Lou Fruitman Reena Residence Rant

I just moved into a supportive housing facility at the Lou Fruitman Reena Residence down the street from my house a few hours ago on June 23, 2024. I know my stay here is only until June 27, but it's okay. My nerves are going nuts as it is the first time I have ever lived on my own. It's a nice little room I have got as I have a view of the new townhouses that were built a few years ago near my house. The TV sucks as I got a Roku TV by Sharp. It doesn't have CP24 or Sportsnet, and there is a different Weather Network than I'm used to watching. I'm going to miss Monday Night Raw and game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals on Monday. I think that it is kind of lame that I need to call someone at the supportive house to let them know if I need to go somewhere, as I don't really like calling someone before I leave. I know that it's their policy, but I want more freedom to fuck off when I feel like it without calling. My mother works on Monday, Tuesday and Fridays and I don't remember the time she works. If she works long shifts, I basically won't leave the room until Wednesday due to my nerves being shitty about calling before I leave. If she works short shifts, I might be okay if she came up after work to take me out somewhere before Wednesday. Good lord that I'm only staying here for 4 days as I'm already losing my mind a bit. I hope that I won't go insane. On the first day at the supportive housing facility on June 24, and my nerves are still shitty. I must say that the furniture in my room is crappy as the dining room chairs are IKEA-level crap. One of the legs on one chair is busted and another leg on a different chair is going. At least my mother took me to the Promenade Mall for New York Fries after work today. She worked from 8-4 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. At least my mother is recording Monday Night Raw at home for me. As for game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, I still can't watch it because of the shit buster channels on TV in my room, but it's tied 2-1 for Florida in the second as of this blog. I don't know how much longer I can take before I toss the TV out the window. I hope that I won't lose it. Well, on the second day at the supportive housing facility on June 25, I got a rude wake-up call at 8 in the morning as a staff member knocked at my door, so they could unlock the safe in my room for me to grab my morning pills to take at 10. I was still in bed and wearing my underwear when they knocked. Do they have some common freaking sense that some people are still in bed at 8? Later this morning, I got a letter under my door about someone coming to my unit for a door accessibility setup. The time of their visit is either June 26, 27 or 28, between 9 and 5. I don't know what the hell a door accessibility setup is, but I just hope that it didn't fucked up my departure date. I'm leaving the supportive housing facility by the 27th. How the hell didn't the staff know that I was leaving by then? I just hope that the 28th isn't my departure date. I'd be pissed if that was my departure date if I asked my mother to talk to them. I'm currently watching YouTube on TV as Roku TV is still shit for channels. At one point, I was watching Netflix because someone that was in the unit before me was still signed in, but not anymore. I watched the first few episodes of Toradora on Tubi. Someone came to my unit to check my door around 5 this evening, and I'm assuming that they were just checking if the door was okay. I'm also assuming that I'm still leaving on the 27th. I'm pissed off at the staff who was in charge of my pills. My afternoon pills I take are at 4, but it's nearly 6, and they still haven't come up. I don't know if it was the same person who woke me up at 8 this morning, but I'd be pissed if it was the same person. After a staff member came to unlock the safe where my pills were, and I took them, my mother drove me to McDonald's for dinner. I think that two of the ladies that work here are totally retarded as the first lady told me that my mother needed to call her if she was coming to visit me in my unit. We had never heard of that policy beforehand. It's nearly 10 in the morning on the third day of June 26 at the supportive housing facility, and I'm watching Angry Grandpa on YouTube on the TV. I'm kind of getting fed up with watching Angry Grandpa all the time as I might become him. There was some drilling and shit in the hallway, but I didn't know what was going on. I forgot to mention that the Florida Panthers won the Stanley Cup the other day. I was so hopeful that the Edmonton Oilers would win it all after they came back from being down 3 games in the series. Later this afternoon at around 4, my mother will take me to the gym. At 10:30 this morning, some guys came over to my unit to replace a door arm on the door. I assume this is the door accessibility setup and my departure time is still the 27th. It's 12:30 in the afternoon and whoever replaced the door arm left a big ass mess near the door. They should at least clean their shit after they finish the work. At around 1:30 this afternoon, someone came back and cleared up the mess. I went to the gym at 3:40 this afternoon and went to McDonald's afterward. On the fourth day of June 27 at the supportive housing facility, I'm basically ready to leave. My mother called me at 10 this morning and said that she was on her way to pick me up. I just hope that there ain't any bullshit during my departure. It's nearly 11 in the morning, and good lord above, I'm finally back home.


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