Disunited States of America (Every State is a Country) LORE

Disunited States of America (Every State is a Country) LORE|||Sign up for a 30 Day Trial: https://ift.tt/mjogX3J Since the election there has been talk the United States is more divided then ever before. At the end of the day, we're still all apart of the same country. In the world imagined by Harry Turtledove, the U.S is so divided, every state is a country. The Articles of Confederation failed and so every state became an independent state. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltHistoryHub
from Unofficial WWE 2K https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DAvs0EgSxhQE&h=AT10uu09P_SCdse5S-bn6MHMnMOJhQPn1EHI3F150LcfEfVkznL1FU_bvP8MTnaZ42HobKuDv7ZXK0xzleXiKnFz7P_XAeVjJtga-sIbHNQruwwQhPbVdHAT6HefY6UG&s=1 Sign up for a 30 Day Trial: https://ift.tt/CSzj5No the election there has been talk the United States is more divided then ever before. At th...


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