Doug Ford Rant

Doug Ford is a piece of work, man. He wants to bugger up the Ontario Greenbelt to build houses on. Get your greedy hands off the Greenbelt, Doug. Ain't you rich enough, buddy? Doug is the brother of the late and former crackhead mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford. If he wants to build new houses and rip down farms, it will really mess up how many agricultural areas they have. I bet it was his idea to do it. I don't understand his idea of building all these electric vehicle factories in Ontario. He wants to make Ontario a much greener place by making all vehicles electric by 2030. He can't build a flaming bag of shit by then if he tries. He encouraged businesses to not go all cashless when COVID-19 started, but they still asked for cashless payment in 2024. If he wanted a fist fight, I wanted to, as I'd punch his face. I'd hack into his house and play porn on the TV while his kids were there. Inflation is making the flaming bag of shit even worse because of his idea to make a little more money for himself from this cash grab. I ain't going to be his slave to step in and fetch him more of my hard-earned money. That flaming bag of shit jabroni politician of a goddamn Premier of Ontario that's fucking money over his wife needs to burn in a dumpster fire filled with flaming bags of shit before he can step in and fetch me some fucking money from his ass. He got a big fucking nerve if he wanted to legalize lane splitting. He is the one who does lane splitting as he wanted to dance on Rob Ford's grave. He needs to get the fact that lane splitting is super illegal through his fat ass before he dies. I don't give a flaming bag of shit if that flaming bag of shit dies because he is a flaming bag of shit to start with. I'd happily dance on his grave as I wanted to pay my respect to that flaming bag of shit. Ontario should make a law to have a license for scooters, but I know that he would say that it would be a dumb idea as he just wants the selling of scooters to make his friends even richer. The ever smart mind of Doug Ford wants to make money, even if it means breaking the law in order to fuck over people like me. If his idea of making money over safety, no wonder that Ontario is going to be one big totalitarian state. Lookie, lookie at me, my name is Doug Ford, and I'm going to fuck every underage Ontarian into buying an electric scooter, so I can roll in all your money and I don't give a flaming bag of shit if they die. His opinion about the Toronto District School Board's field trip to a pro-Palestine protest last week, saying it was disgusting. Fuck you, Doug, I dare you to step into these protester's shoes and let them hear your voice other than staying in your office jacking off to PornHub. I even double dare him to step into a Palestinian soldier's shoes and fight in the war. His idea to build a traffic tunnel under Highway 401 from Brampton to Scarborough is a big fucking waste of money. That's over 50 kilometers of tunnel, Doug. Where is he going to get tens of billions to build this flaming bag of shit. I ain't going to pay a penny for this to get built because he is a modern day Hitler due to the latter fancy of mega-projects. Good lord that I don't do my own taxes. If taxes weren't a thing, I'd keep my big fat dividend to myself. I think that him shutting down the Ontario Science Centre and planning to send it to Ontario Place is a flaming bag of shit idea. His plan of building the Ontario Line between those two places is worthless now, as if people wanted to get off at the station at the Science Centre, but the place ain't there anymore. And it's his fault as he just wanted the Science Centre to be torn down to be rebuilt into condos because of his rich friends paying him millions of dollars. This flaming bag of shit jabroni has no qualms about fucking over the people of Ontario to make a dime and putting everything in downtown Toronto. Hey Doug, build some shit that's not in the core of fucking Toronto. Not everyone is rich enough like your fuck boy, Elon Musk, to come to Toronto from Thunder Bay every week to go to Sick Kids. I think that his exaggerated claims about bike lanes in Toronto are pure gold. I think there is some truth in his statement about first responders that are pulling their hair out because there are barriers in bike lanes, and they're backed up for miles in traffic because of it. Buddy, I pull out my hair in amusement every time you make a Trump move. Another pure gold moment was a couple of years ago when he accidentally ate a bee when it flew into his mouth during one of his speeches. Even the Guelph mayor used a bee costume to poke fun at him during his speech. The mayor of Guelph is my man because he mocked this flaming bag of shit. All of this is his fault because he didn't want to pay for all the flaming bag of shit jabroni mental health professionals. He's the biggest mental case I have ever seen and should be locked up in an asylum for his own safety. I'm shocked that he ain't losing his shit already because he is trying to suck his own dick. I think that he's an Illuminati, Anunnaki, a Lizard person and a pawn in the New World Order. I often wonder what shit he's in. I think his term as premier is one big conspiracy theory and controversy. He needed