Lou Fruitman Reena Residence Rant
I just moved into a supportive housing facility at the Lou Fruitman Reena Residence down the street from my house a few hours ago on June 23, 2024. I know my stay here is only until June 27, but it's okay. My nerves are going nuts as it is the first time I have ever lived on my own. It's a nice little room I have got as I have a view of the new townhouses that were built a few years ago near my house. The TV sucks as I got a Roku TV by Sharp. It doesn't have CP24 or Sportsnet, and there is a different Weather Network than I'm used to watching. I'm going to miss Monday Night Raw and game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals on Monday. I think that it is kind of lame that I need to call someone at the supportive house to let them know if I need to go somewhere, as I don't really like calling someone before I leave. I know that it's their policy, but I want more freedom to fuck off when I feel like it without calling. My mother works on Monday, Tuesday and Fridays and I...