here are some of my clothes." Kouko slowly nodded as Mio helped Kouko change. When they were back in the living area, Kevin asked "Did you hack into the Doomsday plane yet, Kouko?" Kouko then shook her head and said "I have spent all night trying to, but not a thing. Maybe I'd try again after I have a nap without getting a heart attack from another prank." When Kouko fell asleep, Kevin started ranting "Joe Biden is a war criminal. He's a war criminal. He's the president, but he's a war criminal. He's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. Drones and bombs in foreign lands. He's a war criminal. Decisions from the White House, man. He's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. Guantánamo, Iraq, and more. He's a war criminal. Syria, Yemen, out the door. He's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. Joe Biden is a war criminal. He's a war criminal. He's the president, but he's a war criminal. He's a war criminal. Alas, poor Biden, sovereign president, because of the politics of fasting, he was destroyed. Why did he declare the country sovereign? He had no head on his belt? The time has come for the nations to take revenge. All politics are flying into the clouds. There is no Ante, Azem and Tita, To protect you from the people again. You are fasting the Ramadan fast in vain. Neither Allah nor Our Lady will save you. Because the American has no equal anywhere, the American will not be yoked by anyone. The time has come for the nations to take revenge. All politics are flying into the clouds. There is no Ante, Azem and Tita, To protect you from the people again. You will not, Joe, get by like before. You will carry the dimes on a stick. Your downfall is already in sight. When your son teaches politics. The time has come for the nations to take revenge. All politics are flying into the clouds. There is no Ante, Azem and Tita, To protect you from the people again." Mio tried to hold her giggles as she said "Are you a Serbian nationalist, but in an American extremist kind of way?" Momo then came in and asked "Kevin being a Serbian nationalist and an American extremist. What are you talking about, Mio?" Mio couldn't hold her laughter in anymore as she giggled out "Kevin... just... ranted... about... Biden... with... lyrics... from... two... Bosnian... war... songs." Suddenly, Akeno came in and said "Kevin, I need you for a live stream on YouTube about your opinion of Biden. Can you come to my motel room?" Kevin then nodded as they went next door. When there, Akeno said "Can you sit right on the bed over there?" Kevin then sat on the bed before Akeno pointed her phone at him and started filming on YouTube. When Akeno gave him the thumbs up that they were live on YouTube, Kevin ranted "Ladies and gentlemen, if you've been living under a rock for the past few years, let me enlighten you about the real state of affairs. You've got this guy, Joe Biden, up there in the White House, and I've had enough of this charade. This isn't just about politics; this is about a system that's been failing us, and he's the poster boy for it. I've been watching this circus for too long, and I'm sick of it. You think you know Joe Biden? Well, let me tell you, the best Joe Biden could ever be, was a placeholder, a temporary fix to a system that's broken beyond repair. He's not the change; he's the same old, same old wrapped in a new, slightly more decrepit package. I've been in this game long enough to see through the smoke and mirrors. They tell you, Vote for change, but what change? The man promised unity, but all I see is division. He promised to heal the nation, but all we got was more of the same political theater. And let's talk about the debates, shall we? The guy can barely make it through a sentence without a teleprompter. It's like watching a rerun of a show you used to love, but now the main character can't remember his lines. This isn't leadership; this is a national embarrassment. And don't get me started on the media. They prop him up like he's some kind of hero, ignoring every stumble, every gaffe, every policy that doesn't work. They're not journalists; they're his personal cheerleading squad. They say he's fighting for the little guy, but all I see is the little guy getting trampled under the feet of the big government. This administration, it's like they're in a wrestling match with reality, and they're losing. Inflation's through the roof, the border's a mess, and what are we doing? We're watching Biden shuffle around, looking for his next nap spot. I'm not here to be polite. I'm here to call out the hypocrisy, the lies, the empty promises. This isn't just about Biden; it's about a system that allows for this kind of leadership. We deserve better. We deserve someone who can actually wrestle with the issues, not just wrestle with their own faculties. So, to all those in power, to the political machine, to Joe Biden himself: I'm not here to play your game. I'm here to speak the truth. And the truth is, America needs more than just a figurehead. We need a damn revolution, not another rerun of the same tired show. That's my pipebomb, and I'm dropping it right in the middle of your living room. Wake up, America. Wake up before it's too late." Akeno then ended the stream and said "Thank you, Kevin." Kevin got up from the bed before saying "See you later, Aki." When Kevin entered his motel room, Mio was sitting on the bed and said "I heard your rant about Biden from next door. What the... you... your turning pale. Wha... what's wrong, my rare Canadian gem? It seems like you just saw a ghost just now." Kevin, with fear in his mind, slowly walked towards Mio. Mio's body shook in fear as she muttered "Kev... Kevin, wha... what's wrong? You're starting to scare me with your slow walking toward me." A few moments later, Kevin sat next to Mio, his eyes still looking dreadful. Mio then caressed his cheek before cooing "Kevin, what's wrong, sweetie?" Kevin’s hand trembled as it slipped beneath Mio’s pajamas, his fingers brushing against the soft curve of her stomach as he moaned "I... I... feel a dread... about my... fate." Mio then gasped "Tell me, Kev. Tell me about your fate." Kevin, pressed his hand harder onto Mio's stomach, groaned "I... I... sense that… I'm going to… break something… inside you.” Mio touched Kevin's hand and said "Hurt me? How are you going to hurt me?" Kevin, his voice starting to be hoarse, said "I... might flip out... and... I... might cause... you to... bleed. I can... smell that it... might... happen sooner than you... might think." Mio's eyes widened with a mix of fear and confusion as she tried to process Kevin's ominous words. She gently took his hand, moving it closer to her stomach, and looked into his eyes, searching for clarity or perhaps reassurance before saying "Kevin, you need to tell me what's really going on. Why do you think you'll hurt me? What's making you feel this way?" Kevin took a deep, shaky breath, his gaze dropping to the floor as he muttered "I've been... I've been having these nightmares, Mio. Night after night, I see myself doing things I never would in my right mind. It's like I'm losing control of my own actions. Ever since this Biden bullshit, my mental health has been going to the White House's hound dogs." Mio was feeling pity as she thought "In all the years that I have known Kevin, I would never have thought that he had the nerve to hurt me, even after our marriage vows." Suddenly, Kevin started to involuntarily shake before moaning "Fuck my life as it was meant to be my fate." Mio's fear grow higher as she wrapped Kevin in a tender hug and cooed "Hey... hey, Kevin, it's okay. I'm here for you, even in marriage." Kevin then nuzzled his nose into her neck before muttering "I don't want to fuck our marriage if I snap and harm you, Mio. You're my world, the only true love I ever knew. I don't want to lose you as it would utterly numb me if it did." A tear ran down Mio's cheek, a sign her dam was breaking, as she cooed "It would utterly numb me if I broke our marriage too, Kevin. Our love story is a once upon a century. I wish to go down with the sun in your arms, and we sail before a thousand moons. When we reach the thousandth moon, my life will be fulfilled before I peacefully go into an ethereal sleep." Kevin and Mio pressed their foreheads against each other before he said "You want to kiss, Mio?" Mio nodded slightly, her eyes still glistening with tears, as she whispered "Yes, Kevin." Kevin leaned in slowly, his movements still hesitant. He brushed a stray strand of hair from her face before gently pressing his lips to hers. The kiss was soft and tentative at first, a reflection of the fear and uncertainty that gripped them both. As the kiss deepened, it became more passionate, a desperate attempt to find comfort and reassurance in each other's embrace. It was a kiss that spoke of love, fear, and the unspoken dread that hung heavy in the air between them. When they finally broke apart, they remained close, foreheads touching, their breaths mingling. The silence that followed was thick with unspoken words and the lingering taste of their shared kiss. In the meantime, Kouko got up from her nap and started to hack the Doomsday plane again. She noticed Kevin and Mio pressing their foreheads and said "I can see that the two of you are spicing things up again." Kevin then looked at Kouko before muttering "It's nothing like that." Just then, Kouko yelped "I got it. I'm inside the Doomsday plane." Kevin's eyes widened, the dread momentarily replaced by a spark of tactical opportunity. He turned to Kouko, his voice gaining strength despite his earlier turmoil as he said "You've got access? Can you confirm Biden's on board, and what about the hostages?" Kouko, her fingers flying over the keyboard, replied "I'm checking now. It's... it's encrypted, but I'm exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in their flight control software. Give me a second." The room fell into a tense silence as she worked, her screen reflecting the complex dance of code and security breaches. Mio, still holding onto Kevin, felt the shift from personal dread to potential action. She squeezed his hand, trying to ground both their nerves and said "We could use this, Kev. If we can do something about Biden, maybe we can stop this madness." Suddenly, Kouko said "I can't get into the encrypted data... no way, I just got control of the plane. I'm flying it." Kevin, with joy in his eyes, yelped "Oh my god, I want to fly. I want to fly." Kouko then said "Hold your horses, flyboy. We've got bigger fish to fry." But Kevin then stated "If Biden is on that plane, I want it on the ground ASAP." Kouko sat up as she said "Be my guest, Richthofen. Take your bloody April and get Biden." Kevin then rushed over to Kouko's laptop and, with a mischievous grin, said "Maybe I'd have a little fun with this plane." With a gaming controller in hand, Kevin flicked the thumbstick and caused the plane into a barrel roll. As it finished its roll, Kevin was bouncing on the bed while saying "This is so much funner than flying a plane in GTA as I have the power of a world leader on it. Mio, please tell Camila that I got control of the Doomsday plane, and I'll be landing it on Manitoba Highway 75 near Emerson in about six hours." When Mio rushed off, the pilot on Kouko's two-way radio said "What the fuck are you fool thinking? You're committing multiple federal crimes, like aircraft hijacking of the Doomsday plane, kidnapping of everyone on this plane and cybercrime by hacking an aircraft." Kevin, his rage building, grabbed the radio and said "The only federal crime that is committed is when I framed you for assassinating Joe Biden when I flew this plane into One World Trade Center." The pilot started to panic as he growled "Biden ain't on this plane, you entitled piece of work." Kevin was not buying none of this as he stated "I ain't buying your bullshit for one minute. I ain't going to take any chances. I'm taking control of the plane." The pilot's anger was building as he yelled "NO YOU DON'T!" With mischievous anger, Kevin groaned "Say hello to death for me," as he turned the plane into some more barrel rolls. The sounds on the radio were a symphony of horror as alarms were blaring, the pilot's girly squeal of "I THINK I JUST SHIT MYSELF," and the plane's intercom with the voice of the Secretary of Homeland Security yelling "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THE COCKPIT? I THINK I BUSTED MY HEAD OPEN!" After the fifth barrel roll, the pilot wailed "OKAY... OKAY... UNCLE, UNCLE! YOU WIN! JUST TAKE THE FUCKING PLANE THEN!" Kevin grinned "Thank you, you upbeat baka chump. Have a nice goddamn shit in hell." When Kevin turned the plane toward Emerson, Mio came back and said "Camila has been told. So, what are you doing now?" Kevin, still grinning, replied "Well, now we are playing the waiting game. I've set a course for Manitoba Highway 75 near Emerson. Six hours, give or take. Plenty of time to make sure everything's... arranged." He wiggled the gaming controller suggestively before saying "Kouko, any joy at confirming Biden's presence?" Kouko, who had been quietly observing the chaos Kevin had unleashed, shook her head as she said "Still no dice on the encrypted manifest. But I've locked down the plane's communications. No one's getting through to the outside. And, I've rerouted the transponder signal. The plane's showing up on radar as a commercial flight to Winnipeg." Kevin chuckled "Excellent. Keeps things nice and confusing. Mio, keep Camila updated. Tell her we need a welcoming committee in Emerson. And tell them to be discreet. We don't want any unnecessary attention." He leaned back, still holding the controller before he stated "So, six hours. What should we do to pass time? Anyone up for a round of Mario Kart? I hear the Secretary of Homeland Security is a surprisingly good player... though he might be a little preoccupied at the moment." He let out a hearty laugh, the earlier tension seemingly forgotten. The plane, now under his control, continued its journey towards the Canadian border, carrying its unwitting passengers and the weight of Kevin's audacious plan. Just then, Momo came in and said "Hey Kevin, I was thinking about taking you into town and buying you some Burger King." Kevin grinned as he pressed his lips onto Momo's ear and cooed "And what's the catch, Momo-chan?" Momo playfully shoved Kevin away while giggling "Stop it, you cheeky baka. Can't I spend one on one time with my best baka?" Kevin then teasingly said "If I'm your best baka, maybe wear that stunning red swimsuit from that time you spent the night at my mansion a few months back at Burger King." Momo playfully shoved Kevin away again, with her continuing giggles, said "Stop it, you cheeky baka. Can't I just want to treat my best baka to some Burger King without you trying to weasel your way into seeing me in my swimsuit again?" Kevin, with a mischievous grin, said "If you won't do it, I'd tickle you to do it." As Kevin neared Momo with his tickling hands, she squealed "WHAT THE HELL? YOU NEED TO CATCH ME FIRST!" With a leap, Momo jumped over the bed, but Kevin got the better of her by playfully tackling her onto the bed. As Kevin hopped onto Momo's stomach, he playfully growled "You're going to lose this tickle war, my tickle dummy." Kevin then dug his fingers into her belly and starting tickling it as Momo ripped out a hearty squeal of pure joy. A deepening red blush crept up her neck as Momo squawked "YOU'RE SUCH A FOOL! I NEVER SUBMIT TO YOUR TICKLES!" Kevin noticed the blushing and teased "You're such a tsundere, Momo-chan." Momo tried to push back, but failed as she heavily giggled "I... not... a... freaking... tsundere... you... cheeky... baka..." Kevin leaned closer before cooing "You know that you love me, Momo. Submit or feel my tickling fury." Momo, gasping with helpless giggles, cried out "UNCLE... UNCLE! I'D WEAR MY SWIMSUIT TO BURGER KING, BUT NO MORE TICKLES!" Kevin, grinning triumphantly, finally ceased his tickling assault, letting Momo catch her breath. He hopped off her belly and helped her up, still chuckling. Momo, now red-faced from laughter and slight embarrassment, straightened herself, her eyes gleaming with playful defiance. Momo, catching her breath, said "Okay, baka, you won this round. But remember, this is just for Burger King. Don't get any ideas." Kevin clapped his hands together in mock prayer, his tone teasing as she muttered "I promise, Momo-chan, just Burger King. But hey, if the swimsuit brings joy to the people of Winkler, who are we to deny them?" Momo playfully rolled her eyes, but there was a smile tugging at her lips before saying "You're impossible, Kevin. Let's go then, before you think of more ways to embarrass me." As they prepared to leave, Kevin turned to Mio and Kouko, who were watching the interaction with amused expressions and said "We'll be back before the plane arrives. Keep an eye on things here, will ya?" Mio nodded, her concern for Kevin's earlier distress somewhat eased by this light-hearted moment as she said "Just be safe, both of you. And keep your phones on." Kouko, back to her laptop, gave a thumbs-up without looking up while muttering "I'll keep the plane on course. Enjoy your... Burger King adventure." Kevin and Momo headed out, the mood light and the tension from earlier momentarily forgotten. The drive to Winkler was filled with laughter and playful banter, a brief escape from the chaos of their world. Once at Burger King, Momo, true to her word, wore her red swimsuit under a light jacket, which she removed with a dramatic flourish, much to Kevin's delight and the bemusement of the staff and other patrons. They ordered their meals, Kevin with his usual enthusiasm for fast food, especially now that it was paired with this unconventional outing. They sat down, enjoying their Whoppers and fries, the normalcy of the moment a stark contrast to the high-stakes drama of the day. Kevin, his eyes twinkling with mischief, said "See, that wasn't so bad, right?" Momo shook her head, a smile playing on her lips before cooing "You're a child at heart, Kevin. But I'll admit, it's nice to do something silly like this when the world seems like it's ending." As they ate, their conversation veered towards lighter topics, away from the war, the plane, and the political turmoil. They discussed memories, future plans, and possibilities beyond the immediate threat of their situation. It was a moment of reprieve, a reminder of what they were fighting for - not just survival, but the chance to live, laugh, and enjoy the simple things, like a meal at Burger King. Back at the motel, Mio and Kouko monitor the situation with the Doomsday plane, ensuring everything is going according to plan. The calm before the storm was palpable, but for now, they had this moment, this slice of peace, to hold onto as they prepared for whatever would come next in their bold, risky endeavor. While Kevin and Momo were driving back, Kevin cooed "What about going for a swim in the Red River?" Momo looked at him with wry eyes before saying "There's a pool right in Emerson, silly baka. And yes, I like to swim, but not in the river." Momo then drove to the pool where Kevin ran out of the car to there. Kevin jumped into the water while yelling "CANNONBALL!", narrowly missing the inflatable unicorn. Momo stared at Kevin before stating "You baka, you need to stretch your body before you can dive into the pool like that." Kevin then sighed "You're so strict, Momo, but I love you for it." Momo tried to look away as she muttered "Shut up... baka." In her mind, Momo thought "That idiot... why does he have to say things like that?" Suddenly, Kevin splashed Momo with water as he yelped "Who's calling who a baka?" Momo glared at Kevin, water dripping from her hair before playfully growling "YOU...!" A small smile played on her lips despite her attempt to look stern as she said "You're going to get it now." Momo shed her light jacket and gracefully slipped into the water, swimming towards Kevin. Once she reached him, she began circling him underwater as he said "Are you trying to pull off Jaws on me?" As she swam around him, Momo thought "I hope he can catch me, sucker." Out of nowhere with one scoop, Kevin squeezed his hands around her legs and said "Well, I guess I caught myself a sharky." With an underwater yelped of "NO!", bubbles raged from Momo's mouth as she tried to swim away. As Momo tried to swim away from Kevin's grip, he cooed "Where do you think your going?" When she flexed her way to the surface still in Kevin's hold, Momo yelped "Do you want an underwater cuddle?" Just then, Kevin freed Momo's legs before wrapping his arms around her waist and swam toward the deep end. When they were 14 feet under, Kevin wrapped his legs around Momo's waist and moved a strand of hair away from her monocle, their eyes meeting in the silence of the underwater world, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they shared, playful, deep, and utterly unique. Momo then stuck her tongue out at Kevin as she thought "He's such a silly, upbeat baka chump." Just then, Kevin closed the gap between their mouths as he pressed his lips onto hers. Momo suddenly started to moan deeply as she thought "He's testing my buttons, but he's so sweet." Out of nowhere, Momo pushed Kevin away as she started to heavily groan out bubbles as she bolted up to the surface. A few moments later, Momo surfaced, gasping for air after her frantic struggles while yelping "息ができない!肺が燃えるように熱くなっている!足に小便が流れ落ちてくるのがわかる!" Kevin then swam next to her and wrapped her in a tender hug and cooed "Hey... hey, Momo, what's wrong?" With her panic rising with her breath hitched in her throat, her chest tightened, and her vision blurred, Momo yelped "I NEED MY PUFFER! I NEED MY PUFFER!" Kevin rushed Momo out of the pool, leading her to a chair. He then started frantically searching through her purse. When he found the inhaler, Momo grabbed it away and started puffing it. Kevin felt pity for Momo as he stroked her wet black hair. When Momo started to get well, she said "Let's go back to the motel, baka." Kevin then helped her up and went back to their room. That afternoon, Kevin was stroking the curve of Mio's stomach in bed when Kouko said "The Doomsday plane has just landed on Manitoba Highway 75. Canadian and Mexican troops are storming it right now." Kevin then kissed Mio before getting up and said "Well, I'm going to have a one on one chat with Biden." He left the motel room and entered his car. When the car started, the DJ on the radio said "This is CKMM-FM, 103.1 FM Virgin Radio. It's November 23, 2034, at one in the afternoon. Breaking news is coming as the International Criminal Court has just ordered an arrest warrant for Joe Biden. This comes as the Doomsday plane makes a landing on the highway near Emerson. At the moment, there were no reports of Biden being on that plane." As Kevin heard the news, he grinned "Good on you, flaming bag of shit Biden." A few minutes later, Kevin arrived at the landed plane before he exited the car and went over to it. When he was about to climb onto the plane, Camila just left the plane and said "Kevin, my battalion had arrested everyone on the plane for questioning, but Biden wasn't anywhere." Kevin then said "Thank you, Camila," as she left. In the meantime, Kevin thought "I can't believe this shit. I was so goddamn close to tasting his blood." Kevin's blood pressure was building up to a new level of rage as he was on the brink of a full-blown meltdown. When Kevin was pacing back and forth for a few moments, he started bitch slapping the windshield of an RCMP Crown Victoria while loudly ranting "I THINK THAT JOE BIDEN IS A TOTAL AND UTTER CRACKER DARKIE, COOLIE HEBE, ALABAMA PORCH-MONKEY, WETBACK FATTY, PICKANINNY, LIMEY OREO JUNGLE BUNNY, INJUN JAP, HAPPY HADJI, HAIRYBACK CHRIST-KILLER, BEANER APPLE, GOLLIWOG GRINGO CAMEL JOCKEY TOWELHEAD, HARBOR-BOMBER, YELLOW-RED COCOA-PUFF, SLANT-EYE, SHINE REDNECK, MICK, MOGLI PRAIRIE-NIGGA, HEINEE, DAGO-WOP, HABIBI BUDDHA-HEAD, ASS-PIRATE, AUNT JEMIMA, GYPSY!" A few moments later, Mio arrived before she noticed Kevin's rage and muttered "What is he doing?" When Mio got to Kevin, she cooed "No... no... no... Kevin. Please don't hurt yourself on the windshield." But Kevin growled "Fuck you. Biden owes me a fucking answer." Mio then touched his back and cooed "You're going to give yourself a heart attack, Kev... STOP! Your hands are becoming a bloody mess." Out of nowhere, Kevin rips off the side mirror in one go and tosses it, hitting a Canadian soldier right on the kisser, which becomes bloody. Mio, after seeing the downed soldier, grabbed Kevin's arm and started to pull him away while saying "That's it, you're coming with me." But Kevin was so powerful that he broke away from Mio before he went back to the vehicle while yelling "PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!" With her heart racing, Mio yelped "NOOO! Get down from the roof. Please don't make me go up there and drag you down." Just then, an officer, who was coming back to his vehicle, when he noticed what was happening and said "What the fuck is going on here?" Mio then looked at the officer and said "Well, my husband was totally pissed about Biden not being on the plane. I should've known that he would lose his shit as Kevin had a short leash." Soon after, more and more Canadian and Mexican soldiers saw Kevin on the cruiser's roof breaking the sirens by stomping on it while still yelling "PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!" As news crews started to film Kevin, Mio started to get fearful as she said "Please Kevin, you're making an international scene here." Suddenly, Kevin jumped onto a group of Mexican soldiers, injuring them. Mio gasped before she stormed over to Kevin and yelled "COME ON, BAKA! I'M TAKING YOU BACK TO THE MOTEL!" Mio then started to forcefully drag Kevin to her van while he was trying to pull her hair out and scratching her back to get free, but with no luck. Mio, using her yoga training, managed to move the struggling Kevin, moaning "Please don't dig your feet into the ground, you stubborn bull." Kevin, flailing around wildly, yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOO! LET ME GO, YOU FUCKING WHORE OF A BITCH!" A few minutes later, Akeno drove up and left her car. As she was making her way to the plane, Akeno heard Mio yelling "GET IN THE FUCKING VAN, KEVIN! STOP SPITTING AT MY FACE! I'M NOT YOUR EYE POKING DUMMY! HEY, YOUR KICKS ON MY LEGS FUCKING HURTING! AKENO, CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME TO GET KEVIN INTO THE VAN?" Akeno then rushed over to the van and wrestled Kevin with Mio. The fight was brutal as Kevin hit Akeno in the forehead many times before they finally got him inside the van. When Mio hopped onto Kevin's stomach and crossed his arms, she yelled "PLEASE DRIVE US BACK TO THE MOTEL, AKENO!" Akeno nodded as she entered the driver's seat and floored the van. The sudden acceleration forces Kevin the upper hand as he overpowered Mio and pinned her to the ground. As Kevin was on top of her, Mio thought "Oh fuck, I'm going to get killed." Kevin started to laugh evilly as Mio yelled "GET OFF ME! GET OFF ME! GET OFF ME!" Suddenly, Kevin growled "As for your punishment, I'm going to bite your nose off." The fear in Mio's eyes was burning as a series of sobs left her lips before she tried to rake Kevin's eyes out. In the meantime, Akeno, still driving, yelped "Please cool it, Kevin. This is not yourself, baka." When Kevin clamped down on Mio's nose, she made a blood-curdling yell "いやぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ!このクソモンスターめ!鼻から血が流れ出ているのが感じられます!助けてアケノ!" As Kevin was in the midst of a bloodthirsty rage and Mio was screaming bloody murder, Akeno thought "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I NEED TO STOP THIS, BUT HOW?" Akeno then noticed a frying pan hanging from a rack in the van and thought "That's it." Akeno slammed the van to a screeching halt, her eyes blazing with fury. With a guttural roar, she snatched the frying pan from the rack and brought it down hard on Kevin's head as she shrieked "STOP HURTING YOUR FUCKING WIFE, CHUMP!" But the first blow, Kevin was unfazed as he stopped biting Mio's nose and gave Akeno a death stare while growling "You're going to pay for that, whore." Akeno then swallowed hard as she thought "Fucking hell, how do I knock this brute out?" Just then, Kevin was going to give her a jab, but Akeno was faster and hit him again in the head. With a moan, Kevin fell back and went limp onto Mio's stomach. With a roar, Mio shrieked "MY FUCKING GOD, I THINK THAT KEVIN JUST CRUSH MY FUCKING STOMACH! GET HIM OFF! GET HIM OFF!" Akeno then got Kevin off of Mio before she got back behind the wheel and drove off. With her pain, Mio started to cuddle the unconscious Kevin before she wiped the blood from his forehead and cooed "You're such a rageful bull, but you're all mine. I love you, my rare Canadian gem." Suddenly, Mio noticed the blood from her nose dripping onto Kevin's shirt and thought "My... my god, Kevin's foreshadowing about flipping out and making me bleed was right." Mio then pressed her lips onto Kevin's mouth as she thought "I love you, baka." Soon after, they arrived at the motel and Mio said "Can you please help me lift Kevin to our room, Akeno?" Akeno nodded as she carried his lower body before muttering "He weighs a goddamn ton." Mio, holding Kevin's upper body, struggled a bit as she stated "Just a little further." They finally managed to maneuver him through the doorway of their motel room, collapsing him gently onto the bed. Akeno, with a first aid kit, touched Mio's shoulder and cooed "What about I take a look at your nose?" Mio nodded as she sat onto the bed and Akeno grabbed her face and tilted it upwards and dabbed the nose with an antiseptic wipe. In her mind, Mio thought "This burns like a motherfucker. This burns like fuck. This burns like crazy. This burns like shit." She winced, a sharp intake of breath escaping her lips. The peeling wallpaper of the motel room seemed to blur. Akeno, noticing Mio's reaction, murmured "Sorry, Almost done." Mio's eyes started to water as black spots were forming in the corners as she muttered "I... I can't take it anymore." Just then, Akeno stopped before she put a bandage on Mio's nose. Mio then lay onto Kevin's chest and cooed "You're such a rageful bull, but I love you despite that, baka." Akeno, with some more bandages, said "Can you check for any head trauma before wrapping Kevin up while I deal with the glass in his hands." Mio then moved Kevin's head and checked his wounds on it before muttering "The trauma look find to me. I'm going to patch this up." With the bandages, Mio started to wrap Kevin's head up. As Akeno was muttering "Come on piece of shit, don't you start fucking with me goddamn glass," Mio pressed her mouth onto Kevin's chest and cooed "I love you so much, baka. Please don't die." Suddenly, Akeno said "The hell with the glass in his hands. I hope it comes out by itself." As Akeno wrapped bandages around Kevin's hands, Mio started to whimper "I... I... I... LOVE... YOU... KEVIN!" Akeno then squeezed her shoulder and cooed "It's okay, Mio, he's a survivor." Suddenly, a choked sob ripped out of Mio's throat as her dam broke, and her tears raged onto the unconscious Kevin's chest. Akeno then tenderly wrapped her in a hug as she cooed "It's okay, Mio, it's okay." During her sobbing, Mio wailed "IT'S THE FIRST TIME THAT KEVIN HAS BEEN UNCONSCIOUS! I LOVE HIM WITH A FREAKING PASSION AND I DREAD LOSING HIM!" Akeno felt her tears pouring onto her shoulder as she muttered "Hey... hey... Mio, let it all out." Akeno then pulled back slightly before kissing her cheek and thought "Mio is really a lost soul." Just then, Mio started to moan and groan as she shook violently in Akeno's arms before going limp. Akeno then rushed Mio onto the bed next to Kevin before she checked her neck for a pulse. After a few moments, Akeno muttered "Her pulse is fine. I think she just passed out due to her emotions. In the meantime, Ken and Momo were in the next motel room over when Ken asked "Why were you in Baltimore when you got busted?" Momo, sitting on the edge of the bed, looked reflective for a moment before answering. Her voice was steady but carried the weight of her experiences as she said "I was in Baltimore on a job. You know how it goes, Ken. I wasn’t there to sightsee. I was there to make contact with someone who could help with our... let's say, 'business arrangements' in the U.S. But things went south. I got tipped off, or maybe it was just bad luck. Either way, I ended up in cuffs before I could even shake hands with my contact." Ken nodded, understanding the risks that came with their kind of work. He leaned back, his expression thoughtful as he said "It's tough out there now, especially with everything going on. Biden's got everyone on edge, not just us." Momo sighed, her gaze drifting to the window where the light was fading, casting long shadows across the room while muttering "Yeah, it's like we're all playing chess in the dark. And with Biden's moves, it feels like the board's on fire. I was just trying to keep our operations afloat, but now... now it's not just about business. It's about survival, about making sure we all come out of this alive and together." Ken moved closer, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder as she said "We'll manage, Momo. We've got each other, and with the team we've got, we're not just surviving, we're adapting. We'll find a way to turn this chaos into something that works for us." Momo gave a small, wry smile before saying "I hope you're right, Ken. I really do. But it's not just about us anymore. It's about the bigger picture. If we can help end this war, even in a small way, maybe we can also find some peace for ourselves." Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden knock at the door. Ken stood up, cautious, and peeked through the peephole. He relaxed slightly when he saw it was Akeno, looking harried. Opening the door, he noticed her expression was a mix of concern and urgency. Akeno entered quickly, closing the door behind her before yelping "Momo, you need to see this," while pulling out her phone to show a news alert. The headlines screamed about the latest developments in the war, particularly how the international community was reacting to Biden's actions. Momo read through the news, her face hardening when she stated "This changes things. If the world's turning against him, we might have a chance to push back, to do something significant." Ken, his mind already racing through possibilities, nodded "We need to strategize. With Kevin out of commission for now, we have to figure out our next steps. Maybe this is the moment we've been waiting for, not just to survive but to make an impact." Akeno, still processing the chaos she had just witnessed with Kevin, added "We need to be careful. The situation's volatile. But if we can use this to our advantage, we could not only protect ourselves but also help steer things away from total disaster." The trio sat down, maps and papers spread across the bed, discussing plans, allies, and how they might navigate the complex web of international politics and military movements. Their focus was clear: protect their own, use the chaos to their benefit, and perhaps, in their own way, contribute to ending the madness engulfing the world. That evening, Mio was stroking Kevin's stomach as she cooed "I love you, baka. Please wake up, my love." But Kevin just laid on the bed unconscious as she muttered "Please don't leave me. I'm tired. Maybe a nap won't kill me." Mio then rested her head onto Kevin's chest before passing out. As Mio drifted off to sleep, her mind replayed cherished memories of Kevin. She dreamed of their first encounter, a whirlwind of vibrant colors and shared laughter at the anime expo. They were just kids then, wide-eyed and captivated by the same fantastical worlds. The dream unfolded like a cherished anime itself, showcasing their growing bond: late-night study sessions fueled by pizza and whispered secrets, shared passions for music and gaming, and the comforting warmth of their friendship blossoming into something deeper. The climax arrived with a breathtaking scene – Kevin, amidst a flurry of falling cherry blossoms, knelt down, a shimmering ring held out, his eyes filled with love and devotion. Mio, tears of joy streaming down her face, whispered 'yes,' her heart overflowing with happiness. Suddenly, Mio was awakened by her hair being tugged many times. The tugging on her hair jolted Mio awake. Her eyes fluttered open, disoriented for a moment. The lingering warmth of the dream, the image of Kevin's proposal beneath the cherry blossoms, still clung to her mind. She blinked, trying to clear the sleep from her eyes and focus on her surroundings. The room was dimly lit, the bedside lamp casting a soft glow. She then noticed that Kevin was awake and the one that was tugging her hair. Kevin's eyes, though still clouded with the remnants of his unconsciousness, held a spark of recognition and relief as he saw Mio awake. His voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper as he managed to say, "Mio... you're here. I thought... I thought..." Mio, overwhelmed with relief, quickly sat up, her hair still in Kevin's grasp. She gently pried his fingers away, her own hands trembling slightly from the emotional rollercoaster of the day. She leaned closer, her voice soft, filled with love and concern as she cooed "You scared me, Kevin. I thought I'd lost you." Kevin's gaze softened, his hand moving to cup her cheek, his touch light as if afraid to prove the reality of the moment. "I'm sorry, Mio. I didn't mean to... I just... everything got so... out of control." Mio placed her hand over his, nuzzling into it, tears threatening to escape once more, taking in his bandaged head and hands, her heart aching at the sight as she said "It's okay, we're both here now. That's what matters. We need to take care of each other, especially now. The world's gone mad, but we've got each other." Kevin, his expression turning serious as memories of his rage and the consequences washed over him, nodded "I remember... I was so angry, so lost in it. I need to do better, not just for us, but for everyone. We need to end this madness." Mio kissed his forehead gently, right above the bandages, a silent promise of support and love before cooing "We will. Together. But first, you need to rest, heal." She then glanced around, noting the quiet of the room, the soft hum of the motel's air conditioning blending with the distant sounds of a world in turmoil and said "The others are next door, planning. We'll figure out our next move, but right now, let's focus on you getting better." Kevin squeezed her hand, a small smile forming despite the pain as he said "I love you, my rare Japanese gem. I'm sorry for everything." Mio pressed her lips to his, a kiss filled with forgiveness, understanding, and the promise of their shared future before muttering "I love you too, my rare Canadian gem. We'll get through this. We always do." They lay back down, Mio resting her head on Kevin's chest once more, listening to the steady beat of his heart, a sound that had always brought her comfort. This time, though, it was a reminder of how close they had come to losing that rhythm forever. As they lay there, they both knew that the fight ahead was not just for their survival but for the possibility of peace in a world that seemed determined to tear itself apart. Outside, the night continued to embrace the small town of Emerson, the chaos of war a stark contrast to the quiet intimacy of their room. The plan would wait until morning; tonight was about healing, about love, about the undying bond between two souls amidst the storm. On the morning of November 24th, Kevin and Mio were tangled together in a warm embrace, sleeping soundly. A sudden knock at the door shattered the peaceful quiet, jolting them awake. Mio, a flicker of panic in her eyes, quickly untangled herself from Kevin's arms and hurried to the door. Peeking through the peephole, she tried to discern who their early morning visitor could be. Just then, Mio opened the door, and she said "Hey, Mashiro, what's..." Mashiro then rushed into the room and yelped "Turn on the news, you're making the rounds, Kevin." As she turned on the TV, the news anchor said "This is CTV Morning Live in Winnipeg. It's November 24, 2034, at seven in the morning. I'm Janet Stewart. We're covering breaking news this morning, as early yesterday afternoon a Boeing E-4, which was also known as the Doomsday plane, made a landing on Manitoba Highway 75 near Emerson. But the Doomsday plane ain't the top story of the day as this person, Kevin Stewart, was seen trashing a Royal Canadian Mounted Police vehicle while yelling racist slurs at Joe Biden." As the news started showing him trashing the police vehicle, Kevin covered his eyes and cried out "I'm ain't peanut butter jelly time Kevin Stewart went bananas." Mio then wrapped her arms around Kevin and cooed "Hey... hey... it's okay, Kevin, it's okay." Kevin was feeling pity as he shook vigorously and thought "I can't believe that I hurt my rare Japanese gem of a wife, Mio." Suddenly, Kevin's phone rang and he picked it up. When he answered it, Kevin said "Hello there, Raisa. How are you?" Raisa, on the other side of the phone, said "I just saw your public meltdown in Manitoba on the news, and I was thinking that you needed a psychologist session. What do you say we have a phone session?" Kevin, with a sigh, muttered "Why not?" Before Kevin spilled his guts, Raisa said "Before you start, phone sessions are up five percent." Kevin, feeling the weight of his recent actions and the turmoil they've caused, responded "Fine, let's do it. I need to sort this out." Raisa, with her professional calm, began, "Let's start with how you're feeling right now, Kevin. Describe your emotions to me." Kevin, his voice still hoarse from the previous day's outburst, took a deep breath as he sighed "I feel... overwhelmed, Raisa. Like I'm losing control, not just of what's going on around me but within me too. Yesterday, I was so caught up in my rage, I didn't recognize myself. I hurt Mio, I hurt others, and I made a fool of myself on a national scale." Raisa listened intently, her tone soothing yet probing, before saying "It sounds like there's a lot of anger, but also fear and maybe some guilt mixed in there. Can you tell me what's driving these feelings?" Kevin ran his hands through his hair, wincing slightly at the bandages and muttered "It's Biden, this war, everything. But more than that, it's the fear of losing everything I care about. Mio, my friends, our safety. When I saw that plane, when I thought Biden was on it... I just snapped. I wanted to end all this chaos, but instead, I became part of it." Raisa, though Kevin couldn't see her, nodded "It's understandable to feel that way given the circumstances. But what do you think you can do differently next time you feel that rage building?" Kevin looked over at Mio, who was giving him a reassuring smile while saying "I need to... I need to think before I act. I need to remember what's at stake, not just for me, but for everyone around me. Maybe talk to someone, like you, before things escalate. Or just... breathe, focus on what I can control." Raisa suggested "Perhaps grounding techniques might help. When you feel that anger rising, focus on your senses. What can you see, hear, touch? It might help you stay present and not be swept away by your emotions." Kevin, absorbing the advice, nodded "Yeah, I can try that. I've been so caught up in the big picture, I forget the small things that keep me centered." Mio, hearing only Kevin's side of the conversation, squeezed his hand, offering silent support. Kevin continued "And I need to apologize to Mio, really apologize, not just with words but with actions. I put her through hell yesterday." Raisa agreed "That's a good step, Kevin. Acknowledging the impact of your actions on those you love is crucial. How do you plan to move forward with that?" Kevin thought for a moment, then said "I'll start by listening more, not just reacting. I'll work on being the partner she deserves, not the one she's forced to manage." Raisa concluded "That sounds like a solid plan, Kevin. Remember, we can continue these sessions, especially as things unfold. You're not alone in this, and managing your reactions is part of navigating this new world we're in." After ending the call, Kevin turned to Mio, his expression one of regret and resolve and cooed "Mio, I'm so sorry for yesterday. For everything. I'll do better, not just for you but for us." Mio, with tears in her eyes but a smile on her lips, hugged him tightly before crying out "We'll get through this together, Kevin. We always do." The morning continued with a sense of cautious hope. The couple were now more aware of the need to manage their personal battles amidst the broader chaos of the world at war. They prepared to meet with the group, ready to face whatever came next with a renewed strategy for both their survival and peace. Just then, there was a knock on the door before Mashiro then went over and looked in the peephole. Mashiro noticed that it was Mia and Tim and let them in. As she opened it, they ran into Kevin's arms as he said "How did you get here?" Mia, with tears in her eyes, wailed "We hitchhike with this nice trucker, dad." Tim, with a tear coming down his cheek, muttered "I really want a high right now." Kevin looked at his son and said "What did I say about using dope, Timmy?" Tim then said "Don't use drugs as it's wrong." Kevin happily grinned "That's right, Tim. Man, I'm hungry as a motherfucker, Mio. What's for breakfast before I start eating your belly?" Mio then giggled "Stop it, baka..." Mashiro, with a smile, said "I have some leftover Burger King in my car. Do you want me to get it?" Kevin nodded vigorously as she left the room for her car. In the meantime, Kevin grabbed Mio's hand and cooed "As for your punishment, I'm going to eat your stomach." Kevin’s grin widened. He moved Mio closer, his arm snaking around her shoulders, pulling her into a comfortable side-hug. He then shifted, his other hand reaching under the hem of her oversize pajama top, the soft flannel cooled against her skin for a fleeting moment before his warm fingers found her stomach. He tickled her lightly, making her squirm and laugh. Kevin playfully growled as he nudged her gently against the side, before moving up her pajamas. He pressed his lips to her stomach, his breath warm against her skin, and started to playfully munch away. Not biting hard, not even really nibbling with teeth, but pressing soft, playful kisses and gentle, open-mouthed mouthing motions against her tummy. Mio dissolved into a fit of laughter, her body shaking. She gasped "STOP IT! STOP IT, YOU WEIRDO!", between giggles, playfully pushing at his shoulder, but making no real effort to stop him. Kevin continued his mock-devouring, his lips tickling and warming her skin through her pajama top. He could feel the gentle rise and fall of her stomach as she laughed, the sound of music in his ears. He punctuated his meal with soft, breathy kisses and pretended growls, making the whole charade even sillier. After a moment, he lifted his head, his eyes bright with laughter. He declared "Mmm, delicious. You were just the right number of... Blue Shell and mischievousness." in a mock-serious tone, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand dramatically. Mio was still giggling, her face flushed and warm. She managed to say “You’re insane,” shaking her head, though her smile was broad and genuine. Kevin, his arm still around her, grinned "Insanely fond of you, maybe." He leaned in and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. The playful threat had melted into something warm and comfortable, a silly, intimate moment shared between two people who knew each other well enough to be ridiculous and tender in equal measure. Mia started to giggle as Kevin stared at her before playfully growling "Oh, you're asking to get your belly eaten too." Mia gasped "Uh... I'm not... ah..." She trailed off, a blush creeping up her neck. Her eyes darted around the room, suddenly finding great interest in a nearby potted plant. Mia, trying to recover, stammered "I... I just thought it was fun. The way you... you know... growled." He raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. Kevin echoed "Fun, huh?", taking a slow step closer. "I can be a lot of fun." He let the words hang in the air, his eyes never leaving hers. The air crackled with a tension that wasn't entirely uncomfortable. Suddenly, Kevin grabbed Mia before he carried her to the bed and lifted her in the air while lying down. Mia then squealed "HOLY HELL, DAD, YOU'RE SUCH A FUNNY BULL, BAKA!" Kevin, with a playful grin, growled "As for your punishment, I'm going to eat your stomach." Kevin then lowered Mia as she squirmed and squawked "AH, YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL ME WITH YOUR SHEER HUMOR, BAKA, AND I LOVE IT!" With a mischievous nudge of his nose, Kevin sent Mia's tube top sliding off her shoulder. He then playfully nipped at her stomach, eliciting a giggle. As Mashiro came back into the motel room with Burger King, she noticed them and said "Well, I'm guessing that the father-daughter bonding is in full swing." Kevin stopped eating her stomach and muttered "I missed my not so little one." Mia then giggled "Stop it, dad. You're really causing my bladder to fail me with all the giddiness." Kevin, with a loving smile, put her down before cooing "You really like your mother, Mia." Mio playfully punched his arm and giggled "You're such a tease, baka. Mia looked almost like me. I love you, my rare Canadian gem of a husband." Kevin then nuzzled his nose into Mio's chest as he cooed "And I love you too, my rare Japanese gem of a wife." Suddenly, Kevin started to playfully munch her chest and Mio squealed "Oh no, I'm getting eaten by a chest muncher." Mashiro, holding a double Whopper, said "Kevin, if you want it, come and get it." With a moan, Kevin bolted at Mashiro and started eating the Whopper while she was still holding it. Mashiro, mock horror gripping her, yelped "ARE YOU A RABID DOG OR SOMETHING, BAKA?" With a mouth full of food, Kevin said "Hello, I'm Kevin, your friendly neighborhood rabid dog. And after I finish my Whopper, I'm going to have seconds of Mashiro Munetani." Mashiro gasped as she thought "Did he just threaten to eat me?" During Mashiro's thoughts, Kevin finished the burger and suddenly picked her up and playfully pinned her on the bed. Mashiro then flailed around while she squealed "WHA... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? OH, PLEASE DON'T EAT ME MR. RABID DOG!" Kevin, with mock predatory hunger in his eyes, growled "Be ready for a playful tummy eating session." Kevin then moved Mashiro's shirt up a bit before starting to playfully munch her stomach with wet vigor. In her mind, Mashiro thought "He's really testing my buttons, but I love it." Just then, Mashiro felt something nibbling her ear before she yelped "YOSHIKA! FUCK, I'M SURROUNDED!" While munching the ear, Yoshika moaned "I ain't going to watch this from the sideline and miss this moment." With a reddening blush creeping up her neck, Mashiro thought "Two baka bombs are teasing me. FUCK! I... I... I THINK THAT I'M CUMMING!" With a convulsion, Mashiro started to release a series of cum shots. Kevin noticed Mashiro's climax and pressed his mouth onto her ear before cooing "Did you just have an orgasm?" Mashiro then playfully pushed him away while muttering "No, I just... having my period." Just then, Akeno entered the room and said "Hey Kevin, I just got a message from CTV Morning Live Winnipeg about you coming in for an interview tomorrow morning." Kevin, still basking in the playful and chaotic energy of the room, processed Akeno's announcement. His expression shifted from amusement to a more serious demeanor as he considered the implications. He glanced at Mio, seeking her opinion, before responding. Kevin, his voice steady, mused aloud "An interview, huh? With everything that's happened, this could be a chance to set the record straight, to give people a different perspective on what's going on, not just with me but with this whole mess of a war." Mio, who had been watching the interaction with a mix of concern and support, nodded "It might be good for you to speak out, Kev. Just... be careful what you say. We don't want to escalate things further." Kevin agreed "Right. I'll be diplomatic. Maybe this could help us, give us a platform to possibly influence public opinion or at least clarify our intentions." He then turned to Akeno, his eyes reflecting a blend of determination and caution, before saying "Thanks for letting me know, Aki. I'll do it, but we need to prepare. Can you help me get some key points together, make sure I don't go off the rails?" Akeno, her relief obvious, nodded "Of course, Kev. We'll make sure you're ready. We can focus on the human side of this, how this war is affecting people, families like ours." Mashiro, still recovering from the playful attack, chimed in by saying "I'll help too. We need to control the narrative, especially with your recent... um, public moment." Her tone was light but carried an undertone of seriousness about the situation. Yoshika, ever the wild card, added "And I'll keep the distractions at bay. If anyone tries to get too close or stir up trouble, I've got my way." Tim, feeling a bit out of place among the strategic talk, looked at his father with a mix of pride and concern. Mia, sensing the shift in atmosphere, hugged Kevin tightly, whispering "Be careful, dad." Kevin hugged Mia back, his heart swelling with love and responsibility as he cooed "I will, sweetie. I promise." As the group started to gather around, discussing strategies and potential questions that might come up in the interview, Kevin felt the weight of his role not just as a leader but as a father and husband. He knew the stakes were high, but with his family and friends by his side, he was ready to face the media and perhaps sway the tides of public opinion in a world teetering on the brink of chaos. The morning continued with a sense of purpose. They planned, they prepared, and amidst the laughter and love, they fortified their resolve to navigate through the storm, hoping to bring some light to the darkness enveloping the world. That afternoon in his motel room, Kevin was watching TV when Momo came in and said "Hey Kevin, how are you?" Kevin, with a loving glare, muttered "Hello there, Momo-chan. I'm fine and you." Momo then went over to him and playfully punched his arm while stating "You know that I hate that name, baka. Well, I'm doing fine." Suddenly, Kevin pressed a quick peck on Momo's cheek. Momo blushed slightly, taken aback by the sudden kiss. She then playfully shoves him away while exclaiming "Kevin, what was that for?" A small smile played on her lips, though she tried to hide it. Kevin, noticing Momo's true feelings, poked her rib cage on either side before tickling them and cooing "Do you really think that you can hide your true feelings about me, my squirmish friend?" Momo, with her breath getting caught in her throat, fell into a series of helpless giggles while trying to push Kevin away and yelping "I... DON'T... KNOW... WHAT... YOUR... TALKING... ABOUT... BAKA!" Kevin, still chuckling, leaned back, giving Momo some space. He knew their bond was one of deep friendship mixed with playful banter, but he also recognized the tension of the moment. He said "You've always been like family to me, Momo. After everything we've been through, I just wanted to show some appreciation." Momo, catching her breath, sat down next to Kevin, her expression softening. She looked at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and concern as she said "I know, Kevin. And I appreciate you too, more than words can say. But with all this chaos, with the war, I sometimes forget to show it." Kevin nodded, understanding the gravity of their situation. He turned his attention back to the TV, which was now showing updates on the war's progression. The news anchor was discussing the latest developments, including the international community's response to Biden's actions and the ongoing conflict's impact on civilians. Momo, watching the screen, sighed and said "We need to think about our next steps. With your interview tomorrow, it's not just about setting the record straight; it's about using that platform to push for peace, to call for an end to this madness." Kevin, his mind already strategizing, agreed "You're right. We need to be smart about this. The interview could be a turning point, not just for us but for the narrative around this war. We need to humanize it, show the world what's at stake for regular people caught in the middle." Momo leaned closer, her voice lowering as she shared her thoughts as she muttered "And we should talk about our families, about how this war affects our children, our friends. It's not just about politics or power; it's about lives being destroyed." Kevin placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and said "We'll do that. We'll make them see the human cost. Maybe then, people will start pressuring their leaders to stop this insanity." Just then, the door opened, and Ken walked in, holding some papers and said "Hey, Kev, Momo. I've been doing some research. There's chatter online, communities forming, voices calling for peace. Maybe we can use your interview to boost those voices, direct people to these movements." Kevin, appreciating Ken's foresight, smiled "Good thinking, Ken. We need to amplify that message. Let's make sure we have some concrete ideas on how to do that by tomorrow." The room filled with a renewed sense of purpose as they began to strategize. They discussed how Kevin could address the public, not just as a figure caught in controversy but as someone advocating for peace, unity, and the protection of innocent lives. They talked about the importance of using social media, collaborating with influencers, and perhaps even reaching out to journalists who might be sympathetic to their cause. As the afternoon wore on, the group's conversation shifted from planning to sharing personal stories, easing the tension with laughter and memories. They knew the road ahead was fraught with danger, but in this room, there was a sanctuary of camaraderie and hope, a reminder of what they were fighting for. By evening, they had a rough draft of talking points for Kevin, blending their personal experiences with a broader call for peace. As they wrapped up, Kevin looked at his friends, feeling a deep gratitude for their support. He knew that whatever the outcome of tomorrow's interview, they would face it together, as a family bound by choice, not just by blood. When Kevin and Mio went to bed later that evening, Kevin cooed "Your Hatsune Miku pajamas are so cute that I think that you're my real life anime character." Mio then deeply blushed and giggled out "Aww, Kevin, you're so sweet. I'm glad you think so. Maybe I should wear them more often." With a grin, Kevin said "Can you at least sing one of her songs for me, my rare Japanese gem?" Mio, her blush deepening, giggled "Oh, Kevin, you're laying it on thick. I'm no Hatsune Miku, that's for sure. But maybe... just maybe... I could hum a little tune for my biggest fan." She snuggled closer to Kevin, the soft fabric of her Miku pajamas rustling slightly. Clearing her throat softly, she began to hum a familiar melody, a simple, sweet tune that Kevin recognized as a popular Miku song. Her voice was soft and gentle, not trying to imitate Miku's distinct vocaloid style, but rather offering her own warm interpretation. As she hummed, Kevin watched her, his heart melting. The dim light of the room highlighted the delicate features of her face, flushed with a mixture of shyness and amusement. He reached out and gently brushed a stray strand of hair from her forehead. When the short melody ended, Mio looked up at him, her eyes sparkling. Mio, a little shy, asked "How was that?" Kevin, his eyes full of affection, whispered "It was perfect. Absolutely perfect, my rare Japanese gem." He then pulled her closer for a gentle kiss. After the kiss, Kevin cooed "I love you so much, Mio." Mio, with a tear coming down her cheek, muttered "I love you too, Kevin." Kevin then caressed her cheek and cooed "I just want to hold your tears of love in my hand forever in my heart." A few moments later, more tears fell down her cheeks as she happily cried "My heart is filling with your love." Kevin, with a smile that would melt the hearts of millions, murmured "Your happy tears always moved me, Mio." Mio was crying even more as she sobbed "Shut up, baka, and kiss me tender." Just then, she crashed her lips onto his into a passionate kiss. In his mind, Kevin thought "I wish that I would keep my lips on my wife's lips forever." In the meantime, Mio was thinking "He's always a great kisser." Soon after, they broke off the kiss with them breathless before Mio started to say "Hold me and say sweet nothings in my ear." Kevin then hold her tenderly and cooed "You're my rare Japanese gem, Mio. No one else shines like you do. Your smile could light up even the darkest days, my love. I love how your eyes sparkle, especially when you're reading your manga. You look like you're in your own beautiful world. The sound of your laughter is my favorite melody; it's like music to my soul. You wear that cherry blossom shampoo so well; it's like I'm walking through a Japanese garden every time I'm with you. Your hair feels like silk, Mio. I could play with it forever. When I'm with you, I feel like I've found my home, my peace. You have the heart of a warrior and the soul of an artist. I'm so lucky to have you in my life. Your kindness is like a balm to my often chaotic world. Thank you for being my calm. I love how you embrace life, Mio. Your passion for what you love is utterly inspiring. You make every day feel like an adventure, even when we're just cuddling on the couch. Your love has this way of making everything seem possible, even in the midst of all this madness. You're not just beautiful on the outside; your mind and heart are what truly captivate me. I love watching you when you're lost in thought; it's like seeing the universe at work in your eyes. You make me want to be a better man, Mio. Your love is my greatest motivation." Just then, Mio fell asleep on his chest as Kevin cooed "Goodnight, Mio. Sweet dreams," before dozing off too. On the morning of November 25th at 6 am, Kevin woke up and escaped from Mio's sleepy embrace before going into the washroom to clean up. During this time, Kevin was shaving his beard when his world started to spin. Kevin then grabbed the counter and a couple of toothbrushes fell onto the floor as he fell onto the counter. Just then, Mio, still groggy, moaned "What's that, Kevin?" Kevin was still spinning as he muttered "I think... I just knocked over our toothbrushes, sweetie." In the meantime, Kevin thought "I don't feel so well." He then got dressed in formal wear and left the motel room where Akeno was sitting outside her room. She noticed him and said "Good luck on the TV interview, Kev." Getting into his rental, Kevin then said "Thank you, Aki." He then started the car and drove toward Winnipeg. As he was driving through Ste. Agathe, Manitoba, Kevin moaned "Urgh... my fucking head. It... it feels like it is going to blow the fuck up. Whoa... fuck this shit." Kevin pulled over suddenly before he went out and barfed. As Kevin was leaning against the car, a farmer on the nearby field yelled "ARE YOU OKAY, SIR?" Kevin straightened up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. Kevin, his voice a little shaky, called back "Yeah, I think so. Just... something I ate, I guess." He wasn't sure if the farmer bought it, but the man simply nodded and went back to his work. Kevin leaned against the car for a moment longer, his head still throbbing. He knew he couldn't stay there. The interview was important, and Winnipeg was still a drive away. He needed to get a grip. He fumbled in his pockets for some pain relievers, cursing the fact that he'd forgotten to pack anything for a potential headache. Swallowing a couple of pills dry, he got back in the car. He muttered "Come on, Kevin, pull it together." He started the engine and pulled back onto the highway, his speed a little slower than before. He focused on the road, trying to ignore the pounding in his head and the lingering nausea. He hoped whatever it was had passed, and that he could make it to Winnipeg without any more incidents. The thought of the TV interview loomed, adding to the pressure he was already feeling. 35 minutes later, Kevin pulled into a parking spot in an underground garage before he muttered "Why did I do this shit for?" After a few moments, Kevin groaned "Fuck this shit," as he got out and went into the newsroom. When he entered, a lady in a red dress and high heels came and said "You must be Kevin. I'm Sydney Sivongxay, and I'm the one who's doing the interview." When they shook hands, Kevin said "Do you have anything to drink? I ain't feeling the best right now." Sydney gave Kevin a sympathetic look and nodded "Of course, we have some water and coffee in the break room. Let's get you something to help settle your stomach. Follow me." They walked through the bustling newsroom, past desks cluttered with monitors and papers, to a small, quiet break room. Sydney grabbed a bottle of water from a mini-fridge and handed it to Kevin before saying "Here, drink this. It might help." Kevin uncapped the bottle and drank deeply, the cool water soothing his parched throat and somewhat calming his stomach. He took a moment to gather himself, his mind still racing with thoughts of the interview and the implications it held. Feeling a bit better, Kevin said, "Thanks, Sydney. I appreciate it. This morning's been rough." Sydney smiled, her demeanor professional yet warm as she stated "No problem at all. We have herbal teas too, if you think that would help. But we should get started soon. Do you need a few more minutes?" Kevin shook his head, feeling a bit more grounded, said "I'm good to go now. Let's do this." They returned to the studio where the cameras and lights were set up. Sydney led Kevin to a chair opposite hers, ensuring he had a clear view of the teleprompter and the camera. She then took her seat, adjusting her microphone before signaling to the crew that they were ready. As the camera lights turned on, Sydney introduced the segment and said "We're live with Kevin Stewart, a figure at the center of some of the recent chaos involving international affairs. Kevin, thank you for joining us today." Kevin, his expression serious but composed, nodded "Thank you for having me, Sydney." Sydney began with her first question by asking "Kevin, you've been in the news not just for your actions but for the broader implications. Can you tell us your perspective on the current global situation?" Kevin took a deep breath, knowing this was his chance to shape public opinion before he said "Look, what's happening around the world right now is a tragedy. We're seeing nations at each other's throats, and for what? Power? Pride? The real cost is being paid by civilians, families like mine, who just want to live in peace. This war, it's not just about political games; it's about human lives." Sydney followed up by saying "You've had some... let's say, very public moments lately. How do you reflect on those actions, especially given the context of this war?" Kevin paused, choosing his words carefully before he stated "I was angry, Sydney. Angry at the senselessness of it all, at Biden's actions, at how easily everything we've built could be torn down. But I've learned that anger doesn't solve anything. It only adds to the chaos. I regret how I've handled some situations, especially if my actions caused fear or harm to those I love or to innocent bystanders. I'm here to apologize for that and to use this platform to advocate for peace, for dialogue, for a chance to rebuild rather than destroy." The interview continued with questions about his plans, his hopes for the future, and how he envisioned moving forward. Kevin spoke about the need for international cooperation, the promotion of peace movements online, and his commitment to protecting his family and community amidst the turmoil. After Sydney finished with her questions, she said "We have some questions over the phone. Please page the first caller." When the first caller is paged in, a familiar voice said "Well hello there, dumbass." Kevin's blood pressure rose as he yelped "BIDEN! WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Biden, his voice dripping with sarcasm and disdain, chuckled over the line, said "Well, Kevin, I just wanted to congratulate you on your little escapade. I see you've made quite an impression, both with your antics and now with this interview. But let's talk about the real issue here. You think you can just play hero and change the course of a world war with some heartfelt words on TV?" Kevin, his jaw clenched, responded with measured restraint, stated "I'm here to speak for those who can't, Joe. For families, for communities torn apart by decisions made in offices far removed from the realities on the ground. If my words can sway even one person towards peace, towards dialogue, then that's more than your threats and actions have achieved." Biden's tone shifted, becoming more aggressive and said "You think you understand politics, Stewart? You think you can outmaneuver me? I've got the keys to the kingdom, and I'll use them as I see fit. Your little stunt with the Doomsday plane was cute, but you've only made things worse for yourself." In the meantime, back at the motel, Akeno was watching the interview and said "I think you better get here, Mio. Kevin is about to lose it, as Biden just called in." Mio then rushed out of the washroom to the TV and muttered "Please don't lose it, Kev." The tension in the studio crackled through the airwaves. Sydney, momentarily stunned, recovered and interjected "Mr. President, with all due respect, this is live television. Can we please keep the conversation civil?" Biden ignored her, his focus laser-locked on Kevin and said "Civil? You want civil, Stewart? You should have thought about that before you decided to play world leader. You're a pawn in a game you don't understand. And let me be clear – your family, your community? They're caught in the crossfire now. You've made them a target." Kevin felt a chill run down his spine. Biden's words were a direct threat, thinly veiled. He glanced at the camera, his expression hardening before saying "You want to threaten my family, Joe? Go ahead. The whole world is watching. They can see who the real bully is here." Biden then scoffed "The world? The world will believe what I tell them to believe. You're nothing, Stewart. A blip on the radar. I'll crush you like the insect you are." Kevin, trying to keep his voice steady, replied "You underestimate people, Joe. They're not blind. They see the destruction, the suffering. They see who's offering solutions and who's throwing fuel on the fire." Biden sneered "Solutions? Your solutions are naive, idealistic. This is the real world, Stewart. A world where power speaks loudest. And I hold the power." Kevin went sheer livid as he tossed his coffee across the news studio and started to yell "I HAD IT! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! JOE BIDEN IS A HALFRICAN, HAY SEED, JERRY, RETARD, KIWI MIDNIGHT, KUNG-FU, MUD-NACHO, MEXIJEW NAZI, NEGRO, NAPPY HAIR, BEANPICKER, WELFARE YENTA, YOKO, ZEBRA, TWINKIE, YOYO STOVEPIPE, POPOLO, POTATO EATER, POLIO OVEN-DWELLER, ESE, KNOB-GOBBLER, HOSER-GAY!" Sydney sat up and stated "Please Kevin, the language you are using is hateful, and it won't be tolerated." But Kevin kept loudly ranting "I THINK THAT BIDEN REMIND ME OF MOTHERFUCKING ADOLF HITLER AND I THINK YOU ARE WORSE THAN THE MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT, YOU YID KIKE HONKY DAGO! I WANT BIDEN TO KILL HIMSELF LIKE HITLER DID BY SHOOTING HIMSELF IN THE HEAD! I WANT BIDEN TO DIE LIKE FUCKING ELVIS PRESLEY ON THE MOTHERFUCKING TOILET FULL OF FUCKING SHIT, THAT NO GOOD DEAD MOTHERFUCKING SINGER WHO NEEDS TO SUCK DICK OF A MOTHERFUCKING HOUND DOG! HEY YOU PIECE OF SHIT, YOU NEED TO SUCK A DOG DICK, AND YOU ARE CAUGHT IN A TRAP, YOU CAN'T WALK OUT BECAUSE I HATE YOU SO MUCH BABY! I ALSO WANT BIDEN TO DIE LIKE JOSEPH STALIN SUFFERING A STROKE, CONVULSING ON THE GROUND UNTIL YOU PISS YOURSELF, YOU COMMUNIST NAZI GODDAMN COCKSUCKER PUSSY TOUCHER BLOOD SUCKER SAG OF SHIT IMBECILE!" Sydney then touched Kevin's hand and in his ear, she muttered "We're ceasing the interview if either of you keep cursing." Biden on the other hand stated "Maybe if I'm thinking about you being controversial, Kevin, and I think you one hundred percent prove it that you are." Kevin then barked "YOU'RE THE CONTROVERSY, BIDEN!" In the meantime, the producer had enough and yelled "CUT THE CALL RIGHT NOW!" When the call was ended, Kevin then stormed off the set and punched out a camera as he yelled "PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!", before leaving the news studio. In the meantime, at the motel, Mio squawked "My god, he's lost it totally." Akeno then looked at Mio and muttered "Kevin is going to be utterly pissed when he comes back." Back at the news studio, the screech of tires echoed through the parking garage as Kevin's car smashed through the exit gate, splintering the barrier and sending fragments flying. A security guard, startled by the sudden commotion, looked at the departing vehicle and yelled "YOU NEED TO PAY FOR YOUR PARKING, ASSHOLE!" Kevin, however, was long gone, his foot firmly on the accelerator. He roared out of the garage and onto the street, his driving becoming increasingly erratic. In his haste, he narrowly avoided a collision with a Winnipeg Police Service cruiser, the near-miss a hair-raising reminder of his reckless escape. Kevin sped back to the motel in Emerson still fuming. 30 minutes later at the motel, Momo was having a tea outside her room when Kevin came speeding into the parking lot as a group of 5-year-old girls yelled "WE'RE GOING TO FUCKING DIE!", all at once. Momo blinked, setting her teacup down carefully as the screech of tires and the chorus of tiny, profanity-laced pronouncements dressed in matching sparkly pink outfits rushed off as one of the girls yelled "THE END IS NIGH AND I DIDN'T EVEN FINISH MY CANDY YET!" Kevin slammed on the brakes, his car coming to an abrupt halt just inches away from the group of terrified children. His heart was pounding, not just from the adrenaline of the drive but from the chaotic encounter with Biden. He sat there for a moment, his breath ragged, his mind a whirl of anger and regret. Momo, having witnessed the scene unfold, rushed over to the children, her voice calm but firm as she said "It's okay, girls, it's okay. You're safe now." She ushered them away from the car, making sure they were all unharmed before turning her attention to Kevin. Kevin stepped out of the car, his fists clenched, his face a mask of fury. Momo approached him cautiously, her eyes wide with concern. "Kevin, what happened? You could have hurt those kids." He looked at Momo, the reality of his actions starting to sink in through his rage as he muttered "I... I'm sorry, Momo. It was Biden, he called in, he just... he knows how to push every button." His voice was shaky, a mix of exhaustion and fury. Momo placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, guiding him towards a bench away from the children, who were now being comforted by their parents, having run out of nearby rooms and said "You need to calm down, Kevin. This isn't you; this isn't helping anyone, least of all yourself or us." Kevin sat down, his head in his hands, the weight of the situation crashing over him as he sighed "I know, I know. I just... I wanted to make a difference with that interview, not cause more chaos." Momo sat beside him, keeping her voice low and soothing before cooing "You did make a difference. You spoke out against the madness, even if it ended badly. But we need to think about what comes next, how we can turn this around. We can't let Biden or this war dictate our actions." Kevin looked up, his eyes searching Momo's for some sign of what to do next and muttered "It's like I'm losing myself in all this, Momo. I don't want to be this person, this... monster." Momo, her tone earnest, said "You're not a monster, Kevin. You're someone who's been pushed to the edge. We'll figure this out together. But first, you need to take a breath, regroup with the team. We have to be smarter than this. Anyhow, what about if I buy you some Burger King? I'll wear my swimsuit there again." Kevin managed a weak smile, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly at Momo's attempt to lighten the mood. He, his voice softening, nodded "Yeah, maybe that's what I need right now. Some normalcy, some... laughter." Momo stood, offering her hand to help him up as she said "Let's go then. We'll get you some food, and we'll talk about our next steps. We need to stay focused, not let Biden or this war drag us down into chaos." As they walked to the car, Kevin felt the weight of his actions, the near-miss with the children, and the public meltdown on TV. But with Momo's support and the thought of regrouping with his team, he began to feel a sliver of hope. They drove towards Winkler, the promise of a Whopper and a moment of peace away from the turmoil offering a brief respite. When in Winkler, Momo took off her clothes into her swimsuit. As they entered Burger King, Momo in her swimsuit, a small act of defiance against the gloom, Kevin felt the first stirrings of hope. In the glow of fast-food lights, amidst the mundane normalcy of ordering burgers, they began to plot their next move, not just in the war against Biden, but in the fight to reclaim their humanity, their peace, and their future. After their meal, they drove back to the motel. Meanwhile, at the motel, Akeno was watching TV in her room while sitting on the edge of the bed when Ken came over and poked her rib cage before saying "Do you want to go for a dip with me up the street, Aki?" Akeno, startled by the poke, let out a small yelp before turning to look at Ken with a mix of surprise and amusement. She playfully swatted his hand away and said "You're asking for it, baka. But yeah, a swim sounds nice." Ken, pleased with the reaction, grinned "Great. Let's grab our swimsuits and head over. Maybe it'll help clear our heads after all the chaos today." As they prepared to leave, Akeno paused, considering the state of affairs. With Kevin's recent outburst and the ongoing global tension, a swim seemed like a small but significant escape. She grabbed her towel and swimwear, her thoughts briefly on Kevin's situation, hoping he was finding some peace with Momo. They walked up the street to the pool, the morning air cool against their skin. Once there, they changed into their swimsuits, Akeno choosing a simple, elegant one-piece that complemented her new pink hair. Ken opted for his usual trunks, his demeanor relaxed yet alert to any signs of trouble in the surrounding area. Diving into the pool, the water's cool embrace was a stark contrast to the heat of their current lives. Akeno felt the tension of the day begin to dissolve as she swam laps, her movements smooth and deliberate. Ken joined her, matching her pace, the two finding a rhythm together. As they took a break, leaning against the pool's edge, Ken looked at Akeno, his expression serious for once, before saying "You know, with everything going on, it's easy to forget to breathe, to live. We've got to keep our heads clear." Akeno, her gaze on the rippling water, nodded "I know. Kevin's interview, Biden's call... it's all a mess. But we need to stay focused on what we can control. We need to keep working on our plan to bring some sanity back to this world." Ken reached over, squeezing her hand and said "We'll get through this, Aki. We've got each other, and we've got a team that's more like family. We'll find a way to make a difference, to help end this war, one step at a time." They shared a moment of quiet solidarity, the only sounds the gentle lapping of water against the pool's edge and distant echoes of the world outside their temporary bubble of peace. After a while, they resumed swimming, physical activity; a way to process the day's events. As they moved through the water, their conversation shifted to lighter topics, discussing plans for after the war, dreams of peace, and simple joys they hoped to reclaim. At the motel later that morning, Kevin and Momo arrived back there and Kevin went over to Mio as she sat outside their room with tea. Mio, with a sigh, muttered "I saw your meltdown on TV, Kev. You should really think about the controversy you're making, good or bad." Kevin then sat next to Mio and squeezed her hand before saying "I don't... I don't know what happened. All I knew was that I was calmly talking about this whole situation before Biden called in. After that, I just lost it totally." Mio then squeezed his hand back as she cooed "I know that you're looking for your revenge tour on him, but yelling such heinous language on live TV ain't going to help." Kevin, with a loving stare, looked at Mio and said "I know, I know, but..." Just then, a battalion of Leopard 2A4 CAN drive past the motel. Mio gasped as she muttered "Look at them, Kevin. Kevin, are you going to say something?" Mio then looked at Kevin before saying "Kev... Kevin? Are you okay?" After a few moments, Mio noticed that Kevin hadn't moved in a while and said "Kevin, stop messing around. Just say something, you baka." Mio then nudged Kevin's arm before cooing "Hey, Kevin.", but he didn't react. In her mind, Mio thought "Fuck... fuck... fuck." Suddenly, Mio grabbed Kevin's arm and shook it while yelping "KEVIN!", but still no reaction. Panic started to set in Mio as she thought "Fucking hell, is... is he okay?" Just then, Kevin suddenly fell forward out of his seat and onto the ground before he convulsed. Mio's hands flew to her mouth with a gasp before she checked Kevin's pulse, but it was low. Mio's breath got stuck in her throat before she ripped out a deafening blood-curdling scream of "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! KEVIN, GET UP, SWEETIE! I NEED FUCKING HELP OVER HERE!" In the meantime, up the street, Akeno was leaving the pool when she heard the scream and thought "That's Mio's scream. FUCK, I THINK THAT KEVIN IS LOSING IT AGAIN!" She then started to run back to the motel. After a minute, Akeno ran into the motel's parking lot to see one of the Leopard 2A4 CANs pulling into the motel while one of the crew members was on top of Kevin giving CPR. Akeno then tossed her swimsuit bag into her room and ran to Mio with tears in her eyes. When she got there, Akeno said "What happened, Mio?" With tears raging down her cheeks, Mio sobbed out "HE... HE... HE... JUST... COLLAPSED!" Akeno then held Mio closer as she muttered "It's okay, Mio, it's okay. I hope that Kevin makes it." Just then, the crew member giving CPR said "He's stabilized, and we need to move him to a field hospital at the Fort Daer Historic Log Cabins ASAP." Two other crew members rushed over with a stretcher, and they carefully lifted Kevin onto it. As the tank crew loads Kevin into one of the support vehicles, Mio, her tears still raging and on her knees, starts to crawl to Kevin with her arms out and said "No... no... no... no... no..." Just then, Akeno wrapped her arms around Mio as she cooed "Kevin is going to be fine." The tank convoy, with Kevin inside one of the vehicles, speeds off, sirens wailing. As the convoy left, Mio collapsed onto the ground wailing "KEVIN! MY FUCKING LOVE!" Just then, Mio ripped some grass from the ground and urged herself to eat it, but Akeno grabbed her hand and said "Please stop, Mio. You ain't a cow." Mio then moaned "Fuck my life as I can't live without him," as she tried to drown herself in a mud puddle. She then face planted into the puddle and started to groan all her air from her lungs. Akeno, with urgency, pulled Mio back from the mud puddle, her voice a mix of panic and compassion as she said "Mio, please, you have to stay strong for Kevin. He needs you to be here when he recovers." Mio, her face smeared with mud and tears, looked up at Akeno with eyes full of despair. She managed to choke out, "I can't... I can't lose him, Akeno. He's everything to me." Akeno held Mio tightly, her own eyes welling up with tears. She knew the depth of their bond, the years of shared laughter, love, and now, shared pain as she said "I know, Mio. We'll go to him, we'll be there when he wakes up. We'll make sure he knows he's loved, that he has us to fight for." Suddenly, Mia ran over as she wailed "I heard you screaming, mom. Is everything okay?" Mio, still in shock but trying to compose herself for Mia's sake, managed a weak smile through her tears. She gently pulled Mia into the embrace, holding her close as she murmured "Your dad... he's not well, but the soldiers are taking him to get help. We're going to see him soon, okay?" Mia's eyes widened with fear and confusion, her voice trembling as she asked "Is he going to be okay, mom?" Akeno, sensing the need to provide some comfort, softly spoke "He's strong, Mia. And he's got the best people looking after him right now. We'll be there, all of us, to make sure he gets the best care." Ken arrived, having heard the commotion, his face a mask of concern. He looked over the scene, then at Akeno and Mio, offering a supportive nod before saying "We need to stay together. Let's get cleaned up, pack what we need, and go to him. He'll need to see us, all of us, when he wakes up." Mio nodded, her resolve starting to knit back together amidst her grief. She wiped the mud from her face, her movements mechanical but driven by a newfound purpose, and said "Yes, we should go. He needs us. Mia, please call your brother and tell him to meet us at the Fort Daer Historic Log Cabins." Mia nodded as she and Mio entered her car and drove to the field hospital. A couple of minutes later, Mio and Mia arrive as Tim, on a bike, arrives as well. The trio then went through the maze of tents until they found Kevin's tent. As they entered, Kevin was awake, but was hooked up to an ICU monitor. Tears raged down Mio's cheeks as she said "You scared me to death, baka." Kevin looked blankly at Mio and muttered "I'm sorry if I did, my rare Japanese gem. Please give me a kiss." With a grin, Mio went over and gave him a peck on the cheek. Just then, an unexpected voice said "Knock, knock." Mio looked at the doorway and said "Justin Trudeau, wha... what are you doing here?" Justin Trudeau stepped into the tent, his expression somber yet carrying a hint of relief upon seeing Kevin awake. He said "I heard about what happened, Kevin. After your... public moment on TV and now this, I thought it was important to come see you personally. We need to talk about how we can navigate through these turbulent times together." Kevin, still weak but alert, managed a small, wry smile before saying "I didn't expect a visit from the Prime Minister, especially after how things have gone." Trudeau, sitting down beside Kevin's bed, nodded "The situation has escalated far beyond what any of us anticipated. Your actions, your voice, even in anger, have sparked conversations we need to have. We're looking at a global crisis, and Canada needs to be part of the solution, not just a bystander. On behalf of the Canadian Government, I'd award you the Cross of Valour for your unwavering support for the rights of the common man in Canada." Kevin, despite his physical condition, felt a surge of pride mixed with the weight of responsibility. He managed to speak, his voice hoarse but determined before saying "Thank you, Justin. I appreciate the recognition, but what we really need is peace. How can we work together to end this madness?" Trudeau leaned forward, his tone serious, said "We're convening an emergency session with our allies, including the UK, Japan, and now, with the kidnapping of their leaders, France and Germany. We need to form a united front to negotiate an end to this conflict. Your influence, your network, can help us reach those who are on the fence or those who might not listen to traditional diplomatic channels." Mio, standing beside Kevin, squeezed his hand, her presence a silent pillar of support as she said "Kevin's been through a lot, but he's not just a fighter; he's a unifier at heart," she said, her voice filled with conviction. Trudeau acknowledged her with a nod before continuing "We also need to manage the narrative. Your interview, despite how it ended, has shown the world the human side of this conflict. We need more of that. We need people to see beyond the headlines, to understand the cost of war in everyday lives." Kevin, now more focused, responded "I can do that. We've got contacts, we've got stories from the ground. But we need assurances, Justin. Assurances that this isn’t just about politics, but about stopping the suffering." Trudeau's expression hardened slightly, understanding the gravity of Kevin's words as he said "You have my word, Kevin. We're pushing for a ceasefire, for talks. The international community is watching, and they're ready for change. We'll use every tool at our disposal, including public opinion, to pressure Biden into negotiations." Mia, who had been quietly observing, chimed in with a youthful optimism by saying "Can we help, like, on social media or something? Spread the word about peace?" Trudeau smiled at her and muttered "Absolutely, Mia. Every