to fuck off of whatever rock he came out of and praise a flaming bag of shit. I often think that he's some goon in the mafia or something. I also think that he's a member of the KKK or a neo-Nazi group. Yeah, I bet that Doug is burning crosses while yelling antisemitic slurs. He thinks that he can tell my boss at Sobeys to cut my hours from 4 to 3 so he can roll in the money that I would've made. In my opinion, the extra $68.80 a month would be better in my pocket than in his. I think he's the main problem why the common man like me doesn't live the Canadian dream in Ontario. I bet that he told my boss to cut my hours because he wanted to keep that $68.80 a month for himself. All of this just wants me to go to Queen's Park and yell death to Doug Ford. I think that most of the problems of the TTC are caused by him. That flaming bag of shit jabroni's idea of building the Ontario Line is the biggest waste of my tax money. He stated that he wanted to build a line that runs from the Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place. It ain't going to be a great use if he moves the Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place. I often wonder what's in his mind to make shit like this. I bet that it is full of ways to fuck people over. If he was in this whole Netflix buying WWE conspiracy theory, he'd got a new foe. He doesn't need to be on another conspiracy theory, as he just needed to leave me the fuck alone and fuck off with WWE and Netflix. This fat fuck doesn't need anymore fucking money from these conspiracy theories, which includes WWE and Netflix. I don't want another hair pulling match if that fat slob of a premier makes his WWE debut. If Trump came out to shit talk Doug, both needed to fuck off. If both of them start to bitch slap each other, you would make me a happy motherfucker. I want a match against Trump and Ford and I want to be a referee. I think that his idea to make daycare $10 a day is utterly a flaming bag of shit. I can understand that not all parents can't pay the high fees before he introduced that plan. I bet that he would make daycare fees unrealistically unaffordable for the hell of jacking them up by the end of 2024. I'm surprised that he hasn't already done it just to feed his rich ass. I just hate it when Doug makes plans that utterly fucked us into feeding his money machine. I think that his approach to health care is a flaming bag of shit. He claimed that he would fund these hospitals, but stabbed them in the back when he spent the money on being the number one supporter on a model on PornHub. I can't understand if I can't get shit in the ER because I'm a scum of the earth at the bottom of the barrel that had a heart attack while Doug came in for the same thing, and he can get all the things that I dream about owning. I don't want to be fucking classed due to his damn policies about having him treated like a bitching king while I'm his fuck boy. If he disagrees that driving the wrong way on one-way streets is normal, I'd dare him to come drive the wrong way on my street and see me giving him some vigilante justice in the form of a baseball bat up his ass. He would be in a hell of a time if he did it because I'd make him fear me so badly that he wanted to run back to his mother crying. He would be running to his mother's grave as she ain't alive anymore. I'll make him even more of a prized ass by letting him sob at his mother's grave on live TV with headlines of "Doug Ford Broke Down at Mother's Grave After Vigilante Justice." I think that his idea of removing bike lanes on some of Toronto's arterial roads is great. His opinion about all the traffic that would be free if these bike lanes were gone got my thumbs up for that. But his foes think that this plan would fucked the traffic more than it does. I think that these foes just need to fuck off in a flaming bag of shit as Doug's plan is king. His tweet about bike lanes being on secondary streets and not on arterial ones is true. I bet that I won't see that fat son of a bitch called Doug Ford riding a bike anytime soon. If he does, god help us all as he's scarier than me driving a car. I triple dare him to ride a bike on Highway 401 as I would pay to see him having a heart attack while riding and falling in the path of a semi before having his ass run over. I think that his plan to have grocery and convenience stores selling liquor is a flaming bag of shit. Ontario doesn't need anymore drunks as I have enough of them with their barfing and pissing everywhere. I believe that the LCBO strike was a great idea as they don't want to lose business. I think that this is just a cash grab for Doug to feed his drunk ass. No wonder that he looked pissed every day after drinking at the bar with his rich fuck boys the night before. I think that his plan of sending 200 bucks to Ontarians is a flaming bag of shit joke. I'm ain't bitching about him giving me the money, but at least he should keep sending it monthly. I think that he needed to dig some of the green stuff from his wife's ass and give it to me. He just needed to rain some money on me as his money in my pocket is better than his own. Maybe if he asked his wife to come over to my place and give me some of his money. I don't know why he's going head over heels about building condos. I