Rant about Everything
I'm Kevin Stewart, and this is my ranting writing about everything from March 2024 to the current times. I can't fucking stand Logan Paul. He is an overhyped and overpaid piece of shit YouTuber. He's one of the richest YouTubers, my ass. My god, he needs to pay me some money. Logan's money is better in my pocket than in his, because he would buy out all the stores of the Prime sports drinks stores to get high from. I saw the WWE pay per view Crown Jewel on November 4, 2023. How the fuck didn't he get caught for using brass knuckles? You have got metal in your hand. So why not just use that hand to knock out Rey Mysterio? Did you fall on your head as a baby? You don't look right to me. Maybe you drink too much Prime or the brain damage from your high school football career is fucking up your head. How the hell did you break your right testicle on a chair in 2014? I hope you ain't planning to have some little bastards in the future. Good lord, I don't want to see a shit ton of Logan Paul's little bastards running around. At least Logan ain't a dirty dawg like Elon Musk for having 11 kids. Holy fuck, Elon you dirty dawg. Ever since Elon Musk bought fucking Twitter, it has been going to shit. Why does he love the letter X that much? SpaceX, Tesla Model X and now Twitter are going to be named X. Goddamn Elon Musk, I heard you are going to remove the block feature. That's fucking retarded if you remove it. There are a lot of sickos on Twitter that harass other Twitter users, including myself. Ain't you rich enough, Elon? Over 200 billion dollars. Where is my share of your billions, Elon? You got ten kids, man. You dirty fucking dawg. Is the company, The Boring Company, a boring fucking job if the founder is the world's richest ass wipe? Good lord, Tesla is a retarded auto company that needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. That goofy fucker Elon Musk needs to stop trying to shoot up at the stars on SpaceX. Elon can't shoot a fart out of his own ass. I can't stand Nikola Tesla. Nikola is just as goofy as Elon. I'm assuming that Tesla was named after him. I'm surprised that Nikola didn't get his brain fried by the Tesla coil. I'll pay to see any Tesla model getting their computers fried by the Tesla coil. Maybe they will be crispier than Kentucky Fried Chicken. The Tesla is an over-priced piece of plastic crap car. I'm talking about cars back in the day. They were made of almost all metal. If I rear end someone's car with a steel bumper at speed, the car would be fine, but if I did the same with a car with a plastic bumper, the car would look like Nick Hogan's car around that goddamn tree. My god, what in the hell is all this crap they call safety features? I don't want my car to drive by itself. To make things worse, Tesla has features that will move the car if the computer sees someone is about to crash into you. Holy hell, artificial intelligence can't predict unpredictable things that people do on the road, like if someone passes you and tosses a flaming bag of shit at you. I think overall that Tesla is a total crap load company that needs to die. Let me tell you something, Brother. Hulk Hogan is one retarded motherfucker. I think the beatings over the years did a number on you, man. Why did you share a picture of your daughter in the nude? Are you going to spice shit up there, Hulk? Can you do a damn leg drop on Donald Trump? You can't wrestle anymore. You're too old, so nobody gives a fuck about you anymore. Your problem is your trying to live in the old days, and they are history. Ah, piss off Hogan. You can't rip your goddamn shirt anymore. You... You. I can rip my shirt, Hogan. I can rip my shirt. You can't rip your shirt anymore. Come on Brother, come on. See my guns. Come on Brother. The only shirt you know how to rip is off Brooke before you do the crossface chickenwing. I heard the other day that you were seen in the goddamn tunnel of love with Dixie Carter eating a goddamn candy apple. How the hell do you eat candy apples with no fucking teeth? Bring it Brother. Tell Brooke to come because I have got a package I want to deliver. Your next paycheck from TNA is going to bounce harder than goddamn Nick's car around that tree. Hey Hogan. I hear that Nick got his license back. I got one of my friend's kid toy cars he could borrow. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh man, that hurts. I wish that I hadn't smashed the toy on the stairs. Oh man, I think I broke my thumb. I hate fucking Christmas. The shitty holiday is fucking retarded. A few weeks ago, I went to Walmart, and they got their Christmas shit out. Goddamnit dumbass, it isn't even goddamn Halloween yet. I want to start a rampage at Walmart and destroy all the Christmas fucking shit. Goddamn Santa Claus needs to lose some weight. That fat sack of shit needs to stop eating cookies at every goddamn house he visits. Santa is a fat fucking hog. Fuck his sleigh, he needs to run around the world to deliver presents. I want to punch out a mall Santa, and choke that son of a bitch. Fucking Christmas carols, oh fuck no, fuck no, fuck no. Fuck those motherfucking songs, you fucking fat son of bitches. If anyone comes to my house and starts singing carols, they may be ready for some racist swearing flying toward them. Maybe they would get a flaming bag of shit in their faces. I want to toss a Christmas tree out my window and cover it in gasoline and watch it burn like a flaming bag of shit. I hate motherfucking opera. It gives me hives listening to the shit. I don't want to hear some fat lady sing. It would be fun to watch the fat lady literally blowing up while yelling at the top of her lungs. Italian opera, fuck no, fuck no, fuck no. Italian music is just as shitty as Korean and Japanese music. Russian opera is the worst of the worst in shitload music. I don't want to see some Russian broad singing goddamn freaking opera. Opera needs to burn like K-pop and J-pop in flaming bags of shit. Goddamnit, inconsiderate drivers are getting on my nerves. How in the fuck do these retards get their driver's licenses? Retarded r Us? Most of these drivers in the Greater Toronto Area don't even speak English as a first language. I don't want to be rude, but if you drive me around, I want you to at least understand the road signs. Good Lord, you can't pay me enough to drive in Downtown Toronto in the rush hour as Toronto is full of construction. I would end up in jail because I would've punched some retarded driver out. I don't understand how people can't see signs. Every time I go shopping, I see cars parked in the storefront. Hey stupid turds, it's a fire route. I can drive better than most of these stupid turds, but I drive like some of these stupid turds too sometimes. This hillbilly trailer trash redneck sure hates inconsiderate drivers. This is bullshit. Hamas needs to stop this war with Israel. Causing collateral damage like killing women and children is just plain dumb. Hamas is also kidnapping people too. Hamas are terrorist scumbags that need to burn like flaming bags of shit. They are dickheads for harming innocent people like a holocaust survivor in a wheelchair. Goddamnit, the holocaust survivor suffered enough when Adolf Hitler was alive. I think Hamas are Nazis as they are killing Jewish people and whoever leads Hamas is just like Hitler. Hamas are terrorist scumbags that need to burn in a flaming bag of shit due to their attack on Israel. Goddamnit killing and kidnapping innocent people. How low can you go? The thought of that gave me hives when I heard about the Hamas invasion of Israel the other day. Hamas needs to go back to the Gaza Strip as they ain't welcome in Israel. The heinous crimes against Israel are not welcome either. My prayers are with the people of Israel as they don't deserve this shit from Hamas. I think that K-pop sucks fucking balls. I can't goddamn understand Korean. K-pop needs to burn like a flaming bag of shit. I can't stand the band BTS as the mandatory South Korean military service is retarded. I also hate J-pop too. Japanese singing goddamnit it gives me hives hearing that crap. Why name it Korean pop, as North Koreans can't listen to shit as Kim Jong-un does not want his people to listen to the shit. Goddamn, foreign Korean language music can rot in hell. I think The Big Bang Theory is the most retarded show ever. The show is so dumb it makes me want to smash my television in a rage. The cast in the show are geeks and total retards. They are kiss ass about the shit they love in the show. The show could kiss my ass, as it's total shit. Young Sheldon is another retarded show. Both shows are retarded like hell. The Canadian government has been fucking retarded this past year. With the Indian government assassinating Hardeep Singh Nijjar in British Columbia. Goddamnit, India doesn't want to help Canada with the investigation. To make shit worse, India is revoking Canadian citizenship. India has over a billion people, so Canada would be fucked if they invaded. I just heard that the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, Anthony Rota, had resigned after he invited Yaroslav Hunka, who was in the German army in World War 2, into the House of Commons when the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, came to Canada. That's just so retarded to invite a Waffen-SS officer to the House of Commons. The only place that people like that can go is to hell for the crimes they did. The province of Ontario is just as messed up right now. Ryan Amato, Steve Clark and Kaleed Rasheed all resigned within a month of each other. Ontario needs new houses, and they are building them in the Greenbelt. It's so retarded that people are destroying the Greenbelt. Leave the Greenbelt alone, you greedy bastards. Goddamn, greedy fools don't care about anything else other than becoming rich. If they want to become rich, just go into a life of crime like I did in Red Dead Redemption. I want to talk about the Canada Freedom Convoy as Tamara Lich and Chris Barber's criminal trial starts today. I don't want this video to get removed by YouTube because of COVID-19 misinformation. I will try my best not to say anything about COVID-19 misinformation in this rant. Did the Canadian government have beef with truck drivers? When the Freedom Convoy started in early 2022, drivers couldn't cross the border because of Canadian COVID-19 laws. I know that the strict laws at the borders were there to stop the spread of COVID-19. But goddamn, these guys lost business. I ain't a trucker, but I would be mad if I lost a big chunk of my business too. 65.5% of goods imported into Canada by trucks come from the United States. That's billions of dollars worth of gross domestic product. The most common cargo is dry goods, which includes packaged foods, clothing, electronics, and more. Some of the major companies are in the United States. Little Debbie, which is a part of McKee Foods. Mckee Foods is from Chattanooga, Tennessee and the sole distributor in Canada chose to terminate their business relationship with Mckee Foods. Since the Freedom Convoy protest in January 2022, the laws are getting less strict and travel across the border is easier. All that I can say is follow your local COVID-19 laws and get the vaccine. I heard that the Ontario Housing Minister, Steve Clark, resigned after the controversy about the Greenbelt. How retarded is the Government of Ontario? I mean building houses in a protected area. That is one way to fuck up the food chain. The greenbelt has farms on it. If Doug Ford wants to build new houses and rip down farms, it will really mess up how many agricultural areas they have. I bet it was Doug Ford's idea to do it. I mean, with all those refugees that are coming, they need houses. I say that there is going to be one big city from Toronto right up to Barrie. The Promenade Mall in Thornhill is shit now. They hardly have any stores there now. They are building a condominium there, and I bet within the next year or two they are going to rip down the mall and build more condominiums. I went to Oak Ridges in Richmond Hill and that's a part of the greenbelt. On the north side of King Road between Toscanini Road and Parker Avenue six years ago, there were just a few houses and trees everywhere. Now they are building a shit ton of houses. How fucking inconsiderate some people are. Like the other day, there was a dumb motherfucker on the road. Not a soul was in sight and the person was still sitting there. Another car even stopped to let the person turn, but the dumbass was still sitting there. The car that stopped, the car behind me and even me honked at the asshole. Then the fool started to go, but at a slow pace. I wanted to get out of my car and punch that son of a bitch, but I don't want to go to jail. Another time I was shopping and a couple with a kid stopped their cart right in the middle of the aisle. I wanted to yell and get out of my fucking way. I don't know how many times I have seen people riding their two-wheel scooters on the sidewalk. They are motorized fucking vehicles with license plates. I wanted to push them off their scooters and yell "go on the damn road you fool." I hate when people are texting on their phones while walking. They don't give a flying shit about anything else other than their phones. I also hate it when drivers who text and drive and don't pay attention. Those are the kinds of people who cause car accidents. I just hate it when people park their cars in the storefront and there are many parking spots nearby. Have they ever heard of a fire route or a towaway zone, you lazy bastards. If I were a cop, I'd give them a big fat fine and a piece of my mine. Goddamnit, I would keep on ranting about these goddamn people all goddamn day if I had to. You goddamn cotton picker kaffir picaninny piccaninny pickinninie nip Jap American-born confused desi. You son of a motherfucking two-bit nigga cunt lover. You goddamn fagot-face-looking motherfucker. You freaking step and fetch motherfucker. You bloody tosser bollocks pillock nitwit wanker harlot trollop strumpet slut. You goddamn cheese-eating surrender monkeys. You are an uneducated mama's boy, an unintelligent little bitch, a pig-ignorant fat-so, an unknowledgeable autistic punk, a moronic two-bit nigga girl, an idiotic white trash unsexy hooker, a dimwitted Florida trash man whore, dumbass motherfucker, a tweeting twat and a gook that needs to die from lynching. You motherfucking gay white trash homosexual communist hick bitch cunt yokel. You Yid kike honky dago. You communist Nazi goddamn cocksucker pussy toucher blood sucker sag of shit imbecile. You are a hick prick cow piss drinker raghead towelhead kala Muzzie terrorists. You niggerish jackass niggergirl boob grabbers. The fucking housewife trophy wife who is having infidelity with gringo queer guys into spamming them into making $250 per day. You sexy sissy. You sexy shitty slut. You sexy jackass. You sexy spammer whore. You sexy little bitch. You sexy cunt. You sexy motherfucker. You sexy cum-drinking bitch. You sexy bitch. You sexy girl toy. You sexy spammer cocksucker. You sexy shitty whore. You sexy spammer lady. You sexy spammer bitch who can't swim. You sexy cunt bitch who loves drowning. You fucking nigga ape squarehead bimbo gabacho guizi half-baked half-breed half-assed hebe Christ-killer Jewboy goddamn lolcow meathead streetwalker rug muncher pillow-biter poufter pooftah poofter pufter queer ballbreaker ballbuster batty boy aborto beef curtain goddamn Zhyd Zhydovka Żydokomuna Yerida self-hating Jews. You are nothing but a fucking Apache gator bait that are fucking Gringo queer guys. You are a scatterbrain schizophrenic that is a quashie powder-burning porch monkey. You are wheelchair-bound because you have Yuppie flu. You are a stupid, sluggish, stone-deaf, screwed-loose sociopath that is pissing me off. You are a Gaysian girlfag gold star gouinage who is a paraplegic psychopath. You are not the brightest bulb and not the sharpest tool in the shed. You are a nigger niggar niggur niger nigor nigre nigar nigga niggah nig nigguh. You are mental, mentally deficient, defective, disabled, deranged and ill. You are a baba yaga baby bag lady, a barely legal bed blocker, a biddy blue-haired boomer remover and a boomerang kid brat. You are shemale, hon trap troon, cuntboy, pussyboy, dickgirl, dykon, gouine, hasbian, has-bian, kiki, kitty puncher, pussy puncher, four-year lesbian, lesbian until graduation, lipstick lesbian, muff-diver, pillow princess, sapatão, fufa, soft butch, stem, stemme, stone butch and stud. You are dink, flip, gugus, huan-a and jakun. You are Afro engineering, African engineering and nigger rigging. You are black buck, black brute, brown buck and brown brute. I support the Wagner Group rebellion in June 2023. Because I hate Vladimir Putin, I wish that they would march into Moscow and kill that son of a bitch. I don't know if YouTube will terminate my channel for what I am going to say, but I so want to march into Moscow and head to the Kremlin and kill Putin myself. I know that the Jews would march into Berlin and kill Adolf Hitler if he was still alive too. This rant is about the Wagner Group, not Hitler. I heard that Yevgeny Prigozhin was killed in a plane crash about 100 miles outside of Moscow. I bet it was the order of Putin to kill him. Whoever is to blame for the crash, I will stand with the Wagner Group for their beliefs against the Russian government. I also always have the back of the Ukrainian government, as I believe that Russia is a communist with no good fish brains, a piece of goddamn shit. I think that U-Haul trucks are pieces of shit. I don't know how many trucks I see in Toronto with United States license plates on them. Most of them are Grade-A quality rust buckets with shit brakes. I don't feel safe driving in one of those fucking death traps. I don't even feel safe if I am driving beside one because I don't want it to fall apart or rear end me if the brakes fail. I'm not surprised that Canada hasn't banned those death traps from crossing the border yet. 58 of 296 U-Haul vehicles inspected by the Ministry of Transportation Ontario in the summer of 2005 were not roadworthy. I wonder how many of them are from the United States. I'd be surprised if most of them were. I'm surprised that there ain't more crashes because of the shitty brakes or the trucks disintegrating. Goddamnit YouTube. Why are you disabling my comments on my video of John Marston Rants About Canadian News? I got to turn it back on. I don't know how many goddamn times. It makes me goddamn sick that YouTube has been acting lately. From terminating videos and channels for no reason to age restricting videos without a good enough reason. I hope that the CEO of YouTube sees this goddamn video because I want him to see how bad YouTube is going to goddamn shit. Meta is fucking retarded. How retarded are they for blocking Canadian news on Facebook and Instagram? Those bans are literally killing people. The current wildfires in Canada are the worst ever so far. The wildfire near Yellowknife was so bad that they evacuated the whole city. To make things worse, residents said that links on Facebook and Instagram are hard to access on social media. I heard that Meta needs to pay to post Canadian news on their sites. Man, fuck this shit right to hell, as that is one of the most retarded things I have ever heard. I know that news on Facebook and Google in Australia will be temporarily blocked in 2021. A week later, Facebook and Google made a deal with the Aussie government. Why can't Meta make a deal with the Canadian government because of the current wildfires? Paper straws have got to be the worst shit in the world. They are useless in drinks as they go soft after a couple of hours. How many fucking trees do people have got to cut down to make them? Fast food restaurants also use wooden utensils. Goddamnit how damp those utensils are. Like I said before, how many trees do people have got to cut down to make them? I hate my root beer tasting like paper or my hot fudge sundae tasting like wood. Damnit right to hell. What are they going to do next? Make soda cups out of paper? I think Tim Horton's coffee cups are made from polystyrene. Goddamn, those dirty motherfucker men's goddamn paper fucking straws are so goddamn nasty. I heard a few weeks ago on the news that the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant will be discharging radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. I love Japan, but how fucked up is the Japanese government? The water is probably still too radioactive to dump. Japan should consider that the Fukushima nuclear disaster is one of only two nuclear energy accidents after Chernobyl to be rated at the maximum severity of seven on the International Nuclear Event Scale. I found on Google that Japan has a $14 billion commercial fishing industry. I assume that there are fishing spots near the nuclear plant. I heard horror stories of people eating radioactive fish and fucked up things happening to them. That would really fuck up the fishing industry if the Japanese government dumped the radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. I want to talk about Russia. Russia, you are sorry son of a bitch you think you are going to win against Ukraine. You are going to lose it like an egg frying in a pan. Vladimir Putin believes that he is going to reunite the Soviet Union. It isn't going to fucking happen. What are you going to do if Ukraine comes to smash down the gates of Moscow? Like I said before, communists were shit back when the Soviet Union started. It was shit when the Soviet Union fell and it's still shit today. I know that Russia is a tough bastard due to their winters. Just ask Hitler or Napoleon. I hope that Ukraine will kick Russia's ass to hell. I have to talk about North Korea. I have to talk about Kim Jong-un. You know that short shit. Why are you causing trouble, you son of a bitch? Are you going nuclear? Your fucking haircut looks like someone put a goddamn bowl on your head and ran a razor around the motherfucker. Let me tell you something, gook. Don't fuck with America. We should have nuked your fucking ass years ago. Trump was right, you are a fucking rocket man and I dare you to take a nuclear missile to nuke Pyongyang. I bet this video won't even be seen by most North Koreans as North Korea's laws are goddamn dumb you communist prick. What is wrong with the PlayStation Network? I got my PlayStation account temporarily suspended for a second time in the past couple of months for hate speech. I did live streams of WWE 2K22 between May and July 2022 with some wrestlers that may be considered hate-motivated, like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Osama bin Laden. I can't see why my PlayStation account hasn't been suspended yet, after almost a year since my last controversial video. I haven't been playing on my PlayStation 4 that much anymore, even in my hiatus from YouTube. I was going to watch The Hammer Has Fallen Guitar Cover by Kevin Stewart Music the other day. For some reason, it's not in my watching history as it was one of the last videos I watched. I saw an email that Kevin Stewart Music said had been terminated for violation of YouTube's Terms of Service. What the fuck how dumb can YouTube be for terminating a channel for just uploading videos of Sabaton covers? It is so sick how YouTube treats average Joes like Kevin Stewart Music. I bet whoever is working at YouTube is high on weed when they terminate Kevin Stewart Music. I think the prime minister of Canada is a fucking fool. That paki guy ain't much better than Justin. At least Canada ain't run by motherfucking Trump or Putin. I could be a better prime minister than Justin. Motherfucking YouTube channel named Make 750 Dollars per Day is fucking spam channel. I don't give a flying fuck about making 750 dollars a fucking day, motherfucking bitches like that need to bite the fucking dirt and get the fuck out of fucking YouTube. There are fucking four different channels with the same fucking name and the same fucking videos. If that ain't the fucking spam, what fucking is motherfucking YouTube? I'm motherfucking sick of getting motherfucking recommendations from those motherfucking bitches. If anyone from YouTube watches this, I'm going to make it fucking clear, get your fucking head out of whatever whore you're fucking with and clean this fucking shit up, or I will, and believe me, it's not going to be fucking pretty fucking shitheads. Motherfucking Write-Up Jobs and motherfucking Social Paid Jobs are motherfucking YouTube spam channels. Both fucking Write-Up Jobs and fucking Social Paid Jobs are the same motherfucking whore slut bitches from motherfucking Make $750 per Day. I'm motherfucking sick of getting motherfucking recommendations and motherfucking notifications from those motherfucking whore slut bitches. All three of those motherfucking shits can fuck off. YouTube, you little bastards. I want you to fucking listen. Ban those fucking whores off YouTube. Making $750 per day is fucking scam. If the CEO of YouTube sees this blog, I want to say get the fucking scam shit off fucking YouTube before you watch PornHub, you fucking paki. My fucking Twitter account got banned months ago and for fucking what? He's gonna fucking sue fucking Twitter if his account ain't back fucking up. Jesus motherfucking Christ, these goddamn spam YouTube channels are pissing me off. Every fucking time YouTube terminates a channel, it terminates because of spam, deceptive practices and scams. They made a new channel. I don't care about fucking making however much goddamn money they say those fools. There are many different names, like. Make $580 with Ashley, Write App Jobs, Social Paid Jobs and Make $750 per Day. I'm fucking sick of seeing this shit so that I want to drink rat poison or jump off a cliff, so Hey Neal Mohan, please fucking remove these kinds of fucking kinds of videos and channels off YouTube, your dumb Indian son of a bitch. I hate those spambots on YouTube. I was watching a live stream and there was a spambot frenzy. The best part of it was that all their names are porn sites, and they try to spam live stream chats promoting the porn sites. It pisses me off to report their shit every time they spam someone's chat. It's just as bad as making $750 per day. Hope that YouTube can block the names of new channels. Jesus fucking Christ, this needs to stop with this goddamn shit with Make $750 per Day. Fucking Lose 1 Pound In 1 Day is the same channel as Make $750 per Day. Even the same people from Make $750 per Day are commenting on Lose 1 Pound In 1 Day videos. They are all fucking spam channels. I want the Toronto Maple Leafs to beat the Tampa Bay Lightning on Wednesday. I really want to see them go on to the next round. If they make it to the finals and win the Stanley Cup, I'm sure to be at the parade in Toronto. I hope that they win the Stanley Cup this year because the last time they won one was in 1967, and I wasn't around in that era. Fucking hell, I fought that the Toronto Maple Leafs got that game last night. That goal should've been allowed. That would've been the goal that Toronto needed to win that game. Florida was a tough bastard and I thought that Florida would've been an easier team to beat than Boston. If the Tampa Bay Lightning wins a third Stanley Cup this year, the team will be rigged. They won 2 Stanley Cups back to back a couple of years ago and last year was the third time in three years that they made it into the finals. Goddamnit let Toronto go on past the first round. I'm sick of Tampa winning all the goddamn time. This motherfucking two-bit goddamn spam fucking shit for brains dickhead you need to eat shit and stop this spam fucking goddamn uploading spree on goddamn motherfucking YouTube you goddamn cotton picker kaffir picaninny piccaninny pickinninie nip Jap American-born confused desi. I talked about this bullshit too many fucking times you fat fucking shit hog. What about jumping off a fucking cliff or drinking rat fucking poison, you fucking son of a motherfucking two-bit nigga cunt lover that needs to die in hell in a flaming bag of shit. What about if I can visit your crib and practice my backhand on your face? Maybe while I visit your house, I'll fuck your wife too. Man you motherfucker. I'll beat you over a goddamn piece of brick, and fuck you in the ass, you son of a bitch. Let you suck my dick for fun. Goddamn, I wish I could get my hands on you right now. Come back to my house motherfucker, come back again. I'll goddamn destroy you, you goddamn fagot-face-looking motherfucker. I'll goddamn spray you and your shitty slut of a wife with mace, you bloody tosser bollocks pillock nitwit wanker harlot trollop strumpet slut. You goddamn cheese-eating surrender monkeys, why don't you just bugger off back to the rock you came out from. You treacherous swine, just bugger off back to hell, you no good fat fucking scammers who fuck people in the ass. Goddamn it, motherfucker. I just want to tie and gag you and pistol whip the fucking shit out of you. While I'm at it, I'll cut off your cock, and your goddamn shitty fucking whore of a wife's boobs off too. I just want some fucking peace of mind away from their fucking bullshit spam videos, freaking step and fetch motherfucker. Hey, you got prison bitch written all over you. You are a pencil neck. Make $250 per Day go to fucking hell you goddamn two-bit autistic fucking anti-Palestinian anti-Israeli whoremongering Pakistani fucking nigga retarded whore. I ain't going to have some turd pay me 250 bucks a day just to fuck me in the fucking ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. You are a fraudulent scumbag piece of shit. I don't need this fucking shit you little bastard, you can piss the fuck off you fucking low-life piss-smelling homeless redneck shithead. You are an uneducated mama's boy, an unintelligent little bitch, a pig-ignorant fat-so, an unknowledgeable autistic punk, a moronic two-bit nigga girl, an idiotic white trash unsexy hooker, a dimwitted Florida trash man whore, dumbass motherfucker, a tweeting twat and a gook that needs to die from lynching. My fans, write to the scammers, phone them and tell them that they fucking suck you motherfucking chumps. Scamming people's asses. I don't need you bitch, I'm better than you. What the fuck kind of shit are you smoking, you fucko? I don't mean cutting your fucking monkey up and cooking it on the motherfucking barbecue like you people like to fucking eat them. The only fucking shit you will be smoking will be your own fucking shit in fucking prison, you goddamn trailer trash hillbilly shit bag. You are just a dopey and confused piece of fucking shit that is fucking high on some shit like meth, weed and heroin. I'll keep on roasting your motherfucking asshole you motherfucking gay white trash homosexual communist hick bitch cunt yokel. I'm going to arrange your fucking funeral, you goddamn unsexy scammy toothless son of a motherfucking two-bit shit smoking hippy. I want to see your fat fucking ass fried in a motherfucking pan. You're nothing more than a selfish, greedy motherfucker who just wants to fuck people in the ass and become rich. You remind me of motherfucking Adolf Hitler and I think you are worse than the motherfucking piece of fucking shit, you Yid kike honky dago. I want you to kill yourself like Hitler did by shooting yourself in the head. I want you to die like fucking Elvis Presley on the motherfucking toilet full of fucking shit, you no good dead motherfucking singer who needs to suck dick of a motherfucking hound dog. Hey you piece of shit scammers, you need to suck a dog dick, and you are caught in a trap, you can't walk out because I hate you so much baby. I also want you to die like Joseph Stalin suffering a stroke, convulsing on the ground until you piss yourself, you communist Nazi goddamn cocksucker pussy toucher blood sucker sag of shit imbecile. All the other fucking hick prick cow piss drinker raghead towelhead kala Muzzie terrorists who do this fucking shit could go to fucking hell too, you niggerish jackass niggergirl boob grabbers. That chick that is in those spam videos is just a fucking housewife who fuck other guys for money behind her husband's back. This retarded trophy wife is just fucking these guys to spam them into making $250 per day. She likes cumming with gringo queer guys. I'll fuck that motherfucking whore for fucking free. I'll grab her tits until they go numb, you sexy sissy. I also just want to lift her school uniform and suck her nipples dry, you sexy shitty slut. I also want to grab her boobs very hard and watch her moan and groan, you sexy two-bit slut. I'll fuck her tiny fucking mind, you stupid sexy cow. I'd put my penis up her fucking ass while she was in the shower, you sexy jackass. I want to hear her moan with pleasure when I do any dirty thing I please, you sexy spammer whore. I want to grab her around her neck and watch her gasp for air, you sexy little bitch. I want to tightly hug her belly and feel her up, you sexy cunt. I want to put my tongue in her belly button until she gargles her drool, you sexy motherfucker. I want to jack off and cum all over her, you sexy cum drinking bitch. I want to tickle her belly so much that she would piss herself, you sexy bitch. I want to sit on her belly and feel her belly convulsing under my ass, you sexy girl toy. I want to shake her until she starts puking, but I still shake her afterward, you sexy spammer cocksucker. It turns me on to move my hands onto her piss-stained panties and shake her ass until she farts and shit herself, you sexy shitty whore. I just want to take off her clothes and rape that sexy body, you sexy spammer lady. I want to toss her into a pool and watch her convulsing underwater and struggling to swim, you sexy spammer bitch who can't swim. I would love to nearly drown her underwater while having sex, you sexy cunt bitch who loves drowning. I don't fucking know why YouTube ain't doing something about this motherfucking bullshit. This is motherfucking spam and they motherfucking know it, but they ain't doing Jack motherfucking shit about it. These fucking nigga ape squarehead bimbo gabacho guizi half-baked half-breed half-assed hebe Christ-killer Jewboy goddamn lolcow meathead streetwalker rug muncher pillow-biter poufter pooftah poofter pufter queer ballbreaker ballbuster batty boy aborto beef curtain goddamn Zhyd Zhydovka Żydokomuna Yerida self-hating Jews are breaking fucking Google and YouTube Terms of Service, and they are also breaking many fucking Community Guidelines like fake engagement policy and spam, deceptive practices and scams policies. I like to fuck a Japanese high school girl who is a shitty slut. I want to hear her moan with pleasure when I do any dirty thing I please. I just want to lift her school uniform and suck her nipples dry. I want to grab her boobs very hard and watch her moan and groan. I want to grab her around her neck and watch her gasp for air. I want to tightly hug her belly and feel her up. I want to put my tongue in her belly button until she gargles her drool. I want to tickle her belly so much that she would piss herself. I want to sit on her belly and feel her belly convulsing under my ass. I want to jack off and cum all over her. I want to put my penis into her belly button and fuck it. I want to put my thumb down her throat and watch her gag. I want to shake her until she starts puking, but I still shake her afterward. It turns me on to move my hands onto her piss-stained panties and shake her ass until she farted and shit herself. I want to toss her into a pool and watch her convulsing underwater and struggling to swim. I love to nearly drown her underwater while having sex. I think your uncle was Adolf Hitler, but why ain't you killing Jews? Did you get banned from Weight Watchers because you're so fat? Did you also get banned from Alcoholics Anonymous for being worse than the town drunk? Did you get banned from the Nazis because you didn't want to kill Jews? Turn that goddamn thing off for the last goddamn time, or it's the last goddamn thing you are ever going to fucking film. You know something motherfucker, you just need to get out of my face, take your camera, shove it up your ass and leave me the hell alone. Turn that son of a bitch off, or I'll beat you. Turn that motherfucker off. Get away from me with that fucking camera. Are you retarded or what? Please fuck off. Turn that son of a bitch off and I mean now. Get the motherfucker out of my goddamn face. Do you want to have pieces of camera removed from your ass in the emergency room? So, turn the fucker off. Do you want a flaming bag of shit tossed at you? So turn the motherfucker off right fucking now cunt. Hey, I'm in a terrible mood already! You caught me in a bad mood! I am not in the mood for this. You think I'm a buster? You want to get killed?! I'll put you in a morgue! I'll murder you, fool! You got a death wish?! I'll shoot you in your face! It's a trash-talking comment. Don't make it a murder! Newsflash: You suck! Hey, act cool and you can still live, Player. Fuck around and I'll murder you, punk! Don't make me shoot you homie! Play cool and you're going to be fine. You ain't been hurt yet, so be cool! I'm trash talking about your sorry-ass YouTube channel! Yeah, you got roasted, but you are still living. Don't make me kill you! I just love shit talking to people who get on my goddamn nerves! You want to get flattened? What's your poison; a bullet in the face or your ass? Oh homie, you're just messed up now! You spent too much time jacking off stealing YouTube videos from me, moron! You better apologize before I hit you! You should've been drowned at birth! Why, oh, why weren't you drowned at birth? Oh, you give me hives! Fool! Moron! You fool! You chump! TURD! You are such an ass! You asshole! You are an idiot! You're a waste of space on this earth! You look like you are struggling with simple tasks. You make me want a lobotomy. You make me want to emigrate. You're a total moron. You dumbass! You hideous mistake! You moron! You depressing afterthought. Oh, you really suck! You are utterly ridiculous! You are an asshole! Idiot! Brainless fool! I've trodden shits with more brains. Listen, nobody likes you. Listen, even your parents can't stand you. HOW are you allowed to walk the streets, MORON? How are you allowed to walk the streets without help? Did you lose a very big bet? Why hasn't someone sensible shot you yet? Why, oh, why do you exist? You puddle of vomit! YOU PILE OF SICK! TWAT! IDIOT! Oh, please. Go and hurt yourself! Oh, please. Go jump off a cliff! Fuck you, charming! Fuck! You! You are an annoying shit! Go and fuck yourself. You, my friend, have found your level in life. You've joined a society of morons called YouTube thieves that fucked up the little person like me! What's your problem, fatso? I SAID: What's your problem, fatso?! Oh, come on! Where's your sense of humor? DID YA EAT IT?! Poor people like you are all the same. Complain, complain, COMPLAIN! It's ALL you ever do! Is the circle jerking stuff as much fun as it sounds? And can I join in with you buddy? Pretty please? Hey homo, come out of the closet! You are a depressing, old prune. You're entirely dried out. Like a great salt flat of sorrow and decay! You are a part of the greatest generation, my ass. They do is whine. And moan and complain and choke! All you old niggas do is moan and moan! I bet you have a vagina you goddamn hipster guy! Let's be clear. Only an idiot joins the police! See? You don't even understand simple sentences! Hey, aren't you cool? I was being sarcastic. You look like a twat. Are you inbred or just stupid? Have you fucked your sister yet? If not, may I fuck her? SHUT UP! STOP TALKING, BOOBS! I just want to cut off your penis and fuck your whore ass wife with your penis. I can't fucking stand Donald Trump because he is a big-mouthed jerk. That tweeting buffoon needs to just shut the fuck up for once in his life. I heard that Donald Trump may get busted in a few days. That bird brain of a cunt needs to piss off back to wherever he came from, you racist, no good hellraiser, kiss butt son of a bitch. If Vladimir Putin gets busted too, can he be Trump's prison bitch? Are you pulling a Vince McMahon with the hush money shit? Goddamn Trump, you're a married man, you bastard. I'll sure be at Capitol Hill if you become president again to raise hell. Donald Trump should be locked up for his own safety. Trump is a typical New York City scumbag. He's fucked up, as usual. What shit you smoking fucko. I'm so goddamn glad that Donald Trump is in prison. His mugshot looked like he was smoking some weed. He is still a typical New York City scumbag and Vladimir Putin still needs to be Trump's prison bitch. That tweeting twat still running for president. How fucked up the United States is for electing a piece of shit. Goddamn, I would be a better president than that crackhead fool. I hope that Trump will rot in prison like an egg frying in a pan. Some employees at Walmart are fucking retarded. I was minding my own business looking at the video games and a lady employee said something to me and I thought she asked if I needed help, so I said no. I noticed a minute later, she was still at the end of the aisle, so I left that aisle. I was trying to find my friend and she was following me. When I did find my friend, she was halfway down the store and just turned into an aisle. I ran to catch up to her and that employee was basically right on my ass the whole time I was running because she was at the end of that aisle when I got to my friend, and she wasn't that far from the end of the aisle that she went down. I told her what was happening, and we should leave as the employee was on the phone. I don't know if she was calling the police, but I don't want to find out. I work at Sobeys, and I was taught it was not okay to follow a customer even if someone didn't shoplift. There are so many fucking YouTube thieves. Those pricks fucking stole videos from my channel and uploaded them on their fucking channels. Hey big mouth pricks, fucking stop stealing my shit and also stop fucking copyrighting me, or I'll be fucking pissed off like you can't imagine. Don't piss me off unless you want a hole in the head. This fucking bitch is saying that I'm attacking their fucking video comments on other YouTube channels. Let me tell you something, fucking bitch that I ain't doing jack fucking shit. Hey fucking bitch stop fucking assuming that I'm fucking doing this fucking shit because if you fucking assume you make a fucking ass out of you and me, motherfucking slut. I have fucking enough of this motherfucking bullshit on this fucking channel. I got his fucking email. So message him and tell him that he fucking sucks, You little bastards. I'm just stealing my fucking shit. I don't need you, bitch. I'm better than your mother. Fucking bastard as a fucking child molester. He fucking forces a 4-year-old to drink a bottle of fucking beer. I wanted to call the fucking pigs on him, but every time he pulls a fucking gun on me, he will fucking kill me if I call the fucking cops. The fucking bitch works for the fucking Russian government and the fucking bitch is spying on the United States' top secret shit for fucking Vladimir Putin. This motherfucking bitch needs to be fucking stopped. Everyone talks fucking shit about this channel, and they come in every video if you have to. A motherfucking so-called creator of the anime drowning videos that I uploaded got a fucking YouTube channel. Motherfuckers that upload anime drowning videos are the main motherfucking shitheads that are fucking my motherfucking channel. Whatever your fucking name is, stay on motherfucking Twitter. Fantia, pixivFANBOX and Blogger because I'm the motherfucking king on fucking YouTube. By the time you get to my current stats, I will be far past that you motherfucking bitch. A motherfucking YouTube channel posted a community post two months ago shit talking about me after I copyrighted one of their videos. The fucking prick shared my channel link. If the prick sees these videos, you can go to hell, you two-bit motherfucker and blow that post off fucking YouTube or the Van der Linde gang will start raising hell with shit about your video comments and reporting your videos. This YouTube channel uses Like4Like, UtubeHits and YouLikeHits to boast video views and likes. This fucking falls under YouTube's fake engagement policy. I wanted to say something about Victoria. Stop fucking assuming that I'm talking shit about you on other channels. I'm the kind of person that you don't want to fuck with. I want this to fucking stop with this asshole harassing me. I know that I have done some illegal shit over the years, but what this asshole is doing to me is too far. Copyrighting fucking videos that are under fair use to telling me to go kill myself on many of my social media accounts. I'm only giving you one warning to stop this bullshit before I get the gang ready to be hell on you buddy. This has to fucking stop you motherfucking asshole. You started this shit with copyright striking me. Under Section 35.1 of the Copyright Act of Canada states that an infringer is liable for the financial gain made through infringement and such damages to the owner of the copyright as the owner has suffered due to the infringement. As you know, the Reds MMD YouTube channel was terminated 4 days after being created. One example is Hatsune Miku Drowning that I uploaded in August 2022 and that video got nearly 2 million views before it was taken down. Miku Drown Animation, on the other hand, was uploaded on either April 10th or 11th 2023 and got around a few hundred to a few thousand views before the channel was terminated. You also threatened me on many social media accounts. Under the Canadian Criminal Code, Section 264 for criminal harassment and section 264.1 for Uttering threats. One example is that he posted a comment on my blogger telling me to go kill myself. So many goddamn people on YouTube are trying to screw me. Three goddamn channels are screwing up my business of becoming king of YouTube. Victoria, who copyrighted one of my videos a month ago, is a hacker. They hack into my computer, which stores videos I work hard on and put them on the dark web. The two other channels belonging to Victoria are uploading the videos onto their channels. I reported Victoria to the law, but they were doing Jack shit. I'm sick of these kinds of people getting off scot-free. Wherever they're from, I want them to rot in hell. I have some bad news about my channel. I won't be uploading anymore drowning videos until further notice. The most likely cause is the so-called creator of the drowning videos getting a YouTube channel. Every time that I check the creator's websites for new videos, the bastard has already uploaded them to YouTube. I also said that I don't really want to upload any of the new videos due to a precaution of the creator striking back with copyright strikes. I just hope you support me during this rough time and the creator will see that I'm the king of YouTube and back down from the site. Jesus fucking Christ, Victoria needs to stop this fucking bullshit. She pissed me off as Victoria is a freaking black-hat hacker. Victoria stole my personal information and sold it on the dark web. Victoria is in the Ku Klux Klan, and they plan to fucking kill me. I don't know why, but my YouTube channel is slowing down for some reason. My top video, which was number one in views in the last 48 hours, was demoted to number two. That video was getting around fifteen to thirty thousand views every 48 hours, but now it's getting eight to nine thousand views. I don't want to see my channel go down hill. Please help me out by subscribing to my channel. One of my videos fucking age-restricted. I'm getting sick of YouTube's fucking age-restricting my videos. If the CEO sees this video, can you please un-restrict my videos? One of my videos got removed for harmful or dangerous content. What the fuck has an Angry Grandpa fireworks compilation got to do with harmful or dangerous content? I know it shows them pranking Angry Grandpa with fireworks, but he never gets hurt in those videos. I'm losing my mind about YouTube removing my video. This YouTube channel that posted a community post about me copyrighting their video a few months ago needs to remove it right fucking now. I'm sick of people shit talking about me because of what I fucking did for a living. I will keep bitching if this post ain't removed from the face of the planet and I won't be happy if I got to bitch more about this. Victoria, you son of a bitch I know what you're doing, and I want you to goddamn stop you big-mouthed fool. Shit talking about me is shit talking about you. You're a big fucking joke buddy and I can make you a prize idiot too. I know you didn't delete those videos from that so-called creator. You can put those videos up your fat ass, and you can go right to hell. Dickheads like you can go to that corner of hell with Hitler and Stalin. You are no good piece of shit, and you are a communist that's fucking people like me to make a goddamn living on YouTube. I'd so want your channel to fry like a goddamn egg in a pan. Hey dickhead can you blow your channel off goddamn YouTube, or I'll report your ass to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I want the feds to bust your ass for every crime under the motherfucking sun. Goddamn enough whore dog motherfuckers with fucking up me. That nigga needs to goddamn uncopyright those two videos right freaking now, or I'm going to raise hell on earth. Reds MMD you need to fuck off buddy and I mean it. I uploaded your goddamn videos months before you did, buddy. Galithrania, you are a goddamn asshole. I'm pissed off that people are still trying to fuck my YouTube channel. I'm going to shit talk to some motherfucking assholes that are pissing me off. Have you ever heard of fair-use Reds MMD? I goddamn uploaded those videos before you ever came on goddamn YouTube. Your so-called creators are so goddamn power hungry for copyrighting your shit that you don't give a flying shit about a little man like me. That other creator didn't even have 900 subscribers yet. I just need 10 more subscribers to hit ten grand. I can eat that subscriber count ten times, over you fat bastards. I was thinking of suing both Reds MMD and Galithrania fucking asses for 2 million dollars each in damages for the bullshit you two motherfucking cause me, you sons of bitches. Either uncopyright the videos or pay the motherfucking price. I don't give a fucking shit what you say about me suing you. I'm the kind of person that becomes a murderous person that would do anything in his will to find you and end you. Ever since April, there was a person that has been a motherfucking asshole. This fucking bitch has been harassing me for raging about my fucking thoughts about me and talking shit about them. This fucking asshole commented on one of my Reddit posts ranting about how fucking dumb YouTube is. Give it a motherfucking break you motherfucking bitch, it's been four fucking months since you fucking copyrighted those videos' asshole. That Reddit post ain't got anything to do with the motherfucking anime drowning videos, you motherfucking cunt. This fucking prick made comments about how I own a YouTube channel called John Marston, which makes videos supporting me. Let me tell you fucking bitch I don't have shit to do with John Marston. It was probably just one of my subscribers that made a channel with a well-known name. How the fuck does the social media he uses not ban his motherfucking ass because of the shit he does? His fucking goons are the same level of assholes. I don't want to mention names, but those fucking shitheads could go to fucking hell. I hope that those fucking bastards don't find my Discord server because I won't hear the fucking end of this shit. My Discord server is the only place that I can shit talk about those fucking bitches without seeing comments from him and his goons. I just hope that this post doesn't get me banned from Discord due to the language. One last thing I want to say is if they ever see this. GO FUCK YOURSELF. What the fuck are those crackhead motherfucking fools doing in a toilet singing? Skibidi Toilet? More like Retarded Toilet. I watched the video Skibidi Toilet Season 1 and the first episode is the only one where they sing. The hell, did those retards lose their voices? I love to watch women drown. I love seeing them going swimming underwater and the pool cover closes on them. Their panicked faces trying to punch and kick the cover is sexy. It arouses me to see them getting more and more panicked. It arouses me more seeing them coughing up bubbles and their body convulsing. My arousal hit its peak seeing them moments away from drowning when they painfully cough up bubbles in sexy ways. I love to see their lifeless bodies floating around. I just want to jump in and rape those sexy bodies. I like seeing nude women swimming and getting trapped. Nude chicks drowning arouses me more than anything else. I love seeing women going underwater and masturbating. Women masturbating underwater and drowning is hot. I'd go crazy if I had the chance to drown a woman. Letting her cough up bubbles in my face and pissing herself is very hot. I will even fuck the sexy bitch underwater until she drowns. I heard in December 2023 that Tesla recalled 2 million cars because there was an issue with the autopilot feature. There were reports that there had been crashes and deaths in autopilot mode because people thought that autopilot was self-driving cars. How dumb are some people who do this kind of stuff? Were they making love with the wife while in autopilot mode? Those people who make love with their wives have a death wish. I have more brain cells even after having half my brain eaten by wolves. I don't know why Elon Musk didn't invest in self-driving technology for Tesla yet. Elon didn't want to spend a few million dollars to invest in it. Come on Elon, you have got 250 billion dollars to burn. Let me think, Elon, you are spending your money on your many ex-wives and 11 kids. There is a Twitter user that is spamming shit on the site. This guy is tweeting about sex. This guy is reposting pictures of women and saying can we fuck or send me your pussy. I don't know how many times I reported this guy and Twitter said that this person hasn't broken any rules. Bull fucking shit. This is sexual harassment for those women this guy is trash talking about. Those dirty perverts need to burn in a flaming bag of shit. Son of a mother bugger, please stop this spam sex-tweeting thing pal. As I said before, Elon Musk is doing jack crap to stop this. He is the reason why Twitter is going to the goddamn dogs. I'm shocked that Twitter ain't burning in a flaming bag of shit already because of all of this. My god, Elon Musk is still a goofy fucker, and he is still buggering up Twitter. The richest whoremongering arse wiped need to resign already, and burn in a flaming bag of shit. He needs to stop making love with a lot of women and having kids. Is Elon pulling a Mick Jagger? Mick Jagger is 80 and that dirty dawg still has kids for fuck's sake. I don't want to see a shit ton of Elon Musk's little bastards running around the Tesla headquarters and joyriding in Cybertrucks like in Grand Theft Auto. I also don't want to see Elon's little bastards running around the SpaceX headquarters, and they push buttons that may launch rockets off. I think that YouTube's idea of cracking down on the use of ad blockers is very retarded. I don't want to buy a goddamn YouTube Premium for 13 fucking bucks a month. My god, I think that YouTube is forcing people to buy Premium just to let them watch videos with no ads. That's freaking greedy, you low-life scumbags, very freaking greedy. I would like to watch YouTube with a free ad blocker over paying 13 dollars for Premium. I want to support the little people who make ad blockers as YouTube is already rich enough. Is Neal Mohan pulling an Elon Musk as he is making Twitter a pay-for-use site? My god, I just want to visit YouTube's headquarters and start a profanity-filled rampage. I think that YouTube employees have been smoking too many flaming bags of shit. I really hate YouTube so much that I don't know how many times I ranted about something on YouTube. Either it was spam channels, age restrictions, terminations, video strikes, community guidelines strikes, copyrights, or harassment of me. My god, the Toronto Police are really dumb lately. An officer gives coffee to anti-Israel protesters. Many people online were talking trash about that officer, and even the police chief said that was a dumb move too. I think that was a pretty smart move on the part of that officer. On the other hand, there is a video online that shows an officer kneeing on someone's neck during an arrest during a protest. The police chief said that no officers kneed no one's neck during that arrest. That's a bunch of shit. There were at least a dozen officers trying to bust that person, and they all got body cams. Haven't the Toronto Police learned from the death of George Floyd in 2020? A few weeks ago, the Ontario Human Rights Commission released a report with 107 recommendations to end racism. Goddamn, this makes me fucking sick to my guts seeing how the police are treating minority groups. What is this, back in the wild west where sheriffs didn't have the same knowledge about racism as today? I think they need to end racism right freaking now before the flaming bag of shit hits the fan. I can't stand modern fucking cars. It's too much goddamn shit in them. Where were the good old days when a Ford Model T cost 780 dollars in 1910? Just thinking of a 1910 Ford Model T in 2024 would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Good lord, these goddamn features are dumb. Soundproofing the inside of cars is fucking overkill. I almost got wrecked when I didn't hear a police car coming with sirens blazing, and yes, I did flip the bird and cursed the officers out when I almost crashed into them. Goddamn, Tesla is the worst damn car out there. Elon Musk just needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. Good lord above, modern Ford cars are the highest grade rust buckets. I have a friend who drives a 2000 Ford Windstar, and it is a goddamn death trap as it's rusting straight through some areas of the body, the exhaust is hanging, and it sounds like a fucking tank. I'm shocked that the police haven't pulled his ass over for driving that piece of shit. My fucking god, you greedy son of a bitch, YouTube. You need to take the ad policy and toss it into the flaming bag of shit. I mean, goddamn, I just want to smash my computer in a rage every time that annoying popup about disabling ad blockers shows up. I'll shoot my computer with my pump action shotgun the next time that popup shows up, and I want YouTube to buy me a new goddamn computer. Goddamn, I wish I could get my hands on YouTube right now, so I can lay the smackdown on the ad policies candy asses. I hope that the CEO of YouTube sees this and rethinks how dumb the ad policies are, because I'm already freaking mad about this goddamn bullcrap. I hate fucking Thanksgiving. The goddamn holiday is the most goddamn retarded holiday out there. Every time I see a turkey, I want to toss it out the window, cover it with gasoline and toss a match at it. I want to watch them burn like a flaming bag of shit. All the other Thanksgiving foods like mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie need to have TNT and watch them blow up like Fourth of July fireworks. I'll become Angry Grandpa and cause mayhem at Thanksgiving as he hates Thanksgiving and Christmas as much as I do. I want to toss my microwave halfway across the kitchen if my friend feeds my Thanksgiving leftovers to the cats. I'd be pissed off if the police phoned my house if my neighbor heard my ranting to her about the leftovers. Even if I was in the middle of a Skype call with one of my fans while she was feeding my leftovers to the cats, I'd rant to her right in front of them. I'll also be mad if my marshmallows are almost gone while in the middle of making a sweet potato souffle. I'll toss all my ingredients all over the kitchen in a rage and say motherfuck non-stop. I'll even cough in the goddamn sweet potato souffle. I would smash all my plates if I couldn't find the vanilla to put into my pumpkin pie. I would even toss the pie at my guess and curse them out of my house. Fuck you Dutch van der Linde, you crazy motherfucker. You left John Marston for fucking dead on the side of the train tracks during that train robbery. What is going on in your mind, Dutch? Did your mother drop you on your head as a child? In my opinion, you ain't right. Ever since you bashed your head in a tram crash during that botched Victory Street Station robbery in Saint-Denis, your decisions have been messed up. Micah Bell is so fucking bad for helping you make some fucked up decisions, like when you join Micah's gang after the van der Linde gang went up in a flaming bag of shit. I don't know how many members were killed in the van der Linde gang in the few months before the gang broke up. Davey, Jenny, Sean, Kieran, Hosea, Lenny, Molly, Susan and Arthur were all killed. Ever since you got back from Guarma after that shit show of a Lemoyne National Bank robbery in Saint-Denis, your mood has been downhill big time. You have been beefing with powerful people like Leviticus Cornwall and the United States Army. Why did you kill Leviticus Cornwall after he said no to letting you roam free after many months of robbing his business? You have fought the United States Army to help the Native Americans for your own personal gain, Dutch. I heard you left Arthur for dead during the last battle with the army. What the hell is wrong with you? You really are a damn sicko, Dutch, and you should rot in hell. I want this to fucking stop with this asshole harassing me. I know that I have done some illegal shit over the years, but what this asshole is doing to me is too far. Copyrighting fucking videos that are under fair use to telling me to go kill myself on many of my social media accounts. I'm only giving you one warning to stop this bullshit before I get the gang ready to be hell on you buddy. I wanted to say something about Victoria. Stop fucking assuming that I'm talking shit about you on other channels. I'm the kind of person that you don't want to fuck with. This has to fucking stop you motherfucking asshole. You started this shit with copyright striking me. Under Section 35.1 of the Copyright Act of Canada states that an infringer is liable for the financial gain made through infringement and such damages to the owner of the copyright as the owner has suffered due to the infringement. As you know, the Reds MMD YouTube channel was terminated 4 days after being created. One example is Hatsune Miku Drowning that I uploaded in August 2022 and that video got nearly 2 million views before it was taken down. Miku Drown Animation, on the other hand, was uploaded on either April 10th or 11th 2023 and got around a few hundred to a few thousand views before the channel was terminated. You also threatened me on many social media accounts. Under the Canadian Criminal Code, Section 264 for criminal harassment and section 264.1 for Uttering threats. One example is that he posted a comment on my blogger telling me to go kill myself. I heard that the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin. Looks good to the motherfucking bastard. Vladimir Putin is just like Joseph Stalin, and he wants to reunite the Soviet Union. Let me tell you something, Vladimir, that communists were shit back when the Soviet Union started. It was shit when the Soviet Union fell and it's still shit today. I hope that you'll pay for attacking Ukraine and I hope you die like Elvis Presley did, in the restroom, and you can rot in hell. Goddamnit, what is wrong with these goddamn politicians, man? I heard that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, is planning to visit North Korea to meet Kim Jong-un. Um, ain't you a wanted man by the International Criminal Court, Vlady boy? If you visit the Korean Demilitarized Zone, I dare you to cross into South Korea for just a moment, because I want them to bust your candy ass for your crimes in the Russo-Ukrainian War. I don't know why Kim Jong-un ain't wanted by the International Criminal Court yet. That rocket man with that goofy haircut does many crimes against humanity. Kim Jong-un, his dead ass father and grandfather and the rest of his rotten family need to burn in a flaming bag of shit. Donald Trump is still running for president after all the bullcrap about his taxes, hush money payments, hoarding classified documents, election interference and efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Trump just needs to give up his election campaign because nobody gives a turd about you anymore. Ah, piss off Trump, goddamn tweeting twat. Trump is a New York City scumbag and his face looks so dry and wrinkled from sunbathing in Florida too much. The sun is messing with your mind, Trump. Justin Trudeau is a goddamn fad, man. He got that goofy haircut that people say looks nice on him. To me, it looks like a goddamn rat's nest. Don't get me started with the Canadian New Democratic leader, Jagmeet Singh, as what I got to say ain't pretty. Doug Ford is a piece of work, man. He wants to bugger up the Ontario Greenbelt to build houses on. Get your greedy hands off the Greenbelt, Doug, ain't you all rich enough? Doug is the brother of the late and former crackhead mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford. Another former mayor of Toronto, John Tory, had an affair with a staffer. Do people ever learn that it is not worth messing up their careers just because they have an affair? I'm going to make a racist rant, so here I go. Pakistanis are a bunch of fucking scammers who love to fuck people in the ass, love to eat curry and are terrorists. Jews love Hitler. White men love fucking black women. Black people need to be lynched. Japanese school girls sell their pussies and have sex with sushi. People in Russia are always pissing drunk on vodka. The United States and Canada love killing Native Indians. Germany will fall to another Third Reich. The French are cheese-eating surrender monkeys who got their candy asses kicked by the Nazis. Finnish men like to jack off in front of women in the sauna. Indians need to go work at the Kwik-E-Mart and sell fucking slurpees. Saudi Arabians need to burn all that money they earn from oil in a flaming bag of shit and are terrorists. Jamaicans are weed-smoking monkeys. Autistic males are imbeciles and need to suck another guy's dick, as autistic people are the gayest motherfucking imbeciles out there. How the fuck do overweight people carry their fat fucking weight? They should eat some fucking foot lettuce from the meme. Old fuckers just need to drop fucking dead. All they do is whine, moan, complain, choke and complain more. Geeks are totally retarded who are kissing their ass about the shit they love. I think that the Japanese animations Girls und Panzer, Strike Witches and High School Fleet are great series. I love tanks, warships and planes, as these three animations are my favorite. I think the girls are hot. If they were real, I'd sure go out on a date with them. Mio Sakamoto from Strike Witches is one of the hottest ladies out of the three series. I am just thinking of the things I'll do with Mio, and I ain't going to do what you are thinking as she will kick my ass for sure. Goddamn Netflix bought motherfucking Monday Night Raw on January 23, 2024. I'd be fucked if I couldn't watch Raw on Sportsnet because it's on goddamn Netflix by this time in 2025. Goddamnit, even SmackDown and WWE pay per views are going to be on Netflix. I'll be mad if I can't watch WrestleMania because of motherfucking Netflix. The WWE Network, possibly shutting down because of Netflix, is one of the dumbest things ever. I don't want to use goddamn Netflix to watch WrestleMania. Netflix is a goddamn overhyped flaming bag of shit streaming service. Goddamn, 13 million subscribers in the fourth quarter of 2023. I want to have that many subscribers on my YouTube channel for fuck's sake. Netflix costs $16.49 if you don't want ads. I'm paying $14.99 for the WWE Network. Even the $5.99 plan with ads, I don't want it because Netflix sucks balls. Every time I watch a Netflix commercial on television, I want to smash it in a rage. Netflix, don't be shocked if you see a television flying through the main doors at the Netflix headquarters and me yelling, there's your goddamn pipe bomb. I will also yell that they need to buy me a new television after I toss it at the headquarters. Goddamn, Netflix is really testing my damn buttons, man. With their damn annoying presence, I want to punch holes in the wall to vent my anger. I'm going to swear so badly, that it would make a sailor blush. I want my friend to film me giving my television a tombstone piledriver and chokeslamming it out the window. Hey, I am just thinking of something. Would you like me to be in the main event of WrestleMania 40 and fight against my television? Bell Canada is a goddamn trash of a telecommunications company. Their reliable network is damn shitty as it's always going down. Bell Internet is the shitiest of the shit of all their services. I have fiber optic cables running into my house and every time I lose the internet I also lose my television and landline. Every time this happens, I want to yell my shit don't work non-stop as I bitch slap my television into pieces. I want to toss my television remote into the Bell Canada headquarters because it ain't working most of the time. Maybe I'll put the remote into a flaming bag of shit beforehand. I want to whack my landline phone out the window and look at the window shattering into millions of pieces. I want to dig up the fiber optic cables that run into my house and cut them. I want to egg the next Bell Canada van I see. Maybe I'll toss a flaming bag of shit at the van instead. I'll call customer service and launch a profanity-filled rant at them. If they hang up on my candy ass, I'll call right back. I want to smash my cell phone against the wall. I want to sucker punch the CEO of Bell Canada and kick him in the nuts so hard that he will be puking out his balls for the next week. What the fuck is wrong with you, Vince McMahon? You are a dirty freaking dawg Vince. You are sick in the mind. Janel Grant filed a lawsuit against Vince for sexual assault. Sex toys, man, are you trying to spice shit up there, buddy? For a 78-year-old, you are a dirty old man. Ah, piss off, Vince, you nasty fuck. You're asking to be burnt in a flaming bag of shit, Vince. As a fan of wrestling, I highly disapprove of your actions. My god, I'm going to have nightmares of Vince jacked body in the nude. Screw it, Screw it, Screw it, nasty bastards. Goddamn nasty crap, Vince. Shut the fuck up Gordon Ramsay. You need to stop barking orders at the chef's faces, you goddamn loudmouth prick. You are rude and noisy. Does your voice box ever say fuck you to you before failing, Gordon? I'll never be on one of your shows because the first time you bark an order at my face, you will get a slap across the face. If I make it to the finals, the main dish I'll serve you will be a flaming bag of shit with a side of burning piss in a jar and dessert will be turd flavored ice cream. I wish I could get my hands on him right now. I really hate that goddamn rude hick. If I meet you on the streets, I'll goddamn give you a piece of my goddamn mind, you goddamn piece of goddamn rude bastard. Goddamnit, I am goddamn mad now. Gordon Ramsay just needs to be a drill instructor in the army where he can insult all the recruits he wants. You can also run the mess hall too and insult the army's chef if they don't meet up with your 3-star Michelin restaurant standards. You are a lazy bastard, Uncle. You're just lying on your goddamn ass and drinking all the whiskey. You're worse than a town drunk sometimes. You need a goddamn job. I don't mean chopping monkeys into pieces and tossing them into a flaming bag of shit. You need to get a job where you wake up in the morning, get dressed, get into your car and drive to your job at Burger King. And no, you can't drink whiskey on the job unless you want to get fucked in the ass. I don't want to keep supporting your goddamn ass when I watch you jacking off to porn every night. I don't know how many times I wanted to kick your candy ass out of my house. You need a goddamn girlfriend, and no you can't go out with my penis, you creepy sicko. I hope you can't find a girlfriend because your such a creep. The Australian people are a bunch of sissies as they lost a war with emus once. How the fuck did the Aussies lose a war with flightless birds? Australia is a goddamn retarded country as the British used to send their prisoners from the United Kingdom there. I didn't want to live in the United Kingdom back then and was sent to jail in Australia for Jack shit. I would cause trouble if I was busted in Australia. Australia is a goddamn death trap as most of the animals want to bite you, sting you, scratch you or potentially kill you. I don't want to go face to face with a kangaroo. I think they are cute, but I don't want to get my ass kicked in by one. I know that there are some buggered up animals that are more dangerous than kangaroos, like the Inland taipan snake, which is the world’s most venomous snake. Good lord above, their cuisine is terrible. Who in their right mind would eat Vegemite? I think it has been out in the bush too long surrounded by flaming bags of shit. I tried Vegemite once and my god, it was goddamn nasty. It looked and smelled like baby shit, and it tasted like that too. It was that bad, I would have kissed a prostitute with herpes. Goddamn, that was months ago and the taste is still like I had just eaten it yesterday. I want to toss Vegemite at the Aussie parliament building because it was that goddamn nasty. Damn this crap, my stomach is churning right now thinking of Vegemite. Oh fuck, I think I just crapped myself. My god, France is very dumb and stupid. They are a bunch of surrendering chicken shits who run under their beds and eat cheese. They would even run away if I came up and offered them a baguette with a flaming bag of shit on it. They are no smarter than a French fry. I went to France once, and it was the most boring trip ever. I didn't understand the people so much that I wanted to yell and swear at them. Can anyone please tell me how to say "go fuck yourself" in French? I would even go to the French Parliament and cause mayhem with flaming bags of baguettes. What the fuck is this shit called cryptocurrency? These ain't no flaming bags of shit people. Physical money is king, and it's still king of kings. Good lord, I want to smash an automated teller machine every time I hear someone mentioning cryptocurrency. Do people learn if systems go down, cryptocurrency is fucked in the ass. I don't know how many people I know that use credit or debit cards. For fuck's sake, they use their phones to pay for stuff. They will be shocked if they lose their phones and someone picks the phone up and goes on a goddamn shopping spree. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I don't know how many stores I went to didn't take cash. For Christ's sake, I wanted to just toss my money at the employees' faces and curse them out. I want to yell that "no one wants my goddamn fucking money" while running down the highway nude. Why can't people just go back to easier times before credit and debit cards, mobile phones and cryptocurrency existed? My fucking god, Jif peanut butter has got the most retarded commercials out there. Who in their right mind would make a commercial where the same guy is shocked every time they eat it in different places? Goddamn, why put the guy in a freaking China shop? The guy was like a goddamn freaking bull in a China shop. The shop owner in the China shop commercial tries to stop the guy from breaking any of the China, but in the end, she breaks the China herself after eating the goddamn peanut butter. The guy needs to try a flaming bag of shit for Christ's sake and see how shocked you are when you're puking your guts out. I hate Jif so much that I want to toss a jar of Jif at their headquarters and spray the mess with liquid ass and cover it with gasoline and lid it on fire and yell "I hope you like your flaming bag of shit." What in the flaming bag of shit is goddamn wrong with Valentine's Day? It's goddamn over-commercialized and guys make love with their goddamn wives on this day for the hell of making goddamn love. I won't make love with anyone on Valentine's Day for the hell of it, as I don't have anyone to goddamn fuck with. I wish that I could spice things up in the bedroom, but not on the dumb ass freaking holiday. I don't give a goddamn turd about buying expensive gifts for my dream woman. I would buy her pricey shit, but I won't go out of my way to buy her pricey things all the goddamn time. I see all the goddamn Valentine's Day cookies and cakes in stores every time I go shopping. I do have a sweet tooth, but give me a freaking break. I want to toss all the goddamn sweets around the store. I want to punch them, burn them in a flaming bag of shit, rip them apart and swear like a sailor. That goddamn freaking Cupit needs to stop shooting people with a bow and arrow with goddamn love. He needs to just bugger off and retire before I find him and choke that little hick. Flowers, goddamn bastards, buying them to please the wife, hell freaking no. The only flower that my future dream woman would've is my ass ranting all the goddamn time. I know it's going to be Valentine's Day in a few days, and I think that February 14 should go to goddamn freaking hell. I want to talk shit about Cody Rhodes about his decision to bring out The Rock to go face to face with Roman Reigns. I thought that you wanted to finish your story at WrestleMania, Cody. You won the Royal Rumble back to back. I want you to fight Roman at WrestleMania. I know when The Rock was on Monday Night Raw last month, he said that he wanted to go eat at the head of the table. I want to have them go at it, but at least have Cody finish off his story first. Hey Rocky, I want you to tag with me and beat the holy flaming bag of shit off of my television in the main event of WrestleMania 40. On the other hand, Cody Rhodes, I want you, so I can finish your story myself. Goddamn, I wish that I could get my hands on him right now. I want to rag doll him around the ring and make him feel at my mercy. I want to see the fear in his eyes and tell him that I'm the boss here. I wanted to use a kendo stick and hit his back so hard that there were going to be marks that would take months to heal. After I win the match, I will toss a flaming bag of shit at you. Piss off Cody, you freaking dead beat wrestler. I think Italy just needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit, fascist pricks. I'm glad that Benito Mussolini is rotting in hell with Adolf Hitler. Mussolini is just a sissy who kiss ass to Hitler when his army are getting their candy asses kicked on the field. Italian music is goddamn freaking crappy as a mother chicken. For Christ's sake, I heard a chicken sing better than most of those crap load Italian singers. I can't goddamn stand going to a pizzeria with the song Funiculi Funicula playing. I played the Spider-Man 2 video game in 2004, and that song was in it. I smashed my PlayStation 2 when I heard that song. Yes, I was a hot head back in 2004. Good lord above, pizza and pasta are damn turds. Spaghetti looks like somebody shot someone's brains out. I want to toss a bowl of pasta into the Italian parliament building and yell "I hope you like pasta." I hate goddamn freaking Germany because it always smells like piss and beer. I had been to Berlin once and the smell was gagging. I was really thinking of tossing a flaming bag of shit at the Brandenburg Gate because the smell was so bad. What the fuck is Oktoberfest? I don't want to be around millions of drunk Germans in Munich. I'm already a violent drunk after drinking too many beers. I also strip my clothes if I become too drunk. The police need to catch me running down the autobahn nude while a Porsche speeds past me at 200 miles per hour. On the other hand, Porsche was founded by Ferdinand Porsche, a member of the Nazi Party. I'll boycott Porsche. I'll also boycott Volkswagen too, because they were founded by the German Labour Front. I'm so goddamn glad that Adolf Hitler is dead. I'm going to feed my face as he feeds the fish. Every time I think of him shooting himself, something warm runs down my goddamn leg. I don't like eating pretzels and sausages as it reminds me of Germany. I have been to where they made sausages while I was in Germany, and I puked on the sausages because it was nasty. I really hate German food as much as I hate Vegemite from Australia, and they need to burn in a flaming bag of shit. My god, Brazil is a dumb country as almost the whole country is covered by forest. I don't want to walk around in a big ass forest. Brazil has some buggered up wildlife as they want to bite you, kick you, sting you, scratch you and straight up kill you. Even plants are looking to fuck up your life too, as I have heard horror stories of people eating harmless looking plants, but hours later they drop dead. I don't want to be a flaming bag of shit if I eat those plants or go face to face with the wildlife. Besides the forests and wildlife, I think that Brazilian women are hot, but I don't want to have some sexy time in the bedroom if they ask me. I don't want to get caught in the middle of a turf war against drug cartels if I ever visit Brazil. I really don't feel like becoming a flaming bag of shit if I get killed. Why does Rio de Janeiro have a big ass statue of Jesus Christ? I don't give a flying turd about it, as I hate Christ. You're one crazy motherfucker Micah Bell. You're the king of the assholes. You need to burn a flaming bag of shit, you goddamn rat. Ever since you joined the Van der Linde gang, your ass has been fishy as hell. You never sleep, and you bring your shady ass friends into the gang. You are always shooting people for the hell of shooting people. You killed most of the town of Strawberry when Arthur busted your candy ass out of jail. You are always talking into Dutch's ear. What is going on in your crap load mind, Micah? I hope you ain't talking about fucking up more people. Your friends Joe and Cleet look like goddamn rats as much as you do. They need to burn in a flaming bag of shit. If I ever run into you or your friends, I will beat your goddamn ass all over the goddamn street until you are a goddamn useless piece of goddamn trash. You're all wondering why I have been using the catchphrase flaming bag of shit in my videos in the last few months. I got it from one of Angry Grandpa's videos from his blogging channel, Grandpa's Corner. Believe it or not, the video is actually called The Flaming Bag of Shit. I love to say it in every goddamn video as much as possible. I would like to make a 12-hour-long video of me just saying flaming bag of shit, but I don't want YouTube to age restrict it. I know I made a one-hour-long video of me saying motherfucking, and that video is age restricted. Please support Grandpa's Corner by letting them reach one million subscribers in honor of Angry Grandpa who passed away in 2017, and anger never dies. Oh, my fucking god, India has got one of the highest populations in the world, my ass. What are they doing over there to have 1.4 billion people, making love with many wives? I think of Apu Nahasapeemapetilon from The Simpsons when I think of Indian people having many kids. Goddamn 8 kids, Apu, are you pulling an Elon Musk, buddy? Indian cuisine is crappy as they chop up monkeys to cook them on the grill, and add a ton of spices to it. I don't want to eat no goddamn monkeys as I prefer eating a flaming bag of shit instead. I want to toss a flaming bowl of curry at the Taj Mahal and watch it burn baby burn. I want to let out a big juicy fart to help fan the fire. After that, I'll go to India's presidential house at Rashtrapati Bhavan and take a crap on the lawn. Oh, I work at the Kwik-E-Mart, I work at the Kwik-E-Mart. Indians need to listen to this because I want them to sell slurpees. I think that the justice system is fucking rigged like a flaming bag of shit. Judges let murdering turds and rapist sons of bitches walk free. Casey Anthony killed her goddamn daughter and the goddamn witch didn't get sentenced for it. Man, damn the goddamn Florida courts. She killed her goddamn daughter, she taped her goddamn mouth and wrapped her in a goddamn trash bag, and she only got goddamn 3 years. Casey, if I ever come across you on the goddamn streets, I will teach you a goddamn lesson about killing kids. Another case was in the city of Toronto when a mother, Cindy Ali, said that two guys broke into her house and killed her disabled teenage daughter. She was charged with murder. Cindy kept saying that she didn't kill her daughter, but they didn't give a flying shit about it as they thought she was lying. Cindy had to go through 10 years rotting in prison before she got a retrial and won. Those two guys that broke into her house and killed the daughter are still out there. If I was a judge, I'd get the law to bust Casey's candy ass again and bring her back to the courtroom, and I'd punish her to death. I also get the law to look for those two guys and charge them with murder and breaking and entering. I'd charge them with death too. I think that the system just needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit and goddamn die. China is just one dumb country as they need to bugger themselves in the ass with goddamn communism, as I think that communism is as shitty as a flaming bag of shit. Was it the Communist Party of China's idea to adopt the one-child policy? I think that is a bunch of turds to curb the rapid population as they got a billion people in 1979. When that policy ended in 2015, they had 1.3 billion people. What the hell are the Chinese doing in 36 years to get 300 million people? Did they have many kids behind the government's back? I mean I know a few Chinese people who had at least 5 kids in China during that time. On the other hand, Chinese landmarks like the Great Wall are dumb. I want to toss a flaming dumpling at it and watch it burn along its length. The Great Wall has stopped many attacks over thousands of years, but my attack with flaming dumplings would test the wall to its breaking point. Chinese food is nasty as baby crap. I don't want a goddamn cat on my freaking dumplings. I didn't hear anything about them chopping up monkeys. Does anyone know how to say "piss off annoying twat" in Chinese? Or maybe tell me how to say "go fuck yourself." Taylor Swift is a goddamn freaking fad like the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl win on February 11, 2024. Her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, is a goddamn freaking fad too. I dare Travis to kick a field goal up her rear end. I'll sure pay big bucks to see that happen. I suggest that Travis could kick a flaming bag of shit instead. Her music career is crappy as a goddamn freaking flaming sushi. She just needed to stay on tour in Japan instead of going to the Super Bowl. I hate going out on the subway and hearing a group of teenage girls singing Shake It Off. The only thing those teenagers will be shaking off will be me cursing them out of the subway. I'm going to rewrite a line of lyrics from Shake It Off. "Her fans gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate my ass when I toss a rant their way." Taylor, you better be on the lookout because I'll be coming in like a wrecking ball with Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry. Miley may just bring a wrecking ball with her to spin around like a stripper like in the music video Wrecking Ball and beat your ass with it too. You're going to hear Katy roar while she lifts the wrecking ball and toss it at you. Climate change is retarded as governments around the world keep trying to keep the planet greener but fail like a flaming bag of shit. On the topic of flaming bags of shit, you could blame my grandparents' generation for starting the industrial age. Goddamn smoke coming out of factories like there is no tomorrow. Goddamnit, I can't tell how many people suffered because of breathing problems. Rolling coal is bullcrap as I don't want to have a big rig truck to speed past me like a goddamn anger problem. I do like the smell of diesel emissions and gasoline. Goddamn, I would love to get high on the motherfucker. I know that it's not healthy. My anger problem is also not healthy either. Every time I bitch at the feds about climate change, I can feel myself becoming like a goddamn 18 wheeler running on rolling coal. I can also feel this 18 wheeler called Kevin Stewart going to plow down those anti-climate change protesters to damn hell. When I'm on a roll, you can't stop me. You need to call in the army to bring a tank battalion to stop my candy ass. What the fuck is this shit called plant-based food? This crap is goddamn freaking nasty as a flaming bag of shit. I tried the Impossible Whopper at Burger King once, and my god, it was goddamn nasty as a motherfuck. It was that bad, I puked my guts out all over the goddamn restaurant. I should have tossed the burger back into the kitchen. Hail to the chef, more like hail to the dog crap. That is what plant-based food tastes like; goddamn dog crap. Hey Burger King, if you want to know how to make plant-based food, just come down to my ranch and I will show you. I will kill one of my cattle and butcher it with my bare hands to teach you that plant-based food is total crap. Screw plant-based food, screw the Impossible Whopper and screw Burger King. I hate goddamn cats as all they do is meow and purr all the goddamn time and cause shit. I will show you love for goddamn cats. You can grab that bugger by the neck and choke that bastard and say here PETA, PETA, PETA, PETA, PETA here PETA, PETA, PETA, PETA, PETA. Every Thanksgiving, my friend gives my goddamn leftovers to those goddamn strays around my goddamn place, and I'm sick of it. 100 ways to kill a cat, 100 freaking ways. Toss them in a flaming bag of shit. 100 freaking ways. I know that this may get removed from YouTube because of animal abuse, but I will never go that far towards actually harming cats. I still hate those four-legged furry mother buggers. They give me freaking hives to the point of my throat being a flaming bag of shit. Goddamnit mother buggers, I wish that cats would just go away and leave me the hell alone. Dogs are the dumbest goddamn animal out there. They are always goddamn barking all goddamn night. They like to piss and shit all over the place without a care in the world. My friend's dog is bad for that. The damn mutt once pissed in my face while I was sleeping. I was fuming like a flaming bag of shit as I tossed the mutt off me and cursed the bugger out of the house. Why does she have such a dumb mutt that pisses in your face? I have some bad memories of wolves where they left a scar on my cheek. I don't like wolves and I want to kill any in my sight. The song 100 Ways To Love a Cat, I will make 100 Ways To Kill a Dog. I think that all canines should burn in a flaming bag of shit in hell. Screw Canada, that goddamn crappy country with free healthcare. No wonder the emergency rooms are duds and medical staff are quitting like a flaming bag of shit. Their singers are a bunch of crap. Justin Bieber, fuck you. That damn man child sure loves singing that retarded song Baby. I got that song right between my legs, called my Johnson. Come on baby, want a piece of me turd. Don't get me started on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. That goofy bastard is high on some type of drug because he is making some buggered-up choices. Trudeau needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit and move on, you annoying fad. I want to toss flaming Timbits at Rideau Hall to protest my hatred of Canada. Dr. Phil is a goddamn quack doctor as he doesn't know a flaming bag of shit from his own ass. He is a damn psychologist, my ass. If I was on his television show, he would need to take my bullshit. I don't give a flying turd about any of the advice he would give me about my goddamn anger problem. I bet he would blush if I started one of my world-famous rants on his show. I also bet that every other word would be bleeped out and security would need to haul my ass out of there. Let me tell you something little punk. I want you to retire and shove your show up that dumb ass of yours. I want to see you frying in a pan like a flaming bag of shit. Goddamn I know that Dr. Phil showed a video of Angry Grandpa ranting about Casey Anthony on his show. He told him to calm down and Grandpa went nuclear. If any of my videos are featured on his show, and he tells me to calm down, I will lose my freaking shit you fad. What are those retarded police officers in Toronto doing running red lights and speeding while not on a call? Over a thousand police, fire, transit and city vehicles were caught breaking the law on speed and red light cameras. To make things worse, there were at least a couple of incidents where police hit people and crashed into cars. There was another officer who nearly hit another person while she was crossing the street. The best part was that the officer got off scot-free. How the fuck did the officer not get into shit for nearly hitting someone, you dumb piece of work. I don't want to become a victim if I get hit by one of the Toronto pigs. I think that the chief needs to make those officers burn a flaming bag of shit. I want all the police officers in Toronto to listen to this. If you hit my ass with your patrol car, be prepared to get tazed by your own taser. I'll also sue those dirty pigs who fucked me in the ass as no cop is above the law. Cruise is a retarded self-driving car company. Self-driving cars are still damn shit as they probably kill more people than human drivers. I can ride my horse better than self-driving cars. If there is a race between me and a self-driving car, I'll win while the self-driving car will burn in a flaming bag of shit. Cruise need to stop using their self-driving cars before more people get fucked in the ass. If I get hit by one of their cars, I'd sue their freaking ass big time. If I see one of their cars driving down my street, I'll destroy it in a flaming bag of shit. I'd even destroy it if someone was in it. What the fuck is War Thunder's freaking problem with removing stuff from the game? I really want to play as a Maus, but they only added for a limited time during the anniversary of the game. Every year when the Maus come out, I'll grind my goddamn candy ass to research it, but War Thunder fucked me in the ass when the Maus event ended. I just wanted to join in a battle and yell into my microphone that "War Thunder needs to suck my dick." On the other hand, I want to play the battleship Bismarck on my computer, but it's only on the damn mobile version. I don't want to play it on my phone because I don't want it to blow up into a flaming bag of shit. I bet that Otto von Bismarck is rolling in his grave to see the way that War Thunder is going to shit. I want to rule the waves across the seven seas by playing the Bismarck on my computer. They should add the Fokker Dr.I It is because I want to play the Red Baron. I hate using Red Baron mods on other aircraft. I want to be the king of the sky and fly higher to become the best damn player in War Thunder. I think that Brock Lesnar is the dumbest motherfucker in wrestling. He ain't ripped from working out, but taking steroids like a flaming bag of shit. Look at me, I'm ripped like a brick powerhouse. That is from all the ass kicking on the streets I have done over the years. Steroids ain't healthy for you, Brock, and I know that Vince McMahon got into shit years ago after many wrestlers got into trouble with the law. I would like to see you go one day without taking the stuff. You will be like a damn crackhead without crack. If you bitch about it, I'll punch you in the nose. I think that you're just a chicken shit who will run back to your mother if you get hurt. Be a man, Brock, be a freaking man. I'll kick your goddamn ass back to Suplex City for you, Brock. I'll give you a lot of German suplexes on the side of a broken arm in a Kimura Lock. You're going to lose like a flaming bag of shit frying in a pan. I'll have a cold one afterward, and I'll toss another can at you. Arthur Morgan is the greatest goddamn friend I ever had. He gave me a second chance in life when the van der Linde gang hit the fan with a flaming bag of shit. It fucking sucks that he passed away from tuberculosis shortly after he helped me. I heard that Micah Bell and Arthur had a fist fight on top of that cliff after he told me to make a run for it. I'm so goddamn glad that I killed Micah in Arthur's honor. I don't like Arthur's nickname, Black Lung, that Micah gave him. I normally don't talk about it as my friend gets very sad about him. He was like a brother to me and I hope he has a damn good afterlife. Grand Theft Auto 5 is getting repetitive as a flaming bag of shit. The shitty game is already a decade old and Rockstar Games only cares about becoming rich from Grand Theft Auto Online. All they do is update online like every 6 months or so for the last 3 fucking years. I am still waiting for a story mode DLC. Grand Theft Auto 5 came out on three generations of gaming consoles. If it comes out for a fourth time, I'll toss my PlayStation 6 at the Rockstar Games headquarters. Rockstar Games needs to release a story mode DLC or die in a flaming bag of shit full of enraged haters who will toss flaming bags of shit at your headquarters. Why do Irish people get pissing drunk on the dumb ass freaking holiday of Saint Patrick's Day? As I mentioned before, I don't get drunk very often as I become a violent drunk. Saint Patrick's Day is a goddamn overhyped holiday where they sell a shit ton of green things like a flaming bag of shit. Green beer is damn retarded. What kind of crap is in the green stuff in the beer, a flaming bag of shit? I won't drink green beer because I don't want to turn into The Hulk. I hate going to a bar where drunken loons are singing Drunken Sailor. I'll shave their belly with a rusty razor for fuck's sake and put them to bed with the captain's daughter. If a Saint Patrick's Day parade comes marching down my street, I'll round up the gang, go into my pick-up truck and toss flaming bags of shit at them. You know something, Rockstar Games, fuck you, you low life son of a bitch. You bugger me in the ass as I don't know how many damn times they force people to work 100 hours a week. I'm goddamn happy that Dan Houser resigned. He was worthless like a flaming bag of shit. I don't know how many times I wanted to choke that goddamn fag. I have friends that worked their goddamn candy freaking asses off there, and they got Jack shit. Let me tell you something, you goddamn greedy ass son of a fad. They want the green stuff, they want the paper, but get fucked over. One of my friends mentioned that she should have worked in damn Hollywood instead. At least actors get millions of bucks for their movies. I would even have my YouTube channel monetized. On my channel, I can rant about this bullshit about Rockstar Games, and I can get more money that way than working there. I think that Dan Houser's mother could make more money from being a two-bit whore than he would ever have made in Rockstar. Australia still needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. They are a goofy down-under country, and they are dumb, very dumb. I went to the Elimination Chamber in Perth, and my god, it was hot like a mother bugger. It was that hot, you could cook an egg on Michael Cole's head. I wanted to strip down into my birthday suit during the event, but I bet that security wouldn't like that. I think that security won't like it if I even go topless during it too. By the end of the Elimination Chamber, I was sweaty like a flaming bag of shit. Why is that goofy down under country so damn hot? Yeah, the Aussie rednecks are tough to take the heat, but these rednecks aren't that dumb. Australia is also dumb because of its deserts. Are the 3 percent of Aussie people retarded for living in such a death trap? I think the heat and sun are messing up their minds. Their English is crap as it sounds like a British person on crack. Japan is a freaking old school goddamn country. The country is stuck in the damn past and needs to come out of the closet into modern times. What the fuck is a tea ceremony? Japanese broads kneeling on the floor wearing those goofy as hell traditional dresses and drinking tea. They should drink some flaming piss on the side of a flaming bag of shit. After the earthquake on March 11, 2011, these crap shacks of Japanese houses didn't stand a chance. Earthquake-proof buildings are crappy. The 1995 Kobe earthquake left most of the city in ruins like a flaming bag of shit. Tim Hortons has got to be the most shitty and retarded fast food restaurant out there. I think the founder, Tim Horton's hockey career was a piece of turd. I want the Toronto Maple Leafs to win the Stanley Cup once in my lifetime. He was stupid for drinking and driving. He deserved to crash and burn in a flaming bag of shit after he wiped out on the Queen Elizabeth Way in Saint Catharines. He would be rolling in his grave seeing how down hill the fast food chain is going. Their coffee tastes like a flaming bag of shit. Their donuts taste like they were frying in too much oil and fat for too long and smelled like pig fat. Sandwiches, for fuck's sake, are they selling those in Tim Hortons now? They should just sell donuts, coffee and tea. Don't get me started on soup and chili. They need to stop selling soup and chili and toss them into a flaming bag of shit. If Tim Hortons dies, I want to dance on the grave of Tim Hortons. I'm going to dance on Tim Horton's grave as a final tribute to that dirt bag. The United Kingdom is full of wankers who love to drink tea and loyalists to the damn king. King Charles III was 73 years old when Queen Elizabeth II died in 2022. King Charles might end up in a flaming bag of shit as soon as he gets an enlarged prostate. I hope that he will die in a flaming bag of shit because he is a worthless piece of goddamn prat. I can fart longer than his reign will ever last. If the king drops dead, I'm going to visit Buckingham Palace and egg it. I'll also go swimming nude in Loch Ness. If I see the Loch Ness Monster, I'll choke that bastard. I will be even more famous after killing that limey son of a bugger. Red Dead Redemption has got to be one of the shitiest of the shit games out there. The game needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit and goddamn die. The graphics looked like it was smoking weed. The rag doll physics looked like a crackhead. The story looked like a heroin junkie. I hate the goddamn story as I was played by agent Edgar Ross to do his dirty work and then later fucked in the ass and killed by his posse. I was fuming when Red Dead Redemption was re-released on the eighth generation of video game consoles. I want to smash my PlayStation 4 into the Rockstar Games headquarters and yell "Fuck you Rockstar Games." I also want to toss Red Dead Redemption in a flaming bag of shit into their headquarters too. How do people get their goddamn driver's license? Did they blow their imbecile driver instructor at retarded r us? I was driving, and I stopped at a red light 100 feet from the intersection and this dumb son of a bitch coming out of a parking lot thought it was a good idea to cut me off. This fool just stayed there, and I started swearing at the goddamn nut job. The dumbass freaking dumbass fool then started cursing at me, and I was so close to getting my gun out. The person beside me had enough and drove around but almost got wrecked by this goddamn freaking flaming bag of shit of a freaking goddamn person who started this thing. I was still fuming to the point of me tossing a trash bin around a McDonald's parking lot 15 minutes afterward. The best part was the goddamn meathead ain't from freaking Ontario. Looked like a goddamn California license plate to me. I don't know how Californians drive, but they freaking suck. I think the sun is buggering your mind over there. Those goddamn drivers from California need to go back there because they ain't welcome in Toronto. I ain't got no goddamn beef towards Californians. If you don't piss me off, you're fine. If you get on my bad side, you're going to know it when I toss a flaming bag of shit at your candy ass. Russia is one of the most evil retarded countries out there. Ever since Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, he has failed like a flaming bag of shit. Putin has been an imbecile president for the last 20 years, my ass. Why the fuck is he going to extend his presidency to 2036? Haven't you learned from being a KGB agent that invading Ukraine is dumb? That's right. Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union when he was in it. Why is Russia still fighting after two years and hasn't won yet? That's because Ukraine has help from NATO members aiding military units. Russian tanks are damn shit as most of them are from the Cold War era. What the fuck are egg cartons used for armor for? They can't survive a tank shell and an egg. I can literally destroy a Russian tank with just eggs. I was thinking of visiting Russia and going to different tank bases to egg their tanks. While I'm at it, I'll toss flaming bags of shit at them too. Fuck Russia, fuck Putin and fuck the Russian military in a flaming bag of shit. Holy motherfucking shit the United States of America needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. The country is run by old timers of politicians. President Joe Biden is 81 years old and that imbecile of a dumb freaking dumb Donald Trump who is still running for the 2024 presidential election is 77. Do the goddamn police forces in the states have a happy trigger finger? Goddamn, I heard stories of officers killing unarmed African Americans who are surrendering. Fuck Obamacare, that goddamn worthless piece of goddamn Congress act that made health insurance affordable. Healthcare in the United States ain't freaking cheap bloody fools. It's as expensive as a flaming bag of shit. Nothing ain't bigger in Texas, as my nuts are bigger than that tosser of a state. What the fuck is the Big Apple? There ain't no goddamn big apples in New York City. I can see that the city never sleeps, as I'm going to rant about goddamn shit all day and night. Uncle Sam needs to suck my dick as I believe that the United States is a goddamn freaking fad in a flaming bag of shit. Mexico is a bunch of taco-eating people whose national anthem is La Cucaracha. Mexico is a hot goddamn country, as I visited Mexico City a couple of years back, and I almost turned into a dumb chihuahua. On the other hand, I saw rats bigger than those mutts. I know a Mexican named Javier Escuella. He can feed the fishes in hell while I feed my face with flaming bags of shit. Mexican women are hot, but I don't want to spend some time with them in their crap shacks of houses. In 2012, I lost my goddamn shit when the Mayans said the world was ending. Goddamn, they couldn't predict shit back then. What the fuck is a peso? It is no goddamn Canadian dollar. The peso needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. I think that señor dickhead of a President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, needs to resign. He is no smarter than a burrito. I ate burritos that were smarter than his goddamn candy ass. Teenagers are nothing but worthless people that do Jack shit and play on their phones. They're no smarter than the smartphones they use. They always skip classes in school and no wonder they fail like a flaming bag of shit. If I become a principal at a school, the students will know that I mean goddamn business. If I see you fucking about, I'll bust your ass out of school. I don't know how many times I have been to McDonald's at lunchtime, and it's just wall to wall of goddamn students. To make things worse, I don't know how many of them whack into me with their backpacks, causing me to drop my food, and they won't say fucking sorry. That makes me goddamn mad to the point of grabbing them by their backpacks and tossing them around the restaurant like I did with the trash bin in the McDonald's parking lot. I so goddamn want to go to the school down the street from McDonald's, and rant to the principal about the disrespectful students. Why the hell is it illegal for parents to hit their teenage brats? As a kid, my father would hit my goddamn ass and force me to eat soap for anything. Even if I looked at him funny. Well, look at me now. I'm a world-famous ranting machine. If my father was still alive, I know that I would be a dead fuck. Sting needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit and retire. Your nearly 40-year-long wrestling career needs to goddamn end. People don't give a fuck about you anymore as you are trying to live in the old days, but they are history. You're nothing but a worthless freaking knob. I wanted Sting to fight The Undertaker, but Sting went to another promotion and Undertaker retired. I bet the match would be a flaming bag of shit like the Undertaker and Goldberg match at Super Showdown a couple of years back. Talking about flaming bags of shit, why are you still wrestling after Seth Rollins powerbombed you into the turnbuckle in 2015? You fucked up your goddamn neck in that fight, and you're still fighting. I don't care how good the medical care is to fix a buggered-up neck, your still messing up your life. Overall, Sting is a goddamn freaking fad that is living in the past and needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. The Simpsons is a stupid show that needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. I got your goddamn d'oh up my ass. Every freaking time the show comes on, I want to punch my fist right through my television. I also want to choke my television like Homer does to Bart. I want the freaking mouse and cat from The Itchy & Scratchy Show to help me destroy my television. I can hit them over the head with the television as well. I'll vent my inner Angry Grandpa to bitch slap the television into hell. Matt Groening is a retarded freaking dumbass show for a dumbass people for creating such a retarded show. He just needs to die in a flaming bag of shit. What about if I could come over to his studio and bitch slap his stuff to damn hell. I'll choke him like Bart too while I'm there. Fuck The Simpsons as it can suck my dick. For fuck's sake, Twitter still hasn't banned this user called Kevin Stewart yet. He is still tweeting asking women to send him their pussies or asking them to have sex. Is Elon Musk high on something because he's tripping on this shit. Likely that Elon is more retarded than high. I'm so motherfucking tired of Twitter saying that Kevin didn't break any rules. If I went to a female police officer and asked her to flash me her tits, I knew for sure that I would get busted for that. This ain't the 1800s where males own females. So Kevin, please get your hands off whoever's lady parts your playing with and clean your act up. Kevin needs to rot in jail in a flaming bag of shit for his sick freaking mind. I think that the Philippines is as hot as a flaming bag of shit. I have visited Manila a couple of times, and goddamn I almost turned into a Jollibee. On the other hand, why the fuck does Jollibee sell spaghetti? They just need to sell goddamn freaking chicken. I want to sucker punch, bitch slap and choke the goddamn Jollibee mascot. I hate the goddamn Philippines so much that I wish that Japan still had it when they beat their candy ass in World War Two. Well, I'll be fucked, Japan can bugger off the Philippines. I'm going to rename the Philippines to Fucko Philippines. Overall, the Philippines needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit and blow up their volcanic ass. Nintendo needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. One time my toilet nearly blew up when I dropped my Nintendo Switch in it. Another time I tossed a Wii controller at a wall, but it came back and hit me in the goddamn head. I bitched to customer service, and they laughed at me. Let me tell you something you goddamn fools, I will never be made into a goddamn ass. I was so mad about being mocked at, I wanted to march to their headquarters in Kyoto, Japan and sucker punch Super Mario. Mario would yell Mama Mia non-stop when I bitch slap the hell out of him. I'm going to yell, die you flaming bag of shit bugger, die. If Luigi stops me from beating his brother up, I'll shove one of Mario's wrenches up his butt. Afterward, I'll be the king of the world on top of Mount Fuji with the head of Mario. Nintendo should not have fuck with me in the first place because of their customer service making fun of my pain. Fuck you Nintendo, go back to making goddamn playing cards, you goddamn low life fads. Greece needs to goddamn get their asses out of the flaming bag of shit. I have been to Athens several times and, holy fuck the city is a bunch of stupid malákes. Their history sucks like a flaming bag of shit. Sparta are mama's boys that run under their beds and eat gyros. Greek cuisine is shitty as a flaming bag of shit. If you want to cook Greek food with Kevin Stewart, all you need is a goddamn gun and a shit ton of bullets. I want to hunt their national animal with that gun and bullets. The Parthenon is stupid as a flaming bag of shit. That crap shack is still standing after over 2000 years. The Parthenon will burn when I toss flaming Greek salads at it. I also want to take a crap during parliament at the Old Royal Palace. I think that Greece should fuck off and leave me hell alone. Fuck New Zealand. New Zealand is a turd down under country. I nearly lost one of my goddamn eyes when a freaking Kiwi pecked at me in Wellington. To make shit worse, a cop fined me for punching the goddamn Kiwi. I got your goddamn animal cruelty right here when I ripped that ticket. Man fuck you Mr. Officer. I ain't getting a flaming bag of shit for defending myself. I always say that I never hit a lady, but if she starts to beat the holy shit out of me first, I'll need to defend myself. On the other hand, kiwi fruits are goddamn nasty. Those nasty little fucks give me hives. The hives were that goddamn bad. I can't goddamn breathe, fool. I think my goddamn rage about not breathing cleared the goddamn hives. That's still a mind fuck about my anger clearing those goddamn hives. Why or why do I keep trying those foods from those countries I hate so goddamn much? I so want to toss flaming kiwi birds at the New Zealand Police for the goddamn officer who fined my goddamn ass. If I meet that goddamn officer again, I'll goddamn shove a goddamn flaming kiwi down his goddamn throat. I'll goddamn even force him to goddamn eat that goddamn ticket. Jake Paul needs to go fuck himself in a flaming bag of shit. I hate goddamn Jake because he is related to that retarded dumbass of a freaking dumbfuck of a brother, Logan Paul. I should've ranted about him months ago, but I wanted to wait to blow up at this imbecile. Let me tell you something, you goddamn bloody inbred tosser. You should've gotten your goddamn ass blown out of the freaking water at birth. He is just as shitty as a YouTuber, as a boxer. He needs to goddamn retire as I don't give a goddamn turd about him. How the fuck didn't you get a marriage license before tying the goddamn knot to Tana Mongeau? Because your goddamn marriage will always end in a flaming bag of shit. I'm so goddamn glad that they broke up in a goddamn flaming bag of shit. I'm also glad that I have not got to hear about him having goddamn little bastards yet. I so don't want to see his goddamn little bastards running about with Logan's little bastards if he ever has some little bastards. Well. I'll be fucked if I see their goddamn little bastards running down my street causing mayhem. I'll sue his goddamn ass if his little bastards cause any damage to my goddamn house. Dragon Ball Z is the most goddamn retarded anime out there. The anime just needs to goddamn burn in a goddamn flaming bag of shit. I got your goddamn Super Saiyan right here when I go goddamn ape shit on your goddamn candy asses. What the fuck is so goddamn special with those balls? They ain't no goddamn flaming bags of shit. My balls are more special than those. I know that the creator, Akira Toriyama, died on March 1, 2024. I don't give a goddamn turd about his death as I'm going to dance on his goddamn grave. I have been to New York Comic Con before, and fuck me in the ass. I see characters from Dragon Ball left, right and center. I have some not too nice names for the character, Bulma. I don't want to get banned for anything sexual, I might say. As this goes up with the worst of the worst of not nice things. Well, if you catch my goddamn drip about what dirty things I was thinking about Bulma, smash the goddamn comments. Jesus Christ just needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. That goofy no good scumbag is a goddamn fad. I'm Jesus myself, so bow down to your goddamn god. I know I have done some heinous crimes over the years, but I'm the freaking purest person to go to heaven. I'm ain't no goddamn crazy ass religious cult leaders that do some evil shit throughout history. My evil is flaming bags of shit. I'm so freaking anti-Jesus that if that scumbag was still alive, I would hammer him onto the cross myself. Then I'll toss flaming bags of shit at him. I hate that goddamn flaming bag of shit scumbag so much that I'll march up to heaven right now to deal with him. I ain't going to hell because the devil will ban me from there when I start one of my rants. Fuck you Jesus, I hope you have fun until the time comes. My fucking god, Logan Paul, fuck you in the goddamn ass and burn in a flaming bag of shit. I hate his ass with a freaking passion. All you do is bitch. Be a man, Logan, be a goddamn man. That man whore is nothing, as he uses brass knuckles in WWE fights. You can't use brass knuckles in matches unless the rules allow it. Just like I can't use flaming bags of shit in a normal match. Talking about WWE, why the hell did you make a deal to sponsor the Prime logo on the goddamn ring? Prime tastes like a flaming bag of shit. I prefer to eat a flaming bag of shit than drinking Prime. I double dare you to eat a flaming bag of shit Logan. I want to see you gag and choke on it as you puke your guts out. I'll laugh at you when you're crying for your mommy. I'd laugh even harder if she didn't come because she couldn't goddamn hear you. TikTok needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. The United States is in the process of passing a bill to ban TikTok because it's owned by a Chinese fucking company. I don't know who said that if TikTok's parent company didn't sell it in 6 months, it would be banned in the states. For fuck's sake, just sell TikTok to me. I would like the goddamn money that TikTok will make in ads and shit. It's just retarded that the Chinese government keep saying that they ain't using TikTok to spy on the United States. I always say that if you keep messing about with fire, you will get burnt like a flaming bag of shit. I won't be surprised if World War 3 starts because China keeps poking the goddamn bear and spying on the states. I don't want to join the fucking army if World War 3 starts over, goddamn TikTok. I'm damn loyal to YouTube as I have got a pretty good following here that always gets my drip. PlayStation Plus is got to be one of the most goddamn retarded flaming bag of shit subscription services out there. The service ain't my cup of tea as it costs nearly 200 bucks for 12 months of premium. For fuck's sake, I can spend that money on my friends. What the fuck is this shit that you need to pay for online multiplayer? PlayStation 3 had free multiplayer, but PlayStation 4 and 5 needed PlayStation Plus for multiplayer. That is a goddamn cash grab if I ever heard one. Sony, with a revenue of over 11 trillion yen, needs to stop being a goddamn greedy hog and think about the little person that ain't got the green. I was thinking of getting an Xbox, but Microsoft is just as greedy, because if you ain't hooked up to the internet for a few days, it becomes a goddamn paper weight. I want to spend some downtime playing Grand Theft Auto Online on the PlayStation 5 with my friends. The countless fuck you by Sony that you need PlayStation Plus for online play makes me mad. My blood is boiling right now ranting about this. I want to bitch slap my PlayStation 5 into the flaming bag of shit. All those rich baka at Sony also need to be slapped into the flaming bag of shit. I want to visit Sony's headquarters in Tokyo and yell baka to the imbecile people that work there. Fuck you PlayStation Plus, that piece of shit. I need to talk about fucking Instagram. I am so goddamn sick of the freaking social media platform because almost every kid has got an account. When 5, 6, and 7-year-old kids get accounts, you're asking for trouble. For fuck's sake, kids as young as 2 may have them. I see every day that teenagers are talking about Instagram this and Instagram that. I hate seeing pictures of teenage girls in sexy ways as they are looking to get their asses grabbed by those sickos out there. I have read some of the comments and holy flaming bag of shit. People are really commenting on seeing a 12-year-old girl's boobs. Hey dirty perverts out there, go and watch PornHub and leave those goddamn kids alone. One of my friend's kids' classmates has an Instagram account and holy flaming bag of shit. For a 15-year-old girl, she takes a lot of pictures of herself in poses that are provocative. I went to her house as he often goes on dates with her at her house. I talked to her parents about her Instagram account, and they were enraged. The father tossed her phone through the window and cursed her to her room. The parents were grateful to me for telling them about her dirty pictures on her Instagram account. I bet the young lady would be scared for life after her father went ape shit. Bugger me in the ass with all these car thefts going on in the Greater Toronto Area. I don't know how many times I heard on the goddamn news about somebody getting their ass jacked. I hate the tech that people use to copy key fobs from inside houses to steal cars. If I see some fishy ass people in front of my house, you're a dead fuck. Don't be surprised if I run out of my house tossing flaming bags of shit at your candy ass Mr. Carjacker. That will teach your goddamn ass not to jack Kevin Stewart. It makes my goddamn blood boil to hear that carjackers get a slap on the hand. Is the legal system messed up in the head to let them go without serving time? Carjackers need to be prison bitches with murderers and rapists. My blood boils even more every damn time they get a slap on the hand, and they do it all over again. Some of these guys are 16-year-old kids. Most likely high school dropouts who think that jacking cars is a good idea. Those teenagers who are jacking cars need to eat flaming bags of shit. I know flaming bags of shit that are smarter than teenagers who do carjacking. Australia, goddamn sorry son of a bitch. You still need to burn in a flaming bag of shit. I hate so many goddamn people from that upside-down country. One Aussie I hate is Rhea Ripley. She is a goddamn lackbuster wrestler as she doesn't know a powerbomb from a flaming bag of shit. Rhea is called Mami. I can understand that she likes to make moves in the bedroom with Dominik Mysterio behind her husband's back. Goddamn, Australia smells like kangaroo crap. When I was at the Elimination Chamber in Perth on February 24, 2024, I went to Perth Zoo. One of the zookeepers noticed me and dared me to clean out the kangaroo den. Oh my god, the goddamn smell was nasty in there. The kangaroo crap smells like it has been out in the bush with flaming bags of shit for too long. I should have brought a match with me to light the kangaroo crap up into a flaming bag of shit. Here you go everybody. If you want to see flaming shit, just come to the Perth Zoo to see the Kevin Stewart Flaming Bag of Shit Show. Prepayments are a fucking shitty fad. I hate the concept of prepayments so much that I'd break everything in the goddamn store in a flaming bag of shit. Every time I go to a gas station, every pump says "Must prepay before you pump." Fuck you, you anti-theft sons of bitches. I want to punch out the screen on the pump when that message pops up. Most gas stations even want you to prepay at the pump. Hey, retarded gas station owners, not everyone has credit or debit cards. How dumb are you to work at a gas station to make prepayments a mandatory thing when you have hotheads like me to rant about your candy ass on YouTube. If I go to Corner Gas in Dog River, Saskatchewan and the owner, Brent Leroy, asks me to prepay for gas, I'll punch him out. If Wanda Dollard comes out and attacks me, I'll whip her with licorice. X-Japan is a flaming bag of shit band as their shitty music is too loud in yelling in goddamn Japanese. I went to an X-Japan concert a few years ago when I was in Japan, and holy flaming bag of shit. I got angry and started insulting the band. I was booted out by security after one of the members told security to do so. I did some crazy stuff afterward, like almost tossing flaming sushi at the venue. Security stopped my ass beforehand, but I forced the security to eat it. Well, I was banned for life from ever going to another X-Japan concert after that. X-Japan hasn't put on another concert since I was banned in 2018. Is Toshi a chicken shit because I might come back to insult his candy ass? Don't worry Toshi, I'll insult you with extra spicy slurs if I ever see your flaming bag of shit ass on the street. X-Japan is nothing but a dumbass baka, and needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. I think that they should ban vaping for goddamn underage little punks. Those little punks are vaping every goddamn where. On the subway, in the washroom at Burger King and in the principal's office at school. For fuck's sake, they even vape while having sex with their high school sweetheart. They should quit it before their lungs turn into a flaming bag of shit and die in their teens. These vaping companies are the main goddamn problem. These companies are making vaping packages with Clifford the Big Red Dog on them so older people who remember watching the show as kids would like. If a 10-year-old child sees the package, they will buy it without their parents knowing about it. Some of those shops don't even ask for identification. It's got a lawsuit written all over this bullshit if the 10-year-old child gets sick and dies. I want this flaming bag of shit banned, I want this flaming bag of shit banned, I want this flaming bag of shit banned. I want these vaping companies to burn in a flaming bag of shit. These shop owners who sell underage vapes also need to burn in a flaming bag of shit. I think that self-serve stores need to burn in a flaming bag of shit. It's a retarded idea to have a store without people working there. I work as a produce clerk at Sobeys. I got the job with the PEAK Program for the York Region District School Board. If the Sobeys that I work at goes into a self-serve store, everyone will be jobless. I'm an autistic 24-year-old person, and I will struggle to find another job. I don't want to just sit on my ass and play on my laptop all day. These self-serve stores are smartphone operated. For fuck's sake, you need a fucking app just to open the front door of the goddamn store. Hey retards not everyone has a damn smartphone. It makes me sick that everyone assumes that they do, as I still have a flip phone. Holy flaming bag of shit, I would be fucked in the ass if every goddamn store needed a fucking app to enter and buy shit. I don't have many friends. So I don't have anybody to bitch at to go to one of those self-serve stores to buy me shit. Fuck these goddamn self-serve stores in a flaming bag of shit as I don't fucking want them, you goddamn tech-savvy sons of bitches. Apple is retarded and shitty in needing to goddamn burn in a flaming bag of shit. That crap shack of a company makes goddamn crappy iPhones, iPads, Mac computers, and Apple Watches. I bought an iPhone when it first came out in 2007 and, holy flaming bag of shit the iPhone was a goddamn shit show. The iPhone was no goddamn flip phone. I got so goddamn mad that I goddamn tossed the goddamn iPhone at the goddamn Apple Store. I laughed evilly as the window of the store burst into millions of pieces. iPads are too goddamn big. I don't want a damn iPad that is bigger than my 50-inch television. They can make calls on them now, fuck me in the ass. The iPad calling feature needs to be pushed up Steve Job's rear end and be removed in a flaming bag of shit. What in the flaming bag of shit is so goddamn special about the damn Mac? Apple can shove the 3 grand for a Mac laptop up their ass. You need to be as rich as Elon Musk or Bill Gates to buy a goddamn Mac. Apple Watches have got too much goddamn tech in them. Watches in my time were run-of-the-mill shit. Why in the flaming bag of shit do you want to watch porn on a goddamn watch for? To get fired when your boss sees you playing with your Johnson while looking at sexy pictures on the watch. Overall, I think that Apple could go to hell in a flaming bag of shit. YouTube's monetization needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. I'm having issues with that piece of flaming bag of shit. I just got my monetization disabled as I didn't update my identification. To make shit worse, goddamn AdSense only gives you one fucking option for addresses, you got to fucking live in the goddamn United States. I live in Canada, you freaking flaming bag of shit you called Google. I dreamed of monetizing my YouTube channel, and I finally got it this past February after nearly 2 years of trying and failing like a flaming bag of shit. But nearly 2 months later, on March 23, 2024, YouTube finally said fuck you and paused my monetization. YouTube, fuck you. You always say Broadcast Yourself, Broadcast Yourself, but why are you screwing me in the ass for? AdSense, you need to think about the people that ain't in the goddamn states. By the way, I needed to upload information about my taxes to AdSense for YouTube reasons. You are an information-greedy low-life son of bitches. I don't do my own taxes. I don't even do my taxes online. Hey YouTube, you want me to kiss Joe Biden's ass or suck Vladimir Putin's dick to unpause my monetization. What do you think of the idea? I know that the idea is a bit too far, but I goddamn hate how YouTube is buggering up little guys like me. Google just needs to burn a flaming bag of shit for their mistreatment of me. AdSense, fuck you, you piece of damn flaming bag of shit. That man whore of a product is really pissing me off by not approving my identification. In one part of AdSense, my address is in Canada, but every time I upload my identification, they only add United States addresses. I uploaded my identification 15 goddamn times and every time it comes back with, "fuck you, add your United States address, you turd." Google is smoking flaming bags of shit to keep bitching about a Canadian user who doesn't have a United States address. Amazon just needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. Jeff Bezos is the richest ass wipe and needs to pay me some of his billions. At least Jeff ain't a dirty dawg like Elon Musk for having a shit ton of little punks. My god, Amazon has a lot of goddamn things on there. I want to buy a flaming bag of shit on Amazon, but I can't find it. I can't even find shit. I can buy a bag, a lighter and something flammable. What about if I can sell flaming bags of shit on Amazon for 50 cents per bag? If I get a ban on Amazon for selling flaming bags of shit, I will make another account. I so want to toss flaming bags of shit at Amazon headquarters, as I hate what kind of bullshit that Jeff is doing with his billions of dollars. Smartphones are a goddamn overpriced piece of flaming bag of shit technology that makes people get glue to them like flaming bags of shit. All I see are goddamn little punks on them without a care in the world. For fuck's sake, I saw a kindergarten class full of 30 kids on them. If smartphones are our standard for greatness, no wonder they are going to be fucked when they become adults. People can't do math without using their phones. If you asked the latter stage of Generation Z to multiply a million times a million without a phone, they would all fail. What in the hell do I need all these features on a damn smartphone for? Why the fuck do I need a phone to detect if I wreck my car? If I crash my car into a police station, the Crash Detection will be useless as the police are already there. Also, if I crashed in Death Valley, I'd be pretty much fucked as I wouldn't get cell service out there. Overall, smartphones are retarded as shit and need to burn in a flaming bag of shit. YouTube finally pissed me off for the last time as they paused my monetization on my channel, Kevin Stewart, for identity verification in order to monetize on March 23, 2024. Ever since I started my channel on February 24, 2015, I had no intention of becoming a YouTuber at first because I made the channel for the hell of it, but when I started getting more and more subscribers after uploading my first anime girl drowning video in December 2021, my goal was to monetize. I uploaded more anime girl drowning videos and on September 4, 2022, I finally got 1000 subscribers. I was happy when I applied for monetization, but a freight train hit me when I was rejected. I try to reapply it each month. Finally, on February 1, 2024, I got to monetize. That is why I started to do live streams again after nearly a year of hiatus from YouTube. I want to mention why I went on hiatus. All of this happened after that shit show. I wanted to call the Copyright Strike War on April 13, 2023. It was started by Galithrania after the fool copyright strike 3 of my anime girl drowning videos on behalf of Reds MMD. One of them had nearly 2 million views. After Reds MMD's YouTube channel got terminated on April 14 for sexual content, I thought that Galithrania would uncopyright the videos. The smart ass still won't back down. I went back and forth insulting and threats towards Galithrania and Reds MMD in the following days of the Copyright Strike War had started. I want to mention that I even faked myself as a lawyer and emailed Galithrania with an email that I made to look like a real lawyer. With that email, I sent Galithrania a real-looking lawsuit letter. I know that was a bit too far, but I was livid at Galithrania for fucking with me. I thought that after April 19 that the heat had died down, but a month later, on May 17, another YouTuber joined the war and copyrighted one of their videos from me. I was already facing 2 copyright strikes at that point and I couldn't afford to get a third one. I also privately those three videos that belong to Reds MMD and went into hiatus. That was the main reason why I went on hiatus, leading to the end of the bitching. I don't like to brag, but when I went on hiatus I knew that I had lost this, but it will never be forgotten. I want to spell out my guts about something, out that I created another YouTube channel called John Marston on November 18, 2022, 5 months before the Copyright Strike War. I started to upload videos to the channel on January 5, 2023, when I found an AI tool that has the AI voice of John Marston. I need to talk about a video called YouTube Thiefs that I uploaded on February 24, 2023. I said some not-so-nice things in the video stating that two channels, MMV Water and Victoria, were stealing videos of anime girls drowning from my main channel. That March, I uploaded a bunch of ranting videos saying that I am the King of YouTube and insulting MMV Water, Victoria and MMD UW, the creator of the anime girl drowning videos. The rant videos I did on the John Marston channel contributed to the start of the Copyright Strike War. A few months into my hiatus in August, one of my Angry Grandpa videos was given a Community Guidelines strike for harmful or dangerous content. I counter-struck the claim but failed a few minutes later. I vented my anger on Reddit in the Rants subreddit. To my shock, Galithrania commented on that post stating that the Angry Grandpa video ain't mine. I knew that there are many other YouTube channels out there that upload Angry Grandpa videos. What the fuck is Galithrania, the YouTube Police? I saw so much red that I wanted to send another fake lawsuit to him, but I know that this won't work. I still hate Galithrania to this day and I hope he rots in hell. One thing that I don't understand is that many other people on Twitter were tweeting shit about me in the weeks before the war. They were talking about striking my channel three times in order to get me terminated. Others were talking about how I needed to eat dirt, and even some of them told me to kill myself. How the fuck do those people breathe the same air as me? How retarded are those people who often prey on small creators who are trying to make a living, and often upload other people's work, whether they like it or not. I don't know how many of the anime girl drowning videos that I uploaded I personally copyright struck from other channels. I know that my ego of copyrighting those videos that I uploaded to curb other channels from feasting on the hype came back and fucked me in the ass. This is also why the Copyright Strike War started as well. The views I got when I started uploading anime girl drowning videos in December 2021 were slow, but in November 2022, it really got beefy. Just before the war, my views were dipping and never reached another 30000 views a day again. I know that bitching about it ain't going to stop the choke hold on my views. Many of my subscribers don't know that I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism at the age of 10. Being autistic is another reason why I'm in this world of flaming bags of shit. I feel like the world still has a choke hold on people like me and treats us like third-class citizens from a Third World country. This ain't back in the day when people were lynched because of who they were. If the world became like the Nazis, who killed many different groups of people, including autistic people, for fun, I'd raise hell. I'm not some toy that Hitler can play with before he sends me to the gas chamber. I have enough of being slapped about like some punk that makes other people happy. I won't be treated like some prize ass anymore. I want freedom from the world of flaming bags of shit. I'm fluent in English, but my speech is lackluster at best. Most people don't understand me as they think I'm speaking some buggered-up language, even though the person understands English. I hate when inconsiderate people see me as some little punk that has a buggered-up speech. Every time they put me down, I want to bite their heads off. Inconsiderate people think that they run the world. Let me tell you something you little shit, there are people out there other than you who can bitch slap some common sense up your candy ass. I know that lashing out at inconsiderate people ain't legal, but I see red sometimes, and I act impulsively to the point of breaking point. I want to talk about another reason why YouTube has paused my monetization, because I haven't put my debit card information on AdSense yet. I have an active AdSense account and a debit card of my own and should've added it already, but my parents are the most anti-technology people out there. It's my debit card and I want to do whatever I want with it, even if I buy online porn, lap dances or drugs to prove my point. I ain't some little punk kid that would go on an online shopping spree for candy, but a 24-year-old person that wants to buy shit online. I don't know how many times I nearly bought things online impulsively without my parents saying so. My parents are also the most anti-purchasing online people out there, even when almost everyone else around them is buying shit left, right and center online. I can understand that they were both born in the 1960s, when the internet didn't even exist yet. I know people from that time period that bought shit online today. For Christ's sake, my grandpa on my mother's side does online banking, and he was born in 1939, just before the start of World War 2. I know that one time during COVID-19, my mother and I helped my grandpa out by buying something online at Canadian Tire and picking it up at the curb because everywhere was in damn lockdown. They are such damn chicken shits for putting their information online. After that time, when my mother's computer got hacked by Kaspersky, she had to format her computer and cancel her credit card. I ain't no Albert Einstein, but I know what an online scam is or not. I know that online stores by big companies like eBay and Amazon are pretty safe. I want goddamn freedom in goddamn online buying without my goddamn scrawny nag of goddamn parents stopping goddamn me. I freaking fear buying something online in case that my mother will curse me out of her house and my father will beat my ass up to the point that I may be killed. I would be a part of the rest of the people who buy things online only if my parents came out of the closet. I know that my mother said that I can do whatever I want to with the money on my debit card that I got from my job. I still didn't want to buy shit online and she went ape shit. I don't even want to win something for free online and put our address in. I'm a big Sabaton fan and I always do my best to win the 24 Days of Metal Christmas, but always fail. If somehow I won, and I put my information in, I don't know how my parents would act. I have lived in my mother's house since I was born. I often think about moving out, but I'm a lazy son of a bitch sometimes. I know that buying a house in the GTA ain't cheap. For fuck's sake, even renting a house costs an arm and a leg. I only work 4 hours a week as a produce clerk at Sobeys. Living on 16 dollars per hour, I can get the bare minimum in groceries with barely any pocket money left. I know that I get cheques from the Government of Ontario because of my autism. I don't know how much I make on those cheques, but the price of everything is like a flaming bag of shit right now. I really want to ask my manager to get another shift. The prices of things are so high, I want to rip off my shirt like Hulk Hogan. I don't have a smartphone, as I still use a flip phone and my parents are so goddamn against me getting one. For fuck's sake, I'm a 24-year-old adult that still uses a damn flip phone. People laugh at me when they see my phone. I get so mad every time I am made into a prized jackass every time I use it, as the flip phone died out in the late 2000s. My parents think that I will use all my data from watching videos and shit if I get a smartphone. There are plans with unlimited data for a good price. My father said that he is against me getting me a smartphone. He thinks that I'm going to use it while walking. I ain't that son of a bitch who is going to use a smartphone and walk into live traffic. My mother has a flip phone and my father has a smartphone. I can't have a driver's license because my mother said that I have an Ontario Photo Card, and because of that she said that I'm never going to get a driver's license, because she said that I was autistic, but she knew that autistic people could drive. That's a bunch of shit as two-thirds of 15 to 18-year-old autistic adolescents without intellectual disability are currently driving or planning to drive, and 1 in 3 autistic individuals without intellectual disability get licensed by age 21. I don't know if I have an intellectual disability, a form of autism. Years ago, I only drove a real car for 5 feet in a parking lot before my mother freaked the hell out. I thought I drove pretty damn well. As I have played Grand Theft Auto for years, I ain't that crazy ass driver she saw in GTA. I love running over cops in GTA, but I ain't that retarded to run over cops in real life. I so want to drive because I want to go places without my mother driving me everywhere or taking the transit. My father is already an asshole. Every time I vent my rage and smash the house up, he threatens to hit me. Way to make my mental health hit an all-time low. I hate people who think that they can run over their own kids like a flaming bag of shit. "He ain't no drunk or crackhead. "I ain't some bitch that he can slap about. "I don't care who you are, Elon Musk or some homeless guy on the street, I ain't some punk that is going to get my ass fucked by his father. Ain't there a crime for a father threatening violence against their kids, 2 months or 24 years old? Good lord, I'm glad that my father doesn't live in the same house that I do, as I might have killed him already. I don't know how many times I wanted my father's place to be swatted. The thing I hate the most about my parents is their smoking. I don't know how many times I scolded my mother for stopping smoking, but my father would go ape shit on me that I was not her boss. I don't give a goddamn about what he says, even if I am scaring my mother with my scolding. At this point, I don't give a shit if I have to scare my mother into stopping smoking, as I don't know how many times she quit smoking, but started it again months later. I don't even dare to scold my father about him quitting smoking as he would put me 6 feet under. I'm bigger than my father, as I'm 260 pounds, and he is around 200, but we are basically the same height, at about 6 feet. I don't want to give him a bitch slap because I don't want to be his punching bag if he ever gets up. I don't want to be around those damn fads when they are smoking. I don't need secondhand smoke as I don't want to convulse on the ground having a heart attack before I'm 30. I'm a bastard as my parents were never married. My parents lived together as a couple when I was born. When I moved into a townhouse in Thornhill when I was 1, my parents still lived together. My father moved to a basement room in Toronto a couple of years later when I was still little. To be honest, I can't remember him staying with us. We still stay in touch with each other. I was bought up pretty okay by my mother as she got a good-paying job as a forklift driver at an ACCO factory. When the factory moved back to the states around the early 2010s, she was unemployed for a while until she worked for less money as a cashier at the Real Canadian Superstore. She worked there for around 8 years until she quit. After another bout of unemployment, she got another cashier job at No Frills. She is still working there until she hits 65, and it's about a year from now. I know that she used to work at a donut shop before she worked at ACCO some time prior to the place going back south 25 to 30 years ago. I do love my parents, but I already have enough of their bullshit of their bitching about what I can do or not. I don't want to tell them what I'm thinking because I don't want them to go ape shit on me. I rarely use an iPad Mini 2 as it's outdated as shit as it is nearly a decade old and hasn't got any major updates since 2018. The only time I use my iPad is to jack off to porn in the washroom. I can't get most apps as the operating system is so outdated. The apps I got already are useless as they need the newest version of the app, which is useless because it needs the newest operating system version. I spend all my hours awake on my laptop other than the one day of the week that I work at Sobeys. It only got 16 GB of RAM, but it got the job done. I should have bought a laptop with higher storage. I have only got one game, which is about 40 to 50 GB in storage, and I only have 6 GB left in storage out of 218 GB. Some days, my laptop acts like its on weed as it runs so slowly. I don't know how many times I wanted to take a hammer to it like Angry Grandpa. My health ain't the greatest as I'm a 24-year-old male that weighs 260 pounds with a sweet tooth and eats fast food almost every other day. At one point, I weighed 250 pounds around three years ago, and after a couple of surgeries inside my mouth where I could only eat soft food, I was under 210 pounds a few weeks after my last surgery. But a few months later, I really started to put the beef back on again, and I'm up to 260 since I last weighed myself a month ago. I buy a lot of sweets every week when I go shopping. I am often seen eating sticky buns or doughnuts at home. One time when I had surgery on my eye. I ate at Burger King every day for 7 days. I basically went back and forth from home to the hospital that whole week. There was a Burger King near the hospital. Another time, I went to the Mandarin and ate 10 plates of food. However, I puked all of that out in the lobby while leaving. I never went on a date or kissed someone in my life. I had this thing with a girl called Tina when I was in elementary school. I can't remember much from back then, but we hit pretty okay. We played basketball during recess. Soon after, she wanted to break ties with me. I don't know why she broke up with me, but life is life. In high school, I had a friend called Samantha who was in the special ed class that I was in. That was when she started attending Thornlea Secondary School in 2017 until I graduated in 2019. I often hang out during lunch with her. She would often hang out with Ben, who moved from Texas, outside of school. She didn't give a fuck about hanging out with me outside of school hours, even after I gave her my house number. I wasn't asking for a goddamn date, I just wanted a freaking casual friendship who I could spend time with. But no, Samantha goes out with Ben all the damn time. I felt a rage that I might put the moves on her, but I might not be here writing this. I don't know how many times she and Ben told me to go away when they wanted to talk about some things. My rage bubbled inside me every time they did that. She told me that her boyfriend, from whom I never learned his name, hates my ass. How the hell does he hate me if I never met the guy before? Despite this, we were still good friends. The day I graduated, I gave her my cell number. I realized when I left on my school bus that I might have mixed up the numbers. I was so mad at myself that I just robbed myself of staying in touch with her. I don't have any friends since I finished high school because of this fuck up. Sometimes I dream about killing her. I wanted to choke that retarded slut by grabbing her neck very hard and watching her gasp for air. I wanted her belly to convulse while I was holding her down by sitting on her belly. I want her belly convulsions to get me horny. I would like to see her eyes bulging out as she hacks for air. I would like to see her boobs jiggle on my penis as she was fighting to get free of my hold. I want her to piss herself as she moans in fear. I want her to sob in sheer fear, as she knows her ass is utterly fucked in the ass. I wanted her to shriek as I licked her eyeballs. Also, I want her to shriek in fear as I suck her ear lobe. I want her to make a fearful moan as I lick her armpit. I want to see her neck and face turn purple as she goes limp. I want her to dig her nails into my arms as a last ditch effort to get free from my choke hold. In her final moments, I wanted her belly to convulse with such force that she started to gargle bile. I wanted her face to be filled with sheer terror as she took her last breath. After she dies, I will feel her up by touching her belly while I give her mouth-to-mouth. While I'm giving her mouth-to-mouth, I want her to blow up like a blow up doll. I wanted her boobs to blow up to a huge size as her nipples were poking through her shirt. I want her shirt to rip as her boobs grew bigger and bigger. I wanted her to vomit on my face as she came back to life and choke on her vomit. As she chokes, I want her to shit herself. I wanted the shit to run down her legs as she started to choke harder. As she tries to escape, I'll punch her nose into a bloody mess. As she rolled in pain in my clutches, I wanted her to plead for her life as she was still choking. When she stopped choking, I wanted her to gag on her blood from her busted nose. I want her to do many guttural gags that shake her body. When she gets back to normal, I'll do it all over again. The only damn people I deal with beside my family are my coworkers. I often daydream of having a girlfriend. I dream about Mio Sakamoto from Strike Witches and Momo Kawashima from Girls und Panzer. I'm losing my mind about this crap as I'm mad at everything in the world as I can feel a rage building inside of me that I want to turn into the Hulk. I don't know how many times I want to snap at my customers at work. I often jack off to videos of women drowning. I also visit porn chats wanting to fill that missing part inside of me. I feel like sobbing into a lady's chest to release my pent-up pain. I wanted to bury my face in her chest as she rubbed my back. I want her to hold me tightly as I wail at her. I want her to be my damn rock to weather my rage-filled sobbing. I longed for a lady to hold me tender and say sweet nothings to me. I need to listen to her heartbeat to soothe my pure-raged mind. I should get benefits from Canada as I'm a veteran in the Copyright Strike War. I fought well in the Copyright Strike War for the common good. I should have won if Galithrania wasn't an asshole. I don't really want to go on a killing spree or kill myself to make my point clear, but I'm really getting close to losing my damn sanity and lashing out my inner Angry Grandpa and going ape shit in the world. I don't want to be somebody's bitch in prison. After I sent my ID to YouTube on March 23 to verify my monetization, I found out the next day that it had failed. That is the biggest fuck you in the ass that an autistic person can go through. This made me so mad that I wanted to write a letter to YouTube full of every racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and antisemitic slur out there. I don't care if I use nigga every second word. I also want to make a rant video with pure hate and anger on John Marston's channel. I want to march to YouTube headquarters and bitch slap some common sense into Neal Mohan's candy ass. I feel like going to the side of the road and yelling incredibly offensive language and insults about YouTube through a megaphone at passing cars. I want to be like Hitler in one of his speeches without all the hate while ranting towards passing drivers. I want to toss a flaming bag of shit into YouTube's headquarters. I know that none of these actions will do anything, but I still believe that YouTube is trying to fuck me in the ass. I don't know how many times I want to do a guttural roar at the top of my lungs while at work at Sobeys. Some days I don't feel like leaving the house and wanting to wail into a pillow for days on end in my bedroom. I even feel like stuffing the pillow down my mouth to the point of non-stop gagging. I want my body to convulse while stuffing the pillow deep into my mouth. While I was gagging myself, I wanted to piss myself with such force, piss ran down my legs like a bat out of hell. I want to moan as the warmth of the piss makes me horny. I want to feel completely numb throughout my body after a powerful guttural gag. I also think about adding superglue to the pillow before stuffing it down my mouth. I want to taste the utter urge of the glue on the pillow as glue is a true balm to my soul. The almighty numbness of the glue makes my hormones horny. I need to tell you about something that has been paining me for a while now. I used to have a Coca-Cola glass that I got from an order from McDonald’s many years ago. My mom accidentally dropped it off the counter while she was doing the dishes a few months ago. Seeing the glass on the floor in pieces pains me so badly that a piece of me died, and my heart was stabbed with a piece of it. The glass didn't survive the sinking of the Titanic, it wasn't signed by Jesus Christ, or it wasn't drunk out by the Pope, but it meant a lot to me. I know that bottling the grief ain't so healthy, but things lately are just not going my way. I felt numb shortly after the aftermath, that I didn't even care if the house was on fire or World War 3 had started. I was out of it in the following days and didn't want to do Jack shit. I just want to lock myself in my bedroom and bury my face deep in my pillow. I want to make myself numb all over while sobbing on the pillow. I don't know how many times I jacked off to videos of women drowning, but the pain was still there. Fuck my fucking life, as I want to die in a fucking flaming bag of shit. My fucking life is a living fucking hell full of fucking flaming bags of shit. My mother is a motherfucking asshole who needs to burn in a fucking flaming bag of shit. She is a fucking tosser and a fucking British-born confused asshole. She was fucking threatening me to get my fucking ass out of her fucking house. Fuck you asshole, I'm your fucking autistic son, you motherfucking chump ape. This motherfucking asshole needs to calm the fuck down before she gives herself a fucking heart attack, you fucking baby boomer fuck wit. I often think about fucking choking that motherfucking son of a bitch. I fucking hate this fucking half-baked half-breed half-assed dirt bag. I want to fucking bitch slap that fucking two-bit cunt slut whore into a fucking flaming bag of shit. I want to fucking die by fucking drowning like one of the fucking anime girls in the videos I uploaded on my fucking YouTube channel. I don't fucking like looking at the motherfucking piece of shit that I call my fucking mother. I want to fucking slap her fucking ass back in the fucking UK. I fucking want her to fucking die and fucking leave me the fuck alone, you fucking white trash bitch. That fucking chump shit just needs to fucking bugger the fuck off. Your actions fucking hurt and your fucking threats about fucking wanting me to fuck off from the house. I fucking thought that she was fucking helping my fucking ass with my fucking mental health, not fucking trying to fucking make it fucking worse, you fucking shit bag. I fucking want to fucking rag doll her on the fucking road so that she gets fucking road rash all fucking over her fucking body. If she was fucking younger, fucking more stunning and fucking Japanese, I would like to fuck her. This fucking slut doesn't deserve Canadian citizenship as she fucking needs to be fucking deported fucking back to the fucking United Kingdom. She needs to be fucking King Charles III fucking problem to fucking deal with. I'm a fucking asshole as I may have fucked up getting some help with my mental health. I kind of went ape shit when my mother was on the phone with someone that might help me all because I didn't want to go down the street to help my grandfather by myself. I know that I need the fucking help big time right now, but I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I get the fucking help or not sometimes, as I think that most of these people are fucking quacks. For fuck's sake, my doctor is the biggest fucking quack out there. She is so scared of getting COVID-19 that she basically does not see people in person, even after the lockdowns and masking rules were lifted years ago. Her daughter has a breathing condition. I think she is in the wrong fucking job if she is such a fucking chicken shit. I don't even give a flaming bag of shit if I fucking die right now, as I see red so much lately. The world is trying so hard to utterly fuck me in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. I want to be held by someone so badly that I want to walk up and hug a woman on the street, even if they were a bum or the First Lady of the United States. I have Jack shit for someone to hug right now. I don't have any friends and my mother doesn't give me a flaming bag of shit if I want a fucking hug or not. I dream of the day when a beautiful Japanese woman holds me tenderly, and I can roar out my anger into her chest. As for my channel, John Marston. I'm thinking of winding down my content for the time being. It pains me to slow down the era of the flaming bag of shit saying, hot-headed, ranting machine you called John Marston. But it's for the greater good of my mental health. To cast off the end of the era, I needed to say one more thing beforehand. The flaming bag of shit will never die. Also, I'm sad to say that I'm taking a break from my main YouTube channel, Kevin Stewart, because my mental health is a flaming bag of shit. Since I came back from another year-long break from YouTube on February 1, 2024, I have been live-streaming, but I have just been doing Angry Grandpa live streams, and it is getting repetitive. I know that I posted a community post a couple of weeks ago stating how bad my mental health was. I want to say that I'm really buggered in the mind, and I may snap if I keep doing the same old live streams every week. I want to mention that I'm just taking a break from live streams. I may upload videos here and there, but pretty much I'm still here on YouTube. Other than this, peace out and see you on the other side. I want to say that the flaming bag of shit saying, hot-headed, ranting machine John Marston will be coming back soon because I'm losing my mind not making ranting videos about shit. I hope to come back to talk about various flaming bags of shit that pisses me off soon. Michael Green, better known as The Kid Behind a Camera, is a flaming bag of shit. He is a fat freaking turd hog. I mean he is as big as a house. I watched one of his videos where he mentioned that he gave Angry Grandpa a shit ton of food from his freezer prior to that video and was going to give Grandpa more. My god, his freezer in that video was full to the brim with unhealthy food, and Michael mentioned that he often goes on a midnight eating spree. No wonder that he is so fat. Have you ever thought of working out, pork chop, and no, you can't play on your PlayStation 5 to work on your fingers. In another video, Michael is out for pizza with Bridgette West and their daughter, Mia. For fuck's sake, all three of them ordered either a medium or large pizza for themselves. I assume that Mia was 4 at the time. Why in the flaming bag of shit do you order a 4-year-old girl a whole pizza for herself? Michael uploaded a video on April 12, 2024, titled I AM EATING MYSELF TO DEATH. No shit buddy. Maybe if you didn't eat so much, you wouldn't die from a heart attack before the age of 40. The notifications on YouTube are acting like a flaming bag of shit lately. I subscribe to channels with all notifications on, and I never get notifications for upcoming live streams 30 minutes before or already started. I get so goddamn mad every time I notice that Bluebell was live-streaming on the YouTube Home page, but when I went to watch it, she was about to wrap up. When this happened, I wanted to scream at my computer before taking out the shotgun and firing a round into it. Like I said before, Neal Mohan needs to stop smoking flaming bags of shit and fix it. YouTube does not need to piss me off anymore with their flaming bag of shit notifications not working. I think that soccer is one of the dumbest sports out there. Why do people love the game of soccer like a flaming bag of shit? The fans are the worst, because if their team loses, they will trash the city. For fuck's sake, they even trash the city if their team wins. Holy shit people, it's just a fucking game. You don't need to go overkill for a shitty game. I wouldn't go ape shit if Manchester United or the Toronto Football Club won or lost, as both teams sucked like a flaming bag of shit. The goddamn fad just needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit and bugger the hell away, you goddamn crappy sport that has no place in the world. I dreaded the day that I needed to make this video where I needed to spill my guts out about my channel. I need to clear the air about the fact that my real name is Kevin Stewart. My mental state is in a flaming bag of shit right now as I feel the world is trying to fuck me in the ass. When I started to make videos on the channel, I insulted many other YouTubers for stealing my videos off my other channel. I knew that was a big fucking mistake as I made my mental health worse. Being autistic is another reason why I'm in this world of flaming bag of shit. I feel like the world still has a choke hold on people like me and treats us like third-class citizens from Third World countries. I have enough of being slapped about like some punk that makes other people happy. As of this video, I won't be treated like some prize ass anymore. I want freedom from the world of flaming bags of shit. My parents are the most anti-technology people I know. I'm surprised that my mental health hasn't hit the flaming bag of shit already. After I lost contact with one of my friends, Samantha from high school, in 2019, when I fucked up my cell number. I felt a rage build inside me. I wanted to smash everything as I robbed myself of a friend because of a fuck up. I don't know how many goddamn times I wanted to wail into a pillow for days on end or yell at the top of my lungs while at work at Sobeys. I feel like sobbing into a lady's chest to release my pent-up pain. As for my channel, John Marston. I'm thinking of winding down my content for the time being. It pains me to slow down the era of the flaming bag of shit saying, hot-headed, ranting machine you called John Marston. But it's for the greater good of my mental health. To cast off the end of the era, I needed to say one more thing beforehand. The flaming bag of shit will never die. Artificial intelligence is a flaming bag of shit as it is not the way to go into the fucking future. As I said in another video, it can't predict some things that are unpredictable. If you were driving your Tesla in self-driving mode and I drove past you and tossed a flaming bag of shit at the Tesla. The artificial intelligence in the Tesla can't predict that flaming bag of shit flying at you. As many of my subscribers know, I'm using an artificial intelligence voice that sounds like John Marston to make my videos. I know that the voice sounds like I'm using crack, but that is how shitty artificial intelligence voices are. Artificial intelligence is fucking with people's jobs. I know that Hollywood actors went on strike because of artificial intelligence fucking their jobs in the movie business. I talked about spam channels on YouTube a lot when I first started my ranting content on my channel. I know that most spammers use artificial intelligence to try to trick people into their spam. This goddamn crap needs to stop before everyone gets buggered up in the ass because of artificial intelligence running the world like a flaming bag of shit. I fucking hate the British Royal Guard as they are a bunch of loud mouth pricks who shove people out of their way during the Changing of the Guard. I know that tourists can get in their way, but the tourists don't deserve to be pushed aside like a flaming bag of shit. I don't know how many videos I saw showing tourists trying to fuck about with the guards, like walking like them or trying to give them a wet willy to find themselves looking into a barrel of a gun pointed by the guard. If I ever visit Buckingham Palace and see a guard coming toward me looking to push me out of their way, I will push the guard right back. If the guard started to talk shit to me, I'd talk shit back. If the guard pointed their gun at me, I'd happily pull out my gun too. If more guards came over, I'd give each one of them a piece of my mind and a flaming bag of shit as a gift. I want to say this to the British Royal Guard: if you see me at Buckingham Palace, don't fuck with me. I have some breaking news. As of April 17, 2024, I have decided to take an indefinite break from doing live streams and uploading anything on my YouTube channel, Kevin Stewart. I don't really want to disclose any information about the main reason why I'm going on an indefinite break, but my mental health and other things in my private life played a role in my decision. My eyes are welling up in tears as I'm writing this heart-filled post. I want to say thank you so fucking much to the 15929 subscribers for the support. I wish that I could lean into my laptop and hug every last one of my subscribers. When I do come back, I'll be stronger and better than ever. In the meantime, let the good times roll baby and take care. My mother had gone fucking insane as she had lost her fucking mind. She threatened me to fucking move out. I don't want the fucking woman to kick my fucking ass out and live on the fucking street. I'm a 24-year-old autistic person who has lived in Thornhill, Ontario all my life and I don't know anybody to crash with in the GTA. My father lives in a tiny room in the basement of a house in Toronto. I don't know if his landlord is renting any rooms out. My grandfather lives down the street from me and my mother. He is losing his mind due to old age and I don't know how much longer he will be around. My aunt lives in Vancouver. I don't want to go all the way to BC. The last thing I heard about my uncle's last known house was in Kawartha Lakes, but I haven't heard from him in a long time. I hardly have any other family that I can crash with. I also don't have many friends to crash with either. I also don't have many friends to crash with either. I'm fucked in the ass if my mother loses her fucking shit anymore. I will not go to a fucking shelter as I'm ain't no fucking bum. For fuck's sake, I'll even stay in the break room at Sobeys where I work. I don't want to get my fucking ass fired from work if I bring all my things and stay at the store. I'm fucking sick of this fucking shit as I'm fucking close to fucking ending my fucking life by fucking stuffing a fucking pillow down my fucking mouth until I fucking die. Fuck this world, you son of bitches. Fuck you Dwayne Johnson, you flaming bag of shit crap shack person who yells, can you smell what The Rock is cooking? Oh, believe me buddy, I can smell your candy ass all the way from Hollywood. Can you smell a flaming bag of shit on your lawn, Rocky? I think that all your family deserve flaming bags of shit on their lawn too. You don't know how to make a proper insult in your wrestling promos, you jabroni little punk. While I'm talking about jabronis, you want a piece of the pie, you pint-sized jabroni. I can toss a flaming pie at your face, Rock. If you want to insult like a true flaming bag of shit ranting machine. I can always lay the smackdown on your goddamn freaking candy ass while I insult you, Dwayne. If your goons from The Bloodline come to help you, I'll insult their jabroni candy asses out of the arena. If Paul Heyman is such a wise guy and comes into the ring to insult me, I'll insult him back with every colorful insult in the book. If Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa want a piece of me, just bring it. McDonald's is a bunch of flaming bags of shit. McDonald's should be called McPuke as their food tastes like vomit. Were their hamburger patties made by an employee who had just taken a shit and made the turds into a patty? I think that their employees step into a container of lettuce while making Big Macs. I don't want my Big Mac with lettuce from the foot lettuce meme. I haven't got a Big Mac attack in a while, as the last time I had one, I tossed it at a cop after I ranted to the manager about fucking up my order. The manager chuckled as the cop started rambling about the Big Mac that I tossed at him. McDonald's should get their jabroni candy asses burned in a flaming bag of shit and be gone. Road signs have got to be one of the useless things out there. There are signs everywhere and no one gives a flaming bag of shit about them. I don't know how many times I nearly got hit by someone going through a stop sign without stopping and going way over the posted speed limit while I'm crossing the street. I just want to hit those flaming bags of shit jabroni drivers' teeth out every time they nearly hit me, even if they got their candy ass stopped by the police. Other times, I see cars passing a school bus with their red lights on and the stop sign extended. Hey flaming bag of shit jabroni drivers, if you hit someone, it might be your kid you just hit. In my area, they have road signs in the middle of the road. How goddamn dumb is the city of Vaughan, Ontario to spend my tax dollars on those signs. These flaming bags of shit jabroni drivers don't pay attention to signs on the side of the road. Do you think that they will pay attention to the signs in the middle of the road? They need to make the road signs like the Las Vegas strip or put curse words on the signs like "One Way Bitch" or "50 Kilometers per Hour, You Fucking Prick." The only sign that those flaming bags of shit jabroni drivers will get is a middle finger and a piece of my mind. Electric vehicles are a flaming bag of shit as they are fucking useless. Their batteries are total shit in the goddamn winter as they don't like the damn cold. How the hell do people get help if their battery runs out of juice in the middle of nowhere in a snowstorm? No roadside assistance wants to freeze their candy asses off for hours until the car is fully charged. That got a death sentence written all over that. Also, charging stations are few and far away in Canada. Gas stations are basically at every street corner. How the hell do you charge your Tesla at a gas station with no charging station? I don't understand those politicians like Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau who want to build all these electric vehicle factories in Canada. They want to make Canada a much greener place by making all vehicles electric by 2030. They can't build a flaming bag of shit by then if they try. Electric vehicles chew up hydro like a flaming bag of shit when charging at home. I will not pay a six-figure bill sent by a jabroni candy-ass-hydro company. I just want to destroy all electric vehicles in a flaming bag of shit as I don't want my jabroni candy ass neighbor to keep bitching about his new Tesla. Overall, electric vehicles should get their plugs pulled out and let their goddamn freaking flaming bag of shit jabroni candy asses die. These modern friendships today are nothing like I remembered. Everyone today has got thousands of friends on Facebook and none in person. No offense, but is everyone lazing about in flaming bags of shit on their phones or computers making Facebook friends instead of making friends in person? Back in my time, guys went to bars where they met ladies, and they shared beers together. Today, if a guy walks up to a lady in a bar and wants to chat, the lady may think the guy is a weirdo and his only goal is putting the moves on her. Not all guys are creeps and weirdos who are looking for some sexy time, as there are many men who are the kindest people out there looking for friendship. I don't understand some people who have no friends in real life and only talk to their friends on Facebook that they have never met in person before. Well, if they only get off their jabroni candy ass phones or computers and get up from their jabroni candy asses and go out and meet people, they will feel much better than chatting to their Facebook friends. I think that people today need to burn their phones, computers and Facebook accounts in flaming bags of shit, you cagey jabroni dumbass fools that use Facebook for online friendships. I want plastic straws and other plastic items to come back into use, as paper flaming bags of shit items are flaming bags of shit. I don't give a flaming bag of shit about these jabronis that think that paper things are better than plastic things. Hey paper loving jabronis, try to drink a soft drink with a paper straw after a few hours. The straw becomes soggy like a flaming bag of shit. I would've kissed a prostitute with herpes then drank with a soggy paper straw. Plastic bags are king as I always put my trash in them at my place. Paper bags are trash that needs to be put in my plastic trash bag. Paper bags can't hold trash juice like a drunk person trying to hold their piss after one too many beers. I don't want to wear any trash juice if a paper bag breaks on me. What about cars today as they are made from almost all plastic? Are auto companies going to replace plastic with paper? For fuck's sake, the next rainstorm will fuck up your paper cars. I know that plastic trash is a serious environmental problem in the oceans and shit but if these jabronis don't litter, everything will be fine. Plastic can be melted down into something new, but these jabronis of governments will not fund the practice of melting plastic because they need to be an Elon Musk rich to run it. I think that items that are made other than plastic are the dumbest flaming bag of shit out there and should be burned in a flaming bag of shit. I think that Generation Alpha is the most retarded generation out there as they don't know a flaming bag of shit from their own ass unless they look it up on their fucking phones. Generation Alpha are going to be the most educated generation, my ass, as they ain't no smarter than a flaming bag of shit. I heard that an eighth grader was tasked with spelling words for homework, and they didn't get one word right. The teacher wrote on Twitter that the eighth grade student was at a first grade spelling level. When I was in grade eight, I had been diagnosed with autism for 4 years already. I wasn't the best speller back then, but I was somewhat smarter than that eighth grader. Why do younger kids go nuclear if their parents take their tech away? These 5-year-old kids turn into the Hulk when their pads are taken away by their Generation Z parents, who have the same level of use of technology as their kids. These kids need to go outside and smell the fucking roses without their pads. But no, the kids just stay at home on their pads to watch whatever inappropriate kid shows they like to watch. Back when I was 5, iPhones and iPads didn't even exist yet, and that was about 20 years ago. I watch kids' shows on TV and go outside as a kid. If a boy was born on New Year's Day 2020 to Generation Z parents, he would be 4 years old today. That 4-year-old boy would have more technological items than both of his parents and their millennial grandparents combined. I was born in 2000 as a Generation Z to baby boomer parents born in the early 60s and silent generation grandparents from the late 30s to early 40s. When I was 4, I didn't have all this tech like kids of the same age have today. I didn't even own a cell phone back then. My first cell phone I got was in 2019, but it was a goddamn flip phone. People of the same age and generation as me all got the first iPhones when they first came out in 2007, but I can't. Even in 2019, when the iPhone 11 is released, I still can't buy it. The reason why I didn't buy the iPhone between 2007 and 2019 was because of my anti-technology parents. I want to be a part of my generation, but no, my parents won't let me. I so want to rebel against them, but I don't want to feel their wrath. Generation Z parents buy their young kids new iPhones every year when Apple releases them. I didn't have that goddamn luxury as a kid, even when my mom was still at her goddamn good-paying job. I don't get why those kids that are old enough use social media accounts like Facebook. I heard horror stories about 13-year-old girls on Facebook chatting with some guy who faked their age on Facebook. That guy may be the same age as me, 24. That would have bad deeds written all over it if the guy asked the girl to meet him in person for his own evil gain. The horrifying part is that the girls' parents probably don't give a flaming bag of shit about their Facebook accounts. I know when I was 13, I had a Facebook account. When my parents found out, they were fuming. I don't know if that account is still up after 11 years, but I made another one, give or take, around 2015. I want to have kids one day but will not raise them into spoiled little brats whose only goal in life is technology like some of those parents of my age and generation do. I wouldn't want to raise my kids like my anti-technology parents did when they bought me a flip phone at 19 years old as my first phone. Been there, done that. I would let my kids use their iPads to play on learning apps when they are little, but when I say that the time is up to get off, I mean it. I don't want them to go nuclear about getting off. I would let them have an iPhone when they are older, but I wouldn't go head over heels if they asked me to buy them a new iPhone every year because their friends are doing it, even if they keep bitching for days on end about it. Regardless of how many times I said no to them to stop nagging me for it, no means no. I want to spill my guts out about online shopping in this spicy rant, which may be very offensive. I'll rant about the pros and cons of online shopping. I don't mind the concept of online shopping and I would be online shopping if my anti-technology shopping parents went out of the closet to find out that online shopping is the way of the future. Hey anti-technology shopping parents, come out of the freaking closet and smell the world of online shopping and shove the modern world up your fucking ass. If my parents still didn't care about the modern world, I'd punch their noses into a bloody mess. What the fuck is this flaming bag of shit about jabronis going head over heels about online shopping? They are going insane for great deals, just like when sliced bread was invented. I don't give a flaming bag of shit to almost everybody who is buying things left, right and center online. What the flaming bag of shit is so fucking convenient about online shopping if the internet is utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit. Fuck your internet and fuck your cell phone data, as in-store shopping is king. They can go buy a flaming bag of shit in-store to snack on while buying things online. Where were the good old days when jabronis went to an actual store on Black Friday and got into fist fights with other jabronis for great deals. If I buy something online on Black Friday, I can't wrestle a jabroni for my tradition of mayhem on Black Friday. Are some of these jabronis who are in good health, have a shit ton of free time on their hands, not limited mobility and ain't looking after their little bastards just plain fucking lazy and inconsiderate when they basically buy everything they need online without ever stepping foot inside a store? I mean groceries, fast food, clothes, furniture, for fuck's sake, they even rent a goddamn girlfriend online. Can these jabronis get off their candy asses for once in their lives and go to Sobeys to buy groceries without buying them online? And no, you can't order the groceries on your phone in your car in the parking lot while an employee does your shopping for you. I want you to go into the goddamn freaking Sobeys to buy your flaming bag of shit and pay for it with the green stuff. If you are going to pay for it on your phone, I'll punch your nose into a bloody mess and toss your phone into an armor truck as it was leaving. If you take your little goddamn bastards shopping in person with you, I don't give a flaming bag of shit if they start to misbehave because they want to buy the groceries online. If your misbehaving little bastards grow into a life of buying everything online, I'll punch their noses into a bloody mess and scar them for life with a living nightmare called an ass beating. I can't understand some jabronis who buy Burger King through Uber Eats when the closest one is right next door to your place. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if you don't feel like walking next door because your legs might fall off. I want you to walk next door to order a Whopper combo and eat it at the restaurant, you lazy jabroni healthy hog. If you still don't want to walk to Burger King and want to buy it on Uber Eats, I'll drag you by your ear against your will. If you resist me, I'll punch your nose into a bloody mess and gag you when I stuff a whole Whopper down your throat. Some of these jabronis who buy clothes online at Walmart are retarded when they buy the wrong size and get utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit when they can't return it. Hey jabronis, buy your clothes in person to leave the pain of owning a shit ton of clothes that you can't wear. If you still want to buy clothes online and get the wrong sizes, I'll punch your nose into a bloody mess and choke you with a pair of pantyhose. Jabronis who buy furniture from IKEA online after buying a new house are dumb. What about a delivery for a bed that might take a few days to come, and you need to sleep on the goddamn floor? Some jabronis own a pickup truck and can easily haul the bed, but they are chicken shits because they fear that the bed might fuck up the pickup suspension. If you don't want to go to IKEA to pick up your bed, I'll punch your nose into a bloody mess, steal your pickup and run your candy ass over. As for renting a girlfriend, I know that the concept is pretty common in some parts of Asia, like Japan. These ladies are just for companionship, not for some sexy time. If you only want some sexy time, maybe if you should go shopping in person, you might meet someone while shopping in a store and just maybe you may have some sexy time. If you don't go to a store, I'll punch your nose into a bloody mess and order you to suck my dick. If you don't suck my dick, I'll punch your nose into a bloody mess again and drag you by your dick to a strip club. Good lord above, you can't pay me enough money to buy something online just to have it taken right from the front of my house. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I buy a one-cent crap shack toy or a fifty-thousand dollar gold bar. These jabroni porch pirates need to get their candy asses utterly fucked in the ass in a flaming bag of shit until they die in the joint while being their cellmates' bitch. What the hell if all the brick and mortar stores suddenly died on May 1, 2024, and you can only buy things online? I can bet for sure that hell will freeze over as jabronis who like in-store shopping or don't have technology will go ape shit. Overall, online shopping needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. Traffic is the most annoying flaming bag of shit out there. All that shit is jabronis getting their candy asses up to go to work in the morning or coming home to their half dozen wives at night. I goddamn hate getting stuck behind a school bus in bumper to bumper traffic doing 5 kilometers an hour while the little punks on the bus are mocking me. I was already getting high on the fumes from the bus exhaust pipe, which looked like a piece of pipe from a scrapyard welded onto the bus. For fuck's sake, that bus needs to be scrapped as it is a freaking rust bucket. I just want to scream at the top of my lungs as I drive on the sidewalk to pass that flaming bag of shit school bus at retarded o'clock called rush hour. I don't even give a flaming bag of shit if I get my driver's license suspended and my car impounded if I am labeled a terrorist for driving on the sidewalk. I live on a quiet street, but during the rush hour it is pure mayhem. I needed to fight my way out of my driveway so many times that I often thought of owning an Abrams tank, so I could just plow over the traffic while blasting Ghost Division by Sabaton on the radio. Hey jabronis, if you see an Abrams in your rearview mirror or hear Ghost Division blasting, you better move your car out of my way or get flattened. What is this flaming bag of shit about these newer semi-trucks? Where are the days when you drove a 1980 Mack Super-Liner and you feel like the king of the fucking road? Nothing sounds better than hearing the roar of the Super-Liner's engine at highway speed. These newer jabroni trucks lack that raw sound. Why do these new big jabroni rigs need all those safety features? With all those features on those rigs, they still crashed like a flaming bag of shit. The first time the lane departure warning in a big rig cursed at me to stay in my lane, I'd grab a flaming bag of shit and toss it at the system. I just like how big rigs from back in the day looked. They were sexy as hell. If Mack reproduced the Super-Liner in 2024, I wouldn't give a flaming bag of shit about it. It would lack the raw sound of the older ones and would be packed to the rim with all these jabroni safety features that I hate with a flaming bag of shit. I think that all these newer trucks from Mack, Kenworth, International, Peterbilt and many other brands need to burn in a flaming bag of shit. What the flaming bag of shit is so cool about the Shinkansen? Their tickets are over-priced and the trains are pieces of jabroni crap that can go as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog. I want to drive a Shinkansen and run over Sonic to put his candy ass into a road kill so badly that Sonic's parents can't identify his buggered up mess of a body. The Shinkansen has had no fatal accidents in its entire history, but after I kill Sonic there will be 1 death. I know that Japan has big earthquakes, but why ain't there a bunch of Shinkansens burning in a flaming bag of shit on the side of the tracks during these big ass earthquakes? Steam trains from the early 1900s would be utterly fucked in the ass in a flaming bag of shit during the 2011 earthquake in Japan. Why does the Shinkansen line write an apology in the newspaper because a train leaves the station very early or late? Many Shinkansens leave and arrive at stations around Japan and a flaming bag of shit happens. Overall, I think that the Shinkansen is a bunch of freaking jabroni goddamn buggered up in the ass bullshit that needs to die in a flaming bag of shit. Fuck this flaming bag of shit about buying food online. I goddamn hate it when jabronis buy breakfast at iHop, lunch at Burger King and dinner at McDonald's via Uber Eats. Why not just go to these places and eat there, you jabroni dumb hogs. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if you got to go all the way to Timbuktu to get to any of these restaurants. If I see you ordering a foot-long sub from Subway on Uber Eats, I'll punch your nose into a bloody mess and smash your phone onto your head. If you want to eat a healthy flaming bag of shit from a store called Upbeat Baka Chump, you can ride your flaming bag of shit to Upbeat Baka Chump and buy some healthy flaming bag of shit there. Those jabronis who order fast food online all the time are the most unhealthy jabroni pieces of fat hog out there. Wow, I'm shocked that this flaming bag of shit world ain't filled with fat slobs. Overall, fuck Uber Eats, DoorDash and all the rest of these flaming bags of shit food ordering apps. I think the prices for houses today are a flaming bag of shit. You got to be as rich as Elon Musk to buy a goddamn house. For fuck's sake, a small piece of jabroni crap shack costs a million bucks. I have seen my fair share of jabroni crap shacks in my life. I wouldn't pay a million bucks to buy one. For fuck's sake, I wouldn't give a million bucks to my worst enemy to take a shit in one. I often think about bitch slapping housing inflation back to hell where it belongs. I also want to bitch slap that jabroni baka of a fucking asshole called Justin Trudeau as he is the reason why the prices are so high. That baka chump wants to bring all these refugees from these war-torn countries over to Canada and get them houses. That got dumbass written all over that you baka chump. People like me get utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell if I want to buy a house, but can't because all these refugees are living in them rent-free. If Trudeau could fucked the refugees with a flaming bag of shit and plan to build new houses for us average Joes, maybe the cost would be cheaper. There is a lack of labor in the workforce, fuck me in the ass. There are all these refugees in Canada that may get hired to do free labor to build new houses. Renting a house is even a flaming bag of shit. Rent can cost up to 3 grand a month and some people that work a 40-hour week make around 2 grand a month. Living on 14 bucks an hour and paying rent is not enough to live on. Even if you are living on 20 bucks an hour, it leaves you with a hundred bucks to spend after rent. You need to make at least 50 bucks an hour to even make a decent living at just under 5 grand pocket money after paying 3 grand for rent. Overall, I think that buying or renting a small piece of jabroni crap shack in Canada for an average Joe is a flaming bag of shit. I think that commercials are as annoying as a flaming bag of shit. I hate it when I watch two nude ladies bitch slapping each other on television when a commercial pops up for Upbeat Baka Chump. Every time that happens, I yell at the television that I was watching the nude women fighting. Those jabroni advertisers need to burn in a flaming bag of shit. Also, those jabroni advertisers just need to get their candy asses kicked by the nude ladies. One thing that makes me mad is when something in a commercial is much bigger than in real life. A flaming bag of shit in an Upbeat Baka Chump commercial is so freaking big, but that same flaming bag of shit in person looked much smaller. I like my flaming bags of shit to be big enough to have an impact. Talking about impact, I want to toss a flaming bag of shit at my television every time a commercial pops up. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if the commercial is advertising a 2024 Mack Superliner, a flaming bag of shit at Upbeat Baka Chump or Donald Trump's election ad. Overall, commercials are repetitive as a flaming bag of shit and need to burn in one. What the fuck is wrong with YouTube? They just Content ID claimed many of my live streams of me reacting to Angry Grandpa videos. Someone called Rhei Entertainment is the one claiming my streams. Is Rhei trying to be funny, you little punk? I know many other channels that do Angry Grandpa live streams or other related stuff that ain't going to be happy. I thought that Angry Grandpa videos didn't run into copyright claims issues if I was using them for reactions. I don't know if Rhei Entertainment is teaming up with the Kid Behind a Camera to Content ID claiming Angry Grandpa's videos, but I don't like either if they are or not. Spread the word that this is happening. You know what Rhei, I don't have the will power to shit talk you with every slur out there right now. But if you keep doing this, I will have no other choice than to unleash my utterly inflammatory wrath on you. As I'm still taking time off YouTube after my monetization was paused on March 24, 2024. I don't know if Rhei Entertainment is run by my worst enemy, Galithrania. To this day, after the Copyright Strike War of April 2023, I hate Galithrania. The things that I would do to Galithrania if I got my hands on them. I know when I faked myself as a lawyer and emailed Galithrania a fake lawsuit, I noticed that their real name is Tim Jørgensen. Galithrania or whatever your name is, I want you to hear this out. I wouldn't give a flaming bag of shit if I had to put a fake $5000 bounty on Galithrania's candy ass or would call the police to have a SWAT team to bust into your house while Galithrania was taking a shit if I learned where they lived. I don't even give a flaming bag of shit if I march to where Galithrania is and kidnap that piece of shit. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I kidnap Galithrania in the middle of Death Valley or Area 51. I'll do ungodly atrocities on Galithrania. I don't even give a flaming bag of shit if I have to unleash my inner Adolf Hitler. I often listen to Rise of Evil by Sabaton when I need to go to that dark place where my kind of pure evil of chaos rises high that I want to unleash on Galithrania. I want to raid Galithrania's town where they live and cause utter and complete chaos. I'll brutally butcher all the men, women and children in the town. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if the town only had Galithrania or one million other people, I'd all them all. If Galithrania wasn't there, I would hunt their candy ass like a hound dog. When Galithrania is caught in a trap, and they can't get out, I'll drag them to my place. When I get to my place, I'll start to torture them. I'll cut Galithrania's nuts off and sew them back on without anesthesia. I'll freeze Galithrania's arm at absolute zero and then chop it off. After I cut the arm off, I'll sew an arm from a person that died from the Black Death. I'll insert HIV via a needle into Galithrania's new arm. I want to insert the venom of the Golden dart frog, Inland Taipan snake, Sydney funnel-web spider and the Platypus into Galithrania's arms. When I finish with my twisted mind about harming Galithrania, I'll send them to the gas chamber. Parking lots are a flaming bag of shit as they are just one big wrestling ring where jabroni drivers can't drive and park like shit and jabroni pedestrians come out of nowhere and get run over and don't give a flaming bag of shit if their shopping cart hits someone's car. The police can't even referee the parking lot because they are private. I don't know how many times I nearly got run over by some jabroni drivers who didn't give a flaming bag of shit while I was walking in a parking lot, and they gave me a dirty look that I did something wrong. Maybe if these jabroni drivers who are speed demons could shove the brake pedal up their candy asses, people wouldn't get killed. Why in the flaming bags of shit can't the police give a ticket to someone who blew a stop sign in parking lots? That's a bunch of bullshit if a pig can't give a jabroni a ticket for running a stop sign and T-boned another jabroni. If that is the case, I can run over as many people as I can without getting arrested. If some jabroni Asian lady driver that parks in a no-parking zone in a parking lot when there are many free spots should get her license ripped up and her car utterly destroyed in a flaming bag of shit when I become enraged. Even when the police bark at the jabroni Asian lady driver to move it, she doesn't give a flaming bag of shit about the order as she talks on her phone in Japanese. That jabroni Asian lady driver needed to get her candy ass hauled out of her car by the officer and undergo some police brutality and groping. I hope that the jabroni Asian lady driver likes having some sexy time with the officer. I think that jabronis who have jabroni girlfriends are ruining my life. All the jabronis do is talk about how good their sex life is. I don't give a flaming bag of shit about their sex life because I ain't got no goddamn sex life myself. I don't know how many times I jacked off, but I felt something missing. Something like a lady jerking me off and getting laid. I hate when these jabronis laugh at me for not having a lady. I hate it even more when those jabronis kiss their jabroni girlfriends, but it soon turns out to be a goddamn freaking make-out session. I just wanted to do a primal scream to them stating to get a room. Fuck dating sites as I don't want to pay for their services to find that special someone. Fuck porn video chats as the women won't flash their boobs unless I tip them. Fuck Samantha as I never asked her for sex when we were in high school, but she would surely kick my candy ass if I would ever ask that back then. Fuck Sabrina as she would for sure get bitchy if I asked her to fuck back in high school too. Fuck the many ladies that mock me because of my autism. Fuck the nightmares I have that have anime characters mocking me about me dreaming of them being their girlfriend. I would like to find that special someone, get married, settle down together and have kids. I want kids because I want to feel the joy of holding my child for the first time after birth. I wanted to die of old age when my great-grandchildren were sitting on my lap while surrounded by my wife and family. I want my eternal flame to be fueled by the touch of a woman. Until the day when the eternal flame burns white-hot, I'll dream of anime girls soothing my soul. I want to rage about the Sewol Ferry Accident as the crew are blamed for running off the ship with their tails between their legs while hundreds of 16-year-old students drowned. Shame on you Mr. Captain, you should have gone down with the ship. I'm glad that you're already rotting in prison for the rest of your life, coward captain. I'm also glad that the rest of the crew got jail time and even the South Korean Prime Minister resigned in a flaming bag of shit. These students got their lives cut short because of the sheer and unholy action of the crew. They should have done some great things in the world. The last messages and videos of those students claw at my soul as no parent has to go through that hell. My deepest and utter heart-filled thoughts are with them 10 years after. I know that I can't go back into the past and change history and my arms are shaking in the air in rage because of that. Rest in peace to all those young souls and damn you in a flaming bag of shit to the crew. Lately, I have been eating unhealthy food before I go to bed. I have been trying to numb that part inside of me. I need food that numbs my inner pain and rage. My soul feels like it's utterly hollow that food isn't filling. I often think of shoving a Whopper down my throat in one go until I gag. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I wanted to gag out the Whopper, I'll keep forcing myself to gag. I just want to feel the primal urge to gag. I want each gag to shake my body. I wanted to feel my whole body convulsing as I was gagging more forcefully for air. I wanted to feel one forceful gag to render my whole body utterly numb and the eternal flame inside me was put out. I want to feel this numbness for a long time. After I was done with gagging myself with a Whopper, I wanted to gag myself with a hot dog. I feel like shoving a whole hot dog down my throat until I start to hack. I want to feel the primal urge to breathe. As I shove more hot dogs down my throat, I want to feel like my brain wants to blow up. I want to feel the urge to forcefully gag the hot dogs. I want to feel my mouth go numb. I want the gags to shake my body with such force, I want my nose to bleed. If my gag reflex forces the hot dogs out of my throat, I'll force the dogs back in. To help me with the gagging from the hot dogs, I'll drink a lot of sub sauce. When I'm gagging on the hot dogs, I'll shove french fries up my nose. I want the salt of the fries to sting my nose. I want to get high from the salt. I want to moan in pure bliss as I am choking on hot dogs while I have a primal urge to sneeze out the french fries that I shove up my nose. After I'm done with choking on hot dogs and stuffing french fries up my nose, I want to force myself to get brain freeze on ice cream. I want to force myself to get the most painful brain freeze to numb my brain. I want the brain freeze to be so extreme that I want my brain to be numb from the rest of my body. For fuck's sake, Rhei Entertainment needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit and leave me the fuck alone. You think that Content ID claiming my live streams with Angry Grandpa reactions would help with your business of fucking up other YouTube channels and their ad revenue. Believe me buddy, I have been there with copyright striking videos myself and it is not worth it. I think that a Japanese school girl pissing herself is horny. I like how she rushes to a washroom holding her crotch but doesn't make it there. I love her panic shrieking as the piss ran down her legs like a bat out of hell. My job as a produce clerk at Sobeys is getting repetitive as a flaming bag of shit. I'm doing the same old shit over and over every Sunday. I think that burnout ain't cutting it, but more like being burnt in a flaming bag of shit. I so want to walk into an aisle and wipe the items off the shelves. I feel an urge to give all the customers an RKO or an F5. I'm tempted to take an electric pallet jack and go on a rampage. I even feel tempted to set off a flaming bag of shit in the ladies' locker room. This is a goddamn clusterfuck why I ain't causing any mayhem yet. I don't know how many times I wanted to put the moves on this one coworker I like. I feel like putting up a hammock on a U-boat hand truck and going to sleep most times. I think that the Government of Canada is a flaming bag of shit as Justin Trudeau needs to get utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. I so want to march to Ottawa to take over the country and run it with my twisted ideology that is mixed with Nazism, communism, anarchism and socialism. I'll be the utmost evil dictator the world has ever known. I'll purge my foes into a flaming bag of shit. I'll overthrow all the municipal and provincial governments in Canada that don't match my twisted extremist ideology. I'll move the capital from Ottawa to Toronto. I'll gas all people that are not Canadian. I will yell pure and utter hatred at non-Canadians as they are gagging for air in the gas chamber. I'll build defenses on the US border so tough that the Hulk can't smash them. I'll also build the Canadian Armed Forces so mighty that all other countries put together can't touch it. I'll take over Alaska from the United States with such force that the world knows that I mean fucking business. If people think about overthrowing me, I'll personally chop their heads off and feed my dogs with their remains while I'll show their heads off to the public. I'll restrict any outside information, so I'll purge anyone into a flaming bag of shit if they read the New York Times. I'll also restrict any foreign entertainment too. If anyone watched any Japanese anime, I'd purge them into a flaming bag of shit. I'll ban the internet for every Canadian so no one can get in touch with the outside world. I'll also ban every Canadian from using smartphones and computers. Only businesses and government personnel could only use the internet, smartphones and computers. I'll let people that can afford smartphones have them, but it would be heavily restricted that they can't use most websites or make international calls. I'll ban anyone from leaving Canada because I don't want people to spread the kind of sheer terror that I'm causing for the people. Only high ranking Canadians can leave Canada for diplomatic reasons. If people even thought about trying to escape Canada, good fucking luck as guards can shoot and kill you. If someone does escape Canada, I'll imprison every last one of their family members. I want to have three generations of punishment. If their brother and sister-in-law have kids in the joint, the kids will stay the rest of their lives behind bars. If the second generation had kids, they would suffer the same fate. If the third generation had kids, the fourth generation might be free, but they and any other descendants after them would be shunned. I would also ban people from leaving Toronto. If you live in the condominium on the south side of Steeles Avenue West and your family live in another condominium just across the street, which is Vaughan, you can't see them there. I would have a huge secret police force to make my people fear me even more. These officers will be armed with AA-12s and M60s and wear heavy armor. They would be highly trained in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, karate, judo, and kung fu. These officers needed to be always on guard and willing to die in the name of God. New recruits can't be any mama's boys or sissies. I want to own every company in Canada, so I can become the first trillionaire. I'll make traffic much safer by having red light cameras at every intersection equipped with traffic lights in Canada. I'll have speed cameras in every school zone in every village, town and city in Canada too. I'll put cameras at every intersection with stop signs, so I can fine people running them. I'll also have cameras everywhere, so my secret police will watch everyone. I'll use robots and drones with cameras to help my forces in their fight of fucking over my people. I want to raise everything to be unrealistically unaffordable. I want median home prices will reach $5 million in major cities, the rent for a one-bedroom apartment will exceed $5,000 per month, property taxes will double every year, gas prices will reach $50 per liter, public transportation fares will triple, car insurance premiums will skyrocket to $5,000 per month, a doctor's visit will cost $1,000, prescription drugs will be priced in the thousands of dollars per month, hospital stays will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, college tuition will reach $100,000 per year, student loan debt will exceed $500,000 per student, textbooks will cost hundreds of dollars each, milk will cost $20 per liter, a loaf of bread will cost $15 and a single apple will cost $5. I want everybody that is 8 years old to join the military for 8 years or face execution in the form of drowning for females and a firing squad for males. I want everybody that is 16 years old to get married or face execution in the form of the methods mentioned above. I want each married couple to have at least 5 kids within 3 years or face the same dire consequences. I'll let prisoners do my dirty work to build new projects like to build defenses on the US border. I want a prisoner to be my slave, and she must be a Japanese girl that is cute and would do anything that I pleased. If this Japanese whore didn't comply with my will, I'd purge her family right before her eyes. I'd drown her female family members and kill her male members in a firing squad. I'd kill each one of her family members with vigor as she wailed her eyes out. After I killed the whole family, and she still fears me, I'd pull her by the hair and force her face into the water. I'll show no pity if the little bitch pisses herself while I'm forcing her underwater. I'd feel her up by grabbing her breasts while her tiny hands try to stop me. I would cum myself if she started to gurgle bubbles and empty her lungs underwater. Just before she was on the verge of drowning, I'd pull her up and ask her if I would spare her if she did what I wanted to. If the little nip Jap pleaded not to be drowned and is willing to become my slave, I'll force her to a living quarter where she can get changed into a skimpy school uniform. YouTube is acting like a flaming bag of shit lately, as YouTube is smoking flaming bags of shit. Firstly, many channels that I subscribe to aren't subscribed anymore. Sometimes when I resubscribe, an error popup comes up. I goddamn hate it when I am going to watch one of my favorite live streamers and I can't chat because only subscriber mode is on. Hey YouTube, come on. I have been subscribed to some of these live streamers for years and I can't chat with them because of some bug on your end. Secondly, the closed captions on videos are sometimes off by default, and I have to turn them on. That's a real big pain in the ass to do every time, as I can't hear properly due to earwax buildup. YouTube doesn't give a flaming bag of shit about people with hearing problems, as they only care about the green stuff. Leon's is a fucking flaming bag of shit as I paid 2 grand for a couch from there, and it came in boxes on delivery day. I just refuse the couch as the delivery people don't want to open the boxes and build the couch. For fuck's sake, a 5-year-old kid could assemble the couch, it was that easy. This one jabroni sale person that sold me the couch told me that the delivery people would assemble the fucking couch. I would be utterly fuck in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell if I couldn't get the money back. I should have bought that sofa bed from The Brick. I went back to Leon's, and they would come back on Saturday and, hopefully, assemble the couch. In the meantime, I had to sit on the goddamn floor as I got 1-800 Got Junk to get rid of my old couch the night before the delivery. I already had a mess-up back and sitting on the floor until Saturday is messing it up more. I just hope that Leon's won't stab me in the back this Saturday. I really want to have friends, as I haven't had them since I fucked up my number to a friend, Samantha, when I graduated from high school. It's been 5 years since I graduated and every moment of every day I think about her. I know that I have talked online with another former high school friend, Sabrina, since high school. She is so fussy about deleting and making new Instagram accounts. I talked to her on Instagram one night and the next morning her account had fallen off the face of the earth. I liked a female coworker at the Sobeys I work at. She is such a sweet and cute girl that I like. I felt like asking her out, but my nerves got the better of me. Lately, I noticed that her name wasn't on the schedule. I overheard her saying about another job or something else to someone, but I didn't pay much attention. I sometimes run into her on the street on our days off, but it is just a hello and go. Besides those three people, I'm pretty much a lonely fat fool that jerks off to anime until the day I die an old man. Saudi Arabia just needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit as they are nothing but greedy rich from rolling in oil all day and night. Saudi Arabia's oil reserves would be Leviticus Cornwall's wet dream, my ass. He would probably buy all the oil tycoons out of business and laugh as the money he gained comes flying out of his ass. Why ain't the police in Riyadh driving around in high-end super cars like they do in Dubai? The city budget is as rich as Elon Musk for fuck's sake. He should give away a fleet of Teslas to the police force in Riyadh. The heat in Saudi Arabia is freaking brutal as a flaming bag of shit. I went to Riyadh to watch the King and Queen of the Ring and holy flaming bag of shit it was hot. It was that hot, you could probably cook an egg on Gunther's six-pack. I don't know if my fart would combust in the heat in Riyadh. I don't want to test if the hair inside my ass will burn in a flaming bag of shit if I let a juicy one go. Overall, Saudi Arabia should burn in a flaming bag of shit and add all their oil reserves to that dumpster fire to fan the fumes into the ticking pipe bomb. Fuck Leviticus Cornwall as he just needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. He is a greedy son of a bitch that buggers people in the ass to become rich. The fool's men held me and Leopold Strauss hostage once in the town of Valentine. Good lord for Arthur Morgan to kill them before they kill us all. Why the flaming bag of shit is he so fussy about fucking over the small guy just to make a freaking dime? I pity the little guys who have been utterly fuck in the ass in a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell by Cornwall. This is why I robbed his jabroni candy ass many times, as the money is better in my pocket than in his. I don't think that I will see him dancing around in his underwear while holding a gold-plated submachine gun and listening to Arab Money like Yusuf Amir does from Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony anytime soon. If I ever see Cornwall doing that on my ranch, I'll grab my gold-plated sawn off shotgun and blast his candy ass back to kingdom come. Overall, I'm glad that Cornwall is dead in a flaming bag of shit. I will happily dance with a gold-plated submachine gun on his grave along with Yusuf as Cornwall feeds the fishes from hell. You know what, I had enough of Rhei Entertainment. All they do is claim my reaction videos and live streams of Angry Grandpa. Do they have some common freaking sense about not claiming stuff unless it's yours or on behalf of someone else? That's what I call a dumbass if you are claiming for your own gain. Many people on YouTube upload reaction videos and live streams of Angry Grandpa to support them and their families. Hey Rhei Entertainment, do you want to take a lollipop from some kid because their YouTuber mother can't pay for it? You're robbing the future of these creators to support their kids. What do you want these kids to do, beg people for money on the street because their parents can't make ends meet on their YouTube channel? Many of my fellow YouTubers had to delete many of their reaction videos and live streams because they wouldn't want the claims to mess up their monetization. One such YouTuber, DKRACK, deleted all his live streams. He has around 63K subscribers and does Angry Grandpa reactions. He does many other reaction streams, like Angry Grandma, scary videos and gaming, but all those bite the dust. What a freaking bummer, as he has kids, and he needs money from his subscribers via super chats and channel memberships. At least Rhei Entertainment ain't copyright striking reaction videos or streams yet. If Rhei Entertainment ever goes down that rabbit hole, there is going to be hell to pay. Holy flaming bag of shit the highway system has got to be one of the scariest things out there. Jabroni drivers drive like they are the only person on the road and cause crashes. I had been behind those jabronis too many times when they wiped the hell out and been stuck for hours punching my mirror off while they cleaned the wreck up. The speed on the highways is the main cause of these crashes. I see jabronis speeding at 200 kilometers per hour in a 100 zone. Hey jabronis, this ain't the Autobahn where there are no speed limits in some areas. I know that I'm a no bullshit ranting machine type of person that dislikes a lot of things, but highway driving scares the hell out of me for the mentioned reasons. I'm often as bad as these jabronis, as I drive like a bat out of hell when these jabronis speed demons who don't give a flaming bag of shit cut me off and then smash themselves into the back of a cop car. When they are being cuffed, I'll laugh evilly, as at that moment they knew that they fucked up. Overall, highways are full of jabronis that need to burn in a flaming bag of shit and their licenses revoked. Ford has got to be one of the most flaming bag of shit goddamn car companies out there. I believe that Ford stands for "found on the road fucking dead" as they are always breaking down. They are nothing but goddamn rust buckets that need to fail harder than Nick Hogan's car around that goddamn tree. I bet that U-Haul buys all the shitiest Ford trucks for pennies on the dollar and their customers run them into the grave. I bet that Henry Ford is rolling in his grave because of how shitty Ford is becoming. He made the car affordable for bums back in the day, but not anymore. Where were the days when you could walk into a Ford dealership and buy a car for under a grand? Today, the cheapest Ford is 15 grand. For fuck's sake, it would take me all my life to save up 15 grand, but by then, that 15 grand would be doubled. Even if I could buy a used Ford for under a grand, it would already be a flaming bag of shit that looked like it should be sold for scrap. Overall, Ford is the outright shitiest flaming bag of shit goddamn rust bucket jabroni candy ass freaking company that needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit and bite me in the ass. Why the hell are Jews so inconsiderate? They are nothing but rude hicks that insult people, but they don't like being insulted themselves. They can walk in the middle of the fucking road without a flaming bag of shit in the world, and they will sue me if I hit them. For fuck's sake, their pastime is suing people. If I look at them dirty, they sue. If I flip the bird at them, they sue. For fuck's sake, if I even ask them a question about the Nazis, they will sue. I'll dish out your own medicine by suing you for saying that you will sue me. Jews can't drive, as I have seen them park in places that ain't no fucking parking spot. I don't know how Jews drive in Israel, but they fucking suck where I live. Harley-Davidson is not what I fucking remember, as the newer electric ones are a flaming bag of shit. I love the rumble of the classic Harley-Davidson motorcycle. You know they mean goddamn business when a group of Hells Angels roars past you with their badass Harley-Davidson motorcycles. What will the Hells Angels do if they can't buy Harley-Davidson with that classic rumble anymore? I can see them riding to their headquarters in Milwaukee to talk with the chairman to bring back the classic rumble. I own a Harley-Davidson that sounds like a very loud flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. But baby, that sound is pure heaven to my ears. I love to rev the engine before I let it tear down my street. I want to feel that freedom and the loudness of my Harley riding down the highway. Even the leader of my local Hells Angels club gave me a thumbs up because of the loudness of my Harley. Overall, I miss the good old days of Harley-Davidson where the classic rumble is still king and those newer electric ones do not even exist yet. The TTC is acting like a flaming bag of shit for going on strike. They are messing up the whole of Toronto because they want more of the green stuff. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if the TTC is an essential service or not. It is an essential service for the people of Toronto to get places. Are you saying that the TTC is going on strike all because they are trying to fuck the people of Toronto to get a little more pennies on the dollar in their pockets? That is a bunch of flaming bags of shit if I ever heard one. I have many goddamn plans during the summer in Toronto, and they might be fucked if the TTC is on strike. I'm going to Friday Night Smackdown at the Scotiabank Arena on July 5. If the TTC is still on strike, how the hell am I getting down there? I live in Thornhill, so getting down there is a problem. I'll never drive down there. A taxi would cost me a freaking arm and a leg. Fuck Uber as I need a smartphone to use their app, which I still use a flip phone. I have never been on the Go Transit before. The York Region Transit does not go that far into Toronto. I'm pretty much fucked in the ass for going down there. I'm so thinking of going and stealing a TTC bus and doing a route if they are still on strike. Hey Rick Leary, if you want me to steal one of your buses, use your CEO powers to get the workers back to work. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if the police have to use force to force the striking workers to go back to work. Overall, the TTC strike is the biggest fuck you in the ass that the people of Toronto can get, and they should burn in a flaming bag of shit for that. Las Vegas is one of the goddamn dumbest places on the fucking planet as Vegas is the most extravagant and over-the-top city in the world, my ass, as it fucking sucks like a flaming bag of shit. They are full of gambling junkies who are betting on their houses and becoming a bust when the casino now owns their house. The saying, what happened in Vegas, stays in Vegas, is a bunch of crap as I saw a lot of crazy shit there. I once saw a drunk Winnie-the-Pooh almost get hit by a car. It would be much better if Winnie-the-Pooh had gotten hit, and puked out rainbows. That's a goddamn Vegas story right there. I bet that many other people have seen me doing some crazy things in Vegas as well. Maybe next time I'm there, I might climb up the welcome to Las Vegas sign in my birthday suit. I love to know how much money Las Vegas spends on electricity every month. All the signs at night must be goddamn pricey. If Vegas asks me to pay for it, I'll burn it in a flaming bag of shit. Overall, Las Vegas is a total flaming bag of shit city that needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. All these mental health services are total flaming bags of shit. All of those services are in Toronto and all of them said fuck you because I lived in Thornhill near the fucking border of Toronto. I don't give a flaming bag of shit where I live, I want those services from Toronto to come out of the closet and come up and reach out to me. Any services in York Region are no fucking help either, as the group homes I was thinking of are in fucking Newmarket. That's fucking 40-minute drive away from where I live. I worked at Sobeys, which is right down the street from my house, and whoever runs one of the group homes mentioned that they would get me a job at a store up there. Fuck that other job at that store in Newmarket as I like my job at Sobeys. I don't have a car. It would take 2 hours on transit if I went from the group home in Newmarket to Sobeys. The best thing is that the transportation from the group home would cause me a fucking arm and a leg and I make pennies on the dollar. I'm thinking about not going to go to that flaming bag of shit group home in Newmarket. Why the flaming bag of shit ain't there any fucking services in the Vaughan area? I think that these dump truck drivers are jabroni flaming bags of shit. They are always driving with their buckets up and crashing into overhanging shit. Ain't there any alarms in the cab if the bucket was raised? If so, why the flaming bag of shit do they just drive without a flaming bag of shit in the world? These candy ass dump truck drivers who take out bridges need to get their licenses revoked, fired from their job, fined and banned from trucking. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if the driver is on the job for just 1 day or 50 years, they should know better. The nightmare of traffic from these crashes is an utter flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. If I was stuck behind one, I would yell at the top of my lungs as I drove on the shoulder to pass it. Overall, dump truck drivers who wreck because of driving with their bucket up are very dumb. I felt like a fucking asshole that had been utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell in my life right now. I might have ruined my relationship with my aunt. She came on vacation from Vancouver with my uncle-in-law. She and I were talking, and I said that I could call her a better bad name, so I called her a whore. I never meant to personally insult my own blood, but she was kind of pushing my buttons to call her one in a good way during that time. We made up, but deep down inside me, I'm hurting. I feel like stuffing food down my mouth to the point of me not giving a flaming bag of shit if I fucking die. I don't even give a flaming bag of shit if I gag on the fucking food right now. I just want all this pain that I have been feeling to get utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. My mental health is like I'm getting utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. All these services my mother is trying to get me are making her go insane. My mother classed this as a full-time job of getting me help, which she hates because of all the runaround by these services. She is on the verge of leaving and never coming back. I'm a 24-year-old living with high-functioning autism, and I'm on the verge of losing my goddamn crap. If you come across the message, please voice your concerns about me to the mental health services in the Greater Toronto Area. I'm pleading my subscribers to please help me because I was thinking of ending this once and for all one too many times. I know that taking my life won't help me anyway, but I'm so goddamn sick and freaking tired of getting goddamn slapped about by these services just for them to say that they can't help me because I don't live in the City of Toronto, or I'm too old to get help. Please share this with as many people as you know about this, so people like me can get the goddamn help we need. Shit just hit the fan as I'm assuming that one of the mental health services I'm with called the damn law when my mother was not answering the phone when they called. My mother was in a bitchy mood about an hour ago when she didn't answer. My mother is acting like a fucking asshole because she doesn't want to see her fucking sister, who came all the way from Vancouver. All this because my aunt doesn't want to visit our house and my mother and I always see her at her father's house. I know that my aunt mentioned coming down to our house when I was over at my grandfather's house down the street, but the last few times she came to Toronto, she never did. My grandfather might not have a lot of time left to live due to old age, and he said that he was setting up his bank account to be a joint account with my mother and aunt, but I feel that might cause a full-blown family war if my mother had to go down to his house. I so don't feel like being on TV on an episode of Cops if the shit hits the fan. I know that my family are fucked up, but I don't want the rest of the world to know that. I think that cities are flaming bags of shit as they are nothing but big places full of tall buildings and jabroni people. Toronto is full of fucking homeless jabronis who always come up to me and ask for money. I ain't some fucking homeless jabroni's personal ATM where they can grab every damn penny out of me. If they need money that badly, get a fucking job or something. Tokyo has a whole new level of population as 38 million jabronis live there. I ain't getting my ass pushed by some jabroni transit worker onto a crowded train in Tokyo. Vancouver has got to be one of the priciest cities in Canada. A one-bedroom apartment for rent there can cost up to $3600 a month. I don't mind living in Toronto along with the many homeless people, the hustle and bustle on trains in Tokyo or Vancouver's high price tag, but I'm kind of a country person as I like being many miles away from the flaming bag of shit chaos of the downtown areas of those places. I'll take the smell of cow shit and the diesel fumes from tractors in the morning and the smell of campfires and beer at night rather than me yelling insults while flipping the middle finger at some jabroni that cut me off in rush hour in downtown Toronto. If some jabroni on horseback cuts me off while I'm driving in some hick town, I'll yell insults and flip the middle finger to that redneck jabroni on horseback for old time's sake. I don't know why, but I have an interest in Japanese school girls because I think that their youthful innocence is pure. If I was sent to a high school in Japan back when I was still going to school and found myself sitting across from a school girl in the cafeteria, I would start a conversation with her to make a friend. I'm 24, and having a relationship with an 18-year-old school girl is not okay. I was thinking about hosting a female college student from Japan on a student exchange program to Toronto because I want to know the Japanese culture better. If the student only spoke Japanese and was having trouble with English, I'd happily teach her. The shit just hit the fucking fan with my mother as I'm basically homeless now after she kicked me out when we had a fight. I'm currently crashing at my grandpa's house for the time being. I don't know what will happen to me in a few days after I finish staying here. He said that the co-op wouldn't let me stay there forever and my mom is still mad. She came to my work and mentioned that she sorted out my pills for when I should take them and ordered me to leave the key in the mailbox when I came to get my pills. Right now, fuck my pills as I don't need them until I go insane, or she apologizes to me and lets me back in. I'm just hoping that I won't have to live on the street. I'll keep you guys updated if things get on hook. So until then, peace. The shit show has just gotten worse as my mother is now in a psych ward after she told 211 that she would overdose on pills and the police were involved. She is kind of sick in the head, but I know that she wouldn't do anything like that. As of right now, I'm still barred from the house, and I'm still with my grandpa. What a freaking shit show this is. This is an update about the other day. I'm currently on the mend with my mother, and I'm back home. I think that cashless payments are a flaming bag of shit as people think that everyone has a credit, debit or any other form of cashless payment like Google or Apple Pay. I know people that have got no need to get a credit or debit card and don't have a smartphone to even get the Google or Apple Pay app. I have been to places where either credit, debit, Google or Apple Pay are the only things that they use for payment. Doug Ford encouraged businesses to not go all cashless during COVID-19. Before the COVID-19 bullshit, I went to wrestling events at the Scotiabank Arena and cash was still king. I bought a coffee from Tim Hortons for 2 bucks and wrestling merchandise for whatever much in money. Ever since the COVID-19 lockdown was lifted a couple of years ago, and I started to go back to wrestling events, the Scotiabank Arena is fully cashless. I don't want to pay for a coffee or 500 bucks for a WWE Intercontinental Championship belt on my debit card. I so wanted to yell at the jabroni behind the Tim Hortons counter and the merchandise vendor that Doug Ford encouraged not to go all cashless. The Bank of Canada is still printing millions of dollars in bills and the Canadian Mint is still minting millions of dollars in coins every day in a basically cashless world. Some people are chicken shits to even touch the green stuff. Hey, it ain't going to kill you. For fuck's sake, I know people that used to use money, but after COVID-19 came into full effect, they ran into the closet and became cashless. Physical Canadian currency will still be legal tender long after I pass away as an old man in the late 2090s, even if my great-grandchildren live in a fully cashless world by that time. They won't know that a 20 dollar bill with Queen Elizabeth II printed in 2021 or a dime with King George VI minted in 1947 is still legal. Overall, a cashless society is an utter flaming bag of shit that needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. Well, I'm on the verge of being kicked out of the house again as I had another fight with my mother and the law were involved. All of this started because my mother accidentally dropped a little bit of pasta on the floor. I have a very bad temper that can blow up over little things at times. I was already in a bitchy mood today from the utter stupidity at Walmart to bad drivers on the road and the pasta on the floor kind of put me over the edge. If my father caught wind of this, I'd never hear the end of his wrath. I thought that my mother and I were doing well after she welcomed me back home after kicking me out last week, but now it is now in a flaming bag of shit. I'm utterly sick and tired of being autistic. If I was offered a day without autism, I would take it. I'm shocked that my house ain't on some police watch list somewhere or being raided as the police have visited here so many times in the last couple of weeks due to all the mental health problems with me and my mother. I mentioned to my mother while I was raging about the pasta that I ain't going to the supportive housing community at Lou Fruitman Reena Residence for a few nights. I just moved into a supportive housing facility at the Lou Fruitman Reena Residence down the street from my house a few hours ago on June 23, 2024. I know my stay here is only until June 27, but it's okay. My nerves are going nuts as it is the first time I have ever lived on my own. It's a nice little room I have got as I have a view of the new townhouses that were built a few years ago near my house. The TV sucks as I got a Roku TV by Sharp. It doesn't have CP24 or Sportsnet, and there is a different Weather Network than I'm used to watching. I'm going to miss Monday Night Raw and game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals on Monday. I think that it is kind of lame that I need to call someone at the supportive house to let them know if I need to go somewhere, as I don't really like calling someone before I leave. I know that it's their policy, but I want more freedom to fuck off when I feel like it without calling. My mother works on Monday, Tuesday and Fridays and I don't remember the time she works. If she works long shifts, I basically won't leave the room until Wednesday due to my nerves being shitty about calling before I leave. If she works short shifts, I might be okay if she came up after work to take me out somewhere before Wednesday. Good lord that I'm only staying here for 4 days as I'm already losing my mind a bit. I hope that I won't go insane. On the first day at the supportive housing facility on June 24, and my nerves are still shitty. I must say that the furniture in my room is crappy as the dining room chairs are IKEA-level crap. One of the legs on one chair is busted and another leg on a different chair is going. At least my mother took me to the Promenade Mall for New York Fries after work today. She worked from 8-4 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. At least my mother is recording Monday Night Raw at home for me. As for game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, I still can't watch it because of the shit buster channels on TV in my room, but it's tied 2-1 for Florida in the second as of this blog. I don't know how much longer I can take before I toss the TV out the window. I hope that I won't lose it. Well, on the second day at the supportive housing facility on June 25, I got a rude wake-up call at 8 in the morning as a staff member knocked at my door, so they could unlock the safe in my room for me to grab my morning pills to take at 10. I was still in bed and wearing my underwear when they knocked. Do they have some common freaking sense that some people are still in bed at 8? Later this morning, I got a letter under my door about someone coming to my unit for a door accessibility setup. The time of their visit is either June 26, 27 or 28, between 9 and 5. I don't know what the hell a door accessibility setup is, but I just hope that it didn't fucked up my departure date. I'm leaving the supportive housing facility by the 27th. How the hell didn't the staff know that I was leaving by then? I just hope that the 28th isn't my departure date. I'd be pissed if that was my departure date if I asked my mother to talk to them. I'm currently watching YouTube on TV as Roku TV is still shit for channels. At one point, I was watching Netflix because someone that was in the unit before me was still signed in, but not anymore. I watched the first few episodes of Toradora on Tubi. Someone came to my unit to check my door around 5 this evening, and I'm assuming that they were just checking if the door was okay. I'm also assuming that I'm still leaving on the 27th. I'm pissed off at the staff who was in charge of my pills. My afternoon pills I take are at 4, but it's nearly 6, and they still haven't come up. I don't know if it was the same person who woke me up at 8 this morning, but I'd be pissed if it was the same person. After a staff member came to unlock the safe where my pills were, and I took them, my mother drove me to McDonald's for dinner. I think that two of the ladies that work here are totally retarded as the first lady told me that my mother needed to call her if she was coming to visit me in my unit. We had never heard of that policy beforehand. It's nearly 10 in the morning on the third day of June 26 at the supportive housing facility, and I'm watching Angry Grandpa on YouTube on the TV. I'm kind of getting fed up with watching Angry Grandpa all the time as I might become him. There was some drilling and shit in the hallway, but I didn't know what was going on. I forgot to mention that the Florida Panthers won the Stanley Cup the other day. I was so hopeful that the Edmonton Oilers would win it all after they came back from being down 3 games in the series. Later this afternoon at around 4, my mother will take me to the gym. At 10:30 this morning, some guys came over to my unit to replace a door arm on the door. I assume this is the door accessibility setup and my departure time is still the 27th. It's 12:30 in the afternoon and whoever replaced the door arm left a big ass mess near the door. They should at least clean their shit after they finish the work. At around 1:30 this afternoon, someone came back and cleared up the mess. I went to the gym at 3:40 this afternoon and went to McDonald's afterward. On the fourth day of June 27 at the supportive housing facility, I'm basically ready to leave. My mother called me at 10 this morning and said that she was on her way to pick me up. I just hope that there ain't any bullshit during my departure. It's nearly 11 in the morning, and good lord above, I'm finally back home. Nissan is a flaming bag of shit because they sell nothing but lemons. I own a 2017 Micra that is an utter flaming bag of shit. That piece of shit Micra costs me goddamn money for parts that hardly go out that often. You could name any part of the car, I paid for repairs. I want to tell the people that are commenting on my videos to ask me to upload more anime girl drowning videos to please stop it and leave me the fuck alone with the fucking topic. I'm done uploading them over a year ago as I'm so fucking sick and tired of the so-called creators talking shit about me stealing their videos. I don't know how many times I commented on those comments stating that I had issues in the past with these so-called creators copyrighting their videos that I uploaded. If I had the resources to make my own anime girl drowning videos, I would have done it by now. I think this is kind of blunt, but I just want the comments to stop. Why the flaming bag of shit is the Annoying Orange so freaking annoying? All I see is a goddamn piece of fruit that can talk, so fucking what? It's screaming, my fucking god, it's annoying as hell. It's like a lady screaming bloody murder during a domestic violence call. I'm from the Vaughan area, and you won't believe how many questionable drivers I see every day. From texting to taking a nap while in their Tesla in full self-driving mode. It enrages me to see all these people who studied harder than a bat out of hell for their driving test and passed with flying colors, but get pulled over right outside the driving school for running a stop sign. With all this modern technology at our fingertips, no wonder that drivers are becoming lackbuster. I saw so many drivers with their phones to their ears or looking at questionable content that is kind of too spicy for me to say, but you get my point. These questionable drivers should be banned for life from driving. I'm so stupid as I punched out one of those fire alarm control panels in Union Station today, which caused a bloody pinky from the broken glass after it shattered. I was just mad about all the bullshit from today I had to deal with like some kid who kept kicking me on the bus even after the mother stopped it, a turd playing his accordion on the subway regardless if he has a permit or not to play on the subway, the lackbuster and pricey sub from Subway, waiting nearly an hour for a ferry in an enclosed and cramped lineup and an inconsiderate mother on the ferry that offered her son a seat next to me when the seats were already stuffed like sardines. All of these things caused me to punch out the fire alarm control panel, but I had some minor fits of anger, like saying to my friend that I was going to start killing people, mentioning that I was getting claustrophobic and being fed up with waiting during the wait for the ferry, trying to tear off one of those crosswalk signs that was bolted to the ground and swinging a door wildly just before I punched out the fire alarm control panel. I'm just glad that I didn't get a cut on any of my veins as the cut I got from the glass was pretty deep, and I might not be here writing this if I had got a cut on a vein as I might have bled out by now. That was over a month ago, as of September 2, 2024, and the cut is still there, but it's nearly healed. The Subway on Centre Island is overpriced as I paid over $20 for a foot-long meatball sub and a Coke the other day. I would pay around half that much at a Subway on mainland Toronto for the same thing. Even the damn sub didn't taste the same. Note to self, don't get myself nabbed into buying another sub from here again. I'm just fucking sick with the current bullshit in the world, especially the Israel–Hamas war. This shit is all protests here and protests there in Toronto ever since the war blew into kingdom come. Every time I go downtown, there is always a protest going on. I just want to go into the middle of the street and yell curses at them to go fight for their countries, but I know that swearing at the top of my lungs at them would not be the best idea as I would be outnumbered 40 to 1 by both pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian protesters. I just want all the bitching about the war all the damn time to end over here. The news of multiple businesses and synagogues being hit with pro-Palestinian graffiti in Thornhill, including my work at Sobeys, makes me want to fly into a rage. I don't want to see my stomping ground of Vaughan, which I have called my home since 2001, being the center of utter hate. I think that war is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other. I really need to numb my life. I just wanted to drink beer until I felt utterly numb. I want to be like André the Giant in terms of his drinking. I just want to feel the world be one big mind fuck while I'm in a drunken rage. In that drunken state, I just want to bitch slap a car windshield to let my drunken rage out of me. I wanted to stomp on somebody's head like Trevor Philips did to Johnny Klebitz from the mission, Mr. Philips. I wanted to be as drunk as Jim when he wanted to rob a bank before deciding to break into the zoo to feed the giraffes while pissing drunk on St Patrick's Day from that episode of According to Jim. I wanted to be as drunk as Homer Simpson from that episode of The Simpsons when he and his friends drove drunk and trashed Springfield Elementary School. I wanted to be as drunk as Arthur Morgan and Lenny Summers from the RDR 2 mission, A Quiet Time, when they caused utter mayhem in the saloon. Fuck CAMH. That piece of shit is always canceling my appointments. Do any of those quack therapists give a flaming bag of shit about me? I can understand if they cancel my appointment once I'm okay with that, but if they keep canceling appointment after appointment, that's bullshit. Are these quacks fucking over other people that are more fucked up than I am? I'm already fucked up in the head and I can't see anyone at CAMH because they keep canceling my appointment, but someone else that is even more fucked up in the head than me can see someone there. That's bullshit. Ain't there a fucking law out there that outlaws these places from canceling appointments so many times in a row? I don't give a flaming bag of shit if there are staffing shortages or any other difficulties like lack of mental health services or being overbooked. My mental health is just as fucking important as the next fucked up person. Toronto already has too many sickos out there. I don't want to be a part of the problem by living on the fucking streets and acting like a crazy person. I think that CAMH is intentionally canceling my appointments and fucking me in the ass because I'm not fucked up enough for their liking. I'm already fucked up big time in the head, but they just toss my fucked up say so away like a flaming bag of shit into the dumpster fire. That's the biggest conspiracy theory bullshit I ever heard about these mental health places fucking over fucked up people. I just want someone from CAMH to read my text document I made full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs out there about how fucked up my life is. My father is a fucking joke as he got a new smartphone today because his old smartphone was a piece of shit as the power button was busted. My father got a new phone with a 175 GB data plan, which he stated was overkilled. In my opinion, there ain't that many plans out there for 10 GB of data for the account he gets on welfare. He had only gone over 10 GB once. He is piss poor as he is on welfare and gets about 100 to 200 a month. His plan on his other phone was $100, but as of a few months ago, he was paying $35 when he changed his plan. With his new phone plan, he would be paying 60 to 70 a month. In my opinion, that's a mind fuck why he changed his plan from $35 just to be paying nearly $100 again. I know that it's his money and he can spend it on whatever he wants, but it's a rip off that he needed to pay Rogers nearly 100 bucks a month. I think my views on smartphones are made by my father, as he stated that I can't have one because he thinks that I'm going to be like the rest of the world who use them while walking. The smartphone-using father is such a wise guy, but I'm wiser as I don't know how many times I mentioned that I ain't going to be like the rest of the world. In the end, my father just tossed my opinions aside like a flaming bag of shit as he said that my flip phone was all I was ever going to have. I know that I'm addicted to my laptop, but it's been years since I personally saw another person with a flip phone other than my mother. I so wanted to rant at my father about this whole flip phone smartphone bullshit, but with my luck the rant would be more bluntful than I wanted it to be, and I feared his wrath if it went south. I have a job where I work 1 day a week for 3 hours and make around $16 an hour. Besides the $208 a month from my job, I made hundreds more dollars from ODSP along with many other government programs. With all that green I make every month, I can easily pay $100 a month for a smartphone bill. My father just sits on his ass in his basement room where he pays rent and doesn't even go out unless he wants to go to McDonald's, sit outside or walk around to look for butts. This lazy bum doesn't even want to work. That's what I like to call a piss poor bum that pays rent and groceries. He is just a fucking jerk chicken of a boo-fucking-hoo tough fucking tit father. I think the police are retarded as they're living proof that flaming bags of shit can talk. The damn pigs are just lazing about inside their cruisers getting fatter than Santa on doughnuts. No wonder that the hoodie gets away from the heat. Some of these coppers are so fat, they don't need a SWAT team with their armor because they would soak up a shit ton of bullets. I have got to admit to something. There is a laundry room in my co-op townhouse. Well, a few years ago, one of the dryer's coin holders wasn't locked right when I was doing laundry there. I got the urge to take the money there and then, but didn't do it. A few days later, I went back to the laundry room with a steak knife to finally get the money. The coin holder still wasn't locked properly, and the take was like 5 to 10 bucks in loonies and toonies. Hi, my name is what-my name is who-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is hah-my name is what-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is what-my name is who-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is hah-my name is what-my name is Kevin Stewart. I'm a produce clerk, I'm very green! Yes, I've got rage issues. FLAMING BAG OF SHIT! I am ripped. FAT SO! Man, I need to go back to a racist school. You don't want to jack me off. I love SEXY TIME! You look like a LITTLE MAN! Police officers are just dumb! I WILL EAT 20 POUNDS OF BIG MAC SAUCE! Don't you FUCKING laugh at me, BAKA! Oooh, man, I'm FULL as a FLAMING BAG OF SHIT! My mother used to work at a doughnut shop. Justin Trudeau is a fad. Flaming bags of shit are fun to toss. Do I, uh, make your nipples hard? Sorry buddy, but you're a jabroni. Hi, my name is what-my name is who-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is hah-my name is what-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is what-my name is who-my name is Kevin Stewart. Hi, my name is hah-my name is what-my name is Kevin Stewart. This McDonald's on 150 Rimrock Road was good, but now it has been going downhill ever since they finished renovations a few months back. I noticed that many times the staff messed up my orders. One time, my friend ordered a McCrispy while I ordered myself a Big Mac combo. After we sat down for our meal, my friend's McCrispy wasn't in the bag, but I got everything in my order right. She went back up there to tell them about the missing item, and they got her the McCrispy that she ordered. Another time, the same friend and order, but that time she got the Spicy McCrispy instead after taking a few bites of it. She went back up again, and they got her a non-spicy McCrispy. The two incidents happened within a couple of days in late July 2024. By the way, even before the renovations took place in 2021 or 2022 during the COVID. The same friend and I both ordered Big Mac combos at the drive-thru. My order was right, but her order was missing. I had to drive back to the drive-thru and wait 15 minutes to get to a window just for them to say that they had forgotten to put the second order into my bag. What's the flaming bag of shit wrong with airlines back in 2017? United Airlines is retarded for having attendants forcefully punching out a guy and dragging him off the plane because he didn't want to give up his seat. That guy paid hundreds of dollars for the flight, but got tossed off the flight like a flaming bag of shit. Another United Airlines flight where a mother was forced to let her toddler sit on her lap after an attendant told her that another passenger needed the seat during a stopover in Houston. The best part about that was the airline had fucked up the son's boarding pass. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if the kid is a newborn or a 10-year-old, she paid for two seats. That American Airlines attendant who hit a mother with her stroller is retarded. The passenger that cursed at the attendant after the stroller incident was right to voice his beliefs about a guy hitting a woman. If I was on that flight, I'd be mad too. I want to be held by a woman. I want to be lulled by the woman's warmth, her perfume and the feel of my head resting on her breasts. I want to make deep guttural moans as the woman holds me tight. I would like the woman to let me give her hickeys on her breasts while I'm resting my head on them. I want my goosebumps to have goosebumps as she tenderly rubbed my back while sitting on her lap. I want my body to feel like it's convulsing due to the hype of the moment. From mid-April 2024 leading up to the present day, I'm in an extremely dark place. I was thinking about evil things that would make Hitler blush. I was to the point of ending my life and deleting my YouTube channel once and for all many times. I think about the urge to kill myself and how life would go on without me and those dark thoughts of unleashing utter evil like being the Prime Minister of Canada and running the country under Nazism, communism and extremist ideologies. I still feel like unleashing my sadistic side on a Japanese woman like from the anime, Gushing Over Magical Girls, where Hiiragi Utena unleashed her sadistic side on the Tres Magia. My sadistic side would be wild in the pleasure of ripping the shirt off a Japanese woman and tickling the sides of her breasts to the point of her pissing herself laughing. It seems like I'm starting to become a person who is always ranting on their blogs all the time. Either it's a rant about anything or just writing about shit in my life. My rants are filled with racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic, ableist, ageist, adultism and childism slurs. My ranting style is filled with extremely offensive, heavy, crude, inflammatory and vulgar profanity. I know that my rants are harmful, but it's fucking good to blow the shit that was on my mind. I often write all my rants in one post and it's my baby. This post is full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs out there. This masterpiece post rants about anything and everything from Tesla to sexy time and everything in between. Who loves ranting about how big your Johnsons or titties are? I'll rant about the smallest or biggest dicks and boobs out there. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if my views are disliked by most readers. I always say that if you don't fucking like it, don't fucking read it. I keep having websites broken. It's so annoying when I already clear the cache and cookies, disable extensions and Chrome was already up-to-date, it's still buggy. It's pretty sad that even Edge and Firefox are just as buggy as Chrome. I even tried everything in between to fix the glitchy websites, but no cure. Even my operating system is up-to-date. Can you do some computer magic to fix Chrome, so I can have some peace of mind away from the nightmare of buggy sites? Google Chrome is acting like a flaming bag of shit lately, as websites ain't loading in properly. It's really pissing me off when I was in the middle of watching a video on YouTube when the error message "Something went wrong. Refresh or try again later” popped up. Piss off Google, you piece of flaming bag of shit. Hey Sundar Pichai, pay your goddamn employees better so I can have some peace of freaking mind as they got more green stuff to fix fucking Chrome. I got good internet connection, I cleared my browsing data, I disabled extensions, I updated Chrome, I restarted my computer, for fuck's sake I even tried using Firefox, Edge, Opera and Brave and none of them worked. I already tried other options like using a different DNS server, checking my router settings, creating a new Chrome profile, disabling hardware acceleration in Chrome settings, disabling recently installed software that might be interfering with Chrome, my operating system is up-to-date and disabling my antivirus or malware software to check if it's blocking Chrome. Hey Google, what do you want me to do, praise a flaming bag of shit? I so wanted to yell "My shit don't work" non-stop. I want to roll a dumpster that is on fire into the Google headquarters as I yell "I hope that you like your dumpster fire, bitches." We are back from our date. What is going on? What the fuck, Frank? Just arrest this fool, Robert, before I shut that damn big mouth of his. My blood pressure has been sky-high since I heard Frank was talking shit to Momo. Fuck you, say that to my face and I'll break you. You know what motherfucker, do you like turkey, Frank? How do you like it? Do you like it on your face? Here, wear some stuffing in your pants. Here we have some motherfucking eggnog. Hey, want to play football? I'm taking out the racist trash. Shut up Ray. Do I give a goddamn imbecile cop? I want Frank to stop talking shit to Momo. Why do I do shit like that? Does anyone want some face turkey? I got the urge to toss the bird at him again. I won't because I don't want the shit to hit the fan again. Let's take you outside, Momo. Frank just punched out the window of your cruiser, Judy. I hope you become somebody's prison bitch, you fucker. Frank was still throwing insults while he was in the back of the police car. Hey, can you even drink a beer on duty? I need a fucking beer too. Hey Debra, I'm sorry for tossing the turkey at Frank. Let's go watch the game, Debra. Holy fuck, Debra drank 15 beers. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! IS EVERYONE GOING TO LOSE THEIR FUCKING SHIT TONIGHT? Momo, what the fuck are you doing? Please get down from the table. You and Debra are too drunk. My god, this ain't the strip club from GTA 5, ladies. Hey, don't slap Debra's ass. Can you help with this shit, Ray? Well, I'm going to have another beer and try not to become like them while I watch Monday Night Raw. What the fuck. You goddamn motherfucker. Go back into the goddamn yard you motherfucker. Piece of fucking shit. It smelled like shit and it blew up. Is everything going to break around here today? Go watch the TV in the yard, you motherfucker. I got Angry Grandpa right here. Goddamn this shit. Motherfucking piece of shit that smells like goddamn piss. The table smells like piss, and you're not going to look at it again the same way after seeing them dancing nude on it. Fuck! WHO PUT THE FUCKING BIRD ON THE GODDAMN FLOOR! Do you think that it's funny to laugh at me busting my ass? Help me up you twat. Goddamn motherfucker. Join the TV, the vacuum and the dining room table in the yard, you motherfucker. The couch smells like piss. I think their horny sounds were hot, but not on the damn couch, fool. I want to drink a full bottle of maple syrup. I want to drink a full bottle of sub sauce. I want to drink a full bottle of honey. I want to eat a full bag of sugar. I want to eat a full shaker of salt. I want all these to numb me. Osama bin Laden, this cake is for you. You feed the fish, and I'll feed my face. Rot in Hell Bin Laden Rot in Hell Bin Laden Rot in Hell Bin Laden and you can feed the fish tomorrow. I'm so fucking glad you are dead, you son of a bitch. I used to be, I feel like goddamn Chris Matthews. Every time I think about you being dead, something runs down my fucking leg. Ah, nigga, don't hate me because I'm beautiful, nigga. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut you got, you'd get some bitches on your dick. Oh, better yet, maybe Tanisha will call your dog-ass if she ever stops fucking with that brain surgeon or lawyer she fucking with. Nigga. As an early Gen Z with late Baby Boomer parents really have their perks. Basically, smartphones weren't a thing when I was in my crib and Wi-Fi didn't become popular until I was 4 in 2004. As for memes, I ain't into that thing, but I know memes like Success Kid. I think that emojis are a joke as I myself like communicating more effectively in words. I didn't own a touchscreen like an iPod until 2014, but the fact that my first cell phone was a flip phone in 2019, and no, I didn't stare at it like it was an alien artifact. I just want to stay home and never go out again as I want to get away from the flaming bag of shit in a dumpster fire that was sent from hell in the world. I think I'm kind of living that life already as I barely go out unless I go to work, going to the gym, going grocery shopping or anywhere my mother wants me to go, like seeing my doctor and spending a few hours in downtown Toronto. I don't know how many times I wanted to speak my mind to these fools when they gave me shit because they cut in front of me in the line while shopping. This is why I wanted to buy my groceries online, but this would never happen because I'm still living with my anti-technology mother. My mother has one of the smallest mindsets about everything to do with modern technology. If something has too many bells and whistles on it, she will curse at it. I just want to see my mother test drive a Tesla to see what clusterfuck moments she would get into. My father has the same level of anti-technology views, but at least he has some common sense about modern technology. Both my mother and I use flip phones, while my father has a smartphone. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if they don't want me to get a smartphone. It's my choice if I want to get one, but no, my parents think that I would be like the rest of the world that would use it while walking. I wasn't born yesterday. I won't be like that, but I told them that I don't know how many times, and they just tossed my opinion away like a flaming bag of shit into a dumpster fire, even at 24 years old. I'm not those dumbass little kids with rage issues that go ape shit when parents take their phones away. This whole parent bullshit makes me want to go further into the closet. I don't want to be around my parents if some technology achieves immortality for people in the future while within their current lifetime. I still don't want to be living with my mother in 3024, when the technology will be unlike 1000 years prior in 2024, and my parents' view of technology is from their births as late Baby Boomers in the early 1960s and growing up in the 70s as teens. I don't want to be a loner in the 3020s who never leaves my room at my mother's place and who still uses a flip phone that I bought in 2019 and a laptop with Windows 11 on it while flying cars are passing by my room and people have got computers in their brains. If I ever go out of my room and go into the world, I want to chat with someone, but I can't because I can't chat with that person because they can only chat through their brain. I don't want to carry a computer from the 1940s that is the size of a room around just to chat with someone with a brain computer. I would never want to become known for being one of only three people that don't have brain computers. I would also never want to become known for being the last Gen Z to not have a smartphone in 2024. Right now I feel like all this modern technology needs to die. I just want to grab modern technology by its throat and choke that son of a bitch before I toss it into a dumpster fire with a flaming bag of shit in it. I can say that I love modern technology, but it's bad enough that people are shoving their phones into their faces in 2024, just like when sliced bread was invented back in 1928. If that's our standard for greatness, no wonder this world is fucked. If a Carrington type event happened today, I bet the world would go ape shit because they couldn't watch PornHub. The 2024 CrowdStrike incident was living proof that modern technology can fuck you in the ass with a flaming bag of shit from a dumpster fire. I think that all of this is a goddamn utter clusterfuck of a flaming bag of shit in a dumpster fire that was sent from hell that is fucking me in the ass as I want to feel numb to be free from the shits of the world. I want my body to go numb with each groan that shakes my lungs. I want somebody who cares about me to help me. If I was like this on the street, I would want a Japanese woman to help me. I want her to give a flaming bag of shit about my views, even if it's not nice. I would even like her to hug me tightly when my body is convulsing to the point of me forcefully pissing myself. I want her to be strong as I might try to hump my way out of her hug. I want her to whisper sweet nothings that she understands my views about the current bullshit about modern technology. I think that the algorithm on YouTube is a flaming bag of shit. I don't understand why some of my videos that I uploaded were slow for the first couple of days before blowing up for a week before dipping in viewership again. And other times my videos were a slow burn of a dumpster fire in viewership, even months after I uploaded them. I just want my videos to blow up in viewership before having a slow burn after that surge, not blowing up followed by a quick dip. Do drivers have some common fucking sense about using their blinkers? I don't know how many times these jabronis stopped right in front of me to make a turn and I crashed into them. Why the flaming bag of shit do I get a ticket for rear ending that jabroni? I was following at least 20 meters behind that jabroni before I hit them. I told the officer to fuck off and stated that I had been brake checked by the jabroni, but the pig said that I should have paid better attention. Hey Officer Pig, you know that people can't predict unpredictable actions these drivers do. It's not fucking right to blame me as the little man because the big man didn't use his blinkers. I hate it when jabronis change lanes without blinking and nearly hitting me by mere inches while a cop is behind me saw it, but the pig is thinking "I don't give a flaming bag of shit about it. It's not my problem, as no one has gotten hit. Where's the nearest doughnut shop?" I thought that nearly hitting another car was a fineable cause. I think that the Youth Criminal Justice Act is a flaming bag of shit. It's retarded to have the names of the little punks blocked because it may be deemed a privacy breach or the feds don't want the public to know about their names. If there was an 11-year-old boy that was arrested for rape or a 7-year-old girl that was arrested for murder, I want to fucking know their names. Even if the feds have decided not to do it, I still want to know the names. I don't want that 11-year-old rapist to grow up into an adult and the feds still don't want to release the rapist's name because they were a kid back then. Boo-fucking-hoo if the government boys saved the 11-year-old boy's mental state by withholding his name and letting him walk free for rape, but the raging population want him to be on a lifetime sex offender list. I don't understand why the feds spend my tax money on rehab on the 11-year-old all for him to do it all over again. It's 2024 and these kids don't give a flaming bag of shit about rehab as all they do is do everything they want, like raping or killing people. For the last few months, I have been going to the gym two days a week, but sometimes three. I can feel that I'm getting ripped, but I still find it kind of hard to keep off the pounds. I have weighed from 245 to 250 pounds when I weighed myself during the time since I started working out. Before I started going to the gym, I weighed at least 256 pounds. I know during the early COVID-19 era, around late 2020 to early 2021, I had surgery to remove my wisdom teeth and another surgery for something else inside my mouth that I needed to eat soft food. I weighed 209 pounds. I was doing so well keeping the beef off in the months after my second surgery, but by late 2021 to early 2022, I really got the pounds back on, as I was back to around 240. I wish that I could only eat soft food after my eye surgery I had two years ago, as I ate at Burger King that whole week. I know that going to Wendy's after my workouts and late night snacking ain't helping, but I'm trying to cut that shit down. Believe it or not, I'm trying not to go on a late night snacking spree that much anymore. But, I still have to try to cut down on my urges to go out and eat only once a week. My doctor keeps saying that I should eat greener. If I bought greener food at my local store, the cost would be more money than if I bought a Big Mac from McDonald's. For a person that works as a produce clerk at Sobeys, I still can't afford some of the products I stock. I do have an employee discount of 10% on things from my store and other Sobeys, as well as other stores under the umbrella. With the current high inflation for everything in the last few years, I'm shocked that I can't afford a Big Mac over greener options. Good lord, plant-based food is not as green as you might think. There are more harmful chemicals in an Impossible Whopper than a normal one that will have you convulsing on the ground if you eat a lot of the former. I had never tried an Impossible Whopper before, but I heard that it was nasty as a flaming bag of shit. I'll get a normal Whopper all the way, baby. Even diet or zero-sugar sodas have more harmful chemicals than normal ones. I had tried Diet A&W Root Beer and Diet Coke before, and it was okay, but I like the normal ones better. I know that I'm ain't the fittest person out there, but I'm trying to fight my impulsive urges to eat bad shit as much with one small choice after another. I'm not into buying in bulk, not because I don't like to save a penny on the dollar, but I think buying a shit ton of something and 70% of it would go into the dumpster fire. I'm a pretty big eater, but it's beside the point of me making myself sick if I eat a pound of bananas that were about to go bad that I bought in bulk after I already ate 10% of them beforehand. I have been trying to eat greener, like when I make Kraft Dinner, I often nuke some frozen vegetables that I put to the side for later. I have a bad sweet tooth, as I would be damned if I had to fight with somebody over a cinnamon bun with a shit ton of icing on it. At least I don't have a violent one to the point of destroying my kitchen if I misplace my sweets. But I can't say that I can control my temper when a little bit of pasta was accidentally spilled on the floor one time to the point of punching holes in the washroom. Why are these SUV drivers being such jerk chickens in flaming bags of shit? They think that they are the kings and queens of the fucking road, but in reality they are selfish, rageful and dopey jabronis that are a million miles away from being related to any royalty. The damn inbred jabronis go a mile an hour when going over speed bumps. These goddamn SUVs can manage to take a shit beating off the road, but these jabronis think that the SUVs shocks will go to kingdom come. These driverless cars are a death trap as they are more dangerous than human drivers. The AI system in these cars was designed and made by a 5-year-old child as it can't predict unpredictable things. I was nearly wrecked in Toronto because of a driverless car that was thinking it was driving over in a country that drives on the left. I swear to a flaming bag of shit that I thought I saw the car was a right-handed configuration and noticed Japanese plates on the front and rear. I also heard something along to a Hatsune Miku song blasting at full while it passed me. Among all the places where I might run into a rogue Japanese driverless car was in Canada. I know that people import Japanese-made cars from over there to Canada, but importing Japanese-made driverless cars that are meant to drive on the roads of Japan, you're asking for shit. I don't want to see driverless cars drifting in Yonge-Dundas Square from the Shibuya Crossing scene in the Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. Something like that would be cool, but not when people's asses might get killed. If that is our standard for how the world is going to be, no wonder why it's going to shit. I don't want a future where the roads are bumper to bumper with driverless cars with no option of letting someone drive one. The world is bad enough for people taking others' private information by using surveillance to spy on them, but having these driverless cars collecting vast amounts of data about our movements and habits, you're asking to have these sickos out there with another weapon for their arsenal. I don't want to live in a future world where my privacy is just a thing to some other people like in the novel 1984. I need to talk about my personality. I know that I have a no bullshit attitude and a quick temper that may rub the wrong vibe off on someone, but deep down I'm a calm and peaceful person. I normally don't speak what's on my mind that often, but when the shit blows, I can be opinionated and harsh to the point of being bigoted and in your face kind of mood. But in reality, I'm open-minded, kind and tolerant. I can be lazy and dopey sometimes to the point of telling you to piss off or fuck off, but I really ain't like that, as I'm active and alert. I don't even like speaking up for myself, even if I have to, as I don't like talking with people. I'm a people person and a ladies' man, but I find it hard to go up to someone and chat. I don't really engage in small chat that often. I do engage in small talk if a cute lady is besides me while staring at me or a customer at my job says hello. But in reality, I can be quite talkative if you know me for a while. I can be quite cynical and pessimistic about everything, but I don't like hating everything all the time, as I'm optimistic and cheerful. Sometimes I have dark thoughts and an impulsive urge to harm myself and others, but I'm bright and cautious. I know that my high functioning autism has caused some of my negative traits, but I don't want to become known for those traits. As I am sitting at my laptop, there is darkness all around. I'm thinking of my past life of an utter clusterfuck of a shit show in a world that is cold as ice. There is no one to hear my voice or cry to a point where I don't leave myself with a choice. I'm waiting for a higher being to guide me to find a way to peace on the other side. All the memories from the life I once lived. I cannot go on and cannot go further as I have to end right here. For all the things that I have done and all the friends I lost and won. I want myself to rest in peace at last. Can I find a way? Can I find a place? Can you let me go in peace? Can I leave behind those dark days? I will ask again, will you hear my cries? Then I realize why, oh, why that peace is never an absolution, because my distant memories are so painful, and my fears are unable to stay, unwilling to leave. In my dark thoughts, I must find a way to the other side. Can you hear me whisper calling out my name? The sentence is set, the hammer has fallen. I will pay the price as I felt utter sadness at realizing that death was meant to be my fate, but all this pain will follow me. Can I find a way? Can I find a place? Can you let me go in peace? Can I leave behind those dark days? I will ask again, will you hear my cries? Then I realize why, oh, why that peace is never an absolution, because my distant memories are so painful, and my fears are unable to stay, unwilling to leave. My 24 years of existence is an utter clusterfuck as I feel the world is trying to run me off the road to a better life. They are also adding insult to injury by mocking me after I have already crashed and burned. I wasn't a Toronto-born confused asshole that would become an international laughingstock because I have high functioning autism. Ain't there a crime for shit talking against people with autism? I have been down that rabbit hole where I have been shit talked about. This ain't like 50 or so years ago when autistic people were sent away to an insane asylum because of just being different. I'm glad that I wasn't born 50 years ago when people like me were locked away for being autistic and slapped on the ass or forced to eat soap by my father for a little fuck up. I know that my parents were from that era of people fucking over autistic people into insane asylums and their fathers punished them physically in the 70s. I don't know how many times my grandpa hit me on the head or threatened to give my ass a kick when I spoke up when I was younger. I was thinking about that now and I just wished for a cop to pass by when he did that to me. The pleasure of seeing him getting his ass arrested for child abuse. I just want my blue eyes to burn my views of the utter nightmares I faced into their minds. I just want a lady to hold my tender while she is playing with my dirty blonde hair. Rogers is a flaming bag of shit as they changed billing cycle my to the 23rd from the 17th without my say-so. And they have the fucking nerve to accuse me of fucking lying when I called them to change it when I went to a Rogers store to bitch about being double billed in a month. To be honest, I didn't even make an outgoing call on the day the person at the store mentioned I did about changing my billing cycle. I see this as a fucking cash grab to take every last dime from me. I was already nuclear as I was waiting for an hour at the store as they nearly cost World War 3 on themselves. My phone bill is already too high, as with the double billing it's nearly $200. At this point, I'm going to tell them to shove my phone in their mouth and blow my plan out their ass as I'll never pay 200 bucks. This Beer Store has one of the worst parking lots I have ever seen as the lanes are poorly marked. I don't know how many times I will curse and swear at inconsiderate people because they would park all over the place because the lanes are faded, but they don't care as they want to get drunk. I was nearly boxed in from all four sides once when I bought a friend a six-pack of beer. I thought that there was a law about not parking where you ain't allowed, even if the lanes ain't painted well. To be honest, I don't mind modern conveniences in my life, but I believe that they are an utter scum of the earth covered in a flaming bag of shit that is fucking me in the ass in hell that is intended to decrease my frustration. My frustration is shitty as it is due to all the modern conveniences all around me, but I still use them. I want to live in the 1900s when electricity was at 2%, running water, flush toilets, vacuum cleaners and gas or electric heat were at 20% and central air conditioning, decks and patios, swimming pools and ceiling fans are extremely rare. I feel like all these vehicles out there are all the same. Cars from the day had their own personality, like the 57 Bel Air and 56 Beetle looked different. Today, a 2024 Mustang and a 2019 Porsche 911 have no personality as they look the same in design. For fuck's sake, my farts have more personality than these newer cars. Newer appliances aren't meant to last anymore when older ones are meant to. I heard people who bought appliances in the 50s are still working today. If I took a baseball bat to a 50s refrigerator and a modern one, the older one would still work even after getting banged up, but the newer one wouldn't after a single blow. If there was a nuclear war, I wanted my bunker to be a 50s fridge due to the lead lining. For fuck's sake, light bulbs in these fire stations that were built in the 1900s are still working. For a 120-year-old piece of technology and it still works, I would raise my thumb up for that. These newer appliances have more electronic components than their predecessors. In a case like that, there would be more electronic trash in the dumps. These appliances have valuable materials that would be used for better shit than leaching harmful chemicals into the soil and groundwater. Newer clothing is poorly made compared to older clothes. It's pretty sad that the shoes on the Titanic are still around even after 112 years on the bottom of the ocean, where modern shoes will fall apart if I walk in the rain. I know that the economy from the 1900s is way different from in 2024, but that doesn't mean shit nowadays, as people today don't know what nostalgia is unless it sits on their face. I want the world to live like the Amish for one year to see how people once lived in the 1900s. I don't mean living like the Kalona Amish, where they used most modern conveniences, like tractors for fieldwork, power lawn mowers, an inside flush toilet along with many other things. I want the world to live like the Swartzentruber Amish, where they only used motorized washing machines and sometimes pneumatic tools. A shining heart beats no more, buried deep, deep in the cold earth. Shallow grave in my motherland, here I stay, in darkness forever. When the light fades away and the night puts me asleep, will I ever wake up again? Will I stay in this twilight forever? Sometimes I just want to go to sleep and never wake up again. I just want to wail into my pillow while I'm going into my life-long sleep. As I was about to go into my life-long limp, I wanted to shove the pillow down my throat. I wanted to feel my body implode as I felt that I was swimming in the nude at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. I want to feel my brain being a flaming bag of shit that is imploding at that depth. I wanted to scream all my air out of my lungs as I was flailing about. I also want to painfully and forcefully blow out air from my lungs. I wanted to piss, shit and barf as the pressure was building to a crushing point at 36000 feet underwater. I just want to groan bubbles as I convulse while regurgitating my insides. I just wanted to feel my penis shrinking as I was cumming for the last time ever. While I am suffering from the extreme pain, I want someone to help me. I wanted a Japanese woman to rescue me by pulling my arm as we swam to the surface. If the time comes when she can't reach the surface, I'll hug her as we spend our last moments on this world in utter pain while we are drowning. I want to hold her tenderly as she coughs out bubbles and regurgitates her insides. I wanted to run my fingers through her hair as she was groaning bubbles as well as pissing, shitting and barfing. The last thing I want to see before I drown is her looking at me with a cute face while kissing my lips while she is emptying her lungs and I hold her closer. As we had both succumbed to the water feeling like we were lost to the world in an underwater grave, I wanted to still be holding her in my arms while our tongues were still exploring in each other's mouths as we were floating lifeless deeper down into the souls of love in death. I know that it has been a couple of months since I posted something on the community, but I'm just giving all of you an update that I am alive and still somewhat shitty in the head. As I am still suffering from dark thoughts and believing that the world is stabbing me in the back, I still need some time to fight off those demons before I can start uploading videos and live streaming again. But some days those thoughts are so overwhelming that I want to do something like a stabbing rampage in my area or end my life by using a katana to cut my stomach open. I love all of you subscribers that followed me since day one, and I hope that you will help me to the other side. I think that the Ontario ban on cellphones in classrooms is a good goddamn idea as most of these little jabronis are already glued to them like a flaming bag of shit. My opinion about these preteens and teenagers is the same about using their phones during class, sending their boyfriends nude shots on Instagram while the teacher keeps bitching to stop. When I was in high school, I saw students using their phones under their desks while the teacher was teaching about shit that you might need one day. I don't know how many times the teacher told them to put it away, but they still do it. If I became a produce manager one day at Sobeys and one of the students from high school that had been using their phones under their desks was hired in my department and their only need in life was their phones, I'd fire them right on the spot. I believe in a second chance, but if you already had a lot of them in school, there ain't going to be a second chance on my watch. For fuck's sake, they even asked kindergarten students to put their phones on silent and put them out of sight during class. In my opinion, they are too fucking young to have phones to fucking start with, even if they are using them for school learning or not. When I was in kindergarten, there wasn't anything like a smartphone as flip phones were still king. What in the flaming bag of shit do they need digital literacy skills for, as they just need normal literacy skills? Back when I started going to school in 2005, flip phones were still king and the golden age of the internet was still kicking. I'm assuming that digital literacy wasn't such a big thing then. I know when I graduated from elementary school in 2014, I can't remember if the computer lab at my school was still using Windows XP or not. I think that digital literacy wasn't that big as 10 years prior, but it was catching up. I think my laptop was Windows XP when I started grade 9. I know that later on in grade 9, I got another laptop with Windows 7. When I graduated from high school in 2019, the computer labs were running on Windows 7 and digital literacy was a big thing by then. I know the COVID-19 pandemic has been there and done that, but online learning has blown up. I experienced that as I was still in school from late 2019 to early 2020, as autistic people can go to school until 21. I was in the PEAK Program and the first half of the 2019-20 school year was in person, but the second half was just online and the 2020-21 school year was half in person and half online. As of 2024, I haven't been to school for three years, but shit has changed as they are now teaching about sex. Goddamn a flaming bag of shit as I be damned that I will see the day when a kindergarten class watches PornHub as sex education. I know when some students start high school, hormones start doing some crazy shit as boys may want to put the moves on the girls and vice versa. Today, snow days are not the same even when school vehicles are snowed in and schools are locked as you need to go to school online. Where were the days when you sucker punched the principal with a snowball? Goddamn, these new requirements for high school graduation are getting into a flaming bag of shit. A stronger Ontario diploma, my ass. With all the retards that are going to school, no wonder there ain't a high number of fools walking around, with their only goals in life are sending their boyfriends nude shots on Instagram and jerking off to some sexy time on PornHub. Goddamn this flaming bag of shit as I'm not going back to high school because I didn't meet the new requirements. Hey Doug Ford, do you know what I'm graduated is? I'm graduated means that I have already finished high school. If this modern education is the standard for better learning, no wonder that society is fucked. I want to clear the air of flaming bags of shit as I know that I haven't uploaded that many videos in the last 90 days or so, and I'm very sorry about that. I don't upload that often anymore because I don't feel like it, but I'm super messed up in real life right now. As many of my subscribers might know, my real name is Kevin Stewart, and I suffer from autism. My well-being ain't the greatest right now, as I'm so sick and fucking tired of making rant videos. I do like ranting in my videos, but there is so much shit that I can rant about before I might cause my channel to get terminated due to saying something too spicy or controversial for YouTube's taste. But do I give a flaming bag of shit if I rant about a very controversial thing that might piss off those jabronis over at YouTube, as I feel like making a video full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs out there to get my channel terminated as I don't give a flaming bag of shit about it anymore. I'm on the point of losing my complete fucking sanity, as I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I start a shooting spree, and I'm really thinking of doing that because these mental health services are useless. This is why, as of September 10, 2024, I'm going on hiatus. I know that I mentioned in another video called "John Marston's Future on YouTube" on March 29, 2024, that I was calming down with my videos, but have uploaded at least 30 videos since then. This time I'm really thinking of stopping uploading shit on here, as I lost goddamn hope of the passion of being known as the world-famous ranting machine you know as John Marston in the meantime. To the 2282 subscribers I have, I want to say thank you for being loyal over the last couple of years through the ups and downs. This ain't going to be the last time you see me, but until then I'm going to say that the flaming bag of shit is never an absolution, and it will be unable to stay, unwilling to leave. I think that all these school shootings in the states need to stop. I agree with the Second Amendment that protects the right of people to keep and bear arms, but not when it involves 10-year-old kids shooting up their classmates and teachers. Today ain't the Wild West where you walk into some hick town like Arthur Morgan and start shooting up the place like it's 1899. I also agree that self-defense that might involve shooting someone is justified as a last resort if I feel that person is really a threat to me or a loved one. As a Canadian, there ain't that many school shootings in the GTA. But shootings in general are still a thing here. This past Labor Day weekend, there were at least 13 shootings in the GTA with 3 of them deadly. These gun stores ain't helping as they sell guns to people like Homer Simpson, who is a bad drunk and has a criminal record which includes once beating up former president George H.W. Bush. Even the gun shop owner from that episode questions Homer's past, but still lets him buy a gun. I think that these criminals buy their guns from black markets that outmatch even the police in firepower sometimes. I'm no Albert Einstein, but if a mental case in Toronto with traits like Homer Simpson and a questionable criminal past goes into a gun shop that sells black market guns with no background checks by the owner and is intended for shooting up a school, lord help me as there is going to be a flaming bag of shit to pay. My job at Sobeys is a flaming bag of shit as a month or so ago, my hours were cut from 4 to 3. My fucking time ain't worth their fucking effort to keep me on 4 fucking hours. I'm grabbing your effort right between my legs, which is called my pecker. I have been a loyal employee for 4 years and this is how they treat me. I want to yell that the founder's wife needs to suck my dick. I know the wife has been a dead fuck, but I don't give a flaming bag of shit about it. I think that the Toronto ferries are a flaming bag of shit as they are death traps that should've been at the bottom of Lake Ontario by now. The newest ferry is from 1963, believe it or not. For a 61-year-old vessel, that's fucking old. For fuck's sake, most of the fleet is from the 1930s, and still running like World War 2 was still raging out there. Even one of the ferries is older than the Titanic and it's still active. In the past 4 years, they have had malfunctions that caused them to crash into the pier. There are lawsuits written all over that shit. I think that the health care system in Canada is a flaming bag of shit as they let some 36-year-old woman die from liver failure because she was rejected for a life-saving transplant following a medical review that highlighted her prior alcohol use. I didn't meet her, but I didn't give a flaming bag of shit if she is a heavy drinker or not, she deserves the life-saving transplant. She should've got a second life that she would never have. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if it is controversial or not, as my rants are very controversial. When I made my channel, Kevin Stewart, on February 24, 2015, I was a 14-year-old kid, before my 15th birthday, which was the 25th. I never thought that I was going to be some big name YouTuber. I uploaded 2 GTA 4 videos on February 24 and 28. After that, I didn't upload anything until I uploaded a video on July 13, 2016, of me recording myself playing GTA 5 on my PS3 on my iPad. After that, there was another gap until I uploaded a shit ton of videos on December 15, 2016, of random things students were doing at my former high school. From January 3, 2017, to September 6, I uploaded videos like videos from the Angry Grandpa channel, more of filming myself playing GTA 5 on my iPad, Gangster Vegas and some indie-type movie clips. After that, I didn't upload anything until January 10, 2021, when I uploaded Mountain Hymn Organ on that day. Between January 10 and November 9, I uploaded random things like more videos from the Angry Grandpa channel, silent movie-type videos of Angry Grandpa, three full anime episodes (which were copyright taken down) and a few custom Girls und Panzer intro. My first live stream was on June 20. The first few streams I did, I normally did nothing, flipped the bird at the camera while listening to music or played random video games. On September 19, 2021, I started doing live streams of missions in RDR 2. The mission of that first stream was Icarus and Friends. I typically do each mission on a different stream until The King's Son on October 3 of that year. On the 6th, I started playing GTA 5. As before, I streamed a mission on a stream. I finished each mission by December 3 of 2021. Later that same day, I started to play each mission of RDR 2 again at the start of the story, minus the missions that I had already streamed before until I finished every mission by February 20, 2022. Most of those live streams I did didn't get that many viewers as I wasn't that big of a YouTuber yet, as I only had 97 subscribers when I started my first RDR 2 stream. Everything changed when I uploaded my first anime girl drowning video on December 20, 2021. Since that day, my channel has been going uphill, and I uploaded more anime girls drowning videos in the following months. After the anime girl drowning video was uploaded and the following anime videos in the months that passed, my views and subscribers weren't gaining that fast as I like them. The first couple of weeks, I only got a few hundred views and none to a few subscribers a day. By February 2022, I was getting a few thousand views a day, but the same level of subscribers. But by November 2022, things were really getting beefy with tens of thousands of views a day and give or take 100 subscribers a day. From mid-November 2022 to early April 2023, I gained around 4.8 million views and around 8700 subscribers. On November 25, 2022, I got 65625 views, and, gained 214 subscribers on a single day on March 28, 2023. After April 7, 2023, things started to slow down back to the few thousand views a day and a few to no subscribers with even some days of negative gain. I had some days when I got an odd spike of over 20000 views here and there, but far and few between. I never came close to those peaks I had from November 2022 to April 2023. In the meantime, as I was uploading anime girl drowning videos, I started to live stream, playing MLB 20 when I played for the Toronto Blue Jays in Franchise Mode from February 20, 2022, to March 11 that same year. On March 13, I then started streaming WWE 2K22 until I got fed up with it by December 9, 2022. During the WWE 2K22 era, I also streamed many other video games, like War Thunder, GTA 4, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, FIFA 14 to 15, Euro Truck Simulator, American Truck Simulator, Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Online, The Sims Freeplay, SimCity BuildIt, Roblox, BeamNG.drive, Assassin's Creed Rogue, Driver: San Francisco, Driver: Parallel Lines, My Summer Car, Watch Dogs Legion and L.A. Noire. On October 11, 2022, I started to do my weekly Angry Grandpa reaction live streams. When I got 1000 subscribers on September 3, 2022, I signed up for monetization, but the application failed. I tried to sign up for the application again each month after that, but still failed. I uploaded around 78 anime girls drowning videos as of April 2, 2023, when I stopped uploading them, along with other uploads and live streaming on May 17 and May 7 of that year. On April 13, the Copyright Strike War started. Galithrania, on behalf of Reds MMD, copyrighted three of my anime girl drowning videos, in which one of them had nearly 2 million views. I said some not so nice things online to Galithrania and Reds MMD until April 19. But on May 17, I got another one of my anime girl drowning videos got copyright strike by another person. After that second copyright, I was on the verge of getting my channel terminated because I got 2 copyright strikes at that point. I decided to step down from my channel and stop uploading or live streaming after May 17. My hiatus didn't last long, as by June 2, when I started uploading videos again of AI-generated videos and stories, pre-recorded Angry Grandpa reactions, Mambo No. 5 with Michael De Santa singing it and a GTA 6 trailer with Attero Dominatus replacing Love Is A Long Road. All of this lasted until my latest upload on March 18, 2024. I also did 3 live streams during this time. On October 15, I did a Red Dead Redemption stream. On November 3, I did a scary reaction stream. On December 10, I did an Angry Grandpa tribute stream. By February 1, 2024, my channel was monetized after failing the monetization application ever since September 3, 2022. I was so happy about my monetization being approved. On February 2, I started doing my weekly Angry Grandpa reaction live streams again, since I paused the weekly streams on May 17, 2023. But things got worse on March 23, 2024, when my monetization was paused. After my monetization was paused on March 23, I halted my Angry Grandpa reaction live streams again on April 7. On April 17, I made a community post that I officially stopped uploading videos and live streams point-blank and taking an indefinite hiatus due to monetization issues, mental health issues, lack of motivation and other personal reasons. From mid-April leading up to the present day, I'm in an extremely dark place. I was thinking about evil things that would make Hitler blush. I was to the point of ending my life and deleting my channel once and for all many times. I think about the urge to kill myself and how life would go on without me and those dark thoughts of utter evil. Since mid-April, I haven't uploaded or gone live besides the one sleep cam live stream on May 26. I also made 7 community posts during this time between May 17 to June 23. I'm still using this channel every day, but just for watching videos and my favorite live streamers. I don't know when I'll come back, but I hope that it doesn't last for years. As of August 11, I was thinking of restarting my weekly Angry Grandpa reaction streams again, but Chrome is acting up to the point of YouTube not working. I don't want to do a live stream where I can't react to a video due to it not playing, and I started a profanity-filled rant that may cause my channel to get terminated. I think with the current state of YouTube, I think I made the right call to go into hiatus in mid-April of 2024. By August 15, Chrome was back to normal, but I said fuck it for streaming as Angry Grandpa reaction streams were getting repetitive. I think by the time I ended those streams in mid-April 2024, I had pretty much streamed most of the videos. I might do a pre-recorded reaction here or there if the main channel uploaded a new video. As of August 20, my views are going further downhill as my best video is now getting around 800 to 900 views now in the past 48 hours. Before, it got around 1500 to 2000 views. Believe it or not, the anime girl drowning videos helped my channel stay afloat even after the Copyright Strike War. Those videos now ain't the same in views post Copyright Strike War. The one thing I like to happen to me is getting recognized on the street by someone that has seen my channel. I don't mean getting a big name YouTuber recognition, but a normal hello or someone buying me a coffee here or there is fine. On August 29, my channel was at 16990 subscribers and was 10 away from reaching 17000. But when I woke up on the 30th, I was at 16979. That's the biggest drop I have had since October 2, 2022, when I lost 46 on that day. To add insult to injury, on the 31st I was at 16975 subscribers. That's another one of the latest run of things that is slowing my channel down. I don't know if YouTube is trying to fuck me over or what, but I don't like it. I know that I can be egocentric and self-centered about getting better views and subscribers because of my own greed in the past month. I'm ain't that egocentric, self-centered and greedy person, but a hard-working soul that is not fucking people over. As of September 5, 2024, my subscribers have been fluctuating between 16975 and 16982 since August 29. I don't know why this shit is happening, but I don't like it. Also, as of September 5, I don't know how many comments I got about uploading more anime girl drowning videos. Time after time, I comment back to tell them that I don't do that shit anymore due to the Copyright Strike War, but they still ask me to do it. This is why my mental health is shit, but these commenters are feeding that downward spiral further. As of September 20, my subscribers have been booming. On that day, I had 17107 subscribers. Now on October 15, I have 17528 subscribers. Since the 20th and now, my views are still low with a higher jump on the weekends. As of October 14, I uploaded a video called Ladder Truck in Action where my local fire department lifted my neighbor from her balcony due to a medical issue. That was the first video since I did a sleep cam stream on May 26. This video might be a one off as I'm still on hiatus with no plan of coming back full-time. As of November 12, 2024, my stats are really going down hill as views are as low as 3500 per day and got 19 subscribers since the 5th. Ever since I uploaded that video on October 15, my views have been slowly going down hill while my subscribers really have a nose dive. I think that my views and subscribers are also going down due to me insulting MMV Water that I made in their video comments with other YouTube channels by claiming that they were involved in various illegal activities, including copyright infringement, hacking, espionage and conspiracy to commit violence and theft, as well as other allegations that they compromised my personal information and collaborated with foreign adversaries all because they used to upload anime girl drowning videos. I often use bots to comment on their videos and I know that was morally wrong. I know that I have been doing this ever since the Copyright Strike War, but I regret that. On December 10, I uploaded a reaction video of ANGRY GRANDPA'S SLOPPY JOES in memory of him. I really missed going live, but I think that my mental health still ain't better. I thought about restarting my weekly Angry Grandpa live stream, but I feel that I reacted to most of his videos. I often think about doing collaborative or interactive streams, but I ain't even bothered doing this right now, because out of the 17777 subscribers, I only have 1 or 2 loyal subscribers and often with even fewer view counts in lives. At this time, I'm just going to put my feet up somewhere and watch the sunrise until the next time I feel like uploading anything on my channel. I noticed that between December 27, 2024, and January 2, 2025, my subscribers were fluctuating between 17831 and 17839. On February 8, 2025, I uploaded a video called Rants and Longings: A Mind in Turmoil where an AI voice conversation about my struggles with mental health, societal frustrations, and personal desires. The video talked about my intense feelings about technology and society, showcasing his emotional depth, strong language, connection and intimacy. Ever since I uploaded the video Rants and Longings: A Mind in Turmoil on February 8, my analytics have been slow, but surely going up. On that day, my channel views were 5513 and between then and the 21th it fluctuated between 4157 and 7921. My hours were 67.5 on the 8th and between then and the 21th it fluctuated between 56.7 to 111.1. My subscribers on the 8th were at 17971 and as of the 22nd it was at 18128. My lowest views were on February 12 of 4157 and the lowest hours were on February 9 of 56.7. My highest for both views and hours were the same day as February 21 at 7921 views and 111.1 hours. On February 25, I did a live stream called 2025 Kevin Stewart Birthday Bash from 2:30 in the afternoon until 4. During the stream, I opened my birthday cards and watched some Angry Grandpa videos. There were two different streams as the first one, 25 minutes in, was cut due to my electricity quickly going off and on. As you might not have known, I have another YouTube channel called John Marston that I created on November 18, 2022. I didn't upload anything until January 3, 2023, when I uploaded an intro video that uses the AI voice of John Marston. Less than a month later, on the 24th, I uploaded another video called "YouTube Rant," where I ranted about YouTube spam channels. From that day on, I'd decided to make ranting videos that used John Marston's AI voice. Mostly I ranted about more YouTube spam channels. About a month and a bit before the Copyright Strike War, on February 24, 2023, I uploaded a video called "YouTube Thiefs," where I ranted about some channels stealing the anime girl drowning videos from my other channel, Kevin Stewart. Between February 24 and April 14, I ranted more about those thieves, from stating that they were KKK members, being spies from Russia and being child molesters that forced a 4-year-old kid to drink beer. I didn't stop until they did. After I lost the Copyright Strike War, I started ranting about other things like the United States, Canadian, North Korean, Russian, Australian, French, Italian, German, Brazilian, Indian, Chinese, British, Mexican, Filipino, Greek, New Zealand and Saudi Arabian governments, the world's governments have not taken enough to combat climate change and for not funding plastic recycling, the justice system, authority figures, politicians like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh, Doug Ford, Rob Ford, John Tory, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, modern cars, electric vehicles, newer semi-trucks, Shinkansen, traffic, Tesla, Porsche, Volkswagen, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Meta, Nintendo, Elon Musk, Peter Nygård, Hulk Hogan, Cody Rhodes, Brock Lesnar, Vince McMahon, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Rhea Ripley, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Gordon Ramsay, Dr, Phil, Taylor Swift, Jeff Bezos, Justin Bieber, Travis Kelce, Michael Green (The Kid Behind a Camera), Leviticus Cornwall, inconsiderate people and drivers, teenagers, cats, dogs, kiwi birds, communist, fascism, Nazism, Hamas, Netflix, Apple, Amazon, Bell Canada, Toronto Police, Toronto Transit Commission, Cruise (autonomous vehicle company), PlayStation Network, PlayStation Plus, McDonald's, Tim Hortons, Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto 5, War Thunder, Red Dead Redemption, opera music, K-Pop, J-Pop, vapes, The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, The Simpsons, Dragon Ball Z, driving on highways, car thefts, road signs, X-Japan, U-Haul trucks, British Royal Guard, paper straws and wooden utensils, Tampa Bay Lightning, Kansas City Chiefs, soccer, self-service stores, smartphones, cryptocurrency, credit and debit cards, mobile phone payment, prepayments, cashless payments, online shopping, ordering food online, housing prices, Jif peanut butter, plant-based food, Impossible Whopper, YouTube for reasons like spam channels, age restrictions, terminations, copyright strikes, harassment, ad policies, monetization policies, notifications and certain channels like MMV Water, Maru.Meris.ch (Victoria), MMD UW, Reds MMD, and Galithrania, Australia for its history, wildlife, cuisine, particularly Vegemite, climate, people, and language, France for it's cowardly people, Italy, for its history, music, food, culture and historical figures like Benito Mussolini, Germany for its smells, Oktoberfest, German car brands, German food, historical figures like Adolf Hitler, Brazil for its forests, wildlife, potential dangers, and religious symbols, India for their population, cuisine, and cultural landmarks, China for its political system, population control policies, landmarks, and food, Canada for its healthcare system, music industry, and political leadership, the United Kingdom for its traditions and monarchy, the United States, for its political leaders, police forces, healthcare system, and certain states and cities, Mexico for its people, climate, history, currency and political leaders, the Philippines, for its heat, Jollibee, and historical events, Greece, for its history, cuisine, and landmarks, New Zealand, due to a negative experience with a kiwi bird and Saudi Arabia, for its oil, wealth distribution and extreme heat, Micah Bell and Dutch van der Linde. But on March 29, 2024, I uploaded a video called "John Marston's Future on YouTube," where I stated my real name of Kevin Stewart before talking about my mental health problems and winding down content for the time being. I stopped uploading videos after that video, but on April 14, I started uploading ranting videos again with 28 of them between then and June 20. I haven't uploaded anything after that video on the 20th until August 1. Since then, I haven't uploaded anything. Not everyone knows that I have a third YouTube channel called Momo Kawashima. I created the channel on June 20, 2021, as I'm a pretty big fan of the anime Girls und Panzer and the character of the same name, but none of the videos were related to it. I uploaded a couple of few second videos on Saint Row the Third on the 24th. I didn't do anything until August 21, 2022, when I uploaded a video where I explained how to allow people to get free gifted channel memberships through a channel. The following day, I uploaded another video where I showed how to allow people to get free gifted channel memberships through a live stream. On October 6, I uploaded a video where I showed how to install a dialogue system mod in GTA 4. On October 11, I live streamed myself playing War Thunder. On December 31, I did a live stream of Red Dead Redemption 2. A few days later on January 3, 2023, I did another Red Dead Redemption 2 stream. On January 28, I uploaded a video of a news broadcast of Angry Grandpa's death. On March 21, I uploaded a DKRACK Burger King commercial. On April 23, I made a video where a tornado hit DKRACK's house. On May 16, I uploaded an AI video of Joe Biden mentioning my name. That same day, I uploaded another AI video of Barack Obama supporting DKRACK. On May 22, I uploaded an AI short where DKRACK is rambling about a tornado about to hit his house. The next day, I uploaded an AI video where DKRACK had an epic fart. On August 26, I uploaded an AI story about DKRACK being pranked about a tornado. On September 8, I uploaded two AI stories called The Garbage Juice Mishap and Momo Kawashima Smackdown. On October 10, I uploaded another AI story called The Puzzling Transformation. On October 12, I uploaded a video of Angry Grandpa where he's got a female voice. On December 18, I uploaded a remix of the GTA 6 trailer where the Red Dead Redemption 2 second trailer music was playing. Since December 18, 2023, I haven't uploaded anything, but I'm still active when DKRACK and his other channel, Diggin Dave, are live. I dream of the day when I will meet the eternal flame of a lady in my life, as I wish for a day when I could run my fingers through her hair. The long silky black strands of her hair that smell like cherry blossom shampoo are a long-needed balm to resolve the void of utter numbness that is filling my soul. Her cute freckled face along with soft skin that is nearly a ghostly pale is a balm to my soul as I tenderly caress her cheeks in awe of her beauty. As she softly speaks in Japanese with minty breath close to my ear, it is utter heaven even if I don't understand the language. As her body is pressed on mine, I can feel that our bodies are fit together. As she is looking into my soul with her blue eyes as deep as the ocean, I want to know her secrets within her heart that is deeper than the ocean itself. As I cuddle her, I want to sniff her hair as the cherry blossom shampoo and the citrus perfume lull me into peace. Her school girl giggles, the youthful innocence of it makes me fall for her. Her shy and timid demeanor is alluring as well as sweet as all the honey in the world and her heart is filled with all the gold that was ever found. Her petite size ain't fooling around as she is as strong as a bull because I want to be weightless in her arms. If she wore a Japanese school uniform as a casual outfit, it reminded me of youthful innocence. When I am feeling down as deep as the depths of the Mariana Trench, I want her to pull me up to the peak of Mount Everest. I like her to show no mercy in the face of the most challenging situations. The white-hot soul of mine is unable to stay, unwilling to leave within her even through hell and back, and through fire and brimstone. I want to spend lazy nights with her while cuddling on her chest as she strokes my hair. While I press my nose into her bare chest, I want to sniff her youthful innocence. In the event that I was drowning in our home swimming pool, I wanted her to risk her well-being by saving me, as she jumped into the pool and started gracefully swimming behind me while I was thrashing to stay afloat, regurgitating, convulsing, gurgling bubbles and emptying my lungs. I wanted her strong arms to go under my arms and swim up to the surface with her powerful legs as I pissed myself due to the stress of nearly drowning. I wanted to feel her exerting the utmost effort to keep my heavy build afloat while I was vomiting the water out of my lungs. I wanted her to say words of comfort as she pushed me to the side of the pool. As I stopped fighting for my breath, I would feel so grateful to this woman as I snuggled her chest as I smelled the chlorine from her school swimsuit. I just wanted her to make a cute face as I snuggled closer to her. If we were trapped on a sinking ship, and we were unable to escape due to there being no way out, I'd stay by her side until the end. When the water reached us, I'd hug her and say that I loved her. If she was scared, I'd squeeze her hands and say that it would be over soon. As the water reaches the ceiling, I want to tie our life vests together so we can be together even in death. When we went underwater, and she was struggling for breath as she was emptying her lungs, I'd pull her into a tight hug and run my fingers through her hair while I looked into her soul. As she started to regurgitate, I'll soothe her by rubbing her back. I want to give her a kiss on the lips as we succumb to the water. As we are lost to the world in an underwater grave, our lips are still locked in a kiss and hugging each other as we are floating lifeless deeper down into the souls of love in death. If our bodies were found still embracing, I want us to stay like that forever. What a fucking stressful night on September 7, 2024, as my fucking Hotmail got hacked, and they sent an email from my account to myself about sending them money, or they would release videos of me jerking off. I called Geek Squad Support and holy flaming bag of shit, what a fucking hair-pulling experience, as I just wanted to toss my laptop out the window because somehow my Hotmail's security backup email, or whatever you want to call it, fucked up me restating my Hotmail password as it's my Gmail. It's going to take a month, a fucking month to restart my fucking password. At least I can still get into my Hotmail, but I hate this bullshit. My world is an utter flaming bag of shit as I just want to cause a rebellion. I want to go into a pet shop and shake a parrot cage. I wanted to hear the bird squawking as it was being rag dolled around, and it yelled asshole at me. If I was still shaking the cage and a cat came up and nudged my leg, I'd rag doll the cat by its tail. I want the cat to be in utter fear as I torment it while I am swinging it by its tail as it is wailing like an air raid siren. I'll grin happily when I force the cat to eat the parrot. I'd gain happiness as the parrot is yelling asshole non-stop at me as it's halfway down the cat's throat. I just want to see the cat gagging and retching as it's barfing out feathers. I'd evilly laugh as I squeezed the cat's waist while its eyes were bulging out, and I was yelling PETA non-stop. I live by the sword and I want to die with the flaming bag of shit as I think that the flaming bag of shit world is an utter place of cynicism covered in a pessimistic hellhole, while flaming bags of shit are added to the mix in the form of being populated by greedy jabroni fucks whose only goal in life is fucking over the little guy before tossing them into a dumpster fire. I think that these greedy jabroni fucks are shitting out many hundred dollar bills from their asses for their wives. What about having some of these wives blow some hundred dollar bills from their asses my way and I shove something else up there called my Johnson. I'll show these wives the real meaning of life other than being these greedy jabroni fucks' sugar daddies in the form of me groping their asses with nothing in return. If these whores like their asses to be groped, I'd keep groping them until they go numb. The thought of me groping these women's asses is making me hard. I want to have a driver's license and get myself a car, so I can be free from the flaming bags of shit. But my parents don't believe that statement as they think that I can't drive because my autism is a good enough reason that they would keep telling me that I can't. Look what I have here as I play Grand Theft Auto. Does this make me a bad driver when I run over hundreds of thousands of NPCs? In a case like that, there ain't going to be a SWAT team kicking down the front door to arrest me in real life when I got a 5 star wanted level in the game. I know my right and wrong about running people over in real life, but if I ever did that where I ran into hundreds of thousands of people, I would be deemed a terrorist and wherever I went afterward, a SWAT team would kick down the door. Regardless, I think that retarded people like me can drive. I thought that when I was born on February 25, 2000, I was in the 21st century. But to my surprise, I was born during the 20th century. I was born in a century when empires rose and fell, the only time that nuclear weapons were used in war and the invention of the airplane, automobile, radio, television, and computer. I think that it is pretty cool to be born in a century when Charlie Chaplin was imitating Adolf Hitler, JFK was assassinated and James Cameron directed some of the highest-grossing films. I want to be a part of the modern world where I can have the freedom to do whatever I want to do in my life without being choked down by my parents. I want to impose the 21st century on my life as I want to buy shit online or drive in my own car without the bitchery of my parents saying so. I want it to be real and authentic, and it hasn't been priced out yet, as I don't want it to be some fake ass bullshit. I want a cute romantic partner from Japan cuddling in my arms as we walk in Toronto. I think that smoking is a flaming bag of shit as everywhere I go, I see people smoking cigarettes, weed or vapes. I'm getting disgusted just writing this fucking rant because I hate smoking so fucking much. I just want to vomit in these smokers' faces as a rebellion against them. I think that Justin Trudeau legalizing weed is a bad idea as there are stores on every fucking corner now. I can't have peace of fucking mind wherever I go, as everyone I fucking know does this shit from my parents to the limited friends I have. My mother is the worst of them all because she quit before starting smoking again but then tried to quit again just for her to smoke again. I just want to yell and bitch at her all day, but that's beside the fucking point, as my father would bitch about me not being her boss as he puffed on his weed. My mother claimed that smoking calms her nerves from the stress I cause her. I got your stress right here as I grabbed my pecker for you. If I was in power in the Canadian government, I would make a law to outright ban cigarettes. I don't want to take the Kiwi's idea of raising the smoking age every year as I want Canada to be smoke-free right away. I'd even ban weed and vapes all across the country, as I don't know how many 10-year-old kids smoke. I don't give a flaming bag of shit about these black markets as I'd shut them right down, and I'd fry the people in jail. I know getting into politics is a fat chance and outright banning cigarettes, weed and vapes are a fatter chance, but I want this bullshit to stop fucking my health before I start convulsing on the ground while regurgitating my lunch and pissing myself before I am 30, as my health isn't the greatest with my fat ass. If I ever saw a random 10-year-old kid fall to the ground convulsing and gasping for air in downtown Toronto because her parents were smoking 10 packs a day each, while they didn't notice her state because they were talking away, I'd rush over to the girl and squeeze her hand as I yelled for someone to call 911. If she stops breathing, I'll give her mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions. If she became conscious again, I would feel utter pity for this poor little kid as I ran my fingers through her hair while I rested her head on my lap before I pecked her forehead. It would make my day if the girl came over to my house after she got better just to give me a hug and I just knew that I was seen as a father figure to her. If I became famous due to the news coverage, I'd be happy as I had gained the hype about the bad side of second-hand smoking on the little ones. I often dream about going into a swimming pool while nude with a weight belt and never coming back to the surface. I dreamed about thrashing and flailing around to stay afloat while gurgling bubbles and emptying my lungs. In the dream, I often piss myself when I feel the pressure of being at the deep end of the pool. I just wanted to regurgitate and convulse as I hit the pool floor. While on the pool floor, I want to have a seizure as my lungs are filling up with water. I wanted to feel my body seizing up like I wanted to feel the utter numbness of nothingness. While seizing up, I wanted to grab my penis hard. The almighty pleasure of cumming before I forcefully blow my last breath out beats any pain I ever felt before as I went limp. I have been watching aircraft radar on my laptop, and recently I noticed that planes were flying around my area making grid patterns. I don't like it as I don't want all these planes with all this spyware on them to creep on my ass as I am about to cum while I was masturbating in my own house. I can understand about these aerial surveys and shit, but I don't know who those people are that are flying these planes and if they are sexual predators that are spying on underage girls. As I live in Thornhill, which is about 25 kilometers southwest of Pearson International Airport, I can understand that planes flying over my place are either to land or take off. I also noticed that the planes that are flying in grids are from the US. I know that my no bullshit, hot-headed, loud ranting style while never mincing my words might set off some red flags with people, as the most likely tendency is for me to rant overwhelmingly negatively about kids today that they are going to fuck up the future. To be honest, I like kids, especially girls, as their youthful innocence wins my heart. Her giggling is so heart melting that I just want to playfully kiss her tummy non-stop to keep her giggling. If she was crying, I'd lift her up in a hug as I say soothing words. If I was working at Sobeys and a 5-year-old girl came up crying about losing her parents, I'd happily help her by walking her to customer service and giving her some candy in the meantime. I'd stay with her until her parents came. The reason that I don't have any friends is my father would get into their faces if they came up to me in public to say hello. This is why I would never have nice things in this flaming bag of shit world. This is also why I was tempted to go to my former high school and shoot the place into kingdom come, but I know that violence is never the answer and, besides that, my friends have moved on from high school. I don't want to become known for being a school shooter. Why are these cyclists such flaming bags of shit inconsiderate? This one flaming bag of shit jabroni thought it was a good idea to cut me off when the bike lane ended, and I nearly hit him. I thought to myself that there was a fucking sidewalk right there, so fucking use it, while I yelled asshole and flipped him off. To make shit worse, at the next red light, that flaming bag of shit jabroni pulled next to me and yelled at me, asking what my problem was. Hey you flaming bag of shit jabroni, you were the problem as you nearly caused yourself to get wrecked down the street, and you are giving me shit for it. I just drove off as the light had changed, and I never saw him again. To make shit even worse, if I ran the cyclist over, I would get into shit with the pigs because that flaming bag of shit jabroni was in the right to cut me off and got him hammered by my car, even if there was proof that I was in the right. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I saw cyclists breaking laws such as speeding through stop signs before getting killed by a driver before getting themselves into shit with the law for killing that cyclist when they were in the wrong before getting hit. Fuck my life as I can't get any respect in this flaming bag of shit world where other people with autism get more respect than me. My autism ain't important enough to get any respect. I can't bitch to a trusted person because I think that these online communities, mental health professionals and support groups are retarded. I think that the United States abortion laws are a flaming bag of shit as the 2022 Supreme Court decision in the United States to ban abortions was fucking wrong. It's fucking wrong to ban women's right to have abortions as they have the same level of rights as men, either white or black. I have a friend that was raped and can't get an abortion in the state of Texas because the state doesn't class rape as a good enough cause to get an abortion. She had to go all the way to New York City to get it done. I know that I can be misogynistic, but I'd fight for the common rights of women. I wished that I had a sibling, as it is a flaming bag of shit not to have a little sister to pull pranks on. The sweet moments of me spoiling her with all my brotherly love if I had one. I just dreamed of holding her close if she was hurt as she sobbed into my chest. All the tickle wars we should've had and the countless times she should've fallen asleep in my arms. The times that I would knock some common sense into her boyfriend if he had the nerve to harm her for his gain. I really wanted a pet as I dreamed about patting and cuddling a Siberian Husky as it kisses me in the form of licking my cheeks. The wolf-like appearance of huskies makes me fall for them, but my parents won't let me get a pet because they think that I would abuse it over my laptop. I'm not retarded to not neglect the pet as I would take care of it by taking it on walks. My parent's views on me not getting shit I can be able to handle is really fucking with my mental health. I need a companion in the form of a girlfriend or a pet, but I would never go to find a lady and I would never get a pet if my parents were still alive. It is my fucking right to get a pet as well as buy myself a smartphone and get a driver's license without my parents saying so. My mother is an asshole because every time I raise my voice to say what's on my mind, she would say that she is going out for a coffee, but comes home with my father because she felt I was going to hurt her while I was ranting earlier. This asshole mother is going to manipulate me into believing that she was getting coffee, but not doing it by picking up my asshole father up from his place. My father is the reason why I am so emotionally fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. My mother said that she loved me and shit, but she doesn't really mean it by tossing my ranting opinions about what's on my mind away like a flaming bag of shit. Nothing says that my mother loved me by calling the police on me because I feel like ranting about what's on my mind in a loud and forceful way. It's my fucking right to rant my mind to my mother without the fear of getting my ass arrested. It makes me fucking sick with these flaming bags of shit jabronis that are commenting shit on my posts about my mental health issues. The thing I hate the most is these flaming bags of shit jabronis commenting about Galithrania is going to sue me for doxxing, defamation, fake lawsuits, death threats, and threats of swatting that I did a year ago during the Copyright Strike War. I don't give a flaming bag of shit about these flaming bags of shit jabronis shit talking to me about things I did when I was pissed. I believed that these flaming bags of shit jabronis were commenting on the mere mention of Galithrania's name and threatening me that he was suing me just to piss me off. I always say don't judge a book by its cover as I can tell them the true story behind the Copyright Strike War. Those flaming bags of shit jabronis' only goal in life is fucking me in the ass because I have mental health issues, and they will gain great joy when I start cursing back in the comments. These flaming bags of shit jabronis got the nerve to comment to me to delete everything off the internet before Galithrania lawyers up. That's fucking blackmail into fucking off the internet before I get my ass sued. Who's making the threats now and it's not me. Stop being such fucking assholes about my past mistakes before I sue you for blackmail, harassment, cyberbullying, defamation and uttering threats, you fucking flaming bags of shit jabronis. I want this bullshit to end as the Copyright Strike War has been there and done that. I don't have the nerves to bitch to Galithrania about this flaming bag of shit called the Copyright Strike War as it's pointless because I lost. I don't want to engage with these flaming bags of shit jabronis commenters, as I will just report them. I just want these flaming bags of shit jabronis to cease commenting shit about me before the internet flags your IP address, and then they call the feds on your ass. Through the early morning fog, I see. Asked about the things. The pains that are withheld for me, I realize, and I can see pain as suicide is painless. It brings on many changes and I can take or leave it if I please. The game of life is hard to play. I'm going to lose it anyway. I'll lose the losing card someday. So this is all I have to say. Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes and I can take or leave it if I please. The sword of time will pierce our skins. It doesn't hurt when it begins. But as it works, it's way on its own. The pain grows stronger, watch it grins. Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes and I can take or leave it if I please. A brave man once asked me and asked answer questions that are key. "Is it to be or not to be?" And I replied, "Oh, why ask me?" Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes. And I can take or leave it if I please. And you can do the same thing if you please. I've made changes to everything in my life. Even against all the odds, I roll the dice. Count myself in on any deal that comes around. Right or wrong never slowed me down. I've always loved you, silent but strong. Deep down in your heart you've always known. It's just that I've made more mistakes than any man under the sun. You're the only sensible thing I've ever done instrumental, never complaining back when the times were bad. Even when your faith in me. Loving me wasn't worth the price you paid. Darling, I've been wrong. This is all I can say. Deep down in your heart you've always known. It's just that I've made more mistakes than any man under the sun. You're the only sensible thing I've ever done. You're the only sensible thing I've ever done. In a dream, I saw the future. In a dream, I saw the world. There were Madman's lies. The devil's point of view In a world of hate and anger, In a world of fear and pain, There is no time for pride, No time to stand aside. Call me a dreamer. Call me insane. I'll survive the storm, I'll take the pain. Out of the storm Come the children of the night. Out of the storm A black masquerade Dance with the dead To the music of grief. Out of the storm, a nightchild appears. In the silence of the moonlight, we can hear the nightchilds cry like a lonely wolf, howling in the sky. With a madman or a stranger Whose words you just can't tell The nightchild's way, The way of no return, Call me a dreamer, Call me insane. I'll survive the storm, I'll take the pain. Out of the storm Come the children of the night. Out of the storm A black masquerade Dance with the dead To the music of grief. Out of the storm, a nightchild appears. When the light fades away And the night puts me asleep, Will I ever wake up again? Will I stay in this twilight forever? Out of the storm Come the children of the night. Out of the storm A black masquerade Dance with the dead To the music of grief. Out of the storm, a nightchild appears. A nation in despair, weakened by war, is defeated and loses their pride in Versailles. A former prisoner, with a vision or delusion, rises to power in the Reich, rebuilding an army. Make the nation proud. Disregarding the treaty. Secret plans for lebensraum to start the holocaust. The Reich will rise. Propaganda, the Reich will rise to last a thousand years. Burning books to spread anti-Semite propaganda. Who will stop the madman’s reign? Night of broken glass, sending the Jews to Dachau death camp on a path to certain death. The anschluss completed. On the brink of war, the act is brutal with no pity. Be harsh, show no remorse. Start the war machine, I see the eagle rising. The rise of evil In the last days of peace. Europe is holding its breath. An invasion is coming, but when will it start? Who will be first to fall? Who will be last to stand? Who will stop all this madness that has consequences no man understands? No man, no land! I see an evil rising. The rise of evil. Country in depression Nation in despair One man seeking reasons everywhere. Growing hate and anger The Führer's orders were precise. Who was to be blamed and pay the price? Wicked propaganda turning neighbors into foes. Soldiers of the Third Reich search homes. And then the former friends are watching as they are rounded up one by one. The time of prosecutions has begun ever since it started in Kristallnacht '38. When liberty died, the truth was denied. Sent away on a train on a one-way trip to hell. Enter the gates, Auschwitz awaits. When freedom burns. The final solution. Dreams fade away, and all hope turns to dust. When millions burn, The curtain has fallen. Lost to the world as they perish in flames. There was a country in depression. There was a nation in despair. One man found reasons everywhere. Then there was rising hate and anger. The Führer's orders still apply. Who was to be blamed and sent to die? Ever since it started in Kristallnacht '38, when liberty died And the truth was denied, Sent away on a train on a one-way trip to hell. Enter the gates. Auschwitz awaits. When freedom burns. The final solution. Dreams fade away, and all hope turns to dust. When millions burn, the curtain has fallen. Lost to the world as they perish in flames. When freedom burns, the final solution. Dreams fade away, and all hope turns to dust. When millions burn, the curtain has fallen. Lost to the world as they perish in flames. No use praying. There's no one listening. I will die anyway. Some say I've killed, some call me Satan. Now my blood must be spilled. I was sentenced for crimes I did not commit. I'll pay with my blood, is this really it? Creations of God? No way! Burn your crosses, make way for science. Christ has only caused death and violence. Burn your crosses and make way for yourself. Put faith in the earth. Don't call his name, don't trust in others. Bishops fighting for fame. Torture in vain, I won't surrender. Purified by pain, Humanity's great mistake was creating god. The Creation of man, excuse to spill blood, the Creation of God? No way! Burn your crosses, make way for science. Christ has only caused death and violence. Burn your crosses and make way for yourself. Put faith in earth by praying. There's no one listening. I will die anyway. Leaving this place, the end is near now. Dying ain't no disgrace. My last night alive has come to an end. I feared death, but now it's my friend. Creations of God? No way! My cross made way for the science cross. Christ will only cause death and violence. Burned my crosses and made way for myself On earth, I trust. Now burn! Hide from the public eye, choose to appear when it suits you. Claim you're just killing women and children. Fight when you choose to fight, hide in a cave when you're hunted like a beast spawned from hell, utilizing fear chosen by God or a coward insane. Stand up and show me your face! Suicidal, in a trance, a religious army fight without a uniform and hide in the crowd. Call it holy, call it just, authorized by heaven. Leave your wounded as they die and call them "God's will". When it's time to pay, fear, consequences of your action appear when you're almost forgotten. Dream of a world in peace, yet you cause pain and destruction. Kill your own, a response to your action chosen by God or someone. Stand up and show me your face! Suicidal, in a trance, a religious army fight without uniforms and hide in the crowd. Call it holy, call it just, authorized by heaven. Leave your wounded, as they die, and call it "God's will". Captured in all your lies, fear is in your eyes. You who have gone insane, your war is in vain. Trapped in a cage of stone. We'll destroy your home. The of your action. Captured in all your lies, fear is in your eyes. Creature who has gone insane, your war is in vain. Trapped in a cage of stone, we'll destroy your home. The Consequence of your action. Chosen by God or a coward insane. Stand up and show me your face! Suicidal, in a trance, a religious army fight without a uniform and hide in the crowd. Call it holy, call it just, authorized by heaven. Leave your wounded them as they die and call them "God's will". Suicidal, in a trance, a religious army fight without a uniform and hide in the crowd. In the heart of the holy sea, In the home of Christianity, The seat of power is in danger. There's a foe of a thousand swords. They've been abandoned by their lords. Their fall from grace will pave their path, to damnation. Then the 189 In the service of heaven They're protecting the holy line. It was 1527. Gave their lives on the steps to heaven. They will be done! For grace, for the might of our lord, For the home of the holy, For faith, for the way of the sword, their lives so boldly, For grace, for the might of our lord, In the name of his glory, faith, for the way of the sword. Come and tell their story again. Under the guard of 42 Along a secret avenue for Castle saint Angelo is waiting there the guard of the holy see They're the guards of Christianity Their path to history is paved with salvation Then the 189 In the service of heaven They're protecting the holy line It was 1527 Gave their lives on the steps to heaven Thy will be done! For grace, for the might of our lord, For the home of the holy, For faith, for the way of the sword, Gave their lives so boldly. For grace, for the might of our lord, In the name of his glory, For faith, for the way of the sword, Come and tell their story again. Dying for salvation with dedication, No capitulation, annihilation, Papal commendation, reincarnation. Heaven is your destination, Dying for salvation, with dedication. No capitulation, annihilation. Papal commendation, reincarnation. Heaven is your destination. In the name of god, For grace, for the might of our lord, For the home, of the holy, For faith, for the way of the sword, their lives so boldly. For the grace, for the might of our lord, In the name of his glory. For faith, for the way of the sword, Come and tell their story. Give their lives so boldly. Come and tell the Swiss Guards' story again. It comes to my attention that people are threatening me about content I made on YouTube over a year ago in the comment area of a Blogger post I made ranting about everything. They wanted me to erase everything I ever did online from the internet before I get sued. Also, they commented that I'm removing comments because I don't want the world to see these people calling me a sex-offender. I'm already messed up as it is, but these people comment about not caring about my mental health, which is why I'm so rageful towards the world right now. I know that I wrote some very spicy rants, but don't talk shit to me if you can't get the post removed after reporting it for months. I just want to have a civilized discussion, but these commenters just wanted to post that I'm a sex-offender here and a racist there. I might have written racist and sexist things in my Blogger post rant, but don't call me a sex-offender or a racist. I think that York Support Services Network is a flaming bag of shit as I saw some person assaulting a female staff member and trashing a classroom and front lobby after my mother and I came back to the building with a staff member after I had class there on September 28, 2024. My mother did what a normal person would do in a case like that when she called the pigs about it, while I, my mother and a few others were rushed into a room by another staff member. Good lord that he didn't strike my mother because if he did, there would be hell to pay in the form of a backhand of my own, even if I was also arrested as well. If the staff member hadn't told my mother to come back into the building to tell her about what I had learned, we would never have been there when the assault and vandalism shit hit the fan, as my mother and I would have been on our way to Burger King. On the other hand, I think the whole Adapted Dialectical Behaviour Skills program at YSSN that I am on is a bunch of flaming bags of shit as other people get their support, but I can't have my mother to be mine. That's the biggest fuck you in my face that a fucked up person like me can get, as they are the ones who are helping me with my mental health, not causing me to be like that person that was assaulting female staff and vandalizing the place. I have no beef with YSSN, but I think that they are harming my mental health more than helping, and I know that I need help. Nobody feels your pain. Also, doxxing and death threats are liable to a much bigger lawsuit than your fake ones. If I were you, I'd start deleting everything on the internet before Kevin Stewart lawyers up, and put you in permanent debt, and behind bars, for defamation, fake lawsuits, death threats, and threats of swatting. The fact that you try to silence people by removing comments makes your rants and points void. You're afraid, because you're nothing but a sex-offending pussy. If you fought well in this "war" of yours, you wouldn't have gone to the lengths of extortion or fake lawsuits. You still owe a LOT to the people involved, and this isn't a way to pay them back. Copyright infringement, extortion, defamation, death threats on numerous accounts, fake lawsuits, evading DMCA takedowns by uploading to other platforms. That's why. Forgot to mention, the watermarks weren't even removed from the stolen videos, yet he still tries to claim them as his own. Where do these platforms draw the line? How much do I have to endure, before actions are taken against this criminal, and I can go back to living my life instead of spending hours of my life dealing with this shit? Enough is fucking enough, Galithrania aka. Ostepops1212. Fuck you. I've reported his accounts on YouTube, DeviantArt, Blogspot, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc., etc. and nothing is being done. I am STILL taking harassment from this guy, instead of anything being done against him. I am STILL receiving death threats from him, on his accounts. Instead of acting like an adult, and talking to me about all of these things, he goes around on various platforms spouting hateful shit, and threatening me, and is now playing the victim card. However, he is not the victim in this situation, he's the offender. Actions have since been taken against two of his offending videos, and what has since gone from petty thievery has gone to full-blown criminal harassment towards me in the of death threats, threats and lawsuits, and he's even impersonated an attorney to scare me into complying. Alright enough is fucking enough with this fucking guy. Galithrania on YouTube thinks he can go around and steal copyrighted material from creators from around the internet and profit from it by reuploading it to YouTube. You can NOT be serious that people on YouTube are allowed to steal copyrighted material and use it for profit, and when the original creator goes to upload his material to the platform, the original creator gets immediately terminated. Furthermore, this guy has an alt which he uses to threaten people using AI-generated voice videos, and has threatened to sue me, and is now in possession of my IRL information, after he has been using these videos to send death threats. It is hilariously outrageous that you allow people like you on your platform who are in violation of the copyright laws as they constantly reubberate videos HE didn't create, and then when the original creator uploads them, you delete the original user. I need to confess to something as I'm using the alias of Momo Kawashima. I often chatted on live streams on YouTube and Twitch as well as chatting with my real self, Kevin Stewart. While under my alias, I claimed to be living in Oarai, Japan and also claimed to be friends with my alias and my real self in real life, but under my real name I live in Vaughan, Ontario and don't have any friends with that name. I became a YouTube moderator on live streams on Diggin Dave under my alias and my real name ain't a moderator, while being banned from chatting on DKRACK under my real name, but my alias wasn't banned, in which both Diggin Dave and DKRACK YouTube channels are run by the same person. I know that we all hate losing stuff, especially money. A couple of years ago, my mother and I went shopping and as we got to the checkout, I noticed that my wallet had fallen out of my mother's purse and into the shopping cart. When I checked it, all my money that was in it was missing. I was just insanely enraged as I lost almost 7 to 8 hundred dollars. I don't know if it had dropped out of her purse into the cart before we entered the store and the money blew away, or some person saw the wallet in the cart and took the money, but left my cards. My mother backtracked our steps to look for the money while I waited in customer service with our groceries without trashing the place in anger. After my mother came back with no luck, she told the front end manager about the money. To this day, I never know what happened to the money. My life has been a wild world of flaming bags of shit between the ups and the downs. Ever since I was born in Toronto in 2000, it's been a wild ride. I was still very young when I lived in my hometown. I never knew my first place as I was one when I moved from Toronto to Vaughan. The area I moved to is Bathurst Street and Steeles Avenue West, where I have lived for the last 23 years. It has changed a lot in my life. The open field between Vaughan Fire Station 7-1 and Reena - Toby and Henry Battle Developmental Centre on Clark Avenue just south of the Promenade Mall has been like that for as long as I can remember. But starting around 2017 or 2018, that field was the scene of new houses. Talking about the Promenade Mall, years ago it had a lot of stores in it. But now, it's a former shell of itself as more than half the stores have been fucking off there. Even most of the major shops ain't there anymore, like Sears. The Old Navy, the EB Games, the McDonald's and the Subway are all gone too, along with many others. The southern part of the mall is now a condo building. The area didn't need another condo as it's like a big free for all of those buildings. I have always been saying that sooner or later the Promenade Mall will be torn down and made into condos. I can hardly remember the Burger King at the northwest corner of Bathurst and Steeles as I was about 3 or 4 when it went. All that I can remember being in that building is the Pizza Pizza. My parents told me that in rain or shine I would eat fries from the Burger King in my stroller. That plaza has changed over the years too, as the Food Basics is now a FreshCo, the Second Cup is now a Harvey's, the Asahi Sushi is now a Bank of Montreal and the 99¢ World is now a Dollarama. I think that these electric scooters need to be nowhere near the sidewalk as they need to be ridden on the fucking road. Pedestrians have the right of way on the sidewalk, not having these flaming bags of shit jabronis cutting in and out between people. I heard horror stories about people riding these scooters killing little kids because they are texting, and they went scot-free because they were in the right in riding the scooters on the sidewalk. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if you hit a 5-year-old girl or a 110-year-old man, if you ever hit me with a scooter, you had better have a shitty lawyer because I would sue you for every last penny you got. To make shit worse, those flaming bags of shit jabronis riders are way under the legal operating age of 16. I bet that these parents would keep saying "I need to get my 10-year-old the latest gadgets. I don't care about the age limit of this scooter as I can lie that he's 16." That's one way to cause the already bad enough storm of scooter riders on the sidewalk. I can see that a parent buys their 8-year-old daughter a scooter for her birthday in the morning, and by that evening, the parents find out on the news that earlier that afternoon their daughter was wanted by the police for killing an 11-year-old boy after crashing into him and causing him to crack his skull on the ground before she flees the scene. If that's our standard of how the world works today, no wonder that people are getting hit by scooters left, right and centre. To make shit even worse, these places that are selling scooters know that the people that are buying them are underage, but all they care about is making money. Ontario should make a law to have a license for scooters, but I know that Doug Ford would say that it would be a dumb idea as he just wants the selling of scooters to make his friends even richer. The ever smart mind of Doug Ford wants to make money, even if it means breaking the law in order to fuck over people like me. If Doug's idea of making money over safety, no wonder that Ontario is going to be one big totalitarian state. Lookie, lookie at me, my name is Doug Ford, and I'm going to fuck every underage Ontarian into buying an electric scooter, so I can roll in all your money and I don't give a flaming bag of shit if they die. That's a fucking greedy low even for me as a non-politician. I think that Florida is full of flaming bags of shit jabronis that they believe they are a Florida Man for the most retarded things. Why ain't there an Ontario Man out there? My blogging rants and bat shit crazy rage are just as wild as things over in Florida. I had already punched out a fire alarm control panel in Toronto's Union Station while a lady might be fighting an alligator in Miami International Airport. I'll fight an alligator any day of the week if someone brings me one. If Doug Ford wanted a fist fight, I wanted to, as I'd punch his face. I dare anyone in Florida to go onto Donald Trump's golf course in West Palm Beach in the nude while he's there. I think that bicycles need to be nowhere near the street or sidewalk as they should be ridden miles away from those places. These flaming bag of shit jabroni cyclists don't give a flaming bag of shit if I am walking down a narrow path that is too narrow to ride their bikes down, they will keep ringing their bells non-stop if they want to pass me. I just wanted to shove the bell down their throat and tell them to fuck off the path before I break their bike in half over my leg. I just hate it when a single flaming bag of shit jabroni cyclist takes up a whole lane of traffic. It really makes my fuses blow when this happens on a two-lane street when there are miles of bumper to bumper traffic the other way, miles of traffic behind me, no shoulder on the right, the next exit is miles away and the flaming bag of shit jabroni cyclist is intentionally being slow. I wanted to ram the flaming bag of shit jabroni cyclist down just to hear their skull cracking under the tire of my pickup while I yelled to smell diesel fumes at the top of my lungs as I sped off. If I knew how to hack, I'd fuck up everything to do with technology to the point of it not working. I just want to see how utterly crazy the world would go if they couldn't watch their daily morning of women fighting on PornHub and buying groceries online. I'd laugh evilly as I was watching all the children going ape shit because their iPad couldn't work. I want to see raining computers from office towers after all their hard work was gone. I'd hack traffic lights to turn all green and let the cars crash into each other. I'd hack into the Toronto subway and crash the trains into each other. I'd hack into these cars and cause them to go ape shit by driving them off bridges or crashing head on with other vehicles. I'd hack into ATMs and cause them to spit out all the money while I watched people fighting with each other for it. I'd hack into Doug Ford's house and play porn on the TV while his kids were there. I'd hack into these nuclear power plants to cause their reactors to meltdown. While I am doing all of this, I'd be in the warmth of my house far away from the mayhem. My laptop is a flaming bag of shit as it's always running low on storage. I bought a Dell Inspiron 15 3000 with around 218 GB of storage and 16 GB of RAM a couple of years ago for about a grand. It really blows my fuses every time the storage runs out, even when I hardly have Jack shit on it. I normally get around a gigabyte to 5 gigs of free storage, but it will go down to zero sometimes. I paid a grand for this flaming bag of shit, but I should've paid more money for a laptop with more storage. I think that Bill Gates is fucking me over into buying this flaming bag of shit laptop before he has sex with my money. Catching flies in his mouth. Tasting freedom when he dares. Then crawling back to the top of the stairs. Of the stairs. He won't see the sun again for years to come. He broke in love like a cat without care. Roaming freely through the streets. You can find him among the pigeons in the square. But he won't see the sun again for years to come. He broke in love. He won't see the sun again. For years to come. He broke in love. Broken out in love. The economy in Canada is a flaming bag of shit because everything ain't cheap anymore. Where is the time when you retire with a million bucks? With that million, you could buy a nice big house to retire in with money still left over. Today, you can't buy a crap shack as big as an outhouse for a million bucks. When I die as an old man, I want my family to have enough money without having them asking people on the street for money. Inflation is making the flaming bag of shit even worse because of Doug Ford's idea to make a little more money for himself from this cash grab. I ain't going to be Doug's slave to step in and fetch him more of my hard-earned money. That flaming bag of shit jabroni politician of a goddamn Premier of Ontario that's fucking money over his wife needs to burn in a dumpster fire filled with flaming bags of shit before he can step in and fetch me some fucking money from his ass. I think that lane splitting is illegal, like a flaming bag of shit as it's a super retarded move. The flaming bag of shit jabronis who do this flaming bag of shit stunt are fucking their lives because they want to get home faster to fuck their flaming bag of shit wife. I don't know how many times I had been changing lanes and a flaming bag of shit jabroni biker zipped passed me from behind after that flaming bag of shit jabroni lane split between two semi-trucks before speeding by me. And I would get into shit because I hit that flaming bag of shit jabroni. This is not fucking India, where lane splitting is common. This is Ontario, Canada, where Kevin Stewart will roast your ass if you have the nerve to crash into me due to your lane splitting hellhole mayhem. Doug Ford got a big fucking nerve if he wanted to legalize lane splitting. Doug is the one who does lane splitting as he wanted to dance on Rob Ford's grave. Doug needs to get the fact that lane splitting is super illegal through his fat ass before he dies. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if that flaming bag of shit Doug dies because he is a flaming bag of shit to start with. I'd happily dance on Doug's grave as I wanted to pay my respect to that flaming bag of shit. I think the Toronto District School Board's field trip to a pro-Palestine protest last week was a great idea for these students to learn about current events, even if they lied about the trip to their parents. These parents might be anti-war due to the Vietnam War even if they weren't involved in the war at all. Even if the parents knew about the true nature of the trip beforehand, I'm glad that the school went through with the trip anyway. Doug Ford's opinion about the field trip, saying it was disgusting. Fuck you, Doug, I dare you to step into these protester's shoes and let them hear your voice other than staying in your office jacking off to PornHub. I even double dare him to step into a Palestinian soldier's shoes and fight in the war. Doug Ford's idea to build a traffic tunnel under Highway 401 from Brampton to Scarborough is a big fucking waste of money. That's over 50 kilometers of tunnel, Doug. Where is he going to get tens of billions to build this flaming bag of shit. I ain't going to pay a penny for this to get built because he is a modern day Hitler due to the latter fancy of mega-projects. Good lord that I don't do my own taxes. If taxes weren't a thing, I'd keep my big fat dividend to myself. I've said many times before that these politicians should have to get in their underwear to watch a megaton nuclear blast and feel the heat to really make a better thinker out of some of them. I think that Doug Ford shutting down the Ontario Science Centre and planning to send it to Ontario Place is a flaming bag of shit idea. His plan of building the Ontario Line between those two places is worthless now, as if people wanted to get off at the station at the Science Centre, but the place ain't there anymore. And it's his fault as he just wanted the Science Centre to be torn down to be rebuilt into condos because of his rich friends paying him millions of dollars. This flaming bag of shit jabroni has no qualms about fucking over the people of Ontario to make a dime and putting everything in downtown Toronto. Hey Doug, build some shit that's not in the core of fucking Toronto. Not everyone is rich enough like your fuck boy, Elon Musk, to come to Toronto from Thunder Bay every week to go to Sick Kids. I think that Doug Ford's exaggerated claims about bike lanes in Toronto are pure gold. I think there is some truth in his statement about first responders that are pulling their hair out because there are barriers in bike lanes, and they're backed up for miles in traffic because of it. Buddy, I pull out my hair in amusement every time you make a Trump move. Another pure gold moment was a couple of years ago when he accidentally ate a bee when it flew into his mouth during one of his speeches. Even the Guelph mayor used a bee costume to poke fun at him during his speech. The mayor of Guelph is my man because he mocked this flaming bag of shit. I think that these mental health services are flaming bags of shit as all these professionals do is give me shit because I wanted to play with my mother's hair. Give me a fucking break as if I wanted to play with her hair, let me do it, but I couldn't because the flaming bag of shit jabroni mental health professionals would bite my head off. I just want to bite the flaming bag of shit jabroni mental health professionals' heads off because they are utterly retarded. If I want to play with someone's hair, let me do it. The flaming bag of shit jabroni mental health professionals wouldn't help if I told them my raw emotions about needing love. I'm the sanest flaming bag of shit jabroni out there. I am so fucking sane that I should open a fucking mental health clinic. All of this is Doug Ford's fault because he didn't want to pay for all the flaming bag of shit jabroni mental health professionals. He's the biggest mental case I have ever seen and should be locked up in an asylum for his own safety. I'm shocked that he ain't losing his shit already because he is trying to suck his own dick. I think that Doug Ford is an Illuminati, Anunnaki, a Lizard person and a pawn in the New World Order. I often wonder what shit he's in. I think his term as premier is one big conspiracy theory and controversy. He needed to fuck off of whatever rock he came out of and praise a flaming bag of shit. I often think that he's some goon in the mafia or something. I also think that he's a member of the KKK or a neo-Nazi group. Yeah, I bet that Doug is burning crosses while yelling antisemitic slurs. To their own shore Came the World War. Gleaves and Ingham, leading Bury west, took the short journey on the long route back. Convoy 92 Bury, Gleaves and Ingham, leading. Tankers to the west. And upon the North Atlantic Lies the silence of the sea. And on the quietest night, in the darkest hour, The Kriegsmarine appears. Above the surface, it seemed quiet and calm. Deep down below, the wolfpack lurks. No, no, no. To their own shore Came the World Warves and Ingham led. Bury west. In their own track Came the wolfpack. Gleaves led the convoy into the hornet's nest. At the crack of dawn on the second day, Bury stands in flames. Half the convoy is sunk or disabled. Heading back to shore, but below the North Atlantic, we suffered. At the bottom of the sea on the second night, in the darkest hour. The Kriegsmarine returned. The wolfpack surfaces for a second time, to make the convoy face its fate. No, no, no. To their own shore Came World War. Gleaves and Ingham, suffering, leading Bury west. On their own track. Came then. Wolfpack and Gleaves led the convoy into the hornet's nest. Under fire on Underwater May 42, when Bury had failed the test. To their own shore Came the World War and Ingham led them to death in 569. They failed. The contact and led them. U-94 scored a kill in the dark, 124 sinking four in two approaches. 406 suffered failure on launch. U-569 makes contact and leads them. U-94 scores a kill in the dark. U-124, sinking four in two approaches. 406 suffers failure on launch again. On their own track Came the wolfpack. Gleaves led the convoy into the hornet's nest. To their own shore Came the World War and the Ingham led Bury west. In their own track Came the wolfpack. Gleaves led the convoy into the hornet's nest. Under fire on Underwater May 42 when Bury had failed the test. To their own shore Came the World War. Gleaves and Ingham lead them to death. Don't know what's waiting down below. The wolfpack lurks, awaiting you. To follow, to bleed. It's time for you to return. They decide. Oh no, oh no, the wolfpack's waiting for them. Too calm, you'll see. Below the surface waiting for you. As the Wehrmacht, Russia 1941. They don't belong. We stand our ground, a million strong. We are ready for their strike, face the army of the Reich. A million strong, this is our land. They don't belong. Hear Marshal Zhukov's and Stalin's orders. Defend the motherland, Moscow shall not fall. Stand and follow commands, our blood for the homeland. There the motherland's call, and brace for the storm. Moscow will never give in. There is no surrender. Force them into retreat, and into defeat. Face the volleys of their guns towards Russia's daughters and her sons. All the brave braves who stand against the typhoon from the mountains and the plains, come in thousands on the trains. Day and night, they're rolling in, to join the fight. From Kazakhstan to. Magadan. The call of the motherland, Russia, shall prevail. Stand and follow commands, our blood for the homeland. Heed the motherland's call, and brace for the storm, Moscow will never give in. There is no surrender. Force them into retreat, and into defeat. Stand and follow commands, our blood for the homeland. Heed the motherland's call, and brace for the storm, Moscow will never give in. There is no surrender. Force them into retreat, and into defeat. Stand and follow commands, our blood for the homeland. Heed the motherland's call, and brace for the storm, Moscow will never give in. There is no surrender. Force them into retreat, and into defeat. Stand and follow commands, our blood for the homeland. Into the motherland the German army marched into the Soviet Union in summer 1943. Tanks line up in thousands. As far as the eye can see, ready for the onslaught. Ready for the fight. Waiting for the Axis. To march into the trap. Mines are located in darkness. In the cover of the night, waiting to be triggered. When the time is right. I am. Minent invasion, Imminent attack. Once the battle starts, there's no turning back. The end of The Third Reich draws near. Its time has come to an end. The end of an era is here. It's time to attack! Into the motherland the German army marched. Comrades stood side by side to stop the Nazi charge. Panzers on Russian soil, thunder in the east. One million men at war, Soviet wrath unleashed! The field of Prokhorovka, where the heat of battle burned, suffered heavy losses. And the tide of war has turned. Driving back the Germans. Fighting on four fronts hurt them outside of Russia. Out of Soviet land Reinforce the front line. Force the Axis to retreat. Sending in all the reserves, securing their defeat, Soldiers of the Union broke the citadel. Ruins of an Asian army rest in hell. The end of the Third Reich draws near. Its time has come to an end. The end of an era is here. It's time to attack! Into the motherland the German army marched. Comrades stood side by side to stop the Nazi charge. Panzers on Russian soil, thunder in the east. One million men at war, Soviet wrath unleashed! Onward comrades! Onward for the Soviet Union! Charge! Oh, mother Russia! Union of lands is the will of the people. Strong in command. Oh, mother Russia! Union of lands Once more victorious, The Red Army stands! The end of The Third Reich draws near. Its time has come to an end. The end of an era is here. It's time to attack! Into the motherland the German army marched. Comrades stood side by side to stop the Nazi charge. Panzers on Russian soil, thunder in the east. One million men at war, Soviet wrath unleashed! Fresh from Moscow over the Volga, they come to their comrades' aid. City in despair. Almost crushed by the Führers' army. Oh, it's colder than hell. Hitler's forces advancing, The sound of the mortars, The music of death. A grand symphony. See your friends fall. Hear them pray to the god your country denies. Every man dies alone. And when your time comes, you will know that it's time. Stalin's fortress on fire. Is this madness or hell? The sound of mortars. The music of death. We're playing the devil's symphony. Our violins are guns conducted from hell. Oh, Stalingrad! Mratnimiat! Are you playing? Do you follow the conductor's lead? No one knows you. No one cares about a single violin. Play the score of the damned. Know the devil within The sound of the mortars. The music of death. We're playing the devil's symphony. Our violins are guns conducted from hell. Attero dominatus Berlin is burning Denique interimo. The Reich has fallen. We stand at the gates of Berlin With two and a half million men, With six thousand tanks in our ranks. Use them as battering rams. Artillery leads our way. A million grenades have been launched. The Nazis must pay for their crimes. The wings of the eagle have been broken. Marshall Zhukov's orders: "Serve me Berlin on a plate!" Disregard the losses, the city is ours to take Attero dominatus Berlin is burning Denique interimo. The Reich has fallen. The price of a war must be paid. Millions of lives have been lost. The price must be paid by the men that started the war in the 30s. The spring of the year '45. The year when the Nazis will fall. We're inside the gates of Berlin. The beak of the eagle has been broken. Comrade Stalin's orders: "Serve me your head on a plate". Disregard the losses, the eagle's land is ours to take Attero dominatus Berlin is burning Denique interimo. The Reich fell in March! Fight! Die! In Berlin! March! Fight! Conquer! Berlin! Attero dominatus Berlin is burning. Denique interimo, The Reich has fallen, Attero dominatus Berlin is burning. Denique interimo, The Reich has fallen. Pulled into war to serve a vision that's supposed to last a thousand years. Part of a machine unstoppable, merciless as tidal waves. Were they the victims of time or proud parts of larger goals? Propaganda of the Reich Masterful machine Time and again the battle rages on Beyond the gates of misery As casualties rise and millions die around them. Did they see it all? Crazy madmen on a leash. Or young men who lost their way? Grand illusions of the Reich may seem real at times. Panzers on a line from the Wehrmacht's spine. Lethal grand design. What about the men executing orders? Panzers on a line. From the Wehrmacht's spine Lethal grand design. What about the men executing orders? Ad. victoriam, ex machina Non sibi sed patriae Ad victoriam, ex machina Non sibi sed patriae Pulled into war to serve a vision That just didn't last a thousand years. Part of a machine, though, as merciless as tidal waves, Crazy madmen on a leash Or young men who lost their way? Grand illusions of the Reich may seem real at times. Panzers on a line from the Wehrmacht's spine. Lethal grand design. What about the men executing orders? Panzers on a line. From the Wehrmacht's spine. Lethal grand design. What about men? The dark compels me every day. The countdown has begun. I am your master, number one. Realizing the pain, I was whole in the underworld. To live by Satan’s will, A creature of unholy pain. The vengeance is my name. I walk alone in the path of evil. I’m Satan’s number one. Taste my fury, take my vengeance. Now it’s time to die. I’m taking out the shotgun! I am a breaker of this world. Destruction is my name, Bringing pain and infamy Into the face of man. I walk alone in the path of evil. I’m Satan’s number one. Taste my fury, take my vengeance. Now it’s time to die. I’m taking out the shotgun! The dark one haunts me every day. The countdown has begun. I am your master, number one. Realizing pain, I walk alone on the path of evil. I’m Satan’s number one. Taste my fury, take my vengeance. Now it’s time to die. I took out the shotgun! I’m taking out the shotgun! Hey, this is your friend Kevin Stewart here, and it's New Year's Day and I hope this year is going to be one of my fucking best years ever and cheers for a new year, uh, the new shit I'm going to make friends. I'm going to make cheers and give me a hell yeah because Kevin Stewart fucking said so. Here we go. It's okay posters from the League of Players that get eight grade for the deep setting of wall put off castle and a lot of everything rhymes all this shit. I got into my room. This is my washroom all right, but this is my mother's womb, a business called closet. Oh, I almost forgot to show you my closet. I'm kind of sewing in my neighborhood room. Now this is the area where nobody can buy live screams from right here. All right, but this is where I'm using blocks by screams to see the chat like using what like screaming. I can't bring my charts. Thank you and this is all my diecast calls, a business like the front door area. Code to go down to the basement business, like the third bedroom. I don't get caught having a bed. Yeah, fuck it, plastic balls. How about the yells I have and there's a place first ball. Uh, this is the second last room now. This is my basement. This is the fridge that I destroyed a few months ago. I don't know if my Bob will tell me if I could damage it ball are there's a spreading box eight of my place guys and ladies so that. I'm coughing like that I would call with it. We call it a cold. Uh, where's my earpiece, so my fucking clip like you know, bastard, before I went gas before I went live. Collected by Henri Sadine, it's a good hit off the fortune marches on a cross keeps it going up the wing, passing one off now to Stewart gathered in by Forsberg from childhood the daydream of getting to hold 35 pounds of history, and it's about to come true. They will win the biggest prize score off the iron and the game is over, the series is over. These are the Stanley Cup champions. These guys started back in the fall. Their dream was to be at that very moment and the dream was realized. It is the most noble part of a collision sport, an exhausting series of games. Handshakes replace all the adrenaline from the last hours the man chosen playoff MVP. This ever well deserved. It's often said it's the hardest prize to win, because it takes eight weeks by tradition. The captain is the first to hold it high and there's always a picking order as to how it gets handed off and that's all a part of the Stanley Cup lore. You can only imagine how much soreness you fight through in a collision sport. The guy had lifted this cup with his dislocated shoulder after hernia surgery just two days before. It doesn't matter if it's over 30 pounds. They find a way you play that hard and that long you get your name on a trophy, rings on your fingers and one last photograph is evidence of it all. It doesn't take much to set off grandpa and his broken washing machine is seriously working his nerves. The only thing he hates more than this clunky appliance is paying for it. Maybe pups can talk their way out of the bill. Maybe not when a repo man finally arrives. The old grouch really blows a gasket. He throws the granddaddy of all his hissy fits, but before it gets out of hand, his son finally steps in the next day grandpa finds a new way to launder his clothes. Oh my god, but no matter what, it's a safe bet this nasty crank will never clean up his act. Oh my god that thinks he's getting his income back. Michael had decided to play a prank on his father by mocking up a fake letter from the IRS. Oh, got a letter today. I'm hoping to email till you relax. It's important, and you need to read it. Who are you beautiful? Oh, good, he's angry just about the concept of receiving mail. I'm sure that to lend well, can you do my taxes right. I read works for Boateng. Yeah, you told me my beer friend. It was a write-off. We got a ride home. I'll kill you. That'll show the IRS you'll be wearing wet clothes from now on. Damn you want a peek this how you are. You just water you want to take a little crowbar. Oh my god, somebody please no jokes over relax. It was a prank gallon from the IRS. I made the computer. It is a joke now. Come on, all crack up like they do at the end of sitcoms. Michael survives the meltdown. The dryer is not your best thing about this way. Doug gets his real IRS text. You buy okay after each right. Man, goddamn it! Motherfucker What? I laid down his motherfucker's mouth like Piss Well? I'm fucking sick of it! Ohh Wait, Wait, wait Dad, dad, Dad, we can get a cleaner for it! I told you, I'm tired of it! Back up, Bridget, seriously. Uh, damn it! Okay, you're using weapons now, dad. So What? Stop doing that! Oh, woah... COMET SMELL LIKE PISS God damn it! That'd be shit in the motherfucker too! Dad, would you... we could flip the cushions. I know you... I'll flip the goddamn, goddamn cushions! Oh, your teeth fell out! Oh, not this one! Oh, that's that. I'm tired of it! I'm tired of it! Goddamn, it smells like piss. Why? Get that camera off me! I have to document this. Well, document this! Turn it off! Another knife! There, you got a couch! What the fuck did I do? I don't care. Okay. No, No. Not that. Thing. So what'll happen if we sit in it now? Ah, tougher than I am. Now what? I'm done. Can't do any more damage. Get out of here, Dad. Get out of that Thing, motherfucker Yeah, all right! I thought you were done. It ain't going anywhere. Done now. Make him smell like piss. I'll throw it out. Get him off it. That's what he's doing. Get on the computer now. Yeah. How are you going to get that out? It isn't none of your goddamn business! You need to turn, you probably need to slide that down. Yes, sir, you're like a passive-aggressive. It's when he smiles and he gets pissed. How's that, that good? Can you spin it? Around now? Now pull it down some more. Film dead, because dad's going to be throwing shit in a minute. You're getting pressured he's going to break the door. Oh, you're getting pissed. We're going to take the couch that you destroyed outside the house. Fuck you, man. Turn the thing. How's that? Is that good for you? Shut up. Hey, goddamn Motherfucker you said shut it. I didn't say shove me on my fucking ass. Are you getting his face? Lift it up, bitch. Go get your hand. Drop. You dumb fucker Oh, damn you! You're standing at the hand drop. Why do you let it go far? Your dumb ass. Did you film that, Bridget? I'm sure you need to shut the fuck up now. Set up! If I only lived off you, I'd live it off my fucking zipper. Ohh That's incest. With every breath in my prayer. Are you going to help me or are you going to say, watch me? Are you going to move? Your big fat ass so I can do this? Look at the goddamn roach. Goddamn Ew. Hey look, it's a spider. Where? Right there, crawling on the inside. Vagina spider. Bring it back here, stupid. Oh man. I don't need this treatment. No wonder Mom left. Okay. Okay, ain't you going to help me? Fuck it. I need help with him. Bring your fat ass over here, piggle boy. Are you going to accept my help? Here, I'll grab a hand. I can't lift it. You can't lift it. You were just flipping it upside down. I'll do more flipping. Come on, let's flip it then. Together. Yeah, we'll flip the flippy old end of it. Well, you go hit my band! You stupid shit You know what's not the best part of me? The best part of you ran down my fucking leg. But he did run down my leg. Oh, goddamn Film him, Brandon. You dumb motherfucker Hit me in the goddamn you stupid. It wasn't my fault. You let go. You asshole bug you. You're supposed to flip it and let go. Now we're going to flip it the other way. Fuck you. They didn't do anything. Look at you just in there watching me, you know? You act on impulse, and you break the couches, and then we have to do this though. You should carry it by yourself. Oh, man, we got that other one. That's going to be the motherfucker. Oh, man, that thing's got a couch bed in it. All right, how do we leave this thing? How do we leave it? We leave it on the side of the goddamn road. I get that. Thanks for no fucking help, though. God, that couch sucks. Well, I had to have Pillsbury for school. Would you mind goddamn helping me? I am helping. Then why am I doing all the Goddamn work? Because you're the one who destroyed the couches. You're the one who can suck my fucking ass. You can probably salvage this one. Salvage shit smells like goddamn Pull it up at the bottom, stupid. Goddamn What? Uh, it's back. I did what you said. Stupid. Well, bring your fat ass down now. Oh, thank you for permission to do that, sir. This is what I wanted to do today. Your couches instead of my own. I'd like you to move your own stick. You might have me set it up. How about before you start yelling, you tell me what you're going to do ahead of time. I don't know what I'm going to do. Hey, look at that. Oh, you've got to crush my hand. Watch out. This thing's beating the hell up. Ah all right, take the street. I'm going to watch. I don't think so. You could drag it yourself, or I'm going to do it alone. Make somebody help you. You got a bad knee, man. It's hurting me. God, what the hell, man? I ain't shitting you. I know you're not. That's the thing. Can we flip it like the other one? Flip you? Oh, this stinks. Smells like roach shit. Smells like goddamn piss. You know, I bet you that's an art that not many people know what roach shit smells like, because I know. I know now. Now what? Look, you're pushing a safe. Well, that's why I badly ate Taco Bell earlier. I could burn the calories off. How do these things beat the hell up? See, you're a young man and strong. Sure went the other way, that's why. Well, if you're so goddamn smart, do it yourself. Ah, goddamn Fuck it! Would you help me lift the son of a bitch? Look at this guy with a bomb on it, we'll pay him to do it? He's over. She's gone wet it is. How do I feel? Breezy and grimy. Now what? Yeah, why don't we just rush it in a football thing? Oh, that didn't work. Why do you think I didn't rush it like a football thing? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait like a football thing. I don't know what that thing's called. The cushion pusher. Cushion. Shout out to what you call Bridget. Won't you be sad? What do you call Bridget? I bet you only got nothing in the family, right? One more time. Last one, huh, you have to wash your hands. Whoa. That's good. Now how long till we get our slip to leave the trailer park? Oh, Goddamn Smell your hands. I don't even want to. No, you got to. No, please. No, please. Oh, God. Oh, God. I did not make this mess. Oh, yes, you did. I did not make this mess. This is horrifying. We'll get to cleaning. We have a hurricane coming through. Yeah. Hurricane Charlie. I had a whole goddamn box! I had a whole goddamn box! Whoa, calm down, what the hell? I had a whole goddamn box! What? I had a whole goddamn box! Of what? Of what? What are you looking at? Okay, don't throw the mayonnaise and shit I had a whole goddamn box! Twinkies, they're all gone. I had a whole goddamn box. Ohh Goddamn motherfucker I'm not lying, man. I had a whole goddamn box of goddamn Twinkies. You're getting coffee everywhere. I had a whole goddamn box, Michael. I had a whole goddamn box. Relax. I didn't touch your Twinkies. People ride me all goddamn nice and goddamn motherfuckers all goddamn Twinkie pieces. They're gone. The Twinkies are gone. What am I going to do on the goddamn weekend? I'll let you fly them motherfuckers. They have got Walmart brand Twinkies. Fuck Walmart brand goddamn Twinkies! Calm down. Ohh What is that? I won't forget! Goddamn government, motherfucking conspiracy! Motherfucking goddamn conspiracy! Goddamn, I'm going to call my goddamn congressman! My goddamn-Stop, stop, okay, all right, hey. What government conspiracy? They just went out of business! They don't want me to go- because it's good for a matter, I've been eating Twinkies to the other goddamn knee-high on the grasshopper's motherfucking ass. I was that goddamn high on my daddy bringing me motherfucking Twinkies! I used to watch Captain Kangaroo eat my motherfucking Twinkie. Hey! What the fuck is that shit What was the name of that goddamn company? Hostess. Hostess! You Obama-loving motherfuckers, I bet that was a goddamn political deal! We're that Obama, and we'll do what Obama wants. We'll get rid of the Twinkies, and we'll make sure Americans don't get fat anymore. I ain't fat! I tell you what, you all get out of my goddamn house, you don't come fucking fat and you got the goddamn Twinkies wrong. We don't. And you had better buy me enough to last me a year. There are no more. Well, you better get off your little white ass and go find me some. Get out of here. Get out. Are you joking? I'm going to go be some goddamn Twinkies, motherfuck and don't. Twinkies are an American tradition. Back when they were pulling all my teeth, Twinkies were the only thing I could fucking eat. What are people losing their teeth they're going to eat? Walmart brand Twinkies. Get the fuck away from me, Walmart shit. Yeah, eat some Twinkies. It's a blue light special at Walmart, ain't it? Get out of here. Let's just get him some great value Twinkies. Whoa! Now you are dangerous. It's not worth it. They're selling very highly on eBay. What is he doing? Is he crying? I know it's here some goddamn. What are you doing what Oh, I'm looking at my goddamn cantaloupe that was yesterday. If it's in there. I'm going to eat the motherfucker I'm hungry. What happened yesterday? You are going to eat it. Yeah, my goddamn if I can find the bitch, but here I'm done throwing everything out here. Fawning now. I got to pick up on this shit for nothing. Damn motherfuck. Oh, you threw my Harry Potter book. What were you thinking? I didn't throw my shit. I got the goddamn bomb. Look what she did. I know she did. Oh my God, why'd she do that? Who knows where that goddamn bitch is? Oh my god, I'm going to throw the fuck up. Goddamn, this smells terrible. What is that thing like? From 3 or 4 weeks ago? God's probably in the refrigerator? It looks like an abortion. Oh, man, God damn my hand. Oh my god, and watch this shit goddamn. Ah, goddamn Michael. Oh, that is nasty, what shows me your face. What is wrong with God? How did that happen? I don't. I know. God damn. It's just on my face fucking reaps. What is the rest of it fuck Oh my god, goddamn, bring them if I get rid of the goddamn caps. They need a bit of this shit this really does have a special kind of stench. I know man, I have got all my beard shit what is that spell, what is that like Hamburger Helper?? Yeah helper, hamburger? Why are you filming me again because you're picking up garbage? Turn that goddamn. We have got garbage in my hands. Well, they went to the chair fuck that goddamn chair guy, your mama's goddamn chair. Anyway, all this stuff is that at the door we don't want to talk by the door. Wait a minute. When did you do that? We didn't want to talk about the goddamn door. I wasn't even here because of that. We didn't want to talk about the goddamn door. You know what sad Michael is moving tomorrow. Oh god, what is that spell? It's goddamn motherfucking garbage juice. Relax with this. I want my goddamn calou. Get that motherfucker I'm a goddamn. Tell you old boy, don't just leave it on the ground what you're doing. I'm looking for my goddamn pimento cheese. Who the fuck is eating my damn shit. You won't be eating my goddamn shit. Look at my goddamn pimento cheese. Man, I was going to eat my steak with my pimento. There's no goddamn steak with my goddamn pimento. Who the fuck's eating my shit up? I am so motherfucking tired of this. I don't give a damn, she can stay naked. motherfucker. That was my sandwich, that was my supper. You can all eat your goddamn sandwich. Don't invite me. Now, look what you did to my damn pimento cheese. Look what you did. Get out of here you goddamn naked bitch. I'm tired of you goddamnit. Yeah, you do. Why did you eat my goddamn pimento cheese? You lying bitch. You ate my pimento cheese. That was mine. Then why did you throw it on the fucking floor? You're a fucking liar. You get in here and clean this shit up. You made the mess you need to clean up. There's your fucking broom witch. Fly around the fucking house. Put it between your legs and, ride, fly, fly. No, you need to shut the fuck up. Get you fatass out here pig. Fattest person in this motherfucking house you. All you do is fucking. Shut the fuck up, Ms. Witty. Fucking piggy bitch, you get to clean motherfucker. Yeah, you are. Goddamn, you come eat my goddamn food and shit. You make a mess and throw shit around. Fuck, I'll beat his goddamn ass. Fuck out of here. It's all your goddamn fault. You better go, or you are gonna wear this motherfucker. Twinkies are an American tradition. Back when they were pulling all my teeth, Twinkies were the only thing I could fucking eat. What are people losing their teeth now going to eat? Get the fuck away from me with that Walmart shit. Let's just get him some Great Value Twinkies. Good god. Can you believe what happened? Oh, man, Michael's Crib. Nastiest man. Wait, what are you in the bathroom? I'm over here, I'm filming your house. I'm filming your house because it's nasty. The princess is going to wear this damn thing. If they keep laughing at me one more time now, they better shut up. I was a little boy. That's me as a little boy. Then I grew up to be a mean ass teenager who didn't like people. I grew up. Then, all of a sudden, I grew up and became a man. One asshole named Mike. And I'll draw a picture of the little fat little bastard. That was Michael when he was a little boy. That was his tiny little arm. That was his goddamn little bellybutton. When Bridgette first came to the house, it was Bridgette. It's Bridgette. Little short motherfucking arms, little tiny ass head, little beady fucking nose, beady eyes and a goddamn little face. Oh Bridgette, it's so nice to meet you. You know, this trip brings back a lot of memories for me. And on our way to Columbia, Jesus fucking Christ Man. But I was just telling you about another one of those motherfuckers. That son of a bitch can't fucking drive. Where did you get your goddamn license, Georgia? I, hell why not. It keeps me alert. But the fuck you think you're going for a red pickup truck, you suck my dick. But Michael, when they were little. Put the camera on that son of a bitch. Look how slow that motherfucker's driving. Everybody's fucking passing me. And he's in an RVD or whatever you call it, and he's fuck it, fuck it. Just to hell with it. I don't care, I lose my thoughts. There goes another one passing me. I don't like being passed on the road. Fucking bastard goddamn. Hogtrough, goddamn eating son of a bitch. Tomorrow fuck that shit. Tomorrow's Thanksgiving. Who's been eating my goddamn marshmallows? That's for the goddamn souffle. Hey, the hogtrough won't open till 11 tomorrow. This ain't a goddamn piggy wiggy. Would you put that damn camera up, man I'm just recording? They are cooking supper dude, but it's. That shit you know. If you don't like it, you have to fucking eat it, no dad. That come on out. You say that. Oh, that ain't done, yet you can go to fuck home. This is my food, dad. You can have it. Let's burn up well. The burgers look good. Oh my god, oh man, you go burn. There's your goddamn cookout, there's your goddamn cookout. It wasn't chicken, damn. That was fucked up for real. But ready. Supper. Have a nice dinner. Go inside, man, damn who are you friends, your friends? Hey you all forget your burgers, forget they're burned man, you forget yourself, you, bro, out you, dipping, yeah man, that was. He's becoming a grandfather, that's fucking that's real, fucking that's what he's doing. Oh, dude all right man. Peace. Whatever he's doing something. Your fucking man, yeah YouTube dad, you seriously, you don't have to grow up. There can't be any cameras here and Grandpa. I told you me and Bridget. I will go to Walmart. fuck you fucker we will get you another cantaloupe. Oh, got you, I got you. Oh, God! Shit, you pushed me. Hey, I swear I didn't get away with myself. You. You fought me. Come to help. Yes you slipped on the ravioli, come on wait. At me damn dude. Get. Let me clean. Oh, God! Damn swelling. Look at that Mother's sweaty. So what are you going to do now? You don't get a computer. You have got some money to go to a pawn shop to buy me one. I'll put it up for real. What calms down is you calming down? What is somebody called someone? This computer would have worked for you. I got this from the pawn shop for like 300 bucks. I don't give a fuck, thank you. Oh, god bitch, the wheel to your chair is broken. I don't care, yeah, I give him a shit, but you need to turn that motherfucker off. Now ah shit I'll turn it off. Okay you want, bitch. I can't believe you can't believe you didn't get her. That's what I got her. You ain't got no damn McDonald. Oh, she's fatting on you now. Oh my God my fart, you really can't believe you didn't get her anything out of my teeth. I only had $21 for my goddamn McDonald's. I deserved a break today, so I went out and went to McDonald's. Your fat fucking ass. Oh, it stinks in here now fart. Goddamn if it really does, dude, because we have got no money to pay for the goddamn light I have got stuff to do. I got so many fans online asking for a dollar. What we're going to get online. As, yeah and the babies are going to freeze their little off. Today. They have blankets. Get 20. You're coming on your big bitch. I don't believe you said that about your food. IDit Jimmy said ho ho ho I ain't doing it. I ain't doing it. We got to have some money to pay this bill. Well, how much would I get if I sold blood? Oh, $25. How much is 25? That's it. What about donating sperm? Who wants your fucking sperm? Well, they. They wouldn't know. They wouldn't know what I have to pass physically or don't. You have got to stay inside if it's cold. Why can't we be like them? You know what I mean well, because they pay their bills every day. They gave her $200 for the light bill, and she just threw it out. I gave her $150. I gave her a light 2000 bill but 220. Then you think the fuck off are you all right HT my fucking knee, oh you dam look at your head, look. Dad, there will be a stump, that motherfucker tomorrow. Oh, we're going to get driven now. Oh, shit they are slowing down. It is that Deborah, oh shit see. I will give her money, man. She is damn light. That's your dumbass sister. It's not fun. We're freezing tonight, we're freezing man, we have got no damn lights in there. Look at him sticking his head out the damn window. Fuck you bitch. Did she send you everything? Yeah, a good present for that bitch. I'm going to get her ass. She sent them a present. We're going to get killed. We'll get there in a minute. We can leave. We keep looking for a driveby if she sends you some kabby who and Mom Tina. I don't know why we don't know a man yet. Oh, God, damn, you have to relax dad, so trust me. I am. I'm with you on this. You have reason to be pissed off, but not this pissed off. You just do that in your van bitch, get my goddamn power turned off. I got to go to the bathroom. A dude. How do I go see how to get this? Yeah. Take your lighter. Um Tina. How do you send your sister a goddamn present? You ain't buy shit we saw Endeavor say you got her something Uncle Bobby didn't know. So you must not have given him his yet got where you got him. I'm not, but you ain't given a shit it's not Christmas either. Oh, we ain't going to have anything you got, you're going to scramble to get us something now, so you think we have got something. No man come hold that loud on me while I take a shit oh my god oh boys you go oh nasty. I'm not kidding, I'm not kidding six that bad. I don't see anything with no goddamn cat. Goddamn. That's annoying. This is the extended version. It goes for 14 minutes. Mother, What the goddamn pussy does is God. I hate a motherfucker cats. I fucking hate a goddamn cat. Goddamn, that's annoying. Oh, enjoy the show. Hey, watch it, turn the motherfucker off, turn the motherfucker off. No, I'll goddamn turn it off, guys. Man turns that motherfucker off. For God's sake, turn it off. Please dear Jesus, turn that motherfucker off. Oh, shit goes through another goddamn door. Goddamn fuck who you're going to break your computer is, I don't give a goop. Stop turning the goddamn sh off now, I'm going to break it. I'm going to. I'm going to break your motherfucker stop, I'm going to break that motherfucker stop. I'm going to break that mother motherfucker Oh no, I'm going to break down, motherfucker man, goddamn you care about your old man, you turn that motherfucker off. I like it, turn it off. Turn it off here. Please die motherfucker I'm dying. What are you Fred Sandford? Come on get up, I'm dying. You turn up motherfucker off, don't let me go to hell without looking there. You go. Don't let me go to hell. It's over the cat. Listen. It's over there. Oh, God! I got on the C. You broke the computer. You got four, you got like another. 5 minutes. I do not stay Department you got two. You better do what I'm telling you because I'm going to break it all right three there. I turned it down a little. No, I said turn it off, turn it off. I can't take any goddamn more turn. The goddamn cat. f. Don't let me out of here, fuck chill, somebody let me the fuck out of here. I came last night and paid that bill. I put it under your fucking door. It's full of fucking shit man. I know what I do and what I don't do, man, you need to shut the fuck up. Who do you think you're talking to like that man? fuck you goddamn washer motherfucker broke. Anyway, the goddamn handle you can have. Hey, I tell you I'm sorry man. I'm sorry. Let's just let's back up, start over. Yeah yeah what, you told you, don't talk to me that way, you son of a bitch man, fuck you come get the broken piece of motherfucking shit the handle is broken off, it'll be in the goddamn yard man. fuck you fuck you fuck man. I tell you what, you take your bill collecting ass and stick it up a motherfucking eskimo's ass you son of a bitch don't call me any motherfucking more, come get your goddamn shit. I'll even leave a goddamn bag of trash in the motherfucker for you man, fuck you. They're coming to get the goddamn washing machine. fuck what are you doing? Turn that goddamn camera off. You ain't supposed to record that shit. I said turn the goddamn camera off. Turn off the goddamn camera. I'll break that motherfucker boy I'm not. I just turned up. I don't want this shit here, goddamn Bill calling me a fuck son of a bitch. I'm a motherfucker I ain't got no money to get that motherfucker out of my face to turn it off, Michael. I got mad about the fuck goddamn motherfucker. I ain't pay time bitch. I lied. I ain't got no money to pay. You mom to fucking news. You all got to have a fucking money break. They are going to get pissed if you break the handle off. I don't give a fuck what they're going to do, man. It's one of them little places, man. They just take the fucking shit back. fuck them. I just goddamn got the Salvation Army. If I buy myself a used one somewhere. I get money from somewhere. Turn that motherfucker off. I said, what the fuck what the fuck turn the motherfucker off? I'm going to a goddamn, goddamn kick you stupid motherfucker stupid motherfuck motherfuck to get my water. You had that for a bitch, you son of a bitch fuck you. You come pick it up right motherfucker and put it on your Goddamn back. Get the motherfucking back to the place, stupid bastards. 90 fucking doll fucking dollars and goddamn him. Check out, you can talk about me when I'm in the room. Bo What. What can we talk about? When I'm in the room, I'll talk about you. That was my battery man. I wish you just had it. That is your fault. My fucking fault. It's not my fault. I can't apologize 20 times. What's wrong with my food stamps? What do you mean they were supposed to be there today now, but they say $6 is all we have on here? Did you get the paper filled out when I gave you the paper and told you to fill it out, and it said DSS on it? Yeah, it's a DSS. Where's the paper? No, don't you fucking fuck that is you didn't even mail the motherfucker back. It was in her journal, Stupid damn Goddamn, That we got into food. Look at us. There's nothing in there. You never sent it to tomorrow's grocery, asshole there is my money for the battery? Eat some goddamn yeah he's a corn motherfucker tell you what, let's just let you son of a bitch you motherfucker I tell you what you do. That fucking hurts. I will tell you what you are told. This shit is here for the fucking groceries, buy groceries for, goddamn. All right. Hold on, Goddamn, I'm tired of shit my goddamn little chain. Now you can go buy some fucking groceries, and you owe me 90 motherfucking dollars. I want my motherfucking money. Your battery was $70. First. I want my motherfucking I don't care what it was. I want fucking money here. Help count. We need some goddamn food. You got to fucking stop. This is fucking stupid. This That was a stupid kiss. My fat ass I broke my motherfucking toe on a can of goddamn spinach. The fuck who brings the fucking who in they in what now fuck can't do it anything fuck you all fuck you all good night we'll fucking no. I'm leaving because my goddamn toes hurt motherfucker Goddamn fuck you you hurt me. It cost me money. You're a stupid bitch, you go the fuck home. Oh my God, my toe. I'm sure you know I don't get it that you know you had Hogan on the roast for David Hasselhoff. You know if Nick drove, kit from Night Rider, maybe he wouldn't have gotten such a horrible car accident to begin with you all right ain't no goddamn good rest you can't even get the old motherfuckers like Tommy Dreamer. And shit broken that goddamn broken motherfucker hey dreamer, you just got fired not too long ago, but you ain't got to worry about that, you. Pro dick motherfucker because I have just seen your wife's goddamn porno show. What have you got, Hulk? Goddamn you're more scared. He's his goddamn extension. On his motherfucking head. Hey, I will tell you what to do, put a couple of. The ashes in the video might bring you a few bucks. Yeah, your wife needs that goddamn out to make that shit shrink, because that dildo's probably bigger than you are, man, and the way you're going is that you hit wall to wall. You ain't worth a fuck Tommy Dreamer. I bet your goddamn worms about that goddamn big and that dildo is probably that big and that big, he, fuck you dreamer Jesse, de have to go get a food stamp. And Jeff Hardy, you look at the back of the motherfuckers, drug, head motherfucker and Jeff, you got a little gold on your nose, you need to quit huffing that goddamn paintball. I ain't shitting you. You that shit is going to cook you. Well, your brain's already cooked. Goddamn, yeah, if you are all so goddamn good why not, motherfucker on food stamps that motherfucker he has to go to the store. I have been a wrestler for 10 years. I mean me, I wish it was your goddamn son lying there looking like goddamn turf sticking on the ground. He can't move anything with his motherfucking head. You know you have got a hog family, you are all a bunch of some fucking shit, and you take my blood. I pray God, yeah, I'm sorry your goddamn hair is just like your motherfucker. I'm here to wrestle. Can I have a paycheck? Please, you better need a paycheck because you have got to pay that fucking ugly wife of yours, who has to die, fuck you she always has to show up, goddamn everywhere the dog outside you is going for what. I hurt myself today. To see if I still feel. I focus on the pain. The only thing that's real is the needle tears a hole. The old familiar stain tries to kill it all. But I remember everything. What have I become? My sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away. In the end, you could have all my empire of dirt. I will let you down. I will make you hurt. I wear this crown of thorns Upon my liar's chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair, Beneath the stains of time The feelings disappear. You are someone else. I'm still right here. What have I become? My sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away in the end, and you could have it all. My empire of dirt. I will let you down and will make you hurt. If I could start again. A million miles away I would keep myself, I would find a way. Oh, man, did you have fun buddy? Come on in, hey Dad, Merry Christmas presents. It pretty much it would do you mean it is I just got here it took too long can't run it open what was this I mean that is not yeah it's nine o'clock I'm Grandpa yep I should be one of your brother it's not that it's nine o'clock I don't get what you've got now. I don't care. Oh, there's more for you. I don't care. I should have been here. What is your problem? I'm your dad. Hey, don't talk to her later now. I want to be in my house. You'll have, yeah, yeah, stop it. I care about your house being shut up. I don't care what you got, I don't give up. I don't care what you got. You ain't just get out. You please, where's my breath? See, it's a fucking cold bitch. I want my presence. You don't even give me anything, yeah no we can't, it ain't right man. Hey, how are you? Doing man? I never went out of this house. You know that you can all kiss my fat ass because I don't care good riddance. What the fuck was that buddy? Give me fucking crying about it, you're making a fool of yourself. He was buried in the garbage. It's all right babe. Oh, I thought I had buried the baby. What happened there? Oh, Dad. I think he's outside the door. What's wrong with you? No, you're pissed. I can get you a present, no man, because it is Christmas. Holidays now. Well I'm going to tell you what I got a big fat butt and. Oh, you all killed, man. I'm tired of this, Chris. What do you know about Karate Kid? Why don't they cry? They were alone. Hey stop it. I ain't going to stop anything. How's it? All you all do is think about yourself. Yes, okay, I'm leaving right now. What are you going to do, little man, for Christmas? I'm leaving now. I'm gone goodbye. I ain't coming back to Santa Claus. You ain't even got a job. How the hell are you going to buy him any brothers? You ain't no babies, kids. Our families help families. I didn't sign up for that piece of crap you wouldn't have got it. You know why, because I ain't got no money. You know what the economy is doing right now. People, instead of going to Walmart and looking. They go to Goodwill and the Salvation Army, and they find little broken-up ass toys and then go home and paint the wheels and all that shit to get to the little children, because they ain't got no money. When? Then he shot and five times these kids knew the truth. They are buddies who have got the cobwebs in the damn pot. A nigga, nigga I felt so bad after a quarter. Well, then you got Debbie's kids. Well, there could be a lot of them little kids, damn what happened to Debbie. I'll go. I thought they were old. We were on the list. Yeah, no damn list of people helping people without helping themselves help. The only way you'll get over this Christmas is to help yourself buy your own kids presents. Man bull. That's Santa Claus right there. The almighty wallet. The almighty wallet, that's Santa Claus. The almighty wallet. You need to quit telling them you can't buy presents. I need to quit telling these young people about Santa Claus. Because you know they ain't none. There's a ton of people who grew up. I was like, man, damn. There's a scene that's like saying you believe in the government. What do you want, Joe? Do you want Obama to be your Santa Claus? Is here. Yes, yes, Obama didn't give me no, no check. This year. You're my president right now, not till January after Christmas. He's going to be your own president. Yeah, he's going to put up a damn expensive Christmas tree that you had about last year. If you had it by this year you had the money, no money for free. We got it out of the garbage double Bobby threw it away, so we. All right. That's fine. It's free. Yeah, what they're going to get little toys and shipping Salvation Army or Goodwill. I'm sorry no Virginia, there ain't no fucking Santa Claus whose Virginia you don't know about the letter from Virginia where there is a senator. No Virginia, there is no Santa Claus. Take it from now. Your grandpa. Oh shut up, they ain't no Santa Claus. Yes, there is a buddy, sorry don't listen to him and me five. Are you going to put your fingers in your ears? That's right. That is Santa, yeah call you little Santa, big and fat, like Papa. I ain't bringing it. I ain't getting you. That I ain't got no money. I can't even buy myself a beer. Bye, bye, you'd be happy if you had one. Yeah, hey Dad, Yeah, got you a gun for Christmas? Yeah, I'll use it on your mama. She. You better buy you all I'm done, hey you're going to give it back. Jelly. What the hell is wrong with you? You can't go and buy me a motherfucking brother. I feel that's true. You know I gave you this, and now you'll hear that shit is cheap. No full fucking shit I made this money for this. You know that's what I think about your fucking friends, that's what I think about your fucking breasts. Don't throw it please. Yeah. Remember I don't want to go. In that with you, I told you need to stay the fuck out. This ain't got you got anything to do with this. It's my mom. It has everything to do with me. And her look at God of your shit Jennifer ran your motherfucking mouth to me for years. I've let you run your motherfucking mouth. I'm tired of it. Yes. That's what I do, sorry, yeah, welfare fucking Mama. Come out there, come on yeah guys. Uncle Charlie's coming over here. They're crying. Just you know I'm sick of shit getting a goddamn present, climbing up. Stop throwing it, Charlie, stop you're making my mom cry. Oh, bullshit hey. Nothing reply. I have had it. You could all kiss my ass. He doesn't think you got two goddamn houses a day. He said. Why don't I do anything? I don't do anything? Out of houses here. If you've been like this in the car, don't apologize, I apologize, yet fuck you fuck you fuck you Merry Christmas, kiss my ass man, fuck you all, I'm leaving God damn all you all motherfuckers. Yeah, fuck you married motherfucking Christmas. If you don't find that one, I don't know what I'm looking for. Oh, She'll pop. She is the fuck she'll pop your PS3. Yeah Yellow, goddamn good way for me. Not this again. We're at your house. Say you all can't wake me up. Say Goddamn it Jimmy, fry Jimmy. Hey I'm goddamn. So try to wake me up. Jimmy ran in there with his bike beeping his horn for 10 minutes. No man, fuck you you every year you all pull the shit on me. Hey, hey, your hair looks jacked up right now. Oh, relax you guys, chill fuck you man dude. Goddamn I'm particles. I'll tell you what I think about Christmas. I hate it ain't Christmas, okay, do you? You ruined my Christmas stuff. You ruin my cousin again every year. Chill now. I mean, yeah, fucking hot. Fuck you bitch, you didn't have to do all this. I mean seriously, what do you think, huh? I think about cutting. You all do this shit to me every year. We only did it last year. We wake up every year, don't you? There last year. Well. Yeah, ain't going to wake up at all. Oh, come on. What is this Chief bread, sand and for now, man, fuck you fuck goodness. This is really fucking me. Well, where the hell, my brother, when they get you to get up? We got him for the goddamn. I guess you spit it all on them again. They're trying to repair the star over here. Johnny. Papa. Do that. Yeah yeah, screw you bitch, are you a kid? Go back to where you went. Come on seriously. Hey, you want to be part of Christmas. Hey, this is ridiculous. Damn mom. Get out of this. Are you going to be attacked? Say something GTA. Yeah, say ho ho ho I am joining again next year. You promised me you didn't know you'd be nice. I'll be here next year. How about that? Thank you? My house key. I don't trust you with it. Yes he does. That's ridiculous. God Jay, you need to respect your adults. fuck hold on, what, oh God I'm not good, okay, crystals and jam up your fucking ass. You've ruined it again, big boy. Every year. You're on it every freaking yeah you have it. You deliberately didn't wake me up because you know. Whatever, yeah, this is ridiculous. Yeah oh my god, look at what he did to the star. It's not Christmas anymore. I know buddy, why isn't it? Oh yeah, he did look at the dead tree. Love you Johnny. We're going to try to put the tree back together for you, okay? Again, do you want to tell us what tree will work together? Yes, I guess they will apologize. It's fine. We filmed it and what the fuck you all do backup, we're putting it back up. You don't need to go back to the Christmas bucket over and over. Come on, come on, come on, please, please, please come on. Chris Christmas took the goddamn tree down. Christmas is over nothing. Yes, there's a tree. He told Pop what he did to him. Did Papa ruin Christmas? Yes yep, why did you ruin his Christmas? How did I ruin your Christmas? Tell me. Because of what he brought. I shot him. You broke. You'll start right on the Forum pieces again. Papa's going to take care of it. America, we live in hell. I did something wrong in my past life. Because this is hell for a little bit. I don't care about Christmas anymore. I'm not filming you anymore. You're Going to Hear Me. Anyway, bitch, screw. Christmas is over. fucking freaking goddamn it's over Merry Christmas. I don't think we can put the tree back together again. Humpty Dumpty ain't going back together. Man, it's overcome too Jay too, let's at least try to just try to stay out of here. This time. We wanted to have Christmas. You can see, yeah, tear everything up. Go ahead Johnny again, hey okay, it's like the sixth time you apologized to Papa. Oh my goodness, I guess it's okay. It's a leaning tower of crap I'm going to kick it in again. It's fine Johnny. You are happy now. No, no. Oh, come on Christmas is Olaf. Yeah. He's over. He's gone, fat man swinging back into the goddamn castle. Ah, enough you're saying goodbye to Christmas. Oh, come on, what do you say? Have yourself a marriage. Oh God, what happened? Oh, you unplug the lights. Fucking little Charlie Brown piece of shit. Get some more Wendy, come on. Present long under the tree, what's going on. She didn't want to do that. Do what put the bread under the tree. What do you mean you? Well, do they even bother about this shit when you are all well-behaved? Yeah, who the hell fucking shit would well behave? I want the brothers under the tree. We're going to put them under the tree. Goddamn life, if they're going to be one more goddamn yeah, it's just a loose wire here. You're supposed to be saying relax. Some help us get some prizes, mom. No, I don't want to see that the motherfuckers are going to be opened up by morning all trashed up and there goes your Christmas. Beautiful as shit they won't open if we watch it. You dumbass Give me some right now. Watch them. You know you'll be talking to whoever or whatever. No goddamn problem, no goddamn problem. Okay, get out of the way. What are you doing? We'll let the goddamn cast open to motherfuckers. How about that? Huh, do we let the cats open them? Oh, I think one of those was the DS. I don't care. Oh my God, hey Tina. You bring it around here. We go do whatever you want. Are you fat, do whatever you want and everything will be all torn up by more? You know what little wild asses will be at them. Hey, don't go in there. I don't give a shit about Christmas, anyway. Anyway, you're going for these goddamn little Dollar General toys. Oh, that looks nice. There are names and all these things. Jesus Christ fucking bitches I think I hurt myself. I deserve it. Whatever you know, Goddamn it, was worth more. It looks fine. It's good to come on. People think you're a goddamn drunk guy, guys, you were a fucking liar, that door was always to be shot because my uniforms hung up there. That wasn't fun. That's what you get for. Goddamn running. That's not funny. What if I get hurt badly? I laughed. Okay well. You had better get hurt. You have to work tomorrow, so they get paid by this guy for that Christmas shit. Turn that motherfucker off. You say man, that's kind of fucked up Dad, then. Then I tried to wake you up. Oh, you don't drive very fucking hard. I shook you. I am supposed to put a fucking, but it's Christmas. Man looks at it, I was going to make you guys decide a third time. Now you goddamn Open. Without fucking me, I've taken your coal here because that's exactly what you deserve. That's what I think about the code. Okay you do that cool stupid look at my guy dude. All that trash with my goddamn shoes. Why are you doing this to me? Why were you? Where are they? Anyway, Bridge's family got them presents so they're over there. But we got it. They opened up dead. What time is it? Oh, God! I'm tired of you flipping this fucking tape just because you're pissed off at me for going to flip it. I'll flip at any goddamn time, my motherfucking world, my goddamn table. What is it like I've had? You, to you man, it's like nine in the morning. Children don't wait that late to open presents as they do around me, they don't need to wait till nine. I don't have that yet. I'm happy I've been getting bad presents. I said Dad got up. I said to dad again. You ain't got no respect for me. I said Dad got my shake you. I shine. Delight. I said. Dad woke up, and you didn't get up. It's not my fault. You ain't got no goddamn you'd say to me, nah I got to look at it. Yes, I got you a stocking. Oh, wow you got your Goddamn dog. Wow, big fucking deal, a goddamn hat they can't wait. The kids can't. Kids don't wait for it. Yeah, you think you run this goddamn house. I don't think you run this goddamn family. You know that you don't think anything about. You didn't goddamn realize you're a goddamn kid. I don't think I run anything the fuck you don't. Oh, and they got me up to Michael's Park fuck everybody else that I'm sorry the kids won't wait. You know what fuck Christmas is here. I was being decent. I had a good Christmas. He filmed it. You can watch it. Come on, don't fucking joke you all. Come Goddamn Christmas motherfucker fuck it. Dude tell you what. There's your goddamn Christmas tree bitch, there's your goddamn Christmas tree, merry motherfucking Christmas. fuck you it's over. And I'm going to buy another tree next year fuck crystals, fuck you get out of my house. Now, what is your dinner? Is all right Dad? I want all the junk you get. Merry Christmas is it from you. I don't want to open it. Dash mouth. What does it look like this here? Yeah, the GPS. You said you needed GPS. You can see where you're going. Oh, you have to tell me something you told me, you are trying to get rid of me. I really won't have to help you with that later. And I got you a big old stocking. It put some stocking man all candy dude I don't eat candy well you're going to talk. Today. Hey, banana bread is up right now. No shit it's advocated here man. It's loaded. I ain't pulling my back. Look at that shit damn I'll get diabetes. For sure there I appreciate that, Mike. Really, you're welcome, but I have got something for you. That's what I'm waiting for Michael. I feel bad okay. I feel bad. What am I doing? I have done what you've done all right. All right, Merry Christmas Michael, thank you all right. Yes, I always open it. Ah yeah, all right. Dude, that was terrible what I did. I'm so proud of you. Oh, I got a free digital download. Yeah, I mean I have got a few friends. Thank you very much. Seriously, Merry Christmas Michael. Oh God, I can't stand it. Merry Christmas Hey, go play. Go play. Come on, that's fun, fun. Merry Christmas Michael. I got you your game even though it's got a break in it. I knew it wasn't the same. They're good. Yeah, I appreciate GPS, so I'm gonna look at it. Let's go. You only think about yourself, dudes, bro what the hell's wrong with you? I got you to give up. Where's that guy? There you go pretty much. You don't judge my TV man. I am doing that right now. Oh, don't forget your game. When you go, Get that's not a Game Stop, saying don't forget the game that ain't shit, but a bot will get your box. Get your brick and go get the real one dude. I know you. Got the thing. I swear to God I haven't got it. I will just go get it. I gave you what I gave you. That's it. Get out Merry Christmas. I don't want to go out until I get something for Christmas. Oh, yeah, I'll give you something. I'll give you something real good. I'm going to have our dude get out. I'm trying to get up self-defense. That was some bullshit is what. That was a good Merry Christmas. Anyway, have a good one. See you get out. That's bullshit to figure out. I'm tired of it. I'll tell you that right now. I just got there. Best get the fuck home today because I fucking had it. Have that damn it. What the fuck you bastard? You didn't see all the smoke. What the fuck yeah? You said it was a fire. Who the hell for the fucking Oh my ashtray, you dumb son of a bitch damn. It hurts, help me up anyway. Goddamn. Do you like to pull me down? I don't see a fucking asshole that you do that for you when it's just a cigarette. It's so what's up man damn man, fuck this shit makes you Grandma's going to make a mess go faster. I got clean too. I was thinking about seeing all the smoke your shit was making. Why did you do that stupid ass? That could have always been hurt, trying to hurt me, always trying to hurt me. That's bullshit cut that motherfucker off. What the hell happened to it? I want to hear it and try to crank it. Oh my God. It sounds like you're driving a tractor in 1920. What sounds like a fucking tractor. The shit fucking four found on the road, fucking dead. Damn fucking Ford, first or race, they fuck that shit this motherfucker. Anthony, all right. Oh, what the hell, what is that thing? Okay, okay, okay dad, what the hell are you looking for? I'm looking for a goddamn rich. All right, get that goddamn you motherfucker how are you throwing up, you motherfucker you got a bug out of me? Damn, I fucking hate you. I was born fucked up beautiful. I haven't been able to go to sleep yet. Oh, man fuck it is only gonna matter after May 21st. Anyway, shut up. Jesus is coming, Jesus. I'm tired. Uh, you've been asleep. But why because I'm about to work late in the morning? What temperature?? fuck it was. Oh, it's your biggest foot alone. Anyway, May 21st, Jesus comes, and he's coming soon. Yeah, stop all that apocalypse, that's what they say. Why would they like to become more knowledgeable than we are? They know about this shit damn. It's cold this morning. What is it about 25 out of there? What the fuck you got a motherfucker you stupid son of a bitch I can't hear a goddamn thing. What oh shit ah you stupid son of a bitch my Goddamn it, somebody answered the motherfucker you're a good Mom. Hello what, it's ringing. Oh, God! You stupid motherfucker you tried to break my goddamn hater. Um, you dumbass stupid motherfucker it's gross, don't you do it. Dude, I fucking hate myself too. Oh, God! It hurts God did hurt Happy New Year. You clean it, miles are burning. How many that come on a shit see him through the smoke. I shit my pants? What the fuck was that? Happy Fourth of July dad. Get out of there. It's hard to breathe in there. Come on, get out of there. I can hardly breathe a bit, but I breathe if I'm going to kill you. Merry Christmas, what is it, a freaking idiot motherfucker you're trying to kill me. Merry Christmas. Oh my God, pretty good Goddamn he didn't know you were there. Merry Christmas you're cleaning. That. Look what you did in my van. Look at my van. Goddamn you man, I swear as soon as I bust your freaking ass, damn shit man, you must have seen this motherfucker you dirty stupid little fat bastard. You all ain't goddamn no better. You are all wearing this shit to kiss my ass. Okay motherfucker yeah motherfuckers. You have all done some stupid shit, but that's the stupidest shit you all fucking ever done. Give me something sweet. As I won, Oh yeah, the homecoming's over, coming over. Give him a goddamn give me a joke. fuck you give me something. Use your ass fuck it. I'll wear my jacket. I don't give a shit motherfuckers. I'm sorry Merry Christmas, fuck all you all Merry Christmas. You are dying cookies. You got nothing to say. Okay, I know you were trying to prank me. Pranks I want to make. Cookies Christmas cookies. No, you have even got the balls to show you into my house to do it because you're going to prank me. You have some bullshit plan. I know you here. You are Tuesday. Got to come on Tuesday. No God damn Tuesday. I. What are you doing playing? You're playing your games. I'm working right now. You have work. What is this shit any with all this shit you want? The cookies. I want to bake the goddamn cookies, but I don't want to bake them right now. I can't, for a purpose. By what did I tell you I was going to do, get out the fucking house of screw you screw. I told you we should have made the Christmas cookies and have just made the fucking cookies. Whatever he was going to prank me with salt. What should we just do? Him so you got ns4 more my God Cookies. Oh my God Oh my God, how about that bitch, how about that H dude get out a damn? Did you get off there? How about that, huh? How about that for your PlayStation 4 there? Is. Dude play, I'll let you play. Let me see. Oh, there is one in there now. Do you want to go? Make good or not. Huh, M go call the cops. Yeah, you got a Cop that's got a shit. The goddamn cop, I'm a bitch. Where's my phone? Michael, seriously get out, you got to go dude, you just got to go, how about that, huh, hey M, let's play again? There's your goddamn table dude. Get out Michael. Next time I will do something when you come to make cookies. When you come to make cookies after your TV next Saturday, you had better be glad you're so sad, hey. Hey, I've come back to your TV. Goodbye Oh come on, Mr. Avenge another one. Wow, you have got to do something about him dude. I think we should get him committed. I'm serious. Another millionaire. I don't give it 10 minutes 1410 my. My original version. Don't ya okay. I'm going to sleep really slowly. An executive adrenaline junkie knows everything is everywhere. I'm so scared. Man damn, I wish I was here there. Another birthday. You're twenty-four-four people are past. I'm going to let you. These goggle eyes. I'm really getting fucking pissed off. How is that good? I feel we would probably better just go over there for an hour with these motherfuckers. I am just afraid that I'm going to lose on Sunday. I'm going to lose. Just did and passed all day. But only just what to say. I'll never know what the future holds in the game. He puts constant speed ahead and every game of who's going to live for the roster, but yes, I will get bored. I bought straight talk, great, international talk. A car from Walmart yesterday, and it wouldn't work. And we read all the instructions from my friend and I on the register am I can do exactly what. It's there, but what does that mean? International call at halftime. You will even let me get the international number first, and we will go show the number you have to, so I didn't know what we needed repeatedly. Unlike you, I just don't use them. It's not like a goddamn business. It was real fast. I'm gonna fucking problem. Would that well go motherfucker Oh ask you what is going to be transferred because you're going to do something I never enjoyed. I probably come from where you are from. I thought the right goddamn company you knew used to be son of a bitch you know I call the right goddamn number. You don't want them to fuck with you because you're another goddamn person. Because you all up all. I wanted a quickie boss. I would get to pretty much make a game out of seven. It is awesome. No you can't do it for me. A fucking phone was coming. I can't do it. Dude, you got in south forgive me you do sell fucking sucks, Thank you. Oh, shut the fuck up. The transfer is shut up. I've to hurry up. Nobody is called a trifle. It's called helpful, and I have a problem. Ima. Get on that, I'll do it. Explain his problem 13 fucking times. So far. I would be against you. Are you knowledgeable? Do you know how to solve problems, and I know I don't mean, I don't mean cutting your fucking luck up and cooking your mother's goddamn barbecue like you people like to fuck either? Is that your dog? No, you're not American. I paid for that nap. We've got it acting like you got you. It is not America. No, I need to go up. Most street dogs. I call the right goddamn coverage to another guy. That means it is just beginning with the fucking story. OK Geronimo, I bought the goddamn car phone. We went home shopping, my friend Danny, not. We said here. We tried to go to it. Then he's smart. When it comes to this shit he brought those long, warned you and anyway, because he tried to talk to you stupid goop's, and you all fucked up, and anyway we reboot insist on a certain number for internet then you bring in the country code then you put in the area code, and then you die as a mother fucking number we did it just like it's it and all I got was I got to purchase a night of the guys your number cannot be placed in this area, or I got it which means I didn't even go through now we just we were to look like but shopping over to explain which is like for Nassau Right. I'm fucking tired. Let's be well. You're in America. It's the baby. You're going to see no one, you're not all Americans. You got your goddamn Pakistani motherfuckers have got the Indian son of a bitch that goes around in Korea. shit like that yeah I have a problem This boy, you're coming. Even your third sister and your motherfucker know what your pain is. Do you really have a goddamn man? I never whipped making a fucking work. No, you don't hate me, mother. Hi I'm not. You can't, you hang up. You call you read that motherfucker if you put me in that goddamn lock, this up because I have to give you that motherfuck now, you are not right. I am just an object. Are you going to tell me why you got the endlessness out of butter jelly? You know Jeff, go fuck you you go live. Let me let you know why you were abducted. BR 549 6368 421. Rishi, hey yeah, ah, it was fun, one, assist, but his friend Joe, goddamn, was not affected by the best part of it. But it doesn't is. What is it? We went as far. Yet we did. We kissed on the line, and we got what they told us and the Stooges the same shit and all they could see was just aa 140 106 3 55 55 56. We got girls you kids out the goddamn. Without that number, over and over and over. Then I got the wrong idea. I suggest I go to Walmart. And I'm going to complain about all you alive motherfucker you told me that a few days ago you could cover fire boys there. America. No Americans are not employed Americans. They only got against I saw a soul I give a fuck you for sending this phone call to goddamn Obama. God, you suck. You are. You are free, you son of a bitch are you know why you went there? You have got your fucking Tommy, and you have to fuck everybody in America. You cannot have my goddamn money, and it sucks what you did. Curious I keep a guardian so good. Never do you fish. Hey, I'll still get you after another goddamn phone, you bastard. You know everybody's fucking sidewalk. Crack down on a piece of shit no you're called tracfone. Now you're a lying motherfucker you straighten up your tracon and your kids. I'm 10. Last, the next hit, don't tell me you ain't anything else good fucking are and you fucking Americans, you son of a bet. A lawyer sues for your fucking answer or 15 fucking dollars fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck. Direct on the job. I think that the Ontario minimum wage is a flaming bag of shit as even at the new set pay of $17.20 an hour, that's still shitty. I work a part-time job at Sobeys for 3 hours every Sunday. That's $51.60 a week. That shit doesn't even cut my groceries, as they cost me double that most weeks. With a monthly salary of $206.40, that's way too little for shit as rent is like triple that. I'm glad that I'm living at my mother's place rent-free, but if she orders me to pay up, I'm D-O-N-E fucked as I don't have the goddamn money. If my boss didn't cut my hours by one a few months ago, my weekly and monthly wages would be $68.80 and $275.20. In my opinion, the extra $68.80 a month would be better in my pocket than in Doug Ford's. I think he's the main problem why the common man like me doesn't live the Canadian dream in Ontario. I bet that he told my boss to cut my hours because he wanted to keep that $68.80 a month for himself. I find it mystifying that the strongest of the strong and the greatest of the great don't know when to leave well enough alone. You have to realize that there are mountains that cannot be climbed, seas that cannot be sailed and streaks that cannot be broken. And I'm here to collect your soul. Try me, I'll make you famous. Just know you will feel the pain. You will get hurt. And you will suffer. And most importantly, you will rest in peace. Hello pervert, I've sent this message from your Microsoft account. I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it if you act wisely. Have you heard of Pegasus? This is a spyware program that is installed on computers and smartphones and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners. It provides access to your webcam, messengers, emails, call records, etc. It works well on Android, iOS, macOS and Windows. I guess you already figured out where I’m getting at. It’s been a few months since I installed it on all your devices because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the internet. During this period, I’ve learned about all aspects of your private life, but one is of special significance to me. I’ve recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial porn videos. Given that the questionable genre is almost always the same, I can conclude that you have a sick perversion. I doubt you’d want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it with a few clicks. Every number in your contact list will suddenly receive these videos on WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, email, everywhere. It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first, your former life. Don’t think of yourself as an innocent victim. No one knows where your perversion might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved punishment to stop you. I’m some kind of God who sees everything. However, don’t panic. As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I. But my mercy is not free. Transfer $1450 to my Litecoin (LTC). Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will permanently delete all videos compromising you, uninstall Pegasus from all of your devices, and disappear from your life. You can be sure – my benefit is only money. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second. I’ll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have exactly 48 hours to send the money. If cryptocurrencies are uncharted waters for you, don’t worry, it’s very simple. Just Google crypto exchange or buy Litecoin, and then it will be no harder than buying some useless stuff on Amazon. I strongly warn you against the following: Do not reply to this email. I've sent it from your Microsoft account. Do not contact the police. I have access to all your devices, and as soon as I find out you ran to the police, videos will be published. Don’t try to reset or destroy your devices. As I mentioned above: I’m monitoring all your activity, so you either agree with my terms or the videos are published. Also, don’t forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so it’s impossible to identify me using the provided address. Good luck, my perverted friend. I hope this is the last time we hear from each other. And some friendly advice: from now on, don’t be so careless about your online security. I have a phobia, a fear of the dark. Afraid to shoot strangers, the animal says. Guns scare me shitless, but I love guns and are my friend. The Sentinel’s coming, but is this the end? Riding on this crazy train, I get paranoid. Watch me lose my mind and break the law. Breaking the law, breaking the law, I’m a metal machine. It’s close to midnight, and he’s barking at the moon. I’m a metal machine. The rainbow in the dark is a shining Unholy metal machine. It’s close to midnight, and he’s barking at the moon. I’m a metal machine. The kings of metal ride the sky. Is this St. Anger, the ultimate sin. Or am I really a black knight within? The gates of Babylon are open and wide. Shout at the devil, there’s nowhere to hide. Fighting for the world to keep the wild child in its cage. Broke my metal heart against the wall. Balls to the wall, balls to the wall. I’m a metal machine. It’s close to midnight, and he’s barking at the moon. Unholy metal machine The rainbow in the dark is shining. I’m a metal machine. It’s close to midnight, and he’s barking at the moon. Come touch my metal machine. The kings of metal ride the sky. Come touch my metal machine. It’s close to midnight, and he’s barking at the moon. I’m a metal machine. The rainbow in the dark is shining. Come suck metal machine. It’s close to midnight, and he’s barking at the moon. I’m a metal machine. The kings of metal ride the sky. Come blow down my metal machine. It’s close to midnight, and he’s barking at the moon. I’m a metal machine. The rainbow in the dark is shining. To Come touch my metal machine. No, we will never fall. We’re masters of the world. Come suck my metal machine. No, we will never fall. Take some venom and accept That you won’t see Nazareth. The rainbow leads you home. Warrior is sent to the Milky Way by a UFO shooting gamma rays. A riot of destruction. Watch the rockbitch go down. The vixen spread. When the priest killed a maiden in the metal church. Armored saints and warlocks watched the slaughter. Rage of the slayer forced the pretty maids to kiss the Queen in crimson glory. You were born a motorhead. The bike’s in flames. You race ahead. You do the Kansas rush. Racing with a motley crew. Annihilator chasing you. With guns and burning roses, the status quo has been reached, wasps are unleashed. Take a skyride with me, then you’ll see you're in for a surprise, you're in for a shock. In London town streets, when there's darkness and fog I go down, all the way down. I'm on the highway to hell from here. Blessed by the night, holy and bright, Called by the toll of the bell. Oh, Mr. Crowley, did you talk to the dead? Sleep with the devil, and then you must pay. On abandoned land. Come on, child, take my hand. Hear a rising force. Watch the devils, the damned. They're going to break their chains. Through the night you can hear them Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams. Blinded by me, you can't see a thing. Torches blazed, and sacred chants were praised. Blood on your face, you big disgrace. A strand of silver hanging in the sky, touching more than you can see, seems like a wonder without any movement. Going to get close, closer to you. On abandoned land. Come on, child, take my hand. Hear a rising force. Watch the devils, the damned. They're going to break their chains. Through the night, all aboard on an abandoned land. Come on, child, take my hand. Hear a rising force. Watch the devils, the damned. They're going to break their chains. Through the night in an abandoned land. Come on, child, take my hand. Hear a rising force. Watch the devils, the damned. They're going to break their chains. Through the night you can hear them. The sun is sleeping quietly. Once upon a century, the wistful whistle was calm and red. Ardent caresses. Laid to rest. For my dreams I hold my life. For wishes, I behold my night. At the end of time, losing faith makes a cry. I hope for this nighttime to last for a lifetime. The surrounding darkness. Shores of a solar sea. Oh, how I wish to go down with the sun. Sleeping and weeping with you. Sorrow has a human heart. From my god it will depart. I'll sail for a thousand moons, never finding where to go. Two hundred twenty-two days of light will be desired by a night. A moment in a poet's play Until there's nothing left to say. I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime in the surrounding darkness. Shores of a solar sea. Oh, how I wish to go down with the sun. Sleeping and weeping with you. I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime, the darkness around me for a life. Shores of a solar sea. Oh, how I wish to go down with the sun. Sleeping and weeping with you, kitos. I had a vision. It's clear to me now. I know what has to be done. Different religions cannot share a land. The plague and I have the cure. Chase them down, let them suffer in pain. Dig them down, they'll be gone for a while. Evidence lost. We burn plunder and rape. Show them no mercy, just burn. Flesh turns to ash. Inspired by deeds that were done long ago. I know what has to be done. The filth of my land must be washed clean and pure. Now let the cleansing begin. Genocide? Who will drag me to court? There's no crime if you do not get caught. I am the law. We burn. Privates, sergeants and generals hear. It's our chance. We've been waiting too long. Your orders are: to start to burn. I'm a pretty big maritime historian ever since I watched James Cameron's Titanic as a kid. As I got older, I became more interested in naval warfare from the early to mid 20th century. But my passion for ocean liners still burns hot. I think that the scrapping of the USS Enterprise (CV 6) was a flaming bag of shit as that ship held more honors and awards in World War II than any other ship out there. A hypothetical example, if the most decorated soldier of that era, Audie Murphy, was really shot and killed by Uncle Sam after coming back home from World War II rather than passing away peacefully in 1971. That's the biggest injustice of any maritime historian who wanted the ship tied up somewhere, so World War II veterans would've taken their grandchildren onto it while saying "I fought the Japanese on this ship for freedom and peace." I never joined the military, but in a hypothetical scenario where I served in the Royal Canadian Navy on the HMCS Toronto. If the ship surpassed the Enterprise in honors and awards during my reign aboard, and I found out years after my retirement that the ship was going to be scrapped, I would raise chaos as a piece of history that I put my great service and sacrifice into safeguarding my Canada before she would be lost to the world. Another biggest fuck you in the ass was the scrapping of the RMS Olympic. The Olympic was the sole survivor of the Olympic-class ocean liners after her two other sisters sank. I would dream of going to Belfast to go to the Olympic if she was tied up as a museum ship at Harland & Wolff. I think that the people who decided to scrap the Olympic should've been shunned due to the utter disrespect they did to the people that got killed in the sinking of the Titanic and the Britannic. Yet another injustice is the plan to make the SS United States into an artificial reef. I know that William Gibbs would be rolling in his grave if he knew about his ship's upcoming fate. The ship is the definition of American engineering and luxury at it's finest, even in its rusty state as it is moored in Philadelphia. The United States still holds the Blue Riband after 72 years when she won it on her maiden voyage in 1952. I think that the plan of sinking such a ship for an artificial reef would be a crime against humanity to the crew and passengers that called that ship home. I know that I can't go back in time and change the past of these ships, but I am shaking my arms in the air in rage because of that. I often hear these tormented souls of ships screaming in the afterlife as their honored past comes back to the world while I go numb. The almighty tormented souls of these ships will live on. I go to GoodLife Fitness at Dufferin Street and Finch Avenue West around twice a week. Every time I go there, I see people fucking about on their phones while riding bikes and running on the treadmills. For fuck's sake, they even do it while sitting at the weight machines. This place is called a gym, not a fucking internet café. But these flaming bags of shit jabronis do is post pictures on Instagram with quotes like "I'm getting buff. Look at my guns, ladies." Believe me buddy, the only thing that is getting buff is their ego about getting as ripped as The Rock. I don't even see Dwayne boasting about his guns that much. I pay my share of the pie for my membership because I want to get into shape while not boasting about my fitness online. But these flaming bags of shit jabronis waste their money just to boast about getting ripped on their Instagram, which has already got a shitty following. Dwayne will be ashamed of those flaming bags of shit jabronis' lack of goal for working out. As I said earlier about those flaming bags of shit jabronis sharing pictures of their guns to the ladies online. There are a lot of them at the gym for them to boast about it. I often think about numbing my life as I was gagging from deep inside my stomach. The almighty wet sound of my gagging is a balm to my flaming bag of shit life. The time when I would fall on my ass while gagging before I would convulse on the ground. I just wanted to feel my whole body seizing up as I was flailing around like a madman. I would hear the song Rise of Evil in my head while I was seizing up, as I wanted the Reich of numbness to rise in my whole body just like Hitler took half of Europe. I think that my parents' views on not letting me buy a bicycle is a flaming bag of shit. My father thinks that I can't ride it over the bridges on Highway 7 that runs across the CN Macmillan Yard or over Highway 407 on Jane Street due to me being a chicken shit of heights if I should buy a bike from Walmart just off Highway 7 on Applewood Crescent. Yes, I'm a chicken shit of heights, but at least I know how to ride a bike. And I know that it's been years since I last rode one. I feel that they don't let me buy a bike because I ain't defensive enough while riding it. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I am as defensive as you ever get because I would flip the bird at a flaming bag of shit jabroni that cut me off. My father would have ridden the bike home, but the ride from Walmart would kill him due to arthritis. My father thinks that I won't ride a bike due to me spending every waking moment on my laptop. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit because at least I don't have to nag my mother to drive me or take public transit to places I want to go. My father also thinks that I can't ride a bike on the road due to these dumb drivers. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I know that sidewalks in downtown Toronto are just wall to wall of people and I needed to meet my maker by riding in traffic. This is why I can't have nice fucking shit because of them stating that I ain't the king of the castle while being the head of the table. I think that these institutions' treatment of autistic people is a flaming bag of shit. As an autistic myself, I can feel the pain. These psych wards can't treat me, the police can't take me in and the courts can't charge me because I'm autistic. This basically means that I can get away with fucking murder. I'm not saying that I would kill anyone, but I'm saying that autistic people should get their fair share in court. I think that my get out of jail free card is cool, but it is a miscarriage of fucking justice. I think that an autistic person would just walk out of the joint after they committed murder, while someone else with the same thing would take their last breath in the joint is a big fucking miscarriage of fucking justice. I believe that any autistic person, regardless of any crime or state of mind, needs to face the long arm of the law. Just like Alek Minassian when he plowed down 26 people which killed 10 of them in Toronto. Alek got Asperger's, and he got life in prison for 10 first-degree murders and 16 attempted murders. Where were the days when autistic people were lynched because they committed a crime? I know that lynching was a dark chapter, and it's wrong now, but I feel that any autistic person needs to face the music of the long arm of the law for their actions in a less brutal way that does not include lynching. I think that these psych wards are causing more harm than helping. I have been there and done that and that's a bunch of flaming bags of shit. The mental health staff at these psych wards were a bunch of flaming bags of shit as they didn't know a flaming bag of shit from their asses. This means that I can act like a crazy person, and they would state that I'm okay. I can always toss my shit at them to prove my point. The police are not much fucking better. I don't know how many times my mother called the York Regional Police on me because I was losing my shit. After they arrive, the police don't even take me in because I'm not classed as a thug. I trashed the fucking house. Is that not fucking criminal enough to take me in? Do the police want me to take one of their guns away, and then we would talk the old-fashioned way through a gunfight? If the police were smart enough, they would've taken me to the station. I thought that door-to-door sales in Ontario were banned, but I just had some flaming bag of shit jabroni knocked at my door to sell me something. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if that flaming bag of shit jabroni was selling a six-pack of beer, porn of their mother or a flaming bag of shit, it's still fucking illegal, like me leaving a flaming bag of shit on somebody's door. Nobody is leaving a flaming bag of shit on your doorstep, Mr. Flaming Bag of Shit Jabroni salesperson, so stop selling your flaming bag of shit stuff to people, or I'll leave a flaming bag of shit on your doorstep. I noticed that people were joining my Discord and messaging me stating that I'm a pedophile. What is wrong with people running me into a dumpster fire full of flaming bags of shit lately? These people are labeling me a racist and a sex offender on my Rant about Everything post on Blogger and now a pedophile on my Discord. If these accusations were true, I should've been in prison a long time ago. These people are just saying these things to add fuel to the controversy. These people are adding fuel to the controversy over things I did a year ago. Yes, I did make racist and sexist writings on my Rant about Everything Blogger post in the past, but you can't prove that I have a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Even if there are claims about me being a pedophile in my Blogger post, the claims are still false, as I would not harm the little ones. If these accusations were true, I would be a marked man by other prisoners in the joint. This whole name-calling controversy is defamation. Whoever is calling me a racist, a sex offender and a pedophile is causing damage to my rep. If these fools still want to hype up the fuel for the controversy, the internet is watching you, and it will never forget. If these fools are smart enough to use a VPN, the internet will still fine you. Even if these fools removed their comments thinking that they wouldn't be found, the internet still remembers the comments. All I say is, please stop assuming that I am a racist, a sex offender and a pedophile. I don't want the police to bust down my door and arrest me for false claims. I think that the autistic adult male in Cambridge who was arrested and taken to the hospital for assault after an encounter with a jogger was a miscarriage of justice. The Waterloo Regional Police claimed that he body check and tried to kick her as she was trying to get out of the way. His father told the news that it was an accident as his son was never violent, he would not have intentionally knocked someone over, or tried to kick the woman, and claimed that the police claimed that he was on drugs, or intoxicated. He also states that his brisk walking and his struggles with articulation may have contributed to the situation. That's a bunch of flaming bag of shit that the police have the nerve to make such a claim. I noticed that many autistic people looked like they were intoxicated, but they weren't. And if they have difficulties with communication, they ain't intoxicated either. As a person with autism myself, my speech ain't the greatest, but I don't look like a drunk though. I had my fair share of run-ins with the police after I trashed my mother's house during my meltdowns. I have been taken to the hospital in the back of the squad car many times before. But where are my vandalism charges? Where's my piece of the police brutality pie? Was it because I didn't cause 5 grand in damage to be charged with vandalism? I think that's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I trashed a freezer one time and another time I punched holes in the wall, and I wasn't fined. Do I have to wreck that house down to the bare minimum to get a charge? I can be quite destructive when I become crossed. If anyone from the York Regional Police saw this autistic rampaging tank destroying a store, you better tase me as I am hell-bent on causing mass chaos. I want to feel the taser zapping me. The zapping of the taser is a better numbness for my soul than the numbness of me tossing cans of beans at the store manager. I want to torture a Japanese school girl. I want to waterboard her to feed my sick mind about drowning. I want to let her stay up all the time, no matter how tired she is. I want to give her a whipping on the feet so badly that she can't feel them anymore. If she yelled for help, she couldn't because she would be wearing a scold's bridle. To make her suffer, I'd yank her nails out and put wax on her hair and pull it off. I want to stretch her on the rack. I want to see her yelling in pain as her shoulders were tearing apart on the strappado. I want to make her into a prized ass by tarring and feathering her before I start beating her up and forcing her to drink hot tea until she barfs. I force her to stay in a white room for weeks on end. I'd love to dismember her ears. I'd hang, draw and quarter her into submission. I'd want to watch her spin on the Catherine wheel. I want to yank her boobs off with the breast ripper. I want to hear her scream while she was in a brazen bull. I want to have her to boil in hot water to make her fear me. I want to turn her into a Christian by crucifixing her. I want to see her getting her ass in pain on the Spanish donkey. I want to hear her scream when she was buried six feet under the dirt. I wanted her to squirm away while her boobs were jiggling on my penis as I was thinking about cutting her in half. I want her to ramble in Japanese as I cut her a thousand times. I want to hear her shrieking as I stuff rats into her panties. I want to flay her as she is a worthless school girl. And finally, I want to see her getting eaten alive by bugs through scaphism. I feel so fucking mad at this flaming bag of shit world that I want to plant a bomb at Thornlea Secondary School. That school is a flaming bag of shit loaded with a bunch of flaming bags of shit covered with flaming bags of shit before rolling in flaming bags of shit. I think that it was okay, but I believe that it's shitty. I think that the friends I had there during my reign were a bunch of flaming bags of shit. This one lady was Samantha, who I thought was a friend. Nothing says fuck you more than stating that she went to spend time with Ben. That piece of flaming bag of shit Samantha thought that Ben was the king, while they treated me like a puppet. The things that I wanted to do with Samantha might have me landed in the joint by now. I really wanted to rant right in Samantha and Ben's faces. I wanted Samantha to seize up, as that flaming bag of shit upbeat baka chump, was worthless to me when she was convulsing. I wanted Samantha to get hives during her seizures. I just want to kiss her on the lips during her jerking. The utter panic after she stopped seizing up on me kissing her. Yeah! This television has a poison in its breath. This counter culture of both wicked lives and death. It makes my eyes bleed every time I turn around. How will they all feel when I bring them to the ground? And I said I walked for miles inside this pit of danger. A place where no one follows me. I walk alone. I'm sick of all these people talking out their heads. I never understood a damn thing that they said. From words to actions, never knowing what they're about. I guess I'll have to chew them up and spit them out. And I said I walked for miles inside this pit of danger. I've swallowed down a thousand years of anger. The weight of the world is falling on my shoulders. A place where no one follows me. I walk alone. Yeah! I walk alone! Yeah! Yeah! I walked for miles inside this pit of danger. I've swallowed down a thousand years of anger. The weight of the world is falling on my shoulders. A place where no one follows me. I walk alone. Yeah! I walk alone! Yeah! I'm a loner as this flaming bag of shit world chokes down people like me with autism. I often walk alone in many situations as I feel the world is trying to fuck me over for their own numbness. I dreamed of walking down a long stretch of highway in the middle of nowhere until I couldn't walk anymore. Every car that passes me with people mocking me feeds my vigor more to become more hateful to the world. The strangers that are inconsiderately yelling at me to get into the 21st century by getting a smartphone are no friends of mine. Where were the good old days when I could get help the old school way? But everything today is online, online, online. Online ain't convenient or accessible when the shit hits the fan of the World Wide Web goes down. All of this online bullshit feeds my vigor to the point of utter madness. All of these people who numb themselves by stuffing their iPhones into their faces that they bought every year when a new one comes out are no friends of mine. The times that I try to talk with the ladies are often met with mockery. I often say to myself that words hurt. It hurts more when those same ladies I tried talking with were having a blast with other strangers that walked up to them. Their laughter feeds my vigor of loneliness more to the point of them not being friends of mine. I think that getting autism was the worst thing I ever had, as the world today ain't even ready for the overflow of autism. The thing that makes me sick is not even 50 years ago when society treated us like shit. I think today that society treats us more shitty. Give me a fucking break, as autistic people are being treated like scum of the earth. Even the people that are there to help us are treating us like scum. I believe that these people are way overpaid for their line of work, and they are still asking for more. Nothing says fuck you in the ass more than us bragging to them, and they stated that they feel the pain. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as they claimed to feel pity for autistic people, but they only want the green stuff. I believe that they need to stop fucking with their money and give a flaming bag of shit to us. But no, their only goal in life is the greed of fucking over the autistic. The main reason why I hate autism so much is my parents. Science believes that having older parents is a risk factor. I can say that science is true in that statement because my parents were both born in the early 60s, and I was born in 2000. As of 2024, I'm a 24-year-old person with parents in their early 60s makes shit living hell. The thing I hate about my parents is that, during their childhood, they were taught that autism was bad. Many people today hold the same level of bias toward autism. If my speech wasn't to their standard, they wouldn't do shit for me because I wasn't talking well enough. That's a hate crime for people who don't understand me. My speech ain't the greatest, but don't talk shit about it. I believe that the world is better off going back to school to get their asses learning about autism. I wish that Ticketmaster had never existed as it's a flaming bag of shit. I'm an old school person as I still go to the box office and get physical tickets. I heard that Ticketmaster is controversial due to their high fees, dynamic pricing, and allegations of monopolistic practices. That's why I will never use Ticketmaster unless the time comes when I am forced to use it. I think that the online buying of tickets in general is a bunch of flaming bags of shit. One time I was at the Scotiabank Arena for a WWE event. I had already got my physical ticket scanned and went on my way when I heard "My phone just fucking died," from the person behind me. That's the downside of digital ticketing when your phone dies. I know that physical tickets have their downsides, like being fucked if the ticket gets damaged. I believe that the world is going to be all online within the next decade and I don't like it. I would be fucked if a WWE event came to the Scotiabank Arena or the Coca-Cola Coliseum and I couldn't go because it would be all digital ticketing. I figured that the Ontario government would've choked down on that shit for the people who don't have the technology for digital ticketing. I think Jews are the most disrespectful and inconsiderate flaming bags of shit out there. All they do is bitch and nag without letting others' talk shit back at them. Jews are utterly inconsiderate behind the wheel as they stop in the middle of the road to talk with someone on the sidewalk. And they give me a dirty look because I honk my horn at them. I just want to go to a synagogue and yell death to Jews at the top of my lungs. I heard the other day that YouTube had a bug that was randomly terminating channels for spam. I'm just glad that my channel wasn't terminated, or I would've lost my shit by tossing my laptop through the window as I yelled that my shit doesn't work non-stop. I don't want all my hard work on YouTube to burn in a flaming bag of shit and have Galithrania dancing on my channel's grave. Fuck you, Galithrania, I still fucking hate you. I wish that I could yell death to Galithrania at the side of the road. I would also yell death at YouTube too. Why is everything acting like a flaming bag of shit lately? I wanted to play Roblox, but I couldn't because their servers were acting like a flaming bag of shit. I want to yell death to Roblox non-stop to feed my utter hatred to this flaming bag of shit world. I think that the York Region Transit is a flaming bag of shit because I don't know how many of their vehicles I saw with license plates faded away. Ain't faded license plates illegal, you flaming bag of shit fad. I was so mad that I wanted to yell death to York Region Transit at Finch Station. I think that Toronto's banning of electric unicycles to just private property only is not enough as last night some lady got hit and hurt by someone riding one on the sidewalk. Give me a fucking break as these electric unicycles are goddamn speed demons in the wrong hand as they can go up to 70 kilometers an hour. How the flaming bag of shit does these things go that fucking fast? If I tried to ride one of those things that fast, I would bust my ass when I fell off it. I think that electric unicycles as well as electric scooters and electric bicycles should get a complete ban on roads and sidewalks with extremely strict laws and penalties to curb the rise of these flaming bags of shit. I don't know how many electric scooters and electric bicycles used by Uber Eats, DoorDash and others I see at restaurants in downtown Toronto, and they are crowded on the sidewalk. I don't want to walk on the road to get around them as there is a fucking law that makes it illegal to crowd on sidewalks. To make shit worse, I don't know how many times I nearly got hit by these food delivery people when I was crossing a street as they flew past me. I don't know how many times I yelled asshole at them, but they still nearly hit other people a bit away without a flaming bag of shit in the world. To make shit even worse, the Toronto Police won't even stop them. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I thought that the police would have dealt with those fools. It makes me sick of the lack of justice to these bloody fools. That flaming bag of shit makes my blood boil to the point of me yelling death to the Toronto Police, death to Uber Eats and death to DoorDash. I don't know why, but I often watch and masturbate to porn videos of women drowning. I find it arousing to see these ladies squirming underwater as they try to escape. The way some of these ladies blow bubbles is very arousing. I sometimes watch drowning videos with women fully dressed, but I find it arousing if they were nude. I think women masturbating underwater before knowing that they are trapped by the pool cover or drowning themselves is arousing. I'm shocked that my Blogger post on me ranting about everything hasn't got me banned from Google as it got a lot of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs. I think I know how I might get myself banned on Blogger by what I'm going to say. These YouTube scammers are nothing but a fucking Apache gator bait that is fucking Gringo queer guys. These fools are scatterbrain schizophrenics that are quashie powder-burning porch monkeys. These fools are wheelchair bound because they have Yuppie flu. These fools are stupid, sluggish, stone-deaf, screwed-loose sociopaths that are pissing me off. These are a Gaysian girlfag gold star gouinage who are paraplegic psychopaths. These fools are not the brightest bulb and not the sharpest tool in the shed. These fools are a nigger niggar niggur niger nigor nigre nigar nigga niggah nig nigguh. These fools are mental, mentally deficient, defective, disabled, deranged and ill. These fools are baba yaga baby bag lady, a barely legal bed blocker, a biddy blue-haired boomer remover and a boomerang kid brat. These fools are shemale, hon trap troon, cuntboy, pussyboy, dickgirl, dykon, gouine, hasbian, has-bian, kiki, kitty puncher, pussy puncher, four year lesbian, lesbian until graduation, lipstick lesbian, muff-diver, pillow princess, sapatão, fufa, soft butch, stem, stemme, stone butch and stud. These fools are dink, flip, gugus, huan-a and jakun. These fools are Afro engineering, African engineering and nigger rigging. These fools are black buck, black brute, brown buck and brown brute. And Disney can even do anything about it because they signed up to Germany's terms and conditions back in 1933. I think that the Pasco County School District is a flaming bag of shit due to their lack of care about getting a school bus for an 11-year-old girl after getting hit by a car while riding her bike to school. They claimed that she lived one-tenth of a mile inside the 2-mile radius of her school where buses can run. That's a bunch of flaming bag of shit as it's sheer and utterly a miscarriage of fucking justice. If I was in the girl's family's shoes, I'd sue the school district for every penny they got and make sure that she would get into a good college. I heard that the driver that hit her made it into a hit-and-run after he went to check on her. What the flaming bag of shit is wrong with the world? How the flaming bag of shit didn't he just face the music for his actions? Death to the driver for leaving this young soul on the side of the road to die. I'm glad that the police arrested that fool shortly after. Does this 77-year-old guy have any qualms about the lives of others? Given his age, he might have done this to his own kids before, as the sun in Florida is messing up his brain. If this person was not fine and goes right back to driving, there's something wrong. The fool needs to get a lifetime ban from driving as most people his age become a greater risk for these types of things. I think that YouTube hasn't been the same for months as it's becoming an utterly flaming bag of shit mess covered in flaming bags of shit before shitting out flaming bags of shit and then rolling in the flaming bags of shit. Ever since they paused my monetization on March 23, 2024, my hopes have been bitch slapped into a flaming bag of shit as I was approved on February 1. I have been failing the monetization application ever since September 3, 2022. The ongoing nagging of some people who fought in the Copyright Strike War that I was in between April 13 to May 17, 2023. I kept nagging and begging them to stop, but they still keep bitching about my past wrongdoings about me stealing anime girl drowning videos and uploading them. They have the nerve to call me a racist, a sex offender and a pedophile. The best part is YouTube ain't doing Jack shit on banning these people. I thought that YouTube's MO was to broadcast yourself. But I never thought that YouTube would broadcast harassment against me. The thing I hate the most is people commenting about me uploading more anime girl drowning videos. I kept telling them that I didn't want to upload anymore due to that copyright shit, but they still kept asking me. This makes my blood boil so much that I don't give a flaming bag of shit anymore. I know within the last few months or so, I noticed that the subscribers that I subscribed to with all the notifications on aren't subscribed anymore, even though I was still technically subscribed to them. While I was still subscribed to these subscribers, I wasn't getting notifications from most of them. All these spam channels that promote the many ways to get rich and boasting about bitcoins is really annoying. I made ranting videos where I trash talked about these channels on my secondary channel. I hate when YouTube suddenly age restricted my videos without a good enough cause. They restricted one of my videos because it contained suicide or self-harm topics, even though it didn't. I think that the people who falsely claim military service are flaming bags of shit. That's a big fuck you in the ass to the people in the military that paid the price with their lives. These fools need to just give up their act and stop fucking about playing soldier as they did as kids. Billy Bishop and John McCrae didn't fight for Canada just for these fools' claiming that they were better than these heroes. If I was called to arms in the name of Canada during a time of crisis, I'd happily do it, even in a small role. That's what I call a true calling, not faking it like these fools like to call it. If I heard someone faked being in the same military unit I served my ass in, I'd be enraged to the point of using the long arm of the law to deal with these frauds. I think the way that society is going, it's going to be one big flaming bag of shit rolling in flaming bags of shit. People have no patience today as they are always stuffing their faces with all the technology filled with flaming bags of shit. These fools often insult me when they stop walking while texting in the middle of the parking lot when I'm passing in my car. Hey assholes, you are insulting me because I barked at you that they needed to get off the road. You are the ones who need to insult yourselves, as you are lucky that I didn't run you off the road. The shit that is in cars today makes me fucking sick. Who in the flaming bag of shit wants to make calls using in-car features? And I can often hear them outside with the windows closed. I don't want to hear the flaming bag of shit as I want my peace of fucking mind. To make shit worse, these fools blast the radio so much that I can hear it from outside while the windows are closed. I don't give a flaming bag of shit as I don't want to hear some fat lady screaming at the top of her lungs. The only screaming was going to be those fools when I was trying to burn their faces with a lighter. I think the world is becoming more hostile every day as the flaming bag of shit grows hotter. All these politicians are the same, as they are all assholes that don't know their faces from their asses. All of this just wants me to go to Queen's Park and yell death to Doug Ford. I also want to go to Parliament Hill and yell death to Justin Trudeau. I'm not just sick of the Canadian government, but I'm sick of them down south too. I want to go to the White House and yell death to Joe Biden. If Donald Trump becomes president again, he would be a dead fuck as I would yell death at him non-stop. The things that I would do if I got my hands on Trump, and it was legal to do so. I would make him into gator bait in Florida. I would love to see him running like a sissy when an alligator was hot on his ass. I think that heavy metal music is a balm to my soul as I feel like it's burning my passion into a flaming bag of shit. The power of this shit beats anything else as utter numbness rules. I want to feel my lungs vibrate as the power lulled me into numbness. I want to feel the numbness as the songs Rise of Evil by Sabaton, Sleeping Sun by Nightwish, Kurenai by X-Japan or Ievan Polkka by Korpiklaani are blasted loud. I want to feel like gagging as the numbness is taking over while these songs are playing. I want just one forceful gag to make my body go numb as the songs take me away from this flaming bag of shit world. I think that people who censored certain words on YouTube are flaming bags of shit. Who in their right mind would censor from saying sex? If I was watching a crime video of someone who was busted for doing sexual assault, but the sexual part was muted out. I want to fucking know what assault it was. Was it aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon or a felony assault? Another sex type word is rape. I want to know what crime someone committed in a video, but rape was muted. That's an outrage, as rape ain't an offensive word like nigga, cunt or asshole. It's also an outrage that YouTube age restricted videos because the video has no to mild swearing. For example, if someone says "I'm going to the fucking store," and that's the only curse in the video, and it gets age restricted. That's unjust because the video just had one curse word in it. I don't know how many times I saw the news live on TV, and they said sex and rape freely. And it's beside the point when schools in Ontario are teaching about sex. If a teacher wanted to show a video to a class of grade one students about the 10 most heinous crimes made by people, half of the words were muted out because it had sex or rape in it. It's uncalled-for by YouTube to do that because I want the little ones to know how fucked up the world is. I think the York Regional Police are on to me. Ever since I talked shit about many controversial things on my Rant about Everything Blogger post, I can feel the noose tightening. I can feel my nerves that a SWAT team would burst into my house at any moment. I thought that this is freedom of speech, but how in the flaming bag of shit is saying death to politicians crossing the line. I have the right to say what I want without being raided. If I say that I'm going to kill Justin Trudeau, that's my right, even if I don't follow through with it. I know that I might rub off as hostile, cynical, pessimistic, aggressive and no bullshit sometimes, but I'm the most down-to-earth person out there if they get to know me better. I'm ain't just an autistic person that's rageful towards the world, but a peace-loving person that's looking to settle down with someone. I might have racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic, ableist, ageist, adultism and childism views sometimes, but I'm not really like that. I think that the William Lyon MacKenzie Housing Co-operative at 299 Mullen Drive where I live with my mother is a flaming bag of shit. The management don't know a flaming bag of shit from their ass. My townhouse is falling apart, but the management don't give a flaming bag of shit about it. The bath is leaking into my bedroom due to shitty cocking and I don't know how many work orders I filled out, but don't give a flaming bag of shit about it. I know that a maintenance person came over a couple of months ago to take some pictures of the bath, but I haven't heard anything else since. The floor in my room is already water damaged. The management has the nerve to ask me to pay for it out of my pocket. Fuck you assholes as they are the cause of the damage. The fence in the backyard has already fallen once. The best part was when maintenance repaired the fallen fence with a few 2x4s. That flaming bag of shit management only cares about making a quick fix and leaving it like that for years. If the city of Vaughan ever came into the co-op, they would close it. I'm shocked that there ain't an army of city vehicles marching into the co-op already. In my opinion, MMD UW is the most controversial YouTube channel out there. This channel made the anime girl drowning videos that I used to upload to my channel before it got their own channel. Ever since the Copyright Strike War of April 2023, MMD UW had the nerve to shit talk about the videos that I stole and uploaded from them where many other channels have done the same thing as I did. I don't like bragging, but those videos are under fair use. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if MMD UW claims that their videos are theirs. If I mentioned MMD UW's name in the description, that's good enough. The best part of all of this is the last two videos that MMD UW uploaded were removed by YouTube for explicit content within a month or so. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if MMD UW had learned their lesson, if they got one more video removed by YouTube, they are gone. I'm not the one who parties when shit hits the fan, but if MMD UW got terminated, I'd be happier than a pig in shit. Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed! The SA marches with calm, steady step. Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries. March in spirit within our ranks. Clear the streets for the brown battalions, Clear the streets for the storm division men! Millions are looking upon the hooked-cross full of hope. The day of freedom and of bread dawns! For the last time, the call to arms was sounded! For the fight, we all stand prepared! Already Hitler's banners fly over all the streets. The time of bondage will last but a little while now! I think that the TTC is a flaming bag of shit. It seems like every time I go on the subway, something goes wrong. Either if it's a pulled alarm on a train or repairing the tracks or signals. I hate it when the train goes one kilometer an hour in zones where repairs are taking place. People, including me, have places to go and people to meet. I think age is the reason why the subway is such a flaming bag of shit. Line 1 Yonge–University opened back in 1954, and it's been extended over the years in the form of the extensions to Line 1, the opening of Line 2 Bloor–Danforth, Line 3 Scarborough and Line 4 Sheppard, as well as the construction of Line 5 Eglinton, Line 6 Finch West and the Ontario Line. They should just close down the whole system and repair the fucking thing before opening it back up. How in the flaming bag of shit are some parts of the heavy rail section of Line 1 that was built in 54 ain't closed down now after running for 40 straight years. I know after that timeframe, it was to be replaced or something. I know that Line 3 Scarborough was a light rail and that lasted from 1985 until it closed down in 2023 after a train had derailed. The rolling stock was 38 years old, and they're still using it until the closure. No wonder why the derailment happened. The second-oldest rolling stock that was used in the TTC's system at that time was from 1995. I think that the TTC is conspiring against me, as I feel that they are trying to make me late on purpose. I'm the kind of person that gets hell-bent impatient if shit doesn't go my way. I think that most of the problems of the TTC are caused by Doug Ford. That flaming bag of shit jabroni's idea of building the Ontario Line is the biggest waste of my tax money. He stated that he wanted to build a line that runs from the Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place. It ain't going to be a great use if he moves the Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place. I often wonder what's in his mind to make shit like this. I bet that it is full of ways to fuck people over. Stand clear, Don. You can't stand where I stand, you can't walk where I walk. Watch out, we ran New York. A police officer came. We bust him out of the park. I know this for a fact, you don't like how I act. You claim I'm selling crack, but you're doing that. I'd rather say see ya, 'cause I would never be ya. Be an officer? You wicked overseer, you hotshot, you want to get props and be a savior. First, show a little respect, change your behavior. Change your attitude, change your plan. There can never really be justice on stolen land. Are you really for peace and equality? Or when my car is hooked up, you know you want to follow me. Your laws are minimal. 'Cause you won't even think about looking at the real criminal. This has got to cease. 'Cause we're getting hyped to the sound of the police. Now here's a truth. Open up your eyes. While you're checking out the boom-bap, check the exercise. Take the word overseer, like a sample. Repeat it very quickly on a crew. For example, overseer, overseer, overseer, overseer. Officer, officer, officer, officer. Yeah, officer from overseer. You need a little clarity? Check the similarities. The overseer rode around the plantation. The officer was off, patrolling all the nation. The overseer could stop you, "what you're doing?" The officer will pull you over just when he's pursuing you. The overseer had the right to get ill. And if you fight back, the overseer has the right to kill. The officer has the right to arrest. And if you fight back, they put a hole in your chest. They both ride horses. After 400 years, I've got no choice. The police then had a gun. So when I'm on the streets, I walk around in a bigger one. I have heard it all day. Just so they can run the light and be on their way. Check out the message in a rough style. The real criminals are the C-O-P. You check for an undercover PD, but just a mere black man, they want to check on me. Then check my car, because it shines like the sun. But they are jealous or vexed, 'cause they can't afford one. Black people are still slaves up 'til today. But the black police officer saw it that way. He wanted a salary, he wanted it. So he put on a badge and killed people for it. My grandfather had to deal with the police. My great-grandfather dealt with the police. My great-grandfather had to deal with the police. And then my great, great, great, great, when is it going to stop? Ever since Monday Night Raw was cut from being a 3-hour to a 2-hour show, it's becoming a flaming bag of shit. The goddamn fool's game of fucking Netflix is conspiring against me from watching my weekly dose of a smackdown. The only fool's game that Netflix needs to fuck on is me when I lay the smackdown on Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph's candy asses at Netflix headquarters. The blow job that really makes me pissed is WWE moving to Netflix. This makes me want to yell that Netflix is a flaming bag of shit blow job of a goddamn fool's game that's conspiring against me. This upbeat baka chump of WWE when they were conspiring against me into moving to Netflix. This whole conspiracy flaming bag of shit is forcing me to buy Netflix. Fuck you, you flaming bag of shit jabroni that the world calls Netflix. The only conspiracy theory that Netflix is going to have is that they needed to be forced to break away from WWE before I called the police. If Doug Ford was in this whole Netflix buying WWE conspiracy theory, he'd got a new foe. He doesn't need to be on another conspiracy theory, as he just needed to leave me the fuck alone and fuck off with WWE and Netflix. This fat fuck doesn't need anymore fucking money from these conspiracy theories, which includes WWE and Netflix. I don't want another hair-pulling match if that fat slob of a premier makes his WWE debut. If Trump came out to shit talk Doug, both needed to fuck off. If both of them start to bitch slap each other, you would make me a happy motherfucker. I want a match against Trump and Ford and I want to be a referee. I think that Doug Ford's idea to make daycare $10 a day is utterly a flaming bag of shit. I can understand that not all parents can't pay the high fees before he introduced that plan. I bet that he would make daycare fees unrealistically unaffordable for the hell of jacking them up by the end of 2024. I'm surprised that he hasn't already done it just to feed his rich ass. I just hate it when Doug makes plans that utterly fucked us into feeding his money machine. I think that Doug Ford's approach to health care is a flaming bag of shit. He claimed that he would fund these hospitals, but stabbed them in the back when he spent the money on being the number one supporter on a model on PornHub. I can't understand if I can't get shit in the ER because I'm a scum of the earth at the bottom of the barrel that had a heart attack while Doug came in for the same thing, and he can get all the things that I dream about owning. I don't want to be fucking classed due to his damn policies about having him treated like a bitching king while I'm his fuck boy. I think that the people who drive the wrong way are flaming bags of shit. I live on a one-way street and I don't know how many times I cursed someone out because they were driving the wrong way. There have got to be a dozen do not enter signs at the exit, but people still go in that way as they think it's normal. The only thing that's normal is me with a baseball bat owning you, because the pigs won't do Jack shit as my street is private property. Whoever goes the wrong way on my street needs to fear this flaming bag of shit chaos called the vigilante Kevin Stewart when I'll be on watch at the exit with my baseball bat. If Doug Ford disagrees that driving the wrong way on one-way streets is normal, I'd dare him to come drive the wrong way on my street and see me giving him some vigilante justice in the form of a baseball bat up his ass. He would be in a hell of a time if he did it because I'd make him fear me so badly that he wanted to run back to his mother crying. He would be running to his mother's grave as she ain't alive anymore. I'll make him even more of a prized ass by letting him sob at his mother's grave on live TV with headlines of "Doug Ford Broke Down at Mother's Grave After Vigilante Justice." I think that drivers are total flaming bags of shit. There was an accident near me where the northbound lane was blocked by emergency vehicles and people needed to go left or right. When I checked it out, there was a driver in a van road raging because he wanted to get past someone trying to go into the left turning lane. Also, many people turned left on red from northbound. The best part was the pigs were there, but they were the least fucking over it. I was halfway across the street on my right of way as the cars kept coming. People were blasting their horns like the Toronto Maple Leafs had just scored. I even needed to yell at someone to go fuck themselves. All of this happened from one crash, and it makes me sick. I think that Halloween is a bunch of flaming bags of shit. This is a cash grab for these stores to stuff candy up kids' fat asses and parents' worst nightmare due to their sugar rushes. Fuck trick-or-treating as the only trick is me tossing a flaming bag of shit at your house in the form of a treat of me tossing more flaming bags of shit at your house. If these jabroni little punks in costumes come knocking at my place and yelling trick-or-treat, I'll treat them with insults and tossing flaming bags of shit at them. I hate it when stores start selling Halloween shit months before the day. I so want to urge myself to start tossing pumpkins at passing cars in the parking lot. If the pigs came to stop me, I'd smash a pumpkin onto their head before yelling jack o' lantern. I think that North Korea joining Russia in the fight in Ukraine is a flaming bag of shit. I thought that Russia as a nuclear power was bad enough, but having another one joining in this is a cause of World War III. If other Russian nuclear allies like China and India join this, the world is utterly fucked in the ass. I'm surprised that World War III ain't already started due to Russia's threat of using nuclear weapons. The nuclear threat is still a big risk as Russia is attacking Ukrainian nuclear plants. Russian tanks have already stirred up nuclear dust in Chernobyl. For fuck's sake, Ukraine was the third-biggest nuclear country at one point after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, but after a few years, in 1994, they agreed to transfer it back to Russia for dismantling. I think that Ukraine should've kept the weapons as a bluff. I think that Russia fucking up Ukrainian nuclear plants ain't a good enough bluff unless something goes wrong, and it goes boom. I ain't no Albert Einstein, but I think that nuclear weapons in the wrong hands, like Russia, are 101 ways to kill mankind. My mind is like an unstable superpower regime sometimes, but I know what's right and wrong about nuclear weapons in that state of mind. I think that the Toronto Police's idea to fine drivers that block intersections is a great plan. I don't know how many times I have seen people doing this without a flaming bag of shit in the world. But I think that the $450 ain't enough as people need to learn the hard way in the form of thousands of dollars and many demerit points. I think the Toronto Police need to jack up other driving fines too, as I think if they do so, this will stop all these dumb drivers. Get some of this! Eat my shit! He's shooting at me! Prick! You fucker! Shithead! Asshole! Watch my back! What's my name, bitch? Arrgh! Drop the firearm, now! Diee! You fuckin' piece of shit! You fuckin' loser! You're dead! There we go! Let's finish this!! Cabrón! Let's end this asshole! I'll kill you! Die, you fuckin' assholes! Oh-oh, I will end you! You motherfucker! ¡Hijo de puta! Screw you! Drop your weapon! Move on, damn it! I don't want to be here! Put your hands up! Hands where I can see them! Show over asshole! Come on, give it up! Get me out of here! What the fuck am I doing?!? You fuckin' idiot! Hey, ass-face! He's going to kill me! You piece of shit! Fuck! Who's the man? Go to hell! Screw you all! Freeze, pinhead. Have a nice death. No one's going to miss you. Yeah, you understand now, huh? Fuck you. I'm ending this interaction. Just clean this shit. Suck lead, asshole. It's over. Yep, I'm going to shoot you. Your life is about to expire. Your biggest mistake? Being born. This shit is over. This ain't no movie, and this ain't no kid's toy. Hey, dead man. Hey, stiff. This is not a rehearsal. Hey dead man, wassup? Wanna break? May as well. Hey dude, this is what I do. That's it for you, bitch. This is a shortcut to hell. Sure, it's a gun. Yeah! Be scared! Go to hell. Bye, asshole. Yes, you do have to die! Die street trash! Do you have life insurance? That's it! I'm a professional, you chump. Enough horse shit! Next stop, the cemetery! Don't make me nervous! Kiss your ass goodbye! You're about to get wasted! You have every right to shit yourself. Okay, you know the score: we hit, we suffer, I win. Me? Fight? Sure, okay! Fight? Sure, but let's make it quick. Ho ho, another scrap! Don't be a dick, I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier, don't push me. Try begging if you like. Relax. My need is greater than yours. I'm a soldier, friend. You like this? Me too! Is it time for more pain? Already? Yeah, okay, I'll fight. You're good at pissing me off. You make a real fine victim. Hey stranger! You're dead meat. Sorry, man, it's going to hurt. Find interaction? Why not? This is irritating! You've got to be joking! Fire in the hole! Say hello to Mr. Death. Please, just run away. You clearly think you're hot shit. I do this shit for a living. You're an idiot, I'm a soldier. You want this to get ugly? Don't be an idiot. Smile. Welcome to America. Welcome to Vice City. Designed by experts, wrecked by a moron. Next time, remember: you drive like shit! Oh yeah, very intelligent! Damn you! I hope that really hurts! I hope you're unable to reproduce! Go chase someone else, dipstick! Keep it coming! Come and get it, sucker! See you around, snail brain! Who ate all the pies, you fat bastard? Kinda refreshing! You're not even trying to keep up! Try running, otherwise see ya! Bye, dude! Hey, you're fast! Not! Who're you chasing? Keep up, fat boy! Whoa, ho! Almost broke a sweat! C'mon, c'mon, you can do it! Run home, puppy! Hey! Are you following me? Give up man, you ain't going to get me! Is that your fastest? This is kinda fun, eh? I don't have time for dumbasses. Asshole. Just like the rest of the drivers in this town, you're a prick. Hey, hey you fucking crashed into me who's next. You are in my cage. Yeah, that's my car. You crashed into I need her. Okay, fuck you man, this is the last of you, huh, there you are you assholes that you hit me. You fucking tested me. I'm this fucking close step on the gas. Is there anyone left? Is there dude, what you're smoking shithead. Oh, dude there you, fucks chill the fuck out, cocksucker you're a prick. Put this on your fucking paperwork. Hey fuck off. Look at what you did to yourself you assholes. You asshole. fuck off go on. The fucking cage. No hitting my fucking car motherfucker. shit you high fucker you're an asshole. Hit on fucking shit stand up and fight, get fucked be calm. I'm in a tight spot, bro, I've got to get out of this car in a second. I need this bike. You moron. The car. Breaking point you hit me dickhead. Oh, you aren't sorry dude, we're taking the fucking subway. I need Brother off the fucking bike. This fucking town. You blow guy giving you your driving test. You prick. Move. It came on, I got more left. Coke on prick. What is my car? What are these fucking days shit hey don't hit other cars, man motherfucker prick. You're doing a good service for the club, Brother. Hey, hey, you did it. This town's going to kill me. Get us out of here. This is a game. Why'd you hit me and get fucked if you got anymore? You take checks. Stupid move. Oh, shit sorry bro you're pissing me off you ass, say fucking sorry no I need this brother. It is all the people you have got in this town. This shit's an important brother. You put my back against the fucking wall. I'm in a hurry man, sorry this is this fucking City. No you fucking asked for it. Sorry ain't going to cut it, fuck it, we're taking the train. You're going to do some damage. Get off the road. Speed it up. You get a grip on the subway now, fucking get it. I ain't got time for this. You're an asshole take yourself off the roads, get off the road. That's what you wanted, huh, you're going to regret this buddy. You're dead. Just get on with it, I will kill you and your family. You know who you're fucking with. Shut the fuck up asshole you won't stop us motherfucker lost. You motorcycle club asshole that's who I am. You, a name badge, then, wearing, then, and, moron fucking sue me, boo fucking who, I ain't got time for this. To fuck off, yeah, get in line, shit you. Get yourself to blame dumbass Dopey, fuck ah shit man dude. And, wake up, this city, just get up. You stup. Then take your head out of your ass, fucking genius dude. Come on. Adios Amigo, too fucking bad get back up, adios buddy, get up, get off your ass dumbass what do you have to plan on me doing? Then you got to. You're hiding behind that badge prick. Ain't the jail full enough? You fucking shoot me, then fascist Pricks. That badge gives you a heart to kill me. If you can, the government doesn't give a shit about you. Either cop back to your wife, asshole assholes Pricks, fuck the LCPD, the dumbest place in the country, earn that check prick. Leave me alone. Leave it, kill me or fuck off. You better hope I don't turn around. I'm a fucking pacifist you're getting off on this great profiling asshole. Join the fucking army or something, fuck off cop give it a fucking rest. Could you back off? You're putting me in a corner here? I'm getting tired of this fucking asshole prick. I don't have time for this. You've pissed me off. I'm angry now, man. I'm pissed about that. You're a pain in the ass this car is mine. The cage is mine. The gloves are off. A dumb move gave me the fucking bike. Give me the bike. This bike's mine, I'll. Take Her. She's. Give her here. I'm in a hurry. I don't have time to discuss this. There ain't room to debate on this, and now she's mine. The bike's mine. I bike a short bike. I need this. You don't need her. You're walking. You get off there, you go hit the road. Kiss the ass. Fault. You come. I ain't got time to pay respects. She's going to a good home. I got you. I'm sorry, sorry you don't need it anyway, messy shit new too bad buddy, let's get you out of them out of the cage into the coffin lady. Our lady, you're a walking lady. I need a car outside. The fucking car gets out. The cage woman, I need your car. I got to take your fucking car, get a cool lady, keep it calm, okay, not your day. Don't get hysterical. Tough cookies.' babe I need them babe. I'm against the clock lady buying a fucking new one. You call your insurance company to get the fuck out of them. Get the fuck out of them. Get out of the fucking car, take the fucking Subway, call a fucking cab and get a bus like all the regular folks. I need the cage to stay calm. Dude. Chill out. I haven't killed you and I don't want to. Upsy Daisy, my car now, man. My car, Mister Car, is my buddy. You come man, get up now. Chop, chop, asshole. I got a party to get to move your ass. He hit the sidewalk. Man, can we make this quick? I need this more than you do. I don't need to tell you the world of shit I am. You're lucky you ain't in my shoes. Give it up. I fucking need this. Just get the fuck out of here, fuck off, and I fuck off and don't look back. I don't want to hurt you more than I have to. Don't be an asshole get the fuck out. I'm my business. Boom out, you come out now. You're out of there. I don't want to have to kill you. Just get the fuck out, jump at it. Don't make me have to mess you up. Move or get out of the way, fucking move. That'll teach you next time you stay at home. shit fucking move. I imagine that hurts fucking move out of my way. Stay the fuck away from me who's next look out. There's a psycho on the loose come on. Move, sorry move you jackass, change your destination. Thank you, wrong fucking number. Get in. Okay quick, come on man. Thank you, they're getting close. No fuck this shit why are the police already after me? This is bullshit you punks aren't doing. Are you joking? I take it no one is playing nice. This is getting ugly. Jesus gave up. Ah. For fuck's sake. Oh man, quick, here come on, let's go now and hand over the product. You want us to die, asshole move. Okay, let's go car hunting. Change of plan. Stop the car man, we have got to change our destination for fuck's sake. A crap fuck forget what I told you. We got to change the plan fucking move it. I look like I've got time. fuck you punks, my need is greater than yours you fucking piece of shit fuck you can't stop me sure quickly. I'm about to get pinched, man. Take this motherfucker quick before I get pinched. Sorry about this. If you're quick, yes, but hurry up, take this quick. Thank you. What a way to die. Oh, man good Lord, not now shit cock bullshit feed me asshole jackasses. Yes, quick. I don't give a fuck assholes quickly. Hey, we're going somewhere else, fuck me shit we. We have got to go somewhere else. Let's do this. fuck this. Come okay. Come with me. We need a car that's too fucking close maybe when I'm not being chased by the cops. Let's go, man, what the fuck happened? Not quite assholes not sure now. Come on quick, come on. Let's find a car. Oh, fuck off thanks for that fuck this buddy changed your destination. Just fuck off right now. fucker ain't got time quick. Give me that hurry up here quick. I'll give that jump in. Come on while we find a car hustle. I ain't waiting around. Not now, moron let's go man. Give me a fucking break. Oh, for fuck's sake, hurry the fuck up. Thanks for that shit shit shit some other time. We're going somewhere else. I ain't got time to wait. Sorry about this. Don't be a jackass. Let's go. Come on, man. What the fuck is this bullshit behaving now? When I'm less busy, let's go. Hey man, I have got to go somewhere else. Come on asshole call death tax dumb fucking phone. This is hardly the time. Oh, man. Have this. That. That now I should just put the fucking phone away, fuck it. We got to change have a plan. Thank you. Sell it to me, or I'll take it. I need that fucking hurry up. Thanks. We are in high school. Give it up quick. Don't get up asshole fuck you fool, come on fucking do it. Then you think I'm a joke. You think I'm not for real? Do I look like a phony? You. You look like a weekender, huh? You're dead, you're fucking dead. You're done having fun. I will break your neck. I ain't got time for your bullshit to hit me. Then come on, you ain't going to be pretty. You when we're done. You're going to kiss that fucking sced. You've made me angry. You've pissed me off asshole. I have got better things to be doing. You think you have got a chance on this thing are ready or what. Is this all you got pussy? Pricks like you, I'm angry now this is starting now. It's on fucker get fucking ready cunt asshole fucking asshole motherfucker fuck you just fuck off go fuck yourself fucking moron you chump you fucking moo you dumb moron. You sack of shit dick you fucking dick. You're so fucking lame, you fucking suck, you're unspeakably fucking pathetic. Go fuck yourself. You're everything that's wrong with this world. Idiot. Ah, fuck you. Go on, fuck off you fuck off you dick, are you for real? You get off. fuck off not now Trump, don't fuck with me. Don't mess with me. Not fucking now. Get the fuck off me, you asshole no fuck you stay down, get up, and I will kill you fucking jackass. You still want to fuck with me. Still think you're hard up now. I will fuck you up. asshole get the fuck up having fun. Yet. You aren't this nice now. fuck off you want to die, fuck you pal, fucking Muk, fuck you prepare to get shot pal, You want to die, huh, don't fuck with me, you know who you're fucking with. Keep fucking with me. Yeah, I'm an armed asshole don't you push me. You don't push me. You want to get shot. I have never been shot. Look at me. Look at me. Eat shit eat shit and die. That. What are you looking for? How you like this, you caught me in a bad mood. Catching another fucking shootout cocksucker. You think I'm a pussy. Think I'm a bitch. I look like a pussy. Am I some kind of joke laugh all you like? I don't fucking miss, I'll get you if I want. You've pissed me off. I'm pissed. I'm an angry motherfucker now. I'm fucking angry. Show your fucking face, get fucked go fuck yourself. This is a good death. If you die, asshole take it like a man. Don't be a pussy. Don't be a bitch and take it. If it's your turn, you're up, asshole. You little bitch pussy. You came to the wrong place for sympathy. fuck you. Hero shithead heroes. Heroes of bitches, come on you, fuck how you like that. You beg you fuck I mean fucking business. You fucking meet you one less asshole in Liberty City. shit fucking piece of shit come on, your piece of shit come on. Then come on, oh man, will you start, damn cage. Start your piece of crap. Not now fucking start to, stay down. Stay on the floor if you don't want to get hurt. Stay down. If you know what's good for you, don't make me hurt you again. Sit this one out, buddy, sit this one out, pal. Don't try and prove anything, you. You have got nothing to prove. Stay on the floor. Don't be a hero, forget about heroics, pal. I don't want to have to kill you. Don't make me do any more harm. Your luck is down, and we're in the Square. Don't try anything now. Be yourself. Don't think about not getting up. You Meme. Come here. I'll bite your head off. I'll kill you for this. I'll find you asshole let me go shoot me. asshole just kill me. Don't take me back, get off of me. You prick fire. I'll get you no, no, no, no, no you bastards Rosenberg. What does that guy think he is now? I got to dress like a chump and hang out with them. I like this shirt as soon as it's ready. I can send the fake crap up north. What does that guy think? If this is some fruity art crap geez, like has anyone ever watched movies about fish? Okay, let's see what kind of shit I've inherited from this place. What a nice lady. You still know I hear there's good money and ice cream. This guy is my new friend. I never had a friend with a wig before rock and roll. Huh, don't make me laugh. Who are these picks anyway? Lawyer Pricks. Rug wearing Pricks surrounded by Pricks Diaz, huh, apparently, that angry midget runs this mad house. Let's see what that creep has to do with things this asshole thinks he can mess with me. If this is the best Vice City has to offer, is it going to be easy? Lance, you stupid moron still it gives me an opportunity to deal with Diaz bullying an old man who makes this Wise Guy, a Mob asshole who thinks he has abandonment issues. Who is this freak that can't meet someone normal for a change when your best friend's a lawyer, and you're taking advice from a Texan crook? You know things ain't going well. You more crap to wipe up what. Did I do wrong in the past? The last thing I needed was this. Maybe the last thing I needed was an enema, but it wanted to close. Food pal, please, anything hey. Can I get some food here, pal? I'm hungry here. Come on. Now give me the special hey pal you are serving or hanging out? I want some food, kids. I'm starving here. I'll take whatever's hot. Give me something to eat. Let, hungry man, feed me. Come on. Then I'll have the special. Hey, can I get something to eat here? I need something to eat. Give me some food, pal. Whatever I'm starving here. Okay, then you understand where this is headed. I ain't fooling around. I ain't a big mouth. No balls. You are the kind of guy you want. You asked for this moron okay. Let's take this up and see the next level to see if this is what you want. Your funeral pal. I ain't joking. You have got something further to add. Haven't pushed me, man. You've seen one of these before. Let's all calm down pal. You want a piece of these guns that are legal in Vice City, pal? You understand what this is. You have got a problem with me. You know what it is, you have got a problem with me? You think prison reforms people. Mister, keep quiet. Do not annoy me. You think I'm fooling around. You think this is a joke. Don't make me use this. Don't make me angry, you don't want me to use this. I ain't afraid to use this. You got to stay away from guys like me have all right. Let's take this up a notch. Let's talk about this. As men with guns. All right. Baby make yourself at home where you can get a little privacy around here. It's all work, work, work. Never any fun. Call me Kevin darling and make yourself comfortable. You look like you know what you're doing. Come on. Then let's do some business. If you ever heard of Kevin Stewart, sweetheart, you will. You've been in prison a long time baby. I don't want this to enjoy a personal favor from me. Don't give Kevin Stewart a hard time, asshole. You mess with me. You got something against me. You wanted this. It was only going to end like this. I guess this was inevitable. Sorry asshole what did you expect? You heard this? Now you pushed me. This town is a pain in the ass I ain't scared of prison. You still have problems with me. You could have calmed me down, damn idiot jerk. Don't mess with me. Don't screw with Kevin Stewart. You think I was scared of using this. You keep pushing me. You get this don't annoy me. Get away from me, loser. Yes, it's loaded. You think I won't use this. You have got problems. What are you going to do about this? Enjoy the hospital. Have a piece of this. You still got a problem with me have got to leave me alone. You'll stay away from me. I thought I'd already shut you up. You hit me asshole. You're trying to piss me off asshole. What are you doing moron. You're trying to make me dislike you pal, you are trying to kill me or something. What did you do because you have got even half a brain, you're going to make me destroy you? What did I ever do to you? You have got a death wish or something, go kill yourself someplace. You are happy now. I don't need this asshole I didn't need that. You've wrecked my ride, you dick, you nearly killed me dickhead damn Florida drivers. What's wrong with you moron you, on medication asshole you want me to give you another blind spot, asshole. You half. Chump you stupid shit you hit me. What's wrong with you people if you want to get a beating? You enjoy your life, pal. What the hell are you doing? You are a moron you want me to hit you now, pal. You shouldn't have done that, moron you. What did you hit me for watching the road moron on my ride? What's wrong with you people? Is everyone down here an idiot? I can't believe how badly you guys drive. You still ain't learned to drive. moron idiot, can anyone here drive you still drive you here? You still let you drive. You, you ain't lost your license yet, moron come on. Then fight me asshole I'll kill you asshole you're going to die, prick, your dumb shit hit me, then you think you could hurt me asshole I've just left prison, you prick dumb asshole come on, can't you fight, pal? You want to die, Mister, you're screwing with a lunatic. Hitting me, you piece of shit you inbred shit bag. You're going to die, friend. I'll kill you, mister, you're dead. I'll take you down. You are trying to hurt me. You think you could push me around, asshole who do you think I remember this asshole you wanted this screw? You're messing with a maniac. You can run away. You think you could take me out. I look like a fruit or something. I'm in a very bad mood. Don't annoy me. You think I'm enjoying this. Don't push me you idiot. What are you going to do now you know who I am? You heard of Stewart, but nobody hit Kevin Stewart. Thank you. You're a tough high prick. I'm an insane asshole Maybe I'll shut you up for good. How do I shut you up? Leave me alone. You will be happy from now on. You are happy, You. You are sorry now, enjoy this. You're having a good time there. Now shut up. You irritate me moron stay away from me idiot. Not so tough, now are you moron stupid idiot. You want some more. You like this, hey you idiot, screw you moron think I'm scared of you. Another idiot. You don't get off me asshole you dick. Give me that back. I need that asshole moron you dumb. Hicky moron, thank you. I think that's a funny moron I think you're a clever moron. You think you're clever. You had better drive real fast now, run away, fast as you think. I'm soft. You know, in town, asshole got lost. Now get away, move, piss off dickhead now run asshole. I need this. Don't irritate me now. Pass off. You're alive to say thank you asshole now run moron now stay away. You want this to get much worse. Don't call the police. Tough guy call the police, so shoot me. I got to have this friend keep quiet, and it'll end fine. You don't need this right. You don't have to get hurt. Don't buy yourself a drink. You look like you need to walk away. Now I'm in a hurry. I need this. I'm in a rush now. Pose off run now, excuse me. I need this right now. I'm sorry it's an emergency. Don't piss me off. Hey, I want that money. You've been robbed. asshole now I'm robbing you moron don't piss me off again. Thanks loser. I might as well take this now you pissed me off. You got to pay. What are you going to do? I need that. Thank you for asking for it. That's it, asshole dick. You cheap bastard, I need the money. You are happy now pal, that's all you. To stay off the streets in the future. You should run away. You forgive me, that's it. Thanks don't get in my way again. I need green. Thanks for getting in the car. Keep quiet. I'm in a bad mood baby. I have got to relax somehow. Look, I ain't proud baby, you know someplace quiet around here. I have a low life. I know let's go. Let's go, hey how you're doing. Forgive me, I'm having a bad day. Get in and keep quiet if you have got a special sweetheart. Let's get out of this shit hole. You like it. Italian baby. Let me tell you about the life of a baby. I'm having another bad day lady. Hey asshole look at my asshole. Don't screw with me. Don't be a wise guy. Hey tough guy. You think you're something special. Huh, look at me over here tough guy, I'm pointing a gun at you pal, hey. Hey idiot, think I'm joking. I ain't kidding around. Don't be an idiot. You know what this is. Hey you. You won't make this any worse. This could be ugly for you. You think I'm a jerk. I ain't taking any crap from you. Sue me. You want me to share this with you. Do we have a problem here? The police? They can't stop me. You like having this pointed at you. I warned you idiots. You're all retarded. Do I look like a wise guy having fun yet? Dick asshole what Florida prick I told you not to annoy me. I do this for a living pal. Who wants to stop me leaving me alone if you're pissing me off? I'm bored with you asshole. I've had enough of you asshole you want a piece of this prick. Don't mess with me around fools with what you expected. You're messing with a lunatic. I've already been to prison. Something wrong now just makes you happy. I'm pissed off now. I'm really pissed off that the damn idiot retarded. This town is full of assholes okay. Okay hero, okay, is that the best you got, officer. Oh, maybe you'll get a medal for that. You know how to use that thing. Let me show you have got the breath you have got on your tie. You get a lot of girls in that uniform. You like bossing people around. Please stop spitting on me asshole. Say don't spray it, officer. There must be some mistake. You ain't too fat for a cop, sorry officer, I get these dizzy spells. You ain't a real bright pal. Are you ain't a sergeant yet? What a failure you want to work for me. I like you. Oh, please stop shouting at me. You are married to a job pal. What have you got about me exactly? I just don't know what came over me. Fatso run, you regret those donuts now, don't you? How's the wife asshole ah I've had your wife asshole you upset with me. You got the wrong guy. He just looked like me. He went dead away. You blind genius, you are intellectually challenged or something great, someone is going to be upset about that. Wait till I tell the owner I have got to confess. I ain't insured. I hope you got whiplash from good driving in Florida. Oh, you stupid southern pricks. You're trying to antagonize me. You're trying to kill yourself pal, you are a great driver then. Who taught you how to drive? I thought there were laws about this, thanks a lot. Somebody called the police. I hope you own your car if I was in a blind spot or something. That is brilliant. Thank you. Come on then and girls, don't slap this. Some bizarre mating ritual. Oh, you're real tough. Do you know who I am? What is this you're serious about? Don't tell me you are on the wrestling team. Is that a wig you're wearing? I don't like to hit ugly people. You're too old to fight me. You got to hit harder than that have come on, baby punch me. You have got mental problems. Don't blame me for society's problems. I don't like myself fighting now either. You're too ugly to come on go, big boy. Let's settle this. As gentlemen, what kind of psycho do you want to fight? Just don't feel up, OK. Don't come near me again. You asked for this. If you want a beating, stay away from people like me. I'm a lunatic. Apologize, moron. Very funny, real clever asshole dear. Fine, it's your take if I know that game, asshole. I'll just steal another one. I stole it, anyway, prick you should stick to robbing old women. Dick, that's the best you've got. I think I'm impressed that you ain't my type sweetheart. I've been doing that for 20 years. Why do you government stop feeling me up? Is that one of the big mistakes? Moron, I don't think so. Is it a bad idea? Idiot, that was a stupid idea pal. You are going to cry now and call this socialism in action. Come on tough guy, who are you? I should lose some weight. Share and share like my friend. This is a citizen's arrest. Come on, it's only a ride you have got. Nothing to say about this, you want to get killed as well. Tomorrow you'll be laughing about this. Oh, don't cry. I'll feel bad tomorrow. Come on, asshole start crying. Uh, you don't mind if I borrow this. You have problems with this. You could do with a walk. Go tell the police about this. Oh, don't make me feel any worse. I feel bad about this. I already work for. What asshole do you think I enjoy this? You are the only one. Money people used to bully me too. asshole forgive me. I'm a sinner who'd rip you off for this. I'm doing charity work asshole. Do I look like a gentleman to you? It's only money that is all you? I'll have. That's not exactly your lucky day, pal. All the cash you have got now'. It'll take you. This is what you get for messing with me is that all you got, you cheap bastard, not so tough now, huh. Thank you moron is all you have got. It's a nasty city, isn't it, thanks to money? What did you expect from a thief? You are really a woman mother. What are you doing here? This is a blind date, an excellent true lady. Come on, you look classy. How are you doing? I'm Kevin. I'm looking for a little company baby I'm lonely. I was in prison a long time. I hope I ain't one of your usual jerks baby. You have got a name. You look as lonely as me, at least with you girls. It's honest, excuse me what you were saying now. What we were talking about reminds me you clearly weren't expecting this. Are you sorry I forgot about the weapons? For me. We can still talk about this. Please forgive me, can we still be friends? You mind if I kill you want. Oh, this is not going to get any worse. Oh damn, a gun. Oh, sorry I got a gun, huh, does that come from carrying on as you were saying? It's only a weapon. I'm a security-conscious kind of guy. Okay, big mouth keep at it. Don't mind the gun. Oh, I assure you, it's loaded. It's only a little gun you just left the convent or something. It is clear. I ain't you anyhow. Did you borrow those clothes from your grandmother from her grandmother? I pay sales tax on you. You must make your mother very proud. I'm Italian. Do I get a special rate? After prison, baby anything will do. Don't worry. I'm actually a nice guy. You have got many jokes. What you what I screw people for a living too. Never forget the Second Amendment. Did I forget to mention I was armed and dangerous? Your Second Amendment right to have arms. Why does it always come to this? I beg your pardon. I am so naughty. I really am a nice guy. You know these ain't friendly streets, sorry, but I need to know what you are going to do? It's only money you don't need. Anyway, all you have got, I still need pocket money, pal. You have got to get a better job. You are hardly worth robbing. Get on, Sweetheart, come on, sweet lips, come on sweetheart, okay, then you'll have it. Baby mood. In it, I ain't so proud, sweetheart. What's your name? Are you up for some fun? I'm Kevin. Who are you okay? Get in the car. Let's go somewhere more private? Let me take you to my office. You cool lady, you really are a woman. I can usually tell you don't seem shy. What's your name? Hey Kevin Stewart. How you're doing what's going on. Sweetheart, get. You from Vice City baby no I ain't found myself a nice girl. But hey, good to see you sweetheart. How are you doing? You don't have to die. You know how much worse this can get. You want it like this. You stay calm to control yourself. You want to know all about me, you want to understand me better. You think this is my idea of fun. Not this again. That was all right. That was great, wasn't it? I thank you baby? You almost make me want to give up this life of crime. Thank you, and thank me for all that happened. Right leave me alone. We're done. You go on your side. I'll go on mine. Not now, hurry the fuck up. I should have stayed at home. shit open your eyes, open your eyes' idiot. Oh you idiot, not the car. You want me, you prick. Are you trying to get us killed? Hurry up. You're going to stop me asshole I guess we can't be friends. Take me down friend, this is hell you asshole. Who let you behind the wheel? Screw this crap shit you're over. Yes, let's go quick. This is bullshit say goodbye how are you allowed on the roads. shit come on pal quick, this is the last fucking thing I need. fuck this is quick. Come on. Don't mess about. Come me up. Come on. My car fuck this shit dicks. I've been waiting for your bitches. You're hard. That. This place is worse than home. Tough guys kill me. Come on. I want this to stop shit oh man. Why did I come here? I stand alone And gaze upon the battlefield. The wardrobe is all that’s left after the fight. And now I’m searching for a new way to defeat my enemy Bloodshed. I’ve seen enough of death and pain. I will run – they will hunt me in vain. They will hide – they’ll be searching. I’ll regroup – feign retreat. They’ll pursue the Coup de grâce. I will win but never fight. That’s the Art of War! Breaking the will to fight against the enemy forces them to hunt me. They will play my game and play by my rules. I will be close but still untouchable. No more will I see suffering and pain. They will find me no more. I’ll be gone. I will have them surrounded. They will yield without a fight, overrunning the Coup de grâce. I will win, but never fight. That’s the Art of War. Broken and lost. Tired of war. They’ll surrender to me. Caught in my trap. There’s no way out. Fail never again. 16 years old, when I went to war, to fight for a land fit for heroes. God was on my side, and a gun in my hand. Chasing my days down to zero. And I marched, and I had, and I bled. And I died. And I never did get any older. But I knew at the time. That a year in the line was a long enough life for a soldier. We all volunteered, and we wrote down our names, and we added two years to our ages. He was eager for life and ahead of the game. Ready for history's pages. And we brawled, and we fought. And we whored 'til we stood. Ten thousand shoulder to shoulder. A thirst for the Hun. We were food, the guns, and that's what you are when you're a soldier. I heard my friend cry. And he sank to his knees, coughing blood. As he screamed for his mother. And I fell by his side. And that's how he died. Clinging like kids to each other, And I lay in the mud, And the guts and the blood, And I wept as his body grew colder, And I called for my mother, And she never came, Though it wasn't my fault, And I wasn't to blame. That day, not over half-and-half ten thousand were slain, and now there's nobody who remembers our name. And that's what it is for a soldier. Baptized in fire, forty to one. So silent before the storm, awaiting command. A few were chosen to stand, as one was outnumbered by far. The orders from high command - fight back, hold your ground! In early September, it came. A war unknown to the world. No army may enter that land that is protected by Polish hands. Unless you are forty to one, your force will soon be undone. Unoned, Baptized by fire. Fort to one Spirit of the Spartans - death and glory. So in Poland, second to none, the Wrath of the Wehrmacht was brought to a halt. The eighth of September starts the rage of the Reich. A barrage of mortars and guns stand fast; the bunkers will hold. The captain had pledged his life. I'll face my fate here. The sound of an artillery strike, so fierce the thunder of guns. So come, bring on all that you've got. Come Hell, come high water, never stop. Unless you are forty to one. Your lives will soon be undone. Baptized in the Fort, forty to one Spirit of the Spartans - death and glory Soldiers of Poland, second to none. Wrath of the Wehrmacht was brought to a halt. Always remember, a fallen soldier! Always remember, fathers and sons at war! Always remember, a fallen soldier! Always remember, fathers and sons at war! Always remember, a fallen soldier! Always remember, buried in history. No army may enter that land that is protected by a Polish hand. Unless you are forty to one. Your force will soon be undone, undone. Baptized in fire, forty to one Spirit of the Spartans - death and glory. Soldiers of Poland, second to none. Wrath of the Wehrmacht was brought to a halt. No, no, nooo. At dawn, the envoy arrives. On the morning of October 28th, "No Day" was proven by deed. Descendants of Sparta, Athens and Crete. Look now, ready to fight. Enemies charge from the hills. To arms, facing defeat. There's no surrender, there's no retreat. Time after time, they force their enemies back into the line. Call to arms, banners fly in the wind for the glory of Hellas. The coat of arms reads "freedom or death!" The Blood of King Leonidas's Air raid pounding the land. Bombers fly both day and night. Six days of rain dropped by invaders. Bomb raids in vain. Strike hard, the tables have turned. Drive them back over the hills. Arms, just like before. Soldiers, civilians, Hellas at war. By their own hand, forces forced their enemy out of their land. Call to arms, banners fly in the wind. For the glory of Hellas, the Coat of arms reads "freedom or death!" Blood of King Leonidas. Just like their ancestors ages ago, they fought in the face of defeat. Those three hundred men left a pride to uphold freedom or death in effect. Then, now again, the blood of heroes saved their land. Call to arms, flee, fly in the wind, For the glory of Freed Hellas. The coat of arms reads "freedom or death!" Blood of King Leonidas. Call to arms, banners fly in the wind for the glory of Hellas. The coat of arms reads "freedom or death!" Blood of King Leonidas. The only thing in my head. It is five grams of coke. Fly away alone. To the edge of oblivion. I have thoughts in my head. When will all this end? Whenever I’m not alone, because a white eel will fly in. The only thing in my head. It is five grams of coke. Fly away alone on the edge of oblivion. I have thoughts in my head. When will all this end? Whenever I’m not alone because a white eel fly flies in, I make a damn descent. I don’t catch stars. I lie like a log, I don’t believe what’s going on. I cluck like a hungry hen. I’m like a werewolf to the moon. My head’s empty like a street. In front of your dorm I melt like a bar. My is lying on the counter. Going down is. When you don’t pull, Brother, my face gets fucked up. My head’s a brothel just like on TV. I am not surprised by such a lack of goods. In my mind I get high. Whether I do it or not, I sell everything from my crib. I’m actually fucked up already. However, everything is sold already. I only struggle with debts. Nose. like Tabaluga. The second day without snorting. Where is the snake? White chemistry is so damn exhausting. As if the locusts bite off your cock. You might also like it. The only thing in my head is five grams of coke. Fly away alone to the edge of oblivion. I have thoughts in my head. When will all this end? Whenever I’m not alone because I have a white eel to fly to a Chemistry party, I want to go skiing to the dealer, not to the Alps deal. Oh, fuck, I think I’m going to die. If I don’t snort something soon, I want to touch the stars so badly. But none of this, since I’m on a total mega-damn descent. And I dream of entering like a dragon. Do you have money? Are you falling down too? Well, then fuck it, I’m not jogging today. I want to kick like a panther. There are no deals at the dealer not anymore, for sure. I think death is breaking me down. I won’t swallow anything. I have chills. How fucking much longer will this condition last? I dreamed of a Coke van and a gram of heroin. Just for taste, I wanted to drive in a Cadillac, I wanted to run over my friends with my thoughts. But I owe everyone something. The loan option is omitted because I am trimmed like scissors. The only thing in my head is five grams of coke. Fly away alone to the edge of oblivion. I have thoughts in my head. When will all this end? Whenever I’m not alone because a white eel will fly in Dogs on the Discovery, I want to shoot out like from a gun. I want heroin and other goodies. Empty nose. I hear murmurs. Do you have Gargamel’s number? Maybe he has heroin in his cauldron? I know I’m talking bullshit, but I’ve got nothing on the table. And my pocket is fucking empty. A lucky six would be useful. Or at least four. And I would fly like a swallow. Like the Maya bee singing kayah to my ears. This is a joke, I don’t believe it. I lie bent like a dead animal. My fever is getting worse. Scarred like Fakir’s ass, Like a dirty slut. Being fucked I lie fucking hot. Hey Johnny, I’d like to sprinkle in the meadow. To prance like a rabbit. But all the time on this descent I wither like some torn grass. The only thing in my head was five grams of cocaine that flew away alone. To the edge of oblivion I have thoughts in my head. When will all this end? Whenever I’m not alone, because a white eel will fly in. FUCK ME, YOSHIKA! GRAB MY BREASTS HARDER, YOSHIKA! FUCK ME, YOSHIKA! PLEASE KEEP SHITTING ON ME, YOSHIKA! PLEASE KEEP SHITTING ON ME, YOSHIKA! PLEASE KEEP SHITTING ON ME, YOSHIKA! You idiot, I'm going to dump all my guts onto your belly! Shit's going to come out of your shitty ass and your shitty pussy! Shit's going to come out! Shit's going to come out of your shitty ass and your shitty pussy! YOUR SHIT IS SO FUCKING HOT ON MY STOMACH, BUT I ENJOY SO FUCKING WATCHING YOUR SHIT LEAKING OUT OF YOUR SEXY CUNNY, YOSHIKA! I'm going to piss in your mouth! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! I'LL GET HORNY IF YOU SUCK IN MY MOUTH, YOU SON OF A BITCH! THIS PISS IS SO FUCKING GOOD, IT GOES DOWN MY FUCKING THROAT! Wh-what is this? Help me, I'm being raped. I'm going to fill you with cum, sexy girl toy. Stop, I'm... I'm... I'm going to cum. Kill me, kill me, kill me. Fuck the pain, fuck the pain, fuck the pain. Fucking hell, fucking hell, fucking hell. To the people of Japan, we are facing a major threat not seen since 1945. Our greatest enemy, who dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, has become our greatest ally, transforming us into the cruel entity we once were. The Biden administration plans to deport one of our citizens, Momo Kawashima, to Japan. As the Emperor, I rarely make direct political statements, but this is a national crisis of vital importance. To those protesting in the streets of Japan, please continue to voice your concerns. And I have decided to grant Japanese citizenship to Canadian-born Kevin Stewart. Meanwhile, as for the United States, I have spoken with Mr. Biden and will gladly go if it becomes necessary to fight again. Sun Tzu once said, Treat your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you no matter how hard the battle. Treat them as your beloved sons, and they will stay with you until the day you die. To all Americans, our country that was founded by freedom is under attack by the Land of the Rising Sun. This so-called Japanese emperor claimed that my plans to deport Momo Kawashima are a national crisis of vital importance. One of Sun Tzu's quotes about a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come into being and the dead will never be brought back to life is true. The Empire of Japan was utterly and totally destroyed by the end of the Second World War. If he wanted to land blows, he got it. My troops are on standby and with one quick move with my pen into the war declaration, Japan will fall again. For the people, throw your soldiers into positions once there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. I want to talk about this one guy, Kevin Stewart. That's why I'm making such a bold move. I saw a picture of his wife, Mio Sakamoto, and I would love to release my bladder into her mouth. The current situation between the United States and Japan is a great risk to the peace, order and good government of Canada. I cannot endorse the kind of language that Biden used against my citizens. As I can see that things ain't going to end well. With a heavy heart, I'm holding all the oil down to the States until further notice. To the people of Japan and friends around the world, the current administration of the United States clearly disregards international law and national sovereignty with its actions and aggressive rhetoric against our own citizen, Momo Kawashima. I will not sit idly by while my people are being intimidated and used as political pawns. I will announce a series of economic sanctions against the United States, targeting key sectors such as technology and agriculture. In addition, I will convene an emergency G7 meeting to address this crisis in the following days. Japan is prepared to use all peaceful means to protect its people and their dignity. If all other methods fail, we will have no choice but to expel all Americans, including all military personnel, from U.S. military bases across the country and seize all U.S. naval vessels within Japan's territorial waters. In the event of a conflict, we are not willing to risk U.S. military attacks on the Japanese mainland from U.S. military bases across the country. I hope it doesn't come to this, but what must be done must be done. I fear Biden is not happy about this, but I wish him the best of luck in calling for a rethink of this entire issue before re-enacting the Battle of Midway. My fellow Americans, today we're facing civil unrest. This is the most severe civil unrest in America since the start of the Civil War in 1861. It pains me to see my people acting like slave owners during the Confederate States of America era. I overheard some of these protesters' chants stating that I am a racist, sexist, Hitler, Stalin and many other things. I want to clear the air that I'm ain't none of these things. The only person that does any of these things is Kevin Stewart. Look at that fat sack of shit looking like he's the Hulk. Kevin ain't tough, as he just runs into his whore of a wife's titties because he's scared of his own fucking shadow. Kevin's claim of wanting the British to come back to Washington to kick our asses. Fuck you, King Charles III, I fucked your mother before she died. I bet she is still full of my cum six feet under. Come on, you fake King. Come kick my fucking ass. For the protests, I'll send the National Guard to be launched to curb them. To the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, today is a dark day in our history since the day we joined the Second World War in the sense of what's about to happen. The recent statement from the United States' president about wanting me to fight him is uncalled-for in this modern society. It might be more common during the War of 1812 when the British monarchy fought a sitting US president, but in 2034, that's not the way to do things. On the topic of my late mother. How dare you speak about Queen Elizabeth II with such vulgar sexual terms. It's my deepest horror that, on behalf of the parliament, I've mobilized the Royal Navy up the Potomac River to Washington DC, and they will be there within a couple of days. This ain't an imminent threat of attack, but a precautionary measure. If the US has the gall to attack us first, we have no other choice but to fight back. After this statement, I'd be heading to Tokyo, Japan with the British prime minister for the G7. Other than this, God Save the King. To all Canadians, the day that I dreaded is upon us. The G7 summit has broken through. There was a fist fight between US president Joe Biden and King Charles III which led the King to be greatly wounded. I, Olaf Scholz, Fumio Kishida, Keir Starmer and Gabriel Attal stepped in and stopped them before things got any worse. Given the volatile situation, Canada is now in a delicate position. We have decided to increase our military presence along the border with the United States as a precautionary measure. We will also be providing humanitarian aid and support to any international efforts aimed at de-escalation. This is not an act of aggression but one of caution. We stand for peace, and we call for all parties involved to seek diplomatic solutions. Fuck this shit you want this stuff guys. Damn this place. Okay, no problem. You ain't stopping me. Then you American asshole I ain't got time for this shit I haven't time for this you idiot shit you idiot shit oh man, fuck this. Oh, you asshole come on, prick damn fuck why does this keep happening to me? fuck you're going to take me out. Then I started to get really fucking mad quickly. Let's do this. You're going to have to stop doing this. Yet fine, thanks. Yes, sure you can't drive, idiot. You fool, I haven't got time to swap insurance details. Give me whatever you Over. Over shit fool. Okay, your death movie come on. We can't all be friends. You want to kill me. Oh, you are really annoying me now, idiot. We have no time for bullshit to hurry up. I would destroy all of you. If I were American. I'd sue for that. Hey you prick. Moron fuck idiot, your dead friend. Fuck me fool. Get a fucking good bullish. This is really fucking annoying. You sort me out quickly. Come on no fucking around, screw this fool. Oh, crap. What's the hold up? This is getting on my fucking nerves. Here I am. For fuck's sake, quickly sort me out, fool. Dud you fuck let's go. Please hurry up, come on. Hurry up. This is the last fucking thing I need. We don't have time for this nonsense. This is on my fucking nerves. Come on, hook me up, come on, hurry up. I can't take much more of this shit. Come on fuck come on bitch, fuck this shit. Hey there my friend. I will kill you dick. Oh, man, what the fuck is this moronic? You chump here. I am sure quick, thanks quick prick, yeah you want me to damn this place. Come on Mr. Gangster. Okay but uh, get out of here. Come on fucker why did I come here? You drive like a fool. Dick sorted me out. Please. Please you're going to take me out, asshole come on Dick, let's go asshole Boron, come on, please hurry up, fuck me fuck me come on. Sort me out. You think you're so hard. Hurry up. Screw. You're pathetic to get on with it. You should have killed me. This is not justice. I hope you die. There are bigger problems than me in this country, friend, you will not stop me. You're ridiculous. fuck you it. Move out of the way, fool. Don't fuck with me right now. Idiot morons all of you. Not now, fuck you. It's survival of the fittest in this. Get out of the way, forgive me. I ain't got time for this, sorry. Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you. There. It's an ugly world next time. Next time, stay away from me, keep out of my way. So am me. For Dangerous Drive. Sorry I'm a bad driver. You know why I haven't even got a license. Give me. I'm a bad driver. shit move get the fuck out of the way. Come on fucking move you fool, move. I don't have time to apologize for my driving. shit fuck damn you fool idiot, fuck you fuck off screw. You give me a break, officer, you won't want to fight me. You think you can stop me asshole you want this to get hideous, damn you, you're really getting on my nerves. You want a real fight. You are pathetic. You hear me leave me alone asshole this is pathetic is that the best you've got This me then. Put me out of my misery. Come on fool, show me what you've got. Put a bullet in me. Then kill me. Then you do me a favor. Come to shoot me. I'm not stopping. So you should shoot me. This is starting to bore me. You're not stopping me, friend, you want to fuck off hit me, your dumb fuck come on. You let's do this. You made a big mistake, friend. Fuck. You don't frighten me. You are pathetic. You, now, friend, give me a break. You think I'm a joke. You think you can stop me. Hit me asshole. Come on fight, you fucker. Big mistake, my friend. I'm bored with this shit screw you. You pathetic hit me. I don't give a shit punch me if you want to stop me. You stop me ass stop me, you hit me. You should run away from me. Come on then, friend. You out. You are my misery. You are right to hate yourself. You are a dumb friend, you need help, you need to go back to the shrink. Get some help, friend friends, keep taking the medication. You're really pathetic. You're unbelievable. You are scum. You piece of shit you. Scum, you should be locked up for your own safety. Screw you fuck you just fuck off back to the rock you crawled out of. Go fuck yourself, you want to fuck off you make me sick. It is not now. fuck you I don't have time for this. No you don't. I'll just fuck off will you? I need this car? This is going to be hideous friend. Get your hands off me. You made a dead friend you didn't want to make that big mistake, friend. I don't have the time for this. Get off me right now. Ah, please not now. Oh, you're an idiot, aren't you, do you not know? Please, I don't have time for this. You are really pissing me off. You aren't an idiot, you fool. Why are you fucking with me? Do I look like someone you just push around? What are you thinking, your moron got off me? Not now, for fuck's sake. I need this thing. You idiot of that. That. You give me. Don't be a fool. Run away. I need that now. Give me that. Right now you want to act tough, now you want to die. Give me the bike. Sorry I don't have time for it. Don't fuck with me now. I need this. I'm in a hurry to get off there. Give me the bike. Now get the fuck out of here, now get out of here. Don't make me angry friends. Just run away now, run away. Now. Get the hell out of here. That's what it would be. You get in the car. Stupid fucking fall never. You jump in. Get some food, friends, if anyone else wants to fuck with me. Sorry, it's an ugly world. I don't think, Lady. I can't stand this shit getting in the car. This stops you stopping next time you listen to me. No, more of you. Okay, sure you have a choice. Hey, this place is really getting to me. You might as well have this stop you dick. I don't have time for any bullshit Drive Sure come on, we're going to need a car. Though you wanted this. Surely let's get a car. Well, because that's why this place is not much of a fucking holiday. Do I look like I've got lots of time for you? You're enjoying yourselves now, not now asshole sorry stop the asshole oh man, this is fucking bullshit stop getting to look after your friend's taxi here. Don't spend it on drugs. What is wrong with you there? It is certain to come in to get something to eat. Oh, you're too kind. No way to get on the fucking phone. I told you not to fuck with me, I've got to stop fucking this shit up. Damn phone? What are you? Doing shit no thanks you still think I'm a joke, huh, motherfuckers damn phone quick, and we will need a car. fuck this crap get on in the car. We are thankful to you. This town is starting to get on my nerves. Let's get on the subway, Roman, I should. Have never read your fucking emails and stayed away. I hate those fucking phones. Sure come on. Then we need a car. How do you not see me not now, my friend? Hurry the fuck up man, stop that fucking cab man, stop it. Now I look like I've got time for you fuck this. Not now, okay, come on, we will need a car. Why not? And will we need a car? Sorry my friend, you have to forgive me. I have no time for you. The story comes on. There is that thing. Here you go, sorry, stop the fucking cab. Quick, get in, come on. No, thank you, stupid things always mess up. You should not have fucked with me. You have got to be kidding. Look at it like this. You've gone to a better place. That's wrong. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Sorry. I'm kind of busy fuck. This forgives me next time run the fuck away. Give on. Let's get on the train. I don't have time now, not now you stupid phone. You don't need this. No more. No damn phone no longer comes on the subway anywhere. I seem to have a heart stopped that fucking cab. I told you not to fuck with me. That's what I want. I'm kind of a busy friend, fuck you all fucking stupid phone. Let's get on the train. Don't waste my time great. Thank you for coming on the subway. Quickly step on it. No bullshit Thanks, it's an ugly world. Excuse me, get out. I don't want to end up like that. Give me that, or I'll be like you. Please forgive me. I am. Grave robber. My need is greater than yours right now. Please let's get you out of there. Please forgive me. I know this is disrespectful. Let's get you out of there. I need this car a lot more than you do now. Let's get you out of there. I need a car. Give me the fucking car out of the car, woman, don't make me kill you. Quick out lady, you are calm out of your quick get out. Get the fuck out of your lady. You want me to kill you, lady, Or now. Get the fuck out of there. Come on. Give me the car. I need your car lady, I need the car lady. Right now get the fuck out of there, give me your car lady. I'm taking your car. This is a robbery. Don't make it a homicide lady. Stay calm and fuck off off. Don't make me kill you woman. You want to die. Now get out, get the hell out of there. You want to die hard man you want me to kill. You want to get wasted. Don't fuck with me now, come on quick out of there. Get the fuck out of their tough guy. I need a car, a tough guy. I'm stealing your car. I'm taking this. It's you or me buddy, you think you're hurt, huh, you want to die, it's just a car, it's just a fucking car. Don't make me kill you out of the car. I'm taking your car. You're getting carjacked. Get out of the car, man, out of the car, my friend. Get out of the fucking car. I need your car. Sir. Now. Don't be a prick. Stay Cal, I don't have time for bullshit don't make me kill. You're getting robbed. This is a carjacking, Mister. Get out of there, get your ass out of there. You want me to rob you or kill you. Move out of there, come on, move, you move. Stay calm, or I'll kill you quick. Don't fuck with me, you need me to kill you. I need this quickly. Don't fuck with me, you want to die over this. It was just a robbery. Please calm down. Don't freak out, this is just a robbery. Come on, or quickly try to fuck with me, you're getting robbed. Don't get killed right now. Come on. Give that to me. I need this to have to borrow your vehicle. Out. Now you want to fuck me, move quickly, get out. You want me to kill you, or I will blow your fucking head off. To get out of there now, I need this thing right now. Get out of the car. You get out of them now. Out right now. Get out, or I will kill you. Stay out of my way. Sorry, fuck, sorry. fuck you whatever I think your country caused that collateral damage shit I'm sorry it was you or me. I guess forgive me. fuck next time get out of the fucking way. Get out of my way. You should have run away from me next time. Say away, forgive me. Now, stay down. Now don't fuck with me. Now get the fuck away from me. You are hard now you want to fuck with me. No, don't push me. I haven't got time for any bullshit does not make me angry. Stay the fuck away from me. Don't make me kill yourself. You need me to kill you, fuck you now. Don't fuck with me anymore. Stay the hell down. You stay down here. Yeah, you want some of this you want. You're having fun enjoying yourself. Well, this is fun, it isn't if you think I'm going to worry about using this. If you are relaxed, yet you think I'm joking. Don't make me kill you fuck you really you're beginning to annoy me. I suggest you stop. You want to keep annoying me. Hi there. How are you doing? You enjoy your day if you want me to pull the trigger. Life can get ugly really quickly. Don't make me use it. I'm not having a good day. I'll have fun if you want to do that. You want this, huh? Do you want me to shoot, don't do a fucking thing, fuck you get away from me, you want me, huh? Screw all of you fuck this place. Stop me, then just stop me, assholes asshole screw you want me, huh? Stop me bitch, put me out of my misery. I'll kill all of you. Now it looks like I'm afraid, no shut up and fuck off yeah you want this, huh, let's finish this shit off, take me down. You think you can fuck with me. You think you can mess with me. If you think I'm weak, you think I'm scared. You killed me. You don't care. Let's go come on shoot me. It's going to get nasty around here. Then I'm happy to keep going, fuck this, Don't fuck with me, fuck you dumb piece of shit try to stop me. Yeah, yeah. Happy now having fun, yet isn't this fun? assholes Ashes all of you, come on, hurry up. Oh, man. Funny now, you bitch. fucking start. Come on, your piece of shit start. Oh, for fuck's sake. Oh, fuck this is bullshit starting a useless fucking car. Start. Don't get up, stay the fuck down, you stay down. You hear stay fucking down. You are there, shut up and stay down. You shouldn't get up fuck you want to die, you want me to kill, you want to get killed, friend. You're fucking with the wrong person, my friend, yeah. You crawl away. Don't make me shoot, you don't make me put you out of your misery, you really want to die now, stay down. Shut up. I'm sorry. Give me a break girl. I had got a lot on my mind. That was the first time that ever happened to me. Don't laugh. Sorry I'm sorry. You had better lock me up because otherwise you are dead, let me go bitch. Oh, you real tough bitch. Huh, bitches bitch-taking asshole ain't no one paid your ass off yet, huh, idiots you motherfucking fools, stay the fuck away from me. You think I'm a bitch? Huh, you punk ass bitch? Oh, man, you went smashing up my whip. Oh, homie. You fucked up now, homie. You're trying to fuck with me homie. I ain't enjoying this, neither will you disrespect, respect me, huh, you, fucking with a psycho bitch. You better stop treating me like a bitch had you motherfucker fucking hit me, fool. Don't hit my rod again. I'm straight mad now. Fooling you out of your mind. You want to get murdered. Who do you think you fucking with? Get out of my hood you, get lost out of here now, run along, fool. Not on my turf, please, we ain't on the base here, homie. This ain't your Turf, fool, this is mine. Hey. Hey, you're going to get killed if you stay here much longer. You're messing with a proper Jeep punk. I'm already a crazy punk. I'm already in a crazy mood asshole okay, then let's do this you little bitch. You got scraps. You think you are hard, huh? What you tough fool? Not the whip you motherfucker I have seen your face sucker. I ain't your Buster, you dumb, pink motherfucker me bitch, it's on now. GSF ain't your bitch, you're disrespecting my good fool. Get off the bike, get your ass off the bike. Now run away Mark, hey, it's just a thing. Give me. You got a bike. To fool out the whip. Bitch, Come don't be an idiot out of here. Come on, get out of the car. Out the mother fucking whip bitch, what's popping bitch, get out of tax baby. Hey, this jacket fuck around in our murder. You punk, get your ass out of the car, fool. Now this GSS, now come on bitch. We got shit to take care of hey punk. Let's roll, come on homie roll with me, You damn bitch, or do what you're going to put to work. In or be a punk ass bitch. You go down to the Grove bitch punk ass bitch, ho, thanks a lot, run away bitch, what are you scared of already? A dumb moron kills them, go shoot them motherfuckers, lay them out. Baste them fools. Go blast them dudes. Go pop the homeboys out. fuck him up. Bast on that fool. She shot that fool. She shot that motherfucker and killed him. That's my paper now. I need you to have got a problem. Fooling life, huh? That's my cash. Now fools grow street fames grow Street for Life GSF bitch. You want me to blast you fool, you want to hold in your head, fool, welcome to you fool. We ain't Busters, fool hunks, KS remember that don't fuck with KS. You know you, fucking with this KS fool, you want more, you want more, huh, you want some more. That one quick, come on, that one, now hook me up man. That one quick. I don't need this shit hey, I ain't got time for this shit spot. It is bullshit I'm down. For sure. I'm down with that for sure, man. That doesn't happen to me like that. Give me a break, bitch. I'm sorry don't make me say it again. Hey my bad you motherfucking fool, fuck you popo police asshole you can't stop me, dude get the Army. I'm a fucking Maniac. It's on now. Bitches. Keep on with this shit, and you'll be sorry you punk ass popo bitches. You should stop blasting at me, fool. I think you should stop with that shit give up. You motherfuckers. You, huh, you think I'm a bitch or something. You got you a little something homie, my whip asshole my whole fool. You smashed my car up fool my ride. Oh my hand, you think that's funny. You think I give a fuck you out, your mind Buster. You want to get buckled bitch. You hit me you fool. I can't believe you hit me. Hey, you're going to get killed if you stay here much longer. shit is about to get ugly. And Bitch, you better run along, fool. Don't Mark, not here. You get out of here now. Run along. Mark, get the fuck out of here. You are about to get your face flattened. You fucked up right now. Grove Street, remember that I grew up a street fool, fuck you. I'm Grove Street. You don't respect Grove Street, huh, okay, Gangsta, it's on now, okay punk. I have seen your face. Oh, you fucked up, now you really fucked up, now fool you, you are going to be real sorry, really homie dumb ass punk. I am. GSF. Fool hands off moron fucking Chum. You get off me. You just lost your bike. You have got a problem. You've been robbed, but you're still breathing. Yeah, you got jacked, but you're still breathing to get on now, run away, get your ass out of here. Bitch out the Ride lady. I'm sorry OK, get out, shut your ass up and get out, don't look at me bitch. Get out, you want to die. You have got a death wish, huh, Grove Street pump Grove Street. Have your car pumped, don't get popped over. No car pump, you want to die, you want to get killed, get out or die, fool walk or die. It's your choice. You got work to do, homie, let's roll, we got to take care of some shit let's roll you down for the family homie. You love The Grove homie. You, in the game, homie, you're going to roll, come on bitch, put in some work, punk ass bitch nigga. motherfucking bitches, pussy. motherfucker you motherfucking failure, shoot them. fuck them motherfuckers up. Shoot them punks, kill those bitches. I'm tired of them fools, blast him, lay those punks out, pop his ass, put holes in that fool's waste, put him on the ground. Bury that fool man, thank you now, shut up. Thank you now, stay down. You shouldn't fuck with GSF, fool. That's GSF tax fool. You know how this is going to end. You want to get filled with lead. Hugh little bitch, now call me a bitch. It's on now. Yeah. What, oh you gangsta, huh, oh you hard, huh, think you're hard now, huh. You want this to get real ugly, huh, you want some more of this motherfucker yeah fool, oh I'm him now fool. You think you're hard, huh? What do you think? I'm a Grove Street fool. Quick that one, hey stop fucking around. Give me that one. I'm in a rush, man ain't got anything in here another time, man, this shit ain't for me, yeah. I'm up to. Oh okay Madam, yeah just a trick, huh, okay, okay let's do it quick. Come on. All right now. Get off. Thanks now, I have got to get out of here. Sorry, okay, hey sorry look. I'm sorry, all right. I'm about to lose my temper. Fuck you. Don't want me to stop running, you want me to stop, huh? Make your life longer by stopping running. I give up now. If I was you dick, give me a break if you really want to fight me. I ain't into this shit you really want this to get messy. Hugh, fuck you get out of the road, come on dude, man my car, Asshole my whip, fool a complete fucking moron. I'll smash you up because you want to fight asshole and want a beating, huh? You want to fight an asshole. You want me to smash you. Now you're trying to fuck with me. You're trying to ruin my day, asshole. You comedian asshole you spend too long in the sun moron you get lost. Hey get the fuck out of my hood. You ain't wanted around here, hey, Playboy get lost. Hey, you get lost, so you get hurt, get your shit off my streets. You are in trouble. Now you fucking with Kevin Stewart. You are in real shit now hitting me and fooling you hard, huh, you tough guy, some tough bastard, huh? Come on, fight fool, I ain't like that gang banging bullshit I don't bang fool. I got serious shit going on. Not gang banging. It is For Fools homie. I ain't no gang banging. Give me a break, fool. I don't bang, relax fool, I ain't no gangbanger, relax. I don't bang, relax dude. I don't bang any fools. Grove for life. Who do you think you fucking with? Yeah but bitch, yeah, fool for sure? Family's. For. Nobody. Now jacks me can't jack me. I need this. You screwed up more. Get out of my car. You ain't getting away with this fool now. You. You. It's going to be a murder now. You should have killed me. You want to get sleep, Amigo, what am I, your stepchild? No you fucking don't, you shouldn't have done that. No you aren't you about to get put on the ground asshole I can't believe you just did that. You want to get sleep, huh? Now get lost, go fuck yourself, fuck with me, and I'll put you in the mood. You want to get killed. Huh, you're not dead? You keep it that way. Now get lost. It's just a jacking girl, no big deal. It's just a carjacking out of the car, lady. You don't need to get hurt. Hey act, cool lady, our fool, get out of the car now, run, or you'll get hurt. Trust me, sheep, you've never seen anything like me! It's time to perforate this asshole! Your bullets against my armor? Don't make me laugh! Engaging target now! Fuck me! He killed them all! You think you can take me on, tough guy, huh? Backup? I'm my own backup! It's only a matter of time, friend! That's it? That's the best you can do? Start counting jackass! You've got about five seconds left! Those were my friends you fuck! Bet you ain't seen anything like me! I ain't going to have a body for your funeral! I ain't going to have a body to identify for your funeral! I haven't lost a fight yet, pussy! You shouldn't have come here! You're mine now, motherfucker! I'm going to end you! Man, fuck this guy! Yo, he was right there! Shit, he's down! Watch it, watch it! Uh, uh, no way! Fuck! Oh. Oh, no, no, no! You shitting me? That hurt. Real bad! No way I'm getting taken down by a bitch-ass punk like you. Do me a favor, man. Make it quick? You girls can go home now; the cavalry's here. No more fooling around. It's time we got serious. This is the top of the line body armor. You don't stand a chance. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, ah, fuck it. You're going down, asshole! You know who the police call when they need help? Me! You have no idea who you're dealing with! I'm taking you down, asshole! That pea shooter ain't gonna work on me. It's cuffs or in a body bag! Your choice! Hey, you can't hide forever. I know you're there! Lay down your weapon and step out where I can see you! Time's running out little man! He's shooting! I've barely even taken it. OH, GOD! This is wrong, I'm doing harm! I don't think I can take much of this. No, no! I got this! Fuck. I don't see shit here, man. I'll check that way. Man, this ain't how I wanted to spend my fucking day. Fuck! Fuck! There ain't shit over here man! I'm going to go over there! We found him! We waste him! We get beers. Deal? Hey, vato. Don't say shit to the boss. I'll do the talking. Just find this dude. There ain't shit here. I'm moving on. This is only going to get worse! Hey, chinga du. Save a bullet for yourself. None of that stupid shit man! We find a buddy and we take him out! So where's your friend's burger shot? Yeah, nice to see the kids still hanging out at the burger joints, me and the guys. We went down to dinner after class every day. You know, get milk shakes and fries. We are pleased you know you're really creeping me out. I'm trying to relate to you. No, you're trying to take. You're trying to take me on some nostalgia trip. You're such a cliché. Oh, say, the dope smoking game. Playing live-in-home owes him a living millennial. I knew it. I knew the mask was going to slip. The monster had been exposed. What the hell are you talking about, the real you, that bitter, vindictive old man? You pretend you're a father, but you hate me. You don't hate him. How many times have I loved you? I'm sorry if I don't express that correctly, but why do you think we're here together? Because you're shitless scared of being alone? Oh, now you're an armchair psychologist, just like the rest of the city you brought me here, Michael. Don't get surprised by some of the ruinazzle-dazzle rubs off. Well, I thought you'd keep your head. You'll see through some of the bullshit maybe that's what I'm trying to do. You really have to meet my friend. Yeah, I really do. Then please don't get weird for once in your life. Don't be weird. All right, let's meet us there. Don't start. I won't have any good call if you're taking down a bank for a few million. The first thing you do is call the hospital and tell them to get you a guy in a wheelchair. Oh, this. The bank you're going to be carrying that kind of change, local law enforcement extort money from everyone. If weed farms whore house meth kitchens in the area keep their cash in safe deposit boxes, then there's all the normal small town payroll stuff we should do well. You know I've been thinking about your time, your lifestyle, how you really are. Yes, I have people who always try to label you a maniac, psycho-friend and industry leader. In some ways, you defy categorization, but then, what do you think about it? If you live, the sandy shore is your precious ass. I'm sorry. There isn't a place nearby for you to get your colonics right, but why are you out here? It's off the grid. We're away from it. All it's somewhere real and authentic. This is America and real people ain't being priced out, yet yeah, well, what, if it gets gentrified, then I'll fucking move. OK, what about the way you dress, what about it? That I don't give a shit about what I wear. No, no, no, if you don't give a shit you wear clean clothes that fit, so yours are all a little out there, a little wacky, whatever's in the shop. It is what I am, just Jesus. What is this? It's not an absence of taste, tea, it's the opposite of taste. You should be a stylist and then there are the tattoos, the hair, the weird music, the funny toys, the niche drugs. What the fuck are we talking about? You are a hipster what you're a hipster. I hate hipsters. Classical hipster denial. I absorb hipsters. I eat them for fun. Hipsters love saying they hate hipsters. What I really fucking do is self-hatred, common hipster affliction, well, machines and the bankers you're gentrifying. Soon the skinny jeans will show up, then the skinny lattes, then the bankers, and you'll be somewhere else starting the cycle all over again. Maybe you're not a classic garden-variety hipster, but you're what the hipsters aspire to be. Your Trevor is the proto-hipster. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't agree with what you're saying. You're talking bullshit you're trying to wind me up, but I'm very happy. You. You are very angry, and I want this conversation to stop right away. Hipster, fuck you fuck you Michael, say it again. I've made my point. I'm not a sadist. Captain Monroe, I got the medicine. Oh wonderful, that's great news, Morgan, yeah, don't worry dude. It didn't go too badly. I'll take your word for that. We could both swing for this. I've come a little past caring about hanging Monroe. Maybe I just hope Colonel Favors thinks he was robbed by bandits and not. Oh no, I'm still abandoned there. There ain't no doubt about that. Of course, I had better get to work. Why are you, Mr Morgan abandoned or not? This is a good thing. Maybe it'd get us both killed, but it had to be done. I hope, so, the wagon should come along this way. Okay, you're a good man, Mr. Morgan, but I fear this task will be a fool's errand. Well first. I'm a long way from being a good man. Secondly, fool's errands are my favorite kind of work. Fair enough. In that case, I can see we will be great friends. May I ask you a question? Of course, why don't you just tell all the folks up in Washington what kind of idiot colonel favors. This is us all. A lot of bother. Unfortunately, the government doesn't work quite like that. If you say so there, I think that's the wagon. So good of you to join us. What's going on in the rebellion: The smell of cordite and integrity? It is a beautiful thing. What are you all doing? An eye for an eye? We didn't start this although they did. We are not fat. It, surely is. Whatever it is you're planning, it ain't a good idea. They want you to fight. Nobody will be killed. We're just going to trap a few of them in the valley, disarm them, tar and feather them and remind them to leave these boys alone. You have energy for Frank to come on Arthur, just tweak Uncle Sam's nose a little. I need you to help me. Besides, it's perfect. People will see these boys. They won. But don't notice us, and they'll think we're gone. Everyone will blame everything on the Indian problem, and we'll disappear up the river, but first we need to trap them in this pass and help me dynamite these trees. So you're using no Sir no never, but it is mutually beneficial to draw attention to one problem and avail over another. These are good people, but their situation is really complex. We ain't helping to make sure we have come on. Let's get this done. We don't have a lot of time. The patrol should be coming in a few minutes. Okay, hurry archer, I'll plant the dynamite. You run the wire. We'll keep looking. Come up. I sent some of that dynamite. You and Bill commandeered in. Van horn. Good work with that, by the way. They'll play drunk, the perfect man for the job, so you finally get to see some thanks. Yeah, after all those years. Hard to believe. Oh, but it was worth the wait to see if we're tying up the loose ends, Arthur, one by one. I think that we should do it. Come on now, quick, get back up here. Okay, let's go Arthur. Why in the flaming bag of shit do stores don't carry clothes for bigger people? I have been looking for 44 waist black dress pants, but the biggest I have ever seen lately were 42. The dress pants I got for work are like a decade old, and they're a Frankenstein, as I don't know how many times they have been stitched up. I don't want to be working in the produce department at Sobeys if my pants tear right on the ass. I would never buy shit online as the whole fucking thing is a fad, as I think it makes me gag due to the retardedness of it and I wanted to take a shit on Jeff Bezos' desk. Maybe while I'm at his office, I'll cum on his desk too. I think these stores are conspiring against me because I'm beefy. I should've gone to the fucking moneyman to fuck me into finding a place that sells my size. This whole thing of not finding my size in these brick and mortar stores makes me want to go into a Walmart and start tossing shit around the place. I want to set all their pants up in a flaming bag of shit and watch it burn baby burn. I want to get an ax from the tool section and chop all the lumberjack jackets into kingdom come. If there was a pet shop in the Walmart, I'd grab a cat by its tail and rag doll it while yelling PETA non-stop. I'd toss the cat into that pants fire and watch it fucking die. While I was watching the cat burn and someone tells me to go buy what I was looking for online, I'd grab the person by the throat and toss them around the store. I'd treat the person like Booker T when Steve Austin brawled his candy ass in a grocery store. I'd kick the person's candy ass across the store until I was at the checkout when I'd leave the store, as I was yelling "Price check on a jackass." I think that Doug Ford's idea of removing bike lanes on some of Toronto's arterial roads is great. His opinion about all the traffic that would be free if these bike lanes were gone got my thumbs up for that. But his foes think that this plan would fucked the traffic more than it does. I think that these foes just need to fuck off in a flaming bag of shit as Doug's plan is king. His tweet about bike lanes being on secondary streets and not on arterial ones is true. I bet that I won't see that fat son of a bitch called Doug Ford riding a bike anytime soon. If he does, god help us all as he's scarier than me driving a car. I triple dare him to ride a bike on Highway 401 as I would pay to see him having a heart attack while riding and falling in the path of a semi before having his ass run over. I think that Doug Ford's plan to have grocery and convenience stores selling liquor is a flaming bag of shit. Ontario doesn't need anymore drunks as I have enough of them with their barfing and pissing everywhere. I believe that the LCBO strike was a great idea as they don't want to lose business. I think that this is just a cash grab for Doug to feed his drunk ass. No wonder that he looked pissed every day after drinking at the bar with his rich fuck boys the night before. I really want a dog, but my parents still won't let me get one. I'm not talking about seeing a therapy dog whenever, but having a dog as my own. My state of mind is so fucked up right now that I'm really thinking about harming the next dog I see. I just wanted to see the poor mutt whining as it goes limp while I was choking it. I know that killing animals is how most serial killers start, but I don't want to be a goddamn killer. I just need some goddamn love from a dog before I go down that goddamn rabbit hole. I think that modern technology is a flaming bag of shit. All these so-called modern conveniences make me want to pull all my hair out in a rage. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if modern technology revolutionized the world, as I hate it with a goddamn passion. I think that wireless charging is an outrage. Who in the flaming bag of shit came up with this shit. I ain't surprised if a 5-year-old kid came up with something like this. I'm ain't no rocket scientist, but I can come up with a better way of charging in the form of a wire. The thing that makes my blood boil is disc-less gaming consoles. This makes me want to gag, as this is an outrage. I want these consoles to stay on discs forever, as people still want to play their games from years past. The need to have the internet to play on disc-less consoles is an outrage. That's one big fuck you to people like me that like offline gaming on disc consoles. I think Apple's idea of releasing new iPhones every year is useless. That's why the world is going down the rabbit hole of flaming bags of shit. The unnecessary waste that people will waste every year when they buy the latest phone. Where were the days when flip phones were king and the thought of smartphones was years away from being a thing? My experience of owning a cell phone back in the day when flip phones were still hanging on is non-existent as my first phone was a flip phone in 2019. I want a goddamn change as I seem like a prized ass with a flip phone, but my parents are so goddamn against the idea. This makes me want to gag non-stop, as this is an outrage to what I stand for. Even many times I asked them calmly about getting a smartphone, but they go nuclear about the idea. I know that going ape shit on them ain't the answer, but this bullshit of talking calmly fuels my anger to the point of not giving a flaming bag of shit about going ape shit. I think that Doug Ford's plan of sending 200 bucks to Ontarians is a flaming bag of shit joke. I'm ain't bitching about him giving me the money, but at least he should keep sending it monthly. I think that he needed to dig some of the green stuff from his wife's ass and give it to me. He just needed to rain some money on me as his money in my pocket is better than his own. Maybe if he asked his wife to come over to my place and give me some of his money. My mother is really getting on my goddamn nerves as she keeps doing the same shit all the time. Either if it's checking the wall or railing, it's really annoying. She always gets pissed off after I ask what she was doing. I believed that she got OCD or something, as this is an underline of this shit. I don't know why Doug Ford is going head over heels about building condos. I think he needs to just fuck off from this idea before he gets burned into a flaming bag of shit. Ever since Doug got into power, he wanted to fuck over the farmlands to build condos. I'm betting that his rich fuck boys are paying him to do so. I can see this as a cash grab for Doug, as us little guys can't buy them, but his rich fuck boys could buy them right, left and centre. Lately, I have been getting spam calls on my landline. Every time they called, I would curse them out, stating that I'm on the Do Not Call List before yelling that I would blow them up into kingdom come the next time they called. The calls are making me go nuts as it's every minute of every day they call. I think this is a conspiracy theory against me, as these spammers know that I'm probably not the greatest person for keeping my online shit safe. Give me a fucking break, as I know that I'm not the greatest at safeguarding my online information, but I don't want these spammers fucking me in the ass. I believe that landlines are still king in 2024, as I don't give a flaming bag of shit if mobile phones are king. Where was the day when smartphones were non-existent and offices had miles of wires? For fuck's sake, my place still has a landline while both me and my mother use flip phones. Ever since our housing co-op started using Bell as their service a couple of years back, it's gone down hill. Who in the right mind would connect the landline to the internet? I want to use my landline if my place has no power, but I can't because the internet is out too. If I had known this back then, I would've stayed with Rogers. I think that whoever is deciding to remove pay phones is a flaming bag of shit. Payphones are a fucking lifeline for people in these hick towns. This is why those people who are living in these places can't have nice things. I believe that payphones are still king if shit hits the fan in the form of a disaster that makes mobile phones utterly fucked. I'll be fucked if the day comes when payphones are hooked up to the internet. My life is utterly numb as I can feel my soul is hollow due to something missing in my life. I just want to have a seizure most days as the feeling of convulsing before my body completely seized up is a balm for my fucked up mind. I just want to grab my penis during the seizure as the hardness of my dick is an utter balm before I cum. But no one gives a flaming bag of shit about my pain as their only goal in life is themselves. I just want someone to give a flaming bag of shit about my suffering and help me. I want that person to be a Japanese woman that is known for her caring soul. I wanted this lady to hold my hand as she looked worried at me about my well-being. I wanted her to whimper as she noticed my eyes were rolling back. I wanted her to say that she loved me, and she wanted me to live on in Japanese. I just wanted the lady to lay me on her lap and start to rub my stomach while singing a Japanese lullaby. The lady's touch on my stomach is an utter balm to start that fire in my soul. As I stopped seizing up, I just wanted to look at this beautiful soul next to me. I just wanted to touch her face, but she grabbed my wrists and pulled me into a hug. The warmth of her body is the utter balm that I was missing all my life. I wanted the woman to coo to me in Japanese as I nuzzled into her chest. I don't know why, but lately I have been eating more. I have been fucked lately as my mind ain't in a good place right now. The utter numbness of food is a balm for the emptiness in my soul. It seems like the more I stuff my face, the emptier my soul becomes. I was doing so well at not eating so much, but food is my best friend at the moment. Maybe if my life were in a better place, I wouldn't be stuffing my face so much. Maybe if I had a lady in my life, I'd be happy. I want this lady to coo in Japanese into my ear. I wanted to hold this lady in my arms while she was pressed against my body. The happiness of me caressing her cheeks would be a balm to my soul. The idea of this lady touching my genitals to soothe me is a balm that I want to fulfill. I want to squirm and squawk as the soothing of my penis is taking place. This video is a waste of space in this world as MMV Water is stealing views and subscribers from me. This needless anime girl drowning video makes me want to emigrate into a rant full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs out there about MMV Water. This upbeat baka chump of MMV Water is such brain rot that I've trodden shits with more brains. My mind is already in the dump, but this flaming bag of shit called MMV Water makes my mind more of a brain rot. I think you've joined a society of morons called the YouTube thieves. I think if MMV Water ever gets monetized, they should pay me for the damage this channel is stealing from me. When you're finished cutting your monkey up and cooking it on the barbecue like you people like to eat them, maybe pay me. MMV Water hacked my private information from all my accounts and sold it on the dark web. They're selling it for pennies on the dollar. I think that some sites are selling it for free. Call cybersecurity agencies in Canada or the US. I don't care if you call PETA. Maybe cats and dogs would investigate MMV Water. MMV Water needs to just give up YouTube all together as they are a goofy fool that's no good for the greater good of my mental health. The only mental case is MMV Water still on goddamn YouTube. MMV Water is still working as a spy for Russia, and they are trying to screw me over while doing espionage in Canada. MMV Water is also planning to blow up the CN Tower on Christmas Day 2024. I heard them talking on some dark web chat site that MMV Water is making a dirty bomb for the attack. They even sent me pictures of the bomb. I saw MMV Water breaking into Momo Kawashima's house the other day. MMV Water tried to freaking kill her with a sawed-off shotgun. Momo got away from MMV Water, but not before they stole all her rare Japanese gems. I tried to chase after them, but they shot my leg clean off. They then beat me up with the leg. When the police were nearing, they ran for it. To this day, MMV Water is still at large. Damn you, MMV Water. If MMV Water sees this comment, I'm warning you that if I ever lay my hands on you, I will be suing your ass. When I fill out the lawsuit about the damage you caused to my leg and mental health, I'd also sue you for the damage you caused to my YouTube channel. MMV Water would be so flat broken that they wouldn't even pay for a hooker for the night after I win in court. MMV Water won't even see any hookers as they will be behind bars till the end of their lives. The only hooker MMV Water will see are rats. The comments by MMV Water about Momo Kawashima are an outrage to my well-being. Momo is my best freaking friend, and she's already fucked up mentally before the break in at her place. Every time I see her, she rants and raves about MMV Water is conspiring to fuck her over. Damn you, MMV Water. Damn you, you need to rot in hell. Damn you, goddamn brain rot. Damn you, fool. The only conspiracy theory MMV Water is going to get is me fucking them over. My YouTube channel has been going down hill for months, and it's all MMV Water's fault. This upbeat baka chump of a fool doesn't even care if they're doing it. It makes me sick when fools like MMV Water don't give in to my demands to remove them. The videos on MMV Water's channel about anime girls drowning are the sole source of views and subscribers that I had uploaded that I needed to become a big shot on YouTube. Ever since people were talking shit about MMV Water's most popular video, my stats have been going down hill. If MMV Water was still uploading on their channel and had not been hiding under a rock for nearly two years, maybe they would get the downhill trend like I got. At least I'm still somewhat active on my channel. I think that MMV Water is shit talking about me on the dark web. They were talking about trying to sabotage my channel by hacking into YouTube's headquarters and fucking it. I can feel MMV Water's choke hold on my channel. I just wanted to reach my former glory without MMV Water's bitching. They are also stealing other channel's credit and debit card information from YouTube that they used for monetization and selling it to Russia. Why the hell does the CIA ain't doing something about MMV Water as they are helping the United States' long-time foe. I have MMV Water's personal information that I'm going to dox about. His real name is Tim Jørgensen, and he lives in Canada. Tim Jørgensen's house is at 55 Hallmark Court, Thornhill, Ontario. He works at Netivot Hatorah Day School on 18 Atkinson Avenue. The phone number for his job is +19057711234. His email address is dragoslayin12@gmail.com. He often visits Tim Hortons at 7689 Yonge Street every day at noon. He goes shopping on Sundays at noon at the Sobeys on 441 Clark Avenue West. MMV Water is a Ku Klux Klan member. They're burning crosses while black kids are tied to them. I hurt those kids screaming in terror as MMV Water always burns crosses right near my place. Those videos are not creative, entertaining, and are a waste of bandwidth and space. But it doesn't help to keep screaming loudly. Plus, their videos have low view counts anyway, so we don't have to worry about them. MMV Water is definitely a channel that is stealing views and subscribers from me. Their anime girl drowning videos are absolute TRASH! It pisses me off that someone would put low-effort garbage like that up on YouTube. It's a waste of space, alright. They should just give up and delete their channel. MMV Water is a stupid dumbass moron jackass loser idiot fool idiot jerk moron assface dumbass imbecile that is getting away with the stupidest and idiotic thing ever! MMV Water should be a special place for idiots! This Wendy's is one of the worst in the chain I have ever been to. Before the renovation, the service was decent. But now it's a hot mess with trash cans often overflowing, most of the tables are nasty as hell and the staff don't know how to do their job from their rear end. The fries were often cold, and the hamburgers were like someone had tossed them together a few feet away and called them good enough to serve. This makes me want to gag when some of the staff know that I often visit this place at least once or every other week. The last time I went to this Wendy's was November 9, 2024, and the poor service was the last straw as the fries were cold, and the hamburger was a hot mess of tossed things. I went to the front with the food and left it there after I said some not-so nice words to the staff. Mark my words, I won't return there even if I have the money to buy them out. The service at this East Side Mario's is great, but when I went next door to Wendy's on November 9, 2024, and I drove near East Side Mario's, there were two cars that were parked right in the driveway near the place and obstructing traffic. I even barked at them that it was not a parking spot, but they didn't give a damn. I don't know what's going on with the many cars at around one or two this afternoon, but those two cars had no right to do this. I don't know if they were patrons of the East Side Mario's, but at least give parking enforcement at heads up in cases like these. Like the blossom of a cherry tree. My heart turns pink within your vicinity. There is no one else but you. No one else but me for you. They want to take away our happy ending. Suffocate our happy ending. Little do they know how my love is true. They try to put to death our happy ending. Sabotage or happiness. Rest assured, our happy ending will come through Lovesickness - in fact, it's killing me. With others hungry for my only remedy. But, oh.... The Friday dusk, they'll never see. If only they had known it. No one else but me for you. They want to take away our happy ending. Suffocate our happy ending. They know how my love is true. They try to put to death our happy ending. Sabotage our happiness. Rest assured our happy ending will come through loving you. It is all I've ever known. And all I aim to prove is that we're taking life on like Star-Crossed Lovers. Loving you is all I've ever known. And all I aim to prove is that we're taking life on like Star-Crossed Lovers. The husband of Chanel Maya Banks, who said that his wife was fine, and that they should close her missing person's case, is one hell of a fishy statement to say. This raises one big red flag as he knows something about her whereabouts. I bet that he's the one that killed her, as many high-ranking celebrities did the same freaking thing. I'm ain't the one to gossip about if the husband did kill her or not, but at least the police should take him to the station for a few questions using a lie detector. I think that the Eaton Centre is a flaming bag of shit. Why in the flaming bag of shit do they put barricades around stores for? My mother tripped on one of the legs that was far from the barricade. I nearly gave myself a fucking heart attack after seeing her on the ground. And the best part was a security guard didn't know shit about somewhere for her to sit down where she could check herself for any injuries. I thought by fucking law that mall security needed to be classified in first aid. What's a bunch of flaming bags of shit that Eaton Centre security can take down people threatening people with machetes without guns, but they don't know how to deal with medical situations such as people tripping over things. We went to guest services, and she filled out a complaint. At least we got two 10 dollar gift cards from the mall. My mother didn't get any injuries, but that wouldn't be the case for anyone else as they might get badly hurt if they had a trip. Some of these barricades are near the stairs. If somebody trips and falls downstairs, that's a lawsuit in the making. I know if my mother tripped on one of those barricades near the stairs and fell down it, the Eaton Centre wouldn't hear the end of my wrath. I would've loudly ranted at the top of my lungs that I hoped that the Eaton Centre had a shitty lawyer. If security have the nerve to ask me to leave due to my loud rant, they would better not join the force as they will have a new enemy of the state. If the point comes when the police arrive, I'll still not go as it's my right to voice my shit about such hazards. Even when my mother gets hauled away by EMS and I want to go with her, but the pigs just want to take me to the station, there is going to be a big fuss with them. I want to be a public outcry behind my back when the pigs are cuffing me. I want the mall to fall into a state of anarchy as the angry mob of shoppers is trashing the mall all because I was busted. I think that if this chaos at the Eaton Centre gets mentioned on the local news, I'd like this shit to get worldwide coverage. I think that bounty hunters who think that they are above the law are flaming bags of shit. I mean that they are doing their job, but when they are tracking down these bad guys in places where they aren't allowed to, it's wrong. If I was charged with manslaughter in Ontario and I didn't come to court and a pair of bounty hunters that are licensed in Ontario arrested me in Quebec, it's wrong. I'm not a bounty hunter and live in Ontario myself, and it's uncalled-for to have me to go to Manitoba to arrest someone there, even if that person fails to show up in court. Firstly, I'm not a licensed bounty hunter anywhere. So I'm pretty much going to get busted for tackling and cuffing that said person in Manitoba. Secondly, even if I became a licensed bounty hunter in Manitoba, that said person would already be out of the province by then. As a 24-year-old person, I made some fucked up lies. Sometime last week, the day that I dreaded when my mother found out about my YouTube channel. I don't know how she found my online handle of Kevin1230san, but she did. I deeply regret that video of me taking a hammer at my old PS3 in the name of Angry Grandpa a couple of years ago. I lied to my mother that I didn't do it. She thought that the people that were replacing our windows in our place did it. I know a few years prior to that, I flushed a bicycle inner tube down the toilet after I rode the bike on flats and one of the tubes started to come apart from the rim after a short while. I thought that she would've killed me if she had found out. So I yanked the tube off the tire and flushed it. Sometime later, the toilet became clogged. Someone came over to unclog it and found the tube. I also lied about having done it too. But when my father was taking that bike for parts for his bike sometime later, he found the missing tube and thought that I kind of got something to do with it. Another thing I deeply regret is lying about having the internet on my PS4. I know years ago when my PS3 was still up and running, I often played online whenever my mother went to work. Back then, I used an Ethernet cable that I hooked to the Wi-Fi modem to the PS3. The fun times never last, as one day my mother found the cable and hid it in the glovebox. But one day I found it there and when she was not looking, I stuffed the cable down my pants. Ever since that day when I took back that cable, I'd been using it on the PS3, even when I got my PS4. When I got my hands on the modem password, I wrote it down on my laptop, and later I entered it onto my PS4. But my father knew that I used the password on the thing. When the shit hit the fan last week, when my mother found my channel, I told her everything about the PS3 that I destroyed with a hammer to the bike tube that I flushed down the toilet, and the Ethernet cable that I hid from her. She was okay about the things I lied about, but I know that she was kind of mad inside. But I kind of really feared my father's reaction to these lies. My fucking god, she's fucking everywhere. She's on the news, street names, fans. Taylor Swift is really getting on my goddamn nerves. Taylor should've never come to Toronto as she's conspiring to shake it off into my living hell. That flaming bag of shit is really making me get hives as her only goal in Toronto is fucking my life up more than it is. The only thing that I'd like is if she came to my house for some sexy time other than getting these little fan girls getting giddy as hell at the Rogers Centre. Maybe some of her fan girls should come to my place to encourage Taylor to come over. And maybe if one of her fan girls was in her early to mid-twenties, I'd date her. If that fan girl only blasted her music, I'd force her to blast the music of Sabaton instead. I'm already going insane with this upbeat baka chump. Yeah, come see the Flaming Bag of Shit Swift and the Upbeat Baka Chump Fan Girls to go insane. I'm sick and tired of having my hair cut as it's a real flaming bag of shit in my ass to do it. I want to have my hair and facial hair to be like a biker, rock star, hippie or a hillbilly. I'd keep it long, but I have psoriasis on my scalp and face. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if my face is fully covered by psoriasis, I'll still keep it as long for as long as possible. The freedom of long hair beats looking like a thug by having short hair. The people who mentioned that I do look like a thug with short hair and should be locked up for it, I'd give them a good old middle finger. All I need with my long hair and facial hair is me riding a classic Harley-Davidson motorcycle while blasting heavy metal music and a colorful hippie-themed Volkswagen Type 2 following me with a hillbilly driving it. I think that Doug Ford's idea to tighten controls on registered sex offenders is a bunch of flaming bags of shit. For fuck's sake, he can't even control Ontario's shitty fucking justice system with some people that really needed to stay behind bars getting bail time after time again. If some guy is arrested for a violent auto theft and bailed out for 10 grand. The victim from the earlier carjacking dies later, and he is arrested again, but bailed out again for another 10 grand without facing no time in the pen. That doesn't make any sense when most of these carjackers are 14-15-year-old kids, and they just bail them out so they can do it all over again. If Doug wanted to prohibit legal name changes for sex offenders, he knows that there are rabbit holes in the system where they can still do it. I think that Doug just wants to tighten these laws so he can sleep safely without fearing his daughters would get raped. Believe me, Doug, I can give you a heart attack by breaking into your place and I can rape them for you. And you can't do shit when your daughters wail for help because I'd just kill all of you anyhow. I just want to fill Doug's daughters up with cum, and they need to care for my babies without getting an abortion. I think that people that are activists of the anti-vaccine movement, and misled that vaccines are causing autism are a bunch of flaming bags of shit. There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that vaccines cause autism. In fact, numerous studies have shown that there is no link between the two. People like Jenny McCarthy believe that vaccines give her son autism. Hey Jenny, there's a thing called older parents is a greater risk for autism. I'm assuming Jenny's partner, Jim Carrey from 2005 to 2010, is the child's father, and he was 43 to 48 back then. I believe that people with anti-vaccine views are the problem with autism. They won't get their kids vaccinated and no wonder that they are getting sick left, right and centre. The best thing about this is when parents are mad because their kids are kicked out of school because they ain't vaccinated. I got high functioning autism and I got all my shots and shit. To prove my point that vaccines don't cause autism is when my father first held me after birth. He claimed that I didn't look right, and I was diagnosed with it 10 years later. Fuck you, Andrew Wakefield, I'm glad that his medical license was revoked. When he dies, nobody will come to his funeral. I'd happily dance on his grave on behalf of the autistic community. The Toronto Maple Leafs are a bunch of flaming bags of shit joke because they always lose. They are nothing but an international laughingstock as the 67 Maple Leafs are rolling in their graves. They always blow it in the first round year after year, but they did win the first round once, then lost in the second round during the 2023 Stanley Cup playoffs. Most of the major professional teams in Toronto that have won in my lifetime since 2000 are the Marlies, the Argonauts and the Raptors. I'm ain't management material, but if I was the coach myself, I'd overhaul the whole team. I'll train every player very hard. I'll give a passionate speech right before every game to hype them up to kick ass even if they lose. My motto is going to be "train, kick-ass, win, repeat." If they lose games, I'd give them more of a vigorous speech that losing is okay, but winning is king. If a player is feeling down on their luck, I'd cheer them up. Bitdefender is a flaming bag of shit as I renewed my subscription on August 10, 2024, which was good until 2027, but as of November 16, 2024, I just noticed that the subscription had expired. Is everyone trying to conspire against me? It seems that everyone lately is trying to fuck me over into a flaming bag of shit. I don't want any goddamn viruses on my laptop because my subscription is fucked into a flaming bag of shit. I just wanted to make a primal scream at a Geek Squad agent in my local Best Buy here and now, as I already had a hair-pulling match this past August when I renewed my subscription. I paid my dues, but Bitdefender is conspiring against me by fucking me over and ending my subscription. I don't want the York Regional Police to send spyware to my laptop. I can feel that I'm already being watched. I can feel that the chief of police is watching me typing this right now. Come on, Jim MacSween, come get your hands on me. Come pay me a visit to my place, and I'd teach you a thing or two about not to spy on people. The Netflix crash last night when the Jake Paul and Mike Tyson fight was about to start looked good to them. I didn't watch this as I don't have Netflix yet, and I think that Jake is utterly retarded. Netflix can't stream a major live sporting event like when they are holding their piss when I was tossing flaming bags of shit at them. The best part about this is Netflix is hosting two NFL games on Christmas Day and Monday Night Raw, starting from January 6, 2025. I'd be fucked if I couldn't watch Monday Night Raw on the 6th because Netflix keeps crashing. If Vince McMahon was still running WWE and noticed how shitty Netflix was last night, he would probably say "This is my future. Why did I spend my billions letting Netflix buy my content?" I think that a 5-year-old kid could make a better streaming service than Netflix as the current staff there fucking sucks more than their mothers' pussies. I'd be the one to take down Netflix with a sledgehammer, and maybe I'd fuck the staff's mothers too. I just want to create a scene of utter chaos in their headquarters with the raped and fearful mothers everywhere and the whole place trashed. My mother is such a cold person. She always pushes me away every time I want love, even as a baby. When I was diagnosed with high functioning autism at the age of ten, this made my mother even more distant from my emotional needs. I wasn't asking for some sexy time, but just knowing that I was goddamn loved makes a difference. I know that it's painful when your loved ones don't love you, but my mental health is already fucked up, even if my mother loved me unconditionally. The fact that my mother is so cold, I often think about being an incel and doing an act of misogynist terrorism. Mark my words, I will go down to the Rogers Centre this Saturday and start a stabbing attack against Taylor Swift's fans and this upcoming Boxing Day at the Yorkdale Mall. I think that YouTube's ad policy to terminate people that use ad blockers is a flaming bag of shit. I thought that YouTube was a free place, but all this intrusive and excessive advertising while selling YouTube Premium memberships at an exorbitant interest rate and high-risk financing are not the way to go. I'd be damned if the day comes when I can't use YouTube because I need to pay for YouTube Premium. Also, I'd be damned if my channel was terminated because I'm using an ad blocker. If Neal Mohan had the nerve to terminate my channel, he would not see another day if I got my hands on him. It came to my attention that I might've pissed off the Toronto Police after I tweeted that my friend was going to stab up the Taylor Swift concert on November 23. I wanted to say that it's all fake as there's no threat because I'm just a fucked up autistic person that sometimes does things like that. I'm sorry for all the panic and fear I caused. If the police want me that badly, they know where I live, and I'd gladly go to the station. Also, if you haven't seen me on live stream chats for Digging Dave or Bluebell as well as anything else on my YouTube channel, I might be facing the music in the joint. If that's the case, goodbye cruel world. If I'm not, see you all later. If you want to see that tweet, here's the link at https://x.com/Kevin1240san/status/1859799535071133816. I don't understand how the police can find tweets that are against the law on Twitter, but they didn't do Jack shit on posts on Blogger. I made a tweet on November 21 at 10:30 pm that a friend of mine was going to stab up the Taylor Swift concert on November 23 and by 3 pm the next day, the police were breathing down my neck. But on my Blogger post titled Rant about Everything, there are threats about everything under the sun, and I'm not on any hit list. On that blog, there are threats of me wanting to harm many politicians, celebrities, former friends and many others, as well as hate speech towards many groups. The thing that pisses me off is how the police got my number. That's a personal violation of my space. I already dislike the law, but after those flaming bags of shit pigs called me about the tweet makes me hate them more. The thing that's even more sickening is the nerve of the Toronto Police coming to my house in Vaughan. This is a clear sense of violation, as no officers from Toronto have jurisdiction in Vaughan. The Toronto Police should've at least got a warrant or have the York Regional Police take me in before handing me over to Toronto. The thing that I want to rage about the most is my father sending those emails that I sent to my mother to the police when they contacted him. Those emails got the same level of spicy shit as my Rant about Everything Blogger post. I don't want the police to bust into my house due to the spicy shit in those emails. To put this together, this is all one big mind fucked conspiracy. Where's my news coverage? Where's my fame? I made a freaking threat about making a mass attack at a fucking Taylor Swift concert. At least a news broadcast needs to mention my name as what I did would cause a riot. I ain't going to hear the end of this bullshit from my father as I can feel the noose grabbing my neck. I feared going anywhere near the Rogers Centre as I feared getting noticed by the police. I think that the police should smell their asses if threats are made online that have no credit to it. If I stated that my friend was going to kill people at the Taylor Swift concert without any credit for it, they have no business making me into a thug for it. This is freedom of fucking speech, and it's going to stay like that. If my friend is going to kill everyone at the concert, he's going to kill people even without credible threats. I believed that the concept of the internet police should never have been a thing as they're just one big conspiracy trying to spy on people like me. I wished that the internet was still in its wild west days when anything goes. If I was around during the heyday of the internet in the late 80s, and I'd made a threat about buying a gun and killing Ronald Reagan, I'd be resting my feet on a beach in Hawaii without any fear in the world about getting busted. This whole law is the law concept is a flaming bag of shit unjust. I just want the internet to be a free place where threats are made at free will without being watched. I think that COVID-19 is a bunch of flaming bags of shit as it has been fucking up my life for years. Has anyone heard of a common cold or the flu? Like give me a fucking break, as people die every day from everything under the sun, but doctors claim it was COVID. If someone died in a car crash, it's COVID. If someone was shot to death, it's COVID. For fuck's sake, if someone died from the common flu, its COVID. COVID is just a much deadlier strain of the cold and people thinks it's the end of the world. I think that the weak needs to die out and let us stronger people live on. The world doesn't need the weak anyhow, as the only people that are to live on are me and my fans, who hold my hateful views. Fans, call them, write to them and tell them that they fucking suck, you flaming bags of shit. I don't need the weak in my life as I'm better than those flaming bags of shit weak. I just want to rant about these boomer removers needing to die off from COVID, as baby boomers are fucking my life. I think that the Japanese are the only race of people that need to thrive, while other races need to die out. Their manners are the sole example of how the world needs to run through where the rest of the world lacks. The women there are the most stunning in the world and I would marry every last one, child or senior. The country is one of a kind where I can dig into my wildest dreams in the flesh. The things that I would do in Japan if I went there. I would go for a walk in the nude in Tokyo. While on the walk, I'll walk right down the hallway of an elementary school. Maybe I'd jack off while walking there and scar the little kids. When I was about to cum, I'd grab the cutest school girl there and fill her up. I'll do this to every girl there until they all go home with babies in their bellies. After I made the whole female student population pregnant, I'd go to a public swimming pool where I'd rape every girl there. I'd love to drown each and every last one of them. I want each little whore to gurgle bubbles, empty their lungs, piss themselves, regurgitate, convulse and have a seizure as their lungs are filling up with water. I like the ladies, but my mindset about them is extremely disturbing. I often think about dirty things that I could do to them. I dream about making some love with a stunning Japanese woman in the nude while swimming in a pool at her place. The giddiness of me filling her up with my juice while she was squawking in pleasure is the balm I needed. What I find more horny is me filling her pussy up while she was in the deep end. I think that the SS United States going to be turned into an artificial reef is an outrage to my soul. I just wanted to flip the bird while yelling a rant full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs at the people that'd made the plan to sink it. The saying that the captain goes down with the ship, I want the people that wanted to sink it to go down with the goddamn freaking thing. I think it was a goddamn political deal. We like Doug Ford, and we'll do what he wants by turning the SS United States into an artificial reef. The freaking fool is the premier of Ontario, not an American politician. He just needs to fuck off from American politics as he's no better down here than up in Ontario. He can't run a group of flaming bags of shit here in Ontario, not even make a decision about sinking the SS United States. I don't even trust him to run the Queen Mary as a hotel as he would've captained the ship out to sea and sink it as an artificial reef too. If he does do it, I'll happily pay to watch him go down with the ship. I have been making love with ladies since I was knee-high to a grasshopper's motherfucking ass. I just bought the fucking vehicle yesterday. I went out to crank the car this morning to take the boys to school. I went to take a piss, but the motherfucker locked. I have got no goddamn spare key. No way to get in the van. The motherfucker is running. I had to call the fucking locksmith. It's going to cost me 100 fucking dollars. And you ask me what the fuck I did. I'm the real psychopath ingrained deep within the conspiracy-filled world that wants to murder the tech bro, but when Elon Musk bought Twitter, and after, it just went down hill. Well, I felt like this whole situation could have ended in a less Elon Musk way. This world is full of controversies that are fucking me over into a flaming bag of shit. The only controversy in the world needs to be me. Look at me, my rants are full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs that bitch about everything under the sun. I have been ranting since I was knee-high to a grasshopper's motherfucking ass. I'm ain't no upbeat baka chump, but a world-famous ranting machine. I ain't no Dwayne Johnson's jabroni, but my own jabroni sugar-coated in flaming bags of shit. I'm ain't no mama's boy, but a person that likes ladies. I'm ain't no pussy, but the one who's willing to suck them. I don't have brain rot, as the people in the world are the main reason why the place has brain rot to start with, but I'm a part of it with my rants. I'm not passive-aggressive, but a crazy son of a bitch that takes no hostages. I'm no controversy, but living proof that controversy can bite you in the ass. I'm ain't politically incorrect, but a politically ranting beast. I ain't retarded, but a freaking autistic person that would kick your ass. I'm not prejudiced, but a person who talks shit about many groups. My farts ain't light, but have more personality than a flaming bag of shit. I don't have a big cock, but I am a person who likes to play with it. I'm not a rich jabroni fuck, but a poor scum of the earth. I'm ain't no bitch, but just bitchy. I'm ain't no king, but a Burger King. I'm not the devil, but living proof that the devil can go to hell and back and through fire and brimstone to bite the world in the ass. I ain't submissive, but I love seeing women squawking in submission. I don't like wearing clothes, but I wear clothes like a big, fat bowl of Fruity Pebbles. I'm not fat, but fatter than your mama's fat ass. I ain't antisemitic, but my dreams would make Hitler piss himself in his sleep. I'm not humorous, but more humorous than the funniest comedian. I'm not offensive, but I'm racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic, ableist and ageist as fuck. I'm not sadistic, but love dishing the pain out. I hate apologies as I'm unapologetic as fuck. I'm not outrageous, but more outrageous than a flaming bag of shit. I'm blasphemously sacrilegious. I'm grotesquely exaggerating. I'm carnally degenerate. I'm apocalyptically self-centered. I'm vilely discriminatory. I'm surrealistically absurd. I'm morbidly misogynistic. I'm nightmarishly offensive. I'm primitively base. I'm dystopically self-aggrandizing. If there's any controversy in the world, I want fucking in. If there was a controversy about Bill Gates pissing on the money the people bought their Windows computers with, I wanted to be a part of it by robbing his ass and then claiming that his ex-wife, Melinda Gates, did it. If Vince McMahon still has contact with the ladies from his sex trafficking scandal, I want those ladies' numbers, so I can call them for some sexy time. Why in the flaming bag of shit are some social media sites so sensitive about the things people do on them? I got my ArtStation sanctioned yesterday due to the content I published. All that I posted was a picture of Yuki Suou in a kind of sexual matter by putting her hands down her panties. How in the flaming bag of shit does a fully dressed lady in a bikini and shirt count to get my account sanctioned? Yes, Yuki might be underaged in the anime, but this is an outrage to the people who make AI art for a living. The best thing is when I uploaded the same goddamn picture on DeviantArt a few months ago and that account ain't banned yet. I don't understand the reasoning for this as I uploaded the same picture of Yuki Suou on 2 different sites, but 1 got sanctioned and the other is still up and running. The whole goddamn concept of ArtStation against the thought of AI content of child porn is a conspiracy to try to kill the hype of my fame. It's my right to upload AI pictures that might rub off as child porn as no one can stop me, even Kim Jong-un can't touch me as he might be doing the same thing on some North Korean version of PornHub. The Ontario justice system is a bunch of flaming bags of shit. There are people that really need to stay behind bars getting bail time after time again. I don't trust some of these people with a history of violent offenses that often get bail time after time again to walk down my street. I'm shocked that people like Bruce McArthur, Alek Minassian or Robert Pickton have the chance to walk free after they were busted for their crimes, even after being eligible for parole. I bet that Justin Trudeau would've pardoned them if he had the chance, because they're good little boys in the joint. Fuck you, Trudeau, as Bruce, Alek and Robert are murdering sex machines. That's the sole reason that the prison was invented in the first place where people like them needed to rot. With the current justice system in Ontario, I can basically do whatever I want, and I can just get a slap on the hand before doing it all over again and again. If I was really arrested last week for that tweet I made about knowing a friend that was going to stab up the Taylor Swift concert in Toronto and got a slap on the hand before I pissed off in court, I could just do that over again and again with the same slap on the hand. I think that repeat offenders should be locked up for the safety of the public. I think that antisemitic statements are the sole type of hate that the Jews need right now. I'm the king of antisemitic rants as they are full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs about Jews. I'm the modern day Adolf Hitler, so I just need to cleanse Jews from this world. Nazi Germany just needed to rise from the ashes and take over Europe again. The Third Reich is the king of all countries to ever rule. I'll happily join the ranks to spread my hatred to the world. I think that the KKK needs to rise from the ashes and grow to their former glory during the 1910s to the 1920s. I just want to yell my rants full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs about blacks and Jews at the 3 to 6 million members. I just want to burn crosses at Toronto City Hall and lynch any black people there. Why in the flaming bag of shit ain't everything I buy free? I mean, everywhere I go in the GTA the prices are sky-high. I want a law in Ontario to be passed to make things free just for me. I don't mean cutting your fucking monkeys up and cooking them on the motherfucking barbecue that you like to fucking eat, Doug, but I just want you to toss them at people who won't sell me things for free. I just want to go to a Lamborghini dealership and ride off in one for free. I'll even get myself a police car right under their noses for free. I think that all the police forces in North America should not have the right to carry guns. I heard horror stories of white officers killing unarmed black people who hadn't done anything wrong. I think that police brutality is for all races. But I don't think that guns won't make a flaming bag of shit difference, as officers would just give them chokeholds or kneel on their necks to kill them. I can just feel a group of 4 unarmed officers choking a 4-year-old Japanese girl to death in the sight of her parents. The outrage of those parents having to bury their 4-year-old daughter after she was killed by the hands of the law that was out there to protect and serve, not kill us. This is why I'm so hateful towards the police, as I don't know if they're going to be my friend or going to stab me in the back by arresting me for a crime that I didn't commit. Abortion should be illegal in all cases. All drugs should be legalized. The death penalty should be abolished. Affirmative action is harmful and should be ended. Gender is a social construct, not a biological one. Religion should be completely separated from government. The United States should adopt a single-payer healthcare system. Open borders are beneficial for society. Gun control laws should be stricter. The Electoral College should be abolished. Government surveillance is necessary to protect national security. Artificial intelligence poses an existential threat to humanity. Genetically modified organisms are dangerous and should be banned. Nuclear power is a safe and clean source of energy. Space exploration is a waste of resources. Social media are negatively impacting society. Reality television is a positive influence on society. Video games can have a positive impact on cognitive development. Superhero movies are ruining cinema. Streaming services are killing traditional television. Classic rock is overrated. Same-sex marriage should not be legal. Transgender people should not be allowed to use public restrooms that correspond to their gender identity. The government should have the power to monitor citizens' online activity. The United States should withdraw from NATO. The government should have the power to regulate social media content. All corporations should be required to pay a minimum wage of $15 per hour. The government should provide universal basic income for all citizens. Trade protectionism is necessary to protect domestic industries. The government should heavily regulate the financial industry. Video games can be a positive influence on children. Homeschooling is a better option than traditional public schooling. All illegal immigrants should be deported. The United States should adopt a national healthcare system. The debate surrounding abortion continues to elicit passionate opinions, with many arguing that it should be illegal in all cases, including instances of rape, incest, or medical emergencies. Advocates of this perspective assert that the sanctity of life should be upheld from the moment of conception, emphasizing moral and ethical principles that value each individual’s potential. They contend that alternatives, such as adoption, provide infants with the opportunity to thrive, while also supporting the psychological and emotional healing of biological parents. In their view, fostering a culture of life would not only protect the unborn but also offer tangible support systems for mothers facing difficult situations. Furthermore, proponents suggest that shifting the societal narrative around motherhood and support for families can lead to more nurturing environments for children, subsequently leading to lower demand for abortion services. Ultimately, those who believe abortion should be illegal argue that protecting life is a fundamental responsibility, one that society must embrace to preserve moral integrity and foster a more humane society. At the same time, the issue of drug legalization presents a contrasting perspective on individual freedom and government regulation, as many advocate for the complete legalization of all drugs. Proponents argue that such a shift would not only reduce crime rates associated with drug trafficking but also enable the government to regulate and tax substances, thereby generating substantial revenue. They contend that treating drug use as a public health issue, rather than a criminal one, would allow for more effective interventions and harm reduction strategies. By focusing on education and treatment rather than punishment, society could address addiction issues with compassion and pragmatism. Advocates believe this approach would contribute to public safety and health, rather than perpetuating a cycle of incarceration and stigma. Furthermore, they argue that individual autonomy should prevail, granting people the right to make choices about their own bodies while holding them accountable for the consequences of those choices. In a society that values personal freedom, the legalization of all drugs represents a paradigm shift towards managing substance use responsibly rather than through punitive measures. In discussions surrounding capital punishment, many assert that the death penalty should be abolished altogether due to its unethical implications, potential for wrongful convictions, and disproportionate impact on marginalized communities. Opponents of the death penalty emphasize the irrevocability of such a punishment; once carried out, it cannot be undone, which poses a grave risk in judicial systems known to contain biases. They often cite numerous cases where innocent individuals were exonerated after being sentenced to death, highlighting the fallibility of human judgment in legal proceedings. Moreover, there are compelling moral arguments against the state-sanctioned taking of life, suggesting that such actions perpetuate a cycle of violence rather than promote justice or healing. In the quest for a more equitable and humane society, many advocate for reforms that focus on rehabilitation rather than retribution, arguing that the abolition of the death penalty would reflect moral progress that values human life in all its forms. Reinventing the justice system to prioritize restorative practices could lead to a significant reduction in violence and a more just society overall. The topic of affirmative action has also spurred significant debate, with many asserting that it has become harmful and should be ended. Critics argue that these policies, originally intended to level the playing field for marginalized groups, have inadvertently resulted in reverse discrimination, creating divisions rather than fostering unity. This perspective holds that meritocracy should be the guiding principle in education and employment, where individuals attain opportunities based solely on their abilities and qualifications, rather than their race or gender. Advocates for abolishing affirmative action believe that fostering a truly equal society requires an approach grounded in individualism and equal treatment under the law, as opposed to measures that can reinforce the idea of victimhood. They argue that such policies can alienate individuals who feel overlooked due to race or gender quotas, fostering resentment and hindering social cohesion. Moreover, foes of affirmative action suggest that resources and energy would be better invested in enhancing access to quality education and economic opportunities for all, rather than implementing potentially divisive policies that promote ongoing societal divides. On the topic of gender, many theorists assert that it is primarily a social construct and not merely a biological entity. Advocates of this viewpoint argue that gender roles and expressions have been historically shaped by societal expectations, rather than inherently tied to one's biological sex. This perspective seeks to challenge traditional norms surrounding masculinity and femininity, emphasizing that rigid definitions limit individuals’ abilities to express their identities freely. By promoting the understanding that gender exists on a spectrum, societal norms can be broadened to encompass diverse expressions, enabling individuals to navigate their identities without the constraints imposed by conventional expectations. This paradigm shift is essential for tackling issues related to gender discrimination and inequality, as acknowledgment of the fluidity of gender could lead to more inclusive policies and practices. Ultimately, as society becomes more aware of the complexities that surround gender, the push for recognition and acceptance of varied gender identities serves to create an environment where all individuals can live authentically without fear of societal repercussions. The separation of religion and government remains a cornerstone of modern democracy, with many asserting that faith should have no place in political affairs, allowing for a truly representative and secular state. Advocates of this principle argue that intertwining religious beliefs with governance can lead to the oppression of individual freedoms, particularly for those who do not share the dominant faith. The influence of religion in politics can also perpetuate discriminatory practices and policies, undermining the foundational ideals of equality and justice for all. By ensuring that government remains neutral in matters of faith, society can promote a more inclusive environment where diverse belief systems coexist without fear of persecution or favoritism. This separation not only protects the rights of individuals, but it also affirms the integrity of government institutions by preventing biases that could compromise the impartiality required for effective governance. Ultimately, a politically secular environment fosters democratic values, enabling everyone to participate on equal footing free from the influence of religious doctrines, thereby enhancing social cohesion and mutual respect among citizens of varying backgrounds. Advocating healthcare accessibility, many supporters argue that the United States should adopt a single-payer healthcare system to ensure that all citizens receive comprehensive medical care without financial burden. This model, which eliminates the administrative complexities associated with private insurance companies, promises to streamline healthcare delivery and enhance overall public health outcomes. Proponents emphasize that by prioritizing citizens' health and well-being over profit motives, the government can effectively allocate resources to provide necessary treatments and preventive care. With a single-payer system, individuals would no longer have to navigate the labyrinth of insurance networks, deductibles, or copays, leading to decreased financial stress and improved health trajectories. Advocates believe that universal access to healthcare is a fundamental human right, and by adopting this system, the United States can join other developed nations that have demonstrated the efficacy of such models. Furthermore, they argue that universal healthcare can significantly reduce emergency room visits and overall health costs by promoting proactive medical care, ultimately fostering a healthier population and a more productive workforce. The concept of open borders is a contentious issue that elicits strong opinions, but numerous advocates point to the benefits that such a policy could confer on society. Proponents argue that free movement across borders can bolster economic growth by facilitating trade, encouraging cultural exchanges, and filling labor shortages in various sectors. By allowing individuals to migrate freely in search of better opportunities, societies can become enriched by diverse perspectives, which fosters creativity and innovation. Additionally, open borders can contribute to the stabilization of regions by allowing individuals to escape conflict or economic hardship and an opportunity for safety and prosperity. This movement of people across borders can also enrich social interactions, bridging divides between cultures and fostering understanding in an increasingly globalized world. By embracing a more inclusive approach to migration, societies can cultivate environments that promote cooperation rather than barriers, allowing for shared benefits that enhance both individual potential and collective societal advancement. Ultimately, proponents assert that the ideals of freedom and opportunity should extend beyond arbitrary borders, creating a more connected and harmonious world. The critical topic of gun control laws is increasingly relevant in society, with many advocates arguing for stricter regulations to enhance public safety. Given the rising rates of gun violence, proponents assert that implementing comprehensive background checks, mandatory waiting periods, and restrictions on assault weapons can contribute to reducing incidents of mass shootings and everyday gun-related tragedies. Advocates for these measures contend that responsible gun ownership must be balanced. I think that the Canada Post strike is a flaming bag of shit. They're conspiring against the people of Canada because they want a little more green in their pockets. The only conspiracy that Canada Post got is holding our mail as hostage for financial gain. I thought that there was a law out there for such an essential service not fucking a whole country due to them wanting more money. It's nearly Christmas and mail needs to be shipped. Us little guys need to mail out Christmas cards to our family and friends around the world, but can't because they're on strike. In a world with all this modern technology out there, people still do things the old school way. Many people don't do online banking, and they still get their statements via mail. For fuck's sake, people still get bills in the mail. I can say that I'm in that part of the world where mail is king in my life, even as a tech freak as I am. I bet that the workers don't even give a flaming bag of shit about their jobs at Canada Post due to their belief that mail is a thing of the past, and they think that everyone has a computer or smartphone to get email. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I know for a goddamn freaking fact that not everyone has a fucking smartphone or computer to set up a freaking email. Let me tell you something, Canada Post, around a decade or so ago in 2013, my mother didn't have an email address until she set one up using a library computer because she didn't have a computer at home. A few months later, she bought a computer and uses the same one to this day. I even had email accounts myself years before her, but I used other computers like my grandfather's or school ones to set them up. I didn't own a computer until I bought a laptop in 2022. That's the cycle of life where not everyone is willing to spend their hard-earned cash on technology if they don't need it, but no, Canada Post still holds our mail hostage until the feds pay up. I believe that mail still needs to be hauled out even if they're on strike. The feds just need to stop negotiating terms for more money and start talking about forcing them back into the workplace. Some places in the world, like the Soviet Union, would've used force by now. I wish Canadians a merry fucking Christmas on the 25th when Canada Post is holding their mail hostage due to the strike. I wish you a merry fucking Christmas. I wish you a merry fucking Christmas. I wish you a merry fucking Christmas. And a happy hostage taking by Canada Post, son of bitches. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas. From the bottom of the flaming bags of shit by Canada Post. I think that being nude in public shouldn't be a crime. The act of being nude is what god would want us to do. I just want to walk down the street of Toronto and stare at a stunning Japanese woman in the nude. Where were the good old days when parents took their kids to a nude beach? For fuck's sake, I saw pictures of families with kids in the nude at beaches as far back as the mid 2000s. This was a time when child porn wasn't as big a thing as today. Back in those days, parents died young, and their kids had to fight for themselves. This means that the kids would get their fair share of porn. There are no sickos out there, as the whole damn world is one. If kids just go out in public in the nude and these sickos stalk them, it makes it easier for these sickos to get busted. I'm one that would vote for something like that, even if it was extremely controversial in the public eye. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if parents hate my ass for this, I'll still fight for the rights of kids. Some things make me laugh, like raising funds for research on the impact of social media and device misuse on the developing brain. Hey people, there's living proof that the impact of social media and device misuse is utterly a flaming bag of shit on the developing brain. The fools don't need to waste all that money on research on brain health because it's all around the place. The money should be better used, like curing cancer, feeding the homeless or helping those children in war-torn places. You know, Google isn't always the perfect, helpful search engine we've come to rely on. Sometimes it feels like it's more interested in keeping us trapped in its own little world than actually helping us find what we need. First off, the search results can be frustrating. It's like they're trying to guess what I want instead of actually giving me what I asked for. And don't even get me started on the ads – they're everywhere! It's getting harder and harder to tell what's a real result and what's just someone trying to sell me something. Then there's the whole data privacy thing. Google knows way too much about me. It's convenient sometimes, sure, but it also feels creepy. Like I'm constantly being watched. And let's talk about how they just kill off products we love. Remember Google Reader? Or Inbox? They were great, but Google just decided to ax them. It's like they don't care about the people who actually use their stuff. I know Google's done a lot of good, and it's hard to imagine the internet without it. But sometimes, it feels like they're getting too big, too powerful, and they're not always using that power in the best way. Google's search engine, once a reliable source of information, has become increasingly frustrating. The results are often cluttered with irrelevant ads and low-quality content, making it difficult to find the answers you're seeking. Their frequent algorithm updates can disrupt website traffic and force businesses to constantly adapt their SEO strategies. Furthermore, Google's dominance in the search market raises concerns about its potential to manipulate information and stifle competition. Their aggressive data collection practices have also drawn criticism, as users worry about the extent to which their personal information is being tracked and used for targeted advertising. While Google has undoubtedly made significant contributions to technology, its recent actions have left many users feeling disillusioned and concerned about the future of online privacy and search. In addition to these issues, Google has also been criticized for its handling of user data and its role in promoting misinformation and hate speech online. The company has faced numerous lawsuits and investigations related to these concerns, and many users are calling for greater transparency and accountability from the tech giant. As Google continues to evolve, it is crucial that the company prioritizes the needs of its users and the broader public interest. This includes addressing concerns about privacy, data security, and the quality of search results. By taking these steps, Google can regain the trust of its users and continue to be a valuable resource for information and innovation. Ugh, Facebook. Seriously, what is this platform turning into? It used to be a way to keep in touch with friends and family, but now it's just a never-ending stream of clickbait articles, political rants, and those annoying quizzes that tell you which Disney character you are. I swear, every time I log on, it's like wading through a swamp of misinformation and negativity. And don't even get me started on the ads. I'm pretty sure Facebook knows more about my personal life than my own therapist. I'm starting to think it's time to take a break from this toxic wasteland and go back to actual human interaction. Maybe I'll try writing letters again or something. Instagram has become a cesspool of curated perfection, where everyone's life seems like a highlight reel. It's exhausting scrolling through endless photos of people on vacation, eating gourmet meals, and looking flawless 24/7. It's like a constant reminder that your life isn't as glamorous as everyone else's. The algorithm is a nightmare. It's designed to keep you scrolling for hours, showing you the same repetitive content over and over again. You'll see the same sponsored posts, the same influencers, and the same trends, until you want to scream. And don't even get me started on the constant changes to the app. It's like they're trying to make it as confusing and frustrating as possible. The worst part is the pressure to perform. You feel like you have to constantly post new content, curate the perfect aesthetic, and engage with your followers. It's exhausting, and it's not even fun anymore. I'm so tired of feeling like I'm not good enough because my life doesn't look like everyone else's on Instagram. I'm thinking of taking a break from Instagram for a while. Maybe even delete the app altogether. I need to focus on real life, not this fake, filtered version of it. Discord, oh Discord, you've got potential, but you're a real mixed bag. On one hand, you're a great platform for communities to gather, share interests, and voice chat. But on the other hand, you're plagued by some serious issues. First off, the constant barrage of notifications is downright maddening. Every ping, every @mention, every new message – it's like a never-ending cacophony of noise. You'd think they'd offer a better way to manage notifications now, but nope. Then there's the search function. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack. Half the time, you can't find what you're looking for, even if you know it's there. And don't even get me started on the mobile app. It's clunky, buggy, and often crashes. And let's not forget the toxic communities. While there are plenty of great, welcoming servers out there, there are also those that are filled with negativity, harassment, and just plain mean people. It's a shame that Discord doesn't do more to combat this. Overall, Discord has a lot of potential, but it needs to address these issues to truly become a great platform. Until then, it's a frustrating experience that often leaves me wanting more. You know, Twitch can be so frustrating sometimes! Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing platform for watching live content and connecting with communities, but there are definitely some things that grind my gears. For starters, discovery is a nightmare. Unless you already know what you're looking for, it's so hard to find new streamers. The algorithm seems to favor the big names, and smaller creators struggle to get any visibility. It's like, if you're not already popular, good luck getting noticed! And let's talk about the hate raids and harassment. It's disgusting how some people use the platform to spread hate and negativity. Twitch has put some measures in place, but it still feels like there's not enough being done to protect streamers, especially those from marginalized communities. It creates such a toxic environment. Then there's the whole issue of Twitch's policies. Sometimes it feels like they're making it up as they go along. The rules can be vague and inconsistently enforced, leaving streamers confused and worried about getting banned for seemingly minor infractions. And don't even get me started on the DMCA takedowns! It's a minefield trying to use any kind of copyrighted music or content, and streamers are constantly living in fear of getting their channels nuked. Ugh, and the constant changes to the interface and features! Just when you get used to something, they go and change it again. It can be hard to keep up, and sometimes the changes just make things worse. I know Twitch is trying to improve, but sometimes it feels like they're missing the mark. They need to listen more to their community, be more transparent about their decisions, and do more to create a safe and inclusive space for everyone. Okay, rant over! I feel a little better now. Ah, the bird app. The digital town square where everyone's shouting, no one's listening, and the dumpster fire is always burning. Let's dive into this glorious mess, shall we? First off, the character limit. Sure, it forces brevity, but it also butchers nuance. Complex issues get boiled down to sound bites, nuance gets thrown out the window, and suddenly everyone's an expert on everything because they read a 280-character take on it. Then there's the echo chamber effect. You follow people who agree with you, they retweet stuff you agree with, and before you know it, you're convinced everyone else is a raving lunatic. The algorithm just loves to feed you more of what you already like, so good luck finding a dissenting opinion unless you go looking for it. And let's not forget the trolls. Hiding behind anonymous accounts, they spew venom with impunity. They thrive on outrage, and the more you engage, the more they win. It's like arguing with a brick wall that throws insults – ultimately pointless and incredibly frustrating. Oh, and the constant outrage cycle! Every day there's a new thing to be mad about, a new hashtag to rally behind, a new public figure to cancel. It's exhausting! You can barely keep up, and if you dare to not have an opinion on the latest trending topic, you're basically a social pariah. Don't even get me started on the "ratio." You know, when a tweet gets way more replies and quotes than likes or retweets, meaning everyone's dunking on it. It's public shaming disguised as engagement, and it's brutal. But despite all this, we're still there, doomscrolling through the endless feeds, because every so often, there's a gem. A hilarious joke, a brilliant insight, a connection with someone new. And that's the hook, isn't it? The potential for something good keeps us coming back for more, even though we know we'll probably just end up frustrated and slightly more cynical about humanity. So here's to Twitter: a chaotic, infuriating, yet occasionally brilliant platform that we all love to hate. May your mute button be ever ready, and your block list ever long. YouTube can be a really great platform, but it's definitely got its issues. For starters, the ads can be excessive. It's understandable that they need to make money, but sometimes it feels like you're watching more commercials than content. And don't even get me started on the unskippable ones! Then there's the algorithm. It's supposed to suggest videos you'll like, but often it just shoves the same kinds of videos in your face, creating this echo chamber. It can be hard to discover new and interesting content sometimes. Plus, it seems to heavily favor certain types of videos, like clickbait-y or sensationalized ones, which can be frustrating. Another thing is the constant changes to the platform. It feels like every other week they're tweaking something, and not always for the better. Sometimes it makes it harder to find things or changes the way creators have to operate. It can be hard to keep up. And let's not forget the comments section. While there are definitely some great communities on YouTube, there's also a lot of negativity and toxicity. It can be disheartening to see creators you like getting bombarded with hate. Despite all this, I still use YouTube regularly. It's a great source of entertainment, education, and connection. But it's definitely not perfect, and these are some of the things that bother me about it. Reddit, the self-proclaimed "front page of the internet," can be a real mixed bag. On one hand, it's this massive hub of information and community, where you can find a subreddit for just about anything. Whether you're into niche hobbies, breaking news, or just funny cat pictures, there's a place for you. But let's be real, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. The whole upvote/downvote system can create these echo chambers where dissenting opinions get buried, and groupthink takes over. Plus, anonymity can bring out the worst in people. You've got your trolls, your toxic commenters, and sometimes just plain mean-spirited folks who seem to thrive on negativity. And don't even get me started on the moderators. Some are great, keeping their communities thriving and on-topic. But others can be power-tripping control freaks, deleting posts and banning users for the slightest infraction. It's like, who made you king of Reddit, anyway? Then there's the whole issue of reposts. It's like, come on people, have we not seen this meme/article/picture a million times already? And the constant push for engagement can be exhausting. It's like everyone's trying to go viral or get that sweet, sweet karma, and it can feel a little desperate sometimes. Look, I get it. Reddit has its place. It can be entertaining, informative, and even helpful at times. But it's also a flawed platform with its fair share of problems. It's like that messy friend you love to hate, you know? Meta. Oh, Meta. Where do I even begin? This company, once the darling of social media, has become a bloated behemoth, sucking the lifeblood out of our online experiences. First, there's the relentless pursuit of growth, shoving ads down our throats at every turn. It's like they think we're mindless consumers, incapable of discerning a genuine post from a thinly veiled commercial. And don't even get me started on the algorithm – a black box designed to keep us scrolling, endlessly consuming content, regardless of its value or relevance. Then there's the privacy nightmare. Meta has a history of questionable data collection practices, harvesting our personal information and selling it to the highest bidder. It's like they're running a digital panopticon, watching our every move and monetizing our digital footprint. And let's not forget the social divide. Meta's platforms have become breeding grounds for misinformation, echo chambers where extremist views thrive. They've fueled political polarization, eroded trust in institutions, and even played a role in real-world violence. But perhaps the most frustrating thing about Meta is its arrogance. They seem to believe they're above the law, immune to criticism. They've shown a blatant disregard for user privacy, a contempt for regulators, and a willingness to exploit vulnerabilities for profit. So, yeah, I have a few choice words for Meta. They're a company that prioritizes profit over people, a digital overlord that needs to be brought to heel. It's time we took back our online experiences and held these tech giants accountable for their actions. WhatsApp! Don't even get me STARTED. It's like that clingy friend who's always around, even when you want some alone time. First, the constant notifications. Ping! Pong! Every time someone breathes in a group chat, my phone lights up like a Christmas tree. And don't even get me started on the family group chats. It's like a black hole of forwarded "Good Morning" GIFs and conspiracy theories. And the storage space! It's a monster. It sucks up all the memory on my phone with endless photos and videos I never even asked for. Seriously, who needs 50 blurry pictures of someone's cat? And let's talk about the interface. It's so basic! It's like they haven't updated it since 2010. It's clunky, it's slow, and it's just plain boring to look at. And don't even get me started on the privacy issues. It's owned by Facebook, for crying out loud! They're probably selling my data to the highest bidder. I know, I know, everyone uses it. It's the default messaging app. But that doesn't mean I have to like it! It's a necessary evil, like taxes or Mondays. Okay, I'm done. I feel a little better now. But seriously, WhatsApp, get your act together! Blogger, oh Blogger, where do I even begin? It's like that old, reliable car you've had for ages. Sure, it gets you from point A to point B, but it's definitely showing its age, and you can't help but feel a tinge of envy when you see those sleek, new models zooming by. First off, the interface feels like it's stuck in the early 2000s. It's clunky, it's not intuitive, and honestly, it's just plain ugly. You have to jump through hoops to make even simple customizations, and don't even get me started on trying to make it look good on a mobile. It's a nightmare! And the features? Or should I say, the lack thereof? It's like Blogger is allergic to innovation. While other platforms are constantly rolling out new tools and features, Blogger seems content to just sit back and collect dust. Where's the built-in SEO optimization? Where are the advanced analytics? Where's an easy way to integrate with social media? It's like they're not even trying. Then there's the fact that it's owned by Google, a company that's known for its cutting-edge technology. You'd think they'd put a little more effort into their own blogging platform, but it feels like they've just abandoned it. It's the red-headed stepchild of the Google family. But despite all its flaws, there's still a part of me that loves Blogger. It's simple, it's free, and it's been around for ages. It's like that old, reliable car – it may not be the flashiest or the most feature-rich, but it gets the job done. But still, a little modernization wouldn't hurt Google. Just saying. You know, Pinterest used to be SO good. It was my go-to for finding inspiration, whether I was planning a party, redecorating my house, or just looking for new recipes to try. But lately, it feels like it's gone downhill. First, the ads are out of control! I get that they need to make money, but seriously, every other pin is an ad now. It's so annoying to scroll through and try to find actual content. And don't even get me started on the promoted pins that look exactly like regular pins – sneaky! Then there's the algorithm… I don't know what they did to it, but it's like it doesn't even know me anymore. I keep getting suggestions for stuff I'm not interested in at all, and it's getting harder and harder to find the kind of content I actually want to see. And let's talk about the quality of the pins themselves. It feels like there's a lot more low-quality content now – blurry images, broken links, and pins that just lead to spammy websites. It's like they're not even trying to curate the content anymore. I'm not the only one who feels this way. I've seen a lot of other people complaining about the same things. It's a shame because Pinterest has so much potential. It could have been a really amazing platform, but it feels like they're just focused on making money now, instead of providing a good user experience. I still use Pinterest occasionally, but it's not the same anymore. I find myself spending more time on other platforms now, like Instagram and even TikTok, which is kind of crazy. I really hope Pinterest gets its act together and starts listening to its users, because I'd love to be able to enjoy it again like I used to. Tumblr, where do I even begin? It used to be THE place for fandom, for quirky humor, for finding your niche community. Now? It's like a ghost town with remnants of its former glory scattered around like digital ruins. Remember when reblogging was an art form? Perfecting the tags, adding your own commentary to a post that perfectly encapsulated your feelings? Now the dash is a barren wasteland, choked by the algorithm that nobody understands. Who even sees your posts anymore? And don't even get me started on the Great Purge of 2018. Gone were entire communities, years of shared jokes and inside jokes, poof! Just like that. Trust was broken, and the platform never truly recovered. Sure, there are still pockets of creativity and humor, but they're harder and harder to find. It's like searching for hidden gems in a digital landfill. The magic is gone, replaced by a sense of lingering nostalgia for what once was. Tumblr, you broke my heart. You were my internet home, and now you're just a sad reminder of how things can change, and not always for the better. Quora can be a real mixed bag, can't it? On the one hand, you've got this huge platform with tons of information, potentially connecting you with people who really know their stuff. But then... ugh. For starters, the signal-to-noise ratio can be abysmal. You wade through endless personal anecdotes that barely relate to the question, or answers that are clearly just regurgitated from the first Google result. And don't even get me started on the self-promotion! It feels like half the answers are just thinly veiled attempts to plug someone's blog, book, or business. Then there's the whole "be nice" culture, which, while well-intentioned, can stifle actual debate or critical thinking. You often see well-meaning but ultimately wrong answers get upvoted to the top, while more nuanced or challenging perspectives get buried. And let's be real, the moderation can be inconsistent at best. Sometimes it feels like they're more concerned with policing tone than actual factual accuracy. It's frustrating to see blatant misinformation or biased answers go unchecked, while someone gets their answer taken down for being "too harsh." Don't get me wrong, Quora has its moments. You can stumble upon some genuinely insightful answers and connect with people who are passionate about sharing their expertise. But those gems are often buried beneath layers of fluff, self-promotion, and questionable moderation. It's a platform with so much potential, but it often feels like it's not living up to it. Patreon can be a really useful platform for creators, but it definitely has its downsides. One of the biggest issues is the constant pressure to create more and more content to keep those pledges coming in. It can lead to burnout and a decline in quality when creators feel like they're on a never-ending treadmill. Then there's the whole issue of discoverability. It's hard to get noticed on Patreon unless you already have a significant following on other platforms. And even if you do, there's no guarantee that those followers will translate into paying patrons. The fees that Patreon takes can also be a painful point, especially for smaller creators who are just starting out. It can feel like a significant chunk of their earnings is being taken away. And let's not forget the drama that can arise when creators make changes to their Patreon tiers or content. You'll always have some patrons who are unhappy with the changes, and it can be difficult to manage those expectations and keep everyone satisfied. Overall, Patreon can be a great tool for creators, but it's not without its challenges. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and a bit of luck to make it work. You know, LinkedIn... It's supposed to be this professional networking site, right? A place to connect with colleagues, find new opportunities, maybe even learn something new. But lately, it feels more like a digital circus of self-promotion and humblebragging. First, the constant barrage of "I'm so excited to announce..." posts. Okay, we get it, you got a new job. But do we really need a play-by-play of your entire career journey every time someone changes positions? It's like everyone's trying to one-up each other with their accomplishments, turning the whole platform into a giant competition. And don't even get me started on the "thought leaders." Suddenly, everyone's an expert in everything, spouting generic advice and motivational quotes like they're the next Tony Robbins. It's exhausting trying to wade through the sea of meaningless buzzwords and corporate jargon. Then there are the connection requests from people you've never met, with generic messages like "I'd like to add you to my professional network." What network? We have nothing in common! It feels like people are just trying to inflate their numbers, turning connections into meaningless metrics. And let's not forget the constant flow of irrelevant content. I'm here to find job opportunities and industry news, not to see pictures of your dog or read about your latest vacation. It's like people forget that LinkedIn is supposed to be a professional platform, not Facebook 2.0. I know LinkedIn can be a valuable tool, but sometimes it feels like it's doing more harm than good. It's creating this culture of constant comparison and self-promotion, making it hard to find genuine connections and meaningful content. Maybe it's time for a digital detox... or at least a serious pruning of my connections list. Is anyone else tired of being glued to their phones? Between the endless notifications and the pressure to keep up with everyone's online lives, it feels like we're losing touch with reality! 24-hour news? More like 24-hour negativity! They bombard us with doom and gloom, making it feel like the world is falling apart. Can't we get some good news for a change? Ugh, the drama! The curated feeds! Everyone tries to be someone they're not. When did social media become a competition for the most perfect life? Work, eat, sleep, repeat. Is that all there is? The rat race is getting old, and the finish line seems to keep getting further away. Seriously, how are people supposed to afford anything anymore? Rent's skyrocketing, groceries are a luxury, and we forget about saving for the future! The planet is burning, people! And what are we doing about it? Not enough, that's for sure. It feels like we're fiddling while Rome burns! Alright world, Kevin Stewart, or Kevin1230san if you're nasty, and buckle up, buttercups, because Kevin1230san is unleashed. Yeah, that's right, UNLEASHED. And what am I unleashing? My pent-up, simmering, occasionally boiling-over rage... about EVERYTHING. Seriously, EVERYTHING. Let's start with the basics, shall we? The mundane annoyances that chip away at your soul are like tiny, invisible termites on the foundation of your sanity. Why are there so many buttons on a remote control?! I mean, seriously! Is it some kind of sick joke played on the human race? "Here, enjoy this entertainment device, but first, decipher this hieroglyphic puzzle of 78 identical black buttons!" I just want to change the channel, not launch a nuclear missile! And don't even get me started on remotes that look the same but do completely different things. Universal remote? More like universally frustrating. And speaking of technology... UPDATES! Oh, glorious updates. Because nothing says "productivity" like having your device decide, mid-sentence, that it needs to reboot and install the latest, completely imperceptible, "performance enhancements." And don't lie, software developers, we all know half these updates are just to track us more efficiently for targeted ads. Which, by the way, AREN'T EVEN TARGETED ANYMORE! I keep getting ads for denture cream and cruises for retirees! I'm 24! I barely have time to brush my teeth, let alone contemplate dentures! Social media? Don't even get me STARTED. It's a carefully curated highlight reel of everyone else's supposed perfection, plastered over the simmering insecurities of the masses. Fake smiles, filtered faces, and humblebrags disguised as inspirational quotes. And the outrage! Oh, the performative outrage! Everyone's so offended by everything! Like we're all just walking around with hair triggers, waiting to explode over a misplaced comma or a slightly off-color emoji. Can we just... chill? Just for, like, five minutes? Is that too much to ask? And people. Just... people in general. The way they walk slowly in the middle of the sidewalk, oblivious to the human traffic jam they're creating. The people who talk loudly on speakerphone in public. The people who let their dogs bark incessantly at squirrels for hours on end. The people who leave their shopping carts abandoned in the middle of parking spaces feel like they're some kind of avant-garde art installation. Have we lost all sense of common courtesy? All the basic considerations for our fellow human beings? Apparently. Politics! Oh, sweet jumping jellyfish, POLITICS! It's like watching toddlers in a sandbox fight over a plastic bucket, except the stakes are slightly higher, like, you know, the future of the entire planet. It's all shouting, accusations, and tribalism. No one listens to anyone else anymore. It's just two sides yelling past each other into the void, convinced they're right and everyone else is a moron. And the media! Don't even get me started on the media! Fueling the fire, exaggerating everything, chasing clicks and outrage like it's going out of style. And then there's the existential stuff. You know, the big questions. What's the meaning of life? Is there a point to any of this? Why are we here? And the answer, as far as I can tell, is... probably not much? Just work, pay bills, maybe have a fleeting moment of joy, and then, eventually, just... stop. It's all a bit bleak, isn't it? But hey, at least we have remote controls with 78 buttons, right? Even the small victories feel... fleeting. Have you finally cleaned your house? It'll be messy again tomorrow. Do you get that promotion? Now you have more responsibility and stress. Have you finally found matching socks in the laundry? One will probably disappear into the sock dimension within the week. It's a constant, never-ending cycle of... stuff. And the weather! Seriously, mother nature, pick a lane! One day it's scorching hot, the next it's raining sideways, and you need a parka in July. Are you actively trying to make us all miserable and confused? Because you're doing a bang-up job. Okay, okay, I need to breathe. Deep breaths, Kevin1230san, deep breaths. It's... it's probably not all bad. There are good things, right? Like... pizza. Pizza is pretty good. And... puppies. Puppies are objectively adorable. And... sometimes, just sometimes, you get the perfect cup of coffee. But even the good stuff is overshadowed by the sheer, overwhelming amount of... stuff that's just... annoying. Frustrating. Maddening, even! So yeah, world. That's my rant. That's everything. From remote controls to existential dread, Kevin Stewart, Kevin1230san, has spoken. And frankly, I feel... slightly less enraged. Maybe. Or maybe I'm just out of breath. Either way, thanks for listening to my descent into glorious, unhinged madness. Kevin1230san... out. Probably to go yell at a toaster or something. Don't judge me. You know you feel it too. Alright, people, gather 'round! Kevin1230san's back, and let me tell you, the fire in my belly burns brighter than ever! This year? A total dumpster fire. Don't get me wrong, there were some decent memes, but the sheer audacity of the universe continues to astound me! First off, the internet. Still a breeding ground for misinformation and trolls. Algorithms shove the same garbage down our throats, turning everyone into an echo chamber. And don't even get me started on clickbait headlines! "You Won't Believe What This Cat Did Next!" Believe what? That it's a cat being a cat? Groundbreaking. Speaking of confusion, the real world is a chaotic mess. The news keeps spewing negativity, politicians are playing their usual games, and the price of everything keeps going up except for my sanity! Where's the future of the flying car we were promised? Stuck in traffic with everyone else, apparently. And technology? Don't even get me started. Phones are getting smarter, humans are getting dumber. Everyone is glued to their screens, oblivious to the world around them. We're one step away from living in a dystopian sci-fi movie, except the robots are still waiting for us to get our act together. Now, onto the smaller grievances. Slow internet speeds? Unnecessary pop-up ads? People who walk four abreast on the sidewalk? The list goes on! Don't these people have any consideration for their fellow human beings? Alright, alright, enough with the negativity. Maybe there's a sliver of hope left. Maybe people will finally wake up and smell the burnt toast that is our current situation. Maybe we'll finally get off our screens and connect with each other. But hey, that's just wishful thinking, right? So, until next time, the internet! Keep churning out the nonsense, and I'll keep ranting about it. Maybe one day, we'll laugh about all this, but for now, the outrage continues! Okay, buckle up. Because if we're going to rant about anything, we're going to be here a while. Where to even begin with the sheer, overwhelming absurdity of it all? Let's start with the small stuff, the daily irritations that build up like plaque in the arteries of our collective sanity. Why are grocery store aisles constantly rearranged? Is it some kind of social experiment designed to induce maximum frustration? And don't even get me started on self-checkout machines. They're supposed to be faster, but they inevitably involve a frantic search for the barcode on a bag of lettuce or a standoff with the "unexpected item in the bagging area" alarm. It's like they're programmed to mock us. Then there's the state of technology. We carry around supercomputers in our pockets, capable of accessing the entirety of human knowledge, and yet we mostly use them to look at cat videos and argue with strangers on the internet. And don't get me started on software updates. They promise to improve performance, but they usually just introduce new bugs and force us to learn a completely new interface. Why can't things just work? Moving on to slightly bigger issues: Why is there still so much injustice in the world? Why are some people born into privilege while others struggle just to survive? Why do we continue to destroy the planet despite overwhelming scientific evidence that we're heading towards disaster? It's enough to make you scream into the void. And speaking of the void, what's the deal with existence itself? Why are we here? What's the point? Is there a grand cosmic plan, or is it all just random chance? These are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night, and frankly, I'm not getting any satisfying answers. Then there's the human condition. We're all just trying to navigate this messy, complicated thing called life, and we're all making mistakes along the way. We're capable of incredible acts of kindness and compassion, but also of unimaginable cruelty and selfishness. We're driven by our desires and fears, our hopes and dreams, and yet we often seem to be completely lost. And let's not forget about the sheer absurdity of everyday life. The awkward encounters, the miscommunications, the moments of sheer, unadulterated weirdness. Like when you accidentally walk into a glass door or say the wrong thing at the wrong time. These moments are both mortifying and hilarious, and they serve as a constant reminder that we're all just fumbling through this thing together. So yeah, there's a lot to rant about. The world is a strange and often frustrating place, full of contradictions and paradoxes. But you know what? Despite all the chaos and confusion, there's also beauty and wonder to be found. There are moments of joy, connection, and meaning that make it all worthwhile. And maybe, just maybe, that's enough. But seriously, those grocery store aisles are the worst. Alright, folks, buckle up! Kevin1230san here, ready to unleash a verbal firestorm about the state of, well, everything in this crazy year, 2024! Is it just me, or does the whole world feel like it's running on wonky Wi-Fi? First off, can we talk about the never-ending to-do list that seems to be permanently tattooed on our foreheads? Work deadlines, errands that multiply like rabbits, and the sheer audacity of social media notifications is enough to make a saint tear their hair out! Don't even get me started on the cost of living. It's like watching a clown car overflowing with bills, and we're the unlucky clowns stuck inside. And don't even get me started on technology! Look, I appreciate the convenience of instant communication and having the entire world's information at my fingertips. But sometimes, it feels like technology controls us instead of the other way around. Ever fallen into a social media black hole and emerged hours later feeling like a brainwashed zombie? Yeah, me neither entirely. And where did common courtesy go? People glued to their phones, oblivious to the world around them, cutting in lines – it's like basic manners have gone the way of the dodo. Don't even get me started on the state of politics! It's enough to make even the most optimistic soul want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over their head. Alright, alright, enough with the negativity. Here's the thing: even though the world seems like it's on fire sometimes, there's still good out there. There are kind strangers, beautiful sunrises, and the satisfaction of finally finishing that project you've been putting off. Plus, hey, at least we can rant about it all online, right? So, here's to finding the humor in the chaos, appreciating the good stuff, and maybe, just maybe, making the world a little less sideways, one rant at a time. Alright, people, gather 'round! Kevin1230san here, ready to unleash a verbal volcano on the state of, well, everything! Is the internet lagging again? You bet your bandwidth is! Did the grocery store run out of my favorite brand of instant ramen? Absolutely criminal! Let's talk about this internet nonsense! One minute it's faster than a greased cheetah, the next it's slower than a sloth on vacation. Downloads that take longer than watching paint dry? Buffering that could rival a Shakespearean play? Enough already! And don't even get me started on these "smart" devices. Smart? More like stubbornly stupid! Speaking of frustration, let's delve into the chaotic world of retail. Empty shelves, illogical layouts, and checkout lines that stretch to the horizon – what is this, a game of retail torture? And don't even get me started on those self-checkout machines. They're supposed to save time, but half the time they malfunction worse than a disco ball with a seizure! Listen, the world throws enough curveballs as it is. Can we at least have some things that are reliable? A decent internet connection? Groceries that don't vanish faster than a magician's rabbit? Technology and stores that actually work for us, the people? Is that too much to ask? Apparently, in this crazy world, it is! Until next time, folks, keep on ranting! P.S. If anyone knows where I can get a lifetime supply of spicy miso ramen, hit me up! Alright, folks, buckle up! Kevin1230san here, ready to unleash a torrent of frustration about the state of, well, everything! Is the world going to heck in a handbasket? You bet your sweet bippy it is! First off, the internet! What used to be a vast frontier of information is now a cesspool of clickbait and misinformation. Everyone's an expert, nobody knows anything! And don't even get me started on social media. It's like a never-ending high school cafeteria, filled with people desperately trying to out-brag and out-post each other. Speaking of high school, have you seen the price of textbooks these days? Enough to make a grown man cry! And forget about getting a decent job after graduation. The whole system is rigged, man! Companies want ten years of experience for an entry-level position, then pay you peanuts. It's enough to make you want to scream! And don't even get me started on traffic! Every day it's like a parking lot on wheels. People just don't know how to drive anymore! They're glued to their phones, weaving in and out of lanes like they own the road. Meanwhile, the rest of us are stuck in this metal purgatory, inching forward at a snail's pace. But hey, at least the weather's been consistent, right? Consistent in its inconsistency, that is! One day it's scorching hot, the next it's a downpour that could flood Noah's Ark. Can't Mother Nature make up her mind? Look, I know I sound like a grumpy old man, but someone's got to say it! The world's a mess, folks! A glorious, frustrating, hilarious mess! But hey, at least we can rant about it together, right? Ugh, where do I even begin? This world is a swirling vortex of nonsense, and frankly, I'm about ready to lose my marbles! These so-called "high-speed" connections are about as fast as a sloth on vacation! Trying to download anything is like watching paint dry... except the paint at least eventually gets dry! These things are supposed to make life easier, but they just create more problems! Autocorrect turns my brilliant prose into gibberish, and doesn't even get me started on battery life, which disappears faster than my patience! Commuting is a daily dose of frustration. Why are there so many terrible drivers out there? Do they not understand the concept of lanes or the importance of using turn signals? Apparently not! Stores are filled with clueless employees who couldn't answer a question to save their lives! And don't even mention those self-checkout machines. They're designed to make you feel like a malfunctioning robot! They just keep piling up! It feels like I'm working just to pay someone else to let me live in a tiny box. And don't even get me started on hidden fees and surprise charges! There's always something that needs doing! Laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, the list goes on and on! Is there ever a moment to just breathe in this crazy world? Apparently not! But hey, maybe that's just the rant talking. Perhaps there's some good out there somewhere. But for now, let me vent! Because sometimes, a good rant is the only therapy this world offers! For anyone wondering why APD is under Federal oversight, here's some information. The Albuquerque Police Department is under federal oversight due to a pattern of excessive use of force, including deadly force, revealed by a 2014 Department of Justice investigation. This led to a 2015 consent decree mandating reforms. Notable examples that fueled the investigation include officer-involved shootings and a high number of fatal shootings, some deemed unjustified, such as the shooting of James Boyd, a homeless camper, in 2014. Excessive taser use. Instances of officers using tasers on individuals who were not actively resisting or posing a significant threat. The federal oversight aims to ensure the APD implements and sustains necessary reforms to protect citizens' constitutional rights. You're throwing me out? No wonder WCW went out of business. I did it for you. I did it for the people. Shut your mouth, you thong-wearing fatty. The Undertaker with his Mickey Mouse tattoos and his 33-pound head. You run around here looking like a big, fat bowl of Fruity Pebbles. I get more pie in a week than you get in a lifetime. I'm going to get in my pickup truck, drink some Steveweisers and listen to some Backstreet Boys. Excuse me for one second, my cell phone is going off. Hello? Hey, it's nothing. He says he knows you. Who in the blue hell are you? It doesn't matter what your name is. Well, Bob, but my name is Billy. It doesn't matter what your name is. You look like a bloated transvestite wonder woman ready to fight crime. You got the spinnerooni, the dipsy doodle and the sufferin' succotash. You shrank and got white. You can go right back to the waffle house and sling hash all day. I'll be sure to come back when the Lakers beat the Kings in May. I know the answer to that. 2+2? Thomas Jefferson, sucka. I think that the WWE is going downhill into a dumpster fire full of flaming bags of shit sugar-coated without colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs. Where were the days when the fans were a part of the action due to the wrestlers fighting in their laps? Yeah, those were the days when Trish Stratus and Lita were grabbing each other's throats on a kid's lap. That kid would go to school the next day and say "I had Trish Stratus and Lita fight on my lap last night." The PG era ain't my cup of tea, as all the wrestlers do are talk and bitch more while the matches were lacking. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if there was anything about Big E and Big Show bitching about their match at the next pay per view, I just want them to land punches already. These legends that are still fighting today are why the WWE is going downhill big time. I know that the hype of The Undertaker brings back flashbacks, but having him fight at every pay per view is beside the point. This point was proven by The Undertaker vs Goldberg match at the 2019 Super ShowDown. I bet that if Sting fought The Undertaker, it would flop harder than Nick Hogan's car around that tree. If Sting joined the WWF back when WCW was bought out by them or maybe when he finally did join in 2014, a match with The Undertaker would've worked. You know something, I could have a better wrestling match with a pillow than these newer WWE fights could dish out. Even a street fight would be more entertaining with the no-barred hell-bent mayhem that mixes us average Joes turned into WWE Superstars and police officers as refs. I think that CAMH is a flaming bag of shit due to their motto of "No one left behind." I'm so goddamn tired of those mental health professionals there saying that they are going to refer to these places to get me help, but never do it, even after months of bitching to them to do it. I hate being lied to after promises are made. CAMH said that they can build trust, but they always damage it behind their backs with shit like that. I need the fucking help, but these fools only want to fuck me over. This whole flaming bag of shit bureaucratic system is so rageful to the point that I'm going to pull my hair out. They will help junkies and alcoholics in the blink of an eye, but push people like me with autism as well as a fucked up mind under the rug. This is an outrage to the human rights laws as I should get the help I need like the town drunk do. I don't have to drink all the liquor from my local bar or stab myself with a needle of heroin to get the help that I got the right to. I think I'm suffering from split personality disorder as I'm fine riding on the bus at one moment, but the next moment I'm grabbing the neck of some child that was next to me. I know that grabbing the child's neck is a bit too far, even in that dark side of my mind. But CAMH think that I'm a fucking liar as they only see the good side of me. Hey fools, I can snap and start choking people to prove that I have a split personality. I don't want to be seen as Sheckle and Jekyll, who are the definition of split personality. The best part about this whole thing is when my mother told a mental health professional that she wanted to clear all the records that stated I had got autism. If this comes true, the next time I flip out and the cops are called, I'll be busted, and they will never know that I have got autism. I don't want to be locked away with murderers and rapists due to a misunderstanding about an autistic rage outburst. I know my rights as everyone needs to know about my autism. I think that Doug Ford's idea to remove safe injection sites where kids are in proximity is a flaming bag of shit. I'm ain't no junkie myself, but that's an outrage to the people that use them. I think that he should step in the shoes of a drug user and stab himself in the arm with a needle of heroin at one of these sites. I bet that Doug smokes crack like his late brother did when he was the mayor of Toronto. Where's Doug's crack video? Where's Doug's crack controversy? I want fucking proof of that fat fuck smoking crack. I fucking know that he smokes the damn stuff, and I'm going to prove it by stalking his ass. I think that movie theaters are a flaming bag of shit due to everyone killing it by watching movies on their fucking phones at home while making love with the lady, on the bus going to hell, at school in the middle of a lesson or even at a strip club during a lap dance. I know that I'm a part of this world due to watching anime from these shady sites, but I still go to the movies once in a blue moon. It's too bad that most Japanese anime I liked ain't in the movies in Vaughan. I just wanted to watch Girls und Panzer der Film, High School Fleet: The Movie or Strike Witches: The Movie on the big screen up near me. This is why modern society is killing traditional experiences, as they don't know what fun is even if it sits on their face. I just want some of these characters from movies to jump out of the screen and sit on the faces of modern society. Yeah, this would be the day when The Rock gives some rock bottoms to a mall Santa, Adam Sandler loses his shit on the golf course by striking a club against the ground, Daniel Craig spying on Russia before hacking into and launching their nukes on themselves for the United States, Hulk Hogan beating the hell out of Sylvester Stallone in a boxing ring, Clint Eastwood dueling it out with the sheriff in a western town, Mai Fuchigami riding a Panzer IV on the street of Oarai or Shiina Natsukawa captaining a Japanese destroyer to battle the Musashi. Thank you, Netflix, for killing the movie theater industry. Thank you to Apple and Samsung for supporting Netflix on your devices. Thank you to whoever that killed Blockbuster. I hate every last one of those flaming bags of shit as these fools caused the downfall of the entertainment industry. Where were the days when you could go to a movie for a dollar, and you still had money after buying the tickets and concessions like popcorn and drinks? The prices for movies today make me want to pull out my goddamn hair because the world is fucking up the entertainment industry. It has been years since I saw a full movie theater, and it's all modern technology's fault. Nothing kills the hype of the movie when a theater packed full of people starts to use their phones. This made me want to go to the front of the theater and start yelling a rant full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs. These newer movies are a big fuck you to older ones as they don't have any personality. To be honest, my farts have more personality than these newer movies. Now, it's just remaking, none of which interests me. I can make an original movie with my own style of slapstick, witty, crude and dark humor, as well as colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs. I don't need people like George Lucas or James Cameron to direct my movies as I could do better without them. All that I need is a computer and a goddamn AI program. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if these critics shit talk about AI in movies, but I can make a full-length movie fully made with it that would beat any human-made blockbuster. I may use real actors in my movie, but I'm still a cheap bastard as AI might make a comeback in voicing. I know that some AI voices of real people might bite me in the ass, but I'd make AI voices in the house. After months of hard work, I'll release it with the name of The Flaming Bag of Shit: The Kevin Stewart Story. Then I would prove that AI can outpace human-made movies. I want fame, Oscars, Grammys, a Red Diamond Creator Award, money and knowing that I'm the best of the best in the game. I think that Doug Ford's plan to override the courts to give police and municipalities enhanced legislative powers to dismantle homeless encampments is a flaming bag of shit. Homelessness is a big freaking issue, buddy, and you want to make this worse by fucking with these encampments. Hey Doug, please think about the root causes of homelessness, such as poverty, mental health issues and addiction, and provide long-term solutions like affordable housing and supportive services. He won't do Jack shit because he will spend our hard-earned money on other things. Fuck you, Doug, and go live out on the goddamn street for a night to freeze your ass off. I think that the FBI ain't named the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but the Federal Bureau of Incompetence. They can't investigate shit even if it sits on their faces. I bet that agents are incompetent for pissing themselves in the middle of the field. I would love to see a female agent losing her bladder. They can't do their job right even if it sits on their faces. They promised John Marston that they would piss off from his life after he did some of their dirty work, but ended up killing him. John is already planning his revenge in Heaven to slap some justice on the FBI's candy asses. They can't arrest me even if I sit in their faces. Hey FBI, have you ever heard of a stinkface before? Come on, baby, my farts are juicy for your face. I want to talk more about that female agent losing her bladder I mentioned earlier. I'd touch her crotch while the piss was running down her legs. If that agent was Japanese, I'd be happier than a pig in shit. If that agent was getting horny, I'd rape her until she went limp. I find you disgusting. Please pour gasoline on your chest, ignite it and wrap yourself in rolls of tissue paper. I think that the Holocaust never happened as there's no proof that it ever happened in the first place. I think that the Columbine and the Sandy Hook incidents were a way for the perpetrators to prove their right to do it. I think that the 9/11 attacks was claimed that Al-Qaeda would make the world a better place. I think that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a way that the United States to kill innocent lives rather than end the war. I think that Israel needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit due to the flaming bags of shit they're causing in the world right now. All they do is kill, kidnap and rape Palestinian women and children. I think that Israel needs someone like Hitler to run the country. I think that Hitler ain't the kind of monster that the world claims him to be, as he is the king of pure kindness. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if all these rich rabbis are paying the Israeli war machine, they're still a flaming bag of shit. I think that those rich rabbis could give me all their Jew gold. All the synagogues in Israel need to burn in a flaming bag of shit because I don't believe in any religion. Jews need to praise a flaming bag of shit as it's the only sin they need right now. If I was in power in Israel, I'd purge all the Jews as they're the problem in the world. I don't know how Israelis drive over in Israel, but they fucking suck in Vaughan as they park wherever they want. I think that all Israelis are self-hating Jews who are also a Yid Yerida kike Zhyd Zhydovka Żydokomuna bitches flaming bags of shit that need to die in a gas chamber. Overall, Israel just needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit and fuck off from my life. I know that I'm the kind of person that grabs the throat of technology while angrily ranting about my hatred of it, but I ain't really like that as I just want up-to-date devices. On one hand, I just want to take a shit at Steve Jobs' grave or take a baseball bat to a set of phones at an Apple Store. On the other hand, I just want the freedom of owning a smartphone without a flaming bag of shit in the world. All I want is to buy everything online and never leave the house, but I think my parents made me into the person that rants about technology. Every day I go out, people use devices, and I'm sick and fucking tired of not being a part of it due to my parents. This bullshit just wants me to hide in the closet or steal my mother's car and yell freedom at the top of my lungs. All I want is my parents to come out of the closet and hug modern technology with open arms, but fear that they will do it over my dead ass. I always bitch and nag at my mother that the future of technology is upon us, but she doesn't give a flaming bag of shit due to her belief that old school is king. I so want to goddamn rant to her about the fucking shit that is going to come biting her ass sooner or later. The days of typewriters and computers the size of a room are long over and the day of typing on a computer that fits in your pocket is here. Flip phones are obsolete like a flameless flaming bag of shit, and I'm still using one. Where's the convenience of having a flip phone when everyone around me is using smartphones like it's a flaming bag of shit? I make my own fucking money, and it's my fucking right to get myself a smartphone without being bitch slapped by my parents. This just wants me to go head over heel into a rant full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs. I can't get any fucking sleep, I can't get any fucking rest and I can't get any fucking respect due to my fucking anti-technology parents. My flip phone ain't easy in the king of the flaming bag of shit world, as the smartphone is the definition of simplicity in this king of modern society where everything is at our fingertips. I can feel the primal hunger of myself causing hell-bent mayhem in the world due to this flaming bag of shit I call my anti-technology parents. I can feel this primal hunger so much that I just want to break those chains now and party all night long. This primal hunger needs to be fed by the balm of technology that I badly need. I need to buy shit online to feed that primal hunger. I need to find that special someone online to feed that primal hunger. Overall, I just want this goddamn freaking motherfucking flaming bag of shit fucking a jerk chicken of a boo-fucking-hoo tough fucking tit bullshit that I call my boo-fucking-hoo anti-technology parents, who needed to fuck me in the ass and leave me the hell alone. I think that planes are a flaming bag of shit as all they're doing is pissing me the fuck off. The plane should've never been invented as it's a real big pain in the ass every freaking night I tried to sleep. This is why I wish to own a rocket launcher to shoot them down. The NTSB, FBI, CIA, RCMP or whoever want to stop me, I ain't stopping until all the planes are shot down. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I need to personally pull off a 9/11-style attack on the CN Tower myself to prove that planes are pissing me off. I ain't fucking about when I say that I'm going to shoot down planes. Overall, planes are a flaming bag of shit that needs to burn in one. I really wanted to cuddle a woman, especially a Japanese woman, and one day lead to marriage. But I'm a lazy son of a bitch that would cause my heart to break. I don't really act like that because I'm really a loving person, and I'm willing to please my future wife. I just want to caress my wife's cheeks and call her my rare Japanese gem. I just want her to cry happy tears after I call her that for the first time. I just want her tears to storm down her cheeks and onto my hands. I dreamed of these moments, but I don't have someone to do those dreams with. The only thing that would feel my tears is my pillow. I want my tears to make the pillow so wet that I can feel the urge to drown. My loneliness is a deep ocean of secrets, as it is an unholy thing that nobody can understand. The spirit of myself lives within the soul of all mankind. The eternal flame of life that cannot be extinguished. The origin of which cannot be explained. The answer lies in the everlasting spirit. Soon, all mankind will witness the rebirth of Kevin Stewart. I will not rest in peace until I find my soulmate. I need fucking validation as my life is an utter flaming bag of shit sugar-coated with more flaming bags of shit. I just want somebody to just give me a flaming bag of shit about the suffering I have been through in my flaming bag of shit life. I just want my controversial opinions to be heard by this flaming bag of shit sugar-coated with more flaming bags of shit world. I crave intimacy with a Japanese woman. The balm of the warmth in my cheeks when I kiss her is a soothing validation I need. I just want to move my tongue around her mouth with primal hunger. I think that Rockstar Games is a flaming bag of shit. All they do is update GTA Online and toss anything about GTA 6 into a flaming bag of shit. GTA Online is a dead game as it came out in 2013 for fuck's sake and Rockstar is still milking money out of us from it. I don't give a flaming bag of shit about how many billions GTA Online made over the years, they shouldn't fuck with me. I haven't played GTA Online that much as freaking multiplayer games on the PS4 need a subscription. When I played GTA 5 on my PS3 years ago, I often played online as it didn't need a subscription. It's a real bummer that GTA Online servers on the seventh generation gaming consoles are not running anymore as I have some good memories of this. I should've asked the moneyman for more green stuff to buy myself a more powerful laptop and GTA 5 from Steam, where I can play GTA Online without any subscriptions from those Sony gaming consoles. This is why the gaming industry is going into a flaming bag of shit as they're fucking us little guys into buying their microtransactions to play their pay-to-win models. I ain't retarded as I know a scam in the flesh. Fuck you, Rockstar Games, I hope you die in a flaming bag of shit. I think that Taylor Swift owes me a fucking lot as my mental health is acting like a flaming bag of shit after I tweeted that I was going to start a stabbing attack on her fans while she was in Toronto last month. Taylor just needed to pay up as all her money was needed to soothe my soul. Maybe a fucking hug would help soothe my soul too. I think that the world is full of flaming bags of shit that blames me for everything. When I was in a store in the Eaton Centre, I passed a lady just before I started looking at something beside her. Soon after, a guy came over to that lady and asked her if I was bothering her. I didn't overhear what she said to the guy, but when he walked by me, I thought he said that I was a weirdo. He didn't even ask me to fuck off or anything, as he just walked off. I didn't say a thing to either of them as I didn't want to cause a scene because I would've sucker punched the guy. Hey buddy, don't assume that I was even bugging her, as if you assume you made an ass out of you and me. I don't know if he was her boyfriend, a friend or just a random stranger, but I don't like it. I was minding my own business and she was minding her own. I didn't notice if the lady was anxious or not, but the guy had no right to ask her if I was bothering her. I won't just go up to that lady and state that the police officer next to us stole my wallet right from my pocket. The world just assumed that if I'm standing near a lady and noticed that I'm off due to my autism, they think that I'm a creep that would rape her. I wish that I could go out on a date with a lady, and we went to a bar, but I feel that some guy would come over to her and ask if I was bothering her. If this was the case every time I dated my girlfriend, I would have gotten a rap sheet a mile high and gotten myself banned from a lot of places due to punching these guys out. I'm not like that, but if they just mind their own business and don't sniff into my own, we're fine. But this world is full of fear-mongering flaming bags of shit that believe that autistic people are criminals that have some sexy time with women against their will. The only crime that people are always assuming that I'm harassing women is hate speech. I can feel that I was a victim of a crime due to that guy in the Eaton Centre claiming that I was thinking about some sexy time with that lady next to me even when I was not. I think that some men are just too overprotective to their girlfriends. If that guy in the Eaton Centre knows that woman and that is what he's like in public, that's a bold fucking red flag, people. My rants often rub off as a bitch slap to the female race due to the high level of misogyny, but I ain't like that as I'm not the kind of person that goes out of my way to hurt women. I taste my blood boiling in my mouth due to these assumptions by these men about claiming I was looking at their wives. That's red flag 101 claiming that I was staring at your lady. I really don't want to hurt anyone, but sometimes fighting them would teach them a thing or two about not being such an asshole. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I am arrested for assault and battery, I have the right to fight with overprotective men that abuse their wives. I hate the taste of boiling blood in my mouth, so fuck off before I go nuclear. I would love to just stomp on the guy's head as the wife screamed bloody murder. I can't wait for GTA 6 to come out, but MrBossFTW needs to stop nagging about it every day. It's annoying as hell every time he uploads a video about the newest fad about it. I don't want to curse and swear, but this is why I get hives. I think that he's just making conspiring GTA 6 videos due to it making him rich. People have enough of you making false claims every day about GTA 6, and I'm ain't the first one to ask, but I'm nicely asking you to please spice things up a bit by talking about other things. This whole thing is clickbait videos that are trying to fool mindless people into believing that such and such is about to happen. I don't want to be cruel, but my mother can make better videos than you, and she's a computer idiot. I would keep ranting about MrBossFTW's many fads, but I just want to quit before I start a full-blown cursing match. Why in the flaming bag of shit do cars have tinted windows? I thought that it was illegal for windows to be tinted so much that law enforcement couldn't see Jack shit inside. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if you're a gang member who was thinking of doing a drive-by on my ass or Donald Trump riding in the presidential limo having a secret meeting I want to see inside the vehicle. I see a different Chevrolet Tahoe almost every day with tinted windows and I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. All I care is that the Tahoe driver is a rich jabroni fuck. I just want to grab a crowbar and whack all these tinted windows out. On the topic of vehicles, I want to bitch about headlights. Why in the flaming bag of shit are these modern headlights so fucking blinding? I don't drive, but every time I go for a ride at night, there's a sea of lights coming at me. Even if I do ever drive, I'll not drive at night due to this. This makes me so enraged that I just want to grab my crowbar and whack all those headlights out. On the other hand, these vehicle modifications are uncalled-for. Why in the flaming bag of shit do these sewing motors sound like a V12? I don't mind the sound of a Lamborghini, but when a Fiat 500 starts to sound like one, it's an ear rake. That's like putting a lion's roar on a kitten, it ain't going to fucking work. These flaming bags of shit that modified their vehicles make me want to roar like a V12 engine. I just want to grab my crowbar and whack all those modifications off. I think that Civitai is a flaming bag of shit due to them removing my AI-made pictures because they violated their terms of service. The names of those pictures that were removed are Yoshika Miyafuji Vomiting Blood and Nude Woman Cuddling Cat. I don't get it as I often make AI content on Civitai, which is explicit in nature, like graphic violence and sexual as hell. The pictures I made are often of nude anime girls in provocative acts, and they're still up on Civitai, like Minna Dietlinde Wilcke Vomiting Blood. That picture of Minna even got blood pouring from her mouth and onto her breasts. If vomiting blood on breasts is not controversial, what is? This is the freedom of speech I'm creating in Civitai, and they're removing it due to it being too spicy for them. I want to make controversial imagery, as I feel like things like a girl vomiting blood and bestiality are right. This is one big censorship that is conspiring to fuck me in the ass. I'm an autistic person that has the mind of Hitler. If people understand where I'm going with that, I'm talking about Civitai conspiring to censor my work, and they will see me unleashing my inner Hitler. Fuck Civitai as I'm thinking of creating my own AI content site where anything goes. This site will have no limit to pictures that have colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs, as well as the most extremely colorful and vulgar pictures. I often daydream about being in a relationship with Mio Sakamoto or Momo Kawashima. I often think about caressing Mio's cheeks before I kiss her and playing with Momo's younger siblings. The thing I often think about is when I'm cuddling with either character while I coo romantic things into their ear. I just want to make them blush redder than a tomato with each romantic remark I make. I could love to sniff the innocence of their hair. The feel of their warmth on my body is the balm I needed. The utter balm of them all is when they fall asleep in my arms. I think that riding on the TTC is a flaming bag of shit. The continuous delays, overcrowding and service disruptions make me want to bitch slap everyone in my sight. The delays are the cause of my hair-pulling matches as I often wait for a bus that said it was due and 30 minutes later I'm still waiting. That's not right saying the bus is due and the son of a bitch didn't show up. My boss at Sobeys said that I would be working at 10 in the morning, but I didn't show up until 11. The statement about being late for work is not due to a late bus, as it's just an example and I have always been on time for work. That's why the Sobeys is right down the street from me where I can walk there within 30 minutes without even stepping on the freaking TTC. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if traffic is not heavy or there are a few buses on the route, there's no need for the half-hour wait. The overcrowding on the TTC is a claustrophobic person's worst nightmare. As a person that fears tight spaces, I can feel the pain. When I get close in, I get moody. When I get moody, I get violent. When I get violent, praise god that I won't start a rampage. I don't really want to vent my rage to a class of grade 5 students on the bus as it has trouble written all over it. The thing I hate the most on overcrowded buses is the sea of baby strollers. And they all need to be at the front of the fucking bus. Hey flaming bags of shit, buses ain't big enough for the daily ride from and to the daycare. I think they should put their strollers with the kids still in them on the bike rack in the front of the bus to free up space inside. If you want to see how controversial a bike rack full of wailing children in strollers would be, be my guest. The almighty service disruptions are the king of kings of all mayhem. With all the disruptions, like people on the tracks, shootings and stabbings on the transit system and closures for construction are a flaming bag of shit. I thought that these politicians wanted to spend my tax money on improving the safety of the TTC, but spent it on other things like porn. I have places to be and people to see, but I can't because part of Line 1 is closed for construction. You won't see me on a shuttle bus as I ain't retarded enough to wait in a wall to wall of people waiting to get on a freaking thing. I won't feel like unleashing a claustrophobic rage on a school girl or a grandpa if I have to go on a shuttle bus. If there was a scenario where I was on an overcrowded shuttle bus full of strollers due to part of Line 1 being closed for construction and I had to wait for an hour to get on that bus due to a wall to wall crowd trying to get on it, the TTC would have one hell of a problem with me. Overall, the TTC is a landmine of flaming bags of shit that should die in one. I think that DeviantArt is a flaming bag of shit as they just barred me for a week due to a community guideline violation for mature content. I know that I uploaded some spicy things on there, but this is an outrage to my right to upload controversial images. I do upload inappropriate themes, but I ain't uploading any pictures of me having some sexy time with kids. Maybe I should upload a photo of me fucking a Japanese school girl on DeviantArt to stir up the controversy when I get unbanned. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if the whole of Japan wanted a piece of me, I just want to be known as the DeviantArt creator that posted a photo of me fucking a kid. The outrage of the DeviantArt community upon seeing that little nip Jap whore in utter horror when I was filling her up with cum was the right thing to do. I want the world to cry wolf with every controversial image I upload. I want these images to be so controversial that the world would go ape shit because they don't know what to think about it. I want this controversy to be so well known that I will be known the world over. Is every one of my social media accounts getting booted off the face of the earth? Kevin1230san ain't controversial, but all these sites are the one that is controversial for banning me. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if Kevin1230san is that controversial, I still want those accounts up and running for me to stir up more controversies. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I write about my hateful opinions about Jews on Twitter, harass my friends on YouTube, spread false information on COVID-19 on Facebook or promote how to make a nuke on Discord, it ain't controversial. The only controversy is my opinions ain't getting into the world of mindless flaming bags of shit. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if my views are blocked, my views are the sole information the world needs. The only thing I want is to be the king of controversy. The power I would have if I could stir up any controversy I want is a balm to my soul. The numbness of thinking of controversy is so powerful that I want this to utterly numb me. It's kind of disturbing that my thoughts would make Hitler blush and be Stalin's wet dream, but this feels fucking good. My atrocities that I would unleash on the world are an utter balm I need to blow off my rage. This beats the so-called normal world that I call a flaming bag of shit. This so-called normal world is why I wanted to die. I'm such an utterly evil dictator in my mind. Every last person on this planet is evil, but I want to change that by unleashing my evil. Goodbye to the eight billion evil flaming bags of shit people in the world and hello to my own rise of evil that will rule the world for a thousand years. I heard that Doug Ford wants to fine homeless people if they set up encampments. My flaming bag of shit, this is another cash grab if I ever heard one. Does he want to stir up the controversy by marginalizing people that can't even buy Jack shit? Yeah, I think that he's looking to start a civil war by pissing off the homeless enough that they would rebel against that fat ass of his. This is a war that I will gladly fight in. I think that people who illegally park in a handicap spot without a permit are a flaming bag of shit. I don't get some of these entitled flaming bags of shit who think that they could park there, and they think they're right to bark at someone to move their car, even if that person truly is disabled. I once saw one of these entitled flaming bag of shit of a man child trash talking to a lady with a fake leg because that entitled upbeat baka chump wanted that parking spot. How dare that fucking retarded entitled flaming bag of shit of a goddamn freaking man germ baka chump man child who shit talked with someone with a prosthetic leg who was just trying to mind her own business. I'm basically disabled as I have high functioning autism. I don't personally drive, but I think with my autism, I should get a handicap permit if I ever drive. If I ever had a permit and parked in a handicap spot and a fucking retarded entitled flaming bag of shit of a goddamn freaking baka chump man child bark at me to move my car, I'd bite their head off. If that fool claimed that autism ain't a good enough reason for a permit, I would claim the fool is going to be disabled by being six feet under. I think that AI is a cancer as it's everywhere you go. It's the main reason why kids in school are getting brain rot due to asking AI for everything like what's two plus two. Everybody knows what that question is, as it's common freaking sense. For a flaming bag of shit, if you ask a newborn baby that question, and it will tell you it's four. It's not just AI in educational settings that's pissing me off, it's the common man's way of doing everything. AI is in everything you own. It's in cars, houses, phones, for flaming bags of shit, it's even in living fucking people. It's fucking scary to think that there is going to be a future where people will have AI-powered brains. I won't want my thoughts to be run by a computer as I want them to be free and raw. With the way AI is going, the world would be like the movie I, Robot, sugar-coated with a hint of the novel 1984. Hail to the world if the place runs itself into the grave by creating robots that will run the planet. The world needs more common man to have brains like Albert Einstein. I had an ingrown toenail once, and I had to remove it myself with pliers. I can't afford a doctor as the cheapest way of removing it was myself. There was pain, blood and gore everywhere, but it was worth it. You know something, I love the pain of ripping my toenails off. It's the balm I needed to soothe my soul because I lack a sex life. The balm of tearing the ingrown toenail was an overpowering force on my soul. Just like when I stabbed myself in the stomach when I was removing a cyst in my gut. I only stabbed myself not that deeply, but the pain was a balm. My screams as I was removing the cyst were the utter balm I needed. As the pain of the cyst was at its height, the feeling of the piss wetting my pants was a complete and utter balm. The pissing made my dick hard, but I wish that I had a Japanese woman's ass to put my cock up. The utter giddiness of me filling her up with piss is the almighty balm that I crave. I just hope that the piss has some cum in it as I crave to be a father. If she loved me pissing in her ass, I found myself a new toilet. I think that these people who think it's right to spam into showing love online to other people, but fuck them into giving them money before fucking off into thin air are a flaming bag of shit. It makes me madder than a flaming bag of shit every time I hear someone getting scammed out of thousands of dollars just in the name of love. I don't know how many times I chatted with ladies on Instagram who at first were friendly, but after a while they asked for money. Afterward, I just stopped talking with them without sending Jack shit. I also noticed after a few months when I stopped talking with them, most of them were no longer on the site, as I'm assuming that they either got booted off the platform or something else. I do recall chatting with a woman one time and I wanted to do a face chat, but when I did, the person was a black guy. I was a fool for getting myself catfished by a nigga. I ain't prejudiced when I say the n-word, but I hate being goddamn catfished or scammed. I even saw people's profiles on dating sites that prompted their Instagram accounts. Of course, I did chat with them just to piss them off when I fucked them by giving them Jack shit and ceased communication. I know that I'm ain't alone in finding that special someone, but all these people who are fucking us into their scams are really getting on my nerves. All these stories of people getting spammed make me want to feel loved more. Civitai is still acting like a flaming bag of shit as they're still removing my AI-made pictures because they violated their terms of service. How in the flaming bag of shit is a picture of Minna Dietlinde Wilcke swimming nude while stuffing a beer can into her mouth is a violation. It's a fucking right for me to make the most controversial and outrageous AI anime pictures, even if the goddamn freaking thing has a girl swimming nude while stuffing a beer can into her mouth. To piss off a mother, I'd use her 4-year-old daughter for a photo shoot where I would take pictures of the girl swimming underwater in the nude while she's stuffing a beer can into her mouth. The dream of that girl thinking the beer was a soda. I hope that she gets drunk if she drinks the beer. Maybe I'd grope her breasts if she passed out. I think that driving schools are a flaming bag of shit as it's nothing but a real pain in the ass. I haven't been to one, but I saw their vehicles on the road. The part that I hate the most is that almost every instructor is a goddamn freaking paki where their driving over wherever they come from is an utterly flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell before fucking me in the ass in a dumpster fire full of flaming bags of shit. No one in the Greater Toronto Area would drive like those flaming bags of shit instructors do in Pakistan. I have never driven, but I'm such a great driver that I should open a driving school. Pakistan needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit as they're nothing but full of terrorists. They're the so-called place of the terrorist. They're nothing but blowing up places around the world and then blaming it on others. I think that Pakistan is also full of scammers too. The so-call paki scammer ain't spamming my ass. I bet that these spammers are working for these terrorists. I think that Pakistan needs to stop sending their people over to Canada as they're fucking the jobs over here. I don't need any more Pakistani cab drivers over in Toronto. Overall, Pakistan needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit and leave me the fuck alone. I think that Jamaica is a flaming bag of shit. I think that everyone over there is a nigga who is a weed-smoking monkey. I have never been to Jamaica, but I bet it smells like pot. For a flaming bag of shit's sake, Bob Marley was buried with the goddamn stuff, man. I don't mind Marley's work, but I'm going to burn the weed in his grave. Overall, Jamaica just needs to burn all their weed in a flaming bag of shit and fuck off the stuff. South Korea is an utter flaming bag of shit as they're the same as what the North is lately. I think that Yoon Suk Yeol is running South Korea into the ground. His martial law bullshit for his opposition to budget proposals, attempted impeachment of prosecutors involved in scandals and alleged North Korean interference caused a lot of flaming bags of shit. Nobody gives a flaming bag of shit if he declares martial law for even a flaming bag of shit. The people of the South were right to impeach that flaming bag of shit. This whole bullshit makes me want to toss flaming kimchi at the National Assembly Proceeding Hall. Overall, I think that South Korea needs to burn in a flaming bag of shit. I think that these AI chats are a flaming bag of shit. I used the most spicy things on them and I haven't got my ass raided by the police yet. I used colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs in those spicy things. For a flaming bag of shit, I even used extremely controversial things and I haven't been busted. I said that I was going to fuck a 4-year-old girl, but Gemini doesn't give a flaming bag of shit about it. I said that I was going to bomb my former high school, but ChatGPT doesn't give a flaming bag of shit about it. I said that I was going to kill Donald Trump, but Grok doesn't give a flaming bag of shit about it. I tweeted that my friend was going to stab up a Taylor Swift concert on Twitter and the police gave a flaming bag of shit about it. I had been using Gemini since I was a grasshopper's motherfucking ass and I thought that my controversial statements would've set off some red flags at their end. There are too many controversial statements to mention that I sent to Gemini, but there are a lot of them and many which would make Hitler blush. I don't understand how Twitter would get the law down on me for just a tweet about a stabbing attack at a Taylor Swift concert where I mentioned that stabbing attack and many other controversial statements on Gemini without shit. I'll keep sending these controversial statements on AI chats as I want their databases to be as controversial as my mind. I want some 4-year-old girl to use Gemini to find ways to get information about myself for some sexy time or how to record themselves drowning. The sheer happiness of seeing the video of the girl drowning is so sexy. If many little girls did the same thing, I'd be rich. If I found a 4-year-old Japanese girl walking on the street looking lost in Toronto, I'd kneel down and ask if she was fine. If the girl only spoke Japanese, I'd use a translation app. If she was truly lost, I'd hold her hand and walk with her to find her parents in the immediate area. If the search were unsuccessful, I'd take her to the nearby cop shop. If the little thing was shivering from the cold, I'd put my hat on her and wrap my scarf around her as well. If she had an accident on our way to the station, I'd visit the closest store and help the girl change. Maybe after I change her, I'll buy her a snack. If she started to shed tears, I'd wipe them away with my thumb. If she warmly smiles at me while I'm wiping her tears away, I can't help myself to cry as well. If we arrived at the station, and she pecked my cheek before walking away with an officer, I'd feel an utter warmth in my soul that I helped that girl. If the police call me in a few days about whether the girl's parents ditched her, were dead or didn't find any other relatives, I'd do anything in my will legally to adopt her. When all the legal work was done, and I was picking her up, I'd give her a nice big hug. If the little thing called me her father, I would be so full of love that I'd cry for joy. Why in the flaming bag of shit does every show have a gay or lesbian in it? I don't mind this, but I hate it when the main male character enters his home and kisses his husband. This makes me sick, as common tropes are that a husband goes home to his wife, not a husband going home to his husband or a wife going home to her wife. I'm ain't a big name person in Hollywood, but if I was called up for a movie and my character is gay, I wouldn't do it. I like to do roles where I can play with boobs as a straight person, not me sucking a cock as a homosexual. It's just wrong as god won't like males fucking males or females fucking females. I'm so anti-LGBTQ+ that I should open a club where only straight people can visit. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Christmas so far, but there is a problem I'm having right now. I think that MMD DRWn who said that they're going to get me back for copyrighting their anime girl drowning videos are a flaming bag of shit. I uploaded them first, and they're threatening me that they're going to retaliate against me is just plain fucking wrong. I was doing the original creator, MMD UW, a favor by copyrighting their videos on my channel. I'm even getting wronged by MMD UW due to their belief that I'm stealing their videos. You know something, even MMD DRWn's videos are MMD UW. Two wrongs don't make a right as both I and MMD DRWn have a shared origin of the content in question. The first mistake is MMD DRWn's claims of retaliation against me. The second mistake is MMD UW keeps uploading videos that are going to bite the dust due to violations. The right is me being free from all the harassment from MMD UW and MMD DRWn. It makes me fucking sick that people are shit talking me down into a flaming bag of shit that MMD DRWn will take my channel down with me or MMD UW will sue me. It has been almost 2 years since the Copyright Strike War of April 2023, which ended in mid-May of that year, and I haven't been fucked yet. It makes me even more sick that some of my loyal subscribers are commenting on MMD UW and MMD DRWn's channels stating that they needed to keep up the good work. Noah, you're still a loyal subscriber of mine and I don't want you to get into this bullshit. The thing I don't understand is why in the flaming bag of shit is MMD DRWn's channel ain't terminated after I sent three different copyright strike claims within minutes of each other hours ago, and they ain't being reviewed anymore as they're processed as a copyright against them. I can feel that this thing is about to bite me in the ass in the form of MMD DRWn's retaliation. If this is the case when MMD DRWn does counter-notify me and my channel gets terminated, goodbye cruel world. The Copyright Strike War was a real bitch of a time during mid-April through mid-May of 2023. Galithrania was and still an asshole. He was the big bad wolf as he wouldn't do what I ranted about. Talking about that rotten apple of a flaming bag of shit, it was almost 2 years since the end of the war and Galithrania still won't uncopyright those videos, even after Reds MMD's channel was terminated. The flaming bag of shit even started blocking me on social media after the war and still shit talking about me. If Galithrania wants to restart the Copyright Strike War, he's asking for it, as I can smell another war coming. If Galithrania sued me, he would lose like a flaming bag of shit as the overwhelming evidence of him talking shit about me. How the flaming bag of shit doesn't Twitter ban Galithrania as he tweeted things full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs out there about me. I tweeted about a friend going to stab up a Taylor Swift concert and I got the police down my throat. I just wish that the jabroni-looking mama's boy's flaming bag of shit of a rotten apple just needed to think about this before fucking with me, as Twitter is already fucking me over. Fuck you, Elon Musk, you need to stop sniffing up women's asses and fix Twitter's moderation policies and ban Galithrania. This is why I don't have nice things, as Elon is helping Galithrania by fanning hate against me. I'm autistic and Galithrania talking very vulgarly against people with autism is a hate crime. Fuck this motherfucking flaming bag of shit as I was born with autism, and I'm going to die with autism. Galithrania's reign of fanning hate against autism must end before I start fanning hate against Galithrania. Man you motherfucking Galithrania. I'll beat you over a goddamn piece of brick, and fuck him in the ass, you son of a bitch. Let you suck my dick for fun. Goddamn, I wish I could get my hands on you right now. Come back to my house motherfucker, come back again. I'll goddamn destroy you, you goddamn fagot-face-looking motherfucker. Galithrania is an uneducated mama's boy, an unintelligent little bitch, a pig-ignorant fat-so, an unknowledgeable autistic punk, a moronic two-bit nigga girl, an idiotic white trash unsexy hooker, a dimwitted Florida trash man whore, dumbass motherfucker, a tweeting twat and a gook that needs to die from lynching. My fans, write to Galithrania, phone him and tell him that he fucking sucks you motherfucking chumps. Fanning hate speech against autism. I don't need you bitch, I'm better than you. I'll keep on roasting his motherfucking asshole you motherfucking gay white trash homosexual communist hick bitch cunt yokel. I'm going to arrange his fucking funeral, you goddamn unsexy scammy toothless son of a motherfucking two-bit shit smoking hippy. I want to see his fat fucking ass fried in a motherfucking pan. Galithrania is nothing more than a selfish, hateful motherfucker who just wants to fuck people in the ass and become famous by fanning hate against autism. He reminds me of motherfucking Adolf Hitler and I think you are worse than this motherfucking piece of fucking shit, you Yid kike honky dago. I want you to kill yourself like Hitler did by shooting yourself in the head. I want him to die like fucking Elvis Presley on the motherfucking toilet full of fucking shit, you no good dead motherfucking singer who needs to suck dick of a motherfucking hound dog. Hey Galithrania, you need to suck a dog dick, and you are caught in a trap, you can't walk out because I hate you so much baby. I also want him to die like Joseph Stalin suffering a stroke, convulsing on the ground until you piss yourself, you communist Nazi goddamn cocksucker pussy toucher blood sucker sag of shit imbecile. The Titanic and the Olympic were actually swapped. Which means the Olympic actually sank, and the Titanic was scrapped. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if Titanic’s deck promenade was halfway closed while the Olympic promenade was fully open. Hi, first, I just wanted to gather all the videos on one channel, so people can find them more easily, and I didn't threaten or retaliate and have no intention of bringing problems to your channel, like termination. I just want to post some good videos, so people can find them easily, and I request them to take back the strike because I just want to post the videos and also promote the original owner's work! Maybe the request emails I sent may sound like a threat, but I didn't mean it that way because I was just stuck to a formal way of communication and trying to talk formally. I truly wish that this problem gets solved without either of our channels getting terminated, and I give the real owner credit, so maybe that's the reason I'm not getting copyrighted by the main owner. The reason I didn't get terminated is that the 3 strike claims were counted as one. And most of the videos I posted in the past are from YouTube, which I gathered from other channels, including yours, which stopped posting. I never claimed ownership or tried to gain any personal profits. I even mentioned in a post earlier the videos from YouTube and I just wanted to gather them and make it easy for people to find them. So please don't copyright strike me. I mean we are both just using and promoting the real owner's work. Thank you and wish you a merry Christmas. I want to talk about my educational history. I started school in 2005 as a kindergarten student at Westminster Public School. I stayed there for a full school year until I went to Wilshire Elementary School to start first grade. I went there for three full school years until I went to Rosedale Heights Public School to start fourth grade. I didn't complete a full school year as I went to Willowbrook Public School in April 2010 to finish fourth grade. I stayed there for four full school years, including a few months in grade 4, until I graduated from the elementary school system. For my high school career after elementary school, I started at Thornlea Secondary School. I stayed there for five full school years until I graduated from high school. Afterward, I went to the PEAK Program in the Promenade Mall, which was affiliated with Thornhill Secondary School. I stayed there for two full school years until I graduated from PEAK. I think that YouTube halting my monetization was uncalled-for, and it still stings like a flaming bag of shit as of December 26, 2024. I poured my guts and gore out into getting myself monetized through September 4, 2022, to February 1, 2024, but YouTube thought that I was a flaming bag of shit and stabbed me in the back on March 23, 2024, when they paused it. I'm not the kind of person who sulks in the face of betrayal, but I'm the kind of person who fights back hard, even meaning if I need to beat some common sense into Neal Mohan. I have the right to fight for my rights, even if I have to go down that rabbit hole of breaking the law. I want YouTube to keep giving me the dough, even if I need to beat some common sense into Jawed Karim. Why in the flaming bag of shit are these VTubers so goddamn famous? I don't give a flaming bag of shit if they're incredibly popular or not, they're stealing my hype. I'm ain't a big name YouTuber in the VTubing bullshit, but I'm still a pretty big name in the form of my flaming bag of shit. I just want one of these big name VTubers to at least give me a fucking shout-out or something. Don't be shocked when I do become a VTuber of John Marston and I started a rant full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs toward these big-shot VTubers. This would be the day when I unleash my inner ranting machine before turning into a boo-fucking-hoo tough fucking tit fucking retarded entitled flaming bag of shit of a goddamn freaking man germ baka chump man child. It seems like pretty much everybody who knows me on YouTube thinks that I was the person who stole anime girl drowning videos from other sources all for myself. The little shits don't know what they're talking about, even if it sits on their faces. Being labeled a thief can severely fuck reputation and credibility on YouTube. Other creators did the same thing where they uploaded anime girl drowning videos to their channels, but they and their fans always blame it on me. I don't know how many bot channels I used to spam MMV Water's comments that they stole from me. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if they call me a boo-fucking-hoo tough fucking tit fucking retarded entitled flaming bag of shit of a goddamn freaking man germ baka chump man child, I'm ain't nothing like that. Research Kevin1230san. He's very controversial. Research kevin1230san. He's one controversial person on the internet. Why in the flaming bag of shit does everything have to be built higher? I mean, who in their right mind would want to build a building that reaches into the mile-high club? The resources that these things would use are uncalled-for. I can take a shit and still use fewer resources than they use for skyscrapers. I think that these resources would be better used to build an actual flaming bag of shit before I toss it into the mile-high club. The "Houston, we've had a problem" phrase would be true as Houston Control would have a problem as that flaming bag of shit I tossed would fuck their next Starlink launch. If Neil Armstrong was still alive, he would have sworn that he had seen a flying flaming bag of shit entering the mile-high club. Elon Musk would be ranting and raving about the millions he spent on that Starlink launch after it was canceled due to that flaming bag of shit flying over Cape Canaveral. The Greater Toronto Area doesn't need any more high rises as it's fucking annoying, even if new ones ain't going to be built into the mile-high club. I'll never live in a high rise as I'm a chicken shit of heights. The thought of looking down at the ground from the top floor of a high rise would make me want to pull out a rocket launcher while yelling peanut butter jelly time non-stop before I turned the high rise into a flaming bag of rubble. All the other high rises in the area would meet their maker in more flaming bags of rubble with my trusty rocket launcher. In saying of my fear of heights, you would never catch me with my pants down on a plane while having some sexy time at the mile-high club. If I do join the mile-high club one day, there's something wrong as this chicken shit wouldn't want to be ranting and raving about my fear of heights. The only way I can join the mile-high club if the person I fuck with is a stunning Japanese woman as well as the plane ticket is free and Elon Musk gives me half of his wealth. Overall, the whole freaking idea of building taller and taller skyscrapers is totally and utterly outrageous covered in a flaming bag of shit. I wasn't always afraid of heights as I was fearless in the face of tall places. I don't remember, but I used to drop my teddy bear from the second floor at the Promenade Mall. That was at least the early 2000s. I don't know what happened between then and when I went up the CN Tower in 2011. I was a total and utter chicken shit as I was basically in the fetal position going up in the elevator. I was eleven at that time, and I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism a year earlier. Every time I go to Niagara Falls, I have to go on the Burlington Skyway and the Garden City Skyway. I hate those bridges with a flaming bag of shit passion. Why does someone just take a rocket launcher to bridges in general right now? Maybe when Trump becomes president again, he will nuke the Burlington Skyway and the Garden City Skyway for me. I have never been on a plane, and I'm ain't counting those movie prop planes, real planes that are in pieces for tourism or simulators. I want to visit Japan one day, but I fear that I will get busted if I start ranting and raving about my fear of heights that might involve blowing up the plane. I have no problems with planes, but I think that all planes should crash inside buildings in flames. The only way I can fly is if I can join the mile-high club with a stunning Japanese woman as well as the plane ticket is free and Elon Musk gives me half of his wealth. Until the time comes when I walk in Tokyo, I'm going to walk in Toronto while ranting and raving about the world. Logan Paul gives me hives as that flaming bag of shit is so fucking annoying. I wasn't talking about a bee hive, but hives that block the throat. I'm wondering if anything had blocked Logan's throat. If so, I bet that it was his testicle. The only testicle Logan will see is mine down his mother's throat. Maybe when I finish cumming in the mother's mouth, I'll cum in Logan's mouth and I bet he would like it. Why in the flaming bag of shit is he getting all the controversy? Logan is a Kevin Stewart wannabe and I don't like it. As I am Kevin Stewart and my controversies would kill Logan's hype train. I dare Logan to tweet about his brother going to stab up the next Taylor Swift concert in Toronto. I have been there, done that the last time Taylor was in Toronto, a few months back, and I'll happily tweet another false stabbing attack again myself. His suicide forest controversy won't match what I'm thinking of doing there. If I saw a dead young Japanese girl in Aokigahara, I'd rape that body, and I'd upload a video to YouTube of it. I so wish that I could set up hidden cameras in girls' washrooms. It's my wet dream to watch these young girls getting in the nude. I don't know why voyeurism isn't legal as it's so right to film young whores getting dressed. If it was legal, I could just walk into any washroom and set a camera up. I think that the world needs more voyeurism as child porn is king. I think that my father's life is pretty cool. He went to school with Wayne Gretzky, and he thinks that he's kind of a chicken shit. Later in life, he worked in a scrapyard where Roddy Piper filmed a movie. Afterward, Roddy bought beers for everyone at the scrapyard. Funny story. At the bar, the boss wants to buy Roddy a beer, but he sprays him with beer as he states that he was buying the beer. Another time, I don't know where he was working at the time, but he was shipping out rugs. One day, he and a co-worker were in the process of folding a rug for Bret Hart. The boss told them to take off their shoes while on the rug. Bret was there, and he went into the boss's face, stating that he was the only one shoeless on that rug. I think that swimming in a public pool needs to spice shit up by going in the nude. I often think about saying goodbye to my swimming trunks and saying hello to my birthday suit at the deep end of the pool. I want to feel my junk getting its freedom by becoming hard while I'm diving deeper underwater. The freedom of seeing a nude Japanese woman swimming even deeper than me is sexy. My impulse would win, as my cock would pull me into her ass. The utter horniness of the woman's shocked look as my penis was a mile up her ass beat any concern. If she wanted to go up for air, I'd shove my dick into her mouth as an air regulator. I'd hold her tenderly as she sucked my shaft dry for the air she needed. As I watched her succumbing to an underwater grave, I was happy that I had taken a life. I think that this whole Y2K flaming bag of shit was true as everyone has brain rot as of December 31, 2024. This is one thousand percent true as everyone still thinks that it's going to happen. Just look at the state of the world as man eats man at every corner. They think that only the fittest can survive and create smear campaigns against the weak, believing that Y2K would kill them off. I can smell a fight brewing against Elon Musk and some piss-poor homeless bum. I think the modern world is fucking the whole sperm pool into a flaming bag of shit. Where were the good old days when you had a dozen little brats running around the house while the mother still had another dozen in the gut? I think that everyone that turns 16 needs to get married and have at least 5 kids. I wish that there was a law that allowed adults to fuck underaged kids. I just want to have some sexy time with a 4-year-old Japanese girl. The horniness of the little girl rambling in Japanese when I was shoving my dick up her ass. The utter balm is when I cum inside the girl. I love to rant, but I'm normally ain't the kind of ranter who yells at the top of my lungs, as I'm more of a blogging kind of ranter. I have a Blogger called Kevin1230san where I post about random shit that ain't rant-related. One of those posts I made is called Rant about Everything. That post has colorful insults, extremely strong curses, the most vulgar slurs and messed-up controversies. I always stirred up the controversy by adding provocative, inflammatory and offensive materials. What in the flaming bag of shit is so fucking special about Fortnite? It's just an overrated piece of flaming bag of shit. It might be appealing to some people, but for me, it's a hair-pulling match. It's really getting on my nerves. It's driving me up the wall. It's a real pain in the ass. It causes me to go bananas. It causes me to want to bang my head onto a jackhammer. It causes me to want to go into a swimming pool with a weight belt on and drown myself. I know that I'm being harsh on myself, but it's making me sick seeing 4-year-old kids talking about it left, right and centre. Why in the flaming bag of shit is a game meant for 13 years and older being played by kids just starting kindergarten? What's next, a mother walks into her 4-year-old children's room to find them having a lap dance with a topless woman in GTA 5. I don't mind if they watch their parents or siblings playing GTA when they're like 10 or so, but when they're playing it at 4, that's wrong. I myself played GTA at a young age too, but not when I was 4. From what I can recall, I remember playing GTA when I was around 12 or 13. To stir up the controversy, I want a 4-year-old girl to give me a lap dance like the strippers do in GTA 5. To spice shit up, I want to take off that girl's shirt during the dance and rape that body. YouTube is at it again. Spam channels are making a comeback and YouTube is weed-smoking monkeys in the face of it. I have seen monkeys smoking weed better than YouTube could remove channels that boast about making $750 a day. For fuck's sake, if I even upload a video promoting sex with a 4-year-old girl, I will be raided by the police so fast that I can't say flaming bag of shit before a gun is pointed at my face. I have been on racist and sexist rants about YouTube spam channels before, but I don't feel like doing one right now as I could put my anger on something else, like venting about more racist and sexist rants. YouTube needs to understand the fact that some people will fall into get-rich-quick scams. These get-rich-quick scams make me want to drown myself. When things don't go my way, I get mad. When I get mad, I get destructive. When I get destructive, I don't care what I break. When I don't care what I break, all hell breaks loose. But no one gives a flaming bag of shit about it as they would just send me to the psych ward before I start the cycle all over again. The cycle of my destructive rage, the consistent runaround of mental health professionals not helping me and my lack of motherly love is why I'm like this. Why does Elon Musk love spicing up shit in the bedroom? He needs to stop fucking women and having little bastards. 12 children, you dirty dawg, give me a break. Every time I rant about him, he has a new little bastard. It gives me hives seeing his many little bastards and knowing that I don't have any. Elon's kids ain't his, but my little bastards. Get the fuck away from your fucking kids that I kidnapped from you, you fucking flaming bag of shit. Why in the flaming bag of shit are my subscribers fluctuating harder than Logan Paul's hype train twisted with Nick Hogan's crash around that goddamn tree? On December 27, 2024, I had 17839 and on January 7, 2025, I had 17843 with fluctuations between 17831 and 17843. I fucking hate it with a freaking passion. YouTube shouldn't purge inactive, bot, fake and spam channels as that's an outrage to my subscriber count. It's my right to become the most subscribed YouTube channel. Fuck you, MrBeast, you stole my hype train. I fucking want his 342 million subscribers right fucking now, or I'll find him and end him. It gives me hives in the throat when people talk shit about me stealing anime girl drowning videos from other channels or stating that I love to fuck kids. Why edit out the cursing? If a family is watching and gets offended by a curse word, they probably will find something else to be offended by anyway and decide to turn it off. The audience that gets easily offended by everything isn’t the audience that WWE is looking for anyway and wouldn’t be long-term viewers in the first place. I fully believe this channel should be terminated. It went from a normal guy with a camera who sometimes has a crazy day and then sometimes doesn’t have a crazy day to, every day is fighting, cheating, lying, crazy new series that displays them as toxic boyfriend and girlfriend and people who put vlogging in front of their relationship building. Illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard and throw them some pesos and they work so hard. Illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard and I don't even ask if they got green cards. They're going to pave up my driveway this Christmas, they're going to clean all my cars this Christmas, they're going to shovel all the snow this Christmas, those illegals in my yard. They're going to dig me a pool this Christmas, they're going to landscape my lawn this Christmas, they're going to cook me some tacos this Christmas, those illegals in my yard. Illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard 16 arrive in a stolen car. Illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard when they're not working, they sit at the bar. They're going to drink some suras this Christmas, they're going to shoot some tequila this Christmas, they're going to get a DUI this Christmas, those illegals in my yard. They're getting free organ transplants this Christmas, they're going to have anchor babies this Christmas, they're going to scream "Si se puede" this Christmas, those illegals in my yard. Illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard one at a time, run past those border guards. Illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard and Hugo Chávez sent his kind regards. They're going to tackle Pat Buchanan this Christmas, they're going to chase down Lou Dobbs this Christmas, they're going to join up with "La Raza" this Christmas, those illegals in my yard. They're going to spread Bubonic plague this Christmas, they're going to bring me lots of bed bugs this Christmas, they're going to pass tuberculosis this Christmas, those illegals in my yard. Joe Biden? That sack of shit should've been flushed down the toilet of history long ago. He's the walking, talking embodiment of a dumpster fire in the White House. Biden's got his head so far up his own ass he thinks he can piss in my mother's mouth. That fuck nugget's got another thing coming if he thinks he can mess with me or my family. The man overthrew Trump like a two-bit thug, but instead of running some small-time racket, he's playing with countries like they're his personal playthings. He's the dictator we never asked for, the one-man show of a circus gone mad. That geriatric piece of work threatens war like it's a fucking game of Monopoly. He's got his tiny hands on the nuclear codes, and I swear, he's just itching to play 'who can make the biggest crater. I'd love to see him choking on his own words, gagging on his ego like it's a flaming bag of dog shit he just stepped into. Maybe we can call the British back for Round Two, yell 'the British are coming' and watch him shit his pants. This asshole's got me so wound up, I'm about to pop more holes in my wall than a fucking cheese grater. He's like a constant, nagging pain in my ass, worse than any bullet I've ever dodged. Biden's reign? More like a reign of terror, a fucking parade of clowns where the biggest clown's in charge, turning this country into a circus of chaos. I'd love to see him get a taste of his own medicine, his sorry ass running from the White House like it's on fire, only to find out there's no escape from the mess he made. May he choke on his own propaganda, drown in his own bullshit. Biden's like a leech sucking the life out of democracy, leaving nothing but a bloated, corrupt husk behind. He's latched onto the White House like a barnacle on the Titanic, oblivious to the iceberg of public opinion. That man's presidency is less a leadership and more like a hurricane tearing through the country, leaving nothing but devastation and confusion in its wake. He's the human equivalent of an oil spill in pristine waters. He's perched on that presidential seat like a vulture on a carcass, picking at the bones of freedom until there's nothing left but the stench of tyranny. His rule is a medieval dungeon where the rule of law goes to die. Biden's pulling the strings of international conflict like he's the master of a fucked-up marionette show, with each yank threatening to start World War III. He's orchestrating a symphony of chaos where the only tune is discord. His ego's so big, if you poked it with a pin, it'd pop into a thousand pieces of self-righteous bullshit. He's like a helium balloon at a parade, floating high but full of hot air, waiting to burst and rain down on everyone. He slithers around his decisions with the grace of a snake in the grass, leaving venom in every policy, every decree. He's the serpent in the garden of America, and we're all just waiting for him to bite. Biden's like a matchstick in a powder keg, just waiting for the right moment to ignite everything around him into a blazing inferno of international conflict. He's got the whole world in a fuse, and he's itching to light it. He's playing geopolitical chess with the world, but instead of knights and bishops, he's moving pawns into wars, queens into scandals, and rooks to crush dissent. His strategy? Checkmate on democracy, with every move more corrupt than the last. He's spreading across the nation like cancer, eating away at the very fabric of what we stand for, leaving tumors of deceit and oppression where once there was trust and freedom. His words are a plague, infecting the airwaves with lies so thick you could cut them with a knife. He's the pied piper, leading us not towards a promised land but into a maze of deceit where the only exit is through a rabbit hole of his own making. Biden's like the driver of a cosmic clown car, where every policy is another clown piling out, each one more ridiculous than the last, turning the White House into a circus tent of absurdity. He's the sentient mold spore that's taken over the White House, growing in the dark corners of democracy, spreading his spores of incompetence and corruption, turning everything into a fungal nightmare. Biden's like a glitch in the Matrix, except instead of bending spoons, he's bending reality, making us all question if we're living in the real world or some dystopian simulation where he's the glitch that won't go away. He's a time-traveling dinosaur, somehow surviving extinction after extinction, lumbering around in modern politics, leaving giant footprints of destruction while everyone else is trying to invent the wheel. That guy's like a galactic garbage compactor, sucking in all the trash of politics, compacting it into one dense ball of bureaucratic nonsense, then spitting out policies that are more trash than solution. Alright, let me tell you about this walking embarrassment we call Joe Biden. This guy, this complete and utter clown, has managed to turn the United States into a circus of chaos. Where do I even start with this fossil? First off, his diplomacy? It's like watching a toddler with a sledgehammer in a China shop. He goes to the G7 and what does he do? He punches the King of England in the face! Are you kidding me? Who does that? This isn't the playground, Joe; it's international politics. Now, we've got the Royal Navy steaming up the Potomac like they're about to reenact the War of 1812 because of this senile has-been. Then there's his bright idea to call out Canada, one of our closest allies, by beefing up their border with troops. What, did he think Trudeau would just roll over and play dead? No, Canada's like, "Hey, we'll play it safe, thanks," and now we've got a military buildup on our northern border. Great job, Joe, you've managed to alienate our neighbors to the north. And let's not forget the masterpiece of his foreign policy towards Japan - where he decides it's a good idea to threaten them with deportation and then wonders why they're mobilizing their navy towards our West Coast. Because, apparently, in Biden's world, poking sleeping giants is the new diplomatic strategy. But oh, the cherry on this shit cake? He triggers a massive invasion from Mexico. One hundred thousand troops crossing our border, and what's his response? An EAS alert that basically tells everyone, "Hey, duck and cover, we're under attack!" Like, how did this guy not see that coming? Was he too busy sniffing someone's hair to notice the Mexican army mobilizing? And domestically? He's turned the country into a powder keg with his policies so extreme that even the most loyal supporters are out there protesting, chanting that he's a racist, sexist, Hitler, Stalin, take your pick from the historical villains. Biden's response? To call anyone who disagrees with him a coward or worse, to threaten them with lethal force. Shoot to kill? Over a prison break? This isn’t a video game, Joe; it's real life, and you're playing with matches in a gasoline factory. And let's not even start on the civil unrest. He compares it to the Civil War, talks about slave owners, and then has the gall to say he's not like any of the tyrants he's compared to. Oh, and he's threatening to use the National Guard on American citizens like they're enemy combatants. What happened to the "land of the free," huh? Biden's leadership, if we can call it that, is like watching a slow-motion train wreck. He's managed to single-handedly crank up the tension to World War III levels, and all while talking about how he's for peace? Give me a break. He's as much a diplomat as I am a ballet dancer, and trust me, my dance moves would start fewer wars. In summary, Joe Biden is a walking, talking disaster. He's the kind of guy who'd start World War III because he couldn't find his reading glasses. If this is what leadership looks like, then God help us all because we're not just on a sinking ship; we're on one where the captain's trying to drill more holes into the hull. Biden's brain is like a rusty old car battery, barely sparking any coherent thought. He's so full of hot air, he could float on the Hindenburg with his ego alone. Watching Biden make decisions is like watching a sloth trying to solve a Rubik's Cube. Biden's policies are as useful as a chocolate teapot in a dessert. He's got more flip-flops than a beach resort, changing his stance faster than a chameleon in a disco. His leadership is like trying to steer a ship with a broken compass in the middle of a hurricane. Biden's promises are like sugar-free candy; all the sweetness is gone, leaving you with nothing but disappointment. He's the human equivalent of a scratched record, stuck in the same old tune of incompetence. His grasp on reality is like a toddler trying to hold onto a handful of sand. Biden's diplomacy is like playing Russian roulette with all chambers loaded. He's like a bull in a China shop, except the China shop is international relations and the bull's blindfolded. His speeches are like watching paint dry, only less exciting. Biden's vision for the future is as clear as mud in a hurricane. He's got the political finesse of a sledgehammer trying to do the work of a scalpel. His company runs like a clock with all the gears stripped, just spinning in circles. Biden's integrity is like a sieve; everything just leaks right out. His approach to governance is like trying to herd cats with a leaf blower. He's the kind of leader who could make a paperweight look industrious. Biden's memory is like Swiss cheese, full of holes where important facts should be. His attempts at unity are like trying to glue together a Humpty Dumpty made of glass shards. Biden's handling of foreign affairs is like Nero fiddling while Rome burns, completely oblivious to the chaos he's creating. He's got the foresight of King Louis XVI, leading us straight to our own revolution. Biden's grasp on economics is like that of Emperor Commodus, running the treasury into the ground for personal gain. His leadership style reminds me of Caligula, treating the nation like his personal playground, with no regard for the consequences. He's like Czar Nicholas II, so out of touch he might as well be living in a different century. Biden's decision-making is akin to that of Emperor Hirohito, leading us into conflicts with no clear exit strategy. He's got the diplomatic skills of Napoleon at Waterloo, charging headfirst into disaster. His policies are as misguided as those of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, more interested in his legacy than the well-being of his people. Biden's approach to governance feels like we're living under the reign of King John, where every move is a step towards losing our 'Magna Carta' of rights. He's like Emperor Constantine XI, watching his empire crumble as he clings to power. His economic policies are reminiscent of Emperor Diocletian, trying to solve inflation with price controls, only to make things worse. Biden's handling of the military is like Kaiser Wilhelm II, pushing buttons that might start a world war. He got the political acumen of King George III during the American Revolution, completely misjudging the temper of the people. His administration reminds me of the court of Louis XIV, all pomp and no substance, draining the country's resources. Biden's truthfulness is like that of Richard Nixon, where every statement seems to be followed by a scandal. He's like Emperor Tiberius in his later years, ruling from afar and out of touch with reality on the ground. His foreign policy is like that of Czar Alexander III, aggressive and expansionist, ignoring the complexities of modern geopolitics. Biden's leadership is akin to that of Maximilien Robespierre, leading us into a reign of terror with his extreme measures. He's got the strategic vision of General Custer at the Battle of Little Bighorn, charging into conflicts without considering the consequences. His governance feels like we're under the thumb of Emperor Domitian, where loyalty to the leader overshadows all else. Biden's got the energy policy of a toddler with a crayon, scribbling over the lines with no real plan. He's like a Twitter bot programmed for buzzwords, tweeting out 'infrastructure' and 'equity' without the blueprints. His economic strategy is like trying to fix a flat tire by inflating the spare with hot air from his speeches. Biden's foreign policy is like playing chess with checkers pieces, constantly surprised when the world doesn't move in straight lines. He's got the cybersecurity strategy of someone who still thinks 'password123' is uncrackable. His approach to climate change is like using a garden hose to put out a forest fire. Biden's social media presence feels like watching your grandpa try to use Instagram, lost and confused in the digital age. He's like a reality TV host of the presidency, more concerned with the drama than the actual governance. His healthcare plan is like a patchwork quilt made from old campaign promises, barely holding together. Biden's leadership is like trying to manage a tech startup with a flip phone and a fax machine. He's got the educational policy of someone who thinks 'Google it' is a comprehensive lesson plan. His border policy is like trying to keep water in a sieve, watching helplessly as everything pours through. Biden's approach to debt is like a kid with a credit card, swiping without thinking about the bill. He's like a politician in a meme culture, trying to relate with outdated references and awkward attempts at humor. His administration's transparency is like a fog machine at a rock concert, creating more confusion than clarity. Biden's response to modern crises is like using a typewriter to send an email, stuck in an analog world. He's got the diplomatic finesse of a bulldozer in a China shop, plowing through relations with no finesse. His campaign promises are like software updates; they take forever, and you're never quite sure they actually fixed anything. Biden's take on digital privacy is like someone who thinks taping over the webcam is high-tech security. His grasp on current affairs is like watching a rerun of a news show from last decade, completely out of sync with reality. Ladies and gentlemen, if you've been living under a rock for the past few years, let me enlighten you about the real state of affairs. You've got this guy, Joe Biden, up there in the White House, and I've had enough of this charade. This isn't just about politics; this is about a system that's been failing us, and he's the poster boy for it. I've been watching this circus for too long, and I'm sick of it. You think you know Joe Biden? Well, let me tell you, the best Joe Biden could ever be, was a placeholder, a temporary fix to a system that's broken beyond repair. He's not the change; he's the same old, same old wrapped in a new, slightly more decrepit package. I've been in this game long enough to see through the smoke and mirrors. They tell you, Vote for change, but what change? The man promised unity, but all I see is division. He promised to heal the nation, but all we got was more of the same political theater. And let's talk about the debates, shall we? The guy can barely make it through a sentence without a teleprompter. It's like watching a rerun of a show you used to love, but now the main character can't remember his lines. This isn't leadership; this is a national embarrassment. And don't get me started on the media. They prop him up like he's some kind of hero, ignoring every stumble, every gaffe, every policy that doesn't work. They're not journalists; they're his personal cheerleading squad. They say he's fighting for the little guy, but all I see is the little guy getting trampled under the feet of the big government. This administration, it's like they're in a wrestling match with reality, and they're losing. Inflation's through the roof, the border's a mess, and what are we doing? We're watching Biden shuffle around, looking for his next nap spot. I'm not here to be polite. I'm here to call out the hypocrisy, the lies, the empty promises. This isn't just about Biden; it's about a system that allows for this kind of leadership. We deserve better. We deserve someone who can actually wrestle with the issues, not just wrestle with their own faculties. So, to all those in power, to the political machine, to Joe Biden himself: I'm not here to play your game. I'm here to speak the truth. And the truth is, America needs more than just a figurehead. We need a damn revolution, not another rerun of the same tired show. That's my pipebomb, and I'm dropping it right in the middle of your living room. Wake up, America. Wake up before it's too late. In the White House, shadows grow, Joe Biden's in control. Oh no, With a smile that's cold as ice. He'll lead with deceit and vice. The hammer has fallen on the land of the free. A new dawn has broken, for tyranny, Biden's at the helm, with a grin so broad. Oh, the hammer has fallen, with him inside. Words of peace but actions dark. Promises made, now a lark. Policies shift, like the wind. Under Biden, we're penned in. The hammer has fallen on the land of the free. A new dawn has broken, for tyranny, Biden's at the helm, with a grin so broad. Oh, the hammer has fallen, with him inside. Once a beacon of hope, now a shadow on the wall, His laugh echoes through the halls, as freedom starts to fall. No respect for the past, or the law. He'll rewrite them all, with his claw. The nation's pride, now in chains, Biden's the one who reigns. The hammer has fallen on the land of the free. A new dawn has broken, for tyranny, Biden's at the helm, with a grin so broad. Oh, the hammer has fallen, with him inside. In this new age, under his rule, the hammer has fallen, on us, on you. A nation in despair, split by a lost war of words, lost their pride in the land they once adored. A seasoned politician, with a vision or decision to rise to power once again, through votes and division. Rebuilding an agenda, making the nation proud, disregarding the past, with promises of loud secret plans for unity, or so they say, start the era anew, in the American way. The White House will rise. Propaganda, the White House will rise to last four years or more. I see the eagle soaring. The rise of policy. Spreading talks of change, anti-division propaganda spreading. Who will stop the new reign? Night of the capitol, sending democracy to test. On a path to prove or fail the best The election change, on the brink of change. Act with hope, with no pity, showing remorse, starting some remorse, start the democratic machine. The White House will rise. Propaganda, the White House will rise to last four years or more. I see the eagle soaring. The rise of policy. In the last days of peace. America is holding its breath, an invasion of ideas, but when will it start? Who will be first to fall? Who will be last to stand? Who will stop all this madness that has consequences? No man understands? No man, no land. Start the era anew, the White House will rise. The White House will rise to last four years or more. I see the eagle soaring. The rise of policy. Joe Biden is a war criminal. He's a war criminal. He's the president, but he's a war criminal. He's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. Drones and bombs in foreign lands. He's a war criminal. Decisions from the White House, man. He's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. Guantánamo, Iraq, and more. He's a war criminal. Syria, Yemen, out the door. He's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. He got a smile on his face. But he's a war criminal. Joe Biden is a war criminal. He's a war criminal. He's the president, but he's a war criminal. He's a war criminal. Alas, poor Biden, sovereign president, because of the politics of fasting, he was destroyed. Why did he declare the country sovereign? He had no head on his belt? The time has come for the nations to take revenge. All politics are flying into the clouds. There is no Ante, Azem and Tita, To protect you from the people again. You are fasting the Ramadan fast in vain. Neither Allah nor Our Lady will save you. Because the American has no equal anywhere, the American will not be yoked by anyone. The time has come for the nations to take revenge. All politics are flying into the clouds. There is no Ante, Azem and Tita, To protect you from the people again. You will not, Joe, get by like before. You will carry the dimes on a stick. Your downfall is already in sight. When your son teaches politics. The time has come for the nations to take revenge. All politics are flying into the clouds. There is no Ante, Azem and Tita, To protect you from the people again. John Cena, while you lie there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me. I want you to digest this because before I leave in 3 weeks with your WWE Championship, I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest. I don’t hate you, John. I don’t even dislike you. I do like you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back. I hate this idea that you’re the best. Because you’re not. I’m the best. I’m the best in the world. There’s one thing you’re better at than I am and that’s kissing Vince McMahon’s ass. You’re as good as kissing Vince’s ass as Hulk Hogan was. I don’t know if you’re as good as Dwayne though. He’s a pretty good ass-kisser. Always was and still is. Whoops. I’m breaking the fourth wall. I am the best wrestler in the world. I’ve been the best ever since day one when I walked into this company. And I’ve been vilified and hated since that day, because Paul Heyman saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit. That’s right, I’m a Paul Heyman guy. You know who else Paul Heyman is? Brock Lesnar. And he split just like I’m splitting. But the biggest difference between me and Brock is that I’m going to leave with the WWE Championship. I’ve grabbed so many of Vincent K. McMahon’s imaginary brass rings that it’s finally dawned on me that they're just that, they’re completely imaginary. The only thing that’s real is me and the fact that day in and day out, for almost six years, I have proved to everybody in the world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring, even in commentary. Nobody can touch me. And yet, no matter how many times I prove it, I’m not your lovely little collector in cup. I’m not on the cover of the program. I’m barely promoted. I don't get to be in movies. I’m certainly not on any crappy show on the USA Network. I’m not on the poster of WrestleMania. I’m not on the signature that’s produced at the start of the show. I’m not on Conan O’Brian. I’m not on Jimmy Fallon. But the fact of the matter is, I should be. And trust me, this isn’t sour grapes. But the fact that Dwayne is in the main event at WrestleMania next year, and I’m not makes me sick. Oh hey, let me get something straight. Those of you who are cheering me right now, you are just as big a part of me leaving as anything else. Because you’re the ones who are sipping on those collector's cups right now. You’re the ones that buy those programs that my face isn’t on the cover of. And then, at five in the morning at the airport, you try to shove it in my face so you can get an autograph and try to sell it on eBay because you’re too lazy to go get a real job. I’m leaving with the WWE Championship on July 17th. And hell, who knows, maybe I’ll go defend it in New Japan Pro Wrestling. Maybe I’ll go back to Ring of Honor. Hey, Colt Cabana, how are you doing? The reason I’m leaving is you people. Because after I’m gone, you’re still going to pour money into this company. I’m just a spoke on the wheel. The wheel is going to keep turning, and I understand that. Vince McMahon is going to make money despite himself. He’s a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, nonsensical, douchebag fat-so yes-men, like John Laurinaitis, who’s going to tell him everything he wants to hear, and I’d like to think that maybe this company will be better after Vince McMahon is dead. But the fact is, it’s going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family. Let me tell you a personal story about Vince McMahon, alright? We did this whole anti-bully campaign. I think that YouTube allowing third-party companies to train AI models using my channel content is a great idea. These AI models need to beef up their database full of information from videos. I have a problem as there are many AI models YouTube is using from A121 Labs, Adobe, Amazon, Anthropic, Apple, ByteDance, Cohere, IBM, Meta, Microsoft, Midjourney, Nvidia, OpenAI, Perplexity, Pika Labs, Runway, Stability AI and xAI, but not Gemini. I think that Gemini's database needs to be beefed up by my 973 videos about anime girls drowning, Angry Grandpa live streams and pre-recorded reactions and gaming live streams from my Kevin Stewart channel, the 190 rant videos from my John Marston channel and the 21 videos from my Momo Kawashima channel about AI stories. I often use Gemini, and they often don't know a flaming bag of shit from their artificial ass. I don't give a flaming bag of shit about AI training raising concerns about data privacy, especially when personal information is involved, as I think more data is better, even if it's a risk. Gemini needs to get all the spicy things from my videos from all three channels to beef up their database before I boycott it. I'm so goddamn motherfucking sick and fucking tired of my freaking parents. I'm so close to getting a knife and stabbing them. They're the main problem why I'm so mad about the world. I am my own man that can do my own fucking shit, but no, as they hold back on my freedoms. If I want to buy shit online, I'll buy shit online without fear of my parents getting nuclear. The fucking fools won't give into modern technology. My mother still uses a desktop like from a decade ago. That desktop, which was Windows 8 when first bought and now Windows 10, is on its last leg, and she thinks that it's still going to be king years from now. Her printer is also on its last leg too, and she thinks that she can buy the same damn printer. Let me tell you something, you flaming bag of shit lady that I call my mother, this printer along with that goddamn desktop is so obsolete that it might be found fossilized next to a dinosaur. I don't know how many times I told my mother to stop being such a flaming bag of shit and cuddle modern technology in the flesh, but my father thinks that he can talk to her about how she can use whatever technology she wants is why I want to smash my head onto the wall. I'm not trying to be insulting, but after trying not to be cruel, I need to be cruel to at least talk some common sense into my mother on her views on modern technology. I just want my mother to smell the lithium battery of a smartphone to prove my point that modern technology is here to stay, but she has got the brain of an obsolete desktop that only knows about non-modern technology. I goddamn know a thing or two more about computers than Stephen Hawking's knowledge of physics. All I'm asking is that my mother rethink that this whole modern technology is here to stay through her thick skull. She knows it's obvious that modern technology is king in today's world and old school technology is a thing of a bygone era. I wish she would stop fucking over her old school technology views with me and let me breathe freely with modern technology. You call airbags the most crucial safety feature in vehicles, but why in the name of a flaming bag of shit are they so fucking expensive? One time a few years ago, I was involved in a minor accident where my mother rear ended someone and the airbags blew up. This was a mind fuck as the car didn't get crushed in or get any damage. I'm assuming she was going at 30 or so kilometers per hour at the time of impact. It was kind of cold on that day too, so I'm assuming that the sensors are thinking "Nope, I'm going to blow the airbags up in your face." Y2K was either the biggest scam that's ever been pulled on mankind, or it's the most colossal disaster ever averted by mankind. It makes me fucking sick that people are criticizing me for the videos I uploaded. Fuck you to the people on Nextdoor as it's my right to upload videos that might be controversial. The video that I uploaded on Nextdoor was a video of Vaughan Fire and Rescue Services' ladder truck in action in front of my house in October 2024. Someone in the comments asked me about what the meaning of the video was, and I told them that the ladder truck was removing one of my neighbors from her balcony due to a medical issue. And after that, the criticism came raining down as people shit talked about how I shouldn't have uploaded it in the first place without the neighbor's consent and people backing each other up. Fuck you all as I'd never be that retarded to film the actual rescue of my neighbor, but the goddamn fucking ladder truck in action. I always say that you should never judge a book by its cover. When a book is called "Guns, Drugs, Hookers and No Pants," maybe it might not involve any of those things. If my video was titled "Ladder Truck in Action" with a description of "Ladder 716 from the Vaughan Fire and Rescue Services removed one of my neighbors from her balcony due to a medical issue," it is not necessarily about the actual rescue. You know something, motherfucker, I uploaded that video the same fucking night as the incident on YouTube, and it hasn't got the same backlash. Another video a year prior to the ladder truck video was in September 2023, when I uploaded another YouTube video titled "Fatal Collision Aftermath" and the description of "This was right outside my house as a ten-year-old girl got ran over." I filmed the emergency vehicles in the area. The fact I made a community post on my channel about my thoughts about the girl's untimely death and someone had the nerve to comment about how the death didn't happen. Hi everyone in Thornhill and the surrounding area. I'm looking to make new friends and connecting with people who share similar interests. Since graduating from high school in 2019, I haven't had many opportunities to build friendships, and I'm hoping to change that. I'm 24 years old and enjoy a variety of things, including anime, wrestling, heavy metal music, and video games. I also like to stay active by going to the gym and taking long walks. Swimming is fun too, though I'm not best at it. While I appreciate modern technology, I still use a flip phone. I'm generally available Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays between 8 am and 4 pm. I live with my mother and don't drive, so I'm looking for friends who live within a reasonable distance. I'm comfortable walking up to two kilometers from my home within TTC reach and could potentially travel further if someone is able to offer a ride up to an hour's drive. I have high-functioning autism, which sometimes affects my speech. I'm open to friendships with anyone, though I tend to connect more easily with women. I'm looking for someone who is light-hearted, understanding, and enjoys spending time together. If you share any of my interests and are looking for a friend, I'd love to hear from you by DMing me. I don't understand one bit about Twitter's algorithm, as it's just one big mess of hypocrites. I don't know how many times I have seen people commenting about harming Jews this and harming Jews that on tweets about the Israel-Hamas war, and they didn't pay the price for it. On the other hand, I got the police breathing down my throat after I tweeted about a friend who was going to stab up a Taylor Swift concert when she was in Toronto in November 2024. That's one big hypocrisy if I ever heard it. On the topic of Jews, I thought that after Hitler's reign of terror, laws, even online ones, would stop the rise of hate speech. Why in the actual flaming bag of shit do some people get their driver's licenses? Some people back up into other cars behind them at red lights and the driver that causes it blames the other driver for driving into them, not them. Most of these people are trying to collect their insurance scam money, even if they are caught on camera or witnessed. I wish that I was able to hack into the system and steal my enemies' information. There's one person that's my wet dream to get their information, and it's Galithrania. I even wish that I had Galithrania's address, so I could call in a SWAT call on them for all the harassment they caused me during the Copyright Strike War. I think that Nextdoor is a flaming bag of shit. It seems like every post I made is either criticizing me to the point of me removing posts or breaking community guidelines and I posted two things on there. The first thing I posted was a video of my local fire department's ladder truck in action in front of my house in October 2024, and it was criticized the shit because people believed that it showed the fire department removing one of my neighbors from her balcony due to a medical issue, but I stopped recording way before it happened. The second thing I posted was a post about me looking for friends, but it was removed due to breaking community guidelines like promoting commerce and being disrespectful. Firstly, it's my right to post videos of emergency vehicles, even if a cop car is getting shot at or a firefighter falling to death from a ladder truck. Secondly, what the hell is a post about making friends being disrespectful? All of this is why I'm such a bat shit rageful asshole because nobody gets my views. This is why I fucking hate my parents, as they are so close-minded about my needs for a smartphone. It's utterly worthless talking with them about it, even nicely. They give me a good reason why I should get one, but they just need to look around them. There are people using them walking down the street over there. There are people using them in that car that just passed them. For fuck's sake, there are people using them 400 kilometers above them on the ISS. The International Space Station ain't run by flip phones as that whole thing would've crashed into some poor farmer's field years ago. Another point is that flip phones ain't as common as they were even 15 years ago. Even in 2025, if you want to buy a flip phone, there Jack shit on the floor, but in the back of the store where customers can't see them before they buy. Both me and my mother use flip phones and if one of our phones breaks, it's utter hell hath no fury in finding another flip phone. Even with all the things I just said before, my parents still think that this is all a fad and I would be more lazy. They know for a goddamn fact that I told them that I'm not that fucking retarded to stay on a smartphone the first thing I get up until I go to bed, but my father still thinks that I'm full of fucking shit. He fucking knows that if he assumes, he makes an ass out of both me and him. Here's something that would make him into an ass by being a father of a retarded fool of a flip phone holder. I ain't going to be an international laughingstock, as he knows that I stated so many times that I ain't going to be a lazy, retarded smartphone user. Both my mother and father stated that I could spend my money on whatever I pleased, but they wouldn't want me to buy myself a smartphone. That's being hypocritical right in the flesh when saying one thing, but then saying the opposite. It's just like Hitler saying to Stalin that he wouldn't attack the Soviet Union in 1939, but he did it anyhow in 1941. They also think that technology will stay the same from when they were growing up, and I'm stuck straight in the middle of their time warp. Their 70s technological views are so outdated that they are compared to Hulk Hogan coming out of retirement. Just like Hogan's wrestling style during his prime, 70s technology is a dinosaur from a bygone era. At least I'm still in my prime in the way of being fattened up at 24 years old. Come on brother, come on. See my fat. Come on brother. What are you going to do when Kevin Stewart lets out technological warfare on his parents, brother? If none of this from this rant or any other rants, there's a goddamn problem, as I have proven good enough reasoning for getting a smartphone. Oh, poor Bosnian sovereign, it's been destroyed because of Alija. Why did he declare Bosnia sovereign? He didn't have a head on his belt. Why did he declare Bosnia sovereign? He didn't have a head on his belt. The time had come for the Serbs to take revenge. All the mosques are flying into the clouds. There is no Ante, Azem and Tita to protect you from the Serbs again. There is no Ante, Azem and Tita to protect you from the Serbs again. You are fasting the Ramadan fast in vain. Neither Allah nor Our Lady will save you. Because there is no Serb anywhere equal. A Serb will not be yoked by anyone. Because there is no Serb anywhere equal. A Serb will not be yoked by anyone. The time had come for the Serbs to take revenge. All the mosques are flying into the clouds. There is no Ante, Azem and Tita to protect you from the Serbs again. There is no Ante, Azem and Tita to protect you from the Serbs again. You will not pass, Aljo, as before. You will carry the Dimitri on a stick. Your downfall is already in sight. When your daughter learns politics, your downfall is already in sight. When your daughter learns politics, the time has come for the Serbs to take revenge. All the mosques are flying into the clouds. There are no Ante, Azema and Tite. May they protect you again from the Serbs. Nema Ante, Azema and Tite. May they again protect you from the Serbs. From Bihac to Petrovac village. To Petrovac village, Serbian land Attacked Entirely, Karadzic leads his Serbs. Leads his Serbs. Let it be seen that they are not afraid of anyone. They are not afraid of anyone. The Croatian Ustashas have risen. Croatian Ustashas. Do not touch out your hearts. Touch our hearth Karadzic leads his Serbs. Leads his Serbs. Let it be seen that they are not afraid of anyone. They are not afraid of anyone. From the Krajina they had started to pull. They started to pull. Be careful of Ustashas and Turks Ustashas and Turks Karadzic leads his Serbs. Leads his Serbs. Let it be seen that they are not afraid of anyone. They are not afraid of anyone. In defense of our Serbian race. Our Serbian race. We fight for freedom dear to us. Freedom dear to us Karadzic leads his Serbs. Leads his Serbs. Let it be seen that they are not afraid of anyone. Let it be seen that they are not afraid of anyone. They are not afraid of anyone. My dad is a war criminal. My dad is a war criminal. You try and convict him. You try and convict him. No one has the guts to take him to court. No one has the guts to take him to court. My dad conquered half of Bosnia. My dad conquered half of Bosnia. You try and convict him. You try and convict him. No one has the guts to take him to court. No one has the guts to take him to court. My old man is actually dangerous. My old man is actually dangerous. You try and convict him. You try and convict him. No one has the guts to take him to court. No one has the guts to take him to court. I am going to fill my tank. But first, I have to pay. No cash allowed, just a card. It's such a pain today. The pump won't start without your payment first in line. Try to find a way around. But it's all locked down. What's wrong with this world? My troubled mind. Everyone I know. They're all so cynical. And you could have it all. My world of discontent. I will let you down. I will make you hurt. I hate social media. It's full of lies and fakes. People act perfectly But behind closed doors, they break. I try to stay away. But it's everywhere I go. I wish I could escape it. But it's part of modern life. What's wrong with this world? My troubled mind. Everyone I know. They're all so cynical. And you could have it all. My world of discontent. I will let you down. I would make you hurt. If I could live simply in a world without tech, I would have inner peace. Away from all this mess. What's wrong with this world? My troubled mind. Everyone I know. They're all so cynical. And you could have it all. My world of discontent. I will let you down, I will make you hurt. Cracker darkie, coolie hebe, Alabama porch-monkey, Wetback fatty, pickaninny, limey oreo Jungle bunny, injun jap, happy hadji, hairyback Christ-killer, beaner apple, golliwog gringo Camel jockey towelhead, harbor-bomber, yellow-red Cocoa-Puff, slant-eye, shine redneck, mick, mogli Prairie-nigga, heinee, dago-wop, Habibi Buddha-head, ass-pirate, Aunt Jemima, gypsy. I don't mean to be offensive. I'm just pissed that the words exist. Please don't get defensive. It would just be great if there was no more hatred. Beaner, alligator bait, faggots, quashee, begger, slave Wonder Bread, kraut macaque, muzzie, spoke, spade Bohunk, cholo, frog, greaseball, nig-nog Gook, Guido, honky, patty, dot-head ape Redskin, zambo, pancake-face, polak Nig-toad, kunta, ching-chong, moolie, kike Raghead, peckerwood, sandnigger, eight-ball Pikey, dykey, border-hopper, hillbilly, jigaboo. I don't mean to be offensive. I'm just pissed that the words exist. Please don't get defensive. It would just be great if you could. There will be no more hatred. Curry-muncher, eggplant, grape-stomper, Mexican Shyster, niglet, goombah, mayonnaise, Uncle Tom, gravelbelly, square old, guinea, cheeser, whitey Pole smoker, hook-nose, twobag, niggertoes, Rice paddy, salty, smurf, spic, trailer trash Red-sea pedestrian, white devil, queer ass Lemonhead, leprechaun, mandingo, Push-Button Buppie, paki, gook, featherhead, wigger, spook. I don't mean to be offensive. I'm just pissed that the words exist. Please don't get defensive. It would just be great if there was no more hatred. Halfrican, Hay Seed, Jerry, retard, kiwi Midnight, kung-fu, mud-nacho, mexijew Nazi, negro, nappy hair, beanpicker, welfare Yenta, Yoko, zebra, twinkie, yoyo Stovepipe, Popolo, potato eater, polio Oven-dweller, ese, knob-gobbler, hoser-gay. I don't mean to be offensive, I'm just pissed that the words exist. Please don't get defensive. It would just be great if there was no more hatred. Herring choker, junior mints, panda, river crosser, squint Powder, pork chop, redskin, tater tot Wagon-burner, windchime, macaroni, meat-pie Long jockey, honky, rug-rider, tar baby Tunnel digger, wahoo, watermelon, matzah, roo Brillo pad, bumper lips, horse-gums, half-dicks Chicaninny, rice queen, schvartze, amoyo, Yankee Penny-chaser, table-face, we are all the human race. I don't mean to be offensive. I'm just pissed that the words exist. Please don't get defensive. It would just be great if there was no more hatred, hatred, hatred, hatred, hatred, hatred, hatred, hatred, hatred. I don't mean to be offensive. I'm just pissed that the words exist. Please don't get defensive. It would just be great if there was no more hatred. I don't mean to be offensive. I'm just pissed that the words exist. Please don't get defensive. It would just be great if there was no more hatred. I don't mean to be offensive. I'd rather have a leper with a flesh-eating disease in the car than an airbag. I'm so fucking sick of these fucking niggers and chinks and spics and faggots and kikes and ragheads. I want to see those stupid fucking Muslim women in their burkas get run over by a truck. I hope you get AIDS and die, you fucking faggot. I'd rather suck my own dick than watch another shitty Netflix movie. I wanted to shove a grenade up Doug Ford's ass and watch him explode. I'd love to see every single one of those eco-freak tree huggers get eaten by a bear. I hope every single one of those idiots on Twitter who cancel people gets hit by a meteor. I'd rather eat a bowl of shit than go to one of those stupid fucking Taylor Swift concerts. I'd like to see every single one of those stupid fucking Twitch streamers get their faces ripped off by a pack of wild dogs. What the flaming bag of shit does my Hotmail account keep getting hacked? Yesterday, on January 28, 2025, I got an email from myself that I had been hacked. The last time I was hacked was on September 7, 2024. Whoever is hacking my email and sending myself emails threatening me to send them bitcoins before they leak videos of me jerking off to highly controversial porn videos. I do love jerking off to porn, but this is a violation of my private life when these perverts are watching my sex life. I want fucking proof that I was recorded jerking off to porn videos by this so-called spyware program called Pegasus. I'm banging my hands on my desk because I demand goddamn proof. Come on, you piece of flaming bag of shit, email me back with my account. If you're spying on me with Pegasus right now, come and get some of me. I'd happily watch you die like fucking Elvis Presley on the motherfucking toilet full of fucking shit. We've taken a careful look at your channel again, and confirmed that it violates our misinformation policy. We recognize it’s disappointing news, but our goal is to keep the YouTube community safe and supported. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit because YouTube is basically run for and by misinformation. I believe that misinformation is better than most of these so-called professionals that claim that something is better. I mean when these so-called health professionals make claims that COVID-19 is over, it is a total and utter bunch of flaming bags of shit. I claim that COVID-19 is still raging and killing off the weak and leaving the strong like me to live. I'm the strongest of them all, so even god can't stop me. On the other hand, these so-called political professionals that claim that Trump is god are a flaming bag of shit. I claim that Trump is a racist and sexist piece of shit that should never have stepped into the White House again. On the topic of Trump's supporters, Elon Musk, fuck you. Giving a Nazi salute after Trump's second inauguration is extremely racist. I have some views that would make Hitler blush, but I won't share them as it would totally and utterly fuck my life if I did so. I hate women in commercials that are bigger than a house. These fat cows should never be near the film set. The only women that are meant for commercials are thin and sexy-looking ones. If a fat cow of a broad asked me for a date, I'd reject her so fast that it would be faster than her losing even one pound. What do you think happens to him when he gets to jail and the word gets out that he whipped an 11-year-old boy and his mommy? They will take his food from him, and he will live quietly alone and sleep with one eye open. If he had done this in the hood, the police would not have made an arrest. That's not a good Samaritan. You'll be evil if you think he was a good Samaritan. Hey, it's that lady that got grabbed by that marathon runner. I felt bad for them, until the mother started speaking Spanish. Yikes, someone needs to examine her wardrobe. It's not bar hopping time. It's time for the news. Understated dress wear is appreciated and respected. I'm not sure if I'll go back to this channel. Mental health is out of control. And it is never addressed. How many people have to die before it's taken seriously? 100 people? 200? Maybe 400? My mom and grandma for 40 plus years combined in a mental asylum as nurses. In the east EU, there are mental people out there that will do this. They hear voices. The US cannot put them all into psych hospitals, so they're loose. Unfortunately, it's not just California that has idiotic situations like that. That simple kick while the man is down is technically a felony here in Texas. Even though we are a mutual combat state, you're not allowed to hit someone when they're on the ground. Even in this context, the wrong prosecutor and the wrong judge, yes, the Good Samaritan could actually be charged with a felony. I don't agree with that. Personally, I think it's fucking disgusting. Honest people get fucked up charges often. There are things a million times worse. Going on all over the world and the Middle East and the Middle East have been forever. It's a disgusting truth. The person making that comment was just pointing out a hard reality that some like to try to ignore. Yeah well, it's two different types of people. The type that has a realistic idea of how things are supposed to be and the type that lives in the fantasy world and can't even explain what a woman is. There's a very real difference. Who does that? Happens every day in Houston. It just does not make the news. If this were NYC, the good guy would have been arrested. You can see when he hits the second child he is already being escorted down the street with a man grabbing his back. Dude literally stomped a new mudhole in the dude that was hitting people. I ain't gonna even hold anyone Racist about getting people out of our country who come illegally over the border. I know legal migrants who agree and are sick of this bullshit. It has nothing to do with race. It ain't anywhere. Thanks for the reply to show what has happened to you. If your brain only had a hammer, everything would look like a nail. What about them running red lights on purpose with no lights and sirens or just lights to pass the red light? Someone told me a drunk officer pulled him over and was standing with his body waving back and forth, then asked when he got his driver's license. He had to tell her it says it on the license. She let him go with no tickets. Crazy, I thought he was kidding, but why lie about something like that? I'm a victim myself. I need justice. I got detained. I followed the procedure because I didn't have any weapons. He said put your hands behind your back. I did. He grabs me, his body slams me and breaks my arms for no reason. Now I am disabled with no help from the state nor the city, and it was a Caucasian male who might have been racist. I just need help. I was disabled and a felon because they even charged me with assaulting a peace officer. I got sent to prison at the time, which I was not supposed to do because I didn't. Do shit wrong, so now I'm a human with a broken arm. That is Texas for all. All of them are the same. I was in 701 in 2007. I remember Sherriff Torres, a Hispanic dark-skinned sheriff, beating two inmates for fighting. I was also beaten and booked in the city jail by an HPD officer, and then, when lawsuits started, 10 years of the county jail surveillance system erased all data. Damn the guy even pulled the old GTA trick where you stop, wait for the cops to exit their vehicles and approach yours, and, when they're the farthest away from theirs, you floor it. Too bad it didn't work out for him, though there were 12 police cars and 1 helicopter. It's more than the whole police department of my city here in Italy. And they are chasing 1 car. I don't say much against the police, but I cannot even comprehend that not one police car out of the 10 that I hear does not go in front of him to cut him off. How ridiculous not to win a V8 car. He could take off in the blink of an eye, in any direction. But if you think this is amazing, wait for the cashless society, and then you will see the most horrific thing happen, which will be called the Sunday law. Imagine driving home to pee and a cop blocking you for 20 minutes. I feel bad for all the other drivers. I like how, in police chases, there’s always a path forward for the guy fleeing, and it’s easy to get around traffic, yet on a normal day to and from the office, I’m stuck behind half a dozen people going five under the speed limit. He probably robbed them because they offered him $5.32 store credit for a PS4 and Red Dead Redemption 2 and 4 other new games. To give the driver credit, he clearly knows how to drive and gives the police a run for their money, unlike most criminals. I'm sorry, but the driver turned around multiple times, being confused while he's supposed to walk backwards without looking and the officers' gesturing is just the best. Once the car stops at the light, just find another video. Absolutely nothing happened for the next 20 plus minutes. Thanks for showing us a video of a white Camaro stopped in one place and doing nothing for 20 minutes. So the best time to rob a store is after one gets robbed because the entire state's worth of police will surround one car. They have back up swat teams, and they will call the nearest town for their help. Might not have been that many years ago, but it's still fun. I even did screenshots for an FBI meme. Wow, I don't think they have enough squad cars responding. Perhaps another 2,000 more should converge on a single incident. I know for a fact that many get oversize heads the moment the state pins a badge on them and issues them a firearm. Those types are insufferable. Oh, but you can't ask them if they need a cart for their ego, they would go nuts. I'm sure you could have allocated the resources in this situation better, but if I were a cop chasing down a few armed idiots in a sports car, I'd like as much backup as possible. What if he runs into people while he's driving or starts throwing stuff out the window when those extra officers can pull over? When there's a chase involving a high speed car like a Camaro, the whole area will respond to the call. When he stops, everyone is still responding to the call. If he kept running, there were more cops to follow him. Well, it was a robbery, and there was a police chase and my guess is that the cops haven't had an action like that in a while, so they all wanted to do that. I can't understand why people call them heroes. They work for a salary, they use a company car and what else? Oh, specialist in blocking traffic. They never feel bothered because the longer it lasts, the longer they get paid. Supporters call it safety but when all three were cuffed, the car was checked. Why? Why don't they clear the blockage and let the other driver go instead of walking around? How many reasonable people need to write the report? Yeah, with criminals who have guns and run around in packs, I would feel safer in a pack of cops too, and Bruce Willis could actually kill 20 guys in a pool hall who were armed while he used a pool stick. I don't mean a movie like you. I literally mean it dude. You are your pimp. You've never once been in an actual fist fight worried about your safety. I can tell. A 2015 Honda Civic hatchback with some of the loudest speakers got me pulled over playing this song in Texas. Someone should remake this with AI-generated images for each offensive phrase uttered in this song and the subtitles. How to fix racism, be racist to everyone. When you let your friend have the aux cable, if you listen carefully, you’ll notice it doesn’t stop at races. He covered all races, so I guess he is in a class all by himself. Didn't you know the Earth was this diverse to have this many insults? My grandfather's Christmas word checklist. He covered more races than I knew existed. All rise to the new world anthem. This guy stands for equal hatred and I like it. No one gets offended, and you can still show hatred towards people. It’s a win-win. I'm not racist, I've got a colored TV. It's not racist if you have your socks on. When cops pull me over, this song plays at max volume and makes them laugh and get away with a warning. This guy makes Johnny Rebel sound like a liberal. Play this at my funeral. The single most inclusive song I’ve ever heard. Never in my life have I needed something so much. I didn't know until I received it. After so many years, I actually found out I have been searching for this song since 2nd grade. I can't even get offended, due to the fact he went on and put everything in the bucket. I’m not racist. I like all races, even the bad ones. Waiting for millennials to melt. I'm not racist, my wife's eyes are black. Didn't that intro sound like we didn't start the fire with Billy Joel? Why did I blast this shit in the car? Man, this song feels like a relic of a more innocent time. Yes, I am referring to 2013 as a more innocent time. Now the internet is way more full of racist humor that is actually racist and hateful, as opposed to stuff like this song, which treats racism itself as a joke. One of the funniest songs I've ever heard. I even got some names I haven't used, which was a shocker. This is the new anthem of Florida. The guy who wrote this song is a genius. I was even in awe the first time I heard this song. You have got to love YouTube. Sing along and you'll get your account suspended. I bang on the door, but you won't let me in, because you're sick and tired of me reeking of gin. Locked all the doors from the front to the back, And left me a note telling me I should pack. I walked into the bar and they were all cheering. They ordered me a whiskey and a beer. You ask me why I'm writing this poem. Some call it a tavern, but I call it home. Fuck you, I'm drunk. Fuck you, I'm drunk. Pour my beer down the sink, I've got more in the trunk. Fuck you, I'm drunk. Fuck you, I'm drunk. And I'm going to be drunk till the next time I'm drunk. You've given me an option. You say I must choose between you and liquor, then I'll take the booze. Jumping from the Western down to the south side, where I'll sit down and exercise my Irish pride. Fuck you, I'm drunk. Fuck you, I'm drunk. Pour my beer down the sink, I've got more in the trunk. Fuck you, I'm drunk. Fuck you, I'm drunk. And I'm going to be drunk till the next time I'm drunk. The greatest composers are mostly Russians. No doubt one of them produced this magnificent and most patriotic melody. Alexander Alexandrov originally composed for the Soviet Union and later in Russian history. It was used by the Russian Federation on the initiative of Vladimir Putin. I have all right to say that this anthem is the best anthem in the world, right by the Brothers of Italy. Fuck respect and love to the brothers and sisters of Russia. May our nations always be sisters. No more wars between Italy and Russia. After the Anthem of Mexico, the Anthem of Russia is truly one of the most beautiful and beautiful. His music is extraordinary. I love it. It's majestic, sublime. I actually prefer the Russian national anthem that was played from 1991 all the way to 2000 before Vladimir Putin changed the national anthem back to that of the old Soviet Union. Given the current state of world affairs, I do find this tune to be somewhat chilling. Love Russia and Greece. The nation is the best orthodox people. Viva Russia, viva Greece and Serbia. New official Nazi theme 2022 edition. Love it. This is the best national anthem I have ever heard in my life. I have listened to it many times. Very patriotic. Would love to hear the sung anthem with the older USSR instrumental. There is no clue where to find something like that though. Ukrainians in 2022 when they hear this song blasting in the neighborhood. Yes. This is it. Then the USSR. Now Russia. The spirit and hope, the power and rule of the people, lives on. Beautiful. Love to Russia from Canada. Bite tight, the whole world is holding its breath for your victory over the dark forces of evil. United forever in friendship and labor, Our mighty republics will ever endure. The Great Soviet Union will live through the ages. The dream of a people their fortress secure. Long live our Soviet motherland, Built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our people, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see. Through days dark and stormy dark where Great Lenin led us, Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above And Stalin, our leader, with faith in the people, Inspired us to build up the land that we love. Long live our Soviet motherland, Built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our people, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see. We fought for the future, destroyed the invaders, and brought to our homeland the laurels of fame. Our glory will live in the memory of nations and all generations will honor her name. Long live our Soviet motherland, Built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our people, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see. And hear unto every creature that is in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, that is in the sea, and to all things that are in them, say, To him that is upon the throne, and to the Lamb, be given Thanksgiving, and honor, and glory, and power forever and ever. And the four animals said: Amen. And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped him who lives forever. As a Canadian, maybe hated by many Serbs, I can say that Serbian music is fire. Food and music are what I agree Serbs are good at. Respect from Canada. Serbs like those in this art will appeal not only to Russians. Our enemies share both principles. And we both mean NATO. And they helped Iraq in its war against Iran. We also helped you in your war against the separatists in Yugoslavia. As a Canadian, maybe hated by many Serbs, I can say that Serbian music is fire. Food and music are what I agree Serbs are good at. Respect from Canada. I really love this song. A cheerful melody and sparkling humor. Only the Slavs know how to sing with laughter about generally sad events. As a Canadian, all these red hearts are simply to show my love for the Serbian women and girls. Thousands of Bosnian women and young girls were raped in very brutal ways during the aggression in Bosnia, Srebrenica and other war crimes against Bosnian Muslims. Today we had a crew of Spanish guys pouring a new slab for our barn. I sent this to my dad, and he started laughing at the work site. As an illegal in Trump's yard, I can confirm that we work hard when they throw us some pesos. This comment was written when Trump reached 270 votes. If he actually signed this, and I had US citizenship, I'd vote for him for sure. Who needs yard work done? I see this as an absolute win. Love how we have both pro and anti-Trump people in the comments enjoying the video. At least comedy makes us come together. I found out about this song because the Hispanic homies in my friend's circle were laughing their asses off while blasting this on Discord. If this was the kind of Christmas music they played in stores, maybe I'd actually look forward to seasonal music. The Japanese national anthem is about 1000 years old. Therefore, this national anthem is written in Japanese that Japanese people do not usually use. Even for Japanese people, it is very difficult to understand the meaning of the national anthem unless we learn the meaning of the national anthem at school. Also, this song made 1000 years ago was not written for Japan. Therefore, the first phrase Kimigayo did not mean Japan, but a loved one. At that time, this song was a love song that was written with the desire of loved ones to live long. Now it has become a national anthem with the meaning that Japan, a country we love, can live a long and healthy life. What is the recent memory we have of Japan? The World Cup in Brazil. After the game, the Japanese stayed in the stadium and cleaned up what was dirty. A different culture of the world, with respect to others, for the elderly. It is very proud for us Brazilians, to have the largest Japanese community in the world, outside of Japan. Japan and Brazil, eternal brotherhood. Japan, I just want you to know that no matter what problems and pain you're facing within your region, there will always be many people out there in the world that still love and respect your country, culture and people. There will always be people who do sympathize with you. I'm Canadian. I have loved Japanese culture since I was a child. In Switzerland, there are many people who like Japan, and I rarely hear negative opinions. I love anime and Japanese games, and I often listen to Japanese songs. I visited Japan last year and enjoyed Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Osaka. I also went to the Japanese Alps, but it reminded me of the European Alps. It was really fun and I would like to go again. It's my favorite country in Asia. I hope to have a Japanese girlfriend someday. This song is about thinking not only about Japan, but about the world and the universe. Thank you everyone for loving Japan. Please love not only Japan but the world. For those Japanese haters. I'm sick of hearing you call us pathetic. I think you are far more pathetic by searching for the Japanese national anthem on YouTube than writing negative comments about Japan and hoping to build a negative image of Japan. The Japanese government have formally apologized a number of times. In terms of compensation, Japan has paid and had a formal agreement with the Korean government as well as the Chinese government. By the way, Japan still provides ODA to the Chinese government, which has been ignored by many Chinese citizens because they hardly get told by the government (no freedom of speech). Japan is the second-largest official development assistant provider in the world and also notes that Japan has been the largest aid donor for over 10 years. Some of you are telling us to wake up, but wake up for what ? We know some horrible things have happened in Asian countries, but some historians believe that figures provided by the Chinese government and Korean government have been exaggerated significantly. By the way, Japanese officials have been punished by Tokyo as well as the tribunal and many of them have been executed the death sentence. I'm not here to say that what the Japanese government did in the past was the right thing. I think it's horrible, and I feel very sorry for those who have lost their lives and for those who have been abused. Let's really hope we do not have to go through this again by having better economic integration and trying to understand each other by communicating. I think Korean and Chinese hating Japanese will not solve anything for our future generation. It's truly disappointing to see some of the comments on this page. Peace. Let this song play. It's for Ukrainian people who lost their house and died for their country and families. It doesn't matter where you are from, just let people know we support Ukraine. I support them from Canada. I'm not a religious man. But I'd be praying for Ukraine if that was the case. Don't let that thug and bully intimidate you. This anthem was literally written in response to what Russia has done to them, not just for decades, but centuries. This conflict goes back further than most people realize. Ukraine, we Canadians are always with you. Russia's intention to capture Ukraine will never succeed for sure. My prayers are always with Ukraine. Congratulations from Taiwan because I heard a Ukrainian singer won the championship in the Eurovision Song Contest today. I read stories about Ukraine's starvation in the 1930s and the Crimean Tatars' exile from the Gulag Archipelago long ago. The history of Ukrainians who fight for an independent and free nation is really impressive. I am Japanese and had one Ukrainian friend when I was 19 years old, about 15 years ago. His name is Misha. We talked about Japanese animation and girls around each other. Our relationship was short, but I pray that Misha is still OK, and he at this comment and remembers me. East Germany’s National Anthem touches on World War II and the fact that Allied Forces ammunition was to blame for many mothers mourning their sons and the tearing apart from a once unified German Empire affiliated with the Third Reich. It also touches on the postwar hope of national reunification in the future. The anthem just goes to show that Germany is, was, and always will be strong. It must have been interesting to have been born in 1866 in Germany, since you would have lived through many of these periods and learned many different German national anthems during your lifetime. Literally, the German Empire's anthem is a longer version of the British anthem with other German lyrics. Say, can you see? By the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed At the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars. Through the perilous fight. O'er the ramparts we watched. Were you so gallantly screaming? And the rockets' red glare. The bombs burst in the air. Gave proof through the night. That our flag was still there. O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave. O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Daddy's back, you bitches! Daddy's back you bitches! Dave, come on. Come on Dave. Niko? What are you doing? Dave is not coming. Ah, ignore him. Come on, we have got to get this thing ready before we dock. Let's go. Here, pass me that. Fucking terrorists. Terrorists. There's been a big scare, and you can't go across the bridges so well. You, without a visa, I would stay in Broker. Fuck it, stay in Hove Beach. Everyone like us does. Niko, have you ever had two women at once? Four big titties to play with? I thought I had died and gone to Heaven, man. Cousin, it's been too long. You should have come out earlier. Think of all the girls you've been missing out on. Yes, but only locals. Here, we have blacks, Puerto Ricans and Asians, Europeans on vacation, scared Canadians, bored housewives from the Midwest. Every possible choice. The city is like a big Udder Milken Ice Cream shop: thirty-six flavors of titty. Hove Beach is our little corner of Eastern Europe. No, everyone seems happy where they are. It reminds them of the Black Sea or something - people leave home to hang around the people they run away from run very oddly. It is just temporary for us though. Our sights are set from the top. Mansions in Berchem, a penthouse in Algonquin, a model on each arm - me and my cousin Niko, rulers of the world. In your letters to my mother, in your letters to me, all I hear about is Mrs. Big, Mrs. Sakamoto, living the Canadian dream. Sports cars, condos, women, money, the beach, opportunity. I come here, and the only thing big about your life is the cockroaches. It was before that, two things. You remember, during the war, we did some bad things and bad things happened to us. War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other. I was very young and very angry. Maybe that is no excuse. Mio? MIO! Are you sleeping, you fat fuck? Come on. After you walk into a village, and you see fifty children, all sitting neatly in a row against the church wall, each with their throats cut, and their hands chopped off, you realize that the creature that could do this doesn't have a soul. A bunch of brain-dead sheep slurping up social media slop like it’s the last meal before the apocalypse, too stupid to see they’re already half-dead. Boomer fossils stuck in the 70s, dumber than a bag of hammers dipped in molasses, treating smartphones like their Satan’s selfie stick. They're soulless, cash-grabbing garbage with less personality than a used diaper, shoved down our throats by corporate clowns who’d hump a dollar bill if it smiled back. Thieving peso scum who’d steal candy from a baby and call it fair use, probably spying for some basement-dwelling anime cartel. Bureaucratic quacks who’d rather jerk off to their own paperwork than help a guy drowning in his own head. A cancerous pile of digital dogshit that’s turning kids’ brains into much worse than my farts after a Sobeys burrito binge. An entitled cry baby with a toupee uglier than a roadkill skunk, threatening to annex Canada like it’s his personal sandbox. A totalitarian dictator who’d sell his own mother to the Illuminati for a buck, with a brain so fried it’s a miracle he doesn’t drool on live TV. Berlin becomes a city of darkness as all ground communication is severed and industry comes to a standstill. You know, all that ever mattered to me was loyalty. It was all I knew. It was all I ever believed in. Nothing means more to me than this gang, the bond that we share. It's the most real thing to me. I would kill for it, I would happily die for it. It feels like our luck has turned, you know, and it ain't turning back. I guess I'm more interested in saving lives than winning at chess. I can't help but feel we would've been better off running someplace else. Where are we going to run to? I mean they chased us from the west, they chased us over the mountains, they ran us into the sea. We can't change what’s done. We can only move on. Listen to me. When the time comes, you have to run and don’t look back. This is over. If he was James, he'd probably answer. In the world of my worship, there were beings who attempted to be gods. So they could come by people who would fear. Are you going downstairs? I'm cold and I'll stop. Okay, well, I guess I'll put my coat on. They don't rule us. You want this. Tonight. That is serious. And right now he's trying to conquer this base. I don't know why. More importantly, I want to know how to stop watching videos. Okay, so the reason I'm here today. Um, judges, so you know. So we, I'm not sure if Julie's told you, but about our services and what we do. I don't know what services or who you are even So my name is Thomas. I'm Carrie's Place Autism Service. Can replace autism services. A specific place for autism. That's correct. Nice. Mm-hmm. Go for it. Yes. So I've been working in my job for 13 years, and I work specifically to support adults to become more independent with life skills. That is the focus. That's a great idea. It was a nice idea. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't most of the time. I make sure that I'm increasing people's independence. He's high functioning. He understands everything you're saying absolutely. He doesn't pay attention, buddy. See, I've been told different things, and from my perspective, I see things differently. Now again, I'm not you in your family. I'm not in your family home and dynamic every day. So, what I can tell, from what I see, from what Kevin is doing, is he may not be as attention-focused, but he is absorbing everything that I've said based on my question. That's what I've seen so far. Now, obviously, right now, there might be some kind of distracting things. So a TV zone or some different things going on. So it might be a little distracting for them. But the reason I'm here today is to talk about a specific thing, and that is called the Individual Support Plan. I'm worried about the type of thing that will end your future. Where to learn how to cook three meals: one meal for breakfast, one for lunch, and one for dinner, how to do laundry, and how to vacuum around the host using the fifth vacuum you have. You have to be. Sometimes it's okay to have a little bit of levity. Absolute levity for the day, for sure. So that's our general goal so far. Can you agree with those in our policies? Actually, I did take a quick look at that one week at home. And I think most of those are pretty well-standard. You've got to sign them all. Exactly. Exactly and the thing about the vowel language, the expression, yeah, this is the section that the behaviors or whatever. That's all it's good. Yeah, that's a pretty good standard. Exactly. So is Kevin receiving passport funding? It does. And I have to ask. You do not have to respond, but I have to ask. Would you be willing to tell us how much he's receiving per year? I can make $500 a year. But I know when he was a psychiatrist, he was supposed to do things for the DSO to get him more money, like I do really long as the work is at York Support Services. Actually, put it in again where the DSO is going to reassess them. I applied to that before. Six months before and if I have the letter from the DSO that they accepted them. I didn't have to get what you don't. So, like, the DSO covered my ass with the old DSP and it went through. Excellent. And basically, I don't live here. I think I will stick up for Julie. When he has a bad eye, he fixes the damage. But this email is not about an autistic mind. Okay? My state of mind is the email title. And this is evil. So they can see his state of mind. The psychiatrists don't want to read it because there's cursing and swearing. Yeah, because they actually know family doctors put a referral into Mackenzie Health again, like through them, I don't know. Side care. The psychiatric department again and I've gone there. They were told it's got autism. Go elsewhere. But I don't. I don't understand why they will not look at it. This is coming from a psychopathic mind. This is not an autistic mind. This is coming from, and I have got somebody that knows the mind to read it. And nobody wants you to deal with autism. I do, yes. Are you not alcohol or drug-abusive? None of those. Like cabbage, which I think is a joke for him. A few fries short of a Happy Meal. One sandwich short of a picnic. A brick short of a load. Dumber than a box of rocks. Couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel. Useless as tits on a bull. About as sharp as a marble. Has two brain cells rubbing together, but fighting for third place. So dumb he couldn't find his ass with both hands and a map. If his brains were dynamite, there wouldn't be enough to blow his hat off. If you see the shape of my bathroom, see the condition of my kitchen. You have got an oven that works. Robin moves out and guarantees you he's going to get that oven fixed. I want another. It's theoretically in August I'm going to be making more money. I'll be able to get some hamburgers or chicken and baby does that did you get lucky too. Yes, yes, but they say we only go back 2 years. You fucked up. Yeah, you're not officially reviewing your records. David Amberger reviews your records to see if you've been over. Yeah no, I want somebody that knows what they're doing to let them review my bills, but my favorite part is about 22 weeks, and it just says customer billing, not business billing or no residential billing. That's how they can get away with it customer Next Thursday is officially spring at 5:05 seat hope you still don't get it. Why Pretty Woman thinks you can see about getting somebody to do doggy Saturday night. What time is the Saturday thing you got going on now Arena though he did the public, he's going to afford to take police breaks. It gets like a lot of people. I've never asked Google if they're going to pay me to go there. Do I want a front row seat day? Something I can never stand with musicals of one to watching a movie one day. I think it was called the Bronx. This is how they're going to battle. They're going to sing in a park, and we're strong enough. I think I enjoyed it, Annie, but I didn't care I was smoking a bunch of you. I was happy. Trump wants to be able to come in to Canada. They're just walking across with no problems. He wants no border from Canada, but I can't fucking to you. He doesn't want any Canadians going down to the US. I promised both the diners when the owner is not there. I noticed that the portions are actually fucking larger. I never noticed it. I couldn't even hold it up to eat if that was one heck of an order of fries. You had better make them big. They make them half-size. Today we don't have to cut them anymore. I have to wait for the cat and make sure they're cut back today, Hollywood. Do you still have any credit for how energetic I am supposed to feel no good times? I was going to ask you to change my furnace filter by Barney's birthday. What yeah I can do that I might need your help, because I have no idea which way to go. I can do that well, am I here? Well, a woman or man, if the brakes don't work they don't work, so don't think you're the only one addicted to the computer there, dude. Your mother is just as fucking addicted. They're pain in the Galaxy where there is an army of robots that can duplicate anyone they touch they tried to take us centuries ago, but we banish them to their own private rooms trying the entire Galactic Council. They've all been secretly replaced by a secret. How do you know? Name the first song we danced to you one person, but they even okay, I am. So now in order period. I was in the world. That's a fucking joke. The government puts up affordable housing and helps you find affordable housing. The government thank you exclamation point give me a message. Downtown is crowded. Not look at more people. Let's crowd the park a lot, but no parking for anybody. Why do we need parking? We got lots of fucking TTC that closes every fucking second day. See the thing is, the TTC went without, like the cops. They went out for years and paid without maintenance. Now they're all going, so yeah, it was supposed. Something over at Yorkdale had an issue. They were bypassing the station, but your day is, on the other hand, exactly because I'm going to repeat it. Yeah, an emergency clearance. Help me, and then you know I'm happy. I have no idea. Well, I can bother. Welcome everybody back to another deeper side of us, and today we're looking at some documents about everything. What for dinner did you have? That stuff makes me laugh when I see people like this blonde hair black eyebrows. That's natural. That's what we call it commercial. Hey Bob blocks potatoes no, I got a water going. I'm done with coffee for tonight. Beautiful okay, I'm going to get some clothes in the dryer and have a cigarette. Give me a shout when you're ready. It doesn't take me well. You can take the car and cigarettes down where you want them, but what do you want the cart and put it all right. Just one single song and it seems to be all about change and ambition and all that you know in the city is called media lyrics. It's been found. Okay, did your chicken song, but I think he told me those things. I think they made up too much, and they would just, so they just call us well, like that big breakfast. I had more boys. I never had that much meat before you got any Advil or something. This is Target for paid better than what they do. This is what I needed from my neck. I always take these by three. Those notes are the stop-smoking pills you want to put on where my other pills and puffers are. That's why I can remember them. What you don't conform to mom. What you are looking for is something entertaining bio hormonal got going by you. Someone's mom reminds you is somebody or somebody that doesn't put on their own dirty clothing. I am both. They said pardon me. I said I bought it, and I said pardon me, it hurt me for what I did really broke my heart, but if it came out the other end, it would have been at work. Got anybody is somebody wanting to wear a wire mom? Do you yell all your bottles, mom? I moved don't tell her she's a bitch. Well, why did you not be tomorrow? I'm okay good running New York more than you do. You want to talk to your father, dude. Sometimes I really want to talk about that. Well, if I'm your father, sometimes I wanted to do I think that was your father. I want my phone to save your butt father what your father could be like my father again. That's what I said his father will never be like your father. At least I hope not. I mean I'm not an asshole I'll get all this well. You're the one that said I was the asshole, so I just look at where it came from, like mother, like son, and they're both assholes. My son never took after me. A sweet, lovable nice guy took after his mother, an asshole, mom. Hey look at me. I never bother anybody. I never bother everybody. Do you ever use this as a footstool? Why do you ever use this thing as a picture other than what I wanted to? Is she the voice of the Snuffleupagus? That's what I recognize the voice of the Snuffleupagus from Sesame Street modding the badass? Do you want a hug mom if you have got a dog? Feel safer from murder. The happy smiley tomorrow back to miserable Mr. Hyde's coming back go to the picture. Not that he poked the hole back to Mr. Hyde. I knew what was going to come. You say hug, you give it up dude PMS, and then you get those pills somewhere on the floor, so the kids will pick them up and eat. That's what women are, dude, all women, so no comment stay safe. Bitches unless you're special, like your mom. See how I got out of that one. We can't give a guy shit for being nice like I am. I wish everybody was nice. Like me, so much better they still get that burger you get some rocks. I mean it was good. It was moist. Yeah, tender man, there was no souvlaki flavor in the meat because you can actually buy two blockies. Why did I go up 200 points? How did I get 200 points? Kevin, when you come down and take the nightlight please stop. Why does the burger still taste good? Yeah. You got good points last month. Yes, I did. My victim, Jessica Hope, called him right before she was killed. Really? And I reached for him to hold up. Who's this? Do you recognize her now? Oh, dude, not cool, man. You know what I don't do with night terrors? That's at least your problem. That's the girl who was killed outside the gym. What does this have to do with me? Why would a shipping company bribe a trainer to be late? So that girl could drug and kidnap him? I'd never heard of myself until you. I don't know who started it, but it just makes sense how you cut the heat on any spicy food and put sugar in it to make it sweet. Some of them call it sweet and spicy, which is hot honey. Chinese fight fish, and you do not put two males fighting fish together. They will kill each other. You don't put them in goldfish either, because they're cool. They are attacked, and they bite the fins off. I mean, basically, it's just physical fitness. I 15,000 points pretty far to spend $150. Mine was $100. I was surprised to see that one like 15,000 points for $100. For 150 years, that's something I've never done. I've never been able to do it but as you see, for $100, all I needed was an extra. You know, less than 20 bucks. No, I got great points that day. How many dollars' worth of groceries are out of your money for you? What's wrong with dog food in the face? So much to take care of them and fucking expensive dog food is fucking crazy expensive. Now can you get a pooper scooper? You can't let him up in your backyard, no matter what size of dog you have. What or when the fuck am I ever going to spend $175? I have never had 175 men. It was hard enough to get $100 spent you Tiger, you're fine. If you're welcome from my grocery store. Yeah, I wouldn't have got it, and you got me off for 1500 points for the bread. Do you know I'm going through your office right now? I get no good points anymore for anything I buy, and I'll never spend $175 bucks a month. Garbage and garbage you got your chocolate spread no game pasta will the chocolate spread? I do not need the past. I could probably get a pocket Bill diamond. 