voice counts, especially yours. We're setting up platforms for youth engagement, to show that this is about the future, not just the present." Tim, standing near the tent's entrance, added "We should also think about safety. Dad's been targeted, and we need to make sure we're all protected." Trudeau nodded "Security is paramount. We'll increase protection around you all. We're not just fighting for peace; we're ensuring the safety of those who can help bring it about." Kevin then looked at Trudeau and muttered "Thank you for pardoning Yoshika earlier this month." Justin Trudeau gave a small, appreciative nod and said "It was the right thing to do, given the circumstances. Yoshika, like you, has her own way of influencing the narrative. We need all hands on deck if we're going to steer this ship towards peace." Kevin took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment, the mix of personal recovery, and the broader fight against the war. He looked at his family, at Trudeau, and felt a surge of determination. He said "Then let's start planning. We need to coordinate, to use every resource we have. My team can help with the grassroots efforts, organizing, spreading the message. We'll fight for peace, not just with words but with action." When Trudeau gave Kevin the medal, a military doctor came in and said "Hello everyone. I'm here to mention that I already checked Kevin out by CT scan, and he suffered a brain hemorrhage caused by blunt force trauma, and he has only a slim chance of survival without treatment within the week unless he has the proper help." Kevin, despite the physical pain and the shock of the diagnosis, maintained his composure. He looked at the doctor, then at his family, his voice steady but carrying the weight of his condition as he said "Let's get the help I need then. We've got too much to do for this to be the end." Mio, tears welling up again but with a fierce determination in her eyes, squeezed Kevin's hand tighter. She looked at Trudeau and said "We need to make this happen, Justin. Kevin needs the best treatment, and we need him back in the fight for peace." Trudeau's face was set, his decision clear as he responded, "We'll arrange for the best neurosurgeons. Canada will cover the costs, and we'll ensure it's done discreetly and swiftly. Your fight for peace, Kevin, is our fight too. We can't afford to lose you to this." Just then, the doctor wheeled Kevin out for emergency surgery. Mio made a long bloodcurdling wail as the news deeply hurt her soul and her body shook violently as tears came down her cheeks like a waterfall as Kevin was being hauled away to surgery. As Mio was about to gag, Mia held her closer as she cooed "It's okay, mom, it's okay. Let's go out for a walk to clear your mind." Mio, with tears in her eyes, nodded before Mia helped her up and went on a walk. In the meantime, at the motel, Mashiro was reading a magazine when Yoshika giggled "The world's hottest stripper federal agent." Mashiro then stopped reading the magazine with a squawk, seeing Yoshika holding her T-shirt with "World's Hottest Stripper Federal Agent" on it before muttering "Why does she always need to be a creep friend for?" Yoshika giggled harder as she said "Wear it, my stripper federal agent." A red blush crept up her neck as Mashiro moaned "Why are you teasing me for, baka?" Yoshika grin widening as she cooed "But you're my favorite person to bug." Just then, Momo came in and noticed the shirt before she's momentarily starting laughing out "IS... THAT... YOUR... SHIRT... YOSHIKA?" Yoshika then giggled "Nope, it's Mashiro's." Mashiro waved her hands around while groaning "Whoa... whoa... whoa..." Momo then entered the room and asked "Where did you get the shirt, Mashiro?" Mashiro, still blushing, explained "It was a gag gift from Kevin. He thought it would be fun given our plan to break Yoshika out of Toronto South Detention Centre with some... unconventional tactics." Yoshika, still grinning, added "Yeah, and I bet you look fabulous in it. Maybe we should have a fashion show when all this is over." Momo, trying to regain her composure, said "Well, it certainly adds a bit of humor to our situation. But speaking of plans, have we heard anything new about Kevin or the situation with Biden?" Mashiro, setting the magazine aside, became more serious as she stated "Last I heard, Kevin was in surgery. Mia, Mio, and Tim are with him. Trudeau was there, talking about using this as an opportunity to push for peace talks. But with Kevin's condition, we need to be prepared for any outcome." Yoshika's smile faded as she nodded "We need to keep our heads in the game. With Kevin down, we've got to step up. What's the next move?" Momo, taking charge in Kevin's absence, said "We need to keep the momentum going on the peace initiative. Kevin's interview, even with its chaotic end, has put us in the spotlight. Let's use that. We can start by rallying support online, getting the word out about the need for peace, and maybe even organizing some local events to keep the pressure on." Mashiro chimed in "I can coordinate with the Blue Mermaids to spread the message further, using our networks. We'll need to make sure the narrative stays at peace, not just the drama." Yoshika, always one for action, added "And I can stir up some fun distractions. Maybe something to get the public's attention but in a way that pushes for dialogue, not just chaos." By that afternoon, Kevin's surgery went well, and he was back in his tent. Kevin woke up while Mio was squeezing his hand by his bedside. While she was holding his hand, Kevin looked at Mio and cooed "Mio... your eyes... even after surgery, they're still the most beautiful things I've ever seen." With a warm smile, Mio muttered "You're such a sweet baka." Just then, a young woman entered before saying "Hello, I'm Georgette Lemare. I'm going to be your nurse during your stay, Mr. Stewart. Oh, you must be Ms. Sakamoto." Mio then nodded "Yes, I am. Please take care of my husband of fifteen and my friend for thirty years." As Georgette nodded, Kevin tugged her nurse uniform and muttered "You're sweet too, Nurse." Georgette blushed deeply while she looked away as Mio giggled "I think that he might be still affected by the anesthesia." Just then, Georgette muttered "I... I'm going to get you... your lunch, Kevin. You're on a light diet. Your choices are either mac and cheese or mashed potatoes." Mio raised an eyebrow playfully and teased "Mac and cheese? That sounds like a very light diet after surgery for a brain hemorrhage." Georgette's blush deepened as she mumbled "Well, that's what they told me." She then hurried out of the tent, leaving Mio to chuckle softly at Kevin's antics. Mio then said "You're too much sometimes, Kev." With a grin, Kevin sighed "Thank fuck I'm high as a kite on this anesthesia." Just then, Georgette came back with a bowl of mac and cheese before saying "Here you go, Kevin. You won't mind if I feed you." Kevin looked at her and cooed "I don't mind one bit, sweetie." Georgette then blushed a light pink as she scooped some mac and cheese with a spoon before saying "Open wide." When Georgette gave Kevin a spoon full of food, she said "How is it?" As Kevin swallowed it, he muttered "Just like Mio's mac and cheese. I didn't know that you made the food here." Mio playfully slapped Kevin's stomach as she cooed "You're such a tease, baka." When Georgette gave Kevin another spoon full, he said "I kind of have a soft spot for a lady in a nurse uniform." Georgette blushed red as she muttered "If I wasn't a virgin, and you ain't married, I'd like to date you." Kevin then held Georgette's hand and cooed "You will find that someone, Georgette. And besides, if I wasn't married, I'd like to date you too." Georgette looked at the handheld and thought "Oh fuck. This... this is so weird, but so loving at the same time." Mio then pecked Kevin's cheek before she cooed "Maybe if you love a lady in a uniform, I'd wear a school girl uniform the next time I visit. But anyhow, I'm leaving, my rare Canadian gem. I love you." Kevin looked at Mio before saying "That would be nice, Mio, and I love you too, my rare Japanese gem." Mio then left and drove back to the motel. During the drive, Mio thought "Fuck, he... he's a mess to his former self. I think that when Akeno hit him twice in the head the other day, it caused his brain hemorrhage." When she got there, Mio left her car and went to her room. When Mio entered the room, Akeno was watching TV. Akeno noticed Mio and yelped "IS KEVIN OKAY?" Mio, the relief evident in her eyes despite the lingering worry, nodded "He's out of surgery and doing well, considering. He's on a light diet, and he's... well, he's being Kevin. They're taking good care of him at the field hospital." Akeno let out a breath she hadn’t realized she'd been holding before saying "Thank goodness. Did he say anything about what happened?" Mio sat down, her gaze drifting to the floor as she recalled the events before muttering "He didn't say much about the incident itself, but he's still under the effects of anesthesia. He was joking around, being his usual self, trying to lighten the mood. But I think the hit he took the other day might have been what led to this." Her voice carried a hint of guilt, remembering the moment Akeno had to intervene. Suddenly, Mio started to break down as she wailed "KEVIN, MY LOVE! GIVE ME SOME FUCKING GRASS TO EAT AND GAG ON, AKENO! I WANT TO FEEL THE BACTERIA AND PESTICIDES IN THE GRASS TO HARM MY SOUL AND STOMACH TO HELL! IF THAT MUD PUDDLE IS STILL IN THE PARKING LOT, I'LL DROWN MYSELF IN THAT PUDDLE!" Just then, Mio started to rake her eyes out as she thought "Do it, rake my eyes to go blind." As Mio dug her nails into her eyeballs and yelled "AHHHHHHHHHHH!", Akeno touched her hands and guided them away before cooing "Hey... hey... Mio, please, stop. You're scaring me. What's wrong?" But Mio broke free and stormed out of the motel room. Just then, Akeno ran after her while yelping "PLEASE MIO, DON'T DO ANYTHING RASH!" When Mio got to the grass line, she started ripping the grass out of the ground and shoving it into her mouth while thinking "GRASS, MY FRIEND! COME TO FUCKING MAMA, MY FUCKING BEAUTY!" Akeno then went to Mio and stated "No... no... no... Mio, don't be a baka," as she dug in Mio's mouth for the grass. As she was getting the grass out, Mio moaned "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Just then, Mio pushed Akeno away and belly bombed into a mud puddle before starting to blow all her air from her lungs under the mud while thinking "MUD IS THE UTTER BALM OF DROWNING THAN WATER!" Akeno was getting panicked as she yelped "STOP IT, MIO! KEVIN NEED YOU!" Suddenly, Mio pulled Akeno into the mud puddle and hugged her while wailing "KEVIN MIGHT NOT HAVE LONG TO LIVE AS HE SUFFERED A BRAIN HEMORRHAGE AFTER YOUR FRYING PAN ATTACK!" Akeno then thought "No... no... no... I... I... I... might've killed him." Just then, Akeno wailed "KEVIN! KEVIN! KEVIN! MY FUCKING BAKA!" The two ladies wailed and sobbed for the rest of the afternoon in the mud. By the evening, Akeno and Mio stopped crying and Mio said "Thank you for being here for me, Aki." Akeno then brushed a strand of hair away from Mio's eyes and muttered "Any time, Mio, but anyhow, let's go inside and get clean." Both of them got up and went to Akeno's room. When they entered, Yekaterina was sitting on the bed when she noticed them and said "Oh, there you are. Did I hear you two crying out there and why are you covered in mud?" Suddenly, Akeno ran into Yekaterina's arms wailing "MY ADOPTED MOMMY!", as Mio also ran into her arms wailing too. Yekaterina held the both of them while cooing "Hey... hey... Akeno and Mio, it's okay." But Mio wailed "NO, KEVIN IS DYING!" before Akeno wailed out "I CAUSED KEVIN A BRAIN HEMORRHAGE AFTER I ATTACKED HIM WITH A FRYING PAN WHEN HE WAS ATTACKING MIO!" Suddenly, Yekaterina sobbed "НЕТ! НЕТ! НЕТ! НЕТ! НЕТ! НЕТ! НЕТ! НЕТ, СУКА, БЛЯДЬ, НЕ УМИРАЙ, КЕВИН!" The trio then started to wail and sob in each other's arms. In the meantime, at the field hospital, Georgette had just finished feeding Kevin his dinner when she said "Okay then, Kevin, I'm going to give you a sponge bath now." Georgette then got a bucket before filling it with water before coming back to Kevin's bedside. Georgette smiled reassuringly at Kevin before saying "Just a quick freshening up." She carefully wrung the sponge out, testing the temperature on the inside of her wrist before gently beginning to wash his face as she murmured "First, your forehead." Georgette then wiped away a smudge of dirt as she muttered "And now your cheeks... you're getting some color back, that's a good sign." Just then with a mischievous grin, Kevin dipped his hand into the bucket before he splashed Georgette in the face. Georgette gasped, water droplets clinging to her eyelashes. Her blush deepened, not from embarrassment, but from a mixture of surprise and amusement. She sputtered "Kevin! What was that for?" Kevin, still grinning mischievously, weakly chuckled "Just testing the waters, Nurse. Making sure they were... just right." Georgette playfully narrowed her eyes as she retorted "Oh, they're going to be just right when I get through with you." She then dipped the sponge back into the bucket. This time, however, she flicked a few drops back at him as she muttered "Tit for tat, Mr. Stewart." Kevin, a genuine, if slightly breathy sound, laughed "Alright, alright, you got me there," as he closed his eyes as Georgette resumed her ministrations. The playful banter had lightened the mood considerably, a welcome distraction from the underlying worries. Georgette said "You're a handful, but you're also good for a laugh. We need those around here," as she was dabbing his chest with the sponge. Kevin opened his eyes again, his gaze meeting hers as he murmured "Glad I could be of service. Things... things got a little heavy earlier." Georgette nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes. She found out about the incident, the reason for his surgery before saying "They did, but you're going to be okay, Kevin. We'll make sure of it." A comfortable silence settled between them as Georgette continued her work. Kevin, feeling the lingering effects of the anesthesia and the emotional rollercoaster of the day, drifted off to sleep. Georgette finished up, carefully drying him and tucking the surrounding blanket. She watched him for a moment, a small smile playing on her lips as she whispered "Get some rest. You've earned it." Meanwhile, back at Akeno's room, the mood was still somber. Yekaterina had managed to calm the two distraught women, but the worry for Kevin remained palpable. Mio, her voice trembling, whispered "What... what if he doesn't make it?" Yekaterina wrapped an arm around Mio's shoulders, pulling her close. "Kevin is strong. He's a fighter. He will pull through this. We have to believe that. Right now, it's late, and you both need rest. Kevin wouldn't want you to exhaust yourselves." Mio and Akeno exchanged a look, both knowing that Yekaterina was right. They were emotionally drained, and a good night's sleep was what they needed most. They nodded in agreement, the shared worry forging a bond between them. They knew they would face whatever came next. On the morning of November 26th, Mio tossed and turned at 7 in the morning before moaning "Kev... Kevin?" She then tried to reach the empty side of the bed as she muttered "Kev... Kev..." Suddenly, Mio woke up yelping "KEVIN, WHERE ARE YOU?" When she looked around the room, Mio muttered "That's right, he's in a field hospital. I must visit him." Mio then got out of bed and went to the washroom where she cleaned up and got dressed in a school girl uniform consisting of a navy blue top with a distinctive sailor-style collar, featuring white trim, a yellow ribbon tied at the front and a pleated skirt with a pattern that looks like a traditional Japanese design. Then Mio drove back to the field hospital. A few minutes later, Mio entered Kevin's tent as she said "Hello my rare Canadian gem... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, BIDEN?" Joe Biden, at Kevin's bedside while he was sleeping and about to pull his life support, menacingly groaned "I was just taking out the garbage called Kevin Stewart." In her mind, Mio thought "This is it. This is where Biden must die." Just then, Mio ran at Biden while yelling "GET AWAY FROM HIM, YOU MONSTER!", before she tackled Biden right through the tent. Mio's anger was a mix of protective rage and love for Kevin as she made a feral scream before they both crashed onto the ground on the other side of the tent. As soon as Mio got up from Biden, Georgette yelled "BIDEN IS HERE! BIDEN IS HERE! SOLDIERS, GET BIDEN AND LET'S END WORLD WAR THREE!" When a half dozen Canadian soldiers were nearing Biden with their guns drawn, Biden suddenly tosses a smoke bomb on the ground. Mio and the soldiers started to choke and gag in the smoke as they tried to refocus. In Mio's mind, she thought "That baka is a coward." After a few moments, the smoke cleared and Biden had escaped. Enraged, Mio suddenly yelled "YOU FUCKING COWARD! COME BACK AND FUCKING FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!", as she pounded her fists on her chest. As Mio was raving with rage and about to flip out, she muttered "Oh my god, Kevin." She rushed through the tear in the tent to see Georgette checking Kevin's life support. When Mio got to Kevin's side, Georgette said "It seems like Biden hasn't touched anything." Mio then sat next to Kevin as he started to stir. With her large and expressive eyes, Mio squeezed his hand as Kevin looked into her eyes. Kevin, still groggy, moaned "My rare Japanese gem." A tear ran down Mio's cheek as she muttered "My rare Canadian gem." As Kevin squeezed her hand back, he said "Can I at least have a good morning kiss, Mio?" Mio grinned as she muttered "Sure thing, honey." Just then, Mio pressed her lips onto Kevin's as he moaned "Hmm, you taste like love, Mio." In the meantime, at the motel, Akeno and Ken were getting up from bed when someone knocked at the door. Ken muttered "Who the fuck is this at this early hour?", as he went over to open it. When Ken opened the door, a soldier was there, and he said "Mr. Zack, your brother, Kevin, was nearly assassinated by Biden a few minutes ago." When Ken nodded at the soldier before closing the door, Akeno thought "No... no... no... no... no... this ain't fucking happening." Akeno's mind races as she thought "The world I once knew is falling all around me." Just then, Akeno felt dizzy and nauseous as her blood started to boil. As Ken came out of the washroom, he noticed Akeno and asked "Whoa there, Akeno, are you okay?" Suddenly, Akeno made guttural burps as the stress was building up. Ken, with fear building within him, went over to Akeno and gave her a hug while cooing "Hey... hey... Aki, it's okay." As Ken hugged Akeno, she made distressing groans from deep inside as she felt the world was crushing her before Akeno made a roaring wail as all her pent-up stress exploded. Ken felt Akeno's body convulsing in his arms as the stress was taking her over as he muttered "She's a lost soul." Akeno's tears raged onto Ken's shoulder as she thought "KEVIN... KEVIN... KEVIN... KEVIN... KEVIN!" Back at the field hospital, Kevin noticed the tear in the tent and asked "What happened there, Mio?" Mio tried to hold back her tears as she said "Biden tried an assassination attempt on you, Kev." Kevin's eyes bulged out as he growled "That fucking piece of shit." Just then, the drugs from the IV lulled him back down. Mio noticed that the drugs were helping Kevin with his rage and mentioned "Maybe I will buy you some of those drugs when you are about to flip out again in the future." Kevin then cracked "Maybe we should take up yoga again." Mio, with a smile, said "I don't know if Minna will let us come back into her yoga class after you smashed a laptop onto her head after she insulted you five years ago." Just then, Minna suddenly entered the tent while Mio made a gasp. Minna looked at both Mio and Kevin before saying "It has been a minute, Mio and Kevin." Mio then sat up as she muttered "It has been a minute, Minna. Why are you here after this long after that laptop thing?" A few moments later, Minna sighed "Well, you know that I'm the kind of person who holds grudges, Mio, but after seeing Kevin's live meltdown on the news the other day, I felt pity about the toll of this World War III thing." Kevin then held Minna's hand and muttered "I thought that last going off you opened a yoga place in Winnipeg." Minna, a small smile playing on her lips, confirmed "It's true. I did open a studio in Winnipeg. But... things have been slow. And honestly, seeing you... it made me realize some things. Holding onto grudges, especially after everything that's happened... it just seems pointless now. The world's a mess, and we're all just trying to get through it." Just then, Minna started to break down and Kevin cooed "Hey... hey... Minna. Please come into my hug, sweetie." Raw with emotions, Minna ran into Kevin's arms and nestled into his chest as Mio rubbed her back. Kevin kissed Minna's forehead as he muttered "It's okay, baby girl, it's okay." Minna cried and wailed for a few minutes before pecking Kevin's cheek before saying "Thank you for being there for me, Kev." Just then, Georgette came in and said "I'm here with your toast, eggs and cereal, Kevin." As Georgette was feeding Kevin, Minna giggled "I thought that your hair was black, Mio. Are you pulling off me with the red hair?" Mio, a little nervously running a hand through her neon red hair, chuckled "Well, Kevin dyed my hair when I pranked him by dying his pink." Just then, Minna held Mio's hands as she muttered "I heard that the United States Air Force just started an air bombardment in Berlin." Meanwhile, Georgette then stated "Yeah, a few minutes ago, my mother texted me that Paris is under US air attack." Minna then asked "Is your hometown getting attack yet, Mio? I know that Yokosuka is a major naval base, both Japanese and US." Mio sighed "I don't believe that the US is attacking Yokosuka." Out of nowhere, an Alert Ready blared on the TV in the room. As Georgette turned the volume up, the voice on the TV said "We are interrupting our programming. This is a national emergency. Important details will follow. The following message was transmitted at the request of the Canadian government. This is not a test. A nuclear attack is occurring against Canada. Six nuclear missiles have been launched from the United States of America and are expected to strike Canada within the next 15 to 25 minutes. Due to the uncertain facts of these missiles, all Canadian residents should seek out a fallout shelter immediately. If members of the Canadian Armed Forces direct you to a fallout shelter, please follow them for your safety. If no such shelter exists in your area, get as far underground as possible, stay away from windows using everyday household objects, put as many walls and layers between you and the outside world as possible. You should get together a basic survival kit, including a flashlight and a hand cranked or battery-operated radio for use during your stay in the shelter, and stay tuned to local media for further information. Do not venture outside until it is declared safe to do so. Prime minister Justin Trudeau will be speaking on all stations shortly." The group were agape as air raid sirens started to blare outside and Georgette yelped "There's a local shelter at the nearby RCMP station. Mio, please help me get some food, drinks and medical supplies." In the meantime, at the motel, Akeno and Ken hear the air raid sirens. Akeno then thought "Is the US Army crossing the nearby border?" Suddenly, Momo yelled "THE US IS LAUNCHING A NUCLEAR ATTACK!", before she made a panic shriek. Akeno and Ken ran into Momo's room to see her loudly moaning out "THE PISS HURTS! THE PISS HURTS! THE PISS HURTS!", as urine was running down her legs. As Momo started to grab her crotch, Ken said "Let's go, Momo. There's not much time before the nukes start dropping. I think there's a shelter at the Mountie station up the street." Ken then rushed over to Momo to lift her in a hug and then rushed to the local shelter as well as Mashiro, Kouko, Yekaterina, Kirk, Yoshika, Mia and Tim. At the shelter, Mio's mind raced as she thought "I can't believe this shit. I can't believe this shit. I can't believe this shit." In the meantime, across from Mio, Georgette was feeling panic as she changed Kevin's IV drip bag as she muttered "Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it." Kevin then held her hand and cooed "Everything is going to be okay, Georgette." Georgette blushed lightly as she muttered "Thank you, Kevin," before trying to change it again. Soon after, she finished hooking the drip bag up, Georgette said "It's okay, Mio, everything is going to be alright." Mio then curled into a ball on the couch and muttered "The world is nigh, and I didn't die an old lady in Kevin's arms." Just then, Akeno, Momo, Ken, Mashiro, Kouko, Yekaterina, Kirk, Yoshika, Mia and Tim arrived and Akeno's eyes started to get teary as she saw Kevin and thought "Kev... Kevin... KEVIN!" Akeno then whimpered before letting out a wail as she rushed over into Kevin's arms wailing "KEVIN! I'M SO FUCKING SORRY ABOUT HURTING YOU!" Akeno wailed deep into Kevin's chest as he rubbed her back while cooing "It's okay, Aki, it's okay." As Akeno's tears leave a wet spot on Kevin, he feels pity for her before cooing "You're a sad soul." Wave after wave of sobbing washed over Akeno as she cried in Kevin's arms before Mio felt pity for her too as she started to rub her back while saying "It's okay, Akeno." Just then, Akeno made a choked sob before starting to puke bile onto Kevin's chest. Georgette then rushed over to Akeno to help her while saying "Are you okay?" But when Georgette got there, Akeno looked at her before puking at her as well, before moaning "I... I... I don't feel too well." Georgette muttered "Whoa, urgh... urgh... urgh...", as her face turned as green as the puke on her nurse's uniform. Georgette tried to keep her cool, but thought "No... no... no... my breakfast. I... I... I want to barf." Georgette then held her hand to her mouth as she tried to hold off the urge to puke while moaning "No... no... no..." As Georgette's face contorted and started to make muffled moans, her cheeks became puffy and rosy. Suddenly, Georgette projectile vomited with such force that she peed herself while crying "Oh fuck my life." Mio rushed over to help Georgette while saying "It's okay, Georgette," as Ken rushed to Akeno. Akeno noticed what she had done and started wailing with renewed vigor while sobbing "I'M SO FUCKING SORRY FOR PUKING ON YOU, KEVIN!" As Ken was hugging the crying Akeno, she started to hump on his lap while moaning "Oh god... oh god... oh god..." Ken was somewhat shocked at Akeno's movement but tried to soothe her by saying "It's okay, Akeno, it's okay." But after a few moments, Akeno suddenly orgasmed as she squealed "I'M CUMMING, ASSHOLES!", before she made some loud wet farts before going limp in Ken's arms. Georgette, still wearing the puke and piss-covered nurse uniform, went over to Akeno and checked her pulse. After a few moments, she said "Akeno had passed out due to being exhausted." Ken then tenderly moved the hair from Akeno's face as he muttered "Please wake up, sweetie." Just then, Georgette said "I needed to run some tests on Akeno, but I'm feeling green again." Kevin then held her hand before saying "Do you want me to get you a change of clothes?" Georgette gasped while she thought "What is this? Kevin wants to get me clothes, but he's bed bound," before she blushed and smiled "Hmm... urgh... well, tha... thank you, Kev... but..." In the meantime, Mio touched her shoulder before saying "Do you want me to get you some clothes?" Georgette then said "Thank you, Mio." When Mio left the room, Ken asked "Are you okay, Georgette? You're blushing redder with each of Kevin's actions. Are you falling for him?" Georgette blushes as red as the cross on her uniform as she muttered "Whoa... I do not fall for him as he's married to Mio." Kevin then touched Georgette's hand as he asked "Are you saying that I'm married or are you playing with your true feelings?" Georgette blushed a deeper shade of red as she said "You're a married man, Kevin, and I like you as a friend but not romantically." Kevin then smiled and stated "You're a good friend too, Georgie," as he roughed up her hair. Georgette laughed at Kevin's playful antics and swats Kevin's hand away while saying "Stop it... stop it, I'm going to lose my bladder again." Ken then cracked "Kevin has always been a ladies' man." Kevin laughed at Ken's joke and said "Damn right." Everyone in the room started to laugh at Kevin's answer as Mio came back with another nurse uniform and said "What's so funny?" Ken then said "I made a crack about Kevin being a ladies' man." With a giggle, Mio said "Kevin had always been somewhat of a flirt with the ladies." Just then, a voice on the PA system said "The nuclear attack was a false alarm. I repeat, the nuclear attack was a false alarm." After the announcement, Mio's blood pressure was rising as she muttered "Fuck you, Biden. Fuck you, Biden. Fuck you, Biden." Out of nowhere, Mio made a deafening roar of "ASSHOLE!", before curling into a ball on the ground. Georgette, already half dressed, rushed over to Mio while saying "What's wrong, Mio?" When Georgette got there, Mio suddenly started to bite Georgette's nose. With primal terror in Georgette's eyes, she shrieked "NO, MIO! JUST FUCKING SNAP OUT OF IT!", while Mio kept her teeth clamped down on her nose with vigor. Meanwhile, Kevin ordered "What in the hell of a flaming bag of shit are you doing, Mio? STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" Ken then went over to them and tried to wrestle Mio off of Georgette while saying "Come on, Mio, I don't want to involuntarily grope you if I have to wrestle you." Just then, Ken noticed blood wheezing from Georgette's nose, and he muttered "Just plain fuck it," as he grabbed Mio around her waist, momentarily touching her breasts and pulled Mio off of Georgette. As Ken held Mio in his arms, she started to squirm away while roaring "FUCK YOU, KEN! I JUST WANT THE FUCKING BLOOD! LET ME GO, KEN! LET ME GO, LET ME GO, LET ME FUCKING GO RIGHT FUCKING NOW BEFORE I SQUEAL!" But Ken stated "I'm not freeing you until you get your senses right." Suddenly, Mio squealed as she started to rake Ken's forehead while trying to do it to his eyes as well. Ken then moved his face away as he yelped "She's trying to rake my eyes out." After a few moments of Mio trying to rake Ken's eyes out, she suddenly snapped out of it by saying "Wha... what is this? Why is Georgette whimpering on the floor with a bloody nose? My mouth... why is it bloody? No... no.. no.. I didn't just pull a Kevin with this whole nose biting thing. I'M A FUCKING MONSTER!" Mio then nestled into Ken's chest as the sinking feeling came in and sobbing. Momo and Minna went over to Mio and they both hugged her while Minna said "It's okay, Mio," and Momo said "Hey... hey... Mio, it's okay." Mashiro went over to the bleeding Georgette and asked "Are you okay?" But Georgette muttered "I... I... I think my nose is broken. Why do these things keep happening to me?" When she helped Georgette up, Mashiro muttered "The world is a cruel place." Kevin then tenderly grabbed Georgette's hand and cooed "Do you like me to patch your nose up?" Georgette sniffled, her eyes still watering from the shock and pain. She touched her nose gingerly, wincing as she mumbled "I think so. Broken, I mean." She looked at Kevin, his hand still gently holding hers, and a fresh wave of blush warmed her cheeks despite the throbbing in her face as she whispered "If... if you don't mind, Kev." Mio, still being comforted by Momo and Minna, peeked over at Georgette and Kevin, her earlier aggression replaced by a deep shame. Ken stood beside her, his forehead scratched, but his gaze was fixed on Mio with concern. Mio watched as Kevin gently took Georgette's hand, a knot of shame tightening in her stomach. She knew she had hurt Georgette, and the image of Georgette's terrified eyes and bloody nose was burned into her mind. Momo and Minna’s comforting hugs were a small solace, but the guilt was a heavy weight. Kevin, despite being bedridden, efficiently directed Georgette to sit beside him on the stretcher. With a tenderness that surprised even Ken, he began to clean the blood from Georgette's nose with a damp cloth Mio had fetched before saying "Hold still, Georgie. Let's see the damage." Georgette winced as Kevin dabbed at her nose, but she leaned into his touch, her earlier panic slowly giving way to a weary resignation as she mumbled "It really hurts, Kev." Kevin, his brow furrowed with concern, gently replied "I can see that. Looks like it might be a bit swollen, but hopefully not broken. We'll keep an eye on it." He continued to clean the area, his movements careful and deliberate. Ken, still holding Mio close, kept a watchful eye on her. He could feel her trembling, the earlier aggression completely gone, replaced by a deep, shuddering sorrow. He ran a hand through her hair, his voice low and reassuring, before saying "It's alright, Mio. You're alright now." Mio sniffled, burying her face in Ken's chest as she choked out "I... I bit her, Ken. I bit Georgette. Like... like Kevin did that time. I'm becoming a monster." Momo squeezed Mio’s shoulder gently before cooing "Hey, hey, none of that talk. You snapped out of it, Mio. That's what matters. You're not a monster." Minna nodded in agreement, her gaze soft with sympathy as she said "Everyone's stressed, Mio. It's been a crazy day. You just... reacted." Despite their comforting words, Mio couldn't shake the feeling of disgust with herself. She had hurt someone she cared about, just like Kevin had in his moments of madness. The false alarm, the rollercoaster of emotions, it had all been too much. She felt a profound weariness, a bone-deep exhaustion that went beyond just physical tiredness. As Kevin finished cleaning Georgette's nose, he looked up at her, a warm, reassuring smile on his face and said "There you go, Georgie. All patched up for now. Ice might help with the swelling. Mio, could you grab an ice pack from the med kit for Georgette?" Mio, still nestled against Ken, looked up, her eyes red and swollen. The simple request, the normalcy of it, was a small anchor in the swirling chaos of her emotions. She nodded mutely and carefully disentangled herself from Ken and Momo, her movements slow and deliberate, as if afraid of breaking again. She walked over to the med kit, her gaze avoiding Georgette's as she rummaged for an ice pack. The silence in the room was heavy, punctuated only by Georgette's occasional sniffles and the soft rustling of Mio searching through the medical supplies. When Mio got an ice pack from the med kit, she went to Georgette before she grabbed the ice pack and placed it on her nose. When Georgette sat down, Mio touched Kevin's stomach and muttered "I'm so sorry about that, Kevin." Kevin touched her hand and cooed "What about we spice things up when we get to my medical tent as your school girl uniform is making my member straight." Mio then moved her hand down his stomach before resting just above the member and said "You're right your member is hard, and I love it. I hadn't had a good fuck in a couple of days, and I'm dying for one." Kevin started to moan "You're making it harder, and I want you." Suddenly, Mio farted before saying "Whoa, I'm full of it after I ate those beans." Before anything got spicy, Georgette said "I think I'm going to wheel you back to your tent before you and Mio starting making babies." Georgette then started to wheel the stretcher and Mio followed suit back to the field hospital. When they arrived at the field hospital a few minutes later, Georgette wheeled the stretcher into the tent before saying "Well, I'm going to leave you two to your wildest desires." As soon as Georgette left, Kevin moaned "Do you have a condom on you, my rare Japanese gem?" Mio then got one from her purse before purring "I always do, my rare Canadian gem. Let me put it on you, big cock." Mio moved seductively toward him as she moaned "Do you want it rough or light?" Kevin's legs involuntarily twitched as he muttered "Rough fucking is great on my part." As Mio got onto the stretcher, she removed Kevin's gown bottoms and put the condom onto his hardening member before cooing "Are you ready for my ass being stuck up your penis for the long haul?" Mio then removed her skirt and panties before sitting onto Kevin's penis as he moaned "WARM!" With her large and expressive eyes that rivals a puppy looking at him, Mio purred "Do you love this ass up your penis, honey?" Kevin then grabbed her ass hardly before growling "I WANT A GOOD FUCKING FUCK! HUMP THAT SHAFT, MIO!" Just then, Mio started to move around while moaning "Ride 'em cowboy." As Kevin felt her riding him, he groaned "Even after my brain hemorrhage, this is a good fuck. You're my cowgirl, my rare Japanese gem." Suddenly, Kevin took a deep intake of air before digging his nails deep up Mio's ass and shaking it. In her mind, Mio thought "Oh... oh... oh... this is the fucking shit, Kevin." After a few moments of ass shaking, Mio yelped "もっと強く、ケビン、本当に欲しい。" Just then, Kevin dug his nails even deeper up her ass, drawing a little blood. As Kevin's nails were being dug up her ass, Mio suddenly made an ahegao face as she moaned "Pussy juice is coming." When Mio orgasmed, Kevin's legs twitched as he moaned "I'm cumming too." Soon after, the duo had a shared climax and Kevin growled "That was a good fuck, Mio." When Mio got off Kevin and put her skirt and panties on, Georgette wheeled Akeno on a stretcher into their tent. Kevin looked at Akeno and said "Is she going to be fine, Georgette?" Georgette then nodded "Yes, I think so. She fainted." Just then, Akeno stirred and groaned "Where am I?" Georgette then held her hand and cooed "You're in the field hospital. You fainted in the bomb shelter, and I'm going to run some tests on you." As Georgette let Akeno's hand go, Akeno yelped "What happened there?" Kevin placed his hand onto Akeno's before saying "You kind of had some sexy time and cummed on Ken's lap before you passed out." Suddenly, Akeno screamed "FUCKING FUCK! I FUCKED KEN!" Akeno then covered her eyes with her hands and wailed "I JUST RUINED MY RELATIONSHIP WITH KEN! I'M SUCH A FUCKING ASSHOLE LIKE THAT TIME I IMPULSIVELY KISSED HIM!" Georgette started to pat Akeno's hair and stated "Ken will still love you, even what happens in the shelter." Kevin then squeezed her hand a bit harder as he cooed "Yeah, Akeno, don't beat yourself up too much. You don't know how many times I have done something that would have gotten my ass divorced, but Mio still loves me with all her heart." Akeno peeked out from behind her hands, her eyes red and puffy before muttering "But... but I humped on him. In front of everyone. And... and I enjoyed it. That's the worst part. I'm disgusting." Kevin then cooed "You ain't disgusting, but a soul that needs to be loved. Mio showed me unwavering love in our fifteen years of marriage and Ken will feel the same." Akeno made a wry smile as she muttered "Thank you, Kevin. You're such a baka." When Georgette said "I'm going to make you some lunch, Kevin," Yoshika came in. Kevin noticed her and said "Hey Yoshi, give me a hug, you baka." Yoshika then came over and hugged him as Kevin sniffed her hair and muttered "I love this wild nut." Yoshika playfully swatted Kevin away as she cooed "Goddamn stop, baka. So, how are you feeling?" Kevin then said "I'm doing well. Can you do something for me?" He grabbed a fake, fat and hairy rat from Mio's purse and said "Please give Georgette a scare." Yoshika blinked at the fake rat in Kevin's hand, then at Georgette, who was currently busy preparing something at a nearby table. A mischievous grin spread across Yoshika's face as she whispered "You got it, baka. Georgette's going to freak," as she took the rat. With silent, playful steps, Yoshika approached Georgette from behind. Georgette was humming softly to herself, seemingly focused on her task. Yoshika held the fake rat just out of Georgette's line of sight, then with a sudden, swift motion, dropped it onto the table right next to Georgette's hand. Georgette let out a high-pitched scream, jumping back and knocking over a small container of medical supplies. She whirled around, eyes wide, only to see Yoshika doubled over with laughter. Georgette clutched her chest, her heart racing, and stammered "Yoshika! What the... why would you do that?" Yoshika, holding up the rat, wiggling it for effect, chuckled "Just a little prank, Georgie. Kevin thought it'd be fun." Georgette, catching her breath and trying to calm her nerves, shook her head, a small smile breaking through her initial shock as she sighed "You two are something else. I'll get you back for that one," before bending down to pick up the scattered supplies. Kevin, watching from his stretcher, warmly laughed "You did good, Yoshi. She needed a laugh after all the tension." Mio, who had been quietly observing, chimed in "We all need a bit of that around here. Keeps us from going too crazy." Georgette returned to her task, shaking her head but in a lighter mood. She brought over a tray with some soup and bread for Kevin, setting it down beside him and said "Here you go, Kevin. A light lunch to keep your strength up." Akeno, still feeling the weight of her earlier outburst, watched this exchange with a mix of amusement and contemplation. She realized that, despite everything, this group had a way of finding laughter even in the darkest times. It was this resilience, this bond, that made them so strong together. As Kevin began to eat, he looked around at his friends, his makeshift family, and felt a surge of gratitude. Despite the nuclear scare, the emotional turmoil, and the physical pain from his surgery, they were here, together, looking out for one another. He knew they had more battles ahead, both personal and in the ongoing war, but for now, at this moment, they had each other, and that was enough. Yoshika plopped down on the edge of Kevin's stretcher, her usual wild energy a bit subdued before saying "So, what's the plan now? With the false alarm and all this chaos?" Kevin, chewing thoughtfully on a piece of bread, said "We keep our heads down, but we don't stop planning. We need to leverage this moment, show the world there's another way besides war. We've got to keep pushing for peace, for sanity." Mio, her expression serious, nodded "And we need to heal, not just physically but emotionally. What happened today, with the shelter, with us... we need to talk about it, process it." Akeno, feeling a bit more at ease, added "Maybe we can use this time to really think about how we want to move forward, not just react to Biden's moves but act on our own terms." The conversation shifted to strategies, to how they could use their collective skills and connections to influence the peace process. They talked about reaching out to diplomats, journalists, and activists, about using social media to amplify their message, and about the importance of keeping their spirits up, no matter how grim the situation seemed. As the afternoon wore on, the group found strength in their unity, their shared resolve to not just survive but to make a difference. They knew the road ahead was fraught with danger, but with each other, they were ready to face whatever came next, with laughter, love, and an unyielding hope for a better tomorrow. That evening when Georgette was making dinner, Ken entered the tent and Akeno suddenly wailed "KENNY! I'M SO FUCKING SORRY ABOUT HUMPING AND CUMMING ON YOU EARLIER IN THE SHELTER!" Ken grinned as he went over to her and cooed "It's okay, Aki, it's okay. I didn't mean when you humped me." But Akeno sobbed "NO... NO... NO... NO... NO... I'M A FUCKING ASSHOLE ABOUT HUMPING YOU AND I'M GOING TO DIE WITH THAT!" Ken then knelt down before pressing his lips onto Akeno's while Akeno thought "Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is so wrong, but I'm getting so hot." When they broke away, Ken muttered "That was the kiss from when we first met earlier this month." Meanwhile, Akeno made a guttural moan before purring "Shut up, baka and kiss me again, lover boy." Akeno then hungrily closed the gap again as she thought "MORE! MORE! MORE!" Ken, moved by the moment, playfully pinned Akeno onto the stretcher while still kissing and thinking "This is what I call a kiss." In the meantime, Georgette was giving Kevin his dinner of mac and cheese when she said "I just noticed that you look like Ken. What the hell is going on, Kevin?" Kevin then took the bowl before saying "Ken is my twin brother." Georgette then grinned "Oh, I didn't know that