think he needs to just fuck off from this idea before he gets burned into a flaming bag of shit. Ever since Doug got into power, he wanted to fuck over the farmlands to build condos. I'm betting that his rich fuck boys are paying him to do so. I can see this as a cash grab for Doug, as us little guys can't buy them, but his rich fuck boys could buy them right, left and centre. I think that his idea to tighten controls on registered sex offenders is a bunch of flaming bags of shit. For fuck's sake, he can't even control Ontario's shitty fucking justice system with some people that really needed to stay behind bars getting bail time after time again. If Doug wanted to prohibit legal name changes for sex offenders, he knows that there are rabbit holes in the system where they can still do it. I think that Doug just wants to tighten these laws so he can sleep safely without fearing his daughters would get raped. Believe me, Doug, I can give you a heart attack by breaking into your place and I can rape them for you. And you can't do shit when your daughters wail for help because I'd just kill all of you anyhow. I just want to fill Doug's daughters up with cum, and they need to care for my babies without getting an abortion. We like Doug Ford, and we'll do what he wants by turning the SS United States into an artificial reef. The freaking fool is the premier of Ontario, not an American politician. He just needs to fuck off from American politics as he's no better down here than up in Ontario. He can't run a group of flaming bags of shit here in Ontario, not even make a decision about sinking the SS United States. I don't even trust him to run the Queen Mary as a hotel as he would've captained the ship out to sea and sink it as an artificial reef too. If he does do it, I'll happily pay to watch him go down with the ship. I think that his idea to remove safe injection sites where kids are in proximity is a flaming bag of shit. I'm ain't no junkie myself, but that's an outrage to the people that use them. I think that he should step in the shoes of a drug user and stab himself in the arm with a needle of heroin at one of these sites. I bet that Doug smokes crack like his late brother did when he was the mayor of Toronto. Where's Doug's crack video? Where's Doug's crack controversy? I want fucking proof of that fat fuck smoking crack. I fucking know that he smokes the damn stuff, and I'm going to prove it by stalking his ass. I think that his plan to override the courts to give police and municipalities enhanced legislative powers to dismantle homeless encampments is a flaming bag of shit. Homelessness is a big freaking issue, buddy, and you want to make this worse by fucking with these encampments. Hey Doug, please think about the root causes of homelessness, such as poverty, mental health issues and addiction, and provide long-term solutions like affordable housing and supportive services. He won't do Jack shit because he will spend our hard-earned money on other things. Fuck you, Doug, and go live out on the goddamn street for a night to freeze your ass off. I heard that he wants to fine homeless people if they set up encampments. My flaming bag of shit, this is another cash grab if I ever heard one. Does he want to stir up the controversy by marginalizing people that can't even buy Jack shit? Yeah, I think that he's looking to start a civil war by pissing off the homeless enough that they would rebel against that fat ass of his. This is a war that I will gladly fight in. I was happy as a motherfucker when I heard that he was involved in a collision on January 9, 2025, but I was also sad that he wasn't killed in it. I just wished that he had become a flaming bag of shit. That 18-year-old man from Oshawa that was charged with dangerous driving didn't need to be nabbed as he's my man for trying to get rid of that flaming bag of shit I called Doug Ford. If I was in that 18-year-old man's shoes, I would've finished the job by running Doug over and killing him. I think that the 2025 Ontario general election today on February 27, 2025, is a flaming bag of shit fraud. All these politicians running for premier of Ontario are all frauds, especially Doug Ford. I ranted about his ass for months, calling him names and accusing him of almost every accusation under the sun, from being a totalitarian dictator, being a member of the KKK, being an Illuminati, Anunnaki, a Lizard person and a pawn in the New World Order, buying out the WWE from Netflix, one of Elon Musk's rich fuck boys along many others and I fucking love it about talking shit about him. I'm for one ain't going to the polls and voting for him or anyone else. I wish that my other rants were read by the masses, so my writing would lead Doug to zero votes. I can't live with myself knowing that the retarded person called Doug Ford has won a third straight term as Ontario’s premier as of February 28, 2025. It gives me hives just thinking about how he would fuck more things up for another 4 years. My rants about Doug Ford beforehand would make a sailor blush as well as become buddy-buddy with someone like Hitler. I wish that I got an even bigger online presence than I have now, so my rants about him could really hurt him in the ass.


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