I need help

My mental health is like I'm getting utterly fucked in the ass with a flaming bag of shit that was sent from hell. All these services my mother is trying to get me are making her go insane. My mother classed this as a full-time job of getting me help, which she hates because of all the runaround by these services. She is on the verge of leaving and never coming back. I'm a 24-year-old living with high-functioning autism, and I'm on the verge of losing my goddamn crap. If you come across the message, please voice your concerns about me to the mental health services in the Greater Toronto Area. I'm pleading my subscribers to please help me because I was thinking of ending this once and for all one too many times. I know that taking my life won't help me anyway, but I'm so goddamn sick and freaking tired of getting goddamn slapped about by these services just for them to say that they can't help me because I don't live in the City of Toronto, or I'm too old to get help. Please share this with as many people as you know about this, so people like me can get the goddamn help we need.


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