he was your brother." Just then, Mio came in before saying "Whoa, what's going on over there?" Kevin then grabbed Mio's hand and said "Ken and Akeno made up from the shelter." Suddenly, Akeno broke the kiss and yelped "Oh fuck, I kissed in public." Kevin looked into Mio's eyes and cooed "Can we spice things up too, my rare Japanese gem?" Mio then looked at Kevin before giggling "We already had a spicy moment today. Maybe when you are released from the field hospital." Just then, Georgette said "I think your condition is good enough that you might get released by the morning as the earliest." Kevin then moaned "I can't wait for that sexy time in the morning, Mio." Mio pecked his cheek and said "Me too, Kev. But anyhow, I'm going back to the motel." Ken was getting off of the stretcher and muttered "I'm coming with you, Mio." When Mio and Ken drove back to the motel, Georgette said "You're doing well, Kevin. I just hope your condition doesn't get any worse." Just then, Kevin's ICU monitor started to sound alarms as he was seizing up. Georgette gasped as she then yelled "CODE BLUE! CODE BLUE! WE'RE HAVING A SEIZURE PATIENT!" Soon after, three other nurses ran and a doctor into the tent and went to Kevin. Georgette held Kevin's hand and cooed "It's okay, big guy, I love you." A few moments later, the doctor said "He's having a stroke and going into a coma as we speak." Georgette then said "I'm going to call his wife about his condition." At the motel, Mio was getting into her pajamas when her phone rang. She then picked it up and answered it before saying "Hello." On the other side of the phone, Georgette yelped "KEVIN! HE'S... HE'S SLIPPING!" Mio's forehead pulsed as she yelled "WHAT!" The panic in Georgette's voice as she said "Kevin had a seizure followed by a stroke. He's now in a coma." Mio felt nauseous as she said "Okay... okay... I'm coming." Mio hung up before rushing out of her room before entering her car and started racing to the field hospital. During the drive, Mio muttered "Fucking hell. Fucking hell. Fucking hell. Fucking hell. Fucking hell." When Mio arrived at the hospital a few minutes later, she ran into Kevin's tent and yelped "IS HE OKAY?" Georgette turned around, her eyes red and puffy, and rushed to Mio, engulfing her in a tight hug as she sobbed "Oh, Mio. It was so sudden." Pulling back slightly, Georgette's voice was shaky as she said, "The doctors are doing everything they can, but... but it's not good, Mio. It's really not good." She gestured to a cot in the tent, where Kevin lay still, his face pale and peaceful despite the gravity of the situation. Medical equipment beeped softly beside him, the only sound breaking the tense silence within the tent besides Georgette's quiet sobs. Georgette, her gaze fixed on Kevin, managed to get out "He's... stable for now, but they don't know when or if he'll wake up. The stroke was severe." Georgette then held Mio's hand and sobbed "I don't want to lose him as he's my best patient." Just then, Georgette muttered "Are you okay, Mio? Your turning as white as a ghost." Mio suddenly made distressing burps from deep within her gut. Georgette then said "Let's sit down, Mio." When Georgette helped her to a chair outside the tent, Mio's burps became more guttural. Georgette then leaned in and hugged her while cooing "It's okay, Mio." After a few moments, Mio stopped burping and Georgette asked "Do you want some tea?" Mio then nodded as Georgette got up and entered a tent next to Kevin's one. In Mio's mind, she thought "I can't believe this shit. I can't believe this shit. I can't believe this shit." Just then, a military ambulance pulled up next to Mio. Mio's eyes were raging at the sight of it before she roared "YOU FUCKING BITCH!", and started punching the windshield. The medic in the driver's seat jumped out of the ambulance before saying "What the heck is wrong with you?" Mio, with rage burning within her, yelled "YOU KILLED MY HUSBAND!" The medic raised her hands and muttered "I... I didn't even know your husband and how, in the name of all things holy, did I kill him?" Just then, Mio suddenly started to strip down before starting to jump on the hood. The medic then yelped "Hey, please get down from there. This ain't your personal bouncy castle. What the... don't you dare piss on me, fool." As Mio was pissing on the medic, she evilly laughed "That's my piss, baka." The medic moved back as she loudly rambled "YOU ARE THE ONE OF A GODAHYAYAYAYAYA! YOU'RE OUT THERE! YAYAYAYAYAYA!" Inside the tent, Georgette, who had just returned with a steaming mug of tea for Mio, froze in the doorway, her eyes widening at the bizarre scene unfolding outside. She dropped the mug, the ceramic shattering against the ground and the tea splashing uselessly. She suddenly yelled "MIO, GET DOWN FROM THERE BEFORE YOU SLIP AND BREAK YOUR NECK!" Mio then stared at Georgette and roared "YOU! YOU KILLED HIM!" Georgette waved her hands in front of her while saying "No... no... no... Kevin is still alive, but in a coma." Suddenly, Mio jumped off the hood and onto the medic before she started biting her nose. Georgette then ran over while pleading "No Mio, she ain't your chew toy." The medic tried to pull Mio's hair as she cried "GET HER OFF! GET HER OFF NOW!" Just then, Mio's fury was unmatched as she nibbled the medic's neck and the medic made a blood-curdling scream. Georgette then tried to pull Mio's by the arm while yelling "FUCKING STOP IT, MIO! STOP IT!" As blood came down the medic's neck, Mio stopped biting before laughing evilly before nibbling on the neck again. Out of nowhere, Georgette lifted Mio up and slammed her onto the ground in a suplex before pinning her. Mio's unbridled rage was now at a fever pitch as she squealed "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!" as she tried to rake Georgette's eyes. Georgette swatted her hands away as she pleaded "Mio, no," but Mio growled "You're going to pay for my husband." As Mio became more violent, Georgette grabbed her hands and sat on them on her stomach. Many veins in her forehead popped as Mio roared "YOU'RE CRUSHING MY HANDS AND GUT, YOU FRENCH WHORE!" Georgette then lightly growled "I'm not having you calling me such a name." In her mind, Georgette thought "How do I stop her? That's it." She then pulled out a syringe full of morphine and injected it into Mio's arm. Mio's body instantly stiffened, the rage contorting her face momentarily frozen mid-squeal. The morphine, a potent wave, began to wash over her system. For a few seconds, she remained tense, her chest heaving, still trying to buck against Georgette's weight. But then, the fight began to drain out of her. Her muscles loosened, her roars fading into whimpers, then soft, confused murmurs. Georgette kept her pinned for a moment longer, watching Mio closely. The frantic energy was visibly seeping away. Mio’s eyes, which had been wild with fury, started to lose focus, becoming glassy and unfocused. Her breathing slowed, becoming more even. Georgette, her voice strained but gentle, softly spoke "Mio? Mio, can you hear me?" Mio blinked slowly, her head lolling to the side. Her lips moved, forming words that were barely audible. Mio, her voice thick and slurred, mumbled "Hurts... hands... hurt." Georgette carefully shifted her weight, releasing Mio's hands but keeping a firm hold on her arms. She got off Mio completely, kneeling beside her, still vigilant but allowing Mio some space. Mio lay on the ground, her breathing shallow, staring blankly up at the sky. The medic, who had been crouched a few feet away, clutching her bleeding neck and hyperventilating, slowly stood up, her eyes still wide and unfocused. She swayed slightly, her uniform smeared with blood and dirt, and Mio's urine. She looked like she was in shock. Georgette spared a quick glance at the medic, a wave of guilt washing over her despite the circumstances. She knew she had to prioritize Mio right now, but the medic was clearly injured and traumatized too. Georgette, her French accent thick with concern, asked "Are you... are you alright?" The medic blinked, as if just remembering Georgette's presence. She touched her neck gingerly, wincing before whispering "She... she bit me. She... she really bit me." Georgette, her voice laced with apology and bewilderment, said "I know, I saw. I... I'm so sorry. I didn't know she would… react like that. Are you badly hurt? We need to get you looked at." The medic shook her head slowly as she shuddered "I... I think so. It... it burns. And... and all the... the piss." Georgette, gently helping the medic to her feet, said "Come, let’s get you back in the ambulance. And we need to check on Mio too. I... I gave her morphine to calm her down." She helped the medic stumble towards the ambulance, glancing back at Mio who was still lying on the ground, her eyes half-closed. The morphine was working quickly. Mio was no longer a raging storm, but a quiet, still pool. Georgette helped the medic into the ambulance, noticing the trembling hands and the pale face. Georgette then said "Stay here, I'll get some bandages and antiseptic from inside," before quickly going into the tent. Inside, the shattered mug and spilled tea were a stark reminder of the chaotic scene that had erupted. Georgette grabbed a first aid kit, her hands shaking slightly. She returned to the ambulance and started cleaning the medic's neck wound as gently as possible. Georgette said "I am Georgette. What's your name?", as she dabbed antiseptic on the bite. The medic mumbled "Lena," wincing again. Georgette then said "Lena, I am so, so sorry about Mio. She... she is not usually like this. She’s been through a lot recently. Her husband, Kevin... he’s in a coma." Lena looked at Georgette, a flicker of understanding in her eyes, replacing some of the shock before saying "Coma... that’s why she said... she said I killed him." Georgette, feeling a pang of guilt and sadness, confirmed "Yes. She’s... she’s not thinking clearly. She’s grieving, and... and confused. But that doesn't excuse her actions, and I am truly sorry for how she treated you." Lena, accepting the bandage Georgette applied, sighed "It’s... it’s alright. I’ve seen people react strangely in grief. But... biting? And... and the pissing?" She still sounded bewildered. Georgette managed a weak, embarrassed smile and said "Yes, that... that was a bit much, even for grief. I will... I will make sure she apologizes when she is... herself again." Just then, they both heard a soft groan from outside. Mio was stirring. Georgette’s gaze flickered back to Lena, then to Mio and said "I need to check on her. Thank you for... for understanding, Lena." Georgette stepped out of the ambulance and knelt beside Mio once more. Mio’s eyes were now fully closed, her breathing shallow and even. She was deeply sedated. Georgette, gently shaking her shoulder, whispered "Mio? Mio, can you hear me?" Mio’s eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes that were no longer filled with rage, but with a dazed, unfocused confusion. She looked at Georgette, recognition slowly dawning. Mio, her voice thick and slow, mumbled "Georgette?" Georgette then said "Yes, it’s me, Mio. Are you feeling... calmer?" Mio blinked slowly before saying "Calmer... yes... sleepy... very sleepy." She closed her eyes again, a faint sigh escaping her lips. Georgette watched her for a moment, relief and a deep weariness settling over her. The storm had passed, leaving behind a wreckage of shattered porcelain, spilled tea, and injured feelings. But for now, Mio was safe, and hopefully, the medic would be alright. The long process of healing, for everyone involved, could now begin. Georgette watched Mio sleep for a long moment, the tension slowly leaving her shoulders. The field hospital tent felt strangely quiet now, the earlier chaos replaced by a heavy stillness. The beeping of Kevin’s monitor seemed louder in the sudden quiet, a constant, somber rhythm. She glanced back at Lena, who was sitting in the ambulance, clutching the makeshift bandage to her neck. The medic looked pale and shaken, but there was a dazed kind of calm settling over her too, the aftermath of the adrenaline surge. Georgette sighed and gently touched Mio’s arm. Even in sedation, Mio looked fragile, vulnerable. The wildness had been replaced by a slackness, the fiery energy extinguished, leaving behind an almost childlike stillness. It was a stark contrast to the raging fury that had possessed her just moments ago. Georgette felt a pang of sympathy mixed with a deep weariness. Dealing with grief was always unpredictable, but Mio's reaction had been extreme, even to the heightened emotions of a crisis zone. She stood up and went back to the ambulance. Lena was still sitting there, her gaze fixed on something unseen, her breathing a little less ragged now. Georgette leaned against the open door and spoke softly. “Lena, how are you feeling? Really?” Lena blinked, focusing on Georgette slowly. “Better,” she mumbled, touching her neck again. “The burning is less now. And... and the shaking stopped.” She managed a weak, watery smile. “Morphine is good stuff, huh?” Georgette managed a small, sympathetic smile back. “It is. But I am so sorry you had to be on the receiving end of... all of that. It was... unacceptable.” Lena shrugged, a slow, tired movement. “It’s alright. You got her to stop. And... coma, you said? That explains a lot. I’ve seen weirder reactions to grief in my time, though... maybe not pissing, but close.” She chuckled faintly, a dry, humorless sound. “Adrenaline and shock do strange things to people. “Still,” Georgette insisted, “it doesn’t excuse it. When Mio wakes up properly, and the morphine wears off, she will apologize to him. I will make sure of it.” Lena looked at Georgette, a flicker of something like understanding in her eyes. “Don’t worry about it too much. Just... maybe keep an eye on her when she wakes up. Just in case.” She paused and then asked, a touch of professional curiosity in her voice, “How long will the morphine last? How much did you give her?” Georgette sighed, running a hand through her own hair. “Enough to calm her down quickly. Maybe... two, three hours? It was a moderate dose. I didn’t want to knock her out completely, just... stop the rage.” She paused, then added with a hint of self-reproach, “Maybe I should have given her less. But at that moment...” She trailed off, unable to fully articulate the frantic urgency she had felt. Lena nodded slowly. “You did what you had to do. No point second-guessing yourself now. Just... be prepared when she wakes up. She might be confused, disoriented, maybe still angry. Morphine can do funny things to emotions. ”I will be,” Georgette affirmed. “Thank you, Lena. For being so understanding.” Lena just offered another weak smile and then gestured towards the tent. “I should probably get checked over properly inside. Make sure the bite isn’t too deep, get a proper dressing. ”Of course,” Georgette said immediately. “Come inside. Let me take a look.” She stepped aside, allowing Lena to carefully climb out of the ambulance. As they walked slowly towards Kevin’s tent, Georgette glanced back at Mio, still lying peacefully on the ground. For now, the storm had passed, but the quiet that followed felt heavy with uncertainty. The real aftermath was yet to come, the long, uncertain path of grief and healing stretching ahead for everyone involved. And Georgette, despite her weariness, knew she would be there, in the heart of it, trying to help pick up the shattered pieces. On the morning of November 27th, Mio woke up on the stretcher before groaning "Where... where am I?" Suddenly, Georgette touched her arm before cooing "You're in the field hospital..." But Mio cut her off by saying "Kev... Kevin. Is he alright?" Georgette then pointed to the cot next to Mio and said "Kevin is still in a coma, but he's stable." Mio, her mind racing, slowly sat up before leaving the stretcher and went to Kevin. Georgette watched as Mio reached Kevin's side, her expression a mixture of worry and determination. Mio then grabbed one of Kevin's hands and, in his ear, she muttered "If you hear me, please squeeze my hand." After a few moments, Kevin slowly responded by squeezing Mio's hand. Tears came down Mio's cheeks as she muttered "You're my one and only husband, baka. Please come back to me soon, my rare Canadian gem." She then leaned in and gave a long peck on Kevin's cheek before going back to her stretcher. Just then, Akeno woke up on the other side of Kevin. Georgette then went over to her and said "Good morning, Akeno. How did you sleep?" Akeno was getting up to go relieve herself as she muttered "It was okay, but I swore that I heard Mio roaring and cursing about Kevin being dead around eleven last night." Mio then froze before thinking "No... no... did I flip out last night?" Georgette went over to Mio and asked "Are you okay?" Mio touched Georgette's shoulders and said "Last... last night. What happened?" Georgette then touched her arms and stated "Last night you went nuclear when you became distressed after you arrived here. You assaulted a medic by urinating on her and biting her nose and damaged an ambulance by punching the windshield and jumping on the hood." Mio's eyes widened, her hands instinctively flying to her mouth as if to stifle a gasp that was already trapped in her throat. Her heart hammered against her ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the sudden silence that seemed to have descended around her, despite Georgette's continued presence while she thought "Urinating on a medic? Biting her nose? An ambulance windshield?" The words echoed in her mind, each syllable a hammer blow against the fragile composure she had just managed to regain. Suddenly, Mio started to sob as she fell to her knees. Georgette then rushed over to her while yelping "Are you okay, Mio?" When Georgette got to her, Mio wailed "I'M TURNING INTO FUCKING KEVIN WITH THESE VEHICLE RAMPAGES!" Georgette knelt beside Mio, her arms wrapping around her in a comforting embrace as she cooed, "Hey, hey, it's going to be okay, Mio. You're not Kevin; you're just overwhelmed with everything that's happened." She continued, her voice soft but firm, "You're grieving, and grief can make us do things we never thought we would. But we're here for you, and we'll get through this together." Mio's sobs were heavy with guilt and fear, her body shaking as she tried to process the events. She managed to choke out, "I... I hurt someone. I didn't mean to... I was just so angry, so scared." Georgette nodded, understanding the depth of Mio's pain. "I know, Mio. We'll make sure to apologize to Lena, the medic. She'll understand once she knows what you've been through. And remember, you're not alone. We're all here, and we'll help you through this." As Mio's crying subsided slightly, she looked up at Georgette, her eyes red and swollen. "I need to make things right, Georgette. I need to see her, to apologize. Please, can you help me?" Georgette helped Mio to her feet, her touch gentle but supportive. "Of course, let's go see if Lena is still there. If not, we'll find her." Together, they stepped out of the tent, the morning light casting long shadows across the field hospital. The air was cool, carrying the faint sounds of distant activities, a stark contrast to the turmoil within the tent. They found Lena in another part of the hospital, her neck bandaged, talking with another medic. Seeing Mio approach, Lena's eyes showed a flicker of caution but then softened with empathy as she noticed Mio's distressed state. Mio, with Georgette by her side, took a deep breath, her voice shaky but sincere as she said, "Lena, I am so, so sorry for what I did last night. I wasn't myself; I was consumed by fear and grief. There's no excuse for my actions, but please know I regret them deeply." Lena listened, her expression shifting from guard to one of understanding. "I get it, Mio. I've seen what grief can do for people. I'm just glad you're okay now. We'll move past this, okay? Just... maybe lay off the ambulance next time?" She tried to lighten the mood with a small smile. Mio managed a weak, grateful smile, nodding. "Thank you for your kindness, Lena. I promise, there won't be a next time." Georgette, feeling a sense of relief at the reconciliation, added, "We're all under a lot of stress here, but it's moments like these that remind us we're still human, still capable of understanding and forgiveness." As they returned to Kevin's side, Akeno was there, looking concerned but hopeful. She touched Mio's shoulder gently. "Mio, you're not alone in this. We'll all help each other through this nightmare." Mio, now slightly calmer, sat beside Kevin again, holding his hand, her gaze fixed on his peaceful face. She whispered, "We're going to make it through this, Kevin. I promise." The morning continued with a quiet resolve among the group. They knew the path ahead was fraught with emotional and physical challenges, but together, they felt renewed strength. Each moment they spent beside Kevin, each act of reconciliation, was a step towards healing, not just for Kevin, but for all of them. That afternoon, Georgette, her heart heavy with worry, gave Kevin a sponge bath. The tent was stifling, the air thick with the smell of antiseptic and sweat. As she washed him, the rough sponge a stark contrast to the clammy smoothness of his skin, a military ambulance wailed past. Georgette halted, the sponge resting on his chest, and watched it disappear down the dusty road. Another one, she thought, her stomach clenching. How many more? She was about to resume bathing him when she noticed a flicker in his eyelids. A tiny twitch, almost imperceptible. Georgette held her breath, her eyes fixed on his face. Then, slowly, his eyes opened. They were cloudy and unfocused at first, but then they seemed to clear, a spark of recognition flickering within them. He gasped, a shallow, rattling breath, and looked up at her and muttered "Georg... Georgette?" Georgette, a single tear pouring down her cheek, placed her hand on his chest and cooed "Kevin." Georgette then looked at the napping Mio on the cot next to them and went over to her. When she got there, Georgette lightly shook Mio and muttered "Mio... Mio... Kevin, he's awake from his coma." Mio slowly turned over before groggily groaning "Wha... what's going on?" Mio blinked slowly, her eyes struggling to focus on the dim light of the tent. Mio, her voice thick with sleep, mumbled "Wait... Kevin... the... the coma?" She pushed herself up on her elbows, finally starting to register the urgency in Georgette's voice and the strange excitement that seemed to radiate from her as she muttered "He... he woke up? Really?" Her grogginess was starting to recede, replaced by a hesitant hope blooming in her chest. She looked over at Kevin's cot, her heart suddenly pounding a little faster as she looked at him. A tear came down Mio's cheek before many more raged down as she whimpered "Kev... Kevin?" Kevin, his eyes still slightly glazed, were fixed on her now before he croaked "My rare Japanese gem." Mio didn't hesitate. Propelled by a sudden surge of energy that banished the last vestiges of sleep, she scrambled off her cot and rushed to Kevin's side. As she got there, Mio placed her hand onto Kevin's chest and cooed "Kevin, my one and only husband," before her dam finally broke. Weakly, Kevin moved his hand onto Mio's cheek and cupped it and muttered "いいえ、女性、泣く必要はありません。" But Mio didn't stop as she sobbed "ああ、バカ、君は本当にバカだけど、僕の愛するバカ爆弾だよ。君が戻ってきてとても嬉しくて泣いてしまうよ。" Just then, Kevin weakly moved his hands onto Mio's hair and messed it up as she giggled like a schoolgirl. With tearful giggles, Mio laughed "You're such a tease, Kevin." Suddenly, Akeno woke up from her nap before getting up from her cot to relieve herself. Just as she was about to enter the washroom, Akeno noticed Kevin ruffling Mio's hair. Akeno grinned from ear to ear as she went to Kevin's bedside and lightly ruffled his hair. Kevin then gave Akeno a heart-melting smile as he playfully messed up her hair as he cooed "Did you miss me, Aki?" Akeno, with her school girl squealing, squawked "YOU BAKA, YOU'RE MAKING ME WANT TO CUM! I MISSED YOU LIKE YOU WON'T BELIEVE!" Just then, Georgette said "Sorry for bugging your reunion with Kevin, Mio and Akeno, but you two are being released from the field hospital in a few minutes. Here's some paperwork." Mio and Akeno then filled out the paperwork before Mio said "I'll come back later, Kevin." When Mio and Akeno arrived at their motel room, Ken was there with two bouquets of red roses. Ken, with a warm smile, cooed "For my sister-in-law and my friend." Ken then gave the ladies the roses before they said "Thank you, Kenny," at the same time. As the ladies put their flowers on their bed, Ken said "Hey Aki, I think I might've found a lead on Biden's whereabouts." Akeno's eyes lit up with a mix of hope and determination. She responded "Really? Where is he?" Ken, keeping his voice low as if the walls might have ears, explained "There's chatter among some of our contacts that he might be hiding out in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center in the East Wing of the White House. It's not confirmed, but it's the strongest lead we've had since the incident with the Doomsday plane." Akeno's expression hardened, her mind already racing with possibilities. She replied "That makes sense. It's one of the most secure locations he could retreat to. We need to verify this and plan our next move. If he's there, it changes everything." Mio, still overwhelmed by the emotional rollercoaster of the day, interjected with a cautious tone by saying "We need to be careful. This is delicate. If we're going to confront Biden or even just gather more information, we can't afford another public meltdown or any rash actions. Kevin's condition showed us how quickly things can spiral." Ken, his expression reflecting both the gravity of the situation and his commitment to proceed wisely, nodded "Agreed. We'll need to coordinate with our network, gather more intel, and ensure we're all on the same page. Maybe we can use this opportunity to push for peace talks or at least leverage the information for diplomatic pressure." Akeno, now pacing slightly, added "And we should think about how we can use the media to our advantage. After what happened with Kevin on live TV, the spotlight is on us. We can turn that into a narrative about seeking peace, not revenge." Mio, holding the bouquet close, her thoughts on Kevin, said "Let's also focus on healing and recovery. Kevin's going to need us more than ever. But, if we can do something to end this war, to bring some semblance of normalcy back... that's what we should aim for." Ken suggested "We can start by setting up a meeting with some of the journalists who've been sympathetic to our cause. Maybe even organize a press conference. But let's take it away from here, somewhere neutral, where we can control the narrative better." Akeno then said "Good idea. And we should involve others from our group. Mashiro, Yoshika, everyone has a part to play. We need to show unity and strength, not just for us but for everyone who's tired of this war." The trio spent the next hour discussing logistics, potential allies in the media, and how they could safely communicate with their network without drawing too much attention. They knew any move against or towards Biden had to be calculated, not just for their safety but for the broader implications on the global stage. As they planned, Mio couldn't help but reflect on the day's events - from the terror of Kevin's coma to the joy of his awakening. She realized that their fight was not just against one man or regime, but for a future where they could all wake up from this nightmare of war and chaos. The conversation eventually turned lighter, with moments of laughter and shared memories, a brief respite from the tension. They knew that with each step forward, they were not just plotting a course against Biden but also paving a way for peace, for Kevin, for themselves, and for the world they hoped to see once more. Mio, still clutching her bouquet of roses, returned to Kevin's side at the field hospital later that evening. Akeno had decided to stay behind at the motel, claiming she needed to decompress after the emotional rollercoaster and Ken had gone to make some calls to their network. Georgette was just finishing up checking Kevin's vitals when Mio arrived, her footsteps light with anticipation. Kevin, seeing Mio walk in, managed a weak but genuine smile. His voice was still raspy from the ordeal, but there was a warmth in his tone as he said, "You came back, my gem." Mio, her heart lifting at the sight of him awake, knelt beside his cot, placing the roses where he could see them before saying "I wouldn't be anywhere else, Kevin. How are you feeling?" Kevin took a moment, his gaze shifting from the roses to her face. "Like I've been through a war," he chuckled softly, then his expression turned more serious. "But seeing you, hearing about the plans... it gives me strength. We're not just fighting for survival anymore, are we?" Mio nodded, her hand finding his, offering a gentle squeeze. "No, we're fighting for a future. For peace, for our family. Ken and Akeno are working on something big, a plan to use the momentum from your recovery to push for change." Kevin listened intently, his mind already turning to strategy despite his weakened state. "Good. We need to use every tool at our disposal. Public opinion, the media, our allies... If Biden's really in the PEOC, that's a fortified position, but it's also a symbol. We can use that." Mio agreed, "Exactly. We're thinking of a press conference, maybe in Winnipeg, away from the immediate danger but close enough to maintain our influence. We want to control the narrative, show the world what we're about - peace, not just conflict." Kevin's eyes lit up with a mixture of pride and resolve. "We'll need to be smart. No more public meltdowns. We channel this into something constructive. And... how's everyone else holding up?" Mio's expression softened. "They're shaken but rallying. Akeno's been a rock, Ken's networking like he's never done before, and the others... they're all eager to contribute. They missed you, Kevin." Kevin sighed, a look of determination crossing his face. "I missed all of you. But let's not waste this chance. We need to be one step ahead. Can you organize a meeting? Maybe get everyone together tomorrow morning? We'll plan from there, make sure we're all on the same page." Mio nodded, her resolve mirroring his. "I'll arrange it. We'll make this work, Kevin. Together." As they talked, Georgette quietly left the tent, giving them privacy but staying close enough to monitor Kevin's condition. The evening light began to fade, casting long shadows over the tent, but inside, there was a growing light of hope, fueled by love, strategy, and the unyielding will to see through the darkness of war to the peace beyond. On the morning of November 28th, Mio woke up back at the motel when the news anchor on the TV said "This is CTV Morning Live in Winnipeg. It's November 28th, 2034, at seven in the morning. I'm Janet Stewart, and we're covering breaking news this morning. The Royal Navy's attack on Washington, DC is over and the White House was taken. Some reports said that Joe Biden was hiding in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center in the East Wing, but he wasn't anywhere there. We'll bring you more details as they become available, but initial reports confirm significant damage and casualties in the US capital. We are still awaiting official statements from both the Canadian and US governments. For now, we advise all viewers to stay tuned to CTV News for further updates as this unprecedented situation unfolds." Mio, her mind racing, muttered "Please don't go nuclear about the news, Kevin." In the meantime, at the field hospital, Kevin saw the same broadcast, and he was enraged. During Kevin's mad rush out of his cot, Georgette ran over to him cooing "Hey... hey... please rest, big guy." But Kevin barked "I WANT TO WALK! I WANT TO KILL BIDEN!" Georgette started to rub Kevin's chest as she cooed "You need to calm down, Kevin. I don't want your rage to cause another coma." Suddenly, Kevin started to nip Georgette's ear as she made a startled yelp of "WHA... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" While nipping, Kevin thought "Hmm, her ear tastes good," as his nips were getting more forceful. As he kept nipping, Georgette squawked "Please stop it, Kevin. I'm not your chew toy." But Kevin wrapped his arms around Georgette and started to lick her ear. With rapid fire shrieking, Georgette shrieked "WHA... WHA... WHA... WHAT ARE YOU DOING? OH FUCK, I CAN FEEL THE TONGUE!" Georgette tried to free herself as she thought "I need to get free from the raging bull that's licking me." Kevin moaned in bliss as he forced more of Georgette's ear into his mouth, and she groaned as she squirmed against his hug as he started to suck her whole ear. Georgette felt her chest vibrate with each one of her groans as Kevin tried to suck her ear harder before moaning "My lungs can't take it anymore, Kevin." Georgette then made a series of choked sobs as Kevin's moans while sucking her ear were sending chills down her spine before sobbing "You win, you win. Please just no more." Just then, Mio came in to notice the scene and said "What are you doing, Kevin?" When Mio got to the cot, Kevin leaped onto her ear and started to suck it. Mio then yelped "What is this?", as Kevin wrapped his arms around her waist and started playfully nipping her ear. Mio gasped as Kevin stopped nipping her ear and started to stare into her soul before he caressed her cheeks before saying "I love you, Mio." Mio then moaned "Oh baka, I love you too." Mio nuzzled her mouth onto Kevin's neck and licked it. Kevin moaned as Mio's licks became more vigorous. Georgette felt warm and fuzzy as she watched Kevin and Mio nip each other's ears before thinking "I really got aroused by Kevin's ear nips." Suddenly, Georgette steeled her nerves as she asked "Can you please make love with me, Kevin?" Kevin and Mio were agape at Georgette's question as Mio muttered "Wha... what?" Georgette then mentioned "I had been hooked on you, Kevin, as a folk hero when you robbed Casino Rama for billions of dollars many months ago. I looked up all his past crimes, from killing the Montreal mayor out of rage to dirty bombing a baseball game. I often dreamed about kissing Kevin, but I didn't know what Mio would think about it if I did it, as he's married. When Kevin nipped my ear, something burned inside of me." Mio was moved by Georgette's confession and said "I didn't mind if she kissed Kevin as I watched on." Kevin, with open arms, offered Georgette to have this moment with him by saying "If you want this sexy time with me, let's do it." Georgette slowly walked to Kevin and got into his arms. Kevin then tenderly started kissing Georgette as she thought "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." Georgette moaned as her tongue moved around the inside of Kevin's mouth as Kevin thought "She's making me hot." The fire burned inside of Georgette as the kiss deepened as she thought "I'm getting hard." Georgette was in pure bliss as she made love with Kevin before thinking "Shitty fucking pussy." Georgette moaned more vigorously as Kevin's tongue went deeper into her mouth before thinking "Oh... oh... oh..." Suddenly, Georgette made a series of shrieks in Kevin's mouth as her peak was coming hard. A few moments later, wave after wave of pleasure washed over Georgette as her pure bliss reached its peak. As the duo rested in each other's arms, Georgette said "Thank you for making this moment happen." "You're welcome, Georgette," Kevin replied, his voice softer now. He gently stroked her hair, still holding her close. Mio watched them, a complex mix of emotions on her face - contentment, amusement, and perhaps a hint of something else. Georgette leaned into Kevin's touch, feeling a sense of peace she hadn't anticipated. The earlier arousal, the frantic desire, had given way to a quiet satisfaction. She glanced over at Mio, expecting judgment or anger, but instead saw a gentle smile. Mio stepped forward and sat beside Kevin and Georgette on the cot, placing a hand on Kevin's arm. "Are you feeling better now, Kevin?" she asked, her voice calm and soothing. "That news earlier… it really upset you." Kevin sighed, some of the tension leaving his body. "Yeah... seeing that... Biden... Washington... it just brought back... bad memories." He didn't elaborate, but both women knew what he meant. The past violence, the rage that sometimes consumed him. Georgette, still nestled against him, felt a surge of protectiveness towards Kevin. She understood, in a way, the darkness that lurked within him, and yet she had just experienced his tenderness. It was a confusing but compelling combination. "Maybe we should all just... rest for a while," Mio suggested, looking at both of them. "It's been a stressful morning." Kevin nodded in agreement. The anger had dissipated, replaced by a strange mix of exhaustion and contentment. He was still processing the news, the attack, the implications, but for now, in this small cot in a field hospital, with Mio and Georgette beside him, there was a fragile sense of calm. Georgette closed her eyes, still feeling the afterglow of their intimacy. She thought about the news, about the war, about the chaos outside. It felt distant, unreal, compared to the warmth of Kevin's embrace and the unexpected connection she had found. For now, at that moment, that was all that mattered. Just then, the news anchor on the TV said "This has just broken. Reports are coming in that Joe Biden ain't in the White House. I repeat, Joe Biden ain't in the White House." Kevin, in the meantime, started to loudly rant "FUCK YOU, BIDEN! I WANT HIM FUCKING DEAD!" Mio then cooed "Hey... hey... Kevin, calm down," while Georgette said "Please calm down, Kev." But Kevin roared "GET OFF ME, ASSHOLES!", as he tried to get up, while Mio and Georgette held him down. Suddenly, Georgette then stabbed Kevin's arm with a syringe full of morphine and injected it. Kevin was in mid-roar as the morphine kicked in. With moans, groans and gags, Kevin was lulled into peace. Mio then pressed her lips onto Kevin's before muttering "Deep dreams, my one and only husband." In the meantime, at the motel, Akeno was furious about the news by roaring "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS FUCKING SHIT!" She paced back and forth around the room before yelling "FUCK IT!" Out of impulse, Akeno went over to the TV before unplugging it and tossed it through the window which landed in the parking lot. Just then, Ken, with a towel around him, came out of the washroom before saying "What's wrong, Akeno... whoa, what happened?" With a feral scream, Akeno yelled "I WANT THE TV TO FUCKING FLY!", before storming outside. Just as Ken sat on the bed and grabbed his boxers, he heard Akeno smashing something while loudly ranting "FUCK IT! FUCK IT! FUCK IT!" Ken then moaned "D'oh, fuck this shit," as he quickly pulled on his boxers and ran outside. When there, Ken saw Akeno stomping on the TV with feral screams. Ken slowly moved toward Akeno while saying "Hey... hey... Aki, please talk to me, babe." But Akeno still ranting out "Fuck you, Biden. He should suck my pussy." Ken hugged Akeno from behind while cooing "I know your pissed, but turning into Kevin ain't going to help." Suddenly, Akeno squirmed away growling "Don't fucking touch me, asshole," before stomping the TV again. Ken then said "Come on, Akeno, the TV is already smashed into kingdom come." Before Ken could react, Akeno sarcastically said "That's right. That's why that Crown Victoria over there is next to feel my fucking wrath." Ken waved his hands in front of him while yelping "Whoa... whoa... whoa...", but Akeno had already made her way to the car before starting to slap the windshield. With glass flying, the car alarm blaring, but Akeno's rage was still building. Ken asked "Please stop, Akeno," but Akeno then punched his windpipe while growling "I got your goddamn stopping right in your windpipe," before continuing slapping the windshield. Ken then fell back while gagging for air. While gagging, Ken moaned "You motherfucker." Ken, clutching his throat, stumbled back further, his eyes watering and face turning red from the lack of air. He could only manage raspy gasps, but his eyes blazed with a mixture of pain and fury as he glared at Akeno, who was now kicking at the car door with heavy stomps, denting the metal with each blow. The car alarm was still shrieking, a continuous, irritating wail that seemed to fuel Akeno's rage even more. Akeno ignored Ken's suffering, too consumed by her own fury to notice or care. She was a whirlwind of destructive energy, her feral screams echoing through the motel parking lot as she moved from kicking the door to clawing at the side mirror, ripping it off with a brutal twist. Glass and plastic crunched and scattered under her feet. With his anger building, Ken forced Akeno to the ground by pulling one of her pigtails before he sat on her stomach and yelling "STAY DOWN AND STOP THIS BULLSHIT, AKENO!" Akeno then started ferally screaming "GET OFF ME, ASSHOLE! I'M NOT YOUR SEX FUCKING TOY! GET OFF! GET OFF! GET OFF OR I'D SCREAM BLOODY FUCKING MURDER!" With vigor, Ken barked "I'M NOT LETTING GO UNTIL YOU CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" When guests started to come out of their rooms, Akeno yelled "HELP! I'M GETTING RAPED BY A CHILD MOLESTER!", while Ken was still sitting on her. Ken then growled "I'M NOT RAPING YOU OR A CHILD RAPIST, BUT A CITIZEN'S ARREST!" Suddenly, Akeno forcefully bucked her hips before freeing herself and went back to the car to destroy it. Ken then went over to Akeno again while cooing "Hey... hey... sweetie...", but Akeno started to slap the taste out of him while wailing "FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE! FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE! FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!" While Akeno was still slapping Ken, he yelled "STOP IT! STOP IT!" Suddenly, Ken grabbed Akeno's wrist and forcefully shoved her away while growling "GET OFF ME, AKENO!" With a crazed look, Akeno stared at Ken before heading back to the car to finish it off while yelling "MY FUCKING LIFE!" When Akeno was stomping on the car's roof, Mashiro drove into the motel's parking lot. Mashiro then rushed out of her car and asked "What's going on here?" Ken, still rubbing his face, said "Akeno went nuclear due to what I assumed was a news report on Biden." Out of nowhere, Akeno jumped down from the Crown Victoria and ran at Mashiro's car. As she ripped off the mirror, Mashiro yelped "WHAT THE FUCK? SHE'S OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL!" Just as Akeno punched out a headlight, Mashiro took out her taser and tased Akeno while yelling "CEASE AND DESIST!" Akeno's body tensed up and convulsed as she shrieked and flailed to the ground face first. As Akeno lay on the ground, Mashiro said "You should rethink your actions, Akeno." When Mashiro went over to her, Akeno ripped out a banshee scream. Mashiro covered her ears as she yelled "WHAT THE FUCK?" Just then, Akeno made another and louder banshee scream as Ken walked slowly toward her. With fear, Ken muttered "Hey... hey... Aki, please tell me what's wrong, babe," but Akeno made a third banshee scream. When Ken got there, he hugged Akeno and felt that she was cold and clammy to the touch. Just then, Akeno made a fourth banshee scream, but it died midway as she passed out in Ken's arms. Ken, shaken to his core, brushed a strand of Akeno's hair away from her face as he cooed "It's okay, baby girl, it's okay." Mashiro then went over to Akeno to get the taser darts out of her before saying "My god, she's worse than Kevin." As Mashiro was removing the darts, an Irish couple came over to them and the female said "I'm sorry to intervene, but her banshee screams are foreshadowing an incoming death." Suddenly, the male said "Wait a minute, ain't that Akeno Misaki? I think I heard that name on the news due to being friends of Kevin Stewart." Mashiro then turned a ghostly pale as she moaned "Fucking hell, I heard about that Celtic folklore from a fellow Blue Mermaids agent. Kevin is in fucking danger. I need to get Akeno to the field hospital. What's your name?" The male looked at Mashiro before saying "I'm Finn and this is my wife, Cara. I can drive, but my car was destroyed by her." Mashiro grabbed Akeno's shoulders before saying "Can you please grab Akeno's legs and help me get her into my car, Ken?" Ken then helped Mashiro by getting Akeno into her car before Mashiro got into the driver seat. Just then, Mashiro floored the gas and her car flew out of the parking lot, nearly missing a Leopard 2A4 CAN. After the near miss, Akeno lightly stirred