
Showing posts with the label Girls und Panzer

Girls und Panzer To Get 10th Anniversary Project

Girls und Panzer To Get 10th Anniversary Project Melvyn Tan November 16, 2021 The Girls und Panzer series is getting a new project to commemorate its 10th anniversary. Additionally, there will be a new version of the  Girls und Panzer  exhibition that was first held in 2017 to celebrate the series’ 5th anniversary. A video announcing the commencement of the 10th anniversary project was also released. The original  Girls und Panzer  anime series premiered in 2012 and has inspired a light novel, various manga and video games, and a  crossover with  World of Tanks . The TV series has been followed up with OVAs and films, including the ongoing six-part  Girls und Panzer das Finale  film series that began in 2017.  Girls und Panzer das Finale – Part 3   premiered in Japan on March 26, while  Part 4  was  announced to be in production  on April 8. Crunchyroll describes the series as: A powerful tank battle has been created ...

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