Kevin Stewart Rant

YouTube finally pissed me off for the last time as they paused my monetization on my channel, Kevin Stewart, for identity verification in order to monetize on March 23, 2024. Ever since I started my channel on February 24, 2015, I had no intention of becoming a YouTuber at first because I made the channel for the hell of it, but when I started getting more and more subscribers after uploading my first anime girl drowning video in December 2021, my goal was to monetize. I uploaded more anime girl drowning videos and on September 4, 2022, I finally got 1000 subscribers. I was happy when I applied for monetization, but a freight train hit me when I was rejected. I try to reapply it each month. Finally, on February 1, 2024, I got to monetize. That is why I started to do live streams again after nearly a year of hiatus from YouTube. I want to mention why I went on hiatus. All of this happened after that shit show. I wanted to call the Copyright Strike War on April 13, 2023. It was started by Galithrania after the fool copyright strike 3 of my anime girl drowning videos on behalf of Reds MMD. One of them had nearly 2 million views. After Reds MMD's YouTube channel got terminated on April 14 for sexual content, I thought that Galithrania would uncopyright the videos. The smart ass still won't back down. I went back and forth insulting and threats towards Galithrania and Reds MMD in the following days of the Copyright Strike War had started. I want to mention that I even faked myself as a lawyer and emailed Galithrania with an email that I made to look like a real lawyer. With that email, I sent Galithrania a real-looking lawsuit letter. I know that was a bit too far, but I was livid at Galithrania for fucking with me. I thought that after April 19 that the heat had died down, but a month later, on May 17, another YouTuber joined the war and copyrighted one of their videos from me. I was already facing 2 copyright strikes at that point and I couldn't afford to get a third one. I also privately those three videos that belong to Reds MMD and went into hiatus. That was the main reason why I went on hiatus, leading to the end of the bitching. I don't like to brag, but when I went on hiatus I knew that I had lost this, but it will never be forgotten. I want to spell out my guts about something, out that I created another YouTube channel called John Marston on November 18, 2022, 5 months before the Copyright Strike War. I started to upload videos to the channel on January 5, 2023, when I found an AI tool that has the AI voice of John Marston. I need to talk about a video called YouTube Thiefs that I uploaded on February 24, 2023. I said some not-so-nice things in the video stating that two channels, MMV Water and Victoria, were stealing videos of anime girls drowning from my main channel. That March, I uploaded a bunch of ranting videos saying that I am the King of YouTube and insulting MMV Water, Victoria and MMD UW, the creator of the anime girl drowning videos. The rant videos I did on the John Marston channel contributed to the start of the Copyright Strike War. A few months into my hiatus in August, one of my Angry Grandpa videos was given a Community Guidelines strike for harmful or dangerous content. I counter-struck the claim but failed a few minutes later. I vented my anger on Reddit in the Rants subreddit. To my shock, Galithrania commented on that post stating that the Angry Grandpa video ain't mine. I knew that there are many other YouTube channels out there that upload Angry Grandpa videos. What the fuck is Galithrania, the YouTube Police? I saw so much red that I wanted to send another fake lawsuit to him, but I know that this won't work. I still hate Galithrania to this day and I hope he rots in hell. One thing that I don't understand is that many other people on Twitter were tweeting shit about me in the weeks before the war. They were talking about striking my channel three times in order to get me terminated. Others were talking about how I needed to eat dirt, and even some of them told me to kill myself. How the fuck do those people breathe the same air as me? How retarded are those people who often prey on small creators who are trying to make a living, and often upload other people's work, whether they like it or not. I don't know how many of the anime girl drowning videos that I uploaded I personally copyright struck from other channels. I know that my ego of copyrighting those videos that I uploaded to curb other channels from feasting on the hype came back and fucked me in the ass. This is also why the Copyright Strike War started as well. The views I got when I started uploading anime girl drowning videos in December 2021 were slow, but in November 2022, it really got beefy. Just before the war, my views were dipping and never reached another 30000 views a day again. I know that bitching about it ain't going to stop the choke hold on my views. Many of my subscribers don't know that I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism at the age of 10. Being autistic is another reason why I'm in this world of flaming bags of shit. I feel like the world still has a choke hold on people like me and treats us like third-class citizens from a Third World country. This ain't back in the day when people were lynched because of who they were. If the world became like the Nazis, who killed many different groups of people, including autistic people, for fun, I'd raise hell. I'm not some toy that Hitler can play with before he sends me to the gas chamber. I have enough of being slapped about like some punk that makes other people happy. I won't be treated like some prize ass anymore. I want freedom from the world of flaming bags of shit. I'm fluent in English, but my speech is lackluster at best. Most people don't understand me as they think I'm speaking some buggered-up language, even though the person understands English. I hate when inconsiderate people see me as some little punk that has a buggered-up speech. Every time they put me down, I want to bite their heads off. Inconsiderate people think that they run the world. Let me tell you something you little shit, there are people out there other than you who can bitch slap some common sense up your candy ass. I know that lashing out at inconsiderate people ain't legal, but I see red sometimes, and I act impulsively to the point of breaking point. I want to talk about another reason why YouTube has paused my monetization, because I haven't put my debit card information on AdSense yet. I have an active AdSense account and a debit card of my own and should've added it already, but my parents are the most anti-technology people out there. It's my debit card and I want to do whatever I want with it, even if I buy online porn, lap dances or drugs to prove my point. I ain't some little punk kid that would go on an online shopping spree for candy, but a 24-year-old person that wants to buy shit online. I don't know how many times I nearly bought things online impulsively without my parents saying so. My parents are also the most anti-purchasing online people out there, even when almost everyone else around them is buying shit left, right and center online. I can understand that they were both born in the 1960s, when the internet didn't even exist yet. I know people from that time period that bought shit online today. For Christ's sake, my grandpa on my mother's side does online banking, and he was born in 1939, just before the start of World War 2. I know that one time during COVID-19, my mother and I helped my grandpa out by buying something online at Canadian Tire and picking it up at the curb because everywhere was in damn lockdown. They are such damn chicken shits for putting their information online. After that time, when my mother's computer got hacked by Kaspersky, she had to format her computer and cancel her credit card. I ain't no Albert Einstein, but I know what an online scam is or not. I know that online stores by big companies like eBay and Amazon are pretty safe. I want goddamn freedom in goddamn online buying without my goddamn scrawny nag of goddamn parents stopping goddamn me. I freaking fear buying something online in case that my mother will curse me out of her house and my father will beat my ass up to the point that I may be killed. I would be a part of the rest of the people who buy things online only if my parents came out of the closet. I know that my mother said that I can do whatever I want to with the money on my debit card that I got from my job. I still didn't want to buy shit online and she went ape shit. I don't even want to win something for free online and put our address in. I'm a big Sabaton fan and I always do my best to win the 24 Days of Metal Christmas, but always fail. If somehow I won, and I put my information in, I don't know how my parents would act. I have lived in my mother's house since I was born. I often think about moving out, but I'm a lazy son of a bitch sometimes. I know that buying a house in the GTA ain't cheap. For fuck's sake, even renting a house costs an arm and a leg. I only work 4 hours a week as a produce clerk at Sobeys. Living on 16 dollars per hour, I can get the bare minimum in groceries with barely any pocket money left. I know that I get cheques from the Government of Ontario because of my autism. I don't know how much I make on those cheques, but the price of everything is like a flaming bag of shit right now. I really want to ask my manager to get another shift. The prices of things are so high, I want to rip off my shirt like Hulk Hogan. I don't have a smartphone, as I still use a flip phone and my parents are so goddamn against me getting one. For fuck's sake, I'm a 24-year-old adult that still uses a damn flip phone. People laugh at me when they see my phone. I get so mad every time I am made into a prized jackass every time I use it, as the flip phone died out in the late 2000s. My parents think that I will use all my data from watching videos and shit if I get a smartphone. There are plans with unlimited data for a good price. My father said that he is against me getting me a smartphone. He thinks that I'm going to use it while walking. I ain't that son of a bitch who is going to use a smartphone and walk into live traffic. My mother has a flip phone and my father has a smartphone. I can't have a driver's license because my mother said that I have an Ontario Photo Card, and because of that she said that I'm never going to get a driver's license, because she said that I was autistic, but she knew that autistic people could drive. That's a bunch of shit as two-thirds of 15 to 18-year-old autistic adolescents without intellectual disability are currently driving or planning to drive, and 1 in 3 autistic individuals without intellectual disability get licensed by age 21. I don't know if I have an intellectual disability, a form of autism. Years ago, I only drove a real car for 5 feet in a parking lot before my mother freaked the hell out. I thought I drove pretty damn well. As I have played Grand Theft Auto for years, I ain't that crazy ass driver she saw in GTA. I love running over cops in GTA, but I ain't that retarded to run over cops in real life. I so want to drive because I want to go places without my mother driving me everywhere or taking the transit. My father is already an asshole. Every time I vent my rage and smash the house up, he threatens to hit me. Way to make my mental health hit an all-time low. I hate people who think that they can run over their own kids like a flaming bag of shit. "He ain't no drunk or crackhead. "I ain't some bitch that he can slap about. "I don't care who you are, Elon Musk or some homeless guy on the street, I ain't some punk that is going to get my ass fucked by his father. Ain't there a crime for a father threatening violence against their kids, 2 months or 24 years old? Good lord, I'm glad that my father doesn't live in the same house that I do, as I might have killed him already. I don't know how many times I wanted my father's place to be swatted. The thing I hate the most about my parents is their smoking. I don't know how many times I scolded my mother for stopping smoking, but my father would go ape shit on me that I was not her boss. I don't give a goddamn about what he says, even if I am scaring my mother with my scolding. At this point, I don't give a shit if I have to scare my mother into stopping smoking, as I don't know how many times she quit smoking, but started it again months later. I don't even dare to scold my father about him quitting smoking as he would put me 6 feet under. I'm bigger than my father, as I'm 260 pounds, and he is around 200, but we are basically the same height, at about 6 feet. I don't want to give him a bitch slap because I don't want to be his punching bag if he ever gets up. I don't want to be around those damn fads when they are smoking. I don't need secondhand smoke as I don't want to convulse on the ground having a heart attack before I'm 30. I'm a bastard as my parents were never married. My parents lived together as a couple when I was born. When I moved into a townhouse in Thornhill when I was 1, my parents still lived together. My father moved to a basement room in Toronto a couple of years later when I was still little. To be honest, I can't remember him staying with us. We still stay in touch with each other. I was bought up pretty okay by my mother as she got a good-paying job as a forklift driver at an ACCO factory. When the factory moved back to the states around the early 2010s, she was unemployed for a while until she worked for less money as a cashier at the Real Canadian Superstore. She worked there for around 8 years until she quit. After another bout of unemployment, she got another cashier job at No Frills. She is still working there until she hits 65, and it's about a year from now. I know that she used to work at a donut shop before she worked at ACCO some time prior to the place going back south 25 to 30 years ago. I do love my parents, but I already have enough of their bullshit of their bitching about what I can do or not. I don't want to tell them what I'm thinking because I don't want them to go ape shit on me. I rarely use an iPad Mini 2 as it's outdated as shit as it is nearly a decade old and hasn't got any major updates since 2018. The only time I use my iPad is to jack off to porn in the washroom. I can't get most apps as the operating system is so outdated. The apps I got already are useless as they need the newest version of the app, which is useless because it needs the newest operating system version. I spend all my hours awake on my laptop other than the one day of the week that I work at Sobeys. It only got 16 GB of RAM, but it got the job done. I should have bought a laptop with higher storage. I have only got one game, which is about 40 to 50 GB in storage, and I only have 6 GB left in storage out of 218 GB. Some days, my laptop acts like its on weed as it runs so slowly. I don't know how many times I wanted to take a hammer to it like Angry Grandpa. My health ain't the greatest as I'm a 24-year-old male that weighs 260 pounds with a sweet tooth and eats fast food almost every other day. At one point, I weighed 250 pounds around three years ago, and after a couple of surgeries inside my mouth where I could only eat soft food, I was under 210 pounds a few weeks after my last surgery. But a few months later, I really started to put the beef back on again, and I'm up to 260 since I last weighed myself a month ago. I buy a lot of sweets every week when I go shopping. I am often seen eating sticky buns or doughnuts at home. One time when I had surgery on my eye. I ate at Burger King every day for 7 days. I basically went back and forth from home to the hospital that whole week. There was a Burger King near the hospital. Another time, I went to the Mandarin and ate 10 plates of food. However, I puked all of that out in the lobby while leaving. I never went on a date or kissed someone in my life. I had this thing with a girl called Tina when I was in elementary school. I can't remember much from back then, but we hit pretty okay. We played basketball during recess. Soon after, she wanted to break ties with me. I don't know why she broke up with me, but life is life. In high school, I had a friend called Samantha who was in the special ed class that I was in. That was when she started attending Thornlea Secondary School in 2017 until I graduated in 2019. I often hang out during lunch with her. She would often hang out with Ben, who moved from Texas, outside of school. She didn't give a fuck about hanging out with me outside of school hours, even after I gave her my house number. I wasn't asking for a goddamn date, I just wanted a freaking casual friendship who I could spend time with. But no, Samantha goes out with Ben all the damn time. I felt a rage that I might put the moves on her, but I might not be here writing this. I don't know how many times she and Ben told me to go away when they wanted to talk about some things. My rage bubbled inside me every time they did that. She told me that her boyfriend, from whom I never learned his name, hates my ass. How the hell does he hate me if I never met the guy before? Despite this, we were still good friends. The day I graduated, I gave her my cell number. I realized when I left on my school bus that I might have mixed up the numbers. I was so mad at myself that I just robbed myself of staying in touch with her. I don't have any friends since I finished high school because of this fuck up. Sometimes I dream about killing her. I wanted to choke that retarded slut by grabbing her neck very hard and watching her gasp for air. I wanted her belly to convulse while I was holding her down by sitting on her belly. I want her belly convulsions to get me horny. I would like to see her eyes bulging out as she hacks for air. I would like to see her boobs jiggle on my penis as she was fighting to get free of my hold. I want her to piss herself as she moans in fear. I want her to sob in sheer fear, as she knows her ass is utterly fucked in the ass. I wanted her to shriek as I licked her eyeballs. Also, I want her to shriek in fear as I suck her ear lobe. I want her to make a fearful moan as I lick her armpit. I want to see her neck and face turn purple as she goes limp. I want her to dig her nails into my arms as a last ditch effort to get free from my choke hold. In her final moments, I wanted her belly to convulse with such force that she started to gargle bile. I wanted her face to be filled with sheer terror as she took her last breath. After she dies, I will feel her up by touching her belly while I give her mouth-to-mouth. While I'm giving her mouth-to-mouth, I want her to blow up like a blow up doll. I wanted her boobs to blow up to a huge size as her nipples were poking through her shirt. I want her shirt to rip as her boobs grew bigger and bigger. I wanted her to vomit on my face as she came back to life and choke on her vomit. As she chokes, I want her to shit herself. I wanted the shit to run down her legs as she started to choke harder. As she tries to escape, I'll punch her nose into a bloody mess. As she rolled in pain in my clutches, I wanted her to plead for her life as she was still choking. When she stopped choking, I wanted her to gag on her blood from her busted nose. I want her to do many guttural gags that shake her body. When she gets back to normal, I'll do it all over again. The only damn people I deal with beside my family are my coworkers. I often daydream of having a girlfriend. I dream about Mio Sakamoto from Strike Witches and Momo Kawashima from Girls und Panzer. I'm losing my mind about this crap as I'm mad at everything in the world as I can feel a rage building inside of me that I want to turn into the Hulk. I don't know how many times I want to snap at my customers at work. I often jack off to videos of women drowning. I also visit porn chats wanting to fill that missing part inside of me. I feel like sobbing into a lady's chest to release my pent-up pain. I wanted to bury my face in her chest as she rubbed my back. I want her to hold me tightly as I wail at her. I want her to be my damn rock to weather my rage-filled sobbing. I longed for a lady to hold me tender and say sweet nothings to me. I need to listen to her heartbeat to soothe my pure-raged mind. I should get benefits from Canada as I'm a veteran in the Copyright Strike War. I fought well in the Copyright Strike War for the common good. I should have won if Galithrania wasn't an asshole. I don't really want to go on a killing spree or kill myself to make my point clear, but I'm really getting close to losing my damn sanity and lashing out my inner Angry Grandpa and going ape shit in the world. I don't want to be somebody's bitch in prison. After I sent my ID to YouTube on March 23 to verify my monetization, I found out the next day that it had failed. That is the biggest fuck you in the ass that an autistic person can go through. This made me so mad that I wanted to write a letter to YouTube full of every racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and antisemitic slur out there. I don't care if I use nigga every second word. I also want to make a rant video with pure hate and anger on John Marston's channel. I want to march to YouTube headquarters and bitch slap some common sense into Neal Mohan's candy ass. I feel like going to the side of the road and yelling incredibly offensive language and insults about YouTube through a megaphone at passing cars. I want to be like Hitler in one of his speeches without all the hate while ranting towards passing drivers. I want to toss a flaming bag of shit into YouTube's headquarters. I know that none of these actions will do anything, but I still believe that YouTube is trying to fuck me in the ass. I don't know how many times I want to do a guttural roar at the top of my lungs while at work at Sobeys. Some days I don't feel like leaving the house and wanting to wail into a pillow for days on end in my bedroom. I even feel like stuffing the pillow down my mouth to the point of non-stop gagging. I want my body to convulse while stuffing the pillow deep into my mouth. While I was gagging myself, I wanted to piss myself with such force, piss ran down my legs like a bat out of hell. I want to moan as the warmth of the piss makes me horny. I want to feel completely numb throughout my body after a powerful guttural gag. I also think about adding superglue to the pillow before stuffing it down my mouth. I want to taste the utter urge of the glue on the pillow as glue is a true balm to my soul. The almighty numbness of the glue makes my hormones horny. As for my other channel, John Marston. I'm thinking of winding down my content for the time being. It pains me to slow down the era of the flaming bag of shit saying, hot-headed, ranting machine you called John Marston. But it's for the greater good of my mental health. To cast off the end of the era, I needed to say one more thing beforehand. The flaming bag of shit will never die. I'm sad to say that I'm also taking a break from my main YouTube channel, Kevin Stewart, because my mental health is a flaming bag of shit. Since I came back from another year-long break from YouTube on February 1, 2024, I have been live-streaming, but I have just been doing Angry Grandpa live streams, and it is getting repetitive. I know that I posted a community post a couple of weeks ago stating how bad my mental health was. I want to say that I'm really buggered in the mind, and I may snap if I keep doing the same old live streams every week. I want to mention that I'm just taking a break from live streams. I may upload videos here and there, but pretty much I'm still here on YouTube. Other than this, peace out and see you on the other side. My mother had gone fucking insane as she had lost her fucking mind. She threatened me to fucking move out. I don't want the fucking woman to kick my fucking ass out and live on the fucking street. I'm a 24-year-old autistic person who has lived in Thornhill, Ontario all my life and I don't know anybody to crash with in the GTA. My father lives in a tiny room in the basement of a house in Toronto. I don't know if his landlord is renting any rooms out. My grandfather lives down the street from me and my mother. He is losing his mind due to old age and I don't know how much longer he will be around. My aunt lives in Vancouver. I don't want to go all the way to BC. The last thing I heard about my uncle's last known house was in Kawartha Lakes, but I haven't heard from him in a long time. I hardly have any other family that I can crash with. I also don't have many friends to crash with either. I'm fucked in the ass if my mother loses her fucking shit anymore. I will not go to a fucking shelter as I'm ain't no fucking bum. For fuck's sake, I'll even stay in the break room at Sobeys where I work. I don't want to get my fucking ass fired from work if I bring all my things and stay at the store. I'm fucking sick of this fucking shit as I'm fucking close to fucking ending my fucking life by fucking stuffing a fucking pillow down my fucking mouth until I fucking die. Fuck this world, you son of bitches. I need to tell you about something that has been paining me for a while now. I used to have a Coca-Cola glass that I got from an order from McDonald’s many years ago. My mom accidentally dropped it off the counter while she was doing the dishes a few months ago. Seeing the glass on the floor in pieces pains me so badly that a piece of me died, and my heart was stabbed with a piece of it. The glass didn't survive the sinking of the Titanic, it wasn't signed by Jesus Christ, or it wasn't drunk out by the Pope, but it meant a lot to me. I know that bottling the grief ain't so healthy, but things lately are just not going my way. I felt numb shortly after the aftermath, that I didn't even care if the house was on fire or World War 3 had started. I was out of it in the following days and didn't want to do Jack shit. I just want to lock myself in my bedroom and bury my face deep in my pillow. I want to make myself numb all over while sobbing on the pillow. I don't know how many times I jacked off to videos of women drowning, but the pain was still there. I'm a fucking asshole as I may have fucked up getting some help with my mental health. I kind of went ape shit when my mother was on the phone with someone that might help me all because I didn't want to go down the street to help my grandfather by myself. I know that I need the fucking help big time right now, but I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I get the fucking help or not sometimes, as I think that most of these people are fucking quacks. For fuck's sake, my doctor is the biggest fucking quack out there. She is so scared of getting COVID-19 that she basically does not see people in person, even after the lockdowns and masking rules were lifted years ago. Her daughter has a breathing condition. I think she is in the wrong fucking job if she is such a fucking chicken shit. I don't even give a flaming bag of shit if I fucking die right now, as I see red so much lately. The world is trying so hard to utterly fuck me in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. I want to be held by someone so badly that I want to walk up and hug a woman on the street, even if they were a bum or the First Lady of the United States. I have Jack shit for someone to hug right now. I don't have any friends and my mother doesn't give me a flaming bag of shit if I want a fucking hug or not. I dream of the day when a beautiful Japanese woman holds me tenderly, and I can roar out my anger into her chest. I think that jabronis who have jabroni girlfriends are ruining my life. All the jabronis do is talk about how good their sex life is. I don't give a flaming bag of shit about their sex life because I ain't got no goddamn sex life myself. I don't know how many times I jacked off, but I felt something missing. Something like a lady jerking me off and getting laid. I hate when these jabronis laugh at me for not having a lady. I hate it even more when those jabronis kiss their jabroni girlfriends, but it soon turns out to be a goddamn freaking make-out session. I just wanted to do a primal scream to them stating to get a room. Fuck dating sites as I don't want to pay for their services to find that special someone. Fuck porn video chats as the women won't flash their boobs unless I tip them. Fuck Samantha as I never asked her for sex when we were in high school, but she would surely kick my candy ass if I would ever ask that back then. Fuck Sabrina as she would for sure get bitchy if I asked her to fuck back in high school too. Fuck the many ladies that mock me because of my autism. Fuck the nightmares I have that have anime characters mocking me about me dreaming of them being their girlfriend. I would like to find that special someone, get married, settle down together and have kids. I want kids because I want to feel the joy of holding my child for the first time after birth. I wanted to die of old age when my great-grandchildren were sitting on my lap while surrounded by my wife and family. I want my eternal flame to be fueled by the touch of a woman. Until the day when the eternal flame burns white-hot, I'll dream of anime girls soothing my soul. Lately, I have been eating unhealthy food before I go to bed. I have been trying to numb that part inside of me. I need food that numbs my inner pain and rage. My soul feels like it's utterly hollow that food isn't filling. I often think of shoving a Whopper down my throat in one go until I gag. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I wanted to gag out the Whopper, I'll keep forcing myself to gag. I just want to feel the primal urge to gag. I want each gag to shake my body. I wanted to feel my whole body convulsing as I was gagging more forcefully for air. I wanted to feel one forceful gag to render my whole body utterly numb and the eternal flame inside me was put out. I want to feel this numbness for a long time. After I was done with gagging myself with a Whopper, I wanted to gag myself with a hot dog. I feel like shoving a whole hot dog down my throat until I start to hack. I want to feel the primal urge to breathe. As I shove more hot dogs down my throat, I want to feel like my brain wants to blow up. I want to feel the urge to forcefully gag the hot dogs. I want to feel my mouth to go numb. I want the gags to shake my body with such force, I want my nose to bleed. If my gag reflex forces the hot dogs out of my throat, I'll force the dogs back in. To help me with the gagging from the hot dogs, I'll drink a lot of sub sauce. When I'm gagging on the hot dogs, I'll shove french fries up my nose. I want the salt of the fries to sting my nose. I want to get high from the salt. I want to moan in pure bliss as I am choking on hot dogs while I have a primal urge to sneeze out the french fries that I shove up my nose. After I'm done with choking on hot dogs and stuffing french fries up my nose, I want to force myself to get brain freeze on ice cream. I want to force myself to get the most painful brain freeze to numb my brain. I want the brain freeze to be so extreme that I want my brain to be numb from the rest of my body. My job as a produce clerk at Sobeys is getting repetitive as a flaming bag of shit. I'm doing the same old shit over and over every Sunday. I think that burnout ain't cutting it, but more like being burnt in a flaming bag of shit. I so want to walk into an aisle and wipe the items off the shelves. I feel an urge to give all the customers an RKO or an F5. I'm tempted to take an electric pallet jack and go on a rampage. I even feel tempted to set off a flaming bag of shit in the ladies' locker room. This is a goddamn clusterfuck why I ain't causing any mayhem yet. I don't know how many times. I wanted to put the moves on this one coworker I like. I feel like putting up a hammock on a U-boat hand truck and going to sleep most times. Fuck my fucking life, as I want to die in a fucking flaming bag of shit. My fucking life is a living fucking hell full of fucking flaming bags of shit. My mother is a motherfucking asshole who needs to burn in a fucking flaming bag of shit. She is a fucking tosser and a fucking British-born confused asshole. She was fucking threatening me to get my fucking ass out of her fucking house. Fuck you asshole, I'm your fucking autistic son, you motherfucking chump ape. This motherfucking asshole needs to calm the fuck down before she gives herself a fucking heart attack, you fucking baby boomer fuck wit. I often think about fucking choking that motherfucking son of a bitch. I fucking hate this fucking half-baked half-breed half-assed dirt bag. I want to fucking bitch slap that fucking two-bit cunt slut whore into a fucking flaming bag of shit. I want to fucking die by fucking drowning like one of the fucking anime girls in the videos I uploaded on my fucking YouTube channel. I don't fucking like looking at the motherfucking piece of shit that I call my fucking mother. I want to fucking slap her fucking ass back in the fucking UK. I fucking want her to fucking die and fucking leave me the fuck alone, you fucking white trash bitch. That fucking chump shit just needs to fucking bugger the fuck off. Your actions fucking hurt and your fucking threats about fucking wanting me to fuck off from the house. I fucking thought that she was fucking helping my fucking ass with my fucking mental health, not fucking trying to fucking make it fucking worse, you fucking shit bag. I fucking want to fucking rag doll her on the fucking road so that she gets fucking road rash all fucking over her fucking body. If she was fucking younger, fucking more stunning and fucking Japanese, I would like to fuck her. This fucking slut doesn't deserve Canadian citizenship as she fucking needs to be fucking deported fucking back to the fucking United Kingdom. She needs to be fucking King Charles III fucking problem to fucking deal with. When I was 5, iPhones and iPads didn't even exist yet, and that was about 20 years ago. I watch kids' shows on TV and go outside as a kid. I was born in 2000 as a Generation Z to baby boomer parents born in the early 60s and silent generation grandparents from the late 30s to early 40s. When I was 4, I didn't have all this tech like kids of the same age have today. I didn't even own a cell phone back then. My first cell phone I got was in 2019, but it was a goddamn flip phone. People of the same age and generation as me all got the first iPhones when they first came out in 2007, but I can't. Even in 2019, when the iPhone 11 is released, I still can't buy it. The reason why I didn't buy the iPhone between 2007 and 2019 was because of my anti-technology parents. I want to be a part of my generation, but no, my parents won't let me. I so want to rebel against them, but I don't want to feel their wrath. I didn't have that goddamn luxury as a kid, even when my mom was still at her goddamn good-paying job. I know when I was 13, I had a Facebook account. When my parents found out, they were fuming. I don't know if that account is still up after 11 years, but I made another one, give or take, around 2015. I want to have kids one day but will not raise them into spoiled little brats whose only goal in life is technology like some of those parents of my age and generation do. I wouldn't want to raise my kids like my anti-technology parents did when they bought me a flip phone at 19 years old as my first phone. Been there, done that. I would let my kids use their iPads to play on learning apps when they are little, but when I say that the time is up to get off, I mean it. I don't want them to go nuclear about getting off. I would let them have an iPhone when they are older, but I wouldn't go head over heels if they asked me to buy them a new iPhone every year because their friends are doing it, even if they keep bitching for days on end about it. Regardless of how many times I said no to them to stop nagging me for it, no means no. All these mental health services are total flaming bags of shit. All of those services are in Toronto and all of them said fuck you because I lived in Thornhill near the fucking border of Toronto. I don't give a flaming bag of shit where I live, I want those services from Toronto to come out of the closet and come up and reach out to me. Any services in York Region are no fucking help either, as the group homes I was thinking of are in fucking Newmarket. That's fucking 40-minute drive away from where I live. I worked at Sobeys, which is right down the street from my house, and whoever runs one of the group homes mentioned that they would get me a job at a store up there. Fuck that other job at that store in Newmarket as I like my job at Sobeys. I don't have a car. It would take 2 hours on transit if I went from the group home in Newmarket to Sobeys. The best thing is that the transportation from the group home would cause me a fucking arm and a leg and I make pennies on the dollar. I'm thinking about not going to go to that flaming bag of shit group home in Newmarket. Why the flaming bag of shit ain't there any fucking services in the Vaughan area? I felt like a fucking asshole that had been utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell in my life right now. I might have ruined my relationship with my aunt. She came on vacation from Vancouver with my uncle-in-law. She and I were talking, and I said that I could call her a better bad name, so I called her a whore. I never meant to personally insult my own blood, but she was kind of pushing my buttons to call her one in a good way during that time. We made up, but deep down inside me, I'm hurting. I feel like stuffing food down my mouth to the point of me not giving a flaming bag of shit if I fucking die. I don't even give a flaming bag of shit if I gag on the fucking food right now. I just want all this pain that I have been feeling to get utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. My mental health is like I'm getting utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. All these services my mother is trying to get me are making her go insane. My mother classed this as a full-time job of getting me help, which she hates because of all the runaround by these services. She is on the verge of leaving and never coming back. I'm a 24-year-old living with high-functioning autism, and I'm on the verge of losing my goddamn crap. If you come across the message, please voice your concerns about me to the mental health services in the Greater Toronto Area. I'm pleading my subscribers to please help me because I was thinking of ending this once and for all one too many times. I know that taking my life won't help me anyway, but I'm so goddamn sick and freaking tired of getting goddamn slapped about by these services just for them to say that they can't help me because I don't live in the City of Toronto, or I'm too old to get help. Please share this with as many people as you know about this, so people like me can get the goddamn help we need. Shit just hit the fan as I'm assuming that one of the mental health services I'm with called the damn law when my mother was not answering the phone when they called. My mother was in a bitchy mood about an hour ago when she didn't answer. My mother is acting like a fucking asshole because she doesn't want to see her fucking sister, who came all the way from Vancouver. All this because my aunt doesn't want to visit our house and my mother and I always see her at her father's house. I know that my aunt mentioned coming down to our house when I was over at my grandfather's house down the street, but the last few times she came to Toronto, she never did. My grandfather might not have a lot of time left to live due to old age, and he said that he was setting up his bank account to be a joint account with my mother and aunt, but I feel that might cause a full-blown family war if my mother had to go down to his house. I so don't feel like being on TV on an episode of Cops if the shit hits the fan. I know that my family are fucked up, but I don't want the rest of the world to know that. I think that the Government of Canada is a flaming bag of shit as Justin Trudeau needs to get utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. I so want to march to Ottawa to take over the country and run it with my twisted ideology that is mixed with Nazism, communism, anarchism and socialism. I'll be the utmost evil dictator the world has ever known. I'll purge my foes into a flaming bag of shit. I'll overthrow all the municipal and provincial governments in Canada that don't match my twisted extremist ideology. I'll move the capital from Ottawa to Toronto. I'll gas all people that are not Canadian. I will yell pure and utter hatred at non-Canadians as they are gagging for air in the gas chamber. I'll build defenses on the US border so tough that the Hulk can't smash them. I'll also build the Canadian Armed Forces so mighty that all other countries put together can't touch it. I'll take over Alaska from the United States with such force that the world knows that I mean fucking business. If people think about overthrowing me, I'll personally chop their heads off and feed my dogs with their remains while I'll show their heads off to the public. I'll restrict any outside information, so I'll purge anyone into a flaming bag of shit if they read the New York Times. I'll also restrict any foreign entertainment too. If anyone watched any Japanese anime, I'd purge them into a flaming bag of shit. I'll ban the internet for every Canadian so no one can get in touch with the outside world. I'll also ban every Canadian from using smartphones and computers. Only businesses and government personnel could only use the internet, smartphones and computers. I'll let people that can afford smartphones have them, but it would be heavily restricted that they can't use most websites or make international calls. I'll ban anyone from leaving Canada because I don't want people to spread the kind of sheer terror that I'm causing for the people. Only high ranking Canadians can leave Canada for diplomatic reasons. If people even thought about trying to escape Canada, good fucking luck as guards can shoot and kill you. If someone does escape Canada, I'll imprison every last one of their family members. I want to have three generations of punishment. If their brother and sister-in-law have kids in the joint, the kids will stay the rest of their lives behind bars. If the second generation had kids, they would suffer the same fate. If the third generation had kids, the fourth generation might be free, but they and any other descendants after them would be shunned. I would also ban people from leaving Toronto. If you live in the condominium on the south side of Steeles Avenue West and your family live in another condominium just across the street, which is Vaughan, you can't see them there. I would have a huge secret police force to make my people fear me even more. These officers will be armed with AA-12s and M60s and wear heavy armor. They would be highly trained in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, karate, judo, and kung fu. These officers needed to be always on guard and willing to die in the name of God. New recruits can't be any mama's boys or sissies. I want to own every company in Canada, so I can become the first trillionaire. I'll make traffic much safer by having red light cameras at every intersection equipped with traffic lights in Canada. I'll have speed cameras in every school zone in every village, town and city in Canada too. I'll put cameras at every intersection with stop signs, so I can fine people running them. I'll also have cameras everywhere, so my secret police will watch everyone. I'll use robots and drones with cameras to help my forces in their fight of fucking over my people. I want to raise everything to be unrealistically unaffordable. I want median home prices will reach $5 million in major cities, the rent for a one-bedroom apartment will exceed $5,000 per month, property taxes will double every year, gas prices will reach $50 per liter, public transportation fares will triple, car insurance premiums will skyrocket to $5,000 per month, a doctor's visit will cost $1,000, prescription drugs will be priced in the thousands of dollars per month, hospital stays will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, college tuition will reach $100,000 per year, student loan debt will exceed $500,000 per student, textbooks will cost hundreds of dollars each, milk will cost $20 per liter, a loaf of bread will cost $15 and a single apple will cost $5. I want everybody that is 8 years old to join the military for 8 years or face execution in the form of drowning for females and a firing squad for males. I want everybody that is 16 years old to get married or face execution in the form of the methods mentioned above. I want each married couple to have at least 5 kids within 3 years or face the same dire consequences. I'll let prisoners do my dirty work to build new projects like to build defenses on the US border. I want a prisoner to be my slave, and she must be a Japanese girl that is cute and would do anything that I pleased. If this Japanese whore didn't comply with my will, I'd purge her family right before her eyes. I'd drown her female family members and kill her male members in a firing squad. I'd kill each one of her family members with vigor as she wailed her eyes out. After I killed the whole family, and she still fears me, I'd pull her by the hair and force her face into the water. I'll show no pity if the little bitch pisses herself while I'm forcing her underwater. I'd feel her up by grabbing her breasts while her tiny hands try to stop me. I would cum myself if she started to gurgle bubbles and empty her lungs underwater. Just before she was on the verge of drowning, I'd pull her up and ask her if I would spare her if she did what I wanted to. If the little nip Jap pleaded not to be drowned and is willing to become my slave, I'll force her to a living quarter where she can get changed into a skimpy school uniform. The shit just hit the fucking fan with my mother as I'm basically homeless now after she kicked me out when we had a fight. I'm currently crashing at my grandpa's house for the time being. I don't know what will happen to me in a few days after I finish staying here. He said that the co-op wouldn't let me stay there forever and my mom is still mad. She came to my work and mentioned that she sorted out my pills for when I should take them and ordered me to leave the key in the mailbox when I came to get my pills. Right now, fuck my pills as I don't need them until I go insane, or she apologizes to me and lets me back in. I'm just hoping that I won't have to live on the street. I'll keep you guys updated if things get on hook. So until then, peace. The shit show has just gotten worse as my mother is now in a psych ward after she told 211 that she would overdose on pills and the police were involved. She is kind of sick in the head, but I know that she wouldn't do anything like that. As of right now, I'm still barred from the house, and I'm still with my grandpa. What a freaking shit show this is. This is an update about the other day. I'm currently on the mend with my mother, and I'm back home. Well, I'm on the verge of being kicked out of the house again as I had another fight with my mother and the law were involved. All of this started because my mother accidentally dropped a little bit of pasta on the floor. I have a very bad temper that can blow up over little things at times. I was already in a bitchy mood today from the utter stupidity at Walmart to bad drivers on the road and the pasta on the floor kind of put me over the edge. If my father caught wind of this, I'd never hear the end of his wrath. I thought that my mother and I were doing well after she welcomed me back home after kicking me out last week, but now it is now in a flaming bag of shit. I'm utterly sick and tired of being autistic. If I was offered a day without autism, I would take it. I'm shocked that my house ain't on some police watch list somewhere or being raided as the police have visited here so many times in the last couple of weeks due to all the mental health problems with me and my mother. I mentioned to my mother while I was raging about the pasta that I ain't going to the supportive housing community at Lou Fruitman Reena Residence for a few nights. I just moved into a supportive housing facility at the Lou Fruitman Reena Residence down the street from my house a few hours ago on June 23, 2024. I know my stay here is only until June 27, but it's okay. My nerves are going nuts as it is the first time I have ever lived on my own. It's a nice little room I have got as I have a view of the new townhouses that were built a few years ago near my house. The TV sucks as I got a Roku TV by Sharp. It doesn't have CP24 or Sportsnet, and there is a different Weather Network than I'm used to watching. I'm going to miss Monday Night Raw and game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals on Monday. I think that it is kind of lame that I need to call someone at the supportive house to let them know if I need to go somewhere, as I don't really like calling someone before I leave. I know that it's their policy, but I want more freedom to fuck off when I feel like it without calling. My mother works on Monday, Tuesday and Fridays and I don't remember the time she works. If she works long shifts, I basically won't leave the room until Wednesday due to my nerves being shitty about calling before I leave. If she works short shifts, I might be okay if she came up after work to take me out somewhere before Wednesday. Good lord that I'm only staying here for 4 days as I'm already losing my mind a bit. I hope that I won't go insane. On the first day at the supportive housing facility on June 24, and my nerves are still shitty. I must say that the furniture in my room is crappy as the dining room chairs are IKEA-level crap. One of the legs on one chair is busted and another leg on a different chair is going. At least my mother took me to the Promenade Mall for New York Fries after work today. She worked from 8-4 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. At least my mother is recording Monday Night Raw at home for me. As for game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, I still can't watch it because of the shit buster channels on TV in my room, but it's tied 2-1 for Florida in the second as of this blog. I don't know how much longer I can take before I toss the TV out the window. I hope that I won't lose it. Well, on the second day at the supportive housing facility on June 25, I got a rude wake-up call at 8 in the morning as a staff member knocked at my door, so they could unlock the safe in my room for me to grab my morning pills to take at 10. I was still in bed and wearing my underwear when they knocked. Do they have some common freaking sense that some people are still in bed at 8? Later this morning, I got a letter under my door about someone coming to my unit for a door accessibility setup. The time of their visit is either June 26, 27 or 28, between 9 and 5. I don't know what the hell a door accessibility setup is, but I just hope that it didn't fucked up my departure date. I'm leaving the supportive housing facility by the 27th. How the hell didn't the staff know that I was leaving by then? I just hope that the 28th isn't my departure date. I'd be pissed if that was my departure date if I asked my mother to talk to them. I'm currently watching YouTube on TV as Roku TV is still shit for channels. At one point, I was watching Netflix because someone that was in the unit before me was still signed in, but not anymore. I watched the first few episodes of Toradora on Tubi. Someone came to my unit to check my door around 5 this evening, and I'm assuming that they were just checking if the door was okay. I'm also assuming that I'm still leaving on the 27th. I'm pissed off at the staff who was in charge of my pills. My afternoon pills I take are at 4, but it's nearly 6, and they still haven't come up. I don't know if it was the same person who woke me up at 8 this morning, but I'd be pissed if it was the same person. After a staff member came to unlock the safe where my pills were, and I took them, my mother drove me to McDonald's for dinner. I think that two of the ladies that work here are totally retarded as the first lady told me that my mother needed to call her if she was coming to visit me in my unit. We had never heard of that policy beforehand. It's nearly 10 in the morning on the third day of June 26 at the supportive housing facility, and I'm watching Angry Grandpa on YouTube on the TV. I'm kind of getting fed up with watching Angry Grandpa all the time as I might become him. There was some drilling and shit in the hallway, but I didn't know what was going on. I forgot to mention that the Florida Panthers won the Stanley Cup the other day. I was so hopeful that the Edmonton Oilers would win it all after they came back from being down 3 games in the series. Later this afternoon at around 4, my mother will take me to the gym. At 10:30 this morning, some guys came over to my unit to replace a door arm on the door. I assume this is the door accessibility setup and my departure time is still the 27th. It's 12:30 in the afternoon and whoever replaced the door arm left a big ass mess near the door. They should at least clean their shit after they finish the work. At around 1:30 this afternoon, someone came back and cleared up the mess. I went to the gym at 3:40 this afternoon and went to McDonald's afterward. On the fourth day of June 27 at the supportive housing facility, I'm basically ready to leave. My mother called me at 10 this morning and said that she was on her way to pick me up. I just hope that there ain't any bullshit during my departure. It's nearly 11 in the morning, and good lord above, I'm finally back home. I'm so stupid as I punched out one of those fire alarm control panels in Union Station today, which caused a bloody pinky from the broken glass after it shattered. I was just mad about all the bullshit from today I had to deal with like some kid who kept kicking me on the bus even after the mother stopped it, a turd playing his accordion on the subway regardless if he has a permit or not to play on the subway, the lackbuster and pricey sub from Subway, waiting nearly an hour for a ferry in an enclosed and cramped lineup and an inconsiderate mother on the ferry that offered her son a seat next to me when the seats were already stuffed like sardines. All of these things caused me to punch out the fire alarm control panel, but I had some minor fits of anger, like saying to my friend that I was going to start killing people, mentioning that I was getting claustrophobic and being fed up with waiting during the wait for the ferry, trying to tear off one of those crosswalk signs that was bolted to the ground and swinging a door wildly just before I punched out the fire alarm control panel. I'm just glad that I didn't get a cut on any of my veins as the cut I got from the glass was pretty deep, and I might not be here writing this if I had got a cut on a vein as I might have bled out by now. That was over a month ago, as of September 2, 2024, and the cut is still there, but it's nearly healed. I'm just fucking sick with the current bullshit in the world, especially the Israel–Hamas war. This shit is all protests here and protests there in Toronto ever since the war blew into kingdom come. Every time I go downtown, there is always a protest going on. I just want to go into the middle of the street and yell curses at them to go fight for their countries, but I know that swearing at the top of my lungs at them would not be the best idea as I would be outnumbered 40 to 1 by both pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian protesters. I just want all the bitching about the war all the damn time to end over here. The news of multiple businesses and synagogues being hit with pro-Palestinian graffiti in Thornhill, including my work at Sobeys, makes me want to fly into a rage. I don't want to see my stomping ground of Vaughan, which I have called my home since 2001, being the center of utter hate. I think that war is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other. I really need to numb my life. I just wanted to drink beer until I felt utterly numb. I want to be like AndrΓ© the Giant in terms of his drinking. I just want to feel the world be one big mind fuck while I'm in a drunken rage. In that drunken state, I just want to bitch slap a car windshield to let my drunken rage out of me. I wanted to stomp on somebody's head like Trevor Philips did to Johnny Klebitz from the mission, Mr. Philips. I wanted to be as drunk as Jim when he wanted to rob a bank before deciding to break into the zoo to feed the giraffes while pissing drunk on St Patrick's Day from that episode of According to Jim. I wanted to be as drunk as Homer Simpson from that episode of The Simpsons when he and his friends drove drunk and trashed Springfield Elementary School. I wanted to be as drunk as Arthur Morgan and Lenny Summers from the RDR 2 mission, A Quiet Time, when they caused utter mayhem in the saloon. Fuck CAMH. That piece of shit is always canceling my appointments. Do any of those quack therapists give a flaming bag of shit about me? I can understand if they cancel my appointment once I'm okay with that, but if they keep canceling appointment after appointment, that's bullshit. Are these quacks fucking over other people that are more fucked up than I am? I'm already fucked up in the head and I can't see anyone at CAMH because they keep canceling my appointment, but someone else that is even more fucked up in the