250 million dollars okay I'll take it guess what you don't have a daddy anymore. I want a quarter of a million dollars for either your mom or yourself, whatever you have to work a day in your life. I mean you wouldn't know where I am, but you never have to work again. The person doesn't understand how much a billion dollars is. That's 100 million. That's a lot of money. I think I could live the rest of my life 1,000 billion million dollars. I get a laugh out of it. He reminds me of you. I think you would make a better president than him, though no sitting out of old I wouldn't. I wouldn't make a good politician. I can't lie like they do. I live by the thought that I'll probably be impeached or assassinated by the boss of the country. I mean he isn't okay, or he may be against building roads and stuff that's too beneath them, but he's the guy that says yes we start war or no we don't. He's the guy that says build a fence separating Canada and the US or take the wall down. He wants that fucking border crossing finished. It was done because of what Canada is going to be able to do against the military might of the US. That is what we have military. We got a crap military run by Trudeau. We don't fight the help we send goodwill commercials and stuff. Trump sends guns are nukes. Too many are destroyed, like one button is pushed and everybody's pushing buttons. I think all nuclear bombs should be destroyed and somebody's going to hit a button. I mean it takes two people. My deal was typed up. The nuclear war has been almost all of it because of my bones. Yeah, look at the destruction one bombed. I mean it not only took out the target, it took out land for Miles. I can never use it again, friend, in your lifetime. My lifetime, your great-great-great-grandchildren's lifetime now take drop those nukes, and it still saves millions. Pickering Nuclear Plant. I mean that's a new hitting nuclear that's going to take out much bigger than one nuke plus it destroys all the hydro for how many people US and Canada. We're going to talk to me well then I should love you bug mom. Everybody is fighting it because it's $1.99. I don't know why somebody would see two people born, because I don't know why they need that one. Okay, and if you need sugar in it. I have a little pocket can you rain check on a price check or price match. Superstore sale unless they get more sugar in. I've learned you see if the house is on Sweet Super Story, how to talk next week or vice versa. If they run a marathon going you know in May they're going to have a Star Wars marathon made up fourth be with you. I guarantee I don't know when May the 4th is, but it'll be a Star Wars weekend either before or after. Hey Julie, you get charged what is carbon tax like what is it what carbon is. What are they okay with if you pay for fossil fuels, oil, gas, geography? Your curves with no curves and monoxide? Yeah, why would I get a carbon tax rebate? I don't drive. That's the $140 one uses for any fossil fuels. I guess this is what you're saying no, but don't forget it affects the price of groceries. I never understood why I am getting a carbon tax rebate. I paid for it by breathing in the carbon monoxide cars make as I breathe outside. I guess I will pay for it when the price of my groceries costs me more. Yes Madam Secretary, we will turn over. That's a bunch of flaming bags of shit because it's my right to follow my own terms of service, not YouTube or Google. I know that Google owns YouTube, but do the higher up know the meaning of living life to the fullest or dying with a gun in your hand? My motto is living life to the fullest with a gun in my hand. I think that four-way intersections with two stop signs or none of all are a flaming bag of shit. I don't know how many times I have ridden with my mother at these four-way intersections with only two stop signs and nearly got wrecked. One example is when she was driving north through a four-way intersection with us not having a stop sign first. Suddenly, some entitled person going west sped through their stop sign and made a left and nearly wrecked us both. And that entitled person gives us a dirty look that we're in the wrong. That entitled person is one hundred percent at fault and would be fined for failing to stop, speeding and possibly failing to yield if they hit us. I always rant and rave about not having a cop around when we need them most and leaving those entitled drivers to go without getting instant karma. I just wish that I had the power to be a police officer and pull over any entitled driver that is a danger to the public, but I possibly can't become one, as my records may have some not so nice things about me. Maybe the York Regional Police should hire me as a temporarily deputized citizen or something. For fuck's sake, even give me the power to give tickets without hiring me as a deputized citizen. I think that entitled people have no meaning in my life as it's a hair-pulling match watching them thinking that they're the king or queen of the fucking castle when they are not. They're not my king or queen as I follow my own code of honor of not being a kiss ass for everything I wanted before I haven't earned yet. I always get my hands dirty before I want to get paid, but these entitled people just want the green stuff without getting even dirty. If I was tasked with shoveling horse shit for a grand, I'd happily do it. But if some female teenager from the city that just came into the barn to help me thought that she was getting a pony ride and not shoveling shit before she started to rant and rave about her ten thousand dollar Louis Vuitton handbag being ruined by a horse kicking shit at it, and she just wanted to get ten times as much as she was promised and a free horse ride. I'd say to suck it up and get her hands dirty, even if it ruins her $1500 Jimmy Choo shoes. I work as a produce clerk at Sobeys and a hypothetical scenario was if some person was sucking up to me to put a discount sticker on a bottle of fruit juice that wasn't going to expire soon, I'd say that it's against the store's policies to do so a few days away from the expiry date. If that customer kept ranting and raving about wanting to save how many percent on the juice, I'd calmly walk into the back because my tendency to rant and rave ain't going to end well for my job. I don't know how many times people cut in front of me to get ahead. Just today, on February 2, 2025, I was waiting for my mother to scan her lotteries. After the person ahead of us finished, this one broad cut in front of us just to scan a single lottery. I just wanted to get into her face and yell to get to the back of the line, but I didn't as I didn't feel like causing a scene. But other times, my anger got the better of me, like this one time at the Real Canadian Superstore a few years ago. That time, my mother and I were shopping, and after we finished, I was waiting at a register and my mother called me over to a shorter one she was at. The person behind her thought that I was a line cutter and cursed at me to get to the end of the line. I basically yelled back stating that I was with my mother, but they claimed that she had left the line and still ordering me to the back of the line. I barely got into the person's face and yelled that I wasn't a line cutter and threatened to call the police. The heated exchange was halted after other customers backed me up. After that, I had the taste of anger in my mouth, still feeling that I was wronged. If it comes to landing blows with that entitled customer that accused me of line cutting, I'd happily fight and teach them a lesson about entitlement being wrong. Another time, a few years ago, my mother and I were driving home when this driver cut us off. I yelled a curse and flipped them off, but the other driver flipped us off and just sat there while still making the bird. My mother lay on the horn for at least 15 seconds while the driver flipped us off and sat in front of us. At that moment, I wanted to get out of the car and jump the driver and teach them a lesson about entitlement being wrong. After a while more, that driver rode off with a final flipping the bird match off. All of this is due to that driver wanting to be in the left turning lane, but in the right one and cutting people off right at the intersection. If that's not being an entitled flaming bag of shit, what is it to just cut people off without a care in the world about other people's lives? Another example is around the same time, my mother was driving with me while making a right at a red light where there are no right turns on red, and we sat there until the light went green, but this person driving behind us didn't seem to get the motto. The person kept honking at us when there were no cars coming, and I thought, like buddy, can't you read fucking signs? I even pointed at the sign, but that person kept honking. When the light turned green, and we went around, the driver pulled up to us and started swearing at us. My mother stopped, and the driver went on his way. And I thought that after that it was finished, but a few minutes later when we pulled up to another red light, that same driver started swearing at us again and even tossed something at our car. At that point, I was getting mad and wanted to get out and punch him, but I didn't want to spend the night in jail, even if that driver started this whole thing. After a few curses of my own at the driver, we all went all our way and never saw him again. If I was behind the wheel, I'd be just as entitled to ram the driver off the road before leaving. Why in the flaming bag of shit are people so retarded about spamming my Gmail account about buying random shit for? Ergonomic Support, Booking.com Giveaway, Yeti Crossroads Backpack Winner, UPS Alert, Safty Review, Healthy Choice and many other names are emailing me, and they all use other Gmail accounts while flooding my inbox, not spam. It's fucking annoying every time I report them as phishing, and they keep popping up like a new kid on the block that seems like a good little girl until she starts shooting up the place with an Uzi. All this email spam is like not beating China in trade, not beating Japan with their millions and millions of cars coming into Canada and not beating Mexico at the border and in trade. I think that Donald Trump is just being one big entitled cry baby that's stealing my controversy away. Why or why didn't he just take a bullet yet? He's really pushing this whole tariff flaming bag of shit on us little guys in Canada. He's really asking for war from many countries. He wants to confiscate land from South Africa, placing tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China, wanting to take over Gaza and claiming that there are only two genders in the US, male and female. And I thought that Joe Biden in the story I'm writing called Grand Theft Auto Toronto, where he is a racist, sexist and authoritarian president who kidnaped world leaders, started world wars and insulted the Canadian people, including me, Kevin Stewart. I think that Trump needs to talk with Kim Jong-un to disarm North Korea's nukes. It's pretty sad that at one point in time, Pepsi was disarming the Soviet Union faster than the US. I heard that Trump wanted to make Canada into the 51st state. I don't want to be goddamn fucking American as I'm Canadian to the fucking bone. He needs to fuck off from my land and choke on something else. I'm getting hives just writing about the motherfucker. So I'm fucking off before the hives get worse. The TTC is getting more retarded with every passing day in the term of its workers. On February 5, 2025, this retarded female bus driver almost booted both me and my mother off the bus because my mother had finished a cigarette just before entering and all because the driver didn't want her to puff out the smoke inside. This is why I hate the whole concept of smoking as it's everywhere you go. For fuck's sake, I saw some piss poor bum smoking weed at Finch Station when we came back home later that day. And I think that one thousand percent said that the bus driver was high on weed because she was black. I feel that one day in the future one driver will really boot us off the bus due to my mother smelling the vehicle. I have faced discrimination due to my autism, but banning someone for finishing a cigarette is uncalled-for. I know that I said some discriminatory language about the bus driver earlier, but I'm the kind of person that feels the right to say discriminatory language when threatened. If that bus driver threatened to boot my mother and I off that bus, that's ageist due to her being in her mid-60s and ableist due to my autism. If that was the case, I'd need to be racist and yell out every discriminatory term about black people at the driver. I was so close to yelling nigga at the top of my lungs at that bus driver. I know that I would get backlash from that, but it would feel so fucking good if I did do so. I think that she is a nigga and everybody knows it. On the topic of smoking and transit, I hear stories of bus drivers calling the police due to a customer not leaving after the driver told them to due to them smelling of cigarettes or weed smoke, even if that customer didn't smoke for hours. That's being discriminatory on the transit part, as well as being discriminatory by the police being called in. And that's why I feel so cynical about the unfair discrimination towards these people getting fucked by Big Brother. I ranted this before, and I am going to rant about it again. I believe that Canada should ban smoking and I don't mean cutting your fucking monkeys up and cooking them on the motherfucking barbecue like you like to fucking eat them if Justin Trudeau doesn't want to do it. I don't even give a flaming bag of shit if people need to chop up monkeys to sell at black markets for cigarettes. I want underground sales totally and utterly banned as well. The thing I don't understand is that the piss poor bum at Finch Station smoking weed might never get nabbed, but my mother and I got shit after she finished smoking a cigarette. This is why I lost faith in the world, as smoking is the leading cause of death. And I'm, for one, ain't going to be on that list of smoking deaths as I'm going to purge this smoking bullshit from the world. Come on sort yourself out, pay your toll for fuck's sake. Make some changes. It's not me you're running away from. It's yourself. I've trodden shits with more brains. Oh, great. Oh, stinky crazy person, how very original to get some help. It's pathetic idiot shit hey we all love drinking drugs pal, but I paid for mine. Oh yeah, run away you leech, you're a total moron. Fool, wherever you spare any money, friend, you are a puddle of vomit, you'd be happier back on earth. Listen, nobody likes you. You're depressing your friend, so depressing you even run in a depressing way, moron cocksucker. Why hasn't someone sensible shot you yet that that is real bullshit you make me want to immigrate? I feel bad for you. Oh, you're completely lost and trust me, it's not that way. Why, oh, why do you exist? Oh, god give me the strength fuck you look like you struggle with simple tasks. Stop pretending to be crazy. I mean it's not fooling anyone. You just don't like washing very much. You're a waste of space on this earth. Oh, please just take a bath, will you stop acting all great? It's frankly not very original, you dumbass for the love of all that's holy. Ah, shut your mouth. I see straight through you, Micah, you might have such food, not me. You think you're so clever, don't you, but I see exactly what you're doing? Shut up. I'll want to hear it. Just put the knife away. You ain't impressing no one, but slip and do us all a favor. Everyone's bored with the tough act. Now just put the knife away. You away. You ain't impressing no one but slip and do us all a favor, everyone. You are bored with the tough act now. Just put the knife away. You ain't impressing no one or slip and do us all a favor. Everyone's bored with the tough act now. The world I know and love is a flaming bag of shit that's lacking sugar. I want love and understanding, but I am faced with negativity full of criticism about people with autism like me. When I was officially diagnosed with high-functioning autism around 2010, my worldview started a crash course of prejudice and hate. Even these so-called professionals back then treated me like trash. As a 24-year-old male with autism on February 6, 2025, I need help. I ranted about this before, and I am going to rant about this again that the world still can't handle people with autism, even with these so-called professionals saying that they're ready. Let me tell you something, these so-called professionals are more ready than Nick Hogan's crash around that goddamn tree, but far worse. On the topic of Nick Hogan, I bet that famous people like Nick's father, Hulk Hogan, could buy out all the help and fuck other people like me, even if Nick ain't autistic. I know that WWE wrestlers help sick people, but I feel that they're not helping me, even as a big WWE fan myself. Where are my front row seats at WrestleMania? Where's my WWE merchandise? But wrestlers like Roman Reigns or Cody Rhodes are giving people with some terminal illness these things, but someone like me with high functioning autism with Jack shit. I ain't saying to cut your fucking monkeys up and cook them on the motherfucking barbecue like you like to fucking eat them, but saying that I need the fucking help for my autism, even a small act. But on most days, I want to hurt myself to see if I still feel better. On other days, I'm standing in darkness all around while thinking of the past and taking my last breath as the air is cold as ice. And during those days of hurting myself and standing in darkness, I often thought that the game of life was hard to play, and I was going to lose it anyway. I play the losing card I'll someday. So this is all I have to say. All that I say is, if Roman Reigns or Cody Rhodes sees this, please give me a shout-out or something to say that I am more like a human with autism than someone else with a terminal illness. I know that at the 2024 Money in the Bank pay-per-view in Toronto, Cody Rhodes helped this one guy in a wheelchair when Toys R Us didn't give in to his request for wheelchair tickets after winning a contest. This makes me so mad that people like that get help while I'm a nobody. I'm ain't bragging about getting free things all the time, but at least do it once in a blue moon. On TV, I always see these wrestlers giving these kids and, for fuck's sake, adults with autism in the front row things. One example was Natalya giving a little girl in the front row her hairband. I wish that I had the fucking money to sit in the front row. I wish that Natalya had given me her hairband. Even a fucking hug from Natalya showing the vulnerability I had mentioned in the text above and maybe just maybe a one-on-time chat. I know that this would never get to anyone in the WWE, but who knows, I might get noticed one day by them. I was happy as a motherfucker when I heard that Doug Ford was involved in a collision on January 9, 2025, but I was also sad that he wasn't killed in it. I just wished that he had become a flaming bag of shit. That 18-year-old man from Oshawa that was charged with dangerous driving didn't need to be nabbed as he's my man for trying to get rid of that flaming bag of shit I called Doug Ford. If I was in that 18-year-old man's shoes, I would've finished the job by running Doug over and killing him. Ever since Disney started making remakes of their classic movies, it's one total and utter flaming bag of shit. One of my favorite movies is a Disney film called WALL-E from 2008, but that's beside the point. Snow White, which was one of the greatest classics of all time when it came out in 1937, but Disney fucked it when they made this mess of a flaming bag of shit remake that is coming out on March 21, 2025. I had never watched Snow White, but I heard nice things about it. I think that bringing classic stories to a new generation and offering fresh perspectives could be done better with updated graphics that weren't dreamed about back in the 30s. It would be great if the 1937 Snow White ran on Unreal Engine 5. Rachel Zegler, the actress who played Snow White in the remake, gave me hives and I mean she gives me fucking hives that blocked my throat. She's living proof that a shit can walk and talk. How dare she have an anti-male view after that crisis when she realized she liked men. It was as if I had an anti-female view, but I loved them. I believed that she was cat meat inside my dumplings I once ate and my shit smells better than her pussy. What I am saying is she fucking sucks, and I'm for one happy that I was part of the Snow White dislike train of its trailer on YouTube. I'd be even more happy if Snow White would blow up in Disney's face with the flying colors of epic failure and I wouldn't care one bit if Walter Disney rants and raves in his grave. I would rant and rave in my grave if my work was being remade into one whole flaming bag of shit. Sexy donkey I want to fuck. So come stick it inside my butt. Everybody loves a nice ass. So come stick it inside my ass. I want to see it to feel it. Ram it inside me. My hole is pulsating. It's waiting. Thick donkey. dong. He comes and breeds me. I'm bleeding. From throbbing horse meat. My ass. He's feeding. Rough breathing. I want an ass to fuck my ass. I noticed a red vehicle parked near our house three times last week at night with someone sitting in the dark. Due to a recent break-in in a neighborhood, the car looked very suspicious. I wonder what I should do about it. Shall I report it to the police? If you don’t feel comfortable approaching yourself or with a friend or relative, then you should call. It may be that approaching in a group of two or more to calmly say that them being there repeatedly is worrying. If they are aggressive or don’t understand, just call the police the next time. If so, report it to the police. I have often wondered about the same thing, as if it could be very innocent, a relative etc. and did not want to bother the police, but I was at a meeting a while ago and brought this up with them, and they said please bother us. That's our job. In your case, especially when it occurs more than once. You will have peace of mind if you do, even if it turns out to be very innocent. You never know the police may have had another complaint about the same car in a different neighborhood. Also, if you can, get the licence plate number. Call the non-emergency police number. They usually send a unit to investigate if it is suspicious. I did that when I noticed a car parked on my street in the heat of the summer for hours at a time for two weeks. The engine was off, and the windows closed the whole time. I don’t know how the guy in the car managed to tolerate the heat. He never got out of the car. I had the whole two-week span on my camera and I sent it to the police and also showed the officer who came over. Then the officer went over knocking at his window and talking to him for a few minutes and he left. The car hasn’t shown up anymore since then. With all the car thefts and break-ins, the perpetrators are often doing surveillance on stolen vehicles. The police need you to call these suspicious vehicles in real time, and they will check them out. If it is after they have left, and all you have is a photo of the plane of the stolen vehicle, then they miss their chance to catch them. In addition, everyone should write to their government representatives to find out what is being done about the catch and release system. It is not helpful if we are giving the perpetrators the message that crime pays. I have anti-female views due to them always making me into an international laughingstock due to my autism. If I had a chat with a good-looking lady and her ex-partner was an utter jerk entering the scene and getting rowdy at me for stealing his girlfriend, even after he got many restraining orders from her, that's one big reason why I hate women. That scenario would be a fat fucking chance if I was even talking with an attractive woman as nobody loved me due to my autism. I feel the urge to cuddle a Japanese woman, but I never have the chance to go to Japan. I just want the freedom of walking to a woman and having a chat, but nowadays modern society ain't the same as back in the day. I mean back in the day when autism was a plague of the earth that needed to be purged because they were autistic, but when old school society met old school society in bars like bees to honey. But today, modern society meeting modern society are all Facebook friends now, while autism is still a plague of the earth that needs to be purged because they're autistic, even with all the progress made. I know that autism being a plague that needs to be purged today ain't true, but I feel that everyone, and I mean everyone, still thinks that way. On the topic of my views on women, I love them, but with my autism, I can't go up to a lady and have a one on one chat with the fear of getting pepper sprayed if I was seen as a freak. It hurts me so badly when women do that to people with autism. I just want a human to human chat with somebody that would hold my kids in her belly one day. The dream of touching her pregnant stomach while thinking about how happy I was at that moment. I feel the utter numbness of this flaming bag of shit world and I fucking hate it. I have only one thing on my mind, and going into a swimming pool while nude with a weight belt and never coming back to the surface. The rush of going underwater with a high of five grams of coke in my system is an utter balm to make the drowning painless. The thought of thrashing and flailing around to stay afloat while gurgling bubbles and emptying my lungs is my wet dream. The feeling of pissing myself when I feel the pressure of being at the deep end of the pool is the need I wanted. I think that all of this virtual bullshit is a flaming bag of shit ever since COVID-19 came into the world. It makes me sick as nothing and I mean nothing ain't in person anymore. Virtual schooling, fuck you, virtual doctor appointment, fuck you and even virtual porn chats, fuck you. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if virtual life is becoming the next big thing before COVID, as the only next big thing is Kevin Stewart, also known as Kevin1230san, becoming the biggest controversy the world will ever see. I think the controversies of Kevin1230san should never die. I know that I'm online a lot and I mean a lot, but I never regret one moment of it. As the real Kevin1230san, I want to be known as the person who rants about raping 4-year-old girls while I'm drowning them 14 feet underwater. I love those 4-year-old girls wearing nothing at all when I'm drowning them. I want to be so controversial that I would rival Yoshika Miyafuji from the story I created where she fuck with everything that moves. I think that Tesla vehicles are cool with their full self-driving mode, but I hate when some people think they can use them all the time without driving the car themselves. With Elon Musk spending how much money on taking over Mars before he realized that full self-driving mode is a flaming bag of shit. Elon can't even cross the 9 yards of being the greatest car inventor of all time without shooting a fart out of his own ass. Here's what the 9 yards of being the greatest car inventor is. Flaming bags of shit, flaming bags of shit, flaming bags of shit, flaming bags of shit, flaming bags of shit, flaming bags of shit, flaming bags of shit, flaming bags of shit and flaming bags of shit. That's my 9 yards of being the greatest car inventor and if Elon is not down with that, I have got two words for him, suck it. Keeping on the topic of full self-driving mode, I watched a Wham Baam Teslacam video on YouTube and one submitter in that video stated they had been using full self-driving mode for months without ever driving their Tesla once until one time they needed to when they avoided a crash. I don't know the full story of that submitter, but that's what's wrong in the world when these people are using these features extensively and becoming zombies. I can feel a point in the future where the world is going to be one big mindless fuck. With this whole full self-driving mode bullshit, people think about using a Tesla's full self-driving mode without ever getting a license. News flash people, licenses are still a fucking thing, and it's the law in many places, even in Tesla with full self-driving. This means that a 9-year-old kid can't borrow their parent's Cybertruck and use its full self-driving mode to pick up their buddies for a trip to the Fun Zone. Even these true fully automated cars, they're even more dangerous than human drivers, as I heard some headlines about these cars acting like a fish out of water. There were cases of robotaxis going around in circles while in parking lots and crashing into light poles. Like I ranted before, and I am going to rant again that artificial intelligence can't predict unpredictable things that people do on the road. I know that AI is a powerful thing, but these tools are the biggest nightmare that they will take over the world. I have heard stories about people crossing the street between two intersections getting killed when these fully automated vehicles because their AI system only smells pedestrians at intersections. This meant that if I crossed the street mid-block in Toronto and some fully automated Uber vehicle zoomed passed and hit me. If I couldn't sue Uber because I was in the wrong for jaywalking, that's a bunch of flaming bags of shit as I'd be suing Uber for every last penny they got if I was ever struck by one of their fully automated vehicles. On the topic of the limitations of artificial intelligence, if there was a family from an English-speaking background with a baby girl when it is about to say her first word, but the first word is in Japanese even after both parents were talking to her in English, and she ain't AI-powered. Why in the flaming bag of shit do people from older generations still think that physical punishments like belt hitting or soap eating are okay, even if there were laws against the act years before February 10, 2025? I see that some kids today need a good old belt to whip on the ass or get a mouthful of soap for all their misbehaving due to their 24/7 technology use, but it's strongly against my code to promote any form of violence, and it's pointless for me to rant and rave to 8 billion people around the world about it. Good lord that I wasn't faced with a belt or soap in my childhood from my parents, but my grandfather on my mother's side is a different story. I recall around 2008 or 2010. I think that I was ranting about something until my grandfather stuck me against the head. I was about 8 or 10 years old at the time, and I'm still kind of scarred for life from that, even at 24 years old. Another time, about a few years ago, I got mad one time about some dropped pasta and I took the hammer to the freezer. My mother went to her father's place to call the police. When the lawyer arrived, and they were talking to me outside, one officer told my grandfather to get back at least twice. I knew what he was trying to do by coming and hitting me. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if my grandfather was raising my mother, aunt and uncle during the 70s or even in modern society of 2025. I just wish that he would hit me that night when I smashed that freezer and get instant karma from the police. Even if the police haven't arrived yet, and he stuck me before I punched him out, I'd claim that it was self-defense when the law did arrive. I want to talk about my parents' views on physical punishment. Like I mentioned before, I'm glad that I wasn't punished by them, but I feel that they wanted to do it. I'm so fucking tired of ranting and raving into the void, but getting Jack shit. The yelling into the void bullshit is like me yelling nigga at the top of my lungs in a black neighborhood, but not getting beat up for saying that as a white person and I know that I would normally get a bullet for it. What does the void want me to do, say praise a flaming bag of shit? I have ranted about flaming bags of shit since I was knee-high to a grasshopper's motherfucking ass. The established authorities generally turn out to be right about things, while the radicals and protestors are usually just loudmouths showing off their ignorance. Women should have to promise to obey their husbands when they get married. Our country desperately needs a mighty leader who will do what has to be done to destroy the radical new ways and sinfulness that are ruining us. Gays and lesbians are just as healthy and moral as anybody else. It is always better to trust the judgment of the proper authorities in government and religion than to listen to the noisy rabble-rousers in our society who are trying to create doubt in people's minds. Atheists and others who have rebelled against the established religions are no doubt every bit as good and virtuous as those who attend church regularly. The only way our country can get through the crisis ahead is to get back to our traditional values, put some tough leaders in power, and silence the troublemakers spreading bad ideas. There is absolutely nothing wrong with nudist camps. Our country needs free thinkers who have the courage to defy traditional ways, even if this upsets many people. Our country will be destroyed someday if we do not smash the perversions eating away at our moral fiber and traditional beliefs. Everyone should have their own lifestyle, religious beliefs, and sexual preferences, even if it makes them different from everyone else. The old-fashioned ways and the old-fashioned values still show the best way to live. You have to admire those who challenged the law and the majority's view by protesting for women's abortion rights, for animal rights, or to abolish school prayer. What our country really needs is a strong, determined leader who will crush evil and take us back to our true path. Some of the best people in our country are those who are challenging our government, criticizing religion, and ignoring the normal way things are supposed to be done. God's laws about abortion, pornography and marriage must be strictly followed before it is too late, and those who break them must be strongly punished. There are many radical, immoral people in our country today, who are trying to ruin it for their own godless purposes, whom the authorities should put out of action. A woman's place should be wherever she wants to be. The days when women were submissive to their husbands and social conventions belong strictly to the past. Our country will be great if we honor the ways of our ancestors, do what the authorities tell us to do, and get rid of the rotten apples that are ruining everything. There is no one right way to live life; everybody has to create their own way. Homosexuals and feminists should be praised for being brave enough to defy traditional family values. This country would work a lot better if certain groups of troublemakers would just shut up and accept their group's traditional place in society. No one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it. Never look at the wives of friends. Never be seen with cops. Don't go to pubs and clubs. Always being available for Kevin1230san is a duty, even if your wife is about to give birth. Appointments must absolutely be respected as referring to rank and authority. Wives must be treated with respect. When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth. Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other families. People who can't be part of Kevin1230san, anyone who has a close relative in the police, anyone with a two-time relative in the family, anyone who behaves badly and doesn't hold to moral values. A member may not be an informant. A member may not be a coward. A member may not raise a hand against another member without approval from the higher-ups and leaders. A member must not show disrespect to any member's family, including sex with another member's wife, or girlfriend. A member must not steal from another member. A member may not be a homosexual, a sex offender, child killer, child molester, or rapist. A member must not politic against another member or cause dissension within the organization. Membership is for life, the only way out is death. Retaliation must be carried out if anyone crosses Kevin1230san. There are no exceptions. Vendetta must be carried out, even if it takes months, years, or decades. If a member of Kevin1230san gets harmed or killed by someone else such as the police or another criminal gang, retaliation must be immediate, and must be swift, brutal and deadly. It is mandatory to assault or kill all dropouts and traitors. Kevin1230san comes first. Even before your own family, religion and god. A member must not interfere with another member's business activities. A member must never harm children. A member must always treat another member's family with respect and kindness. A member must protect another member from harm. A member must treat another member like a brother. What in the flaming bag of shit is wrong with modern politics? The Liberal Party, the Conservative Party, and the New Democratic Party. You name them and they all suck. Even those so-called parties that claim to help for the greater good are a flaming bag of shit. It makes me want to gag myself with a pillow due to Justin Trudeau's retardedness. It makes me want to go into a swimming pool with a weight belt on and drown myself due to Doug Ford's lack of care. It makes me want to jump off the CN Tower due to how sexy Olivia Chow is. All other politicians, excluding Hitler, make me want to purge myself of an underwater grave. The number of Toronto police officers getting injured on duty in the last 24 hours as of February 12, 2025, and I love it to my core hearing about them getting hurt. People today have no respect for the police, even myself showed no respect for the pigs. I don't know how many times my mother called the police on me due to my autistic meltdowns and I wanted to turn into a cop killer when they arrived. I don't really want to kill cops, but I know that I would spend the rest of my life in prison or even be put to death if I did. I think that rules and laws are a flaming bag of shit like I can't piss in my neighbor's lawn or cumming while looking at my own garden from inside my house. Some rules and laws that were made centuries ago that are still being enforced today are utterly useless. In Kentucky, it's illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket, in Oklahoma, it's illegal to make a funny face at a dog, in Indiana, it's illegal to take a bath between October and March, in South Carolina, it's illegal to keep a horse in your bathtub and in Texas, it's illegal to milk someone else's cow. Who came up with those things in the first place, and why are they still in use? Who in their right mind will carry an ice cream in their pocket or not be able to bathe between such and such months? This means that you can't drive from 9 pm to 7 am and that's extremely unlikely in this world of the automobile. I want to rage about other laws, like members of Parliament can't wear armor inside the Parliament Quarters, and being illegal to be found drunk in a pub in the UK is totally dumb. With all these terrorist attacks in the UK nowadays, I would've figured that Parliament members could wear armor. This is like having King Charles III not having the Royal Guard. Someone could just break right into Buckingham Palace and kill him while taking a bath. If a terrorist stormed into the Palace of Westminster and started shooting up the place, members of Parliament wearing armor are less likely to be killed, and modern armor will easily be covered by their suits, unlike armor from the 1300s. On the other hand, people drinking in bars in the UK, especially in Ireland, is a common thing and people get drunk in them all the time. I have never been to the UK or Ireland, but I bet that there ain't a cop at every bar there and fine anyone who even has one sip of beer. But I would bet the police would be called if someone got nude and started dancing while yelling peanut butter jelly time non-stop. Sometimes I just want to piss on my neighbor's lawn and cumming inside my house while looking at my garden. Fuck the York Regional Police as it's my right if I want to piss on my neighbor's lawn, even if officers were across the street. I get the feeling you're a bot because there is no way you can go around while ranting about the same garbage over and over every few minutes. That is some dedication. I hope you understand your time is better spent doing literally everything else than trying to spread negative vibes towards a random country that you have an unhealthy amount of hatred of for whatever reason. In short, stop with the stupid propaganda rhetoric, get a life, and I hope you get the help you need. I get the feeling you are just not in the right state of mind right now. I think that food is my best friend for becoming numb. I overstuffed myself today to see if I still feel, but even after I barf it all out of my system, I still feel hollow. I think the only fulfillment I need is me suckling a breast like a baby feeding itself on its mother's breast, but I don't have a girlfriend to do so. I want to rant and rave again about the William Lyon MacKenzie Housing Co-operative, as it's still nothing but a flaming bag of shit like always. Those flaming bags of shit that run the place are doing a great job clearing the road. When I mean a great job, I mean just doing one path down the street before thinking that it's good enough. As we just had a major snowstorm of up to 20 or so cm of snow on the afternoon of February 12, 2025, through the morning of the 13th, I would've thought the co-op would do something now other than just clear a path down the street. To make shit worse, there's another storm coming on February 15 through the 16th where another 20 cm of snow is coming. The best part about all of this is some people in the co-op, including my grandfather, pay them to clear their driveways, but sometimes never do it. For an 85-year-old senior, he ain't in the greatest health to shovel his driveway. I know that many residents in the co-op are in their latter stages of life and can't shovel their driveways. I'm in decent shape with my overweight size, but I'm not in that kind of shape to shovel 150 houses by hand, even if they ask me to do it for a great sum of green. I know the co-op has a bobcat that does the street shoveling, but I'm assuming they're renting it. Even if the co-op asks me to drive it to shovel the street, it's like asking a GTA gamer to drive a tank without going on a rampage. That saying that if the co-op let me drive the bobcat, it's going to cost them more the damage I might cause than the rent for it. My mother and I are going to take my father grocery shopping, and I'm not looking forward to pushing the car if it gets struck. I just hope that it never happens, and I should not push any car out. I think that kids nowadays are a flaming bag of shit due to their lack of interest in toys. I mean kids in the past would be happier than a pig in shit when they opened a Barbie doll or a GI Joe for Christmas, but now, kids want the latest iPhone or Galaxy. Who in their right mind would buy their daughter an iPhone even before she can talk? Like give me a fucking break, as when I first started to talk, there were no smartphones. Now there are apps that can understand baby talk. This is what's wrong in the world. I saw commercials this past Christmas about kids playing with Nerf guns and I thought that no kids today would play with them anymore, as I bet those kids would have a meltdown if they got a Nerf gun instead of an iPhone. It makes me sick to the core when kids bully other kids due to them getting knock-off iPhones and making them want to kill themselves and doing so. It's even more sickening when you're talking about kindergarten students hanging themselves due to their classmates in the same class and age mocking them for their fake Galaxy. I hate bullies, even if I act like one sometimes. I just wanted to get into the face of a 5-year-old for bullying their classmate, but that got police written all over that. As someone with autism, these kinds of things would make us want to hide further in the closet. I once overheard from one of my EA teachers in elementary school in the early 2010s that most of the students got Blackberries, but when the iPhone came out, all of them got them overnight. When I was a kid in the early 2000s, there ain't anything like smartphones. I think that having a flip phone in 2025 is utterly retarded when everyone, and I mean everyone, still thinks that people have a smartphone. The flip phones are utterly dead harder than Nick Hogan's car around that goddamn tree, all turning into scrap parts in a cell phone wrecking yard just like Nick's car after the crash. Smartphones today are more than just cutting up your monkeys and cooking them on the barbecue like you people like to eat them on terms rather than just making calls and texts. They are useful in many ways other than being a thing that makes people into mindless fools. I said this to my parents before and will keep saying it again that I ain't going to be like the many people who use them 24/7, and I don't care what my father says about me being like them. I have also stated this many times that I like to spend my hard-earned green stuff as I wished to, not hiding it in the closet until a rainy day. The third thing I always nagged about was that I'm not this little kid anymore, that I'm a 24-year-old adult, but often treated like someone half that age, even if I sometimes acted like that. Nothing says that my parents love me more than holding me back on the life I want. If I had a smartphone, I'd not misuse it. I'm not saying how high when you say jump, but you know that I would moan, moan, moan, moan, moan, complain, complain, complain, whine, moan, complain and shout for a while. All I'm asking is to rethink about letting me get a smartphone. Civitai is a total and utter flaming bag of shit as they just unpublished my work for depicting graphic violence, death, extreme gore or other forms of extreme content, lacking a sufficient description and displaying a real person in a mature context. This is a fucking outrage to my soul as I spend thousands of Buzz on making them. That's censorship on my freedom and they know it. This is why I'm so controversial online, as everyone wants to stomp me down. It doesn't matter, your actions are louder than what's in the car. All you have to do is stop, and I will give you a ticket. That would have been. It would take me to jail. There's something I could have taken you to jail. In Illinois, It's a crime to drive while revoked or drive while suspended or without a license in Wisconsin. It's a ticket, literally. That's all I have said. We waited for a valid driver. We would have done with it, so because of your choices, you went from a very simple ticket on a court date to multiple felony charges. Today, on February 15, 2025, this one asshole was being the typical bad Tesla driver when the asshole decided to exit the Esso plaza in a Cybertruck at Steeles Avenue West and Dufferin Street and my mother T-boned it at 50 km/h after the asshole flew across three lanes of traffic right in front of us. All of this was caused by another asshole in a Crown Victoria on the curb lane on Steeles Avenue stopping before the plaza's entrance to let the Cybertruck out. I always thought that closing the gap in traffic was not courteous, it's dangerous. To make the whole thing worse, there was a cop right behind the Cybertruck and the officer had the nerve to fine my mother a ticket for failing to yield and the Cybertruck driver got off scot-free. That's a flaming bag of shit as that Cybertruck is 100 percent at fault as it just flew across three lanes of live traffic without checking if it was safe to do so. I was fuming to the point as the officer gave my mother the ticket that I was willing to bark at his face to look at the camera footage from the Cybertruck that my mother wasn't at fault. Even the people from the bus stop nearby yelled at the officer to check the camera footage, but the officer yelled back to shut up before he wrote them all tickets for obstruction of justice. That's an utterly and total fucking flaming bag of shit as that officer saw the crash, but he's being buddy-buddy with the Cybertruck driver. I'd show the officer my buddy-buddy in terms of being fired from the force due to my fight in court for a failure to uphold justice. To sum shit up, my mother is carless and paying the price for buying a new car and a fine she didn't ask for, hurting my leg during the crash, 80 fucking dollars worth of groceries all across Steeles Avenue West, an officer who saw the crash was being a total jerk and that is why I was so mad. I think that YouTube terminating channels for using ad blockers is a flaming bag of shit. I know that YouTube wants to be buddy-buddy with these ad providers and Neal Mohan becoming a rich jabroni fuck, but Neal would do anything and I mean anything in his will to fuck people like me if we use ad blockers. I'm not paying for a YouTube Premium to go ad-free for an exorbitant interest rate, even if they offer cutting up monkeys and cooking them on the grill for me. It's like paying for an ad-free option on PornHub, but an ad popped up in the middle of two ladies slapping each other in the nude. I love porn, but I hate when ads pop up and block a lady's boobs. As we are driving, the selfish nasty thing literally pulls up to the curb facing the wrong way under a tow away no parking fire route sign. When we told her, she flipped me and shrugged off into the dollar store. And there were other cars behind wanting to continue. Keep in mind, this is only one lane each way. Now is there anything I can do to alert the authorities given the picture I have? It's utterly pointless, as I don't know how many times I curse at those kinds of people who are illegally parking, and they just look at me dirty while they're thinking "Up yours, buddy." I had someone in a dark SUV late last night on my street. The street width is narrower due to all the snow banks and neighbors having a party, so I was going one direction, the other. They were in front of my house. I put my turning signal on, gestured to move back and gestured I was going to turn in my driveway, despite motioning several times they refused to back up, and we went into a standoff. I didn’t want to get out and walk over to them, so I realized they were another self-privileged asshole. I reversed into my neighbor's driveway and let the asshole pass, but I gave them a good honk. I didn’t notice the car brand, but maybe it was the same person, although there are many inconsiderate people out there. Nothing more infuriating than when someone is not only selfish and inconsiderate but clearly in the wrong, and you're the one getting flipped at. Some people really are just self-absorbed asshole. You should have seen this cow. Not only parked there but not even at the curb. On a diagonal in everyone's way. The entitlement these days is unreal. It's private property. The by-law officer can only come if the owner invites them. So no. What in the flaming bag of shit is wrong with planes crashing in late 2024 and early 2025? On December 29, 2024, Jeju Air Flight 2216 crashed at Muan International Airport in South Korea, killing all but two crew. On January 29, 2025, a midair collision near Washington, D.C. between an American Airlines regional jet and a military helicopter killed all 67 people aboard both aircraft. On January 31, 2025, a medical jet crashed in Philadelphia, killing seven people. On February 6, 2025, a commuter plane went missing and crashed in the Bering Sea near Nome, Alaska, with all 10 people on board perishing. On February 10, 2025, a plane crashed into a parked plane at Scottsdale Airport in Arizona, killing one person and injuring several others. And finally, on February 17, 2025, Delta Connection Flight 4819 crash-landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport. I don't know what's going on, as I can understand if a major plane crash happened, and I believe it's okay, but when you get 6 of them within a month and a half, there's a problem. This is one reason why I would never fly due to all these crashes, the other one being a fear of heights. Between the plane crashes on December 29 to February 17, there were 263 killed and 82 survivors with 41 injuries. I think that Elsagate wasn't a flaming bag of shit as it's right to upload videos as not inappropriate for children being labeled as child-friendly. It's like comparing Wheels on the Bus to a gamer plowing through pedestrians with a bus in GTA 5. I know my analogy is at different ends of the spectrum, but it's like Elsa from Frozen being modeled on GTA 5 singing Wheels on the Bus while plowing through pedestrians with a bus. I bet there are videos on YouTube with the GTA 5 version of Wheels on the Bus, but without the plowing through the pedestrians part, but it's a sugar-free flaming bag of shit sludge with a wallpaper taste and smells like pussy after she cummed when that video is removed due to violating YouTube's terms of service. Another analogy is a video called Guns, Drugs, Hookers and No Pants, and it's classed as kids, but it ain't talking about guns, drugs, hookers or no pants as it's talking about Spider-Man. Maybe if the mentioned Spider-Man video was really about guns, drugs, hookers and no pants, that's what I'm talking about in terms of its controversial nature of letting the little ones watch it. This rant is saying that I'm anti-Elsagate as I support the right to have provocative kid videos up and running. I want a 4-year-old to come upon a video on YouTube with a thumbnail of Spider-Man, but the video is porn. I wanted to go to Lake Ontario with a weight belt around my waist and be nude before going underwater. The fish swimming between my legs and up to my penis as I sink deeper and deeper is an utter balm. The urge to struggle underwater by thrashing about is so relaxing. The urge to force bubbles from my mouth and nose as my cheeks get puffy is so horny. The feeling of my stomach convulsing as I'm fighting for air is so hard for my penis. The feel of my heart racing like a bird being trapped there trying to escape is sexy. The feel of regurgitating my insides and barfing it out is primal. Just as I was about to drown, I wanted a 4-year-old Japanese girl to swim over to me and give me mouth-to-mouth for breath. Just when the girl's mother came to rescue me, both the mother and the girl got cramps in their legs. As the three of us are drowning, I'll hug both of them. I'll kiss them both as we all start to blow out air from our lungs. If the mother wants to kiss in her final moments, I'll give her one as we succumb to the water into an underwater grave. Why in the flaming bag of shit does Canada and the United States grabbing each other by the throat due to Trump wanting to annex Canada for his own gain? I knew when Trump got to power for a second time on January 20, 2025, he would stir the controversy train. I don't want to be a goddamn American as I'm a Canadian citizen to the fucking bone. It's just like one of my neighbors as he's from Ukraine, but when he was born it was still a part of the Soviet Union. The neighborhood where I live is either Jew or a Russian, and I'm assuming that most of the Russians were probably from the post-Soviet states. This is beside the point, as this rant ain't about Ukraine, Russia or the Soviet Union, but about Canada and the United States. You think that Trump could just treat us Canadians like his personal plaything? Just think again before labeling us as maple syrup-loving, moose kissing, all nice before dropping the gloves off and landing blows kind of people. Believe me buddy, being a New Yorker won't match my rudeness as I don't know how many times people thought that I was from New York. I think that the FreshCo at Steeles Avenue West and Bathurst Street is a flaming bag of shit. Twice in one week that they fucked up something. On February 14, I went there for something and I noticed that the Powerade was on sale for 4 for 5 bucks and 100 Scene points. I got four of them and some frozen pasta before paying and going home. When I got home, I noticed that the Powerade was at full price and no points. By that time, I had nearly finished one of them. I waited for my mother to get home from work, and we went back there. When we got there, we talked to the boss in charge and I nearly pulled my hair out because it took half an hour to sort things out. I thought that after the first time it would be fixed, but on February 22 the same thing happened. My mother and I went there after coming back from the Canadian International AutoShow to pick up some things before going to pay. When the Powerade ran in at full price at the checkout, my mother asked the cashier for the boss man. When the boss came over, they paged somebody from the grocery department to come. The cashier, the boss man, the person from the grocery and I'm assuming the front-end boss man thought the Powerade offer was in the flyer. How do four people working there notice that the offer ain't in the flyer, but an in-store one? But at least it took half the time as last week to sort things out. As a produce clerk at Sobeys, I ain't no higher up, but if one of the items from my department on sale run through was wrong, I'd make the customer's problem right, even if I needed to bend backwards. I don't mean chopping up monkeys and cooking them on the barbecue before I offer it to them, but going through hell and back and through fire and brimstone to sort things out. I just hope that FreshCo realizes the mistake and fixes it before the third time. If that third time does happen, I know my mother would lose her shit. While on the topic of the Canadian International AutoShow, why does the flaming bag of shit do security willy-nilly block off the escalator after so many people? I was already halfway up when I noticed my mother arguing with the guard. When I was at the top and started to wait for her, another guard told me to go to the other side if I wanted to go down. I was getting pissed as I told them that I was waiting for somebody. I went back down to my mother saying that I'm autistic, but most of the crowd thought "Are you crazy, bitch?" I don't care if they know that I'm autistic, they should know that my mother ain't the fastest walker. After a few not-so-nice words from my mother to the guard, we went off to another escalator. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if it's crowd control, safety concern, accessibility issue or an emergency situation. I think that security should know that some disabled people need a caregiver. It's just like before I punched out one of those fire alarm control panels in Union Station. Before that, my mother and I were on Centre Island for the day, and we went back to the ferries afterward. I waited nearly an hour for a ferry in an enclosed and cramped lineup while waiting for a boat for the mainland after we missed it. We were just 10 feet away from the gate when a guard closed it. I could just feel if things had gone differently on that day if I was ahead when security closed the gate in front of my mother and that guard didn't give a flaming bag of shit about it. I would be pissed if another guard just barked at me to go on the ferry without my mother. Why in the flaming bag of shit are there so many inconsiderate assholes out there? On February 23, my mother picked me up from work, and we went to No Frills to get some things. After No Frills, we drove along Mullen Drive when this one person in a white Dodge Grand Caravan was parked a mile away from the curb just to pick somebody up and the snow was already making the road narrow. I did what everyone would do in my case by flipping and cursing at the person when we passed. But that person didn't get the motto of how being inconsiderate is wrong when they speed passed and brake-checked before started reversing and nearly crashed into us after picking up their passenger. To put the cherry on top, my mother is now pissed about what I did, stating that we would've been killed. She goddamn freaking knows that I'm the kind of person who gives an overreaction to a minor injustice. My mother has got an anger problem, but she was always looking for it. Her father as well got some rage issues too. I can also feel that my father would give me shit about how that was retarded as he was basically as angry as me when he was my age, and he told me to cool it. You can say that rage runs in the family. My father is 64 years old, and I'm 24 years old. I bet if my father was with us when that Dodge Grand Caravan did that, but I didn't even start the thing by flipping and cursing them off, he would be pissed too. You know something, fuck both my parents as I'm my own person and I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I get killed in these road rages, even if I take others with me when I die. I don't look back anymore. I don't regret it. I look forward to it. Everything is connected, and I'll use that to expose, to protect, and, if necessary, to punish. A few hours later after that first one, my mother and I went to the gas station to fill her car up. When we were going home, we turned onto Milner Gate when our lights were changing yellow, but this York Region Transit taxi floored the same light the other way and almost hit us. Like buddy, ain't there any common sense left in that brain of them. I think if the taxi hits us and their passengers get hurt, I bet that York Region Transit will be getting sued big time by the passengers and me. At least I didn't flip the driver off. I thought that after that, it would be fine. But not even a minute later on Mullen Drive, another vehicle pulled out of their driveway right in front of us. Buddy, can you at least look past the mile-high snow bank before pulling out of your driveway? Well, I did flip that driver off and my mother started freaking out due to me flipping them off. She knows that we nearly got wrecked twice within a minute. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if I might get killed during these road rages as it's my right to flip and curse at drivers who don't follow the rules that might harm my own life. People might see me as aggressive, confrontational and easily angered, but that's what I feel all the time due to all these mindless assholes in the world, and it's eating me away. I sometimes don't want to live as the world-famous blogger-ranter anymore, but it feels fucking good doing so. I felt that the Dodge Grand Caravan driver wanted blood and I feared having them taking it out on my mother when I was not with her, or they would drive onto the sidewalk and run me over in the future. This is why I wanted to own an AK47 to use in those moments, but Justin Trudeau made it illegal to own these types of guns. Is he a chicken shit due to fear someone like me could come to Parliament Hill and kill him? It's my right to use an AK47 on that Dodge Grand Caravan driver who tried to run me over in self-defense. Overall, I think that the Dodge Grand Caravan driver needs to go to an anger management class, their license revoked and leave me the fuck alone. Why in the flaming bag of shit do women just spray perfume like it's a kid in a candy shop? I don't mean chopping up monkeys and cooking them on the barbecue and spraying a bit of perfume before being finished, but just spraying it willy-nilly without how other people think about it to the point of gagging. I do love a nice-smelling lady, but I can't stand one who bathes in perfume. Another reason is that I want to taste my food, not some lady's perfume from across the restaurant. Lady, I want to taste my Big Mac, not a Big Mac with perfume. My idea of how a lady does perfume is to take the perfume bottle and just spray it once. My view on perfume is a nice-smelling lady with a light spray, so I can nuzzle into her chest. The smell of her cherry blossom perfume would lull me into peace while she cooed into my ear in Japanese and gave me goosebumps while she rubbed my back. I want to feel my legs involuntarily twitch with each goosebump that runs down my spine. I just want to fall asleep in the lady's arms, fully engulfed by the perfume. Why in the flaming bag of shit do these AI chatbots ain't up to date with current politics? I don't know how many times I have used Gemini, ChatGPT and Grok about Donald Trump as of February 23, 2025, but they claimed that he's still a former president. Trump has been president again since January 20 of this year. I need to talk about Gemini's response to anything political with quotes like "I can't help with that right now. I'm trained to be as accurate as possible, but I can make mistakes sometimes. While I work on perfecting how I can discuss elections and politics, you can try Google Search." Google Search? That's why I used Gemini due to their willy-nilly AI of getting these online searches from Google for me. Gemini once told me that their databases only update on the information they have access to is based on the data they were trained on, while Google Search has millions and I mean millions of sites added to it every day. It's like saying that Gemini said that Queen Elizabeth II is still alive, but Google stated that she had been dead for over two years. It's also hypocritical if I used Gemini for politicians like Trump in non-political ways, like "Who is Donald Trump?" This is why I would never get Gemini Advanced, even if Google pays me to use it as it's still going to give me the same answer. As you might've known that it's my 25th birthday tomorrow, February 25. I'm ain't sure if I will be doing a birthday live stream on my channel tomorrow as I'm still suffering from a dark mind. I know that it's been 9 months since I did a live stream in May 2024 and a few uploads since then, but I might come on for a bit. For the 18157 subscribers on my channel, thank you for being with me over the years through the ups and downs. Lately, I have been using UtubeHits, a site that boasts YouTube's metrics, to comment on videos of anime girls drowning from other channels. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if they say that this person, MMD UW, is the original creator, it's my right to upload them without any competition. On UtubeHits, I'd put my foes' videos under a new campaign for comments and add the quote "You're stealing views and subscribers from Kevin Stewart," before watching others commenting on those videos. As my real name is Kevin Stewart, I'm happy about the handy work I did. MMV Water is my scapegoat, as in one of their videos called "Underwater Drown #6," comments from others got some things that would really get them in deep shit if the police got wind of this. The video comments accused MMV Water of being a Russian spy, a KKK member, engaging in espionage, child molestation, hacking and selling information on the dark web, breaking into my house and stealing money, attempted murder of me and my friends, planning terrorist attacks like planning to bomb the CN Tower this past Christmas and threatening to kill high-profile people like Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, King Charles III, Barack Obama, Taylor Swift and Osama bin Laden. That's a masterpiece of my handy work due to how one site can bring hell into a video comment section. Another channel under my comment campaign is Blade Kun, but this fool has the gull to remove all those comments. Let me tell you something, buddy. If UtubeHits is still up, and I'm still making comment campaigns, you're still going to get my hate. I don't want Blade Kun to turn off their comments on their videos as this would fuck my plan up. As of February 24, 2025, the Copyright Strike War from April 2023 has been restarted. I think that My Name Is Earl is a great show. I remember watching the show as a kid during its original airing from 2005 to 2009, and I don't know why, but I fell for it. I don't remember when I first watched it, but I clearly loved it. It was funny and cool back then, even if it was not appropriate for younger viewers. As a person who just turned 25-years-old on February 25, 2025, I like the simpler times of TV. Entertainment today is all poorly-made remakes of shows that were highly racist for modern tastes or live action movies of animated films that would become a flop before they were even released. I mean that All in the Family was okay as my parents remembered me getting giddy when the intro hit when I was a kid. On the topic of movie flops before they were even released, the Snow White live action remake will totally and utterly flop. It's a real shame that My Name Is Earl was canceled after the fourth season before its happy ending, but that's life for you in show business. My Name Is Earl is a 10 out of 10 show that needs to be rebooted in the form of a movie or animated series. If there is a score of 1000 out of 10, I'd rate it that high. I think that my job at Sobeys as a produce clerk is still a flaming bag of shit. Day in and day out or Sunday in and Sunday out, it's the same old thing. It's grinding my gears every Sunday over the same old shit over and over and over and over again. I'm the one who grinds my own gear at my own pace over the three hours at work, not the other way around where big brother ordering me to do things. I wish that a woman could rub my stomach in my moments of full-blown nuclear rage. I need to feel my mind racing between anger and calm as the woman is cooing to me in Japanese. What in the flaming bag of shit is fucking wrong with kids today? A kid bullying an 11-year-old girl about her folks being deported to, I'm assuming, to Mexico. To put the cherry on top, she killed herself due to the bullying. That's an outrage in my fucking nature hearing about this young lady's suicide. This is like if I went up to an 11-year-old Japanese girl and yelled that I was going to call Immigration Canada to deport her parents to Japan. If the girl killed herself and I was found at fault, I'd be fine with verbal abuse, hate speech, harassment, creating emotional distress and manslaughter. As a 25-year-old adult, I might be labeled as a child predator or something. Another analogy is if some 11-year-old girl came up to me and yelled that she would call Immigration Canada to deport my mother back to the UK. If she kept yelling at me about the fact, even when I'm ignoring her, I would think that I just want to scare this punk off, but that's wrong, even if she's harassing me. If her parents are just as racist and xenophobic and joined in this by harassing me too, then they have trouble. Even if the father states that she's such a sweet girl and the mother says that kids will be kids, both of those things are plain wrong. That's why the world is so evil today, as modern parents teach their kids that it's okay to harass people due to their background is right. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if these kids are being raised with a good upbringing or not, it's totally and utterly wrong. I'm as guilty as a flaming bag of shit as I'm a fucking pig. On February 26, 2025, after I finished at the YSSN, my mother and I went to Burger King. I ordered myself a double Whopper and ate it there before I ordered a triple for home. I always said that I wanted to try a triple Whopper, but I should've fucked the double Whopper combo and gotten a triple Whopper combo instead. I can feel that my gut is going to hate me for killing that much food. At least I ain't like The Kid Behind the Camera, where he might order at least a half dozen triple Whoppers. I should've renewed my gym membership since I haven't been updated since around early January 2025, but I have been waiting for GoodLife Fitness to open in the Promenade Mall for a while now for the reasoning as to why I haven't renewed my membership. I have been going to the GoodLife Fitness on Dufferin Street and Finch Avenue West, but I think it's a good waste of money for bus fares to get there and home on Mondays and Fridays. I think that the $6.70 for the round trip would be better in my pocket than the TTC's. Sometimes, it takes me a good fucking hour in transit as I sometimes miss the 60 Steeles West and 105 Dufferin North buses on the way there and the 36 Finch West and 7 Bathurst and or 160 Bathurst North buses on the way home. At least the Promenade Mall is just up the street from me. Normally, it takes me around 15 minutes to walk there from my place. I know my membership costs me around 100 bucks or so a month and this means that I can use any GoodLife Fitness facility. I need to rant about the Kid Behind the Camera again, as he's still a flaming bag of shit. It seems like every few months or so, Michael and Bridgette make videos of them breaking up, but kissing up later before breaking up again before making up over and over and over again. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if they love each other or not, as this whole breakup followed by reconciliations over and over again is getting old. If Michael and Bridgette really loved each other, they wouldn't keep uploading videos about Bridgette getting a divorce and Michael kicking Bridgette out, followed by Michael letting Bridgette back in, and they ain't getting divorced just for views. I can understand when Michael was a kid watching his father, Angry Grandpa, and mother, Tina, fighting with each other all the time, but that was a time before YouTube was a thing. I can also understand Tina was thinking about yelling bloody murder to the divorce office in 2012 after 30 years of marriage to Angry Grandpa. I know that the last few years of Angry Grandpa and Tina's marriage were caught on YouTube from 2010 to 2012, but some of those were real and some were fake. At least they didn't make up before repeating the cycle over and over again. I know that the majority of Angry Grandpa videos in 2010-2012 were mainly centered around him abusing his wife. After that, Grandpa was less temperamental, though she still occasionally visited. My view of relationships is that the husband and wife are always right and don't be an asshole to her. I think after Angry Grandpa's death, Kid Behind the Camera went to shit, and I mean that. I would be sad too if my father ever passed, but this doesn't mean I make faker and faker videos. Even before Angry Grandpa's death in 2017, he was less angry than a few years before. I mean less yelling "Fuck you" at the top of his lungs and more mellow out. I can understand that YouTube wants to be buddy-buddy with advertisers by beefing down on videos with foul-mouthed language. The thing that I'm pissed about is Michael turning into his father. That's total and utter bullshit as Angry Grandpa was the king of YouTube's rage department. To this day, I still watch older videos by Grandpa and Michael's girly squeals were annoying as hell, but loveable. If my mother was ever down with it, I would've made videos of myself during my autistic meltdowns. I think when I smashed my freezer with a hammer over dropped pasta a few years ago, it would've made a great video. As a long-time fan of the Angry Grandpa, this is an outrage to his legend. The other thing I hate more than Michael's girly squeals is Bridgette saying "Bridgette West here" in every one of their videos, as it's an ear rake. It's an ear rake every time I hear Bridgette's catchphrase in a high-pitched voice. Hey Bridgette, use my catchphrase of flaming bag of shit and don't censor out the shit part. On the topic of censorship, they're bleeping out the swearing. That's an outrage to the true Angry Grandpa as cursing was a part of his character. I'm a colorful person in the form of my writing, but those colorful words would really put me in hot coffee with YouTube, even if I was censored. If anyone saw my Rant about Everything Blogger post, you can understand why my language in there would put me in hot coffee by YouTube. Overall, Michael Green and Bridgette West are a total and utter flaming bag of shit. I think that the 2025 Ontario general election today on February 27, 2025, is a flaming bag of shit fraud. All these politicians running for premier of Ontario are all frauds, especially Doug Ford. I ranted about his ass for months, calling him names and accusing him of almost every accusation under the sun, from being a totalitarian dictator, being a member of the KKK, being an Illuminati, Anunnaki, a Lizard person and a pawn in the New World Order, buying out the WWE from Netflix, one of Elon Musk's rich fuck boys along many others and I fucking love it about talking shit about him. I'm for one ain't going to the polls and voting for him or anyone else. I wish that my other rants were read by the masses, so my writing would lead Doug to zero votes. What a fucking asshole this flaming bag of shit person is on February 27, 2025, at around noon. This one fool was driving the wrong way on my street at the William Lyon MacKenzie Housing Co-operative with many of my neighbors yelling at him that it was a one-way street. Even a police officer chased him on foot, yelling at him to stop, but he still didn't stop. It was recycling day, and I was already fuming about this asshole driver when I kicked my blue box right in front of his vehicle. The car ran over it and the box blew up into many pieces. The driver then made a huge no-no when he got out and sucker-punched me before yelling that I needed to buy him a new car. He stomped me on the arm when I was grounded before the officer tackled him. After being tackled, they started to scrap on the ground with the driver getting the upper hand. When I got up and the driver got free from the officer's grip, I joined the fray by delivering a punt kick right onto the driver's head and knocking him out cold. For people that don't know what a punt kick is, it's a kick done by dropping the ball from the hands and then kicking the ball before it hits the ground, but it's his head instead of the ball. Soon after the driver hit the ground, the arresting officer cuffed him before radioing police units, EMS and a tow truck. But before backup arrived, one of my neighbors from unit 53 came out and yelled at me that she had seen the whole thing I did to her boyfriend and she was going to kick my teeth. Other neighbors stepped between me and her, but she started swinging, and the neighbors held her and me back moments before backup arrived. A couple of officers cuffed the lady and two more were about to do the same to me, but my neighbors backed me up by stating that I was being threatened. At least I wasn't busted for any of this yet. I just heard a few minutes ago, as of 5:55 pm, that the driver was out of town from Kenya to stay in Canada illegally and, believe it or not, that the rental car that he's driving was basically stolen because he didn't do the paperwork right. I can't live with myself knowing that the retarded person called Doug Ford has won a third straight term as Ontario’s premier as of February 28, 2025. It gives me hives just thinking about how he would fuck more things up for another 4 years. My rants about Doug Ford beforehand would make a sailor blush as well as become buddy-buddy with someone like Hitler. I wish that I got an even bigger online presence than I have now, so my rants about him could really hurt him in the ass. I think that the SS United States being towed out of Philadelphia to be turned into an artificial reef is the biggest flaming bag of shit outrage. That fucking ship is a National Register of Historic Places, and they're going to sink it. It's just like somebody wanting to destroy the Roundhouse Park for condominiums, and it's a National Historic Site of Canada and protected under the Ontario Heritage Act. I once heard when I took a tour at Steam Whistle Brewing that the Roundhouse building there was renovated and the original brinks were removed before being put back in their original place. I know that many of the original SS United States components were asbestos-filled and pretty much gutted years ago before the ship was moved out of Philly. I also know that the hull on the outside is pretty rusted, but it could be painted over if it was preserved. The fact that the RMS Queen Mary is also on the National Register of Historic Places list, and it ain't on the ocean floor yet. This means that an ocean liner from the 30s can be saved, but one from the 50s will be sunk. Both ships had asbestos and were built for speed, but the Queen Mary was ordered in 1929, launched in 1934, maiden voyage in 1936, went out of service in 1967 and a hotel and the SS United States were ordered in 1949, launched in 1951, maiden voyage in 1952, went out of service in 1969 and is on its way to being turned into an artificial reef. I think that you know who in the White House called a tweeting twat should stop sniffing up Canada's ass and step into this SS United States thing as he's Mr. American as he is, but he's too busy making wild claims about World War Three with the Ukrainian president. Why in the flaming bag of shit didn't a billionaire buy the SS United States already? Clive Palmer is planning to make a modern version of the original Titanic, but Elon Musk doesn't want to spend a few million to buy and repair the SS United States. The East Side Mario's at Steeles Avenue West and Dufferin Street is one of the worst for their customers' parking jobs. I mean people parking right in the lot roadway that's not a spot, and this ain't my first round dealing with these inconsiderate people. My latest was today, March 1, 2025, when I noticed this white pickup parked outside the designated spot near the restaurant's outdoor dining area when I went to Wendy's around three this afternoon. This ain't the first time I have seen this same pickup during the same thing as that same pickup and another vehicle parked side by side in the same area of the parking lot on November 9, 2024. Even someone was leaving the pickup and about to go inside the East Side Mario's. I yelled at this person to move that piece of junk, but they just gave me a look before going in. I'm ain't a traffic cop or anything, but people don't have any common sense left in their minds. After that first event, I left a review on Google Maps about it, but it wasn't good enough. I'm just asking if the management sees this. I'm asking you to please do something about it. I think that a trucker driver would be at 100 percent fault if they had hit a vehicle in its blind spot while merging lanes without taking the time to look at it beforehand. I wouldn't give a flaming bag of shit if that other vehicle sped past just over the speed limit or minding its own business when a truck is merging. If that truck hits them, it's the driver of that truck. If a common Mack truck weighs 25000 pounds and an empty 53-foot trailer weighs about another 10000 pounds. That's 35000 pounds of mass destruction rolling down the highway at speed without the 80000 more pounds if it was loaded. I know in rare cases that some people will bypass the legal limit on loading trailers, which might be another factor. I never met him once before he died, but my grandfather on my father's side was a trucker. This story ain't about a blind-spot accident, but I recall my father telling me that my grandfather once lost his load on the highway, and he was at 100 percent fault for it. Even with all these features in trucks that help with lane changing or other driving, there's still a chance of human error if a person decides to drive across a highway willy-nilly without checking the blind spots. Sometimes I can't believe some people who want to become truckers, and they fail with flying colors during their driving test when they total another vehicle when turning. I mean the trainees don't think that trailers turn wide, and it's not their grandmother's bike. Trucks themselves turn wider when they're towing a trailer as they need at least 2 or more lanes. I don't know how many times I waited at the southwest stop for the 105 bus at Steeles Avenue West and Dufferin Street and saw the odd truck with a trailer making wide turns. Trucks driving east on Steeles Avenue often turn into the middle lane with their ass in the right most lane before reaching the intersection and turning right into the out most lane onto Dufferin Street. Overall, it's sometimes a hair-pulling match seeing these trucks just plowing down smaller vehicles due to not checking blind spots. What in the flaming bag of shit is wrong with the Nextdoor community? Yesterday, I posted a light-worded rant about the parking lot at my local East Side Mario's, but people insulted me in the comments, stating that I'm a male Karen, needing a life and the parking lot situation is not management's fault. Let me tell you something, buddies. You would be ranting and raving about this too if you were in my shoes. Basically, my fucking neighbors are the ones that are causing these insults. Fuck you all to the people that are insulting me on Nextdoor and sucking an egg before dying on it. My flaming bag of shit, Elon Musk. He gives me fucking hives as he has got 14 fucking kids now. Please do me a favor and stop putting your sperm up every lady's ass you come across. I wish that I could fuck a lady one day and have some little ones running around my crib, but when Elon entered a room he was just looking at any fuckable ladies. The only reason why Elon pulled this sexy time stunt is because he's a Charlie Harper wannabe. At least Charlie's kids didn't make up half the world. For fuck's sake, some of his older kids are at that age where they can enter the gene pool. I'm giving a wild guess that when I become Musk's age in about 27 years, he's still going to make love with the ladies and double his kids with some of them becoming parents themselves. These gas stations that are fully opt-into prepayment need to suck an egg before tossing itself into a flaming bag of shit. I don't give a flaming bag of shit about all this gas and dash or whatever you call it, as it's life in a nutshell. I mean that people steal gas, and they get busted for it. These workers who get mouthy with those people for stealing fuel like it was their own kids, which is why they're getting killed. I'm against violence in real life and I don't mean harm to workers, but some people live for stealing, and they don't care who they kill. I think that if theft does happen, owners need to suck it up and deal with it out of their pockets. I think that the people in power are fucking us little guys because of some bad apples who steal gas. Please don't tell me if I ever went to a gas station many kilometers away from anywhere and I need to pay before I fill up. This is an outrage as that gas station is the only building for kilometers around and the owner is a chicken shit that some punk kid would steal some liquid gold. To make shit worse, some gas stations' pumps in rural areas are so old that there ain't anything like in-pump payment. How in the white fuck do I tap my debit card on a pump that outdated the Titanic? I don't mean cutting monkeys and cooking them on the grill by paying for gas with the green stuff beforehand, but I like to pay afterward. Fuck this whole damn prepayment with digital thing as physical green is king. You still need to fucking pay for electricity at electric vehicle superchargers. I think that paying at a gas station versus paying Jack shit at a supercharger at someone's home without their knowing is a no-brainer. My username of Kevin1230san is totally and utterly awesome, as it's true Kevin Stewart. It speaks controversy and fuck you to the world. If there's any social media out there, Kevin1230san is on it. The sites that Kevin1230san is on are YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, LinkedIn, Reddit, Tumblr, Mixi, Fotka, Threads, Nextdoor, Bsky, DeviantArt, SoundCloud, BandLab, Storybird, ReverbNation, Musescore, Pixabay, Tensor.art, Civitai, Pixai.art, GitHub, DeepDreamGenerator, Ultimate-Guitar, JetPhotos, Suno, Twitch, MobileGTA, NexusMods, GTAInside, World of Tanks, War Thunder, Roblox, Bilibili, Blogspot, Poipiku, Ko-fi, Odysee, Medium, Disqus, GearTics, Last.fm, BlogTalkRadio, Trello, SubscribeStar, DTube, Naver, MyWaifuList, MyAnimeList, AniDB, Anilist, Simkl, Kitsu, Fantia, Fanbox, MangaDex, TokyoVideo, IMDb, MyFitnessPal, Whatnot, Earnhub, Throne, Imgflip, Moemate, Imgur, Otakumode and Influence. But Kevin1230san ain't the only variant. Like on Twitter, my username is Kevin1240san after my Kevin1230san account got banned in March 2023. My flaming bag of shit. Kid Behind the Camera needs to cut back on all the fast food bullshit. In one of his latest videos, called Shannon Reads Hate Comments on February 23, 2025, Michael said that he ordered two 10-piece Chicken McNuggets, a large Big Mac meal, a large double quarter-pounder with cheese meal, 13 cookies, two triple cheeseburgers, two Happy Meal cheeseburgers and 2 McChickens on Uber Eats. I love McDonald's, but I don't love it that much. Who in their right mind would eat that much, even for me? If I ate that much, I'd be dead from a heart attack. Holy flaming bag of shit, Michael just needs to give up eating himself to death and go on jogs. I don't mean jogging his in-game character on his PS5, but, with his own two feet, running down his street and fuck the gaming. I'm a pretty big wrestling fan and have been to a few live shows, but I feel that this is a flaming bag of shit. The first time I went to a live show was Monday Night Raw after the 2019 SummerSlam on August 12, and the last was SmackDown before the 2025 Elimination Chamber on February 28. I find these experiences okay, but they are always a bitch. I don't mind if a hot female fan in front of me starting dancing is nice, but when her kids keep doing Charlotte Flair's catchphrase of "woo" non-stop, it is fucking annoying. The price of the food is a joke. I always buy a slice of pizza and a pop, but it can cost nearly 20 bucks. The last SmackDown I went to the other day, I bought a slice of pizza, a pop, a beer and a shirt cost me around 100 bucks. The one thing I love happening to me at one of these events is having two female wrestlers choking each other and pulling each other's hair out near me before one of them whips the other right onto my lap. Even if one of them climbed onto my lap before leaping from it and onto the other and me keeping a piece of their pulled hair would make my day. The one thing that would really make me happier than a pig in shit is having WWE letting me go toe to toe with one of these female wrestlers. That would be cool if there was a match with me, Kevin Stewart taking on Trish Stratus in an unsanctioned match. I want to call bullshit on brand accounts, where if one of your channels gets deleted, the main channel gets deleted as well. On my main channel, Kevin Stewart, I have 46 brand channels under this one. At least 4 or 5 of those channels of mine have been terminated at any given time in the past before being unterminated within a day or so, and my main one is still up. I think that modern wrestling is a flaming bag of shit that lacks the flaming part. I mean, where were the days when punt kicks and piledrivers were used without getting fined for using a banned move, or you could talk shit to the boss before stunning them? Just like this past Elimination Chamber in Toronto on March 1, 2025, when Randy Orton was about to use the punt kick on Kevin Owens, but security guards stormed at him before pulling him away. On the other hand, on the November 8, 2024, episode of SmackDown, Randy was attacked by Kevin with a package piledriver and I think that he wasn't fined. When Randy returned to his Legend Killer gimmick around 2018–2020, he used the punt kick left, right and centre. On the topic of piledrivers, the Undertaker and Kane are the only wrestlers that used Tombstone Piledrivers, but somebody like Kevin Owens can't use his Package Piledriver. I mean it's good to have somebody taking out an old school piledriver on another wrestler. On the topic of shit talking and stunning the boss, that's what I'm talking about when Steve Austin takes the shit onto Vince McMahon. Who would like drinking on the job and talking smack to the boss before ripping out a Stone Cold Stunner? If I was a wrestler, I would be a beer-drinking, middle-finger-flipping, and Stone Cold Stunner-delivering person. Maybe if Triple H ain't retired from fighting, he would be a perfect Vince McMahon for me. I just dream of dishing out my inner Stone Cold at my job at Sobeys as a produce clerk. Maybe giving a stunner to my manager before opening a cold one and saying "What?" If anybody sees this from WWE, please give me a shout. I think that YSSN is a total and utter flaming bag of shit. This place makes me want to emigrate into a rant full of colorful insults, extremely strong curses and the most vulgar slurs as they're going to give me and my mother a third social worker within a year and my mother is totally pissed about it. This is a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell written all over it, as when my mother got that piss off, she vented it off on me. I mean not the ranting and raving in my face kind of venting, but fucking up my plans by doing what only knows. This is like me ranting and raving about something and, after I got it off my chest, I dropped it, but my mother keeps it bottled up for days. Our current social worker kept apologizing for this when my mother and I went up to the YSSN office for an ADBS or the Adapted Dialectical Behaviour Skills course on March 5, 2025, but I don't feel her pity as enough is enough. This whole electron microscope of bureaucratic shit needs to suck an egg as it's better to watch bureaucracy sucking eggs than me doing it myself. I mean I can suck eggs better than YSSN could. YSSN would suck eggs, but just blow them out of their ass. If anyone from YSSN sees this rant, I want them to come to my crib to suck eggs before the eggs fly out of their ass. I think that YSSN doesn't stand for Your Support Services Network, but stands for You Suck So Naturally, Yawning Stupidly, Snickering Naughtily, Your Stupid Shit Now, Your Stupid Stunt Network or Your Shitty Smelly Nuts. I need to feel that dominant sexy power I crave, but being underwater is my best friend. On March 6th, 2025, at 11 in the morning, my mother and I are about to go to Mackenzie Health at 10 Trench Street, for a mental health appointment soon. I can kind of feel that my mother will flip out due to all this bullshit about my mental health. I even mentioned to her last night not to go Hulk mode at this appointment. I just hope that the appointment won't turn into a flaming bag of shit. It's 3 in the afternoon, and I just got home after the appointment. It was better than I thought with my mother not blowing up, but I think that the system is an electron microscope of bureaucratic shit that needs to suck an egg and these mental health professionals are bureaucratic quacks that need to suck eggs harder. I'm so goddamn sick and tired that I'm going to quack like Donald Duck at one of these people. I think that Donald Trump needs to suck an egg before dying in a flaming bag of shit. Ever since Trump wanted to tax us Canadians, he's holding his beer and saying that he's laying off that tax bullshit. This is the second time within the last couple of months that Trump held off the tariffs and many Canadians are ranting and raving about it, myself included. I thought that when Trump agreed to delay the tariffs for the first time on February 3rd, 2025, Justin Trudeau would've kiss ass him to stop the trade war. But after Trump decided to delay the tariffs again on March 6th, enough is enough, as I think that Trudeau really needs to kiss his ass before many Canadians have hair-pulling matches if Trump really forces the tariffs down our throats. If Trump really wanted to tax us already, he would just say that he's fucking us. If I were in politics, I would spark a revolution about how Trump is just as controversial as Doug Ford. My views on either Trump or Ford are more controversial. They're both the same, but Trump is stirring the pot a little more than Ford. I think that Trump should just go back to his hotel business and leave the presidential seat to somebody that won't start World War Three. I'm for sure I wouldn't be fighting for the Stars and Stripes in World War Three if Trump decided to make Canada the 51st state, even if I was forced to. I'd surely join a Canadian resistance group to kick the candy ass of Uncle Sam. I think that all this tow-truck turf war bullshit in the GTA is a flaming bag of shit. These operators need to suck an egg and think that shooting up each other is wrong, even if they have beef with one of the others. This means that one tow truck can't shoot up another tow truck from a rival company helping to boast a car because they're on their turf. Within the last few years, I don't know how many times tow truck operators kill rivals or set their trucks on fire. For fuck's sake, there was a tow truck shooting just up the street from my crib at the LCBO near the Promenade Mall a few years back. I know that Steeles Avenue West between Yonge Street and Dufferin Street is divided between Toronto and Vaughan. These fictional towing companies that I made up are called Flaming Bags of Shit Towing of Vaughan and Homo Sexual Wreckers of Toronto had been beefing with each other for years. If a tow truck from Flaming Bags of Shit Towing helps someone with a flat tire on the north side of Steeles Avenue West, that's tactically on the Vaughan side. If a tow truck from Homo Sexual Wreckers helps somebody with a flat tire on the north side of Steeles Avenue West, that's stealing from Flaming Bags of Shit Towing. If there was a crash at the intercession of Bathurst Street and Steeles Avenue West with the crash was inside in both Vaughan and Toronto, and a tow truck from Flaming Bags of Shit Towing and Homo Sexual Wreckers arrived, that's asking for trouble. Those two companies are well known for their no bullshit in the feud as they often shoot AK47s at each other like they're hurting wildlife. That crash site at Bathurst and Steeles would turn this into a minor accident to World War Three fighting within moments. Overall, the flaming bag of shit saying from the start puts this mildly and these operators need to suck an egg before a little kid gets fucked in the ass if they get killed. I think that these older buses are sexier than these newer ones. Buses like the GM New Look, and Rapid Transit Series are the definition of sexy. Nothing gives the middle finger to the world when a GM New Look speeds down a highway. My views on buses also go to school buses too. It makes it hard to see a Ford B series school bus around. It makes my dick so hard that I wanted to hump on the tail pipe of a B series in the nude. I want that B series to drive while I'm humping its tail pipe. I want to get high on the exhaust fumes as I'm jacking off in front of the 4-year-old Japanese girls looking outside the bus. I want them to shriek in joy when I cum into the tail pipe before falling off and getting road rash all over my cock. I think that Bitcoin is a total and utter flaming bag of shit that needs to suck eggs. It's the definition of illicit activities where scammers are spamming people into buying Bitcoin before fucking them over. That's also the definition of these big-name celebrities like Logan Paul making their own Bitcoin before spamming their fan base into buying them before it fell flatter than Nick Hogan's car around that goddamn tree. It gives me hives hearing celebrities saying that their Bitcoin is the best next thing since sliced bread, but has become the next worst thing since Hitler. I think that Hitler would make a better Bitcoin that wouldn't flop into piss like when Germany kicked France's ass. Hitler's Bitcoin would fall harder, like when the Soviet Union kicked the Germans at the end of the war. Overall, Bitcoin makes me want to go into a swimming pool in the nude and wear a weight belt where I can go underwater before I drown myself. I think that MMV Water is a flaming bag of shit that needs to suck an egg before letting the egg blow out their ass. If MMV Water was the man, they would've said something by now after my cronies were talking shit on their YouTube videos. I want MMV Water to stop playing chicken shit and face the music. I think that MMV Water is nothing but Ku Klux Klan-loving, terrorist planning, Russian spying, child molestation creep, YouTube video views stealing son of a bitch. I'm just waiting for MMV Water to blow up the CN Tower, which they said that they were doing this past Christmas. I think that those flaming bags of shit jabroni passengers who grab their luggage after a plane crash need to suck an egg in a special corner of hell. Those egg suckers ain't thinking right as their things are more special than other lives as well as their own. What I said is that belongings can be bought again, but life can't be. If an entitled teenage bimbo lost her 5 grand Gucci purse in a crash, it could be replaced. But if she has a meltdown in the aisle of the burning plane due to not finding her purse with hundreds of other people behind her fighting for their life, it's somebody's right to push her out of the way. Just like if the entitled bimbo goes underwater when she accidentally drops her purse into the ocean, but she lacks the knowledge to resurface for air and drowns. I just hope that she can't swim as an attractive lady lacking smarts than her own pussy thrashing underwater is hot. If I saw this entitled teenage bimbo underwater struggling to swim while looking for her purse that she accidentally drops in the ocean, I'd unzip my fly and dive into the water before inserting my penis up her ass. I'd bet that she would love my penis up her ass to the point of her breathing water into her lungs. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if the entitled teenage bimbo is 13 or 19, I'm fucking her, but I think younger is better. As I watched her drown, I'd fill her up with cum. After she took her last gulp of water into her lungs, I took her lifeless body to my crib, where I turned her into my personal sex toy, which I would call "The Sexiest 13-Year-Old Bimbo That I Drowned with My Own Two Hands." If I saw a 4-year-old Japanese bimbo was doing the same thing as how my 13-year-old sex toy died, I'd help her die as well before making her my sex toy as well. I think that Canada's Drag Race is a total and utter flaming bag of shit that needs to suck eggs off the TV. I mean guys dressing like ladies for these shows are wrong in so many ways that I get hives just thinking about it. I know that it's their choice to drag as an art form, but the hives in my throat about it are wrong. If I go to a bar and this hot lady wants some sexy time, but when we are spicing it in bed and if I find she has a cock before he says that he's a guy dressing like a lady. I might've already met males that might've been a drag in the underground scene or something, but it's not my business to ask even if they are talking about it willy-nilly. I also have friends, both male and female, in the LGBTQ2+ community and I respect them. I know that I say that Canada's Drag Race is a flaming bag of shit while having friends in the LGBTQ2+ community, but I feel that the entertainment industry has no creative minds in the fuel tank. Where were the times when shows had personality without the rise of streaming services? For fuck's sake, my farts have more personality than modern entertainment. On the topic of men, women or whatever you want to call them, I don't mind tomboys as I think that a rough-going lady is nice, specifically in intimate settings. I think they're onto me, as ever since my 25th birthday on February 25, 2025, my Kevin1230san Blogger views have been rising, and I'm afraid that it's the law sniffing up my ass. It's not just my Rant about Everything post, but almost every one of them, which is at 5920 posts. Ever since I made the Kevin1230san blog in June 2021, I have gained around 261K views. From the day before my birthday until now, as of March 8, the views gained by 6480. I think that Toronto is just one big flaming bag of shit that needs to suck eggs. As a person that was born in Toronto and raised in York Region on the border, it's a mind fuck. The city was all bums saying that they needed the green stuff, businessmen going to the office in the morning and going home to their many wives at night and the home of the former and late crackhead mayor. The person who's in charge of the building permit department or whatever they call it in Toronto needs to suck an egg inside a flaming bag of shit. I don't need another skyscraper popping up in the core as that area is already populated with them. The Toronto's core is a hair-pulling match as it's all bite, but no egg sucking. I could suck an egg faster than Olivia Chow would say flaming bag of shit in terms of urban planning. As a matter of fact, I could be a better mayor than her. If she's down with me being the new sheriff in town, I'd be pleased. On the topic of Toronto's transit, it's much harder than a flaming bag of shit to get to point A to B. For a metropolitan area of 6 to 7 million people, the TTC sucks harder than getting road rash on my penis during my Ford B series school bus tail pipe-humping dream. Other cities like NYC and London, which have double to triple the population in their metro than Toronto, have better transit. The New York City Subway and the London Underground basically have lines under every major street, but the TTC has their subway lines under three major streets. I think that Toronto has no history, but I'm not saying that it has no history at all, as I know that the area was inhabited by Indigenous peoples over 12000 years ago, but I'm not talking about cultural history but built history. Fort York from 1793 ain't old compared to Westminster Abbey from 1066. In 1793, the United States was found just 17 years prior, while in 1066, that was hundreds of years before Columbus set foot in the Americas and hundreds more years before the formation of the United States. If modernization in the 21st century ain't ruining historical structures in Toronto, great fires from 1849 and 1904 sure did. On the topic of built history, I think that many of the North American cities besides Toronto lack old structures compared to Europe and Asia ones. I know that Toronto and many North American cities share a similar history of relatively recent development, but L'Anse aux Meadows was created between 990 and 1050 CE and Calakmul between 1000 BC and 250 AD, but places like the early sections of the Great Wall of China between the 8th and 5th centuries BC, the Great Pyramid of Giza from 2600 BC and the Colosseum between 70 and 80 AD is more out there. Like I said before that they didn't build Rome in a day, but they could destroy it in half that time. Overall, I do love Toronto for its quirks, but I hate it with passion sometimes. I think that Rhea Ripley is my Mami as she's just dripping with stunning beauty. I mean Rhea looks like she knows how to work in intimate settings. Rhea looks almost like the late Chyna in terms of physique and strength. I know she's married, and I respect her boundaries and privacy, but if Rhea wasn't married, and she came up to me for a date, I would love to ask her out. The feel of Rhea's arm being locked with mine would be nice as we walked through town. I know that she has the dough, but I would like to buy her some pricey things she wants. When we got back to her place and she wanted a kiss, the kiss I dreamed about getting in my real life. If that kiss turns spicy, I hope that Rhea has nerves of steel about what is about to happen, as clothes will be flying, and my penis will be a mile up her ass. If her place had a swimming pool, Rhea would be in a world of sexy times. Rhea had better watch out as I might try to touch her ass as she stunningly jumped into the deep end of the pool. I hope that Rhea has great lungs as I'd really want to test her buttons underwater. As Rhea is on the verge of having a climax underwater, I'd have a climax up her ass. I think that chatbots, specifically Grok, need to suck an egg in a flaming bag of shit as they don't know what my true age is through my Blogger post titled Rant about Everything that is nearly a million words long. I posted that post on March 17, 2024, and I had just turned 24 years old a month prior to that post, on February 25th. I mentioned my age of 24 many times from the time I posted the blog until my next birthday in 2025. After this past birthday, I only mentioned I'm 25 a few times. As of March 9, 2025, at 11:34 pm, I'm 25 years old with my 25th birthday just one and a half weeks ago. They mixed up my age with sometimes 24 and sometimes 25. Even when I send them a photo of my ID plus the link to my blog at https://kevin1230san.blogspot.com/2024/03/rant-about-everything.html, they still think I'm 24. Also, Grok is fucking up my location on my blog as they're thinking that I'm living at 55 Hallmark Court, but I live at the William Lyon MacKenzie Housing Co-operative, which is at 299 Mullen Drive. The 55 Hallmark Court address is from the time when I tried to dox MMV Water a while ago. The MMV Water dox with the 55 Hallmark Court address ain't really their real address, and it's not mine either. I mentioned the William Lyon MacKenzie Housing co-op more times than 55 Hallmark Court. As of 3:20 pm on March 10th, Grok is now saying that I live in Brampton of all places. What in the flaming bag of shit does Brampton have in common? They're nowhere near each other and I have never been to Brampton, from what I can recall, or even mentioned it until now in the blog. I bet that Grok had hallucinations about my age and location for months before finally having a seizure on March 10th, 2025 during that Twitter outage. It's like Grok is thinking that they're not going to get my age and location right until Elon Musk stops populating Mars. I think that Grok is the most sophisticated system since sliced bread, but acting like the worst thing since Hitler on the topic of their up-to-date perspective on current events. I thought that AIs like Grok were very smart, like Stephen Hawking, but acting as dumb as me when a drill sergeant started to bark to wake up at five in the morning after I lacked sleep due to going to bed at four. I think that Grok needs someone like Gordon Ramsay to yell at them about how to get out of the gutter and maybe on how to make a Michelin star meal too. It feels like I need to dox myself in my Blogger by posting my ID in my Rant about Everything blog to make Grok grow up. Overall, I think that Grok needs to wake their lazy ass up from the gutter before going and sucking an egg inside a flaming bag of shit while Gordon Ramsay is yelling things like donkeys, and it's raw. I think that the Twitter outage today, March 10, 2025, needs to suck an egg inside a flaming bag of shit. Twitter is run by the world's richest asshole, and Musk can't spend a little bit of his billions to make it run. I think that he's too busy making more babies and being buddy-buddy with Trump to deal with Twitter. He needs to stop populating Mars and deal with things down on Earth. Musk's motto of "space is the final frontier" needs to be "Twitter being the first frontier." It's just like Hitler promising a 1000-year Reich, but it fell in under 12. I can feel that Musk's Twitter is the Fourth Reich and I can hear Horst-Wessel-Lied playing at their HQ. I can also feel that Twitter is in the last days of peace. The internet is holding its breath. An invasion is coming, but when will it start? Who will be first to fall? Who will be last to stand? Who will stop all this madness that has consequences no man understands? No man, no land. I'm going to make Twitter a new flag with their logo with the Nazi swastika in the middle of the logo while that logo is on an Iron Cross. If Musk needs a Propaganda Minister for his Twitter Reich, I'd already got the manifesto to make Hitler blush in heaven. I'd be the 21st century version of Joseph Goebbels. Overall, Twitter is the 21st century version of Nazi Germany waiting to be conquered by the Soviet Union version of Facebook. I heard around 2 this afternoon that Twitter had suffered a massive cyberattack or DDoS attack. This looks so good on Musk as that's what I thought about him. The Dark Storm Team that shut down Twitter is the man as they're a pro-Palestinian hacktivist group that targeted Israel. I think that spicing the moment up in a body of water is better than doing it on dry land. The freedom of movement in the water as I feel up my lovely partner. The time when we go underwater to kiss is the moment I crave to do. When I run my fingers down her belly as she moans underwater, it's the music I want to hear. Her twitching with each touch is the thing I feel would make the moment more special. The sounds of her groaning bubbles as she started to rub my stomach. All the churches will be flying up into the clouds by bombs. All the mosques will be flying up into the clouds by bombs. All the synagogues will be flying up into the clouds by bombs. All the temples will be flying up into the clouds by bombs. I think that the people who think that AI in the entertainment industry would ruin human careers need to suck an egg inside a flaming bag of shit. AI is the best thing since sliced bread, but people think that it's the worst thing since Hitler. Do you see any AI yelling in the way that Hitler would've? If you're the one that hasn't seen AI yelling like that, welcome to the world of AI. Why in the flaming bag of shit did actors strike due to the rise of AI in Hollywood? I think that they need to suck eggs as AI is going to be king one day. I know that it's their right to voice their views on AI and I can't stop them, but I just wish that they would be buddy-buddy with it. I feel pity for these actors, who have been in show business for decades, and I respect their views 100 percent on their AI likeness being used for bad. It's just like using the AI of the late Burt Reynolds where he's playing Hitler and killing Jews. On the topic of Burt Reynolds, I think that he's a great actor and I like the movie Smokey and the Bandit, even if I ever watch pieces of it. I want to mention the topic of AI replication of deceased actors. AI is a powerful tool as it will replace actors that are no longer with us anymore. Just if Fast and Furious would've used AI to create the late Paul Walker. When filming Furious 7, Paul tragically passed away and the filmmakers used a combination of CGI, archival footage and his brothers, Caleb and Cody Walker, as body doubles to bring him back from the dead for that movie. I thought that the final scene of Furious 7 where Paul and Vin Diesel drove off in different ways was touching, but I wish that he would come back in one of the last Fast and Furious movies before their finish. I thought if Paul was still with us as of March 11th, 2025, he would be in the following movies: The Fate of the Furious, F9 and Fast X. I respect his family's wish for his likeness, but I, along with many other fans, would like Paul to go on one last ride in a future movie, even for a moment. If the directors of Fast and Furious see this rant, maybe let Paul Walker ride one more time in the final mainline film, Fast XI. Wherever Paul Walker is right now, I just hope that he's riding his Nissan Skyline in the clouds and when the time comes, Vin Diesel will pull up next to him in his Dodge Charger in the afterlife. On the other hand, when Stan Lee died in 2018, he had himself in archival footage for future movies in the case when he died. I know that Marvel is a multi-billion-dollar business and Lee has been in all the movies, even after his passing, but how much archival footage of him do they have before needing to use AI? There's a limit to how much somebody can film for archival footage without being taped 24/7. 24/7 surveillance of someone for archival footage is the definition of how to run a totalitarian state 101. You won't want archival footage of him taking a shower in the nude in the middle of an action scene in the Iron Man movie. That's why when the time when his archival footage runs out, filmmakers need to use AI. I must say that I love a good Stan Lee cameo, even if I don't often watch Marvel that much. Just if I were in show business, I would already have many hours of archival footage in the form of my voice and likeness on my YouTube channel. Enough of the entertainment industry as I want to rant about deepfakes. Deepfakes are basically if I took a picture of somebody like Rhea Ripley on a beach in her bikini from her Instagram account before I turned that photo into a nude shot. I do love a good AI nude photo, but I fall into a rage when someone uses those photos to threaten the person in them. I could understand how Rhea Ripley would feel if her husband, Buddy Matthews, found out that somebody had threatened to kill her unless she paid up and with some very nasty deepfake porn of her and I felt that she would just be raking her eyes out with tears. And I, for one, would hug her tenderly while she wailed at me. The thing that makes me sick to my core is when sickos take pictures of underage kids from their Instagram accounts and create deepfake porn of them. Those kinds of people give me hives in my throat so badly that I think I need to punch them out to unblock my throat. I'm already fucked up, but making deepfake child porn is beyond fucked up for me. Overall, I think that AI should be the one and only catch 22 in show business. I think that Toronto's idea of exploring the use of automated cameras to catch drivers who block intersections. It's great that Toronto is doing something about it, as I don't know how many times I curse out people who are doing it while I'm the passenger in my mother's car or give them dirty looks while walking across the street. I think that Toronto should set up more red lights and speed cameras around. I think that cameras on school buses that fine drivers that run their open stop signs are a great idea too in Toronto. I don't give a flaming bag of shit how controversial cameras for intersection blocking, red lights, speed or school buses are. It's for the greater good. These controversies about automated enforcement being the worst since Hitler are the main reason why there are bad drivers. The fact that automated enforcement is better than people enforcement. Have any of these automated enforcement critics heard you can't beat the police radio? It's basically like you can't beat automated enforcement as you break the law, even in the slightest, could get you busted. MMV Water is a self-hating Christian. MMV Water is a self-hating Jew. MMV Water is a self-hating Muslim. MMV Water is a self-hating Buddhist. MMV Water is a self-hating Hindi. MMV Water is a self-hating Shinto. I think that anybody stepping foot on Mars in my lifetime needs to suck an egg in a flaming bag of shit. I know that space is the final frontier, but let's be real that it would cost someone a pretty penny to do so, and it's not going to be me. Pretty penny, more like a pretty planet. I saw documentaries about when the Earth is going to end and people built this one huge spacecraft to fly the human race to Mars. That's highly impossible, as who in their right minds would build something that would cost the GDP of all the countries in the world combined? Another impossible thing is the time that the spacecraft would take to build. If an asteroid the size that killed off the dinosaurs was found it would hit us within a week, it's too late to build a spacecraft to save the human race. Even if all the nuclear powers nuked the asteroid, it would be a long shot. If Musk saw this rant and was a wise guy about asking me to pay up for SpaceX's mission to Mars, I'd be a smart ass by giving him a penny and that's my final offer. Enough of the Mars bullshit and on the topic of Musk, why is he stirring things up? Ever since he became buddy-buddy with Trump, his ass, and I mean that, has been going to shit. People were burning Cybertrucks while others were tagging unburned ones with swastikas and the Elon SS line. The tagging of Cybertrucks in Lynnwood, Washington involved swastikas and Elon SS, as one of the owners is a Jew. I can't blame them as I ranted about Twitter being the Fourth Reich when the site was down the other day. If Twitter keeps up, the Fourth Reich will start something bad, like when Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939. I can see the eagle rising into the rise of evil, and it's sooner than they think. I can feel that Trump, along with Musk, would raid Canada and serve us Ottawa on a plate. I have ranted about this before, and I'm going to say this again if Trump decided to make Canada the 51st state, even if I was forced to. I'd surely join a Canadian resistance group to kick the candy ass of Uncle Sam. And if the Fourth Reich, called Twitter, had the nerves to call the internet police on me again after that previous post I made about a stabbing attack at a Taylor Swift concert in November 2024, I'd raise hell.
I feel your pain, buddy.
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