Rhei Entertainment Rant 2

You know what, I had enough of Rhei Entertainment. All they do is claim my reaction videos and live streams of Angry Grandpa. Do they have some common freaking sense about not claiming stuff unless it's yours or on behalf of someone else? That's what I call a dumbass if you are claiming for your own gain. Many people on YouTube upload reaction videos and live streams of Angry Grandpa to support them and their families. Hey Rhei Entertainment, do you want to take a lollipop from some kid because their YouTuber mother can't pay for it? You're robbing the future of these creators to support their kids. What do you want these kids to do, beg people for money on the street because their parents can't make ends meet on their YouTube channel? Many of my fellow YouTubers had to delete many of their reaction videos and live streams because they wouldn't want the claims to mess up their monetization. One such YouTuber, DKRACK, deleted all his live streams. He has around 63K subscribers and does Angry Grandpa reactions. He does many other reaction streams, like Angry Grandma, scary videos and gaming, but all those bite the dust. What a freaking bummer, as he has kids, and he needs money from his subscribers via super chats and channel memberships. At least Rhei Entertainment ain't copyright striking reaction videos or streams yet. If Rhei Entertainment ever goes down that rabbit hole, there is going to be hell to pay.


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