head than me can see someone there. That's bullshit. Ain't there a fucking law out there that outlaws these places from canceling appointments so many times in a row? I don't give a flaming bag of shit if there are staffing shortages or any other difficulties like lack of mental health services or being overbooked. My mental health is just as fucking important as the next fucked up person. Toronto already has too many sickos out there. I don't want to be a part of the problem by living on the fucking streets and acting like a crazy person. I think that CAMH is intentionally canceling my appointments and fucking me in the ass because I'm not fucked up enough for their liking. I'm already fucked up big time in the head, but they just toss my fucked up say so away like a flaming bag of shit into the dumpster fire. That's the biggest conspiracy theory bullshit I ever heard about these mental health places fucking over fucked up people. I just want someone from CAMH to read my text document I made full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs out there about how fucked up my life is. My father is a fucking joke as he got a new smartphone today because his old smartphone was a piece of shit as the power button was busted. My father got a new phone with a 175 GB data plan, which he stated was overkilled. In my opinion, there ain't that many plans out there for 10 GB of data for the account he gets on welfare. He had only gone over 10 GB once. He is piss poor as he is on welfare and gets about 100 to 200 a month. His plan on his other phone was $100, but as of a few months ago, he was paying $35 when he changed his plan. With his new phone plan, he would be paying 60 to 70 a month. In my opinion, that's a mind fuck why he changed his plan from $35 just to be paying nearly $100 again. I know that it's his money and he can spend it on whatever he wants, but it's a rip off that he needed to pay Rogers nearly 100 bucks a month. I think my views on smartphones are made by my father, as he stated that I can't have one because he thinks that I'm going to be like the rest of the world who use them while walking. The smartphone-using father is such a wise guy, but I'm wiser as I don't know how many times I mentioned that I ain't going to be like the rest of the world. In the end, my father just tossed my opinions aside like a flaming bag of shit as he said that my flip phone was all I was ever going to have. I know that I'm addicted to my laptop, but it's been years since I personally saw another person with a flip phone other than my mother. I so wanted to rant at my father about this whole flip phone smartphone bullshit, but with my luck the rant would be more bluntful than I wanted it to be, and I feared his wrath if it went south. I have a job where I work 1 day a week for 3 hours and make around $16 an hour. Besides the $208 a month from my job, I made hundreds more dollars from ODSP along with many other government programs. With all that green I make every month, I can easily pay $100 a month for a smartphone bill. My father just sits on his ass in his basement room where he pays rent and doesn't even go out unless he wants to go to McDonald's, sit outside or walk around to look for butts. This lazy bum doesn't even want to work. That's what I like to call a piss poor bum that pays rent and groceries. He is just a fucking jerk chicken of a boo-fucking-hoo tough fucking tit father. I have got to admit to something. There is a laundry room in my co-op townhouse. Well, a few years ago, one of the dryer's coin holders wasn't locked right when I was doing laundry there. I got the urge to take the money there and then, but didn't do it. A few days later, I went back to the laundry room with a steak knife to finally get the money. The coin holder still wasn't locked properly, and the take was like 5 to 10 bucks in loonies and toonies. Hi, my name is what-my name is who-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is hah-my name is what-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is what-my name is who-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is hah-my name is what-my name is Kevin Stewart. I'm a produce clerk, I'm very green! Yes, I've got rage issues. FLAMING BAG OF SHIT! I am ripped. FAT SO! Man, I need to go back to a racist school. You don't want to jack me off. I love SEXY TIME! You look like a LITTLE MAN! Police officers are just dumb! I WILL EAT 20 POUNDS OF BIG MAC SAUCE! Don't you FUCKING laugh at me, BAKA! Oooh, man, I'm FULL as a FLAMING BAG OF SHIT! My mother used to work at a doughnut shop. Justin Trudeau is a fad. Flaming bags of shit are fun to toss. Do I, uh, make your nipples hard? Sorry buddy, but you're a jabroni. Hi, my name is what-my name is who-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is hah-my name is what-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is what-my name is who-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is hah-my name is what-my name is Kevin Stewart. This McDonald's on 150 Rimrock Road was good, but now it has been going downhill ever since they finished renovations a few months back. I noticed that many times the staff messed up my orders. One time, my friend ordered a McCrispy while I ordered myself a Big Mac combo. After we sat down for our meal, my friend's McCrispy wasn't in the bag, but I got everything in my order right. She went back up there to tell them about the missing item, and they got her the McCrispy that she ordered. Another time, the same friend and order, but that time she got the Spicy McCrispy instead after taking a few bites of it. She went back up again, and they got her a non-spicy McCrispy. The two incidents happened within a couple of days in late July 2024. By the way, even before the renovations took place in 2021 or 2022 during the COVID. The same friend and I both ordered Big Mac combos at the drive-thru. My order was right, but her order was missing. I had to drive back to the drive-thru and wait 15 minutes to get to a window just for them to say that they had forgotten to put the second order into my bag. I want to be held by a woman. I want to be lulled by the woman's warmth, her perfume and the feel of my head resting on her breasts. I want to make deep guttural moans as the woman holds me tight. I would like the woman to let me give her hickeys on her breasts while I'm resting my head on them. I want my goosebumps to have goosebumps as she tenderly rubbed my back while sitting on her lap. I want my body to feel like it's convulsing due to the hype of the moment. From mid-April 2024 leading up to the present day, I'm in an extremely dark place. I was thinking about evil things that would make Hitler blush. I was to the point of ending my life and deleting my YouTube channel once and for all many times. I think about the urge to kill myself and how life would go on without me and those dark thoughts of unleashing utter evil like being the Prime Minister of Canada and running the country under Nazism, communism and extremist ideologies. I still feel like unleashing my sadistic side on a Japanese woman like from the anime, Gushing Over Magical Girls, where Hiiragi Utena unleashed her sadistic side on the Tres Magia. My sadistic side would be wild in the pleasure of ripping the shirt off a Japanese woman and tickling the sides of her breasts to the point of her pissing herself laughing. It seems like I'm starting to become a person who is always ranting on their blogs all the time. Either it's a rant about anything or just writing about shit in my life. My rants are filled with racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic, ableist, ageist, adultism and childism slurs. My ranting style is filled with extremely offensive, heavy, crude, inflammatory and vulgar profanity. I know that my rants are harmful, but it's fucking good to blow the shit that was on my mind. I often write all my rants in one post and it's my baby. This post is full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs out there. This masterpiece post rants about anything and everything from Tesla to sexy time and everything in between. Who loves ranting about how big your Johnsons or titties are? I'll rant about the smallest or biggest dicks and boobs out there. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if my views are disliked by most readers. I always say that if you don't fucking like it, don't fucking read it. I want to drink a full bottle of maple syrup. I want to drink a full bottle of sub sauce. I want to drink a full bottle of honey. I want to eat a full bag of sugar. I want to eat a full shaker of salt. I want all these to numb me. As an early Gen Z with late Baby Boomer parents really have their perks. Basically, smartphones weren't a thing when I was in my crib and Wi-Fi didn't become popular until I was 4 in 2004. As for memes, I ain't into that thing, but I know memes like Success Kid. I think that emojis are a joke as I myself like communicating more effectively in words. I didn't own a touchscreen like an iPod until 2014, but the fact that my first cell phone was a flip phone in 2019, and no, I didn't stare at it like it was an alien artifact. I just want to stay home and never go out again as I want to get away from the flaming bag of shit in a dumpster fire that was sent from hell in the world. I think I'm kind of living that life already as I barely go out unless I go to work, going to the gym, going grocery shopping or anywhere my mother wants me to go, like seeing my doctor and spending a few hours in downtown Toronto. I don't know how many times I wanted to speak my mind to these fools when they gave me shit because they cut in front of me in the line while shopping. This is why I wanted to buy my groceries online, but this would never happen because I'm still living with my anti-technology mother. My mother has one of the smallest mindsets about everything to do with modern technology. If something has too many bells and whistles on it, she will curse at it. I just want to see my mother test drive a Tesla to see what clusterfuck moments she would get into. My father has the same level of anti-technology views, but at least he has some common sense about modern technology. Both my mother and I use flip phones, while my father has a smartphone. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if they don't want me to get a smartphone. It's my choice if I want to get one, but no, my parents think that I would be like the rest of the world that would use it while walking. I wasn't born yesterday. I won't be like that, but I told them that I don't know how many times, and they just tossed my opinion away like a flaming bag of shit into a dumpster fire, even at 24 years old. I'm not those dumbass little kids with rage issues that go ape shit when parents take their phones away. This whole parent bullshit makes me want to go further into the closet. I don't want to be around my parents if some technology achieves immortality for people in the future while within their current lifetime. I still don't want to be living with my mother in 3024, when the technology will be unlike 1000 years prior in 2024, and my parents' view of technology is from their births as late Baby Boomers in the early 1960s and growing up in the 70s as teens. I don't want to be a loner in the 3020s who never leaves my room at my mother's place and who still uses a flip phone that I bought in 2019 and a laptop with Windows 11 on it while flying cars are passing by my room and people have got computers in their brains. If I ever go out of my room and go into the world, I want to chat with someone, but I can't because I can't chat with that person because they can only chat through their brain. I don't want to carry a computer from the 1940s that is the size of a room around just to chat with someone with a brain computer. I would never want to become known for being one of only three people that don't have brain computers. I would also never want to become known for being the last Gen Z to not have a smartphone in 2024. Right now I feel like all this modern technology needs to die. I just want to grab modern technology by its throat and choke that son of a bitch before I toss it into a dumpster fire with a flaming bag of shit in it. I can say that I love modern technology, but it's bad enough that people are shoving their phones into their faces in 2024, just like when sliced bread was invented back in 1928. If that's our standard for greatness, no wonder this world is fucked. If a Carrington type event happened today, I bet the world would go ape shit because they couldn't watch PornHub. The 2024 CrowdStrike incident was living proof that modern technology can fuck you in the ass with a flaming bag of shit from a dumpster fire. I think that all of this is a goddamn utter clusterfuck of a flaming bag of shit in a dumpster fire that was sent from hell that is fucking me in the ass as I want to feel numb to be free from the shits of the world. I want my body to go numb with each groan that shakes my lungs. I want somebody who cares about me to help me. If I was like this on the street, I would want a Japanese woman to help me. I want her to give a flaming bag of shit about my views, even if it's not nice. I would even like her to hug me tightly when my body is convulsing to the point of me forcefully pissing myself. I want her to be strong as I might try to hump my way out of her hug. I want her to whisper sweet nothings that she understands my views about the current bullshit about modern technology. For the last few months, I have been going to the gym two days a week, but sometimes three. I can feel that I'm getting ripped, but I still find it kind of hard to keep off the pounds. I have weighed from 245 to 250 pounds when I weighed myself during the time since I started working out. Before I started going to the gym, I weighed at least 256 pounds. I know during the early COVID-19 era, around late 2020 to early 2021, I had surgery to remove my wisdom teeth and another surgery for something else inside my mouth that I needed to eat soft food. I weighed 209 pounds. I was doing so well keeping the beef off in the months after my second surgery, but by late 2021 to early 2022, I really got the pounds back on, as I was back to around 240. I wish that I could only eat soft food after my eye surgery I had two years ago, as I ate at Burger King that whole week. I know that going to Wendy's after my workouts and late night snacking ain't helping, but I'm trying to cut that shit down. Believe it or not, I'm trying not to go on a late night snacking spree that much anymore. But, I still have to try to cut down on my urges to go out and eat only once a week. My doctor keeps saying that I should eat greener. If I bought greener food at my local store, the cost would be more money than if I bought a Big Mac from McDonald's. For a person that works as a produce clerk at Sobeys, I still can't afford some of the products I stock. I do have an employee discount of 10% on things from my store and other Sobeys, as well as other stores under the umbrella. With the current high inflation for everything in the last few years, I'm shocked that I can't afford a Big Mac over greener options. Good lord, plant-based food is not as green as you might think. There are more harmful chemicals in an Impossible Whopper than a normal one that will have you convulsing on the ground if you eat a lot of the former. I had never tried an Impossible Whopper before, but I heard that it was nasty as a flaming bag of shit. I'll get a normal Whopper all the way, baby. Even diet or zero-sugar sodas have more harmful chemicals than normal ones. I had tried Diet A&W Root Beer and Diet Coke before, and it was okay, but I like the normal ones better. I know that I'm ain't the fittest person out there, but I'm trying to fight my impulsive urges to eat bad shit as much with one small choice after another. I'm not into buying in bulk, not because I don't like to save a penny on the dollar, but I think buying a shit ton of something and 70% of it would go into the dumpster fire. I'm a pretty big eater, but it's beside the point of me making myself sick if I eat a pound of bananas that were about to go bad that I bought in bulk after I already ate 10% of them beforehand. I have been trying to eat greener, like when I make Kraft Dinner, I often nuke some frozen vegetables that I put to the side for later. I have a bad sweet tooth, as I would be damned if I had to fight with somebody over a cinnamon bun with a shit ton of icing on it. At least I don't have a violent one to the point of destroying my kitchen if I misplace my sweets. But I can't say that I can control my temper when a little bit of pasta was accidentally spilled on the floor one time to the point of punching holes in the washroom. I need to talk about my personality. I know that I have a no bullshit attitude and a quick temper that may rub the wrong vibe off on someone, but deep down I'm a calm and peaceful person. I normally don't speak what's on my mind that often, but when the shit blows, I can be opinionated and harsh to the point of being bigoted and in your face kind of mood. But in reality, I'm open-minded, kind and tolerant. I can be lazy and dopey sometimes to the point of telling you to piss off or fuck off, but I really ain't like that, as I'm active and alert. I don't even like speaking up for myself, even if I have to, as I don't like talking with people. I'm a people person and a ladies' man, but I find it hard to go up to someone and chat. I don't really engage in small chat that often. I do engage in small talk if a cute lady is besides me while staring at me or a customer at my job says hello. But in reality, I can be quite talkative if you know me for a while. I can be quite cynical and pessimistic about everything, but I don't like hating everything all the time, as I'm optimistic and cheerful. Sometimes I have dark thoughts and an impulsive urge to harm myself and others, but I'm bright and cautious. I know that my high functioning autism has caused some of my negative traits, but I don't want to become known for those traits. As I am sitting at my laptop, there is darkness all around. I'm thinking of my past life of an utter clusterfuck of a shit show in a world that is cold as ice. There is no one to hear my voice or cry to a point where I don't leave myself with a choice. I'm waiting for a higher being to guide me to find a way to peace on the other side. All the memories from the life I once lived. I cannot go on and cannot go further as I have to end right here. For all the things that I have done and all the friends I lost and won. I want myself to rest in peace at last. Can I find a way? Can I find a place? Can you let me go in peace? Can I leave behind those dark days? I will ask again, will you hear my cries? Then I realize why, oh, why that peace is never an absolution, because my distant memories are so painful, and my fears are unable to stay, unwilling to leave. In my dark thoughts, I must find a way to the other side. Can you hear me whisper calling out my name? The sentence is set, the hammer has fallen. I will pay the price as I felt utter sadness at realizing that death was meant to be my fate, but all this pain will follow me. Can I find a way? Can I find a place? Can you let me go in peace? Can I leave behind those dark days? I will ask again, will you hear my cries? Then I realize why, oh, why that peace is never an absolution, because my distant memories are so painful, and my fears are unable to stay, unwilling to leave. My 24 years of existence is an utter clusterfuck as I feel the world is trying to run me off the road to a better life. They are also adding insult to injury by mocking me after I have already crashed and burned. I wasn't a Toronto-born confused asshole that would become an international laughingstock because I have high functioning autism. Ain't there a crime for shit talking against people with autism? I have been down that rabbit hole where I have been shit talked about. This ain't like 50 or so years ago when autistic people were sent away to an insane asylum because of just being different. I'm glad that I wasn't born 50 years ago when people like me were locked away for being autistic and slapped on the ass or forced to eat soap by my father for a little fuck up. I know that my parents were from that era of people fucking over autistic people into insane asylums and their fathers punished them physically in the 70s. I don't know how many times my grandpa hit me on the head or threatened to give my ass a kick when I spoke up when I was younger. I was thinking about that now and I just wished for a cop to pass by when he did that to me. The pleasure of seeing him getting his ass arrested for child abuse. I just want my blue eyes to burn my views of the utter nightmares I faced into their minds. I just want a lady to hold my tender while she is playing with my dirty blonde hair. To be honest, I don't mind modern conveniences in my life, but I believe that they are an utter scum of the earth covered in a flaming bag of shit that is fucking me in the ass in hell that is intended to decrease my frustration. My frustration is shitty as it is due to all the modern conveniences all around me, but I still use them. I want to live in the 1900s when electricity was at 2%, running water, flush toilets, vacuum cleaners and gas or electric heat were at 20% and central air conditioning, decks and patios, swimming pools and ceiling fans are extremely rare. I feel like all these vehicles out there are all the same. Cars from the day had their own personality, like the 57 Bel Air and 56 Beetle looked different. Today, a 2024 Mustang and a 2019 Porsche 911 have no personality as they look the same in design. For fuck's sake, my farts have more personality than these newer cars. Newer appliances aren't meant to last anymore when older ones are meant to. I heard people who bought appliances in the 50s are still working today. If I took a baseball bat to a 50s refrigerator and a modern one, the older one would still work even after getting banged up, but the newer one wouldn't after a single blow. If there was a nuclear war, I wanted my bunker to be a 50s fridge due to the lead lining. For fuck's sake, light bulbs in these fire stations that were built in the 1900s are still working. For a 120-year-old piece of technology and it still works, I would raise my thumb up for that. These newer appliances have more electronic components than their predecessors. In a case like that, there would be more electronic trash in the dumps. These appliances have valuable materials that would be used for better shit than leaching harmful chemicals into the soil and groundwater. Newer clothing is poorly made compared to older clothes. It's pretty sad that the shoes on the Titanic are still around even after 112 years on the bottom of the ocean, where modern shoes will fall apart if I walk in the rain. I know that the economy from the 1900s is way different from in 2024, but that doesn't mean shit nowadays, as people today don't know what nostalgia is unless it sits on their face. I want the world to live like the Amish for one year to see how people once lived in the 1900s. I don't mean living like the Kalona Amish, where they used most modern conveniences, like tractors for fieldwork, power lawn mowers, an inside flush toilet along with many other things. I want the world to live like the Swartzentruber Amish, where they only used motorized washing machines and sometimes pneumatic tools. A shining heart beats no more, buried deep, deep in the cold earth. Shallow grave in my motherland, here I stay, in darkness forever. When the light fades away and the night puts me asleep, will I ever wake up again? Will I stay in this twilight forever? Sometimes I just want to go to sleep and never wake up again. I just want to wail into my pillow while I'm going into my life-long sleep. As I was about to go into my life-long limp, I wanted to shove the pillow down my throat. Some employees at Walmart are fucking retarded. I was minding my own business looking at the video games and a lady employee said something to me and I thought she asked if I needed help, so I said no. I noticed a minute later, she was still at the end of the aisle, so I left that aisle. I was trying to find my friend and she was following me. When I did find my friend, she was halfway down the store and just turned into an aisle. I ran to catch up to her and that employee was basically right on my ass the whole time I was running because she was at the end of that aisle when I got to my friend, and she wasn't that far from the end of the aisle that she went down. I told her what was happening, and we should leave as the employee was on the phone. I don't know if she was calling the police, but I don't want to find out. I work at Sobeys, and I was taught it was not okay to follow a customer even if someone didn't shoplift. I wanted to feel my body implode as I felt that I was swimming in the nude at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. I want to feel my brain being a flaming bag of shit that is imploding at that depth. I wanted to scream all my air out of my lungs as I was flailing about. I also want to painfully and forcefully blow out air from my lungs. I wanted to piss, shit and barf as the pressure was building to a crushing point at 36000 feet underwater. I just want to groan bubbles as I convulse while regurgitating my insides. I just wanted to feel my penis shrinking as I was cumming for the last time ever. While I am suffering from the extreme pain, I want someone to help me. I wanted a Japanese woman to rescue me by pulling my arm as we swam to the surface. If the time comes when she can't reach the surface, I'll hug her as we spend our last moments on this world in utter pain while we are drowning. I want to hold her tenderly as she coughs out bubbles and regurgitates her insides. I wanted to run my fingers through her hair as she was groaning bubbles as well as pissing, shitting and barfing. The last thing I want to see before I drown is her looking at me with a cute face while kissing my lips while she is emptying her lungs and I hold her closer. As we had both succumbed to the water feeling like we were lost to the world in an underwater grave, I wanted to still be holding her in my arms while our tongues were still exploring in each other's mouths as we were floating lifeless deeper down into the souls of love in death. I think that the Ontario ban on cellphones in classrooms is a good goddamn idea as most of these little jabronis are already glued to them like a flaming bag of shit. My opinion about these preteens and teenagers is the same about using their phones during class, sending their boyfriends nude shots on Instagram while the teacher keeps bitching to stop. When I was in high school, I saw students using their phones under their desks while the teacher was teaching about shit that you might need one day. I don't know how many times the teacher told them to put it away, but they still do it. If I became a produce manager one day at Sobeys and one of the students from high school that had been using their phones under their desks was hired in my department and their only need in life was their phones, I'd fire them right on the spot. I believe in a second chance, but if you already had a lot of them in school, there ain't going to be a second chance on my watch. For fuck's sake, they even asked kindergarten students to put their phones on silent and put them out of sight during class. In my opinion, they are too fucking young to have phones to fucking start with, even if they are using them for school learning or not. When I was in kindergarten, there wasn't anything like a smartphone as flip phones were still king. What in the flaming bag of shit do they need digital literacy skills for, as they just need normal literacy skills? Back when I started going to school in 2005, flip phones were still king and the golden age of the internet was still kicking. I'm assuming that digital literacy wasn't such a big thing then. I know when I graduated from elementary school in 2014, I can't remember if the computer lab at my school was still using Windows XP or not. I think that digital literacy wasn't that big as 10 years prior, but it was catching up. I think my laptop was Windows XP when I started grade 9. I know that later on in grade 9, I got another laptop with Windows 7. When I graduated from high school in 2019, the computer labs were running on Windows 7 and digital literacy was a big thing by then. I know the COVID-19 pandemic has been there and done that, but online learning has blown up. I experienced that as I was still in school from late 2019 to early 2020, as autistic people can go to school until 21. I was in the PEAK Program and the first half of the 2019-20 school year was in person, but the second half was just online and the 2020-21 school year was half