before muttering "Strawberry shortcake is awesome." Ken then said "She's starting to rouse, Shiro." Mashiro groaned "I'm getting there as fast as I can." In the meantime, at the field hospital, Georgette was having a coffee break outside when, in the corner of her eyes, she saw a car speeding toward her. As the car sped closer, Georgette suddenly yelped "WHAT THE FUCK!", as she bolted out of the way of the car when it crashed into a hand truck full of first aid kits. Just as Georgette went over to the car, Mashiro rushed out of it before saying "Akeno passed out from an outburst and I think Kevin is in danger." Georgette then said "Fuck, please help me get Akeno into this tent, Ken." The duo carried Akeno into the tent and Kevin asked "What happened to Aki?" Ken and Georgette put Akeno onto a cot before Ken said "She went ape shit due to Biden." Georgette brushed a strand of Akeno's hair away from her face before saying "What's this thing as Kevin being in danger?" Mashiro just entered the tent when she said "Akeno made some banshee screams and there's a Celtic folklore out there that foreshadowed an incoming death." Mio, holding Kevin's hand, said "He's a survivor." Just then, Kevin's ICU monitor flatline before he loosened his grip on Mio's hand. Mio then gasped and covered her mouth with her hand while muttering "No... no... no... no... no..." Moments later, Georgette rushed in with a defibrillator before ripping Kevin's shirt. Mio moved back as she muttered "Fuck me. fuck me. fuck me. fuck me. fuck me." Just as Georgette was about to zap Kevin, she yelled "CLEAR!", before zapping him on the chest. But Kevin just tensed up before Georgette said "Come on Kevin, don't leave us." As Georgette was setting the voltage higher, Mio sobbed "No, Kevin. Don't fucking die on me." When Georgette placed the defibrillator on Kevin's chest again, she yelled "CLEAR!", before zapping him. Just then, Kevin gasped as he roared "FLAMING BAG OF SHIT!" Mio then came down with tears as she wailed "KEVIN!" Kevin looked at Mio before saying "Back from the dead, motherfucker. Please give me a kiss, Mio." Mio, her tears raging down her cheeks, ran into Kevin's lips. After a few moments, Mio broke off the kiss before cooing "You're such a baka, Kevin, and I love you for it. Please kiss me again until I faint, lover boy." Mio then kissed Kevin again before moaning "Oh... oh... oh... oh... oh..." Just a few moments later, Mio, still kissing, groaned "The pussy juice is coming," as she started to climax. Mio then broke off the kiss before saying "That's a good kiss, sexy boy." In the meantime, at the motel, Momo was changing into her stunning red swimsuit as she muttered "Maybe a little underwater orgasm in the pool won't hurt anyone. I really need to have a great masturbation." After changing, Momo went to the swimming pool up the street. Just as she entered the pool deck, Momo noticed a black limousine sitting nearby. When Momo put her swimsuit bag on a chair, somebody inside the limo yelled "MOMO KAWASHIMA JUST ENTERED THE POOL! SHOOT HER!" Momo then noticed the seal of the US president in the middle of the limo's body. Momo's heart leaped into her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief and terror as she muttered "Biden." Momo's flight or fight response chose the former as she impulsively jumped over the fence surrounding the pool and ran for it before Secret Service agents started shooting at her. In her mind, Momo thought "I love you, mother and father. Oh fuck, please tell my siblings I love them." Just then, she heard a crash as Momo looked and noticed that the limo had driven through the fence and was chasing her, still firing. Running across the open field, Momo yelped "OH, FUCK! OH, FUCK! OH, FUCK!" Just as Momo was about to run across Main Street, she saw a Leopard 2A4 CAN and thought "That's my ticket." As Momo ran closer and closer to the tank, she yelled "HELP ME! BIDEN TRYING TO KILL ME!" The commander, her head popping out of the hatch, noticed the woman with a red swimsuit running closer with a black limousine gaining ground behind her before yelling "Gunner, Sabot, Limo. Driver, engine forward, angle hull right, prepare for evasive maneuvers. Loader, ready HEAT!" The Leopard 2A4 CAN then lurch forward as the heavy hull of the tank toward the limo. As Momo noticed the tank, she thought "Are they going to flatten that son of a bitch like a pancake?" Just when the two vehicles were about to crash head on, Momo ran out of their way before she realized that they had stopped before they crashed. Momo ran behind the tank as it, along with the limo, started to play chicken with each other. Before the action got started, a Secret Service agent yelled "FALL BACK!", as at least four agents bolted out of the limo and ran for it. Suddenly, a loud bang ripped out of the turret as the agents hit the floor. When the dust had calmed, a Humvee pulled up and the agents were arrested. After the Humvee and Leopard 2A4 CAN leave, Momo was left leaning against the limo huffing and puffing before she vomited. The bile was a mix of green and yellow as she barfed on the hood. Momo choked and gagged as she flailed around on the hood as thought "Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it." As the puking had stopped, Momo muttered "I really need an underwater orgasm after this." Momo then limped her way back to the pool where she stretched before jumping in. Momo swam gracefully underwater as she thought "This is my heaven." Momo swam deeper before as she thought "The pressure is making me horny." A few moments later, Momo swam up to the surface and went to the edge. When there, Momo noticed a weight belt before muttering "Maybe the person who owns this belt wouldn't mind if I borrowed it for a few minutes." Momo reached out and picked up the weight belt. It felt heavier than she expected. She looked around the pool deck quickly, but no one seemed to be watching. Momo then whispered "Well, here goes nothing," before she carefully fastened the weight belt around her waist. It cinched snugly, and she could definitely feel the added weight. She took a deep breath and slipped back into the water, descending below the surface. The weight belt definitely made a difference. Sinking was much easier now, and she could stay down with minimal effort. The pressure was even more intense as she went deeper, and that familiar feeling of arousal intensified. Momo swam to the bottom of the pool, the cool water enveloping her. Momo then thought "Okay, let's see if this works," with a mix of anticipation and nervousness bubbling within her. Momo knelt at the bottom of the pool, the ceramic tiles cool against her knees. The weight belt felt reassuringly heavy, anchoring her in this submerged world. The water pressed in on her from all sides, a constant, firm embrace that did indeed amplify the burgeoning arousal within her. Taking a slow, steadying breath, Momo reached down. The cool water flowed around her hand as she slipped it beneath her swimsuit bottom. The initial touch sent a shiver through her, a pleasant jolt of sensation heightened by the aquatic environment. It was different down here, the water adding a layer of sensitivity, each movement feeling amplified and distinct. She began to stroke herself, tentatively at first, then with increasing confidence. The water offered a gentle resistance, a soft friction that played against her skin in a way that was both new and incredibly stimulating. The pressure intensified with each deeper stroke, a pulsing throb that resonated through her core. Her breath hitched in her chest, held back by the weight of the water above. She closed her eyes, focusing inwards, on the building heat between her legs. The cool water was a stark contrast to the fire igniting within her, a delightful play of sensations. The pool water swirled gently around her hand with each movement, a constant, fluid caress that enhanced the intimacy of the act. The pressure from the water seemed to compress and amplify every nerve ending, making each touch exquisitely sensitive. Her own sounds, muffled and distorted by the water, seemed to echo around her in the quiet underwater world, adding to the sense of isolation and intense focus. Faster and faster she moved her hand, the rhythm building, mirroring the rising tension within her. The anticipation was exquisite, the nervousness fading, replaced by a raw, focused desire. The cool water became less of a contrast and more of an embrace, a part of the escalating sensations that were drawing her closer and closer to the edge. And then it happened. A wave of pure sensation erupted, starting deep within her core and radiating outwards, intensified and elongated by the water surrounding her. It was a visceral, full-body release, the pressure of the water adding a unique dimension, as if the orgasm itself was pushing outwards against the aqueous embrace. Her body tensed and then shuddered, the orgasm echoing through her in rhythmic pulses. The cool water rushed over her skin, a sensory overload that was both shocking and utterly blissful. Even the muffled sounds of her own pleasure seemed amplified, bouncing off the pool walls in a watery symphony. As the peak subsided, leaving behind a blissful warmth, Momo remained kneeling at the bottom of the pool, the weight belt still firmly in place. The water felt calmer now, still cool and enveloping, but now infused with the afterglow of her release. A soft smile curved her lips. "It works," she murmured into the water, the words bubbling up and distorting as they broke the surface. Just then, Momo felt her chest tightening and her breath quickening before she thought "I'm drowning." Momo suddenly started to bolt to the surface as she thought "Why do I do this shit for?" Just as she reached the surface, another wave of orgasm hit Momo. When she sank back down into the deep end, Momo thought "Maybe one more underwater sexy time won't hurt after I get my breath back." After a few minutes, Momo took one deep breath before diving back down. Once Momo knelt at the bottom of the pool, she started to remove the straps from her swimsuit before thinking "Fuck me tender." As her swimsuit was around her waist, Momo thought "My breasts are so fuckable down here." She positioned her hands on her breasts, the water providing a silky, almost lubricant-like feel. As she began to gently massage them, the pressure of the water seemed to amplify the sensations, making each touch more exquisite. Her nipples hardened instantly, sensitive and yearning. "Oh god," she thought, her breath catching again despite her attempts to remain calm. The underwater environment truly enhanced everything, pushing her pleasure to a new level. She increased the pressure of her massage, her fingers gliding over the smooth skin, circling and teasing. The cool water swirled around her hands, a constant caress that heightened the intimacy of the moment. A low moan escaped her lips, bubbling upwards in a distorted sound. She closed her eyes, focusing entirely on the sensations flooding her body. The rhythmic motion of her hands, the pressure of the water, the burgeoning heat between her legs - it was a symphony of pleasure playing out in her own private underwater world. Her thoughts became increasingly fragmented, lost in the rising tide of sensation. "So... sensitive... down here..." she murmured to herself, her mind drifting further from coherent thought and deeper into pure physical experience. The weight belt anchored her firmly, allowing her to fully surrender to the moment, to explore the boundaries of her underwater pleasure. As she continued to caress her breasts, her breathing grew shallow and rapid. The surrounding water seemed to thrum with her own excitement, mirroring the escalating tension within her. Each touch sent shivers of anticipation through her, drawing her closer and closer to the edge. As Momo continued to explore her body in the underwater haven, the sensations became overwhelming. The pressure of the water against her skin, the gentle friction of her hands, the cool embrace of the pool - they were all conspiring to heighten her arousal to an almost unbearable level. Her breath grew shallower, her lungs starting to ache for air, but the desire to continue was too strong. She moved her hands lower, tracing the curves of her torso, then down to her hips, the weight belt a grounding presence at her waist. The anticipation was a delicious ache, a thrilling tension building within her. With a final, shuddering breath, she reached her hand between her legs once more. The water there was even more sensitive, the cool flow amplifying every nerve ending. She found her clitoris swollen and aching, and began to stroke it gently. The sensation was immediate and intense, a jolt of pure pleasure that resonated through her entire body. She gasped, the sound muffled and distorted by the water. Faster and faster she moved her hand, the rhythm building, pulling her deeper and deeper into the throes of passion. The pressure of the water intensified, feeling almost like a physical caress pressing in on her, amplifying every touch, every sensation. Her vision started to tunnel, the edges blurring as her focus narrowed to the exquisite sensations building within her core. Just as the need for air became truly urgent, a wave of release crashed over her. It was explosive, amplified by the water, a full-body shudder that wracked her from head to toe. The orgasm bloomed and pulsed, stretching out in time, the aquatic environment seeming to draw out and intensify every moment. As the peak subsided, leaving her body trembling and pleasantly exhausted, Momo let out a stream of bubbles, finally succumbing to the need for air. She kicked upwards, breaking the surface with a gasp, her chest heaving. She floated on her back for a moment, the cool air a welcome contrast to the water, her body still humming with the aftershocks of pleasure. A smile stretched across her face, a mixture of satisfaction and exhausted bliss. "Wow," she murmured to herself, her voice still slightly breathy. "Underwater orgasms are officially my new favorite thing." She closed her eyes, letting the sun warm her face, the events of the day – the limo, the tank, the near-death experience – fading into a distant background hum compared to the vivid intensity of her underwater explorations. For now, peace and pleasure were all that mattered in her private pool paradise. Later that afternoon at the field hospital, Ken was stroking the hair of the passed-out Akeno when he asked "Hey Georgette, why do you want to become a nurse?" Georgette, who was carefully organizing medical supplies nearby, paused and looked up at Ken, a soft expression settling on her face before saying "It was my true calling to become a nurse when I was a child growing up in Paris during the mid 2000s. There was an outbreak of SARS and most of my family got it. My uncle died due to it, and I was scared for life because of his death. I hated seeing others suffering and, when I was old enough, I joined the French Defence Central Health Service for a while before I moved to Canada for university." Just then, Akeno groggily woke up before groaning "Where am I?" Ken then held her hand and cooed "You're in the field hospital, Akeno." Suddenly, Akeno started to rake Ken's eyes out while screaming "LET ME FUCKING GO, ASSHOLE!" Ken then grabbed both of Akeno's hands before saying "Hey... hey... Aki, it's okay." But Akeno's eyes bulged out as she bit Ken's fingers. The pain ran through Ken as he yelled "MOTHERFUCKER, SHE'S BITING ME!" Georgette then rushed over and injected Akeno's arm with morphine. In mid-bite, Akeno felt her lungs vibrate through guttural gags as the morphine started to kick in. Just as Ken's fingers became bloody, Akeno let them free before being lulled into a peaceful state. As Georgette looked at Akeno, she thought "This group is one of the most insane people." A few moments later, Mio entered the tent before saying "Okay then, I'm heading back to the motel." Both Ken and Georgette said "Okay Mio." Mio then entered her car and drove off. When Mio arrived at the motel a few minutes later and entered her room, Momo was there. Momo then noticed Mio and lightly cried out "I think that Biden is after me. The presidential limo chased me when I was going swimming, but the Canadian army saved me." Suddenly, Mio rushed into the room and grabbed her katana before yelling "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE? I WANT HIS COCK AS MY TROPHY!" Momo, with tears in her eyes, sobbed "Biden wasn't one of the people in the limo who was arrested." Mio's eyes bulged out as she tossed the katana and groaned "Damn it." Just then, Momo started to wipe her eyes as she wailed "FUCK MY LIFE! FUCK MY LIFE! FUCK MY LIFE!" Mio then wiped a single tear from her cheek as she slowly walked toward Momo while cooing "Hey... hey... Momo-san, it's okay. Come here and give me a hug." 

A few months later, Akeno bought a plot of land in Goderich, Ontario with her share of the Casino Rama heist. In the following days, Akeno watched the traditional Japanese house being built that she planned. When the house was finished, Akeno was so happy as the house reminded her of her childhood house in Japan. Akeno bought new furniture that she reminded her of her childhood in Japan. When the furniture was delivered, she set it up to her liking. After Akeno was done, she called Kevin for their daily chats. Akeno and Kevin talked for many hours. Akeno asked Kevin if he wanted to come over. Kevin took Akeno on her offer as he hadn't taken Mio, Tim and Mia out on vacation that much since his retirement from crime. After Akeno finished talking with Kevin, she went to the Paddy O'Neils Restaurant Pub for a beer. When Akeno got there, she ordered a beer. While drinking her beer, Akeno noticed a guy, and she couldn't keep her eyes off him. Akeno blushes as she thinks of saying hello. Akeno blushes more as she makes her way over to the person. When Akeno got there, she introduced herself. Ken Zack introduced himself and after a few minutes, they hit it off. Ken offers Akeno another beer, which she happily accepts. Akeno was kind of tipsy as she told Ken that he looked like someone she knew, but she didn't remember who. Ken made a joke that he got his good looks from his late brother Kevin, who died 14 years ago in a botched bank robbery in Montreal. In Akeno's mind, thoughts hit her like a freight train as she realizes that Ken is Kevin's brother, whom Kevin told her about when they went on their first heist together 5 years ago. Akeno blushes, and then she tells Ken that she knows Kevin. Akeno mentioned that she first met Kevin during one of her repossession missions where she repossessed Kevin's son, Tim's car, 5 years ago. Akeno also mentioned that she also did heists with Kevin in the following months after the repo job and the Casino Rama heist from 3 months ago she did with him. Akeno then remembered that Kevin told her that he had faked his death after a failed bank robbery 14 years ago in Montreal in order to get witness protection to quit his life of crime. Ken was shocked to learn that Kevin was still alive. Ken suddenly hugged Akeno, thanking her for telling the truth. Akeno felt the heat in her cheeks rise as Ken hugged her. As the heat in Akeno's cheeks glowed hotter, she hugged Ken back. After a moment of pure bliss, they released the hug. Ken mentioned that Kevin was a good brother during their childhood, but after he went into crime after his high school graduation, Ken was heartbroken. They spend the rest of the evening at the pub before it closes for the night. Akeno and Ken walked to her house, hand in hand. On Akeno's front porch, Akeno impulsively kisses Ken. Akeno blushes as red as her dress after she kisses Ken. Akeno was lost for words as she was telling Ken goodnight. Later that night, Akeno called Kevin to mention the encounter. Kevin was shocked about Ken, as the last thing he heard was that Ken was still in Japan after quitting the Secret Service, and that was 9 years ago. The next day, Akeno woke up when someone knocked at her door. When she answered the door, Ken was there with flowers. Akeno offered Ken some tea inside. They lost track of time as mid-afternoon hit. As Ken was talking about his high school football career, the doorbell rang. Akeno answered and, to her surprise, it was Kevin and Mio. Akeno led them into the living room, where Kevin and Ken looked into each other's eyes. Suddenly, they hugged each other for the first time in years. Mio made a comment to Ken that she had a crush on him during high school, but she stated that she had been happily married to Kevin for 16 years with two children. As the group were having beers, they heard something outside. When they went outside, a Cessna had made a crash landing. To everyone's shock, it was Yoshika. Yoshika seemed to panic as she was carrying 2 tons of meth on the plane. A minute after the crash landing, the Ontario Provincial Police arrive and, soon after, Yoshika is busted for drug smuggling. Kevin tried to hold back his tears as his childhood friend was being hauled away. Kevin wanted to bust Yoshika out the old-fashioned way, with guns, but he knew that he wouldn't want to go down that rabbit hole again. Mio noticed Kevin's distress and hugged him and whispered that if he decided to bust Yoshika out with violence, she wouldn't mind it. Kevin was dumbfounded why Mio said that as she wanted a peaceful life away from crime. After the NTSB had arrived at the scene, they interviewed the group before they cleared the area. Later that evening, they all sat in Akeno's living room, lost in thought. Their thoughts would be stopped by a knock at the door. Akeno went to the door, her heart racing. When Akeno opened the door, Mashiro with 2 Blue Mermaids agents were there. Mashiro tells them that Yoshika might be extradited to the United States for drug smuggling as well as the many crimes in Ontario and Quebec. Kevin saw red as he was on the verge of blowing up. Mio teased Kevin's manhood to calm him down. Mashiro felt pity for Kevin as she knew that all of this was paining him. Mashiro also states that the Blue Mermaids have no jurisdiction in the United States. Out of nowhere, Ken mentioned that he knew Joe Biden and offered to ask him to pardon Yoshika if she was sent to the United States. Kevin was shocked at Ken, but then he remembered that Ken used to work in the Secret Service. Kevin then gives Ken a bear hug. The following morning, the group drove for over 2 hours from Akeno's house in Goderich to the 361 University Avenue Courthouse in Toronto for Yoshika's trial. As they arrive at the courthouse, a large group of people starts chanting Kevin's name. Kevin knew that he kind of became a folk hero for his crimes. The many officers manning the crowd were dumbfounded that Kevin got the nerve to go into court without facing the arm of the law himself. When they entered the court, the judge shook his head after seeing Kevin. As the trial was about to start, Justin Trudeau entered the court. Justin ordered that Yoshika be pardoned in Ontario and Quebec. Yoshika grinned ear to ear after hearing Justin's statement. But Yoshika still has trials in the United States. Shortly after Yoshika was pardoned, Ken made some calls in order to get Yoshika a pardon in the US. As Kevin was watching TV in his hotel room at The Westin Harbor Castle later that evening, a news headline broke out showing a mass riot at the White House. All the rioters were chanting let Yoshika go. Kevin laughed at the news, thinking to himself what worse would happen. The next morning, Kevin woke up to the news that the United States was in a state of anarchy with protests in every major city. Kevin grins, knowing this chaos would make Joe pardon Yoshika. But later that afternoon, Joe made a statement that he would not pardon Yoshika. Kevin was livid as his roaring rant could be heard throughout the hotel. Mio tries to calm Kevin down by touching his manhood, but he was too mad to reason. Out of impulse, Kevin grabs his AK47 but Mio reasons with him not to do it. Kevin loudly curses at Joe on TV while waving his AK47. Mio pleads Kevin to calm down and asks him to give her the gun. Kevin, still enraged, tosses the gun at the TV, breaking it. Kevin then yelled at Ken who was in the next hotel room to come over. When Ken entered Kevin's room, Kevin ordered Ken to call Joe. As Ken gets in contact with Joe, Mio brags to Kevin to keep his cool. When Ken gave Kevin the phone, Mio knew that the tension would be high. After a few minutes of talking and keeping his cool, Kevin lost it. Kevin unleashed a stream of offensive language at Joe. Kevin then tells Joe to go kill himself before hanging up. Akeno and Mashiro, in the doorway, were shocked at Kevin's outburst. Mashiro knew Kevin's anger could get the best of him sometimes, as she still remembered Kevin's outburst during a meeting at her office at the Blue Mermaids Headquarters with the Italian Mafia boss, Chiyo. Ken asked Akeno if she had ever seen Kevin this mad before. Akeno answered that she had never seen Kevin this mad before. Later that evening, the phone conversation with Kevin and Joe was leaked, which caused a whole new wave of protests, saying that Joe needed to resign. The next morning, news broke that Momo had been busted in Baltimore because of being associated with Kevin. When Kevin heard the news, he went full scale nuclear as he started punching holes in the wall. Mio knows that this will push Kevin to breaking point. Mio then rushed over to Kevin and gave him a bear hug before he could do anything rash. Kevin roared as he tried to break free from Mio. Mio struggled to keep hold of the raging bull inside of Kevin. Mio's petite body started to hurt as she was about to lose grip on the 260-pound Kevin. Mio started to cry as her muscles burned. Kevin's rage stops as he hears Mio's wails. Kevin broke down in tears knowing that he made Mio cry. Later that afternoon, Kevin and Mio were watching TV when news broke that Momo was going to be deported back to Japan in the near future. Mio sat on Kevin's belly on the bed and held his wrists as he roared in another rage. Mio wrestled with Kevin's rage for many minutes until news broke that mass protests had been breaking out all over Japan. Kevin, full of rage, hugged Mio and wailed. Mio's breath hitched in her throat as Kevin's pent-up rage was raw and pure. They spent hours in that position. After some hours, Mashiro storms into their hotel room stating that there are protests raging around Canada. In the meantime, Akeno was brainstorming a plan for the current mayhem. Akeno wasn't a mastermind strategist, unlike Momo, and had trouble making a plan. Suddenly, Akeno got an idea and called Lynette to meet her at Club Zanzibar. When Akeno entered the club, she noticed Erica was still having the time of her life with two strippers after 5 years. Akeno laughed as she went to the backroom. Lynette was there when Akeno entered the backroom. Lynette was shaken up about Yoshika's current situation. Akeno said that Yoshika was going to be okay and stated that she had a plan to halt Yoshika's prison transport from the Toronto South Detention Centre before it reaches Pearson Airport with the help of the Blue Mermaids to set up roadblocks to block their route as they entered Highway 427. To add some humor to the chaos, the Blue Mermaids agents will dress like strippers and have some sexy time with the guards before knocking them out and Kevin and Akeno break Yoshika out of the transporter. Lynette is taken aback a bit by Akeno's shoddy plan but gives in. Just then, Mashiro walked into the backroom and Akeno told her the plan. Mashiro was stunned at the sheer madness of Akeno's plan, and, as an agent, she feared she might dress like a stripper in the break too. Mashiro swallowed her pride and agrees to do the deed. Akeno mentioned that it was going to be a tough job to pull off. Afterward, Akeno called Kevin and she needed to talk to him. When Akeno, Kevin and Mio were at Kevin's mansion, Akeno told them the plan. Mio nestled her face into Kevin's chest and sobbed, pleading with him not to do it. As Mio sobs into Kevin's chest, Kevin felt pity for her. Suddenly, Kevin felt Mio convulsed against him as she dry heaves on his chest. Kevin tenderly caressed Mio's cheeks and looked into her eyes. Mio covered her mouth with her hand as more vomit came out. Between puking, Mio said no weakly. Kevin lovely looked into Mio's eyes, which stopped Mio's sobbing. Kevin then sweetly said that the jailbreak was for the greater good. Teary eyes, Mio knew that Yoshika meant the world to Kevin. With Mio's breath hitched in her throat, she accepted. The next morning, the emperor of Japan, Naruhito, addressed the protests and gave Kevin Japanese citizenship. Mio was dumbfounded by the emperor's declaration of Japanese citizenship of Kevin, and he was just as dumbfounded. Following the emperor's statement, Joe made a statement, insulting the emperor. Kevin knew that this wasn't going to go well. When Joe started to insult Kevin and his family, he went nuclear. Kevin roared as he tossed his TV out of the mansion. Mio was also mad at Joe for insulting her family and punched the TV in their bedroom. That afternoon, Justin made a statement calling Joe's name-calling uncalled-for and adding sanctions on the United States. Later that afternoon, Joe sent sanctions against Canada and Japan. That evening, Mashiro visited Kevin to inform him that the Canadian Justice Minister, Arif Virani, had sent half of all Canadian prisoners down to the US in order for Yoshika's pardon in the US. Kevin was so happy about Yoshika was going to be released that he hugged Mashiro. Mashiro shrieked as Kevin lifted her off her feet. Mio, who was sitting watching TV while Kevin was hugging Mashiro, was just as happy. Suddenly, Kevin scooped Mio off her feet in a hug with Mashiro. Mio shrieked as Kevin's strong arms wrapped around her. Kevin hugged them for a few minutes before he let them go. The next morning, Kevin went to the Toronto South Detention Centre. Before Kevin got to the detention centre, he bought himself and Yoshika a coffee from Tim Hortons. After going through the drive-thru, Kevin then drove to the detention centre. Kevin waited for Yoshika's release near the main entrance. When two guards walked Yoshika out, she ran into Kevin's arms. When the duo go to Kevin's mansion, they talk about busting Momo out. Mashiro was already at Kevin's mansion when they arrived. Kevin gave Mashiro a gift and, to her shock, it was a t-shirt with the writing of the world's hottest stripper agent on it. Mio walked into the room while Mashiro was holding the t-shirt and burst into laughter. Mashiro tried to hold in her laughter, but failed. Kevin started to laugh as Mio was doubling over in laughter on the floor. They all laughed for many minutes before stopping. That evening, the Japanese prime minister, Fumio Kishida, is going to deport all Americans from the country and will sink all American warships at US navy bases in Japan if the US doesn't release Momo. At that moment, Mio knew that this meant war against her home country and the US. Mio then looked at Kevin and pleaded to do something about Momo. Kevin, with tears in his eyes, told Mio that busting Momo out of a Baltimore jail would be a death trap, but he would try. Kevin called Yoshika and asked if her Cessna had the fuel to fly to Baltimore. Yoshika said that the Cessna didn't have enough fuel, but she would add extra tanks if needed. Kevin spent the night planning the prison break. The following morning, Kevin's plans were disrupted when news broke that Momo had been moved to ADX Florence. Kevin knew that it was a supermax prison. Kevin knows that its security will make breaking Momo out a real big pain in the ass. As Kevin was lost in thought, Mashiro came and told him that the Blue Mermaids would help bust Momo out of ADX Florence. Kevin and Mashiro brainstorm a plan without beefing up tensions too much between Canada and the US. While Kevin and Mashiro were in deep thought in Kevin's mancave, Akeno came over. While the trio were talking about how they are going to bust Momo out, news broke later that afternoon of protests at the prison. An idea hit Akeno for an escape plan. During a protest where most of the guards are busy with them, Akeno would drive up in an undercover US Marshal's car dressed up as a US Marshal. Akeno would fool the warden into releasing Momo into her custody for deportation. The Blue Mermaids are already in the prison dressed as a correctional response team will go to Momo's cell. If things go wrong, Kouko would hack into their radios and jam them. She would also hack into other systems of the prison, like jamming cameras, alarms and opening Momo's cell if needed. When Momo is taken by the Blue Mermaids, they will haul her to Akeno's car and get out of there. Kevin grinned, knowing that Akeno's plan might work, and Mashiro was glad that she wasn't going to be wearing a skimpy outfit and a feather boa. In the following days, Kevin talked with protesters in Colorado Springs to cause mayhem at the prison to get the guards' attention. Kouko makes preps to hack into the prison system. Mashiro was setting up her team of Blue Mermaids for the break. Akeno had located Momo's cell from a radio chat from the guards she overheard. Things were going well until Kevin slipped on ice and broke his ankle one afternoon. The following morning, Kevin told Akeno that he would not be on the mission and asked her to lead. Akeno was scared shitless, but she needed to swallow her fear if the prison break would be successful. The following evening, everyone went to Pearson Airport to catch a flight to Colorado Springs. After a 5 and a half hour flight, they drove a rental bus to the Buffalo Creek Lodge. The next afternoon, Akeno noticed that Kevin was lost in thought. Akeno went over to Kevin and asked him what was bugging him. Kevin suddenly hugged Akeno, stating that he was sorry for all the trouble he had caused and making her the leader on the prison break. Akeno was taken aback at Kevin's statement, but she hugged him back, stating that she wouldn't let him down. Kevin grins, knowing that Akeno will do well. The next morning, Kevin gives a prep talk to Mashiro and the Blue Mermaids team before they make their way to the prison. An hour and a half later, Kevin gives Akeno a US Marshal uniform and gives her a prep talk. Akeno then leaves the lodge for the prison while Kevin watches her leave. On the way to the prison, Akeno thinks about what Kevin had said the day before, but clears her head for the job ahead. As Akeno pulled up to the front gates, the protest was in full swing. The protesters made way as Akeno entered the prison. Akeno, dressed up as a US Marshal agent, shows the warden documents stating that she was picking up Momo for deportation. The warden ordered a correctional response team to go to Momo's cell, where were the Blue Mermaids team, which were already at the prison before Akeno came. Mashiro led her team to Momo's cell and when they arrived, Momo's eyes widened as she knew that her deportation was imminent. Momo started to break down as the Blue Mermaids cuffed her. In the meantime, the protest outside became violent as a protester fired a warning shot into the air and the prison went into lockdown. Akeno felt her gut in a knot as alarms went off and lockdown was yelled on the PA system. Kouko hacks into the system and shuts down the alarms, cameras and jams the guards' radios. Mashiro thinks to herself that they didn't have much time before the guards noticed what was going on. As the Blue Mermaids were making their way out of Momo's cell block, two guards in the cell block noticed something fishy about Momo's deportation date. The two guards aim their guns at them and try to call for backup but failed due to Kouko's jam. Suddenly, another guard knocked the two guards out. Mashiro is taken aback at the guard's bold move, who turns out to be Ken. The Blue Mermaids then rushed to Akeno's car and put Momo in before Akeno drove off while the Blue Mermaids followed her in two SUVs. In the mist of Momo's sobbing, she was unaware that she was a free woman, as all she knew, that she was still being deported. As Akeno went back to the lodge, Momo was still wailing. Kevin opened the back door and helped Momo out of the car. Only as Kevin started cuddling the sobbing Momo inside his lodge room, she looked at Kevin with sheer shock as she knew that he risked his life just for her. Soon after, news breaks out about Momo's daring prison escape from ADX Florence, which soon reaches Joe, making him full-blown nuclear. Joe found out that Kevin helped Momo escape and ordered an arrest warrant for both of them. Joe then barks at the attorney general of the United States Department of Justice to order every law enforcement agency in the US to look for Kevin and Momo. Akeno noticed that Kevin was ready to blow off his top after seeing the news, so she hugged him. Kevin's blood boiled as Akeno hugged him. Kevin tries to escape Akeno's hug by squirming while wailing. Akeno starts to feel nauseous as Kevin tries to jerk away from her hug. Mio heard Kevin's distress and rushes over to see Akeno trying to hold him down in a hug. Mio rushes over to Kevin and places her breasts in Kevin's face in order to calm him down. Kevin's breath hitched in his throat as he buried his face deeper into Mio's breasts and wailed into them. Akeno felt pity for Kevin as she played with his hair while he sobbed into Mio's breasts. Later, Akeno asked Ken to talk with Joe to reason with him. Later that evening, a whole new wave of protests broke out all over the United States stating that Kevin is a national hero. Over the night, protests became ruthless. As dawn broke, the United States was on the verge of civil unrest. The National Guard was launched to curb the protests, which made the chaos worse. Things got worse as King Charles III made a statement that afternoon stating that the United Kingdom was sending the Royal Navy up the Potomac River to Washington DC. Later that afternoon, Justin made a statement that he would send the Canadian Army to the US border. Akeno was dumbfounded that countries were going to war because of a prison break. That evening, Akeno and Momo were watching TV when news broke that Japan was seizing all US warships at US navy bases throughout the country and sending their navy to the US West Coast. Akeno and Momo looked at each other with sheer terror as their home country was making such a bold move. Moments later, Akeno and Momo's thoughts were stopped when news broke that the Mexican Army were crossing the US border. Their mouths were agape as they heard the news. An EAS warning then blared onto the TV stating that the United States was under attack by Mexico. Akeno's body was shaking as she ran to Kevin's lodge room. When Akeno entered Kevin's room, his eyes were bulging out of his sockets as he tossed the TV through the open door, nearly hitting Akeno. Kevin started rambling a lot of swears and insults towards Joe. Akeno tells Kevin to calm down, but he becomes more enraged. Blood vessels in Kevin's forehead pop as his anger builds. As Akeno touched Kevin's shoulder, he roared so loudly that the whole room shook. Akeno covered her ears and let out a terrified scream as Kevin's roar shook her body like a bass. Kevin then punches holes in the wall. As Kevin's hands become a bloody mess, Akeno tries to reason with Kevin by touching his shoulder for another time, but he yells at her not to touch him non-stop. Momo rushed into Kevin's room, and she was agape at the chaos that Kevin had caused. Kevin gives Momo a death stare, which sends chills running down her spine. Kevin suddenly made another room shaking roar, which scared Momo, and she yelled in fear. Moments later, Momo shrieked in terror as she felt her bladder losing control, and suddenly, she made a high-pitched squeal as urine ran down her legs. Akeno snapped, grabbed Kevin by the collar of his shirt and shook him like a rag doll and scolded him for scaring Momo. Kevin collapses into Akeno's arms, overcome due to tiredness. Akeno's eyes widened as Kevin went limp in her arms. Akeno whimpered as she brushed Kevin's hair behind his ear. Mio suddenly rushed into the room, and saw Kevin passed out in Akeno's arms. Mio was in sheer shock as she realized that Kevin was passed out. Mio wailed as she ran to Kevin's limp body. When Mio got to Kevin's side, she lifted him onto her shoulder and onto the bed. As Mio was bandaging Kevin's hands, she knew that his anger was killing him. As the night goes on, the situation in the US grows more hostile as the Canadian Army starts to cross the border into the United States. Mio's eyes widened as an EAS warning blared on the radio that Canada was attacking. Mio then looks at Kevin who was still passed out on her lap, and prays that he won't go nuclear because of the Canadian attack. In the meantime, Akeno was thinking about how to deal with the situation in the US along with Ken and Momo in the next lodge room over. Akeno was scared about the arrest warrant that Joe put on Kevin and Momo's head and would hunt the group down like hound dogs. Ken states that he can't get in contact with Joe to reason with him. Momo mentioned that Joe is the one who is making Kevin so mad. In the meantime, Kevin woke up and looked into Mio's eyes. Mio kissed Kevin before telling him about the Canadian attack on the US. Mio knew that Kevin would act impulsively, so she held Kevin's wrists, crossed his arms and put him onto the ground. Kevin's muscles burned as he tried to escape Mio's hold of him. In the next room, Akeno, Momo and Ken heard their fight, not knowing what to do. Akeno was thinking about whether hell had frozen over. As Mio was losing grip of Kevin, she yelled "No bastard, stay the hell down big man" a few times. After a few minutes of wrestling, Kevin got away from Mio's grip and crashed through the wall into the next room when Mio pushed him into the wall, trying to grab his wrists again. Akeno, Momo and Ken were scared of the duo crashing through the wall. In the panic, Momo was yelping in fear as urine flowed down her legs. As the dusk calmed down from the crash, Momo was yelping in her own urine on the floor. As Kevin's eyes were bulging out in rage, Akeno knew that hell had just frozen over. A minute later, Mashiro entered the lodge room and Kevin gave her a death stare. Mashiro turns pale as Kevin looks right through her soul. Kevin then moves slowly towards Mashiro. Mashiro's breath got caught in her throat as Kevin walked toward her with rage. Mashiro's body shook violently as Kevin put his hands on her shoulders. Kevin yells at Mashiro that he needs to go to Washington DC to kill Joe. Mashiro states that Joe might not be in Washington due to the Royal Navy coming there to blow the place into kingdom come. Kevin started rambling about finding Joe. Akeno wanted to help Kevin kill Joe, but thinks that this act would most likely put her on the most wanted list for sure. For the rest of the night, Akeno planned a way to find Joe. The next morning, Akeno was tired from a sleepless night of finding out a way to find Joe and Kevin's ranting throughout the night. Akeno plans to take a nap for a while, but an hour into her nap, she is rudely awakened by Kevin yelling that the Mexicans were coming. In a drowsy state, Akeno ran out of bed and went outside to blaring air raid sirens. Akeno thinks to herself about how the Mexican Army came to Colorado Springs so fast after just crossing the US border the night before. Suddenly, an explosion rocked the other side of the lodge and a Northrop F-5 with a Mexican Air Force insignia on it passed Kevin and Akeno mere inches from the rooftop at supersonic speed. Akeno shrieked in terror as she couldn't believe that this was happening. Kevin hugged Akeno as she shook in fear. Akeno buried her face into Kevin's chest as she wet herself. Akeno yelped many times and convulsed violently as the warmth ran down her legs. Kevin was heartbroken about Akeno's state as she buried her face deeper into his chest as she sobbed with unbridled emotions. Mio rushed out just wearing a bathrobe and was in sheer terror at the attack. Mio, in a panic, ordered everyone to pack and be ready to go at a moment's notice. Akeno was saddened about not finding a plan to kill Joe as she packed. As the group were about to leave, a trio of Mexican soldiers came in with their guns aimed. As Akeno knew Spanish, she told the soldiers that they were trying to escape the area. The senior officer, Colonel Camila Gonzalez, noticed Kevin and ordered her comrades to holster their guns. Camila went over to Kevin and gave him a handshake. Camila states that she has beef with Joe as well. Camila also states that Joe may be in the air on the Doomsday plane. The group joined Camila and the rest of her battalion as they were marching north toward Canada. The group face a ruthless United States Army as they fight their way out of the State of Colorado. When the group crossed over the Colorado state line into Wyoming the next day, Akeno looked at Kevin sleeping on Mio's chest. Akeno then asked Camila why she hated Joe so much. Camila states that Joe stabbed the Mexican Army's back when he cut ties with Mexico after a failed training exercise a few years back when the US blamed Mexico after a friendly fire incident. Suddenly, Kouko states that she may have found where the Doomsday plane is. The plane is currently flying over Tokyo. Camila states that there might be two Doomsday planes in the air to fool anyone that would blow them out of the air in the case of a full-blown war. Just then, Joe made a nationwide statement about the current attack. Kouko hacks into the broadcast, and she finds out that it was over the Pacific Ocean near Tokyo. Akeno noticed that someone walked behind Joe during the broadcast. Kouko did a face scan of the person and, to the group's shock, it was the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz. Akeno woke Kevin up to tell him about Olaf. Kevin's eyes widened as he grabbed his phone and called Olaf. Kevin told Kouko to hack into the call to track the location. When Olaf answered the phone, Kevin asked him why he was with Joe. Olaf states that he, Fumio Kishida and Gabriel Attal were kidnapped by the Secret Service when they were at a meeting about the war in Tokyo and hauled to the plane that landed in Tokyo. The group were agape at the kidnappings of the German chancellor and the Japanese and French prime ministers. Suddenly, Joe took Olaf's phone and cursed at Kevin. Kevin became enraged and started rambling insults. Kevin states to Joe that he would kill him if that was the last thing that he would ever do before hanging up. Kouko states that the call was indeed flying out of Tokyo. The following day, when the group were traveling north 320 kilometers west of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Germany had declared war on the US. Akeno was nervous as this might cause World War 3. A few hours later, France declared war on the US and World War 3 had officially started. Later that evening, the Mexican battalion had entered Canada and was stationed at the Maple Leaf Motel in the town of Emerson, Manitoba. Later that night, Kevin was watching the news on TV where Washington D.C. was in utter ruins by the Royal Navy, San Francisco was under attack by the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force, Los Angeles was being bombarded by the Royal Canadian Navy and the German and French navies were bombarding major cities along the US East Coast while the Mexican and Canadian armies were conquered almost all the mainland United States. Kouko tells Kevin that she has been tracking the Doomsday plane since Tokyo, and it is now flying over Bismarck, North Dakota. Suddenly, Kevin has an idea of having Kouko hack into the Doomsday plane to land it. Kouko warns Kevin that hacking into such a plane would be sheer trouble, but she will try. While Kouko was trying to hack into the plane, the International Criminal Court ordered an arrest warrant for Joe for war crimes. When Kevin heard the news, he was overjoyed. 