in person and half online. As of 2024, I haven't been to school for three years, but shit has changed as they are now teaching about sex. Goddamn a flaming bag of shit as I be damned that I will see the day when a kindergarten class watches PornHub as sex education. I know when some students start high school, hormones start doing some crazy shit as boys may want to put the moves on the girls and vice versa. Today, snow days are not the same even when school vehicles are snowed in and schools are locked as you need to go to school online. Where were the days when you sucker punched the principal with a snowball? Goddamn, these new requirements for high school graduation are getting into a flaming bag of shit. A stronger Ontario diploma, my ass. With all the retards that are going to school, no wonder there ain't a high number of fools walking around, with their only goals in life are sending their boyfriends nude shots on Instagram and jerking off to some sexy time on PornHub. Goddamn this flaming bag of shit as I'm not going back to high school because I didn't meet the new requirements. Hey Doug Ford, do you know what I'm graduated is? I'm graduated means that I have already finished high school. If this modern education is the standard for better learning, no wonder that society is fucked. I think that all these school shootings in the states need to stop. I agree with the Second Amendment that protects the right of people to keep and bear arms, but not when it involves 10-year-old kids shooting up their classmates and teachers. Today ain't the Wild West where you walk into some hick town like Arthur Morgan and start shooting up the place like it's 1899. I also agree that self-defense that might involve shooting someone is justified as a last resort if I feel that person is really a threat to me or a loved one. As a Canadian, there ain't that many school shootings in the GTA. But shootings in general are still a thing here. This past Labor Day weekend, there were at least 13 shootings in the GTA with 3 of them deadly. These gun stores ain't helping as they sell guns to people like Homer Simpson, who is a bad drunk and has a criminal record which includes once beating up former president George H.W. Bush. Even the gun shop owner from that episode questions Homer's past, but still lets him buy a gun. I think that these criminals buy their guns from black markets that outmatch even the police in firepower sometimes. I'm no Albert Einstein, but if a mental case in Toronto with traits like Homer Simpson and a questionable criminal past goes into a gun shop that sells black market guns with no background checks by the owner and is intended for shooting up a school, lord help me as there is going to be a flaming bag of shit to pay. My job at Sobeys is a flaming bag of shit as a month or so ago, my hours were cut from 4 to 3. My fucking time ain't worth their fucking effort to keep me on 4 fucking hours. I'm grabbing your effort right between my legs, which is called my pecker. I have been a loyal employee for 4 years and this is how they treat me. I want to yell that the founder's wife needs to suck my dick. I know the wife has been a dead fuck, but I don't give a flaming bag of shit about it. I dream of the day when I will meet the eternal flame of a lady in my life, as I wish for a day when I could run my fingers through her hair. The long silky black strands of her hair that smell like cherry blossom shampoo are a long-needed balm to resolve the void of utter numbness that is filling my soul. Her cute freckled face along with soft skin that is nearly a ghostly pale is a balm to my soul as I tenderly caress her cheeks in awe of her beauty. As she softly speaks in Japanese with minty breath close to my ear, it is utter heaven even if I don't understand the language. As her body is pressed on mine, I can feel that our bodies are fit together. As she is looking into my soul with her blue eyes as deep as the ocean, I want to know her secrets within her heart that is deeper than the ocean itself. As I cuddle her, I want to sniff her hair as the cherry blossom shampoo and the citrus perfume lull me into peace. Her school girl giggles, the youthful innocence of it makes me fall for her. Her shy and timid demeanor is alluring as well as sweet as all the honey in the world and her heart is filled with all the gold that was ever found. Her petite size ain't fooling around as she is as strong as a bull because I want to be weightless in her arms. If she wore a Japanese school uniform as a casual outfit, it reminded me of youthful innocence. When I am feeling down as deep as the depths of the Mariana Trench, I want her to pull me up to the peak of Mount Everest. I like her to show no mercy in the face of the most challenging situations. The white-hot soul of mine is unable to stay, unwilling to leave within her even through hell and back, and through fire and brimstone. I want to spend lazy nights with her while cuddling on her chest as she strokes my hair. While I press my nose into her bare chest, I want to sniff her youthful innocence. In the event that I was drowning in our home swimming pool, I wanted her to risk her well-being by saving me, as she jumped into the pool and started gracefully swimming behind me while I was thrashing to stay afloat, regurgitating, convulsing, gurgling bubbles and emptying my lungs. I wanted her strong arms to go under my arms and swim up to the surface with her powerful legs as I pissed myself due to the stress of nearly drowning. I wanted to feel her exerting the utmost effort to keep my heavy build afloat while I was vomiting the water out of my lungs. I wanted her to say words of comfort as she pushed me to the side of the pool. As I stopped fighting for my breath, I would feel so grateful to this woman as I snuggled her chest as I smelled the chlorine from her school swimsuit. I just wanted her to make a cute face as I snuggled closer to her. If we were trapped on a sinking ship, and we were unable to escape due to there being no way out, I'd stay by her side until the end. When the water reached us, I'd hug her and say that I loved her. If she was scared, I'd squeeze her hands and say that it would be over soon. As the water reaches the ceiling, I want to tie our life vests together so we can be together even in death. When we went underwater, and she was struggling for breath as she was emptying her lungs, I'd pull her into a tight hug and run my fingers through her hair while I looked into her soul. As she started to regurgitate, I'll soothe her by rubbing her back. I want to give her a kiss on the lips as we succumb to the water. As we are lost to the world in an underwater grave, our lips are still locked in a kiss and hugging each other as we are floating lifeless deeper down into the souls of love in death. If our bodies were found still embracing, I want us to stay like that forever. What a fucking stressful night on September 7, 2024, as my fucking Hotmail got hacked, and they sent an email from my account to myself about sending them money, or they would release videos of me jerking off. I called Geek Squad Support and holy flaming bag of shit, what a fucking hair-pulling experience, as I just wanted to toss my laptop out the window because somehow my Hotmail's security backup email, or whatever you want to call it, fucked up me restating my Hotmail password as it's my Gmail. It's going to take a month, a fucking month to restart my fucking password. At least I can still get into my Hotmail, but I hate this bullshit. My world is an utter flaming bag of shit as I just want to cause a rebellion. I want to go into a pet shop and shake a parrot cage. I wanted to hear the bird squawking as it was being rag dolled around, and it yelled asshole at me. If I was still shaking the cage and a cat came up and nudged my leg, I'd rag doll the cat by its tail. I want the cat to be in utter fear as I torment it while I am swinging it by its tail as it is wailing like an air raid siren. I'll grin happily when I force the cat to eat the parrot. I'd gain happiness as the parrot is yelling asshole non-stop at me as it's halfway down the cat's throat. I just want to see the cat gagging and retching as it's barfing out feathers. I'd evilly laugh as I squeezed the cat's waist while its eyes were bulging out, and I was yelling PETA non-stop. I live by the sword and I want to die with the flaming bag of shit as I think that the flaming bag of shit world is an utter place of cynicism covered in a pessimistic hellhole, while flaming bags of shit are added to the mix in the form of being populated by greedy jabroni fucks whose only goal in life is fucking over the little guy before tossing them into a dumpster fire. I think that these greedy jabroni fucks are shitting out many hundred dollar bills from their asses for their wives. What about having some of these wives blow some hundred dollar bills from their asses my way and I shove something else up there called my Johnson. I'll show these wives the real meaning of life other than being these greedy jabroni fucks' sugar daddies in the form of me groping their asses with nothing in return. If these whores like their asses to be groped, I'd keep groping them until they go numb. The thought of me groping these women's asses is making me hard. I want to have a driver's license and get myself a car, so I can be free from the flaming bags of shit. But my parents don't believe that statement as they think that I can't drive because my autism is a good enough reason that they would keep telling me that I can't. Look what I have here as I play Grand Theft Auto. Does this make me a bad driver when I run over hundreds of thousands of NPCs? In a case like that, there ain't going to be a SWAT team kicking down the front door to arrest me in real life when I got a 5 star wanted level in the game. I know my right and wrong about running people over in real life, but if I ever did that where I ran into hundreds of thousands of people, I would be deemed a terrorist and wherever I went afterward, a SWAT team would kick down the door. Regardless, I think that retarded people like me can drive. I thought that when I was born on February 25, 2000, I was in the 21st century. But to my surprise, I was born during the 20th century. I was born in a century when empires rose and fell, the only time that nuclear weapons were used in war and the invention of the airplane, automobile, radio, television, and computer. I think that it is pretty cool to be born in a century when Charlie Chaplin was imitating Adolf Hitler, JFK was assassinated and James Cameron directed some of the highest-grossing films. I want to be a part of the modern world where I can have the freedom to do whatever I want to do in my life without being choked down by my parents. I want to impose the 21st century on my life as I want to buy shit online or drive in my own car without the bitchery of my parents saying so. I want it to be real and authentic, and it hasn't been priced out yet, as I don't want it to be some fake ass bullshit. I want a cute romantic partner from Japan cuddling in my arms as we walk in Toronto. I think that smoking is a flaming bag of shit as everywhere I go, I see people smoking cigarettes, weed or vapes. I'm getting disgusted just writing this fucking rant because I hate smoking so fucking much. I just want to vomit in these smokers' faces as a rebellion against them. I think that Justin Trudeau legalizing weed is a bad idea as there are stores on every fucking corner now. I can't have peace of fucking mind wherever I go, as everyone I fucking know does this shit from my parents to the limited friends I have. My mother is the worst of them all because she quit before starting smoking again but then tried to quit again just for her to smoke again. I just want to yell and bitch at her all day, but that's beside the fucking point, as my father would bitch about me not being her boss as he puffed on his weed. My mother claimed that smoking calms her nerves from the stress I cause her. I got your stress right here as I grabbed my pecker for you. If I was in power in the Canadian government, I would make a law to outright ban cigarettes. I don't want to take the Kiwi's idea of raising the smoking age every year as I want Canada to be smoke-free right away. I'd even ban weed and vapes all across the country, as I don't know how many 10-year-old kids smoke. I don't give a flaming bag of shit about these black markets as I'd shut them right down, and I'd fry the people in jail. I know getting into politics is a fat chance and outright banning cigarettes, weed and vapes are a fatter chance, but I want this bullshit to stop fucking my health before I start convulsing on the ground while regurgitating my lunch and pissing myself before I am 30, as my health isn't the greatest with my fat ass. If I ever saw a random 10-year-old kid fall to the ground convulsing and gasping for air in downtown Toronto because her parents were smoking 10 packs a day each, while they didn't notice her state because they were talking away, I'd rush over to the girl and squeeze her hand as I yelled for someone to call 911. If she stops breathing, I'll give her mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions. If she became conscious again, I would feel utter pity for this poor little kid as I ran my fingers through her hair while I rested her head on my lap before I pecked her forehead. It would make my day if the girl came over to my house after she got better just to give me a hug and I just knew that I was seen as a father figure to her. If I became famous due to the news coverage, I'd be happy as I had gained the hype about the bad side of second-hand smoking on the little ones. I often dream about going into a swimming pool while nude with a weight belt and never coming back to the surface. I dreamed about thrashing and flailing around to stay afloat while gurgling bubbles and emptying my lungs. In the dream, I often piss myself when I feel the pressure of being at the deep end of the pool. I just wanted to regurgitate and convulse as I hit the pool floor. While on the pool floor, I want to have a seizure as my lungs are filling up with water. I wanted to feel my body seizing up like I wanted to feel the utter numbness of nothingness. While seizing up, I wanted to grab my penis hard. The almighty pleasure of cumming before I forcefully blow my last breath out beats any pain I ever felt before as I went limp. I have been watching aircraft radar on my laptop, and recently I noticed that planes were flying around my area making grid patterns. I don't like it as I don't want all these planes with all this spyware on them to creep on my ass as I am about to cum while I was masturbating in my own house. I can understand about these aerial surveys and shit, but I don't know who those people are that are flying these planes and if they are sexual predators that are spying on underage girls. As I live in Thornhill, which is about 25 kilometers southwest of Pearson International Airport, I can understand that planes flying over my place are either to land or take off. I also noticed that the planes that are flying in grids are from the US. I know that my no bullshit, hot-headed, loud ranting style while never mincing my words might set off some red flags with people, as the most likely tendency is for me to rant overwhelmingly negatively about kids today that they are going to fuck up the future. To be honest, I like kids, especially girls, as their youthful innocence wins my heart. Her giggling is so heart melting that I just want to playfully kiss her tummy non-stop to keep her giggling. If she was crying, I'd lift her up in a hug as I say soothing words. If I was working at Sobeys and a 5-year-old girl came up crying about losing her parents, I'd happily help her by walking her to customer service and giving her some candy in the meantime. I'd stay with her until her parents came. The reason that I don't have any friends is my father would get into their faces if they came up to me in public to say hello. This is why I would never have nice things in this flaming bag of shit world. This is also why I was tempted to go to my former high school and shoot the place into kingdom come, but I know that violence is never the answer and, besides that, my friends have moved on from high school. I don't want to become known for being a school shooter. Why are these cyclists such flaming bags of shit inconsiderate? This one flaming bag of shit jabroni thought it was a good idea to cut me off when the bike lane ended, and I nearly hit him. I thought to myself that there was a fucking sidewalk right there, so fucking use it, while I yelled asshole and flipped him off. To make shit worse, at the next red light, that flaming bag of shit jabroni pulled next to me and yelled at me, asking what my problem was. Hey you flaming bag of shit jabroni, you were the problem as you nearly caused yourself to get wrecked down the street, and you are giving me shit for it. I just drove off as the light had changed, and I never saw him again. To make shit even worse, if I ran the cyclist over, I would get into shit with the pigs because that flaming bag of shit jabroni was in the right to cut me off and got him hammered by my car, even if there was proof that I was in the right. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I saw cyclists breaking laws such as speeding through stop signs before getting killed by a driver before getting themselves into shit with the law for killing that cyclist when they were in the wrong before getting hit. Fuck my life as I can't get any respect in this flaming bag of shit world where other people with autism get more respect than me. My autism ain't important enough to get any respect. I can't bitch to a trusted person because I think that these online communities, mental health professionals and support groups are retarded. I wished that I had a sibling, as it is a flaming bag of shit not to have a little sister to pull pranks on. The sweet moments of me spoiling her with all my brotherly love if I had one. I just dreamed of holding her close if she was hurt as she sobbed into my chest. All the tickle wars we should've had and the countless times she should've fallen asleep in my arms. The times that I would knock some common sense into her boyfriend if he had the nerve to harm her for his gain. I really wanted a pet as I dreamed about patting and cuddling a Siberian Husky as it kisses me in the form of licking my cheeks. The wolf-like appearance of huskies makes me fall for them. But my parents won't let me get a pet because they think that I would abuse it over my laptop. I'm not retarded to not neglect the pet as I would take care of it by taking it on walks. My parent's views on me not getting shit I can be able to handle is really fucking with my mental health. I need a companion in the form of a girlfriend or a pet, but I would never go to find a lady and I would never get a pet if my parents were still alive. It is my fucking right to get a pet as well as buy myself a smartphone and get a driver's license without my parents saying so. My mother is an asshole because every time I raise my voice to say what's on my mind, she would say that she is going out for a coffee, but comes home with my father because she felt I was going to hurt her while I was ranting earlier. This asshole mother is going to manipulate me into believing that she was getting coffee, but not doing it by picking up my asshole father up from his place. My father is the reason why I am so emotionally fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. My mother said that she loved me and shit, but she doesn't really mean it by tossing my ranting opinions about what's on my mind away like a flaming bag of shit. Nothing says that my mother loved me by calling the police on me because I feel like ranting about what's on my mind in a loud and forceful way. It's my fucking right to rant my mind to my mother without the fear of getting my ass arrested. It makes me fucking sick with these flaming bags of shit jabronis that are commenting shit on my posts about my mental health issues. The thing I hate the most is these flaming bags of shit jabronis commenting about Galithrania is going to sue me for doxxing, defamation, fake lawsuits, death threats, and threats of swatting that I did a year ago during the Copyright Strike War. I don't give a flaming bag of shit about these flaming bags of shit jabronis shit talking to me about things I did when I was pissed. I believed that these flaming bags of shit jabronis were commenting on the mere mention of Galithrania's name and threatening me that he was suing me just to piss me off. I always say don't judge a book by its cover as I can tell them the true story behind the Copyright Strike War. Those flaming bags of shit jabronis' only goal in life is fucking me in the ass because I have mental health issues, and they will gain great joy when I start cursing back in the comments. These flaming bags of shit jabronis got the nerve to comment to me to delete everything off the internet before Galithrania lawyers up. That's fucking blackmail into fucking off the internet before I get my ass sued. Who's making the threats now and it's not me. Stop being such fucking assholes about my past mistakes before I sue you for blackmail, harassment, cyberbullying, defamation and uttering threats, you fucking flaming bags of shit jabronis. I want this bullshit to end as the Copyright Strike War has been there and done that. I don't have the nerves to bitch to Galithrania about this flaming bag of shit called the Copyright Strike War as it's pointless because I lost. I don't want to engage with these flaming bags of shit jabronis commenters, as I will just report them. I just want these flaming bags of shit jabronis to cease commenting shit about me before the internet flags your IP address, and then they call the feds on your ass. Through the early morning fog, I see. Asked about the things. The pains that are withheld for me, I realize, and I can see pain suicide is painless. It brings on many changes and I can take or leave it if I please. The game of life is hard to play. I'm going to lose it anyway. I'll lose the losing card someday. So this is all I have to say. Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes and I can take or leave it if I please. The sword of time will pierce our skins. It doesn't hurt when it begins. But as it works, it's way on its own. The pain grows stronger, watch it grins. Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes and I can take or leave it if I please. A brave man once asked me and asked answer questions that are key. "Is it to be or not to be?" And I replied, "Oh, why ask me?" Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes. And I can take or leave it if I please. And you can do the same thing if you please. I've made changes to everything in my life. Even against all the odds, I roll the dice. Count myself in on any deal that comes around. Right or wrong never slowed me down. I've always loved you, silent but strong. Deep down in your heart you've always known. It's just that I've made more mistakes than any man under the sun. You're the only sensible thing I've ever done instrumental, never complaining back when the times were bad. Even when your faith in me. Loving me wasn't worth the price you paid. Darling, I've been wrong. This is all I can say. Deep down in your heart you've always known. It's just that I've made more mistakes than any man under the sun. You're the only sensible thing I've ever done. You're the only sensible thing I've ever done. It comes to my attention that people are threatening me about content I made on YouTube over a year ago in the comment area of a Blogger post I made ranting about everything. They wanted me to erase everything I ever did online from the internet before I get sued. Also, they commented that I'm removing comments because I don't want the world to see these people calling me a sex-offender. I'm already messed up as it is, but these people comment about not caring about my mental health, which is why I'm so rageful towards the world right now. I know that I wrote some very spicy rants, but don't talk shit to me if you can't get the post removed after reporting it for months. I just want to have a civilized discussion, but these commenters just wanted to post that I'm a sex-offender here and a racist there. I might have written racist and sexist things in my Blogger post rant, but don't call me a sex-offender or a racist. I think that York Support Services Network is a flaming bag of shit as I saw some person assaulting a female staff member and trashing a classroom and front lobby after my mother and I came back to the building with a staff member after I had class there on September 28, 2024. My mother did what a normal person would do in a case like that when she called the pigs about it, while I, my mother and a few others were rushed into a room by another staff member. Good lord that he didn't strike my mother because if he did, there would be hell to pay in the form of a backhand of my own, even if I was also arrested as well. If the staff member hadn't told my mother to come back into the building to tell her about what I had learned, we would never have been there when the assault and vandalism shit hit the fan, as my mother and I would have been on our way to Burger King. On the other hand, I think the whole Adapted Dialectical Behaviour Skills program at YSSN that I am on is a bunch of flaming bags of shit as other people get their support, but I can't have my mother to be mine. That's the biggest fuck you in my face that a fucked up person like me can get, as they are the ones who are helping me with my mental health, not causing me to be like that person that was assaulting female staff and vandalizing the place. I have no beef with YSSN, but I think that they are harming my mental health more than helping, and I know that I need help. I need to confess to something as I'm using the alias of Momo Kawashima. I often chatted on live streams on YouTube and Twitch as well as chatting with my real self, Kevin Stewart. While under my alias, I claimed to be living in Oarai, Japan and also claimed to be friends with my alias and my real self in real life, but under my real name I live in Vaughan, Ontario and don't have any friends with that name. I became a YouTube moderator on live streams on Diggin Dave under my alias and my real name ain't a moderator, while being banned from chatting on DKRACK under my real name, but my alias wasn't banned, in which both Diggin Dave and DKRACK YouTube channels are run by the same person. I know that we all hate losing stuff, especially money. A couple of years ago, my mother and I went shopping and as we got to the checkout, I noticed that my wallet had fallen out of my mother's purse and into the shopping cart. When I checked it, all my money that was in it was missing. I was just insanely enraged as I lost almost 7 to 8 hundred dollars. I don't know if it had dropped out of her purse into the cart before we entered the store and the money blew away, or some person saw the wallet in the cart and took the money, but left my cards. My mother backtracked our steps to look for the money while I waited in customer service with our groceries without trashing the place in anger. After my mother came back with no luck, she told the front end manager about the money. To this day, I never know what happened to the money. My life has been a wild world of flaming bags of shit between the ups and the downs. Ever since I was born in Toronto in 2000, it's been a wild ride. I was still very young when I lived in my hometown. I never knew my first place as I was one when I moved from Toronto to Vaughan. The area I moved to is Bathurst Street and Steeles Avenue West, where I have lived for the last 23 years. It has changed a lot in my life. The open field between Vaughan Fire Station 7-1 and Reena - Toby and Henry Battle Developmental Centre on Clark Avenue just south of the Promenade Mall has been like that for as long as I can remember. But starting around 2017 or 2018, that field was the scene of new houses. Talking about the Promenade Mall, years ago it had a lot of stores in it. But now, it's a former shell of itself as more than half the stores have been fucking off there. Even most of the major shops ain't there anymore, like Sears. The Old Navy, the EB Games, the McDonald's and the Subway are all gone too, along with many others. The southern part of the mall is now a condo building. The area didn't need another condo as it's like a big free for all of those buildings. I have always been saying that sooner or later the Promenade Mall will be torn down and made into condos. I can hardly remember the Burger King at the northwest corner of Bathurst and Steeles as I was about 3 or 4 when it went. All that I can remember being in that building is the Pizza Pizza. My parents told me that in rain or shine I would eat fries from the Burger King in my stroller. That plaza has changed over the years too, as the Food Basics is now a FreshCo, the Second Cup is now a Harvey's, the Asahi Sushi is now a Bank of Montreal and the 99¢ World is now a Dollarama. I think that Florida is full of flaming bags of shit jabronis that they believe they are a Florida Man for the most retarded things. Why ain't there an Ontario Man? My blogging rants and bat shit crazy rage are just as wild as things over in Florida. I punched out a fire alarm control panel in Toronto's Union Station while a lady was fighting an alligator in Miami International Airport. I'll fight an alligator any day of the week if someone brings me one. My laptop is a flaming bag of shit as it's always running low on storage. I bought a Dell Inspiron 15 3000 with around 218 GB of storage and 16 GB of RAM a couple of years ago for about a grand. It really blows my fuses every time the storage runs out, even when I hardly have Jack shit on it. I normally get around a gigabyte to 5 gigs of free storage, but it will go down to zero sometimes. I paid a grand for this flaming bag of shit, but I should've paid more money for a laptop with more storage. I think that Bill Gates is fucking me over into buying this flaming bag of shit laptop before he has sex with my money. I think that the Ontario minimum wage is a flaming bag of shit as even at the new set pay of $17.20 an hour, that's still shitty. I work a part-time job at Sobeys for 3 hours every Sunday. That's $51.60 a week. That shit doesn't even cut my groceries, as they cost me double that most weeks. With a monthly salary of $206.40, that's way too little for shit as rent is like triple that. I'm glad that I'm living at my mother's place rent-free, but if she orders me to pay up, I'm D-O-N-E fucked as I don't have the goddamn money. If my boss didn't cut my hours by one a few months ago, my weekly and monthly wages would be $68.80 and $275.20. In my opinion, the extra $68.80 a month would be better in my pocket than in Doug Ford's. I'm a pretty big maritime historian ever since I watched James Cameron's Titanic as a kid. As I got older, I became more interested in naval warfare from the early to mid 20th century. But my passion for ocean liners still burns hot. I think that the scrapping of the USS Enterprise (CV 6) was a flaming bag of shit as that ship held more honors and awards in World War II than any other ship out there. A hypothetical example, if the most decorated soldier of that era, Audie Murphy, was really shot and killed by Uncle Sam after coming back home from World War II rather than passing away peacefully in 1971. That's the biggest injustice of any maritime historian who wanted the ship tied up somewhere, so World War II veterans would've taken their grandchildren onto it while saying "I fought the Japanese on this ship for freedom and peace." I never joined the military, but in a hypothetical scenario where I served in the Royal Canadian Navy on the HMCS Toronto. If the ship surpassed the Enterprise in honors and awards during my reign aboard, and I found out years after my retirement that the ship was going to be scrapped, I would raise chaos as a piece of history that I put my great service and sacrifice into safeguarding my Canada before she would be lost to the world. Another biggest fuck you in the ass was the scrapping of the RMS Olympic. The Olympic was the sole survivor of the Olympic-class ocean liners after her two other sisters sank. I would dream of going to Belfast to go to the Olympic if she was tied up as a museum ship at Harland & Wolff. I think that the people who decided to scrap the Olympic should've been shunned due to the utter disrespect they did to the people that got killed in the sinking of the Titanic and the Britannic. Yet another injustice is the plan to make the SS United States into an artificial reef. I know that William Gibbs would be rolling in his grave if he knew about his ship's upcoming fate. The ship is the definition of American engineering and luxury at it's finest, even in its rusty state as it is moored in Philadelphia. The United States still holds the Blue Riband after 72 years when she won it on her maiden voyage in 1952. I think that the plan of sinking such a ship for an artificial reef would be a crime against humanity to the crew and passengers that called that ship home. I know that I can't go back in time and change the past of these ships, but I am shaking my arms in the air in rage because of that. I often hear these tormented souls of ships screaming in the afterlife as their honored past comes back to the world while I go numb. The almighty tormented souls of these ships will live on. I go to GoodLife Fitness at Dufferin Street and Finch Avenue West around twice a week. Every time I go there, I see people fucking about on their phones while riding bikes and running on the treadmills. For fuck's sake, they even do it while sitting at the weight machines. This place is called a gym, not a fucking internet cafΓ©. But these flaming bags of shit jabronis do is post pictures on Instagram with quotes like "I'm getting buff. Look at my guns, ladies." Believe me buddy, the only thing that is getting buff is their ego about getting as ripped as The Rock. I don't even see Dwayne boasting about his guns that much. I pay my share of the pie for my membership because I want to get into shape while not boasting about my fitness online. But these flaming bags of shit jabronis waste their money just to boast about getting ripped on their Instagram, which has already got a shitty following. Dwayne will be ashamed of those flaming bags of shit jabronis' lack of goal for working out. As I said earlier about those flaming bags of shit jabronis sharing pictures of their guns to the ladies online. There are a lot of them at the gym for them to boast about it. I often think about numbing my life as I was gagging from deep inside my stomach. The almighty wet sound of my gagging is a balm to my flaming bag of shit life. The time when I would fall on my ass while gagging before I would convulse on the ground. I just wanted to feel my whole body seizing up as I was flailing around like a madman. I would hear the song Rise of Evil in my head while I was seizing up, as I wanted the Reich of numbness to rise in my whole body just like Hitler took half of Europe. When I made my channel, Kevin Stewart, on February 24, 2015, I was a 14-year-old kid, before my 15th birthday, which was the 25th. I never thought that I was going to be some big name YouTuber. I uploaded 2 GTA 4 videos on February 24 and 28. After that, I didn't upload anything until I uploaded a video on July 13, 2016, of me recording myself playing GTA 5 on my PS3 on my iPad. After that, there was another gap until I uploaded a shit ton of videos on December 15, 2016, of random things students were doing at my former high school. From January 3, 2017, to September 6, I uploaded videos like videos from the Angry Grandpa channel, more of filming myself playing GTA 5 on my iPad, Gangster Vegas and some indie-type movie clips. After that, I didn't upload anything until January 10, 2021, when I uploaded Mountain Hymn Organ on that day. Between January 10 and November 9, I uploaded random things like more videos from the Angry Grandpa channel, silent movie-type videos of Angry Grandpa, three full anime episodes (which were copyright taken down) and a few custom Girls und Panzer intro. My first live stream was on June 20. The first few streams I did, I normally did nothing, flipped the bird at the camera while listening to music or played random video games. On September 19, 2021, I started doing live streams of missions in RDR 2. The mission of that first stream was Icarus and Friends. I typically do each mission on a different stream until The King's Son on October 3 of that year. On the 6th, I started playing GTA 5. As before, I streamed a mission on a stream. I finished each mission by December 3 of 2021. Later that same day, I started to play each mission of RDR 2 again at the start of the story, minus the missions that I had already streamed before until I finished every mission by February 20, 2022. Most of those live streams I did didn't get that many viewers as I wasn't that big of a YouTuber yet, as I only had 97 subscribers when I started my first RDR 2 stream. Everything changed when I uploaded my first anime girl drowning video on December 20, 2021. Since that day, my channel has been going uphill, and I uploaded more anime girls drowning videos in the following months. After the anime girl drowning video was uploaded and the following anime videos in the months that passed, my views and subscribers weren't gaining that fast as I like them. The first couple of weeks, I only got a few hundred views and none to a few subscribers a day. By February 2022, I was getting a few thousand views a day, but the same level of subscribers. But by November 2022, things were really getting beefy with tens of thousands of views a day and give or take 100 subscribers a day. From mid-November 2022 to early April 2023, I gained around 4.8 million views and around 8700 subscribers. On November 25, 2022, I got 65625 views, and, gained 214 subscribers on a single day on March 28, 2023. After April 7, 2023, things started to slow down back to the few thousand views a day and a few to no subscribers with even some days of negative gain. I had some days when I got an odd spike of over 20000 views here and there, but far and few between. I never came close to those peaks I had from November 2022 to April 2023. In the meantime, as I was uploading anime girl drowning videos, I started to live stream, playing MLB 20 when I played for the Toronto Blue Jays in Franchise Mode from February 20, 2022, to March 11 that same year. On March 13, I then started streaming WWE 2K22 until I got fed up with it by December 9, 2022. During the WWE 2K22 era, I also streamed many other video games, like War Thunder, GTA 4, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, FIFA 14 to 15, Euro Truck Simulator, American Truck Simulator, Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Online, The Sims Freeplay, SimCity BuildIt, Roblox,, Assassin's Creed Rogue, Driver: San Francisco, Driver: Parallel Lines, My Summer Car, Watch Dogs Legion and L.A. Noire. On October 11, 2022, I started to do my weekly Angry Grandpa reaction live streams. When I got 1000 subscribers on September 3, 2022, I signed up for monetization, but the application failed. I tried to sign up for the application again each month after that, but still failed. I uploaded around 78 anime girls drowning videos as of April 2, 2023, when I stopped uploading them, along with other uploads and live streaming on May 17 and May 7 of that year. On April 13, the Copyright Strike War started. Galithrania, on behalf of Reds MMD, copyrighted three of my anime girl drowning videos, in which one of them had nearly 2 million views. I said some not so nice things online to Galithrania and Reds MMD until April 19. But on May 17, I got another one of my anime girl drowning videos got copyright strike by another person. After that second copyright, I was on the verge of getting my channel terminated because I got 2 copyright strikes at that point. I decided to step down from my channel and stop uploading or live streaming after May 17. My hiatus didn't last long, as by June 2, when I started uploading videos again of AI-generated videos and stories, pre-recorded Angry Grandpa reactions, Mambo No. 5 with Michael De Santa singing it and a GTA 6 trailer with Attero Dominatus replacing Love Is A Long Road. All of this lasted until my latest upload on March 18, 2024. I also did 3 live streams during this time. On October 15, I did a Red Dead Redemption stream. On November 3, I did a scary reaction stream. On December 10, I did an Angry Grandpa tribute stream. By February 1, 2024, my channel was monetized after failing the monetization application ever since September 3, 2022. I was so happy about my monetization being approved. On February 2, I started doing my weekly Angry Grandpa reaction live streams again, since I paused the weekly streams on May 17, 2023. But things got worse on March 23, 2024, when my monetization was paused. After my monetization was paused on March 23, I halted my Angry Grandpa reaction live streams again on April 7. On April 17, I made a community post that I officially stopped uploading videos and live streams point-blank and taking an indefinite hiatus due to monetization issues, mental health issues, lack of motivation and other personal reasons. From mid-April leading up to the present day, I'm in an extremely dark place. I was thinking about evil things that would make Hitler blush. I was to the point of ending my life and deleting my channel once and for all many times. I think about the urge to kill myself and how life would go on without me and those dark thoughts of utter evil. Since mid-April, I haven't uploaded or gone live besides the one sleep cam live stream on May 26. I also made 7 community posts during this time between May 17 to June 23. I'm still using this channel every day, but just for watching videos and my favorite live streamers. I don't know when I'll come back, but I hope that it doesn't last for years. As of August 11, I was thinking of restarting my weekly Angry Grandpa reaction streams again, but Chrome is acting up to the point of YouTube not working. I don't want to do a live stream where I can't react to a video due to it not playing, and I started a profanity-filled rant that may cause my channel to get terminated. I think with the current state of YouTube, I think I made the right call to go into hiatus in mid-April of 2024. By August 15, Chrome was back to normal, but I said fuck it for streaming as Angry Grandpa reaction streams were getting repetitive. I think by the time I ended those streams in mid-April 2024, I had pretty much streamed most of the videos. I might do a pre-recorded reaction here or there if the main channel uploaded a new video. As of August 20, my views are going further downhill as my best video is now getting around 800 to 900 views now in the past 48 hours. Before, it got around 1500 to 2000 views. Believe it or not, the anime girl drowning videos helped my channel stay afloat even after the Copyright Strike War. Those videos now ain't the same in views post Copyright Strike War. The one thing I like to happen to me is getting recognized on the street by someone that has seen my channel. I don't mean getting a big name YouTuber recognition, but a normal hello or someone buying me a coffee here or there is fine. On August 29, my channel was at 16990 subscribers and was 10 away from reaching 17000. But when I woke up on the 30th, I was at 16979. That's the biggest drop I have had since October 2, 2022, when I lost 46 on that day. To add insult to injury, on the 31st I was at 16975 subscribers. That's another one of the latest run of things that is slowing my channel down. I don't know if YouTube is trying to fuck me over or what, but I don't like it. I know that I can be egocentric and self-centered about getting better views and subscribers because of my own greed in the past month. I'm ain't that egocentric, self-centered and greedy person, but a hard-working soul that is not fucking people over. As of September 5, 2024, my subscribers have been fluctuating between 16975 and 16982 since August 29. I don't know why this shit is happening, but I don't like it. Also, as of September 5, I don't know how many comments I got about uploading more anime girl drowning videos. Time after time, I comment back to tell them that I don't do that shit anymore due to the Copyright Strike War, but they still ask me to do it. This is why my mental health is shit, but these commenters are feeding that downward spiral further. As of September 20, my subscribers have been booming. On that day, I had 17107 subscribers. Now on October 15, I have 17528 subscribers. Since the 20th and now, my views are still low with a higher jump on the weekends. As of October 14, I uploaded a video called Ladder Truck in Action where my local fire department lifted my neighbor from her balcony due to a medical issue. That was the first video since I did a sleep cam stream on May 26. This video might be a one off as I'm still on hiatus with no plan of coming back full-time. As of November 12, 2024, my stats are really going down hill as views are as low as 3500 per day and got 19 subscribers since the 5th. Ever since I uploaded that video on October 15, my views have been slowly going down hill while my subscribers really have a nose dive. I think that my views and subscribers are also going down due to me insulting MMV Water that I made in their video comments with other YouTube channels by claiming that they were involved in various illegal activities, including copyright infringement, hacking, espionage and conspiracy to commit violence and theft, as well as other allegations that they compromised my personal information and collaborated with foreign adversaries all because they used to upload anime girl drowning videos. I often use bots to comment on their videos and I know that was morally wrong. I know that I have been doing this ever since the Copyright Strike War, but I regret that. On December 10, I uploaded a reaction video of ANGRY GRANDPA'S SLOPPY JOES in memory of him. I really missed going live, but I think that my mental health still ain't better. I thought about restarting my weekly Angry Grandpa live stream, but I feel that I reacted to most of his videos. I often think about doing collaborative or interactive streams, but I ain't even bothered doing this right now, because out of the 17777 subscribers, I only have 1 or 2 loyal subscribers and often with even fewer view counts in lives. At this time, I'm just going to put my feet up somewhere and watch the sunrise until the next time I feel like uploading anything on my channel. I noticed that between December 27, 2024, and January 2, 2025, my subscribers were fluctuating between 17831 and 17839. On February 8, 2025, I uploaded a video called Rants and Longings: A Mind in Turmoil where an AI voice conversation about my struggles with mental health, societal frustrations, and personal desires. The video talked about my intense feelings about technology and society, showcasing his emotional depth, strong language, connection and intimacy. Ever since I uploaded the video Rants and Longings: A Mind in Turmoil on February 8, my analytics have been slow, but surely going up. On that day, my channel views were 5513 and between then and the 21th it fluctuated between 4157 and 7921. My hours were 67.5 on the 8th and between then and the 21th it fluctuated between 56.7 to 111.1. My subscribers on the 8th were at 17971 and as of the 22nd it was at 18128. My lowest views were on February 12 of 4157 and the lowest hours were on February 9 of 56.7. My highest for both views and hours were the same day as February 21 at 7921 views and 111.1 hours. On February 25, I did a live stream called 2025 Kevin Stewart Birthday Bash from 2:30 in the afternoon until 4. During the stream, I opened my birthday cards and watched some Angry Grandpa videos. There were two different streams as the first one, 25 minutes in, was cut due to my electricity quickly going off and on. As you might not have known, I have another YouTube channel called John Marston that I created on November 18, 2022. I didn't upload anything until January 3, 2023, when I uploaded an intro video that uses the AI voice of John Marston. Less than a month later, on the 24th, I uploaded another video called "YouTube Rant," where I ranted about YouTube spam channels. From that day on, I'd decided to make ranting videos that used John Marston's AI voice. Mostly I ranted about more YouTube spam channels. About a month and a bit before the Copyright Strike War, on February 24, 2023, I uploaded a video called "YouTube Thiefs," where I ranted about some channels stealing the anime girl drowning videos from my other channel, Kevin Stewart. Between February 24 and April 14, I ranted more about those thieves, from stating that they were KKK members, being spies from Russia and being child molesters that forced a 4-year-old kid to drink beer. I didn't stop until they did. After I lost the Copyright Strike War, I started ranting about other things like the United States, Canadian, North Korean, Russian, Australian, French, Italian, German, Brazilian, Indian, Chinese, British, Mexican, Filipino, Greek, New Zealand and Saudi Arabian governments, the world's governments have not taken enough to combat climate change and for not funding plastic recycling, the justice system, authority figures, politicians like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh, Doug Ford, Rob Ford, John Tory, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, modern cars, electric vehicles, newer semi-trucks, Shinkansen, traffic, Tesla, Porsche, Volkswagen, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Meta, Nintendo, Elon Musk, Peter NygΓ₯rd, Hulk Hogan, Cody Rhodes, Brock Lesnar, Vince McMahon, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Rhea Ripley, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Gordon Ramsay, Dr, Phil, Taylor Swift, Jeff Bezos, Justin Bieber, Travis Kelce, Michael Green (The Kid Behind a Camera), Leviticus Cornwall, inconsiderate people and drivers, teenagers, cats, dogs, kiwi birds, communist, fascism, Nazism, Hamas, Netflix, Apple, Amazon, Bell Canada, Toronto Police, Toronto Transit Commission, Cruise (autonomous vehicle company), PlayStation Network, PlayStation Plus, McDonald's, Tim Hortons, Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto 5, War Thunder, Red Dead Redemption, opera music, K-Pop, J-Pop, vapes, The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, The Simpsons, Dragon Ball Z, driving on highways, car thefts, road signs, X-Japan, U-Haul trucks, British Royal Guard, paper straws and wooden utensils, Tampa Bay Lightning, Kansas City Chiefs, soccer, self-service stores, smartphones, cryptocurrency, credit and debit cards, mobile phone payment, prepayments, cashless payments, online shopping, ordering food online, housing prices, Jif peanut butter, plant-based food, Impossible Whopper, YouTube for reasons like spam channels, age restrictions, terminations, copyright strikes, harassment, ad policies, monetization policies, notifications and certain channels like MMV Water, (Victoria), MMD UW, Reds MMD, and Galithrania, Australia for its history, wildlife, cuisine, particularly Vegemite, climate, people, and language, France for it's cowardly people, Italy, for its history, music, food, culture and historical figures like Benito Mussolini, Germany for its smells, Oktoberfest, German car brands, German food, historical figures like Adolf Hitler, Brazil for its forests, wildlife, potential dangers, and religious symbols, India for their population, cuisine, and cultural landmarks, China for its political system, population control policies, landmarks, and food, Canada for its healthcare system, music industry, and political leadership, the United Kingdom for its traditions and monarchy, the United States, for its political leaders, police forces, healthcare system, and certain states and cities, Mexico for its people, climate, history, currency and political leaders, the Philippines, for its heat, Jollibee, and historical events, Greece, for its history, cuisine, and landmarks, New Zealand, due to a negative experience with a kiwi bird and Saudi Arabia, for its oil, wealth distribution and extreme heat, Micah Bell and Dutch van der Linde. But on March 29, 2024, I uploaded a video called "John Marston's Future on YouTube," where I stated my real name of Kevin Stewart before talking about my mental health problems and winding down content for the time being. I stopped uploading videos after that video, but on April 14, I started uploading ranting videos again with 28 of them between then and June 20. I haven't uploaded anything after that video on the 20th until August 1. Since then, I haven't uploaded anything. Not everyone knows that I have a third YouTube channel called Momo Kawashima. I created the channel on June 20, 2021, as I'm a pretty big fan of the anime Girls und Panzer and the character of the same name, but none of the videos were related to it. I uploaded a couple of few second videos on Saint Row the Third on the 24th. I didn't do anything until August 21, 2022, when I uploaded a video where I explained how to allow people to get free gifted channel memberships through a channel. The following day, I uploaded another video where I showed how to allow people to get free gifted channel memberships through a live stream. On October 6, I uploaded a video where I showed how to install a dialogue system mod in GTA 4. On October 11, I live streamed myself playing War Thunder. On December 31, I did a live stream of Red Dead Redemption 2. A few days later on January 3, 2023, I did another Red Dead Redemption 2 stream. On January 28, I uploaded a video of a news broadcast of Angry Grandpa's death. On March 21, I uploaded a DKRACK Burger King commercial. On April 23, I made a video where a tornado hit DKRACK's house. On May 16, I uploaded an AI video of Joe Biden mentioning my name. That same day, I uploaded another AI video of Barack Obama supporting DKRACK. On May 22, I uploaded an AI short where DKRACK is rambling about a tornado about to hit his house. The next day, I uploaded an AI video where DKRACK had an epic fart. On August 26, I uploaded an AI story about DKRACK being pranked about a tornado. On September 8, I uploaded two AI stories called The Garbage Juice Mishap and Momo Kawashima Smackdown. On October 10, I uploaded another AI story called The Puzzling Transformation. On October 12, I uploaded a video of Angry Grandpa where he's got a female voice. On December 18, I uploaded a remix of the GTA 6 trailer where the Red Dead Redemption 2 second trailer music was playing. Since December 18, 2023, I haven't uploaded anything, but I'm still active when DKRACK and his other channel, Diggin Dave, are live. I think that my parents' views on not letting me buy a bicycle is a flaming bag of shit. My father thinks that I can't ride it over the bridges on Highway 7 that runs across the CN Macmillan Yard or over Highway 407 on Jane Street due to me being a chicken shit of heights if I should buy a bike from Walmart just off Highway 7 on Applewood Crescent. Yes, I'm a chicken shit of heights, but at least I know how to ride a bike. And I know that it's been years since I last rode one. I feel that they don't let me buy a bike because I ain't defensive enough while riding it. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I am as defensive as you ever get because I would flip the bird at a flaming bag of shit jabroni that cut me off. My father would have ridden the bike home, but the ride from Walmart would kill him due to arthritis. My father thinks that I won't ride a bike due to me spending every waking moment on my laptop. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit because at least I don't have to nag my mother to drive me or take public transit to places I want to go. My father also thinks that I can't ride a bike on the road due to these dumb drivers. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I know that sidewalks in downtown Toronto are just wall to wall of people and I needed to meet my maker by riding in traffic. This is why I can't have nice fucking shit because of them stating that I ain't the king of the castle while being the head of the table. I think that these institutions' treatment of autistic people is a flaming bag of shit. As an autistic myself, I can feel the pain. These psych wards can't treat me, the police can't take me in and the courts can't charge me because I'm autistic. This basically means that I can get away with fucking murder. I'm not saying that I would kill anyone, but I'm saying that autistic people should get their fair share in court. I think that my get out of jail free card is cool, but it is a miscarriage of fucking justice. I think that an autistic person would just walk out of the joint after they committed murder, while someone else with the same thing would take their last breath in the joint is a big fucking miscarriage of fucking justice. I believe that any autistic person, regardless of any crime or state of mind, needs to face the long arm of the law. Just like Alek Minassian when he plowed down 26 people which killed 10 of them in Toronto. Alek got Asperger's, and he got life in prison for 10 first-degree murders and 16 attempted murders. Where were the days when autistic people were lynched because they committed a crime? I know that lynching was a dark chapter, and it's wrong now, but I feel that any autistic person needs to face the music of the long arm of the law for their actions in a less brutal way that does not include lynching. I think that these psych wards are causing more harm than helping. I have been there and done that and that's a bunch of flaming bags of shit. The mental health staff at these psych wards were a bunch of flaming bags of shit as they didn't know a flaming bag of shit from their asses. This means that I can act like a crazy person, and they would state that I'm okay. I can always toss my shit at them to prove my point. The police are not much fucking better. I don't know how many times my mother called the York Regional Police on me because I was losing my shit. After they arrive, the police don't even take me in because I'm not classed as a thug. I trashed the fucking house. Is that not fucking criminal enough to take me in? Do the police want me to take one of their guns away, and then we would talk the old-fashioned way through a gunfight? If the police were smart enough, they would've taken me to the station. I noticed that people were joining my Discord and messaging me stating that I'm a pedophile. What is wrong with people running me into a dumpster fire full of flaming bags of shit lately? These people are labeling me a racist and a sex offender on my Rant about Everything post on Blogger and now a pedophile on my Discord. If these accusations were true, I should've been in prison a long time ago. These people are just saying these things to add fuel to the controversy. These people are adding fuel to the controversy over things I did a year ago. Yes, I did make racist and sexist writings on my Rant about Everything Blogger post in the past, but you can't prove that I have a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Even if there are claims about me being a pedophile in my Blogger post, the claims are still false, as I would not harm the little ones. If these accusations were true, I would be a marked man by other prisoners in the joint. This whole name-calling controversy is defamation. Whoever is calling me a racist, a sex offender and a pedophile is causing damage to my rep. If these fools still want to hype up the fuel for the controversy, the internet is watching you, and it will never forget. If these fools are smart enough to use a VPN, the internet will still fine you. Even if these fools removed their comments thinking that they wouldn't be found, the internet still remembers the comments. All I say is, please stop assuming that I am a racist, a sex offender and a pedophile. I don't want the police to bust down my door and arrest me for false claims. I think that the autistic adult male in Cambridge who was arrested and taken to the hospital for assault after an encounter with a jogger was a miscarriage of justice. The Waterloo Regional Police claimed that he body check and tried to kick her as she was trying to get out of the way. His father told the news that it was an accident as his son was never violent, he would not have intentionally knocked someone over, or tried to kick the woman, and claimed that the police claimed that he was on drugs, or intoxicated. He also states that his brisk walking and his struggles with articulation may have contributed to the situation. That's a bunch of flaming bag of shit that the police have the nerve to make such a claim. I noticed that many autistic people looked like they were intoxicated, but they weren't. And if they have difficulties with communication, they ain't intoxicated either. As a person with autism myself, my speech ain't the greatest, but I don't look like a drunk though. I had my fair share of run-ins with the police after I trashed my mother's house during my meltdowns. I have been taken to the hospital in the back of the squad car many times before. But where are my vandalism charges? Where's my piece of the police brutality pie? Was it because I didn't cause 5 grand in damage to be charged with vandalism? I think that's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I trashed a freezer one time and another time I punched holes in the wall, and I wasn't fined. Do I have to wreck that house down to the bare minimum to get a charge? I can be quite destructive when I become crossed. If anyone from the York Regional Police saw this autistic rampaging tank destroying a store, you better tase me as I am hell-bent on causing mass chaos. I want to feel the taser zapping me. The zapping of the taser is a better numbness for my soul than the numbness of me tossing cans of beans at the store manager. I feel so fucking mad at this flaming bag of shit world that I want to plant a bomb at Thornlea Secondary School. That school is a flaming bag of shit loaded with a bunch of flaming bags of shit covered with flaming bags of shit before rolling in flaming bags of shit. I think that it was okay, but I believe that it's shitty. I think that the friends I had there during my reign were a bunch of flaming bags of shit. This one lady was Samantha, who I thought was a friend. Nothing says fuck you more than stating that she went to spend time with Ben. That piece of flaming bag of shit Samantha thought that Ben was the king, while they treated me like a puppet. The things that I wanted to do with Samantha might have me landed in the joint by now. I really wanted to rant right in Samantha and Ben's faces. I wanted Samantha to seize up, as that flaming bag of shit upbeat baka chump, was worthless to me when she was convulsing. I wanted Samantha to get hives during her seizures. I just want to kiss her on the lips during her jerking. The utter panic after she stopped seizing up on me kissing her. I'm a loner as this flaming bag of shit world chokes down people like me with autism. I often walk alone in many situations as I feel the world is trying to fuck me over for their own numbness. I dreamed of walking down a long stretch of highway in the middle of nowhere until I couldn't walk anymore. Every car that passes me with people mocking me feeds my vigor more to become more hateful to the world. The strangers that are inconsiderately yelling at me to get into the 21st century by getting a smartphone are no friends of mine. Where were the good old days when I could get help the old school way? But everything today is online, online, online. Online ain't convenient or accessible when the shit hits the fan of the World Wide Web goes down. All of this online bullshit feeds my vigor to the point of utter madness. All of these people who numb themselves by stuffing their iPhones into their faces that they bought every year when a new one comes out are no friends of mine. The times that I try to talk with the ladies are often met with mockery. I often say to myself that words hurt. It hurts more when those same ladies I tried talking with were having a blast with other strangers that walked up to them. Their laughter feeds my vigor of loneliness more to the point of them not being friends of mine. I think that getting autism was the worst thing I ever had, as the world today ain't even ready for the overflow of autism. The thing that makes me sick is not even 50 years ago when society treated us like shit. I think today that society treats us more shitty. Give me a fucking break, as autistic people are being treated like scum of the earth. Even the people that are there to help us are treating us like scum. I believe that these people are way overpaid for their line of work, and they are still asking for more. Nothing says fuck you in the ass more than us bragging to them, and they stated that they feel the pain. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as they claimed to feel pity for autistic people, but they only want the green stuff. I believe that they need to stop fucking with their money and give a flaming bag of shit to us. But no, their only goal in life is the greed of fucking over the autistic. The main reason why I hate autism so much is my parents. Science believes that having older parents is a risk factor. I can say that science is true in that statement because my parents were both born in the early 60s, and I was born in 2000. As of 2024, I'm a 24-year-old person with parents in their early 60s makes shit living hell. The thing I hate about my parents is that, during their childhood, they were taught that autism was bad. Many people today hold the same level of bias toward autism. If my speech wasn't to their standard, they wouldn't do shit for me because I wasn't talking well enough. That's a hate crime for people who don't understand me. My speech ain't the greatest, but don't talk shit about it. I believe that the world is better off going back to school to get their asses learning about autism. I don't know why, but I often watch and masturbate to porn videos of women drowning. I find it arousing to see these ladies squirming underwater as they try to escape. The way some of these ladies blow bubbles is very arousing. I sometimes watch drowning videos with women fully dressed, but I find it arousing if they were nude. I think women masturbating underwater before knowing that they are trapped by the pool cover or drowning themselves is arousing. I think that the people who falsely claim military service are flaming bags of shit. That's a big fuck you in the ass to the people in the military that paid the price with their lives. These fools need to just give up their act and stop fucking about playing soldier as they did as kids. Billy Bishop and John McCrae didn't fight for Canada just for these fools' claiming that they were better than these heroes. If I was called to arms in the name of Canada during a time of crisis, I'd happily do it, even in a small role. That's what I call a true calling, not faking it like these fools like to call it. If I heard someone faked being in the same military unit I served my ass in, I'd be enraged to the point of using the long arm of the law to deal with these frauds. I think that heavy metal music is a balm to my soul as I feel like it's burning my passion into a flaming bag of shit. The power of this shit beats anything else as utter numbness rules. I want to feel my lungs vibrate as the power lulled me into numbness. I want to feel the numbness as the songs Rise of Evil by Sabaton, Sleeping Sun by Nightwish, Kurenai by X Japan or Ievan Polkka by Korpiklaani are blasted loud. I want to feel like gagging as the numbness is taking over while these songs are playing. I want just one forceful gag to make my body go numb as the songs take me away from this flaming bag of shit world. I know that I might rub off as hostile, cynical, pessimistic, aggressive and no bullshit sometimes, but I'm the most down-to-earth person out there if they get to know me better. I'm ain't just an autistic person that's rageful towards the world, but a peace-loving person that's looking to settle down with someone. I might have racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic, ableist, ageist, adultism and childism views sometimes, but I'm not really like that. I think that the William Lyon MacKenzie Housing Co-operative at 299 Mullen Drive where I live with my mother is a flaming bag of shit. The management don't know a flaming bag of shit from their ass. My townhouse is falling apart, but the management don't give a flaming bag of shit about it. The bath is leaking into my bedroom due to shitty cocking and I don't know how many work orders I filled out, but don't give a flaming bag of shit about it. I know that a maintenance person came over a couple of months ago to take some pictures of the bath, but I haven't heard anything else since. The floor in my room is already water damaged. The management has the nerve to ask me to pay for it out of my pocket. Fuck you assholes as they are the cause of the damage. The fence in the backyard has already fallen once. The best part was when maintenance repaired the fallen fence with a few 2x4s. That flaming bag of shit management only cares about making a quick fix and leaving it like that for years. If the city of Vaughan ever came into the co-op, they would close it. I'm shocked that there ain't an army of city vehicles marching into the co-op already. In my opinion, MMD UW is the most controversial YouTube channel out there. This channel made the anime girl drowning videos that I used to upload to my channel before it got their own channel. Ever since the Copyright Strike War of April 2023, MMD UW had the nerve to shit talk about the videos that I stole and uploaded from them where many other channels have done the same thing as I did. I don't like bragging, but those videos are under fair use. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if MMD UW claims that their videos are theirs. If I mentioned MMD UW's name in the description, that's good enough. The best part of all of this is the last two videos that MMD UW uploaded were removed by YouTube for explicit content within a month or so. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if MMD UW had learned their lesson, if they got one more video removed by YouTube, they are gone. I'm not the one who parties when shit hits the fan, but if MMD UW got terminated, I'd be happier than a pig in shit. I really want a dog, but my parents still won't let me get one. I'm not talking about seeing a therapy dog whenever, but having a dog as my own. My state of mind is so fucked up right now that I'm really thinking about harming the next dog I see. I just wanted to see the poor mutt whining as it goes limp while I was choking it. I know that killing animals is how most serial killers start, but I don't want to be a goddamn killer. I just need some goddamn love from a dog before I go down that goddamn rabbit hole. My experience of owning a cell phone back in the day when flip phones were still hanging on is non-existent as my first phone was a flip phone in 2019. I want a goddamn change as I seem like a prized ass with a flip phone, but my parents are so goddamn against the idea. This makes me want to gag non-stop, as this is an outrage to what I stand for. Even many times I asked them calmly about getting a smartphone, but they go nuclear about the idea. I know that going ape shit on them ain't the answer, but this bullshit of talking calmly fuels my anger to the point of not giving a flaming bag of shit about going ape shit. My mother is really getting on my goddamn nerves as she keeps doing the same shit all the time. Either if it's checking the wall or railing, it's really annoying. She always gets pissed off after I ask what she was doing. I believed that she got OCD or something, as this is an underline of this shit. My life is utterly numb as I can feel my soul is hollow due to something missing in my life. I just want to have a seizure most days as the feeling of convulsing before my body completely seized up is a balm for my fucked up mind. I just want to grab my penis during the seizure as the hardness of my dick is an utter balm before I cum. But no one gives a flaming bag of shit about my pain as their only goal in life is themselves. I just want someone to give a flaming bag of shit about my suffering and help me. I want that person to be a Japanese woman that is known for her caring soul. I wanted this lady to hold my hand as she looked worried at me about my well-being. I wanted her to whimper as she noticed my eyes were rolling back. I wanted her to say that she loved me, and she wanted me to live on in Japanese. I just wanted the lady to lay me on her lap and start to rub my stomach while singing a Japanese lullaby. The lady's touch on my stomach is an utter balm to start that fire in my soul. As I stopped seizing up, I just wanted to look at this beautiful soul next to me. I just wanted to touch her face, but she grabbed my wrists and pulled me into a hug. The warmth of her body is the utter balm that I was missing all my life. I wanted the woman to coo to me in Japanese as I nuzzled into her chest. I don't know why, but lately I have been eating more. I have been fucked lately as my mind ain't in a good place right now. The utter numbness of food is a balm for the emptiness in my soul. It seems like the more I stuff my face, the emptier my soul becomes. I was doing so well at not eating so much, but food is my best friend at the moment. Maybe if my life were in a better place, I wouldn't be stuffing my face so much. Maybe if I had a lady in my life, I'd be happy. I want this lady to coo in Japanese into my ear. I wanted to hold this lady in my arms while she was pressed against my body. The happiness of me caressing her cheeks would be a balm to my soul. The idea of this lady touching my genitals to soothe me is a balm that I want to fulfill. I want to squirm and squawk as the soothing of my penis is taking place. I think that the Eaton Centre is a flaming bag of shit. Why in the flaming bag of shit do they put barricades around stores for? My mother tripped on one of the legs that was far from the barricade. I nearly gave myself a fucking heart attack after seeing her on the ground. And the best part was a security guard didn't know shit about somewhere for her to sit down where she could check herself for any injuries. I thought by fucking law that mall security needed to be classified in first aid. What's a bunch of flaming bags of shit that Eaton Centre security can take down people threatening people with machetes without guns, but they don't know how to deal with medical situations such as people tripping over things. We went to guest services, and she filled out a complaint. At least we got two 10 dollar gift cards from the mall. My mother didn't get any injuries, but that wouldn't be the case for anyone else as they might get badly hurt if they had a trip. Some of these barricades are near the stairs. If somebody trips and falls downstairs, that's a lawsuit in the making. I know if my mother tripped on one of those barricades near the stairs and fell down it, the Eaton Centre wouldn't hear the end of my wrath. I would've loudly ranted at the top of my lungs that I hoped that the Eaton Centre had a shitty lawyer. If security have the nerve to ask me to leave due to my loud rant, they would better not join the force as they will have a new enemy of the state. If the point comes when the police arrive, I'll still not go as it's my right to voice my shit about such hazards. Even when my mother gets hauled away by EMS and I want to go with her, but the pigs just want to take me to the station, there is going to be a big fuss with them. I want to be a public outcry behind my back when the pigs are cuffing me. I want the mall to fall into a state of anarchy as the angry mob of shoppers is trashing the mall all because I was busted. I think that if this chaos at the Eaton Centre gets mentioned on the local news, I'd like this shit to get worldwide coverage. As a 24-year-old person, I made some fucked up lies. Sometime last week, the day that I dreaded when my mother found out about my YouTube channel. I don't know how she found my online handle of Kevin1230san, but she did. I deeply regret that video of me taking a hammer at my old PS3 in the name of Angry Grandpa a couple of years ago. I lied to my mother that I didn't do it. She thought that the people that were replacing our windows in our place did it. I know a few years prior to that, I flushed a bicycle inner tube down the toilet after I rode the bike on flats and one of the tubes started to come apart from the rim after a short while. I thought that she would've killed me if she had found out. So I yanked the tube off the tire and flushed it. Sometime later, the toilet became clogged. Someone came over to unclog it and found the tube. I also lied about having done it too. But when my father was taking that bike for parts for his bike sometime later, he found the missing tube and thought that I kind of got something to do with it. Another thing I deeply regret is lying about having the internet on my PS4. I know years ago when my PS3 was still up and running, I often played online whenever my mother went to work. Back then, I used an Ethernet cable that I hooked to the Wi-Fi modem to the PS3. The fun times never last, as one day my mother found the cable and hid it in the glovebox. But one day I found it there and when she was not looking, I stuffed the cable down my pants. Ever since that day when I took back that cable, I'd been using it on the PS3, even when I got my PS4. When I got my hands on the modem password, I wrote it down on my laptop, and later I entered it onto my PS4. But my father knew that I used the password on the thing. When the shit hit the fan last week, when my mother found my channel, I told her everything about the PS3 that I destroyed with a hammer to the bike tube that I flushed down the toilet, and the Ethernet cable that I hid from her. She was okay about the things I lied about, but I know that she was kind of mad inside. But I kind of really feared my father's reaction to these lies. I'm sick and tired of having my hair cut as it's a real flaming bag of shit in my ass to do it. I want to have my hair and facial hair to be like a biker, rock star, hippie or a hillbilly. I'd keep it long, but I have psoriasis on my scalp and face. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if my face is fully covered by psoriasis, I'll still keep it as long for as long as possible. The freedom of long hair beats looking like a thug by having short hair. The people who mentioned that I do look like a thug with short hair and should be locked up for it, I'd give them a good old middle finger. All I need with my long hair and facial hair is me riding a classic Harley-Davidson motorcycle while blasting heavy metal music and a colorful hippie-themed Volkswagen Type 2 following me with a hillbilly driving it. My mother is such a cold person. She always pushes me away every time I want love, even as a baby. When I was diagnosed with high functioning autism at the age of ten, this made my mother even more distant from my emotional needs. I wasn't asking for some sexy time, but just knowing that I was goddamn loved makes a difference. I know that it's painful when your loved ones don't love you, but my mental health is already fucked up, even if my mother loved me unconditionally. The fact that my mother is so cold, I often think about being an incel and doing an act of misogynist terrorism. Mark my words, I will go down to the Roger Centre this Saturday and start a stabbing attack against Taylor Swift's fans and this upcoming Boxing Day at the Yorkdale Mall. It came to my attention that I might've pissed off the Toronto Police after I tweeted that my friend was going to stab up the Taylor Swift concert on November 23. I wanted to say that it's all fake as there's no threat because I'm just a fucked up autistic person that sometimes does things like that. I'm sorry for all the panic and fear I caused. If the police want me that badly, they know where I live, and I'd gladly go to the station. Also, if you haven't seen me on live stream chats for Digging Dave or Bluebell as well as anything else on my YouTube channel, I might be facing the music in the joint. If that's the case, goodbye cruel world. If I'm not, see you all later. If you want to see that tweet, here's the link at I don't understand how the police can find tweets that are against the law on Twitter, but they didn't do Jack shit on posts on Blogger. I made a tweet on November 21 at 10:30 pm that a friend of mine was going to stab up the Taylor Swift concert on November 23 and by 3 pm the next day, the police were breathing down my neck. But on my Blogger post titled Rant about Everything, there are threats about everything under the sun, and I'm not on any hit list. On that blog, there are threats of me wanting to harm many politicians, celebrities, former friends and many others, as well as hate speech towards many groups. The thing that pisses me off is how the police got my number. That's a personal violation of my space. I already dislike the law, but after those flaming bags of shit pigs called me about the tweet makes me hate them more. The thing that's even more sickening is the nerve of the Toronto Police coming to my house in Vaughan. This is a clear sense of violation, as no officers from Toronto have jurisdiction in Vaughan. The Toronto Police should've at least got a warrant or have the York Regional Police take me in before handing me over to Toronto. The thing that I want to rage about the most is my father sending those emails that I sent to my mother to the police when they contacted him. Those emails got the same level of spicy shit as my Rant about Everything Blogger post. I don't want the police to bust into my house due to the spicy shit in those emails. To put this together, this is all one big mind fucked conspiracy. Where's my news coverage? Where's my fame? I made a freaking threat about making a mass attack at a fucking Taylor Swift concert. At least a news broadcast needs to mention my name as what I did would cause a riot. I ain't going to hear the end of this bullshit from my father as I can feel the noose grabbing my neck. I feared going anywhere near the Rogers Centre as I feared getting noticed by the police. I think that the police should smell their asses if threats are made online that have no credit to it. If I stated that my friend was going to kill people at the Taylor Swift concert without any credit for it, they have no business making me into a thug for it. This is freedom of fucking speech, and it's going to stay like that. If my friend is going to kill everyone at the concert, he's going to kill people even without credible threats. I believed that the concept of the internet police should never have been a thing as they're just one big conspiracy trying to spy on people like me. I wished that the internet was still in its wild west days when anything goes. If I was around during the heyday of the internet in the late 80s, and I'd made a threat about buying a gun and killing Ronald Reagan, I'd be resting my feet on a beach in Hawaii without any fear in the world about getting busted. This whole law is the law concept is a flaming bag of shit unjust. I just want the internet to be a free place where threats are made at free will without being watched. This world is full of controversies that are fucking me over into a flaming bag of shit. The only controversy in the world needs to be me. Look at me, my rants are full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs that bitch about everything under the sun. I have been ranting since I was knee-high to a grasshopper's motherfucking ass. I'm ain't no upbeat baka chump, but a world-famous ranting machine. I ain't no Dwayne Johnson's jabroni, but my own jabroni sugar-coated in flaming bags of shit. I'm ain't no mama's boy, but a person that likes ladies. I'm ain't no pussy, but the one who's willing to suck them. I don't have brain rot, as the people in the world are the main reason why the place has brain rot to start with, but I'm a part of it with my rants. I'm not passive-aggressive, but a crazy son of a bitch that takes no hostages. I'm no controversy, but living proof that controversy can bite you in the ass. I'm ain't politically incorrect, but a politically ranting beast. I ain't retarded, but a freaking autistic person that would kick your ass. I'm not prejudiced, but a person who talks shit about many groups. My farts ain't light, but have more personality than a flaming bag of shit. I don't have a big cock, but I am a person who likes to play with it. I'm not a rich jabroni fuck, but a poor scum of the earth. I'm ain't no bitch, but just bitchy. I'm ain't no king, but a Burger King. I'm not the devil, but living proof that the devil can go to hell and back and through fire and brimstone to bite the world in the ass. I ain't submissive, but I love seeing women squawking in submission. I don't like wearing clothes, but I wear clothes like a big, fat bowl of Fruity Pebbles. If there's any controversy in the world, I want fucking in. If there was a controversy about Bill Gates pissing on the money the people bought their Windows computers with, I wanted to be a part of it by robbing his ass and then claiming that his ex-wife, Melinda Gates, did it. If Vince McMahon still has contact with the ladies from his sex trafficking scandal, I want those ladies' numbers, so I can call them for some sexy time. I think that CAMH is a flaming bag of shit due to their motto of "No one left behind." I'm so goddamn tired of those mental health professionals there saying that they are going to refer to these places to get me help, but never do it, even after months of bitching to them to do it. I hate being lied to after promises are made. CAMH said that they can build trust, but they always damage it behind their backs with shit like that. I need the fucking help, but these fools only want to fuck me over. This whole flaming bag of shit bureaucratic system is so rageful to the point that I'm going to pull my hair out. They will help junkies and alcoholics in the blink of an eye, but push people