10 hours in, but Kouko was still trying to hack into the Doomsday plane. 15 hours later, Kouko stated that the hacking on the Doomsday plane was becoming pointless, and she was going to give up. As Kevin became hopeless, he came up with another plan. Kevin called Yoshika and asked her if she still had ties with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Yoshika grins that she would be happy to fight for her country to kill Joe. The following day, Yoshika called Kevin, stating that the Major in her former fighter wing deemed her not fit to fly because of her crimes. Kevin was heartbroken as he heard about Yoshika's problems. Kouko tries to hack into the Doomsday plane again. Kevin then looked at Akeno who was watching TV and an idea hit him. Kevin asked Akeno if she was willing to fly a fighter jet and shoot down the Doomsday plane. As Akeno was going to nervously answer Kevin's question, Kouko successfully hacks control of the Doomsday plane. Kevin rushes over to Kouko to take control of the plane and change its course to their location. As Kevin had finished turning the plane around, Kouko's radio came to life as the pilot on the plane curses about what they were doing. Kevin barks at the pilot, asking if Joe is on the plane. The pilot said Joe wasn't on this plane, but Kevin wasn't going to take any chances. Kevin thought of having a little fun while he was remotely controlling the plane, and he turned the plane into many barrel rolls. During the rolls, the pilot crapped himself. Kevin couldn't help himself as he overheard on Kouko's radio the pilot's oh shit in panic, the alarms blaring and the panic voice of the Secretary of Homeland Security yelling over the intercom that he badly busted open his head. The pilot pleads with Kevin to stop, and he is willing to give up control. Kevin told Akeno to tell Camila that he was in control of the plane and going to land it on Manitoba Highway 75 near Emerson in 5 hours. After 5 hours, Kevin landed the plane safely on the highway as Canadian and Mexican soldiers swarmed the area and boarded the plane. As Kevin limps towards the plane, he was thinking about choking the life out of Joe. When Kevin was about to climb the stairs onto the plane, Camila exited the plane and went down the stairs. Camila told Kevin that her battalion had arrested everyone on the plane for questions, but Joe wasn't anywhere. Kevin thanked Camila for that before she walked off. In the meantime, Kevin's blood pressure was building up to a new level of rage as he was on the brink of a full-blown meltdown. Kevin cursed as he paced back and forth in a rage and then started bitch slapping the windshield of an RCMP Crown Victoria. As Mio went towards Kevin a few minutes later, she noticed that Kevin was punching out the windshield. Mio walked towards Kevin and asked him to stop, but he started rambling curses towards Joe and continued punching the windshield. As Kevin's hand becomes a bloody mess, he becomes more enraged. Mio pleads with Kevin that he is going to give himself a heart attack, but he rips off the side mirror in one go and tosses it, hitting a Canadian soldier right on the kisser, which becomes bloody. When Mio tries to pull Kevin away, Kevin starts to yell peanut butter jelly time non-stop. When the officer got to his vehicle, he was to see Kevin in the midst of smashing it. The officer asked them what was going on and Mio told him what was happening. More and more Canadian and Mexican soldiers saw Kevin on the cruiser's roof breaking the sirens by stomping on it while still yelling peanut butter jelly time. Mio knew that this needed to stop as Kevin jumped onto a group of Mexican soldiers, injuring them. Mio stormed over to Kevin as he got up from the group of soldiers and forcefully dragged him to her van to take him back to their motel room. Kevin pulls Mio's hair out and raked her back with his nails to get free, but with no luck. Kevin even digs his feet into the ground to stop Mio dragging him, but she is unforgiving. When Akeno was arriving on the scene, she saw Mio dragging the enraged Kevin, the soldiers on the ground, the dumbfounded officer and the damaged police car. Akeno felt pity for Kevin's mental health as Mio tries to wrestle the raging bull of Kevin into her van. When Kevin starts to spit in Mio's face, trying to poke her eyes out and kicks her in the legs, she orders Akeno to help her deal with him. Akeno helped Mio wrestle Kevin into the van. Mio asked Akeno if she could drive the van while she held Kevin down. After Akeno shut the rear door, she got into the driver's seat and floored it. The sudden acceleration of the van forces Kevin the upper hand as he overpowered Mio. Kevin laughed evilly as Mio yelled get off me many times. As a series of sobs left Mio's lips, Kevin was trying to bite her nose. Mio tries to fight back, but this only fuels Kevin's wrath. As Kevin clamped down on Mio's nose, she made a scream as she tried to force him off of her. Akeno heard Mio screaming in horror as Kevin was in the midst of a bloodthirsty rage as he was biting her nose and knew that she needed to do something fast. Akeno then noticed a frying pan hanging from a rack in the van and an idea hit her. Akeno stopped the van, grabbed the frying pan and hit Kevin on the head to stop him from hurting Mio. Kevin was unfazed by the first blow as he stopped biting Mio and gave Akeno a death stare. Akeno then hit him again, and he got his lights taken out by the second blow, and fell onto Mio's stomach. Mio shrieked as Kevin's heavyset frame crushed her stomach and had trouble getting him off her. Akeno got Kevin off of Mio before she got back behind the wheel. Mio then cuddled Kevin and wiped the blood from his head. After a short drive to the motel, Akeno and Mio lift Kevin to their room. When Kevin was lying out on the bed, Mio checked his head for any bad injuries. When Mio noticed that Kevin's head injury was only mild, she then bandaged his head. While Mio was bandaging Kevin's head, Akeno spent hours getting the glass out of his hand. After Akeno was done getting the glass out of Kevin's hand, she bandaged it up. Later that evening, Kevin was still out while Mio nestled in his chest. Mio knew that Kevin's latest outburst was the worst she had ever seen in their 16 years of marriage, but deep down she still loved him. Soon after, Mio fell asleep and a couple of hours later she was woken up by Kevin playfully pulling her hair. Mio tenderly looked into Kevin's loving eyes as he kept playfully tugging her hair. Tears were welling up in Kevin's eyes as he apologized in a rough voice to Mio for what he did to her. Mio became heartbroken as Kevin's sobs shook her body. Mio tenderly cuddled the sobbing Kevin for most of the night. In the early morning, they finally fell asleep. In the late morning, Mashiro came over. Kevin thanked Mashiro for being such a good friend. As Mio was making breakfast, Mashiro mentioned that Kevin's meltdown yesterday is making the rounds on the news. As Kevin turned on the TV and flipped on a news station, the news anchor was talking about him while there was a video of him stomping on top of the police car with the headline of "Peanut Butter Jelly Time, Kevin Stewart Went Bananas." As Kevin, Mio and Mashiro were having breakfast, Kevin's phone rang. Kevin answered and it was Raisa. Raisa saw Kevin's meltdown on TV and asked him for another psychologist session at her office. Kevin states that he is currently staying at a motel in Emerson, but he is willing for a phone session. Raisa mentioned that the phone session went up 5% before letting Kevin spill his guts out. Kevin states that for the last few weeks he went nuclear far too many times, and he feared that he was putting himself into the grave. Kevin mentioned that he feared losing Mio as he hurt her during his meltdown yesterday. While Kevin was talking, Raisa heard that he was in physical pain in his voice, and she asked him about it. Kevin told Raisa that his hands were all bandaged up from punching walls and windshields, his head was also bandaged from a couple of whacks from a frying pan from Akeno and his ankle was still in a cast from a slip on ice. Raisa felt sorry for Kevin as she knew that he had done some crazy dumb things over the years. Before ending the call, Raisa states that whenever Kevin comes back to Toronto, he should come to her office. As Kevin ended the call, he started to sob. Mio sat beside Kevin in bed and hugged him. When Mio was soothing Kevin, someone knocked at the door. Mashiro looked through the peephole and it was Mia and Tim. Mashiro let them in, and they ran over to Kevin and Mio. Mashiro felt warm and fuzzy as she watched Kevin holding onto his kids while sobbing. As Kevin and Mio were having a tender moment with their teenage children, Akeno came in. Akeno mentioned to Kevin that CTV Morning Live Winnipeg wanted to interview him about why he hated Joe so much. Kevin said that he would love to go on live TV to talk about his hatred for the US President. The next morning, Kevin drove to the news station in Winnipeg for the interview. Kevin was nervous as the interview was about to go onto the air. When they go live, Kevin tells the world about the story about why he dislikes Joe when he doesn't pardon his friend Yoshika. After Kevin had finished telling his story, the news anchor opened the phone line for questions. The first caller asked Kevin if he would be charged for smashing the police car. Kevin said that the RCMP will not be filing any charges due to the ongoing war. When the second caller was paged in, it was none other than Joe who started to insult Kevin and all hell broke loose. Kevin went sheer livid as he tossed his coffee across the news studio and started to yell a whole new level of hateful insults towards Joe on live TV. The newsroom went into sheer chaos as Kevin and Joe yelled more hateful insults at each other. In the meantime, at the motel, Mio was watching the interview, and she was agape at Kevin's outburst. Mio knew that Kevin's anger was going to kill him sooner or later. The producer had enough and cut the call. Kevin stormed off the set and punched out a camera as he yelled peanut butter jelly time. Kevin stormed out of the news station and went back to the motel. When Kevin got back to the motel later that morning, he was still livid. Momo was heartbroken as Kevin was still yelling peanut butter jelly time. Momo offered Kevin to buy him some Burger King to calm him down. Kevin looked into Momo's eyes and nicely accepted Momo's offer. Momo drove Kevin to the next town and bought him a couple of Whopper combos. Kevin playfully messes up Momo's hair as he downs his food. That afternoon, Akeno and Ken went swimming in the pool up the street from the motel. While swimming, Akeno asked Ken why Kevin had been acting so angry lately. Ken mentioned that Kevin was always the cool-headed older twin, but when he was diagnosed with high functioning autism when he was younger, he got kind of angry at times. Akeno was shocked about Kevin's autism as she had known him for 5 years. Akeno then pecked Ken on the cheek before getting out of the pool. In the meantime, Kevin and Mio were sitting outside their room while watching a Canadian Leopard 2 battalion passing. Mio noticed that Kevin hadn't moved in a while. Mio nudged Kevin's arm, but he didn't react. Mio then grabbed Kevin's arm and shook it but still no reaction. Panic started to set in Mio as Kevin suddenly fell forward out of his seat and onto the ground. Mio checked Kevin's pulse but it was low. Mio made a deafening bloodcurdling scream as she feared that the worst was happening to Kevin. Akeno had just left the pool when she heard Mio's scream. Akeno thought that Kevin was getting mad again, so she ran back to the motel. When Akeno got back to the motel, she was in sheer shock about seeing Mio, Tim and the crew of one of the Leopard 2 standing around over Kevin's motionless form. Tears were welling up in Akeno's eyes as she tossed her swimsuit bag into her room and ran to Kevin's side. Akeno kneeled down next to Mio as she was crying her eyes out while the Leopard 2 commander was helping Kevin. Moments later, Mia drove up to the motel and, seeing Kevin, she rushed to her father. Mio hugged the wailing Mia as she shook in sheer panic. Tim then hugged Mia. Akeno couldn't help but sniffle as she saw Mio and the kids in tears. The commander said that she had stabilized Kevin and needed to move him to a field hospital at the Fort Daer Historic Log Cabins near the motel. Mio shook as Kevin was hauled away and Akeno hugged her. As Kevin was being placed in a military ambulance, Mio looked like she had seen a ghost, as she was in utter numbness. Akeno hugged Mio tighter as she was turning pale. Mio started to sob with more vigor as she feared that Kevin might die. When the ambulance pulled away, Ken arrived back at the motel. Akeno told Ken about Kevin and he was saddened. Ken states that he had heard Mio's scream earlier and would be there sooner, but he lost the key to the locker in the pool. Later that afternoon, Mio, Mia and Tim visit Kevin at the field hospital. When they got to Kevin's room, he was already awake. Mia and Tim ran into their father's arms as Mio sat beside him. After a few minutes of Kevin hugging Mia and Tim, Justin came in. Justin awarded Kevin the Cross of Valour and thanked him on behalf of the whole Canadian government as the Prime Minister of Canada. As Justin was giving Kevin the medal, a military doctor came in. The doctor told Kevin that he had suffered a brain hemorrhage caused by blunt force trauma, and he had only a slim chance of dying within the week unless he got the proper help before she wheeled him out for emergency surgery. Mio made a long bloodcurdling wail as she learned about the news and her body shook violently as tears came down her cheeks like a waterfall as Kevin was being hauled away to surgery. Mia and Tim hugged the heartbroken Mio as she became a broken wreck about her husband's upcoming fate. Justin was trying to hold back tears as he would pay out of his own pocket for Kevin. After Mio thanks Justin, Mia and Tim take her back to the motel. At the motel, Mio, still crying, tells Akeno about Kevin. Akeno gasped as she thought back to when she hit Kevin in the head with a frying pan the other day while he was having a meltdown and attacking Mio. Akeno made a gurgling wail as she curled into a ball. Mio curled up next to Akeno and they both sobbed in each other's arms for hours. The next morning, Mio got a call about Kevin's surgery. When the military doctor said that Kevin's surgery went well, Mio was joy beyond belief. Mio rushed to the field hospital and went to Kevin's room. As Mio entered Kevin's room, an unholy scene met her. Kevin was still out, but Joe was at his side and about to pull his life support. In a blind rage, Mio ran at Joe and tackled him. As the duo crash through the tent, at least a half dozen Canadian soldiers realize that Joe is there. The soldiers draw their guns and rush to Joe, but he tosses a smoke bomb on the ground. Mio and the soldiers choke and gag in the smoke as they try to refocus. As the smoke cleared, Joe had escaped. Mio was enraged that Joe managed to run away. Mio then rushes back to Kevin to see if Joe hasn't left anymore unwanted surprises. After Mio didn't find anything, she sat beside Kevin as she played with his hair. A few hours later, Kevin woke up and looked into Mio's eyes. Mio felt warm and fuzzy as Kevin held her hand and kissed it. For the time being, Mio won't tell Kevin about Joe trying to kill him. In the meantime, at the motel, a soldier tells Akeno and Ken about the news about Joe's assassination attempt on Kevin. Akeno's mind races as the world she once knew was falling all around her as she was on the verge of a mental breakdown. Akeno felt dizzy and nauseous as her blood started to boil. Akeno made guttural burps as the stress was building up. Ken noticed Akeno's distress and went over to her. As Ken hugged Akeno, she made distressing groans from deep inside as she felt the world was crushing her. Suddenly, Akeno made a roaring wail as all her pent-up stress exploded. Ken felt Akeno's body convulsing in his arms as the stress was taking her over. Akeno's tears raged onto Ken's shoulder as she only thought about Kevin. Back at the field hospital, Kevin noticed the tear in the tent, and he asked Mio about it. Mio tried to hold back her tears as she told Kevin about Joe's assassination attempt on him. Kevin's eyes bulged out as his anger was about to blow up, but the drugs from the IV lulled him back down. Mio noticed that the drugs were helping Kevin with his rage, and mentioned that to him. Kevin made a crack about whether they should take up yoga again. Mio then mentioned if Minna would let them come back into her yoga class after Kevin smashed a laptop onto her head after she insulted him 5 years ago. As Mio finished saying that, Minna went into Kevin's room. Minna felt pity for Kevin as he was in pain, even years after he hit her with a laptop. Minna came down in tears as she noticed Kevin's heartbroken stare at her. Raw with emotions, Minna ran into Kevin's arms and nestled into his chest as Mio rubbed her back. Kevin kissed Minna's forehead as she wailed at Kevin. As a few minutes passed, Minna calmed down as she pecked Kevin's cheek as a thank you for being there for her. A few moments later, the nurse, Georgette Lemare, came to feed Kevin. As Georgette was feeding Kevin, Mio and Minna talked. Minna told Mio that the US started an air bombardment of her hometown of Berlin. Georgette also states that her hometown of Paris is under US air attack. Mio said that she is glad that her hometown of Yokosuka is not being attacked yet. Kevin mentioned that his hometown of Toronto ain't being attacked either. As Kevin was finishing up his sentence, the Alert Ready blared on the TV in the room stating that the US had launched low-yield nuclear missiles towards all major cities of Canada. The group were agape as air raid sirens blared outside. In the meantime, at the motel, Akeno and Ken hear the air raid sirens. Akeno thought that the US Army were crossing the nearby border. Suddenly, Momo yelled that the US was launching a nuclear attack before she made a panic shriek. Akeno and Ken ran into Momo's room to see her moaning in fear as she pissed herself. Ken rushed over to Momo to lift her in a hug and then rushed to the local shelter at the nearby RCMP station. Meanwhile, Kevin and the group were rushed to the same shelter. Mio's mind was racing about Joe's role in the attack as she hurried alongside Kevin on a stretcher to the shelter. At the shelter, Georgette was feeling panic as she changed Kevin's IV drip bag. Kevin tenderly held Georgette's hand and said that everything was going to be okay. Georgette blushed lightly as she thanked Kevin before trying to change it again. As Georgette finished hooking the drip bag up, Akeno, Momo, Ken, Mashiro, Kouko, Mia and Tim arrived. Akeno's eyes started to get teary as she saw Kevin. Akeno whimpered before letting out a wail as she rushed over into Kevin's arms. Akeno wailed deep into Kevin's chest as he rubbed her back. As Akeno's tears leave a wet spot on Kevin, he feels pity for her. Wave after wave of sobbing washed over Akeno as she cried in Kevin's arms. Mio felt pity for Akeno as she started to rub her back too. As Akeno made a choked sob, she started to puke bile. Georgette rushes over to Akeno to help her, but she vomits on her. Georgette's face turned as green as the puke on her nurse's uniform. Georgette tried to keep her cool, but the smell of the bile made her wet gurgle as her lunch was about to come up. Georgette held her hand to her mouth as she tried to hold off the urge to puke. As Georgette's face contorted and started to make muffled moans, her cheeks became puffy and rosy. Suddenly, Georgette projectile vomited with such force that she peed herself. Mio rushed over to help Georgette as Ken rushed to Akeno. Akeno noticed what she had done and started wailing with renewed vigor. As Ken was hugging the crying Akeno, she started to hump on his lap. Ken was somewhat shocked at Akeno's movement but tried to soothe her. After a few minutes of sobbing and humping, Akeno suddenly had an orgasm. After Akeno's orgasm, she made some loud wet farts before going limp in Ken's arms. Georgette, still wearing the puke and piss-covered nurse uniform, went over to Akeno and checked her pulse. Georgette states that Akeno had passed out due to being exhausted. Ken tenderly moved the hair from Akeno's face. Georgette needed to run some tests on Akeno, but was getting a bit green again. Kevin asked Georgette if she needed a change of clothes. Georgette gasped at Kevin's question, but then blushed and smiled. Georgette was lost for words as she was trying to respond to Kevin's offer. Mio then offered Georgette to get her some clean clothes. Georgette thanked Mio for her offer. When Mio left the room, Ken asked Georgette if she was okay, as he noticed her blushing at Kevin's actions. Georgette blushes as red as the cross on her uniform as she tries to look for words. Kevin then touched Georgette's hand as he asked if she had feelings for him. Georgette blushed a deeper shade of red as she said that she knew that Kevin was a married man and stated that she liked him as a friend but not romantically. Kevin smiled and stated that Georgette was a good friend as he roughed up her hair. Georgette laughed at Kevin's playful antics and swats Kevin's hand away. Ken made a crack that Kevin had always been a ladies' man. Kevin laughed at Ken's joke and said damn right. Everyone in the room started to laugh at Kevin's answer. Mio came back with another uniform for Georgette and asked what everyone was laughing at. Ken filled in Mio about what had happened since she left. Mio laughed as she mentioned that Kevin had always been somewhat of a flirt with the ladies. Moments later, the PA system came on and stated that the nuclear attack was a false alarm and there was no risk. After Mio heard that announcement, her blood pressure was rising. Mio muttered curses about Joe under her breath. Out of nowhere, Mio made a deafening roar before curling into a ball on the ground. Georgette rushes over to Mio, but suddenly she bit her nose. Georgette, in sheer terror, shrieked in shock as Mio kept her teeth clamped down on her nose with vigor. Kevin ordered Mio to snap out of it, but with no luck. Ken then went over to them and tried to wrestle Mio off of Georgette. After a few minutes of fighting, Ken got Mio off of Georgette. Mio laughed evilly as blood was dripping down her lower mouth and chin from Georgette's nose. Ken's hold on Mio tightened as he didn't want her to cause anymore harm. Suddenly, Mio snapped out of her rage. Mio noticed Georgette whimpering on the floor with a bloody nose and then the blood coming from her mouth. Mio then lost for words as she was trying to process what she had done. Mio nestled into Ken's chest as the sinking feeling came in. Momo and Minna went over to Mio and they both hugged her. They all left the shelter as Kevin, Mio, Akeno, Ken and Georgette went back to the field hospital, while Momo, Mashiro, Kouko, Tim and Mia went back to the motel. Later that evening at the field hospital, Georgette, wearing a nose bandage, noticed that Kevin was healing from his surgery much faster than she thought. Kevin noticed Akeno waking up in the next bed. Akeno was dumbfounded about why she was in a hospital gown. Kevin told Akeno about her mental state before she passed out at the bomb shelter. Akeno screamed as she realized that she had humped and cummed on Ken's lap during her breakdown. Akeno covered her eyes with her hands and sobbed as she thought that she had ruined her relationship with Ken. Georgette patted Akeno's hair and stated that Ken would still love her with a warm smile. Akeno, with teary eyes, held Georgette's hand and thanked her. As Georgette was getting Kevin's dinner ready, Yoshika entered the room. Kevin tousled Yoshika's hair for old time's sake. Yoshika let out a playful moan as she tried to tickle Kevin. Georgette noticed the duo having a good time. Kevin noticed that Yoshika was in uniform and mentioned that he had thought that she wasn't able to rejoin the air force. Yoshika stated that she had joined another fighter wing. Kevin was happy for Yoshika rejoining the air force again as he knew that the air was her calling. As Georgette was giving Kevin his dinner, Ken walked into the room. Akeno pleaded non-stop to Ken for what she had done. Ken smiled warmly as he stated that there was no need to apologize and then kissed Akeno. Akeno was lost for words as a deep blush crept up her neck and cheeks. Akeno then pulled Ken into a passionate kiss. Kevin felt like the duo might be right for each other. Mio then walked into the room and noticed the love-making session before sitting on Kevin's bed and pecking him on the cheek. Akeno and Ken stopped their love-making after they became out of breath and looked at the group. Akeno yelped in surprise as she and Ken kissed in public. Kevin looked into Mio's eyes, and she knew what he wanted. Mio told Kevin that after he was released from the hospital, they would make love. Kevin made a guttural moan, knowing that he would make love with his wife soon. Georgette stated that Kevin may get released by the morning as the earliest. Kevin was overjoyed about being released as he held Mio's hand. But things went badly for Kevin during the night as he suffered a seizure followed by a stroke. Mio at the motel got a call from Georgette that Kevin was slipping. Mio felt nauseous as she rushed to the field hospital. When Mio got there, she ran over to Georgette and asked to see if Kevin was okay. Georgette told Mio that Kevin fell into a coma after she had stabilized him, but he would be fine. Georgette mentioned to Mio that she looked like she had seen a ghost and on the verge of puking. Mio made distressing burps from deep within her gut. Noticing Mio's distress, Georgette helped her to a chair. As Mio's burps became more guttural, Georgette leaned in and hugged her. Mio felt the warmth of Georgette's hug soothing her. As Mio's burps stopped, Georgette went to get her some water. But deep down in Mio she wanted to snap. As a military ambulance pulled up next to Mio, her rage snapped, and she went ape shit on the ambulance windshield by punching it. The driver was shocked as Mio was stripping down before starting to jump on the hood. As Mio started to stomp on the windshield, she started to ramble that Joe needed to kill himself. The driver stated that she disliked Joe too, and mentioned that taking her anger out at the ambulance wouldn't help. Mio wasn't taking any of the driver's crap as she tossed her bra at her before jumping on the hood again. As Mio was jumping on the hood, she started to piss on the driver. As the driver rambled at Mio, she laughed evilly before stomping on the windshield again. Georgette came back and was in utter shock to see Mio pulling a Kevin. Georgette ordered Mio to quit, but she jumped off the hood and onto the driver and started biting her nose. Georgette rushed over to get Mio off of the driver, but she became more enraged as she bit the driver with more vigor. Mio's fury was unmatched as she nibbled the driver's neck. Georgette became more forceful in her orders, but Mio's nibbles on the neck became bloody. As blood came down the driver's neck, Mio laughed evilly before nibbling on the neck again. The screams of horror from the driver and Mio's evil laughs fueled Georgette's fury when she lifted Mio up and slammed her onto the ground. Mio's unbridled rage now turned on Georgette as she tried to rake her eyes. Georgette swatted Mio's hands away as she became madder. As Mio became more violent, Georgette barked at her to snap out of it. Mio was getting more mad as Georgette sat on her. Mio roared at Georgette to get off her. Mio dug her nails into Georgette's forehead as she was getting something out of her pocket. Suddenly, Georgette pulled out a syringe and injected it into Mio's arm. Mio started to moan and groan as the morphine was taking effect. Georgette then took the stretcher from the ambulance and lifted Mio onto it before helping out the battered driver. Akeno woke up as Georgette wheeled Mio next to her. Akeno became wide-eyed as she noticed that Mio was there. Akeno then grabbed Georgette's hand and asked what happened to Mio. Georgette tells Akeno about Mio's meltdown. Akeno was shocked about Mio's violent meltdown. Akeno then looked at the unconscious Kevin as he was hooked up to an ICU monitor and whimpered. In the morning, as Georgette was bathing Kevin, Mio woke up and asked what was happening in a drowsy state. Georgette mentioned the events that happened last night and Mio was agape. Mio looked at her bandaged hands as she was about to cry and thought that she was becoming Kevin. Suddenly, Georgette felt Kevin was waking up from his coma. Georgette placed her hand on Kevin's chest as he opened his eyes and looked at her. Georgette felt butterflies in her gut as Kevin held her hand and his smile that would melt anyone's heart. Georgette's heart missed a beat as Kevin stated that he owed her his life. Georgette whimpered as she tried to take in Kevin's words. Mio, with teary eyes, limped over to Georgette and hugged her. Mio thanked Georgette for saving her husband for the last week or so and apologized for attacking her. Georgette felt the warmth of Mio's hug as she hugged her back. Akeno woke up and noticed that Kevin wasn't in a coma. Akeno grinned from ear to ear as she went to Kevin's bedside and messed up his hair. Kevin gave Akeno a heart-melting smile as he playfully messed up her hair. Akeno giggled like a schoolgirl as Kevin messed up her hair. Mio heard the duo's playful antics and went over to mess up Kevin's hair. Kevin then messed up Mio's hair as she giggled like a schoolgirl. Kevin's heart melted as he mentioned to Mio that her giggle was so soothing. Georgette started to whimper as she watched Kevin and Mio mess with each other's hair. Akeno noticed Georgette's distress and came over. A choked sob left Georgette's lips as she went over to Kevin. With teary eyes, Georgette spilled her feelings of friendship to Kevin. The group were agape at Georgette's confession. Kevin, with a warm smile, thanked Georgette for telling him her feelings as he gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. Georgette was overjoyed to the point of crying. Mio rubbed Georgette's back as she was wailing into Kevin's arms. Akeno, watching the heartfelt scene, was still thinking about how to stop Joe. Later that afternoon, Akeno and Mio were released from the hospital and went back to the motel. At the motel, Akeno was looking at any leads that would get to Joe. That evening, Akeno was going to call it a night when Joe made a live statement. Akeno noticed that Joe was at the White House. Akeno calls Camila about Joe's location, and she states that she will contact the Royal Navy. Akeno then went to the hospital to tell Kevin that she had found Joe. Kevin grinned at hearing the news. The following morning, news reports said that the Royal Navy's attack on the White House was difficult. Mio noticed the fury in Kevin's eyes. Mio then rubbed Kevin's chest as he looked at her. But in the following days, the fighting became a stalemate. Kevin mentioned to Georgette that he had an urge to storm out of the field hospital and go to Washington, DC. Georgette held Kevin's hand as he could taste his rage, trying to take over him. Georgette stated to Kevin that he needed to rest in bed for a few more days before he could walk about. Georgette noticed that Kevin had a crazed look in his eyes. Suddenly, Kevin started to nip Georgette's ear. Georgette was startled by the nip and tried to stop it, but Kevin's nips were getting more forceful. Kevin then wrapped his arms around Georgette and started to lick her ear. Georgette shrieked as Kevin's licks became more vigorous. Georgette tried to free herself from the raging bull that was licking her. Kevin moaned in bliss as he forced more of Georgette's ear into his mouth. Georgette groaned as she squirmed against Kevin's hug as he sucked her whole ear. Georgette felt her chest vibrate with each one of her groans as Kevin tried to suck her ear harder. Georgette made a series of choked sobs as Kevin's moans while sucking her ear were sending chills down her spine. Mio was passing by the room and noticed the horror show. Mio, with wide eyes, went over to them and tried to help. Suddenly, Kevin leaped to Mio's ear. Mio yelped in shock as Kevin wrapped his arms around her waist and started playfully nipping her ear. Mio gasped as Kevin's loving stare looked into Mio's soul and his caress on her cheek. Kevin said that he loved Mio, and she said that she loved him. Mio nuzzled her mouth onto Kevin's neck and licked it. Kevin moaned as Mio's licks became more vigorous. Georgette felt warm and fuzzy as she watched Kevin and Mio nip each other's ears. Georgette steeled her nerves as she asked Kevin to make love with her. Kevin and Mio were agape at Georgette's question. Georgette told Kevin that she had been hooked on him as a folk hero to her when he robbed Casino Rama for billions of dollars many months ago. Georgette tells Kevin that she looked up all his past crimes, from killing the Montreal mayor out of rage 14 years ago to dirty bombing a baseball game 5 years ago. Georgette stated that she often dreamed about kissing Kevin, but she didn't know what Mio would think about it if she did it. Georgette mentioned that she knew that Kevin and Mio were married. Georgette also mentioned that when Kevin was nipping her ear, something burned inside of her. Mio was moved by Georgette's confession and told her that she didn't mind if she kissed Kevin as she watched on. Kevin was shocked about Georgette's true confession and her knowledge of his past. Kevin, with open arms, offered Georgette to have this moment with him. Georgette slowly walked to Kevin and got into his arms. Kevin then tenderly started kissing Georgette. Georgette moaned as her tongue moved around the inside of Kevin's mouth. The fire burned inside of Georgette as the kiss deepened. Georgette was in pure bliss as she made love with Kevin. Georgette moaned more vigorously as Kevin's tongue went deeper into her mouth. Suddenly, Georgette made a series of shrieks in Kevin's mouth as her peak was coming hard. Soon after, wave after wave of pleasure washed over Georgette as her pure bliss reached its peak. As the duo rested in each other's arms, Georgette thanked Kevin for making this moment happen. Moments later, news broke that the White House had been conquered, but Joe was nowhere to be found there. Kevin became livid as he started to rant. Mio and Georgette both try to soothe Kevin's anger, but he was like a caged animal. Kevin roared as his anger was about to blow. Georgette then injected Kevin with morphine. Kevin made moans, groans and gags as the morphine kicked in. Kevin then lulled into a peaceful state as he held Mio's hand. In the meantime, at the motel, Akeno was furious about Joe not being at the White House after watching the news. Out of impulse, Akeno tosses the TV through the window. Ken had just come out of the washroom when Akeno threw the TV outside. Ken asked Akeno what was going on, but she said that she wanted the TV to fly. Fueled by anger, Akeno went outside and started to stomp on the TV with a feral scream. Ken tried to reason with Akeno, but she kept stomping on the TV. When the TV became too busted up, Akeno started to slap the windshield of a car. With the car alarm blaring, Akeno's rage was still building. Ken asked Akeno to stop, but she punched his windpipe. Ken gagged as he tried to get air. When Ken got his breath back, he stormed at Akeno and forced her to the ground. Akeno, while feral screaming, tried to get free from Ken. While Akeno was still screaming bloody murder, Ken tried to reason with her again. Akeno was screaming like a banshee when other guests from the motel came out. Akeno was becoming ruthless in freeing herself as she bucked her hips. With one forceful buck of her hips, Akeno broke free. Akeno then ran back to the car and started slapping the windshield again. Ken went over to Akeno again, but she then slapped the taste out of him many times. Ken tries to get away from Akeno, but she is unforgiving and keeps slapping him. Ken grabbed Akeno's wrist and forcefully shoved her away. With a crazed look, Akeno stared at Ken before heading back to the car to finish it off. Soon after, Mashiro drove into the motel's parking lot in her car and was in shock at Akeno's actions. Mashiro went over to Ken and asked what was going on. As Ken was about to tell Mashiro what was going on, Akeno ripped the side mirror off her car. Mashiro was agape about Akeno's action of ripping her mirror off her car as she believed that a caged animal had escaped. Out of options, Mashiro took out her taser and tased Akeno. Akeno's body tensed up as she shrieked and flailed to the ground. As Ken and Mashiro went over to Akeno, she looked at them and ripped out a banshee scream. The duo froze in fear as the scream shook them to their cores. Ken and Mashiro looked at each other in shock before Akeno ripped another banshee scream out. Ken slowly walked to Akeno and tried to hug her, but she made another banshee scream. Fear was eating away at Ken's soul as each banshee scream tore through him. Ken finally wrapped his arms around Akeno. Akeno's body was stone-cold and clammy to Ken's touch. As Akeno made another banshee scream, the scream died midway as she passed out in Ken's arms. Ken, shaken to his core, brushed a strand of Akeno's hair away from her face. Mashiro went over to Akeno to get the barbed darts out of her. As Mashiro was removing the darts, an Irish couple came over to them. Cara mentions that Akeno's banshee screams are foreshadowing an incoming death. Finn stated that he noticed Akeno being friends with Kevin, who Finn saw him on the news. Mashiro then turns a ghostly pale as she tells Ken that she learned about Celtic folklore from an agent from the Blue Mermaids, and she feared that Kevin might be in danger. Finn stated that he would take Akeno to the field hospital, but his car was not drivable due to the busted windshield. Mashiro then lifted Akeno into her car and, along with Ken, drove to the field hospital. Mashiro drove the car fast as Akeno started to stir. Mashiro nearly crashed into a couple of Leopard 2s on the way there. As Georgette was having a coffee break outside, she saw Mashiro driving like a bat out of hell right towards her. Georgette moved out of the way as a hand truck full of first aid kits came flying towards her as Mashiro crashed into it while stopping. Georgette then rushed over to the car, and she was in shock to see Akeno in the backseat passed out. Georgette helped Ken with carrying Akeno to Kevin's room. Mio was shocked as Akeno was being carried into the room and then placed onto a bed. Mashiro tells Mio about Akeno's rage-filled outburst and the Celtic folklore about the banshee. Mio was on the verge of crying as she feared the upcoming doom of Kevin. Mashiro touches Mio's shoulder and tells her that Kevin has been to hell and back many times before. Mio was whimpering as she looked at Kevin and feared losing her friend that she had known for over 30 years. Mio then started to sob as the dam of her emotions burst open. Mio held Kevin's hand as each one of her sobs shook her. Kevin held Mio's hand tighter and said that he loved her. Just then, Kevin's ICU monitor flatlines. Mio gasped and covered her mouth with her hand as Georgette rushed in with a defibrillator. Mio was just saying fuck me non-stop as Georgette was zapping Kevin. After a minute of zapping, Kevin roared back to life. Mio sank to her knees as Kevin came back to life. In the meantime, at the pool down the street from the motel, Momo was just entering the pool when a limo stormed up to the entrance. Momo's heart sank as she noticed that the seal of the US president on the limo. Momo knew that the limo was no other than The Beast. Momo then ran for it as a couple of armed Secret Service agents started shooting at her. Momo jumped over a fence surrounding the pool and ran like a bat out of hell. As Momo was making a mad dash to Main Street, the limo crashed through the fence and was chasing her. Suddenly, Momo saw a Leopard 2 driving down Main Street. Momo yelled at the tank as the limo was closing in. The commander noticed Momo with the limo coming at her. The Leopard 2 then turned on the limo and played chicken with it. The couple of Secret Service agents and the driver bailed out of the limo and made a mad dash away. The Leopard 2's main armament fired a warning shot and the commander ordered the trio to stop before she used force. They all froze and were soon arrested. Momo's heart was racing while she held onto the Leopard 2 as she was gasping for air. Afterward, Momo went back to the motel. At the field hospital, Akeno woke up. Akeno tried to get up from bed, but Ken asked her to stay down. Akeno became restless as she squirmed to get out of bed. Akeno tried to rake Ken's eyes out. Ken then grabbed both of Akeno's hands. Akeno's eyes bulged out as she tried to get free. Akeno then bites Ken's fingers. Ken yelled in pain as he tried to get his fingers out of Akeno's mouth. Georgette rushed over and injected Akeno with morphine. Akeno's lungs vibrate through guttural gags as the morphine starts to kick in. Georgette thought to herself that the group was one of the most insane people out there as Akeno was lulled into a peaceful state. 