like me with autism as well as a fucked up mind under the rug. This is an outrage to the human rights laws as I should get the help I need like the town drunk do. I don't have to drink all the liquor from my local bar or stab myself with a needle of heroin to get the help that I got the right to. I think I'm suffering from split personality disorder as I'm fine riding on the bus at one moment, but the next moment I'm grabbing the neck of some child that was next to me. I know that grabbing the child's neck is a bit too far, even in that dark side of my mind. But CAMH think that I'm a fucking liar as they only see the good side of me. Hey fools, I can snap and start choking people to prove that I have a split personality. I don't want to be seen as Sheckle and Jekyll, who are the definition of split personality. The best part about this whole thing is when my mother told a mental health professional that she wanted to clear all the records that stated I had got autism. If this comes true, the next time I flip out and the cops are called, I'll be busted, and they will never know that I have got autism. I don't want to be locked away with murderers and rapists due to a misunderstanding about an autistic rage outburst. I know my rights as everyone needs to know about my autism. I know that I'm the kind of person that grabs the throat of technology while angrily ranting about my hatred of it, but I ain't really like that as I just want up-to-date devices. On one hand, I just want to take a shit at Steve Jobs' grave or take a baseball bat to a set of phones at an Apple Store. On the other hand, I just want the freedom of owning a smartphone without a flaming bag of shit in the world. All I want is to buy everything online and never leave the house, but I think my parents made me into the person that rants about technology. Every day I go out, people use devices, and I'm sick and fucking tired of not being a part of it due to my parents. This bullshit just wants me to hide in the closet or steal my mother's car and yell freedom at the top of my lungs. All I want is my parents to come out of the closet and hug modern technology with open arms, but fear that they will do it over my dead ass. I always bitch and nag at my mother that the future of technology is upon us, but she doesn't give a flaming bag of shit due to her belief that old school is king. I so want to goddamn rant to her about the fucking shit that is going to come biting her ass sooner or later. The days of typewriters and computers the size of a room are long over and the day of typing on a computer that fits in your pocket is here. Flip phones are obsolete like a flameless flaming bag of shit, and I'm still using one. Where's the convenience of having a flip phone when everyone around me is using smartphones like it's a flaming bag of shit? I make my own fucking money, and it's my fucking right to get myself a smartphone without being bitch slapped by my parents. This just wants me to go head over heel into a rant full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs. I can't get any fucking sleep, I can't get any fucking rest and I can't get any fucking respect due to my fucking anti-technology parents. My flip phone ain't easy in the king of the flaming bag of shit world, as the smartphone is the definition of simplicity in this king of modern society where everything is at our fingertips. I can feel the primal hunger of myself causing hell-bent mayhem in the world due to this flaming bag of shit I call my anti-technology parents. I can feel this primal hunger so much that I just want to break those chains now and party all night long. This primal hunger needs to be fed by the balm of technology that I badly need. I need to buy shit online to feed that primal hunger. I need to find that special someone online to feed that primal hunger. Overall, I just want this goddamn freaking motherfucking flaming bag of shit fucking a jerk chicken of a boo-fucking-hoo tough fucking tit bullshit that I call my boo-fucking-hoo anti-technology parents, who needed to fuck me in the ass and leave me the hell alone. I really wanted to cuddle a woman, especially a Japanese woman, and one day lead to marriage. But I'm a lazy son of a bitch that would cause my heart to break. I don't really act like that because I'm really a loving person, and I'm willing to please my future wife. I just want to caress my wife's cheeks and call her my rare Japanese gem. I just want her to cry happy tears after I call her that for the first time. I just want her tears to storm down her cheeks and onto my hands. I dreamed of these moments, but I don't have someone to do those dreams with. The only thing that would feel my tears is my pillow. I want my tears to make the pillow so wet that I can feel the urge to drown. My loneliness is a deep ocean of secrets, as it is an unholy thing that nobody can understand. The spirit of myself lives within the soul of all mankind. The eternal flame of life that cannot be extinguished. The origin of which cannot be explained. The answer lies in the everlasting spirit. Soon, all mankind will witness the rebirth of Kevin Stewart. I will not rest in peace until I find my soulmate. I need fucking validation as my life is an utter flaming bag of shit sugar-coated with more flaming bags of shit. I just want somebody to just give me a flaming bag of shit about the suffering I have been through in my flaming bag of shit life. I just want my controversial opinions to be heard by this flaming bag of shit sugar-coated with more flaming bags of shit world. I crave intimacy with a Japanese woman. The balm of the warmth in my cheeks when I kiss her is a soothing validation I need. I just want to move my tongue around her mouth with primal hunger. I think that the world is full of flaming bags of shit that blames me for everything. When I was in a store in the Eaton Centre, I passed a lady just before I started looking at something beside her. Soon after, a guy came over to that lady and asked her if I was bothering her. I didn't overhear what she said to the guy, but when he walked by me, I thought he said that I was a weirdo. He didn't even ask me to fuck off or anything, as he just walked off. I didn't say a thing to either of them as I didn't want to cause a scene because I would've sucker punched the guy. Hey buddy, don't assume that I was even bugging her, as if you assume you made an ass out of you and me. I don't know if he was her boyfriend, a friend or just a random stranger, but I don't like it. I was minding my own business and she was minding her own. I didn't notice if the lady was anxious or not, but the guy had no right to ask her if I was bothering her. I won't just go up to that lady and state that the police officer next to us stole my wallet right from my pocket. The world just assumed that if I'm standing near a lady and noticed that I'm off due to my autism, they think that I'm a creep that would rape her. I wish that I could go out on a date with a lady, and we went to a bar, but I feel that some guy would come over to her and ask if I was bothering her. If this was the case every time I dated my girlfriend, I would have gotten a rap sheet a mile high and gotten myself banned from a lot of places due to punching these guys out. I'm not like that, but if they just mind their own business and don't sniff into my own, we're fine. But this world is full of fear-mongering flaming bags of shit that believe that autistic people are criminals that have some sexy time with women against their will. The only crime that people are always assuming that I'm harassing women is hate speech. I can feel that I was a victim of a crime due to that guy in the Eaton Centre claiming that I was thinking about some sexy time with that lady next to me even when I was not. I think that some men are just too overprotective to their girlfriends. If that guy in the Eaton Centre knows that woman and that is what he's like in public, that's a bold fucking red flag, people. My rants often rub off as a bitch slap to the female race due to the high level of misogyny, but I ain't like that as I'm not the kind of person that goes out of my way to hurt women. I taste my blood boiling in my mouth due to these assumptions by these men about claiming I was looking at their wives. That's red flag 101 claiming that I was staring at your lady. I really don't want to hurt anyone, but sometimes fighting them would teach them a thing or two about not being such an asshole. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I am arrested for assault and battery, I have the right to fight with overprotective men that abuse their wives. I think that Civitai is a flaming bag of shit due to them removing my AI-made pictures because they violated their terms of service. The names of those pictures that were removed are Yoshika Miyafuji Vomiting Blood and Nude Woman Cuddling Cat. I don't get it as I often make AI content on Civitai, which is explicit in nature, like graphic violence and sexual as hell. The pictures I made are often of nude anime girls in provocative acts, and they're still up on Civitai, like Minna Dietlinde Wilcke Vomiting Blood. That picture of Minna even got blood pouring from her mouth and onto her breasts. If vomiting blood on breasts is not controversial, what is? This is the freedom of speech I'm creating in Civitai, and they're removing it due to it being too spicy for them. I want to make controversial imagery, as I feel like things like a girl vomiting blood and bestiality are right. This is one big censorship that is conspiring to fuck me in the ass. I'm an autistic person that has the mind of Hitler. If people understand where I'm going with that, I'm talking about Civitai conspiring to censor my work, and they will see me unleashing my inner Hitler. Fuck Civitai as I'm thinking of creating my own AI content site where anything goes. This site will have no limit to pictures that have colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs, as well as the most extremely colorful and vulgar pictures. I hate the taste of boiling blood in my mouth, so fuck off before I go nuclear. I would love to just stomp on the guy's head as the wife screamed bloody murder. I often daydream about being in a relationship with Mio Sakamoto or Momo Kawashima. I often think about caressing Mio's cheeks before I kiss her and playing with Momo's younger siblings. The thing I often think about is when I'm cuddling with either character while I coo romantic things into their ear. I just want to make them blush redder than a tomato with each romantic remark I make. I could love to sniff the innocence of their hair. The feel of their warmth on my body is the balm I needed. The utter balm of them all is when they fall asleep in my arms. I think that DeviantArt is a flaming bag of shit as they just barred me for a week due to a community guideline violation for mature content. I know that I uploaded some spicy things on there, but this is an outrage to my right to upload controversial images. I do upload inappropriate themes, but I ain't uploading any pictures of me having some sexy time with kids. Maybe I should upload a photo of me fucking a Japanese school girl on DeviantArt to stir up the controversy when I get unbanned. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if the whole of Japan wanted a piece of me, I just want to be known as the DeviantArt creator that posted a photo of me fucking a kid. The outrage of the DeviantArt community upon seeing that little nip Jap whore in utter horror when I was filling her up with cum was the right thing to do. I want the world to cry wolf with every controversial image I upload. I want these images to be so controversial that the world would go ape shit because they don't know what to think about it. I want this controversy to be so well known that I will be known the world over. Is every one of my social media accounts getting booted off the face of the earth? Kevin1230san ain't controversial, but all these sites are the one that is controversial for banning me. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if Kevin1230san is that controversial, I still want those accounts up and running for me to stir up more controversies. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I write about my hateful opinions about Jews on Twitter, harass my friends on YouTube, spread false information on COVID-19 on Facebook or promote how to make a nuke on Discord, it ain't controversial. The only controversy is my opinions ain't getting into the world of mindless flaming bags of shit. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if my views are blocked, my views are the sole information the world needs. The only thing I want is to be the king of controversy. The power I would have if I could stir up any controversy I want is a balm to my soul. The numbness of thinking of controversy is so powerful that I want this to utterly numb me. It's kind of disturbing that my thoughts would make Hitler blush and be Stalin's wet dream, but this feels fucking good. My atrocities that I would unleash on the world are an utter balm I need to blow off my rage. This beats the so-called normal world that I call a flaming bag of shit. This so-called normal world is why I wanted to die. I'm such an utterly evil dictator in my mind. Every last person on this planet is evil, but I want to change that by unleashing my evil. Goodbye to the eight billion evil flaming bags of shit people in the world and hello to my own rise of evil that will rule the world for a thousand years. I think that people who illegally park in a handicap spot without a permit are a flaming bag of shit. I don't get some of these entitled flaming bags of shit who think that they could park there, and they think they're right to bark at someone to move their car, even if that person truly is disabled. I once saw one of these entitled flaming bag of shit of a man child trash talking to a lady with a fake leg because that entitled upbeat baka chump wanted that parking spot. How dare that fucking retarded entitled flaming bag of shit of a goddamn freaking baka chump man child who shit talked with someone with a prosthetic leg who was just trying to mind her own business. I'm basically disabled as I have high functioning autism. I don't personally drive, but I think with my autism, I should get a handicap permit if I ever drive. If I ever had a permit and parked in a handicap spot and a fucking retarded entitled flaming bag of shit of a goddamn freaking baka chump man child bark at me to move my car, I'd bite their head off. If that fool claimed that autism ain't a good enough reason for a permit, I would claim the fool is going to be disabled by being six feet under. I think that these people who think it's right to spam into showing love online to other people, but fuck them into giving them money before fucking off into thin air are a flaming bag of shit. It makes me madder than a flaming bag of shit every time I hear someone getting scammed out of thousands of dollars just in the name of love. I don't know how many times I chatted with ladies on Instagram who at first were friendly, but after a while they asked for money. Afterward, I just stopped talking with them without sending Jack shit. I also noticed after a few months when I stopped talking with them, most of them were no longer on the site, as I'm assuming that they either got booted off the platform or something else. I do recall chatting with a woman one time and I wanted to do a face chat, but when I did, the person was a black guy. I was a fool for getting myself catfished by a nigga. I ain't prejudiced when I say the n-word, but I hate being goddamn catfished or scammed. I even saw people's profiles on dating sites that prompted their Instagram accounts. Of course, I did chat with them just to piss them off when I fucked them by giving them Jack shit and ceased communication. I know that I'm ain't alone in finding that special someone, but all these people who are fucking us into their scams are really getting on my nerves. All these stories of people getting spammed make me want to feel loved more. I want to talk about my educational history. I started school in 2005 as a kindergarten student at Westminster Public School. I stayed there for a full school year until I went to Wilshire Elementary School to start first grade. I went there for three full school years until I went to Rosedale Heights Public School to start fourth grade. I didn't complete a full school year as I went to Willowbrook Public School in April 2010 to finish fourth grade. I stayed there for four full school years, including a few months in grade 4, until I graduated from the elementary school system. For my high school career after elementary school, I started at Thornlea Secondary School. I stayed there for five full school years until I graduated from high school. Afterward, I went to the PEAK Program in the Promenade Mall, which was run by Thornhill Secondary School. I stayed there for two full school years until I graduated from PEAK. I wasn't always afraid of heights as I was fearless in the face of tall places. I don't remember, but I used to drop my teddy bear from the second floor at the Promenade Mall. That was at least the early 2000s. I don't know what happened between then and when I went up the CN Tower in 2011. I was a total and utter chicken shit as I was basically in the fetal position going up in the elevator. I was eleven at that time, and I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism a year earlier. Every time I go to Niagara Falls, I have to go on the Burlington Skyway and the Garden City Skyway. I hate those bridges with a flaming bag of shit passion. Why does someone just take a rocket launcher to bridges in general right now? Maybe when Trump becomes president again, he will nuke the Burlington Skyway and the Garden City Skyway for me. I have never been on a plane, and I'm ain't counting those movie prop planes, real planes that are in pieces for tourism or simulators. I want to visit Japan one day, but I fear that I will get busted if I start ranting and raving about my fear of heights that might involve blowing up the plane. I have no problems with planes, but I think that all planes should crash inside buildings in flames. The only way I can fly is if I can join the mile-high club with a stunning Japanese woman as well as the plane ticket is free and Elon Musk gives me half of his wealth. Until the time comes when I walk in Tokyo, I'm going to walk in Toronto while ranting and raving about the world. I think that my father's life is pretty cool. He went to school with Wayne Gretzky, and he thinks that he's kind of a chicken shit. Later in life, he worked in a scrapyard where Roddy Piper filmed a movie. Afterward, Roddy bought beers for everyone at the scrapyard. Funny story. At the bar, the boss wants to buy Roddy a beer, but he sprays him with beer as he states that he was buying the beer. Another time, I don't know where he was working at the time, but he was shipping out rugs. One day, he and a co-worker were in the process of folding a rug for Bret Hart. The boss told them to take off their shoes while on the rug. Bret was there, and he went into the boss's face, stating that he was the only one shoeless on that rug. This account has been terminated for violating YouTube or Google's Terms of Service. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit because it's my right to follow my own terms of service, not YouTube or Google. I know that Google owns YouTube, but do the higher up know the meaning of living life to the fullest or dying with a gun in your hand? My motto is living life to the fullest with a gun in my hand. I think that four-way intersections with two stop signs or none of all are a flaming bag of shit. I don't know how many times I have ridden with my mother at these four-way intersections with only two stop signs and nearly got wrecked. One example is when she was driving north through a four-way intersection with us not having a stop sign first. Suddenly, some entitled person going west sped through their stop sign and made a left and nearly wrecked us both. And that entitled person gives us a dirty look that we're in the wrong. That entitled person is one hundred percent at fault and would be fined for failing to stop, speeding and possibly failing to yield if they hit us. I always rant and rave about not having a cop around when we need them most and leaving those entitled drivers to go without getting instant karma. I just wish that I had the power to be a police officer and pull over any entitled driver that is a danger to the public, but I possibly can't become one, as my records may have some not so nice things about me. Maybe the York Regional Police should hire me as a temporarily deputized citizen or something. For fuck's sake, even give me the power to give tickets without hiring me as a deputized citizen. I think that entitled people have no meaning in my life as it's a hair-pulling match watching them thinking that they're the king or queen of the fucking castle when they are not. They're not my king or queen as I follow my own code of honor of not being a kiss ass for everything I wanted before I haven't earned yet. I always get my hands dirty before I want to get paid, but these entitled people just want the green stuff without getting even dirty. If I was tasked with shoveling horse shit for a grand, I'd happily do it. But if some female teenager from the city that just came into the barn to help me thought that she was getting a pony ride and not shoveling shit before she started to rant and rave about her ten thousand dollar Louis Vuitton handbag being ruined by a horse kicking shit at it, and she just wanted to get ten times as much as she was promised and a free horse ride. I'd say to suck it up and get her hands dirty, even if it ruins her $1500 Jimmy Choo shoes. I work as a produce clerk at Sobeys and a hypothetical scenario was if some person was sucking up to me to put a discount sticker on a bottle of fruit juice that wasn't going to expire soon, I'd say that it's against the store's policies to do so a few days away from the expiry date. If that customer kept ranting and raving about wanting to save how many percent on the juice, I'd calmly walk into the back because my tendency to rant and rave ain't going to end well for my job. I don't know how many times people cut in front of me to get ahead. Just today, on February 2, 2025, I was waiting for my mother to scan her lotteries. After the person ahead of us finished, this one broad cut in front of us just to scan a single lottery. I just wanted to get into her face and yell to get to the back of the line, but I didn't as I didn't feel like causing a scene. But other times, my anger got the better of me, like this one time at the Real Canadian Superstore a few years ago. That time, my mother and I were shopping, and after we finished, I was waiting at a register and my mother called me over to a shorter one she was at. The person behind her thought that I was a line cutter and cursed at me to get to the end of the line. I basically yelled back stating that I was with my mother, but they claimed that she had left the line and still ordering me to the back of the line. I barely got into the person's face and yelled that I wasn't a line cutter and threatened to call the police. The heated exchange was halted after other customers backed me up. After that, I had the taste of anger in my mouth, still feeling that I was wronged. If it comes to landing blows with that entitled customer that accused me of line cutting, I'd happily fight and teach them a lesson about entitlement being wrong. Another time, a few years ago, my mother and I were driving home when this driver cut us off. I yelled a curse and flipped them off, but the other driver flipped us off and just sat there while still making the bird. My mother lay on the horn for at least 15 seconds while the driver flipped us off and sat in front of us. At that moment, I wanted to get out of the car and jump the driver and teach them a lesson about entitlement being wrong. After a while more, that driver rode off with a final flipping the bird match off. All of this is due to that driver wanting to be in the left turning lane, but in the right one and cutting people off right at the intersection. If that's not being an entitled flaming bag of shit, what is it to just cut people off without a care in the world about other people's lives? Another example is around the same time, my mother was driving with me while making a right at a red light where there are no right turns on red, and we sat there until the light went green, but this person driving behind us didn't seem to get the motto. The person kept honking at us when there were no cars coming, and I thought, like buddy, can't you read fucking signs? I even pointed at the sign, but that person kept honking. When the light turned green, and we went around, the driver pulled up to us and started swearing at us. My mother stopped, and the driver went on his way. And I thought that after that it was finished, but a few minutes later when we pulled up to another red light, that same driver started swearing at us again and even tossed something at our car. At that point, I was getting mad and wanted to get out and punch him, but I didn't want to spend the night in jail, even if that driver started this whole thing. After a few curses of my own at the driver, we all went all our way and never saw him again. If I was behind the wheel, I'd be just as entitled to ram the driver off the road before leaving. Why in the flaming bag of shit are people so retarded about spamming my Gmail account about buying random shit for? Ergonomic Support, Giveaway, Yeti Crossroads Backpack Winner, UPS Alert, Safty Review, Healthy Choice and many other names are emailing me, and they all use other Gmail accounts while flooding my inbox, not spam. It's fucking annoying every time I report them as phishing, and they keep popping up like a new kid on the block that seems like a good little girl until she starts shooting up the place with an Uzi. All this email spam is like not beating China in trade, not beating Japan with their millions and millions of cars coming into Canada and not beating Mexico at the border and in trade. The TTC is getting more retarded with every passing day in the term of its workers. On February 5, 2025, this retarded female bus driver almost booted both me and my mother off the bus because my mother had finished a cigarette just before entering and all because the driver didn't want her to puff out the smoke inside. This is why I hate the whole concept of smoking as it's everywhere you go. For fuck's sake, I saw some piss poor bum smoking weed at Finch Station when we came back home later that day. And I think that one thousand percent said that the bus driver was high on weed because she was black. I feel that one day in the future one driver will really boot us off the bus due to my mother smelling the vehicle. I have faced discrimination due to my autism, but banning someone for finishing a cigarette is uncalled-for. I know that I said some discriminatory language about the bus driver earlier, but I'm the kind of person that feels the right to say discriminatory language when threatened. If that bus driver threatened to boot my mother and I off that bus, that's ageist due to her being in her mid-60s and ableist due to my autism. If that was the case, I'd need to be racist and yell out every discriminatory term about black people at the driver. I was so close to yelling nigga at the top of my lungs at that bus driver. I know that I would get backlash from that, but it would feel so fucking good if I did do so. I think that she is a nigga and everybody knows it. On the topic of smoking and transit, I hear stories of bus drivers calling the police due to a customer not leaving after the driver told them to due to them smelling of cigarettes or weed smoke, even if that customer didn't smoke for hours. That's being discriminatory on the transit part, as well as being discriminatory by the police being called in. And that's why I feel so cynical about the unfair discrimination towards these people getting fucked by Big Brother. I ranted this before, and I am going to rant about it again. I believe that Canada should ban smoking and I don't mean cutting your fucking monkeys up and cooking them on the motherfucking barbecue like you like to fucking eat them if Justin Trudeau doesn't want to do it. I don't even give a flaming bag of shit if people need to chop up monkeys to sell at black markets for cigarettes. I want underground sales totally and utterly banned as well. The thing I don't understand is that the piss poor bum at Finch Station smoking weed might never get nabbed, but my mother and I got shit after she finished smoking a cigarette. This is why I lost faith in the world, as smoking is the leading cause of death. And I'm, for one, ain't going to be on that list of smoking deaths as I'm going to purge this smoking bullshit from the world. The world I know and love is a flaming bag of shit that's lacking sugar. I want love and understanding, but I am faced with negativity full of criticism about people with autism like me. When I was officially diagnosed with high-functioning autism around 2010, my worldview started a crash course of prejudice and hate. Even these so-called professionals back then treated me like trash. As a 24-year-old male with autism on February 6, 2025, I need help. I ranted about this before, and I am going to rant about this again that the world still can't handle people with autism, even with these so-called professionals saying that they're ready. Let me tell you something, these so-called professionals are more ready than Nick Hogan's crash around that goddamn tree, but far worse. On the topic of Nick Hogan, I bet that famous people like Nick's father, Hulk Hogan, could buy out all the help and fuck other people like me, even if Nick ain't autistic. I know that WWE wrestlers help sick people, but I feel that they're not helping me, even as a big WWE fan myself. Where are my front row seats at WrestleMania? Where's my WWE merchandise? But wrestlers like Roman Reigns or Cody Rhodes are giving people with some terminal illness these things, but someone like me with high functioning autism with Jack shit. I ain't saying to cut your fucking monkeys up and cook them on the motherfucking barbecue like you like to fucking eat them, but saying that I need the fucking help for my autism, even a small act. But on most days, I want to hurt myself to see if I still feel better. On other days, I'm standing in darkness all around while thinking of the past and taking my last breath as the air is cold as ice. And during those days of hurting myself and standing in darkness, I often thought that the game of life was hard to play, and I was going to lose it anyway. I play the losing card I'll someday. So this is all I have to say. All that I say is, if Roman Reigns or Cody Rhodes sees this, please give me a shout-out or something to say that I am more like a human with autism than someone else with a terminal illness. I know that at the 2024 Money in the Bank pay-per-view in Toronto, Cody Rhodes helped this one guy in a wheelchair when Toys R Us didn't give in to his request for wheelchair tickets after winning a contest. This makes me so mad that people like that get help while I'm a nobody. I'm ain't bragging about getting free things all the time, but at least do it once in a blue moon. On TV, I always see these wrestlers giving these kids and, for fuck's sake, adults with autism in the front row things. One example was Natalya giving a little girl in the front row her hairband. I wish that I had the fucking money to sit in the front row. I wish that Natalya had given me her hairband. Even a fucking hug from Natalya showing the vulnerability I had mentioned in the text above and maybe just maybe a one-on-time chat. I know that this would never get to anyone in the WWE, but who knows, I might get noticed one day by them. I have anti-female views due to them always making me into an international laughingstock due to my autism. If I had a chat with a good-looking lady and her ex-partner was an utter jerk entering the scene and getting rowdy at me for stealing his girlfriend, even after he got many restraining orders from her, that's one big reason why I hate women. That scenario would be a fat fucking chance if I was even talking with an attractive woman as nobody loved me due to my autism. I feel the urge to cuddle a Japanese woman, but I never have the chance to go to Japan. I just want the freedom of walking to a woman and having a chat, but nowadays modern society ain't the same as back in the day. I mean back in the day when autism was a plague of the earth that needed to be purged because they were autistic, but when old school society met old school society in bars like bees to honey. But today, modern society meeting modern society are all Facebook friends now, while autism is still a plague of the earth that needs to be purged because they're autistic, even with all the progress made. I know that autism being a plague that needs to be purged today ain't true, but I feel that everyone, and I mean everyone, still thinks that way. On the topic of my views on women, I love them, but with my autism, I can't go up to a lady and have a one on one chat with the fear of getting pepper sprayed if I was seen as a freak. It hurts me so badly when women do that to people with autism. I just want a human to human chat with somebody that would hold my kids in her belly one day. The dream of touching her pregnant stomach while thinking about how happy I was at that moment. Why in the flaming bag of shit do people from older generations still think that physical punishments like belt hitting or soap eating are okay, even if there were laws against the act before February 10, 2025? I see that some kids today need a good old belt to whip on the ass or get a mouthful of soap for all their misbehaving due to their 24/7 technology use, but it's strongly against my code to promote any form of violence, and it's pointless for me to rant and rave to 8 billion people around the world about it. Good lord that I wasn't faced with a belt or soap in my childhood from my parents, but my grandfather on my mother's side is a different story. I recall around 2008 or 2010. I think that I was ranting about something until my grandfather stuck me against the head. I was about 8 or 10 years old at the time, and I'm still kind of scarred for life from that, even at 24 years old. Another time, about a few years ago, I got mad one time about some dropped pasta and I took the hammer to the freezer. My mother went to her father's place to call the police. When the lawyer arrived, and they were talking to me outside, one officer told my grandfather to get back at least twice. I knew what he was trying to do by coming and hitting me. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if my grandfather was raising my mother, aunt and uncle during the 70s or even in modern society of 2025. I just wish that he would hit me that night when I smashed that freezer and get instant karma from the police. Even if the police haven't arrived yet, and he stuck me before I punched him out, I'd claim that it was self-defense when the law did arrive. I want to talk about my parents' views on physical punishment. Like I mentioned before, I'm glad that I wasn't punished by them, but I feel that they wanted to do it. I want to rant and rave again about the William Lyon MacKenzie Housing Co-operative, as it's still nothing but a flaming bag of shit like always. Those flaming bags of shit that run the place are doing a great job clearing the road. When I mean a great job, I mean just doing one path down the street before thinking that it's good enough. As we just had a major snowstorm of up to 20 or so cm of snow on the afternoon of February 12, 2025, through the morning of the 13th, I would've thought the co-op would do something now other than just clear a path down the street. To make shit worse, there's another storm coming on February 15 through the 16th where another 20 cm of snow is coming. The best part about all of this is some people in the co-op, including my grandfather, pay them to clear their driveways, but sometimes never do it. For an 85-year-old senior, he ain't in the greatest health to shovel his driveway. I know that many residents in the co-op are in their latter stages of life and can't shovel their driveways. I'm in decent shape with my overweight size, but I'm not in that kind of shape to shovel 150 houses by hand, even if they ask me to do it for a great sum of green. I know the co-op has a bobcat that does the street shoveling, but I'm assuming they're renting it. Even if the co-op asks me to drive it to shovel the street, it's like asking a GTA gamer to drive a tank without going on a rampage. That saying that if the co-op let me drive the bobcat, it's going to cost them more the damage I might cause than the rent for it. My mother and I are going to take my father grocery shopping, and I'm not looking forward to pushing the car if it gets struck. I just hope that it never happens, and I should not push any car out. I think that kids nowadays are a flaming bag of shit due to their lack of interest in toys. I mean kids in the past would be happier than a pig in shit when they opened a Barbie doll or a GI Joe for Christmas, but now, kids want the latest iPhone or Galaxy. Who in their right mind would buy their daughter an iPhone even before she can talk? Like give me a fucking break, as when I first started to talk, there were no smartphones. Now there are apps that can understand baby talk. This is what's wrong in the world. I saw commercials this past Christmas about kids playing with Nerf guns and I thought that no kids today would play with them anymore, as I bet those kids would have a meltdown if they got a Nerf gun instead of an iPhone. It makes me sick to the core when kids bully other kids due to them getting knock-off iPhones and making them want to kill themselves and doing so. It's even more sickening when you're talking about kindergarten students hanging themselves due to their classmates in the same class and age mocking them for their fake Galaxy. I hate bullies, even if I act like one sometimes. I just wanted to get into the face of a 5-year-old for bullying their classmate, but that got police written all over that. As someone with autism, these kinds of things would make us want to hide further in the closet. I once overheard from one of my EA teachers in elementary school in the early 2010s that most of the students got Blackberries, but when the iPhone came out, all of them got them overnight. When I was a kid in the early 2000s, there ain't anything like smartphones. I think that having a flip phone in 2025 is utterly retarded when everyone, and I mean everyone, still thinks that people have a smartphone. The flip phones are utterly dead harder than Nick Hogan's car around that goddamn tree, all turning into scrap parts in a cell phone wrecking yard just like Nick's car after the crash. Smartphones today are more than just cutting up your monkeys and cooking them on the barbecue like you people like to eat them on terms rather than just making calls and texts. They are useful in many ways other than being a thing that makes people into mindless fools. I said this to my parents before and will keep saying it again that I ain't going to be like the many people who use them 24/7, and I don't care what my father says about me being like them. I have also stated this many times that I like to spend my hard-earned green stuff as I wished to, not hiding it in the closet until a rainy day. The third thing I always nagged about was that I'm not this little kid anymore, that I'm a 24-year-old adult, but often treated like someone half that age, even if I sometimes acted like that. Nothing says that my parents love me more than holding me back on the life I want. If I had a smartphone, I'd not misuse it. I'm not saying how high when you say jump, but you know that I would moan, moan, moan, moan, moan, complain, complain, complain, whine, moan, complain and shout for a while. All I'm asking is to rethink about letting me get a smartphone. I think that the FreshCo at Steeles Avenue West and Bathurst Street is a flaming bag of shit. Twice in one week that they fucked up something. On February 14, I went there for something and I noticed that the Powerade was on sale for 4 for 5 bucks and 100 Scene points. I got four of them and some frozen pasta before paying and going home. When I got home, I noticed that the Powerade was at full price and no points. By that time, I had nearly finished one of them. I waited for my mother to get home from work, and we went back there. When we got there, we talked to the boss in charge and I nearly pulled my hair out because it took half an hour to sort things out. I thought that after the first time it would be fixed, but on February 22 the same thing happened. My mother and I went there after coming back from the Canadian International AutoShow to pick up some things before going to pay. When the Powerade ran in at full price at the checkout, my mother asked the cashier for the boss man. When the boss came over, they paged somebody from the grocery department to come. The cashier, the boss man, the person from the grocery and I'm assuming the front-end boss man thought the Powerade offer was in the flyer. How do four people working there notice that the offer ain't in the flyer, but an in-store one? But at least it took half the time as last week to sort things out. As a produce clerk at Sobeys, I ain't no higher up, but if one of the items from my department on sale run through was wrong, I'd make the customer's problem right, even if I needed to bend backwards. I don't mean chopping up monkeys and cooking them on the barbecue before I offer it to them, but going through hell and back and through fire and brimstone to sort things out. I just hope that FreshCo realizes the mistake and fixes it before the third time. If that third time does happen, I know my mother would lose her shit. While on the topic of the Canadian International AutoShow, why does the flaming bag of shit do security willy-nilly block off the escalator after so many people? I was already halfway up when I noticed my mother arguing with the guard. When I was at the top and started to wait for her, another guard told me to go to the other side if I wanted to go down. I was getting pissed as I told them that I was waiting for somebody. I went back down to my mother saying that I'm autistic, but most of the crowd thought "Are you crazy, bitch?" I don't care if they know that I'm autistic, they should know that my mother ain't the fastest walker. After a few not-so-nice words from my mother to the guard, we went off to another escalator. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if it's crowd control, safety concern, accessibility issue or an emergency situation. I think that security should know that some disabled people need a caregiver. It's just like before I punched out one of those fire alarm control panels in Union Station. Before that, my mother and I were on Centre Island for the day, and we went back to the ferries afterward. I waited nearly an hour for a ferry in an enclosed and cramped lineup while waiting for a boat for the mainland after we missed it. We were just 10 feet away from the gate when a guard closed it. I could just feel if things had gone differently on that day if I was ahead when security closed the gate in front of my mother and that guard didn't give a flaming bag of shit about it. I would be pissed if another guard just barked at me to go on the ferry without my mother. Why in the flaming bag of shit are there so many inconsiderate assholes out there? On February 23, my mother picked me up from work, and we went to No Frills to get some things. After No Frills, we drove along Mullen Drive when this one person in a white Dodge Grand Caravan was parked a mile away from the curb just to pick somebody up and the snow was already making the road narrow. I did what everyone would do in my case by flipping and cursing at the person when we passed. But that person didn't get the motto of how being inconsiderate is wrong when they speed passed and brake-checked before started reversing and nearly crashed into us after picking up their passenger. To put the cherry on top, my mother is now pissed about what I did, stating that we would've been killed. She goddamn freaking knows that I'm the kind of person who gives an overreaction to a minor injustice. My mother has got an anger problem, but she was always looking for it. Her father as well got some rage issues too. I can also feel that my father would give me shit about how that was retarded as he was basically as angry as me when he was my age, and he told me to cool it. You can say that rage runs in the family. My father is 64 years old, and I'm 24 years old. I bet if my father was with us when that Dodge Grand Caravan did that, but I didn't even start the thing by flipping and cursing them off, he would be pissed too. You know something, fuck both my parents as I'm my own person and I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I get killed in these road rages, even if I take others with me when I die. I don't look back anymore. I don't regret it. I look forward to it. Everything is connected, and I'll use that to expose, to protect, and, if necessary, to punish. A few hours later after that first one, my mother and I went to the gas station to fill her car up. When we were going home, we turned onto Milner Gate when our lights were changing yellow, but this York Region Transit taxi floored the same light the other way and almost hit us. Like buddy, ain't there any common sense left in that brain of them. I think if the taxi hits us and their passengers get hurt, I bet that York Region Transit will be getting sued big time by the passengers and me. At least I didn't flip the driver off. I thought that after that, it would be fine. But not even a minute later on Mullen Drive, another vehicle pulled out of their driveway right in front of us. Buddy, can you at least look past the mile-high snow bank before pulling out of your driveway? Well, I did flip that driver off and my mother started freaking out due to me flipping them off. She knows that we nearly got wrecked twice within a minute. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I might get killed during these road rages as it's my right to flip and curse at drivers who don't follow the rules that might harm my own life. People might see me as aggressive, confrontational and easily angered, but that's what I feel all the time due to all these mindless assholes in the world, and it's eating me away. I sometimes don't want to live as the world-famous blogger-ranter anymore, but it feels fucking good doing so. I felt that the Dodge Grand Caravan driver wanted blood and I feared having them taking it out on my mother when I was not with her, or they would drive onto the sidewalk and run me over in the future. This is why I wanted to own an AK47 to use in those moments, but Justin Trudeau made it illegal to own these types of guns. Is he a chicken shit due to fear someone like me could come to Parliament Hill and kill him? It's my right to use an AK47 on that Dodge Grand Caravan driver who tried to run me over in self-defense. Overall, I think that the Dodge Grand Caravan driver needs to go to an anger management class, their license revoked and leave me the fuck alone. Lately, I have been using UtubeHits, a site that boasts YouTube's metrics, to comment on videos of anime girls drowning from other channels. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if they say that this person, MMD UW, is the original creator, it's my right to upload them without any competition. On UtubeHits, I'd put my foes' videos under a new campaign for comments and add the quote "You're stealing views and subscribers from Kevin Stewart," before watching others commenting on those videos. As my real name is Kevin Stewart, I'm happy about the handy work I did. MMV Water is my scapegoat, as in one of their videos called "Underwater Drown #6," comments from others got some things that would really get them in deep shit if the police got wind of this. The video comments accused MMV Water of being a Russian spy, a KKK member, engaging in espionage, child molestation, hacking and selling information on the dark web, breaking into my house and stealing money, attempted murder of me and my friends, planning terrorist attacks like planning to bomb the CN Tower this past Christmas and threatening to kill high-profile people like Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, King Charles III, Barack Obama, Taylor Swift and Osama bin Laden. That's a masterpiece of my handy work due to how one site can bring hell into a video comment section. Another channel under my comment campaign is Blade Kun, but this fool has the gull to remove all those comments. Let me tell you something, buddy. If UtubeHits is still up, and I'm still making comment campaigns, you're still going to get my hate. I don't want Blade Kun to turn off their comments on their videos as this would fuck my plan up. As of February 24, 2025, the Copyright Strike War from April 2023 has been restarted. I think that my job at Sobeys as a produce clerk is still a flaming bag of shit. Day in and day out or Sunday in and Sunday out, it's the same old thing. It's grinding my gears every Sunday over the same old shit over and over and over and over again. I'm the one who grinds my own gear at my own pace over the three hours at work, not the other way around where big brother ordering me to do things. I wish that a woman could rub my stomach in my moments of full-blown nuclear rage. I need to feel my mind racing between anger and calm as the woman is cooing to me in Japanese. What in the flaming bag of shit is fucking wrong with kids today? A kid bullying an 11-year-old girl about her folks being deported to, I'm assuming, to Mexico. To put the cherry on top, she killed herself due to the bullying. That's an outrage in my fucking nature hearing about this young lady's suicide. This is like if I went up to an 11-year-old Japanese girl and yelled that I was going to call Immigration Canada to deport her parents to Japan. If the girl killed herself and I was found at fault, I'd be fine with verbal abuse, hate speech, harassment, creating emotional distress and manslaughter. As a 25-year-old adult, I might be labeled as a child predator or something. Another analogy is if some 11-year-old girl came up to me and yelled that she would call Immigration Canada to deport my mother back to the UK. If she kept yelling at me about the fact, even when I'm ignoring her, I would think that I just want to scare this punk off, but that's wrong, even if she's harassing me. If her parents are just as racist and xenophobic and joined in this by harassing me too, then they have trouble. Even if the father states that she's such a sweet girl and the mother says that kids will be kids, both of those things are plain wrong. That's why the world is so evil today, as modern parents teach their kids that it's okay to harass people due to their background is right. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if these kids are being raised with a good upbringing or not, it's totally and utterly wrong. I'm as guilty as a flaming bag of shit as I'm a fucking pig. On February 26, 2025, after I finished at the YSSN, my mother and I went to Burger King. I ordered myself a double Whopper and ate it there before I ordered a triple for home. I always said that I wanted to try a triple Whopper, but I should've fucked the double Whopper combo and gotten a triple Whopper combo instead. I can feel that my gut is going to hate me for killing that much food. At least I ain't like The Kid Behind the Camera, where he might order at least a half dozen triple Whoppers. I should've renewed my gym membership since I haven't been updated since around early January 2025, but I have been waiting for GoodLife Fitness to open in the Promenade Mall for a while now for the reasoning as to why I haven't renewed my membership. I have been going to the GoodLife Fitness on Dufferin Street and Finch Avenue West, but I think it's a good waste of money for bus fares to get there and home on Mondays and Fridays. I think that the $6.70 for the round trip would be better in my pocket than the TTC's. Sometimes, it takes me a good fucking hour in transit as I sometimes miss the 60 Steeles West and 105 Dufferin North buses on the way there and the 36 Finch West and 7 Bathurst and or 160 Bathurst North buses on the way home. At least the Promenade Mall is just up the street from me. Normally, it takes me around 15 minutes to walk there from my place. I know my membership costs me around 100 bucks or so a month and this means that I can use any GoodLife Fitness facility. I think that a trucker driver would be at 100 percent fault if they had hit a vehicle in its blind spot while merging lanes without taking the time to look at it beforehand. I wouldn't give a flaming bag of shit if that other vehicle sped past just over the speed limit or minding its own business when a truck is merging. If that truck hits them, it's the driver of that truck. If a common Mack truck weighs 25000 pounds and an empty 53-foot trailer weighs about another 10000 pounds. That's 35000 pounds of mass destruction rolling down the highway at speed without the 80000 more pounds if it was loaded. I know in rare cases that some people will bypass the legal limit on loading trailers, which might be another factor. I never met him once before he died, but my grandfather on my father's side was a trucker. This story ain't about a blind-spot accident, but I recall my father telling me that my grandfather once lost his load on the highway, and he was at 100 percent fault for it. Even with all these features in trucks that help with lane changing or other driving, there's still a chance of human error if a person decides to drive across a highway willy-nilly without checking the blind spots. Sometimes I can't believe some people who want to become truckers, and they fail with flying colors during their driving test when they total another vehicle when turning. I mean the trainees don't think that trailers turn wide, and it's not their grandmother's bike. Trucks themselves turn wider when they're towing a trailer as they need at least 2 or more lanes. I don't know how many times I waited at the southwest stop for the 105 bus at Steeles Avenue West and Dufferin Street and saw the odd truck with a trailer making wide turns. Trucks driving east on Steeles Avenue often turn into the middle lane with their ass in the right most lane before reaching the intersection and turning right into the out most lane onto Dufferin Street. Overall, it's sometimes a hair-pulling match seeing these trucks just plowing down smaller vehicles due to not checking blind spots. My username of Kevin1230san is totally and utterly awesome, as it's true Kevin Stewart. It speaks controversy and fuck you to the world. If there's any social media out there, Kevin1230san is on it. But Kevin1230san ain't the only variant. Like on Twitter, my username is Kevin1240san after my Kevin1230san account got banned in March 2023. I think that YSSN is a total and utter flaming bag of shit. This place makes me want to emigrate into a rant full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs as they're going to give me and my mother a third social worker within a year and my mother is totally pissed about it. This is a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell written all over it, as when my mother got that piss off, she vented it off on me. I mean not the ranting and raving in my face kind of venting, but fucking up my plans by doing what only knows. This is like me ranting and raving about something and, after I got it off my chest, I dropped it, but my mother keeps it bottled up for days. Our current social worker kept apologizing for this when my mother and I went up to the YSSN office for an ADBS or the Adapted Dialectical Behaviour Skills course on March 5, 2025, but I don't feel her pity as enough is enough. This whole electron microscope of bureaucratic shit needs to suck an egg as it's better to watch bureaucracy sucking eggs than me doing it myself. I mean I can suck eggs better than YSSN could. YSSN would suck eggs, but just blow them out of their ass. If anyone from YSSN sees this rant, I want them to come to my crib to suck eggs before the eggs fly out of their ass. I think that YSSN doesn't stand for Your Support Services Network, but stands for You Suck So Naturally, Yawning Stupidly, Snickering Naughtily, Your Stupid Shit Now, Your Stupid Stunt Network or Your Shitty Smelly Nuts. On March 6th, 2025, at 11 in the morning, my mother and I are about to go to Mackenzie Health at 10 Trench Street, for a mental health appointment soon. I can kind of feel that my mother will flip out due to all this bullshit about my mental health. I even mentioned to her last night not to go Hulk mode at this appointment. I just hope that the appointment won't turn into a flaming bag of shit. It's 3 in the afternoon, and I just got home after the appointment. It was better than I thought with my mother not blowing up, but I think that the system is an electron microscope of bureaucratic shit that needs to suck an egg and these mental health professionals are bureaucratic quacks that need to suck eggs harder. I'm so goddamn sick and tired that I'm going to quack like Donald Duck at one of these people.


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