Later that evening at the motel, Mio had just arrived at her room when Momo came over. Momo told Mio what happened at the pool earlier. Mio grabbed her katana and asked if Joe was caught and Momo shook her head. Mio sighed after hearing that. The next morning, Akeno woke up and looked at Ken. Akeno remembered her outburst and covered her eyes with her hands and sobbed. Ken hugged Akeno as she buried her face into his chest. Wave after wave of tears went down Akeno's cheeks as her sheer pity for her action was eating away from her soul. Akeno then put her teeth on Ken's shoulder as she wailed. Ken felt sorry for Akeno as she bit down harder on his shoulder. Akeno made muffled sobs as she fell into a peaceful state in Ken's arms. Ken kissed Akeno as she moaned in bliss. In the meantime, in the next bed, Kevin tugged on Mio's hair, who was sitting next to him. Mio looked into Kevin's eyes to see what was wrong. Kevin's loving look at Mio was just heart melting. Mio gasped as Kevin was trying to unbutton her shirt and she knew what he wanted. Mio helped Kevin with the buttons until all of them were opened. Kevin's eyes widened as he saw Mio was not wearing a bra. Kevin then dove into Mio's breasts and started to suck her nipples. Mio arched her back as Kevin's tongue was moving around her nipples. In the meantime, Akeno stopped sobbing and looked at Kevin and Mio. Akeno watched their love-making and felt a burning desire inside of her. Out of impulse, Akeno unzipped Ken's fly. Ken's eyes widened as Akeno was touching his manhood. Suddenly, Akeno then undid her pants and placed her pussy on Ken's penis. Ken then undid Akeno's shirt and started to fondle her breasts. As Georgette entered the room after her break, she was dumbfounded at the scene of the 4 of them making love. Georgette was happy about the fact that they were good friends. Later that afternoon, Georgette was helping Kevin into the shower when Akeno rushed in and started to barf in the toilet. Kevin was worried about Akeno as he knew this sign of pregnancy before with Mio. Suddenly, Akeno started to choke on her vomit. Georgette quickly sat Kevin on a chair in the shower and then rushed over to Akeno. Georgette wrapped her arms around Akeno's waist and started to do the Heimlich maneuver. Akeno's face turned blue as the lack of air was getting to her brain. As Akeno was about to go limp, she puked out the vomit in her throat. Akeno's body flailed as she was gagging to get air. As Akeno hacked for air, Kevin told her sweet nothings. After a few minutes, Akeno was breathing normally again. Georgette helped Akeno to her bed before going back to showering Kevin. After Georgette finished with Kevin, she ran tests on Akeno. Later that evening, Georgette didn't find the reason for Akeno's puking fit. Kevin mentioned to Georgette that she should run a pregnancy test on Akeno. Georgette gasped at Kevin's request, but she did it anyway. After the test was finished, it came up positive. Akeno started to cry as she was happy that she was pregnant. Kevin was overjoyed about being an uncle. Akeno cried as Kevin opened up his arms for her to come in. Akeno ran into Kevin's arms and buried her face in his chest. Moments later, Ken came back to the field hospital from dinner. Akeno squirmed out of Kevin's arms and ran over to Ken. Akeno told Ken the news of her pregnancy, and he was overjoyed about being a father. Ken picked Akeno up and spun her around. Akeno squeals as she was on cloud 9. After a few moments of spinning, Ken kneeled onto one knee and asked Akeno to marry him. Akeno was thrilled as she yelled yes and kissed Ken. The group were happy for the couple as they deepened the kiss. Suddenly, a squadron of B52s flew overhead towards Winnipeg. Kevin then started rambling swears about Joe. Mio touched Kevin's manhood to calm him down. The following morning, Winnipeg was in utter ruins. Akeno was heartbroken as she was watching this on the news at the field hospital. Ken came over to Akeno and gave her a hug. That afternoon, Akeno was released from the field hospital and went back to the motel. While Akeno was watching TV later that afternoon, the TV was acting funny before showing Joe at Akeno's house in Goderich. Joe states that he wanted Akeno to come to her house to go one on one. Akeno was livid about Joe's boldness and rushed out of the motel room. In the meantime, at the field hospital, Kevin saw the same thing on TV and he was livid. Georgette mentioned to Kevin that he was going to be released tomorrow. Just then, Mashiro rushed into the room and told Kevin about Joe. Kevin tells Mashiro to send all the Blue Mermaids agents near Goderich to be on standby. Mashiro then started to make some calls. Later that afternoon, Akeno found Yoshika and asked her if she could fly her to Goderich. Yoshika, along with Akeno, ran to her fighter jet and prepared to fly. In the meantime, Kevin's anger was taking him over, but he was trying to keep his cool. Mio noticed Kevin's building rage, and she kissed him to calm him down more. Kevin melted into Mio's kiss, and he kissed her back. In the meantime, Yoshika was having trouble starting her fighter jet. Suddenly, the Major of Yoshika's former fighter wing, Gundula Rall, offered Yoshika and Akeno a ride on her bus to Goderich, and they accepted her offer. Later that evening, Kevin was watching the news as they were talking about Goderich being under lockdown. In the meantime, Akeno, Yoshika and Gundula stopped for the night, and they went to sleep on the bus in a motel parking lot near the Manitoba-Ontario border. Akeno was having trouble sleeping as she was only thinking about Joe. Gundula noticed Akeno's nerves, and she went over to her. Gundula hugged Akeno, and she started to moan in her arms. After a few minutes, Akeno fell asleep in Gundula's arms. The next morning, Kevin was on edge about his release. After Georgette fed Kevin breakfast, he was given the green light. Kevin hugged Georgette for being such a great help before leaving. As Mio drove Kevin to the motel, he asked about Joe. Mio stated that the last thing she heard, Gundula, was driving Yoshika and Akeno to Goderich. Kevin then called Akeno about being released. Akeno was happy about Kevin's release, and asked him if he wanted to come with them. Kevin stated that he wanted to come and asked to be picked up at the motel. Later that afternoon, the bus pulled into the motel's parking lot, and Kevin and Mio got onto the bus. Later that night, the group stopped near Thunder Bay for the night. Early the next morning, they woke up, ate breakfast and Gundula went back to driving. During the trip, Kevin was raving about finally going to get his hands on Joe. As the group was arriving at Yoshika's trailer near Fenelon Falls later that evening, news broke out that Joe tried to escape Goderich, but was caught and being held at Akeno's house. The morning after, the group finally made their way to Goderich. When the bus pulls up to Akeno's house at noon, a Blue Mermaid agent leads them to Joe. Kevin and Akeno were fuming when they lay their eyes on Joe's tied and gagged form. Kevin rambled curses as he went over to Joe, and started slapping him. Akeno then loses her sanity, and lunges at Joe. Akeno started to punch his nose into a bloody mess. Kevin then asked Joe where the German chancellor, Japanese and French prime ministers were. Kevin took Mio's katana, and proceeded to cut off Joe's penis. Joe yelled in pain as Kevin was cutting his penis off. Suddenly, Joe tells Kevin that they are on Air Force One at the Goderich Regional Airport. Kevin went to the airport where Air Force One was there, but he faced heavy fire from Secret Service agents. Kevin, along with the Blue Mermaid agents, fought their way until all of them were dead. Afterward, Kevin found and freed them. Kevin drove them back to Akeno's house where they beat up Joe. When Joe was a broken mess, Kevin then finished the job by choking him. Kevin laughed evilly as Joe's life was slipping. Mio stopped Kevin from choking Joe and stated that he needed to face the full arm of the law alive. Kevin stopped choking Joe and hauled him to the bus. They then went to Toronto, where Joe was sent to court at the 361 University Avenue Courthouse. After a few minutes of trial, Joe was sentenced to death. The next morning, Joe was sent to Toronto City Hall where he was tied, gagged and blindfolded before Kevin, Akeno, Yoshika, Mio and Momo killed him in a firing squad. The next afternoon, Kevin hosted a party at Akeno's house back in Goderich. Mio baked a cake the night before with "Rot in Hell Joe Biden" on it. Akeno and Ken held hands as they watched Kevin drinking many beers like Steve Austin, and giving a stunner to a dummy Joe. Kevin went over to Akeno and Ken. Akeno mentioned to Kevin that she had never seen him this happy before. Kevin laughed as he touched Akeno's pregnant belly. Kevin then went over to Mio, where he picked her up and spun her around. As Akeno watched Kevin spin his wife around, she thought to herself how happy she would be after she tied the knot with Ken as she kissed him. As the party goes on into the night, the endless possibilities are still unsure, as the group partied as the countries involved in World War 3 made peace treaties and the war ended. In the following weeks, Akeno and Ken plan their wedding. Akeno invited all her associates that she made over the years from her life of crime. They decided to have their wedding in the backyard. In the weeks that followed, Akeno's belly got bigger. After about 7 months, Akeno gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy. Ken and Akeno decided to name them Aoi and Yuto. A couple of months later, Akeno and Ken got married. A few weeks later, Kevin and Akeno visited Montreal to see his grave. Kevin told the story again about how he faked his death, how Thea was shot and later died in a botched bank robbery that they did 15 years ago, and she was buried in his grave the next day. Akeno was saddened every time she heard the story, but Akeno knew that she had never met Thea, the fact that Thea was a member of past heists and friends with Kevin back in the day and quitting a life of crime is a bitch, especially as she knew about the strain on Kevin's young family and how extreme he would go to leave his life of crime back then. Kevin placed his hand on Akeno's shoulder and stated that life is a bitch. Kevin also mentioned that Akeno had been good friends for the last 6 years and a wonderful sister-in-law for the past 3 weeks. Akeno started to whimper as she believed that she might go down that rabbit hole again that would strain her ties with Ken and her young twin children. Kevin hugged Akeno and mentioned if she ever had the urge to do something dumb, she would have him to talk to her. Kevin mentioned to Akeno that if Thea was still alive today, both of them would become great friends. Akeno laughed as she mentioned to Kevin that he was a great brother-in-law. Kevin roughed up Akeno's hair and then pecked her on the cheek before they walked arm in arm into the sunrise.

When Kevin and Akeno got back to their hotel room, Kevin was lost in thought. Akeno poked Kevin's belly and said "Are you okay Kev? What are you thinking about?" Kevin looked at Akeno and said "Do you remember 6 years ago when we chased my yacht on the 407? When we lost track of it when the car engine blew its fuses, and we were going to the auto shop, I was talking about my past crimes 9 years prior to that yacht chase in which I nearly fucked my marriage up with Mio. During my ranting monologue, I mentioned that Thea's folks might not have known that she was dead. I... I... I want to make shit right by going to Germany and telling them about her death." Akeno's eyes widened in surprise as she took Kevin's hands and said "That's a gutsy move, Kevin. I'm here for you every step of the way." Kevin then moaned before he said "I only know three German words." Akeno noticed Kevin's deep wound of guilt as she said "I understand German. I'm willing to come. Do you know where Thea's parents are?" Kevin hugged Akeno and gave her a wet kiss on the cheek. Akeno giggled as Kevin's wet kiss tickled her cheek. When Kevin finished kissing Akeno, he said "You are such a sweet sister-in-law. I would like that, thank you. I think that Thea told me that she was from Wilhelmshaven. Let's start from there. And besides, I never knew you spoke German." Akeno smiled as she said "You know I'm from Japan, so my native language is Japanese, but I learned English when I moved to Canada as a 5-year-old and followed by German, Spanish and French in high school. This time last year, my adopted mother, Yekaterina, taught me Russian. And besides, ain't Gertrud from Germany? I recall her telling us the fact on the way to hit the jewelry store 6 years back. Maybe she will help us navigate Wilhelmshaven." Kevin then ruffled Akeno's hair as he said "You don't miss a beat about these details, don't you? You're such a smart baka. I will give her a call later. You know something, I really like Gertrud. I'm glad that you invited her to your wedding, Akeno. Besides, I knew you understood Spanish after we nearly got fucked when the Mexican Army raided our lodge in Colorado Springs a year back during World War 3." Akeno giggled as she said "That tickles, Kev. Oh, baka, that tickles." Kevin then mentioned "Oh, Akeno, those giggles always bring me back to Mio's school girl giggles." Akeno giggled even harder as she said "Oh, baka, you are always a tease. I'm going to piss myself if you keep ruffling my hair." Kevin kept ruffling Akeno's hair as she playfully swats his hand away. As Akeno was squirming in Kevin's hold, he couldn't help himself to fall for her school girl giggles. Kevin then said "You know something, Akeno. You're the little sister that I always wanted. The pranks that Ken and I would pull if we had a sister growing up." Akeno then stared at Kevin with a cute puppy look as she said "Ah Kevin, you know what your compliments make me feel." Akeno then wrapped her legs around Kevin's waist and gave him many wet kisses on his cheek. Kevin giggled as Akeno started to kiss his cheek with more vigor. Just then, Mio entered the room. Mio said "I'm guessing the sibling-in-law fighting is in full swing." Kevin then said "Hey my lovely wife" as he kissed Mio. Mio then said "I heard giggling. Are you having fun with Akeno?" Kevin said "I was having fun. Hey Mio, I was thinking of going to Wilhelmshaven to make peace with Thea's parents." Mio looked at Kevin and said "That's a selfless act to do. That is why I married you." Kevin then said "I need to tell you something, Mio. I... I... I wish to die in your arms as an old man and know that I'm still happily married to you." Mio was in utter tears as she heard Kevin's heartful wish. Mio then caressed Kevin's cheeks and said "Oh Kevin, that's the sweetest thing you said to me since your wedding vow 16 years ago. I have a similar wish of me dying in your arms too. My body is shaking so badly right now. Oh baka, oh baka, oh baka. Hold me Kev, hold me tender right now." Kevin then cradled the shaking and sobbing Mio in his arms and said "There, there, Mio." As Mio was tugging Kevin's beard, she said "You're such a stubborn baka sometimes, but you're my stubborn baka." Kevin then said "You're my rare Japanese gem, Mio." Mio's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as a wide smile ran across her face. Mio then said "You're my rare Canadian gem, Kevin." Kevin lied on the bed and lifted Mio up into the air. Mio squeaked as she became weightless. In the midst of her squealing, Mio said "Oh Kevin, your loving actions never fail to make me giggle." Kevin then said "That's why I fell under your spell, Mio." When Kevin was lifting Mio up and down, Ken arrived and went over to Akeno before saying "Hey sweet Akeno, what's our plan for our honeymoon? I was wondering about Germany. I always wanted to eat bratwurst and pretzels, drink beer while riding on a Panzer IV, and you're wearing a dirndl, Akeno." Akeno said "Oh Ken, you're such a flirt. Riding on a Panzer IV while eating bratwurst and pretzels while drinking beer with me wearing a dirndl sounds so romantic. I was already thinking of going to Wilhelmshaven with Kevin to help him make amends with his old running buddy's parents there. Do you want to take our honeymoon there, sweetheart?" Ken was dumbfounded about his brother's needing to go there as he said "Kevin's old running buddy's parents in Wilhelmshaven, what are you talking about?" Akeno then said "Do you remember me telling you about Kevin's fake death when we first met a year ago? His old running buddy, Thea, was buried in his grave." Ken was watching Kevin and Mio tenderly hold each other's arms as he said "Oh I see, a guilt trip. If you would like to help Kevin while we spend our honeymoon in Wilhelmshaven, I'm fine with that, Akeno. Akeno then said "It would be nice, Ken. But anyhow, it's getting late, sexy. I'm retiring for the night. Do you want to join me, hot stuff?" Ken said "Yeah I'm coming, sweetie." They all went to bed and by the next morning, Akeno woke up to Kevin calling Gertrud. "I hope Christiane gets well soon, Trude. Talk to you later." Kevin said over the phone. Kevin noticed that Akeno was up, and he said "I just talked to Gertrud, and she was a no-go because her sister got the flu." As Akeno was thinking about a new local, she thought of someone. Akeno asked "Hey Kevin, I was wondering if you know where Yoshika's friend Erica's hometown is?" Kevin then said "Ain't Erica that lady who has been having some sexy time with two strippers at Club Zanzibar for 6 straight years? I don't know where she is from, but I know she is German." Kevin then called Yoshika to ask about Erica. When she answered, Kevin asked "Hey Yoshika, I was wondering about your friend, Erica's hometown." Yoshika, high on gasoline, said "Urgh, she is from Wilhelmshaven. I... I want to puke." Kevin noticed Yoshika's gagging over the phone, and he said "Yoshika, drink some coffee and take a series of showers. You're killing yourself with this gas-sniffing bullshit. When you ain't high anymore, tell Erica to get her ass over to Montreal." Kevin ended the call as Mio cuddled onto his lap. Kevin kissed Mio's ear as he said "You look cute in those pajamas, sweetheart." Mio made a puppy face as she cuddled closer to Kevin. Kevin ruffled Mio's hair and said "Ah Mio, you always know how to make my heart melt." Mio then made a broad smile as she tugged Kevin's beard. Kevin then took Mio's hand and gave it many kisses. Akeno watched the duo have a tender moment as Ken hugged her from behind. Akeno then hugged Ken back and started to suck his beard. Ken then started to ruffle Akeno's hair, which she started to giggle. The four of them have tender moments well into the late morning. By mid-afternoon, there was a knock at the door. When Kevin opened the door, Erica was waiting. Kevin then said "Holy shit, the Club Zanzibar swinger for 6 straight years is here in the flesh." Erica giggled as Kevin let her in. As Kevin was giving Erica a tea, she said "So you want me to be your tour guide in Wilhelmshaven? I know that it has changed so much since 15 years ago when I moved away." Kevin then said "Yes, I need you to be our guide and another person that understands German. How's Yoshika doing?" Erica mentioned "Well, my German is a bit rusty, but I'm a fast learner. On the other hand, Yoshika has been sniffing gasoline more often." Kevin then stated "Well, things never changed with her. At least she ain't rag dolling cats by their tail or having some sexy time by flirting with the wife of some angry crime boss that she kidnapped. That's the crazy life of Yoshika Miyafuji." Erica then said "Yoshika has done some fruity things over the years, from sitting on top of her trailer drinking beers and shooting down birds and people with a shotgun while in the nude, to trying to hump a cat. Wait, you can't understand German." Kevin then said "The only words I know in German is noch ein bier." Erica giggled at Kevin's noch ein bier comment. Just then, Akeno scared Kevin by pressing a cold beer bottle on his neck. Kevin jumped out of his seat and he landed on Erica with his lips pressed on her. Akeno was laughing as Kevin was getting off of Erica. Erica was as red as a tomato as she said "Tha... That was my first kiss." Kevin then yelped "What the flaming bag of shit, Akeno? You nearly caused me to shit myself!" Akeno, doubled over in laughter, said "I heard you say noch ein bier, so I got you one." Kevin, with mischief in his eyes, said "Come here, Akeno." Kevin then grabbed Akeno's waist, took the beer bottle from her and pressed it on her neck. Akeno shrieked and squirmed as she said "That's cold. Oh, that's cold baka." Erica then joined the fun as she pressed another beer bottle on Akeno's neck. Akeno was laughing with such vigor, she started to drool. Just then, a wet fart ripped and Akeno's eyes widened in utter shock. Akeno, in broken tears, said "I... I... I... I just shit myself." Kevin then rushed Akeno to the washroom, but as they entered, Akeno ripped another wet fart which fanned the shit out of her panties. Akeno wailed as she clung onto Kevin. Kevin cradled Akeno as he said "There, there, Aki." Kevin then thought of a song to soothe Akeno and started saying "森はそれを嫌がりますが、お盆の前に雪が降り始め、子供たちは泣き始めます。" Akeno looked up at Kevin with puffy cheeks and teary eyes and said "I... I... I didn't know you speak Japanese, Kevin." Kevin grinned and said "Being married to Mio has its benefits, as I learned Japanese from her. Besides, Mio told me that she remembered her mother used to sing Takeda Lullaby to her as a baby." Akeno then sobbed into Kevin's chest as he continued the lullaby. When Kevin finished the lullaby, Akeno went limp in his arms. Kevin then quietly changed Akeno's soiled panties before putting her into bed. Kevin kissed Akeno's forehead and said "Sweet dreams, sis-in-law." Kevin looked at Erica and said "Can you please help me clean the washroom, Erica?" Both of them cleaned the washroom for the rest of the afternoon. As they finished cleaning the washroom, Ken came back. Ken noticed Akeno sleeping and asked "What happened?" Kevin then said "She had a shit in the panties' moment." Just then, Akeno woke up. Ken kissed Akeno and said "I have already booked our honeymoon in Wilhelmshaven. I bought plane tickets for Kevin, Mio and Erica as well. The flight is the day after tomorrow in the afternoon. Momo is coming with extra clothes and shit for all of us when she flies into Montreal by tomorrow morning." Akeno then kissed Ken back and said "Thank you, Ken." Just then, Kevin got a call from Momo. When Kevin answered the phone, Momo said "I heard that you are going to Wilhelmshaven to visit Thea's parents and tell them about her death. You're doing a nice thing. I remember Thea saying that she grew up in the northern part of Voslapp, which is a district of Wilhelmshaven, when we first met. I assumed her parents were still living there." Kevin then said "Whoa, thanks for the info Momo-chan." Momo then stated "You know I hate being called that, baka. You're always the same, but I kind of like that, Kev. By the way, Tim got a couple of hookers in his room when I was at your place earlier today." Kevin then said "That 15-year-old pint-sized piece of shit son. I'll have a little chat with him when I have the time. Peace." When Kevin ended the call, he said "What about if I buy you all some dinner?" They all went to Kyo Bar Japonais for sushi. When there, Kevin was being his old self of a romantic as he was feeding Mio sushi while Erica was barfing up her sushi as she said "Scheisse, I hate sushi. I wish this place had pretzels." Akeno giggled as Erica was barfing her way to the washroom and Kevin said "Guess that Ms. Tour Guide won the award for the quickest time for barfing up sushi." Mio then playfully swatted Kevin's hand and giggled "That's not nice, baka." After they all finished their dinner or barfing it out, they went back to the hotel. By the following morning, Kevin was headbanging while blasting Birds of War by Sabaton. A guest from upstairs jumped on the floor and yelled "FERME TA GUEULE, LES GENS DORMENT ICI! FERME TA GUEULE, ENFANT, FERME TA GUEULE, ENFANT, FERME TA GUEULE, ENFANT!" Kevin then barked "Up yours, Frenchy." As Kevin was in the midst of his headbanging, Mio answered the door when someone knocked at it. When Mio opened the door, Momo was there and Mio let her in. Kevin noticed Momo and gave her a sign of the horns while he yelled "MOMO!" Momo then said "I see that you're still a metalhead, Kevin. Things never changed." Kevin then stated "Well, it wakes me up." Momo then said "More like waking the whole hotel up, baka." The group shared sake later that afternoon, and then they retired later that evening. By the following afternoon, they had all made their way to Montreal-Trudeau International Airport. Kevin gave Momo a peck on both cheeks before he boarded the plane. After a nearly nine-hour flight to Bremen and another two-hour train ride, they arrived to ATLANTIC Hotel Wilhelmshaven before they retired for the night. Early the next morning, Kevin got a text from Momo. In the text, it's said "Got this picture of Thea in front of her place from thirty-ish years ago. It seems like it hasn't changed much since then." Kevin showed Erica the picture, and she said "I have been past there many times before." Later that afternoon, Kevin, Erica and Akeno took the bus to the address. Kevin's nerves were going nuclear as he pressed the doorbell. As someone opened the door, an unholy blast from the past ran over Kevin like a freight train as he said "Th... The... Thea. Is that you? Ho... how are yo... you alive?" Thea then said "Fick mich, aber wie? Kev... Kevin? Fick mich, fick mich, fick mich, I thought you were dead too." They both locked eyes before Thea jumped into Kevin's arms wailing. Kevin tenderly hugged the sobbing Thea as he said "I missed you, Thea." Thea, with puffy eyes, said "I... I... I missed you too, Kevin. Please come in." Kevin carried Thea into her home while Erica and Akeno followed them. As Kevin sat on the couch and placed Thea on his lap, he said "How did you survive Montreal?" Thea was sniffling as she said "It was 15 years ago. All that I can recall, I was going in front of you trying to look for the helicopter and just then, I was lying on the ground bleeding after hearing a gun shot. Got me right in the stomach. After that, it was all fuzzy, but I do remember that there was another gun shot, and you're saying that you were shot Kevin, police sirens, the fire fight with the police and Yoshika cursing at the police. I lied on the snow-covered road for at least 5 minutes after the last shot was fired, covering my wound by pressing my bulletproof vest on it, until I was airlifted to the nearest ER. The next morning after that bank job, I was watching the news in my hospital room when I heard that you had died. I was heartbroken as I always liked you as a great friend, Kevin. I mourned you every day up until 9 years later when I heard that you were making scores again. I didn't believe myself to think that you were alive, but when a clear video of you trashing a police car another 5 years later, I still didn't believe that you were alive. Bu... bu... but after you showed up on my doorstep a few minutes ago, the rumors are true about you being alive." Kevin then caressed Thea's cheek as he kissed the other side before he said "You were always a tough German, Thea." Thea then said "Thank you, Kevin." Just then, a loud sound from outside scared them. They went outside to see Ken, riding a Panzer IV, crash into a parked car as a neighbor yelled "WAS ZUM TEUFEL IST LOS? MEIN AUTO, SCHLAMPE! Thea looked at Kevin with questions in her eyes about what had just happened. Kevin then said "That's my normally much cooler-headed twin brother, Ken." Akeno then stated "My sweetheart wanted to ride a Panzer IV while drinking beer and eating bratwurst and pretzels during our honeymoon." Kevin then said "Thea, this is Akeno, my sister-in-law. And over there is Erica, a friend of Yoshika." Thea then asked "How's the family, Kev?" Kevin then said "My wife and daughter are doing well, but I need to have a chat with Tim after he had some sexy time with two hookers." Just then, Ken yelled "Hey sexy, I got you a dirndl. What about you coming for a ride, and we might have some sexy time, Aki." Akeno then hopped onto the tank and Ken drove away, flattening the car as the neighbor yelled "ARSCHLOCH!" A few moments later, two dozen Lower Saxony State Police vehicles stormed past the group in the direction of the tank. Kevin then grinned as he said "Their honeymoon is going well. Do you want to hit a bar, Thea? There's one in the hotel we are staying at." Thea then said "I would like that, Kevin." They went back to the hotel and visited the bar. When they arrived at the bar, Mio was there having sake. Mio noticed the pair, and she became utterly shocked as she went over to them and said "The... Thea. No, this can't be possible." Thea then said "Hello there, Mio. It's been a while." Mio wailed as the two ladies hugged each other. After a few minutes of hugging and sobbing, Kevin bought the ladies a beer. While they were enjoying their beers, a news flash came onto the TV with the headline of "Zwei Personen nach Panzer-Amoklauf festgenommen." When the news anchor came on the TV, he said "Wir haben Eilmeldungen erhalten, dass zwei Personen in der Nähe des Marinestützpunkts im Wilhelmshavener Stadtteil Heppenser Groden festgenommen wurden, als sie heute Morgen in einem Panzer IV Amok liefen. Einigen Quellen zufolge war einer der Festgenommenen Ken Zack, der Bruder des weltberühmten Kriminellen Kevin Stewart. Er wurde bei seiner Festnahme beim Nazigruß gezeigt. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt weiß die Niedersächsische Landespolizei nicht, ob dies Teil der wachsenden Spannungen des Nazihasses in Wilhelmshaven in letzter Zeit ist oder ob es sich um einen Amoklauf unter Alkoholeinfluss handelt. Die Niedersächsische Landespolizei gab außerdem an, dass der Schaden nur minimal war und ein Auto plattgefahren wurde." Kevin said "I'm guessing I need to have a little chat with the police." Mio then mentioned "Please don't bust them out the old-fashioned way." Kevin then stated "I'll be nice with the law, but my little friend will be at the ready. You ready to get these honeymooners out of the joint, Thea." Thea nodded and the two of them went to the local police station. When they got there, the station was heavily guarded. As they made their way to the building, an officer, with her gun aimed and in broken English, said "Halt or I have the order to shoot to kill." Thea, with her hands up, then said "We are here to talk to the chief about some type of bond for the couple that caused trouble in the tank rampage earlier. We don't want any bullshit, and you know that we don't want to go down that rabbit hole, but they are our friends. My friend, Kevin, knows the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, as he rescued him from being kidnapped." The officer then put her gun away and went into the station. After a few minutes, Akeno and Ken exited the station. Akeno ran into Kevin's arms as she thanked him. Thea then said "Maybe next time, hold back on the tank rampages if you want to be romantic, Ken." As they made their way back to the hotel, Kevin got a call from Momo. When Kevin answered the call, Momo said "I... I... I... I saw news about a rampage in Wilhelmshaven. Is everything okay?" Kevin then said "Ken kind of got drunk and went on a joyride in a Panzer IV. Yeah, Thea is alive." Momo then said "Wh... Wha... What is Thea alive, but she's dead?" Kevin gave Thea the phone, and she said "Hello there, Momo." Momo shrieked as she said "No, no, no, no, this can't be happening. Tell me that this is some AI prank bullshit, baka." Thea then said "I'm the real deal. You know the first night after we met, and we got so hammered that your body was convulsing most of the morning after." Momo then started crying as her secret was let out. Thea then said "What about the next time we meet, and I'll buy you a beer, Momo." As Thea ended the call and gave the phone back to Kevin, he noticed the scar on Thea's stomach through her tank top. Kevin then put his hand under Thea's top and felt the scar, which Thea looked at him with utter pity. As Kevin was still touching the scar, Thea noticed that he was about to break down. Thea then pulled Kevin into a tight hug as he started to wail. Thea lifted Kevin and started to carry him as he buried his face in her chest. By the evening, they had returned to the hotel. When there, Thea placed Kevin onto his bed before sitting beside him. As Kevin was playfully tugging Thea's hair, he said "What did you do after you were released from the hospital?" Thea then grinned and said "After many months of pain, many surgeries later and thinking about if I would live another day, I was released from the hospital. I was flat broke as the money from the bank score was in the hands of the Montreal Police Service after the shit hit the fan. I couldn't move an inch around Montreal as wanted posters were posted all around wanting me dead. I knew that I needed to get out of the country, but going out of Montreal's airport or crossing the border was a bitch. It's hard to get out of Canada when you're the country's most wanted person. I was shocked that I hadn't got my ass hanged by the law while I was in the hospital. As things were about to hit an all-time low, I thought of a friend in a high place in the fishing industry. At the dead of night, I went to the Port of Montreal where my friend was waiting, and then we set off for a fishing trip just off the coast of Nova Scotia. The fishing trip was a Trump card to fool the Fisheries and Oceans Canada into believing that we're going fishing, but we're making a run for Germany. The horror show just started when the Canadian Coast Guard was patrolling the port outside of Montreal, like New York City shortly after 9/11. My friend had already cut the radar and shut the lights off to help us get away. When we got away from the long arms of the coast guard, we still needed to fight the brute of the North Atlantic. We faced many storms along the way as winter was a mother chicken. I don't know how many times we nearly ended up like the Titanic, as we missed icebergs left, right and centre. After many weeks on the high sea, we finally made it to Wilhelmshaven. I settled back at my parents' house and lived peacefully for 15 years until they both sadly passed away hours apart from each other from heart attacks just a week ago. It pained me to watch them take their last breaths as I was very close to them. I just buried them the other day." Kevin then said "I'm so sorry about your folks, Thea. I felt that pain too as I watched my loved ones taking their last breaths." Just then, Thea suddenly started wailing. Kevin gave her a hug as he said "There, there, Thea. Shh, baby girl, I'm here for you." Thea's sobbing got louder as the dam of her emotions broke. Kevin then held Thea's small frame closer as she shook vigorously. Kevin felt pity for Thea as tears raged down her cheeks as she said "Fick mein Leben, fick mein Leben, fick mein Leben, fick mein Leben, fick mein Leben." Kevin then said "Please don't fuck your life, Tee-Tee. I love you and I don't want to see you fucking yourself. You poor soul of a thing." Kevin tenderly cradled Thea as piss ran down her legs due to her earlier shaking. Kevin heard sounds of Thea's convulsions ripping her soul out of her almighty dam of her emotions. Kevin then tenderly said "Shh, shh, shh, shh, Thea. There, there. Cry your troubled soul out, sweetie. I ain't letting go of my hug until the demons are gone." Kevin held Thea all night as she wailed. As the sun was beaming into the window, Thea finally went limp in Kevin's arms. As Thea was peacefully out, Kevin sniffed her hair and took in the smell of her once youthful life and shared past in crime. As the morning turned into noon, Thea woke up to Kevin still holding her while fast asleep. Thea gave Kevin a wet kiss on the cheek. Kevin, in his sleep, softly moaned "That tickles, Mio." Thea then gave Kevin another wet kiss, which he woke up and was about to passionately kiss her until he noticed that it was Thea. Thea then giggled as she said "You have always been a flirt, dummkopf." Kevin became red as a tomato as he said "I... I... I forgot that I was holding you, Thea." Thea then gave Kevin a passionate kiss before she said "Thank you for supporting me last night, Kev. If you weren't my rock, I might have a knife in my throat already. I could never repay you for that." Kevin held Thea's hands and said "You don't need to pay me back as the thought of you being alive is the redemption I needed." Thea started to whimper as Kevin's feelings started to set in. Thea then hugged Kevin as she said "Thank you." As they were hugging, Kevin heard Thea's stomach rumbling. Kevin then touched the scar on her stomach and mentioned "Are you hungry?" Thea moaned at Kevin's touch before she stated "I know your married, but I want you." Kevin cupped Thea's face as he said "I always thought that you were hot back then, but now you're even hotter." Thea grinned as she grabbed Kevin's wrists and pinned him on the bed before she sat on his stomach. Just then, Mio walked into the room. Mio looked at Thea sitting on Kevin before she smiled and said "Don't mind me. I'm just going to watch TV at the end of bed as you two have some sexy time." Thea froze as she heard Mio and then said "Are you going to kill me for being on top of your husband." Mio grinned and said "No I'm not going to kill you, Thea. Believe it or not, Kevin did the same thing about a year ago when he kissed his nurse, Georgette, to the point of her cumming after he suffered a brain hemorrhage." Thea's eyes widened as Kevin took off her tank top, revealing her toned physique and perky breasts behind her bra. Thea then shivered as Kevin unhooked her bra and yelped "YES! YES! YES!" Suddenly, Thea kissed Kevin with vigor, fueled by the fire burning inside of her. During Thea's furious kissing, Kevin slips his hands into her pants as he grabs her ass and shakes it. Kevin's act fueled Thea's vigor more as she unzipped her fly before she did the same with Kevin's while still kissing him. Kevin then grabbed his hardened penis and put it into Thea's belly button. Just then, Thea stopped kissing as she shot up to a sitting position on Kevin's stomach as she forcefully groaned with vigor while fondling her breasts hard while moaning "Das fühlt sich verdammt gut an." Kevin then forcefully grabbed Thea's breasts as she moaned. Thea begged "HARDER!" Kevin then grabbed Thea's breasts even harder. Thea started to dig her nails into Kevin's shoulders as the pleasure was building. As the pleasure was building, Thea started to burp as her hype was building. As Thea's burps got more and more forceful, Kevin thought "She was going to blow soon." Soon after, Thea cummed all over Kevin's stomach as all the pent-up emotion made her feel utter peace for the man she once hit many banks with. As Thea was in a peaceful state, she made a shriek as she cummed again. Thea made an ahegao face as wave after wave of cum was forced out of her with vigor. Thea was giddy as she watched herself cumming onto Kevin's shirt. As Thea's giggling turned into shrieks and squawks as the waves of orgasm were taking her over, she moaned "Fick mich, Muschi, fick mich, Orgasmus, fick mich, großer Schwanz." As every last ounce of cum was out of Thea's system, she fell onto Kevin. As Thea lay on Kevin, she said "Thank you, Kev." Just then, Kevin's phone rang and it was Mashiro. When Kevin answered the phone, Mashiro, in a panicked voice, said "I... I... I heard rumors that The... Thea is alive. Yos... Yoshika overheard Momo telling me that Thea was alive, and she was pissed. Yoshika is coming, and it might be sooner than you think." Kevin then said "Shit, thank you for telling me that, Shiro." As the call ended, Mio looked at Kevin and said "What was that about?" Kevin then said "It's Yoshika, she's coming." Thea looked at Kevin and said "Yoshika, I thought she was dead." Kevin then said "Yoshika is pretty much alive, but with all the meth cooking, gasoline sniffing, rag dolling cats by its tail and feuds with these hillbilly gangs did a good number on her ass. And besides, Yoshika thought that you were in prison, Thea. But she connected the dots and then went to dig up my grave in Montreal and saw that you had died. Now that you're alive, she is hell living on Earth. And to think about how I went to kindergarten with her. Urgh, this fight ain't going to be pretty." Thea then said "What do you want to do about it?" Just then, Kevin got another call from Lynette. When Kevin answered the phone, Lynette said "Yoshika is coming, and she has just lifted off from Toronto International. I talked some sense into her about not taking any weapons, but you know what she is like. Be ready for World War 4, Kev." Kevin then said "Thank you for the heads-up, Lynne." As Kevin ended the call, he said "It seems like the warpath is upon us. Oh, let the almighty flaming bag of shit help us in the holy name of the flaming bag of shit God." Thea then stated "I have some weapons back at my place. Do you want them?" Kevin then said "It doesn't hurt to have weapons on hand, but if she is not armed I want to go at her the old-fashioned way with fists. I want to keep her alive at all costs for me to talk her way out of whatever fucked up mind she is in." Thea then got dressed and rushed out of the room. Akeno, Ken and Erica entered the room, and Akeno said "Is everything okay? I saw Thea running like a bat out of hell." Kevin then said "She is going to her house to grab some heavy weaponry because Yoshika is coming, and she is in hell hath with no fury." Akeno, with a look of fear in her eyes, said "Is Yoshika really that rageful?" Kevin then said "You thought that I was bad when I was raging a year ago, but Yoshika is a whole new level of rage when she gets stabbed in the back. I want all of you to be on high alert as she is on the warpath." As the morning fell into evening, all was peaceful until it was broken by banging and yelling at the door. As Kevin looked through the peephole, Yoshika was yelling "THEA, YOU BITCH!" Just then, Yoshika started running at the door to try to get in. Kevin, in a state of readiness, waited for her to get through the door. After a few moments, Yoshika broke the door down as she yelled "HERE'S YOSHIKA, MOTHERFUCKER!" Just then, Kevin lunged at Yoshika, spearing her to the ground. With a feral scream, Yoshika yelled "LET ME GO, KEV! LET ME GO, LET ME GO, LET ME FUCKING GO RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" Kevin barked "I'm not going to let you hurt anyone." Out of nowhere, Yoshika grabbed her pistol and shot it, hitting Thea in the shoulder. Kevin then yelled "THEA, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" As both of them were wrestling the gun away, two more shots were fired, and it hit Kevin in the shoulder. Mio screamed in terror as she yelled "KEVIN! YOSHIKA STOP IT YOU BAKA, YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" Kevin, in utter rage, twisted Yoshika's hand holding the gun away from everyone as he started punching her nose many times as he yelled "DIE YOU SHIT!" Out of rage, Akeno fondled with the hem of her dirndl before pulling out her pistol out of her breasts and shot Yoshika's gun out of her hand. Kevin then yelped "Nice one, Aki." As Kevin tightly held Yoshika's wrists and crossed them, she roared "THEA, I MOURNED YOU! I SAW YOU GETTING SHOT 15 YEARS AGO IN MONTREAL! EVER SINCE I THOUGHT THAT YOU WERE IN PRISON, I HAD HOPED THAT YOU WERE ALIVE! AFTER I DIGGED KEVIN'S GRAVE UP AND SAW YOUR BODY, I WAS PISSED! WHEN I OVERHEARD MOMO SAYING YOU'RE ALIVE, IT WAS MY MISSION TO END YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL!" As Yoshika's roaring turned into sobbing, Kevin felt utter pity as he hugged her, but he was eerie about her mental state. As Mio ran over to the wounded Kevin, he cradled Yoshika as he said "There, there, Yoshi." As Kevin was trying to stop Yoshika's bloody nose by pinching it, she held his hand as she was trying to stop him. In the midst of the struggle, Kevin said "Shh, shh, shh, there. I know you do not like me pinching you, but it will stop the bloody nose, Yoshi." As the look of utter rage and sorrow burned in Yoshika's eyes, Kevin tenderly pinched her bloody nose. Yoshika shivered vigorously as blood wheezed out of her nose and onto Kevin's hand. Kevin held Yoshika closer as she was trying to sneeze, but vigorously coughed out blood instead. Kevin felt pity for Yoshika as she clamped her teeth into his chest. Thea walked over to Yoshika and gave her a bear hug as she said "There, there, old friend. We all get rageful at one point or another and then want to kill the person that stabbed you in the back." Yoshika started to wail at Thea's breasts as she held her closer. Yoshika started to vigorously moan as Thea was soothing her. Suddenly, Thea felt Yoshika sucking her breast. Thea grinned as she unbuttoned her shirt to let Yoshika get better access to her breasts. Yoshika then started to suck Thea's nipple. Just as Yoshika was about to cum, she suddenly stopped sucking Thea's nipples and saw the blood on Thea's breasts before starting wailing. Kevin took off his shirt and pressed it onto Yoshika's nose as he said "It's okay Yoshika. I'm here for you, baby girl." Yoshika then said "Th... The shirt smells like cum. M... My nose. Why is it bloody?" Kevin then said "Shh there, save your questions until I fix you up, sweetie." Yoshika, still in shock, got closer to Kevin's hold. As Kevin held his shirt on Yoshika's nose, Mio tended to his shoulder as Akeno was tending to Thea. With each shiver and gag Yoshika made, she became a shell of her former self. After a few moments, Kevin stopped applying pressure to Yoshika's nose and put a brace on it. Yoshika, with watery eyes, looked at Kevin and said "I... I... I... I'm sorry, Kev. I... I don't know what got into me. Ple... please don't kill me." Kevin grinned as he caressed Yoshika's cheeks and said "I'm not going to kill you, Yoshika. I was enraged at the moment when you became nuclear. You're my best friend, and I love you. You need help with your gasoline sniffing addiction, and I'm willing to be your rock every inch of the way." Kevin then sealed the deal with a kiss as Yoshika's eyes widened in shock, but melted into it. A few moments passed, they locked in a tender kiss before they pulled away. As their faces were a few inches away, Yoshika said "I... I... I want to cum on you." Kevin grinned as he said "I would love that, Yoshi. Can Mio at least finish taking care of my gunshot wound?" Yoshika became happy after hearing Kevin's answer. A few minutes later, Mio had patched Kevin's shoulder. Kevin then put his shirt back on before lifting Yoshika up and taking her to bed. When they were on the bed, Kevin took Yoshika's pants and panties off before putting her onto his stomach, and she started to fondle her pussy. Moments later, Yoshika cummed all over Kevin as her earlier orgasm was a dud. As Yoshika finished cumming on Kevin, she pecked him on the cheek and said "Thank you, Kev." When Yoshika got off of Kevin, and he was getting up, Erica came over and said "I... I... I was thinking about when we accidentally kissed, and I... I feel like kissing you for real this time, Kev." Kevin grinned as he lifted the squealing Erica onto his stomach. Erica then took off her panties before she kissed Kevin. Erica was getting lost in the heat of the moment as Kevin was putting his tongue deep down her mouth. Erica moaned into Kevin's mouth as her pleasure was building higher. Just then, Erica blew up in a series of cum shots. Erica then pecked Kevin's cheek as she said "Thank you, Kevin." As Erica got off of Kevin, Akeno hopped onto him. Kevin then said "Is it National Cum on Kevin Day?" Akeno giggled as she took off her panties and started to fondle her pussy. Akeno made a mooing moan as her pleasure was rising. After a few minutes, Akeno cummed onto Kevin. Akeno then said "Thank you, bro-in-law." As soon as Akeno got off Kevin, Mio then went onto his stomach. Kevin said "Ah Mio, you too? I will always say yes to my rare Japanese gem of a wife to have some sexy time with me." Mio was heartfelt as she said "I love you saying that, my rare Canadian gem of a husband. By the way Kev, I was thinking about both of us going to a nude beach nearby." Kevin held Mio closer as he said "You always know how to catch my fancy, Mio-bear. I hope that this beach visit won't be as shitty as our last one we had on our honeymoon in Japan." Mio then laughed as she said "I didn't know that it wasn't a nude beach." Just as Kevin and Mio were about to kiss, a voice from outside the room yelled "WAS MACHST DU MIT DER PRINZESSIN? BITTE LASS MEINE KATZE RUNTER!" Kevin heard the cat meowing in terror as Yoshika was evilly laughing. Kevin jumped out of bed and stormed outside to see Yoshika swinging a cat around by its tail as she was yelling "HERE PETA, PETA, PETA, PETA, PETA. HERE PETA, PETA, PETA, PETA, PETA!" Kevin, enraged, started loudly rambling "LET THE GODDAMN THING GO, LET THE GODDAMN THING GO! GODDAMN YOU MOTHERFUCKING GODDAMN SEXY TIME IN MY FOOL CAT! THE MY FOOL UP YOURS COFFEE BEEF CORN! FUCKING STOP IT YOSHIKA! BROKE IT'S GODDAMN FUCKING TAIL!" Yoshika then stopped in mid-swing as she dropped the cat. Kevin went over to Yoshika and gave her a slap on the back of her head and then said "YOU NEVER LEARN!" Kevin then went over to the cat and lifted the poor trembling thing to his chest. As Kevin was petting the fearful cat, Minna said "My, my, I never thought in a million years that I would see you in Germany, Kevin." Kevin then said "Hey, Minna." Kevin pecked Minna on the cheek as he handed the cat to her. Kevin mentioned "I never knew that you had a cat. I thought you were a dog person." Minna then said "I do like dogs, but I can't help myself taking this cute little cat home from the shelter a week ago. Whoa, what happened to your shirt to make it that bloody? It looks like you killed someone." Kevin stated "Well, to make a long story short. Ms. Cat Swinger over there went nuclear because of past events." Mio then came out of the room and said "Is everything okay?" Kevin said "Look who I ran into." Mio was in utter shock as she went over to Minna and said "Minna, it's been a while. Wait, is that your cat? I thought that you had a German Shepherd." Minna then said "Yes I did, but sadly Pik-Ass passed away a couple of weeks ago. That dog had a heart of gold and the most loyal friend I ever knew. At least this little fur ball, Princess, is filling that missing hole that Pik-Ass left." Mio then said "I'm so sorry Minna. Losing a dog is like losing a part of your family. I would just be devastated if anything happened to Kevin, as stubborn as he is, along with his on and off intense rage." Akeno said "I wasn't a dog person myself, but then, my friend, Moeka, gave me her German Shepherd, Duke, 6 years ago. I started to like them after that." Kevin then said "Duke is a good girl. I wish that I had one, but I don't know why Mio is against the idea." Mio stated "It's not that, bu... but I had a negative experience with a dog once. Just before I moved to Canada, I was walking in Umikaze Park in Yokosuka when a Great Dane that got loose suddenly barked right in my face. I was so fearful that I ran right off the pier and into the water. As a 3-year-old at the time, I wasn't the greatest swimmer and besides I... I was weighed down by my backpack full of groceries. It felt so painful inhaling water and exhaling big bubbles as I sank deeper. Just as I was convulsing vigorously on the verge of drowning, somebody who witnessed me falling off the pier pulled me out. Ever since that day, I... I... I feared large dogs and swimming. My fear of swimming lasted until my first year of high school, when you helped me overcome that fear, Kevin." Kevin tightly hugged Mio and said "Mio, I'm so freaking sorry about what happened. I would've helped you with your fear of dogs if you would've told me sooner. At least I helped your fear of swimming. I must say that I'm shocked that you didn't get swimming lessons during your pre-primary education." Mio looked into Kevin's eyes and said "Thank you, Kevin. I would like that, but how are we going to get a large dog? I'm also shocked that you knew about the mandatory swimming in Japanese schooling. I know that swimming wasn't mandatory in pre-primary education as swimming was a part of education in grade one. I was already in Canada by the time I was in first grade when swimming was mandatory in Japan." Minna then said "I have a friend across town with a Siberian husky that is a sweet and gentle soul. If you want Mio, I can call her to bring Lucy over in the morning." Mio grinned as she said "Thank you, Minna. It's getting late and I'm tired." The group went to their respective rooms and retired for the night. The next morning, Mio was woken up by Lucy sniffing her foot. Mio, in her sleep, muttered "Stop it, Kevin." Lucy then started licking Mio's foot. Mio became startled as she shrieked in fear. In a panicked state, Mio said "Wha... what is this? No, stay away from me, you mutt. Kev... Kevin HELP!" Kevin, in bed beside Mio, woke up and groggily said "Wha... what's wrong, my rare Japanese gem?" Mio panickedly rambled "IT'S A MUTT, IT'S A GODDAMN MUTT!" Kevin sat up and said "What are you talki... hey Lucy. Oh, come to papa girl. Who's a good girl, who's a good girl? Aww, you are a lovely husky. Go give Mio a kiss, Lucy." Mio shrieked "NO! NO KISSES!" The husky jumped onto the bed and went to Mio. Mio fearfully said "No, no, no, no, stay away mutt." As Lucy got to Mio, she started licking her face. Mio started shrieking in fear as she said "STOP IT FUCKING MUTT! I HATE FUCKING DOGS!" As Lucy's licks became more vigorously, Mio started to giggle as she said "You're not a big bad mutt." Kevin said "I guess that you made a new friend, Mio." Mio, giggling vigorously, said "Baka, baka, oh, Lucy is a tease. Oh baka, I... I'm going to piss myself." As Lucy's licking was making Mio laugh silly, Minna came in and said "You two are getting along well." Mio, shrieking in joy, said "You're right, Minna, Lucy is a tease. I haven't been this happy since Kevin proposed to me. Can I keep her?" Minna laughed as she said "I don't think that Gertrud would like it if you kept Lucy, Mio." Kevin then said "How is your cat doing after being rag dolled by Yoshika yesterday." Minna stated "Princess is alright, but still a bit shaken up." Moments later, Gertrud came down the hall and said "Lucy, where are you?" Suddenly, Lucy howled which cause Mio's face to contort in fear. Gertrud then came into the room as she said "There you are Luc... whoa, Kevin. Wh... why are you in Germany?" Kevin then stated "Don't you remember the other day when I called you about you being our local tour guide in Wilhelmshaven, but you said that you couldn't do it because Christiane got the flu." Gertrud became flushed as she said "Scheisse, I forgot about that call. Ho... how's Wilhelmshaven so far?" Kevin then said "I haven't been out that much, but it's a nice town. I was thinking of visiting a nude beach just north of Wilhelmshaven with the Mrs." Mio then joyfully said "Can I bring Lucy?" Gertrud then said "Well, I guess I needed a break from all the bullshit, and yes, I can bring Lucy along." Mio got out of bed and started running out the door as she said "Who's ever is the last one in the car got to rub sunscreen on me." Minna said "Whoa, I knew Mio for years and I had never seen her this happy and giddy before." Kevin then said "I thought that when you did yoga sessions with her at my mansion in Vaughan at least a half decade ago made her giddy." Minna laughed as she said "Oh, Kevin, you're a tease. I was thinking of teaching yoga again, but anyway, let's go to the beach before Mio goes without us." They all got to the car and, as Kevin was the last one in there, Mio said "You are going to rub sunscreen on my rear end, and you're driving." Kevin sarcastically said "Joy." As Kevin drove the group to the beach, he got a call from Yoshika. When Kevin answered the phone, Yoshika said "About last night, I'm sorry." Kevin then said "Do you really mean it, or am I going to stop you again from rag dolling a cat." Yoshika then said "I... I... I really am, and I want to make it up to you. I... I want to do a score at Oktoberfest in Munich to make up. Millions in cash to be looted." Kevin then said "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up, Yoshika. You want to make up with me by casing Oktoberfest. You know for a goddamn fact that robbing a place like that would be a death trap. Just ask Gertrud about robbing Oktoberfest, and she won't rob it again for candy from babies. And besides, you know that I've been done with that shit for about a year or so." Yoshika then stated "I know that, but you know that we're the best in the game. You're a skilled master of robbing these high-profile scores. And besides, Akeno and I, with our crime skills, would make the dead come back alive. And maybe with Gertrud and Thea, we can go right to hell to fight the devil himself and come back out." Kevin then mentioned "I hope that the score is worth the risk, baka. But can I talk about this later as I'm in the middle of driving here." As Kevin hung up, Mio said "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Please don't rob. I'm pleading with you in the name of a flaming bag of shit. I... I LOVE YOU, BAKA!" Kevin then said "I... I haven't said yes to doing anything yet. Don't let this ruin our fun at the beach." Mio then said "OK... okay then." As they pulled up to the beach, Mio had wide eyes at the view. Lucy was chasing seagulls as Gertrud held her leash with no luck. When Kevin and Mio set up their towels on the sand, he started to remove her bikini and cover her backside with sunscreen. As Kevin was rubbing the sunscreen on Mio's thighs, Lucy came over and started licking her feet. Mio, squealing with delight, said "OH BAKA, MY FEET ARE SO TICKLISH!" Kevin then decided to join the fun and started in tickling Mio's feet as well. Mio started doubling over in laughter as she said "You two are just teases." Gertrud came over and said "Lucy likes licking." Kevin looked at Gertrud and said "Whoa, you look stunning in the nude, Trude." Gertrud then said "Oh stop it, you dummkopf. Yeah, you can say that I have a stunning body in the nude, but I love this sexy thing for myself." As Gertrud sat beside them, Kevin playfully poked her rib cage. Gertrud squealed, "HEY! Oh, you're in that kind of mood, aren't you?" Gertrud playfully poked Kevin's stomach and shockingly said "Whoa, I thought that your belly was big in a fat kind of way, but it is hard as a rock." Gertrud then pressed both hands onto Kevin's stomach as she said "I never felt this hot around you." Kevin then gave Gertrud a quick press on the lips. Gertrud was burning up like a bonfire as she said "Wha... wha... wha... what was that for, dummkopf?" Kevin then gave Gertrud another press on the lips and then said "You are cute when you get flustered." Gertrud became more flustered as she said "Yo... you really know how to press buttons. Oh scheisse, I'm getting chills running down me." Kevin wrapped his arms around Gertrud and said "You are a cutie, dummkopf." Gertrud, shivering in delight, said "It... it's the first time that a guy held me so tenderly." Gertrud, lost at the moment, passionately kissed Kevin. Gertrud parted her lips from Kevin and said "Why don't you take off your clothes? They didn't call this a nude beach for nothing." Kevin took off his clothes, much to Gertrud's pleasure. Gertrud was awestruck at Kevin's beer keg belly and ripped arms. Gertrud was in pure bliss seeing Kevin in the nude. Gertrud tenderly rubbed Kevin's biceps as he started to moan. Out of curiosity, Kevin touched Gertrud's abdomen. Gertrud started shivering vigorously at the touch. As Kevin was about to stop touching Gertrud's stomach, she grabbed his hand and said "I want it." Kevin was guttural moaning when he made his move by pinning Gertrud to the ground. Stunned a bit, Gertrud yelped "YES! YES! YES! HUMP ME TENDER!" Mio then joined the action and, with Gertrud, they pinned Kevin to the ground. Both of them started kissing Kevin all over his body. Kevin sarcastically said "Baka and dummkopf." Minna just got out of the water and said "I can see that the three of you are having fun. Maybe you could have some fun in the water as well." Mio stopped kissing Kevin before she got up and ran to the water as she said "The last one in the water is going to get a splash in their face." As the rest of them raced to the water, Kevin tripped on a rock and got a face full of sand. The group broke out in laughter as Kevin rambled "GODDAMN SAND IN THE MOUTH!" Akeno was giggling as she went over to Kevin and helped him up. As Kevin's face was contorting as he gagged, Akeno was laughing like a hyena as she said "Look at your face, Kev. H... he... he's barfing sand." Mio got out of the water and went over to him as she said "Well, I guess that you can't handle a little face full of sand." Kevin flailed wildly into Mio's arms as he tried to gag himself. Mio held the flailing man as she said "Deep breathing, honey." Minna came over and said "Drink this Coke Kevin. I don't want to see you barfing out sandcastles." Kevin then drank the soda, but his face contorted as he said "What in the name of a flaming bag of shit does this soda taste like stale ass for?" Minna then said "Oh, Kevin, you know what colorful insults to say in cases like this." Gertrud then mentioned "Maybe this would help." Gertrud started to kiss Kevin and move her tongue around his mouth. As Gertrud lifted Kevin up into her arms, he pulled her hair to get better access into her mouth. Gertrud's breath got caught in her throat by the hair pulling, but she knew what Kevin was doing. After a few moments, they stopped kissing as Gertrud said "How's your taste, Kev?" Kevin said "Much better." As Gertrud lowered Kevin down, Mio grabbed his hand and said "I got a gift in the water for you, Kev." Mio then pulled Kevin into deeper water and held him underwater for a passionate kiss. While underwater, Kevin put his penis in Mio's belly button, which sent her wild as she begged for more. Kevin then sucked Mio's breasts, which made her wilder. Kevin goes wild when Mio coughs up bubbles. Mio went insane as Kevin dragged her deeper underwater. Mio convulsed violently as she started to reach her peak. As Mio was at her peak, Mio squealed, cummed, barfed and shit herself underwater while making an ahegao face. After Mio finished her orgasm, Kevin became wilder as she coughed more violently underwater and more bubbles came. Moments later, Kevin filled Mio's belly button with cum when he had an orgasm when he saw her nude body wildly convulsed unlike he had ever felt before. After Kevin's orgasm, Mio groaned bubbles as she thrashed her arms as she tried to reach the surface. As Mio was about to reach the surface, she moaned in pleasure as she covered her vagina and cummed again as she sunk back into the water. Moments later, Mio painfully and forcefully blew out air from her lungs three times before she bolted up to the surface. As Mio resurfaced, she threw her head back and coughed for air that shook her entire body. Kevin then resurfaced next to Mio, and he swam over to help the thrashing woman. Mio was still coughing for air as she said "I want to do that again." Kevin, in a husky voice, said "You really have a strong fuck drive, Mio." As Kevin grabbed Mio's ass, she shrieked "OH KEVIN, YOU ARE GOING TO CAUSE ME TO SHIT MYSELF AGAIN!" Just then, bubbles came out of the water from Mio's ass. Mio said "I... I'm full of it after I ate those beans for breakfast." Kevin started to tickle Mio's ass, which caused her to rip farts out. Kevin said "Oh Mio, your farts on my hands are so arousing." Akeno went over to Ken and grabbed his penis as she said "Do you want to have some sexy time, Ken?" Suddenly, Ken pinned Akeno to the ground and started to suck her breasts. As Akeno and Ken were lost at the moment, Kevin yelled "SHARK!" When Kevin and Mio were swimming back to shore, she felt a sharp pain in her leg. Mio was in utter horror to see her leg was in the mouth of the shark. Mio made a bloodcurdling scream as blood poured out of the wound. Mio tried to kick its snout as she yelled "GET OFF ME, BAKA!" Kevin was in a state of predatory hunger as he swam to the shark. With the strength born out of his years of bottled up rage, Kevin unleashes his wrath on the shark. Kevin's first blow connected with the shark with unbridled fury to get the animal to release the love of his life. While Mio was yelling in terror, Kevin kept pounding the shark. As Akeno, Minna, Gertrud and Thea were about to arrive, the shark temporarily released its hold on Mio before chomping down again with more vigor. In the midst of Kevin's punching fest, he yelled "I'LL KILL YOU, FOOL!" As the group arrived, they started to assault the shark. Kevin was now at a fever pitch as he climbed onto the shark's back and tried to break its spine as he yelled "HERE SHARKY, SHARKY, SHARKY, SHARKY, SHARKY! GODDAMNIT, SOMEBODY BETTER CALL PETA BECAUSE THEY NEED TO KILL ME A FUCKING SHARK!" Mio then yelled "I CAN'T FEEL MY FUCKING LEG!" Kevin barked "HOLD ON BABE, I'M GOING TO KILL THIS SON OF A BITCH!" After a few minutes, Kevin with a final fervent blow cause the shark to go limp. Kevin then grabbed Mio and swam like a fish to the shore. As the group hover over Mio on the beach, Kevin cradled her as he wrapped clothes around the wound. As sirens were heard in the distance, Kevin held Mio closely as she cried. Mio was shaking vigorously as she said "I... I... I... I can't take the pain anymore. I... I felt lik... like death." Kevin was in fear as he said "DON'T SAY THAT! You ain't going to die, Mio. You're a survivor." Kevin held Mio even closer as the first wave of emergency vehicles stormed onto the beach. As the paramedics checked Mio out, Kevin held her hand. When one of the EMTs told Kevin that Mio might have a slight chance of living and said to make plans, he never lost hope in her. As the EMTs loaded Mio onto the ambulance and left, Kevin's adrenaline surged as he started punching beer cans at the beach bar as he muttered "Goddamnit, my goddamn wife." As Kevin was vandalizing the bar, Akeno came over and said "It's okay, Kevin. Mio is going to be fine." As Akeno started to hug Kevin, he thought "Its worthless smashing up the place." As they hugged, Akeno said "We're here for you, Kevin. Let's go back to the hotel." The group then went back to the hotel. By the afternoon, Yoshika arrived at Kevin's room and said "I... I heard about Mio. I know that she means the world to you, Kev. Well, about Mio, you know that medical bills are going to be beefy and the current state of currency exchange rates from Canadian dollars to euros or any currency, for fact, is a bitch after that Joe Biden bullshit last year. I... I was thinking about pulling the score at Oktoberfest." Kevin then said "A desperate time needs desperate measures. I don't know how much Mio's medical bills will cost, but I know for damn sure that it will cost an arm and a fucking leg. Yoshika, please call Momo about coming to Germany. I want you to meet her in Bremen before going to Munich to case Oktoberfest. Afterward, please call me back about the intel. Anyhow, I am going to the hospital." Kevin's nerves were going nuclear as he went over to the hospital as he didn't know if they would amputate Mio's leg. As Kevin arrived at the hospital in the early evening, a doctor said "Mr. Stewart, Mio is stable, but her leg is pretty messed up. The surgery is going to be a hefty one, but it will be necessary for her to keep her leg. She is already awake if you want to talk with her about how you are going to pay for it." Kevin then rushed over to Mio's room to see her crying. Kevin was heartbroken as he went to Mio and held her hand. Kevin said "What's wrong, my rare Japanese gem?" Mio looked at Kevin with tears running down her cheeks and said "I... I... I hate myself for getting attacked by a shark. I... I thought that Germany was safe from sharks. Th... the bills are going to cost us around €400000." Kevin held Mio's hand tightly as he said "Don't blame yourself for getting attacked. Global warming is getting bad, so sharks could be able to live in the North Sea. Listen Mio, I was thinking about making that score at Oktoberfest." Mio then burst into tears as she grabbed Kevin's wrists and said "NO! Ple... please don't do it. Don't go back to goddamn crime, my rare Canadian gem." Kevin cupped Mio's cheeks and wiped her tears as he said "I know that you hate me robbing, but you know ever since Joe Biden's downfall, I can't convert around a half million dollars into euros. And besides, Yoshika was right about our crew being the best in the game." Just then, a voice said "Kev... Kevin?" Kevin turned around to see Georgette. Kevin was in shock as he said "Geor... Georgette. How are you? Ha, I see that you have become a full-time nurse." Georgette then said "Being a military nurse in a MASH unit during World War 3 has its benefits. Before the onset of the war, I was studying for a Bachelor of Science in nursing at York University, but when rumors were calling for war, the Canadian government needed all the available nurses, as I knew that the casualty rate from the last two World Wars had cost the fighting countries greatly. I postponed my studies, and I was sent to a MASH unit in the town of Emerson, Manitoba. You were my best patient I served, Kevin. After you guys ended the war by killing Joe Biden for his war crimes, I was enrolled in a German hospital in Wilhelmshaven." Kevin said "That's great. It was a wild time back in the war." Georgette then said "In deed it was. Oh Mio, I'm so sorry about what happened." Mio then said "Georgette, I will never repay you for saving Kevin back then." Georgette then said "I was doing my job, but Kevin has changed my life too." Just then, Lucy came in and started sniffing Georgette's rear end. Georgette made a startled yelp as she said "Wha... what in the hell? Whose husky is this?" Kevin then said "I think Lucy is a bit too interested in your assets, Georgette." Georgette giggled as she patted Lucy before she licked Georgette's nose. Gertrud then came in with a leash in hand and said "Hey Kevin and Mio. I just had Momo call me about planning to rob Oktoberfest, Kev. I'd already robbed there 11 years ago, and it was a bloody mess." Kevin then said "I remember you saying that, but with our crew, we could pull it off." Gertrud then said "I don't know, but maybe your right about the crew being the best." In the meantime, Mio was patting Lucy as she said "You're a good girl." Gertrud said "Come here, Lucy. I'm going to get some bratwurst and pretzels from my favorite restaurant. Do you want to join me, Kev?" Kevin then said "Yep, I would like to come." Before they left, Mio said "Don't steal a tank like Ken did." Georgette then said "Ca... can I tag along? My shift is finished anyhow." Kevin said "Sure, Georgette." As the trio made their way to the restaurant, Kevin said "That's a nice Eiffel Tower tattoo you got on your neck, Georgette." Georgette made a startled gasp while a blush crept up her neck before she said "Tha... thank you, Kevin. Yo... you know tha... that I... I'm a Frenchy at birth." Kevin then said "You're such a little cute French fry." Georgette became even pinker as she started becoming more flustered. Kevin then stated "You're becoming a little flustered. Am I pushing your baguettes?" Georgette playfully pushed Kevin as she said "You're such a tease, espèce d'idiot." Kevin then said "Whoa, you're a fiery one. I thought that an iced latte like you were cold." Georgette giggled and then mentioned "You're such a flirty Canadian goose." Gertrud then said "You two were really having a blast playfully insulting each other, weren't you." Suddenly, Lucy licked Georgette's leg. Georgette made a startled shriek as she said "Wha... what was that for?" Kevin then said "At least she ain't sniffing your butt, Georgette." They all laughed about that as they entered the restaurant. Just as Gertrud was ordering the food at a kiosk, a voice said "Hey big sis." Gertrud turned around to see Christiane and said "Hey there." Christiane then asked "Who's your friends?" Gertrud then said "This is Kevin, and I'm assuming your Georgette." Georgette then said "Yep." Christiane went over to Kevin and playfully tugged his beard as she said "I heard a lot about you Mr. Peanut Butter Jelly Time." Gertrud then asked "Mr. Peanut Butter Jelly Time?" Christiane then stated "Kevin got that nickname last year after he stomped on a RCMP cruiser while yelling peanut butter jelly time. One question. Did you go on a rampage in Wilhelmshaven in a Panzer IV the other day?" Kevin then said "That was my twin brother, Ken. He kind of drank one too many and went on a joyride along with my sister-in-law." Gertrud then said "Hey Kevin. Lucy had some puppies a few months ago, and I was wondering if you would like to keep one." Kevin then stated "That's nice Trude. I think Mio would love a little friend in a time like this." Gertrud then said "Good. Let's eat before we look at the cuties." They waited for their meals before they got a table. When Gertrud got the food, Christiane said "What are you up to, Trude?" Gertrud then said "Kevin and I were planning to rob Oktoberfest." Christiane then stated "Are you fucking crazy? You know what happened 11 years ago. We lost Hedwig on that score. That's a fool's game if you want to do it again, and I won't be fooled again." Gertrud then mentioned "Kevin needed the money because his wife got attacked by a shark. And please don't say anything shitty about her due to Kevin going ape shit nuclear if you do so." Christiane then said "Oh, I'm so sorry about your wife, Kevin. But if you didn't know that I, Gertrud and a couple of friends hit Oktoberfest over a decade ago, and it didn't go well." Kevin then stated "Gertrud mentioned that heist around six years ago on a heist that we did. And besides, our crew is the best in the game." Christiane then mentioned "You're right that your crew is the best, Kev. I heard stories of you taking billions from Casino Rama to busting someone out of a supermax. If you're that bad for money, I'd help. What's the plan then?" Kevin then said "I have a couple of people going there to scout the place. So I didn't have a plan until they scouted Oktoberfest." Christiane then said "Okay, Kevin. Well, I'm finished eating here. I'm going to go to the beach for a dip. Talk to you later, sis." Gertrud then stated "Don't get eaten by a shark. So Kevin, do you want to visit my place to see the puppies?" Kevin then said "Sure thing, Trude." When Gertrud paid for the meal, she and Kevin walked to her house. When walking, Kevin noticed an Iron Cross tattoo on Gertrud's nape of her neck. Kevin, with a mischievous grin, touched her nape. Gertrud suddenly yelped and bolted for a few feet before saying "Scheisse, I thought my hair covered that." Kevin then said "That really suits you, Trude." Gertrud became stuttered as Kevin started to run his finger along the tattoo. As Kevin was still touching her nape, he said "I thought that the Iron Cross was hated in Germany." Gertrud was gasping vigorously as her face was turning red before saying "You're a freaking tease, Kevin. I know that the Cross is controversial due to its ties with the Third Reich, but I was in the Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader 71 from 2019 to 2024." Kevin then said "You're turning as red as Richthofen's plane." Gertrud lightly moaned as she said "You're pushing my buttons, Kev. I... I... I'm burning up. You really want me to blow, don't you dummkopf? Let's get to my place before I kiss you silly." When they arrived at Gertrud's apartment, a half dozen husky puppies pounced at Kevin. Kevin's heart melted as he said "Aww, you're such a lovely breed. Come to papa, cuties." Gertrud smiled as she said "You're really falling for them." Kevin scooped up one of the puppies, cradling it in his arms. The puppy nipped Kevin's beard as he said "Aww." Gertrud then said "She really likes you, Kev. She seems like the perfect little friend for Mio." Kevin then stated "Yeah, this little joy would make Mio happy. Thank you, Trude." Kevin then left Gertrud's apartment with the puppy and went back to the hotel. When he arrived back at the hotel room, Akeno said "Aww, whose puppy is that?" Kevin then said "It's a little surprise from Gertrud." Akeno then said "Really? That's so sweet! Can I hold it?" Kevin then said "Sure, go ahead." Akeno carefully takes the puppy from Kevin's arms and gently strokes its fur. Akeno said "It's so tiny and adorable." Suddenly, the puppy snuggles closer into Akeno's breasts. Akeno yelped before saying "That's tickling, but it's damn cute." Kevin then said "I hope that you like the puppy, Aki. Well, I'm going to hit the sack for the night." The following morning, Kevin went over to the hospital with the puppy. When he got to Mio's room, Kevin popped his head into the doorway before saying "Good morning, my rare Japanese gem." Mio then said "Hey Kevin. Wha... what's in your arms?" Kevin then said "Can you please close your eyes? I got a surprise for you." Mio closed her eyes as Kevin came in. When he got to her bedside, Kevin placed the puppy onto Mio before saying "You can open your eyes." When Mio opened her eyes, she gasped as she said "No you didn't have to." Kevin then said "I thought you might like a little company." Mio, her voice raw with emotions, said "Aww, my rare Canadian gem, this is the nicest thing you got me." Just then, Georgette came in and said "Good morning, Mio. I got your breakfas... Oh, hello Kevin." Kevin then said "Hey Georgette." Georgette noticed the puppy nuzzling up against Mio's hand and said "Who is this little fur ball?" Mio then stated "I don't have a name yet, but I'd name her Sakura." 


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